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Betty Orr

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Possible related entities:

6-R-33 Mrs. Betty MacDonald
613-839-5274 ItZ Betty Sparling Commercial Display -Jeff Schultz
647-3166 I Betty Cameron
647-3459 648-5821 Betty Get
7. Betty Jane Richardson Graduates As Nurse
8. Contact Betty
Abel (Betty Roderick
Adam Orr
Adorn Orr
Adrian Dunn Betty
Albert Orr
Alex Orr
Alex X) Little Tyler Orr
Alexander Henry Orr
Alice Leach and Betty Leach
Alice Orr
Alice Perrier and Betty Gendroo
AM/FM Cass •7,495 Betty Kennedy
Amos Robinson s Betty Harkins
Amy Orr
Andrea CranfWHd TH| EQJITY Tom Orr Cartage
Andrea Lynn Petty If John and Betty
Andrea Orr
Andrew Carroll Betty Verner
Andrews Betty Ration
Andy and Betty Msgr William J Smith
Angie Langford (Betty Russell
Ann McCoy Orr
Ann Orr
Anna Betty Lou
Anne McConnell Dan Tremblay Bob and Jennfier Orr Kelly
Anne Orr
Anthony Betty
Anthony Orr
Apple Brown Betty Dinner No.
Apple Flake Betty
Appliance Service Hugh Tracy Rowat Insurance W A Hodgins Inc. Wilfred and Betty Murdock Pathyway Hy
April 29-30 Betty Davis Kim Hunter II William Holden
Armand Mar* Betty R>an
Arthur (Betty
Arthur Bertrand Wife- Betty
Arthur Labelle Betty Grieves
Arthur Labelle W eirstead Messag June Orr Gerard Labelle
Arthur McKay (Betty
Artist Betty Russell
Ashley Da- Betty Vemer
Ashley Marie Orr
Ashley Orr
Assistant Coach Les Orr
Aunt Betty
Aunt Betty Mayhew
Aunt Harrietts Uncle Lionel «cousin Betty
Author Information Betty Lamarche Ryan
Bar-dyn Orr
Barb Orr
Barbara and Betty
Barbara and Betty Biggest
Barbara and Betty Harris
Barbara Dagg Betty Gorse
Barbara Florence Tessier Weds Howard Albert Orr OBITUARY William Graham Davis
Barbara Lewis and Betty Hodgins
Barbara Orr
Barry Orr
Barry Orr Janet
Barry Orr Saturday
Barry Orr’s
Basil Orr
Basil Orr’s
Bay Miss Betty Sparling
Bay Quyon Betty
Beck Betty Ross Arlene McNamara Cathy Dobson Loma Sparling
Ben Younge Tom Orr Cartage Alt’s Pumps Tim
Bentley Pearl Orr
Bernice Hodgins Betty Tubman
Bernice Mrs Ivan Orr
Bertha Orr
Bertha Theresa Orr
Best Wishes Betty
Betty "
Betty "Simon Fraser
Betty & Willie Girl
Betty -
Betty Aim McCord
Betty All
Betty Allard
Betty Allen
Betty Always
Betty And
Betty and Kathleen Béruhé
Betty Angel
Betty Angus
Betty Ann
Betty Ann Barr
Betty Ann Booth
Betty Ann Drummond
Betty Ann Erickson
Betty Ann Gladman
Betty Ann Gladman Defendants Summons
Betty Ann Goit
Betty Ann Lambert
Betty Ann Lance
Betty Ann McC
Betty Ann McCord
Betty Ann Muidoon
Betty Ann Muldoon
Betty Ann Olive Dunbar Gail Ethi-
Betty Ann Page
Betty Ann Ranger
Betty Ann Rondeau
Betty Ann Sauer
Betty Ann Shaw
Betty Ann Stevens
Betty Ann Walls
Betty Ann Williams
Betty Ann*
Betty Anne
Betty Anne Hogan
Betty Anne Mul- Louisa Dowe
Betty Anne Muldoon
Betty Anne Muldoon Qet
Betty Anne Paul
Betty Anne Scott
Betty Anne Spence
Betty Argue
Betty Armstrong
Betty Arsenault
Betty Arsenault Wedding
Betty At
Betty Atkins
Betty B Cameron
Betty Baker
Betty Barclay
Betty Barrett
Betty Baxter
Betty Beattie
Betty Beech
Betty Behave Anita Gagnon
Betty Bell
Betty BeMr’s
Betty Bennett
Betty BeO.
Betty Berrigan
Betty Bertrand
Betty Bertrand,Gregory Dombroski
Betty Best
Betty Betz
Betty Beverley Sly
Betty Biserovic
Betty Bisson
Betty Black
Betty Blotter
Betty Bm
Betty Bob and
Betty Booker
Betty Boucher
Betty Bour-
Betty Bousficld
Betty Bow-er-Binns
Betty Bradley
Betty Brewer
Betty Bronson Pansy
Betty Brownlee
Betty Brownlee Lang St.
Betty Brownlee OTC
Betty Brownlee-Club
Betty Brynildsen
Betty Bryson
Betty Buddy Mackay
Betty Burns
Betty Bursan
Betty Business
Betty Butler
Betty Buzz
Betty Byon
Betty C
Betty Cagney
Betty Calladine
Betty Calvin
Betty Came
Betty Came- Fahey
Betty Cameron
Betty Cameron - Health
Betty Cameron 647-2672
Betty Cameron 9
Betty Cameron A
Betty Cameron Cameron
Betty Cameron Her
Betty Cameron Î
Betty Cameron McCoshen
Betty Cameron Shawville _
Betty Cameron To
Betty Cameron’s
Betty Campbell
Betty Campeau
Betty Carleton Place
Betty Cars-jrigan
Betty Carse
Betty Carswell
Betty Carter Barbour
Betty Cham
Betty Chamberlain
Betty Chamberlin
Betty Chambers
Betty Chan
Betty Chartrand
Betty Chassie
Betty Church
Betty Church Tea
Betty Church’s
Betty Ciorsc
Betty Clayben Connelly
Betty Clemans
Betty Clement
Betty Co-Ed—Yes
Betty Coburn
Betty Comba
Betty Combo
Betty Connelley
Betty Convenors
Betty Cooligan
Betty Cooper
Betty Cordon
Betty Corry
Betty Corse
Betty Cosgrove
Betty Crabb
Betty Crocker
Betty Crocker Assorted Cake Mixes
Betty Crocker Assorted Hamburger Helper
Betty Crocker Bake
Betty Crocker Bake Book
Betty Crocker Brownie Mix
Betty Crocker Cake Mix
Betty Crocker Cake Mix Asserted
Betty Crocker Cube Steak White Pink
Betty Crocker Date Square Mix
Betty Crocker Frosting
Betty Crocker Hamburger
Betty Crocker Pie Crust
Betty Crocker Pie Crust Mix
Betty Crocker Puddings
Betty Crocker Snackin Cake Rose
Betty Crocker Snackln
Betty Crocker Super Motet Cake Mix
Betty Crocker Super-Moist Cake Mix
Betty Crocker Supermoist
Betty Cunningham
Betty Dagg
Betty Daniels
Betty David Miller
Betty Davis
Betty Davis Dunraven
Betty Davis Humphry Bogart
Betty Davis Joan Crawford Adult Entertainment Equity Photo
Betty Davis Lusk
Betty Davis Z A %
Betty De
Betty Deepest
Betty Delbert Zacharias
Betty Denny
Betty Dense
Betty Detroit
Betty Dévia
Betty Dewar
Betty Dieting
Betty Don Armstrong
Betty Donavon
Betty Donlan
Betty Dorse
Betty Douglas
Betty Dowd Erna Young C Standing Faye Armstrong Lillian Bradley
Betty Dowling
Betty Dr.
