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Barbara Dagg Betty Gorse

Issues the person appears in:


Possible related entities:

2. J T. Dagg St Son
3b—Barbara Atkinson
6-R-33 Mrs. Betty MacDonald
613-839-5274 ItZ Betty Sparling Commercial Display -Jeff Schultz
647-3166 I Betty Cameron
647-3459 648-5821 Betty Get
7. Betty Jane Richardson Graduates As Nurse
8. Contact Betty
8. Mrs Austin Dagg
A. Dagg
Abel (Betty Roderick
Actress Barbara Hale
Ada Dagg
Adeline Dagg
Adrian Dunn Betty
Aithur Dagg
Alexander Dagg
Alexander Margaret Cuthbertson Sylvia Gibeon Leslie Greenshieldi Elflon Hodgins Barbara Johnson Eth
Alexander Tait George Dagg..
Alf Dagg
Alfred Dagg
Alfred Dagg Stuart
Alice Dagg
Alice Leach and Betty Leach
Alice Perrier and Betty Gendroo
Alison Rowat Tammy Dagg
Allan Dagg
Allan Kenne Wycllffe Dagg
Allen Dagg
AM/FM Cass •7,495 Betty Kennedy
Amos Robinson s Betty Harkins
Andrea Lynn Petty If John and Betty
Andrea Soler Glen Ford Barbara Stan
Andrew Carroll Betty Verner
Andrew Dagg
Andrew W Dagg
Andrew William Dagg
Andrews Betty Ration
Andy and Betty Msgr William J Smith
Angela Dagg
Angella Dagg
Angie Langford (Betty Russell
Anita Dagg
Anita Roy Ernest Dagg
Ann Cheryl Dagg
Ann Dagg
Ann Dagg This
Anna Barbara Belanger
Anna Betty Lou
Anna Dagg
Anne Barbara
Anne Dagg
Anne John Dagg
Annie Dagg
Annie Wesley Dagg
Anthony Betty
Apple Brown Betty Dinner No.
Apple Flake Betty
Appliance Service Hugh Tracy Rowat Insurance W A Hodgins Inc. Wilfred and Betty Murdock Pathyway Hy
Apply Lloyd R. Dagg
Apply W L Dagg
April 29-30 Betty Davis Kim Hunter II William Holden
Armand Mar* Betty R>an
Armeline Dagg
Armen Dagg
Arminta McDowell Mr. Archie Dagg Mr.
Armitage John T. Dagg
Armstrong L A Dagg
Art Dagg
Art Dagg Minutes
Arthur (Betty
Arthur Bertrand Wife- Betty
Arthur Dagg
Arthur Dagg -
Arthur Dagg Although
Arthur Dagg Bereaved Mr»
Arthur Dagg Con
Arthur Dagg Dainty
Arthur Dagg Dr. Earl
Arthur Dagg Education
Arthur Dagg Garrett Walsh
Arthur Dagg I
Arthur Dagg Ida Harris
Arthur Dagg Judges
Arthur Dagg Mary Kilgour
Arthur Dagg Memorial- Janie Ebert
Arthur Dagg Model
Arthur Dagg Mossri^g
Arthur Dagg Moyer School Supplies
Arthur Dagg Mr Norval Kllgour
Arthur Dagg Mr.
Arthur Dagg Mr. Del Manary
Arthur Dagg Mrs Christine Armour
Arthur Dagg Mrs.
Arthur Dagg Mrs. Christina Armour
Arthur Dagg Mrs. John Morrison
Arthur Dagg Named
Arthur Dagg On
Arthur Dagg Other
Arthur Dagg Page Five Y*rm Noies
Arthur Dagg Publicity
Arthur Dagg QUALITY
Arthur Dagg Que
Arthur Dagg Re
Arthur Dagg Those
Arthur Dagg Trophy
Arthur Dagg Weekend
Arthur Dagg- Competency
Arthur Dagg/ President
Arthur Dagg’s
Arthur Dsgg Miss Barsbara Dagg
Arthur Kilgour Miss Ruth Dagg
Arthur Labelle Betty Grieves
Arthur McKay (Betty
Arthur William Dagg
Artist Betty Russell
Ashley Da- Betty Vemer
Audrey Barbara
Aunt Barbara
Aunt Betty
Aunt Betty Mayhew
Aunt Harrietts Uncle Lionel «cousin Betty
Austin Dagg
Austin Dagg Gerald Kelly
Austin Dagg’s
Author Information Betty Lamarche Ryan
Bailcv Marion Dagg
Baker Barbara
Barbara Miss Bar BJ
Barbara Ann
Barbara Otta/Lhe JOY CL McCLfcARv Jeff Chris
Barbara & Chip Pauline Lance
Barbara & John Dolan
Barbara & Lorenzo Belanger
Barbara & Sharon Kluke
Barbara (Alwyn Dale
Barbara (Duncan Cemetery
Barbara (Murphy
Barbara )Iiss Amy Corrigan.
Barbara -
Barbara 1er Lewis
Barbara 3.) Leatherwork
Barbara 647-3256
Barbara 66492X029 Cherry- Maple
Barbara A
Barbara A*n Scott—suspended Tbs Bab# ISSUE
Barbara A. Dagg
Barbara A. Nichol
Barbara A:>n Russell
Barbara AA
Barbara About
Barbara Abrams
Barbara After
Barbara Alesterling
Barbara Alexander.
Barbara Allen
Barbara Alton
Barbara Amanda MacKechnie
Barbara Ami Scott
Barbara Amm
Barbara and
Barbara and Bel-Rev.
Barbara and Betty
Barbara and Betty Biggest
Barbara and Betty Harris
Barbara and Dennis Valade Dear
Barbara and Joan Smith
Barbara and Margaret | Beachburg
Barbara and Margaret.
Barbara and Nancy Kluke
Barbara and Susan Hall
Barbara Andean
Barbara Andeiuon
Barbara Anderson
Barbara Anderson Ohio
Barbara Angus
Barbara Ann
Barbara Ann * Grant
Barbara Ann and David Carlton
Barbara Ann Angus
Barbara Ann Barbara
Barbara Ann Beausoleil
Barbara Ann Bell
Barbara Ann Boss
Barbara Ann Brookdalc Farm
Barbara Ann Brownlee
Barbara Ann Cameron
Barbara Ann Dagg
Barbara Ann Deneult
Barbara Ann Desabrais
Barbara Ann Desebreis
Barbara Ann Draper
Barbara Ann Fiddle Competition
Barbara Ann Gaumond
Barbara Ann Gaumond I
Barbara Ann Greer
Barbara Ann Hamilton
Barbara Ann I
Barbara Ann Keen
Barbara Ann Kettles
Barbara Ann Lapierre
Barbara Ann Laplerre
Barbara Ann Lorrain
Barbara Ann M Spaull
Barbara Ann Majorette
Barbara Ann Mankala Proulx
Barbara Ann Margaret Sharpe
Barbara Ann Mousseau
Barbara Ann Murphy
Barbara Ann Rus
Barbara Ann Russell
Barbara Ann Scott
Barbara Ann Scott and Karen Magnussen
Barbara Ann Scott Arena
Barbara Ann Scott Arena Fri.
Barbara Ann Scott Arena Thurs
Barbara Ann Scott Arena*
Barbara Ann Scott Arena* Sat.
Barbara Ann Scott RE/MAX
Barbara Ann She
Barbara Ann Sparrow
Barbara Ann Spence
Barbara Ann Spencp
Barbara Ann Splalne
Barbara Ann Stewart
Barbara Ann Uens
Barbara Ann Zimmer-g
Barbara Ann Zimmerling
Barbara Ann Zimmerling Friday
Barbara Ann)
Barbara Ann.
Barbara Anne
Barbara Anne Camerofi
Barbara Anne Cameron
Barbara Anne Desabrais
Barbara Anne Mr.
Barbara Anne Newberry
Barbara Anne Russell
Barbara Anne Scott
Barbara Ann—a
Barbara Another
Barbara April
Barbara Ar-I
Barbara Arcand
Barbara Arlene
Barbara Arm
Barbara Arm Kettles Hunt
Barbara Armi-tage
Barbara Armitage
Barbara Armstrong
Barbara Arne Cameron
Barbara Arnott
Barbara At
Barbara At-Rassemblement
Barbara Atk-
Barbara Atkinon
Barbara Atkinson
Barbara Aucoin- Thompson
Barbara Aucoin-cy Tutors Training Wood
Barbara Aucoin-Wood
Barbara Aucoin-Wood Level
Barbara Aucom-Wood
Barbara Ayearst
Barbara B
Barbara B. Hunter Ww//
Barbara Babcock
Barbara Bach
Barbara Back
Barbara Bain
Barbara Bak-gether
Barbara Baker
Barbara Ballard
Barbara Bar-
Barbara Barbara
Barbara Barnes
Barbara Barry
Barbara Bates
Barbara Bates Rory Calhoun Also
Barbara Bausor
Barbara Bay
Barbara Bé
Barbara Bé Archery Club
Barbara Bé-
Barbara Beams
Barbara Beattie
Barbara Beattie Marriage
Barbara Beausoleil
Barbara Bélair
Barbara Belanger
Barbara Belanger Ottawa
Barbara Bell
Barbara Bell Pattern No.
Barbara Belly
Barbara BenoH.
Barbara Benoit
Barbara Berger 2
Barbara Berube
Barbara Beverley
Barbara BHott
Barbara Biggart
Barbara Blair
Barbara Blatchtoy
Barbara Bloor
Barbara Blue Label
Barbara Bobber
Barbara Bolam Shaw
Barbara Boland
Barbara Booth
Barbara Bowen
Barbara Brady
Barbara Brant
Barbara Brass
Barbara Brecken-
Barbara Breken- Heritage College
Barbara Brest
Barbara Bretzloff
Barbara Bricken
Barbara Britton
Barbara Britton Geo
Barbara Brodie
Barbara Bron*
Barbara Bron-
Barbara Bron- Coulongc UCW
Barbara Bronson
Barbara Bronson 198.
Barbara Bronson Doreen Dowd Ladies
Barbara Brown
Barbara Brownlee
Barbara Bruce
Barbara Brunet
Barbara Brvodbent
Barbara Bryne Ottawa
Barbara BRYSON Mickey Armitage
Barbara BUiott
Barbara Bull
Barbara Burkhard
Barbara Burnett
Barbara Burnette
Barbara Burns
Barbara Burton
Barbara Byers
Barbara C
Barbara Cairns
Barbara Cal- Congratulatins
Barbara Callaghan
Barbara Callaghan Campbell
Barbara Callaghan Dif- Birthday
Barbara Calthrop’s
Barbara Calthrup
Barbara Cameron
Barbara Cameron George Lavoie
Barbara Canadian Bank Note Co. Ltd.
Barbara Care
Barbara Carnival
Barbara Carroll Color
Barbara Cartier
Barbara Casey
Barbara Castle
Barbara Cavanaugh
Barbara Caves
Barbara Ch
Barbara Chamberlin
Barbara Charette
Barbara Charles Graham
Barbara Charles Street
Barbara Charsly
Barbara Chase
Barbara Chase’s
Barbara Chiickshank
Barbara Cirecnshields
Barbara Clarence Honorable Mention
Barbara Clark
Barbara Clegg
Barbara Cmickshank
Barbara Cnee Smith
Barbara Cniitkshank
Barbara Cohen
Barbara Cole
Barbara Coll
Barbara Collins
Barbara Concert
Barbara Cone
Barbara Cone and Marie McLean
Barbara Cone.
Barbara Congratulations Craig
Barbara Connelly
Barbara Conway
Barbara Cor*
Barbara Cotie
Barbara CoulL Mail
Barbara Coupon
Barbara Cox
Barbara Cox Stone
Barbara Craig
Barbara Creek
Barbara Crigaley
Barbara Crittenden Norwich
Barbara Crmckshank
Barbara Crowe.
Barbara Cruick
Barbara Cruick Lawn Bowling
Barbara Cruick-
Barbara Cruick- Dagg
Barbara Cruick- Visiting WtÊÊOM
Barbara Cruick-After
Barbara Cruick-shank
Barbara Cruick-shanks
Barbara Cruick-Wm
Barbara Cruickahank 647-5711
Barbara Cruickahanka
Barbara Cruickshan
Barbara Cruickshank
Barbara Cruickshank 647-5711
Barbara Cruickshank 647-5711 Call Fred
Barbara Cruickshank Ernest Schrankler Louis Hod
Barbara Cruickshank Mail
Barbara Cruickshank Main Street
Barbara Cruickshank OOIO
Barbara Cruickshank Res
Barbara Cruickshanka
Barbara Cruickshanks
Barbara Cruickshank’s Shoe
Barbara Cruickshenk
Barbara Cruickshonk
Barbara Cruik-shanks
Barbara Cruikshank
Barbara Crukkahank
Barbara Crukkshank
Barbara Crulckahank
Barbara Crulckshank
Barbara Cuddebaeh
Barbara Dagenais
Barbara Dagg
Barbara Dagg As
Barbara Dagg Betty Gorse
Barbara Dagg Gerald: Brent
Barbara Dagg Is
Barbara Dagg Wetmore
Barbara Dagghave
Barbara Dale
Barbara Dale Beef Cow
Barbara Dale Cross
Barbara Dale.
Barbara Daman
Barbara Dancey
Barbara Daneria
Barbara Davis
Barbara Davis 100
Barbara Day
Barbara Dean
Barbara Derraugh Eddie Desabrais Eva Braden Lome
Barbara Desabrais
Barbara Desjardins
Barbara Deter
Barbara Devine
Barbara Dngg
Barbara Dodridge
Barbara Doherty
Barbara Doherty Basi
Barbara Dolan
Barbara Dolmn
Barbara Don
Barbara Donaldson
Barbara Donhain
Barbara Donlan
Barbara Door
Barbara Dorzek
Barbara Doug Griffin
Barbara Dow
Barbara Dow-dall
Barbara Dowdall
Barbara Dube
Barbara Dubeau
Barbara Dugg
Barbara Dumont
Barbara Dunlop
Barbara E Newell
Barbara E. Hartman
Barbara Eades
Barbara Eady
Barbara Easter Sunday
Barbara Eden
Barbara Eden 1241
Barbara Eden I
Barbara Eden Indian Drama
Barbara Eden Mr. James Mathicson
Barbara Eden Suspens* Drama
Barbara Edna
Barbara Eileen
Barbara El- Hughes
Barbara El- KiKMffi I*
Barbara El-ilott
Barbara Elaine Eades
Barbara Elaine Hull
Barbara Eli
Barbara Eliott
Barbara Elite
Barbara Elizab
Barbara Elizabeth
Barbara Elizabeth Elliott
Barbara Elizabeth www.acanac.ca
Barbara Ellen
Barbara Elli-
Barbara Elli- Joan Rusenstrom
Barbara Elliot
Barbara Elliott
Barbara Elliott .
Barbara Elliott 90
Barbara Elliott Doro-Fefouary
Barbara Elliott Joan Armstrong
Barbara Elliott Nair
Barbara Elliott Nair Correspondent Next Audrey Sharpe
Barbara Elliott.
