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Crs Elliott

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1,95 Alexander S. Elliott Dies After Brief Illness Reg Optometris A
1. Andrew s Hosts To Regional Meeting Rev R G. Elliott
105.42 Dalton Elliott 38ê80 Hydro Quebec
1st Russell Elliott
1—E Elliott
26.00- Edgar Elliott
2nd Darwin Elliott 3rd Billv Horner
2nd Lloyd Elliott
3. Lloyd Elliott
3.- Curried Motion Crs
50.00 Hubert Elliott
54-O0 Hydo Quebec Dalton Elliott-
60.00 Lewis Russell Elliott
7. Motion Crs
87.00 Motion Grant Elliott
A E. Lawrence Motion Crs
A I Hugh Elliott
A. B. Elliott
A. E. D. Elliott
A. Elliott
A. S Elliott
A. S. Elliott
A.E. Elliott
A.S. Elliott
Aassansl Elliott Trudeau
Adam Bernier Willard Elliott
Adam Elliott
Adam Elliott Modern Sand-blast
Adam Elliott........
Adam Elliott.........
Adams Crs J J McCallum
Adams Crs J McCallum
Adelaide Elliott
AdmesstraborT Barber /Elliott
Advoe Alfred Elliott
AiiELAine Elliott
Al-fredda Elliott
Albert E. Elliott
Albert E. Elliott Dies
Albert Elliott
Albert Elliott and Margaret Grant
Albert Elliott Parties
Albert Elliott WILLIAM R.
Albert Elliott*?
Albert John Elliott.
Albert Yafh Claude Elliott
Alex 8. Elliott
Alex Collins Janet Collins Pontiac Station Cedric Elliott Shawville
Alex Drum- Motion Crs
Alex Elliott
Alex Elliott "Heifer
Alex Elliott 1
Alex Elliott 1875-79
Alex Elliott 2
Alex Elliott 2.
Alex Elliott 2. Bull
Alex Elliott 2. Oxheart Cabbage
Alex Elliott 2. Registered Leicesters—Alex Elliott
Alex Elliott 2. Rye—Thos Hodgins 1
Alex Elliott 3. Oxheart
Alex Elliott 3. Pair
Alex Elliott 3. Potatoes—m Thompson 1
Alex Elliott 8.
Alex Elliott Cunningham Seed Corn
Alex Elliott Hoioured HU
Alex Elliott Honoured
Alex Elliott Sr.
Alex Elliott......
Alex Elliott...... D
Alex H. Elliott
Alex S Elliott
Alex S. Elliott
Alex. Elliott
Alex. Elliott Doctors
Alex. Elliott Shawville
Alex. S. Elliott
Alexander 8. Elliott
Alexander Elliott
Alexander Elliott 3.
Alexander Elliott Sr Clarendon
Alexander Elliott Sr.
Alexander Elliott—That
Alexander Garfield Elliott Alexander Garfield Elliott
Alexander II Motion—Crs.
Alexander S. Elliott
Alf Elliott
Alfiedda Elliott
Alfred E D Elliott
Alfred Elliott
Alfred Elliott I''h
Alfred Elliott On Far R R 2
Alfred Elliott.
Alfreda Elliott
Alfredda Elliott
Alfreds Elliott
Alfred» Elliott
Alice Elliott
Alice Elliott 2nd
Alice Hodgms Lottie Wright Rae Elliott
Alice M Elliott
Allan 16-144 Elliott
Allan McKinnon Bât Motion Crs
Allan Smith Motion Crs
Allison Cor- Elliott
Alma Elliott
Alma Florence Elliott
Altreda Elliott
Altx Elliott
Alvin Elliott
Amanda Elliott
Amy Elliott
Amy Elliott Honored Miss Amy Elliott
And Mr. D. T. Elliott
Andrew Ben- Motion Crs
Andrew Elliott
Andrew Elliott 88.7
Andrew Elliott Allison Corn
Andrew Elliott Approximately
Andrew Elliott Toronto
Andrew Lloyd Elliott
Andy Horners Motion Crs Richardson
Andy Murray :md Mrs. Lloyd Elliott
Angel Phillip and Nancy Elliott
Ann Elliott
Anna Elliott
Anne E. Elliott
Anne Elliott
Annie E. Elliott
Annie Elliott
Apply Mrs. Eckardt Elliott
Apply Mrs. Russell Elliott
Apply Russell Elliott
Apply Russell Elliott Ph
Apply Wilfred Elliott
Ard-ley Elliott
Ardiey Albert Elliott
Ardley Elliott
Argue Motion-''Crs
Arleen Proet Frances Elliott
Arline Kiigour Anna Elliott
Armcrcl-la Elliott
Armi- Motion Crs Smiley
Armstrong ....... J R Elliott.
Armstrong Elliott Hodgins
Armstrong Mrs Steward Crawford Mrs. Frank Ladouceur Mrs. Roland Matcalfe Joe Elliott Sack Mrs. John
Armstrong Wilson Thrt Crs
Armstrong — Elliott
Armstrong.... J G Elliott..... J Matheson
Arthur Alexander Beattie Crs
Arthur B. Elliott
Arthur Elliott
ATrs Fred Elliott
Audrey Elliott
B C. L, John E. C. Elliott
B J Elliott
B M. Elliott
B* Elliott
B. C L. John E. C. Elliott
B. C L. John E. Elliott
B. C L. John E. G. Elliott
B. C L. John K. C. Elliott
B.C. Elliott
B.J. Elliott
Bar Nancy Elliott K&L Dairy Villeneuve Transport Mickey McGuire Tracylane Pontiac Electric Alta
Barb Russell Elliott Farm Equipment Ltd. John A. Burnett Farm Equipment Walter Reiche
Barbara Elizabeth Elliott
Barbara Elliott
Barbara Elliott .
Barbara Elliott 90
Barbara Elliott Doro-Fefouary
Barbara Elliott Joan Armstrong
Barbara Elliott Nair
Barbara Elliott Nair Correspondent Next Audrey Sharpe
Barbara Elliott.
Barbara Julie Elliott
Barber T C Elliott
Barber and Crs
Barber and Crs Duff
Barber and Crs Gilpin
Barber and Emery Elliott
Barber and Mrs. Emory Elliott
Barber Elliott Albert Kirkbatn Wm Olmstead
Barber Weds Bud Elliott Petawawa-Goal
Barber) Elliott
Barber...... E Grant....... Elliott Hodgins J R McDowell
Barber; C.W. Elliott Best Disolay Sweet Peas
Barr Elliott
Barr Peggy Elliott Monday
Barry Deeks Motion Crs H Wickens
Barry Elliott
Barry Elliott Mrs Marjorie Smith
Barry H. Elliott
Barry H. Elliott F.H.
Basil Elliott
Bay Benson Elliott
Bay Lloyd Elliott
Bay Venetia Elliott
Bay W Elliott
Bckart Elliott
Beatrice Cedric Elliott
Beatty Elliott
Beav Elliott
BEC D H E. Elliott
Beechgrove Elliott
Bemie Elliott
Bennett Elliott
Benson Elliott
Bernadette Russell Elliott
Bernard Elliott
Bernie Elliott
Bessie Elliott
Bet- Carol Elliott
Beth Elliott
Beth Shirley Elliott
Beth | Elliott
Betty Elliott
Betty H. E. Elliott
Betty Leu Elliott
Betty Lou (Elliott
Betty Lou Elliott
Betty Lou Elliott Saturday
Betty Lou H. E Elliott.
Betty Richardson Lorraine Elliott
Betty Russell Brownline Farms Burnetts Catherine Nyveld Crafts Cecil Elliott Equipment Country
Beulah Elliott
Bev Elliott
Beverley Harris Mrs. R G. Elliott
Beverly Elliott
Bill and Joan Elliott
Bill Callaghan Mrs Bud Elliott
Bill Cedric Elliott
Bill Crawford Elliott
Bill Elliott
Bill Motion--Crs
Bill Pirie Darwin Elliott
Bill Shep- Elliott
Bill Stackpole Elliott
Billy and Joan Elliott
Billy Elliott
Billy Shore B nice Elliott
Blanche Elliott
Block W Motion Crs
Bob and Eila Elliott Ledingham Buses
Bob Elliott
Bob Elliott Jr.
Bob Elliott Seat
Bob Gwendolyn Elliott 607
Bob Russe» Elliott
Bobby Elliott
Boland Elliott
Borland E Elliott
Borland Elliott
Bourgeau Miss D. Elliott Miss A. Archibald Mr.
Bradley Elliott
Bradley John E. C. Elliott
Brenda Elliott
Brenda Elliott.
Brent Elliott
Brent Elliott 9.75
Brett Elliott
Brian Elliott
Brian Elliott- I
Brian Motion Crs Dagg
Brian Motion Crs Duff
Bron-Motion Crs
Brownlee Lloyd Elliott.... Cnester Walsh
Bruce ?Elliott
Bruce Barber and R. Elliott
Bruce Elliott
Bruce Elliott 510
Bruce Elliott 71.9
Bruce Elliott 953
Bruce Elliott Ayrshire—Lee H origin*
Bruce Elliott Elliott
Bruce Elliott F
Bruce Elliott H
Bruce Elliott Please
Bruce Elliott Sheep
Bruce Elliott.
Bruce Elliott..... Keith Horner
Bsc-HSsS Elliott
Bub Elliott
Bud C Elliott
Bud C. Elliott
Bud E. Elliott
Bud Eilictt Goidon Stewart Motion Crs
Bud Elliott
Bud Elliott 105.00
Bud Elliott 140.00
Bud Elliott Friday
Bud Elliott Robt
Bud Elliott.
Burke Crs
Burke Motion Crs
C B ; Mrs. Lloyd Elliott 9-10—Ossie
C laude Elliott
C T Elliott
C W Elliott
C W Elliott Gloxinia
C W Elliott. Grass Silage
C W F Pearl Elliott
C W • Elliott
C. Elliott
C. T Elliott
Call Mrs. Russell Elliott
Calumet Councillor Harold Elliott
Calvin R G Elliott 1
Campbell C Elliott
Canon Elliott-Baker
Car- Motion Crs Jeannine Motion Crs Claude Rich- R
Carl Elliott
Carl Tubman Motion Crs Carmen
Carman Elliott
Carmen Elliott
Carmen Elliott’s
Carmen Motion Crs Garth Tracy Wickens
Carmen Russell T Elliott
Carmen Wickens Motion Crs Claude Rich- Under
Carmen Wickens Motion Crs Jeannine Letter
Carol Elliott
Carol Sheppard Jean Elliott.
Carried Motion Crs
Catherine Anne Elliott
Catherine Elliott
Catherine Inger Elliott
Catherine Louise Elliott
Cathy Elliott
Cecil Elliott
Cecil Elliott Wesley Palmer
Cecil Elliott.... Jas Stewart
Cécile Es-Dalton Elliott
Cederic Elliott
Cednc Elliott
Cedne Elliott Cedric Elliott
Cedric A Eve Elliott
Cedric Crs Cedric Elliott
Cedric El- Motion Crs Garth Tracy
Cedric Elliott
Cedric M Elliott
Cedric Motion Crs Richardson
Cell 647-2656 Russell Elliott Residence
Centennial Queen Margaret Langford Lynn Elliott
Chairman R Elliott Hodgins
Charity Elliott
Charles Black John Elliott Terrence Higgins Elliott Jones Max Rukald Arnold Strader
Charles Black John Elliott Terrence Higgins Elliott Jones Max Rukald Arnold Strader Assets
Charles Chamberlain Motion Crs
Charles Donald Elliott
Charles Elliott
Charles Elliott.
Charles H. Elliott
Charles Moore Mayor Barber and Crs
Charles Russell ...... Claude Elliott ....... Jones Radio Service
Charlie Elliott
Charlie McDowell Wendy Elliott Mrs. Melvin Smith Timmy Hodgins Mrs. Robert Russett Mr Arthur
Charte» Elliott
Chester Burland Elliott
Chnstina Elliott
Chris Elliott
Christian Elliott
Christina Elliott
Christopher Elliott.
Cit.Venship Mrs Hubert Elliott
Cj Russell Elliott
Cla>ton Elliott
Claire Elliott
Claire Elliott 83.5
Claire Elliott George Graham
Claire Elliott Mens
Claire Richardson and Betty Elliott
Clarence Genevieve Elliott
Clarence Motion Crs Brownlee
Clarendon Thomas Elliott... Unknown
Clarendon Thomas Elliott... Unknow»......... James McFarlane Daniel Leitch
Clarendon Wl Gwenyth Strutt Andrew Elliott
Claud Elliott
Claud* Elliott
Claude 7-270C Elliott
Claude A Beulah Elliott
Claude Elliott
Claude Elliott 1
Claude Elliott 1st
Claude Elliott 2
Claude Elliott 2. Art Mulligan Emb
Claude Elliott 2nd John Findley
Claude Elliott 3
Claude Elliott Ewe
Claude Elliott Ewe Lamb—1 Claude Elliott
Claude Elliott Grass Silage Claude Elliott Table
Claude Elliott I
Claude Elliott Lamb
Claude Elliott Late
Claude Elliott Pen
Claude Elliott Robert L. Smart
Claude Elliott Sec-Treas
Claude Elliott Shearhng
Claude Elliott Shearling Ewe
Claude Elliott SIS Class Ccl
Claude Elliott Vinton
Claude Elliott- Late Oats
Claude Elliott.
Claude Elliott................ H A Harris
Claude Elliott: Ram Lamb
Claude Elliott: Yach Canned Meat
Claude Elliott’s
Claude Godin Motion Crs G Hodgins
Claude Motion Crs Claude Rich-Richardson
Claude Motion Crs D
Claude Motion Crs Jeannine Wickens Cedric Elliott
Claude Richardson Crs Horner
Claude Richardson Motion Crs Jeannine
Claude Ted Hodglns Elliott
Claude W Elliott
Claude W. Elliott
Claude Welter Elliott
Clayton Elliott
Cliff Elliott
Clifford Elliott
Clifford Elliott :• Thomas Joyce No.
Colleen Elliott
Color Henry Fonda Joanne Woodward Color Denholm Elliott
Comer H S Elliott
Communion Grant Elliott-Mrs
Constance Ha Marsha Elliott
Contact Lloyd Elliott 648-5582
Cor-Rev R G Elliott
Cordelia Elliott
Cordon Elliott
Coroner H S. Elliott
Corp. Raymond Elliott
Corrigan and Grant Elliott Carried
Cotie Motion Crs
Cotton Blouse— Claire Elliott Handkerchief
Coun A S Elliott
Counci,lors Elliott- Hanna Smiley
Councillor J. G Elliott
Councillors Dalton Elliott
Councillors Elliott
Councillors Harold Elliott
Courteney Elliott
Cow—J G Elliott 1
Cr Cedric Elliott
Cr E Elliott
Cr G Motion Crs L Wilson
Cra E Elliott
Craig Thomas Campeau Eloi Elliott John I^aiizon Bvtmeau Lucas W. H. Murdock John Smith
Craig Thomas Vain|H''au Kloi Elliott John Ijutizon Bvinicau Lucas W. H. Murdock John Smith Matthe
Cri G Crs G Hodgins
Cro A Mens Wool Work Socks D aikGrey Elliott
Crs A Bennett
Crs A Bennett Lapierre Pedlar People Ltd
Crs Alexander
Crs Alexander Cain
Crs Alexander Farrell
Crs Alexander Martineau
Crs Alexander Young
Crs Amo Bretzlaff
Crs Andfuw Bennett
Crs Andrew
Crs Andrew Bennett
Crs Andrew Bennett 6:15
Crs Andrew Bennett Lindsay
Crs Andrew Bennett [with Mayor Murray
Crs Andrew Gerard Joanisse
Crs Arno
Crs Arno Brctzlaff
Crs Arno Bretzlaff
Crs Arno Hretzlaff
Crs Atkinson
Crs B Armât
Crs B Armltage
Crs B Murphy
Crs Baker
Crs Barber
Crs Barber Seat 1
Crs Barber.