Betty Dunbar
Betty Dupont
Betty Durochcr Ontario
Betty Durose
Betty Duval
Betty Eades
Betty Ed- Cooney—Paquettr
Betty Edmund
Betty Eleanor Rcnnick
Betty Elizabeth Ann Beaulieu
Betty Ellen
Betty Elliott
Betty Elsie Sparrow
Betty Emery Gutz
Betty Et
Betty Ethicr
Betty Ethier
Betty Ev- Kirk Douglas
Betty Evans
Betty Fairweather
Betty Faris
Betty Farrell
Betty Farrell Miss Beverley Harris Mr.
Betty Farrell Tuesday
Betty Farrelton
Betty Field
Betty Fitzgerald
Betty Fleck
Betty Florence Wadge
Betty Flower Prop
Betty Foran
Betty Foster
Betty Fox
Betty Fox’s
Betty Fraser
Betty Frisk
Betty Frost
Betty Frost Marie Michelle
Betty Fuite-rd
Betty Ful-ford
Betty Fulford
Betty Furness
Betty G
Betty Gagnon
Betty Gagnon Ordained Bishop
Betty Galbraith
Betty Games
Betty Garce
Betty Garse
Betty Gauthier
Betty Gaw
Betty Gen-pality
Betty Gendron
Betty Gerald Hannaberry
Betty Germain
Betty Gib
Betty Gibault
Betty Gibb
Betty Giffin
Betty Giffln
Betty Gilbert
Betty Gilbertson
Betty Giroux
Betty Gladys Marilyn Brownlee
Betty Gloria
Betty Glyndwr Davies
Betty Goard
Betty Goldnst—Did
Betty Gone
Betty Good
Betty Gordon Alexander
Betty Gorsc
Betty Gorsc Connie Sharpe
Betty Gorse
Betty Gower
Betty Gra
Betty Grable
Betty Grable MacDonald Carey Langford
Betty Grable Mon.
Betty Graham
Betty Granger
Betty Grant
Betty Grattan
Betty Gratton
Betty Greenough
Betty Gribbon
Betty Gribbon Mrs M Vannest
Betty Grieve
Betty Grieves
Betty Griffin
Betty Gunlack
Betty Gutz
Betty H. E. Elliott
Betty Hall
Betty Halloween
Betty Hamilton
Betty Hamilton McGowan Dart
Betty Hamilton Mm
Betty Hammond
Betty Hampson
Betty Hampsoo
Betty Har-
Betty Har- Discussion
Betty Har- Gagnon
Betty Har- John Giroux
Betty Harkins
Betty Harkins Moved
Betty Harley
Betty Harris
Betty Hart
Betty Harvey
Betty Hay
Betty Hay On Saturday
Betty Hay T-—v.
Betty Hayes
Betty Hay’s
Betty HEAR
Betty Hearty
Betty Henderson
Betty Herbie Hodgins
Betty Here
Betty Hickey
Betty Hicksy
Betty Hobbs
Betty Hobgins
Betty Hodgins
Betty Hodgins Reilly
Betty Hodglns
Betty Hodgms
Betty Hohbbs
Betty Hollands
Betty Homer
Betty Horn
Betty Horn-
Betty Horner
Betty Horner Qf
Betty Howell
Betty Hutton
Betty Hutton Hon
Betty Hutton James Stewart
Betty I
Betty I-each
Betty Ijr
Betty In
Betty Indignantly
Betty Ireland
Betty Irving
Betty Ix)u Dunlop
Betty Ix)u Twolan
Betty Ix>u Twolan
Betty Ixm Twolan
Betty Ixni Stanley
Betty Ixw Twolan
Betty I»u Twolan
Betty J Talion
Betty Jackfe Say
Betty Jane
Betty Jane (Richardson
Betty Jane Chamberlain
Betty Jane Lindsay
Betty Jane Richardson
Betty Jane Sparling
Betty Jane Wylie’s
Betty Jaynes
Betty Jean
Betty Jean Ferguson
Betty Jean Hardie
Betty Jean Hunt
Betty Jean McHugh
Betty Jean; Mrs. James Noseworthy
Betty Jeannette
Betty Jefferies
Betty Jeffrey
Betty JEremy Downroy
Betty Joan
Betty Joe
Betty John
Betty John Patrick Sloan
Betty Johnson
Betty Jones
Betty Josn
Betty Jossul
Betty Joyce
Betty Joyce Smart
Betty Judd Robertson
Betty Kachura
Betty Kenne-site
Betty Kennedy
Betty Kennedy They
Betty Ketch
Betty Ketchaban
Betty Ketchebaw Joe
Betty King
Betty Kipp
Betty Kirk
Betty Kjos
Betty Knew
Betty Knit
Betty Knox
Betty L#assie
Betty La-brecque
Betty Ladoceur
Betty Lamarche
Betty Lamarche Mr.
Betty Lamarche Ryan
Betty Lamothe
Betty Lapierre
Betty Lapointe
Betty Lapone
Betty Lapone Campbell
Betty Laporte
Betty Laporte Alter
Betty Laporte Laporte
Betty Lathe
Betty Laugh
Betty Laura
Betty Lavigne
Betty Le-
Betty Lea
Betty Leach
Betty Leach’s
Betty Led
Betty Lem
Betty Lemay
Betty Lemaye
Betty Lepine
Betty Lepino
Betty Leu
Betty Leu Elliott
Betty Like
Betty Lloyd
Betty Lon
Betty Looseley
Betty Loosley
Betty Lorraine
Betty Lou
Betty Lou (Elliott
Betty Lou 8:30
Betty Lou Amy Allard
Betty Lou Avenue
Betty Lou Bliott
Betty Lou Blkott
Betty Lou Brownlee
Betty Lou Cal-Calumet Island
Betty Lou Campbell
Betty Lou Campeau
Betty Lou Doucet
Betty Lou Ekloll
Betty Lou El
Betty Lou Ell
Betty Lou Elliott
Betty Lou Elliott Saturday
Betty Lou ElMott
Betty Lou H. E Elliott.
Betty Lou I.août
Betty Lou LaChapelle
Betty Lou Marbury
Betty Lou Midway
Betty Lou Miller
Betty Lou Mr.
Betty Lou s Adventure
Betty Lou Stanley
Betty Lou Strutt
Betty Lou Stwolan
Betty Lou Trudeau
Betty Lou Twoian
Betty Lou Twolaa
Betty Lou Twolan
Betty Lou TwoUi»
Betty Lou.
Betty Louella Campeau
Betty Louella Compeau Weds Boyd James Brownlee OBITUARIES Mrs.
Betty Louise
Betty Lou’s
Betty Love
Betty Lusk
Betty Lynn
Betty M.
Betty MacDonald
Betty MacGregor
Betty MacGregor Alex Homer
Betty MacGregor’s
Betty Mack
Betty MacKay
Betty MacPherson
Betty Maloney
Betty Markie
Betty Martin
Betty Martineau
Betty Mary
Betty Massia
Betty Master
Betty Maxwell
Betty May Fulford
Betty Mayhew
Betty McCambley
Betty McCann
Betty McCanse
Betty Mccféèdié
Betty McCready
Betty McDonald
Betty McGregor
Betty McKav
Betty McKay
Betty McLaughlin
Betty McMillin
Betty Me
Betty Me-
Betty Meehan
Betty Megrath
Betty Men
Betty Metcalf
Betty Metcalfe
Betty Miller
Betty MNA
Betty Mnilton
Betty Mohr
Betty Moirisun C<
Betty Moms
Betty Moms Morris
Betty Momson
Betty Monica Russell
Betty Montreal
Betty Moore
Betty Moore Free Decorating
Betty Mor-
Betty Mor-Joanne McMunn
Betty Moris
Betty Morn
Betty Morns
Betty Morris
Betty Morrison
Betty Morrison Eil-
Betty Morrson
Betty Mother
Betty Motioned
Betty Moyle
Betty Mr.