Barbara Emmerson
Barbara Ensor
Barbara Et- Hobbs
Barbara Evan
Barbara Evans
Barbara Evans 5-Darcy Marline
Barbara Evans Class
Barbara Evans Handicrafts Decorative
Barbara Evans Kcaman
Barbara Evans We
Barbara Evelyn
Barbara F
Barbara Fades
Barbara Fads
Barbara Fari/an‘I
Barbara Farrell
Barbara Faye
Barbara Feldon
Barbara Fenton
Barbara Ferguson
Barbara Ferris
Barbara Find
Barbara Finday
Barbara Findla>
Barbara Findlay
Barbara Findlay Cruickshank
Barbara Findlay Leonard Fraser
Barbara Findlay Ta°
Barbara Findley
Barbara Findlhy
Barbara Fischer
Barbara Fletcher
Barbara Flor-
Barbara Florence
Barbara Florence Mrs Shirley Corbin
Barbara Florence Tessier Weds Howard Albert Orr OBITUARY William Graham Davis
Barbara Flower
Barbara Fmlayson
Barbara For
Barbara Foran
Barbara Foran To
Barbara Fos-
Barbara Foster
Barbara French
Barbara Fritehie Barbara Hauer
Barbara Ful-ford
Barbara Fulford
Barbara Fuller
Barbara Funeral from
Barbara G WILD# I X $
Barbara Gagnon
Barbara Gail
Barbara Gail Hudson
Barbara Gauthier
Barbara Get
Barbara Glenn
Barbara Gra
Barbara Grace
Barbara Graham
Barbara Graham Carp
Barbara Graham Delta
Barbara Graveline
Barbara Green
Barbara Greer
Barbara Habracken Martin
Barbara Hal
Barbara Hale
Barbara Hale A»
Barbara Hale Elroy Hirsch UNCHAINED Eli*
Barbara Hale Jean PeterslElroy Hirsch
Barbara Hale Ken Morrison Dale Cliff
Barbara Hale Nina
Barbara Hale Z z Lone Hand
Barbara Hall
Barbara Halpin
Barbara Hammond
Barbara Hams
Barbara Handcock
Barbara Hanley
Barbara Har-
Barbara Har-donations
Barbara Hardman
Barbara Harr* Joy
Barbara Harris
Barbara Harris Highway
Barbara Harris Lion
Barbara Harris Pontiac
Barbara Harris Prize
Barbara Harris Prize Guylaine Richard Perei-
Barbara Harris Prize Stone Consolidated Gwen Hayes Special
Barbara Harris Prizes
Barbara Harris Vinton 412
Barbara Harris We Thursday
Barbara Hart
Barbara Hartley
Barbara Hartman
Barbara Haughton
Barbara Haughton’s
Barbara Hay
Barbara Hay ¦52Ô8XM7 Happy
Barbara Hay.
Barbara Hazel
Barbara Heck
Barbara Helen
Barbara Helen Woodley
Barbara Henderson
Barbara Hendricks
Barbara Henry
Barbara Hérault
Barbara HJliott
Barbara Hodgine
Barbara Hodgins
Barbara Hoffman
Barbara Hoh-
Barbara Holland
Barbara Homer
Barbara Homer Fibrosis Association
Barbara Hook
Barbara Horner
Barbara Horner 458-2152 Véhiculés
Barbara Horner Joyce Newberry
Barbara Horner’s
Barbara Hough
Barbara Houghton
Barbara Houghton’s
Barbara How-
Barbara Howard
Barbara Howards
Barbara Hub
Barbara Hut- Brem
Barbara Hutton
Barbara I
Barbara I Ann Kettles
Barbara I Russell
Barbara I*w« Brownlee
Barbara Ini-
Barbara Is
Barbara Iubman
Barbara Ives
Barbara J
Barbara J 1204.
Barbara J Following
Barbara J KHike
Barbara J Kluke
Barbara J Kluke Président
Barbara J Kluke Returning Officer U
Barbara J Kluke Sec.
Barbara J Proposed
Barbara J ^d -
Barbara J. Council
Barbara J. Kluke
Barbara J. Kluke Presldlng-Offlcef Avis
Barbara J. Kluke Sec.
Barbara J. Kluke Secretary
Barbara J. Kluke Secretary-Treasurer
Barbara J. Kluks
Barbara J. Rluke
Barbara J. Stewart
Barbara Jackie.
Barbara James.
Barbara Jane
Barbara Jane Blackall
Barbara Jane Virgin
Barbara Jarosz
Barbara Jasky
Barbara Jean
Barbara Jean Bates
Barbara Jean Davis
Barbara jean Elizabeth
Barbara Jean."
Barbara Jenkin
Barbara Jenkins
Barbara JenKs
Barbara Jennings
Barbara Jennings 1
Barbara Jennings 75.00
Barbara Jennings.
Barbara Jesky
Barbara JHH Carroll
Barbara Jo Allen
Barbara Joan
Barbara Joan Markham
Barbara Johnson
Barbara Johnston
Barbara Johnston Shaw
Barbara Jones
Barbara Joyce
Barbara Joyce Griffith
Barbara Joyce Hammond
Barbara Jr hunter
Barbara Julie Elliott
Barbara June
Barbara June Hallock
Barbara K
Barbara K. J’Arbois
Barbara Kappes
Barbara Karen
Barbara Kavanagh
Barbara Kay Tuesday
Barbara Kays* Style Shoppe
Barbara Kecly Labombard
Barbara Kelley
Barbara Kelly
Barbara Kent PLEASE
Barbara Kent Snow Starts
Barbara Kent Terms
Barbara Keon
Barbara Kettles
Barbara Kettles -
Barbara Khike*
Barbara Killing.
Barbara Kitts
Barbara Kline
Barbara Kllott
Barbara Kllte^orSlly
Barbara Kluck
Barbara Klue
Barbara Kluke
Barbara Kluke 100
Barbara Kluke Mayor: Rick Romain
Barbara Kluke Pilon
Barbara Kluke Three
Barbara Kluke-Pilon
Barbara Knertz
Barbara Knetz
Barbara Kontes de Ce
Barbara Kristopher
Barbara L OutêOuêii Regional
Barbara L. Smith Ronald Wilson Laird D. Murray Lawrence H. Moore Residents
Barbara La Mart*
Barbara Labe
Barbara Lacroix
Barbara Lades
Barbara Ladouceur
Barbara Ladouceur Lakeside Hotel Campbell’s Polaris Oscar Tourangeau Hair Reflections Trudeau Colli
Barbara Lafleur
Barbara Lamb
Barbara Lang Jack Balance
Barbara Lang Plus Dana Wynter Adull Fnfrisinment Medallion
Barbara Lang Technlcolonr Felix the Fox
Barbara Lantern
Barbara Lapierre
Barbara Lariviere
Barbara Laroche
Barbara Laroche 37.00
Barbara Larocque
Barbara Laskows-
Barbara Lass
Barbara Laurel Smith
Barbara Lawrence
Barbara Lawrence PAL JOEY
Barbara Lawrence Plus SARACEN BLADE
Barbara Leach
Barbara Leach Murdock
Barbara Leach Saturday
Barbara Lebeau
Barbara Leduc
Barbara Lee
Barbara Lee Dowdall
Barbara Lerous
Barbara Leroux
Barbara Leslie.
Barbara Lewia
Barbara Lewis
Barbara Lewis and Betty Hodgins
Barbara Lewis Connery
Barbara Lewis Murray Sporting Goods Ltd.
Barbara Lintell
Barbara Linttell
Barbara Linttell Happy
Barbara Lloyd Debbie
Barbara Lomas
Barbara Lorraine
Barbara Lorre
Barbara Lou
Barbara Lou.
Barbara Louise
Barbara Louns-bnry
Barbara Lynn
Barbara Lynn Hearty
Barbara Lynn.
Barbara Lynne
Barbara Lyon
Barbara Mac
Barbara MacDonald
Barbara MacIntyre
Barbara MacKenzie
Barbara Madore
Barbara Mae
Barbara MAIR
Barbara Mankala
Barbara Marcotte
Barbara Margaret Daly
Barbara Marion
Barbara Marion.
Barbara Martineau
Barbara Mary
Barbara Maxine Bush
Barbara Maxwell
Barbara May- Cornigal
Barbara Mayhew
Barbara Mazerall
Barbara McCashen
Barbara McClintock
Barbara McCloud
Barbara McClure
Barbara McCoehen
Barbara McCool
Barbara McCoshen
Barbara McDermid
Barbara McDougall
Barbara McDougall Minister Condition
Barbara McDougall Ministre
Barbara McKenna
Barbara McKinnon
Barbara McLauchlin
Barbara Mclsaac
Barbara McPhee
Barbara McUnaig
Barbara Mecooi
Barbara Mere
Barbara Meredith
Barbara Meredith Lionette
Barbara Met
Barbara Me— Coshen
Barbara Mi*
Barbara Mildred
Barbara Miles
Barbara Miljour
Barbara Milligan
Barbara Minor On September
Barbara Minutes
Barbara Miss Elaine Hod-gfns
Barbara Mme Edgar Tourangeau
Barbara Morlce
Barbara Mountain
Barbara Mousseau
Barbara Moved
Barbara Moviemaî Vf
Barbara Mr.
Barbara Mrs Charles Mansfield
Barbara Mrs Ricky Young
Barbara Mrs. Cecil© Patterson
Barbara Mrs. G. P. Hyde
Barbara Mrs. Kane
Barbara Mrs. Robertson
Barbara Mrs. Stanley Stevenson
Barbara Muldoon
Barbara Mundy
Barbara Murphy
Barbara Naif
Barbara Nair
Barbara Nair Landmark Network
Barbara Nair Natural
Barbara Nalr
Barbara Natalie
Barbara New BE
Barbara Newber-and Miss Verna MacDon-nell
Barbara Newberry
Barbara Nlir
Barbara No
Barbara Norman
Barbara Oeunek
Barbara Orr
Barbara Oruickshank
Barbara Ostrom
Barbara Ottawa
Barbara Ouikshanks
Barbara Ousia
Barbara Outckshank
Barbara Outz
Barbara Paqu-
Barbara Paquette
Barbara Paquette Shawville Main Street
Barbara Paris
Barbara Parish
Barbara Part
Barbara Paterson
Barbara Patricia Susan Kathleen Carol Nancy Margaret Diane Marg
Barbara Patterson R.R. 1
Barbara Payne.
Barbara Payton
Barbara Peekskill
Barbara Peever
Barbara Perez Color - Pearl Harbor
Barbara PETER
Barbara Picken
Barbara Pigeon
Barbara Pil-
Barbara Pilon
Barbara Pilon Jacques Plante
Barbara Pitt
Barbara Pleffer
Barbara Plex
Barbara Plex-man
Barbara Praam
Barbara Proulx
Barbara Puddy
Barbara Q
Barbara Queensway Carleton Hos- Romain
Barbara Quick
Barbara Quickshank
Barbara R.R. 1
Barbara Raibertx
Barbara Ralph
Barbara Ralph Beth
Barbara Ratz
Barbara Rchertz
Barbara Re-bertz
Barbara Rearden
Barbara Rebertz
Barbara Rebertz-Edwards
Barbara Reiberti
Barbara Reibertz
Barbara Reiborts
Barbara Reid
Barbara Reid Chartrand
Barbara Renaud
Barbara Renfrew
Barbara Richard
Barbara Richard-
Barbara Richardson
Barbara Richardson Fo-1 Oaspe Que
Barbara Richardson For
Barbara Richardson Photo
Barbara Richardson Special
Barbara Richmond
Barbara Rivard
Barbara Robbins
Barbara Robertson
Barbara Robinson
Barbara Rocher
Barbara Roden
Barbara Roderick
Barbara Roderick Faulkner
Barbara Roes
Barbara Ross
Barbara Ross 647
Barbara Ross 647-5647
Barbara Ross Community Hospital
Barbara Ross District Commissioner
Barbara Ross Is
Barbara Ross List 507
Barbara Rothwell
Barbara Routledge
Barbara Ruben Landry
Barbara Rus
Barbara Rush
Barbara Rush Jack Palance
Barbara Rush Romantic
Barbara Rush*John Derek P^rlcla Medina
Barbara Russell
Barbara Russell 1st
Barbara Russell Telephone Co.
Barbara Russell Winchester
Barbara Russell’s
Barbara Rut- SmartLease Smart
Barbara Ruth Foster
Barbara Ruth.
Barbara Rutledge
Barbara Sadly
Barbara Salsmon’s
Barbara Salt-man
Barbara Sameiz
Barbara Saturday
Barbara Schneider I
Barbara Schuchard
Barbara Schultz
Barbara Schwartz
Barbara Scott
Barbara Scott.
Barbara Sears AUCTIONEERS James
Barbara Seated
Barbara Second Clou Moil Registration Number Legal Deposit
Barbara Seguin
Barbara Select
Barbara SfR.th
Barbara Sh
Barbara Shan
Barbara Sharpe
Barbara Sharpe Belanger
Barbara Shawville
Barbara She
Barbara Shea
Barbara Sheppard
Barbara Sheppard Kelly
Barbara Shepperd
Barbara Silvery Waves
Barbara Sinclair
Barbara Siren
Barbara Skxrn Wake
Barbara Sloan
Barbara Smi;h
Barbara Smiley
Barbara Smith
Barbara Smith 5$
Barbara Smith Mair
Barbara Smith Marries Pilot
Barbara Smith Senior Campbell
Barbara Some
Barbara Spa
Barbara Sparling
Barbara Sparling Nov. 6
Barbara Sparling Nov. 8
Barbara Spears Tagman
Barbara Spence
Barbara Spencer
Barbara Spencer.
Barbara Spinning
Barbara Spla
Barbara Splaine
Barbara Splalne
Barbara Sptane
Barbara Sr.
