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Mr. Harold Dagg

Issues the person appears in:


Possible related entities:

1973 Harold Frederick (Fred) Kleck
2. J T. Dagg St Son
3rd Harold Hayes India
8. Mrs Austin Dagg
A. Dagg
Ac Harold
Ada Dagg
Adeline Dagg
Agricult Harold Daley
Airs Harold H Hodgins
Aithur Dagg
Al- Mrs Harold Campbell Bish
Alexander - Harold Davis
Alexander Dagg
Alexander Tait George Dagg..
Alf Dagg
Alfred Dagg
Alfred Dagg Stuart
Alfred Manwell Harold Alfred Manwell
Alice Dagg
Alison Rowat Tammy Dagg
Allan Dagg
Allan Kenne Wycllffe Dagg
Allen Dagg
Amelia MrP Harold Sparling
Amelia Smart Winnie Horner Clara Strutt Annie Hamilton Mias McMonag’e Harold G. Young
Amo A Jenny Patch John A Sandy Patch Harold A Dor
Andrew Dagg
Andrew Daley Harold Armitage John Armitage
Andrew W Dagg
Andrew William Dagg
Angela Dagg
Angella Dagg
Angus Harold MacKin-
Anita Dagg
Anita Roy Ernest Dagg
Ann Cheryl Dagg
Ann Dagg
Ann Dagg This
Anna Dagg
Anne Dagg
Anne John Dagg
Annette Chartrand Harold
Annie Dagg
Annie Reid Mack-and Mrs. Harold Fokes
Annie Wesley Dagg
Apply Harold McCoy 647
Apply Harold McCoy Phone
Apply Harold W. Hobbs
Apply Lloyd R. Dagg
Apply W L Dagg
Ar- Harold Hodglns
Armeline Dagg
Armen Dagg
Arminta McDowell Mr. Archie Dagg Mr.
Armitage John T. Dagg
Armstrong L A Dagg
Art Dagg
Art Dagg Minutes
Arthur Dagg
Arthur Dagg -
Arthur Dagg Although
Arthur Dagg Bereaved Mr»
Arthur Dagg Con
Arthur Dagg Dainty
Arthur Dagg Dr. Earl
Arthur Dagg Education
Arthur Dagg Garrett Walsh
Arthur Dagg I
Arthur Dagg Ida Harris
Arthur Dagg Judges
Arthur Dagg Mary Kilgour
Arthur Dagg Memorial- Janie Ebert
Arthur Dagg Model
Arthur Dagg Mossri^g
Arthur Dagg Moyer School Supplies
Arthur Dagg Mr Norval Kllgour
Arthur Dagg Mr.
Arthur Dagg Mr. Del Manary
Arthur Dagg Mrs Christine Armour
Arthur Dagg Mrs.
Arthur Dagg Mrs. Christina Armour
Arthur Dagg Mrs. John Morrison
Arthur Dagg Named
Arthur Dagg On
Arthur Dagg Other
Arthur Dagg Page Five Y*rm Noies
Arthur Dagg Publicity
Arthur Dagg QUALITY
Arthur Dagg Que
Arthur Dagg Re
Arthur Dagg Those
Arthur Dagg Trophy
Arthur Dagg Weekend
Arthur Dagg- Competency
Arthur Dagg/ President
Arthur Dagg’s
Arthur Dsgg Miss Barsbara Dagg
Arthur Kilgour Miss Ruth Dagg
Arthur Pitt* Harold Henderson BrU- Many Showers Held For Miss Barber Miss M<
Arthur William Dagg
Assessors Harold
Austin Dagg
Austin Dagg Gerald Kelly
Austin Dagg’s
Bailcv Marion Dagg
Bancroft Harold Scott Brady
Barbara A. Dagg
Barbara Ann Dagg
Barbara Cruick- Dagg
Barbara Dagg
Barbara Dagg As
Barbara Dagg Betty Gorse
Barbara Dagg Gerald: Brent
Barbara Dagg Is
Barbara Dagg Wetmore
Barbeau....... Thomas Dagg
Barber and Harold Barber.
Barber and Harold Walsh
Barber «ml Dagg
Barry Harold
Bay Harold
Beatrice Dagg
Beryl Dagg
Betty Dagg
Beverley Dagg
Beverly Dagg
Bill Dagg
Bill Harold
Bill Little Harold House
Bill Rev- Harold Steele
Billy and David Dagg
Billy and Sandy Dagg
Billy Dagg
Billy Dagg. Lee
Billy Harold
Blair Harold Smyth
Bob Burns Harold Abilities
Bob Harold Hall
Bob Young Keith Mohr Jim Hickey Harold Kearns Bruce Campbell Quyon U.C.W.
Bobbie Dagg
Bobby Dagg
Bourgeau Wesley Dagg
Brandie Dagg
Brenda Barber Barbara Dagg
Brenda Barber Barbara Dagg Isobel Dagg Glyndwr Davies Esther Erley Elizabeth Hodgins Elizabeth Horn
Brenda Dagg
Brent Dagg
Brett Dagg
Brett Dagg G
Brian Dagg
Brian Motion Crs Dagg
Brian Mrs Loma Dagg
Brough W G Y Corrigan W H Corrigan Arthur Dagg El
Brown Mr Wesley Dagg
Bruce Wallace Khrystan Dagg
Bryan Alexander Gwenyth Barber Marshall Burke Lois Chamberlain Merwyn Dagg Billy Davies Henry De Vr
Btenda Dagg
Buckingham] Archivists Wesley Dagg
Bui Mrs Lola Dagg
Bums Harold
Burns Harold
Burns Harold Wil
C and Harold Robi-
C J Dagg
C J. Caldwell Lloyd Dagg
Calumet Councillor Harold Elliott
Campbell Harold
Capt Harold A. Cunningham Berlin.-—A
Carmella Dagg
Caroline Dagg
Caroline Dagg)
Caroline Dagg.
Caroline Master David Dagg
Carolyn Dagg
Ce-rence Dagg
Cecil Dagg
Chairman Mr. Arthur Dagg
Charity Dagg
Charles 647-3576 Dagg
Charles Armon Dagg
Charles Dagg
Charles Dagg Aylmer
Charles Dagg Aytmer
Charles Dagg Vvm B Hodgins
Charles Ethier Harold Lamarche
Charles J Dagg
Charles Leslie Harold
Charles Leslie Harold Hines
Charles W Dagg
Charles W Dagg On Thursday
Charles W. Dagg
Charley Dagg
Charlie Dagg
Charlie Dagg 3. SHKKl
Charlie Dagg Dear
Cheryl Dagg
Ches-V I G T. Dagg
Chris Harold
Christopher Dagg
Civilization Prof. Harold J. Laski
Claire Dagg
Clarence " Roy Dagg
Clarence and Betty Dagg
Clarence and Betty Dagg Walsh
Clarence Brownlee Harold
Clarence Dagg
Clarence Dagg Section Foreman Retires Raeburn McTiernan
Clarence Dagg Walter
Clarence Roy Dagg
Clark Mrs. Walter Findlay Ernest Towsley Dr. R, E. Dagg Dr. Wallace Hodgins Raymond Johnston
Coach Harold Price
Connie Dagg
Connie Mrs Ivan Dagg
Corporal Harold Armstrong
Corrigan Thomas Dagg
Cotie and Wesley Dagg Councillors Alexander
Councillors Harold Elliott
Councillors Jennings Dagg
County Marshall John Dagg
Cr Dagg
Cra Farrell Dagg
Craig Dagg
Craig J E Dagg
Crs Dagg
Crs Dagg Young
Crs Farrell Dagg
Crs Leonard Roy and Ron Dagg
Cr^ Farrell Dagg
CVril Dagg
Cynl Dagg
Cyril Dagg
Cyril Gilpi Ronnie Dagg
Dagg X
Dagg T **
Dagg - Winnifred Dale
Dagg Alexander
Dagg Alf Draper
Dagg Another
Dagg At
Dagg Bag
Dagg Belated
Dagg Council
Dagg David
Dagg Dr. Wallace Hodgins Raymond Johnston
Dagg Families
Dagg Fred A. Horner
Dagg G
Dagg Henry
Dagg Hodgins Lumber
Dagg In
Dagg Is
Dagg J B Kilgour
Dagg J L (Continued
Dagg J S P
Dagg John C Dagg
Dagg Judged
Dagg L |
Dagg Milton
Dagg Mosle Murphy
Dagg Mr. Graham Conolly
Dagg Mrs H Hayes
Dagg Mrs Sid Tubman
Dagg Paul Landry
Dagg Ruth Karen
Dagg Scott
Dagg Young
Dagg- Bruce Telford
Dagg- John Havelin
Dale Harold McCoy
Dale Miss Arminta McDowell Miss Raeburn Doherty Mrs. Harold Pokes Mr.
Dale Miss M Cochrane Dr Dagg Skip—9 Mrs L Armstrong Leslie Hodgine
Dame Helen Dagg
Dame Marion Helen Dagg
Dame Ruth Karen Dagg
Dan Dagg
Daniel Motion Cr Dagg
Dannie Dagg
Danny Dagg
Darlene Dagg
Dave Dagg
Dave Moore Cyril Dagg
David and Betty Dagg
David and Sandy Dagg
David Belanger Dagg
David Dagg
David Dagg 1
David Dagg 2
David Dagg Day
David Dagg Happiness
David Dagg Mr.
David Fletcher Roy) Dagg
Davis Remembering Harold
Dawn Dagg
Dda Dagg
Dealers Lorraine Ethel Dagg
Dennis Harold
Denny Dagg
Di Leaving Dagg Mayor Fred W. Thomas
Diane Dagg
Dianne Burnett Fred Dagg
Dianne Carmichael Dagg
Director Bill Dagg
Dolly Dagg
Don Dagg
Donald 3. Dagg
Donald Dagg
Donald Harold Malette
Donald McRae Dr. R E. Dagg Norris Brough Miss Nell
Donald McRae Dr. Wallace Hodgins Mr. Harold Hayward Mr.
Doris Barber Marie Cartman Marcella Cole Marie Brownlee Jean Cutbbertson Evelyn Dagg Marion Hodgins
Doris Dagg
Doris Hodglns Dagg
Dorothy Dagg
Dorothy Jean Dagg
Douglas Fulford Harold Sc
Douglas MacDou- Harold Templeman
Dr. Dagg
Dr. Earl Dagg
Dr. H K. Dagg
Dr. Harold
Dr. Harold G.
Dr. Harold G. Stafford
Dr. Harold Grant
Dr. Harold Keon
Dr. Harold Lay
Dr. Harold Laycock
Dr. Harold Lutuan
Dr. Harold P. Lund
Dr. Harold P. McDonald
Dr. Harold Skeels
Dr. K K. Dagg
Dr. R E Dagg
Dr. R K Dagg
Drowning Accident Mr. Harold H. Hodgins
Dur- Mrs. Fred Dagg
Dwight McDowell ...... Miss Maria Ann Hodgins Harold Hodgins
Dwight McDowell ...... Miss Maria Ann Hodgins Harold Hodgins Chris Caldwell Plate Collection J,jZi
Dwight McDowell ....... Miss Maria Ann Hodgins Harold Hodgins
E Dagg
E Dagg G G McDowell A D McCredie Skip
E. DAGG Hugh Car-on
Earl and1 Mrs Dagg
Earl Dagg
Earl Dagg Bill Hobbs
Earl Dagg Montreal
Earl Loma Dagg
Earle Dagg
Ed Dagg
Eddie Richardson Fred Dagg
Edgar Dagg
Edgar Dagg Broad Jump
Edgar Dagg Prayer
Edith Dag# Dagg
Edith Dagg
Edmund Dagg
Edmund James Dagg
Edrice Dagg
Edward Dagg
Edward Dagg Lil-brated
Edward Dagg—Bristol-South Onslow
Edward R Dagg
Edward Smiley,------ Arthur Dagg
Edwin Alexander Wilson Barber Elvyn Corrigan Erma Corrigan Lillian Dagg Wesley Dagg Hawley Elliott
Edyth Dagg
Elburn Dagg
Eleanor E Dagg
Election Clerk Theresa Dagg Linda Smart
Elizabeth Ar- Harold
Elizabeth Dagg
Elizabeth Dagg’s
Ellen Lillian Dagg
Elliott Dagg
Elliott Neil Wesley Dagg
Elsie Dagg
Emelia Dagg
Emily Dagg
Emily Dagg Is
Emma Dagg
Equity Page Nine Ayrshire Breeders Meet At Arthur Dagg’s
Ernest Dagg
Ernest Dagg 2nd
Ernest Dagg 4
Ernest Dagg Campbell
Ernest Dagg Morris
Ernest M Dagg
Ernest M. Dagg
Ernie Dagg
Ernie Dagg’s
Eroelme Dagg
Ethel Dagg
Ethel Dagg Aluminum Storm Windows
Etta Dagg
EUard Dagg
Eugene Potvin- 106,50 Harold Lynn- 5
Eul Dagg
Eva Dagg
Eva Dagg Bristol
Eva Maitland Perth ADS Mary Eva Dagg Maitland
Eva Sparling IVimer 1— Jerry Dagg
Evans Shawville Sergeant Lawrence Dagg
Evelyn Dagg
Evelyn Dagg Deavy
Evelyn Dagg R.N.
Fair - Ivan Dagg
Farrell Dagg
Five-year-old Harold
Floyd Robinson Harold Lamarche
Frances Dagg
Francis Dagg
Francis Sloan Dagg
Frank Dagg
Frank DAGG This
Frank Sofslvi Harold Leikin
Fraser Lyndon Graham Austin Dagg
Fred & Lorna Dagg
Fred Armstrong I Harold Sally
Fred Congratulations Dagg
Fred Dagg
Fred Dagg 1
Fred Dagg Forty
Fred Dagg Guests
Fred Dagg Hodgins
Fred Dagg Home Cooking
Fred Dagg Ihe
Fred Dagg Is
Fred Dagg Miss Jean Elliott
Fred Dagg Mr
Fred Dagg Mr.