Crs Beattie Henderson
Crs Bennett
Crs Bernard Ar
Crs Bernard Ar-I Motion Crs Bernard Armi-mitage
Crs Bernard Arm-1
Crs Bernard Armi-and William O Reilly
Crs Bernard Armi-Gerard Joanisse Motion
Crs Bernard Armi-tagc
Crs Bernard Armi-tge
Crs Bernard Armit-age
Crs Bernard Armitage
Crs Bernard r
Crs Black
Crs Black Hayes
Crs Bretzlaff
Crs Brown
Crs Bruce
Crs Bruce Crs Gendron
Crs Bruce in8 Wo
Crs Bruce Ministry
Crs Bruce Sauvageau
Crs Burke
Crs Burke Poupore
Crs C Betty Foran
Crs C Richardson
Crs C Roy
Crs C Stanley
Crs C Township
Crs C Wickens
Crs C Wkkens
Crs Cain Pellerin
Crs Campbell
Crs Campbell Caldwell
Crs Carmen
Crs Carmen Wick-ens
Crs Carmen Wickens
Crs Carmen Wk-kens
Crs Cecil L Letts
Crs Clarke
Crs Cole
Crs Cone
Crs Cotie
Crs Craig
Crs D Fulford
Crs Dagg
Crs Dagg Young
Crs Dale
Crs Davies
Crs De
Crs Deaebrais
Crs Delbert Zacharias
Crs Desabrah
Crs Desabrais
Crs Desabrals
Crs Desabrals Murphy
Crs Desahrais
Crs Donald
Crs Duncan Stevenson
Crs E Elliott
Crs E Elliott.
Crs E McCann
Crs E Smiley
Crs Edgar Lance
Crs Eiswald Essiambre
Crs Elliott
Crs Emerson
Crs Emmcrson
Crs Eraser
Crs Fahey
Crs Farrell
Crs Farrell Alexander
Crs Farrell Cain
Crs Farrell Dagg
Crs Farrell Martineau
Crs Farrell Martine»
Crs Farrell Robert
Crs Farrell Vallille
Crs Farrell Vallillee
Crs Findlay
Crs Fitzsimmons Grant
Crs Fraser
Crs Fraser Davis
Crs G
Crs G Hod
Crs G Hodgins
Crs G Hodgins & Richardson
Crs G Hodgins Labelle
Crs G McCallum
Crs G Mr Don Lavallee
Crs G rant-Henderson
Crs G Tracy
Crs Garth Tracy
Crs Garth Tracy Motion Crs Claude Rich-
Crs Gary Hodgins
Crs Gennett
Crs Gerald Hayes
Crs Gerard
Crs Gerard Joannisse
Crs Gordon Smith
Crs Grant
Crs Grant Chamberlain
Crs Grant Connolly
Crs Grant Henderson
Crs Grant Judd
Crs Grant Marks
Crs Gray
Crs Greer
Crs Gregory
Crs H Wickens
Crs Hanna Grant
Crs Hanna-Macfarlane
Crs Harris
Crs Hayes
Crs Henderson
Crs Henderson Fitz*im
Crs Henderson Grant
Crs Henderson Marks
Crs Henderson Orr
Crs Hobbs
Crs Homer
Crs Howard
Crs Howard A. O. Hades
Crs I
Crs I Hayes
Crs Irwin Hayes
Crs J .1 McCallum
Crs J J
Crs J J Carried
Crs J J Mc(
Crs J J Mc-Caflum
Crs J J McCal-im
Crs J J McCal-lum
Crs J J McCal-| Council
Crs J J McCalium
Crs J J McCall
Crs J J McCall*
Crs J J McCalli Kenneth Farrell
Crs J J McCallum
Crs J J McCallum Rec Gen
Crs J J McCallum Wilmar Male
Crs J J McCalluml South
Crs J J McCallupi
Crs J J Md-Callum
Crs J J MeCallum
Crs J J MeCallum Minutes
Crs J J Miss Catherine Murphy
Crs J J. McCallum
Crs J L Hodgins 0
Crs J. J
Crs Joan-msse
Crs Joannisse
Crs Johnston
Crs Judd
Crs J„ J
Crs K W
Crs K Wilson
Crs Kennedy
Crs Kenneth Farrell Ryan Tanguay
Crs Kmmerson
Crs L
Crs L Hanna
Crs L McCann
Crs L Motion Crs D Fulford
Crs L MtfTann
Crs L Roy
Crs L Telford
Crs L Telford Hobbs
Crs L Wilaon
Crs L Wilson
Crs Lang
Crs Lang Carmen Wickens
Crs Leonard Roy
Crs Leonard Roy and Ron Dagg
Crs Leonard Roy.
Crs Lewis
Crs Lloyd Hensley
Crs Lloyd Kensley
Crs Lough-Merchant
Crs M
Crs M Richardson
Crs M Young
Crs Ma
Crs Marks Henderson
Crs Martin
Crs Martin Dowe
Crs Maurice Essiambre
Crs McCredie
Crs McKay
Crs Muldoon Young
Crs Municipality
Crs Murdock Russell
Crs Murdoek Henderson
Crs Murphy
Crs Murphy Motion
Crs Murray
Crs N Dunlop R. Gray
Crs O Eades Eades
Crs O Reilly
Crs Orla Young
Crs Pitt
Crs Quenneville
Crs Richardson
Crs Richardson CLD
Crs Richardson Cr
Crs Richardson George Coles
Crs Richardson UMRCQ
Crs Robinson
Crs Roger Larose
Crs Romain
Crs Ryan Tanguay
Crs Schwartz
Crs Smiley
Crs Smiley Young
Crs Smith
Crs Smith Iris Smith
Crs Steele
Crs Stevens
Crs Stewart
Crs Tabei Biehler Mr. Dixon
Crs Telford
Crs Theodore
Crs Theodore Richard
Crs Thomas
Crs Thomas - Crs Mavis Hanna
Crs Thomas Be
Crs Thomas Belair
Crs Thomas Bruce Armitage
Crs Thomas Fahey
Crs Thomas Rigid Frame
Crs Thomas S1010.90
Crs Thomas Uelair
Crs Tom Fa
Crs Tom Fa- Gérard
Crs Trudeau
Crs Voting
Crs Voting Farrell
Crs W Racine
Crs Walsh Grant
Crs Whelen Grant
Crs Wiggins
Crs William
Crs Wilson
Crs Y
Crs Yach
Crs Young
Crs Young Cain
Crs Young Farrell
Crs* Wilson
Crs.K. Wilson
Cuth-Mrs H G Elliott 1
Cyril Pierce Elliott Lake
CÆl W % Emery Elliott
D J Edgar Elliott
D. Elliott
Dagenais Elliott
Daisy Gordon Elliott
Daisy Lloyd Elliott
Dale - Heman Elliott
Dale Harriet Elliott Dorothy Stevenson
Dale Thomson Motion Crs
Dale W R Beckett Win McCuaig J W Elliott Karl Hodgins
Dalthon Elliott
Dalton Elliott
Dalton Elliott 9.75
Dalton Elliott Neil Far
Daniel Elliott
Danny 647-2868 Elliott
Danny Elliott
Dar Elliott
Darwin Elliott
Darwin Elliott 7th Line
Darwin Elliott Koko Meets Old
Darwin Elliott) Erwin Armstrong
Davd Elliott
Dave Elliott
Dave Lr.may Hubert Elliott J.
Dave Moore Terry Elliott Clarendon ClassifiedsISubscriptions Katherine Hynes
Davey Frances Elliott
David Armitage Elliott
David Crs
David Elliott
David Herman Elliott
David Telford Marilyn Elliott
Dean Elliott
Dean Hubert Elliott
Dean R 0. Elliott
Dean R G. Elliott
Dean R. G. Elliott
Dean Sec. - Mrs Hubert Elliott Treas- Mrs Neil Wilson
Dear Mis* Elliott
Deborah Horner Elliott
Deborah M5; Elliott
December Crs Carmen Wickens
Deiessly Eckardt Elliott
Del-ton Elliott
Dennis Motion Crs Pitt
Densil Hoodie Gordon Elliott
Dentist Mrs. Hugh Elliott
Dianna Thomas George Elliott
Directors Lloyd Elliott
Directors Mrs Pearl Elliott
Doll Pyjamas Elliott
Don Adam Elliott
Don Elliott
Don Max Elliott
Don Motion Crs Carmen Lake
Don Murray Patricia Owens Good Western Motion Crs
Don- Claire Elliott Grade
Donald Duff Motion Crs Orr
Donald Elliott
Donald Elliott 82.2
Donna Elliott
Dora Elliott
Doreen Elliott
Doris Elliott
Doris Mrs Cedric Elliott
Dorothy (Elliott
Dorothy Elliott
Dorothy Elliott Charteris 241
Dorothy Elliott I
Dorothy Elliott Publishers Sf Editorê
Dorothy Elliott Wayne Langford
Dorothy Mur- Cedric Elliott
Dorthy E Elliott
Dorwin Elliott
Douglas McTiernan J D Brown ....... Cecil Elliott.... H Stewart
Douglas Motion Crs Claude Rich- Fulford
Dr. Elliott
Dr. J. W. Armstrong ....... J R. Elliott
Dr. Russell Elliott
Drama Richard Widmark Sidney Poitier Motion Crs Brownlee
Dulcie Elliott
E B Elliott
E B. Elliott Phone Shawville
E H Elliott
E. 7-3719 Elliott
E. Elliott
E. Richardson Referee — Bruce Elliott.
Earl E. Elliott
Earl Elliott
Earl Elliott ............ Basil Elliott............
Earl Elliott Dies Following Brief Illness Stark
Earl Elliott.
Earl Ena Elliott
Earl Hodgins Motion Crs
Earl Motion Crs Smith
Earlatu John Gibson W. J. Hayes Lloyd Elliott Cecil EUiott
Earle Elliott
Earle Elliott.
Eavc Russell Elliott
Ech-art Elliott
Echardt Elliott
Eckarat Elliott
Eckardt Elliott
Eckhardt Elliott
Edgar Crs Ct‘cil Leonard Letts
Edgar Elliott
Edgar Elliott 647-
Edgar Elliott 647- 547-GULF._qotf
Edgar Elliott 647-3420
Edgar Elliott Letter
Edgar Elliott Phone
Edgar Elliott.
Edgar Elliott’s
Edgar Lance Crs Cecil
Edgar R. Elliott
Edith Elliott
Edith Elliott 2.00
Edith Mr. Clarence Melborne Elliott
Edith Russell Elliott
Education Mrs Edgar Elliott
Edward H. S. Elliott
Edward I I Elliott
Edward Kelly............ Thomas Gallagher........ Leo Elliott..............
Edward Kennedy Dulcic Elliott
Edward Thomp- Dalton Elliott
Edwin Alexander Wilson Barber Elvyn Corrigan Erma Corrigan Lillian Dagg Wesley Dagg Hawley Elliott
Eila Elliott
Eileen Miller Melbourne Elliott
Elaine Hodgins Isabel Elliott
Elizabeth Ann Elliott
Elizabeth Anne Elliott
Elizabeth E Elliott
Elizabeth Edith Elliott 530
Elizabeth Elliott
Elizabeth Elliott He
Elizabeth Farrell Motion Crs Malette
Elizabeth Jane Elliott
Elizabeth Pearl Elliott
Elizabeth Tubman Frances Elliott
Ella Armstrong 3. Emb’d Muslin—Mies Elliott 1
Ella Elliott
Ella Elliott.
Ellen Place Motion Crs Richardson Tracy
Elliel Elliott
Elliott L #
Elliott Representing Companies
Elliott "
Elliott (Russell
Elliott -“•1U
Elliott ...... Earl P. Fulford
Elliott .629
Elliott .6otc
Elliott 11.00
Elliott 11.00—Animal Parasites—Dr.
Elliott 1907
Elliott 2.
Elliott 2. Brown Leghorns—Rev
Elliott 2. Jas Ora
Elliott 2. Reuben Hodgine
Elliott 3.
Elliott 3. Pair
Elliott 3. White
Elliott 4.00— Co-operative
Elliott 7.30
Elliott <M?.330I.
Elliott A
Elliott A Barber
Elliott A Caldwell
Elliott A Difference
Elliott A Hons
Elliott A Sons
Elliott A Suns
Elliott Acrylic
Elliott After
Elliott All Shaw
Elliott Alt
Elliott Alvin Brown
Elliott Amot Horner
Elliott and
Elliott and William Arm-
Elliott and William Armstrong
Elliott Angora Farm
Elliott As
Elliott Ava Gloria Richardson Hi
Elliott B Fodgins
Elliott B Hodgins
Elliott Barber
Elliott Barber Continued
Elliott Bastion Tires Retro Pontiac Maplehodge Farm Ritchie’s Feed Nancy Dagenais-Elliott Beckcrest
Elliott Bean
Elliott Beck
Elliott Beeler
Elliott Beisher
Elliott Belsher
Elliott Benedict Tanguay
Elliott Beth
Elliott Beyond Language
Elliott Bill A
Elliott Block
Elliott Bmw
Elliott Brazeau
Elliott Bron
Elliott Bros,
Elliott Bros.
Elliott Brown Bantam Hen
Elliott Bryson
Elliott Bucks
Elliott Bureau
Elliott Burke Saturday
Elliott C
Elliott C.OO Gordon Gibbons
Elliott Cardboard
Elliott Caris
Elliott Carmen Elliott
Elliott Carried
Elliott Carson
Elliott Carswell
Elliott Carter Pirie
Elliott Challenge
Elliott Charles Hines
Elliott Charles Routliffe Jr
Elliott Charteris
Elliott Chester Walsh AIL Armstrong—disposed
Elliott Chez
Elliott Child
Elliott Clan
Elliott Clarendon Douglas Smith Dear Editor
Elliott Clarendon Eugene Parks Victoria
Elliott Clifford Horner
Elliott Clifford Horner ....... Mrs Chris.
Elliott Clifford Horner ........ Mrs Chris.
Elliott Clifford Horner.....
Elliott Clifford Horner....... Mrs Chris.
Elliott Cole
Elliott College
Elliott Congratulations Mom
Elliott Covey
Elliott Creor
Elliott Curley
Elliott D
ELLIOTT D Norman Horner
Elliott D.
Elliott Dagenais
Elliott Dagg
Elliott Dead PATENTS
Elliott Dianna
Elliott Dies
Elliott Donald
Elliott Doris Atkinson
Elliott Dowell
Elliott DR.
Elliott Dulcle
Elliott Edey
Elliott Edgar Mayhew
Elliott Egamv&lle Mam Murdered Charged
Elliott Egan
Elliott Elliot Lake
Elliott En
Elliott Esq
Elliott Estate Auction
Elliott Ethel Walls
Elliott Ewe
Elliott F ledeibauer
Elliott Factory
Elliott Family
Elliott Farm Equipment
Elliott Farm Equipment Bob Weatherall
Elliott Farm Equipment Ltd.
Elliott Farm Equipment Ltd. R.R.
Elliott Farm Equipment Old
Elliott Farm Equipment Pembroke
Elliott Farm Equipment Weagant Farm Supplies Nancy Elliott Burnetts
Elliott Fisher
Elliott Florence Hobbs
Elliott Fort
Elliott Fourth Sunday
Elliott Frances
Elliott Frank Armstrong 2
Elliott Frankly
Elliott Galt
Elliott Garth
Elliott Geo
Elliott GP# Now
Elliott Grade
Elliott Grant
Elliott Grant Dale Grant Dale Elliott
Elliott Greer
Elliott Greer—That
Elliott Grimes
Elliott Harry Armstrong
Elliott Harvest
Elliott Harvey Smiley
Elliott Hazelwood
Elliott Hearing
Elliott Hector
Elliott Hedging
Elliott Hobbs
Elliott Hod
Elliott Hod-gins
Elliott Hodg
Elliott Hodg- I Mrs- Palmer
Elliott Hodgiim...
Elliott Hodgins
Elliott Hodgins John Cunningham
Elliott Hodgitia
Elliott Hodglns
Elliott Hodgms
Elliott Hodoins
Elliott Hodw.ns
Elliott Holiday
Elliott Homestead
Elliott Homestead/
Elliott Hoopfer
Elliott Horigins
Elliott Horton
Elliott Hudgins
Elliott Hugh
Elliott Hull
Elliott Hwl
Elliott I
Elliott I Clifford Horner
Elliott I. Ram
Elliott IIodgins
Elliott IIouho
Elliott Ik
Elliott Ilodgms
Elliott In
Elliott Ing
Elliott Invited
Elliott Is
Elliott Island
Elliott J
Elliott J !
Elliott J me»
Elliott J.
Elliott Jam Through Di
Elliott James Hanna
Elliott January
Elliott JJf SSS’ÆÆ
Elliott Jn
Elliott Joined Cr Council
Elliott Jones
Elliott Jr
Elliott Jr Sons
Elliott Judgment
Elliott June Orr
Elliott K
Elliott K.un Lamb C. Elliott
Elliott Kay Woodley Portage
Elliott Keith Beausoliel
Elliott Kenmiis Elliott Moorehead Recently
Elliott Kirk Fulford
Elliott Knowles
Elliott Knox
Elliott L
Elliott L Cartman
Elliott Ladysmith
Elliott Lake
Elliott Lake Marks
Elliott Lake Presley
Elliott Late
Elliott Lawson Corrigan
Elliott Lei Hodgins
Elliott Leonard County
Elliott Lesley McGee
Elliott Levesque
Elliott Lii
Elliott Like
Elliott Lilli
Elliott Little
Elliott Livestock
Elliott Lorraine
Elliott Lot....................... Fees Collected
Elliott Lucas Second
Elliott Lumber
Elliott Lynn
Elliott LZrn
Elliott M n«s Qua
Elliott Made-to-Measure SALE AUGUST
Elliott Male
Elliott March
Elliott Marketing Don Bishop Gen Mgr.
