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Ross Motion Crs Dagg

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0. Ross
11,1984 A Ross
1st Vice-president Ross Hamilton
2. J T. Dagg St Son
2. Motion
3.- Curried Motion Crs
3V * Ross Bystem Never Falls
4.—Lavina Ross
4i Owen Ross Barton Dickson/Barton
600.00 -Call Ross
647-2772 Mrs Ross
7 Motion
7. Motion
7. Motion Crs
7. Motion—Boss
7. Motion—McNeili
7. Motion—Row
7............... H. Ross
762-8187 SAGUENAY Ross
8. Motion
8. Motion Cr
8. Mrs Austin Dagg
819-770-9111 647-2204 Ross Dickson
87.00 Motion Grant Elliott
9 Ross
A E. Lawrence Motion Crs
A G Ross. February
A Ross
A. Dagg
A. Ross
A. S. Ross
A. W. Ross
AArs Ross
Ada Dagg
Ada Ross
Adams Crs J J McCallum
Adams Crs J McCallum
Adeline Dagg
Aithur Dagg
Al Motion—Vrs
AlAVVTr TTTrwlr Ross
Albert Dahms Motion Os McCann
Albert Me K. McCagS Motion Waiter Kllgour
Albert Motion
Alberti Dickaon Ross Dickson
Alberti Dickson Ross Dickson
Alberti Dickson Ross Dickson Christmas
Alberti Dtctoon Ross Dickson
Ale* Ross
Alex Drum- Motion Crs
Alex Motion
Alex Ross
Alex. Ross
Alexander Dagg
Alexander II Motion—Crs.
Alexander Motion
Alexander Motion Mrs. Caldwell
Alexander Ross
Alexander Tait George Dagg..
Alf Dagg
Alf Draper............. Arnold Corrigan........ Motion
Alfred Dagg
Alfred Dagg Stuart
Alfred Scott Ross
Alice Dagg
Alison Rowat Tammy Dagg
Allan Dagg
Allan Kenne Wycllffe Dagg
Allan McKinnon Bât Motion Crs
Allan Motion
Allan Ross
Allan Smith Motion Crs
Allen Dagg
Allen Smart Motion
Alma Motion Cr
Alvin Nicholson Smith Motion
Am C Ross
Amy J Ross
Andrea Ross Gallagher Secondary III
Andrew Ben- Motion Crs
Andrew Dagg
Andrew McDonald Tait Ross
Andrew Motion
Andrew Ross
Andrew Ross 1887-88
Andrew W Dagg
Andrew William Dagg
Andy Horners Motion Crs Richardson
Andy Kenney Ross
Andy Ross
Angela Dagg
Angella Dagg
Anita Dagg
Anita Roy Ernest Dagg
Ann Cheryl Dagg
Ann Dagg
Ann Dagg This
Ann Motion
Anna Dagg
Anna Ken- Motion
Anne Dagg
Anne John Dagg
Annie Dagg
Annie Twa Motion Robinson Horigins
Annie Wesley Dagg
Anthony Ross
Anthony Ross It’s
Ap* Mrs Ross Beck
Apply Haney Ross
Apply Harvey Ross
Apply Lloyd R. Dagg
Apply Ross
Apply Ross E. Matlock
Apply Stewart Ross
Apply W L Dagg
Argue Motion-''Crs
Armeline Dagg
Armen Dagg
Armi- Motion Crs Smiley
Arminta McDowell Mr. Archie Dagg Mr.
Armitage John T. Dagg
Armstrong L A Dagg
Armstrong Wilson Thrt Crs
Arnprior’s Neal Ross
Art Dagg
Art Dagg Minutes
Art Ross
Arthur Alexander Beattie Crs
Arthur Daaabrate Motion CIS.
Arthur Dagg
Arthur Dagg -
Arthur Dagg Although
Arthur Dagg Bereaved Mr»
Arthur Dagg Con
Arthur Dagg Dainty
Arthur Dagg Dr. Earl
Arthur Dagg Education
Arthur Dagg Garrett Walsh
Arthur Dagg I
Arthur Dagg Ida Harris
Arthur Dagg Judges
Arthur Dagg Mary Kilgour
Arthur Dagg Memorial- Janie Ebert
Arthur Dagg Model
Arthur Dagg Mossri^g
Arthur Dagg Moyer School Supplies
Arthur Dagg Mr Norval Kllgour
Arthur Dagg Mr.
Arthur Dagg Mr. Del Manary
Arthur Dagg Mrs Christine Armour
Arthur Dagg Mrs.
Arthur Dagg Mrs. Christina Armour
Arthur Dagg Mrs. John Morrison
Arthur Dagg Named
Arthur Dagg On
Arthur Dagg Other
Arthur Dagg Page Five Y*rm Noies
Arthur Dagg Publicity
Arthur Dagg QUALITY
Arthur Dagg Que
Arthur Dagg Re
Arthur Dagg Those
Arthur Dagg Trophy
Arthur Dagg Weekend
Arthur Dagg- Competency
Arthur Dagg/ President
Arthur Dagg’s
Arthur Dsgg Miss Barsbara Dagg
Arthur Judd Motion
Arthur Kennedy Comedy Drama Motion
Arthur Kilgour Miss Ruth Dagg
Arthur Motion Cr
Arthur Motion—Comm
Arthur Ross
Arthur William Dagg
Attendance Lloyd Ross
Audrey Ross
Austin Clarke Fred Hutchison Motion
Austin Dagg
Austin Dagg Gerald Kelly
Austin Dagg’s
Availne Ross
Aveline Ross
Avocats Ross Sc Elaine Beck Craig Sc Kerry Callan-J Campbell
B W Ross
B.W. Ross
Badges Ross Dickson Rev
Baie Comeau Chapter Alliance Quebec Dr. James Ross Sherbrooke
Bailcv Marion Dagg
Barbara A. Dagg
Barbara Ann Dagg
Barbara Cruick- Dagg
Barbara Dagg
Barbara Dagg As
Barbara Dagg Betty Gorse
Barbara Dagg Gerald: Brent
Barbara Dagg Is
Barbara Dagg Wetmore
Barbara Ross
Barbara Ross 647
Barbara Ross 647-5647
Barbara Ross Community Hospital
Barbara Ross District Commissioner
Barbara Ross Is
Barbara Ross List 507
Barbara ___ Ross
Barbare Ross
Barbeau....... Thomas Dagg
Barber ............ Motion
Barber and Crs
Barber and Crs Duff
Barber and Crs Gilpin
Barber of Ross
Barber «ml Dagg
Barr Motion Cr
Barrie Ross
Barry Bradley Motion
Barry Deeks Motion Crs H Wickens
Barry Ross
Basil Ross
Bay Ross
Beatrice Dagg
Beattie’s Eye Service Motion
Beck Betty Ross Arlene McNamara Cathy Dobson Loma Sparling
Bennett Lawrence Ross Rusenstrom
Bennett Lawrence Ross Rusenstrom Rusenstrom
Berglund-Storey - Ross
Bernard Ross
Beryl Dagg
Betsy Ross
Betty Dagg
Beverley Dagg
Beverly Dagg
Bill Dagg
Bill Motion--Crs
Bill Ross
Billie Ross
BILLS—Motion Sly Graham
Billy and David Dagg
Billy and Sandy Dagg
Billy Dagg
Billy Dagg. Lee
BiUt V ^ross
Block W Motion Crs
Blues Diana Ross
Bob Ross
Bobbie Dagg
Bobby and Ross
Bobby Dagg
Bonnie McGuire Motion
Bourgeau Wesley Dagg
Branch Ross Dickson Outaouais
Brandie Dagg
Brenda Barber Barbara Dagg
Brenda Barber Barbara Dagg Isobel Dagg Glyndwr Davies Esther Erley Elizabeth Hodgins Elizabeth Horn
Brenda Dagg
Brenda Ross McCoy
Brent Dagg
Brett Dagg
Brett Dagg G
Bretzlaff Store Ross
Brian Dagg
Brian Motion Crs Dagg
Brian Motion Crs Duff
Brian Mrs Loma Dagg
Brian O Dwyer Dan Stark Doc Labrie John Argue Ross Vowles
Brian Ross
Bron-Motion Crs
Bronson Motion Robinson
Brough W G Y Corrigan W H Corrigan Arthur Dagg El
Brown Leg- Motion
Brown Motion
Brown Mr Wesley Dagg
Bruce Anderson Bruce Anderson George Russell I Ross Dickson
Bruce Wallace Khrystan Dagg
Bryan Alexander Gwenyth Barber Marshall Burke Lois Chamberlain Merwyn Dagg Billy Davies Henry De Vr
Btenda Dagg
Buckingham] Archivists Wesley Dagg
Bud Eilictt Goidon Stewart Motion Crs
Bui Mrs Lola Dagg
Burke Crs
Burke Motion Crs
Byron Motion Cr
Byron Ross
C E. Ross
C J Dagg
C J. Caldwell Lloyd Dagg
C Ross
C. C. Ross
C. M. Ross
C. Ross
C.Pl C Ross
Caldwell Ross Campbell
Call Ross
Campbell Joseph A. Steele Motion Councillors
Canada Motion
Canada Mr. Ross
Car- Motion Crs Jeannine Motion Crs Claude Rich- R
Carl Tubman Motion Crs Carmen
Carmella Dagg
Carmen Burke Motion
Carmen Motion
Carmen Motion Crs Garth Tracy Wickens
Carmen Wickens Motion Crs Claude Rich- Under
Carmen Wickens Motion Crs Jeannine Letter
Carol Ross
Caroline Dagg
Caroline Dagg)
Caroline Dagg.
Caroline Master David Dagg
Carolyn Dagg
Carried Motion Commr
Carried Motion Crs
Carried Motion Graham
Carroll Motion July
Carson W H Howard H A McCoy Valuators Motion Councillors St
Catherine Ross John Armstrong
Catherine: Ross
Ce-rence Dagg
Cecil Dagg
Cedric Crs Cedric Elliott
Cedric El- Motion Crs Garth Tracy
Cedric Motion Crs Richardson
Certificate Rating Ross White
Chairman Mr. Arthur Dagg
Chairman Ross
Charity Dagg
Charles & Ross Clarendon
Charles 647-3576 Dagg
Charles and Ross
Charles and Ross Dickson
Charles and Ross Sylvester
Charles and Ross Tay-
Charles and Ross Taylor
Charles Armon Dagg
Charles Chamberlain Motion Crs
Charles Dagg
Charles Dagg Aylmer
Charles Dagg Aytmer
Charles Dagg Vvm B Hodgins
Charles J Dagg
Charles Moore Mayor Barber and Crs
Charles Motion
Charles Ross
Charles Ross Finlan
Charles W Dagg
Charles W Dagg On Thursday
Charles W. Dagg
Charley Dagg
Charlie Dagg
Charlie Dagg 3. SHKKl
Charlie Dagg Dear
Charlie Ross
Charlie Ross Bv Dave Moore
Chartes Ross
Charts Ross
Chelsea Ross Vowles - Thorne Jacques Lafrenière - Gracefield Brian McGarry - Ottawa/Wakefield Josie
Cheryl Dagg
Ches-V I G T. Dagg
Chief Harvey Wilson-Inspector PRO-MAYOR - Cr A. Brown Motion Os Grant
Chinois Motion
Chris Motion
Chris Ross
Christian Ross
Christopher Dagg
Christopher Motion
Circulation Ross
Circulations V Ross Dickson Brent Horner Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam
Cirried Motion
Claire Dagg
Claire Hamilton Motion
Clarence " Roy Dagg
Clarence and Betty Dagg
Clarence and Betty Dagg Walsh
Clarence Dagg
Clarence Dagg Section Foreman Retires Raeburn McTiernan
Clarence Dagg Walter
Clarence Motion Crs Brownlee
Clarence Roy Dagg
Clark Mrs. Walter Findlay Ernest Towsley Dr. R, E. Dagg Dr. Wallace Hodgins Raymond Johnston
Clarté Ross
Claude Godin Motion Crs G Hodgins
Claude Motion Crs Claude Rich-Richardson
Claude Motion Crs D
Claude Motion Crs Jeannine Wickens Cedric Elliott
Claude Rich-Motion
Claude Richardson Crs Horner
Claude Richardson Motion Crs Jeannine
Claude Richardson VISA Motion
Cleaner Owen Ross Barton Dickson/Barton
Clinton Ross
Clr Edgar Motion
Clrs Maurice Motion
Clyde Ross
Coach Ross Vowles
Colin Ross I
Colin Ross Wet
Colin Ross Wet-more
Colin Ross Wetmore
Colleen Ross
Colleen Ross Farmer
Com Martha Uni Kvan Ross West
com-1 Motion Mrs. McMillan
Connie Dagg
Connie Mrs Ivan Dagg
Constance Ross
Contact James Ross RR
Corrigan Thomas Dagg
Cotie and Wesley Dagg Councillors Alexander
Cotie Motion Crs
Coun Ross
Councillors Jennings Dagg
Councillors Ross
Counsellors Ross
County Marshall John Dagg
Cr Dagg
Cr G Hodgins Motion
Cr G Motion Crs L Wilson
Cra Farrell Dagg
Craig Con Motion Cr Brown
Craig Dagg
Craig J E Dagg
Cri G Crs G Hodgins
Crs A Bennett
Crs A Bennett Lapierre Pedlar People Ltd
Crs Alexander
Crs Alexander Cain
Crs Alexander Farrell
Crs Alexander Martineau
Crs Alexander Young
Crs Amo Bretzlaff
Crs Andfuw Bennett
Crs Andrew
Crs Andrew Bennett
Crs Andrew Bennett 6:15
Crs Andrew Bennett Lindsay
Crs Andrew Bennett [with Mayor Murray
Crs Andrew Gerard Joanisse
Crs Arno
Crs Arno Brctzlaff
Crs Arno Bretzlaff
Crs Arno Hretzlaff
Crs Atkinson
Crs B Armât
Crs B Armltage
Crs B Murphy
Crs Baker
Crs Barber
Crs Barber Seat 1
Crs Barber.
Crs Beattie Henderson
Crs Bennett
Crs Bernard Ar
Crs Bernard Ar-I Motion Crs Bernard Armi-mitage
Crs Bernard Arm-1
Crs Bernard Armi-and William O Reilly
Crs Bernard Armi-Gerard Joanisse Motion
Crs Bernard Armi-tagc
Crs Bernard Armi-tge
Crs Bernard Armit-age
Crs Bernard Armitage
Crs Bernard r
Crs Black
Crs Black Hayes
Crs Bretzlaff
Crs Brown
Crs Bruce
Crs Bruce Crs Gendron
Crs Bruce in8 Wo
Crs Bruce Ministry
Crs Bruce Sauvageau
Crs Burke
Crs Burke Poupore
Crs C Betty Foran
Crs C Richardson
Crs C Roy
Crs C Stanley
Crs C Township
Crs C Wickens
Crs C Wkkens
Crs Cain Pellerin
Crs Campbell
Crs Campbell Caldwell
Crs Carmen
Crs Carmen Wick-ens
Crs Carmen Wickens
Crs Carmen Wk-kens
Crs Cecil L Letts
Crs Clarke
Crs Cole
Crs Cone
Crs Cotie
Crs Craig
Crs D Fulford
Crs Dagg
Crs Dagg Young
Crs Dale
Crs Davies
Crs De
Crs Deaebrais
Crs Delbert Zacharias
Crs Desabrah
Crs Desabrais
Crs Desabrals
Crs Desabrals Murphy
Crs Desahrais
Crs Donald
Crs Duncan Stevenson
Crs E Elliott
Crs E Elliott.
Crs E McCann
Crs E Smiley
Crs Edgar Lance
Crs Eiswald Essiambre
Crs Elliott
Crs Emerson
Crs Emmcrson
Crs Eraser
Crs Fahey
Crs Farrell
Crs Farrell Alexander
Crs Farrell Cain
Crs Farrell Dagg
Crs Farrell Martineau
Crs Farrell Martine»
Crs Farrell Robert
Crs Farrell Vallille
Crs Farrell Vallillee
Crs Findlay
Crs Fitzsimmons Grant
Crs Fraser
Crs Fraser Davis
Crs G
Crs G Hod
Crs G Hodgins
Crs G Hodgins & Richardson
Crs G Hodgins Labelle
Crs G McCallum
Crs G Mr Don Lavallee
Crs G rant-Henderson
Crs G Tracy
Crs Garth Tracy
Crs Garth Tracy Motion Crs Claude Rich-
Crs Gary Hodgins
Crs Gennett
Crs Gerald Hayes
Crs Gerard
Crs Gerard Joannisse
Crs Gordon Smith
Crs Grant
Crs Grant Chamberlain
Crs Grant Connolly
Crs Grant Henderson
Crs Grant Judd
Crs Grant Marks
Crs Gray
Crs Greer
Crs Gregory
Crs H Wickens
Crs Hanna Grant
Crs Hanna-Macfarlane
Crs Harris
Crs Hayes
Crs Henderson
Crs Henderson Fitz*im
Crs Henderson Grant
Crs Henderson Marks
Crs Henderson Orr
Crs Hobbs
Crs Homer
Crs Howard
Crs Howard A. O. Hades
Crs I
Crs I Hayes
Crs Irwin Hayes
Crs J .1 McCallum
Crs J J
Crs J J Carried
Crs J J Mc(
Crs J J Mc-Caflum
Crs J J McCal-im
Crs J J McCal-lum
Crs J J McCal-| Council
Crs J J McCalium
Crs J J McCall
Crs J J McCall*
Crs J J McCalli Kenneth Farrell
Crs J J McCallum
Crs J J McCallum Rec Gen
Crs J J McCallum Wilmar Male
Crs J J McCalluml South
Crs J J McCallupi
Crs J J Md-Callum
Crs J J MeCallum
Crs J J MeCallum Minutes
Crs J J Miss Catherine Murphy
Crs J J. McCallum
Crs J L Hodgins 0
Crs J. J
Crs Joan-msse
Crs Joannisse
Crs Johnston
Crs Judd
Crs J„ J
Crs K W
Crs K Wilson
Crs Kennedy
Crs Kenneth Farrell Ryan Tanguay
Crs Kmmerson
Crs L
Crs L Hanna
Crs L McCann
Crs L Motion Crs D Fulford
Crs L MtfTann
Crs L Roy
Crs L Telford
Crs L Telford Hobbs
Crs L Wilaon
Crs L Wilson
Crs Lang
Crs Lang Carmen Wickens
Crs Leonard Roy
Crs Leonard Roy and Ron Dagg
Crs Leonard Roy.
Crs Lewis
Crs Lloyd Hensley
Crs Lloyd Kensley
Crs Lough-Merchant
Crs M
Crs M Richardson
Crs M Young
Crs Ma
Crs Marks Henderson
Crs Martin
Crs Martin Dowe
Crs Maurice Essiambre
Crs McCredie
Crs McKay
Crs Muldoon Young
Crs Municipality
Crs Murdock Russell
Crs Murdoek Henderson
Crs Murphy
Crs Murphy Motion
Crs Murray
Crs N Dunlop R. Gray
Crs O Eades Eades
Crs O Reilly
Crs Orla Young
Crs Pitt
Crs Quenneville
Crs Richardson
Crs Richardson CLD
Crs Richardson Cr
Crs Richardson George Coles
Crs Richardson UMRCQ
Crs Robinson
Crs Roger Larose
Crs Romain
Crs Ryan Tanguay
Crs Schwartz
Crs Smiley
Crs Smiley Young
Crs Smith
Crs Smith Iris Smith
Crs Steele
Crs Stevens
Crs Stewart
Crs Tabei Biehler Mr. Dixon
Crs Telford
Crs Theodore
Crs Theodore Richard
Crs Thomas
Crs Thomas - Crs Mavis Hanna
Crs Thomas Be
Crs Thomas Belair
Crs Thomas Bruce Armitage
Crs Thomas Fahey
Crs Thomas Rigid Frame
Crs Thomas S1010.90
Crs Thomas Uelair
Crs Tom Fa
Crs Tom Fa- Gérard
Crs Trudeau
Crs Voting
Crs Voting Farrell
Crs W Racine
Crs Walsh Grant
Crs Whelen Grant
Crs Wiggins
Crs William
Crs Wilson
Crs Y
Crs Yach
Crs Young
Crs Young Cain
Crs Young Farrell
Crs* Wilson
Crs.K. Wilson
Cr^ Farrell Dagg
CVril Dagg
Cynl Dagg
Cyril Dagg
Cyril Gilpi Ronnie Dagg
C’umr McLeod Motion John W. Brant
D. H. Ross
D. Ross
Dagg X
Dagg T **
Dagg - Winnifred Dale
Dagg Alexander
Dagg Alf Draper
Dagg Another
Dagg At
Dagg Bag
Dagg Belated
Dagg Council
Dagg David
Dagg Dr. Wallace Hodgins Raymond Johnston
Dagg Families
Dagg Fred A. Horner
Dagg G
Dagg Henry
Dagg Hodgins Lumber
Dagg In
Dagg Is
Dagg J B Kilgour
Dagg J L (Continued
Dagg J S P
Dagg John C Dagg
Dagg Judged
Dagg L |
Dagg Milton
Dagg Mosle Murphy
Dagg Mr. Graham Conolly
Dagg Mrs H Hayes
Dagg Mrs Sid Tubman
Dagg Paul Landry
Dagg Ruth Karen
Dagg Scott
Dagg Young
Dagg- Bruce Telford
Dagg- John Havelin
Dale Miss M Cochrane Dr Dagg Skip—9 Mrs L Armstrong Leslie Hodgine
Dale Motion
Dale Thomson Motion Crs
Dame Helen Dagg
Dame Marion Helen Dagg
Dame Ruth Karen Dagg
Dan Dagg
Dan Motion
Dan Ross
Dana Ross
Dana Ross Pigeon
Daniel Motion Cr Dagg
Daniel Step- Carried Motion Os
Dannie Dagg
Danny Dagg
Danny McCallum Labour Motion
Danny Ross
Darlene Dagg
Darren Ross
Dave Dagg
Dave Moore Cyril Dagg
Dave Moore Katherine Hynes Michelle Th6i Donna Armitage Heather Dickson Ross Dickson
David A. Ross
David and Betty Dagg
David and Ross
David and Sandy Dagg
David Belanger Dagg
David Crs
David Dagg
David Dagg 1
David Dagg 2
David Dagg Day
David Dagg Happiness
David Dagg Mr.
David Fletcher Roy) Dagg
David Lun-Command Phil Ross
David Motion
David Ross
David Ross Dickson
David Ross Dickson Dickson - Alberti
David Ross Dickson MSc.