Fred Dagg Mrs Mary Baird Mrs Robert Morris Mrs Eleanor Black NOTICE
Fred Dagg Pas$
Fred Dagg Pumpkin
Fred Dagg Red
Fred Dagg Summer
Fred Dagg Sunday
Fred Dagg Water
Fred Dagg WdlthCHTI
Fred Dagg Wilson Tracey
Fred Dagg Yarm
Fred Dagg---------------Brenda Rooney
Fred Dagg.Chcmc Mauh Dagg
Fred Green Cyril Dagg
Fred I Dagg
Fred Mar-Harold Wilson
Fred Mrs. Harold Mc Mahon
Fred Solarium - Gerald Dagg
Freddy Dagg
Frederick Harold Hatt
G T Dagg
G. Dagg
Gail Dagg
Gary Dagg
Ge- H H raid Dagg
Gene Saks William Darnels Harold Gould Her
Georg* Dagg
George *6>m*a Dagg
George A. Dagg
George Alfred Dagg Dies
George and Harold
George and Susan Dagg
George Carey Id Harold Carey
George Dagg
George Dagg 1
George Dagg Bs<
George Dagg Dies
George Dagg Esq.
George Dagg Montre
George Dagg Phone
George Dagg.
George Dagg’s
George Dagg’s Shawville
George H Dagg
George H. Dagg
George Harold
George Harold Miljour
George Helmer Harold
George Judd Mrs. Harold Hodgins
George T Dagg
George T Dagg Shawville
George T. Dagg
George William 10.00 Dagg
George WMlT Howard) Harold 16-118 Anderson
Gerakl Dagg
Gerald and David Dagg
Gerald Dagg
Gerald Dagg and Nancy
Gerald Dagg But
Gerald Dagg Chapeau
Gerald Dagg Contact
Gerald Dagg Donna Preasked
Gerald Dagg GILLIS
Gerald Dagg Hours
Gerald Dagg J
Gerald Dagg Ronald Trudeau
Gerald Dagg Shawville
Gerald Dagg Shawville ANY
Gerald Dagg Shawville Are
Gerald Dagg Shawville REGISTERED Hereford
Gerald Dagg Shawville^^
Gerald Dagg Showville
Gerald Dagg Some
Gerald Dagg Vera Turriff
Gerald Dagg*
Gerald Frederick Dagg
Gerald Henry Dagg
Gerald Mrs Austin Dagg
Geraldine Dagg
Gerry Dagg
Gertrude Dagg
Gibson Jean and Harold Kirk
Gil Fraser Wayne Roy Dagg
Gilbert Harold Fraser
Glen Nugent Ronnie Dagg 298
Gordon Brown-Mr Arthur Dagg Is
Gordon Harold Donald Richardson
Gordon Harold Main
Grace Dagg
Grace Dagg Mary Dale Irene Shaw Evelyn Little Dorothy Fairfield Margaret Simons Ethel Gibson
Grace Dagg Weds Dwight Neilson McDowell
Grade II Wesley Dagg Elliott
Graham Connolly Dorothy Dagg Vaughan Harris Marjorie Hodgins Bill Horner Chester Laughren Norma MdK
Grant Harold Martin Arm-
Grant Harold Martin Armstrong
Gregory Dagg Willie Gibson
Gross Harold Muise
Guild Mrs. Fred Dagg
H Dagg
H. Dagg
Hafcold Dagg
Hamilton Gregory Tubman Clarence T. Brownlee Gordon Brownlee Harold Hodgins Harland Hodgins T.
Hannah Craig- Florence Dagg
Harland Dagg
Harold *
Harold Money-Saving
Harold Stephens
Harold da
Harold Starting Sunday
Harold "
Harold "Let’s
Harold "Red
Harold & Betty
Harold & Della Wilson Choice
Harold & Hazel Armitage
Harold & Jean Kirkham
Harold & Lois McCoy
Harold & Margaret Kenny 1473 Scott
Harold & Nancy
Harold (Betty
Harold * E. J. Murphy
Harold *16,500.°°
Harold ,^r P* Verdun
Harold -
Harold .1 French
Harold 0. Young
Harold 17162.dS
Harold 2960XN24 Green Lake
Harold 2xm21 Taggart
Harold 37832x
Harold 7-2405 | Elliott
Harold 7-24J2 Elliott
Harold 7-2635 Howard
Harold 7-2847 Information
Harold 7-3710 Howes
Harold 8. Osborne
Harold 8. Peabody
Harold A
Harold A Bernice Zosei
Harold A Collins
Harold A Curley
Harold A Hodgins
Harold A Walker
Harold A. Amy
Harold A. McCoy
Harold A. Senn
Harold A. Smith
Harold A. Turner
Harold Adam
Harold Adam Hodgins
Harold Add
Harold Ai
Harold Alexander
Harold Alexander the
Harold Allen
Harold Allen Walk- Wallace
Harold Allen Walker
Harold Allin
Harold Also
Harold Amy
Harold Amy Sr.
Harold Amy,2d
Harold Amy.
Harold And
Harold and Karen
Harold Andrew McCoy
Harold Andrew ^rs Bvnj Hines
Harold Annitage
Harold Anniversary
Harold Anniversary Party
Harold Ansley Lillie
Harold Applcbottom
Harold April
Harold Argue
Harold Ariiwtrong
Harold Arithmetic—Feb.
Harold Arithmetic—Nov.
Harold Arm
Harold Arm Wresting
Harold Arm- Thorough
Harold Arm-make
Harold Armand
Harold Armit- Ervine Brownlee
Harold Armitagc
Harold Armitage
Harold Armitage Assisting
Harold Armitage Mrs. Harold Fui
Harold Armitage Townline Bristol
Harold Armitages
Harold Armltage
Harold Armstroag
Harold Armstrong
Harold Armstrong 626
Harold Armstrong Has Close Shave
Harold Armstrong Mildred Armstrong
Harold Armstrongs Farm
Harold Arnett
Harold Arthur
Harold Arthur Bennett
Harold At
Harold at Campbell
Harold At-cheson
Harold Atkinson
Harold Attending
Harold Austin
Harold Authors
Harold B Boîte
Harold B. Clifford.
Harold B. Reid
Harold Bahin
Harold Bailey
Harold Bâjes
Harold Baker
Harold Baldwin
Harold Balfour
Harold Ballard
Harold Bally
Harold Barber
Harold Barber from Irma
Harold Barlow
Harold Barns
Harold Barr
Harold Bartlett
Harold Beaudry
Harold Beaudry Weekend
Harold Beck
Harold Beck-
Harold Becket
Harold Becket.
Harold Beckett
Harold Beckett Shawville
Harold Beckett 3
Harold Beckett 4
Harold Beckett and Betty Lou Elliott
Harold Beckett Cuts Feed Bill
Harold Beckett Dies Suddenly
Harold Beckett Dog
Harold Beckett Jn
Harold Beckett Moved
Harold Beckett Mrs.
Harold Beckett Pontiac Hotel Ac
Harold Beckett...... Royce Prendergast
Harold Beckett.......
Harold Beckett.........
Harold Beckett...........
Harold Beckett............ NEW CTREAMUNED
Harold Beckett............. Wm
Harold Beckett—a
Harold Beckett—Painting
Harold Beech
Harold Beechgrove
Harold Begbie
Harold Begble
Harold BeKved
Harold Belgian
Harold Belgium
Harold Bell
Harold Bell Wright
Harold Ben-
Harold Benson
Harold Bereeford Butler
Harold Berks
Harold Berry
Harold Bertrand
Harold Best
Harold Beuliean
Harold Bibby
Harold Bichai
Harold Biesenthal
Harold BIG
Harold Bill Murray
Harold Bills
Harold Bingham
Harold Birthday
Harold Bjf-wti
Harold Bl&ney
Harold Blaedow
Harold Blair
Harold Blake Armitagc
Harold Blanchard
Harold Blecher
Harold Blerher
Harold Bmir-
Harold Bo!an
Harold Bo-tt
Harold Bobba
Harold Bolan
Harold Boland
Harold Boll
Harold Boomhour
Harold Boucher
Harold Boul-
Harold Boulton
Harold Boulton Bristol
Harold Boulton Bristol Egg
Harold Boulton Er
Harold Boulton Pr
Harold Bourgeau
Harold Bourgr
Harold Bowen
Harold Bowie Insurance Agency
Harold Boyes
Harold Bracken
Harold Bradley
Harold Breen
Harold Brisbois
Harold Brisco
Harold Bristol Genivar Groupe Counseil
Harold Brittany
Harold Brocklebank
Harold Brontmire
Harold Brow
Harold Brown
Harold Brown Dentil Harold Brown
Harold Brown Master Randy
Harold Brown Mr. Du
Harold Brown OTC Cutom
Harold Brown Quyon CM
Harold Brown That
Harold Brown Their
Harold Brown Ways
Harold Brownlee
Harold Browns
Harold BrownTes
Harold Buck
Harold Burdette
Harold Burke
Harold Bush
Harold Buyers
Harold C Yetts
Harold C Kcon
Harold C uth-bertson
Harold C. Hanson
Harold C. James
Harold C. Keon
Harold C. Scharfe
Harold Cahill
Harold Cameron
Harold Camp
Harold Campbell
Harold Campbell Bristol
Harold Campbell Estate
Harold Car
Harold Caraon
Harold Carey
Harold Carey Found Dead
Harold Carkner
Harold Carson
Harold Carson RR
Harold Caskets
Harold Cdjet
Harold Cede
Harold Chant
Harold Charles
Harold Charteris
Harold Chemistry—Jan
Harold Chesloek
Harold ChOrt&riS
Harold Christopher Keon
Harold Church
Harold Ciiese
Harold Clarendon
Harold Clark
Harold Clauson
Harold Clayton
Harold Clifford * Mean
Harold Closs
Harold Cnthbert-
Harold Cnthbertson
Harold Coatee
Harold Coates
Harold Cochrane
Harold Cochrane John McAra Ira Merrifield Leo Muldoon
Harold Cochrans
Harold Coie
Harold Cok
Harold Col
Harold Col*
Harold Colburn
Harold Cole
Harold Cole Mi
Harold Colman Rickaby
Harold Colonial Lumber Co.
Harold Colton
Harold Combi
Harold Community Centre
Harold Composition
Harold Con Peter B. Smith
Harold Con-font
Harold Connelly
Harold Conoly
Harold Contest’*
Harold Conway OMI
Harold Cook
Harold Cornell
Harold Corners Cemetery
Harold Corrigan Connelly
Harold Cotie
Harold Cotie Wharrev
Harold Cotton
Harold Cotton B Sc.
Harold Cotton Gatineau
Harold Coul-beck
Harold Cousin
Harold Craig
Harold Crain
Harold Crane
Harold Crang
Harold Cross
Harold Cusrte
Harold Cut.iberLo
Harold Cutfa-bertson
Harold Cuth
Harold Cuth- Bureau
Harold Cuth-.
Harold Cuth-bertson
Harold Cuth-hertson
Harold Cuthbcrt-j Jiott
Harold Cuthbcrtson
Harold Cuthbeilson
Harold Cuthbeitson
Harold Cuthberfson Dies
Harold Cuthbert- Construction Boom
Harold Cuthbert- Getan
Harold Cuthbert-4848
Harold Cuthbert-Harold Davis
Harold Cuthbert-son
Harold Cuthbertaon
Harold Cuthbertaon 2
Harold Cuthberteon
Harold Cuthbertsi
Harold Cuthbertsnn
Harold Cuthbertson
Harold Cuthbertson Is
Harold Cuthbertsun
Harold Cuthberuon
Harold Cutherbertson
Harold Cuthhert-sus
Harold Cuthhertson
Harold CuthherUon
Harold Cutiibertson
Harold Cutler
Harold Cutli- Dog Tax Officers—Geo
Harold D Arcy
Harold D Arry
Harold D Brownrlgg
Harold D He D
Harold D Howard
Harold D J.
Harold D.
Harold D. Bertram Had Inflammatory Rheumatism
Harold D. BPownrigg
Harold D. Robertson
Harold Da
Harold Da-
Harold Da-Lee Tcpcrman
Harold Dagenais
Harold Dagg
Harold Dagg 2
Harold Dagg 3
Harold Dagg Widely Mourned H
Harold Daggs
Harold Dale
Harold Daley
Harold Daly
Harold Danish
Harold Darcy
Harold Darwin
Harold David
Harold Davidson
Harold Davidson Father Pat Tait Saturday
Harold Davie
Harold Davie Rennick
Harold Davis
Harold Davis Clifford Sharpe
Harold Davis John
Harold Davis Murray
Harold Davis Ottawa
Harold Davu OAO
Harold Da«£
Harold Dean
Harold Dean.......
Harold Dean..........
Harold Dean...........
Harold Dean..............
Harold Debar
Harold Dec.
Harold December
Harold Degg
Harold Dennis
Harold Denver
Harold Derragh
Harold Devlin
Harold Digg
Harold Dillingham
Harold Dillon*
Harold Dina Judd’s
Harold Dingwall
Harold Diu»
Harold Dlngman
Harold Doan
Harold Doan...........