Elliott Marsha
Elliott Martin
Elliott Mary
Elliott Matinee
Elliott McCagg
Elliott Mentioned
Elliott Mice Colleen Swart*
Elliott Minutes
Elliott Miss Alva Turner
Elliott Miss June Stewart
Elliott Mitchell
Elliott Mn
Elliott Morgan
Elliott Morgan’s
Elliott Motion
Elliott Motion Crs
Elliott Motion—Count
Elliott Mould
Elliott Mr Benson
Elliott Mr.
Elliott Mrs
Elliott Mrs Dave Stewart
Elliott Mrs Dwight McDowell
Elliott Mrs N L DagR
Elliott Mrs. Arthür Thomas Neil Sparling I Evelyn A. Scott Peter Hodglns Mrs. S.R.N.
Elliott Mrs. Clarence Knox
Elliott Mrs. Harper Youi*
Elliott Mrs. Hulbert Armstrong Kathleen E. Hodgins
Elliott Mrs. Hulbert Armstrong Kathleen E. Hodgins Mrs. Iva P. Clark
Elliott Mrs. Wip McKinley
Elliott Mrs. Wm
Elliott N. Drummond
Elliott Neil Wesley Dagg
Elliott Noice
Elliott Northern Electric Co.
Elliott Now
Elliott Nt
Elliott On
Elliott Ontario
Elliott Order
Elliott OTC
Elliott P,9.
Elliott Pallbearers
Elliott Palm Sunday
Elliott Patchwork Quilt
Elliott Pat” Cameron
Elliott Pen
Elliott Pen Best Jersey Heiler Calf
Elliott Petawawa
Elliott Peter Edward Smiley Buried At Perth Those
Elliott Phone
Elliott Por-
Elliott Portage
Elliott Prized Mr. Wilmer Hodgins
Elliott Publicity
Elliott Pump
Elliott Purchase
Elliott Quality
Elliott Quinquageslma
Elliott Recter
Elliott Rector
Elliott Rector Preacher
Elliott Rector St
Elliott Rector St Paul
Elliott Rector St Pauls
Elliott Rector St Paul’s
Elliott Rector St Paul’s Shawville 11.00
Elliott Rectsr
Elliott Relsher
Elliott Remnants Store Campbell
Elliott Rene
Elliott Renfrew
Elliott Reunion
Elliott Rev John Dixon
Elliott Reward
Elliott Richardson
Elliott Ring Masters
Elliott Robertson
Elliott Robinson
Elliott Robinson Renfiew
Elliott RobtaflOB Scarboro
Elliott Rogation
Elliott Romain
Elliott Roosevelt
Elliott Rural Dean
Elliott S
Elliott S. Nichols
Elliott Sand
Elliott Saturday
Elliott Saw Mill Burns At Calumet Island Ferdinand Vaillancourt
Elliott Sean Power
Elliott Sec Treas
Elliott Sec-T
Elliott Sec-Tre
Elliott Sec-Trea
Elliott Sec-Treas
Elliott Sec-Treus
Elliott Sec.
Elliott Sec.-Treas
Elliott Sec.-Treas Oldsmobile Service Buick Chevrolet
Elliott Sec.-Treas Quebec
Elliott Secretary
Elliott See-Treaa
Elliott See-Treas Ever Remembered
Elliott Septuages
Elliott Service Station
Elliott Shaw
Elliott ShaWville
Elliott Shawville United Reports Financial Progress
Elliott Shawvllle
Elliott She Those
Elliott Shower
Elliott SHS^^IsSsÿÉwS^SpirHiil Bevond
Elliott Si
Elliott Smart
Elliott Smith
Elliott Solo
Elliott Sonny Boy Cassidy
Elliott Span
Elliott Spencer
Elliott Springtown
Elliott Sr
Elliott Sr 2. Thomas McDowell
Elliott Sr’of Clarendon
Elliott SSS3SS
Elliott St
Elliott St Alban
Elliott St George’s
Elliott St John’s
Elliott St Nancy
Elliott ST.
Elliott St. Paul
Elliott STARKS
Elliott Starks Corners
Elliott Stcdelhauer
Elliott Stevens
Elliott Stevenson
Elliott Subjoined
Elliott Synopsisof Canadian Nonth West Land
Elliott T Pts Team Buckingham Castors Gotmeau Chevaliers Gatineau Remparts Ft
Elliott TAILORING Cuthbertaon
Elliott Tel
Elliott Tells
Elliott Tenders
Elliott That
Elliott The
Elliott There
Elliott Third Sunday
Elliott Three
Elliott Timmins
Elliott Tke
Elliott Tomatoes
Elliott Treasurer- Mrs
Elliott Trinity
Elliott Trophy
Elliott Trudeau
Elliott Trudeau Canada
Elliott Tubman
Elliott Vo
Elliott W.
Elliott WANTED—A
Elliott WANTED—To
Elliott Warren- She
Elliott Waters
Elliott We
Elliott Well
Elliott Westmeath Miss Maye Horner
Elliott WHAT
Elliott Whet
Elliott Whit Sunday
Elliott Wiggins
Elliott Wil
Elliott William J. Elliott
Elliott Wisbrod
Elliott XX
Elliott Yach
Elliott Yarn»
Elliott Zion
Elliott _ _ _
ELLIOTT- Russell
Elliott. J D Quantity
Elliott.............. Fisher Scientific Co....... Central Scientific Co...... John Tolhurst........
Ellis Palmer Russell Elliott Henry McCord
Elmer Elliott
Elvyn Claude Elliott
Elwin Elliott
Emerson Elliott
Emery Elliott
Emery Elliott Standard
Emily Elliott
Emma Elliott
Emma Elliott.
Emma) Elliott
Ena Elliott
Eokfoi*d Elliott
Equity Photo Benson Elliott
Eric Elliott
Eric Gaudet Motion Crs Fahey
Eric Sharpe- Mr Elwyn Elliott
Erie Elliott
Ernerv Elliott
Ernest Dean WO. 1 Bruce Elliott Major Basil Foreman M.B.E.
Ernest Elliott
Ernie Mrs Cecil Elliott
Estate Thomas A. Elliott FOR
Estate Thomas A. Elliott FOR SALE
Eug Elliott
Eugene Elliott
Eva Andai Erfle - Elliott
Eva Elliott
Eva Elliott) Yarrm
Eva Lcxie Elliott
Eveline Elliott
Evelyn Burke Beverley Campbell Margaret Clarke Lorraine Elliott Viola Harris Ann Kingdon Sheila Laf
Fahey A Cedric Elliott
Fern Elliott
Fila Elliott
Finance-Crs Senior
Floor mat—Mrs Hugh Elliott 1
Florence Elliott
Florence Elliott Jr Grade
Floyd Elliott
Foreman Lloyd Elliott
Frances Elliott
Frances Elliott Dear Editor
Frances Elliott Mrs. M. W. Schultz Secretary-Treasurer
Frances Elliott Sincerely
Frances Elliott.
Frances Faye Elliott
Francis Elliott
Francis Elliott Minister
Frank Curley: Elliott
Frank Cyril Lloyd Elliott
Frank Elliott
Frank J DeVuo- Motion Crs Duff
Frank Morrison Mrs. R. H. Elliott Miss Orma Elliott Cpl.
Fraser Elliott
Fraser T. C. Elliott
Fred Dagg Miss Jean Elliott
Fred Elliott
Fred Elliott Mr.
Fred Elliott.
Fred Martin Gordon Elliott
Fred Motion Crs
Fred Mrs Herbert Elliott.
Fred Mrs. Claude Elliott
Fred Riviere Motion Crs
Fred W. Elliott
Fred) Elliott
Fri-l Treasurer Betty Lou Elliott
Frrery Elliott
Fullblood Bull EDGAR ELLIOTT
Furzer Elliott
G Elliott
G F Hodglns Bailiff Bill Elliott
G. Elliott
G?ad* 1—George Elliott 1
Gall Barber and Frances Elliott.
Garfield Elliott
Garry Kevin Elliott
Garry Ray- Elliott
Gary Hodgins Crs Garth Tracy
Gary Motion Crs D Fulford
Ge- Russell Elliott
Genevieve Elliott
Genevieve Elliott Honored Cylinder Oil
George - Elliott
George ?Elliott
George A Darwin A Marilyn Elliott
George B. Elliott
George Clarke George Elliott
George Crs Sloan
George Eatons Shawville Elliott
George Elliott
George Elliott As
George Elliott No.
George Elliott V *—Wm Horner
George Elliott''sinoperty—N.
George Fades H. Elliott C. Jacques L. S1
George Hornet Barry Elliott
George Palmer Lloyd Elliott
George Roy Elliott
George Stephen Elliott
George-Eatons Shawville Elliott
Gerald Draper Rev. R G. Elliott
Gerald Hodgins ....... Belty Lou Elliott Mrs Mary McCagg
Gerald Sparling Gordon Stewart Gordon Wikon Allan Findlay E Mitdicui • Cecil Elliott
Gerald Stewart...... Cecil Elliott Farm
Gertie Russell Elliott
Gibbons Crs
Gibbons Crs J J Me Callum
Gladys Nancy Elliott
Glen Elliott
Glen Elliott and Terry Murray
Glen Elliott R. Oartman
Glen Elliott with
Glen Elliott.
Glen Mr. Walter E. Elliott
Glenn Elliott
Glenn Ford Dane Clark Mr Elliott Belsher
Glenna Graham Elliott’s
Gordon Elliott
Gordon Elliott - Margaret Young
Gordon Elliott 2. Single
Gordon Elliott 3. Dairy
Gordon Elliott Associate Helpers
Gordon Elliott Mme Jacques Castonguay
Gordon Elliott Mrs
Gordon Elliott Sacrifice—The
Gordon Elliott Shoe Pitching
Gordon HHH Bud Elliott
Gordon J. Elliott
Gordon James Elliott
Gordon Motion Crs Gibbons
Gordon Motion Crs McKay
Gordon Paul... Lloyd Elliott
Gordon Richard- Clarendon Council Motion Crs
Gra-Motion Crs Grant
Grace A. Elliott
Grace Elliott
Grace Elliott Mundee
Grade I.-Garfield Elliott
Grade II Wesley Dagg Elliott
Grade III - Harriet Elliott
Grade V: Carol Elliott
Graham & Elliott
Graham 6c Elliott
Graham 6t Elliott
Graham Elliott
Graham Sc Elliott
Grant Blades Elliott- To Isobel
Grant D Elliott
Grant D. Elliott
Grant Dale Elliott
Grant Elliott
Grant Elliott 658
Grant Elliott Banquet
Grant Elliott Basi-
Grant Elliott Robert Russett Lawrence D. Young Mrs. Fred W. Thomas Fred T. Thomas Lennon Thomas Rob
Grant Elliott William Hoogins
Green- Elliott
Greg Elliott
Greg Elliott)
Gregory James Elliott
Grenville Atkinson Cecil Elliott
Gwen Elliott
Gwen Elliott 82.2
Gwennie Elliott
H C Elliott
H E Elliott
H E. Elliott
H E. Elliott E.
H Elliott plm^in
H Elliott. Ore Discovered
H H Elliott
H H Elliott* Secretary
H H H Motion Crs Grant
H H. Elliott
H S Elliott
H simpson Grade 2c—Beth Elliott
H ¦crs
H. 8. Elliott
H. E Elliott Sec.-Treas MacLean’s Whale
H. E. Elliott
H. S. Elliott
Hand Sewing- Miss Elliott 1,Mrs RCàmpbell 2.
Hanna Crs
Hannah Correction Carried Motion Crs
Harold 7-2405 | Elliott
Harold 7-24J2 Elliott
Harold Beckett and Betty Lou Elliott
Harold E. Elliott
Harold Elliott
Harold Elliott WEDDING
Harold Elliott ..... XV.
Harold Elliott HABLAND
Harold Elliott Herbie Howard Andrew Tippins Jim Whalen
Harold Elliott I
Harold Elliott Messrs, John A. Ren
Harold Elliott Present
Harold Elliott Shawville At Creel
Harold Elliott’s
Harold H Elliott
Harold Hodgins Elliott
Harold William Elliott
Harold William Elliott OUT Music
Harriet Elliott
Harriett Elliott
Harrv Grant Elliott
Harry 7-3719 Elliott
Harry Elliott
Harry Elliott.
Harry Herb Elliott
Harry McCleary ....... Percy Elliott
Harry Richard Rotary President Claude Elliott THE
Harry Stur- Harold Elliott
Harry Stur- Harold Elliott.
Harry Sturgeon,- Harold Elliott
Harvey Elliott
Harvey Wilson Lawson Corrigan Percy Elliott
Hattie Elliott
Hawley Elliott
Hayes Funeral Elliott
Hayes Ilia—Robert Halupka II Ih—Ruth Atkinson IVa—Barbara Cone IVb—Carol Elliott IVc—Helen Hayes Va
Hazel Elliott
Hazelwood Elliott
Hcman Elliott
Helen Elliott
Helen M. Elliott
Helena Elliott
Hello Elliott
Heman Elliott
Heman Elliott Joined
Henry * Mrs. Garfield Elliott
Henry Beattie Elliott
Henson Elliott
Herb Elliott
Herbert C. Elliott
Herbert Elliott
Herbert Elliott 3. Grade II
Herbert Elliott 3rd
Herbert Elliott HARDBOARD
Herbert Elliott On
Herbert Elliott.
Herbert Elliott.............. Tenders
Herbert Elliott’s
Herbert Hugh Elliott Mr Herbert Hugh Elliott
Herbert Lemalr* - Elliott
Herbert Mr. KemmLs Elliott
Herman Elliott
Herman Elliott.
Hilary Elliott
Him Elliott
Hobbs C Elliott
Hodgins August Rose Herman Schwartz Neil Sly Haiwley Elliott Edgar Connolly John Sly Everett McDowe
Hodgms Crs
Hollis Barber Claude Elliott W. Tubman J. W. Eades Hour
Hollis Elliott
Holly Inger Elliott
Holt Elliott
Hosmer Turner Claude Elliott Wyman McKechnie Ed Pettapiece
Howard James Elliott
Howard Motion—Crs Schwartz
Hoy Elliott
Hrv R O. Elliott
Hubert C Elliott
Hubert C. Elliott
Hubert Cecil Elliott
Hubert Elliott
Hubert Elliott 2.00
Hubert Elliott Attending
Hubert Elliott BINGO
Hubert Elliott Clive Smart
Hubert Elliott’s
Hugh 8. Elliott
Hugh Elliott
Hugh Elliott 1
Hugh Elliott 2.
Hugh Elliott 2. Span
Hugh Elliott 3. Lace
Hugh Elliott J.
Hugh Elliott JAMES HOPE
Hugh Elliott-
Hugh Elliott- Wall
Hugh Elliott-Mary Armstrong
Hugh Elliott.
Hugh H. Elliott
Hugh Hazelwood Elliott
Hugh Q. Elliott
Hugh S Elliott
Hugh S. Elliott
Hugh Tracy Grant Rogers Lawrence Lang Bud Elliott Lei Hodgins Edgar Schwartz Irvin Jamieson Al McKe
Hull Motion Crs
I H P. Elliott
I-John E C. Elliott
I. Mer-K laude Elliott
Ian MacKech- Iva Elliott
Ian» A c_ Motion Crs Jeannine Wick
Ida Elliott
Ida Verna Elliott
Ilawley Elliott
IMr Slid Mrs John Elliott Conway
Inga Elliott Campbell
Inger Elliott
Ion Crs
Iona Elliott
Ira Benedict Motion Crs
Irene Elliott
Irene Katie Elliott
Iris Lloyd Elliott
Irwin Elliott
Isabel Elliott
Isabelle Elliott
Isobel Elliott
Iva Elliott
Iverson Harris -Russell Elliott
J .P. Elliott
J A Arm-In 1875 Alexander Elliott
J G Elliott
J G Elliott 1
J G Elliott 2
J G Elliott 3.
J G Elliott.
J G. Elliott
J G. Elliott Clifford Horner----- Mrs Chris.