David Ross Village
David •r Ross
Dawn Dagg
Dda Dagg
De Motion
Dealers Lorraine Ethel Dagg
Deanne Ross
Dear Editor Publishers Ross Dickson/ Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent
Dear Editor Ross Dickson Alternative
Dear Ross
Debbie Ross
Deborah Emmer- 647-2204 Fax 647-2206 Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills D
Deborah Ross
Dec 3. Little Ross Angus
December Crs Carmen Wickens
Delina Ross
Denison Ross
Dennis Motion Crs Pitt
Denny Dagg
Destroyers Ross Dickson
Di Leaving Dagg Mayor Fred W. Thomas
Diana Ross
Diane Dagg
Diane Ross
Dianne Burnett Fred Dagg
Dianne Carmichael Dagg
Dianne Ross
Dianne Ross Martineau To
Dick Ross
Director Bill Dagg
District Cham Ross
District Commissioner Barbara Ross
Doctor Ross
Dolly Dagg
Don Dagg
Don Motion
Don Motion Crs Carmen Lake
Don Murray Patricia Owens Good Western Motion Crs
Don Ross
Don- Ross Equity
Donald 3. Dagg
Donald and Ross Campbell
Donald Dagg
Donald Duff Motion Crs Orr
Donald McRae Dr. R E. Dagg Norris Brough Miss Nell
Donald Motion
Donald Motion Cr L Roy
Donald Ross
Donald Ross Stewart
Donnie Motion
Donnie Thompson Ross Taylor
Doris Barber Marie Cartman Marcella Cole Marie Brownlee Jean Cutbbertson Evelyn Dagg Marion Hodgins
Doris Dagg
Doris Hodglns Dagg
Dorothy Dagg
Dorothy Jean Dagg
Dorothy Porteous" Ross Campbell Marcel Duel
Doug Hodgins Ross Twp.
Douglas L Ross
Douglas Motion Crs Claude Rich- Fulford
Dove Moore A* Sport* Shawville Motion
Dowell Ross
Dr. Bruce Horner Phono Motion Cl*
Dr. Dagg
Dr. Douglas Ross Collier
Dr. Dudley Ross
Dr. Earl Dagg
Dr. Forbee Ross
Dr. H K. Dagg
Dr. K K. Dagg
Dr. R E Dagg
Dr. R K Dagg
Dr. Ross
Dr. Ross Davies
Dr.Ross Davies
Drama Richard Widmark Sidney Poitier Motion Crs Brownlee
Dugh Ross
Duncan Ross
Duone Word-Chorl# Ross
Dur- Mrs. Fred Dagg
E Dagg
E Dagg G G McDowell A D McCredie Skip
E G Motion
E. A. Ross
E. DAGG Hugh Car-on
E. Denison Ross
E. L Mrs. Dvncan Ross
E. Ross
E. Ross Vowles Councillor
E./ K Motion Cr
Earl and1 Mrs Dagg
Earl Dagg
Earl Dagg Bill Hobbs
Earl Dagg Montreal
Earl Devine V Motion
Earl Hodgins Motion Crs
Earl Loma Dagg
Earl Motion Cr
Earl Motion Crs Smith
Earl Motion Lr
Earl Ross
Earle Dagg
Ed Dagg
Eddie Motion
Eddie Richardson Fred Dagg
Edgar Crs Ct‘cil Leonard Letts
Edgar Dagg
Edgar Dagg Broad Jump
Edgar Dagg Prayer
Edgar Lance Crs Cecil
Edith Dag# Dagg
Edith Dagg
Editor Ross Dickson Advertising Manager Brent Horner Telephone
Edmund Dagg
Edmund James Dagg
Edna Ross Hodgins
Edrice Dagg
Edward Dagg
Edward Dagg Lil-brated
Edward Dagg—Bristol-South Onslow
Edward Highway Motion—
Edward Hodgins Motion
Edward Kelly Motion Cr Ireland
Edward Kelly’s tender Motion Cr Tubman
Edward Motion
Edward R Dagg
Edward Smiley,------ Arthur Dagg
Edwin Alexander Motion Councillors Ar$
Edwin Alexander Wilson Barber Elvyn Corrigan Erma Corrigan Lillian Dagg Wesley Dagg Hawley Elliott
Edyth Dagg
Elaine and Ross Morley
Elayne Strutt Ross Dickson Heart
Elburn Dagg
Eleanor E Dagg
Eleanor Ross
Election Clerk Theresa Dagg Linda Smart
Eleven-year-old Dana Ross
Elise Ross
Elizabeth Dagg
Elizabeth Dagg’s
Elizabeth Farrell Motion Crs Malette
Elizabeth Hope Ross
Elizabeth Kuhler Ross
Elizabeth Ross
Elizabeth Ross Mrs. Robert Carswell
Ella Ross
Ellen Lillian Dagg
Ellen Place Motion Crs Richardson Tracy
Elliott Dagg
Elliott Motion
Elliott Motion Crs
Elliott Motion—Count
Elliott Neil Wesley Dagg
Elsie Dagg
Elsie Ross
Emelia Dagg
Emily Dagg
Emily Dagg Is
Emma Dagg
Emory Ross
Equality Party Ross
Equity Page Nine Ayrshire Breeders Meet At Arthur Dagg’s
Eric & Katherine Ross
Eric ) Ross
Eric Gaudet Motion Crs Fahey
Eric Ross
Eric Ross Gatineau Valley Horse
Eric) Ross
Ernest Dagg
Ernest Dagg 2nd
Ernest Dagg 4
Ernest Dagg Campbell
Ernest Dagg Morris
Ernest Keen Motion
Ernest M Dagg
Ernest M. Dagg
Ernie Dagg
Ernie Dagg’s
Eroelme Dagg
Ervin Ross
Estella Ross
Esther Ross
Ethel and Ross Stewart
Ethel Dagg
Ethel Dagg Aluminum Storm Windows
Etta Dagg
EUard Dagg
Eul Dagg
Eva Andai Motion Ora M Richardson
Eva Dagg
Eva Dagg Bristol
Eva Maitland Perth ADS Mary Eva Dagg Maitland
Eva Sparling IVimer 1— Jerry Dagg
Evan Ross
Evange-Ross Wilson
Evans Shawville Sergeant Lawrence Dagg
Evans Swartz Motion
Evelyn Dagg
Evelyn Dagg Deavy
Evelyn Dagg R.N.
Executive Vice-President Ross Ladd
Extra Motion
F. M Ross
F. Ross
Fair - Ivan Dagg
Family Ross
Farrell Dagg
Farrell Motion
Faught John Ross Weizineau’s
Feggv Ross
Finance-Crs Senior
Findlay Ross
Fip-gjwjllr Ross Stewart
Fleming Herb Young Motion
Floyd Robinson Motion
Fo* A Ross
Forrest Ross Beck
Fortier Touche Ross Ltee
Fortierf Touche Ross
Four-year-old Laraine Ross
Fr Ross Timmins
Frances Dagg
Francis Dagg
Francis Sloan Dagg
Frank Dagg
Frank DAGG This
Frank Finnlgan Jr and Ross Finnigan
Frank J DeVuo- Motion Crs Duff
Frank Ross
Frank Ross A Co.
Frank Ross Young
Frank Sofalvi Jr. Motion
Fraser Lyndon Graham Austin Dagg
Fraser Motion
Fred & Lorna Dagg
Fred Congratulations Dagg
Fred Dagg
Fred Dagg 1
Fred Dagg Forty
Fred Dagg Guests
Fred Dagg Hodgins
Fred Dagg Home Cooking
Fred Dagg Ihe
Fred Dagg Is
Fred Dagg Miss Jean Elliott
Fred Dagg Mr
Fred Dagg Mr.
Fred Dagg Mrs Mary Baird Mrs Robert Morris Mrs Eleanor Black NOTICE
Fred Dagg Pas$
Fred Dagg Pumpkin
Fred Dagg Red
Fred Dagg Summer
Fred Dagg Sunday
Fred Dagg Water
Fred Dagg WdlthCHTI
Fred Dagg Wilson Tracey
Fred Dagg Yarm
Fred Dagg---------------Brenda Rooney
Fred Dagg.Chcmc Mauh Dagg
Fred Fraser Motion
Fred Green Cyril Dagg
Fred I Dagg
Fred Metcalfe I Ross Dickson
Fred Motion Crs
Fred Riviere Motion Crs
Fred Ross Lamothe
Fred Solarium - Gerald Dagg
Freddy Dagg
Frederick Leith-Ross
Frederick Macphcrson Ross Lot
Frederick Macpherson Ross
Frederick Ross
Frederick Ross Young Peoples Union
Funny Ross Scott
G J Ross
G T Dagg
G*** Tom Ross TWp
G. Dagg
G. W. Ross
Gail Dagg
Gall Radford Ross Edmonton
Gary Dagg
Gary Hodgins Crs Garth Tracy
Gary Motion Crs D Fulford
Gary Trivett Motion
Gary Wilson _ Ronnie Ross Specials
Ge- H H raid Dagg
Geoffery Ross
Geoffrey Ross
Georg* Dagg
George *6>m*a Dagg
George A. Dagg
George Alfred Dagg Dies
George and Susan Dagg
George Crs Sloan
George Dagg
George Dagg 1
George Dagg Bs<
George Dagg Dies
George Dagg Esq.
George Dagg Montre
George Dagg Phone
George Dagg.
George Dagg’s
George Dagg’s Shawville
George H Dagg
George H. Dagg
George Mayor Ross Vowles
George Motion Cr
George Motion—Woods
George Murray Ross
George Ross
George Ross 0f Ottawa
George Ross Nod
George Ross Nodwell
George T Dagg
George T Dagg Shawville
George T. Dagg
George W. Ross
George William 10.00 Dagg
Gerakl Dagg
Gerald and David Dagg
Gerald Dagg
Gerald Dagg and Nancy
Gerald Dagg But
Gerald Dagg Chapeau
Gerald Dagg Contact
Gerald Dagg Donna Preasked
Gerald Dagg GILLIS
Gerald Dagg Hours
Gerald Dagg J
Gerald Dagg Ronald Trudeau
Gerald Dagg Shawville
Gerald Dagg Shawville ANY
Gerald Dagg Shawville Are
Gerald Dagg Shawville REGISTERED Hereford
Gerald Dagg Shawville^^
Gerald Dagg Showville
Gerald Dagg Some
Gerald Dagg Vera Turriff
Gerald Dagg*
Gerald Frederick Dagg
Gerald Henry Dagg
Gerald Manwell Motion
Gerald Mrs Austin Dagg
Geraldine Dagg
Gérard Messrs Motion Cr Drummond
Gerry Dagg
Gertrude Dagg
Gertrude Ross Young
Gibbons Crs
Gibbons Crs J J Me Callum
Gil Fraser Wayne Roy Dagg
Ginette Ross
Glen Nugent Ronnie Dagg 298
Glenn Hugh Ross
Glenn Motion—Com
Goatie B. Ross
Gordie Ross
Gordon Brown-Mr Arthur Dagg Is
Gordon David Ross
Gordon David Ross REID BROS
Gordon McMillan A~motion
Gordon Me- Motion Cra
Gordon Motion Crs Gibbons
Gordon Motion Crs McKay
Gordon Richard- Clarendon Council Motion Crs
Gordon Ross
Gra-Motion Crs Grant
Grace Dagg
Grace Dagg Mary Dale Irene Shaw Evelyn Little Dorothy Fairfield Margaret Simons Ethel Gibson
Grace Dagg Weds Dwight Neilson McDowell
Grade I.—Aveline Ross
Grade II Wesley Dagg Elliott
Grade L — Lavina Ross Official Time Table
Grade VT—Lloyd Ross
Graham Connolly Dorothy Dagg Vaughan Harris Marjorie Hodgins Bill Horner Chester Laughren Norma MdK
Graham I Motion Cr Congdon
Graham Kenny Ross Brian Davis Neil Mc(
Graham Motion Cr Piric
Green Hugh Ross
Gregory Dagg Willie Gibson
Gregory Ross
Guild Mrs. Fred Dagg
Guy Ross
H Dagg
H H H Motion Crs Grant
H roe Ross
H Ross
H tld Ross
H ugh Ross
H ¦crs
H. Dagg
H. McLean Motion Commr
H. Ross
H. S. Ross
Hafcold Dagg
Hale Blames Ross Ministry
Hanna Crs
Hannah Correction Carried Motion Crs
Hannah Craig- Florence Dagg
Har- Mrs Ross Stewart
Harland Dagg
Harold Dagg
Harold Dagg 2
Harold Dagg 3
Harold Dagg Widely Mourned H
Harold Recording Steward Dagg
Harold Ross
Harris Motion—Com
Harry For- Motion Cn
Harry Foran Motion
Harry Imison Dagg—Grant HOME
Harry M. Dagg
Harry McDowell Mrs R Howard Motion
Harry Ross
Hart Motion
Harvev Ross 2.00
Harvey Brownlee Shirley Cartman Motion
Harvey Dagg
Harvey E Motion
Harvey Ross
Harvey Ross Grade III - Theodore Mauary
Harvey Ross WJL
Harvey Wilson Motion
Hattie Ross
Hawey/Touche Ross
Hazel Dagg
Hazel Ross
Hda Dagg
Heather A Ross Dickson
Heather Albert Dickson Ross Dickson
Heather Alberti Dickson Ross Dickson
Heather Alberti Ross Dlcksoi
Heather Ross Dickson
Helen *eir Motion
Helen Dagg
Helen Dagg Cartman
Helen Dagg’s
Helen Motion Cr DufT
Helen Motion Fulford
Helen Ross
Helen Ross Russett
Helena Dagg
Help Wanted Mr. Ross Swartz
Heman Dagg
Henderson Motion—Killoran
Henrietta Maria Ross
Henry Dagg
Henry Dagg 1
Henry Motion
Henry T. Ross
Henry W. Block Millie Dagg
Herb Dagg
Herb Trudeau Motion
Herbert Austin Dagg
Herbert Austin Dagg Dies
Herbert Dagg
Herbert Dagg*
Herbert McNeil Motion
Herbert Ross
Herbert ROSS AI
Herman Dagg
Herman Ross
HgSoid Dagg
HHL— Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Homer
Hirold Dagg
Ho-Nathan Dagg
Hobbs Bros 613-257-2537 Ross Bailey Sale Day
Hodgi M Motion
Hodgms Crs
Home- Mr. Ross
Honda Ross Prizes
Honnie Dagg
Honorable D. A. Ross
Hors Ross
Howard Motion—Com
Howard Motion—Crs Schwartz
Hszel Dagg
Hubert Dagg
Hugh Ross
Hugh Ross 19034)4
Hull Motion Crs
Hvuii Ross
I-—------- Motion
I. Dagg
I. Motion
I/oyd Dagg
I3SJ PubMws Ross Dickson Heather Dickson EcStof Richard Wits Deploy Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Clas
I3SJ Pubtihers Ross Ockson Heother Dickson Editor Richard WWs Display Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Cl
I> Dagg
Ian Owen Ross Barton Dickson/Barton
Ian Dagg
Ian Ross
Ian» A c_ Motion Crs Jeannine Wick
Ilda Dagg
Ill Motion Armstrong
Illusionist Michaell Ross Four-course
Illusionist Michaell Ross Four-course Prime Rib
Ina Ross
Independence Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent
Introducing BARBARA M. ROSS
Ion Crs
Ira Benedict Motion Crs
Irwin Ross
Isaac Dagg
Isabella Ross
Isabelle Ross
Ishbel Ross
Isobel Dagg
Itoy Dagg
Iva Dagg
Ivan Dagg
Ivan Dagg Antique North
Ivan Dagg Heavy Draft
Ivan Dagg K.C Selling
Ivan Dagg Mr.
Ivan Dagg Reserve Or
Ivan Keith Dagg
Ivan Motion
J Owen Ross Barton Dickson/Barton
J E Dagg
J E ley Dagg
J E. Dagg
J J. Ross
J M Argue H A McCoy Motion Councillors Young
J Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Homer
J R —Carried Motion
J T Dagg
J VV. Ross
J W Dagg
J W MinictprC Motion
J. Dagg
J. G. Ross
J. M. Ross
J. Ross
J.G. Ross
Jack Graham Bristol Community Centre Ronald DAGG
Jack Graham Bristol Community Centre Ronald DAGG RE-ELECT Christopher YOUNG
Jack Graham Motion Cr Orr
Jack Lang Motion Crs Jack Lang
Jack Motion Cr T Smith
Jack Pat-Motion V. Foran
Jack Purcell Community Motion Crs Orr
Jack Ross
Jacques Crs
James Campbell Rayburn McTiernan Lloyd Quaile John McNeil Clarence Irwin Harry Belcher Fred Dagg Iv
James Clark Ross
James Connelly Motion
James Dagg
James G. Ross
James George Ross
James Harold Dagg
James Hollis Motion
James HornOC^IHHH Motion Crs
James J Ross
James Killoran Motion
James Loretta Dagg
James Mclk>well Rolwtî Dagg
James Motion
James Motion Cr
James Ostram Motion
James Prater Motion Cr#
James R. Ross
James Ross
James Ross Beck
James SAVE Motion Crs D Fulford
James Stewart Gerald Dagg
James Telford Motion Cr
James Welsh Oswald Murdock John E. Dagg
Jan Ross
Jane Dagg
Jane Francis Dagg
Jane Norma Johncox Weds Frank Ross Young
Janey C amp-Clarkc Susan Dagg
Jas Ross
Jay Motion—Crs
Jdhn T Dagg
Jean Dagg
Jean E. Dagg Honored
Jean Ebert Ross
Jean Gagnon Roy Dagg
Jean K. Dagg
Jean Luc Allary Motion Cr Pine
Jean Meilleur X Sons Paul Berard Rodger LaSalle Eugene Pigeon Ross
Jean Mulligan and Susan Ross
Jean Paul Dupuy* Pauline Teasdale Wayne Bowes Jaylynn Iallier Cindy McAuky* Joanne Dagg Bud Kelvin
Jeannine Motion Crs Garth Tracy Wickens
Jefferson Lin Motion
Jeffrey Ross
Jennifer Dagg
Jennifer Dagg Chrissie
Jeremy Dagg
Jerome Motion Crs
Jerry Dagg
Jerry ManwelL Motion
Jerry ManweU Motion
Jerry McCrystal Motion
Jesse Ross
Jessie Ross
Jim Carruthers Murray Dagg
Jim Ross
Jim Walking Day Motion
Joan Bennett Robert Campbell Janet Fraser Ross Finnigan Donald Stafford Shirley Trudeau Sadie Wilso
Joan Dagg
Joan Motion Crs Orr
Joan Sicard Dagg
Joan Weirstead Message Motion
Joan- Motion Crs Jack Harrison
Joanne Dagg
Joe Dagg
Joe E. Ross
Johanne Dagg
John A Dagg Ion Thompson
John A Dean Motion C
John A. Ross
John and Ethel Dagg
John and Fred Dagg
John and Ross
John and Ross McDir-mid
John and Wesley Dagg
John Armstrong Joan Chamberlain Ruth Dagg Jimmy Davie Andy Devine Harwood Doherty Sandra Draper Bar
John Atkinson Thorne Mayor Ross
John C. Dagg
John C. Ross
John Chartes Dagg
John Dagg
John Dagg Handyman
John Dagg Mrs
John Dagg—C.
John Dagg’s
John E Dagg
John E Dagg IHûfIC
John E Dagg* Golden
John E. Dagg
John E. Dagg Beachburg
John Heman Dagg
John Hemsn Dagg
John I1 Wesley Dagg
John Ivan Dagg
John Jones Joshua Hughs Motion Councillor
John Jones Ross
John K. Dagg
John Kelly Motion Cr McCredie
John L. Hodgins Motion
John Mc- Motion Crs McCann
John McKay Motion Cr
John Miss Lorraine Dagg
John Motion Crs
John Motion Grs
John Motion Os Hammond
John Munro Ross
John Paul M’s Shelly Ross
John Pirie Motion
John R McDowell CVrll Dagg
John Richardson Crs
John Ross
John Ross Allan
John Ross Matthews
John Ross Mr
John Ross Nielsen
John Ross Peck Irma
John Ross Ro-bertson
John Ross Robertson
John Ross Tells Some Geod Stories
John Ross Trinnell
John Si- Motion Crs Dagg
John Sinclair Motion^-Rex
John Stephens-Dagg
John T Dagg
John T Dagg 2. Mrs
John T Dagg 3.84
John T Dagg Wilson C
John T | Dagg St Son
John T- Dagg
John T. Dagg
John T. Dagg St Son
John T. V Dagg
John Tipping Dagg Staffordshire
John W. Dagg
John W. Ross
John* Ross
Johnathan Dagg
Johnnie Dagg
Johnny Dagg
Jon Labine and Ross Cote
Jonathan Dagg
Joseph Dagg
Joseph Motion
Joseph Motion—E»d
Joseph Ross
Joseph Roy .... Duncan Ross
Joseph Vul- Motion Crs Dowe
Joyce Kilgour Evelyn Dagg Sylvia Gibson Carol Stephens
Jr Motion—Crs Farrell
Judith Ross
Judy Dagg
Julie Harris James Dean Carried Lucille Ball Deal Arne* Motion Crs
June Dagg
June Exams Gerald Dagg 80.7
Justin James Ross
K V Ross Stewart
K. Dagg
K. Ross
Karen Dagg
Karen English Pleasure Horse Judge: Ross McLean
Karen Shea Thorne Mayor: * Ross Vowles
Karl Dagg
Katharine Fletcher 647-2204 Ross Dickson Brent Horner Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam FAX
Katherine Ross Carpentry
Kathleen accompa- Dagg
Kathy Dagg
Kay Ross
Kay Ross
Kay Ross 4784XS18 Maintenance Superintendant Foreman RAYMOND M. ROWAT
Kay Ross 6473507
Kay Ross Corrain McCredie
Kay Ross George
Kay Ross Mrs Jean Finlan
Kay Ross Who
Kay) Hodgins Ross Doderidge
Kaye Ross
Kayla Dagg
Kearns Mrs. Ross
Keith Co Laurie McKech 1.50 Ross
Keith Dagg
Keith Hodgins Motion Crs
Ken & Susan Ross
Ken 647-2583 Dagg
Ken Brett Dagg
Ken Dagg
Ken Dagg Jr. Interment
Ken m Dagg
Ken Mor- Motion Cri
Ken Motion
Ken Mrs. Percy Dagg
Ken Ross
Ken Ross Death Ruled Accidental By Hull Corner
Ken Wii- Motion Crs Robinson
Kenneth Bean’s—Carried Motion
Kenneth Dagg
Kenneth Dagg Injured
Kenneth David Ross
Kenneth David Ross Angus
Kenneth David Ross Angus Ottawa
Kenneth Ross
Kenneth Ross Recently
Kenneth Tubman Motion Crs Dagg
Kenny Ross
Kent Motion Crs Dagg
Kenwyn Dagg
Kfr Austin Dagg
Kirs Richard Dagg
Konuld Ross
Krista Lee Ross
Krista Lee Ross Ouellet
Krista Ross
Krista Ross Chapeau
Kyle Ross Côté
L Dagg
L < L Motion Crs D Fulford
L Dagg
L ivina Ross
L J Motion Jeannine
L L Motion — Walsh
L Ross Campbell
L Smith Ross
L Wilson Rural Inspector - Henry Motion
L young Ross
L. Dagg
L. Ross
Ladies Barbara Ross Horner- Kirby Smart
Lance Crs Lloyd Kensley
Lance Motion Crs
Lanny Ross
Lanny Ross Goes
Laura Dagg
Laura Stephens Dagg
Laura Stephens-Dagg
Laurence Dagg
Lav Ross
Lavina Ross
Lavma Ross
Lawrence 18-30 Ross
Lawrence 7-3745 Dagg
Lawrence Dagg
Lawrence Dagg 427
Lawrence Dagg 82.7
Lawrence Dagg 911
Lawrence Dagg Coles
Lawrence Dagg Gloucester
Lawrence Dagg MX)
Lawrence Dagg Portage
Lawrence Dagg United Townships
Lawrence James Dagg
Lawrence Manson Little Ernie Dagg
Lawrence Ross
Lawson Crs Cedric Elliott
Lecturers Curtis Ross
Leda Dagg
Lee Dagg
Lee Ross
Lee Tcpcr- Lorna Dagg
Lee Te- Dagg
Lei Ross Mayhew
Lenora Alexander Billy Barr Wallace Bretzlaff Mary Lou ConoUy Emily Dagg Marie Draper Barbara Findl
Leo Carried Motion Crs
Leo Custom Bearing Service Dagg
Leo Lance visited Ross Mayhew
Leo Motion
Leo Rain-Motion Crs Dagg
Les Motion
Leslie Kehoe Motion Crs Smith
Leslie Pool.... Blake McTiernan Dr Dagg........ O McTiernan
Leslie Ross
Levina Ross
Lil Dagg
Lila Dagg
Lillian Dagg
Lillian Ross
Linda Dagg
Lindsay Ann Dagg
Lindsay Horner............ Basil Elliott............. Lloyd Dagg
Lionette Susan Ross
Lisa Beth Dagg V
Lisa Dagg Coles
Lisa Mrs Dagg
Lloyd Cain Motion
Lloyd Crs
Lloyd Dagg
Lloyd Dagg 3
Lloyd Dagg 3. J Women’s Black Oxfords A Strong Sturdy Shoe
Lloyd Dagg Bruce INfitl
Lloyd Dagg Four
Lloyd Dagg London
Lloyd I Motion Crs
Lloyd Mrs. Heman Dagg
Lloyd R Dagg
Lloyd Ross
Loma Dagg
Loma Palmer Dagg
Lor- Dagg J Earlam W H Cor-nie Rooney
Lor- Ross
Loretta Dagg
Lorna B Dagg
Lorna Dagg
Lorna Dagg Margaret Willis*
Lorraine Dagg
Lou Ross
Louis Barbeau......... Thomas Dagg
Louis Rivet William John Dagg
Louisa Ross
Lsobel Dagg
Ltée Motion Crs Duff
Lucas David Beverly Dagg Dagg/Kunuk
Lucas William Ross
Lyle Bronson Motion Crs McCann
Lynn Special Ross Dickson
M *» Rose Ann Dagg
M K I Fred Dagg
M*s Ross Stewart
M-& Mrs Ross Doyle
M. Dagg
M. Ross
M. Smith Ross Stewart
Mabel Dagg
Mac- Motion Crs
Maggie Ross
Mahon Dagg
Mahoney Motion Grant
Maiy Dagg
Mamie Dagg
Manager Motion
Mani-Ronald Ross
Manoir Lilian Ross
Manshell Dagg
Marc Ross Dickson
Margaret and Ross
Margaret Dagg
Margaret Dagg Mr.