Betty Mrs
Betty Mueller
Betty Muidoon
Betty Muldoon
Betty Mur-
Betty Murdoch
Betty Murdock
Betty Murdock Mary
Betty Murdock Mike
Betty Muriel Woods
Betty Murphy
Betty Myers
Betty Name
Betty Nèski
Betty Neville
Betty New-land
Betty Newcommon
Betty Nicholson
Betty Nickerson
Betty Nnrse
Betty Nugent
Betty Nurse
Betty Nuthall
Betty Nye
Betty O
Betty O Malley
Betty Oarse
Betty Olmstead
Betty Olmsted
Betty Ontario
Betty Ooree
Betty Oorse
Betty Orr
Betty Osgoode
Betty Ottawa
Betty Ouellet
Betty Our
Betty Paquette
Betty Parker
Betty Pe-
Betty Pearson
Betty Peiptegnat
Betty Peq-uegnat
Betty Peqn
Betty Pequegnat
Betty Petty
Betty Peyton
Betty Pe«piegnat
Betty Phillips
Betty Picard
Betty Pirie
Betty Poole
Betty Pophey
Betty Popkey
Betty Popkey Montreal
Betty Posdi
Betty Potash
Betty Potts
Betty Practical Apron
Betty Preston
Betty Pt
Betty Ptquegnat
Betty Purcell
Betty Pyon
Betty Reilly
Betty Rennick
Betty Rent
Betty Reside
Betty Rich
Betty Richard
Betty Richard- Barred Baby Chicks
Betty Richard-on
Betty Richardson
Betty Richardson Lorraine Elliott
Betty Richardsui
Betty Riley
Betty Robber
Betty Robitaille
Betty Robitallle
Betty Robitarlle
Betty Roblt-allle
Betty Roddy MacDowail
Betty Roderick
Betty Roger Perry
Betty Rogers
Betty Rosario Delair
Betty Rose
Betty Ruaeeil
Betty Ruby
Betty Rupert
Betty Rus
Betty Russel
Betty Russell 1
Betty Russell 2
Betty Russell Beauty Salon
Betty Russell Brownline Farms Burnetts Catherine Nyveld Crafts Cecil Elliott Equipment Country
Betty Russell Carriage Cover
Betty Russell Dates
Betty Russell H.I. Hobbs 4
Betty Russell’s
Betty Ryan
Betty Ryan - Studio Venus
Betty Ryan 362.32
Betty Ryan and Margaret Pilon
Betty Ryan Betty Ryan
Betty Ryan Church
Betty Ryan Cosgrove
Betty Ryan Dear Editor
Betty Ryan Father Chris Shalla
Betty Ryan Hearing Aids
Betty Ryan Journalist Carrie Buchanan
Betty Ryan Moved
Betty Ryan Municipalities
Betty Ryan Oil Paintings
Betty Ryan Old
Betty Ryan Photography
Betty Ryan Photography Nepean
Betty Ryan Pres
Betty Ryan President
Betty Ryan Re
Betty Ryan Sec.Treas
Betty Ryan St Alphonsus
Betty Ryan This
Betty Ryan Waltham
Betty Ryan Waltham Have
Betty Ryan’s
Betty Sandra Racine
Betty Santa Claus
Betty Sawyer
Betty Say
Betty Scarlett
Betty Scharf
Betty Schonauer
Betty Schwalm
Betty Scott
Betty Scullion
Betty Seaghers
Betty Second
Betty Sharpe
Betty Sharpe Mackay
Betty Shawville
Betty Sheen
Betty Sheridan
Betty Shore
Betty Shore Ann
Betty Sicard
Betty Smart
Betty Smith
Betty Snarling
Betty Soucie
Betty Spafling
Betty Spar Nancy Mayhew
Betty Spariing-Laporte
Betty Sparling
Betty Sparling Is
Betty Sparling Laporte
Betty Spicks
Betty Spurline
Betty St
Betty Stanley
Betty Ste
Betty Stettler
Betty Stevens
Betty Stewart
Betty Stewart Jossil
Betty Stewart Jossui
Betty Stewart Josul
Betty Stinton Saturday
Betty Stoddard
Betty Strader
Betty Strang
Betty Strauss
Betty Streadel
Betty Streader
Betty Strutt
Betty Strutt Anyone
Betty Suillivan-Morris
Betty Sullivan
Betty Sullivan-Morris
Betty Sutherland
Betty Swartz
Betty Sylvia
Betty Sympathy
Betty Tal-
Betty Tanner
Betty Taylor
Betty Tel-
Betty Tel- I
Betty Telford
Betty Telford Darling Dods
Betty Telford Epss
Betty Telford MW.
Betty Telford OPEN HOUS]
Betty The
Betty Then
Betty They
Betty This
Betty Thomas
Betty Thomas Carson
Betty Thomas Corner Rortege Rood
Betty Thomp
Betty Thomp-of
Betty Thompeon Mb
Betty Thompson
Betty Thorne
Betty Those
Betty Tippins Honored Ml
Betty To Mavis Kluke
Betty Tollman
Betty Toque
Betty Tourney
Betty Tracy Huff
Betty Trouse
Betty Trudeau Russell
Betty Tub
Betty Tubman
Betty Tubmen
Betty Tuck
Betty Turner
Betty Turner Since
Betty Umay
Betty Use
Betty V
Betty Valiant
Betty Van JUST
Betty Van Donna Draper
Betty Van Wigcheren
Betty Van Wlg-heren
Betty VandenBosch
Betty Vandenbosh
Betty Vaughan
Betty Vem
Betty Vem- Russell
Betty Vem-er
Betty Vemcr
Betty Vemer
Betty Vemere
Betty Vemor
Betty Vemor An
Betty Verier
Betty Verner
Betty Verner Eleanor Foran Spiritual
Betty Verner Kingsbury
Betty Verner Pat Trudeau
Betty Vernon
Betty Vetterlein
Betty Vincent
Betty Visiting Ivan
Betty Vomer
Betty Walle-Frost
Betty Walls
Betty Walls-Frost
Betty War
Betty Wayne Tanner
Betty Webber
Betty What
Betty Wichener
Betty Wig-cheren
Betty Wigchercn
Betty Wil-
Betty Williams
Betty Williamson
Betty Wilson
Betty Winkler
Betty Woods
Betty Woolsey
Betty Worship
Betty Wright
Betty Wrinn
Betty Wyatt
Betty Y Flo
Betty Young
Betty Young Donald Burton
Betty Young Grade Nine Beverley Campbell
Betty Young Is
Betty Young Shirley Kehoe
Betty Young-Jones
Betty Zim-merUng
Betty Zimmer
Betty) Graham
Betty-Ann Bohan
Betty-Lou Brownlee
Betty-Lou Campbell
Bev Orr
Beverley Orr
Beverly Orr
Bfll Orr
Bill (Betty
Bill and Betty
Bill Orr
Bill Orr December
Bill Orr Highest
Bill Orr Skip
Bill Orr’a
Bill Tommy Orr
Billy and Betty
Billy Orr
Birthday I Betty Lou »
Bishop and Betty Young
Bob and Betty
Bob and Betty Canadian Legion
Bob and Betty Laporte
Bob and Betty Pritchard
Bob and Betty Ron
Bob Betty Baker
Bob Orr
Bob Orr 5:10
Bob Orr Cartage Bristol
Bobby & Betty Sparling
Bobby and Betty Lou
Bobby Orr
Bobby Orr Contest
Bobby Orr Hockev
Bobby Orr Palmer
Bonnie Orr
Boyd & Betty Lou Brownlee
Boyd & Betty Lou Brownlee Shawville
Boyd and Betty Hi-Ranch
Boyd and Betty Lou
Boyd and Betty Lou Brownlee
Boyd Barber, Betty Brownlee
Brad Lisa Orr
Brady Tyler Orr
Brandon Lionette Betty Sparling After
Brenda Baird and Betty Sparling
Brent My daughter Betty
Brent Orr
Brent Orr Activities
Brent Orr - Bristol
Brent Orr Mr. Orr
Brent Orr-
Brent Shawville Orr
Brent Younge Basil Orr
Brett Orr