J H Brownlee ............. Elliott Hodgins
J J McCallum Dalton Elliott
J O Elliott
J T Patti Elliott 2. Hugh Elliott
J W Armstrong 3. Elliott 2
J. G Elliott
J. G. Elliott
J. O. Elliott
J.G. Elliott
Jack Elliott
Jack Elliott ................ Provincial Treasurer
Jack Elliott ADA DALEY
Jack Elliott............
Jack Elliott............. Cecil Howard
Jack Lang Motion Crs Jack Lang
Jack MacLaren Farm Systems Elliott Farm Equipment R.A. B-B-Q
Jack McLaren Farm Systems Jamieson Enterprises Elliott Farm Equipment Barker Motors R.A. B-B-Q Satu
Jack Purcell Community Motion Crs Orr
Jacques Crs
Jacques Ledoux Bristol Terry Elliott Editor’s Note
James A Elliott
James A. Elliott
James A. Elliott Intelligence
James Adam Elliott
James Clifford Elliott
James Cordon Elliott
James Edward Elliott
James Elliott
James Elliott Stevens
James Elliott Steven®
James Elliott.
James G. Elliott
James Gordon Elliott
James Hawley Elliott
James HornOC^IHHH Motion Crs
James Howard Elliott Farm Equipment Ltd. Maibec Paul Scheel
James Hubert Cecil Elliott
James Mervin Elliott
James Miss Ella Elliott
James Mof Elliott
James Mvrvin Elliott
James Percy Elliott
James Roland Elliott
James SAVE Motion Crs D Fulford
James.................. Elliott
Jamie Elliott
Jamie Elliott.
Jana Thompson Wendy Elliott
Jane Elliott
Jane Elliott BSc
Jane Russell Van Heflin Mrs. Hubert Elliott
Janet Elliott
Janice Elliott
Janu-1 R G. Elliott
Jay and Grant Elliott <3
Jay Motion—Crs
Jean and Alfreda Elliott
Jean and Bob Elliott
Jean Darwin Elliott H Judd
Jean Elliott
Jean Elliott Friday
Jean Elliott Grade I
Jean Elliott Miss Myrtle Hodgins
Jean Elliott Shawville
Jean Elliott Sinclair
Jean Elliott.
Jeannine Motion Crs Garth Tracy Wickens
Jeff * Elliott
Jeff Elliott
Jeff Elliott Caylin Rebertz
Jeff Elliott Shawville Justin Murrav Shawville G A Pt
Jeff Elliott Smart
Jeffrey Elliott
Jeil Elliott
Jell Elliott
Jennie Elliott
Jennifer Elliott
Jerome Motion Crs
Jerry Barber and Frances Elliott.
Jerry Barber Lion Robert Carswell Lion Darwin Elliott Lion Serge Guillemette Lion Mac Hayes Lion Bi
Jerry Elliott
Jerry ManwelL Dakon Elliott
Jerry Prentice Grant Elliott
Jim Bobby Elliott
Jim Stewart...... Cecil Elliott.... H. Stewart
Jimmy Philip Elliott with
Joan Alex- Christina Elliott
Joan Beverley Elliott
Joan Elliott
Joan Motion Crs Orr
Joan- Motion Crs Jack Harrison
Joanne Elliott
Joanne Elliott-Maxwell Betty Mayor
Joanne Hobbs Clarendon Parish Rev R O Elliott First
Joe Elliott
Joel Elliott
Joel Elliott- McDowell
Joel Elliott.
John 0. Elliott
John A Mrs Bud Elliott.
John A. Elliott
John Alfred Elliott
John B. C. Elliott
John Courtenay Elliott
John Courtney Elliott
John E C. Elliott
John E- C. Elliott
John E. 0. Elliott
John E. C. Elliott
John E. G. Elliott
John E. U. Elliott
John Elliott
John Elliott 1
John Elliott 621
John Elliott Jones
John Elliott......
John Elliott.......
John Elliott’s
John F. Kell Mrs Hubert Elliott
John G Elliott
John G Elliott 1924-25
John G Elliott.
John G Elliott........... G.
John G. Elliott
John G.... Elliott
John Grant Elliott
John Grant Elliott Born
John H Elliott
John H. Elliott
John Hiram Elliott
John Hudgins 2. Apples—Hugh Elliott 1
John I Claude Elliott
John K C. Elliott
John K. C. Elliott
John K. C. Elliott-acted
John L Hod J. G. Elliott
John Langford Vegetables Claude Elliott
John Mc- Motion Crs McCann
John Motion Crs
John O. Elliott
John O... Elliott
John Q Elliott.......... G.
John Richardson Crs
John Si- Motion Crs Dagg
John U. Elliott
John W Elliott
John W. Elliott
John..... Elliott
John...... Elliott
JohnHiram Elliott
Johnnie Elliott
John] Elliott
Joseph Elliott
Joseph Elliott Cregan
Joseph Elliott..........
Joseph Elliott...........
Joseph R. Elliott
Joseph Vul- Motion Crs Dowe
Josh Edge Bud Elliott Ken Finan Tanya Greer Tasha Greer
Josh Elliott
Joyce Elliott
Joyce I Claude Elliott.
Jr Motion—Crs Farrell
Jr.—Alfredda Elliott
Judith E. Elliott
Judy Elliott
Judy Elliott.
Julia Adeen Elliott
Julia Elliott
Julia P. Elliott
Julia Palmer Elliott
Julie Harris James Dean Carried Lucille Ball Deal Arne* Motion Crs
June Mrs Hubert Elliott
Junior—Helen Elliott
K. Elliott
K.C.M.O V 108-PRESIDENTS—Willi a* Elliott
Kandy Elliott
Karen Elliott
Karen Inglee E Elliott
Karl Elliott
Kate Elliott
Kathleen Ranger and Nancy Dagenais Elliott
Kathleen Ranger and Nancy Dagenais-Elliott
Kathy Elliott
Katie 7-2405 Elliott
Katie Elliott
Katie Elliott - Kay Woodley
Katie Elliott Holstein
Katie Elliott Kay Woodley
Katie Elliott Kay Woodley W. J. HAYES
Katie Elliott Kay Woodley Carl Schubert
Katie Elliott Kay Woodley I
Katie Elliott Kay Woodley It Pays
Katie Elliott Kay Woodley Keep Your Car Clean.
Katie Elliott Kay Woodley SHAWVILLE
Katie Elliott Mass
Katie Elliott St Mary
Katie Elliott White
Katie Elliott—Magazines
Kay Elliott
Kay Mrs. Eckardt Katie Elliott Woodley
Kay Smith Elliott
Kay Woodley Katie Elliott
Kayla Elliott
Keasha Elliott
Keith Claude Elliott Wyman
Keith Hodgins Motion Crs
Keith Melbourne Elliott
Keith Thomp- Elliott
Keiumis Elliott
Kelsea Elliott
Kemmie Elliott
Kemmis Elliott
Kemmle Elliott
Ken Wii- Motion Crs Robinson
Kenimis Elliott
Kenneth Tubman Motion Crs Dagg
Kent Motion Crs Dagg
Kern Elliott
Kerry Elliott
Kerry Elliott Food
Kevin Elliott
Kfrs Russell Elliott
Kilgour F. Elliott N. Wilson It
Kim Elliott
Kim M. Elliott
Knox Gander—C Elliott
Kristie-Lee Elliott
Kristy Elliott
Kristy-Lee Elliott
Kurland Elliott
KÜtS Elliott
L < L Motion Crs D Fulford
L T. Elliott
L. Hodgins-That Adam Elliott
L. Taylor Myrtle Blanche Elliott
L.S.S.- Cecil Elliott
Lance Crs Lloyd Kensley
Lance Motion Crs
Larry Mrs. Ardley Elliott
Larry P. Elliott
Laura Elliott
Laura Elliott Ada Daley
Laura Elliott Congratulations Mom
Laura Elliott Lawrence Barter *119
Laura Pontiac Mink Far Elliott.
Laura Woodley Adelaide Elliott Harold Pagg Cecilia Argue Raymond Beckett N
Lawrence Barber and Mrs. Emery Elliott
Lawrence Barber Emery Elliott
Lawrence Elliott
Lawrence Elliott.
Lawson Crs Cedric Elliott
Lee Elliott
Lennis Dean ........... Clifford Fulford .... T. C. Elliott ......... Earl P. Fulford
Leo Carried Motion Crs
Leo Elliott
Leo Elliott Four
Leo Elliott Pontiac Slat
Leo Elliott..... David Grant
Leo Elliott’s
Leo Rain-Motion Crs Dagg
Leonard Bal Haggles Elliott
Leonard Dage-nals - Nancy Dagenais Elliott
Lepine J. G Elliott
Leslie Dean Cecil Elliott 7.45 X. A. WILSON
Leslie Kehoe Motion Crs Smith
Lewis - Elliott
Lewis Si Elliott
Lillian Elliott
Lillian Wallace Genevive Elliott Beulah Findlay Muriel Horner Mable Hamilton Orla Mee Fern Wickens
Lillis Elliott
LIMITED H E. Elliott
Linda Elliott
Linda G. Elliott
Lindsay Horner............ Basil Elliott............. Lloyd Dagg
Lion Gordon Elliott
Lionel Grimes Hubert Elliott Henry Smiley Shawville
Lionel Grimes _ Hubert Elliott Henry Smiley Shawville ITER/OR
Livestock Spray K.C. Rotarian Heman Elliott
Ljrne Elliott
Llovri Elliott
Lloyd Armstrong Elliott
Lloyd Cedric Elliott
Lloyd Crs
Lloyd Elliott
Lloyd Elliott - Al Han-meets
Lloyd Elliott 181.43
Lloyd Elliott and William Armstrong
Lloyd Elliott G. Atkinson L *
Lloyd Elliott Gordon Richardson
Lloyd Elliott Hurst Hodgins
Lloyd Elliott Lum
Lloyd Elliott Trophy
Lloyd I Motion Crs
Lloyd Kensky Myrtle Elliott
Lloyd Lloyd Elliott
Lois Elliott
Lola Elliott
Lome Elliott
Lord Willard Elliott
Lorena Elliott
Lorna Russell Elliott
Lorraine Eliza-Elliott
Lorraine Elliott
Lorraine Elliott.They
Loses Control Brent Elliott
Lou Elliott
Louis Donna Elliott
LrnmZ «Kit SKMWrfcasarH James Elliott
Lruce Elliott
Ltée Motion Crs Duff
Lyle Bronson Motion Crs McCann
Lyn-i Basil Elliott
Lynn Elliott
Lynn Elaine | Elliott
Lynn Elliott
Lynn Lang Randy Belsher D A. Bielaskie Pontiac U.P.A. Elliott Farm Equipment W.A. Hodgins Palmer
Lynne Elliott
Lynne Nora Elliott
M % Anna Elliott
M Elliott
M J Elliott
M J Elliott 2.
M L Robert G. Elliott
M P Elliott
M ss Beth Elliott
M ss Betty Lou Elliott
M. Mrs. xa8 Elliott
Mabel Elliott
Mabel V. Elliott
Mabel Wilann Elliott
Mac- Motion Crs
Mae Elliott
Maggie Elliott
Mamie Elliott
Margaret (Elliott) Lang
Margaret Ann Elliott
Margaret Ann Elliott.
Margaret Elliott
Margaret Elliott-Whitelaw
Margaret Mildred Elliott
Margaret Phillip Elliott
Margo Mrs. R H. Elliott
Marilyn Elliott
Marion Elliott
Marion Elliott- Ethel Gibbons
Marion EUiott- Mr Burland Elliott
Marjo-Motion Crs Carmen
Marjorie Elliott
Marjorie Elliott OBITUARIES Beatrice Ruth Powles Marjorie Sarah Elliott
Marjorie Elliott’s 12.00
Marjorie Horner Andrew Elliott
Marjorie Horner Benson Elliott
Marjorie McTiernan 714 Jean Elliott 712
Mark Elliott
Mark Lafont Melbourne Elliott
Marsha (Elliott) Richardson
Marsha Elliott
Marshall Russell H Elliott
Mary Ann Semak Mr Melbourne Elliott
Mary Elliott
Mary Elliott 3
Mary Elliott 6
Mary Elliott Mrs Harvey Wilson Mns
Mary Elliott Noice
Mary Elliott On
Mary Elliott Sr.
Mary Elliott the
Mary J.me Elliott
Mary Jane Elliott
Mary Leigh Elliott
Mary Lvnn Elliott Elwyn Russell Lang
Mary MeCallum Motion Crs Horner
Mary Mrs Cedi Elliott
Mary Stewart Elliott
Master Benson Elliott
Mathew Elliott
Matilda Elliott
Mattie Cochrane* Mrs. H. Elliott
Maurice Es-of Dalton Elliott
Mayor and Crs Hutchison
Mayor Barber and Crs
Mayor Barber and Crs C Lm* Roy
Mayor Barber and Crs C Roy
Mayor Barber and Crs C Roy. Gilpin
Mayor Barber and Crs Findlay
Mayor Barber and Crs Gilpin
Mayor Barber and Crs L Roy
Mayor Elliott
Mayor Graham Government Approved Bristol Council Motion Crs Smith
Mayor Murray Crs Berber
Mbs K Elliott
Mcrvin Elliott
MeG*»tf Alexander Crs Motion That
Megan Elliott
Megen Elliott
Mel Elliott
Mel Motion Crs Merlin Richard
Mel-bum Elliott
Mel-burn Elliott
Mel-horn Elliott
Melbourne Elliott
Melburn Elliott
Melburne Elliott
Melvin C. Elliott
Melvin Elliott
Memorials J O. ELLIOTT
Merboume Elliott
Merle Elliott
Mervin Elliott
Mervln Elliott
Mervm Elliott
Messrs Alex Elliott Sr.
Messrs Elliott
Messrs Emery Elliott
Messrs H.E. Elliott
Messrs Haggles Elliott
Messrs Harold Elliott
Messrs Hawley Elliott
Messrs Hazelwood Elliott
Messrs Hugh Elliott
Messrs J G Elliott
Messrs Robt Elliott
Messrs Willie Elliott
Messrs. Andrew Elliott
Messrs. Harold Elliott
Messrs. IL E. Elliott
Messrs. Russell Elliott.
Mias D. Elliott
Michael Elliott
Michael Huar- Elliott
Michael R.G. Elliott
Middle-Motion Crs Claude Rich-
Milbourne Elliott
Mildred Elliott
Mildred Elliott.
Milton Morrison Lou Elliott
Minnie Elliott
Minnie Elliott 3. Plain
Minor "Elliott
Minor Crs Thomas Fahey Jeannine
Mis* Elliott
Mis* Minnie Elliott
Misa Harriet Elliott
Miss Dorothy Elliott
Miss Edith Elliott
Miss Faye Mrs. R. G. Elliott
Miss Frances Elliott
Miss Janis Elliott
Miss K Elliott
Miss Marion Elliott
Misses Helen Elliott
Misses Katie Elliott
Misses Lorraine Elliott
Misses Marion Elliott
Mix Adam Elliott
Mi»4 Hay Elliott
MkHion Crs Brown
Mme Lloyd Elliott
Mn Hubert Elliott
Mn Vincent Elliott
Mona Elliott
Monsieur Pierre Elliott Trudeau
Moore Mrs. Russell Elliott Wm
Motin Crs Neil Displace
Motion Crs
Motion Crs Alexander
Motion Crs Amol Homer
Motion Crs Carmen
Motion Crs Carmen Correspondence
Motion Crs Carmen Crs Jack Lang
Motion Crs Carmen Garry Cain
Motion Crs Carmen Motion Crs Claude Rich-
Motion Crs Carmen Ray Sheppard
Motion Crs Carmen Telebec
Motion Crs Carmen Tenders
Motion Crs Carmen Village
Motion Crs Carmen Wickens
Motion Crs Cedric Elli-
Motion Crs Cedric Elli- Crs Carmen Wickens
Motion Crs Chamberlain
Motion Crs Claude JUcnard-son
Motion Crs Claude Rich-
Motion Crs Claude Rich- Hodgins
Motion Crs Claude Rich- Motion Crs Jack Lang
Motion Crs Claude Rich- Mucha
Motion Crs Claude Richardson
Motion Crs Dagg
Motion Crs Dale
Motion Crs Duff
Motion Crs G Hodgins
Motion Crs G McCallum
Motion Crs Gary Hodgins
Motion Crs Gerard Joan
Motion Crs Gerard Joan-nisse
Motion Crs Gerard Joannisse
Motion Crs Gilpin
Motion Crs Graham
Motion Crs Graham John Coyle
Motion Crs Grant
Motion Crs Gray
Motion Crs H Wickens
Motion Crs Hayes
Motion Crs Henderson
Motion Crs Jack Lang
Motion Crs Jack Lang Pro-Mayor Carmen
Motion Crs Jeannine
Motion Crs K Wilson
Motion Crs L Wilson
Motion Crs Murphy
Motion Crs Neil Dittburn
Motion Crs Neil Dittburner
Motion Crs O Reilly
Motion Crs Orr
Motion Crs Pitt
Motion Crs Robinson
Motion Crs Smith
Motion Crs Tracy
Motion Crs X $
Motion Crs Young
Motion-Crs Fraser
Motions Crs Carmen Wickens
Motions Crs Grant
Motion—-Crs Fraser
Motion—Crs Clarke
Motion—Crs Farrell
Motion—Crs Fraser
Motion—Crs Smart
Motion—Crs Smith
Motion—Crs Young
MotI°n Crs Gerard Joan-
Mov Crs
Mr A S C. Elliott
Mr Andrew Benson Elliott
Mr Andrew Elliott
Mr Clayton Elliott
Mr Edgar Elliott
Mr Elliot Motion Crs Gilpin
Mr Grant Elliott
Mr H H Elliott
Mr Harvey Elliott
Mr Hubert Elliott
Mr James 0. Elliott
Mr K «mm» Elliott
Mr Lloyd Elliott
Mr M Elliott
Mr Mrs Russell Elliott
Mr R G Elliott
Mr R M Elliott
Mr Russell Elliott
Mr Russell Elliott.