Margaret Dagg Mrs. John R. McDowell
Margaret E. Dagg
Margaret Emily Dagg
Margaret Fulford Doris Dagg
Margaret Reid Dagg
Margaret Ross McIntosh
Margo Dagg
Maria Dagg
Marian Dagg
Marie Dagg
Marie Loma Dagg
Marilyn Dagg
Marion Dagg
Marion Dale Honored At Shower Motion H I. Smi
Marion Rose White Katherine Ross
Marion Ross
Marjo-Motion Crs Carmen
Mark Alexander Shawville Ross Dickson Forum
Mark H 3-star Ross
Mark- Motion Cri
Marks Motion Cm Marks
Marlene Pasch Ross
Marshall Dagg
Marshall Ross Township
Martha Ross Harvey
Martin Bill Dagg
Martin Con-motion
Martin Frederick Dagg
Martin Frederick Dagg Sat.
Marty Dagg
Mary Ballantyne J Dagg
Mary Dagg
Mary E. Dagg
Mary Howes Heman Dagg
Mary John Motion
Mary Lorens Dagg
Mary Lowrey Ross
Mary Lowry Ross
Mary M (Mrs Duncan Ross
Mary Me Callum Ward Allowance Motion
Mary MeCallum Motion Crs Horner
Mary Ross
Master Ross James
Matt Dagg
Matthew Dagg
Maurice E Mrs Nathan Dagg
Maurice Motion
Maurice Roy Dagg
Mavis Dagg
May Alexina Daley Richard Edward Dagg
Mayme Dagg
Mayor and Crs Hutchison
Mayor Barber and Crs
Mayor Barber and Crs C Lm* Roy
Mayor Barber and Crs C Roy
Mayor Barber and Crs C Roy. Gilpin
Mayor Barber and Crs Findlay
Mayor Barber and Crs Gilpin
Mayor Barber and Crs L Roy
Mayor Dagg
Mayor Graham Government Approved Bristol Council Motion Crs Smith
Mayor Murray Crs Berber
Mayor Ross
Mayor Ross Vow
Mayor Ross Vowles
Mberti Dickson Ross Dickson
MC Ross Vowles
McCurdy Motion
McNeill Mrs Nathan Dagg
MeG*»tf Alexander Crs Motion That
Mel Motion Crs Merlin Richard
Melville Ross
Merold Ross
Merry Reardon L Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Bre
Merwyn Dagg
Messrs Arthur Dagg
Messrs Dagg
Messrs Fred Dagg
Messrs Harvey Ross
Messrs Hugh Ross
Messrs Percy Dagg
Messrs Percy Dagg Radford
Messrs Ross Baird
Messrs. Ross
Meter Motion
Meyer Dagg
Mi Dagg
Mi Ross Dodr.dgc
Mias Marion Dagg
Michael Austin Dagg
Michael Ross
Michel Gui- Dagg
Michel Legace Inc. Motion
Michelle Dagg
Middle-Motion Crs Claude Rich-
Mike Motion
Mike Dagg
Mike Fin- Miss Ruth Dagg
Mike Kearnan Brett Dagg
Mike Sullivan Motion
Mildred Dagg
Mildred Dagg.
Mile LaSalle WILLIAM RICK Chairman Eastern Tounship* Regional School Boards Dr. JAMES ROSS Chairman
Millie Dagg
Milling Co. Ross
Milton Dagg
Mina Dagg
Minna Ross
Minor Crs Thomas Fahey Jeannine
Mis Ross Stewart
Misa Eleanor Ross
Miscellaneous Publisher Ross Dickson Editor Richard Wills
Miss G Dagg Mrs.
Miss Margaret Ross An
Miss Marion Dagg
Miss Roth Dagg
Miss T J Dagg
Misses L''ivina Ross
Misses Margaret Dagg
MkHion Crs Brown
Mme Lillian Ross
Mme Ross Lamothe
Mn Ernie Dagg
Mn Lomie Dagg
Mona OiU{ Ross Swartz Hurt Ross Swartz
Mona Ross
Monsieur Ross Vowles
Moore) Ross
Motin Crs Neil Displace
Motion L #
Motion "Graham
Motion Albert Inspectors-Harokl Easy
Motion Alexander
Motion Armstrong
Motion Bo.x>and Graham That
Motion Brown
Motion C
Motion C -ims Armstrong
Motion C :r m1 V
Motion Cl
Motion Clr Carmen
Motion Cm
Motion Cm Murray
Motion Coin’rs Tracy
Motion Commr
Motion Commr McDowell
Motion Comrs Harris
Motion CouKiHor Ale^ande^
Motion Councillor Paul
Motion Councillor Young
Motion Councillor* Argue
Motion Councillors Alexander
Motion Councillors Campbell
Motion Councillors Carmen Wickens
Motion Cr
Motion Cr Carmen
Motion Cr Carmen Ma - sr
Motion Cr Cone
Motion Cr Graham
Motion Cr Ixswis
Motion Cr K Smith
Motion Cr Smith
Motion Cre Graham
Motion Cre K Wilson
Motion Crs
Motion Crs Alexander
Motion Crs Amol Homer
Motion Crs Carmen
Motion Crs Carmen Correspondence
Motion Crs Carmen Crs Jack Lang
Motion Crs Carmen Garry Cain
Motion Crs Carmen Motion Crs Claude Rich-
Motion Crs Carmen Ray Sheppard
Motion Crs Carmen Telebec
Motion Crs Carmen Tenders
Motion Crs Carmen Village
Motion Crs Carmen Wickens
Motion Crs Cedric Elli-
Motion Crs Cedric Elli- Crs Carmen Wickens
Motion Crs Chamberlain
Motion Crs Claude JUcnard-son
Motion Crs Claude Rich-
Motion Crs Claude Rich- Hodgins
Motion Crs Claude Rich- Motion Crs Jack Lang
Motion Crs Claude Rich- Mucha
Motion Crs Claude Richardson
Motion Crs Dagg
Motion Crs Dale
Motion Crs Duff
Motion Crs G Hodgins
Motion Crs G McCallum
Motion Crs Gary Hodgins
Motion Crs Gerard Joan
Motion Crs Gerard Joan-nisse
Motion Crs Gerard Joannisse
Motion Crs Gilpin
Motion Crs Graham
Motion Crs Graham John Coyle
Motion Crs Grant
Motion Crs Gray
Motion Crs H Wickens
Motion Crs Hayes
Motion Crs Henderson
Motion Crs Jack Lang
Motion Crs Jack Lang Pro-Mayor Carmen
Motion Crs Jeannine
Motion Crs K Wilson
Motion Crs L Wilson
Motion Crs Murphy
Motion Crs Neil Dittburn
Motion Crs Neil Dittburner
Motion Crs O Reilly
Motion Crs Orr
Motion Crs Pitt
Motion Crs Robinson
Motion Crs Smith
Motion Crs Tracy
Motion Crs X $
Motion Crs Young
Motion CTS.
Motion E Kennedy
Motion Fraser
Motion Graham
Motion Gray
Motion H Sturgeon
Motion Harrison
Motion Hayes
Motion Henderson
Motion Iv
Motion Joseph McCaffrey
Motion Lee Hodgins
Motion Leslie Dale
Motion Lome Armstrong
Motion Ma
Motion Mayor Graham
Motion Mrs Graham
Motion Mrs. Campbell
Motion Murray
Motion O Brown
Motion O Drummond
Motion O Grant
Motion Ors Grant
Motion Os
Motion Os Grant
Motion Pictures
Motion Pitt
Motion Q
Motion Q Barber
Motion Q. Barber
Motion Q. Barber to
Motion Richardson
Motion Robinson Hodgins
Motion Ross
Motion Russell
Motion Smiley
Motion Smith
Motion Thomas
Motion Vincent McC
Motion Vomr Graham
Motion Webb
Motion Wick
Motion Wiggins
Motion Wilson
Motion — Graham
Motion —Comr Graham
Motion-Crs Fraser
Motion-Erwin Craig-That
Motion-Reuben Smith
Motion-rOrs Clarke
Motion-— H origins-1’energast
Motions Crs Carmen Wickens
Motions Crs Grant
Motion—-Crs Fraser
Motion—Allen Henderson
Motion—Armstrong* Corrigan
Motion—Burden OTteilley- That Mr. Hugh Ross
Motion—C''omT McMillan
Motion—C<unr Young -That Truman
Motion—Chas Russell
Motion—Cis Fraser
Motion—Cm Schwartz
Motion—Com J McNeill—That Com’r
Motion—Com Y
Motion—Com Y Findlay
Motion—Comr Graham
Motion—Comr McMillan
Motion—Comr Meredith—That
Motion—Comr Walsh
Motion—Comr Wilson
Motion—Comrs Dean
Motion—Comrs Palmer
Motion—Com’r Graham
Motion—Com’r Wilson
Motion—Com’rs Palmer
Motion—Coni’r McLeod
Motion—ConVr Graham
Motion—Corar Graham
Motion—Cora’re Palmer
Motion—Corns Wallace
Motion—Couns Armstrong
Motion—Couns Smiley
Motion—Crs Clarke
Motion—Crs Farrell
Motion—Crs Fraser
Motion—Crs Smart
Motion—Crs Smith
Motion—Crs Young
Motion—Harris Wallace—That Chair- Telephone
Motion—Lome Armstrong
Motion—Or Graham
Motion—William Graham
MotI°n Crs Gerard Joan-
Mov Crs
Mr A Mrs Ross Stewart
Mr Andrew Ross
Mr Bill Dagg
Mr Elliot Motion Crs Gilpin
Mr Enc Ross 647
Mr Harvey Ross
Mr Marcel Ross
Mr Marshall Dagg
Mr Motion
Mr Ross
Mr Ross Hambley
Mr Ross Schwartz
Mr Ross Stewart
Mr Ross Vowles
Mr Stewart Ross
Mr Thomas Dagg
Mr Thomas G Dagg
Mr W J Dagg
Mr# John Ross
Mr* Austin Dagg
Mr* Herman Dagg
Mr* Keith Dagg
Mr, Fred Ross
Mr- Thomas Dagg
Mr. Alexander Ross
Mr. Allan Ross
Mr. Andrew Ross
Mr. Audrey Ross
Mr. B A. Ross
Mr. Bill Dagg
Mr. Bill Ross
Mr. Bing Ross
Mr. Colin Ross Wetwore
Mr. Crawford Ross
Mr. Dagg
Mr. Duncan Ross
Mr. E M. Dagg
Mr. Edward Dagg
Mr. Ernie Dagg
Mr. Erwin Ross
Mr. Foster Motion—Count
Mr. Frank Ross
Mr. Fred E. Dagg Shawville United Church
Mr. Harold Dagg
Mr. Harvey M. Dagg
Mr. Harvey Ross
Mr. Hugh Ross
Mr. J C. Dagg
Mr. J Ross Beck November
Mr. J. Ross Robertson
Mr. James Dagg
Mr. James Ross
Mr. John Ross
Mr. John T. Dagg
Mr. Keith Wesley Dagg
Mr. Ken Motion Crs
Mr. Kenneth Dagg
Mr. Kenneth Ross
Mr. Lawrence Ross
Mr. Lloyd Rees Dagg
Mr. Lloyd Ross
Mr. Malcolm Ross
Mr. Martin Dagg
Mr. Motion
Mr. Nathan Dagg
Mr. Neman Dagg
Mr. Norman Ross
Mr. Phil Ross
Mr. R. Ross
Mr. Roderick Ross
Mr. Ross
Mr. Ross Arm- Congregation’s
Mr. Ross Armstrong
Mr. Ross Belsher
Mr. Ross Clarence
Mr. Ross Dickson
Mr. Ross Dodriilgc
Mr. Ross Green-shihjs
Mr. Ross Petrie
Mr. Ross Pilgrim
Mr. Ross Rieger
Mr. Ross S. White
Mr. Ross Smith
Mr. Ross Stewart
Mr. Ross Stuart
Mr. Ross Swartz
Mr. Ross Vowles
Mr. Ross White
Mr. Thomas Dagg
Mr. W J Dagg
Mr. William Dagg
Mr. William J. Dagg
Mr. Wm Ross
Mra Elwood Sharpe Motion
Mri Austin Dagg
Mrs A B Ross
Mrs Duncan Ross
Mrs Earl Ross
Mrs Findlay Ross
Mrs H Ross
Mrs Harvey Ross
Mrs Harvey Ross 5
Mrs J E. Dagg
Mrs J Ross Beck
Mrs K Ross
Mrs Ross Campbell
Mrs Ross Sager
Mrs Ross White
Mrs Ross Young
Mrs Wesley Dagg
Mrs, John Ross Many
Mrs- Ross Dodridge
Mrs. A. Ross
Mrs. Ada Ross
Mrs. Alexander Ross Dies
Mrs. Alf Dagg
Mrs. Alt Dagg
Mrs. Andrew Dagg
Mrs. Anne Kenneth Ross
Mrs. Ar-hur Dagg
Mrs. Archie Dagg
Mrs. Arthur Dagg
Mrs. Audrey Ross
Mrs. Austin Dagg
Mrs. Barry Ross (Betty
Mrs. Belle Armstrong Heman Dagg
Mrs. Bill Dagg
Mrs. Bill Ross
Mrs. C Ross
Mrs. Catherine Ross Brown
Mrs. D. Ross
Mrs. Dagg
Mrs. Dalton Russell Roy Dagg
Mrs. David Ross
Mrs. Duncan Ross
Mrs. E M. Dagg
Mrs. E R Dagg
Mrs. E. Ross
Mrs. Earl Dagg
Mrs. Earl Dagg George
Mrs. Earl Dagg Richard
Mrs. Edgar Motion Commr Fulford
Mrs. Edmund Dagg
Mrs. Edward R. Dagg
Mrs. Eldon Ross
Mrs. Elsie Ross
Mrs. Ernest Dagg
Mrs. Ernie Dagg
Mrs. EUard Dagg
Mrs. F H Cornu. Crs Fitzsimmons
Mrs. Fred Dagg
Mrs. Fred Dagg Yarm
Mrs. G Gagnon Mrs. Austin Clarke Mrs. Fred Dagg Rotarv Club
Mrs. Gerald Dagg
Mrs. Gordon Me- Motion Crs Brown
Mrs. Gordon Ross
Mrs. H Ross. Treasurer
Mrs. H. Ross
Mrs. Harold Dagg
Mrs. Harriet Ross
Mrs. Harvey Dagg
Mrs. Harvey Ross
Mrs. Harvey Ross 2ba27
Mrs. Harvey Ross See Mrs. Raymond Trudeau Assist Mrs Roland Graham MONUMENTS
Mrs. Harvey Ross Wyman
Mrs. Hattie Ross
Mrs. Hay Ross
Mrs. Henry Dagg
Mrs. Henry Ross Swartz
Mrs. Herman Dagg
Mrs. Hugh Ross
Mrs. Hugh Ross Mi**
Mrs. Irwin Ross
Mrs. Irwin Ross 0f Mr.
Mrs. IrXvin Ross
Mrs. Iva Armstrong Mrs. Ann Taylor Mr. Ross M. Taylor Mr. Carson Hodglns
Mrs. Ivan Dagg
Mrs. Ivan Dagg Arnprlor
Mrs. J | Ross Dadridge
Mrs. J.D. B Motion Crs
Mrs. J.H Dagg
Mrs. James Doherty Motion Crs
Mrs. John A. Dagg
Mrs. John Dagg
Mrs. John E. Dagg
Mrs. John E. Dagg By Dennis Thrun Mr. Neil Sparling
Mrs. John James Dagg
Mrs. John Ross Allan Allan-Smart
Mrs. John Ross Nielsen
Mrs. John T. Dagg
Mrs. Johnston Motion Crs
Mrs. Jus Ross
Mrs. K Ross
Mrs. K. Ross
Mrs. Ken Ross
Mrs. Kenneth Dagg
Mrs. Kenneth Dagg | Savage
Mrs. L E. Thompson Motion
Mrs. Lloyd Ross
Mrs. Lloyd Telford Shawville Pontiacs Telford - Dagg
Mrs. M M. Ross
Mrs. M Motion- Woods
Mrs. M Ross
Mrs. M. Ross
Mrs. Margaret Dagg
Mrs. Margaret Dagg Rev.
Mrs. Maud Ross
Mrs. Milton Dagg
Mrs. Milton Ross
Mrs. Natchick Mrs. Fred Dagg
Mrs. Nathan Dagg
Mrs. Nathan Dagg Easter
Mrs. Nathan Dagg Mi-,
Mrs. Nathan Dagg Observe
Mrs. Nathan Dagg Sunday
Mrs. Nathan Dagg X
Mrs. Nathan Dagg.
Mrs. Norman Hache Miss Ruth Dagg RN
Mrs. O. M. Atkinson Motion Cr
Mrs. P Dagg
Mrs. R E. Dagg
Mrs. Ray Dagg Municipality
Mrs. Ross
Mrs. Ross Beck
Mrs. Ross Brown
Mrs. Ross Campbell
Mrs. Ross Dodridge
Mrs. Ross Dodridge Mr.
Mrs. Ross Dodrldge
Mrs. Ross Edgar
Mrs. Ross Edward Rood Married
Mrs. Ross Hambley
Mrs. Ross Know!
Mrs. Ross Lamothe
Mrs. Ross MacDonald
Mrs. Ross Makin
Mrs. Ross Mayhew
Mrs. Ross Mayhew Arthur Boisvert
Mrs. Ross Mayhew Empire Life Insurance Co.
Mrs. Ross McDermid
Mrs. Ross McDonald
Mrs. Ross Me Mrs Ralph Walker
Mrs. Ross Moulton
Mrs. Ross Mrs Gordon PopkcY-Lamothe
Mrs. Ross Palmer
Mrs. Ross POWER Petersburg
Mrs. Ross Sager
Mrs. Ross Smiley
Mrs. Ross Stewart
Mrs. Ross Swartz
Mrs. Ross Thomson
Mrs. Ross To
Mrs. Ross Towcll
Mrs. Ross Towell
Mrs. Ross Wetmore
Mrs. Ross White
Mrs. Ross White Oshawa Ont
Mrs. Ross Willows
Mrs. Ruby Armstrong Carried Motion Crs
Mrs. Steve Robmson Dagg
Mrs. Stewart Ross
Mrs. Stewart Ross MacKechnie
Mrs. Thomas Dagg
Mrs. Thomas Dagg Mrs. Wm
Mrs. Thomas Walls Motion Crs
Mrs. Valeda Ross
Mrs. Velede Ross
Mrs. W J Dagg
Mrs. W J. Dagg
Mrs. W. A. Ross
Mrs. Wesley Dagg
Mrs. Wesley Motion
Mrs. Wilbur Horner Nathan Dagg
Mrs. William Dagg
Mrs. William E. Dagg
Mrs. William Ross
Mrs. Xrthur Dagg
Mrs..Arthur Dagg
Mrs.Elbum Dagg
MrsJohn K Dagg
Mrsv A1 Ross
Mr» Ross Swartz
Munro Ross
Murphy L Dagg
Murphy Motion
Murray Dagg
Murray Mrs. Hugh Ross
Murray Ross
Myrna Smith Dagg
M^ Ross Stewart
N L Dagg
N Mrs Kenneth Ross
Nancy May-Wayne Dagg
Nathan D. Dagg
Nathan Dagg
Nathan Dagg Charteris
Nathan Dagg.
Nathan Dagg............ Tlm
Nathan L Dagg
Nathan L. Dagg
Nathan Lytle Dagg
Neil Motion Crs Garth Tracy Dittburner
Neil Sly -with Crs Carmen Wick
Nel- Dagg
Nelson Ross
Nelson Ross Couling
Neman Dagg
New Ross
No. 5—Hugh Ross
Noble Grand Lorna Dagg
Noble Grand Ross
Nor- Dagg
Norm Fraser Motion Crs
Norma Ross
Norman Dagg
Norman Ross
Norris Homer J P. Wilson Sydney Fine Gordon Crouse Lem Hodgins Keith Dagg
Norris McDowell Motion Cra Haaknaas
Norval Me Benson Uuyon Council Motion Crs
Norval Me Neill Massey - Harris Hay Tools Motion 1
Norway B i> Motion
November 7th Ross Vowles
O by Lisa Beth Dagg
O o Ross Stewart
O W. Ross
O. Ross
O. W. Ross
Obituary Austin Michael Dagg
Observes Mr. Ross
Oeerge Dagg
Office Mrs Ross Swartz
Olive Dagg
On Ross
Ont Messrs. A. Ross
Ont Mrs Ross Mayhew
Ontario Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Horne
Ootie J Crs
Oretta Ross
Orla Young Page Three Council Drawn Info Poolroom Controversy Motion Os
Orville Frenette Motion
Orville Frenette Mrs Arthur Dagg
Oswald Mur-Motion Cr
Other Stories Ross
Overseas Louise Ross
Owen Ross
Owen Ross Barton
Owen Ross Barton Dick
Owen Ross Barton Dickson/Barton
Owen Ross _
Own Harvey Ross
Owner Geraldine Dagg
O’Reilly Grant Requested Motion Crs
P D. Ross
P Ross
P S Ross
P S. Ross
P. R. G Arthur Dagg Collection
P.S. Ross
Palmer Dagg Family
Palmer Dagg Mr.