Harold Dob- Orange Young
Harold Dobson
Harold Dodd
Harold Dodsand Jack James
Harold Doheity
Harold Doherty
Harold Donation
Harold Donelly
Harold DoneMv
Harold Donna
Harold Donnell
Harold Donnelly
Harold Donnelly Bryson Lions Hall
Harold Donnelly This
Harold Donnely
Harold Dropping
Harold Drown
Harold Duff
Harold Dugg
Harold Duggan
Harold Dundee
Harold Dunn
Harold D’Arcy
Harold D„
Harold E Howard
Harold E Schock
Harold E Smiley
Harold E Welsh
Harold E. Elliott
Harold E. Grant
Harold E. Gray
Harold E. Hughes
Harold E. Smiley
Harold E. Stftssen
Harold Eaaey
Harold Eadle
Harold Eady
Harold Eady Jr,
Harold Eady Jr.
Harold Easey
Harold Easy
Harold Easy - Francis Mousseau
Harold Eckes
Harold Ed-seen
Harold Edey
Harold Edgar Lance
Harold Edgar Schock
Harold Edgerton
Harold Ediott
Harold Edmond
Harold Edmpnd
Harold Edmund Irvin Smith
Harold Edward Fades
Harold Edwards
Harold EHiotc
Harold EHiott
Harold Éiliott
Harold Eillott
Harold El
Harold El-
Harold Eli
Harold Eliott
Harold Elizabeth
Harold Elliot
Harold Elliott
Harold Elliott WEDDING
Harold Elliott ..... XV.
Harold Elliott HABLAND
Harold Elliott Herbie Howard Andrew Tippins Jim Whalen
Harold Elliott I
Harold Elliott Messrs, John A. Ren
Harold Elliott Present
Harold Elliott Shawville At Creel
Harold Elliott’s
Harold Ellwin Cuthhert-son
Harold Elsie L
Harold Elwin
Harold Em
Harold Emery
Harold Emery Hodgins
Harold Emery’s
Harold Emmerson
Harold Enderud
Harold Eng
Harold Eody
Harold Ernest Man
Harold Ernest Manson Stephens
Harold Ernest Schwartz 21L11
Harold Essy
Harold EST.
Harold EUiott
Harold Evangelist Church Hall
Harold Eveard Brownlee
Harold F
Harold F Ritchie
Harold F RiUhie
Harold F Russell
Harold F.
Harold F. McCormick
Harold F. Pitcairn
Harold F. Ritchie
Harold F. Ritchie Co. Ltd.
Harold F. Ritchie Î A Co. Ltd.
Harold F. Ritchie ÔC Co.
Harold F. Russell
Harold Fakes
Harold Farrell
Harold Fcken
Harold Fetheratonhaugh
Harold Fill
Harold Fill-ford
Harold Fisher
Harold Fisher Esq.
Harold Fisher K
Harold Fit
Harold Fm-ford
Harold Fokc.s
Harold Fokcs
Harold Foke-,
Harold Fokes
Harold Fokes 018
Harold Fokes*
Harold Folkes
Harold For
Harold For Councillors
Harold Ford
Harold Forest Cole
Harold Fowler Crain
Harold Fowler Proud
Harold Foy ÉSjfcj
Harold Fraser
Harold Frederic
Harold Frederick
Harold Frederick.
Harold Freeman
Harold French
Harold Frit
Harold FRitcbic
Harold Frown
Harold Fui- 1
Harold Fuiford
Harold Fukes
Harold Ful-
Harold Ful-ford
Harold Ful-fords
Harold Fulfcrd
Harold Fulfogd
Harold Fulford
Harold Fulford Wallace Hodgins
Harold Fulford Xtiss Janet Fulford
Harold Fulford’s
Harold Fulfotd
Harold Fuliord
Harold Fullord
Harold FuMord
Harold Funord
Harold Furniture
Harold Futford
Harold G
Harold G FABRIC SALp Sale
Harold G Lester
Harold G Wil- E
Harold G Wilson
Harold G Wilson 0 2X1N15
Harold G Young
Harold G.
Harold G. 647-2703
Harold G. 647-2703 647-3282 647-5653 647-2247
Harold G. 647-2703 Brownlee
Harold G. Barnet
Harold G. Chant
Harold G. Hesler
Harold G. Laycock
Harold G. Way
Harold G. Wilson
Harold G. Young
Harold Gagnon
Harold Gains-ford
Harold Gainsford
Harold Gainsrord
Harold Gallagher
Harold Galnsford
Harold Gatineau Power Co.
Harold Gaudette
Harold Gavan
Harold Geinsford
Harold Gengoult Smithh
Harold Gib
Harold Gibbons
Harold Gibbs
Harold Giles
Harold Gillis
Harold Gilmour Haley’s Station
Harold Gladstone
Harold Glenna Campbell
Harold Gloss
Harold Gogo
Harold Goodfellow
Harold Gould Barry Newman Diana Muldaur
Harold Gould Her* VAechaue WntVnb
Harold Grade X— Armstrong
Harold Graham
Harold Graham Young
Harold Grant Mai
Harold Grant Malloch
Harold Granville
Harold Green
Harold Greenberg
Harold Greene
Harold Grey
Harold Grierson
Harold Griese
Harold Grodde
Harold Gus T. Draper
Harold H
Harold H ARL AND C
Harold H Elliott
Harold H Hedging
Harold H Hod-gins 2
Harold H Hodgins
Harold H Hoi
Harold H Hudgins and David T. Hodgiiw
Harold H I H HI HE
Harold H i> Sad
Harold H in,t S''ewart
Harold H ODuixa
Harold H Phone 20-33
Harold H.
Harold H. Hobbs
Harold H. Hodg-ins
Harold H. Hodgins
Harold H. Hodgin»
Harold H. Hudgins
Harold H. Nesbitt
Harold Ha
Harold Haarfager
Harold Hackney
Harold Hajwi
Harold Hall
Harold Hall Skip
Harold Hall Skip.
Harold Hall Watters
Harold Ham
Harold Ham CATTLE
Harold Ham Quyon
Harold Ham-Brady St.
Harold Hambleton Taylor
Harold Hamilton
Harold Hammel
Harold Hammond
Harold Hammond -
Harold Hammond 32.00
Harold Hammond Brian Davis
Harold Hammond Dowell
Harold Hammond Quyon
Harold Hammond Table Beets
Harold Hammond W.P.R.
Harold Hamond
Harold Handky
Harold Hanna
Harold Happy
Harold Harebell
Harold Hargreaves
Harold Harry ArmitagCan
Harold Harvey
Harold Harvey Armitage
Harold Hassell 700
Harold Haves 3rd Clive Smart
Harold Haves Monday
Harold Haward
Harold Hawlhorne 613
Harold Hawthorn
Harold Hawthorn Bnng
Harold Hawthorn Phone
Harold Hawthorne
Harold Hay Richard
Harold Haye
Harold Haye*
Harold Hayee
Harold Hayes
Harold Hayes 1
Harold Hayes AI
Harold Hayes Floral
Harold Hayes Municipal Council
Harold Hayes O.
Harold Hayes U.l BUFFALO
Harold Hayes Visiting
Harold Hayes With
Harold Hayes’
Harold Hayeu
Harold Haye»
Harold Hayis
Harold Hays
Harold Hayward
Harold Hcdgins
Harold HdlKiixa
Harold Hedging
Harold Hedging L A Smart
Harold Hel
Harold Helper
Harold Hempstead
Harold Hendei®on
Harold Henderson
Harold Henderson Spring Mu-krat Skins Wanted
Harold Henry Hodgins
Harold Herbert
Harold Hewett
Harold Hewitt
Harold Hie
Harold Higginson
Harold Higginson Hickey
Harold Higginson* Voting
Harold Higginsotf
Harold Higgison
Harold Hilditoun
Harold Hill
Harold Hiqqlnson
Harold Hiram
Harold His
Harold Hlbbert
Harold Hmnmond
Harold Hnmmnnd
Harold Hnycs
Harold Ho.lg
Harold Hoagins
Harold Hoarc
Harold Hobbe
Harold Hobbs
Harold Hobbs Evangelist
Harold Hobbt
Harold Hobson
Harold Hod
Harold Hod Ball Bearings
Harold Hod Wednesday
Harold Hod- Carmel Laroche
Harold Hod-gins
Harold Hod-gins 2
Harold Hodein<
Harold Hodfiiu
Harold Hodg
Harold Hodge
Harold Hodges
Harold Hodge®
Harold Hodgiia
Harold Hodgiiis
Harold Hodgin*
Harold Hodgin< C.
Harold Hodgina
Harold Hodgine
Harold Hodgins
Harold Hodgins ..... Armstrong Bros..... Alf Armstrong
Harold Hodgins ....... Lois E. Smiley
Harold Hodgins 1
Harold Hodgins 2
Harold Hodgins 3. Graham
Harold Hodgins 3. Shorthorn
Harold Hodgins Barred Hock
Harold Hodgins Board
Harold Hodgins Chris Caldwell
Harold Hodgins Doz
Harold Hodgins Elliott
Harold Hodgins Gardon Stephens
Harold Hodgins Mrs
Harold Hodgins Mrs. Art Turner
Harold Hodgins White Leghorn
Harold Hodgins........... Armstrong Bros........... Alf Armstrong
Harold Hodgir
Harold Hodgius
Harold Hodglnr
Harold Hodglns
Harold Hodgma
Harold Hodgms
Harold Hodgsin
Harold Hodgtnp
Harold Hodgtns
Harold Hodgtrn
Harold Hodins
Harold Hodoins
Harold Hodqms Mrs. Austin MiDowell Lionel Thomson OBITUARIES Harold Adam Hodgins
Harold Hoffman
Harold Hogan
Harold Hoggins
Harold Hohhs
Harold Hoik
Harold Hoium
Harold HoJgms
Harold Hoke*
Harold Hokes
Harold Hollis
Harold Holly 2
Harold Holt
Harold Holy Trinity
Harold Homer
Harold Hommond
Harold Horigin*
Harold Horigins
Harold Horner
Harold Horwood
Harold Hotlgins 2
Harold Howard
Harold Howard Densol Caldwell
Harold Howard Frank Fitmigan
Harold Howard Mr.
Harold Howard Pine Lodge
Harold Howes
Harold Hsyes M.l BUFFALO
Harold Htyes
Harold Hudgins
Harold Hudgins WHOLESALE
Harold Hudgins Portage Road
Harold Hudgins*
Harold Hugh Richardson
Harold Hugh Rovvatt
Harold Hugh Rowatt
Harold Hume
Harold Hunt
Harold Huntingdon
Harold HW
Harold I
Harold I RichardMcAra
Harold I ridham.
Harold I Smith
Harold I Walker
Harold I)agg
Harold I.
Harold I. June
Harold I. Smith
Harold I>.
Harold Iekee
Harold If
Harold Iflggfne
Harold Ih>dgins 2. Trio
Harold Ihtgg
Harold Iîcdgins
Harold Iind
Harold Ilayes
Harold Ilayvs
Harold IliliBii
Harold Ilndgins
Harold Ilod
Harold Ilodgins
Harold IM
Harold In
Harold In- H:iroM Irvington
Harold Information Jixloin
Harold Information Jodoin
Harold Ir
Harold Ir-salutation
Harold Iras
Harold Irk
Harold Irving-
Harold Irvington
Harold Irwin Smith
Harold Is
Harold It
Harold Ix>unsbury
Harold J Carson
Harold J Laski
Harold J. Jeghers
Harold J. Kirby
Harold J. Laski
Harold Jack
Harold Jackes
Harold Jackson
Harold Jakes
Harold James Turver
Harold Jamieson
Harold JKloqk
Harold Joan Alexander
Harold John
Harold Johnson
Harold Johnston
Harold Jones
Harold Jr
Harold Jr is
Harold Judd
Harold Judd Meets
Harold Judd Suffers Compound Fracture
Harold Judd.
Harold Judds
Harold Judds Reward
Harold June
Harold June 12,,1978
Harold Junn
Harold K. V^
Harold Kasy
Harold Kchoe
Harold Ke-
Harold Kear-
Harold Kearn
Harold Kearns
Harold Keen
Harold Keenan Dispersal
Harold Kehoe
Harold Kehoe Director
Harold Kehoe Director English Educational Services
Harold Kehoe Director English Educational Services Dépanneur Mr. Roger de Montigny Principal Tele
Harold Kell
Harold Kelly
Harold Kelly 598
Harold Kelt
Harold Kennedy
Harold Keon
Harold Keuhl
Harold KHnk
Harold Kichard
Harold Kil
Harold Killlne
Harold Kim Mako
Harold Kindy
Harold Kinsley
Harold Kirby
Harold Kirk
Harold Kirk-
Harold Kirk-ham
Harold Kirk-ham Cora
Harold Kirk-ward
Harold Kirkhai Kingston
Harold Kirkham
Harold Kirkham Goldie Rutledge
Harold Kirkham Mrs Helena Yach
Harold Kirkham Parlour
Harold Kirkhatn
Harold Klinck
Harold Klliott
Harold Klllln»
Harold Knudsoi
Harold Knudson
Harold Koen
Harold Kr-win
Harold Kuntz
Harold Kushner’s
Harold L Brown
Harold L.
Harold L. Brown
Harold L. Smiley Passes
Harold La
Harold Lacina
Harold Lacroix
Harold Ladysmith
Harold Lake
Harold Lamarche
Harold Lamburge
Harold Lance
Harold Lang
Harold Lannin
Harold Lansdowne
Harold Larsen
Harold Laurence Brown I
Harold Laurence Brown Robinson
Harold Lawrence
Harold Lawrence Brown
Harold Lawrence Roy
Harold Laws
Harold Lay
Harold Lay-
Harold Laycocfc
Harold Laycock
Harold Lcikin
Harold Le
Harold Lei
Harold Leikcn
Harold Leiken
Harold Leikin
Harold Leikln
Harold Leildn
Harold Leitvb
Harold Lelken
Harold Lelkln
Harold Lester
Harold Lester 1958-63—Rev.