Mr Russell H Elliott
Mr Russell T Elliott
Mr T V Elliott
Mr$ Claude Elliott
Mr& Elliott
Mr* Charhe Claude Elliott
Mr* Herman Elliott
Mr* T Elliott
Mr*R G Elliott,2
Mr- R H. Elliott
Mr. A 8. Elliott
Mr. A. J Elliott
Mr. Adam Elliott’s
Mr. Albert Elliott
Mr. Alex Elliott
Mr. Alex. S. Elliott
Mr. Alexander Elliott
Mr. Andrew Elliott
Mr. Benson Elliott
Mr. Benson Elliott Montreal
Mr. Billy Elliott.
Mr. Bruce Elliott
Mr. Bud Elliott
Mr. Cecil Elliott Corners
Mr. Cla/ton Elliott
Mr. Claude Elliott
Mr. Claude Elliott Mr.
Mr. Clayton Elliott
Mr. Clifford Elliott
Mr. Delaney Elliott
Mr. Elliott
Mr. Elliott Sr.
Mr. Glen Elliott
Mr. Gordon Elliott
Mr. Grant D. Elliott
Mr. Grant Elliott
Mr. H H. Elliott
Mr. Harold Elliott
Mr. Harvey Elliott
Mr. Heamen Elliott
Mr. Hubert Elliott
Mr. John Courtenay Elliott
Mr. John E. Elliott
Mr. John Elliott
Mr. John G Elliott.
Mr. John G. Elliott
Mr. John W. Elliott
Mr. K Elliott
Mr. Ken Motion Crs
Mr. Leo Elliott
Mr. Lloyd Elliott
Mr. Meehan Grant Elliott
Mr. Milburn Elliott
Mr. Ormie Elliott Stefanoick
Mr. Philip Elliott
Mr. R G Elliott
Mr. R G. Elliott
Mr. Raymond John-1 Elliott
Mr. Robertson A. Elliott
Mr. Robt G. Elliott
Mr. Roland Elliott Mrs. Renshaw
Mr. Roy Frederick Moore Elliott
Mr. Russell Elliott
Mr. Russell Elliott.
Mr. T A. Elliott Pontiac Friends J H.Sbaw
Mr. T A. Elliott Yarm
Mr. T. A. Elliott
Mr. Thomas A. Elliott
Mr. Thomas Elliott
Mr. Thomas Hubert Elliott
Mr. Tom Elliott
Mr. Vance Elliott
Mr. W. J. Elliott
Mr. Willard Elliott
Mr. William Elliott
Mr< J. G. Elliott
Mre R G Elliott 1
Mrs Albert Elliott
Mrs Andrew Benson Elliott
Mrs E W Elliott. Mrs
Mrs Glen Elliott
Mrs Herman Elliott
Mrs Hubert Elliott
Mrs Hubert Elliott Barry
Mrs J G Elliott
Mrs Lloyd Elliott
Mrs Ma ye Elliott
Mrs R G Elliott
Mrs Russell Elliott
Mrs Russell Elliott JtttfPWLS
Mrs Russell Elliott Municipality
Mrs V i Eila Elliott
Mrs, Gordon Elliott
Mrs, Roland Elliott
Mrs, Russell Elliott
Mrs- Bud Elliott
Mrs. A. Elliott
Mrs. Adam Elliott
Mrs. Albert E. Elliott
Mrs. Albert E. Elliott Celebrate Golden Wedding Omission
Mrs. Albert Elliott
Mrs. Albert Elliott.
Mrs. Alex Elliott
Mrs. Alfred Elliott
Mrs. Alt Elliott
Mrs. Andrew Elliott
Mrs. Annie Elliott
Mrs. Ardley Elliott
Mrs. Bill Elliott
Mrs. Bill Romanus Elliott
Mrs. Bud C. Elliott
Mrs. Bud Elliott
Mrs. Bud Elliott.
Mrs. Carman Elliott
Mrs. Catherine Ann Elliott
Mrs. Cedric Elliott
Mrs. Claude Elliott
Mrs. Clayton Elliott
Mrs. Clifford Elliott
Mrs. Clifford Elliott.
Mrs. Clifford V Elliott
Mrs. Dalton Elliott
Mrs. Darwin Elliott
Mrs. David T. Elliott
Mrs. Dawson Elliott
Mrs. Dorothv E. Elliott Chabot
Mrs. E Elliott.
Mrs. E. Elliott
Mrs. Eckardt Elliott
Mrs. Eckhardt Elliott
Mrs. Edith Elliott
Mrs. Elizabeth Bennett Mrs. Walter Elliott
Mrs. Elliott
Mrs. Elliott Cashback
Mrs. Elliott H. Hod
Mrs. Elliott Hodgins
Mrs. Emerson Elliott
Mrs. Emery Elliott
Mrs. Eric • Elliott
Mrs. F H Cornu. Crs Fitzsimmons
Mrs. Fergu- Elliott
Mrs. Fred Arm-of Elliott Lake
Mrs. Fred Elliott
Mrs. Fred Elliott Honored Utant Soaking
Mrs. Fred Elliott Margaret
Mrs. Fred Elliott Si
Mrs. G F. Elliott
Mrs. Geo Elliott
Mrs. Gilbert Gra- Rev. R G. Elliott
Mrs. Glen Elliott
Mrs. Glenn Elliott
Mrs. Gordon Elliott
Mrs. Gordon Elliott Miss Edna Sparling
Mrs. Gordon Elliott Mrs. Bradshaw
Mrs. Gordon Elliott Regular
Mrs. Gordon Me- Motion Crs Brown
Mrs. H E. Elliott
Mrs. H H. Elliott
Mrs. H K 23—ISaddle Horst Elliott 3rd Mrs.
Mrs. Har- Glen Elliott
Mrs. Harold 7-JSJO Elliott
Mrs. Harold Elliott
Mrs. Harold Elliott.
Mrs. Harold Wilson Honoured Mrs. Gordon Elliott
Mrs. Heman Elliott
Mrs. Herb Elliott
Mrs. Holly Elliott
Mrs. Hubert Elliott
Mrs. Hubert Elliott Aylmer Road
Mrs. Hubert Elliott Wm
Mrs. Hubert I C. Elliott
Mrs. Hugh Elliott
Mrs. Hugh S. Elliott
Mrs. Ira Merrifield Elliott
Mrs. Isobel Elliott
Mrs. Ivan Mulligan Darwin Elliott
Mrs. J G Elliott
Mrs. J G. Elliott
Mrs. J. G Elliott
Mrs. J. G,* Elliott Clifford Horner ...... Mr# Chris.
Mrs. J. G. Elliott
Mrs. J.D. B Motion Crs
Mrs. Jam G. Elliott
Mrs. James Doherty Motion Crs
Mrs. James Elliott
Mrs. James P. Elliott
Mrs. Jean Elliott
Mrs. John Elliott
Mrs. John G. Elliott
Mrs. John G. Elliott Mr.
Mrs. John G. Elliott’s Golden Wedding
Mrs. John H. Elliott
Mrs. John O. Elliott
Mrs. John T. Elliott
Mrs. John W. Elliott
Mrs. Johnston Motion Crs
Mrs. Ken Elliott
Mrs. L Elliott
Mrs. L Elliott.
Mrs. Lckardt Elliott
Mrs. Leo Elliott
Mrs. Leo Elliott Litchfield Snowplowing Committee
Mrs. Lloyd Elliott
Mrs. Lloyd Elliott Mrs. Ballantyne
Mrs. Lome Elliott
Mrs. M Campbell Otter Lake Mrs. V. Elliott
Mrs. Mary Elliott
Mrs. Meiborne Elliott
Mrs. Melborne Elliott
Mrs. Melbourne Elliott
Mrs. Melvin Shout-1 R. G. Elliott
Mrs. Mildred Elliott.
Mrs. Moore Mrs. R. Elliott
Mrs. Myrtle Elliott
Mrs. Neman Elliott
Mrs. Neman Elliott I Hull
Mrs. P Elliott
Mrs. Paul Elliott
Mrs. Percy Elliott
Mrs. Pred Elliott
Mrs. Pugg Elliott
Mrs. R Elliott
Mrs. R G. Elliott
Mrs. R H Elliott
Mrs. R H Elliott Remembered
Mrs. R H. Elliott
Mrs. R. A. Elliott
Mrs. R. G. Elliott
Mrs. Roland Elliott
Mrs. Ruby Armstrong Carried Motion Crs
Mrs. Ruggles Elliott
Mrs. Russell Elliott
Mrs. Russell Elliott Annual
Mrs. Russell Elliott Pick
Mrs. Russell Elliott Shaw
Mrs. Russell Elliott Shawville
Mrs. Russell Elliott.
Mrs. Stewart Elliott
Mrs. T Elliott Mis
Mrs. Thomas Elliott
Mrs. Thomas Hubert Elliott
Mrs. Thomas Walls Motion Crs
Mrs. W Elliott
Mrs. W H. Elliott
Mrs. W. Elliott
Mrs. Waiter Elliott
Mrs. Walter E. Elliott
Mrs. Walter Elliott
Mrs. William Elliott
Mrs. William Elliott.
Mrs. Willie Elliott
Mrs. Wm Elliott
Mr« R G Elliott
Msr W Mary Elliott
MTs El-wood Elliott
Mul-Batliff Bill Elliott
Muskie - Clifford Elliott
Myrl Elliott
Myrtle Elliott Yard Goods
Nacy Elliott
Nancy Dagenais Elliott
Nancy Dagenais Elliott Sheila Lawn
Nancy Dagenais-Elliott
Nancy Dagenais-Elliott Clarendon Water
Nancy Dagenais-Elliott’s
Nancy Dagenals Elliott
Nancy Dagenals-Elliott
Nancy Elliott
Nancy Elliott Grant Rogers Philip Elliott Norm Durocher
Nancy Elliott Pontiac Journal Rath Ritchies Rusendale Farms Shawville
Nancy Elliott Small
Neil Elliott
Neil Elliott CAMPBELL’S
Neil Elliott Elliott - Neil
Neil Elliott September
Neil Elliott Ttme
Neil Elliott.
Neil Motion Crs Garth Tracy Dittburner
Neil Sly -with Crs Carmen Wick
Nell Elliott
Neman Elliott
New J G. Elliott
Niagara Directors Grant Elliott
Nicholas Elliott
Nick Elliott
No: 555-2421-0)0105-79 Russell Elliott
Nora Elliott
Norm Fraser Motion Crs
Norma At-Mary Elliott
Norma Elliott
Norma Elliott.
Norma Hudgins Sc Edna Elliott
Norma Paul, Betty Lou Elliott
Norris Elliott
Norval Me Benson Uuyon Council Motion Crs
O. Elliott
O. Y. B.t O. Elliott
Oates Elliott Lake
Observers Miss Betty L. Elliott Miss Janey
Olga Elliott
Onnie Elliott
Ont Elliott
Ootie J Crs
Orinie Elliott
Orla Beth Elliott
Orma Elliott
Ormie Elliott
Ormonde Elliott
Orum Elliott
Oscar Mrs Carmen Elliott
Ottawa A Ontario Glen Elliott.
O’Reilly Grant Requested Motion Crs
Page Elliott
Page Elliott Drowned
Pat Elliott
Patri- Terry Elliott
Patricia Dor- Terence Elliott
Patricia Elliott
Patricia Elliott Died
Patricia | Elliott
Patrick Elliott 9
Paul .... C. Elliott
Paul F. Elliott 1t
Paul Mar- Motion Crs
Paul Motion Crs Hawley Wickens
Paul Skip ... C. Corrigan G. Spence H. Turner G. McDowell Skip H. Elliott R. Bigham Alton Dick Tom
Paul Tanguay • Phillip Elliott
Pearson Rev Elliott
Peggy Elliott
Peggy Hubert Elliott
Percv Elliott
Percy Elliott
Perley Belsher..... Gary Strutt....... Marilyn Elliott
Peter Crs L Wilson
Peter Elliott
Peter Moyle Music Committee—Ann Elliott
Peter Moyle- Motion Crs
Peter Volunteer Fire Depart- Motion Crs Pirie
Phil Elliott
Phil Marshallene Campbell Elliott
Philip Elliott
Philip Elliott -
Philip Elliott 2
Philip Elliott Vince Hamilton
Philip Elliott.
Phillip Elliott
Phillip Elliott Jack
Phone Bud C. Elliott
Photo Artist R. H. ELLIOTT
Photo Claude Elliott s Fortieth Anniversary Do
Phyllis Elliott
Pierre Elliott
Pierre Elliott 4
Pierre Elliott His
Pierre Elliott Merci
Pierre Elliott Miairs
Pierre Elliott Tru
Pierre Elliott Trudeau
Pierre Elliott Trudeau Elem
Pierre Elliott Trudeau Elementary School
Pierre Elliott Trudeau MP
Pierre Elliott Trudeau Prime
Pierre Elliott Trudeau School
Pierre Elliott Trudeau School Free
Pierre Elliott Trudeau’s
Pierre Elliott Trudesu
Pierre Elliott Ttudeau
Pierre Elliott TYudeau
Plums C Elliott
Policeman Adam Elliott
Politeness Jean Elliott
Pontiac Hubert Elliott
Powell Nancy Elliott Bedroom Accesories Decorated Jewellery Box
Primer Kemmis Elliott
Private Hugh Elliott
Prof. Henry W. Elliott
Prorfaoo W J ELLIOTT.
Publicity- Mrs Bud Elliott
Que Mr. D. T. Elliott
R G Alfred Elliott
R G Elliott
R G Elliott 1
R G Elliott 2. Painting
R G. Elliott
R H Elliott 2. Heifer
R O Elliott William H. Hooppell
R. G. Elliott Elected
R. H. Elliott
R. M. Elliott
R. Q. Elliott
R. Q. Elliott Rector St
R. V | H. Elliott
Rae Elliott
Ralph Me Don - Gordon Elliott Carkner
Ram Elliott
Ram Oaude Elliott
Randy Ardley Elliott
Randy Elliott
Randy Elliott 21.99
Ray Elliott
Ray Elliott R.R.
Ray Miss Katie Elliott
Ray Motion Crs
Ray W Carried M Young STREETS:- Motion Crs McKay
Raye Elliott
Raymond Elliott
Raymond Motion Crs Orr
Rebecca Elliott
ReMotion Crs Orr
Renfrew Elliott
Restaurant........ Cecil Elliott Farm Equipment
Rev Clayton Elliott
Rev James Elliott
Rev Orina Elliott
Rev R Elliott
Rev R G Elliott
Rev R G. Elliott
Rev R G. Elliott EL
Rev R O. Elliott Fourth Sunday After Easter
Rev. David Elliott
Rev. E Elliott
Rev. Elliott
Rev. Jas A. Elliott
Rev. Max Elliott
Rev. Mr. Elliott
Rev. R C Elliott
Rev. R C. Elliott
Rev. R G Elliott
Rev. R G Elliott PHONE
Rev. R G. Elliott
Rev. R O Elliott
Rev. R O. Elliott
Rev. R O. Elliott St
Rev. R. G Elliott
Rev. R. G. Elliott
Reveilla Elliott
Revella Elliott
Reverend R O Elliott.