Brian Drummond Garth Tracy Thomas Fahey Jacques Lance Bob Scott Basil Orr Gordon Dttt
Brian Fitzpatrick Betty
Brian Orr
Brian Stanton Tom Orr Cartage M Guy Bélanger
Bristol View Betty Lou
Brown Betty
Brown Betty Pudding.—2
Brown Betty With Ceramet Sauce
Bruce and Betty
Bruce Betty
Buddy - Smith Engaged Armstrong - Orr St Andrew
Burns Hobbs Sherrie Orr
By Mrs. Betty Turner
Caldwell Miss Betty Stewart
Camp-Betty Laporte
Campbell Miss Betty Woolsey
Canada Manpower Betty
Captain Betty
Carl and Betty Dowdell
Carnival Queen Betty Lou Twolan
Carol and Betty
Carol Anne Ri- Grade IX B Yach Betty Hamilton
Carol Dawn Orr
Carol Tollman Bob Orr Cartage KeWy Funeral Home
Carol Tollman Bob Orr Cartage Young
Carol Tollman Kelly Brothers Equipment Bristol Pump Service Rental Beth Angus Petro Pontiac Tom Orr
Carolyn Orr
Carter David Orr
Carter Orr
Casey Lance Orr
Catfish - Betty Johnston
Catherine Kierans Cukes Adam Orr
Cecil Orr
Chapter Queen Betty
Charles Orr
Charlie and Betty Ann
Charlie and Betty Ann Elwood Fletcher
Charlie and Betty Anne
Charlie and Betty Anne Mississauga
Charlie and Betty Anne Muldoon
Charlie and Betty Anne Your
Charlie including Betty Morris
Charlie Orr
Charlie Schroeder Jr. Gordon and Betty Popkey
Chichester Coun Betty Harkins
Chris Basil Orr
Chris Orr
Christ- Mrs Betty Laporte
Christie Orr
Christopher Orr Art Deering
Christopher Wright Orr
Citizenship Mrs Betty Cameron
Citizenship Mrs Betty Cameron Metric Conversion
Claire Richardson and Betty Elliott
Clara Orr
Clara Sloan on Karen Orr
Clarence (Betty
Clarence and Betty
Clarence and Betty Dagg
Clarence and Betty Dagg Walsh
Clarence Orr
Clerk Mr. Ciarnct Orr
Clifford Mrs Betty Ryan
Clifford Orr
Coach Les Orr
Colleen McDow- Doris Orr
Collette Betty Sparling
Commercial Course— Betty Morrison
Consecreation —Betty Harris
Contact Bill Orr
Contact Mrs. Betty Russell
Cory Orr
Councillors Bill Orr
Councillors Orr
Courtney Orr
Craig 1er Betty Lamarche
Craig Betty
Crs C Betty Foran
Crs Henderson Orr
Curling Miss Betty Richardson
Curtis Venne Closest Pin Female Betty Angus Dave Hall
Dale (Betty
Dale Orr
Dale Robertson Betty
Dale Robertson Betty Grable Z Z Plus
Daniel Lamarche Tom Orr Energizer
Daniel Tom Orr Cartage Brent Krose Ladysmith Hotel Ernie
Dave and Betty Lou
Dave Moore Shawville s Tom Orr
Dave Orr’s
David and Betty
David and Betty Bertrand
David and Betty Dagg
David and Betty Frost
David and Betty Honsinger
David and Betty Lou
David and Betty Lou Community Choir
David Orr
Davis and Betty Hodgins
Dawn Alexander and Betty Davis
Debbie Orr
Debbie Pirie and Betty Lou Campbell
Debby Orr
Dennis and Betty Thoms
Desmond Maheral Nally Betty Van Wigcheren
Diane Richard, Betty Telford
Dianne McColgan and Betty Sparling
Don Be-Orr
Don Murdock Tom Orr Cartage Touch Wood Mahuaky Woodworking Gerald McKenny Transport
Donald and Betty
Donald Connelly Betty
Donald Duff Motion Crs Orr
Donald Gagnon and Betty Harkins
Donald McCredie Howard Orr Milburn Homer
Donald Mrs Bertha Orr
Donald Orr
Donna Hodgins Betty Young
Doreen I Betty Ann
Doris and Betty
Doris Orr
Doris Orr Bristol Ridge Pentecostal
Doris Orr Greenshields
Doris Orr Jessica Cayer Û
Doris Orr Mr. Currie Mills
Doris Orr Shawville
Doris Orr Shawville Dear Editor
Dorothy and Betty
Doug & Betty Meredith -
Doug and Betty Q||
Douglas and Betty Thomas
Dwight Peck Ann Beaudoin and Betty Ann Ranger
E McDowell Betty Cameron
E. O Donnell I Betty Kennedy
Earl and Betty Mayhew
Earl and Betty Mayhew’s
Ed A Betty Lukas
Edgar and Betty
Edgar May- Mrs Raeburn Orr
Edith and Betty Lou.
Edward and Betty
Edwin daughter Betty
Eliza Orr
Elizabeth (Betty
Elizabeth (Betty ) Morrison
Elizabeth (Betty McGregor
Elizabeth (Betty) Marlene
Elizabeth (Betty) Stewart
Elizabeth and Betty Mayhew
Elizabeth Orr
Elizabeth “Betty* Murphy
Ella Bayne and Betty Ryan
Ellen (Betty
Elliott June Orr
Elmo (Betty Church
Elmside View Betty Ann
Emma Orr
Erika Orr
Eva and Betty Sparling
Eva Andai BETTY
Eva Andai Miss Gail Orr
Eva Betty
Eva Betty June Chamberlain
Eva Betty June Sign
Eva Orr
Evelyn and Betty Lou Campbell
Evelyn Orr
Farmers Miss Betty King
Faureau Orr JonW#
Fay & Betty
Fay and Betty
Florence Orr
Frank and Betty Anne Muldoon
Frank Carolyn Orr
Frank Grandparents Raeburn Orr
Frank Ryan and Betty Ryan
Fred and Betty
Fred Dale Betty Smith
Fred Howard and Betty
Fri-l Treasurer Betty Lou Elliott
From Bristol-Wyman Betty
Gail Gavan _ _ Betty Church
Gail Orr
Gail Orr Shawville
Gail Orr Tubman
Gail Orr Weirstead
Garnet Orr
Garnett Orr
Garry Ladou-Seat Six Betty Harkins
Gatineau Mills Miss Betty Ireland
George & Betty Russell
George & Betty Wilson
George and Betty
George and Betty Conrod
George and Betty Eades
George and Betty Russell
George and Betty Russell Golden Beauty
George and Betty Russell’s
George Orr
Gerry and Betty
Gervais (Betty
Gilbert and Betty
Glen and Betty Atkins
Glen Ford Betty Davis Color
Glenn & Betty At- Birthday
Glenn and Betty Muldoon
Glenn Mereddth Betty Mohr Geraldine Robinson Edwin Shenmet After
Gord Jack Betty Datton
Gordon and Betty
Gordon and Betty Belanger
Gordon and Betty Fopkey
Gordon and Betty Popkay Lamarche
Gordon and Betty Popkey
Gordon and Betty Popkey Whelen
Gordon Betty Gordon
Gordon H Orr
Gordon Henry Orr
Gordon Orr
Gordon Orr Dios Al
Gordon Orr Thus Gallagher
Gordon T Paul 13.97; Betty Turner
Gorton and Betty Popkey
Grace and Betty Allard
Grace anil Betty Mohr
Grade 3A Betty Chamberlin
Grade 3a— Betty Hamilton
Grade 9—Betty Graham
Grade V: Barbara Orr
Grade V—Betty Hayes
Graham Mr. Basil Orr
Grant and Betty
Grant Orr
Gravel Betty