Harold Lesway
Harold Lett
Harold Letts
Harold Letts 1
Harold Letts 3. HI
Harold Letts Sudbury
Harold Lewis
Harold Leycock
Harold Liedthe
Harold Lillenas
Harold Limit
Harold Lindsay
Harold Lindsay Smiley
Harold Linn
Harold LLan
Harold Lliiott
Harold Lllio
Harold Lloyd
Harold Lloyd Subject
Harold Lloyd’s F Y Mother Earth LI
Harold Local
Harold Logan
Harold Lorraine Black Hodgins
Harold Loumbury
Harold Louns
Harold Lounsbury
Harold Lounsbury’s
Harold Lowry
Harold Lucae
Harold Lucas
Harold Luckasovicth
Harold Luckasovictn
Harold Lunney
Harold Luthbertson
Harold Lyle Skuee
Harold Lynn
Harold Lynn G Bourdon Quebec Hydro Gauthier Paving Ken A Farrell Morley Hodgins Canadian Tire J A E
Harold Lynns
Harold L°TWe*
Harold M Smith
Harold M •
Harold M. Reid
Harold Ma
Harold Ma Dwell Sr.
Harold Mac
Harold Macdonald
Harold MacIntyre
Harold Mackay
Harold MacKeigan
Harold Mackubbic
Harold MaCoy
Harold Mact
Harold Mae-Cormack
Harold Mahhtz
Harold MahIitz
Harold Mahlilz
Harold Mahlit/and
Harold Mahlite
Harold Mahlitz
Harold Mahlitz Celebration
Harold Mahlitz Day
Harold Mahlitz Elwyn
Harold Mahlitz Martineau
Harold Mahlitz Portage’s
Harold Mahlltz
Harold Mahltiz
Harold Mahon
Harold Maiiwelt
Harold Main St
Harold Malonev
Harold Maloney
Harold MammondV
Harold Mams
Harold Man
Harold Man-well
Harold Man-well Jr.
Harold Manuel
Harold Manw II
Harold Manwcll Jr.
Harold ManwcM
Harold Manwell
Harold Manwell Jr.
Harold Manwell Mrs. Thus Martin Merlin McKee
Harold Manwell Sr
Harold Manwell Sr.
Harold Manwell-
Harold Manweti
Harold Mar- Armstrong
Harold Margaret
Harold Marie
Harold Mario Allen
Harold Marion
Harold Markwell
Harold MarshaII
Harold Marshall
Harold Mathews
Harold Mathlitz
Harold Mathlitz Contest
Harold Matthew*
Harold Matthews
Harold May
Harold Mayhew
Harold Mc Le Hand
Harold Mc- Î Ij
Harold McAdam
Harold McArthur
Harold McBride
Harold McCaig
Harold McCallum
Harold McClel-
Harold McClelland
Harold McCloskey
Harold McCoshen
Harold McCov
Harold McCoy
Harold McCoy - Gisèle Ralston
Harold McCoy 12.00
Harold McCoy 647
Harold McCoy 647-
Harold McCoy 7780XA8
Harold McCoy Af
Harold McCoy Di^ce
Harold McCoy V
Harold McCoy Wagon- Broad
Harold McCrca
Harold McCrea
Harold McDonald
Harold McFarlane
Harold McGrath
Harold McGuire
Harold McKay
Harold McKay Harvey
Harold McKcnny
Harold McKee
Harold McKenna
Harold McKenney
Harold McKenny
Harold McKenny Global
Harold McKenny Me Kenny
Harold McKenny Produits Forestiers Coulonge Inc. NOUS ACHETONS/WE
Harold McKeown
Harold McLaren
Harold McLel-
Harold McLellan
Harold McLelland
Harold McMahon
Harold McMan-
Harold McMillan
Harold McMullin
Harold McNeely
Harold McRae
Harold McTiuiv Fort Coulonge
Harold Me
Harold Me Kenny
Harold Me Kenny M. Jim Coyle
Harold Me Kenny.
Harold Me-
Harold Me-graibh
Harold Mealing
Harold Meerath
Harold Meg
Harold Megrath
Harold Megrath - Husband
Harold Megrath Bryson
Harold Megrath Harold Megrath
Harold Megrathj STORE
Harold Megreth
Harold Megreth 47161b E. Wheeler
Harold Memorial
Harold MeOuat
Harold Merle
Harold Mesrath
Harold Meunier
Harold Meyers
Harold Michael Chaput
Harold Mielkie
Harold Milks
Harold Milks Janie Davison
Harold Millar
Harold Millem
Harold Miller
Harold Milligan
Harold Mills
Harold Mime
Harold Minshall
Harold Minutes
Harold Mitchell
Harold Mlllgan
Harold Mod-elski
Harold Modi'' Hinds
Harold Modifias
Harold Mof-fe
Harold Moffat
Harold Moffatt
Harold Mohr
Harold Montre**
Harold Montrose
Harold Moodie
Harold Moon
Harold Moore
Harold Moores
Harold Morgan
Harold Morphy
Harold Morris
Harold Morton
Harold Mosley
Harold Motif
Harold Moved
Harold Mowat
Harold Moyle
Harold Moyle Creighton Mines
Harold Mr.
Harold Mrs Poole
Harold Mrs.
Harold Mrs. Don Lmgo
Harold Mrs. S. Neville
Harold Mrs. Wm Welch Jr is
Harold Msgrath
Harold Mu-lse
Harold Muis
Harold Muisc
Harold Muise
Harold Muise Foreman
Harold Muisel Miss Beverley Strutt
Harold MuisT
Harold Muiv*
Harold Muixe
Harold Mulae
Harold Mulbar
Harold Mulligan
Harold Mulse
Harold MuMigan
Harold Murphy
Harold Murrdl’e
Harold Muse
Harold MvTiur-
Harold Myroa Carroll
Harold N Smith
Harold N. Golden
Harold Nepean*
Harold Nesbitt
Harold Neville
Harold Nicholas
Harold Nichols
Harold Nicholson
Harold Nickel-
Harold Nickerson
Harold Nlcolaon
Harold No. 5- Turcotte
Harold Noble
Harold Noice
Harold North
Harold Northern Affairs
Harold Nu-
Harold Nugent
Harold Nugent Luskville Neighborhood Watch
Harold Nugent Onslow
Harold Nuise Named Shaw
Harold Nymark
Harold O Connor
Harold O Neil
Harold O Reilly
Harold O. WBaon
Harold O. WBson
Harold O. Wibon
Harold O. Wilson
Harold Oarage
Harold October 7
Harold Ont
Harold Osborne
Harold Otter Lake Post Mrs. Elizabeth Hahn
Harold Owens
Harold Ox
Harold O’Buffy
Harold O’Neil
Harold P"4 "eek-, Brown
Harold P. Fawcett
Harold P. Pokes
Harold Pacific Railway Company
Harold Page
Harold Pal-
Harold Paper
Harold Paquette
Harold Parry
Harold Parry - Evangelists
Harold Parsons
Harold Paul Ryan
Harold Peever
Harold Percheron
Harold Perry
Harold Pettier
Harold Pfod
Harold Phillip
Harold Picket
Harold Pierre Tardiff Coordinator Adult
Harold Pitt
Harold Plais COMFORT
Harold Plaisance
Harold Plnbey
Harold Plummer Grand Warden
Harold Pnce
Harold Pobson
Harold Poke*
Harold Poke-
Harold Pokes
Harold Pokes 60.7
Harold Pokes Graduates
Harold Pokes Mrs. Robt
Harold Pokes R C. A. F
Harold Pokes «>1
Harold Poke»
Harold Pontiac Printshop
Harold Pool
Harold Poole
Harold Pop
Harold Pop-ton
Harold Pophey
Harold Popkay
Harold Popkeÿ
Harold Popkey St Bruno
Harold Popkeys
Harold Popkey’e
Harold Popney
Harold Premier
Harold Prescott Pokes
Harold Pretty
Harold Prévost
Harold Prévost Sermon
Harold Price
Harold Price Jr accepts
Harold Price Jr.
Harold Price Li Li
Harold Price’s
Harold Pro-shansky
Harold Proulx
Harold Proulx Was Accidental Fur Pelts
Harold Provost
Harold Pul-ford
Harold Pulford
Harold Purcell
Harold Putnam
Harold Q. Hoffman
Harold Qf
Harold Qjilt
Harold Qoulton Bristol Egg
Harold Quaile
Harold Queaie
Harold Québécois Entrepreneur
Harold QUYON Town Hockey
Harold R
Harold R McDonald
Harold R n^s Smith
Harold R Ostrom
Harold R Stark
Harold R Waite
Harold R White
Harold R.
Harold R. Stark Mr.
Harold Rabb
Harold Rabb Susan Doris Harvey
Harold Rabb Jimmy Larabie
Harold Raker
Harold Ralph.
Harold Rapin
Harold Rarrard
Harold Ray-nes
Harold Raynes
Harold RC.M
Harold Read
Harold Ready
Harold Reckett
Harold Recording Steward Dagg
Harold Reginald
Harold Reid
Harold Reilly
Harold Relledga
Harold RENT Napoleon
Harold Reranrd Moyle
Harold Reynolds
Harold Ri
Harold Rich
Harold Rich-
Harold Rich- Fallg
Harold Rich-more
Harold Richard
Harold Richard - Shawville Canners Co-Operative
Harold Richard Wittenburg
Harold Richard-
Harold Richard- Lawson Corrigan
Harold Richard- Shawville Caimers Co-Operative
Harold Richard- Shawville Canners Co-Operative Renfrew
Harold Richard-,.ck
Harold Richardson
Harold Richardson Richard Bruce iVhat
Harold Richardson Russett
Harold Riches
Harold Ricnardson
Harold Riddell Birthday
Harold Riggs
Harold Rihardson
Harold Rimer
Harold RKlinck
Harold Ro- Fernand Cyr
Harold Robertson
Harold Robinson
Harold Robitaille
Harold Robitaille John I Hodgma
Harold Robltaille
Harold Roch
Harold Rodgers
Harold Rogers
Harold Rooney
Harold Rooney Gouvernement
Harold Ross
Harold Roxie Hostettler
Harold Rrassey
Harold Ruaeell
Harold Russel
Harold Russell
Harold Russell Boston
Harold Russell Class
Harold Russell Houston
Harold Russell Lake Placid
Harold Russell Mr
Harold Russett
Harold Rust
Harold Ruthledge
Harold Rutledge
Harold S
Harold S Coleman
Harold S Hodgim
Harold S Hodgins
Harold S. Foster
Harold S. Hodgins
Harold S. Osborne
Harold S. Peabody
Harold S. Richardson
Harold Sa
Harold Sadie
Harold Safscnbcrg 2nd Vice Jean La
Harold Saftenkerg
Harold SaHy
Harold Sails
Harold Sal-
Harold Sall
Harold Salley
Harold Sallv
Harold Sally
Harold Sally Men’s
Harold Sally Visiting
Harold Salmon
Harold Sam Lafkur - Hearty
Harold Samftenberg
Harold Sanftcnberg
Harold Sanften-
Harold Sanftenbcrg
Harold Sanftenberg
Harold Sansenberg
Harold Sanserberg
Harold Saw*
Harold Sc
Harold Scarfe
Harold Scarfe Mr. Jerome Amyotte
Harold Scbock
Harold Sch
Harold Scharfe
Harold Scheck
Harold Scherf
Harold Schock
Harold Schock 200.00
Harold Schock 500.00
Harold Schock 725553v*ol3
Harold Schock 725553vxo13
Harold Schock J & J
Harold Schock Paint Horse
Harold Schock PhU
Harold Schock Re Signing Authority
Harold Schocks
Harold Schock’sTaint Hill
Harold Schocx
Harold Schodl
Harold Schook
Harold Schovk
Harold Sears
Harold Sehoek
Harold Sept
Harold Shamel
Harold Sharp
Harold Shawville United Choir
Harold Shea
Harold Sheen
Harold Sheldrlck
Harold Sheppard
Harold Shipelarke
Harold Shipman
Harold Shock
Harold Shuster
Harold Si Hazel Il Ul LATHEM
Harold Simmon*
Harold Simmons
Harold Simmons Light Stallions Bred Ebert Richardson
Harold Sinclair
Harold Sisco
Harold Sleele
Harold Sloan
Harold Slone
Harold Slone Mr.
Harold Slorie
Harold Sm Ivy
Harold Smihy
Harold Smiley
Harold Smiley 1
Harold Smiley 2
Harold Smiley 3
Harold Smiley Dennis Day
Harold Smiley Mildred Stanley
Harold Smith
Harold Smith Maheral
Harold Smith Mrs
Harold Smith Norman Wiggins Lennis Zimmerling Jacques Lapointe Garnet Thompson Billy Davies Clarke
Harold Smith Peggy
Harold Smith President
Harold Smiths
Harold Smith—Lot
Harold Smith’s
Harold Smrinons
Harold Smuck
Harold Snell
Harold Snider
Harold Snudden
Harold Sohock
Harold Southwell
Harold Sow-erby
Harold Sower
Harold Sowerbv
Harold Sowerbv______________
Harold Sowerby
Harold Sowerby Alliance Outaouals
Harold Sowerby Bureau
Harold Sowerby Campbell’s
Harold Sowerby Campbell’s Bay
Harold Sowerby H *.m
Harold Sowerby Mel
Harold Sowerby Mid-week Bible Studies
Harold Sowerby OFFICE
Harold Sowerby Otter Lake Baptist Church Pastor
Harold Sowerby Powo
Harold Sowerby Presbyterian
Harold Sowerby Rev. Ed McCaig
Harold Sowerby Rev. Rosemarie Payne
Harold Sowerby Salon Chez Hélène
Harold Sowerby St
Harold Sowerby St George’s
Harold Sowerby Stark’s Comers
Harold Sowerby Stark’s Corners
Harold Sowerby Sunday
Harold Sowerby Sunday Morning
Harold Sowerby Sunday Services
Harold Sowerby United Church Bristol Charge Rev. Ed McCaig
Harold Sowerby _
Harold Spafling
Harold Spar-
Harold Sparing
Harold Sparl- GrnillUl
Harold Sparling
Harold Sparlings
Harold Speakman
Harold Spen-
Harold Spenceley
Harold Spencer
Harold Sphlinu
Harold Sr
Harold St* Tie
Harold St.