Barbara St. Germain
Barbara Stafford
Barbara Stan
Barbara Stanley
Barbara Stanley Jackie Stevens Ada Tanner Robert Thomas El
Barbara Stanwick Ml
Barbara Stanwlck James Cagney
Barbara Stanwyck
Barbara Stanwyck ADULT
Barbara Stanwyck Hangman
Barbara Stanwyck Titanic
Barbara Stasiwyvk
Barbara Steel
Barbara Steel LADIES
Barbara Steele
Barbara Stevens Emilee Barbara
Barbara Stevenson
Barbara Stewart
Barbara Stimson
Barbara Stiver-
Barbara Stopa
Barbara Streisand
Barbara Streisand Michael Sarrazin Comedy
Barbara Stuart
Barbara Suckow
Barbara Sullivan
Barbara Susanna
Barbara Sweet
Barbara Tan- Class
Barbara Tan- Our Ice Revue Meanwhile
Barbara Tanguary
Barbara Tanguay
Barbara Tanguay 647-5627
Barbara Tanguay Quyon Lions
Barbara Tanguay S* Barbara Cameron
Barbara Taxes
Barbara Taylor
Barbara TELEPHONE 647-2204
Barbara Tessier
Barbara Thacher
Barbara The
Barbara They
Barbara Thistle
Barbara Thomas
Barbara Thomas - Gates
Barbara Thomas Meredith
Barbara Thomaz
Barbara Thompson
Barbara Thomson
Barbara Tiedman
Barbara Tober
Barbara Tr
Barbara Tracey
Barbara Tracey 0’Dacre
Barbara Tru-
Barbara Trudeau
Barbara Trudeau Sharpe
Barbara Trudeau-Sharpe
Barbara Tub
Barbara Tub-
Barbara Tubman
Barbara Turner
Barbara TYudeau
Barbara Under
Barbara Underhill
Barbara Untell
Barbara Urry
Barbara Valthrop
Barbara Villlers
Barbara Visiting
Barbara W#tt
Barbara Wagner
Barbara Walker
Barbara Walker Eind
Barbara Walker Greenshield
Barbara Wallace
Barbara Wanted Suggestions
Barbara Watson
Barbara Watson Cobden
Barbara Watters
Barbara Weeks
Barbara West
Barbara Westridge
Barbara Whetmore
Barbara Wil-
Barbara William Stevens
Barbara Willis
Barbara Wilson
Barbara Win
Barbara Winston Kinnaird
Barbara With
Barbara Witt
Barbara Witt Ellen Woods
Barbara Wood
Barbara Wood- Interment
Barbara Woodeoffe
Barbara Woodley
Barbara Woodley 726
Barbara Woodley Given
Barbara Woodley Honoured
Barbara Woodley V
Barbara Woodroffe
Barbara WoodroIT
Barbara Woodruff
Barbara Woolley
Barbara Word
Barbara Worth
Barbara Wylie
Barbara XVoodley
Barbara XVoudley
Barbara Yach
Barbara Yach R.R. 2
Barbara Yandernoll
Barbara Yates
Barbara You
Barbara Young
Barbara Yvette Goulet
Barbara Ze
Barbara Zeldenhurst
Barbara Zeldenrust
Barbara Zi
Barbara Ziegel
Barbara Ziendenburg
Barbara Zim
Barbara Zimerling
Barbara Zimerling’s
Barbara Zimmer
Barbara Zimmer-ling
Barbara Zimmeriing
Barbara Zimmerling
Barbara Zimmerling 453-7828
Barbara Zimmerling 453-7828 Take
Barbara Zimmerling Charette
Barbara Zimmerling R
Barbara Zimmerllng
Barbara Zimmerting
Barbara Zimmertlng
Barbara Zimmoriing R.R.
Barbara Zknmerhng R.R.1
Barbara Zlmmeiilng
Barbara Zlmmerilng
Barbara Zlmmerling
Barbara Zlmmerllng
Barbara Zohr
Barbara Ztm-single
Barbara ZWweeriMg
Barbara ___ Ross
Barbara | Neville
Barbara) K Robert-on
Barbara- Mr.
Barbara-Ann Kelly
Barbara’s Andrew
Barbeau....... Thomas Dagg
Barber «ml Dagg
Bay Miss Betty Sparling
Bay Quyon Betty
Beatrice Dagg
Beck Betty Ross Arlene McNamara Cathy Dobson Loma Sparling
Bernice Hodgins Betty Tubman
Beryl Dagg
Best Wishes Betty
Betty "
Betty "Simon Fraser
Betty & Willie Girl
Betty -
Betty Aim McCord
Betty All
Betty Allard
Betty Allen
Betty Always
Betty And
Betty and Kathleen Béruhé
Betty Angel
Betty Angus
Betty Ann
Betty Ann Barr
Betty Ann Booth
Betty Ann Drummond
Betty Ann Erickson
Betty Ann Gladman
Betty Ann Gladman Defendants Summons
Betty Ann Goit
Betty Ann Lambert
Betty Ann Lance
Betty Ann McC
Betty Ann McCord
Betty Ann Muidoon
Betty Ann Muldoon
Betty Ann Olive Dunbar Gail Ethi-
Betty Ann Page
Betty Ann Ranger
Betty Ann Rondeau
Betty Ann Sauer
Betty Ann Shaw
Betty Ann Stevens
Betty Ann Walls
Betty Ann Williams
Betty Ann*
Betty Anne
Betty Anne Hogan
Betty Anne Mul- Louisa Dowe
Betty Anne Muldoon
Betty Anne Muldoon Qet
Betty Anne Paul
Betty Anne Scott
Betty Anne Spence
Betty Argue
Betty Armstrong
Betty Arsenault
Betty Arsenault Wedding
Betty At
Betty Atkins
Betty B Cameron
Betty Baker
Betty Barclay
Betty Barrett
Betty Baxter
Betty Beattie
Betty Beech
Betty Behave Anita Gagnon
Betty Bell
Betty BeMr’s
Betty Bennett
Betty BeO.
Betty Berrigan
Betty Bertrand
Betty Bertrand,Gregory Dombroski
Betty Best
Betty Betz
Betty Beverley Sly
Betty Biserovic
Betty Bisson
Betty Black
Betty Blotter
Betty Bm
Betty Bob and
Betty Booker
Betty Boucher
Betty Bour-
Betty Bousficld
Betty Bow-er-Binns
Betty Bradley
Betty Brewer
Betty Bronson Pansy
Betty Brownlee
Betty Brownlee Lang St.
Betty Brownlee OTC
Betty Brownlee-Club
Betty Brynildsen
Betty Bryson
Betty Buddy Mackay
Betty Burns
Betty Bursan
Betty Business
Betty Butler
Betty Buzz
Betty Byon
Betty C
Betty Cagney
Betty Calladine
Betty Calvin
Betty Came
Betty Came- Fahey
Betty Cameron
Betty Cameron - Health
Betty Cameron 647-2672
Betty Cameron 9
Betty Cameron A
Betty Cameron Cameron
Betty Cameron Her
Betty Cameron Î
Betty Cameron McCoshen
Betty Cameron Shawville _
Betty Cameron To
Betty Cameron’s
Betty Campbell
Betty Campeau
Betty Carleton Place
Betty Cars-jrigan
Betty Carse
Betty Carswell
Betty Carter Barbour
Betty Cham
Betty Chamberlain
Betty Chamberlin
Betty Chambers
Betty Chan
Betty Chartrand
Betty Chassie
Betty Church
Betty Church Tea
Betty Church’s
Betty Ciorsc
Betty Clayben Connelly
Betty Clemans
Betty Clement
Betty Co-Ed—Yes
Betty Coburn
Betty Comba
Betty Combo
Betty Connelley
Betty Convenors
Betty Cooligan
Betty Cooper
Betty Cordon
Betty Corry
Betty Corse
Betty Cosgrove
Betty Crabb
Betty Crocker
Betty Crocker Assorted Cake Mixes
Betty Crocker Assorted Hamburger Helper
Betty Crocker Bake
Betty Crocker Bake Book
Betty Crocker Brownie Mix
Betty Crocker Cake Mix
Betty Crocker Cake Mix Asserted
Betty Crocker Cube Steak White Pink
Betty Crocker Date Square Mix
Betty Crocker Frosting
Betty Crocker Hamburger
Betty Crocker Pie Crust
Betty Crocker Pie Crust Mix
Betty Crocker Puddings
Betty Crocker Snackin Cake Rose
Betty Crocker Snackln
Betty Crocker Super Motet Cake Mix
Betty Crocker Super-Moist Cake Mix
Betty Crocker Supermoist
Betty Cunningham
Betty Dagg
Betty Daniels
Betty David Miller
Betty Davis
Betty Davis Dunraven
Betty Davis Humphry Bogart
Betty Davis Joan Crawford Adult Entertainment Equity Photo
Betty Davis Lusk
Betty Davis Z A %
Betty De
Betty Deepest
Betty Delbert Zacharias
Betty Denny
Betty Dense
Betty Detroit
Betty Dévia
Betty Dewar
Betty Dieting
Betty Don Armstrong
Betty Donavon
Betty Donlan
Betty Dorse
Betty Douglas
Betty Dowd Erna Young C Standing Faye Armstrong Lillian Bradley
Betty Dowling
Betty Dr.
Betty Dunbar
Betty Dupont
Betty Durochcr Ontario
Betty Durose
Betty Duval
Betty Eades
Betty Ed- Cooney—Paquettr
Betty Edmund
Betty Eleanor Rcnnick
Betty Elizabeth Ann Beaulieu
Betty Ellen
Betty Elliott
Betty Elsie Sparrow
Betty Emery Gutz
Betty Et
Betty Ethicr
Betty Ethier
Betty Ev- Kirk Douglas
Betty Evans
Betty Fairweather
Betty Faris
Betty Farrell
Betty Farrell Miss Beverley Harris Mr.
Betty Farrell Tuesday
Betty Farrelton
Betty Field
Betty Fitzgerald
Betty Fleck
Betty Florence Wadge
Betty Flower Prop
Betty Foran
Betty Foster
Betty Fox
Betty Fox’s
Betty Fraser
Betty Frisk
Betty Frost
Betty Frost Marie Michelle
Betty Fuite-rd
Betty Ful-ford
Betty Fulford
Betty Furness
Betty G
Betty Gagnon
Betty Gagnon Ordained Bishop
Betty Galbraith
Betty Games
Betty Garce
Betty Garse
Betty Gauthier
Betty Gaw
Betty Gen-pality
Betty Gendron
Betty Gerald Hannaberry
Betty Germain
Betty Gib
Betty Gibault
Betty Gibb
Betty Giffin
Betty Giffln
Betty Gilbert
Betty Gilbertson
Betty Giroux
Betty Gladys Marilyn Brownlee
Betty Gloria
Betty Glyndwr Davies
Betty Goard
Betty Goldnst—Did
Betty Gone
Betty Good
Betty Gordon Alexander
Betty Gorsc
Betty Gorsc Connie Sharpe
Betty Gorse
Betty Gower
Betty Gra
Betty Grable
Betty Grable MacDonald Carey Langford
Betty Grable Mon.
Betty Graham
Betty Granger
Betty Grant
Betty Grattan
Betty Gratton
Betty Greenough
Betty Gribbon
Betty Gribbon Mrs M Vannest
Betty Grieve
Betty Grieves
Betty Griffin
Betty Gunlack
Betty Gutz
Betty H. E. Elliott
Betty Hall
Betty Halloween
Betty Hamilton
Betty Hamilton McGowan Dart
Betty Hamilton Mm
Betty Hammond
Betty Hampson
Betty Hampsoo
Betty Har-
Betty Har- Discussion
Betty Har- Gagnon
Betty Har- John Giroux
Betty Harkins
Betty Harkins Moved
Betty Harley
Betty Harris
Betty Hart
Betty Harvey
Betty Hay
Betty Hay On Saturday
Betty Hay T-—v.
Betty Hayes
Betty Hay’s
Betty HEAR
Betty Hearty
Betty Henderson
Betty Herbie Hodgins
Betty Here
Betty Hickey
Betty Hicksy
Betty Hobbs
Betty Hobgins
Betty Hodgins
Betty Hodgins Reilly
Betty Hodglns
Betty Hodgms
Betty Hohbbs
Betty Hollands
Betty Homer
Betty Horn
Betty Horn-
Betty Horner
Betty Horner Qf
Betty Howell
Betty Hutton
Betty Hutton Hon
Betty Hutton James Stewart
Betty I
Betty I-each
Betty Ijr
Betty In
Betty Indignantly
Betty Ireland
Betty Irving
Betty Ix)u Dunlop
Betty Ix)u Twolan
Betty Ix>u Twolan
Betty Ixm Twolan
Betty Ixni Stanley
Betty Ixw Twolan
Betty I»u Twolan
Betty J Talion
Betty Jackfe Say
Betty Jane
Betty Jane (Richardson
Betty Jane Chamberlain
Betty Jane Lindsay
Betty Jane Richardson
Betty Jane Sparling
Betty Jane Wylie’s
Betty Jaynes
Betty Jean
Betty Jean Ferguson
Betty Jean Hardie
Betty Jean Hunt
Betty Jean McHugh
Betty Jean; Mrs. James Noseworthy
Betty Jeannette
Betty Jefferies
Betty Jeffrey
Betty JEremy Downroy
Betty Joan
Betty Joe
Betty John
Betty John Patrick Sloan
Betty Johnson
Betty Jones
Betty Josn
Betty Jossul
Betty Joyce
Betty Joyce Smart
Betty Judd Robertson
Betty Kachura
Betty Kenne-site
Betty Kennedy
Betty Kennedy They
Betty Ketch
Betty Ketchaban
Betty Ketchebaw Joe
Betty King
Betty Kipp
Betty Kirk
Betty Kjos
Betty Knew
Betty Knit
Betty Knox
Betty L#assie
Betty La-brecque
Betty Ladoceur
Betty Lamarche
Betty Lamarche Mr.
Betty Lamarche Ryan
Betty Lamothe
Betty Lapierre
Betty Lapointe
Betty Lapone
Betty Lapone Campbell
Betty Laporte
Betty Laporte Alter
Betty Laporte Laporte
Betty Lathe
Betty Laugh
Betty Laura
Betty Lavigne
Betty Le-
Betty Lea
Betty Leach
Betty Leach’s
Betty Led
Betty Lem
Betty Lemay
Betty Lemaye
Betty Lepine
Betty Lepino
Betty Leu
Betty Leu Elliott
Betty Like
Betty Lloyd
Betty Lon
Betty Looseley
Betty Loosley
Betty Lorraine
Betty Lou
Betty Lou (Elliott
Betty Lou 8:30
Betty Lou Amy Allard
Betty Lou Avenue
Betty Lou Bliott
Betty Lou Blkott
Betty Lou Brownlee
Betty Lou Cal-Calumet Island
Betty Lou Campbell
Betty Lou Campeau
Betty Lou Doucet
Betty Lou Ekloll
Betty Lou El
Betty Lou Ell
Betty Lou Elliott
Betty Lou Elliott Saturday
Betty Lou ElMott
Betty Lou H. E Elliott.
Betty Lou I.août
Betty Lou LaChapelle
Betty Lou Marbury
Betty Lou Midway
Betty Lou Miller
Betty Lou Mr.
Betty Lou s Adventure
Betty Lou Stanley
Betty Lou Strutt
Betty Lou Stwolan
Betty Lou Trudeau
Betty Lou Twoian
Betty Lou Twolaa
Betty Lou Twolan
Betty Lou TwoUi»
Betty Lou.
Betty Louella Campeau
Betty Louella Compeau Weds Boyd James Brownlee OBITUARIES Mrs.
Betty Louise
Betty Lou’s
Betty Love
Betty Lusk
Betty Lynn
Betty M.
Betty MacDonald
Betty MacGregor
Betty MacGregor Alex Homer
Betty MacGregor’s
Betty Mack
Betty MacKay
Betty MacPherson
Betty Maloney
Betty Markie
Betty Martin
Betty Martineau
Betty Mary
Betty Massia
Betty Master
Betty Maxwell
Betty May Fulford
Betty Mayhew
Betty McCambley
Betty McCann
Betty McCanse
Betty Mccféèdié
Betty McCready
Betty McDonald
Betty McGregor
Betty McKav
Betty McKay
Betty McLaughlin
Betty McMillin
Betty Me
Betty Me-
Betty Meehan
Betty Megrath
Betty Men
Betty Metcalf
Betty Metcalfe
Betty Miller
Betty MNA
Betty Mnilton
Betty Mohr
Betty Moirisun C<
Betty Moms
Betty Moms Morris
Betty Momson
Betty Monica Russell
Betty Montreal
Betty Moore
Betty Moore Free Decorating
Betty Mor-
Betty Mor-Joanne McMunn
Betty Moris
Betty Morn
Betty Morns
Betty Morris
Betty Morrison
Betty Morrison Eil-
Betty Morrson
Betty Mother
Betty Motioned
Betty Moyle
Betty Mr.