Parade-Medallion Ross
Parliament Motion Conns
Pat Motion
Pat Ross
Patricia Ross
Patricia Ross awarded
Patricia Ross Dickson
Patricia Ross Ladies
Patricia Ross Stephen Llson Linda McSweeney Mae Wigcheren Judy Overton
Patricia Ross.
Patrick Doonan BURNT EVIDENCE Hector Ross SUNDAY
Patrick Motion
Paul Dagg
Paul Kennedy Ross Bailey
Paul Komm and Ross McLaughlin
Paul Mar- Motion Crs
Paul McGee Bemie MacDonell Gayle Pine Ross Vow
Paul Motion
Paul Motion Crs Hawley Wickens
Pearl Dagg
Pearl Yates Ross Lamothe
Pearly Dagg
Peggy Merrifidd Patricia Ross.
Percival L Dagg
Percy Dagg
Perky Dagg
Pern- Ross
Perriard Chirm Ross McLaughlin To Be Scoutmaster Edgar Moses To Be Assistant Scoutmaster Orville R.
Peter Crs L Wilson
Peter Macintosh Duncan Ross
Peter Matthew Ross
Peter Moyle- Motion Crs
Peter Ross
Peter Ross Cotton
Peter Volunteer Fire Depart- Motion Crs Pirie
Petro Ponti- Motion Cr McCredie
Phil Ross
Philip Long Motion Cn Perlard
Philip Ross
Philip Thompson s Ross Stewart
Phone Ross
Photo Ross Dickson
Pi C Ross Am E Hobms Perth Qj C
Pierre Jerry Dagg Senior Girls
Pierre Motion
Pigeon Ross
Premium List Ross Sales
Pres Mrs. Arthur Dagg
Preston Hodgins Motion Councillor Elwooa Dale
Priscilla Dagg
Pro-Mayor Ross
Pro-mayor Ross Vowles
Prof. Carl G. Ross-by
ProMayor Ross Vowles
Publisher Ross Dickson
Publisher Ross Dickson Editor Richard Wills
Publisher Ross Dickson Member
Publishers Ross Dick Heather Alberti Dickson News Editor Leah Miller
Publishers Ross Dickson
Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Alberti Dickson
Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Bren
Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Horner Displa
Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Cla
Publishers Ross Dickson Letters
Qallapilluit (Ross Leslie
Quebec Dear Ross
Quebec Land Motion
Quebec Land Motion Cr Dagg
Quebec Land Surveyor Motion
Quebec Ross
R E. Ross
R-y Dagg
R. Ross
Radford Kenneth Ross
Randy Dagg
Ray Dagg
Ray Edward Dagg
Ray Motion Crs
Ray W Carried M Young STREETS:- Motion Crs McKay
Ray Young Motion
Raymond Dagg
Raymond Johnston Motion
Raymond Morris Motion
Raymond Motion Crs Orr
Raymond Rowat _ Motion
Reason- Ross Vowles
Rebecca Ross
ReMotion Crs Orr
Renfrew C Ross AmpfKX
Repaired Motion
Reuben Allen Ross
Rev C Ross Brown
Rev Dr. Ross
Rev Ross Finlan
Rev Ross Fintan
Rev Ross Knotts
Rev. C- Ross Diebler
Rev. C. Ross Bros,
Rev. Cecil Ross
Rev. Dr. Ross
Rev. Mr. Ross
Rev. Ross
Rev. Ross Brown
Rev. Ross Brown MA
Rev. Ross Davidson
Reverend Ross Moulton
Rex Taylor Mrs Henry Henderson Motion
Rhonda Lee Dagg
Rhonda Ross
Richard Bowie Directors Ernest Dagg
Richard Charles Dagg
Richard Conte Mala Powers Superscope William Herbert Dagg Diet
Richard Dagg
Richard Dagg Esq
Richard Dagg Ontario KOB
Richard E. Dagg
Richard Earl Dagg
Richard Earl Dagg Clarendon Municipal Office
Richard Frank Roy B. Cruickshank John Dagg Pedlar People
Richard Harvey Hodgins Richard Roy Dagg BRISTOL Funeral
Richard Howard Gatineau Power Motion Crs
Richard Howard Motion
Richard IS. Dagg
Richard Motion
Richard Motion Crs Tubman
Richard Otter Lake Bingo Al Portage Mrs. John T. Dagg
Richard Roy Dagg
Richard Thomas Dagg Ouyoa Pastoral Charge REV.
Richard Thomas Ross
Richard WHI* Ross Dickson
Richard Wills Roy Dagg
Richardson Clifford Greer Motion Crs
Richardson Motion
Richardson Taylor Ross
Rick Doc Lawrence Dagg
Rick Hobbs 613-257-7583 Ross Bailey Henry Hobbs 613-257-7028
Ricky Ross
Rita Barber, Multicultu- Ross
Rln Ross
Rob Motion Cr$ O Reilly
Rob Motion Crs
Robert Bron- McCleary Fred Dagg Ster-
Robert Campbell Motion Crs Dagg
Robert Carswell Motion Crs
Robert Dagg
Robert Dagg Esq
Robert Gordon Motion Cri
Robert Middle- Cr Dagg
Robert Motion
Robert Motion Commr Widdicombe Younge
Robert Redford NOW Lee Yen Cleef Katherine Ross
Robert Ross
Robert Sec.-Treas Dagg
Robert Shirley 1855-59 Alexander G. Ross
Robert Younge Ross
Roberta Dagg
Robertson Motion
Robinson Ross Great
Robt Ross
Robyn Dagg
Rodloy-WoJttrs Ross Calumet Island
Roe Dagg
Roger Andrew’s Knox United Ross
Roger Lavoie Bristol Mayor: Ronald Dagg Brent Orr
Roger Mrs Arthur Dagg
Ron and Sandy Dagg
Ron Crs O Reilly
Ron Dagg
Ron Dagg 647
Ron Dagg November
Ron Dagg*
Ron Essiamhre Motion Crs
Ron Hayes - Motion Crs Carmen By-law
Ron Ross
Ron Stewart Pontiac Auto Parts Shawville Milling Shawville Chrysler Obituary Shirley Dagg
Ronald Dagg
Ronald Dagg There
Ronald Dagg He
Ronald Dagg Les Bureaux
Ronald Dagg Pontefract
Ronald Desabrais Motion Crs Gerard Joan-
Ronald Gerald Dagg
Ronald John Motion Crs Brown
Ronald Mac-Arthur Dagg
Ronald Motion
Ronald Ross
Ronda Ross
Ronie Dagg
Ronn.e Ross
Ronnie Dagg
Ronnie Me Motion Crs
Ronnie Ross
Ronnie Ross Gary Wilson
Rosa Sinclair Ross
Rose Citrons Wesley Dagg
Roseau Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Horner
Rosetta Be-Ross Campbell
Ross Mail
Ross "
Ross - Rainville
Ross - Range
Ross A
Ross A Co.
Ross Admin-
Ross Al
Ross AlaeCallum—eliminated
Ross Allan
Ross Allen
Ross and Graham
Ross Andrew
Ross Angus
Ross Ardell
Ross Are
Ross Armstrong
Ross Arnold Courtesy F
Ross Association
Ross Avenue
Ross Avenue Ottawa
Ross B Retand
Ross Bailey AUCTION
Ross Bailey (905
Ross Bailey -
Ross Bailey Sale Day
Ross Baird
Ross Baird Correspondent Visiting Margaret Mal-
Ross Bairds
Ross Baird’s
Ross Bateman Langton
Ross Beard
Ross Beattie
Ross Beck
Ross Beechgrove
Ross Beird
Ross Bel
Ross Best
Ross Bideroad
Ross Blyth
Ross Boal- Almonte
Ross Boars Dickson
Ross Bradley
Ross Bretzlaff
Ross Brewitt
Ross Brooks
Ross Bros,
Ross Bros.
Ross Bros. Ross Bros. Ross Bros. Bargains
Ross Bros. Ross Bros. Ross Bros. Bargains
Ross Brown
Ross Brown MA.
Ross Brownlee
Ross BttOBMvary
Ross Burgess
Ross Burgess RR
Ross Burgess RR 2
Ross Buried
Ross C/ifi
Ross Cabinet
Ross Cahill
Ross Cal-
Ross Camp
Ross Campbell
Ross Campbell Charles Dale
Ross Campbell’s
Ross Carnegie
Ross Carrol
Ross Carroll
Ross Carson
Ross Castle
Ross Cemetery
Ross Chapeau
Ross Charles
Ross Church
Ross Cirran
Ross Co.
Ross Co. Limited
Ross Code
Ross Cole
Ross Cole Equity Sports
Ross Com Contact Joyce McCleary Ladysmith
Ross Cornish
Ross Côté
Ross Coté Eight
Ross Coté Junior
Ross Côté Renfrew
Ross Craig
Ross Creighton
Ross Crinbpell
Ross CuP
Ross Curran
Ross Davidson
Ross Davies
Ross de
Ross Debell
Ross Deep
Ross Delbert Palmer
Ross Dependencies
Ross Derek Senack
Ross Despa
Ross Dick
Ross Dick -Hobbs
Ross Dick Heather Alberti Dickson
Ross Dick-
Ross Dick- Dougal
Ross Dick-Miss Flossie
Ross Dick-president
Ross Dickson
Ross Dickson P am
Ross Dickson Equity Publisher Beechgrove
Ross Dickson Hiü Editor
Ross Dickson Abortion
Ross Dickson About
Ross Dickson Advertising
Ross Dickson Advertising - Brent Horner Pontiac
Ross Dickson Advertising Manager Brent Horner
Ross Dickson Advertising Manager Brent Horner Telephone
Ross Dickson Advertising Manager.
Ross Dickson Advertising Manager: Brant Homer Telephone
Ross Dickson Advertising Manager: Brant Horner Telephone
Ross Dickson Advertising Manager: Brent Homer
Ross Dickson Advertising Manager: Brent Homer Telephone
Ross Dickson Advertising Manager: Brent Homer Tetephone
Ross Dickson Advertising Manager: Brent Horner
Ross Dickson Advertising Manager: Brent Horner Telephone
Ross Dickson Anne
Ross Dickson Anyone
Ross Dickson At
Ross Dickson At Remembrance Da Bretzloff
Ross Dickson Barry Moore
Ross Dickson Better
Ross Dickson Book
Ross Dickson Brent Homer Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire
Ross Dickson Brent Homer Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lun
Ross Dickson Brent Homer Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam
Ross Dickson Brent Homer Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam B 0
Ross Dickson Brent Homer Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam JHT
Ross Dickson Brent Homer Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam Congratulations Terry
Ross Dickson Brent Homer Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam Dear Editor
Ross Dickson Brent Homer Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam Editor Display Advertising Manager
Ross Dickson Brent Homer Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam Flood
Ross Dickson Brent Homer Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam GATT
Ross Dickson Brent Homer Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam Grist
Ross Dickson Brent Homer Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam March
Ross Dickson Brent Homer Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam On
Ross Dickson Brent Homer Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam Please
Ross Dickson Brent Horner Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lun
Ross Dickson Brent Horner Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam
Ross Dickson Brent Horner Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam Afterthoughts
Ross Dickson Brent Horner Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam Editor Display Advertising Manage
Ross Dickson Brent Horner Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam Equipment
Ross Dickson Brent Horner Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam Jeffrey Barber Student Council Pr
Ross Dickson Brent Horner Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam Name
Ross Dickson Brent Horner Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam Ross Dickson High-pressure
Ross Dickson Brent Horner Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam US
Ross Dickson Brent Horner Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam Veterans Affairs
Ross Dickson Brent Horner Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam Written
Ross Dickson Canadian Authors
Ross Dickson Canadians
Ross Dickson CFB
Ross Dickson Christine MacKechnie
Ross Dickson County
Ross Dickson Crop
Ross Dickson Cuts
Ross Dickson Dave’s Painting
Ross Dickson Deadline
Ross Dickson Dear Editor
Ross Dickson Editor
Ross Dickson Editor Richard Wills
Ross Dickson Edttors
Ross Dickson Environment Statfacts His
Ross Dickson Federal
Ross Dickson Financial
Ross Dickson Fire Chief Bernard Ham
Ross Dickson Four
Ross Dickson Frank Hobbs Brian Smith
Ross Dickson FRIDAY
Ross Dickson Gananoque
Ross Dickson Gardener
Ross Dickson Go Sens
Ross Dickson Graduates Dee Dee Lepine
Ross Dickson Graphs
Ross Dickson Grist
Ross Dickson Harry Wilson
Ross Dickson Heafrw Dickson Ed
Ross Dickson Healher Dickson Editor Richard WiHs Display Ad Manager Brent Homer
Ross Dickson Hearts
Ross Dickson Heather Alberti Dickson
Ross Dickson Heather Alberti Dickson News Editor
Ross Dickson Heather Alberti Dickson News Editor Leah Miller
Ross Dickson Heather Alberti Dickson News Editor Leah Miller Reporter Wilbur McLean Ad Manager Kath
Ross Dickson Heather Alberti Dickson News Editor Leah Miller Reporter Wilbur McLean Freelance
Ross Dickson Heather Alberti Die News Editor Leah Miller Reporter Wilbur McLean Intern Dale Brown A
Ross Dickson Heather Alberti Dieksor News Editor
Ross Dickson Heather Alberti-Dickson Ann Taylor Dave Moore Katherine Hynes Scott Campbell Janey Duf
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson E
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Edit
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editcx Richard Wits Display Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Class Ad/Or
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Display Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Class Ad/Orculation
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard VVTUs Display Ad Manager Katherme Hynes Class Ad/Circul
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wilis Display Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Class
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Homer
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Horner Display Ad Sales
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Hun
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager K
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Class
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Class Ad/Circu
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Monager Brent Homer
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wilts Display Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Class Ad/Circu
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wins Display Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Class Ad/Grcula
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wis Duptoy Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Class Ad/Circutot
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Witis Display Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Class Ad/Clrcu
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wits Display Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Class Ad/Circul
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Witts Deploy Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Class Ad/Clrcut
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Witts Display Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Class Ad/OrcUo
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Witts Duplay Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Class Ad/Circul
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wls Display Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Cio» Ad/Circulat
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wtiis Display Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Class Ad/Ckcul
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard WWs Display Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Class Ad/Circuia
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard WWs Display Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Class Ad/Circula
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard WWs Display Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Class Ad/Qrcukjt
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard WWs Dtipiov Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Class Ad/Circu(
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard WWs Duplay Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Class Ad/CtrcukJt
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard WWs Duplay Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Class Ad/Grcutatt
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Edrtor Richard Witts Deploy Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Class Ad/Cifcui
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Edtof Richard Wls Display Ad Manager Kotheme Hynes Class Ad/Circulatio
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson News Editor Sytvia Banker Reporter Paul McGee Display Ad Manager Kathe
Ross Dickson Heather Ockson Edttor Richard Wilts Osptay Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Class Ad/Circula
Ross Dickson Heathet Dickson Ed
Ross Dickson Heatrw Dickson Ecttof Richard Wilis Display Ad Manage* Katherine Hynes Class Ad/Cvculo
Ross Dickson Heotrw Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Class Ad/Clrcot
Ross Dickson Historical
Ross Dickson History
Ross Dickson Hydro Quebec
Ross Dickson Infractions
Ross Dickson J* Don’t
Ross Dickson Kinsmen Deputy
Ross Dickson L entrée de Russel Stewart
Ross Dickson Leading Ladies
Ross Dickson Letters
Ross Dickson Liz ADVERTISING
Ross Dickson Liz Editor
Ross Dickson Loyola Ryan
Ross Dickson Luella Curley
Ross Dickson Manager Neil Sharpe Printing Dept
Ross Dickson McDowell Talent
Ross Dickson Meanwhile
Ross Dickson Member
Ross Dickson Minister
Ross Dickson Most
Ross Dickson Mows Editor
Ross Dickson Mrs Elson Smiley
Ross Dickson Mrs Violet Lepine
Ross Dickson Mulroney
Ross Dickson Municipality
Ross Dickson NDP Labelle
Ross Dickson News Editor
Ross Dickson News Editor Leah Miller
Ross Dickson Norway Bay
Ross Dickson Nows Editor
Ross Dickson Nsws Editor
Ross Dickson OST Program
Ross Dickson Outaouais Alliance
Ross Dickson Pauline Madragar
Ross Dickson PCLA
Ross Dickson Photo-stories
Ross Dickson Photostories
Ross Dickson Political
Ross Dickson Pontiac
Ross Dickson Pontiac Co-op Medical Services
Ross Dickson Publisher Heather Dickson
Ross Dickson Publisher Heather Dickson Publisher Agence
Ross Dickson Publisher Richard Wills Editor Heather Dickson
Ross Dickson Returning Officer Nora
Ross Dickson Richard Armitage
Ross Dickson Richard Wills Heather
Ross Dickson Richard Wills Publisher Editor Heather Dickson
Ross Dickson Road
Ross Dickson Robert L Younge Shawville
Ross Dickson Robert Middle
Ross Dickson Role
Ross Dickson Santa
Ross Dickson Secretary
Ross Dickson Sheen
Ross Dickson Sincerely Mrs Echo Campbell
Ross Dickson Sodium
Ross Dickson Stuart Marples
Ross Dickson Summer
Ross Dickson The Billy Talion
Ross Dickson This
Ross Dickson Thrashin
Ross Dickson Tl
Ross Dickson Upon
Ross Dickson Vice
Ross Dickson Winners
Ross Dickson/ Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Homer
Ross Dickson/ Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Homer Display Ad Sale*
Ross Dickson/ Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Homer Display Ad Sates
Ross Dickson/ Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Horner Display Ad Sales
Ross DicksonJ
Ross DicksonMember
Ross Dickson______
Ross Dodc-Derck Foster
Ross Dodd-erige
Ross Dode-
Ross Dodendge
Ross Doderidge
Ross Doderidge W.S. Griffiths
Ross Dodridge
Ross Dodridge Welland
Ross Dodrige
Ross Dodrldge
Ross Edgar
Ross Edwards
Ross Edwards Hillhurst
Ross Eganville
Ross Eligh
Ross Elliot
Ross English-language
Ross Ernest
Ross Evans Wilson
Ross Families
Ross Family
Ross Farmers
Ross Faught
Ross Fav
Ross Faye
Ross Fedorki
Ross Fells
Ross Ferguson
Ross FflMT
Ross Fiiw Donald Horn Others Albert Armstrong
Ross Fin-nigan
Ross Find
Ross Finlan
Ross Finnegan
Ross Finnigan
Ross Fitzpatrick
Ross Foley
Ross Ford
Ross Ford Consultants Ltd.
Ross Fraser
Ross Freeman
Ross Funeral Chapel
Ross Funeral Merlin McKee
Ross Funeral Service
Ross Gamellry
Ross Gendon
Ross Get
Ross Godin
Ross Goldwin Towell
Ross Government
Ross Govt
Ross Graham
Ross Gravelle
Ross Green-
Ross Greenhouses
Ross Greenshields
Ross Greenshitlds
Ross Greenshlelds
Ross Griffin
Ross Gunn
Ross H McMastvi
Ross Ha
Ross Hambley
Ross Hambley Norval McNeill
Ross Hamil- J Lang
Ross Hamilton
Ross Hamilton’s
Ross Hammly
Ross Hammond
Ross Hartwick
Ross Hay
Ross Headrick
Ross Hem
Ross Historical Society
Ross Hme
Ross Hobin
Ross Hodgins
Ross Home Ec Mrs. E Met
Ross Hope
Ross Hopkins
Ross Hospital Auxiliary
Ross Howson
Ross Huffman
Ross Huggard
Ross I
Ross Int
Ross Inver
Ross Is
Ross Island
Ross James
Ross Jibb
Ross Jibbs
Ross John
Ross Johnson
Ross Jones
Ross Katherine - Peacefully
Ross Kdgar
Ross Ken Richardson Sons
Ross Kennedy
Ross Kingston
Ross Ladd
Ross Ladies
Ross Lam
Ross Lamothe
Ross Lamothe Marcel Pigeault
Ross Lamothe Sterling Hobbs
Ross Lamothe Vice President
Ross Lamôthf
Ross Lemothe
Ross Lett
Ross Levt-Whsiow
Ross Limitée
Ross Limothe
Ross Lloyd
Ross Local
Ross Lomotho
Ross Lots
Ross Ltd
Ross Ma
Ross Mabey
Ross Mac
Ross MacCallum Stark
Ross MacDonald
Ross Mackenzie
Ross MacNider
Ross Makin
Ross Master
Ross Mavhcw
Ross May
Ross May-
Ross Mayhaw
Ross Mayhcwf
Ross Mayhew
Ross Mayhew - June
Ross Mayhew Thoms
Ross Mayhew-
Ross McCagg
Ross McCall
Ross McCalluin 377
Ross McCallum
Ross McCoy
Ross McCracken
Ross McCrae
Ross McDeannid
Ross McDoJ-|an<j
Ross McDowell
Ross McGillivary
Ross McKenny
Ross McKenzie
Ross McKitrick
Ross McLachlan
Ross McLaren
Ross McLaughlin
Ross McRae
Ross Me-
Ross Memo
Ross Merrifield
Ross Meyhew
Ross Millard
Ross Milne
Ross Mine View Road
Ross Mineview Public Schools
Ross Mineview Square Dancers
Ross Miss Laurie Toombs
Ross Mo
Ross Mona MacKechme
Ross Monahan
Ross Moore
Ross Morgan
Ross Motion
Ross Motion Crs Dagg
Ross Moulton
Ross Moved
Ross Mri.
Ross Mrs Vincent
Ross Mundo
Ross Munro
Ross Munro Ross Munro
Ross Mur- Pontiac
Ross Mur-Valium
Ross Murray
Ross National
Ross Nugent
Ross Oickson
Ross Onslow
Ross Ont
Ross Original Poem Contest Lawrence Warwick
Ross Osborne
Ross Oswald
Ross Ottawa
Ross P fal
Ross Palmer
Ross Pattison
Ross Peev-
Ross Pelow
Ross Penny
Ross Perot
Ross Perth’s Bryon Vaughan
Ross Phillips
Ross Phillips Ralph Rennick Rutledge Smith Stanley Stewart Wilson There
Ross Photos
Ross Piesby*
Ross Pirie
Ross Podridge
Ross Point
Ross Point Ferries
Ross Point Ferry
Ross Point Ferry Running
Ross Point Motion
Ross Point Road
Ross Point Treas
Ross Porter
Ross Pres
Ross Presbyterian
Ross Presbyterian Church
Ross Qckson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Horner Display Ad Sales K
Ross Qreenshlelds
Ross Ramona
Ross Ranches
Ross Rd.