Harold Stanton
Harold Stark
Harold Stark 1
Harold Stark 2
Harold Starks
Harold Starr
Harold Steel
Harold Steele
Harold Steele 2
Harold Steele Alex Lapierre
Harold Steele’s
Harold Steeli Carried
Harold SteelPuvon
Harold Steer
Harold Steinke
Harold Stephens
Harold Stephens Largely Attended
Harold Stevenson
Harold Sto- Quebec
Harold Stobbart Year
Harold Stone
Harold Stone Get
Harold Storey
Harold Storey Clarendon W.I.
Harold Storic
Harold Storie
Harold Storie 682-3637
Harold Storie Congratulations Harold Some
Harold Storie K 4
Harold Storie Maryland
Harold Storie Miss Lorraine Bret/.laff
Harold Storie Part Lot
Harold Storie President
Harold Stories
Harold Stories Super Lotoj
Harold Stork
Harold Storle
Harold Story
Harold Stove
Harold Strange
Harold Stuart
Harold Stuart Marples
Harold Sturie
Harold Suiiley 2. Clydesdale
Harold Sullivan
Harold Sunday
Harold Surface
Harold Sutton
Harold Süy
Harold Swan
Harold Swanson
Harold Sweetman
Harold Sylvain
Harold Sylvain Directeur
Harold Sylvain Le
Harold T Arm*
Harold T Armstrong
Harold T. Armstrong
Harold T. Armstrong Dies
Harold T. Choabrough
Harold T.. _
Harold Taber Poole
Harold Taggart
Harold Tammond
Harold Tar
Harold Taylor
Harold Tea Cosy
Harold Teen
Harold Temple-
Harold Temple-Wendy Towell
Harold Templeman
Harold Term Report—Max
Harold The
Harold There
Harold Thoburn Caldwell
Harold Thom
Harold Thom- Lawn
Harold Thomas
Harold Thomas <Ttmi Armstrong
Harold Thomas Armstrong
Harold Thomas Sowerby
Harold Thompson
Harold Thoms
Harold Thomson
Harold Thors
Harold Thorstein-son
Harold Thorsteinaon
Harold Thrun
Harold Timmins
Harold Tinmpwn Las
Harold Tomlinson
Harold Toner
Harold Tony Heins
Harold Trowbridge Pulsifer
Harold Ttt Fresh
Harold Tucker
Harold Turcot
Harold Turner
Harold U,
Harold U-oYD
Harold U. Sverdrup
Harold Uagg
Harold UH Pearl
Harold Until
Harold Untilbertson
Harold Uodgins
Harold Updike
Harold Uuthberüon
Harold Vagtborg
Harold Vema
Harold Vermilyea
Harold Vernon
Harold Viner
Harold Visiting
Harold Visitors
Harold Vlnal
Harold Vlnl
Harold Voting
Harold Vounsbury
Harold Vuthliertson
Harold VVj
Harold W
Harold W Fulford
Harold W Hobbs
Harold W Morteen
Harold W#rtord
Harold W, Hobbs
Harold W-lson
Harold W. Dodds
Harold W. Hobbs
Harold W. Jackson
Harold W. Munwell Sr.
Harold W. Nor
Harold W. Smith
Harold W. Venmlyea
Harold W.t Raymond Belanger
Harold Waimnon
Harold WaJkcr
Harold Waker
Harold Wal-
Harold Walah 63.2
Harold Walk Colborne
Harold Walk*
Harold Walke
Harold Walkei Mis
Harold Walker
Harold Walker Be
Harold Walker Awarded
Harold Walker Awarded Distinguished Flying Cross
Harold Walker D.S.O.
Harold Walker Mr.
Harold Wall
Harold Wall Emily Weldon
Harold Wallace
Harold Wallace Hobbs Requirements Secretarial
Harold Waller
Harold Waller Statistics
Harold Walls
Harold Walsh
Harold Walter
Harold Walters
Harold War-
Harold Ward
Harold Ward c0nducttng Satu
Harold Warford
Harold Warford Sc Glenn Mor- 2nd Clara Little
Harold Warford Young
Harold Warlord
Harold Warner
Harold Wat/ts
Harold Watson
Harold Watson Cubs Doug.
Harold Watts
Harold Wattson
Harold We
Harold Wednesday
Harold Well
Harold Wendy Woodman
Harold West
Harold Whilst
Harold White
Harold White Lead
Harold Wi op
Harold Wiggins
Harold Wii-Cr
Harold Wikon
Harold Wil
Harold Wil I
Harold Wil-
Harold Wil- Asknowledgement
Harold Wil- Audet Qpp
Harold Wil- Hall
Harold Wil- THURSDAY
Harold Wil- Well
Harold Wil-before
Harold Wil-Equity Photo
Harold Wil-of
Harold Wil-on
Harold Wil-son
Harold Wil-the
Harold Wilaon
Harold Wilfred Manwcll
Harold Willard
Harold William and
Harold William Elliott
Harold William Elliott OUT Music
Harold William Fulford
Harold William Watson
Harold William Watson Watson
Harold Williams
Harold Willson
Harold Wilsoi
Harold Wilson
Harold Wilson .... Singer Sewing Machine
Harold Wilson 1
Harold Wilson 12.00 Crawford
Harold Wilson 216.75
Harold Wilson 229
Harold Wilson 230.69
Harold Wilson 3.15
Harold Wilson 34948BJY4
Harold Wilson 36.30
Harold Wilson 9.46- Victor Tanner
Harold Wilson and
Harold Wilson Carried
Harold Wilson Carried Moved
Harold Wilson Councillors
Harold Wilson Dennis
Harold Wilson Dies
Harold Wilson Equip
Harold Wilson Fred Martin
Harold Wilson Harris
Harold Wilson He
Harold Wilson Horner
Harold Wilson I.
Harold Wilson In-out
Harold Wilson L L. Baird
Harold Wilson Lance
Harold Wilson MISC.
Harold Wilson Misses
Harold Wilson MLss Kathy Emeraon
Harold Wilson Moyle
Harold Wilson Mr. Hamilton Backs
Harold Wilson Mrs. Dickson
Harold Wilson Mrs. Emery Le
Harold Wilson NAtvltVfl*
Harold Wilson OTTAWA ONT.
Harold Wilson Owner R R 3
Harold Wilson Rlngrose Bros.
Harold Wilson se-1 Wilson
Harold Wilsonr
Harold Wilsons
Harold Wilson’s
Harold Wilsop
Harold Wilsot
Harold Wilton
Harold WIMon
Harold Winch
Harold WiUon 1
Harold Wjtlker
Harold Wlboa
Harold Wll- Campbell
Harold Wondering
Harold Wood
Harold Worden
Harold WR-
Harold Wrfson
Harold Written French—Mar
Harold WUaon
Harold WUklnron
Harold WUson
Harold X.lri W.
Harold XIC
Harold XV
Harold XVilson
Harold Yach
Harold Ybung
Harold Yctts
Harold Yellow Brand No-Name
Harold Yetis
Harold Yetts
Harold Yoeag—
Harold Young
Harold Young Bristol Native Comes
Harold Young Paving Inc. Pavage Harold Young Inc. Jacques Chevalier
Harold Young Principal
Harold • 647-3264 Kelly
Harold) Davidson
Harold- Yet
Harry Foran................. Harold Steele
Harry Imison Dagg—Grant HOME
Harry M. Dagg
Harry Stur- Harold Elliott
Harry Stur- Harold Elliott.
Harry Sturgeon,- Harold Elliott
Harvey Dagg
Harvey Harold Armi-
Harvey Harold Armitagc
Harvey Me- Mrs. Harold Hayes
Hayes Brothers Business Personals Harold Hammond
Hayres Harold Hayes
Hazel Dagg
Hda Dagg
Helen Dagg
Helen Dagg Cartman
Helen Dagg’s
Helena Dagg
Heman Dagg
Henry Barnabe Donnie Barnett Billy Bell Helen Black May Brownlee Eric Campbell Harold Cuthbertson H
Henry Dagg
Henry Dagg 1
Henry DumoucheL Mr Harold Brown
Henry Thompson Harold Hodgins
Henry W. Block Millie Dagg
Herb Dagg
Herbert Austin Dagg
Herbert Austin Dagg Dies
Herbert Dagg
Herbert Dagg*
Herbert Strutt --- Harold Hodgins
Herman Dagg
HgSoid Dagg
Hirold Dagg
Ho-Nathan Dagg
Hodgins Harold Young
Honnie Dagg
Honourary Pallbearers Harold Smith
Howard Harold
Howard Mrs. Thompson Harold Beckett Moved
Hszel Dagg
Hubert Dagg
I. Dagg
I/oyd Dagg
I> Dagg
Ian Dagg
Ibui Hom< Harold Ho J
Ilda Dagg
Isaac Dagg
Isobel Dagg
Itoy Dagg
IV.—Harold Smiley
Iva Dagg
Ivan Dagg
Ivan Dagg Antique North
Ivan Dagg Heavy Draft
Ivan Dagg K.C Selling
Ivan Dagg Mr.
Ivan Dagg Reserve Or
Ivan Keith Dagg
J .... Harold Mahlitz
J Brownlee Harold Easy
J E Dagg
J E ley Dagg
J E. Dagg
J R Prendergast W R Beckett Harold Beckett
J T Dagg
J W Dagg
J. Dagg
Jack Burrows Mr. Harold Donnelly
Jack Graham Bristol Community Centre Ronald DAGG
Jack Graham Bristol Community Centre Ronald DAGG RE-ELECT Christopher YOUNG
James Campbell Rayburn McTiernan Lloyd Quaile John McNeil Clarence Irwin Harry Belcher Fred Dagg Iv
James Dagg
James Harold Dagg
James Harold Steele Passes Away At Home James Harold Steele
James Loretta Dagg
James Mclk>well Rolwtî Dagg
James Stewart Gerald Dagg
James Welsh Oswald Murdock John E. Dagg
Jamie Harold Fulford
Jane Dagg
Jane Francis Dagg
Janey C amp-Clarkc Susan Dagg
Jdhn T Dagg
Jean & Harold Kirkham
Jean (Harold) Brian Hahn
Jean (Mrs Harold) Judd Visiting
Jean and Harold
Jean and Harold Friends
Jean and Harold Judd
Jean and Harold Kirk- Grégoire
Jean and Harold Kirk-ham
Jean and Harold Kirkham
Jean Dagg
Jean E. Dagg Honored
Jean Gagnon Roy Dagg
Jean Guy Lariv-and Harold Wilson
Jean K. Dagg
Jean Paul Dupuy* Pauline Teasdale Wayne Bowes Jaylynn Iallier Cindy McAuky* Joanne Dagg Bud Kelvin
Jean Sara- Harold William Watson
Jennifer Dagg
Jennifer Dagg Chrissie
Jeremy Dagg
Jerry Dagg
Jim Carruthers Murray Dagg
Joan Dagg
Joan Sicard Dagg
Joanne Dagg
Joe Dagg
Johanne Dagg
John A Dagg Ion Thompson
John and Ethel Dagg
John and Fred Dagg
John and Harold
John and Wesley Dagg
John Armstrong Joan Chamberlain Ruth Dagg Jimmy Davie Andy Devine Harwood Doherty Sandra Draper Bar
John C. Dagg
John Chartes Dagg
John Dagg
John Dagg Handyman
John Dagg Mrs
John Dagg—C.