Betty Mrs
Betty Mueller
Betty Muidoon
Betty Muldoon
Betty Mur-
Betty Murdoch
Betty Murdock
Betty Murdock Mary
Betty Murdock Mike
Betty Muriel Woods
Betty Murphy
Betty Myers
Betty Name
Betty Nèski
Betty Neville
Betty New-land
Betty Newcommon
Betty Nicholson
Betty Nickerson
Betty Nnrse
Betty Nugent
Betty Nurse
Betty Nuthall
Betty Nye
Betty O
Betty O Malley
Betty Oarse
Betty Olmstead
Betty Olmsted
Betty Ontario
Betty Ooree
Betty Oorse
Betty Orr
Betty Osgoode
Betty Ottawa
Betty Ouellet
Betty Our
Betty Paquette
Betty Parker
Betty Pe-
Betty Pearson
Betty Peiptegnat
Betty Peq-uegnat
Betty Peqn
Betty Pequegnat
Betty Petty
Betty Peyton
Betty Pe«piegnat
Betty Phillips
Betty Picard
Betty Pirie
Betty Poole
Betty Pophey
Betty Popkey
Betty Popkey Montreal
Betty Posdi
Betty Potash
Betty Potts
Betty Practical Apron
Betty Preston
Betty Pt
Betty Ptquegnat
Betty Purcell
Betty Pyon
Betty Reilly
Betty Rennick
Betty Rent
Betty Reside
Betty Rich
Betty Richard
Betty Richard- Barred Baby Chicks
Betty Richard-on
Betty Richardson
Betty Richardson Lorraine Elliott
Betty Richardsui
Betty Riley
Betty Robber
Betty Robitaille
Betty Robitallle
Betty Robitarlle
Betty Roblt-allle
Betty Roddy MacDowail
Betty Roderick
Betty Roger Perry
Betty Rogers
Betty Rosario Delair
Betty Rose
Betty Ruaeeil
Betty Ruby
Betty Rupert
Betty Rus
Betty Russel
Betty Russell 1
Betty Russell 2
Betty Russell Beauty Salon
Betty Russell Brownline Farms Burnetts Catherine Nyveld Crafts Cecil Elliott Equipment Country
Betty Russell Carriage Cover
Betty Russell Dates
Betty Russell H.I. Hobbs 4
Betty Russell’s
Betty Ryan
Betty Ryan - Studio Venus
Betty Ryan 362.32
Betty Ryan and Margaret Pilon
Betty Ryan Betty Ryan
Betty Ryan Church
Betty Ryan Cosgrove
Betty Ryan Dear Editor
Betty Ryan Father Chris Shalla
Betty Ryan Hearing Aids
Betty Ryan Journalist Carrie Buchanan
Betty Ryan Moved
Betty Ryan Municipalities
Betty Ryan Oil Paintings
Betty Ryan Old
Betty Ryan Photography
Betty Ryan Photography Nepean
Betty Ryan Pres
Betty Ryan President
Betty Ryan Re
Betty Ryan Sec.Treas
Betty Ryan St Alphonsus
Betty Ryan This
Betty Ryan Waltham
Betty Ryan Waltham Have
Betty Ryan’s
Betty Sandra Racine
Betty Santa Claus
Betty Sawyer
Betty Say
Betty Scarlett
Betty Scharf
Betty Schonauer
Betty Schwalm
Betty Scott
Betty Scullion
Betty Seaghers
Betty Second
Betty Sharpe
Betty Sharpe Mackay
Betty Shawville
Betty Sheen
Betty Sheridan
Betty Shore
Betty Shore Ann
Betty Sicard
Betty Smart
Betty Smith
Betty Snarling
Betty Soucie
Betty Spafling
Betty Spar Nancy Mayhew
Betty Spariing-Laporte
Betty Sparling
Betty Sparling Is
Betty Sparling Laporte
Betty Spicks
Betty Spurline
Betty St
Betty Stanley
Betty Ste
Betty Stettler
Betty Stevens
Betty Stewart
Betty Stewart Jossil
Betty Stewart Jossui
Betty Stewart Josul
Betty Stinton Saturday
Betty Stoddard
Betty Strader
Betty Strang
Betty Strauss
Betty Streadel
Betty Streader
Betty Strutt
Betty Strutt Anyone
Betty Suillivan-Morris
Betty Sullivan
Betty Sullivan-Morris
Betty Sutherland
Betty Swartz
Betty Sylvia
Betty Sympathy
Betty Tal-
Betty Tanner
Betty Taylor
Betty Tel-
Betty Tel- I
Betty Telford
Betty Telford Darling Dods
Betty Telford Epss
Betty Telford MW.
Betty Telford OPEN HOUS]
Betty The
Betty Then
Betty They
Betty This
Betty Thomas
Betty Thomas Carson
Betty Thomas Corner Rortege Rood
Betty Thomp
Betty Thomp-of
Betty Thompeon Mb
Betty Thompson
Betty Thorne
Betty Those
Betty Tippins Honored Ml
Betty To Mavis Kluke
Betty Tollman
Betty Toque
Betty Tourney
Betty Tracy Huff
Betty Trouse
Betty Trudeau Russell
Betty Tub
Betty Tubman
Betty Tubmen
Betty Tuck
Betty Turner
Betty Turner Since
Betty Umay
Betty Use
Betty V
Betty Valiant
Betty Van JUST
Betty Van Donna Draper
Betty Van Wigcheren
Betty Van Wlg-heren
Betty VandenBosch
Betty Vandenbosh
Betty Vaughan
Betty Vem
Betty Vem- Russell
Betty Vem-er
Betty Vemcr
Betty Vemer
Betty Vemere
Betty Vemor
Betty Vemor An
Betty Verier
Betty Verner
Betty Verner Eleanor Foran Spiritual
Betty Verner Kingsbury
Betty Verner Pat Trudeau
Betty Vernon
Betty Vetterlein
Betty Vincent
Betty Visiting Ivan
Betty Vomer
Betty Walle-Frost
Betty Walls
Betty Walls-Frost
Betty War
Betty Wayne Tanner
Betty Webber
Betty What
Betty Wichener
Betty Wig-cheren
Betty Wigchercn
Betty Wil-
Betty Williams
Betty Williamson
Betty Wilson
Betty Winkler
Betty Woods
Betty Woolsey
Betty Worship
Betty Wright
Betty Wrinn
Betty Wyatt
Betty Y Flo
Betty Young
Betty Young Donald Burton
Betty Young Grade Nine Beverley Campbell
Betty Young Is
Betty Young Shirley Kehoe
Betty Young-Jones
Betty Zim-merUng
Betty Zimmer
Betty) Graham
Betty-Ann Bohan
Betty-Lou Brownlee
Betty-Lou Campbell
Beverley Dagg
Beverly Dagg
Bill (Betty
Bill and Betty
Bill Dagg
Billy and Betty
Billy and David Dagg
Billy and Sandy Dagg
Billy Dagg
Billy Dagg. Lee
Birthday I Betty Lou »
Bishop and Betty Young
Blue—Barbara Smith
Bob and Betty
Bob and Betty Canadian Legion
Bob and Betty Laporte
Bob and Betty Pritchard
Bob and Betty Ron
Bob Betty Baker
Bobbie Dagg
Bobby & Betty Sparling
Bobby and Betty Lou
Bobby Dagg
Bourgeau Wesley Dagg
Boyd & Betty Lou Brownlee
Boyd & Betty Lou Brownlee Shawville
Boyd and Betty Hi-Ranch
Boyd and Betty Lou
Boyd and Betty Lou Brownlee
Boyd Barber, Betty Brownlee
Brandie Dagg
Brandon Lionette Betty Sparling After
Brenda Baird and Betty Sparling
Brenda Barber Barbara Dagg
Brenda Barber Barbara Dagg Isobel Dagg Glyndwr Davies Esther Erley Elizabeth Hodgins Elizabeth Horn
Brenda Dagg
Brent Dagg
Brent My daughter Betty
Brett Dagg
Brett Dagg G
Brian Barbara
Brian Dagg
Brian Fitzpatrick Betty
Brian Keith Barbara Hale French
Brian Motion Crs Dagg
Brian Mrs Loma Dagg
Bristol View Betty Lou
Brough W G Y Corrigan W H Corrigan Arthur Dagg El
Brown Betty
Brown Betty Pudding.—2
Brown Betty With Ceramet Sauce
Brown Mr Wesley Dagg
Bruce Adams Sove-Barbara Blair President
Bruce and Betty
Bruce Betty
Bruce Wallace Khrystan Dagg
Bryan Alexander Gwenyth Barber Marshall Burke Lois Chamberlain Merwyn Dagg Billy Davies Henry De Vr
Btenda Dagg
Buckingham] Archivists Wesley Dagg
Bui Mrs Lola Dagg
By Mrs. Betty Turner
C J Dagg
C J. Caldwell Lloyd Dagg
Caldwell Miss Betty Stewart
Camp-Betty Laporte
Campbell Miss Betty Woolsey
Canada Manpower Betty
Captain Betty
Carl and Betty Dowdell
Carmella Dagg
Carnival Queen Betty Lou Twolan
Carol and Betty
Carol Anne Ri- Grade IX B Yach Betty Hamilton
Caroline Dagg
Caroline Dagg)
Caroline Dagg.
Caroline Master David Dagg
Carolyn Dagg
Catfish - Betty Johnston
Ce-rence Dagg
Cecil Dagg
Chairman Mr. Arthur Dagg
Chapter Queen Betty
Charity Dagg
Charles 647-3576 Dagg
Charles Armon Dagg
Charles Dagg
Charles Dagg Aylmer
Charles Dagg Aytmer
Charles Dagg Vvm B Hodgins
Charles J Dagg
Charles W Dagg
Charles W Dagg On Thursday
Charles W. Dagg
Charley Dagg
Charlie and Betty Ann
Charlie and Betty Ann Elwood Fletcher
Charlie and Betty Anne
Charlie and Betty Anne Mississauga
Charlie and Betty Anne Muldoon
Charlie and Betty Anne Your
Charlie Dagg
Charlie Dagg 3. SHKKl
Charlie Dagg Dear
Charlie including Betty Morris
Charlie Schroeder Jr. Gordon and Betty Popkey
Cheryl Dagg
Ches-V I G T. Dagg
Chichester Coun Betty Harkins
Christ- Mrs Betty Laporte
Christopher Dagg
Citizenship Mrs Betty Cameron
Citizenship Mrs Betty Cameron Metric Conversion
Claire Dagg
Claire Richardson and Betty Elliott
Clarence " Roy Dagg
Clarence (Betty
Clarence and Betty
Clarence and Betty Dagg
Clarence and Betty Dagg Walsh
Clarence Dagg
Clarence Dagg Section Foreman Retires Raeburn McTiernan
Clarence Dagg Walter
Clarence Roy Dagg
Clark Mrs. Walter Findlay Ernest Towsley Dr. R, E. Dagg Dr. Wallace Hodgins Raymond Johnston
Clifford Mrs Betty Ryan
Clifford Witt Wilmer Barber aine Wickens Barbara Grade VIII
Colin Fin- Barbara Cruickshank
Collette Betty Sparling
Commercial Course— Betty Morrison
Connie Dagg
Connie Mrs Ivan Dagg
Consecreation —Betty Harris
Contact Mrs. Betty Russell
Corrigan Thomas Dagg
Cotie and Wesley Dagg Councillors Alexander
Councillors Jennings Dagg
County Marshall John Dagg
Cr Dagg
Cra Farrell Dagg
Craig 1er Betty Lamarche
Craig Betty
Craig Dagg
Craig J E Dagg
Crs C Betty Foran
Crs Dagg
Crs Dagg Young
Crs Farrell Dagg
Crs Leonard Roy and Ron Dagg
Cr^ Farrell Dagg
Curling Miss Betty Richardson
Curtis Venne Closest Pin Female Betty Angus Dave Hall
CVril Dagg
Cynl Dagg
Cyril Dagg
Cyril Gilpi Ronnie Dagg
Dagg X
Dagg T **
Dagg - Winnifred Dale
Dagg Alexander
Dagg Alf Draper
Dagg Another
Dagg At
Dagg Bag
Dagg Belated
Dagg Council
Dagg David
Dagg Dr. Wallace Hodgins Raymond Johnston
Dagg Families
Dagg Fred A. Horner
Dagg G
Dagg Henry
Dagg Hodgins Lumber
Dagg In
Dagg Is
Dagg J B Kilgour
Dagg J L (Continued
Dagg J S P
Dagg John C Dagg
Dagg Judged
Dagg L |
Dagg Milton
Dagg Mosle Murphy
Dagg Mr. Graham Conolly
Dagg Mrs H Hayes
Dagg Mrs Sid Tubman
Dagg Paul Landry
Dagg Ruth Karen
Dagg Scott
Dagg Young
Dagg- Bruce Telford
Dagg- John Havelin
Dale (Betty
Dale Barbara Helen— Mona
Dale Miss M Cochrane Dr Dagg Skip—9 Mrs L Armstrong Leslie Hodgine
Dale Robertson Betty
Dale Robertson Betty Grable Z Z Plus
Dame Helen Dagg
Dame Marion Helen Dagg
Dame Ruth Karen Dagg
Dan Dagg
Daniel Motion Cr Dagg
Dannie Dagg
Danny Dagg
Darlene Dagg
Dave and Betty Lou
Dave Clerk Five Barbara Ferris Sat
Dave Dagg
Dave Moore Cyril Dagg
David (Barbara) Russell
David and Betty
David and Betty Bertrand
David and Betty Dagg
David and Betty Frost
David and Betty Honsinger
David and Betty Lou
David and Betty Lou Community Choir
David and Sandy Dagg
David Belanger Dagg
David Dagg
David Dagg 1
David Dagg 2
David Dagg Day
David Dagg Happiness
David Dagg Mr.