Revolts Elliott
Rhoda Elliott
Rich- Dalton Elliott
Richard Elliott
Richard F. Elliott V. Hodgins L. Young C. Dahms C. Campbell RAYBBSTOS
Richard Howard Gatineau Power Motion Crs
Richard Motion Crs Tubman
Richard Patenaude Elliott Farm Equipment Ltd. RM Lang Farms Log’s End Ron Hodgins Kathy Mohr Paul S
Richard Wills Jack Elliott
Richardson - Elliott
Richardson Clifford Greer Motion Crs
Rick Elliott
Rob Elliott
Rob Motion Crs
Robbie Elliott
Robbins Elliott
Robert Campbell Motion Crs Dagg
Robert Carswell Motion Crs
Robert Cedric Elliott Shaw
Robert Dalton Elliott
Robert Elliott
Robert Elliott.
Robert G. Elliott
Robert G. Elliott Many
Robert G. Elliott’s
Robert George Elliott
Robert Glenn Elliott
Robert O. Elliott
Robert Weath- Crcs Cedric Elliott
Robt G Elliott
Rogers Edith Elliott
Roland Elliott
Roland Elliott Allen B. Carey Machinist
Roland Elliott I
Roland Elliott James Ramsay
Roland Elliott Mrs. 3»
Roland Elliott Panes Al Campbell
Roland Elliott* Progr.Aie Miss M. Jay
Ron Crs O Reilly
Ron Essiamhre Motion Crs
Ron Hayes - Motion Crs Carmen By-law
Ronald Desabrais Motion Crs Gerard Joan-
Ronald Dubeau Belva Elliott Bernice Hodgins Bobby Hodgins Sandra Horner Gilbert Lemay Claire McCagg
Ronald Elliott
Ronald John Motion Crs Brown
Ronald Thomas Elliott Beattie
Ronnie Cameron Brad Elliott Joanne Elliott Lynne Cameron Midget Ttems Avlmer Mariniers Papineau Voi
Ronnie Me Motion Crs
Ross Motion Crs Dagg
Roy Bretz- Dalton Elliott
Roy Cedric Elliott
Roy Elliott
Roy Elliott Elevators
Roy Elliott Phone
Roy Elliott.....
Roy Elliott........... John Hodgins
Roy Elliott................. Leslie Dale ................ Provincial Blank Forms
Roy Elliott—Carried
Roy Harland Hodgins Lornie Hanna Mrs. Alfred Elliott Willard Elliott Instead
Roy Moore Elliott
Roy Moore Elliott MacKILUCAN
Roy Mrs Neman Elliott
Royce Richardson Cecil C. Elliott
Rue Elliott
Rugg Elliott
Ruggles Elliott
Rural Dean Elliott
Rural Dean Elliott.
Rural Inspector Russell Elliott
Rursell Elliott
Russel Elliott
Russell A. Elliott
Russell Elliott
Russell Elliott - Sterling Hodgins
Russell Elliott 40th
Russell Elliott 9.50
Russell Elliott J Cleary
Russell Elliott Lake
Russell Elliott Smart
Russell Elliott Sorry
Russell Elliott Tel
Russell Elliott to
Russell Elliott XA2 Rheal
Russell Elliott!
Russell Elliott) Alma Elliott
Russell Elliott* Fred Graham
Russell Elliott.
Russell Elliott.......... R. Wallace Burry
Russell F Elliott
Russell H -Elliott»RussellRR2 Francon Ltd Gregory
Russell H Elliott
Russell H Elliott.
Russell H. 647-2578 Elliott
Russell H. Elliott
Russell H. Elliott,RussellRR2 Francon Ltd Gregory
Russell H. Elliott,RussellRR2 Francon Ltd-Gregory
Russell He-man Elliott
Russell Heman Elliott
Russell Herman Elliott fo/hj
Russell Melburne Elliott
Russell T Elliott
Russell T Elliott.
Ruth Elliott
S. Elliott
Sally Ann Foad Cynthia Sabina Garry Motion Crs Carmen Wic
Sam Elliott )
Sam Sinclair Joe Elliott.......
Sam Sinclair Joe Elliott........
Sandra Motion Crs Claude Rich- Murray
Sara LetHia Elliott
Sarah Elliott
Schroeder Motion Crs Yach
Schwartz Elliott
Scoble Cedric Elliott
Scott Elliott
Sec Mrs Russell Elliott
Sec.-Treas Crs
Sec.-Treas Motion Crs
SepL Elliott
Sept. Mrs Hubert Elliott
Service Lloyd Elliott
Shannon Elliott
Sharon Elliott -
Sharon Elliott Hodgins
Shawville 647-5666 Elliott
Shawville Crs Grant
Shawville J G. Elliott
Shawville Mrs. Harold Elliott
Shawville Preston Cull Auctioneering Elliott Farm Equipment Ltd. John A. Burnett Farm Equipment Ltd
ShawvUle Glen Elliott
Shirley Elliott
Shower Mrs Russell Elliott
Sidney Draper 325.17 Arthur Judd 226.72 Arnot Horner 416.85 Motion Crs Brownlee
Sidney Elliott
Simon Barber Darwin Elliott
Sister Elliott
Sister Maisie Elliott
Skip Art Phillip Elliott
Smith Courtenay Elliott Mrs. McCuaig Anonymous Mrs. Koran
Smith Crs
Smith Motion Crs
Sons Motion Crs
South Elliott
St Crs Cone
St Jean Motion Crs Duff
Stan Elliott
Stan Green and Benson Elliott
Stanley Elliott
Stanley Motion Crs Murray
Stanley Nadeau Crs Ronald Armitage
Stark Elliott
Starks Crs
Starks Crs Claude Richardson
Stella Elliott
Step Dancing Mr. and Mrs. Elliott
Stephen Elliott
Stephen Mackay Cedric Elliott
Stephen Ruseell Elliott
Steven Elliott
Stewart Dennison Motion Crs Duff
Stewart Stark^ Betty Lou Elliott
Style Shoppe Katie Elliott Kay Woodley
Style Shoppe Katie Elliott - Kay Woodley Phone 291
Success John E. G. Elliott
Sue Elliott
Sunday School Mrs. Gordon °* Elliott Lake
Susan Elliott
Sylvia Motion Crs Neil Ditt MacKILUCAN
Sylvia to-1 Motion Crs Murray
T " Crs Claude Rich-
T A. Elliott
T C Elliott
T C. Elliott
T V Elliott
T V. Elliott Tims
T- C. Elliott
T. Cecil Elliott
T. Stewart H. Elliott
Tammy Elliott
TD. John E. C. Elliott
Tdrry Elliott
Teddy Hayes Lorraine Elliott
Terence Elliott
Terence Lloyd Elliott
Terrence Elliott
Terry Coulas Grant A. Crozier Excavating Elliott Farm Equipment
Terry Elliott
Terry Elliott -
Terry Elliott - Raising
Terry Elliott 647-2322 Interior/exterior
Terry Elliott Clarendon
Terry Elliott Shawville
Terry Elliott Shuwville With
Terry Mur- Dalton Elliott
Tf Crs L Wilson
Th- Russell Elliott
The Grant Elliott
The Misses Betty Lou Elliott
Theo-iimii Elliott
Thomas A Elliott
Thomas A Elliott Ralph
Thomas A. Elliott
Thomas Andrew Elliott
Thomas Belair Motion Crs Alex Lapierre
Thomas Cecil Elliott
Thomas Elliott
Thomas Elliott.
Thomas Herman Elliott
Thomas Kelly .... Elliott Hodgins
Thomas Motion Crs
Thomas O Malley Carried Motion Crs
Thor- Miss Betty Lou Elliott
Tim Elliott
Tim Penfold Elliott Hoopfer
Timothy Elliott
Timothy Elliott Stevens
Titley Mrs. Claude Elliott Mrs Orla Young
Todd Elliott
Tom Elliott
Tom Jean Marilyn Elliott
Tommy Elliott
Tor- Motion Crs Duff
Tough Folks V Dr. Elliott C. Cutler
Tracy That Walter Elliott
Transcript H. K Elliott Sec Tie
Treasurer Emery Elliott
Trina Harriett Elliott
Trueman Thomas 2 H. Elliott 2. Domestic—
Trustee Russell Elliott
Turner President- Mrs Willard Elliott 1st Vice President- Mrs Art Hayes
Unionists Issue Mani- Dit Mb Elliott
V ma Elliott
V T. Elliott
V,S 1^Mr Elliott Lake
V. Elliott
V. T Elliott
Vance Elliott
Vcnctia Elliott
Venetia Elliott
Venita Elliott
Vera E Elliott.
Verna Elliott
Verna Russell Elliott
Veterinarian..... Bud Elliott.................... Y
Victoria Av-Motion Crs Doug Ful-
Viletta Elliott
Vincent Chisnell J XV Elliott Bert Hodgins E Chamberlain
Vincent Elliott
Viola Elliott
Vivian Palmer Elliott
W . H. S. Elliott
W A Armstrong 2. Alex Elliott
W B Elliott
W C W Elliott
W E Elliott
W Elliott
W H Elliott
W Thomas Elliott
W w Elliott T0rk
W. H Elliott
W. M Hayes Secretary-Treasurer Motion Crs
W.E. Mrs Hubert Elliott
Wake- Elliott
Wal Mrs. Harold H. Elliott
Wallace Albert Elliott H.
Wallace Barber Farm Equipment Jamieson Farm Equipment Cecil Elliott Farm Equipment Century Milling
Wallace Barber Willard Bretzlaff Wayne Chamberlain Claire Dagg Benson Elliott Walter Harris Teddy H
Wallace Genevieve Elliott Beulah Findlay Muriel Horner Mable Hamilton Orla Mee Fern Wickens Mary Br
Walt*‘r Elliott
Walter E. Elliott
Walter E. Elliott Dies Very
Walter E. Elliott''s
Walter Elliott
Walter Elliott Ai
Walter Elliott Bereaved
Walter Elliott Jas
Walter Elliott Mai
Walter Elliott Mr.
Walter F Elliott.
Walter K. Elliott
Walter Thrun Herbert Hodgins Earl Dods Fred Wiggins Hilliard Sinclair Bud Elliott Donald Duff Shawv
Walter W. Stevenson Elliott Street
Wan- Motion Crs
Warnie Richardson Motion Crs
Warren Cecil Elliott Foster Corrigan N Chintz
Warren Motion Crs Gilpin
Wayne & Nancy Dagenais-Elliott
Wendy Elliott
Wendy Elliott Tubman
Wendy Elliott.
Wendy Loftus Elliott
Were Messrs. Clifford Elliott
When Annie Elliott
Whitman J G Elliott.
Wickens Motion Crs Tom F
Wiggins Motion Crs Drummond
Wilfred Elliott
Willard Elliott
Willard Elliott Norma Hodgins Mvinan McDowell Harold Wilson Norval
Willard Elliott Pupils
Willard Elliott Rec.
Willard H.H. Elliott
William (Billy) Elliott
William and Mrs. Elliott
William Elliott All
William Elliott Dios Al Fairies Point Cairied
William Elliott Jones Dies
William Elliott Walla
William Elliott Walls
William Elliott.
William Elliott........ H.
William Elliott........................ H.
William H. Elliott R.
William James Elliott
William James Elliott Aed
William Melbourne Elliott
William Nadeau- Mrs Stella Elliott
William Tubman Motion—Crs Judd
William W. Elliott
Williard Elliott
Willie Elliott
Willie Rob-[motion Crs
Willie T. Barber Elliott
Wilmer Elliott
Wilson A A Macartney H E Elliott Mrs L Caldwell
Wilson Dr. D. J. Campbell Miss Katie Elliott Mrs. EU
Wilson Elliott
Wilson FVter Walls Percy Elliott Total
Wilson Memoral Scholarship Rev R O Elliott
Wilson Mrs Mervin Elliott
Win Elliott
Win- Mrs. W. Elliott Is
Winston Hodgins Mrs. Claude Elliott
Wm Elliott
Wm Mrs R H. Elliott Bereaved
WO. Bruce Elliott Visits Home Town
Wood Roland Elliott
Woodley Hubert Elliott Ivor Currie Mills
X* A Mrs Russell Elliott.
Young Carried Motion Crs
Young Motion Crs Dagg
Young Motion Crs McCredie
Your Emma Elliott
Zach Elliott
Zachary Elliott
Zack Elliott
[ Mrs Russell Elliott
Carried Motif l Crs.
Claude Elliott
Crs Arnot
Crs Delbert Z
Crs Ireland
Crs Mnld Hi
Elliott Bakeshop Trophy
Elliott Factory
Elliott Fort Coulonge
Elliott Island
Elliott Lake
Elliott Lake 58232b
Elliott Lake Mr.
Elliott Lake Ont
Elliott Lake Rob
Elliott Lake Routliffe
Elliott Lake U. S Atomic
Elliott Lake.
Elliott Mountains
Elliott Palm
Elliott Pump
Elliott Reunion
Elliott s l 44
Elliott St Alban
Elliott St John’s
Elliott St. Paul
Elliott St. Pauli
Elliott St. Psol
Elliott Trophy
Elliott Trophy.
Elliott. J D
Elliott’s Bakery Trophy
Florence Elliott
Fort Elliott
G. Elliott
H. Elliott
Hi Motion Crs
Il Elliott
Mab-Elliott Lake
Melbourne Elliott
N Elliott
O. Elliott
Ottawa Elliott Lake
Ottawa Elliott Lake.
Pearl Elliott
Shawville- l Motion Crs
U Bay Elliott
U Elliott
-Elliott»RussellRR2 Francon Ltd Gregory
28,1938 Elliott Shower
Adults 50< Telephone 432-4224 Children 25c Motion Crs Murphy
ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Clarendon Parish Rev. R. G Elliott
Anglican Elliott
Association Mrs. Ardley Elliott
AU H Motion Crs
Audit Bureau of Circulations Cedric Elliott Shawville Correction With
Bath Room Fixtures HOY ELLIOTT 11
BEAUCHAMP & ELLIOTT Bull For Service Registered Red Durham Bull
BEAUCHAMP & ELLIOTT Furniture For Service
BEAUCHAMP & ELLIOTT Touring* Car Local and District
Beech Grove Athletic As- Charities 2.88; Quyon Hardware Motion Crs
Beever Brush Clippers; Motion Crs Cedric
Bell Mobility Motion Crs Claude Rich
Board PORTUGAL Motion Crs Carmen Wickens Special
Borden for Weapons Ministère des Transports Motion Crs Dagg and Pitt Technician Training
Bristol Community Motion Crs Duff and Orr Association for
Bristol Council Motion Crs Smith
Bristol Elliott
Bristol Glenn Elliott
Bristol Memorial Presby- Elliott Rev. Frank Lawler
Bristol Mines Motion Crs
Bristol Motion Crs
Bristol Motion Crs Duff
Bristol Motion Crs Orr
Bristol Road Motion Crs Duff
Bristol Vol- Motion Crs Duff
Bristol Volun- Crs Donald McCredie
Bristol Volun- Motion Crs Pitt and
Bristol Volunteer Fire Crs
Bristol Volunteer Fire Motion Crs Stanley
Bristol; Mrs. Ardley Elliott
BROTHERS Miss Lorraine Elliott
Bryson Highway LLOYD ELLIOTT
Bud & Isobel Elliott January
By Crs Pitt and
Canadian Cancer Society Motion Crs
Canadian Home Of Tomorrow Motion Crs
Canadian National Institute for Carried Motion Crs
Canadian National Institute for Roy Elliott
Cancer Soci- Motion Crs Dagg
Capital City Tractor Crs Garth Tracy
Capital Crs
Carson Bros Motion Crs
Cecil Elliott’s Store
Cedric Elliott Visitors
Charity Elliott
Cheese Motion—Crs
Chrysler Motor Product Crs
Church of England CLAUDE ELLIOTT
Clarendon Council JULY 3-4-5 Motion Crs Jack Lang
Clarendon Council Motion by Crs Taber-Muldoon
Clarendon Council Motion Crs
Clarendon Hotel Motion Crs
Clarendon Hotel Shawville P Motion Crs Duff
Clarendon School Board LLOYD ELLIOTT.