Ross Rebagliati
Ross Reed
Ross Rehagliati
Ross Reid
Ross Rev Ralph Dwarika
Ross Rev. J. D. Ellis
Ross Rifle
Ross Rifle Investigated
Ross River Project Inc.
Ross Road
Ross Robert
Ross Robinson
Ross Rodger
Ross Roy Gravel
Ross Rudd
Ross Sager
Ross Sat
Ross Saw Mill
Ross Sayer
Ross Schoenermarck
Ross Schwartz
Ross Scia
Ross Scoff Automobiles
Ross Scott
Ross Scott Auto
Ross Scott Auto*
Ross Scott Automobile
Ross Scott Automobiles
Ross Scott Automobile^Hwy
Ross Scott Autonow
Ross Sea
Ross Self Sealers
Ross Self Sealers Direct
Ross Self Sealers VI
Ross Selina Amelia Augusta
Ross Sept
Ross Serviced
Ross Shall
Ross Sharpe
Ross Shawville
Ross Shire
Ross Sinclair Rosa
Ross Smiley
Ross Smith
Ross Snowdon
Ross Snowmobile Derby Taylor
Ross Sonmor
Ross Sonmorc
Ross Sparling
Ross Sparling Grade
Ross Springer
Ross Srewart
Ross St
Ross St Andrews
Ross St.
Ross St. Andrews
Ross Ste
Ross Ste-
Ross Ste- Oarke
Ross Ste- Richard Meisner
Ross Stew
Ross Steward
Ross Stewart
Ross Stewart 1
Ross Stewart 3:00
Ross Stewart Calumet
Ross Stewart Calumet Island
Ross Stewart Chutes
Ross Stewart Ft Coulonge County Council Mrs. H R. Rabh
Ross Stewart Is
Ross Stewart’s
Ross Stewert
Ross Stweart
Ross Subterfùge Politely Declined
Ross Swai
Ross Swanz
Ross Swart*
Ross Swarts
ROSs Swartz
Ross Swartz Honoured
Ross Swartz Huge Areas Unsurveyed No
Ross Swartz........... Leslie Dale
Ross Swim
Ross Systems
Ross T
Ross Taillon
Ross Taillou Ministry
Ross Tallinn
Ross Tanguay
Ross Tay-
Ross Taylor
Ross Taylor Vînimin Ridge Hunt Club Dove Moore
Ross Tayor
Ross That
Ross That Thus
Ross Thatcher
Ross The
Ross Thompson
Ross Thomson
Ross Thursday
Ross Timlin
Ross To
Ross To Make Pictures Miller Goes Musical Staying
Ross Tow
Ross Towcll
Ross Towcll SVj
Ross Towel
Ross Towell
Ross Town-Cobden
Ross Township
Ross Township Historical
Ross Township III
Ross Township Property
Ross Town________________________
Ross Toxvell
Ross Trophy
Ross Twp
Ross Twp.
Ross U-and
Ross Uimothe
Ross Virtue Woods
Ross Visitors
Ross Votées
Ross Vow
Ross Vow,cs
Ross Vow-
Ross Vowels
Ross Vowies
Ross Vowlcs
Ross Vowles
Ross Vowles - Thorne
Ross Vowles As
Ross Vowles Conseiller
Ross Vowles Dear Editor Shawville
Ross Vowles Elaine Richardson Judy Young
Ross Vowles Maire
Ross Vowles Maire/Mayor
Ross Vowles Mayor
Ross Vowles Thome
Ross Vowles*
Ross Vowles’s Woodmizer
Ross Vowtes
Ross Wakefield
Ross Wh
Ross White
Ross Why
Ross Wightman
Ross WiIson
Ross Wilson
Ross Wilson 499
Ross Wilson Carty
Ross Wilson His
Ross Wilson Pembroke
Ross Wood Tenders
Ross Woodward
Ross XtMS CIO.
Ross Y.P.U.
Ross Young
Ross" VowTes
Ross- Dow
Roy and Ross Vowles
Roy Dagg
Roy Dagg Aut
Roy Dagg Gerald Manwell
Roy Dagg Joe Rut-(Waverley Scott
Roy Dagg Now Mrs
Roy Dagg Pave
Roy Dagg Phone
Roy Dagg R
Roy Dagg Ray
Roy Dagg Roy Dagg
Roy Dagg SEWING -
Roy Dagg Shawville
Roy Dagg SSSrt
Roy Dagg Sunday
Roy Dagg X Blacksmith
Roy Motion
Royal Motion
Ruby Mr. Keith Dagg
Rudy Motion
Rudy Schroeder and Ross Roy
Rulh Dagg
Russell Dagg
Russell Motion
Russell Motion Cr Garth Tracy Dust
Ruth Cowley Danny Dagg Carl Dale
Ruth Dagg
Ruth Dagg and Joan Lloyd Conolly
Ruth Dagg Andre Audet
Ruth Dagg R.N.
Ruth Dagg RN
Ruth Jewell " Muriel Watkins Mrs M M. Ross
Ruth Valentine Dagg
Ryan Motion
Ryan(Ivan Mulligi Motion
Sabrina Ayres-Dagg
Sadie Dagg
Sadie McQnat “ Pearl Jackson Motion
Sale Day-613-257-7583 Ross Bailey
Sally Ann Foad Cynthia Sabina Garry Motion Crs Carmen Wic
Sam Ross
Sandra Dagg
Sandra Dagg Arthur Sc Iaobel Day Linda Dent Evelyn Duff Sc Donald Duff John Duff - Memorial Melvin
Sandra I. Dagg
Sandra Motion Crs Claude Rich- Murray
Sandy Dagg
Sara Dagg
Sarah Ann Reilly Mr. John Dagg County Master
Sarah Dagg
Sarah Dagg Kozlova
Sarah Dagg Ladysmith
Sarah Emma Dagg
Sarah Eric Dagg
Sarah J. Dagg
Sarah Ross
Sarah Wilson Motion
Schroeder Motion Crs Yach
SÉ& M::m Arthur Dagg
Sean Ross
Sec.-Treas Crs
Sec.-Treas Motion Crs
Sec.-Treas Ross
ser-1 Motion—Com’r Graham
Seymour Harris Dagg
Sf Bill Dagg
Shannon Ross
Sharon Ross
Shawville 647-35 Ross Twp
Shawville Crs Grant
Shawville Jessie Ross Red
Shawville Ross
Shawville Ross Campbell
Sheila Dagg
Sheila Dagg Lackic
Sheila Richardson Roberta Dagg Dorothy Hodgins
Shelley Ross
Shelly Ross
Shern Dagg
Sherry Dagg
Sherwin Greer Waverly Greer Bonnie Nolan Steve Wallace Ross Stewart
Shirley Dagg
Shirley Dagg Ottawa
Shirley Ross
Sic S Ross-172.00
Sidney Draper 325.17 Arthur Judd 226.72 Arnot Horner 416.85 Motion Crs Brownlee
Sinclair Ross
Sister Mary Magdalene Ross
Slew-art Ross
Small E. Ross Iverson Harris
Smiley Motion—Cmr
Smith Crs
Smith Dagg
Smith Dagg Village Cemetery
Smith Motion
Smith Motion Crs
Smith Mr. Ross Swartz
Son Ross
Sons Motion Crs
Sons Funeral Home Fred Dagg
Soucie I Ross Dickson
South East Frederick Everett Dagg
Southwestern Que- Ross
Srewart Ross
St Crs Cone
St Jean Motion Crs Duff
St Mary Ross
St Ross Dickson Brent Homer Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam
Stanley Motion Crs Murray
Stanley Mrs Ross Stewart
Stanley Nadeau Crs Ronald Armitage
Stanton Motion Cr Trudeau
Star Tests Ross Dickson
Starks Crs
Starks Crs Claude Richardson
Station Ross
Steele Motion
Stephen Ross
Stephen Ross - Ski-doo
Sterling « Ross Stewart
Steve Ross
Steven Alexander Ross
Steven Graham Henderson Dagg
Steven Roy Dagg
Stewart Dennison Motion Crs Duff
Stewart Fred Dagg
Stewart Motion
Stewart Ross
Stewart Stanley Ross
Stewart Woods Dagg
Stokes Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Horner
Stuart Ross
Succession Duipfwes Ross NOM/NAME
Sue Ross
Susan (icrald Dagg Kenneth Farrell
Susan Ann Dagg
Susan Dagg
Susan Ross
Suzie Pasch Ross
Suzie Schimdt Ross Stewart
Sylvia David Ross
Sylvia L Dagg
Sylvia Motion Crs Neil Ditt MacKILUCAN
Sylvia to-1 Motion Crs Murray
Sywtie Touche Ross
T " Crs Claude Rich-
T 4BF29 Ross Ltee
T Dagg
T. Dagg
T. Dagg.
T. Mrs. Fred Dagg
T. Ross
Take Dr. Ross
Tammie Dagg
Tammy Dagg
Tandem Dagg
Taylor Fire Extin- Cr Dagg
Taylor Motion
Tc*n* W K Ross
Ted Fort Dagg
Ted Fort.Cynl Dagg
Tel 647-5666 Ross Stewart
Ten A Ross
Tena Ross
Teresa Dagg
Terry Graham Arthur Dagg Trophy- Jane Ebert
Tf Crs L Wilson
That H. Ross
Theresa Dagg
This Ross
Thomas Belair Motion Crs Alex Lapierre
Thomas Dagg
Thomas Dagg Mrs Clinton Sparling
Thomas E Dagg
Thomas Edward Dagg
Thomas H Dagg
Thomas Hiram Dagg
Thomas M. Ross
Thomas Macfarlane Motion
Thomas Motion Cr McCredie
Thomas Motion Crs
Thomas O Malley Carried Motion Crs
Thomas Ross
Thomas W. J. Dagg
Thomas.......... Ross
Thome Mayor Ross Vow
Thome Mayor Ross Vowles
Thompson Motion
Thorne Mayor Ross
Thorne Mayor Ross Vowles
Thorne Pro-Mayor Ross Vowles
Thorne’s Ross Vowles
Throughout Ross
Tim Chevali- Motion Cr
To- Davidson Ross
Tolhnrst Mr Gerald Howard Motion Commissioner Mr
Tom Dagg
Tom Lefebvre M.P. Motion
Tom Ross
Tom) Ross
Tommy Dagg
Tor- Motion Crs Duff
Touche Ross International
Touche Ross Liée
Touche Ross Limited
Touche Ross Limited DENNIS LUCAS D
Touche Ross Ltée
Travis Dagg
Tyler Knuki Lqi Dagg Big
U. H. Ross
UrtUitl Jo Dagg
Ute Mr. Dagg
V Publishers Ross Dickson As Canadians
V X V> Motion
Vaillancourt VI- Ross Son
Valada Ross
Van Housen’s Motion
Vea* Ross
Vears John T. Dagg
Velma Dagg
Velma Dagg Miss Alva Turner Miss Ruth Hornet Miss Euella Turner Miss Pearl Kilgour Miss Janet Kilgo
Velma Ross
Veteran Ross Beck
Vice Ross
Vice-President Warren Ross
Victor Ross
Victoria Av-Motion Crs Doug Ful-
Victoria Ross
Vincent McCailum Storm Motion
Violet Dagg
Vriiviov Ross
W A Ross 3. Quilt
W D Ross
W illiam Ross Jibb
W J Dagg
W J Dagg Gatineau
W L. Dagg
W Ross
W. A. Ross
W. B. Ross
W. Dagg
W. Forbes Ross
W. M Hayes Secretary-Treasurer Motion Crs
W. R. Ross
W. Ross
W. T. Ross
W.H. Ross
W.M. H • Motion
Wallace Barber Willard Bretzlaff Wayne Chamberlain Claire Dagg Benson Elliott Walter Harris Teddy H
Wallace Hodgins Dr. R E Dagg Mrs. Ernest
Wallace Hodgins M R- E. Dagg
Wallace Motion—Coens
Wallace Ross
Walsh Motion
Walter Geo T Dagg
Walter Ross
Wan- Motion Crs
Wanda Jonathan Dagg
Ward Motion
Warnie Richardson Motion Crs
Warren Dagg
Warren Motion Crs Gilpin
Wayne Dagg
Wayne Dagg Rundown
Wayne Wiggins Norman Wiggins Dennis Findlay John Thompson Ronnie Dagg Wayne O Malley Mervin Conroy
Wealey Dagg
Webb Ross
Wellington Smart Motion
Wendy & Ross Baird
Wendy (Ross
Wendy (Ross) Taylor
Wendy and Ross Taylor
Wendy Dagg
Wendy Dagg He
Wendy Dagg The
Wendy I %^Dan Dagg
Wendy Mary to Ross William Taylor
Wes T. Ross
Wesley Cesmarema Realties Dagg
Wesley Cosmorama Realties Dagg
Wesley Cosmoreme Realties Dagg
Wesley Dagg
Wesley Dagg 2
Wesley Dagg Le
Westley Dagg
What’s Ross
Wickens Motion Crs Tom F
Wiggins Motion Crs Drummond
William B. Ross
William Burke Motion Cr*
William Charles Dagg
William Dagg
William Dagg Dagg-Martin
William Dagg.. Edward Gagnon George Knight
William E. Dagg
William Elsworth Dagg
William G. Ross
William Henry Howard and Susan Dagg
William Herttert Dagg
William J Dagg
William J. Dagg
William John Dagg
William John Dagg New Shipments
William Kennedy J. Robinson J. McBane V. Kilroy S. Robinson Motion
William M Dagg
William Motion Cm
William Rey-Motion
William Ross
William Ross Swartz
William Tubman Motion—Crs Judd
Willie Dagg
Willie J. Dagg
Willie Rob-[motion Crs
Willie Sandra Dagg
Willis Motion
Wilma Ross
Wilson Motion
Wilson Mrs Ernest Dagg
Wilson Percy Dagg
Wilson Tracy Lorna Dagg
Winston Wool- Dagg
Wm A Ross 1
Wm H Dagg
Wolf Bounty- Cyril Dagg
Workman* Miss Connie Dagg
Wright V Dagg
Wyman H Karl Dagg
Xfrs Elmer Dagg
Xrt Ross
XV. A. Ross
Ye Dr. Ross
Young Carried Motion Crs
Young Dagg
Young Motion
Young Motion Crs Dagg
Young Motion Crs McCredie
ÆjM Publishers Ross Dickson Pffi Heather Dickson EBB Editor Richard Wills
00 X X Motion
Austin Dagg
Austin Dagg’s
Bay Ave Motion Dagg
Ca Motion Cr
Carried Motif l Crs.
Cherry Dagg
Conn Motion
Crs Arnot
Crs Delbert Z
Crs Ireland
Crs Mnld Hi
Dagg Area
Dagg County
Dagg Street
E. Dagg
E. DAGG Battery
Florence Dagg
Florence St Motion
Fort Dagg
Fort Motion
Fort Ross
Hereford Trophy Dagg Memorial
Hi Motion Crs
HUtvi Ave Motion Cr
Lake Motion
Ma- Motion
Madison Dagg
Malcolm Ross
Motion Comrs
Motion Doherty-Woods l
Motion Os
Motion Tiignmn l Vs.
Motion Tracy
Motion V»y l im<
Motion— l raser-MacKechnie
Motion—Biehler-Erwin—That Road
Mr. Malcolm Ross
North Motion
OF Dagg l
Ottawa River Motion
Pearl Dagg
Robert Dagg
Ross Ave.
Ross Avenue Ottawa
Ross Griffin
Ross Lamothe
Ross Mo
Ross R. Hare
Ross River
Ross Road
Ross Township
Ross/Westmeath Township
Shawville- l Motion Crs
Spring Motion
Spring Motion—Com
Tearcher Klzmkntaby l Hazel Dagg
Tel 648-5537 Motion
Trophy Motion
View Ave Motion Cra
Z Motion
Z Ross
...819-648-2141 J Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager B
0UO Gordon Me- Motion Cra
2nd Com Motion
2nd Star Tests Ross
3. Com Motion
4.95 0 Motion Cr
647-2206 / Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Ho
819-647-2204 Publishers Heather Alberti Dickson Ross Dickson
A. Dagg
Academy Nathan Dagg
Academy of Motion Picture Arts
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Administration Materials Road Maintenance Motion
Adults 50< Telephone 432-4224 Children 25c Motion Crs Murphy
Agricultural Society Motion Young
All Pulpwood Producers & Dealers Lorraine Ethel Dagg
Almonte High School Motion Cra
Art Carson Motion Co un
Article Motion
Article Ronald Dagg
AU H Motion Crs
Auxil- Dagg
Bacon Canada Savings Bonds Motion
Bank of Montreal—Carried Motion
Bank of Motion —
Bank of Pakistan CEMETERY MEMORIALS Motion
Bank of To- Davidson Ross
Beauty Salon Mavis & Gerry Dagg J S P Furniture K & L
Bee Wax CyrU Dagg
Beech Grove Athletic As- Charities 2.88; Quyon Hardware Motion Crs
Beechgrove Ladies Host Roy Dagg Named Pontiac County Institute Hew Dog Catcher
Beever Brush Clippers; Motion Crs Cedric
Bell Mobility Motion Cr Smith
Bell Mobility Motion Crs Claude Rich
Bell Ross Museum 6th Annual Sports Complex
Bell Telephone Co. Motion Cs
Best Results Motion Cr
Big Q Publishers Ross
BILINGUAL Selling Motion
Board Motion Commr
Board of Motion Cr
Board of Motion Cr Smith
Board PORTUGAL Motion Crs Carmen Wickens Special
Board Ventral School Board Arthur Dagg
Boots - Motion
Borden for Weapons Ministère des Transports Motion Crs Dagg and Pitt Technician Training
Boys Continues Mr. Charles Dagg
Bretzlaff Store Ross
Bristol ; Geo Dagg
Bristol be Cr Dagg
Bristol Community Centre Ronald DAGG
Bristol Community Centre Ronald DAGG RE-ELECT Christopher YOUNG
Bristol Community Motion Crs Duff and Orr Association for
Bristol Council Accept Grader Tender After Motion
Bristol Council BIRTH Motion Cr Tubman
Bristol Council Dagg that Council
Bristol Council Motion
Bristol Council Motion Cr Dagg
Bristol Council Motion Crs Smith
Bristol Council N Onslow Council Motion by Cn Armitage
Bristol Council That Dr. Motion WOMENS’ INSTITUTES May
Bristol Dagg
Bristol Golden Ross
Bristol mayor Ronald Dagg
Bristol Memorial Motion
Bristol Mines Motion Crs
Bristol Minus Recreation AssocMtmtt Motion
Bristol Motion
Bristol Motion Cr McCredie
Bristol Motion Cre Duff
Bristol Motion Crs
Bristol Motion Crs Duff
Bristol Motion Crs Orr
Bristol Mr Arthur Dagg
BRISTOL Mr Austin Dagg
Bristol Mrs. Ken Ross
Bristol Road Motion Crs Duff
Bristol s Wendy Dagg
Bristol View Fair Lady; A. Dagg
Bristol Village Motion Russett
Bristol Vol- Motion Crs Duff
Bristol Volun- Crs Donald McCredie
Bristol Volun- Motion Crs Pitt and
Bristol Volunteer Fire Crs
Bristol Volunteer Fire Motion Crs Stanley
Bristol were Motion Cr McCredie
Bristol; M Dagg
Bristol; Ross
Bryson III Motion Comml
Bryson Ross
Business Men’s Association Motion by Dr. Ranger
By Crs Pitt and
C.F. Express Motion
Canadian Cancer Society Motion Crs
Canadian Cancer Socle Motion
Canadian Government Motion Picture Bureau
Canadian Home Of Tomorrow Motion Crs
Canadian National Institute for Carried Motion Crs
Canadian National Institute Motion oy Krose
Canadian Oil Co. Motion byCrs
Canadian Oil Cos Motion Cr«
Canadian Pacific Railway Co. Motion
Cancer Soci- Motion Crs Dagg
Capital Blend Tea Seasonable Articles Motion—Wilson-Young—That
Capital City Tractor Crs Garth Tracy
Capital Crs
Carson Bros Motion Crs
Central Scientific Co Motion Commr
CFER Outaouais Motion
Charity Dagg
Cheese Motion—Crs
Chevrolet Touring Motion following
Chrysler Motor Product Crs
Chrysler’s Motion Design
Citizen’s Committee Jim & Mary Regan Ronald & Martha Ross Harvey
City View United Church Sat- Dagg
Clarendon Council JULY 3-4-5 Motion Crs Jack Lang
Clarendon Council Motion -
Clarendon Council Motion by Crs Taber-Muldoon
Clarendon Council Motion Crs
Clarendon Council Motion Os
Clarendon Hotel Motion Crs
Clarendon Hotel Shawville P Motion Crs Duff
Clarendon School Beard Motion
Clarendon School Board Motion by Grant Fitzsimmons
Clean Up Week Motion Crs
ClUClieSter MlllllCipallty Motion Crs Duff
Co-operative Medical Motion
Cod Liver Oil Motion Cri
COHEN Mr. John Ross
Cohen’s Store CHAS W. DAGG SHAWVILLE BOOT AND SHOE STORE '' District Rcpi''esontntlvp
Colonial Bank Suffi Motion
Commerce - Motion Crs
Committee - Motiop Crs
Committee of Crs Black
Committee of Onslow North Part Crs Henderson
Committee of Onslow South Part Crs Onslow
Community Association Dagg that Council
Community Centre Carried Motion Cr
Community Centre Motion Crs Dagg
Community Disaster Society Motion by Crs
Community Hospital’s Sandy Dagg
Community language Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager
Community Motion Crs McCredie
Community Service Project Doura Perfect Motion Last
Compensation Insurance Motion
Construction Equipment Ltd. E Motion Crs C Roy
Controller Allan Motion
Cooney Sec.-Treas Society Motion Crs
Corporation Motion by Crs
COTE DU J* SHOP OP Touche Ross
Council Board Motion Crs Horner
Council Carried Church Motion Crs Sparl
Council Carried Motion Cr
Council Conducts Busy Meeting Motion Crs
Council Drawn Info Poolroom Controversy Motion Os
Council Hall Motion
COUNCIL Motion Crs Barber
COUNCIL Motion Crs Murphy
Council RAP - Motion Crs
Council Says Motion Crs
Crs 0 Hodgins
Crs Benefit Dance BIG ED
Crs Brown
Crs Brown Society
Crs Carswell
Crs Committee
Crs Council
Crs Dagg
Crs Davidson School
Crs Emmerson
Crs Everett Steele
Crs Gary Hodgins
Crs Gatineau Power
Crs Hawley
Crs Hawley Motion Crs Doug Ful-
Crs Hawley Wick
Crs Hawley Wickens
Crs Hawley Wickens Huddersfield
Crs Mac
Crs Orr
Crs O’Reilly-
Crs Railway Transport Committee
Crs Richardson & Ditt-
Crs Shawville Council CR""
Crs Stanley
Custom Bearing Service Dagg
DAGG DlBtrlvi Representative
DAGG Prompt Payments Excellent Security D.