David Fletcher Roy) Dagg
Davis and Betty Hodgins
Davis Barbara B. Standing
Dawn Alexander and Betty Davis
Dawn Dagg
Dda Dagg
Dealers Lorraine Ethel Dagg
Debbie Pirie and Betty Lou Campbell
Deborah Russell High Distinc- Barbara Ann Desabrais
Dennis and Betty Thoms
Denny Dagg
Desmond Maheral Nally Betty Van Wigcheren
Di Leaving Dagg Mayor Fred W. Thomas
Diane Dagg
Diane Richard, Betty Telford
Dianne Burnett Fred Dagg
Dianne Carmichael Dagg
Dianne McColgan and Betty Sparling
Director Bill Dagg
District Commissioner Barbara Ross
Doll Pyjamas Barbara Ell
Dolly Dagg
Don Dagg
Donald 3. Dagg
Donald and Betty
Donald Barbara Shelly Skew
Donald Connelly Betty
Donald Dagg
Donald Gagnon and Betty Harkins
Donald Gorse
Donald McRae Dr. R E. Dagg Norris Brough Miss Nell
Donna Hodgins Betty Young
Doreen I Betty Ann
Doris and Betty
Doris Barber Marie Cartman Marcella Cole Marie Brownlee Jean Cutbbertson Evelyn Dagg Marion Hodgins
Doris Dagg
Doris Hodglns Dagg
Dorothy and Betty
Dorothy Dagg
Dorothy Jean Dagg
Dorothy Stevens Barbara Russell
Doug & Betty Meredith -
Doug and Betty Q||
Douglas and Betty Thomas
Dr. Dagg
Dr. Earl Dagg
Dr. H K. Dagg
Dr. K K. Dagg
Dr. R E Dagg
Dr. R K Dagg
Dur- Mrs. Fred Dagg
Dwight Peck Ann Beaudoin and Betty Ann Ranger
E Dagg
E Dagg G G McDowell A D McCredie Skip
E McDowell Betty Cameron
E. DAGG Hugh Car-on
E. O Donnell I Betty Kennedy
Earl and Betty Mayhew
Earl and Betty Mayhew’s
Earl and1 Mrs Dagg
Earl Dagg
Earl Dagg Bill Hobbs
Earl Dagg Montreal
Earl Loma Dagg
Earle Dagg
Ed A Betty Lukas
Ed Dagg
Eddie Richardson Fred Dagg
Edgar and Betty
Edgar Dagg
Edgar Dagg Broad Jump
Edgar Dagg Prayer
Edith and Betty Lou.
Edith Dag# Dagg
Edith Dagg
Edmund Dagg
Edmund James Dagg
Edrice Dagg
Edward and Betty
Edward Arnold Barbara Hale
Edward Dagg
Edward Dagg Lil-brated
Edward Dagg—Bristol-South Onslow
Edward R Dagg
Edward Smiley,------ Arthur Dagg
Edwin Alexander Wilson Barber Elvyn Corrigan Erma Corrigan Lillian Dagg Wesley Dagg Hawley Elliott
Edwin daughter Betty
Edyth Dagg
Eileen McRae Vera Meredith Shirley Scott Lise Boivin Barbara Horner Linda F
Elaine Barbara
Elburn Dagg
Eleanor E Dagg
Election Clerk Theresa Dagg Linda Smart
Elizabeth (Betty
Elizabeth (Betty ) Morrison
Elizabeth (Betty McGregor
Elizabeth (Betty) Marlene
Elizabeth (Betty) Stewart
Elizabeth and Betty Mayhew
Elizabeth Dagg
Elizabeth Dagg’s
Elizabeth “Betty* Murphy
Ella Bayne and Betty Ryan
Ellen (Betty
Ellen Lillian Dagg
Elliott Dagg
Elliott Neil Wesley Dagg
Elmo (Betty Church
Elmside View Betty Ann
Elsie Dagg
Emelia Dagg
Emily Dagg
Emily Dagg Is
Emma Dagg
Equity Page Nine Ayrshire Breeders Meet At Arthur Dagg’s
Ernest Dagg
Ernest Dagg 2nd
Ernest Dagg 4
Ernest Dagg Campbell
Ernest Dagg Morris
Ernest M Dagg
Ernest M. Dagg
Ernie Dagg
Ernie Dagg’s
Eroelme Dagg
Esther Dubeau Secretary Barbara J Kluke
Ethel Dagg
Ethel Dagg Aluminum Storm Windows
Ethel Jones Barbara
Etta Dagg
EUard Dagg
Eul Dagg
Eva and Betty Sparling
Eva Andai BETTY
Eva Betty
Eva Betty June Chamberlain
Eva Betty June Sign
Eva Dagg
Eva Dagg Bristol
Eva Maitland Perth ADS Mary Eva Dagg Maitland
Eva Sparling IVimer 1— Jerry Dagg
Evans Shawville Sergeant Lawrence Dagg
Evelyn and Betty Lou Campbell
Evelyn Dagg
Evelyn Dagg Deavy
Evelyn Dagg R.N.
Fair - Ivan Dagg
Farmers Miss Betty King
Farrell Dagg
Fay & Betty
Fay and Betty
France* Rabb Ivan Saunders Marena Schcck Margaret Smart Barbara Smith Roberta Staney
Frances Dagg
Francis Dagg
Francis Sloan Dagg
Frank and Betty Anne Muldoon
Frank Barbara McCoshen
Frank Dagg
Frank DAGG This
Frank Ryan and Betty Ryan
Fraser Lyndon Graham Austin Dagg
Fred & Barbara Grandchildren - Sharon
Fred & Barbara Howard
Fred & Lorna Dagg
Fred and Betty
Fred Congratulations Dagg
Fred Dagg
Fred Dagg 1
Fred Dagg Forty
Fred Dagg Guests
Fred Dagg Hodgins
Fred Dagg Home Cooking
Fred Dagg Ihe
Fred Dagg Is
Fred Dagg Miss Jean Elliott
Fred Dagg Mr
Fred Dagg Mr.
Fred Dagg Mrs Mary Baird Mrs Robert Morris Mrs Eleanor Black NOTICE
Fred Dagg Pas$
Fred Dagg Pumpkin
Fred Dagg Red
Fred Dagg Summer
Fred Dagg Sunday
Fred Dagg Water
Fred Dagg WdlthCHTI
Fred Dagg Wilson Tracey
Fred Dagg Yarm
Fred Dagg---------------Brenda Rooney
Fred Dagg.Chcmc Mauh Dagg
Fred Dale Betty Smith
Fred Green Cyril Dagg
Fred Howard and Betty
Fred I Dagg
Fred Kohler Randolph Scott Barbara Adam6
Fred Solarium - Gerald Dagg
Freddy Dagg
Fri-l Treasurer Betty Lou Elliott
From Bristol-Wyman Betty
G T Dagg
G. Dagg
Gail Dagg
Gail Gavan _ _ Betty Church
Garry Ladou-Seat Six Betty Harkins
Gary Dagg
Gatineau Mills Miss Betty Ireland
Gauth Barbara J Kluke
Ge- H H raid Dagg
Gene Kelly Barbara Laage Garden Gopher
Georg* Dagg
George & Betty Russell
George & Betty Wilson
George *6>m*a Dagg
George A. Dagg
George Alfred Dagg Dies
George and Betty
George and Betty Conrod
George and Betty Eades
George and Betty Russell
George and Betty Russell Golden Beauty
George and Betty Russell’s
George and Susan Dagg
George Coles Sheenboro Mayor: Dick Edwards Barbara Jennings Seat
George Dagg
George Dagg 1
George Dagg Bs<
George Dagg Dies
George Dagg Esq.
George Dagg Montre
George Dagg Phone
George Dagg.
George Dagg’s
George Dagg’s Shawville
George Dale Hobbs Barbara Pitt
George H Dagg
George H. Dagg
George T Dagg
George T Dagg Shawville
George T. Dagg
George William 10.00 Dagg
Gerakl Dagg
Gerald and David Dagg
Gerald Dagg
Gerald Dagg and Nancy
Gerald Dagg But
Gerald Dagg Chapeau
Gerald Dagg Contact
Gerald Dagg Donna Preasked
Gerald Dagg GILLIS
Gerald Dagg Hours
Gerald Dagg J
Gerald Dagg Ronald Trudeau
Gerald Dagg Shawville
Gerald Dagg Shawville ANY
Gerald Dagg Shawville Are
Gerald Dagg Shawville REGISTERED Hereford
Gerald Dagg Shawville^^
Gerald Dagg Showville
Gerald Dagg Some
Gerald Dagg Vera Turriff
Gerald Dagg*
Gerald Frederick Dagg
Gerald Henry Dagg
Gerald Mrs Austin Dagg
Geraldine Dagg
Gerry and Betty
Gerry Dagg
Gertrude Dagg
Gervais (Betty
Gil Fraser Wayne Roy Dagg
Gilbert and Betty
Glen and Betty Atkins
Glen Ford Betty Davis Color
Glen Nugent Ronnie Dagg 298
Glenn & Betty At- Birthday
Glenn and Betty Muldoon
Glenn Ford Barbara Armitage
Glenn Mereddth Betty Mohr Geraldine Robinson Edwin Shenmet After
Gord Jack Betty Datton
Gordon and Betty
Gordon and Betty Belanger
Gordon and Betty Fopkey
Gordon and Betty Popkay Lamarche
Gordon and Betty Popkey
Gordon and Betty Popkey Whelen
Gordon Betty Gordon
Gordon Brown-Mr Arthur Dagg Is
Gordon Misa Barbara Waltoee
Gordon T Paul 13.97; Betty Turner
Gorton and Betty Popkey
Grace and Betty Allard
Grace anil Betty Mohr
Grace Dagg
Grace Dagg Mary Dale Irene Shaw Evelyn Little Dorothy Fairfield Margaret Simons Ethel Gibson
Grace Dagg Weds Dwight Neilson McDowell
Grade 3A Betty Chamberlin
Grade 3a— Betty Hamilton
Grade 9—Betty Graham
Grade II Wesley Dagg Elliott
Grade V: Barbara Orr
Grade V—Betty Hayes
Graham Connolly Dorothy Dagg Vaughan Harris Marjorie Hodgins Bill Horner Chester Laughren Norma MdK
Grant and Betty
Gravel Betty
Gregory Dagg Willie Gibson
Greta Garbo—or Betty Lomax
Guild Mrs. Fred Dagg
Gwen Betty
H Dagg
H. Dagg
Hafcold Dagg
Hair Gallery Betty Russell K&L Dairy Gladcrest Farms Shawville Milling Hardy Plants
Hannah Craig- Florence Dagg
Har- Betty Young
Harland Dagg
Harold & Betty
Harold (Betty
Harold Beckett and Betty Lou Elliott
Harold Dagg
Harold Dagg 2
Harold Dagg 3
Harold Dagg Widely Mourned H
Harold Recording Steward Dagg
Harry Imison Dagg—Grant HOME
Harry M. Dagg
Harvey Dagg
Haven Campground Benson Auto Parts Wilt $ Betty Murdock Mike Guitard
Hayes Ilia—Robert Halupka II Ih—Ruth Atkinson IVa—Barbara Cone IVb—Carol Elliott IVc—Helen Hayes Va
Hazel Dagg
Hda Dagg
He- and Betty Verner
Heather and Betty Muirhcad
Heather Barbara
Heather Betty Sparling
Heather I V Stevens, Betty
Heather Lemke and Betty Sullivan
Heather Stewart 648-5413 Betty
Heather Stewart and Betty Hodgins
Helen and Betty Martineau
Helen Barbara Woodley
Helen Dagg
Helen Dagg Cartman
Helen Dagg’s
Helen Mee Barbara Schwartz
Helena Beat- Betty Vernor
Helena Dagg
Heman Dagg
Henry and Betty Wohler
Henry Betty Monfort
Henry Dagg
Henry Dagg 1
Henry W. Block Millie Dagg
Herb Dagg
Herbert Austin Dagg
Herbert Austin Dagg Dies
Herbert Dagg
Herbert Dagg*
Herman Dagg
HgSoid Dagg
Hilda Gordon and Betty Van Wlghern
Hirold Dagg
Ho-Nathan Dagg
Honnie Dagg
Howard Clara Little Joan MacFarlane Joseph M alette Mary McDowell Betty Metcalfe Muriel Riley
Hszel Dagg
Hubert Dagg
Hull Miss Betty Russell
I 732-3444 Betty Cameron V
I. Dagg
I/oyd Dagg
I> Dagg
Ian Dagg
Ilda Dagg
ILX^hool Mrs Betty Popkey
InThe Miss Betty EdgU
Introducing BARBARA
Introducing BARBARA M. ROSS
Is Selwood Betty
Isaac Dagg
Isobel Dagg
Itoy Dagg
Iva Dagg
Ivan Dagg
Ivan Dagg Antique North
Ivan Dagg Heavy Draft
Ivan Dagg K.C Selling
Ivan Dagg Mr.
Ivan Dagg Reserve Or
Ivan Keith Dagg
IWlS^încreas^eb^Un^doUbir^p^mont^^air9 Betty
J E Dagg
J E ley Dagg
J E. Dagg
J m-law Barbara
J Miss Betty Sparling
J T Dagg
J W Dagg
J, Betty Maloney
J. Dagg
Jack and Betty
Jack Balance Barbara Lang Sheree North Tom Ewell
Jack Graham Bristol Community Centre Ronald DAGG
Jack Graham Bristol Community Centre Ronald DAGG RE-ELECT Christopher YOUNG
Jack Howard and Betty McGregor
Jacques Misses Betty
James and Betty Ward
James Cagney Barbara
James Campbell Rayburn McTiernan Lloyd Quaile John McNeil Clarence Irwin Harry Belcher Fred Dagg Iv
James Craig Barbara Payton Shelley Winters Alan Ladd MONDAY
James Dagg
James Harold Dagg
James Kenny (Betty
James Loretta Dagg
James Mason I Betty Grable
James Mclk>well Rolwtî Dagg
James Stewart Gerald Dagg
James Welsh Oswald Murdock John E. Dagg
Jamie and Betty Sparling Laporte
Jane Dagg
Jane Francis Dagg
Jane Pilon Betty Russell Jane Alexander
Janet and Betty
Janey C amp-Clarkc Susan Dagg
Jason Howard at Betty Richardson
Jason Paul and Betty Ryan
Jdhn T Dagg
Jean %uas Barbara DeLaney
Jean and Betty
Jean Barbara
Jean Betty to William Lloyd Little
Jean Bretzlaff Dorothy Burton Hillis Conolly Keith Emmerson Betty Farrell Diane Hobbs Billy Hodgins
Jean Dagg
Jean Doyle, Betty Pearson
Jean E. Dagg Honored
Jean Gagnon Roy Dagg
Jean Grant and Betty Cameron
Jean K. Dagg
Jean Knox Grand Barbara Cox
Jean Paul Dupuy* Pauline Teasdale Wayne Bowes Jaylynn Iallier Cindy McAuky* Joanne Dagg Bud Kelvin
Jean Sayle and Betty Telford
Jean, Betty
Jean, Betty Jean
Jeff and Betty Cook
Jeff and Betty Mrs Walter Yach
Jennifer Dagg
Jennifer Dagg Chrissie
Jeremy Dagg
Jerry Barber Barbara Cruickshank
Jerry Dagg
Jesse__________ Hobbs Betty -
Jessica Barbara Evans Cou
Jewel- Contact Betty
Jim and Betty
Jim Carruthers Murray Dagg
Joan and Betty Tubman
Joan Dagg
Joan Gorse
Joan Sicard Dagg
Joanne Dagg
Joanne Elliott-Maxwell Betty Mayor
Joanne from Betty Daley
Joe Dagg
Johanne Dagg
John A Dagg Ion Thompson
John Ambulance > Betty Kennedy
John and Betty Petty
John and Betty Petty Dr. S.E.
John and Betty Stewart
John and Betty Williams
John and Ethel Dagg
John and Fred Dagg
John and Wesley Dagg
John Armstrong Joan Chamberlain Ruth Dagg Jimmy Davie Andy Devine Harwood Doherty Sandra Draper Bar
John Betty Crocker
John C. Dagg
John Chartes Dagg
John Dagg
John Dagg Handyman
John Dagg Mrs
John Dagg—C.