John Dagg’s
John E Dagg
John E Dagg IHûfIC
John E Dagg* Golden
John E. Dagg
John E. Dagg Beachburg
John Harold
John Harold Melvin Ham
John Heman Dagg
John Hemsn Dagg
John I1 Wesley Dagg
John Ivan Dagg
John K. Dagg
John Kelly................ Hodgins Lumber Co......... Harold McCoy
John Miss Lorraine Dagg
John Oannksaei Harold Blorie Anglican Home For Elderly
John R McDowell CVrll Dagg
John Si- Motion Crs Dagg
John Stephens-Dagg
John T Dagg
John T Dagg 2. Mrs
John T Dagg 3.84
John T Dagg Wilson C
John T | Dagg St Son
John T- Dagg
John T. Dagg
John T. Dagg St Son
John T. V Dagg
John Tipping Dagg Staffordshire
John W. Dagg
Johnathan Dagg
Johnnie Dagg
Johnny Dagg
Johnson Harold T. Kay Wilbert Kcon Muzrudée Khan
Jonathan Dagg
Joseph Dagg
Joseph Harold
Joseph Harold Storie
Joyce Kilgour Evelyn Dagg Sylvia Gibson Carol Stephens
Judd: Harold McCoy
Judy Dagg
June Dagg
June Exams Gerald Dagg 80.7
K. Dagg
Karen Dagg
Karl Dagg
Kathleen accompa- Dagg
Kathy Dagg
Kayla Dagg
Keith Cor- Harold MacDonald
Keith Dagg
Ken 647-2583 Dagg
Ken Brett Dagg
Ken Cavers Harold
Ken Dagg
Ken Dagg Jr. Interment
Ken Draper Wayne Smith Harold Kearns Jean McCann Nancy
Ken m Dagg
Ken Mrs. Percy Dagg
Kenneth Dagg
Kenneth Dagg Injured
Kenneth Sherxvood Harold
Kenneth Tubman Motion Crs Dagg
Kent Motion Crs Dagg
Kentity A Harold Wilson
Kenwyn Dagg
Kfr Austin Dagg
Kirs Richard Dagg
L Dagg
L Dagg
L. Dagg
Laura Dagg
Laura Stephens Dagg
Laura Stephens-Dagg
Laura Woodley Adelaide Elliott Harold Pagg Cecilia Argue Raymond Beckett N
Laurence Dagg
Lawrence 7-3745 Dagg
Lawrence Dagg
Lawrence Dagg 427
Lawrence Dagg 82.7
Lawrence Dagg 911
Lawrence Dagg Coles
Lawrence Dagg Gloucester
Lawrence Dagg MX)
Lawrence Dagg Portage
Lawrence Dagg United Townships
Lawrence James Dagg
Lawrence Manson Little Ernie Dagg
Leda Dagg
Lee Dagg
Lee Tcpcr- Lorna Dagg
Lee Te- Dagg
Lena Kelly Hubert Horner Harold Wilson Rock
Lennon Harold Grant
Lenora Alexander Billy Barr Wallace Bretzlaff Mary Lou ConoUy Emily Dagg Marie Draper Barbara Findl
Leo Custom Bearing Service Dagg
Leo Rain-Motion Crs Dagg
Leslie Pool.... Blake McTiernan Dr Dagg........ O McTiernan
Liberals Mrs. Harold Hayes
Lil Dagg
Lila Dagg
Lillian Dagg
Linda Dagg
Lindsay Ann Dagg
Lindsay Horner............ Basil Elliott............. Lloyd Dagg
Lisa Beth Dagg V
Lisa Dagg Coles
Lisa Mrs Dagg
Little Harold
Lloyd Dagg
Lloyd Dagg 3
Lloyd Dagg 3. J Women’s Black Oxfords A Strong Sturdy Shoe
Lloyd Dagg Bruce INfitl
Lloyd Dagg Four
Lloyd Dagg London
Lloyd Harold
Lloyd Kensley Orel Gervais Harold Wilson Councillors
Lloyd Mrs. Heman Dagg
Lloyd R Dagg
Loma Dagg
Loma Palmer Dagg
Lor- Dagg J Earlam W H Cor-nie Rooney
Loretta Dagg
Lorna B Dagg
Lorna Dagg
Lorna Dagg Margaret Willis*
Lorraine Dagg
Louis Barbeau......... Thomas Dagg
Louis Rivet William John Dagg
Love Song U( Harold Willard Gleason
Lsobel Dagg
Lucas David Beverly Dagg Dagg/Kunuk
Lyle Byers Daniele LaSalle Barry Stephens Harold Dougherty Dwight Crozier Nell
M *» Rose Ann Dagg
M Harold Fok
M K I Fred Dagg
M% Harold
M. Dagg
Mabel Dagg
Mahon Dagg
Maiy Dagg
Mamie Dagg
Manshell Dagg
Marcel Ste Marie Clarence Stephens J A Kssiambre Maurice Kssiambre Harold Lynn Contran
Margaret Dagg
Margaret Dagg Mr.
Margaret Dagg Mrs. John R. McDowell
Margaret E. Dagg
Margaret Emily Dagg
Margaret Fulford Doris Dagg
Margaret Harold
Margaret Reid Dagg
Margo Dagg
Maria Dagg
Marian Dagg
Marie Dagg
Marie Loma Dagg
Marilyn Dagg
Marilyn Hodgins Harold Howard
Marion Dagg
Marsha Harold Price
Marshall Dagg
Marshall—Harold Hayes
Martin Bill Dagg
Martin Frederick Dagg
Martin Frederick Dagg Sat.
Marty Dagg
Mary Ballantyne J Dagg
Mary Dagg
Mary E. Dagg
Mary Harold
Mary Harold McEachen
Mary Harold McEochen
Mary Howes Heman Dagg
Mary Lorens Dagg
Matt Dagg
Matthew Dagg
Maurice Du- Harold Kungli
Maurice E Mrs Nathan Dagg
Maurice Roy Dagg
Mavis Dagg
May Alexina Daley Richard Edward Dagg
Mayme Dagg
Mayor Aurele Gerveis Lloyd Kensley Harold Wilson Councillors Seat No.
Mayor Dagg
McNeill Mrs Nathan Dagg
Merwyn Dagg
Messrs Arthur Dagg
Messrs Dagg
Messrs Fred Dagg
Messrs Harold
Messrs Harold Arm-L
Messrs Harold Armstrong
Messrs Harold Easy
Messrs Harold Elliott
Messrs Harold Hodgins
Messrs Harold Mckay
Messrs Harold Muise
Messrs Harold Pokes
Messrs Percy Dagg
Messrs Percy Dagg Radford
Messrs. Harold
Messrs. Harold Elliott
Meyer Dagg
Mi Dagg
Mias Marion Dagg
Michael Austin Dagg
Michael Con-Harold Pokes
Michael Harold
Michael Harold Hall
Michel Gui- Dagg
Michel Realties Inc. Harold Storie
Michelle Dagg
Mike Dagg
Mike Fin- Miss Ruth Dagg
Mike Kearnan Brett Dagg
Mildred Dagg
Mildred Dagg.
Millie Dagg
Milton Dagg
Mina Dagg
Mis Harold Hayes
Miss G Dagg Mrs.
Miss Marion Dagg
Miss Roth Dagg
Miss T J Dagg
Misses Kay Woodley Mr. Harold Snnley
Misses Margaret Dagg
Mn Ernie Dagg
Mn Lomie Dagg
Motion Crs Dagg
Mr Bill Dagg
Mr Marshall Dagg
Mr Thomas Dagg
Mr Thomas G Dagg
Mr W J Dagg
Mr* Austin Dagg
Mr* Harold FuMord 1
Mr* Harold Mr.
Mr* Harold Wilson
Mr* Herman Dagg
Mr* Keith Dagg
Mr, Harold Smith
Mr- Thomas Dagg
Mr. A Mrs. Harold Amdtage Mr. A Mrs. Wes
Mr. Bill Dagg
Mr. Dagg
Mr. E M. Dagg
Mr. Edward Dagg
Mr. Ernie Dagg
Mr. Fred E. Dagg Shawville United Church
Mr. Harold
Mr. Harold 0. Voting’s
Mr. Harold A. Hod
Mr. Harold Arm- Congratulations
Mr. Harold Armstrong
Mr. Harold Barclay
Mr. Harold Brown
Mr. Harold Campbell
Mr. Harold Cotton
Mr. Harold Dagg
Mr. Harold E. Smiley
Mr. Harold Edmonds
Mr. Harold Elliott
Mr. Harold Graham
Mr. Harold Hammond
Mr. Harold Hayes
Mr. Harold Hodgins
Mr. Harold Hunt
Mr. Harold McCoy
Mr. Harold Pokes
Mr. Harold Smith
Mr. Harold Steele
Mr. Harold T. Armstrong
Mr. Harold Young
Mr. Harold Young Shawville Hardware Store Mr.
Mr. Harvey M. Dagg
Mr. J C. Dagg
Mr. James Dagg
Mr. John T. Dagg
Mr. Keith Wesley Dagg
Mr. Kenneth Dagg
Mr. Lloyd Rees Dagg
Mr. Martin Dagg
Mr. Nathan Dagg
Mr. Neman Dagg
Mr. Thomas Dagg
Mr. W J Dagg
Mr. William Dagg
Mr. William J. Dagg
Mra J Me Mr. Harold Josses
Mri Austin Dagg
Mrs Emerson Harold Richardson
Mrs J E. Dagg
Mrs Wesley Dagg
Mrs, Harold
Mrs, Harold Beckett
Mrs, Harold Hayes
Mrs. Alf Dagg
Mrs. Alt Dagg
Mrs. Andrew Dagg
Mrs. Ar-hur Dagg
Mrs. Archie Dagg
Mrs. Arthur Dagg
Mrs. Austin Dagg
Mrs. Belle Armstrong Heman Dagg
Mrs. Bill Dagg
Mrs. Dagg
Mrs. Dalton Russell Roy Dagg
Mrs. E M. Dagg
Mrs. E R Dagg
Mrs. Earl Dagg
Mrs. Earl Dagg George
Mrs. Earl Dagg Richard
Mrs. Edmund Dagg
Mrs. Edward R. Dagg
Mrs. Ernest Dagg
Mrs. Ernie Dagg
Mrs. EUard Dagg
Mrs. Fred Dagg
Mrs. Fred Dagg Yarm
Mrs. G Gagnon Mrs. Austin Clarke Mrs. Fred Dagg Rotarv Club
Mrs. Gerald Dagg
Mrs. Harold
Mrs. Harold - Walsh
Mrs. Harold 0. Wilson
Mrs. Harold 7-JSJO Elliott
Mrs. Harold Armstrong
Mrs. Harold Blanchard
Mrs. Harold Boland
Mrs. Harold Boyd
Mrs. Harold Chant
Mrs. Harold Cole
Mrs. Harold Cumniing*
Mrs. Harold Cuthbertson
Mrs. Harold Dagg
Mrs. Harold Don- Montreal
Mrs. Harold Donnelly
Mrs. Harold Elliott
Mrs. Harold Elliott.
Mrs. Harold Fill
Mrs. Harold Flactcars
Mrs. Harold Ftilford
Mrs. Harold FUiford
Mrs. Harold Ful-ford
Mrs. Harold Fulfonl
Mrs. Harold Fulford
Mrs. Harold Fulford Earl Brown
Mrs. Harold G. Wilson
Mrs. Harold Graham
Mrs. Harold Guttler
Mrs. Harold H. Hod
Mrs. Harold H. Hodgin*,1
Mrs. Harold H. Hodgins
Mrs. Harold H. Hodgins - David T. Hodgins
Mrs. Harold H. Hodgins Jfar
Mrs. Harold H. Hodgius
Mrs. Harold H. Hodgms
Mrs. Harold H. Ilod-gins
Mrs. Harold Hayes
Mrs. Harold Hayes Citizenship
Mrs. Harold Hayes It
Mrs. Harold Hayes Mrs. Cynthia Draper Mrs. Maye Armstrong
Mrs. Harold Helmet
Mrs. Harold Hemstead
Mrs. Harold Hod Pritchard J Mr- Cavender
Mrs. Harold Hod-gins
Mrs. Harold Hodgins
Mrs. Harold Hodglns
Mrs. Harold House
Mrs. Harold Hudgins
Mrs. Harold Hunter
Mrs. Harold I. Smith
Mrs. Harold Judd
Mrs. Harold Judd.
Mrs. Harold Kirkham
Mrs. Harold Lacey
Mrs. Harold Letts
Mrs. Harold Manwell Mr
Mrs. Harold McCoy
Mrs. Harold McMah-and
Mrs. Harold McRae
Mrs. Harold Muise
Mrs. Harold O. Wilson
Mrs. Harold P.
Mrs. Harold P. Fokes
Mrs. Harold Pitt
Mrs. Harold Pokes
Mrs. Harold Popkey Rev.
Mrs. Harold R. Waite
Mrs. Harold Russell
Mrs. Harold Sally
Mrs. Harold Sally Advisor
Mrs. Harold Sally Clarence
Mrs. Harold Schock
Mrs. Harold Sills
Mrs. Harold Smith
Mrs. Harold Storie
Mrs. Harold T. Armstrong
Mrs. Harold Thorsteinson
Mrs. Harold W. Taylor
Mrs. Harold Wallace
Mrs. Harold Wil- Yarm
Mrs. Harold Wil-1
Mrs. Harold Wilson
Mrs. Harold Wilson Honoured Mrs. Gordon Elliott
Mrs. Harold Young
Mrs. Harold _ Hodgins
Mrs. Harvey Dagg
Mrs. Henry Dagg
Mrs. Herman Dagg
Mrs. Ivan Dagg
Mrs. Ivan Dagg Arnprlor
Mrs. J.H Dagg
Mrs. John A. Dagg
Mrs. John Dagg
Mrs. John E. Dagg
Mrs. John E. Dagg By Dennis Thrun Mr. Neil Sparling
Mrs. John James Dagg
Mrs. John T. Dagg
Mrs. Kenneth Dagg
Mrs. Kenneth Dagg | Savage
Mrs. L E. Thomson Harold Beckett
Mrs. Lloyd Telford Shawville Pontiacs Telford - Dagg
Mrs. Margaret Dagg
Mrs. Margaret Dagg Rev.
Mrs. Milton Dagg
Mrs. Natchick Mrs. Fred Dagg
Mrs. Nathan Dagg
Mrs. Nathan Dagg Easter
Mrs. Nathan Dagg Mi-,
Mrs. Nathan Dagg Observe
Mrs. Nathan Dagg Sunday
Mrs. Nathan Dagg X
Mrs. Nathan Dagg.
Mrs. Norman Hache Miss Ruth Dagg RN
Mrs. P Dagg
Mrs. R E. Dagg
Mrs. Ray Dagg Municipality
Mrs. Steve Robmson Dagg
Mrs. Thomas Dagg
Mrs. Thomas Dagg Mrs. Wm
Mrs. W J Dagg
Mrs. W J. Dagg
Mrs. Wesley Dagg
Mrs. Wilbur Horner Nathan Dagg
Mrs. William Dagg
Mrs. William E. Dagg
Mrs. Xrthur Dagg
Mrs..Arthur Dagg
Mrs.Elbum Dagg
MrsJohn K Dagg
Mr» Harold Hayes
Mt-ssrs Harold
Murphy L Dagg
Murray Dagg
Myrna Lorrie Harold McIntyre
Myrna Smith Dagg
N L Dagg
Nancy May-Wayne Dagg
Nathan D. Dagg
Nathan Dagg
Nathan Dagg Charteris
Nathan Dagg.