Dagg & Pitt that Council
Dagg & Son;
DAGG & TUCK Insurance Brokers
DAGG - SURGEON DENTIST 6 Drummond Medical Building
Dagg and Hilton Findlay
Dagg and Perry
Dagg Best Hanging Basket
Dagg Best Horses
DAGG Bristol
Dagg Bristol Ridge
DAGG BROS Shawville
DAGG Church of England SUnOEON DENTIST
Dagg Clarendon Municipal Office
DAGG Clean-up Specials District Ropresentntlve
DAGG Clean-up Specials District Representative
Dagg Council
Dagg County Master
DAGG County Women s Institute SURGEON DENTIST
Dagg DENTAL SURGEON Phone 647-3677 P.O.
Dagg DENTAL SURGEON Phone 647-3877 P
Dagg DENTAL SURGEON Phone 647-3877 P.O.
Dagg DENTAL SURGEON Rhone 647-3877 P.O.
DAGG Dry Goods Tables
DAGG Engineers Plan
Dagg Family
Dagg Family Reunion
DAGG Film Program Shawville Theatre Thursday
DAGG Film Program SURGEON DENTIST Shawville Theatre Thursday
Dagg Former Bristol Resident Dies
DAGG General Agent
DAGG General Agent SllAWVlLLB.
DAGG Grand Lodge Officers Visit Shawville Oddfellows SURGEON DENTIST
DAGG Harvest Thanksgiving Services Harvest Thanksgiving Services
DAGG Holiness Movement Church SURGEON DENTIST
DAGG Jerseys
DAGG Ladies’ Shoes
DAGG Masquerade Dance Successful SURGEON
DAGG Men’s Horsehide Mitts
DAGG Oiitrict Representative
DAGG Railway Next
DAGG Requisites District Representative
Dagg Reserve Or
DAGG Revival Services
DAGG S Specials
DAGG Service Announcements
DAGG Service Announcements SURGEON DENTIST
DAGG Service Announcements SURGEON DENTIST Shawville United Churches Rev. A.
Dagg Shop
DAGG SMALL BOYS’ WASH SUITS Film Program Shawville Theatre Thursday
DAGG Special Agent
Dagg St Sons
DAGG Step-in Girdles
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST 6 Drummond Medical Building
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST 6 Drummond Medical Building County Council Express Appreciation
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST 603 Drummead Medical
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST 608 Drummond Medical
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Gradual o/McGi University Office—Hayes’ Block Centre St Shawville Que
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Gradual o/MtGi University
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Graduate of McGil University Boys
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Graduate of McGill Univeisity Office
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Graduate of McGill University
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Graduate of McGill University Hayes
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Graduate of McGill University Ofcce
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Graduate of McGill University Office
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Graduate of McGill University Office ; Hayes
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Graduate of McGill University Ofticç
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Graduate of McGill University Otfice
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Graduate of McGill University Ottice
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST GraduAteof McGill University Office
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Mri 6 Drummond Medical Building We
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Peerless Brand House Paint Tints
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST School Opening September
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Shawville United Churches Rev. A.
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Slippers Manicure Sets
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Windbrea^ers 6 Drummond Medical
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Youth’s Collegiate Flannel Suits
DAGG SURGEON TiFNTTST 6 Drummond Medical
DAGG Unusual Happenings
Dagg V
Dagg Village Cemetery
DAGG York Hospitals
DAGG Young Men’s Sport Oxford
Dagg—Palmer At Norman United Church
Dagg’s Grocery Bristol
DE BOIS Motion Cr Dagg that Council
DE MAIRE:-Jean Lagarde Ross Lamothe Marcel Pigeault
Dear Editor Publishers Ross Dickson/ Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent
Department of Agri- Motion ers Steele-Farrell
Department of Education Motion Cr Russett
Department of Pub-| Motion
Department of Transport Motion Crs
District Snowmobile Club Motion Crs Garth Tracy
Dot Dagg
DOVER Motion—Doherty Taber
DOWD Miss Lil Dagg
E DAGG SURGEON DENTIST 6 Drummond Medical Building
E. DAGG Senior League
E.i DAGG SURGEON DENTIST 6 Drummond Medical
Easter Week Store Hours Motion Crs
Education Mrs Arthur Dagg
Education Mrs. Keith Brownlee; Home Economics Mrs. Milburn Hodgins; Publicity Mrs. Arthur Dagg; Wel
Edwards Parish Hall Motion Crs
Ee DAGG SURGEON DENTIST 60S Drummond Medical
Elmside View Winston Sovereign Dagg;
Everett Steele Herbert Dagg John C Dagg
Fashion Shop Crs Pesa
Fashion Shop L- Motion
Fax 647-2206 Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent
Fax 647-2206 Publishers Ross Dickson Letters
Feed Lang-Dagg St. Matthew’s Anglican Church
Fine Gordon Crouse Lem Hodgins Keith Dagg
Fire Commission Motion Crs Arnot Homer
Fire Committee Crs Black
Fire Committee Crs Fraser
Fire Committee Crs Trudeau & Dese-brais; Roads
Fire De- Motion Crs Claude Rich -
Fire Insurance AUSTIN DAGG.
Fire Motion Crs Horner
First Radio Broadcasting Station HEAD OFFin CHARLES W. DAGG.
Flyers Motion
Ford Touring ECONOMY Motion—Crs
Friendly Service Motion Crs
Funding Contract for ReMayor Ronald Dagg
Funeral Home Motion Cr Brown
Gall Chamber- Dagg
Gall Radford Ross Edmonton
Gatineau Power Co...... Motion Crs Yeung
Gatineau Power Motion
General Blacksmith Hale Blames Ross Ministry
General Supply Motion
Gift Shop For Men And Boys Motion Commr
Gilpi Ronnie Dagg
Gold* Mining Co Ross
Government Approved Bristol Council Motion Crs Smith
Great Britain Motion Cr< Alexander-Steele
Guild Mrs. Fred Dagg
Hauling Snow John Dagg
Hayes & Sons Carried Motion
Hayes & Sons Funeral Home Fred Dagg
Health and Sanitation Committee Motion Ore
Health and Sanitation Crs Gibbons
HH Motion Crs
HI III H.J. Motion Crs Gilpin
Hi Unit Motion Cis
Hie Equity Publisher Ross
High School Motion Crs Garth
Hobbs & Sons Motion Crs
Hod-gins Stores Pontiac Rural Telephone Motion
HODGINS Motion Proprietor Robert-Farrell
Holland Bros vs. Ross
Horner Family DAGG—We
House Orderly Badge Ross Dickson
House Shawville DAGG—We
Howard---- Snow Removal Morley Hodgins Motion
Human Dagg
II E CHOI Motion
III Miss Dorothy Dagg
Imperial Oil Ltd. Motion Crs
In- Crs Garth Tracy
Is Motion Crs
ISSJ Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson News Editor Sytvia Banker Reporter Paul McGee
January 3,1994 Publishers Ross Dickson
JIotlon Crs Brown
John Dagg
JOIN TH Motion Commr
Journals-»!-9* Motion-Comr Murrell
l for N Motion
l K Wainmuii''s Business Announcement Petits Pois SOLEIL WILL EXHIBIT AT SHAWVILLE Motion Conns
l NR C ross-the Portage Road
Lake Baptist Churck COUNCIL Wyman COUNCIL Motion b Drum
LECLERE Investment Broker Motion
Library - Motion Crs Jean- Motion Crs Jeannine Wick
Library Books * Montreal Bonk Room Meyers School Supplies Frnnk Richardson Motion Commissioner
Life Insurance Phone Motion Crs Brownlee
Life Insurance Phone Motion Crs McCann
Life Membership Motion — Beattie-Taber
Light S Life Hour Motion Crs O Reilly
LIMITED Motion—Biehler-Craig—That Special Supt
Lion Duplicator ......... Ottawa Store Equipment Motion Commr
Lion Ernest Dagg
LODGE Hotel Entertainment Household Helpers Motion
Ltd HD Motion
Mabel Dagg
Mable Dagg Cohn
Machine Shop Motion Cr McCleary
Machinery Sales Co. Ltd Crs
Malakoff Council Meeting Motion
Maple Grove Percy Dagg
Marathon Ronnie Dagg
MARRIED QUA ILE—DAGG St. George’s Church
MASSE Y-HARRJS CENTENNIAL MOTION PICTURE the Dominion Department of Agriculture
Master Bill Dagg
Master Billie Dagg
Master David Dagg
Master David Dagg Mr.
Master Ernest Dagg
Master Gerald Dagg
Master Ronald Dagg
Master Ross Angus
Master Wor Bro John Dagg
McDonald Renfrew C Ross
Me Dominion Roau Machinery Sales Motion Crs
MeGUl University Motion by Comm
Memorial Serv Roll Motion
Mid- Motion
Millennium Dagg Family
Ministry of Crs Carmen Wickens Transport
Ministry of Crs Claude Richardson
Ministry of Motion Cr T Smith
Misa Teen Pontiac Pageant Motion
Mobon Crs Pitt & Smith Council
MONUMENTS Motion Crs Drummond &
MONUMENTS Showville Motion
Morgan Dagg
Motion R.E.
Motion FOR SERVICE Purebred Yorkshire Hog
Motion Payette Const
Motion Pipe Fitter Wanted
Motion Reunion Annuelle Colonization
Motion & Bretzlaf the
Motion & Ireland
Motion & Koshy
Motion & Murphy
Motion & Murphy Nathan
Motion -
Motion - A
Motion - Beattie
Motion - C
Motion - Cl
Motion - Cm
Motion - Co trim
Motion - Com
Motion - Conns
Motion - Couna Rarhrr
Motion - Councillor André Bellerose
Motion - Couns
Motion - Court
Motion - Crs
Motion - Election By-Law
Motion - Graham Horner
Motion - Henderson
Motion - Hodgins
Motion - Kasey-Doherty
Motion - Mayor Clothing
Motion - Mayor Ryan
Motion - McLellan
Motion - Muldoon Krwin
Motion - Notice
Motion - Notice Firefighter
Motion - Quebec Shawville KATHLEEN M.ROLUNS
Motion - Ryan
Motion -Comr Beattie-That Bristol (
Motion -L.
Motion .
Motion .TV#
Motion 0
Motion 0 Reilly
Motion 1 Visitors
Motion 1-y Comr Nurse
Motion 10 W
Motion 1rs G McCallum
Motion 6s O Reilly
Motion 6y ¦ Bretzlaff
Motion Affairs
Motion Agent Dies Suddenly Dr.
Motion Albert Inspectors-Harokl Easy
Motion Alexander-Voting
Motion Alexandet Rural Iuspt
Motion Allan Ludlow
Motion Also
Motion Ap Allot
Motion Ap Hitsman
Motion Approved
Motion Ar- Continued
Motion Argue Caldwell
Motion Armstrong Horner
Motion Armstrong Kulford
Motion Armstrong-Hanna That
Motion Arno Bretzlaff
Motion As Brown
Motion At Portage du
Motion Athol Dale
Motion Avis de
Motion b Cmr
Motion b Me Co
Motion Ballan- Harkness
Motion Ballantyne Beattie
Motion Balsam
Motion Barber-Bean That
Motion Barber—I*
Motion Barlier
Motion Barry Craig
Motion Basil Qua
Motion be Allan McKay
Motion Bean
Motion Bean Dagg That
Motion Beat
Motion Beattie
Motion Beattie-Stanton
Motion Beattio-Stanton
Motion Belletere
Motion Bennett
MOTION Bernard Armitage
Motion Bert Hodgins
Motion Bill Douglas
Motion Board
Motion Boss
Motion Br
Motion Breakfast Bacon
Motion Breweries
Motion Brian Drummond
Motion Bristol
Motion Brown
Motion Brownlee
Motion Brownlee and
Motion Bruce Arnutage
Motion Btiislc
Motion Building
Motion Built
Motion Bussell Allen
Motion by Clrs Hodgins
Motion by Clrs Hodgins and Sons
Motion by Co
Motion by Crs
Motion by Crs Merriffeld-Clarke
Motion by Crs Wm
Motion by Development Plan
Motion By Popular Demand * Voyageur Restaurant
Motion by Royce Rev. Ed McCiiç Canadiana
Motion by Royce Richardson
MOTION BY Shawville
Motion By-Law
Motion C
Motion C rs Barber
Motion C rs Ireland
Motion C rs Met Ivary
Motion C"mr Walsh
Motion C-s
Motion C<»un< Modgin>
Motion C> Hammond
Motion Caldwell-Easey—That Bylaw No.
Motion Campbell-Hender-on That the
Motion Campbell-Killoran
Motion Campbell-Killoran That Mr. Roys
Motion Carl Mayer
Motion Carmen Wickens
Motion Carried
Motion Carried Crs
Motion Cc.
Motion Ccmmr Brown
Motion Ccrrm
Motion Ce*
Motion Ch Drummond
Motion Church
Motion Ci
Motion Ci McCrcdic
Motion Ci s
Motion Ci* Langford
Motion Cis
Motion Cis Barber
Motion Cis Hark
Motion Cis Murray
Motion CiU.
Motion Ci»
Motion Cl
Motion Clarendon Fire Depart- Application
Motion Clarendon Municipal Crs Cedric Elliott
Motion Clarendon School Board W. E. N. HODGINS.
Motion Claude Richardson Motion Crs Jeannine
Motion Clive Smart
Motion Clr
Motion Clr Carmen
Motion Clr Pasch
Motion Clr Yach
Motion Clrs Bretzlaff
Motion Clrs Hammond
Motion Clrs Hodgins
Motion Clrs Wickens
Motion Cls Metcalfe
Motion Cm
Motion Cm (
Motion Cm Dagg
Motion Cm Desebrais
Motion Cm Draper
Motion Cm Gilpin
Motion Cm Hudgins
Motion Cm Kennedy-Hammond
Motion Cm Markj
Motion Cm Marks
Motion Cm McCann
Motion Cm McCord
Motion Cm McKay
Motion Cm MrTann
Motion Cm Mulligan
Motion Cm Mumy
Motion Cm Murray
Motion CM Pertard
Motion Cm Rusaett
Motion Cm Young
Motion Cmr Beattie
Motion Cn
Motion Cn Beaudon
Motion Cn Bronson
Motion Cn Draper
Motion Cn Grant
Motion Cn O Reilly
Motion Cn O Reilly Horner
Motion Cn Tubman
Motion Cnm
Motion Cns Clarendon Council
Motion Coiar Taber Hoard
Motion Coim-.
Motion Coimvil
Motion Coin
Motion Coin''r
Motion Coinr
Motion Coins
Motion CoinV> Wallace
Motion Coin’rs Tracy
Motion Com
Motion Com ;
Motion Com Wilson
Motion Com Y
Motion Com.
Motion Comm
Motion Comma
Motion Comma Henderson
Motion Commis.-ioner
Motion Commission
Motion Commissioners Tracy
Motion Commissioners Tubman Lumber
Motion Commr
Motion Commr Biown
Motion Commr Brown
Motion Commr Eades
Motion Commr Eudes
Motion Commr Fades
Motion Commr Fulford
Motion Commr Fullord
Motion Commr Hades
Motion Commr Hodgins
Motion Commr Kilgour
Motion Commr McDowell
Motion Commr Pul
Motion Commr Registered
Motion Commr Rowat
Motion Commr S. Widdi- Motion Cr
Motion Commr W.
Motion Commr Widdicombc
Motion Commr Widdicombe
Motion Commr Widdicomhe
Motion Commr Widdiombe
Motion Commr Wm
Motion Commrs Widdicomhe | Rankin Ltd 7.62; Pontiac Blut-|
Motion Comms
Motion Comr
Motion Comr Brough—That the
Motion Comr Graham
Motion Comr Hodgii
Motion Comr Horner—That Comrs Brough
Motion Comr H«>dgins
Motion Comr ILm
Motion Comr J.
Motion Comr J. 0. Graham—That Rev.
Motion Comr McLeod That
Motion Comr McMillan- 1
Motion Comr McNeill—That the
Motion Comr Morelivad In*
Motion Comr Murrell
Motion Comr T.
Motion Comr T. P
Motion Comr Wilson---That
Motion Comr Wilson—that the
Motion Comr Young Thct the
Motion Comre Sturgeon
Motion Comrs
Motion Comrs I>ean
Motion Comrs Tracy
Motion Comrs Tubman
Motion Comv MacLeod
Motion Com’r McMillan—That
Motion Com’r Murrell-That the
Motion Com’r Woods
Motion Com’rs McGuire
Motion Congdon
Motion Conir Draper
Motion Conn
Motion Conn* Bar
Motion Conn* Draper Hint
Motion Connolly
Motion Connolly Hanna That Itur
Motion Connolly*Horner That
Motion Conns
Motion Conns Dale
Motion Conns Horigins
Motion Conns H•
Motion Conti Drape; Board
MOTION Continued
Motion Contr
Motion Contra Laugh
Motion ConVr Taber—That the
Motion Corn
Motion Corns Tubman
Motion Corns Wallace
Motion Cos Em
Motion Cotm*
Motion Cotnr Brough—That
Motion Cotnr Horner
Motion Cotnrs Wilson
Motion CouKiHor Ale^ande^
Motion Coun*
Motion Couna
Motion Counc
Motion Counc Hors Young
Motion Council
Motion Councillor Argue
Motion Councillor Chamber-
Motion Councillor Chamber- Carried
Motion Councillor Elliot Stewart
Motion Councillor Emmers
Motion Councillor Emmerson
Motion Councillor Marks
Motion Councillor Moyle
Motion Councillor Stewart
Motion Councillor Whelen
Motion Councillor Young
Motion Councillor# Chamberlain
Motion Councillor* McBane O
Motion Councillors
Motion Councillors A ;
Motion Councillors Alexander
Motion Councillors Argue
Motion Councillors Ballantyne
Motion Councillors Campbell
Motion Councillors Carmen Wickens
Motion Councillors Dale
Motion Councillors Dole
Motion Councillors Emmerson
Motion Councillors Garth Tracy
Motion Councillors Gordon
Motion Councillors Harkne
Motion Councillors Harkness
Motion Councillors Harlsr.es;-.
Motion Councillors Hawley
Motion Councillors Hawley Wickens
Motion Councillors Hobbs
Motion Councillors Hodgins
Motion Councillors Kilgour
Motion Councillors Marks
Motion Councillors McBane
Motion Councillors Whelan
Motion Councillors Young
Motion Councillors Young-Camp-bell
Motion Councillors Young-West-
Motion Couns
Motion Count
Motion Count M.cfarl.ne
Motion Cqmmr
Motion Cr
Motion Cr "
Motion Cr 0f Roll #
Motion Cr Aime Essiambre
Motion Cr Alex Drummond
Motion Cr Amot Homer
Motion Cr Amot Homer Fax
Motion Cr Amot Horner
Motion Cr Appeal Court
Motion Cr Armitage
Motion Cr Arnot Homer
Motion Cr Arnot Horn
Motion Cr Arnot Horner Carmen Wickens
Motion Cr Barber
Motion Cr Beaudoin
Motion Cr Bretzlaff
Motion Cr Brown
Motion Cr Brownlee
Motion Cr C Roy
Motion Cr Cameron
Motion Cr Carmen
Motion Cr Carson
Motion Cr Cednc Elliott 301-500 b John Melloul
Motion Cr Cedric
Motion Cr Cedric Elliott
Motion Cr Cedric Hanna
Motion Cr Cedric Judd
Motion Cr Chamberlain
Motion Cr Cirant
Motion Cr Cone
Motion Cr Congdon
Motion Cr D Fulford M(j
Motion Cr Dag
Motion Cr Dagg
Motion Cr Dale
Motion Cr Davies
Motion Cr Desabrais
Motion Cr Dig*
Motion Cr Doug
Motion Cr Dowe
Motion Cr Drummond
Motion Cr Duff
Motion Cr Duff that Line
Motion Cr Duff the
Motion Cr Dunlop
Motion Cr Easter
Motion Cr Elliott
Motion Cr Essiambre
Motion Cr Essiamhrc
Motion Cr Findlay
Motion Cr Fine
Motion Cr G Hodgins
Motion Cr Garth Tracy
Motion Cr Gibbons
Motion Cr Gilpin
Motion Cr Graham
Motion Cr Grant
Motion Cr Gravel
Motion Cr Gray
Motion Cr Greer
Motion Cr Hammond
Motion Cr Hanna
Motion Cr Hanna that Council
Motion Cr Hanna that Council Helkenberg
Motion Cr Harkness
Motion Cr Hobbs
Motion Cr Hodgins
Motion Cr Homer
Motion Cr Horner
Motion Cr Ireland
Motion Cr Ixswis
Motion Cr J
Motion Cr Jack Lang
Motion Cr Jas Horner
Motion Cr Jeannine
Motion Cr Jeannine Sand Bay
Motion Cr Jeannine Wesley Road
Motion Cr Jeannine Wickens
Motion Cr Jjd
Motion Cr Judd
Motion Cr K Smith
Motion Cr K Smith Bristol Council
Motion Cr Kennedy
Motion Cr Krose
Motion Cr L Roy
Motion Cr Langford
Motion Cr Malefic
Motion Cr Malette
Motion Cr Marines
Motion Cr Mark*
Motion Cr Mavis Duchesne
Motion Cr McC
Motion Cr McCann
Motion Cr McCleajr
Motion Cr McClearly
Motion Cr McCleary
Motion Cr McCord
Motion Cr McCrcdic
Motion Cr McCrcdie
Motion Cr McCrcdie Design Inc
Motion Cr McCre- Motion Crs Duff
Motion Cr McCredic
Motion Cr McCredie
Motion Cr Mcf
Motion Cr McKay
Motion Cr McKee
Motion Cr McNeill
Motion Cr MeCredie
Motion Cr Merlin Richardson
Motion Cr Metcalfe
Motion Cr Motion Cr
Motion Cr Motion Cr Dagg
Motion Cr Mulligan
Motion Cr Murphy
Motion Cr O Reilly
Motion Cr Orr
Motion Cr Orr Bee
Motion Cr Orr Council
Motion Cr Orr Elliott
Motion Cr Orr Thanks Parish Cemetery.
Motion Cr Orr that Council
Motion Cr O’Reilly
Motion Cr Pi-
Motion Cr Pine
Motion Cr Piric
Motion Cr Pirie
Motion Cr Ptrie
Motion Cr Quenneville we Legion Ladies Auxiliary
Motion Cr Roy
Motion Cr Russett
Motion Cr Smart
Motion Cr Smiley
Motion Cr Smith
Motion Cr Spread All and Construction Amot Homer
Motion Cr Stanley
Motion Cr T
Motion Cr T Smith
Motion Cr T Smith that Council
Motion Cr Telford
Motion Cr Tom Fahey
Motion Cr Tubman
Motion Cr Urr
Motion Cr Wickens
Motion Cr Wiggins
Motion Cr Wilson
Motion Cr Yach
Motion Cr Young
Motion Cr# O Reilly
Motion Cr# Sheehan
Motion Cr$
Motion Cr&
Motion Cr& McCord
Motion Cr& Muirsy
Motion Cr*
Motion Cr* B Armitage
Motion Cr* Barr
Motion Cr* Emmerson
Motion Cr* Quigg
Motion Cr* Young
Motion Cra
Motion Cra B Armttage
Motion Cra B. Aim
Motion Cra C
Motion Cra C Roy
Motion Cra Dagg
Motion Cra Dagg and Resolved
Motion Cra Elliott
Motion Cra Farrell
Motion Cra Gilpin
Motion Cra Hod
Motion Cra Ireland
Motion Cra J.