John Dagg’s
John E Dagg
John E Dagg IHûfIC
John E Dagg* Golden
John E. Dagg
John E. Dagg Beachburg
John Gielgud Barbara Jefford-Rosemarie Dexter
John Heman Dagg
John Hemsn Dagg
John I1 Wesley Dagg
John Ivan Dagg
John K. Dagg
John Miss Lorraine Dagg
John Mrs Betty Verner
John ond Betty
John Payne Betty Grabie
John R McDowell CVrll Dagg
John Robertson Betty Before
John Roger to Betty Rita Harris
John Si- Motion Crs Dagg
John Stephens-Dagg
John T Dagg
John T Dagg 2. Mrs
John T Dagg 3.84
John T Dagg Wilson C
John T | Dagg St Son
John T- Dagg
John T. Dagg
John T. Dagg St Son
John T. V Dagg
John Tipping Dagg Staffordshire
John W. Dagg
Johnathan Dagg
Johnnie Dagg
Johnny Dagg
Jon- Betty
Jonathan Dagg
Jose Ferrar Viveca Lindfors Betty Garrett
Joseph Bennett and Betty
Joseph Dagg
Joseph Hogan and Betty Ann
Joseph Hogan and Betty Hogan
Joy and Betty
Joyce Betty
Joyce Kilgour Evelyn Dagg Sylvia Gibson Carol Stephens
Judy Anne Betty
Judy Dagg
June Dagg
June Exams Gerald Dagg 80.7
K. Dagg
Karen Dagg
Karl Dagg
Katherine Betty
Katherine Fletcher Bonnie Richardson H I. Hobbs Barbara Russell Shawville Kinsmen Club LOEB Shawvil
Kathleen accompa- Dagg
Kathy Dagg
Kaye and Betty
Kayla Dagg
Keith and Betty Hodgins
Keith Dagg
Keith Guy (Betty
Ken & Barbara Cruicksbank Fryer Bassett
Ken & Barbara Crulckshank
Ken & Betty Grif
Ken & Betty Griffin
Ken * Barbara Crulckshank Rick & Bennie Richardson Ellen
Ken 4 Betty Beaulieu
Ken 647-2583 Dagg
Ken and Betty Griffin
Ken and Betty Griffin Lafleur - Donald
Ken Brett Dagg
Ken Dagg
Ken Dagg Jr. Interment
Ken m Dagg
Ken Mrs. Percy Dagg
Kenneth and Betty Griffin
Kenneth Dagg
Kenneth Dagg Injured
Kenneth Tubman Motion Crs Dagg
Kent Motion Crs Dagg
Kenwyn Dagg
Kfr Austin Dagg
Killaloe s Betty Bryant
Kirs Richard Dagg
Kyle Barbara Karen.
Kylie Barbara Karen
L Dagg
L Dagg
L T. Miss Betty Richardson
L. Dagg
Ladies Barbara Ross Horner- Kirby Smart
Laflamme Pharmacy Lloyd Hodgins Furniture Barbara Ostrom Centre Dentaire
Lance and Betty Telford
Larry and Betty Lou
Laura and Betty
Laura Barbara 65.6
Laura Betty Pequegnat
Laura Dagg
Laura Stephens Dagg
Laura Stephens-Dagg
Laurence Dagg
Lawrence 7-3745 Dagg
Lawrence Barber as Betty Grable
Lawrence Dagg
Lawrence Dagg 427
Lawrence Dagg 82.7
Lawrence Dagg 911
Lawrence Dagg Coles
Lawrence Dagg Gloucester
Lawrence Dagg MX)
Lawrence Dagg Portage
Lawrence Dagg United Townships
Lawrence James Dagg
Lawrence Manson Little Ernie Dagg
Leda Dagg
Lee Dagg
Lee Tcpcr- Lorna Dagg
Lee Te- Dagg
Lena Poole- Mrs Betty Telford
Lenora Alexander Billy Barr Wallace Bretzlaff Mary Lou ConoUy Emily Dagg Marie Draper Barbara Findl
Leo Custom Bearing Service Dagg
Leo LeHreck IVIle- Misees Betty
Leo Rain-Motion Crs Dagg
Leona Barbara
Leona Horner Betty Pep
Leonard Dubroy Betty Chartrand
Leonard Letts Miss Barbara Renwlck
Leslie Dale Musician—Miss Barbara Woodley R S.N G.—Miss Muriel Strutt L.S N G.—Miss Kay Woodley R S
Leslie Pool.... Blake McTiernan Dr Dagg........ O McTiernan
Librarian Mrs. Betty Turner
Lil Dagg
Lila Dagg
Lillian Dagg
Lillis (Betty
Lilt Bonnie Betty .1
Linda Dagg
Linda Russell and Betty Twolan
Linda Young Gordie Mohr Betty Wigchercn Hilda Gordon Bruit Lmmerson Diana Ireland Rosemary McKillop
Linden De-Barbara Fades
Lindsay Ann Dagg
Lindsay Horner............ Basil Elliott............. Lloyd Dagg
Lionel and Betty
Lionel and Betty Lot
Lisa Beth Dagg V
Lisa Dagg Coles
Lisa Mrs Dagg
Little Betty Lamarche
Little Betty Young
Lloyd and Betty Mack Wesley
Lloyd Dagg
Lloyd Dagg 3
Lloyd Dagg 3. J Women’s Black Oxfords A Strong Sturdy Shoe
Lloyd Dagg Bruce INfitl
Lloyd Dagg Four
Lloyd Dagg London
Lloyd Mrs. Heman Dagg
Lloyd Palmer Joseph (Betty
Lloyd R Dagg
Lois Betty Stewart
Loma Dagg
Loma Palmer Dagg
Lome Michael and Betty Kachura
Lor- Dagg J Earlam W H Cor-nie Rooney
Loretta Dagg
Lorna B Dagg
Lorna Dagg
Lorna Dagg Margaret Willis*
Lorraine and Betty Lou.
Lorraine Dagg
Lou & Betty
Lou and Betty
Lou and Betty Johnson
Louis Barbeau......... Thomas Dagg
Louis Rivet William John Dagg
Love Barbara
Lsobel Dagg
Lucas David Beverly Dagg Dagg/Kunuk
Lyall and Betty
Lynn Petty John and Betty
Lynn were Betty Lou Jolly
M *» Rose Ann Dagg
M and Betty
M K I Fred Dagg
M ss Betty Lou Elliott
M. Dagg
Mabel Dagg
Mahon Dagg
Maiy Dagg
Mamie Dagg
Manicure Helen Routlitfe Northtork Country Kitchen Betty Russell
Manshell Dagg
Margaret and Betty
Margaret C Betty Maloney
Margaret Dagg
Margaret Dagg Mr.
Margaret Dagg Mrs. John R. McDowell
Margaret E. Dagg
Margaret Emily Dagg
Margaret Fulford Doris Dagg
Margaret Pilon Paul and Betty Ryan
Margaret Reid Dagg
Margo Dagg
Maria Dagg
Marian Dagg
Marie Dagg
Marie Loma Dagg
Marilyn and Betty Ann Drum
Marilyn Dagg
Marilyn Lar- Barbara Laughton
Marion Betty
Marion Dagg
Marjorie and Betty Lou McKinley
Marjorie Grant, Betty Cameron
Marjorie Tngman 11 Pat McDowell “ Betty Silver
Marshall Dagg
Martha Scott by Betty Loving
Martin Bill Dagg
Martin Frederick Dagg
Martin Frederick Dagg Sat.
Marty Dagg
Mary Ballantyne J Dagg
Mary Beth’s parents Betty
Mary Dagg
Mary E. Dagg
Mary Elizabeth (Betty
Mary Hanna and Betty Jane Richardson
Mary Howes Heman Dagg
Mary Lorens Dagg
Matt Dagg
Matthew Dagg
Maurice E Mrs Nathan Dagg
Maurice Roy Dagg
Mavis Dagg
May Alexina Daley Richard Edward Dagg
Mayme Dagg
Mayor Dagg
Mbs Betty Richardson
McNeill Mrs Nathan Dagg
Merwyn Dagg
Mery Tyler Moore Glynis Johns Barbara Rhoades Harvey Roman
Messrs Arthur Dagg
Messrs Dagg
Messrs E. Donald Gorse
Messrs Fred Dagg
Messrs Percy Dagg
Messrs Percy Dagg Radford
Meyer Dagg
Mhss Barbara Wallace
Mi (Betty
Mi Dagg
Mia Barbara I Wallace
Mias Barbara Hunt
Mias Betty
Mias Betty Cameron
Mias Betty Sullivan
Mias Marion Dagg
Michael and Betty Allard
Michael and Betty Kachura
Michael and Betty Lou Heaven
Michael and Betty Three-Gaited Saddle Kaehura
Michael Austin Dagg
Michel Gui- Dagg
Michelle Dagg
Mies Betty Holmes
Mike (Betty
Mike Dagg
Mike Fin- Miss Ruth Dagg
Mike Kearnan Brett Dagg
Mildred Dagg
Mildred Dagg.
Miles Bar- Barbara Lewis
Millie Dagg
Milton Dagg
Mina Dagg
Mis* Betty Hayes Honoured Mrs.
Misa Betty
Mise Betty Smith
Miss Betty
Miss Betty Ferris
Miss Betty Hayes
Miss Betty Hunt
Miss Christal Betty
Miss G Dagg Mrs.
Miss Marion Dagg
Miss Roth Dagg
Miss T J Dagg
Misses Betty
Misses Betty Sheppard Edwin
Misses Faye and Betty Neville
Misses Margaret Dagg
Mixed Pickles Harvest Crunch Bars Ken L Ration Dog Food Betty Crocker Super Motet Cake Mix Newport
Ml* Betty Metchalfe
Mn Ernie Dagg
Mn Lomie Dagg
Mom Betty Russell
Mona Mrs Betty Cameron
Monica Betty Russell
Montreal Miss Betty Williams
Morrison Marilyn Nicholas Shirley Park Barbara Richardson Diane Richardson Diane Russell Bruce Scho
Motion Crs Dagg
Mr Bill Dagg
Mr Marshall Dagg
Mr Thomas Dagg
Mr Thomas G Dagg
Mr W J Dagg
Mr* Austin Dagg
Mr* Herman Dagg
Mr* Keith Dagg
Mr- Thomas Dagg
Mr. Bill Dagg
Mr. Dagg
Mr. E M. Dagg
Mr. Edward Dagg
Mr. Ernie Dagg
Mr. Fred E. Dagg Shawville United Church
Mr. Harold Dagg
Mr. Harvey M. Dagg
Mr. J C. Dagg
Mr. James Dagg
Mr. John T. Dagg
Mr. Keith Wesley Dagg
Mr. Kenneth Dagg
Mr. Lloyd Rees Dagg
Mr. Martin Dagg
Mr. Nathan Dagg
Mr. Neman Dagg
Mr. Thomas Dagg
Mr. W J Dagg
Mr. William Dagg
Mr. William J. Dagg
Mri Austin Dagg
Mrs Edgar Betty Mayhew
Mrs H Betty Verner
Mrs J E. Dagg
Mrs Percy Betty
Mrs Wesley Dagg
Mrs. Alf Dagg
Mrs. Alt Dagg
Mrs. Andrew Dagg
Mrs. Ar-hur Dagg
Mrs. Archie Dagg
Mrs. Arnold Betty Morrison
Mrs. Arnold Manwell Betty Lou
Mrs. Arthur Dagg
Mrs. Austin Dagg
Mrs. Barbara Page
Mrs. Barry Ross (Betty
Mrs. Belle Armstrong Heman Dagg
Mrs. Betty Gordon
Mrs. Betty Gratta
Mrs. Betty Mack
Mrs. Betty Pearson
Mrs. Betty Turner
Mrs. Betty Vaughan
Mrs. Bill Dagg
Mrs. Bottom Photo Betty A. Petty
Mrs. Dagg
Mrs. Dalton Russell Roy Dagg
Mrs. E M. Dagg
Mrs. E R Dagg
Mrs. Earl Dagg
Mrs. Earl Dagg George
Mrs. Earl Dagg Richard
Mrs. Edmund Dagg
Mrs. Edward R. Dagg
Mrs. Ernest Dagg
Mrs. Ernie Dagg
Mrs. EUard Dagg
Mrs. Fred Dagg
Mrs. Fred Dagg Yarm
Mrs. G Gagnon Mrs. Austin Clarke Mrs. Fred Dagg Rotarv Club
Mrs. Gerald Dagg
Mrs. Harold Dagg
Mrs. Harvey Dagg
Mrs. Helen Betty
Mrs. Henry Dagg
Mrs. Herman Dagg
Mrs. Hil-Tubman -with Betty
Mrs. Ivan Dagg
Mrs. Ivan Dagg Arnprlor
Mrs. J.H Dagg
Mrs. John A. Dagg
Mrs. John Dagg
Mrs. John E. Dagg
Mrs. John E. Dagg By Dennis Thrun Mr. Neil Sparling
Mrs. John James Dagg
Mrs. John T. Dagg
Mrs. Kenneth Dagg
Mrs. Kenneth Dagg | Savage
Mrs. Lloyd Telford Shawville Pontiacs Telford - Dagg
Mrs. Margaret Dagg
Mrs. Margaret Dagg Rev.
Mrs. Milton Dagg
Mrs. Miss Betty Farrell
Mrs. Miss Betty Murphy
Mrs. Natchick Mrs. Fred Dagg
Mrs. Nathan Dagg
Mrs. Nathan Dagg Easter
Mrs. Nathan Dagg Mi-,
Mrs. Nathan Dagg Observe
Mrs. Nathan Dagg Sunday
Mrs. Nathan Dagg X
Mrs. Nathan Dagg.
Mrs. Norman Hache Miss Ruth Dagg RN
Mrs. P Dagg
Mrs. R E. Dagg
Mrs. Ray Dagg Municipality
Mrs. Seldon Langford Mise Betty Mchardeon
Mrs. Steve Robmson Dagg
Mrs. Thomas Dagg
Mrs. Thomas Dagg Mrs. Wm
Mrs. W J Dagg
Mrs. W J. Dagg
Mrs. Wesley Dagg
Mrs. Wilbur Horner Nathan Dagg
Mrs. William Dagg
Mrs. William E. Dagg
Mrs. Wm Maloney Mrs. Betty Theisen
Mrs. Xrthur Dagg
Mrs..Arthur Dagg
Mrs.Elbum Dagg
MrsJohn K Dagg
Murphy L Dagg
Murray Dagg
Musician Betty Cameron
Mv Aunt Betty Mayhew
My Aunt Betty Mayhew
Myra and Betty
Myrna Smith Dagg
N L Dagg
Nancy and Betty Debennam
Nancy Barbara Smi
Nancy Betty Verner
Nancy May- Betty Harkins
Nancy May-Wayne Dagg
Naomi Barbara Cruickshank
Nathan D. Dagg
Nathan Dagg
Nathan Dagg Charteris
Nathan Dagg.