Greg McCredie Tom Orr Cartage
Greta Garbo—or Betty Lomax
Group Taylor Orr
Gwen Betty
H mnle Orr
Hair Gallery Betty Russell K&L Dairy Gladcrest Farms Shawville Milling Hardy Plants
Har- Betty Young
Harold & Betty
Harold (Betty
Harold Beckett and Betty Lou Elliott
Harry Judd Marshall Chamberlain Mrs. Mae Armstrong Cecil McCagg Allan Black Gamett Orr Harland Armi
Harry Orr
Haven Campground Benson Auto Parts Wilt $ Betty Murdock Mike Guitard
He- and Betty Verner
Head Coach Les Orr
Healey Orr
Heather and Betty Muirhcad
Heather Betty Sparling
Heather I V Stevens, Betty
Heather Lemke and Betty Sullivan
Heather Stewart 648-5413 Betty
Heather Stewart and Betty Hodgins
Helen and Betty Martineau
Helena Beat- Betty Vernor
Henderson Orr
Henry and Betty Wohler
Henry Betty Monfort
Henry Orr
Henry Orr Lee
Herb Orr
Herbert Orr
Hilda Gordon and Betty Van Wlghern
Horner Tyler Orr Vel- Schnner
Howard A Orr
Howard Clara Little Joan MacFarlane Joseph M alette Mary McDowell Betty Metcalfe Muriel Riley
Howard Ivan Orr
Howard Orr
Howard Orr 650r31 Weirstead
Howard Orr GERRY
Howard Orr Mrg Augusta Krutz
Howard Orr Smith
Howard Orr*
Howard Orr...... Hiram Walls
Howard Orr’s
Howard R Orr
Hubert Low Orr
Hugh Orr
Hull Miss Betty Russell
I 732-3444 Betty Cameron V
Ida Orr
Idena Orr
ILX^hool Mrs Betty Popkey
InThe Miss Betty EdgU
Irwin Basil Orr
Is Selwood Betty
Ivan Orr
Ivan Orr May
Ivan Orr Visiting
Ivan Reuben Orr
IWlS^încreas^eb^Un^doUbir^p^mont^^air9 Betty
J Miss Betty Sparling
J, Betty Maloney
Jack and Betty
Jack Graham Motion Cr Orr
Jack Howard and Betty McGregor
Jack Purcell Community Motion Crs Orr
Jacques Misses Betty
Jame Orr
James 7-2728 Orr
James A. Orr Ewing
James and Betty Ward
James Basil Orr
James Kenny (Betty
James Mason I Betty Grable
James Orr
James Tom Orr
Jamie and Betty Sparling Laporte
Jane Orr
Jane Pilon Betty Russell Jane Alexander
Janet and Betty
Janet Gamer Brian Rogers Susie Orr Brian Judd Elwyn Lang Mike Richardson Dave Keen Bean
Janet Murray Orr
Janet Orr
Janey Orr
Janey Orr-
Janey Orr-MacDougall
Jason Howard at Betty Richardson
Jason Paul and Betty Ryan
Jean and Betty
Jean Betty to William Lloyd Little
Jean Bretzlaff Dorothy Burton Hillis Conolly Keith Emmerson Betty Farrell Diane Hobbs Billy Hodgins
Jean Doyle, Betty Pearson
Jean Grant and Betty Cameron
Jean Sayle and Betty Telford
Jean, Betty
Jean, Betty Jean
Jeff and Betty Cook
Jeff and Betty Mrs Walter Yach
Jennifer A Swan V Bob Orr
Jennifer Hodgins-Orr
Jennifer Hodgms-Orr
Jennifer Hudgins Bread Machine Baking Orr
Jennifer Orr
Jesse__________ Hobbs Betty -
Jewel- Contact Betty
Jim and Betty
Joan and Betty Tubman
Joan E Orr
Joan E. Orr
Joan E. Orr Affiliated
Joan E. Orr Listing
Joan E. Orr Marc Joanisse Listing Must
Joan E. Orr Selling
Joan Ellen McCoy Weds Cecil Gordon Orr
Joan Motion Crs Orr
Joan Orr
Joan Orr David Hodglns Hugh TVacy
Joan Orr Doreen Armstrong
Joan Orr Joan Orr
Joan Orr Shawville
Joan Orr Winners
Joanne Elliott-Maxwell Betty Mayor
Joanne from Betty Daley
Joey La-Orr
John Ambulance > Betty Kennedy
John and Betty Petty
John and Betty Petty Dr. S.E.
John and Betty Stewart
John and Betty Williams
John Atkinson Mickey McGuire Equipment Rentals Tom Orr Cartage Campbell’s Bay Ciment Lloyd
John Betty Crocker
John Boyd-Orr
John Mrs Betty Verner
John ond Betty
John Orr
John Payne Betty Grabie
John Robertson Betty Before
John Roger to Betty Rita Harris
Jon- Betty
Jose Ferrar Viveca Lindfors Betty Garrett
Joseph Bennett and Betty
Joseph Hogan and Betty Ann
Joseph Hogan and Betty Hogan
Joy and Betty
Joyce Betty
Joyce Mrs Howard Orr
Joyce Orr
Judy Anne Betty
Judy Mrs Ivan Orr
June McCoshen-Orr
June Orr
June Orr Alexander
Justin Carson Lance Orr
Justin Murray Orr
Karen Orr
Katherine Betty
Kaye and Betty
Keith and Betty Hodgins
Keith Guy (Betty
Keith Orr
Keith Smith Basil Orr
Keith Smith* Don Reynolds Scott Wilson Basil Orr* Chris Young
Ken & Betty Grif
Ken & Betty Griffin
Ken 4 Betty Beaulieu
Ken and Betty Griffin
Ken and Betty Griffin Lafleur - Donald
Ken Orr
Kenneth and Betty Griffin
Kfrs Leonard Orr
Killaloe s Betty Bryant
Kim Orr
L T. Miss Betty Richardson
Lance and Betty Telford
Lance Orr
Lance Orr H Atom
Lance Orr Jason Belsher
Lance Orr Jim Brennan Greg MacKenzie Security
Lance Orr John
Lance Orr Peewees
Lance Orr Stewart
Lance W Orr
Lance William Orr
Larry and Betty Lou
Larry and Karen Orr
Larry Orr
Laura and Betty
Laura Betty Pequegnat
Lawrence Barber as Betty Grable
Lawrence Kluke 647-5495 Brent Orr
Lawrence Orr
Lawrence Orr Honoured
Ldnce Orr
Lee Laframboise Randy Pitt Don Campbell Nick Matechuk Joan E. Orr Affiliated
Lee Orr
Lena Poole- Mrs Betty Telford
Leo LeHreck IVIle- Misees Betty
Leona Horner Betty Pep
Leonard Dubroy Betty Chartrand
Les Orr
Les Orr Chris Gesnow
Les Orr Hockey
Les Orr Jerry Barber
Les Orr Martin Gauthier
Les Orr Murray
Les Orr Pontiac Snowmobile District Assoc.
Les Orr s Shaw
Les Orr’s
Leslie Orr
Librarian Mrs. Betty Turner
Lillis (Betty
Lilt Bonnie Betty .1
Linda Healey-Orr
Linda Orr
Linda Orr Joyce Warren
Linda Orr-Horner
Linda Orr’s
Linda Russell and Betty Twolan
Linda Young Gordie Mohr Betty Wigchercn Hilda Gordon Bruit Lmmerson Diana Ireland Rosemary McKillop
Lionel and Betty
Lionel and Betty Lot
Lionette Tamer June Orr
Lisa Marie Orr
Lisa Orr
Little Betty Lamarche
Little Betty Young
Little Tyler Orr
Lloyd and Betty Mack Wesley
Lloyd Palmer Joseph (Betty
Lloyd Perry A.D.A.T. President Eddie Jean-Marie A.D.A.T. Vice-President Tom Orr Also
Lois Betty Stewart
Lois Orr
Lome Michael and Betty Kachura
Lor-na Orr
Lorna Orr
Lorraine and Betty Lou.