Clean Up Week Motion Crs
ClUClieSter MlllllCipallty Motion Crs Duff
Commerce - Motion Crs
Committee - Motiop Crs
Committee of Crs Black
Committee of Onslow North Part Crs Henderson
Committee of Onslow South Part Crs Onslow
Community Centre Motion Crs Dagg
Community Day PUBLIC NOTICE Elliott
Community Disaster Society Motion by Crs
Community Motion Crs McCredie
Construction Equipment Ltd. E Motion Crs C Roy
Contact Dalton Elliott Por-
Contact Emery Elliott
Cooney Sec.-Treas Society Motion Crs
Corporation Motion by Crs
Council Apply Wilfred Elliott
Council Board Motion Crs Horner
Council Carried Church Motion Crs Sparl
Council Conducts Busy Meeting Motion Crs
COUNCIL Motion Crs Barber
COUNCIL Motion Crs Murphy
Council RAP - Motion Crs
Council Says Motion Crs
Crs 0 Hodgins
Crs Benefit Dance BIG ED
Crs Brown
Crs Brown Society
Crs Carswell
Crs Committee
Crs Council
Crs Dagg
Crs Davidson School
Crs Emmerson
Crs Everett Steele
Crs Gary Hodgins
Crs Gatineau Power
Crs Hawley
Crs Hawley Motion Crs Doug Ful-
Crs Hawley Wick
Crs Hawley Wickens
Crs Hawley Wickens Huddersfield
Crs Mac
Crs Orr
Crs O’Reilly-
Crs Railway Transport Committee
Crs Richardson & Ditt-
Crs Shawville Council CR""
Crs Stanley
DAILY CLOSED WEDNESDAYS Alexander Garfield Elliott Alexander Garfield Elliott
Dairy Maplehodge Farms Elliott
Department of Russell Elliott
Department of Transport Motion Crs
District Snowmobile Club Motion Crs Garth Tracy
Dorothy Elliott Publishers Sf Editorê VINTON PICNIC
DRESSING NOW DONE AT Elliott & Barter’s Mill
Dunraven Farm Forum; Bud Elliott
E.B. Elliott’s Garage
Easter Week Store Hours Motion Crs
Edwards Parish Hall Motion Crs
Eight Credit Union Opens Office Roy Elliott Portage Mayor GIVEN SHOWER
Electric Katie Elliott Kay Woodley Portage du F
ELLIOTT & SON Portage du Fort
Elliott & Sons Starks
Elliott & Sons Starks Corners
Elliott A Sons
Elliott A* Sons
Elliott Air Service
Elliott Best Goose—
Elliott Business College
Elliott Carson DEAN
ELLIOTT Central Depot
Elliott College
ELLIOTT Court Shawville
Elliott Farm Equipment Bob Weatherall
ELLIOTT Farm Equipment Ltd.
ELLIOTT Farm Equipment Ltd. Pembroke
ELLIOTT Farm Equipment Ltd. Tipu
Elliott Farm Equipment Weagant Farm Supplies Nancy Elliott Burnetts Co-op Royal Bank Shawville Chry
Elliott Jr Sons
ELLIOTT Little Old Boche
ELLIOTT Purebred Yorkshire Boar—(
ELLIOTT S IN-STORE Susan Childerhoee
Elliott School Board
Elliott School No.
Elliott Service
Elliott Trudeau School
Elliott’i Store
Elliott’s & Staff Pontiac Home Bakery Shawville
ELLIOTT’S IN-STORE BAKERY Pontiac Home Bakery Shawville
ELLIOTT’S IN-STORE Pontiac Home Bakery 647-2575 Thursday
Elliott’s Store
Elliott’s Store CHARTER
Everett Me-Elliott
Farm Hockey Elliott
Farmers Union Council Elliott
Fashion Shop Crs Pesa
Fire Commission Motion Crs Arnot Homer
Fire Committee Crs Black
Fire Committee Crs Fraser
Fire Committee Crs Trudeau & Dese-brais; Roads
Fire De- Motion Crs Claude Rich -
Fire Motion Crs Horner
Ford County Meeting BEAUCHAMP & ELLIOTT Tie* County L O
Ford Touring ECONOMY Motion—Crs
Friendly Service Motion Crs
Gatineau Power Co...... Motion Crs Yeung
Good Business S. Elliott & Sons
Government Approved Bristol Council Motion Crs Smith
Government Security Elliott
Grant Blades Elliott-
H S Elliott and Sons
HAY Fall Wheat- Claude Elliott
Health and Sanitation Crs Gibbons
Health and Wei- Elliott
HH Motion Crs
HI III H.J. Motion Crs Gilpin
Hieh School Elliott
High School Motion Crs Garth
Hobbs & Sons Motion Crs
HODGINS Elliott & Sons
Hodgins Store | Grant Elliott
Human Elliott
IH Farm Equipment Wallace Barber Farm Equipment Jamieson Farm Equipment Cecil Elliott Farm Equipmen
II Elliott
Imperial Oil Ltd. Motion Crs
Imperial Oil Mrs. Brent Elliott
In- Crs Garth Tracy
Is Motion Crs
J & J Gas Bar Cecil Elliott Bastion Tires Retro Pontiac Maplehodge Farm Ritchie’s Feed Nancy Dagena
J » P 1 Elliott-Dagenais wedding Service
Jacques Ledoux Bristol Terry Elliott Editor’s
JIotlon Crs Brown
l S. Elliott
Library - Motion Crs Jean- Motion Crs Jeannine Wick
Life Insurance Agency Management Aaaociation Elliott MONTREAL LIFE
Life Insurance Phone Motion Crs Brownlee
Life Insurance Phone Motion Crs McCann
Light S Life Hour Motion Crs O Reilly
Lines Mervin Elliott
Lion ------------Gordon Elliott
Lion Gordon Elliott
Lion Herb Elliott
Lion Jerry Barber Lion Robert Carswell Lion Darwin Elliott Lion Serge Guillemette Lion Mac Hayes Li
Lion Tamer Elliott
Litchfield Mountamview Turf Agronomics MRC Pontiac Millar Feed & Seed Elliott Farm Equipment Maxsom
Machinery Sales Co. Ltd Crs
MacLaren Farm Equipment Brownline Farms Mutual Insurance Cecil Elliott Bean s Service Station Plais
MacLaren Farm Systems Elliott Farm Equipment R.A. B-B-Q Saturday A A A A A A A A A A AAAAAA AAAAAA
Maple Grove Mr. Elliott
Master Alfie Elliott
Master Benson Elliott
Master Donald Elliott
Master Elliott
McKenzie G&S Farm Equipment Cecil Elliott Special
McLaren Farm Systems Jamieson Enterprises Elliott Farm Equipment Barker Motors R.A. B-B-Q Saturday
Me Dominion Roau Machinery Sales Motion Crs
Messrs Hawley Elliott
Messrs J G Elliott
Mine Elliott
Ministry of Crs Carmen Wickens Transport
Ministry of Crs Claude Richardson
Miss Katie Elliott
Miss Orma Elliott
Miss V Elliott
Mobon Crs Pitt & Smith Council
MONUMENTS Motion Crs Drummond &
Morgan Elliott
Motion - Crs
Motion by Crs
Motion by Crs Merriffeld-Clarke
Motion by Crs Wm
Motion Carried Crs
Motion Clarendon Municipal Crs Cedric Elliott
Motion Claude Richardson Motion Crs Jeannine
Motion Cr Cednc Elliott 301-500 b John Melloul
Motion Cr Cedric Elliott
Motion Cr Elliott
Motion Cr McCre- Motion Crs Duff
Motion Cr Orr Elliott
Motion Cra Elliott
Motion Crs
Motion Crs A
Motion Crs Bills
Motion Crs & Casual
Motion Crs 0 Hodgins
Motion Crs 0 Reilly
Motion Crs A
Motion Crs A Bennett
Motion Crs A Lapierre
Motion Crs Aime Essiambre
Motion Crs Alex
Motion Crs Alex Lapierre
Motion Crs Alexander
Motion Crs Amol Homer Pontiac Bursary
Motion Crs Amot
Motion Crs Amot Homer
Motion Crs Amot Horner & Jeannine Wickens that Council
Motion Crs Amot Horner |
Motion Crs Andrew Ben- the
Motion Crs Andrew Bennett
Motion Crs Ar-
Motion Crs Ar- Ministry of Environment H Council
Motion Crs Ar- of
Motion Crs Ar-not Homer
Motion Crs Armitage
Motion Crs Armitage—Martineau
Motion Crs Armltage
Motion Crs Arnot
Motion Crs Arnot Homer
Motion Crs Arnot Homer Within
Motion Crs Arnot Horn
Motion Crs Arnot Horn-Tenders
Motion Crs Arnot Horner
Motion Crs A„rppmpnt
Motion Crs B Armât
Motion Crs B Armitage
Motion Crs Barber
Motion Crs Barberand Brownlee
Motion Crs Barter
Motion Crs Bcrmott
Motion Crs Beaudoin
Motion Crs Bennett
Motion Crs Bernard Armi-mitage
Motion Crs bile Association
Motion Crs Black
Motion Crs Bretziaff
Motion Crs Bretzlaff
Motion Crs Bronson
Motion Crs Brown
Motion Crs Brown & Brown Minutes
Motion Crs Brownlee
Motion Crs Brownlee and Rowe
Motion Crs Bruce Armitage
Motion Crs Bruce Armitage Motion Crs Brownlee
Motion Crs Bu
Motion Crs Burke
Motion Crs C
Motion Crs C Betty Foran
Motion Crs C Parade
Motion Crs C Richardson
Motion Crs C Richardson and
Motion Crs C Richardson Clapham
Motion Crs C Richardson Council
Motion Crs C Richardson JOHN MacGREGOR CONCRETE
Motion Crs C Richardson Telebec Project No
Motion Crs C Roy
Motion Crs C Wickens
Motion Crs C Wkkens
Motion Crs Car
Motion Crs Car-
Motion Crs Car- Cedric Elliott
Motion Crs Car- Home Comfort Plan;
Motion Crs Carmen
Motion Crs Carmen By-law
Motion Crs Carmen Clears
Motion Crs Carmen Correspondence
Motion Crs Carmen Council
Motion Crs Carmen Motion Cr Arnot Horner HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Motion Crs Carmen Motion Crs Claude Rich
Motion Crs Carmen Tenders
Motion Crs Carmen Therefore the Municipal Motion Crs Carmen
Motion Crs Carmen Village
Motion Crs Carmen WEDNESDAY
Motion Crs Carmen Wic-
Motion Crs Carmen Wic- CO S
Motion Crs Carmen Wickens
Motion Crs Carnet McCal Charge
Motion Crs Carson and Bar Mr.
Motion Crs CAW-LOGS
Motion Crs Ccdnc Elliot
Motion Crs Cedric
Motion Crs Cedric Elli
Motion Crs Cedric Elli A
Motion Crs Cedric Elli-
Motion Crs Cedric Elli- By-Laws
Motion Crs Cedric Elli- Cr Garth Tracy
Motion Crs Cedric Elli- Crs Carmen Wickens
Motion Crs Cedric Elli- Fern Yach
Motion Crs Cedric Elli- Garth Tracy
Motion Crs Cedric Elli- Hall
Motion Crs Cedric Elli- Motion Crs Jeannine P
Motion Crs Cedric Elli-exigés
Motion Crs Cedric Elli-rendon
Motion Crs Cedric Elli-votes
Motion Crs Cedric Elli-were
Motion Crs Cedric Elliot
Motion Crs Cedric Elliott
Motion Crs Cedric Elliott Pontiac Travel Guide
Motion Crs Cedric the
Motion Crs Chamberlain
Motion Crs Chamberlain & McCleary
Motion Crs Chamberlain ;
Motion Crs Chamberlin
Motion Crs Clarendon Fire Depart- Carmen Wickens
Motion Crs Claude
Motion Crs Claude Crs Cedric Elliott
Motion Crs Claude JUcnard-son
Motion Crs Claude Ric- North
Motion Crs Claude Rich
Motion Crs Claude Rich*
Motion Crs Claude Rich-Clarendon Fire Truck
Motion Crs Claude Rich-CPR
Motion Crs Claude Rich-Lp.ni
Motion Crs Claude Rich-scats
Motion Crs Claude Rich-the
Motion Crs Claude Rich-Wickens
Motion Crs Claude Richard
Motion Crs Claude Richard Tracy
Motion Crs Claude Richards-
Motion Crs Claude Richardson
Motion Crs Clrs Turcotte
Motion Crs Cone
Motion Crs Constant Legault
Motion Crs Cornwall
Motion Crs County
Motion Crs Cr Wickens
Motion Crs CÜ
Motion Crs D
Motion Crs D Ful-
Motion Crs D Fulford
Motion Crs Dace
Motion Crs Dagg
Motion Crs Dagg &
Motion Crs Dagg & Graham
Motion Crs Dagg & Motion Crs Duff &
Motion Crs Dagg & Pitt that
Motion Crs Dagg & Pitt the
Motion Crs Dagg and Association
Motion Crs Dagg and Chamber of Commerce Poupore
Motion Crs Dagg and Council
Motion Crs Dagg and McGuinty Inc and/or
Motion Crs Dagg and Pitt
Motion Crs Dagg and Pitt Dagg that Council
Motion Crs Dagg and Pitt that Council
Motion Crs Dagg and Roy Bristol Volunteer Fire Dept
Motion Crs Dale
Motion Crs December HOT CROSS BUNS
Motion Crs Dept
Motion Crs Desabrais
Motion Crs Desahrais
Motion Crs Ditt- Wickens
Motion Crs Dittbumer ral Affairs
Motion Crs Document
Motion Crs Dolan
Motion Crs Douf
Motion Crs Doug
Motion Crs Doug Department of Transport the Municipal Council Roger La Rocque
Motion Crs Doug Ful-
Motion Crs Doug Ful- Hobbs met Council
Motion Crs Doug Ful-dums
Motion Crs Doug Ful-ford
Motion Crs Doug Fulford
Motion Crs Doug Fulford Clarendon Fire Dept
Motion Crs Douglas
Motion Crs Douglas Fulford
Motion Crs Douglas Fulford ORLEANS MONUMENTS
Motion Crs Douglas Fulford Committee
Motion Crs Douglas Motion
Motion Crs Dowe
Motion Crs Draper
Motion Crs Drummond
Motion Crs Dsgg
Motion Crs Dubois
Motion Crs Duff
Motion Crs Duff &
Motion Crs Duff & Dagg
Motion Crs Duff & Orr
Motion Crs Duff & Serge & Ghislaine Dubois
Motion Crs Duff and
Motion Crs Duff and Council
Motion Crs Duff and Pitt
Motion Crs Duff and Pitt Dagg that Council
Motion Crs Duff*
Motion Crs Dugg
Motion Crs Dummond
Motion Crs Dunlop
Motion Crs E McCann
Motion Crs Eadcs
Motion Crs Eades
Motion Crs Education and
Motion Crs El-
Motion Crs Elliott
Motion Crs Emmeraon
Motion Crs Emmerson
Motion Crs Emmerson and Army Girl’s Home
Motion Crs Emmurson
Motion Crs ers
Motion Crs Ervin
Motion Crs Essi
Motion Crs Essiambre
Motion Crs Essiamhre
Motion Crs Fades
Motion Crs Fahey
Motion Crs Farrel
Motion Crs Farrell
Motion Crs Findlay
Motion Crs Findlay Dagg
Motion Crs Findlay Hanna
Motion Crs Fitzsimmon
Motion Crs Fmmerson
Motion Crs Foran
Motion Crs Fraser
Motion Crs Ful-
Motion Crs G
Motion Crs G A
Motion Crs G Armitage
Motion Crs G Committee
Motion Crs G Hod
Motion Crs G Hod-gins
Motion Crs G Hodgina
Motion Crs G Hodgine and C Municipal Council Township
Motion Crs G Hodgins
Motion Crs G Hodgins and Insurance Policies
Motion Crs G Joannisse
Motion Crs G McCallum
Motion Crs G Tracy
Motion Crs G _
Motion Crs G. Joannisse
Motion Crs GarHi Tracy
Motion Crs Garnet
Motion Crs Garnet McCallum
Motion Crs Garth
Motion Crs Garth Campbell
Motion Crs Garth Financial
Motion Crs Garth Iracy Motion Crs Carmen
Motion Crs Garth Manpower
Motion Crs Garth Richardson
Motion Crs Garth Tracey
Motion Crs Garth Tracy
Motion Crs Garth Tracy & Carmen Wickens
Motion Crs Garth Tracy Campbell
Motion Crs Garth Tracy Council
Motion Crs Garth Tracy de Protection du
Motion Crs Garth Tracy Equipment
Motion Crs Garth Tracy Jeannine Wickens
Motion Crs Garth Tracy Lake
Motion Crs Garth Tracy McCoy
Motion Crs Garth Tracy Motion Crs Claude Rich
Motion Crs Garth Tracy Municipal Affairs
Motion Crs Garth Tracy Outaouais Alliance
Motion Crs Garth Tracy Richardson
Motion Crs Garth Tracy Stocks Used Equipment
Motion Crs Garth Tracy Telebcc
Motion Crs Garth Tracy Wickens
Motion Crs Gary
Motion Crs Gary Hodgins
Motion Crs Gary Hodgins Hodgins
Motion Crs Gatineau Power
Motion Crs Gibbons
Motion Crs Gilpin
Motion Crs Gilpin Barber
Motion Crs Gr*
Motion Crs Graham
Motion Crs Graham & Duff
Motion Crs Gran*
Motion Crs Grant
Motion Crs Gray
Motion Crs Greer
Motion Crs H
Motion Crs H Wickens
Motion Crs H Wickens Motion Crs Hawley
Motion Crs H Wickens TENDERS Club
Motion Crs Hammond
Motion Crs Hamond
Motion Crs Hanna
Motion Crs Hark
Motion Crs Harkneas Smiley
Motion Crs Has
Motion Crs Haw
Motion Crs Hawley
Motion Crs Hawley Road
Motion Crs Hawley the
Motion Crs Hawley Wic
Motion Crs Hawley Wic-kens
Motion Crs Hawley Wickens
Motion Crs Hayes
Motion Crs Henderson
Motion Crs Henderson & January
Motion Crs Herd Reduction Sale Scotch Highlands
Motion Crs Hernard Arniitage
Motion Crs Hodgins
Motion Crs HODGINS—In
Motion Crs Hodglns
Motion Crs Horner
Motion Crs Hubert McCauley JEWELLER
Motion Crs IE
Motion Crs Ireland
Motion Crs Irwin Hayes
Motion Crs Irwin Hodgins
Motion Crs IV
Motion Crs J
Motion Crs J J McCalluml South
Motion Crs J J MeCallum Minutes
Motion Crs J.