Motion Cra L
Motion Cra L Perricelli
Motion Cra L Wilson
Motion Cra l(
Motion Cra Malette
Motion Cra McKay
Motion Cra McQrni
Motion Cra Stanley
Motion Cra Tubman
Motion Cra Wiggins
Motion Cra Young
Motion Craig Taber
Motion Craig-lUrry Hold*
Motion CrB Davies
Motion Cre
Motion Cre Barber
Motion Cre D
Motion Cre D Fulford
Motion Cre Davies
Motion Cre Graham
Motion Cre Roy
Motion Cre Stanley
Motion Cre Tubman
Motion Cri
Motion Cri Fortin Pointe Gatineau
Motion CrJ.
Motion Crl Kllgour
Motion Crq
Motion Crr.
Motion Crs
Motion Crs A
Motion Crs Bills
Motion Crs & Casual
Motion Crs 0 Hodgins
Motion Crs 0 Reilly
Motion Crs A
Motion Crs A Bennett
Motion Crs A Lapierre
Motion Crs Aime Essiambre
Motion Crs Alex
Motion Crs Alex Lapierre
Motion Crs Alexander
Motion Crs Amol Homer Pontiac Bursary
Motion Crs Amot
Motion Crs Amot Homer
Motion Crs Amot Horner & Jeannine Wickens that Council
Motion Crs Amot Horner |
Motion Crs Andrew Ben- the
Motion Crs Andrew Bennett
Motion Crs Ar-
Motion Crs Ar- Ministry of Environment H Council
Motion Crs Ar- of
Motion Crs Ar-not Homer
Motion Crs Armitage
Motion Crs Armitage—Martineau
Motion Crs Armltage
Motion Crs Arnot
Motion Crs Arnot Homer
Motion Crs Arnot Homer Within
Motion Crs Arnot Horn
Motion Crs Arnot Horn-Tenders
Motion Crs Arnot Horner
Motion Crs A„rppmpnt
Motion Crs B Armât
Motion Crs B Armitage
Motion Crs Barber
Motion Crs Barberand Brownlee
Motion Crs Barter
Motion Crs Bcrmott
Motion Crs Beaudoin
Motion Crs Bennett
Motion Crs Bernard Armi-mitage
Motion Crs bile Association
Motion Crs Black
Motion Crs Bretziaff
Motion Crs Bretzlaff
Motion Crs Bronson
Motion Crs Brown
Motion Crs Brown & Brown Minutes
Motion Crs Brownlee
Motion Crs Brownlee and Rowe
Motion Crs Bruce Armitage
Motion Crs Bruce Armitage Motion Crs Brownlee
Motion Crs Bu
Motion Crs Burke
Motion Crs C
Motion Crs C Betty Foran
Motion Crs C Parade
Motion Crs C Richardson
Motion Crs C Richardson and
Motion Crs C Richardson Clapham
Motion Crs C Richardson Council
Motion Crs C Richardson JOHN MacGREGOR CONCRETE
Motion Crs C Richardson Telebec Project No
Motion Crs C Roy
Motion Crs C Wickens
Motion Crs C Wkkens
Motion Crs Car
Motion Crs Car-
Motion Crs Car- Cedric Elliott
Motion Crs Car- Home Comfort Plan;
Motion Crs Carmen
Motion Crs Carmen By-law
Motion Crs Carmen Clears
Motion Crs Carmen Correspondence
Motion Crs Carmen Council
Motion Crs Carmen Motion Cr Arnot Horner HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Motion Crs Carmen Motion Crs Claude Rich
Motion Crs Carmen Tenders
Motion Crs Carmen Therefore the Municipal Motion Crs Carmen
Motion Crs Carmen Village
Motion Crs Carmen WEDNESDAY
Motion Crs Carmen Wic-
Motion Crs Carmen Wic- CO S
Motion Crs Carmen Wickens
Motion Crs Carnet McCal Charge
Motion Crs Carson and Bar Mr.
Motion Crs CAW-LOGS
Motion Crs Ccdnc Elliot
Motion Crs Cedric
Motion Crs Cedric Elli
Motion Crs Cedric Elli A
Motion Crs Cedric Elli-
Motion Crs Cedric Elli- By-Laws
Motion Crs Cedric Elli- Cr Garth Tracy
Motion Crs Cedric Elli- Crs Carmen Wickens
Motion Crs Cedric Elli- Fern Yach
Motion Crs Cedric Elli- Garth Tracy
Motion Crs Cedric Elli- Hall
Motion Crs Cedric Elli- Motion Crs Jeannine P
Motion Crs Cedric Elli-exigés
Motion Crs Cedric Elli-rendon
Motion Crs Cedric Elli-votes
Motion Crs Cedric Elli-were
Motion Crs Cedric Elliot
Motion Crs Cedric Elliott
Motion Crs Cedric Elliott Pontiac Travel Guide
Motion Crs Cedric the
Motion Crs Chamberlain
Motion Crs Chamberlain & McCleary
Motion Crs Chamberlain ;
Motion Crs Chamberlin
Motion Crs Clarendon Fire Depart- Carmen Wickens
Motion Crs Claude
Motion Crs Claude Crs Cedric Elliott
Motion Crs Claude JUcnard-son
Motion Crs Claude Ric- North
Motion Crs Claude Rich
Motion Crs Claude Rich*
Motion Crs Claude Rich-Clarendon Fire Truck
Motion Crs Claude Rich-CPR
Motion Crs Claude Rich-Lp.ni
Motion Crs Claude Rich-scats
Motion Crs Claude Rich-the
Motion Crs Claude Rich-Wickens
Motion Crs Claude Richard
Motion Crs Claude Richard Tracy
Motion Crs Claude Richards-
Motion Crs Claude Richardson
Motion Crs Clrs Turcotte
Motion Crs Cone
Motion Crs Constant Legault
Motion Crs Cornwall
Motion Crs County
Motion Crs Cr Wickens
Motion Crs CÜ
Motion Crs D
Motion Crs D Ful-
Motion Crs D Fulford
Motion Crs Dace
Motion Crs Dagg
Motion Crs Dagg &
Motion Crs Dagg & Graham
Motion Crs Dagg & Motion Crs Duff &
Motion Crs Dagg & Pitt that
Motion Crs Dagg & Pitt the
Motion Crs Dagg and Association
Motion Crs Dagg and Chamber of Commerce Poupore
Motion Crs Dagg and Council
Motion Crs Dagg and McGuinty Inc and/or
Motion Crs Dagg and Pitt
Motion Crs Dagg and Pitt Dagg that Council
Motion Crs Dagg and Pitt that Council
Motion Crs Dagg and Roy Bristol Volunteer Fire Dept
Motion Crs Dale
Motion Crs December HOT CROSS BUNS
Motion Crs Dept
Motion Crs Desabrais
Motion Crs Desahrais
Motion Crs Ditt- Wickens
Motion Crs Dittbumer ral Affairs
Motion Crs Document
Motion Crs Dolan
Motion Crs Douf
Motion Crs Doug
Motion Crs Doug Department of Transport the Municipal Council Roger La Rocque
Motion Crs Doug Ful-
Motion Crs Doug Ful- Hobbs met Council
Motion Crs Doug Ful-dums
Motion Crs Doug Ful-ford
Motion Crs Doug Fulford
Motion Crs Doug Fulford Clarendon Fire Dept
Motion Crs Douglas
Motion Crs Douglas Fulford
Motion Crs Douglas Fulford ORLEANS MONUMENTS
Motion Crs Douglas Fulford Committee
Motion Crs Douglas Motion
Motion Crs Dowe
Motion Crs Draper
Motion Crs Drummond
Motion Crs Dsgg
Motion Crs Dubois
Motion Crs Duff
Motion Crs Duff &
Motion Crs Duff & Dagg
Motion Crs Duff & Orr
Motion Crs Duff & Serge & Ghislaine Dubois
Motion Crs Duff and
Motion Crs Duff and Council
Motion Crs Duff and Pitt
Motion Crs Duff and Pitt Dagg that Council
Motion Crs Duff*
Motion Crs Dugg
Motion Crs Dummond
Motion Crs Dunlop
Motion Crs E McCann
Motion Crs Eadcs
Motion Crs Eades
Motion Crs Education and
Motion Crs El-
Motion Crs Elliott
Motion Crs Emmeraon
Motion Crs Emmerson
Motion Crs Emmerson and Army Girl’s Home
Motion Crs Emmurson
Motion Crs ers
Motion Crs Ervin
Motion Crs Essi
Motion Crs Essiambre
Motion Crs Essiamhre
Motion Crs Fades
Motion Crs Fahey
Motion Crs Farrel
Motion Crs Farrell
Motion Crs Findlay
Motion Crs Findlay Dagg
Motion Crs Findlay Hanna
Motion Crs Fitzsimmon
Motion Crs Fmmerson
Motion Crs Foran
Motion Crs Fraser
Motion Crs Ful-
Motion Crs G
Motion Crs G A
Motion Crs G Armitage
Motion Crs G Committee
Motion Crs G Hod
Motion Crs G Hod-gins
Motion Crs G Hodgina
Motion Crs G Hodgine and C Municipal Council Township
Motion Crs G Hodgins
Motion Crs G Hodgins and Insurance Policies
Motion Crs G Joannisse
Motion Crs G McCallum
Motion Crs G Tracy
Motion Crs G _
Motion Crs G. Joannisse
Motion Crs GarHi Tracy
Motion Crs Garnet
Motion Crs Garnet McCallum
Motion Crs Garth
Motion Crs Garth Campbell
Motion Crs Garth Financial
Motion Crs Garth Iracy Motion Crs Carmen
Motion Crs Garth Manpower
Motion Crs Garth Richardson
Motion Crs Garth Tracey
Motion Crs Garth Tracy
Motion Crs Garth Tracy & Carmen Wickens
Motion Crs Garth Tracy Campbell
Motion Crs Garth Tracy Council
Motion Crs Garth Tracy de Protection du
Motion Crs Garth Tracy Equipment
Motion Crs Garth Tracy Jeannine Wickens
Motion Crs Garth Tracy Lake
Motion Crs Garth Tracy McCoy
Motion Crs Garth Tracy Motion Crs Claude Rich
Motion Crs Garth Tracy Municipal Affairs
Motion Crs Garth Tracy Outaouais Alliance
Motion Crs Garth Tracy Richardson
Motion Crs Garth Tracy Stocks Used Equipment
Motion Crs Garth Tracy Telebcc
Motion Crs Garth Tracy Wickens
Motion Crs Gary
Motion Crs Gary Hodgins
Motion Crs Gary Hodgins Hodgins
Motion Crs Gatineau Power
Motion Crs Gibbons
Motion Crs Gilpin
Motion Crs Gilpin Barber
Motion Crs Gr*
Motion Crs Graham
Motion Crs Graham & Duff
Motion Crs Gran*
Motion Crs Grant
Motion Crs Gray
Motion Crs Greer
Motion Crs H
Motion Crs H Wickens
Motion Crs H Wickens Motion Crs Hawley
Motion Crs H Wickens TENDERS Club
Motion Crs Hammond
Motion Crs Hamond
Motion Crs Hanna
Motion Crs Hark
Motion Crs Harkneas Smiley
Motion Crs Has
Motion Crs Haw
Motion Crs Hawley
Motion Crs Hawley Road
Motion Crs Hawley the
Motion Crs Hawley Wic
Motion Crs Hawley Wic-kens
Motion Crs Hawley Wickens
Motion Crs Hayes
Motion Crs Henderson
Motion Crs Henderson & January
Motion Crs Herd Reduction Sale Scotch Highlands
Motion Crs Hernard Arniitage
Motion Crs Hodgins
Motion Crs HODGINS—In
Motion Crs Hodglns
Motion Crs Horner
Motion Crs Hubert McCauley JEWELLER
Motion Crs IE
Motion Crs Ireland
Motion Crs Irwin Hayes
Motion Crs Irwin Hodgins
Motion Crs IV
Motion Crs J
Motion Crs J J McCalluml South
Motion Crs J J MeCallum Minutes
Motion Crs J.
Motion Crs Jack
Motion Crs Jack Lang
Motion Crs Jack Lang Crime Prevention Sym
Motion Crs Jack Lang Pro-Mayor Carmen
Motion Crs Jack Lang Sorel
Motion Crs Jean-
Motion Crs Jean-road
Motion Crs Jeannie
Motion Crs Jeannine
Motion Crs Jeannine Committees
Motion Crs Jeannine Correspondence
Motion Crs Jeannine Î. P A,CENTRE
Motion Crs Jeannine L
Motion Crs Jeannine Mayor
Motion Crs Jeannine Norman
Motion Crs Jeannine Qf October
Motion Crs Jeannine Shawville
Motion Crs Jeannine the
Motion Crs Jeannine the Development Plan
Motion Crs Jeannine We
Motion Crs Jeannine Wick-ens
Motion Crs Jeannine Wickens
Motion Crs JJ McCalkim
Motion Crs Johnston
Motion Crs Judd-Hanns
Motion Crs Jvannme
Motion Crs K
Motion Crs K Wilson and L Committee
Motion Crs Kennedv
Motion Crs Kennedy-Horner
Motion Crs Kilgour
Motion Crs Kmmcrson
Motion Crs Kmmerson
Motion Crs Krose
Motion Crs L
Motion Crs L McCann
Motion Crs L Roy
Motion Crs L Telford
Motion Crs L Wilson
Motion Crs L Wilson and C Roll
Motion Crs Lang
Motion Crs Lang and Budget Motion Crs Motion Crs Richardson
Motion Crs Langford
Motion Crs Lapierre
Motion Crs Linda Williams
Motion Crs Lmmerson
Motion Crs Lots
Motion Crs M
Motion Crs M Fulford
Motion Crs M Richard Donations
Motion Crs M Richardson
Motion Crs M Richardson Work
Motion Crs Ma
Motion Crs Ma-farlane
Motion Crs Malctte
Motion Crs Malettc
Motion Crs Malette
Motion Crs Manwell
Motion Crs Marks
Motion Crs Martineau
Motion Crs Martineau-Arm
Motion Crs Mavis Hanna
Motion Crs McCallum
Motion Crs McCann
Motion Crs McCleaiy
Motion Crs McCleary
Motion Crs McCledary
Motion Crs McCord
Motion Crs McCre-die and Pitt that Council
Motion Crs McCred
Motion Crs McCredie
Motion Crs McCredie 1
Motion Crs McCredie and
Motion Crs McCredie and Pitt
Motion Crs McCredie and Pitt that Council
Motion Crs McCredie Bay
Motion Crs McCredie Bids
Motion Crs McCredie Bristol
Motion Crs McCredie Canton Unis de Leslie
Motion Crs McCredie Council
Motion Crs McCredie Cr Pirie
Motion Crs McCredie Duff
Motion Crs McCredie ENGLISH
Motion Crs McCredie Ford Pick-up
Motion Crs McCredie Hélène Bélisle
Motion Crs McCredie McCredie
Motion Crs McCredie Motion Crs Smith
Motion Crs McCredie Note
Motion Crs McCredie Shawville Arena Im
Motion Crs McCredie Smith
Motion Crs McCredie Store Ltd of
Motion Crs McCredie Townhall
Motion Crs McCredie Transports
Motion Crs McKay
Motion Crs McKee
Motion Crs McNeil
Motion Crs McNeill
Motion Crs McNeill McCleary
Motion Crs McTieman
Motion Crs Merlin
Motion Crs Merlin October
Motion Crs Merlin Richard
Motion Crs Merlin Richard Municipal Council Township
Motion Crs Merlin Richardson
Motion Crs Metcalfe
Motion Crs Mlc£asd
Motion Crs Mohr
Motion Crs Motion Crs J Wickens Tracy
Motion Crs Motion Crs Jack Lang
Motion Crs Moxley
Motion Crs Mr. Billings
Motion Crs Mr. Fred Dagg
Motion Crs Mr. William O’Reilly
Motion Crs Mulligan
Motion Crs Murphy
Motion Crs Murray
Motion Crs Nbtcalfc
Motion Crs Neil Ditt MacKILUCAN & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants
Motion Crs Neil Dittburner
Motion Crs Norway Bay Municipal
Motion Crs O Rctily
Motion Crs O Reilly
Motion Crs O Reilly A Young
Motion Crs O- Reilly
Motion Crs Orr
Motion Crs Orr & Dagg
Motion Crs Orr & Duff
Motion Crs Orr & Pitt also
Motion Crs Orr and
Motion Crs Orr and Council
Motion Crs Orr and Dagg Council
Motion Crs Orr and Pitt
Motion Crs Orr and Pitt %
Motion Crs Orr and Pitt >
Motion Crs Orr and Pitt aC#®FienVi D.u
Motion Crs Orr and Pitt and Duff that Council
Motion Crs Orr and Pitt Clement Romain
Motion Crs Orr and Pitt Motion Crs Dagg and Department of Municipal that Council
Motion Crs Orr and Pitt QPF
Motion Crs Orr and Pitt r*
Motion Crs Orr and Pitt the
Motion Crs Orr Council
Motion Crs Orr Workshops
Motion Crs O’Reilly
Motion Crs O’Reilly Henderson
Motion Crs O’Reilly Wiggins
Motion Crs Parrel
Motion Crs Pfj Claude Richardson
Motion Crs Pine
Motion Crs Pirie
Motion Crs Pirie Orr
Motion Crs Pitt
Motion Crs Pitt & Dagg
Motion Crs Pitt & Orr Code
Motion Crs Pitt and
Motion Crs Pitt and Clarendon Townline and Pitt
Motion Crs Pitt and Council
Motion Crs Pitt and Dagg
Motion Crs Pitt and Duff
Motion Crs Pitt and Duff Motion Crs Orr and Pitt that Council
Motion Crs Pitt and Duff Miljour
Motion Crs Pitt and Duff* Cr Dagg
Motion Crs Pitt and Line
Motion Crs Pitt and Mary
Motion Crs Pitt and McCredie
Motion Crs Pitt and Motion Crs Dagg
Motion Crs Pitt and Orr
Motion Crs Pitt and Protection
Motion Crs Pitt and Tenders
Motion Crs Pitt and Vehicle Repair Shops
Motion Crs Pitt and Visitors
Motion Crs Pitt that Council
Motion Crs Puff
Motion Crs Quenneville
Motion Crs Reduce E
Motion Crs Richardson
Motion Crs Richardson the
Motion Crs Robinson
Motion Crs Robinson II
Motion Crs Robinson-OTteilly
Motion Crs Ron Essiambre
Motion Crs Ron Essiambre & Garnet McCallum
Motion Crs Roy
Motion Crs Roy Carried Mr. Dcnzil Brown
Motion Crs Russctt
Motion Crs Russeit
Motion Crs Russett
Motion Crs Sheehan
Motion Crs Smart-Whelen
Motion Crs Smiley
Motion Crs Smith
Motion Crs Smith &
Motion Crs Smith & Pitt
Motion Crs Smith and
Motion Crs Smith and Pitt that Council
Motion Crs Sparling
Motion Crs Staaley
Motion Crs Stanley
Motion Crs Stanley & Dagg X Special Buy Special Buy
Motion Crs Stevens & Dale icipaj Council of Onslow South Mr. E
Motion Crs Stewart
Motion Crs Subvention
Motion Crs Tanguay
Motion Crs Tanner
Motion Crs Telford
Motion Crs Terry Fox Rd
Motion Crs that Council
Motion Crs Thomas Belair
Motion Crs Tracy
Motion Crs Trudeau
Motion Crs Tubman
Motion Crs Tun
Motion Crs UMRCQ
Motion Crs Vaughan
Motion Crs Westbrook—Clarke
Motion Crs Whelen
Motion Crs Whereas
Motion Crs Wickens
Motion Crs Wickens budget
Motion Crs Wige Kennedy
Motion Crs Wiggins
Motion Crs Wilson
Motion Crs Wmj Alexander
Motion Crs Wt^gins
Motion Crs Yach
Motion Crs Yach and Steph-1 Municipal Council
Motion Crs Yeung
Motion Crs Young
Motion Crs Young & Dagg _
Motion Crs Young & Graham Mr.
Motion Crs Young—Martineau
Motion Crs Youth
Motion Crs | Everyone
Motion Crs- Brownlee
Motion Crs.J.
Motion Crst Draper
Motion Crt
Motion Cry
Motion Cr»
Motion Ct
Motion Ct McCleary
Motion Ct Metcalfe
Motion Ct Roy
Motion Ct*
Motion Ctr Duff
Motion Cts
Motion CTs Ciih
Motion CTs McKee
Motion Cts O Reilly
Motion Cts Tubman
Motion CTS.
Motion Cuun*
Motion Cuune
Motion Cvs
Motion C»mmr
Motion C”S.
Motion C„
Motion D. Campbell-Prendergast | Registered Yorkshire
Motion Dagg
Motion Dave Davies
Motion Davis Dowd—That the
Motion de- Bristol Council
Motion Dec. Mh
Motion Delbert Zacharias
Motion Delegation
Motion Denis Papineau
Motion Desabrals Haut Commissariat
Motion Detector/Floodlig
Motion Detectors Workmanship
Motion Directors
Motion Doherty
Motion Doherty-Woods
Motion Doherty-Young Regular
Motion Dow
Motion Dr. McDowell
Motion Dr. S.
Motion Dra
Motion Draper Argue Hudgins
Motion Drummond
Motion Dtum-OTteilley That
Motion E McCann
Motion Ease
Motion Easey Taber—That the Clarendon Council
Motion Economic Summet Conference Crs Carmen Wickens
Motion Effect
Motion Elliott
Motion Elliott and
Motion Elliott Hodgins
Motion Elliott that Council
Motion Elsie Gibbons
Motion Elwyn Lang
Motion Emmerson
Motion Ernie He-
Motion ers
Motion ers Cain-Steele
Motion ers Farrell Steele
Motion ers Farrell-Cain
Motion ers Farrell-Robert
Motion ers Farrell-Young
Motion ers Fraser-MacKechnie
Motion ers Hanna-Connelly
Motion ers Henderson Beattie
Motion ers Stephens Fraser
Motion ers Young-Farrell
Motion ers Young-Steele
Motion Everett McDowell
Motion Every-day Straw Hats
Motion Farmers Attention
Motion FARMERS TZZ Armstrong
Motion Farrell-Alexander Patrick
Motion Farrell-Alexander—That
Motion Farrell-McGoff Fhat Jo*
Motion Farrell—Alexander
Motion Fasey Woods That John
Motion Fee—one
Motion Finance
Motion Fitzsimmons
Motion Fitzsimmons Henderson
Motion for Committee
Motion Fort
Motion Fraser-Muldoon—-That
Motion Fraserand
Motion Frasier
Motion Fulford
Motion FV
Motion Garage
Motion Garth Tracy
Motion George
Motion George Coles
Motion Gladys Hodgins
Motion Gordon Sparling
Motion Gra O Reilly
Motion Graham
Motion Grant
Motion Grant Elliott
Motion Grs Robinson
Motion Gs Barber
Motion Gs Emmerson
Motion Gs Hammond
Motion Gs Metcalfe
Motion Gs O Reilly
Motion Gs Robinson
Motion Gs Tubman
Motion Gs Wiggins
Motion H
Motion H Sturgeon
Motion Hawley Wickens
Motion Hcultural Society
Motion Heather Dickson
Motion Hend
Motion Henderson
Motion Henderson That By-law No.