Lou & Betty
Lou and Betty
Lou and Betty Johnson
Lucy Kelly Les Orr
Lyall and Betty
Lynn Orr
Lynn Petty John and Betty
Lynn were Betty Lou Jolly
M A. Karen Orr
M and Betty
M ss Betty Lou Elliott
Malcolm Les Orr
Malcolm Orr
Manicure Helen Routlitfe Northtork Country Kitchen Betty Russell
Margaret and Betty
Margaret C Betty Maloney
Margaret Pilon Paul and Betty Ryan
Marie Orr
Marilyn and Betty Ann Drum
Marilyn Orr
Marion Betty
Marion Bill Orr
Marjorie and Betty Lou McKinley
Marjorie Grant, Betty Cameron
Marjorie Orr
Marjorie Orr.
Marjorie Tngman 11 Pat McDowell “ Betty Silver
Martha Orr
Martha Orr Happy
Martha Schwartz Orr
Martha Scott by Betty Loving
Marty Orr
Mary Ann Orr
Mary Beth’s parents Betty
Mary Elizabeth (Betty
Mary Emma Orr
Mary Hanna and Betty Jane Richardson
Mary Orr-MacDougall
Matt Orr
Matthew Orr
Maurice Bill Orr
May Mrs Ivan Orr
Mbs Betty Richardson
McCoy Mr. Cecil Gordon Orr
Mel Tom Orr
Men/ Orr
Mena Orr
Mena Orr Neil McMunn
Merv Orr
Merv Orr Toronto
Mery Orr
Messrs Ivan Orr
Messrs. Thomas Orr
Mi (Betty
Mias Betty
Mias Betty Cameron
Mias Betty Sullivan
Michael and Betty Allard
Michael and Betty Kachura
Michael and Betty Lou Heaven
Michael and Betty Three-Gaited Saddle Kaehura
Mies Betty Holmes
Mike (Betty
Mike La-Tom Orr
Minor Tom Orr
Mis* Betty Hayes Honoured Mrs.
Misa Betty
Mise Betty Smith
Miss Betty
Miss Betty Ferris
Miss Betty Hayes
Miss Betty Hunt
Miss Christal Betty
Misses Betty
Misses Betty Sheppard Edwin
Misses Faye and Betty Neville
Mixed Pickles Harvest Crunch Bars Ken L Ration Dog Food Betty Crocker Super Motet Cake Mix Newport
Ml* Betty Metchalfe
Mom Betty Russell
Mona Mrs Betty Cameron
Monica Betty Russell
Montreal Miss Betty Williams
Motion Crs Orr
Mr* B Orr
Mr* Ivan Orr
Mr* Ivia Orr
Mr. Alex H. Orr
Mr. Alex H. Orr Passes At Snipe Lake
Mr. Howard Orr
Mr. Howard Orr Jr.
Mr. Orr
Mr. Thomas Orr
Mr. Willie A. Orr
Mrs Edgar Betty Mayhew
Mrs H Betty Verner
Mrs Percy Betty
Mrs. Arnold Betty Morrison
Mrs. Arnold Manwell Betty Lou
Mrs. Barry Ross (Betty
Mrs. Basil Orr
Mrs. Bazil Orr
Mrs. Betty Gordon
Mrs. Betty Gratta
Mrs. Betty Mack
Mrs. Betty Pearson
Mrs. Betty Turner
Mrs. Betty Vaughan
Mrs. Bill Orr
Mrs. Bottom Photo Betty A. Petty
Mrs. Emma Orr
Mrs. Garnet Orr
Mrs. Gordon Orr
Mrs. Helen Betty
Mrs. Hil-Tubman -with Betty
Mrs. Ivan Orr
Mrs. Ivan Orr Parade
Mrs. Joan E. Orr
Mrs. Joan Orr
Mrs. John 7-2711 Orr
Mrs. Melvin Stewart Lawrence Orr
Mrs. Miss Betty Farrell
Mrs. Miss Betty Murphy
Mrs. Orr
Mrs. Seldon Langford Mise Betty Mchardeon
Mrs. T A. Orr
Mrs. Thomas Orr
Mrs. Wesley Orr
Mrs. William Orr
Mrs. Wm Maloney Mrs. Betty Theisen
Musician Betty Cameron
Mv Aunt Betty Mayhew
My Aunt Betty Mayhew
Myra and Betty
Nancy and Betty Debennam
Nancy Betty Verner
Nancy May- Betty Harkins
Nathaniel Orr
NBC’S "Betty
Ne Ida Orr
Neil Orr
Neil Tom Orr
Nel-da Orr
Nelda Orr
Nelson Johnston Betty
Neville Faye and Betty
Nicole Betty
Noble Grand Betty Came
Noble Grand Betty Cameron
Norma Paul, Betty Lou Elliott
Ô015X3F12 Sincerely Betty Telford Will
Observers Miss Betty L. Elliott Miss Janey
October 14,1981 Betty Crocker Snackin Cake Assorted
Odel Miss Betty Sparling
Olive Orr- McLachlan
Onslow Howard Orr
Ontario e» Betty
Orr Obituary Earl George Brown Earl George Brown
Orr Deavy
Orr 6I2R50 Shaw
Orr and Karen
Orr But
Orr Campbell
Orr Henderson
Orr Holmes
Orr Leslie
Orr MacDougall
Orr Montreal
Orr Mrs
Orr Mrs Mickey Weedmark
Orr Poirier
Orr Rees
Orr Uke
Orr-Fitz-iui Ben Hud.
ORR— Lisa
Paddy Orr
Painting- Graham Chokecherry Jelly- Doris Orr
Palmer Rapids Blue Merv Orr’s
Pat 3rd Vice President Betty Walsh
Pat and Betty Lusk
Pat Dick 613-646-2252 Betty Ixpine
Pat Kavanagh Burn Orr
Pat Kavanagh George Pirie Mervyn Smith Lionel Telford Bill Orr
Pat Wallace and Betty
Patsy and Betty
Paul (Betty
Paul and Betty
Paul and Betty Birthday
Paul and Betty Cameron
Paul and Betty Claudette Stanton
Paul and Betty Cobum
Paul and Betty Cockburn
Paul and Betty Cockhum
Paul and Betty Laporte
Paul and Betty Ryan
Paul and Betty Ryan at- Cook Book
Paul Nugent Tom Orr Cartage Construction Brian Smith Studio Jenn Utronki
Paul Ryro and Betty Ryan
Peanut Butter........ Betty Crocker Hamburger Helper
Peggy and Betty Wrinn
Peter Raeburn Orr
Phil Bill Orr
Phone 647-2500 Betty .00
Pineapple Brown Betty 1M$
Plus Mux Betty Garrett Phil Carey
Policemen Orr
Pontiac Hotel Betty Lou Twolan
Publisher Joan E. Orr
Pure Strawberry Betty
Quebec Mrs Betty Cameron
Quiet Community Russell - Wong George and Betty Russell
R "Whelan - Betty Sparling
Raebum Orr
Raeburn Orr
Raeburn Orr Gray
Randy Labadie Elwin Davis Cartage R.H Nugent Tom Orr Cartage Campbell’s Polaris McCauley Jewellers
Raspberry Jam Betty Crocker
Raymond Motion Crs Orr
Recording Secretary Betty Smith
ReMotion Crs Orr
Reuben Orr
Reuleen Orr
Richard and Betty Church
Richard Orr
Richard WHS Shawville s Betty Telford
Richard Wills Betty Miller
Rick & Betty
Rick and Betty
Robbie Orr
Robert & Betty
Robert (Betty
Robert A .J. Joan E. Orr Listing
Robert and Betty Laporte
Robert and Betty Lou
Robert and Betty Lou Trudeau
Robert and Betty Trudeau
Robert and Betty Wall
Robert Ho- Muffins - Betty Verner
Robert is Betty Fulford
Robert La- James Orr
Robert Lepine and Mark Lisa Orr
Robert Orr
Robert Orr Orr - Boh
Robert Ryan Susan Ball Somel Betty Hutton Ralph Meeker
Roger (Betty
Roger and Betty Menard
Roger Lavoie Bristol Mayor: Ronald Dagg Brent Orr
Romain and Betty Har- Discussion
Ron Betty Popkey
Ron MacKillop - Ladysmith Tom Orr - Clarendon Jean Claude Rivest -
Ron Orr
Ron Orr Chelmsford
Ronald Betty-Ann
Ronald Henry Orr
Ronald Orr
Ronnie & Betty
Ronnie Millions Mariya Richardson Caroline Schroeder Donald Stanley Evelyn Stanley Betty Strutt Gar
Ronnie Orr
Ronnie Orr Es
Ronnie Orr Le Groupe Chabot Bélanger Meilleur TOITURES/ROOFING Dora Yach
Ronnie Orr-
Ronnie Orr- 276.00 Rec.