Nathan Dagg............ Tlm
Nathan L Dagg
Nathan L. Dagg
Nathan Lytle Dagg
NBC’S "Betty
Nel- Dagg
Nelson Johnston Betty
Neman Dagg
Neville Faye and Betty
Nicole Betty
Noble Grand Betty Came
Noble Grand Betty Cameron
Noble Grand Lorna Dagg
Nor- Dagg
Norma Paul, Betty Lou Elliott
Norman Dagg
Norris Homer J P. Wilson Sydney Fine Gordon Crouse Lem Hodgins Keith Dagg
O by Lisa Beth Dagg
Ô015X3F12 Sincerely Betty Telford Will
Obituary Austin Michael Dagg
Observers Miss Betty L. Elliott Miss Janey
October 14,1981 Betty Crocker Snackin Cake Assorted
Odel Miss Betty Sparling
Oeerge Dagg
Olive Dagg
Ontario e» Betty
Ora-Barbara Lewis
Orville Frenette Mrs Arthur Dagg
Owner Geraldine Dagg
P. R. G Arthur Dagg Collection
Palmer Dagg Family
Palmer Dagg Mr.
Pat 3rd Vice President Betty Walsh
Pat and Betty Lusk
Pat Boone Barbara Eden Suspense Drama On Pinnacle
Pat Dick 613-646-2252 Betty Ixpine
Pat Wallace and Betty
Patsy and Betty
Paul (Betty
Paul and Betty
Paul and Betty Birthday
Paul and Betty Cameron
Paul and Betty Claudette Stanton
Paul and Betty Cobum
Paul and Betty Cockburn
Paul and Betty Cockhum
Paul and Betty Laporte
Paul and Betty Ryan
Paul and Betty Ryan at- Cook Book
Paul Dagg
Paul Newman Barbara Rush Entertaining Plot
Paul Ryro and Betty Ryan
Peanut Butter........ Betty Crocker Hamburger Helper
Pearl Dagg
Pearly Dagg
Peggy and Betty Wrinn
Percival L Dagg
Percy Dagg
Perky Dagg
Peter Lawford Jeopardy Barbara Stanwick Arena
Phone 647-2500 Betty .00
Pierre Jerry Dagg Senior Girls
Pineapple Brown Betty 1M$
Plus Mux Betty Garrett Phil Carey
Pontiac Hotel Betty Lou Twolan
Pres Mrs. Arthur Dagg
Priscilla Dagg
Pure Strawberry Betty
Quebec Land Motion Cr Dagg
Quebec Mrs Betty Cameron
Quiet Community Russell - Wong George and Betty Russell
R "Whelan - Betty Sparling
R-y Dagg
Rachel Barbara Harris
Randy Dagg
Raspberry Jam Betty Crocker
Ray Dage-daughter Barbara
Ray Dagg
Ray Edward Dagg
Raymond Dagg
Recording Secretary Betty Smith
Rhonda Lee Dagg
Richard and Betty Church
Richard Bowie Directors Ernest Dagg
Richard Charles Dagg
Richard Conte Mala Powers Superscope William Herbert Dagg Diet
Richard Dagg
Richard Dagg Esq
Richard Dagg Ontario KOB
Richard E. Dagg
Richard Earl Dagg
Richard Earl Dagg Clarendon Municipal Office
Richard Frank Roy B. Cruickshank John Dagg Pedlar People
Richard Harvey Hodgins Richard Roy Dagg BRISTOL Funeral
Richard IS. Dagg
Richard Otter Lake Bingo Al Portage Mrs. John T. Dagg
Richard Roy Dagg
Richard Thomas Dagg Ouyoa Pastoral Charge REV.
Richard WHS Shawville s Betty Telford
Richard Wills Roy Dagg
Richard Wills Barbara Stanley
Richard Wills Betty Miller
Rick & Betty
Rick and Betty
Rick Doc Lawrence Dagg
Rick t.afleur David Early Barbara Cm Charte
Robert & Betty
Robert (Betty
Robert and Betty Laporte
Robert and Betty Lou
Robert and Betty Lou Trudeau
Robert and Betty Trudeau
Robert and Betty Wall
Robert Bron- McCleary Fred Dagg Ster-
Robert Campbell Motion Crs Dagg
Robert Dagg
Robert Dagg Esq
Robert Ho- Muffins - Betty Verner
Robert is Betty Fulford
Robert Middle- Cr Dagg
Robert Newton Barbara Hale MONDAY
Robert Ryan Susan Ball Somel Betty Hutton Ralph Meeker
Robert Sec.-Treas Dagg
Robert Shaw Barbara Back 2
Roberta Dagg
Robyn Dagg
Rod Cameron Julie Bishop Barbara Rush Ben Cooper
Rod- Audrey Hynes Barbara May-nev Dean
Roe Dagg
Roger (Betty
Roger and Betty Menard
Roger Lavoie Bristol Mayor: Ronald Dagg Brent Orr
Roger Mrs Arthur Dagg
Romain and Betty Har- Discussion
Ron and Sandy Dagg
Ron Betty Popkey
Ron Dagg
Ron Dagg 647
Ron Dagg November
Ron Dagg*
Ron Stewart Pontiac Auto Parts Shawville Milling Shawville Chrysler Obituary Shirley Dagg
Ronald Betty-Ann
Ronald Dagg
Ronald Dagg There
Ronald Dagg He
Ronald Dagg Les Bureaux
Ronald Dagg Pontefract
Ronald Gerald Dagg
Ronald Mac-Arthur Dagg
Ronie Dagg
Ronnie & Betty
Ronnie Dagg
Ronnie Millions Mariya Richardson Caroline Schroeder Donald Stanley Evelyn Stanley Betty Strutt Gar
Rose Anne Rochon and Betty Allard
Rose Citrons Wesley Dagg
Ross Motion Crs Dagg
Roy (Betty
Roy (Betty Anne Ban
Roy and Betty Ann
Roy Dagg
Roy Dagg Aut
Roy Dagg Gerald Manwell
Roy Dagg Joe Rut-(Waverley Scott
Roy Dagg Now Mrs
Roy Dagg Pave
Roy Dagg Phone
Roy Dagg R
Roy Dagg Ray
Roy Dagg Roy Dagg
Roy Dagg SEWING -
Roy Dagg Shawville
Roy Dagg SSSrt
Roy Dagg Sunday
Roy Dagg X Blacksmith
Royce and Betty Cameron
Ruby Mr. Keith Dagg
Rudolph and Betty
Rudolph and Betty Lee Murphy
Rudolph and Betty Mayhew
Rudolph and Betty Michael
Rudy and Betty
Rulh Dagg
Russell Dagg
Ruth and Betty
Ruth Cowley Danny Dagg Carl Dale
Ruth Dagg
Ruth Dagg and Joan Lloyd Conolly
Ruth Dagg Andre Audet
Ruth Dagg R.N.
Ruth Dagg RN
Ruth Valentine Dagg
Sabrina Ayres-Dagg
Sadie Dagg
Sadie* Betty
Sandra Dagg
Sandra Dagg Arthur Sc Iaobel Day Linda Dent Evelyn Duff Sc Donald Duff John Duff - Memorial Melvin
Sandra I. Dagg
Sandy Dagg
Sara Dagg
Sarah Ann Reilly Mr. John Dagg County Master
Sarah Dagg
Sarah Dagg Kozlova
Sarah Dagg Ladysmith
Sarah Emma Dagg
Sarah Eric Dagg
Sarah J. Dagg
Sarah McCleary Betty
SÉ& M::m Arthur Dagg
Service L BETTY
Seymour Harris Dagg
Sf Bill Dagg
Sf ^ Betty Horner
Shannon Leigh Petty John and Betty
Sharon Barbara Fades
Sharon Barbara Pigeon
Shawville Betty Horner
Sheenboro Betty Morris
Sheenboro • Betty Morris
Sheila Dagg
Sheila Dagg Lackic
Sheila Mohr Betty Hickey
Sheila Richardson Roberta Dagg Dorothy Hodgins
Sheree North Betty Orable
Shern Dagg
Sherry Dagg
Sheryl Ann Betty Sparling
Shirley and Betty
Shirley Barbara
Shirley Barbara Horner
Shirley Betty
Shirley Bretzlalf and Betty Brownlee
Shirley Dagg
Shirley Dagg Ottawa
Shirley Hodgins and Betty Pequineau
Sidney and Betty Hobbs
Smith (Betty
Smith Betty
Smith Dagg
Smith Dagg Village Cemetery
Song Leader—Bob Clifford Organist—Helen Warren Pianists—Betty Campbell
Sons Funeral Home Fred Dagg
South East Frederick Everett Dagg
Sr. Betty
Sr. Betty Ber- P^P|e
Sr. Betty Berrigan
St Charles Borromeo Ce- Barbara
Stanhow M Anthony Betty
Stanley Hills (Betty
Starks Corners Barbara Hodg
Steve Betty
Steve Dubeau Ernest Schrankler John and Sandy Pasch Betty
Steven Graham Henderson Dagg
Steven Roy Dagg
Stewart Fred Dagg
Stewart Stark^ Betty Lou Elliott
Stewart Woods Dagg
Stoneand Sandra Betty Hickey
Streaker and Betty Brownlee
Stuart Granger Betty Beuhler
Sumer Betty
Susan (icrald Dagg Kenneth Farrell
Susan Ann Dagg
Susan Betty
Susan Dagg
Sylvia Bakker Betty Lou Miller Unionville
Sylvia L Dagg
T Dagg
T. Dagg
T. Dagg.
T. Mrs. Fred Dagg
Tammie Dagg
Tammy Dagg
Tandem Dagg
Tanning Salon Betty Walls
Taylor Fire Extin- Cr Dagg
Ted and Betty Brownlee
Ted Fort Dagg
Ted Fort.Cynl Dagg
Teresa Dagg
Terry and Betty
Terry and Betty Mugent
Terry and Betty Nugent
Terry Graham Arthur Dagg Trophy- Jane Ebert
Thanksgiving Theme Betty Russell
The Marcotte Betty
The Misses Betty Lou Elliott
The Misses Betty Richardson
Theo (Betty
Theresa Dagg
Thomas ( Betty
Thomas Dagg
Thomas Dagg Mrs Clinton Sparling
Thomas E Dagg
Thomas Edward Dagg
Thomas H Dagg
Thomas Hiram Dagg
Thomas W. J. Dagg
Thompson and Betty Lou Twolan
Thompson June Vandry Anna Young Betty Young
Thor- Miss Betty Lou Elliott
Tom and Betty Taylor
Tom Cement Work Betty Row
Tom Dagg
Tom Murdock and Betty Gordon
Tomatoes - Betty Verner
Tommy created Betty Lou.
Tommy Dagg
Tommy Riggs and Betty Lou
Tommy Riggs and Betty Lou.
Toymakers—Betty Morrison
Travis Dagg
Trevor Stevens, Betty Petty
Trina Tel- Barbara Kluke Pilon
Tsrport Michelle p.3.TZ02% Betty p.ZT1*S
Tyler Betty
Tyler Knuki Lqi Dagg Big
Untwining Twins Betty
UrtUitl Jo Dagg
Ute Mr. Dagg
V Mrs Betty Turner
V. Sod** Betty Young
Vacuum Pack Assorted Varieties Betty Crocker Snackin’ Cake Bologna Chunks
Valley Mutual Betty Russell C.B.L. Pirie
Van Neville Betty
Vancouver B C. Betty Sparling
Vears John T. Dagg
Velma Dagg
Velma Dagg Miss Alva Turner Miss Ruth Hornet Miss Euella Turner Miss Pearl Kilgour Miss Janet Kilgo
Vernon & Betty Beattie
Vernon and Betty
Vernon and Betty Beattie
Vice Grand Betty Cameron
Vincent and Betty MEMORIAM
Vincent and Betty Rebertz
Vincent Edwards Yvette Dugay Betty Davis
Violet Dagg
W J Dagg
W J Dagg Gatineau
W L. Dagg
W. Dagg
W.M. Betty Sparling Laporte
Wabash Avenue Betty Grable MMHi iniiMiiimiiMiriiiiisimMMiiMimmimiiMiiimmmimrmiwimiiiMimtiH.
Wallace Barber Willard Bretzlaff Wayne Chamberlain Claire Dagg Benson Elliott Walter Harris Teddy H
Wallace Hodgins Dr. R E Dagg Mrs. Ernest
Wallace Hodgins M R- E. Dagg
Walsh - Betty McKay
Walter Geo T Dagg
Walter Kilgour read Betty
Wanda Jonathan Dagg
Warren (Betty
Warren Dagg
Warren Russell or Betty Strutt
Warren Russell or Betty Strutt- Anyone
Wayne (Betty
Wayne and Betty
Wayne and Betty Anglican
Wayne and Betty Maloney
Wayne and Betty Tel-
Wayne and Betty Telford
Wayne Dagg
Wayne Dagg Rundown
Wayne Shawville J Betty Field
Wayne Wiggins Norman Wiggins Dennis Findlay John Thompson Ronnie Dagg Wayne O Malley Mervin Conroy
Wealey Dagg
Webb Barbara Stanwick
Webb Barbara Stanwyck
Webb Barbara SUnwick Thursday
Wendy Dagg
Wendy Dagg He
Wendy Dagg The
Wendy I %^Dan Dagg
Wendy Moore and Betty Sparling
Wesley Cesmarema Realties Dagg
Wesley Cosmorama Realties Dagg
Wesley Cosmoreme Realties Dagg
Wesley Dagg
Wesley Dagg 2
Wesley Dagg Le
Westley Dagg
Wilbour (Betty Farrell
Willard Parker Barbara Payton
William Charles Dagg
William Dagg
William Dagg Dagg-Martin
William Dagg.. Edward Gagnon George Knight
William E. Dagg
William Elsworth Dagg
William Henry Howard and Susan Dagg
William Herttert Dagg
William J Dagg
William J. Dagg
William John Dagg
William John Dagg New Shipments
William Kovack and Betty
William M Dagg
Willie Dagg
Willie J. Dagg
Willie Sandra Dagg
Wilson Mrs Ernest Dagg
Wilson Percy Dagg
Wilson Tracy Lorna Dagg
Winni- Betty Sparling
Winston Wool- Dagg
With Mrs Betty
With Mrs Betty Cameron
Wm H Dagg
Wolf Bounty- Cyril Dagg
Workman* Miss Connie Dagg
Worthy Grand Matron Betty Johnson
Worthy Matron Betty Johnson
Wright V Dagg
WtATHfl WOO# Betty Hutton Sat.
Wyman H Karl Dagg
Xfrs Elmer Dagg
Yearling View Betty Lou 3rd
Young Betty
Young Dagg
Young Motion Crs Dagg
Younger Lewis By Leu Coyne Miss Betty Germain
Zenith Stickler Betty Strutt
Austin Dagg
Austin Dagg’s
Barbara Creek
Barbara Dube au.