Motion Crs Jack
Motion Crs Jack Lang
Motion Crs Jack Lang Crime Prevention Sym
Motion Crs Jack Lang Pro-Mayor Carmen
Motion Crs Jack Lang Sorel
Motion Crs Jean-
Motion Crs Jean-road
Motion Crs Jeannie
Motion Crs Jeannine
Motion Crs Jeannine Committees
Motion Crs Jeannine Correspondence
Motion Crs Jeannine Î. P A,CENTRE
Motion Crs Jeannine L
Motion Crs Jeannine Mayor
Motion Crs Jeannine Norman
Motion Crs Jeannine Qf October
Motion Crs Jeannine Shawville
Motion Crs Jeannine the
Motion Crs Jeannine the Development Plan
Motion Crs Jeannine We
Motion Crs Jeannine Wick-ens
Motion Crs Jeannine Wickens
Motion Crs JJ McCalkim
Motion Crs Johnston
Motion Crs Judd-Hanns
Motion Crs Jvannme
Motion Crs K
Motion Crs K Wilson and L Committee
Motion Crs Kennedv
Motion Crs Kennedy-Horner
Motion Crs Kilgour
Motion Crs Kmmcrson
Motion Crs Kmmerson
Motion Crs Krose
Motion Crs L
Motion Crs L McCann
Motion Crs L Roy
Motion Crs L Telford
Motion Crs L Wilson
Motion Crs L Wilson and C Roll
Motion Crs Lang
Motion Crs Lang and Budget Motion Crs Motion Crs Richardson
Motion Crs Langford
Motion Crs Lapierre
Motion Crs Linda Williams
Motion Crs Lmmerson
Motion Crs Lots
Motion Crs M
Motion Crs M Fulford
Motion Crs M Richard Donations
Motion Crs M Richardson
Motion Crs M Richardson Work
Motion Crs Ma
Motion Crs Ma-farlane
Motion Crs Malctte
Motion Crs Malettc
Motion Crs Malette
Motion Crs Manwell
Motion Crs Marks
Motion Crs Martineau
Motion Crs Martineau-Arm
Motion Crs Mavis Hanna
Motion Crs McCallum
Motion Crs McCann
Motion Crs McCleaiy
Motion Crs McCleary
Motion Crs McCledary
Motion Crs McCord
Motion Crs McCre-die and Pitt that Council
Motion Crs McCred
Motion Crs McCredie
Motion Crs McCredie 1
Motion Crs McCredie and
Motion Crs McCredie and Pitt
Motion Crs McCredie and Pitt that Council
Motion Crs McCredie Bay
Motion Crs McCredie Bids
Motion Crs McCredie Bristol
Motion Crs McCredie Canton Unis de Leslie
Motion Crs McCredie Council
Motion Crs McCredie Cr Pirie
Motion Crs McCredie Duff
Motion Crs McCredie ENGLISH
Motion Crs McCredie Ford Pick-up
Motion Crs McCredie Hélène Bélisle
Motion Crs McCredie McCredie
Motion Crs McCredie Motion Crs Smith
Motion Crs McCredie Note
Motion Crs McCredie Shawville Arena Im
Motion Crs McCredie Smith
Motion Crs McCredie Store Ltd of
Motion Crs McCredie Townhall
Motion Crs McCredie Transports
Motion Crs McKay
Motion Crs McKee
Motion Crs McNeil
Motion Crs McNeill
Motion Crs McNeill McCleary
Motion Crs McTieman
Motion Crs Merlin
Motion Crs Merlin October
Motion Crs Merlin Richard
Motion Crs Merlin Richard Municipal Council Township
Motion Crs Merlin Richardson
Motion Crs Metcalfe
Motion Crs Mlc£asd
Motion Crs Mohr
Motion Crs Motion Crs J Wickens Tracy
Motion Crs Motion Crs Jack Lang
Motion Crs Moxley
Motion Crs Mr. Billings
Motion Crs Mr. Fred Dagg
Motion Crs Mr. William O’Reilly
Motion Crs Mulligan
Motion Crs Murphy
Motion Crs Murray
Motion Crs Nbtcalfc
Motion Crs Neil Ditt MacKILUCAN & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants
Motion Crs Neil Dittburner
Motion Crs Norway Bay Municipal
Motion Crs O Rctily
Motion Crs O Reilly
Motion Crs O Reilly A Young
Motion Crs O- Reilly
Motion Crs Orr
Motion Crs Orr & Dagg
Motion Crs Orr & Duff
Motion Crs Orr & Pitt also
Motion Crs Orr and
Motion Crs Orr and Council
Motion Crs Orr and Dagg Council
Motion Crs Orr and Pitt
Motion Crs Orr and Pitt %
Motion Crs Orr and Pitt >
Motion Crs Orr and Pitt aC#®FienVi D.u
Motion Crs Orr and Pitt and Duff that Council
Motion Crs Orr and Pitt Clement Romain
Motion Crs Orr and Pitt Motion Crs Dagg and Department of Municipal that Council
Motion Crs Orr and Pitt QPF
Motion Crs Orr and Pitt r*
Motion Crs Orr and Pitt the
Motion Crs Orr Council
Motion Crs Orr Workshops
Motion Crs O’Reilly
Motion Crs O’Reilly Henderson
Motion Crs O’Reilly Wiggins
Motion Crs Parrel
Motion Crs Pfj Claude Richardson
Motion Crs Pine
Motion Crs Pirie
Motion Crs Pirie Orr
Motion Crs Pitt
Motion Crs Pitt & Dagg
Motion Crs Pitt & Orr Code
Motion Crs Pitt and
Motion Crs Pitt and Clarendon Townline and Pitt
Motion Crs Pitt and Council
Motion Crs Pitt and Dagg
Motion Crs Pitt and Duff
Motion Crs Pitt and Duff Motion Crs Orr and Pitt that Council
Motion Crs Pitt and Duff Miljour
Motion Crs Pitt and Duff* Cr Dagg
Motion Crs Pitt and Line
Motion Crs Pitt and Mary
Motion Crs Pitt and McCredie
Motion Crs Pitt and Motion Crs Dagg
Motion Crs Pitt and Orr
Motion Crs Pitt and Protection
Motion Crs Pitt and Tenders
Motion Crs Pitt and Vehicle Repair Shops
Motion Crs Pitt and Visitors
Motion Crs Pitt that Council
Motion Crs Puff
Motion Crs Quenneville
Motion Crs Reduce E
Motion Crs Richardson
Motion Crs Richardson the
Motion Crs Robinson
Motion Crs Robinson II
Motion Crs Robinson-OTteilly
Motion Crs Ron Essiambre
Motion Crs Ron Essiambre & Garnet McCallum
Motion Crs Roy
Motion Crs Roy Carried Mr. Dcnzil Brown
Motion Crs Russctt
Motion Crs Russeit
Motion Crs Russett
Motion Crs Sheehan
Motion Crs Smart-Whelen
Motion Crs Smiley
Motion Crs Smith
Motion Crs Smith &
Motion Crs Smith & Pitt
Motion Crs Smith and
Motion Crs Smith and Pitt that Council
Motion Crs Sparling
Motion Crs Staaley
Motion Crs Stanley
Motion Crs Stanley & Dagg X Special Buy Special Buy
Motion Crs Stevens & Dale icipaj Council of Onslow South Mr. E
Motion Crs Stewart
Motion Crs Subvention
Motion Crs Tanguay
Motion Crs Tanner
Motion Crs Telford
Motion Crs Terry Fox Rd
Motion Crs that Council
Motion Crs Thomas Belair
Motion Crs Tracy
Motion Crs Trudeau
Motion Crs Tubman
Motion Crs Tun
Motion Crs UMRCQ
Motion Crs Vaughan
Motion Crs Westbrook—Clarke
Motion Crs Whelen
Motion Crs Whereas
Motion Crs Wickens
Motion Crs Wickens budget
Motion Crs Wige Kennedy
Motion Crs Wiggins
Motion Crs Wilson
Motion Crs Wmj Alexander
Motion Crs Wt^gins
Motion Crs Yach
Motion Crs Yach and Steph-1 Municipal Council
Motion Crs Yeung
Motion Crs Young
Motion Crs Young & Dagg _
Motion Crs Young & Graham Mr.
Motion Crs Young—Martineau
Motion Crs Youth
Motion Crs | Everyone
Motion Crs- Brownlee
Motion Crs.J.
Motion Economic Summet Conference Crs Carmen Wickens
Motion Elliott
Motion Elliott and
Motion Elliott Hodgins
Motion Elliott that Council
Motion Grant Elliott
Motion Ly Crs
Motion Mrs. Elliott
Motion of Crs Quenneville
Motion Qh^IXA/villfl Crs
Motion V»v Crs
Motion- Crs
Motions Crs Pitt
Motions Crs Pitt & Sm- des
Motions Crs Pitt and Townhall
Mr CUMaoUon Crs Dagg
Mr. Elliott Court Division
Mr. Hawley Elliott
MRC Pon- Motion Crs Cedric Elli- Tracy
MRS ANNIE ELLIOTT Dresses Blouses Skirts & Slacks Advance Showing
Mrs Charteris Chronicle Mrs. Norval McNeil Motion Crs G Hodgins
Mrs Mae Elliott Ontario
Mrs. Hawley Elliott
Mrs. Hawley Elliott;
Mrs. Mae Elliott
Mrs. Russell Elliott ;
Mrs. Wilde Elliott
Municipal Code Motion Crs
Municipal Corporation Motion by Crs Merlin Affairs
Municipal Coun- Motion of Crs
Municipal Council Town- Motion Crs Garth Tracy
Municipal Crs Garth Tracy and Council Township
Municipal Crs Orr
Municipal Government Motion Crs
Municipal Housing Corp- Crs Ranger
Municipal Motion Crs Elliott
Municipal Motion Crs Smith & August
Municipal Procedure Motion Crs McCann
National Motion Crs
No. 10 School T C Elliott
NUMBERS Motion Crs E McCann
OBITUARIES Hubert Cecil Elliott Ena Newell-Prudhomme Newell
OM Elliott RN
Onslow Council Motion Crs Stevens
Onslow Council Pontiac Motion Crs
Onslow-Eardley Town Line Motion Crs
Ottawa-Hull Power Co. Motion—Crs
Outaouais Regional League Ronnie Cameron Brad Elliott Joanne Elliott Lynne Cameron Midget Ttems Avl
P. Q Allan McKinnon Bât Motion Crs
PEMBROKE Carried Motion Crs
Pitt and Carman Elliott
Pitt and Motion Crs
Pitt Motion Crs McCredie
Pitt that Council Motion Crs Duff
Pontiac Business Associa Motion Crs Claude Rich
Pontiac Clergy Asso-tion Crs Hawley Wickens
Pontiac Co-op Medical Services Motion Crs May
Pontiac Community Elliott
Pontiac Community Hos-Walter Elliott
Pontiac Council Elliott-Baillie wedding Hospital Auxiliary
Pontiac County Protestant Central School Board; Rev. Elliott; Mrs. Percival; Mr. Basil Quaile
Pontiac Crs
Pontiac Crs Garth Tracy
Pontiac Home Bakery ELLIOTT S’ PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED Shawville
Pontiac Home Bakery "ELLIOTT S"
Pontiac Home Bakery (ELLIOTT S
PONTIAC HOME BAKERY - In-Store Bakery Elliott s
Pontiac Home Bakery ELLIOTT
Pontiac Home Bakery ELLIOTT S
Pontiac Home Bakery ELLIOTT S IN-STORE BAKERY Shawville
Pontiac Home Bakery Elliott s In-Store Bakery Shawville,
Pontiac Home Bakery ELLIOTT S Phone
Pontiac Home Bakery ELLIOTT S With
Pontiac Home Bakery ELLIOTT’S 647-2575
Pontiac Home Bakery ELLIOTT’S 647-2575 Phone
Pontiac Home Bakery ELLIOTT’S W Shawville
PONTIAC HOME BAKERY In-Store Bakery - Elliott
Pontiac Home Bakery “ELLIOTT S
Pontiac Home Bakery “Elliott’s
Pontiac Home Bakery “In-Store Bakery” - Elliott
Pontiac Motion Crs Carmen Telebec Project
Pontiac Mutual Life of Canada Motion Crs Hawley Wickens
Pontiac Road Motion Crs
Pontiac Rural Telephone Co. Cecil Elliott
Pontiac Rural Telephone Co. H. E. ELLIOTT Sec—Treasurer
Pontiac Snowsuit Fund Kayla Elliott
Pontiac Tel-Motion Crs
Pontiac Tou- Motion Crs Dagg
Pontiac U.P.A. Elliott Farm Equipment W.A. Hodgins Palmer
Portage Council Motion Crs
Portage du Motion Crs
Postal Motion Crs Dagg and Pitt Unions
Primitive Eskimo Races Greatest of Toy Makers LLOYD ELLIOTT
Pro Mayor Douglas Motion Crs Claude Rich
Pro Mayor Motion Crs Gilpin
PUBLIC Emery Elliott
Purdue Mr. Elliott
Quality Clothing & Footwear Motion Crs
QUALITY Elliott-Sharp
Quebec Const Equip- Motion Crs Ireland
Quebec Labour Motion Crs Garth Tracy Code
Quyon Agricultural Society Motion by Crs Gibbons
Quyon Lion s Club Crs Duff
Quyon Milling Co Motion Crs
R Arnpnor Elliott
RAISIN BUNS Pontiac Home Bakery ELLIOTT’S Phone
Recognition Crs
Recreation Fish Motion Crs L Wilson
Reis Equipment Ltd. Mystical Creations Valley Mutual Revel Stewart & Barb Russell Elliott Farm Equi
Rev. Mr. Co Mr. Elliott Belsher
Roll Motion Crs
Rural Inspector Russell Elliott
Rural Telephone Co. Apply Mrs. Myrtle Elliott
Salvation Army Motion Crs
Sawyer Massey Co Motion—Crs Maclarlane
Science and Technology Canada PSOCFP Elliott
Senior Hockey Club Motion Crs
Separate School Board Motion Crs
Sewerage Committee Crs Hayes
Shaws Garage Motion Crs Arnot Horn
Shawville & District Snowmobile Club Motion Crs McCredie
SHAWVILLE ARENA Motion Crs Garth Tracy
Shawville Council CLAVDK ELLIOTT
Shawville Council Motion Crs McTlernan
Shawville Elliott’s Store
SHELL Carried Motion Crs
Signs & Line Crs Cedric
Smart Shop For Ladies" Katie Elliott Kay Woodley SHAWVILLE MILLING COMPANY LTD
Society Sheehan and Motion Crs Joannissc
SONS Motion Crs
SPECIALS Motion Crs Metcalfe
St Jean Motion Crs Duff
SUBSCRIBE Crs Elliott NOW Eghjity
SUITS Carried Motion Crs
SUM S ZSpi Motion-Crs Clarke
Supply Gordon Elliott
The Equity Motion Crs
Tread Carried Motion Crs
TURKEY - GEESE - CHICKEN Carried Motion Crs*
UIC Section Motion Crs Doug Ful-don Roller Mill
United Church Tral- Elliott
VALUATION Bell Motion Crs
WANTED Homer’s Garage Motion Crs
Warner MEMORIAM Elliott
WÊÈM Motion Crs Findlay
Western Front Elliott
Wiiiiard Elliott’s Hill
WJ Hayes & JohnHiram Elliott
Womens Institute Elliott
Wyman Community Rink Motion Crs Henderson
XMAS TREE Elliott’s Hall