Ronnie Orr- 331.80 Russell
Rose Anne Rochon and Betty Allard
Roy (Betty
Roy (Betty Anne Ban
Roy and Betty Ann
Royal Orr
Royce and Betty Cameron
Ro«ncy Howard Orr
Ruby Orr
Rudolph and Betty
Rudolph and Betty Lee Murphy
Rudolph and Betty Mayhew
Rudolph and Betty Michael
Rudy and Betty
Rueban Orr
Rueben Orr
Ruth and Betty
Ryan Orr
Sadie* Betty
Sally MacKay Rueben Orr
Sam Orr
Sarah McCleary Betty
Sarah Orr
Scott Wilson Shawville Village Inn Tom Orr Stedman
Secretary-Treasurer V- Joan E. Orr Affiliated
Service L BETTY
Sf ^ Betty Horner
Shannon Leigh Petty John and Betty
Sharpe June Orr
Sharpe Kerley Orr
Shawn ORR
Shawville Betty Horner
Shawville’s Tom Orr
Shawville’s Tyler Orr
Shawvllle’s Tyler Orr
Sheenboro Betty Morris
Sheenboro • Betty Morris
Sheila Mohr Betty Hickey
Shelley Armstrong Orr
Shelley Armstrong-Orr
Shelley Orr
Shelly Armstrong-Orr
Sheree North Betty Orable
Sheri Orr
Sherri Orr
Sherri Orr Studies
Sheryl Ann Betty Sparling
Shirley and Betty
Shirley Betty
Shirley Bretzlalf and Betty Brownlee
Shirley Hodgins and Betty Pequineau
Shirley Paul and Joan Orr
Sidney and Betty Hobbs
Smith (Betty
Smith Betty
Song Leader—Bob Clifford Organist—Helen Warren Pianists—Betty Campbell
Sr. Betty
Sr. Betty Ber- P^P|e
Sr. Betty Berrigan
Stanhow M Anthony Betty
Stanley Hills (Betty
Stephen Sharpe Mouon Orr
Steve Betty
Steve Dubeau Ernest Schrankler John and Sandy Pasch Betty
Stewart Stark^ Betty Lou Elliott
Stoneand Sandra Betty Hickey
Streaker and Betty Brownlee
Stuart Granger Betty Beuhler
Sue Orr
Sue Orr’s
Sumer Betty
Susan Belanger Les Orr
Susan Betty
Susie Lance-Orr
Susie Orr
Sylvia Bakker Betty Lou Miller Unionville
Tammy Orr
Tanning Salon Betty Walls
Tanya Orr
Taylor Orr
Taylor Orr Hayden Moore
Ted and Betty Brownlee
Terry and Betty
Terry and Betty Mugent
Terry and Betty Nugent
Thanksgiving Theme Betty Russell
The Marcotte Betty
The Misses Betty Lou Elliott
The Misses Betty Richardson
Theo (Betty
Theresa Hahn Raeburn Orr Kelly
Thom Orr
Thomas ( Betty
Thomas A Orr
Thomas A. Orr
Thomas Albert Orr
Thomas Fahey 647-5413 Jacques Lance 458-2162 Bob Scott 647-5366 Basil Orr
Thomas Lapierre’s Orr
Thomas Orr
Thomas Orr Helen Hodgins
Thomas Orr Mrs. Walter Riley
Thompson and Betty Lou Twolan
Thompson June Vandry Anna Young Betty Young
Thor- Miss Betty Lou Elliott
Tim Carmichael Orr
Tim Shea Tom Orr Cartage Construction Vieux Moulins Golf Course WA’s Home Hardware Western Quebec
Tom and Betty Taylor
Tom Cement Work Betty Row
Tom I A Orr
Tom Municipality Orr Cartage
Tom Murdock and Betty Gordon
Tom Orr
Tom Orr -
Tom Orr 3
Tom Orr 4
Tom Orr Can
Tom Orr Carlage Boutique Gwendolyn Pontiac Agricultural Society Campbell
Tom Orr Cartage
Tom Orr Cartage Alt’s Pumps Tim
Tom Orr Cartage Atkinsons Sports Bar Mickey McGuire Jack
Tom Orr Cartage C.B.L Plrto Enterprises Inc. Gary Thompson Don Hodglns Don Lavallée Eddie Jean-Mari
Tom Orr Cartage Construction
Tom Orr Cartage Construction Attention
Tom Orr Cartage Construction Best Wishes
Tom Orr Cartage Construction Campbell’s Bay Ciment Pontiac
Tom Orr Cartage Construction CBL Pine IncJH&R Block
Tom Orr Cartage Construction Construction Claude Dubeau Renaissance Variety Brenda Pieschke Constru
Tom Orr Cartage Construction P.O.
Tom Orr Cartage Construction Tru-Line Collision Centre Victor Lasalle W.A. Hodgins Store WePC Wood
Tom Orr Cartage Construction W.A. Hod
Tom Orr Cartage Construction Young’s Appliances
Tom Orr Cartage Construe
Tom Orr Cartage Garage
Tom Orr Cartage MacDougail Quarter Horses Shady Lane Swiss Farms Hursty
Tom Orr Cartage March
Tom Orr Cartage Murray
Tom Orr Cartage P.O.
Tom Orr Cartage Shawville Chrysler SAQ Classique
Tom Orr Cartage Tracy Lane Farms Vaughan Bastien Vieux Moulins Golf Course Western Quebec
Tom Orr Cartage Tracy Lane Farms Vieux Moulins Golf Course WePC Western Quebec
Tom Orr Cartage UPA Pontiac
Tom Orr Cartage Venetia Crawford
Tom Orr Cartage W A Hodgins Hardware Campbells Polans Yvon Robert
Tom Orr Cartage Waste Consultant
Tom Orr Construction
Tom Orr Construction C.B.L. Pirie
Tom Orr Fred
Tom Orr Hanna
Tom Orr I
Tom Orr Is
Tom Orr Michel Char-
Tom Orr P.0.
Tom Orr P.O.
Tom Orr President
Tom Orr Shawville
Tom Orr Sports Shawville Thursday Nite Music
Tom Orr St Anne
Tom Orr Water
Tom Orr With
Tom Orr’s
Tom Orr’s Banker’s
Tom Tom Orr
Tomatoes - Betty Verner
Tommy created Betty Lou.
Tommy Orr
Tommy Riggs and Betty Lou
Tommy Riggs and Betty Lou.