Motion Heudei
Motion Hiehler-M
Motion Hoattie Allen Tint
Motion Hod
Motion Hodgins-Argue That the
Motion Hoi
Motion Horner
Motion Horner Burden That
Motion Howard Brinkworth
Motion Hubert McCauley
MOTION Hugh Hammond
Motion I*y
Motion IL
Motion Inc.
Motion informs Council
Motion Ireland
Motion Iv
Motion Jack Harrison
Motion Jack Lang
Motion Jamieson
Motion Jamieson-Young
Motion Jeannine
Motion Jeannine Wic- CPTAQ
Motion Jeannine Wickens
Motion Jeannine Wickens The Equity Morrison Road
Motion Kadea
Motion Kasey Stanton
Motion Kennedy
Motion Kenneth Kilgour
Motion Ki Horan
Motion KiHoran
Motion Kilioran
Motion Killoian-Heiulerboii
Motion Killoran
Motion Killoran-Horner
Motion Kisey-oting
Motion KiUovan- Horner Inal
Motion Kuril
Motion Laporte Last Friday
Motion Law No.
Motion Lawson Corrigan
Motion Lee
Motion Lester McCann
Motion Lost
Motion Lr
Motion Ly C otur WuUh
Motion Ly Crs
Motion l»y
Motion l»y ers Henderson Ruvsell
Motion M
Motion Ma
Motion Macfarlanê Judd
Motion MacMiIlian
Motion Mae
Motion Mail Contract
Motion Malloch D»
Motion Marks
Motion Max<>r Herbert
Motion Mayor
Motion Mayor G
Motion Mayor Gra
Motion Mayor Graham
Motion Mayor Graham Gail Bertrand
Motion Mayor Graham Stewart St/Old Mines Rd
Motion Mayor Jack Gra
Motion MBBHHPIPPH Sec Treas
Motion McBane-Craig That Oeo
Motion McCann
Motion McCleary Hutchison
Motion McDowell
Motion McKay
Motion McKee
Motion Mclallan
Motion McMillan LG.
Motion McNeil
Motion McNeil.and
Motion McNeill
Motion Meehan
Motion Men
Motion Minerva Sparling
Motion Motion T.
Motion Moved
Motion Moyles
Motion Mr & Mrs Mano
Motion Mrs Ballantyne
Motion Mrs F
Motion Mrs Graham
Motion Mrs Gwen Tangu.v
Motion Mrs McCredie
Motion Mrs.
Motion Mrs. B.C. Homer
Motion Mrs. Bal- Woodley
Motion Mrs. Ballantyne
Motion Mrs. Barber
Motion Mrs. Campbell
Motion Mrs. Cartman
Motion Mrs. Carty
Motion Mrs. Cecil Paris
Motion Mrs. Corrigan
Motion Mrs. Cowley
Motion Mrs. Elliott
Motion Mrs. Ftaul Martineau
Motion Mrs. Fulford
Motion Mrs. Garrison
Motion Mrs. Gwen Tanguay
Motion Mrs. H Graham
Motion Mrs. Hillis Smith
Motion Mrs. HillU
Motion Mrs. J.
motion Mrs. Lambert
Motion Mrs. M.
Motion Mrs. MacFarlane
Motion Mrs. Mae Armstrong
Motion Mrs. Marks
Motion Mrs. McCord
Motion Mrs. McCord the
Motion Mrs. McCord-N.
Motion Mrs. McCredie
Motion Mrs. McDowell
Motion Mrs. McMillan
Motion Mrs. McMlllian
Motion Mrs. McNeill
Motion Mrs. McOahern
Motion Mrs. MoCredie
Motion Mrs. Moodie
Motion Mrs. Muise
Motion Mrs. Murray
Motion Mrs. Murray/
Motion Mrs. Percy Mac Ribbon and Mrs. Cecil
Motion Mrs. Percy McKib-bon
Motion Mrs. Pheobe McCord
Motion Mrs. Pul
Motion Mrs. Sly
Motion Mrs. Stark
Motion Mrs. Stewart
Motion Mrs. Stone
Motion Mrs. Storie
Motion Mrs. Young
Motion Mte
Motion Mtildoon
Motion MTs McNiell
Motion MTS.
Motion Muhloon Mel
Motion Muldoon Irwin
Motion Mulligan
Motion Municipal Corp.
Motion Municipality
Motion Murray
Motion Nan
Motion No.
Motion Notice
Motion Notice IS SHAWVILLF
Motion NOTICE Shawville
Motion O Reilly
Motion O Reilly and
Motion O''KcilJcy Jol Martin
Motion O''llvillcy-Hay
Motion Occupation LUSKVILLE
Motion of Commr
Motion of Councillors McBane
Motion of Couns
Motion of Cr Ranger
Motion of Crs Quenneville
Motion of ers MacKechnie-Mul- Carried
Motion of H
Motion of Mr, Morris
Motion of Young
Motion Oorar
Motion OR
Motion Or Barter
Motion Or Claude Fire
Motion Or Hodgins
Motion Or McCleary
Motion Or Metcalfe
Motion Or#
Motion Or* Martineau
Motion Or* McKee BRINGS
Motion Ora Vahgihn
Motion Ore
Motion Ore Burke
Motion Ore Ferrell
Motion Ors
Motion Ors Drummond
Motion Ors Farrell
Motion Ors J.
Motion Ors Metcalfe
Motion Or» Drummond
Motion Or» McCann
Motion Or» Sparling
Motion Os
Motion Os Barber
Motion Os Brown
Motion Os Brownlee
Motion Os C Roy
Motion Os Council
Motion Os D
Motion Os D Fulford
Motion Os Drummond
Motion Os Dsgg
Motion Os Emmerson
Motion Os Findlay
Motion Os G Hodgin
Motion Os Gilpin
Motion Os Grant
Motion Os Hammond
Motion Os Henderson
Motion Os Horner
Motion Os Ifcown
Motion Os Ijnmerson
Motion Os L Roy
Motion Os M Richardson
Motion Os Malette
Motion Os Marner
Motion Os McCleary
Motion Os McCredie
Motion Os McKay
Motion Os McNeill
Motion Os Metcalfe
Motion Os Metcalfe & Gifpin that Council
Motion Os Mulligan
Motion Os O Reilly
Motion Os O’Reilly
Motion Os O’Reilly Hammond
Motion Os Robinson
Motion Os Smiley
Motion Os Tubman
Motion Os Vuhnun
Motion Os Wiggins
Motion Os Yach
Motion Ot Brow
Motion Ottawa
Motion Otter Lake GERRY
Motion O’Reilley Young
Motion passed
Motion PHiihs M
Motion Picture Association
Motion Picture Bu
Motion Picture Bureau
Motion Picture Bureau of the Trade and Commerce Department
Motion Picture City Celebrates
Motion Picture Film
Motion Picture Herald
Motion Picture OVERALLS
Motion Picture Research Council
Motion Picture Review Bryson Theatre Anniversary.
Motion Picture Review Bryson Thoetro Anniversary
Motion Pictures
Motion Pictures and Theatre Inspection Branch
Motion Pine that Council on Simmental
Motion Pirie
Motion Pirie that Council
Motion Pitt
MOTION PlCTURe Name_ Address Province
Motion Pontiac Printshop Ltd.
Motion POWER PLAY Shawville
Motion Q
Motion Q Brown
Motion Q Btown
Motion Q$ O Reilly
Motion Q-s
Motion Qh^IXA/villfl Crs
Motion Qi O Reilly
Motion Qrs
Motion Qrs Brownlee
Motion Qrs Drummond
Motion Qrs McCkary
Motion Qrs McCleary
Motion Qrs Metcalfe
Motion Qrs Robinson
Motion Qrs Robinson &
Motion Qrs Wiggins
Motion Qs
Motion Qs Brown
Motion Qs Brownlee
Motion Qs Btownke
Motion Qs C Roy
Motion Qs Em
Motion Qs Emmerson
Motion Qs Hammond
Motion Qs Homer
Motion Qs Horner
Motion Qs Kennedy
Motion Qs McNeill
Motion Qs O Reilly
Motion Qs Robinson
Motion Qs Wiggins
Motion Qt
Motion Regular
Motion Rev. McColl
Motion Rich-Council Hall
Motion Road Inspector Joseph
Motion Robinson F.
Motion Robinson Hodgins
Motion Roliert McDowell
Motion Ron Essiambre
Motion Route 303; c
Motion Russell-Alien
Motion S W. MeKechnie
Motion S. A. MACKAY Bristol Council Minutes Bristol
Motion S. W. McKedmie-L.
Motion Secretary
Motion Service Grade Chesterwite
Motion Shawville Council
Motion Sheriff** Offict Campbell’
Motion Shore-Hodgins That
Motion Shore-Smith Tf
Motion Sinclair-Dale
Motion Sloan
Motion Smith Rn«il Orr Vvorcro
Motion Smith—Mrs
Motion Social Planning Committee
Motion Society
Motion Special Announcement
Motion Special Newspaper Train
Motion Speeds Up Work
Motion Sports & Leisure Coordinator Stewart Adam Phone
Motion Stanley
Motion Stanton Marks
Motion Steele-Robert
Motion Steele-Robert Council
Motion Steele-Young That
Motion Stephens
Motion Suggestions
Motion T. P Graham ‘
Motion Taber MacKechnie
Motion Taber-Biehler
Motion Tel
Motion Telephone Subscribers
Motion That
Motion That By-law
Motion That By-law No.
Motion that Council
Motion That Milton McCuire In-authorized
Motion That Mrs. George
Motion THEATRE Shawville
Motion Those
Motion Tibej’-M
Motion Tiigmai
Motion Title Search
Motion Tom Fahey
Motion Tracy
Motion Treasurer
Motion Uom’ra Sturgeon
Motion Uuyon Council Equity
Motion V
Motion V''mns
Motion V.mir Bavr-That the
Motion Vanns
Motion Venir Easter
Motion Vertal Smiley
Motion Vi
Motion Vi H
MOTION Video Poker Machine
Motion Vincent McC
Motion Vis Krwin-MeR
Motion Vl I’he Warden
Motion Vom Campbell
Motion Vomr
Motion Vomr MecK
Motion VomY
Motion Vont
Motion Votin'' Dowell
Motion Vr> O’lleilly-Robert That Patrick
Motion Vrs
Motion Vrs Argue Hodgins
Motion Vrs Brownlee
Motion Vrs McGuire
Motion Vrs Muldoon
Motion Vrs* Alexander-O'' Reilly
Motion Vv
Motion Vv.
Motion Vy Comr Waisti
Motion Vy Vrs Whelen Grant
Motion V»v Crs
Motion V»y
Motion W* P ¦
Motion Wa
Motion Wales
Motion Walter Kilgour
Motion WARD NO.
Motion Waul-Kennedy
Motion WBs
Motion Webb
Motion Wi-tiiif*
Motion Wickens
Motion Wierstead
Motion William Hodgins
Motion Wîlscn Hodgins
Motion Wilson
Motion Winter-tired Oil
Motion Wo<>d
Motion Woodley-Hudgins That the
Motion Woods-Allen—Tiiit Mr.
Motion Woods-Beattie That
Motion Yach
Motion YiHtngd
Motion Yming Doherty That
Motion Yolande Proulx
Motion Young Beattie That Con
Motion Young-Beattie
Motion Young-Cain
Motion ¦ Front Road
Motion — Com
Motion — Com Revised Versions
Motion — Com Y
Motion — Com Y Horner
Motion — Coons
Motion — Taber-Woods Council
Motion —Dr.
Motion ‘his Council
Motion''s Bank
Motion- Bronson
Motion- Com
Motion- Com Ys Palmer
Motion- Comm
Motion- Conns
Motion- Conns Barr
Motion- Councillor Vaillant
Motion- Crs
Motion- Doherty
Motion- F McNally Kennedy- That
Motion- Gouns Bert Hodgins
Motion- Killoran
Motion- P McNally Robinson
Motion- Wo''il
Motion- Woods
Motions Crs Pitt
Motions Crs Pitt & Sm- des
Motions Crs Pitt and Townhall
Motion— Com
Motion— H PH P HPP
Motion— Horner-Barber
Motion—Russell-Beattie Council
Moyer School Supplies Motion
Mr CUMaoUon Crs Dagg
Mr Hugh Carson of Motion—Farrell-Robert—That Thoa
Mr Ronnie Dagg
MRC Pon- Motion Crs Cedric Elli- Tracy
Mrs Charteris Chronicle Mrs. Norval McNeil Motion Crs G Hodgins
Mrs Ronnie Dagg
Mrs. Art Dagg
Mrs. Dagg; Jelly
Mrs. Dagg; Lemon
Mrs. Mae Armstrong Cecil McCagg Allan Black Gamett Orr Harland Armitage Cecil McTiernan Elburn Dagg
Mrs. Ronnie Dagg
Mrs. Sifton Frazier Miss Bobbie Dagg
Municipal Affairs Motion Qs O Reilly
Municipal Code Motion Crs
Municipal Corporation Motion by Crs Merlin Affairs
Municipal Coun- Motion of Crs
Municipal Council Motion
Municipal Council Town- Motion Crs Garth Tracy
Municipal Crs Garth Tracy and Council Township
Municipal Crs Orr
Municipal Government Motion Crs
Municipal Housing Corp- Crs Ranger
Municipal Motion by Raymond Morris
Municipal Motion Crs Elliott
Municipal Motion Crs Smith & August
Municipal Procedure Motion Crs McCann
Municipal Qn Motion of Vrs Westbmok and Council of Bristol
Municipal Valuation Roll Motion by Ore
Museum February Motion
Mutual Fire Roy Dagg
Mutual Life Motion Cr
Nathan Dagg Visitors
National Institute for the Blind Motion
National Library Mr. Ross Dickson
National Motion Crs
National Museum of Natural Science Dr. Ross
NBMA Motion Cr Orr that Council
Neighborhood watch Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager
NEWSON Vice-President—ROSS
NUMBERS Motion Crs E McCann
OBITUARY Margaret Dagg
Onslow Centre School Board Motion
Onslow Council Carried Carried Motion
Onslow Council Heeling Motion
Onslow Council Motion
Onslow Council Motion Crs Stevens
Onslow Council Pontiac Motion Crs
Onslow-Eardley Town Line Motion Crs
Ottawa-Hull Power Co. Motion—Crs
P. Q Allan McKinnon Bât Motion Crs
Partnership Ladies’ Shoes Dagg& Tuck
PEMBROKE Carried Motion Crs
Percy Dagg
Petro Ponti- Motion Cr McCredie
Philip Long Motion Cn Perlard
PILON GARAGE INC Motion Commr Brown
Pitt and Dagg
Pitt and Motion Crs
Pitt Motion Crs McCredie
Pitt that Council Motion Crs Duff
Planning Com- Motion Cr Congdon
Pontiac Agricultural Motion
Pontiac Agricultural Motion Cr Congdon
Pontiac Business Associa Motion Crs Claude Rich
Pontiac Clergy Asso-tion Crs Hawley Wickens
Pontiac Co-op Medical Services Motion Crs May
Pontiac Co-operative Medical Services Motion Commr
Pontiac Community Hos- Ross
Pontiac Community Hospital Motion by Councillor Larivière
Pontiac Community Lorna Dagg
Pontiac Contest A.-Dagg
Pontiac Council Motion Cr Smith
Pontiac Crs
Pontiac Crs Garth Tracy
Pontiac Dairy Dagg
Pontiac Farm Equipment Motion
Pontiac Hotel CHARLIE DAGG S
PONTIAC HOUSE HOTEL Gal Motion by Cr Bellerose
Pontiac Huret/s Bar & Grill Kelsey’s Restaurant - Dawn Dagg Promutuel Insurance Canadian Tire Murra
Pontiac Kenwyn Dagg
Pontiac Masonic Sarah Dagg; Emily Taylor
Pontiac Motion
Pontiac Motion Cr
Pontiac Motion Cr Dagg
Pontiac Motion Cr Duff
Pontiac Motion Crs Carmen Telebec Project
Pontiac Mutual Life of Canada Motion Crs Hawley Wickens
Pontiac Print- Motion Commr Fulford
Pontiac Printshop Ltd Motion
Pontiac Printshop Sundays Motion Cr
Pontiac Pro Dagg
Pontiac Road Motion Crs
Pontiac Tel-Motion Crs
Pontiac Tou- Motion Crs Dagg
Pontiac Trail Com- Motion Cr Congdon
Pontiac Transit Dagg
Pontiac- Motion
Pontiac; Let- LUP Inspector Motion
Portage Council Motion Crs
Portage du Fort Council Motion
Portage du Motion Crs
Postal Motion Crs Dagg and Pitt Unions
Pro Mayor Douglas Motion Crs Claude Rich
Pro Mayor Motion Crs Gilpin
Public Carried Motion Cm Young
Public In- Motion
Publisher Ross
Publisher Ross Dickson Editor Richard Wills General Mgr Heather Dickson Display Ad Mgr Brent Homer
Publisher Ross Dickson Member
Publishers Heather Alberti Dickaon Ross Dickson
Publishers Heather Alberti Dickson Ross Dickson
Publishers Heather Alberti Dtctoon Ross Dickson
Publishers Heather Mberti Dickson Ross Dickson
Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Homer Display
Quality Clothing & Footwear Motion Crs
QUEBEC AMBULANCE HOSPITAL......... POLICE........... Motion Cr McCredie
Quebec Const Equip- Motion Crs Ireland
Quebec Labour Motion Crs Garth Tracy Code
Quyon Agricultural Society Motion by Cr
Quyon Agricultural Society Motion by Crs Gibbons
Quyon Lion s Club Crs Duff
Quyon Milling Co Motion Crs
R. Bulmer.................... Pontiac Transport........... Motion
Ragged Chute Motion
Ragged Chute Road Motion Cr
Ralphs Tire Shop Motion by Or*
RCAF Motion C
Recognition Crs
Recreation Association Motion by Clrs Schock
Recreation Association Motion by Councillor Elmer
Recreation Fish Motion Crs L Wilson
Refrigrrato DOMINION Motion
Renouf Publishing Co........ Motion
Réseau Sélect Newspaper Network Audit Bureau of Circulations Ross
Rev Snow Dagg
Rev. Desmond Rowe » CHARLIE DAGG
River View Inn Dagg
Roll Motion Crs
Roll Motion—Stanton Beattie That Clifford Beattie
Roman Catholic Church Motion Cr
Ross & Co s
Ross & Sons
Ross Brothers
ROSS Country
Ross Ltd
Ross Memorial Hospital
ROSS Morley Hodgins Ltd.
Ross Point
Ross Point Ferry
Ross Point Ferry Running
Ross Presbyterian Cemetery
Ross Presbyterian Church
Ross Taillou Ministry
Ross Township Elementary School No
Ross/Westmeath Township Line
Route 148E 648-2144 Motion
Royal Bank of Canada John Burnett Limited Ronnie Strutt Cyrus Beck Betty Ross Arlene McNamara Cathy
Royal Irish Dr. George Ross
Royal Mayor Ross
Royal Motion
Royal Victoria Hospital Motion Territory
Rural Inspector Dagg
Russell St Sons Selwood Greta’s Burton; John T. Dagg St Son Senior
Ryan Motion Cr Orr
Sale Managers Auctioneer Hobbs Bros 613-257-2537 Ross
Salvation Army Motion Crs
Save Food AUSTIN DAGG Onslow Corners
Sawyer Massey Co Motion—Crs Maclarlane
School Corjioratln Motion—C«»iii
School Dagg
School Motion-—Conns
School Motion—Com’r Graham
School Reports Ross
Scotch Information Cen- Motion
Second- Motion CTs
Senior Hockey Club Motion Crs
Separate School Board Motion Crs
Separatists bankrupt Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manage
Services Federation Motion: Mrs. Brownlee
Sewerage Committee Crs Hayes
Shaws Garage Motion Crs Arnot Horn
Shawville & District Snowmobile Club Motion Crs McCredie
SHAWVILLE A COTE DU JR SHOP Touche Ross Limited Prayer
SHAWVILLE ARENA Motion Crs Garth Tracy
Shawville Bakery Mrs. Maude Mary Dagg
Shawville Council Motion Crs McTlernan
SHAWVILLE Dr. Kubler-Ross
Shawville Water Works Motion l;y L XX DaIiuis And K J Buber
Shawvllle Agricultural | Motion Cr Emmerson
SHELL Carried Motion Crs
SI Roy Dagg ; United Church
Si Yl* V« Ross
Signs & Line Crs Cedric
Smart Bros gins Motion
Smith & Motion Commr Wm
Society of Motion Picture Engineers
Society of the Church of Motion Cr
Society Radford Native Mes Aged Ninety Four Carried Motion Os
Society Sheehan and Motion Crs Joannissc
SON FUNERAL Motion Commr Fulford
SON Motion
SON Motion—A
SONS Motion Crs
SPECIALS Motion Crs Metcalfe
St Jean Motion Crs Duff
St Marks Church Dana Ross
St Pauls Ross
Starks Corners Church Motion
SUBSCRIBE Crs Elliott NOW Eghjity
SUITS Carried Motion Crs
SUM S ZSpi Motion-Crs Clarke
Sûreté du Québec Motion
TD Bank Same Ross
Teachers Motion
The Equity Motion Crs
The Equity Motion.
THE EQUITY Publishers Ross
THE EQUITY Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Ho
THE Parliament Opened Motion
Thomson - Dagg
Thorne Council Minutes BEAR FRONT END ALIGNMENT Shawnry MOTORS J Motion
Thorne Council Motion by Cirs Hodgins
Tiger Dagg
Touche Ross
Touche Ross International
Touche Ross Limited $
Touche Ross Limited DENNIS
Touche Ross Limited DENNIS LUCAS D
Touche Ross Limitée
Tounship* Regional School Boards Dr. JAMES ROSS
Town Hall Motion
Transport Co. Ltd No. Motion
Tread Carried Motion Crs
TURKEY - GEESE - CHICKEN Carried Motion Crs*
UIC Section Motion Crs Doug Ful-don Roller Mill
UllfcJ Ross-Taillon Ministry
Union of Chambers Motion
United Christmas Services Motion
Uuyon Council Motion
VA EaM Motion Cr Pine
VALUATION Bell Motion Crs
Valuation Roll Motion Mrs.
VI Motion O Reilly
VICTOR TANNER Shawville Mr. Ross Swartz
Village Cemetery Improvement Fund Motion
Village of Motion Motion Cr McKay
Village of Shawville Motion Brownlee
Village of Shawville Motion Os Black
Vinton Parish Hall Brothers Funeral Home Dagg
VOLKSWAGEN Sales & Service Motion
Wakefield Hospital Carried Carried Carried Motion
WANTED Homer’s Garage Motion Crs
WÊÈM Motion Crs Findlay
Welfare Department Motion
WF Motion Commr
Worldwide Pictures Motion Picture
WOrtn Public Notice Public Notice Motion
Wyman Community Rink Motion Crs Henderson
XX P clS A Motion
Ynnth Command Dagg