Nathan Dagg............ Tlm
Nathan L Dagg
Nathan L. Dagg
Nathan Lytle Dagg
Nel- Dagg
Neman Dagg
Noble Grand Lorna Dagg
Nor- Dagg
Norman Dagg
Norris Homer J P. Wilson Sydney Fine Gordon Crouse Lem Hodgins Keith Dagg
Norris Horner....... Harold Beckett...... John L Hodgins
O by Lisa Beth Dagg
Obituary Austin Michael Dagg
October Harold McCoy
Oeerge Dagg
Olive Dagg
Olwyn Harold Wallace
Ont P O. Harold Fokes
Orville Frenette Mrs Arthur Dagg
Oswald Murdock Harold Wilson
Owner Geraldine Dagg
P H McCann Harold Cochrane Willie Steele
P. Q Harold
P. R. G Arthur Dagg Collection
Palmer Dagg Family
Palmer Dagg Mr.
Paul Dagg
Payne 648-2949 Pastor Rev. Harold Sowerby Sunday
Payne 648-2949 Pastor Rev. Harold Sowerby Sunday 7
Pearl Dagg
Pearly Dagg
Percival L Dagg
Percy Dagg
Perky Dagg
Phyllis Jean Parrel Weds Donald Harold Malette At
Pierre Chevrier Mrs. Harold Steele
Pierre Jerry Dagg Senior Girls
Pound Harold Hammond
Pound Keepers—Harold
Pound Keepers—Harold Hammond
Pres Mrs. Arthur Dagg
Principal Harold G.
Priscilla Dagg
Pte Harold Armstrong
Que Harold
Quebec Land Motion Cr Dagg
R J 2nd Harold Hodgins
R-y Dagg
Raleigh Morrison Harold S. Hodgins John Smart
Randy Dagg
Ray Dagg
Ray Edward Dagg
Ray Grier Harold Megarth
Raymond Dagg
Rev Harold G Lester
Rev R J Mrs. Harold Cole
Rev. Harold A. Turner
Reverend Harold Sowerby
Rhonda Lee Dagg
Richard Bowie Directors Ernest Dagg
Richard Bowk-, Harold Wilson
Richard Charles Dagg
Richard Conte Mala Powers Superscope William Herbert Dagg Diet
Richard Dagg
Richard Dagg Esq
Richard Dagg Ontario KOB
Richard E. Dagg
Richard Earl Dagg
Richard Earl Dagg Clarendon Municipal Office
Richard Frank Roy B. Cruickshank John Dagg Pedlar People
Richard Harvey Hodgins Richard Roy Dagg BRISTOL Funeral
Richard IS. Dagg
Richard Otter Lake Bingo Al Portage Mrs. John T. Dagg
Richard Roy Dagg
Richard Thomas Dagg Ouyoa Pastoral Charge REV.
Richard Willi Shawville Skip Harold Hall
Richard Wills Roy Dagg
Rick Doc Lawrence Dagg
Robert Bron- McCleary Fred Dagg Ster-
Robert Campbell Motion Crs Dagg
Robert Dagg
Robert Dagg Esq
Robert Harold
Robert HAROLD Edward Davis
Robert Harold Edward Davis Lime Lome Albert Mayer Mayer
Robert Harold Fdward
Robert Harold Grant
Robert Harold Ixl-
Robert Harold Kelley
Robert Hobbs Shawville President Harold
Robert Middle- Cr Dagg
Robert Middle- Harold Emery
Robert Sec.-Treas Dagg
Roberta Dagg
Robyn Dagg
Roe Dagg
Roger Blais Featuring Harold Morris A ‘fkt* Two-Part Film Series
Roger Lavoie Bristol Mayor: Ronald Dagg Brent Orr
Roger Mrs Arthur Dagg
Ron and Sandy Dagg
Ron Dagg
Ron Dagg 647
Ron Dagg November
Ron Dagg*
Ron Stewart Pontiac Auto Parts Shawville Milling Shawville Chrysler Obituary Shirley Dagg
Ronald Dagg
Ronald Dagg There
Ronald Dagg He
Ronald Dagg Les Bureaux
Ronald Dagg Pontefract
Ronald Gerald Dagg
Ronald Mac-Arthur Dagg
Ronie Dagg
Ronnie Dagg
Rose Citrons Wesley Dagg
Ross Motion Crs Dagg
Roy Dagg
Roy Dagg Aut
Roy Dagg Gerald Manwell
Roy Dagg Joe Rut-(Waverley Scott
Roy Dagg Now Mrs
Roy Dagg Pave
Roy Dagg Phone
Roy Dagg R
Roy Dagg Ray
Roy Dagg Roy Dagg
Roy Dagg SEWING -
Roy Dagg Shawville
Roy Dagg SSSrt
Roy Dagg Sunday
Roy Dagg X Blacksmith
Roy Harold Judd
Ruby Kim Harold R
Ruby Mr. Keith Dagg
Rulh Dagg
Russell Dagg
Ruth Cowley Danny Dagg Carl Dale
Ruth Dagg
Ruth Dagg and Joan Lloyd Conolly
Ruth Dagg Andre Audet
Ruth Dagg R.N.
Ruth Dagg RN
Ruth Valentine Dagg
Ryan Loaders Cedric Ac Lois Ludlngton Barry Maloney Harold Ac Achsah Maloney Barry
Sabrina Ayres-Dagg
Sadie Dagg
Sandra Dagg
Sandra Dagg Arthur Sc Iaobel Day Linda Dent Evelyn Duff Sc Donald Duff John Duff - Memorial Melvin
Sandra I. Dagg
Sandy Dagg
Sara Dagg
Sarah Ann Reilly Mr. John Dagg County Master
Sarah Dagg
Sarah Dagg Kozlova
Sarah Dagg Ladysmith
Sarah Emma Dagg
Sarah Eric Dagg
Sarah J. Dagg
Scott Sara Shane Harold W. Hutchinson Camp Petawawa
SÉ& M::m Arthur Dagg
See.-Treas Clever Scholar Harold Graham Young
Session—Harold H. Hodgins
Seymour Harris Dagg
Sf Bill Dagg
Shawville Mrs. Harold Elliott
Sheila Dagg
Sheila Dagg Lackic
Sheila Richardson Roberta Dagg Dorothy Hodgins
Shern Dagg
Sherry Dagg
Shirley Dagg
Shirley Dagg Ottawa
Shirley Miss Beverley Harris Miss Euella Turner Mrs. Harold Hayes Mr.
Simon Harold Barber Le
Sir Harold R. L.
Smiley Harold Cuthbertson
Smith Dagg
Smith Dagg Village Cemetery
Smith Mrs. Harold Walker Sgt
Sons Funeral Home Fred Dagg
South East Frederick Everett Dagg
Stark Harold Hayes
Steven Graham Henderson Dagg
Steven Roy Dagg
Stewart Fred Dagg
Stewart Woods Dagg
Susan (icrald Dagg Kenneth Farrell
Susan Ann Dagg
Susan Dagg
Susan Harold Mahlitz
Sylvia L Dagg
T Dagg
T. Dagg
T. Dagg.
T. Mrs. Fred Dagg
Tammie Dagg
Tammy Dagg
Tandem Dagg
Taylor Fire Extin- Cr Dagg
Ted Fort Dagg
Ted Fort.Cynl Dagg
Teresa Dagg
Terrible Harold
Terry Graham Arthur Dagg Trophy- Jane Ebert
Theresa Dagg
Thomas Arthur Harold -
Thomas Dagg
Thomas Dagg Mrs Clinton Sparling
Thomas E Dagg
Thomas Edward Dagg
Thomas H Dagg
Thomas Harold
Thomas Harold Beckett
Thomas Harold Heekett
Thomas Hiram Dagg
Thomas W. J. Dagg
Tim Man Harold
Tom Dagg
Tom Harold Wilson
Tommy Dagg
Travis Dagg
Tyler Knuki Lqi Dagg Big
UrtUitl Jo Dagg
Ute Mr. Dagg
Vears John T. Dagg
Velma Dagg
Velma Dagg Miss Alva Turner Miss Ruth Hornet Miss Euella Turner Miss Pearl Kilgour Miss Janet Kilgo
Violet Dagg
W J Dagg
W J Dagg Gatineau
W L. Dagg
W. Dagg
Wal Mrs. Harold H. Elliott
Wallace Barber Willard Bretzlaff Wayne Chamberlain Claire Dagg Benson Elliott Walter Harris Teddy H
Wallace Hodgins Dr. R E Dagg Mrs. Ernest
Wallace Hodgins M R- E. Dagg
Walter Geo T Dagg
Walter Harold Easy
Waltham Pastor Rev. Harold Sowerby Sunday
Wanda Jonathan Dagg
Warren Dagg
Warren Harold
Wayne Dagg
Wayne Dagg Rundown
Wayne Wiggins Norman Wiggins Dennis Findlay John Thompson Ronnie Dagg Wayne O Malley Mervin Conroy
Wealey Dagg
Wellington Rooney Harold Sparling
Wendy Dagg
Wendy Dagg He
Wendy Dagg The
Wendy I %^Dan Dagg
Wesley Cesmarema Realties Dagg
Wesley Cosmorama Realties Dagg
Wesley Cosmoreme Realties Dagg
Wesley Dagg
Wesley Dagg 2
Wesley Dagg Le
Wesley Hodgins Harold Beckett
Westley Dagg
Willard Elliott Norma Hodgins Mvinan McDowell Harold Wilson Norval
William Charles Dagg
William Dagg
William Dagg Dagg-Martin
William Dagg.. Edward Gagnon George Knight
William E. Dagg
William Elsworth Dagg
William Harold even-
William Harold FREE DELIVERY
William Harold Smart
William Henry Howard and Susan Dagg
William Herttert Dagg
William J Dagg
William J. Dagg
William John Dagg
William John Dagg New Shipments
William M Dagg
Willie Dagg
Willie J. Dagg
Willie Sandra Dagg
Wilmer Harold
Wilson Mrs Ernest Dagg
Wilson Percy Dagg
Wilson Tracy Lorna Dagg
Winston Wool- Dagg
Wm H Dagg
Wolf Bounty- Cyril Dagg
Workman* Miss Connie Dagg
Wright V Dagg
Wyman H Karl Dagg
Xfrs Elmer Dagg
Young Dagg
Young Mother—“Now Harold
Young Motion Crs Dagg
Younger-Lewis Harold E. Laycock
Austin Dagg
Austin Dagg’s
Bay Ave Motion Dagg
Cherry Dagg
Dagg Area
Dagg County
Dagg Street
E. Dagg
E. DAGG Battery
Florence Dagg
Fort Dagg
Harold Beach
Harold Carson
Harold Denver
Harold St
Hereford Trophy Dagg Memorial
Madison Dagg
Mr. Harold
OF Dagg l
Pearl Dagg
Robert Dagg
Tearcher Klzmkntaby l Hazel Dagg
7th Line Mrs Harold
A. Dagg
Academy Nathan Dagg
All Pulpwood Producers & Dealers Lorraine Ethel Dagg
Anniversary Service Zion U-nitad Church Guest Speaker Rev Harold G
Article Ronald Dagg
ASTHMATIC P.-Harold Hayes
Auxil- Dagg
AVIS Church Services Standard Church 1 Waltham Pastor Rev. Harold
Beauty Salon Mavis & Gerry Dagg J S P Furniture K & L
Bee Wax CyrU Dagg
Beechgrove Ladies Host Roy Dagg Named Pontiac County Institute Hew Dog Catcher
Board Ventral School Board Arthur Dagg
Borden for Weapons Ministère des Transports Motion Crs Dagg and Pitt Technician Training
Boys Continues Mr. Charles Dagg
Bristol ; Geo Dagg
Bristol be Cr Dagg
Bristol Beach Mr. Harold Cuthbertson
Bristol Community Centre Ronald DAGG
Bristol Community Centre Ronald DAGG RE-ELECT Christopher YOUNG
Bristol Council Dagg that Council
Bristol Council Minutes Harold Stark
BRISTOL COUNCIL Miss Phyllis Jean Parrel Weds Donald Harold Malette At
Bristol Council Motion Cr Dagg
Bristol Dagg
Bristol mayor Ronald Dagg
Bristol Mines ; Mr< Harold Smith
Bristol Mr Arthur Dagg
BRISTOL Mr Austin Dagg
Bristol s Wendy Dagg
Bristol View Fair Lady; A. Dagg
Bristol; M Dagg
Brothers Business Personals Harold Hammond b -1 STEFAN
Cancer Soci- Motion Crs Dagg
Capital Gasolene Light M«v Harold Smith 1
Charity Dagg
Church Services Waltham Pastor Rev. Harold
Church Services Waltham Pastor Rev. Harold
City View United Church Sat- Dagg
Cohen’s Store CHAS W. DAGG SHAWVILLE BOOT AND SHOE STORE '' District Rcpi''esontntlvp
Community Association Dagg that Council
Community Centre Motion Crs Dagg
Community Hospital’s Sandy Dagg
CONTACT Harold Stone
Control By Institute Members Harold Smith
Convention Inspector Harold Young Bristol Native Comes
Crs Dagg
Custom Bearing Service Dagg
DAGG DlBtrlvi Representative
DAGG Prompt Payments Excellent Security D.