Barbara Lake
Bay Ave Motion Dagg
Betty Cooligan
Betty Griffin
Betty Lake
Cherry Dagg
Contact Barbara
Dagg Area
Dagg County
Dagg Street
E. Dagg
E. DAGG Battery
Florence Dagg
Fort Cou-Barbara
Fort Coulonge—7.00 Barbara
Fort Dagg
H. Me l Miss Betty
Hereford Trophy Dagg Memorial
Jim’s Lake Barbara
Madison Dagg
OF Dagg l
Pearl Dagg
Quebec Barbara
Robert Dagg
Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara Channel
Tearcher Klzmkntaby l Hazel Dagg
A. Dagg
Academy Nathan Dagg
ADVENTURES QF HAJJI BABA Barbara Rush*John Derek P^rlcla Medina
All Pulpwood Producers & Dealers Lorraine Ethel Dagg
Apple Flake Betty
Arena Andrea Soler Glen Ford Barbara Stan
Article Ronald Dagg
Artists Betty
Auxil- Dagg
Bank of Montreal Barbers Bastien Tire Bean s Retro Canada Beckcrest Farm Betty Russell Brownline Fa
Barbara Bell Pattern
Barbara Blair
Barbara Branch Elementary School Tom
Barbara Dale Education Home Registered
Barbara Donaldson
Barbara Harris Prize
Barbara Houston
Barbara Laughton
Barbara Russell Telephone Co.
Barbara Spa
Barbara Special Care Nursery Sydnee
Beauty Salon Mavis & Gerry Dagg J S P Furniture K & L
Bee Wax CyrU Dagg
Beechgrove Ladies Host Roy Dagg Named Pontiac County Institute Hew Dog Catcher
Bertrand d Publishers & Editors BETTY
Betty 7th Line A
Betty Ann Drum
Betty Ann Lambert
Betty Bell
Betty Bell of Montreal
Betty Best
Betty Cameron
Betty High News
Betty Morris
Betty Popkey
Betty Popkey Montreal
Betty Rent
Betty Roger Perry
Betty Ryan Old Barge Art Gallery
Betty Society" Happy
Betty Vemer
Betty’s Beauty Salon
Big Heart BETTY
Board Ventral School Board Arthur Dagg
Borden for Weapons Ministère des Transports Motion Crs Dagg and Pitt Technician Training
Boys Continues Mr. Charles Dagg
Bristol ; Geo Dagg
Bristol be Cr Dagg
Bristol Community Centre Ronald DAGG
Bristol Community Centre Ronald DAGG RE-ELECT Christopher YOUNG
Bristol Council Dagg that Council
Bristol Council Motion Cr Dagg
Bristol Dagg
Bristol mayor Ronald Dagg
Bristol Mr Arthur Dagg
BRISTOL Mr Austin Dagg
Bristol Mss Barbara
Bristol s Wendy Dagg
Bristol View Betty
Bristol View Betty Lou
Bristol View Fair Lady; A. Dagg
Bristol; M Dagg
Bryson Lionettes Barbara
BRYSON LIONS HALL Barbara Sparling
Cancer Soci- Motion Crs Dagg
CAP Student i Barbara Harris Prize for Leadership Certificate
Carnival Queen Betty Lou Twolan
Charity Dagg
Ci Barbara Bronson
City Beneath Thé Sea Robert Ryan Susan Ball Somel Betty Hutton Ralph Meeker
City View United Church Sat- Dagg
Clarendon Council BETTY’S BEAUTY SALON Bristol
CMW M Golf Betty Gilbertson
Cohen’s Store CHAS W. DAGG SHAWVILLE BOOT AND SHOE STORE '' District Rcpi''esontntlvp
Community Association Dagg that Council
Community Centre Motion Crs Dagg
Community Hospital’s Sandy Dagg
Contact Betty
Contact Mrs. Betty Russell
Corporation Barbara
COUNCIL The Sports Clinic Betty
Crs Dagg
Custom Bearing Service Dagg
DAGG DlBtrlvi Representative
DAGG Prompt Payments Excellent Security D.
Dagg & Pitt that Council
Dagg & Son;
DAGG & TUCK Insurance Brokers
DAGG - SURGEON DENTIST 6 Drummond Medical Building
Dagg and Hilton Findlay
Dagg and Perry
Dagg Best Hanging Basket
Dagg Best Horses
DAGG Bristol
Dagg Bristol Ridge
DAGG BROS Shawville
DAGG Church of England SUnOEON DENTIST
Dagg Clarendon Municipal Office
DAGG Clean-up Specials District Ropresentntlve
DAGG Clean-up Specials District Representative
Dagg Council
Dagg County Master
DAGG County Women s Institute SURGEON DENTIST
Dagg DENTAL SURGEON Phone 647-3677 P.O.
Dagg DENTAL SURGEON Phone 647-3877 P
Dagg DENTAL SURGEON Phone 647-3877 P.O.
Dagg DENTAL SURGEON Rhone 647-3877 P.O.
DAGG Dry Goods Tables
DAGG Engineers Plan
Dagg Family
Dagg Family Reunion
DAGG Film Program Shawville Theatre Thursday
DAGG Film Program SURGEON DENTIST Shawville Theatre Thursday
Dagg Former Bristol Resident Dies
DAGG General Agent
DAGG General Agent SllAWVlLLB.
DAGG Grand Lodge Officers Visit Shawville Oddfellows SURGEON DENTIST
DAGG Harvest Thanksgiving Services Harvest Thanksgiving Services
DAGG Holiness Movement Church SURGEON DENTIST
DAGG Jerseys
DAGG Ladies’ Shoes
DAGG Masquerade Dance Successful SURGEON
DAGG Men’s Horsehide Mitts
DAGG Oiitrict Representative
DAGG Railway Next
DAGG Requisites District Representative
Dagg Reserve Or
DAGG Revival Services
DAGG S Specials
DAGG Service Announcements
DAGG Service Announcements SURGEON DENTIST
DAGG Service Announcements SURGEON DENTIST Shawville United Churches Rev. A.
Dagg Shop
DAGG SMALL BOYS’ WASH SUITS Film Program Shawville Theatre Thursday
DAGG Special Agent
Dagg St Sons
DAGG Step-in Girdles
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST 6 Drummond Medical Building
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST 6 Drummond Medical Building County Council Express Appreciation
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST 603 Drummead Medical
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST 608 Drummond Medical
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Gradual o/McGi University Office—Hayes’ Block Centre St Shawville Que
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Gradual o/MtGi University
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Graduate of McGil University Boys
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Graduate of McGill Univeisity Office
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Graduate of McGill University
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Graduate of McGill University Hayes
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Graduate of McGill University Ofcce
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Graduate of McGill University Office
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Graduate of McGill University Office ; Hayes
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Graduate of McGill University Ofticç
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Graduate of McGill University Otfice
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Graduate of McGill University Ottice
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST GraduAteof McGill University Office
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Mri 6 Drummond Medical Building We
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Peerless Brand House Paint Tints
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST School Opening September
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Shawville United Churches Rev. A.
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Slippers Manicure Sets
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Windbrea^ers 6 Drummond Medical
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Youth’s Collegiate Flannel Suits
DAGG SURGEON TiFNTTST 6 Drummond Medical
DAGG Unusual Happenings
Dagg V
Dagg Village Cemetery
DAGG York Hospitals
DAGG Young Men’s Sport Oxford
Dagg—Palmer At Norman United Church
Dagg’s Grocery Bristol
DE BOIS Motion Cr Dagg that Council
Division Special Events Co-ordinator Barbara Reid Chartrand
Dot Dagg
DOWD Miss Lil Dagg
E DAGG SURGEON DENTIST 6 Drummond Medical Building
E. DAGG Senior League
E.i DAGG SURGEON DENTIST 6 Drummond Medical
Eastern Betty Ann Hall
Eastern Star Worthy Matron Betty Johnson
Education - Dominique Graveline; SADC Pontiac Bursary Barbara Evans
Education Mrs Arthur Dagg
Education Mrs. Keith Brownlee; Home Economics Mrs. Milburn Hodgins; Publicity Mrs. Arthur Dagg; Wel
Ee DAGG SURGEON DENTIST 60S Drummond Medical
Elmside View Winston Sovereign Dagg;
Everett Steele Herbert Dagg John C Dagg
Farm Forum Rally Misses Betty
Feed Lang-Dagg St. Matthew’s Anglican Church
Fine Gordon Crouse Lem Hodgins Keith Dagg
Fire Insurance AUSTIN DAGG.
First Radio Broadcasting Station HEAD OFFin CHARLES W. DAGG.
FLAMING STAR Elvis Presley Barbara Eden Indian Drama
Ford Murray’s Automotive Ottawa Valley Office Supplies Retro Pontiac Shawville Milling Betty
France* Rabb Ivan Saunders Marena Schcck Margaret Smart Barbara Smith Roberta Staney
Funding Contract for ReMayor Ronald Dagg
Gall Chamber- Dagg
Gilpi Ronnie Dagg
Girls Betty Chamberlin
Good Western Joel AAcCrea Barbara Hale Ken Morrison Dale Cliff
Guild Betty Thompson
Guild Mrs. Fred Dagg
Guild of St John’s Betty
Hair Gallery Betty Russell K&L Dairy Gladcrest Farms Shawville Milling Hardy Plants Royal Bank C.B.
Hauling Snow John Dagg
Hayes & Sons Funeral Home Fred Dagg
Health and Welfare Betty Cameron
Hel- Burnett Barbara
Heritage Col- Barbara Trudeau-Sharpe
Horner Family DAGG—We
Hospital Kennedy; Betty
HOUSE OF NUMBERS Adult Barbara Lang Plus Dana Wynter Adull Fnfrisinment Medallion
House Shawville DAGG—We
Human Dagg
III Miss Dorothy Dagg
Iona Morris and Betty Morris
Jackets Apple Brown Betty Dinner No.
JHH Mrs. Betty Hay
John Dagg
Lion Ernest Dagg
Lodge Barbara
Mabel Dagg
Mable Dagg Cohn
Maple Grove Percy Dagg
Marathon Ronnie Dagg
MARRIED QUA ILE—DAGG St. George’s Church
Master Bill Dagg
Master Billie Dagg
Master David Dagg
Master David Dagg Mr.
Master Ernest Dagg
Master Gerald Dagg
Master Ronald Dagg
Master Wor Bro John Dagg
Millennium Dagg Family
MILLIONAIRE Betty Grable Arrow
Miss Debbie Pitt and Betty Sparling
Mlaa Betty Bell
Morgan Dagg
Motion Bean Dagg That
Motion Cm Dagg
Motion Cr Dagg
Motion Cr Motion Cr Dagg
Motion Cra Dagg
Motion Cra Dagg and Resolved
Motion Crs C Betty Foran
Motion Crs Dagg
Motion Crs Dagg &
Motion Crs Dagg & Graham
Motion Crs Dagg & Motion Crs Duff &
Motion Crs Dagg & Pitt that
Motion Crs Dagg & Pitt the
Motion Crs Dagg and Association
Motion Crs Dagg and Chamber of Commerce Poupore
Motion Crs Dagg and Council
Motion Crs Dagg and McGuinty Inc and/or
Motion Crs Dagg and Pitt
Motion Crs Dagg and Pitt Dagg that Council
Motion Crs Dagg and Pitt that Council
Motion Crs Dagg and Roy Bristol Volunteer Fire Dept
Motion Crs Duff & Dagg
Motion Crs Duff and Pitt Dagg that Council
Motion Crs Findlay Dagg
Motion Crs Mr. Fred Dagg
Motion Crs Orr & Dagg
Motion Crs Orr and Dagg Council
Motion Crs Orr and Pitt Motion Crs Dagg and Department of Municipal that Council
Motion Crs Pitt & Dagg
Motion Crs Pitt and Dagg
Motion Crs Pitt and Duff* Cr Dagg
Motion Crs Pitt and Motion Crs Dagg
Motion Crs Stanley & Dagg X Special Buy Special Buy
Motion Crs Young & Dagg _
Motion Dagg
Mr CUMaoUon Crs Dagg
Mr Ronnie Dagg
Mrs Ronnie Dagg
Mrs. Art Dagg
Mrs. Dagg; Jelly
Mrs. Dagg; Lemon
Mrs. Mae Armstrong Cecil McCagg Allan Black Gamett Orr Harland Armitage Cecil McTiernan Elburn Dagg
Mrs. Ronnie Dagg
Mrs. Sifton Frazier Miss Bobbie Dagg
Mutual Fire Roy Dagg
Nathan Dagg Visitors
National Bank Beth s Manicure Helen Routlitfe Northtork Country Kitchen Betty Russell - Donation
New Party Formed Memories By BETTY
OBITUARY Margaret Dagg
Ottawa Heart Institute Betty
Outstanding Community Service Betty Morris
Partnership Ladies’ Shoes Dagg& Tuck
PCH Head Nurse Betty Sparling
Percy Dagg
Pitt and Dagg
POCKET FULL OF MIRACLES Glen Ford Betty Davis Color
Pontiac Bursary Barbara Harris Prize
Pontiac Community Lorna Dagg
Pontiac Contest A.-Dagg
Pontiac County Mlss Barbara Sloan
Pontiac Dairy Dagg
Pontiac Hotel Betty Lou Twolan
Pontiac Hotel CHARLIE DAGG S
Pontiac Huret/s Bar & Grill Kelsey’s Restaurant - Dawn Dagg Promutuel Insurance Canadian Tire Murra
Pontiac Kenwyn Dagg
Pontiac Masonic Sarah Dagg; Emily Taylor
Pontiac Motion Cr Dagg
Pontiac Pro Dagg
Pontiac Respite Services; Betty Griffin
Pontiac Tou- Motion Crs Dagg
Pontiac Transit Dagg
Postal Motion Crs Dagg and Pitt Unions
Pro Life Author Betty Ryan Waltham
PROCLAMATION Betty Lou Campeau
Quyon Flyers Betty
Quyon Lions Betty
Reader Betty Augusts
Rev Snow Dagg
Rev. Desmond Rowe » CHARLIE DAGG
River View Inn Dagg
Royal Bank Beckcrest Farm Pontiac Auto Betty Russell H.I. Hobbs
Royal Bank Betty Cooper
Royal Bank of Canada John Burnett Limited Ronnie Strutt Cyrus Beck Betty Ross Arlene McNamara Cathy
Royal Military Betty
Rural Inspector Dagg
Russell St Sons Selwood Greta’s Burton; John T. Dagg St Son Senior
Sacred Heart Barbara Stewart
Save Food AUSTIN DAGG Onslow Corners
School Dagg
Shawville Bakery Mrs. Maude Mary Dagg
Shawville Hardware Store Misa Barbara Woodley
Shawville Shoe Shop Maison des Fleurs Ottawa Valley Office Suppl SpaTique / Betty Frost Pine Lodge
Shoe Shop Barbara Cruickshank
SHOW Betty G
SI Roy Dagg ; United Church
SIS Betty Murdock
St. Betty Morris
Starks Corners Barbara Hodg
Starks Corners Miss Barbara Woodley
Sympa- Barbara Watson
THEATRE Miss Barbara Findlay
Thomson - Dagg
Tiger Dagg
Top Valu Peanut Butter........ Betty Crocker Hamburger Helper Assorted General Mills Country Corn F
VII While Barbara Lyon
Vinton Parish Hall Brothers Funeral Home Dagg
Vocational Education and Barbara Bronson
Wax Paper BETTY CROCKER Pie Crust Mix
Winning Community Newspaper Barbara Evans
Yearling View Betty Lou
Ynnth Command Dagg