Dagg & Pitt that Council
Dagg & Son;
DAGG & TUCK Insurance Brokers
DAGG - SURGEON DENTIST 6 Drummond Medical Building
Dagg and Hilton Findlay
Dagg and Perry
Dagg Best Hanging Basket
Dagg Best Horses
DAGG Bristol
Dagg Bristol Ridge
DAGG BROS Shawville
DAGG Church of England SUnOEON DENTIST
Dagg Clarendon Municipal Office
DAGG Clean-up Specials District Ropresentntlve
DAGG Clean-up Specials District Representative
Dagg Council
Dagg County Master
DAGG County Women s Institute SURGEON DENTIST
Dagg DENTAL SURGEON Phone 647-3677 P.O.
Dagg DENTAL SURGEON Phone 647-3877 P
Dagg DENTAL SURGEON Phone 647-3877 P.O.
Dagg DENTAL SURGEON Rhone 647-3877 P.O.
DAGG Dry Goods Tables
DAGG Engineers Plan
Dagg Family
Dagg Family Reunion
DAGG Film Program Shawville Theatre Thursday
DAGG Film Program SURGEON DENTIST Shawville Theatre Thursday
Dagg Former Bristol Resident Dies
DAGG General Agent
DAGG General Agent SllAWVlLLB.
DAGG Grand Lodge Officers Visit Shawville Oddfellows SURGEON DENTIST
DAGG Harvest Thanksgiving Services Harvest Thanksgiving Services
DAGG Holiness Movement Church SURGEON DENTIST
DAGG Jerseys
DAGG Ladies’ Shoes
DAGG Masquerade Dance Successful SURGEON
DAGG Men’s Horsehide Mitts
DAGG Oiitrict Representative
DAGG Railway Next
DAGG Requisites District Representative
Dagg Reserve Or
DAGG Revival Services
DAGG S Specials
DAGG Service Announcements
DAGG Service Announcements SURGEON DENTIST
DAGG Service Announcements SURGEON DENTIST Shawville United Churches Rev. A.
Dagg Shop
DAGG SMALL BOYS’ WASH SUITS Film Program Shawville Theatre Thursday
DAGG Special Agent
Dagg St Sons
DAGG Step-in Girdles
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST 6 Drummond Medical Building
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST 6 Drummond Medical Building County Council Express Appreciation
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST 603 Drummead Medical
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST 608 Drummond Medical
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Gradual o/McGi University Office—Hayes’ Block Centre St Shawville Que
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Gradual o/MtGi University
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Graduate of McGil University Boys
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Graduate of McGill Univeisity Office
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Graduate of McGill University
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Graduate of McGill University Hayes
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Graduate of McGill University Ofcce
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Graduate of McGill University Office
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Graduate of McGill University Office ; Hayes
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Graduate of McGill University Ofticç
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Graduate of McGill University Otfice
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Graduate of McGill University Ottice
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST GraduAteof McGill University Office
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Mri 6 Drummond Medical Building We
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Peerless Brand House Paint Tints
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST School Opening September
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Shawville United Churches Rev. A.
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Slippers Manicure Sets
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Windbrea^ers 6 Drummond Medical
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Youth’s Collegiate Flannel Suits
DAGG SURGEON TiFNTTST 6 Drummond Medical
DAGG Unusual Happenings
Dagg V
Dagg Village Cemetery
DAGG York Hospitals
DAGG Young Men’s Sport Oxford
Dagg—Palmer At Norman United Church
Dagg’s Grocery Bristol
DE BOIS Motion Cr Dagg that Council
Department of Harold & Carolyn Gloss; Fire Department
Dot Dagg
DOWD Miss Lil Dagg
Drug & Dept Stores Sales Agents; Harold
Drug A Dept Stores Sales Agents; Harold F Ritchie A Co Ltd ,
Drug A Dept Stores Seles Agents; Harold
E DAGG SURGEON DENTIST 6 Drummond Medical Building
E. DAGG Senior League
E.i DAGG SURGEON DENTIST 6 Drummond Medical
Education Mrs Arthur Dagg
Education Mrs. Keith Brownlee; Home Economics Mrs. Milburn Hodgins; Publicity Mrs. Arthur Dagg; Wel
Ee DAGG SURGEON DENTIST 60S Drummond Medical
Elmside View Winston Sovereign Dagg;
Everett Steele Herbert Dagg John C Dagg
Feed Lang-Dagg St. Matthew’s Anglican Church
Financial Harold Easy
Fine Gordon Crouse Lem Hodgins Keith Dagg
FIRE AUTO LIFE Mr. Harold Sam Lafkur
Fire Insurance AUSTIN DAGG.
First Radio Broadcasting Station HEAD OFFin CHARLES W. DAGG.
Fort-Coulonge Standard Church Waltham Pastor Rev. Harold
Funding Contract for ReMayor Ronald Dagg
Gall Chamber- Dagg
Gilpi Ronnie Dagg
Guild Mrs. Fred Dagg
Harold & Agnes Lynch
Harold Beckett...... Royce Prendergast
Harold Boulton Bristol Egg & Poultry Association BRISTOL - QUEBEC
Harold Boulton Bristol Egg & Poultry Association BRISTOL - QUEBEC FOR SALE—One Clyde Gelding
Harold Boulton Bristol Egg & Poultry Association BRISTOL - QUEBEC FOR SALE—One Clyde Horse
Harold Boulton Bristol Egg & Poultry Association BRISTOL - QUEBEC Muscle-Disease Treatment A
Harold Boulton Bristol Egg & Poultry Association BRISTOL - QUEBEC Nation Blood Purifier Rational Be
Harold Boulton Bristol Egg & Poultry Association BRISTOL - QUEBEC Shawville Co-operative Hatchery
Harold Boulton Bristol Egg & Poultry Association BRISTOL .
Harold Boulton Bristol Egg & Poultry Association BRISTOL 80-Year-Old Gunsmith Still Busy
Harold Boulton Bristol Egg & Poultry Association BRISTOL • QUEBEC
HAROLD BOULTON Bristol Egg & Poultry Association BRISTOL.
HAROLD BOULTON Bristol Egg â Poultry Association BRISTOL
Harold Boulton Bristol Egg A Poultry Association BRISTOL - QUEBEC We
HAROLD BOULTON Bristol Egg â Poultry Association BRISTOL, OÜB Estate Mrs.
HAROLD BOULTON Bristol Egg A Poultry Association BRISTOL.
HAROLD BOULTON Bristol Egg and Pou!ti*y Association BRISTOL * QUEBEC Men’s
HAROLD BOULTON Bristol Egg and Poultry Association BRISTOL <
HAROLD BOULTON Bristol Egg and Poultry Association BRISTOL Full Stock
HAROLD BOULTON Bristol Egg and Poultry Association BRISTOL sSfCl^ng
HAROLD BOULTON Bristol Egg uhd Poultry Association QUEBEC Fig
HAROLD BOULTON M THE CORNER STORE Shawville Marble & Granite Works
Harold Corners Cemetery
Harold Gatineau Power Co.
Harold Qoulton Bristol Egg & Poultry Association BRISTOL .
Harold Ryder
Harold Schock Paint Horse
Harold Wilson
Harold Wilson Equip
Hauling Snow John Dagg
Hayes & Sons Funeral Home Fred Dagg
HEART Tourist Traffic Harold He
Hint Harold Fish
Horner Family DAGG—We
House Shawville DAGG—We
Household Articles & Miscellaneous Items HAROLD
Household Furniture & Miscellaneous Items Mrs. Harold McBride
Human Dagg
III Miss Dorothy Dagg
Jenny Patch John A Sandy Patch Harold A Dor
John Dagg
Johnson Harold
Lac Harold Prescott Pokes
Lion Dr. Harold
Lion Ernest Dagg
Lion Harold Muise
Mabel Dagg
Mable Dagg Cohn
Maintenance Department Harold Wilson
Maple Grove Percy Dagg
Marathon Ronnie Dagg
MARRIED QUA ILE—DAGG St. George’s Church
Master Bill Dagg
Master Billie Dagg
Master David Dagg
Master David Dagg Mr.
Master Ernest Dagg
Master Gerald Dagg
Master Harold Cuthbertaon
Master Harold Hobbs
Master Harold Thrun
Master Harold Waimnon
Master Ronald Dagg
Master Wor Bro John Dagg
Men’s High Cross Harold Sally Men’s High Single Sterling McKibbin Ivüdics High Cross Margaret Curle
Metropolitan Mr. Harold Armstrong
Millennium Dagg Family
Milling Co Mrs. Harold Becket.
Ministry of Agricult Harold Daley
Morgan Dagg
Motion Bean Dagg That
Motion Cm Dagg
Motion Cr Dagg
Motion Cr Motion Cr Dagg
Motion Cra Dagg
Motion Cra Dagg and Resolved
Motion Crs Dagg
Motion Crs Dagg &
Motion Crs Dagg & Graham
Motion Crs Dagg & Motion Crs Duff &
Motion Crs Dagg & Pitt that
Motion Crs Dagg & Pitt the
Motion Crs Dagg and Association
Motion Crs Dagg and Chamber of Commerce Poupore
Motion Crs Dagg and Council
Motion Crs Dagg and McGuinty Inc and/or
Motion Crs Dagg and Pitt
Motion Crs Dagg and Pitt Dagg that Council
Motion Crs Dagg and Pitt that Council
Motion Crs Dagg and Roy Bristol Volunteer Fire Dept
Motion Crs Duff & Dagg
Motion Crs Duff and Pitt Dagg that Council
Motion Crs Findlay Dagg
Motion Crs Mr. Fred Dagg
Motion Crs Orr & Dagg
Motion Crs Orr and Dagg Council
Motion Crs Orr and Pitt Motion Crs Dagg and Department of Municipal that Council
Motion Crs Pitt & Dagg
Motion Crs Pitt and Dagg
Motion Crs Pitt and Duff* Cr Dagg
Motion Crs Pitt and Motion Crs Dagg
Motion Crs Stanley & Dagg X Special Buy Special Buy
Motion Crs Young & Dagg _
Motion Dagg
Mr CUMaoUon Crs Dagg
Mr Harold Pitt
Mr Harold Pitt Mtas Vwa Oameron
Mr Harold Watson
Mr Ronnie Dagg
Mr. Harold Bell
Mr. Harold Hill
Mr. Harold Pitt
Mr. Harold Young Shawville Hardware Store Mr.
Mrs Harold Moon
Mrs Ronnie Dagg
Mrs. Art Dagg
Mrs. Dagg; Jelly
Mrs. Dagg; Lemon
Mrs. Harold
Mrs. Harold Brown Ways and Means
Mrs. Harold Finance Committee
Mrs. Harold Pitt
Mrs. Harold Stone Get
Mrs. Mae Armstrong Cecil McCagg Allan Black Gamett Orr Harland Armitage Cecil McTiernan Elburn Dagg
Mrs. Ronnie Dagg
Mrs. Sifton Frazier Miss Bobbie Dagg
Municipal Forms Harold McCoy
Mutual Fire Roy Dagg
M^s United Church Camp Harold
Nathan Dagg Visitors
OBITUARY Margaret Dagg
Office Harold Pokes
OK Apply Harold
Old Man Master Harold
Our Lady of Fatima Church Harold
Partnership Ladies’ Shoes Dagg& Tuck
Percy Dagg
Personal Mention G HAROLD CHARLES
Pitt and Dagg
Pontiac Community Harold Hodgins
Pontiac Community Hos- Harold
Pontiac Community Hospital Harold
Pontiac Community Lorna Dagg
Pontiac Contest A.-Dagg
Pontiac County Lodge Thorne Councillor Harold Schock
Pontiac Dairy Dagg
Pontiac Farmers Association; Harold Richardson
Pontiac Graduates HAROLYN FARMS Harold
Pontiac Harold McKenney
Pontiac Hotel CHARLIE DAGG S
Pontiac Huret/s Bar & Grill Kelsey’s Restaurant - Dawn Dagg Promutuel Insurance Canadian Tire Murra
Pontiac Kenwyn Dagg
Pontiac Masonic Sarah Dagg; Emily Taylor
Pontiac Motion Cr Dagg
Pontiac Pro Dagg
Pontiac Tou- Motion Crs Dagg
Pontiac Transit Dagg
Postal Motion Crs Dagg and Pitt Unions
Prayer & Bible St Waltham Pastor Rev. Harold Sowerby Rev. Rosemarie Payne
Remembrance Church Services Standard Church Waltham Pastor Rev. Harold
RENFREW Contact Mr. Harold Schock
Renouf Publishing Co Harold
Rev Snow Dagg
Rev. Desmond Rowe » CHARLIE DAGG
RIBBON Harold Cuthbertson
River View Inn Dagg
Rmgrose Bros Elliotts Fabric Crawfords Machine Shop Harold Wilson Moyle
Rontiac Telephone Harold Poole
Rural Inspector Dagg
Russell St Sons Selwood Greta’s Burton; John T. Dagg St Son Senior
Save Food AUSTIN DAGG Onslow Corners
School Dagg
Senate Committees Harold Storey
Shawville Bakery Mrs. Maude Mary Dagg
Shawville Hardware Business College Harold Judd Meets Tragic Death
SI Roy Dagg ; United Church
SINGING EVERYONE WELCOME NO COST United Church Bristol Charge Rev. Ed McCaig Pastor Rev. Harold Sow
Standard Church Waltham Pastor Rev. Harold
TCRA Gil & Lorraine Cluff Harold & Doreen Schock Oktoberfest Ladysmith Ernest & Essie Schwartz Mutu
Thomson - Dagg
Tiger Dagg
U U IlQJf SALES | Harold
Value Harold Mahlitz
Vinton Parish Hall Brothers Funeral Home Dagg
Waltham Pastor Rev. Harold Sowerby CSS
Women’s Institute Annual Meeting of Charteris Ladies’ Guild FOR SALE INSECT CONTROL Mrs. Harold Ful
Worship Service Waltham Pastor Rev. Harold Sowerby Powo
Ynnth Command Dagg