Toymakers—Betty Morrison
Trevor Orr
Trevor Stevens, Betty Petty
Tsrport Michelle p.3.TZ02% Betty p.ZT1*S
Tyler Betty
Tyler Orr
Tyler Orr Bonspicl
Tyler Orr Jersey
Tyler Orr Roy
Tyler Orr Ryan Tracy
Tyler Orr’s
Untwining Twins Betty
V Mrs Betty Turner
V. Sod** Betty Young
Vacuum Pack Assorted Varieties Betty Crocker Snackin’ Cake Bologna Chunks
Valley Mutual Betty Russell C.B.L. Pirie
Van Neville Betty
Vancouver B C. Betty Sparling
Vernon & Betty Beattie
Vernon and Betty
Vernon and Betty Beattie
Veterinarian Garnet Orr
Vice Grand Betty Cameron
Vincent and Betty MEMORIAM
Vincent and Betty Rebertz
Vincent Edwards Yvette Dugay Betty Davis
W -r L Horner - Orr
W Orr
W. Orr
W.M. Betty Sparling Laporte
Wabash Avenue Betty Grable MMHi iniiMiiimiiMiriiiiisimMMiiMimmimiiMiiimmmimrmiwimiiiMimtiH.
Walsh - Betty McKay
Walsh Orr
Walter Kilgour read Betty
Walter Yach Cecil Orr
Warren (Betty
Warren Russell or Betty Strutt
Warren Russell or Betty Strutt- Anyone
Wayne (Betty
Wayne and Betty
Wayne and Betty Anglican
Wayne and Betty Maloney
Wayne and Betty Tel-
Wayne and Betty Telford
Wayne Orr
Wayne Shawville J Betty Field
Wendy Moore and Betty Sparling
Wesley Bill Orr
Wesley Orr
Wesley R Orr Miss Jean I) Arc Lemaire
Wilbour (Betty Farrell
Wilbrod Howard Orr
William A. Orr
William Albert Orr
William Albert Orr School Carnival
William and Elizabeth Orr Wallace
William and Idena Orr
William and James Orr
William Armitage Tom Orr Cartage Construction Erik Barber t
William Kovack and Betty
William Orr
William Orr 336.81
William Orr As
William Orr Beechgrove
William Orr Carried
William Orr Edgar Schwartz This Demers Centre News
William Orr It’s
William Orr Moved
William Orr nominat-1
William Orr Prizes Awarded
William Orr Skip
William Orr.......... Lnrne Ariii*trong
William Orr............. Labour
Willie Orr
Winni- Betty Sparling
With Mrs Betty
With Mrs Betty Cameron
Wm Orr
Worthy Grand Matron Betty Johnson
Worthy Matron Betty Johnson
WtATHfl WOO# Betty Hutton Sat.
Yearling View Betty Lou 3rd
Young Betty
Young Dr Wallace Hodgins Councillors William Orr Keith Homer Keith Bean F H Rowat Irvine Cone Mahle
Younger Lewis By Leu Coyne Miss Betty Germain
Zenith Stickler Betty Strutt
Betty Cooligan
Betty Griffin
Betty Lake
Florence Orr
H. Me l Miss Betty
Norway Orr
Pearl Orr
483.60 Ronnie Orr- 276.00 Rec.
502.20 Ronnie Orr-
520.40 Ronnie Orr-
526.10 Ronnie Orr-
570.40 Ronnie Orr
706.80 Ronnie Orr-
Apple Flake Betty
Artists Betty
Auto Tech Tom Orr Cartage Shawville Chrysler SAQ Classique
AVIS POUR LA Merv Orr’s Transport Driver CANDIDATURE Training School
Bank of Montreal Barbers Bastien Tire Bean s Retro Canada Beckcrest Farm Betty Russell Brownline Fa
Bertha Orr
Bertrand d Publishers & Editors BETTY
Betty 7th Line A
Betty Ann Drum
Betty Ann Lambert
Betty Bell
Betty Bell of Montreal
Betty Best
Betty Cameron
Betty High News
Betty Morris
Betty Popkey
Betty Popkey Montreal
Betty Rent
Betty Roger Perry
Betty Ryan Old Barge Art Gallery
Betty Society" Happy
Betty Vemer
Betty’s Beauty Salon
Beverly Orr
Beverly Orr Bell
Big Heart BETTY
Bobby Orr Hockey School
Bristol Brcit Orr
Bristol Carnival Orr
Bristol Community Motion Crs Duff and Orr Association for
Bristol Mayor Brent Orr
Bristol Motion Crs Orr
Bristol Munid-were Garnet Orr
Bristol View Betty
Bristol View Betty Lou
Bristol; Basil Orr
Carnival Queen Betty Lou Twolan
Children Garnet Orr
Childrens Ronnie Orr
Chrysler Milton & Theresa Hahn Raeburn Orr Kelly
City Beneath Thé Sea Robert Ryan Susan Ball Somel Betty Hutton Ralph Meeker
Clarendon Council BETTY’S BEAUTY SALON Bristol
CMW M Golf Betty Gilbertson
Contact Betty
Contact Ivan Orr
Contact Merv Orr’s School
Contact Mrs. Betty Russell
Contact Sue Orr
COUNCIL The Sports Clinic Betty
Crs Orr
Ditch Or Crash; Orr Ditches
Douglas Carson Orr
Eastern Betty Ann Hall
Eastern Star Worthy Matron Betty Johnson
Farm Forum Rally Misses Betty
Ford Murray’s Automotive Ottawa Valley Office Supplies Retro Pontiac Shawville Milling Betty
Fraser’s Clothes Store June Orr
Gall Orr for
Gall Orr Phone
Gall Orr presented
Girls Betty Chamberlin
Grocery Rachel’s Restaurant Pirie’s Gas Bar Ringrose Funeral Home Rowat Insurance Les Orr Cavan’s H
Group Taylor Orr
Guild Betty Thompson
Guild of St John’s Betty
Hair Gallery Betty Russell K&L Dairy Gladcrest Farms Shawville Milling Hardy Plants Royal Bank C.B.
Health and Welfare Betty Cameron
Heart & Jîtroke Foundation Orr
Hodgins & G Orr
Hospital Kennedy; Betty
Iona Morris and Betty Morris
J & J Gas Bar Petro Pontiac H I. Hobbs & Sons Tom Orr Cartage Construction CBL Pine IncJH&R Block
Jackets Apple Brown Betty Dinner No.
JHH Mrs. Betty Hay
JU M* DINING ROOM Weirstead Message June Orr
Lion Cecil Orr
Listen Orr
Master Photographer Orr
Master Tylor Orr
Merv Orr Transport Driver
Merv Orr’s School
Messrs. Gordon Orr
MILLIONAIRE Betty Grable Arrow
Mine Gordon Orr Dios Al
Miss Debbie Pitt and Betty Sparling
Mlaa Betty Bell
Motion Cr Orr
Motion Cr Orr Bee
Motion Cr Orr Council
Motion Cr Orr Elliott
Motion Cr Orr Thanks Parish Cemetery.
Motion Cr Orr that Council
Motion Crs C Betty Foran
Motion Crs Duff & Orr
Motion Crs Orr
Motion Crs Orr & Dagg
Motion Crs Orr & Duff
Motion Crs Orr & Pitt also
Motion Crs Orr and
Motion Crs Orr and Council
Motion Crs Orr and Dagg Council
Motion Crs Orr and Pitt
Motion Crs Orr and Pitt %
Motion Crs Orr and Pitt >
Motion Crs Orr and Pitt aC#®FienVi D.u
Motion Crs Orr and Pitt and Duff that Council
Motion Crs Orr and Pitt Clement Romain
Motion Crs Orr and Pitt Motion Crs Dagg and Department of Municipal that Council
Motion Crs Orr and Pitt QPF
Motion Crs Orr and Pitt r*
Motion Crs Orr and Pitt the
Motion Crs Orr Council
Motion Crs Orr Workshops
Motion Crs Pirie Orr
Motion Crs Pitt & Orr Code
Motion Crs Pitt and Duff Motion Crs Orr and Pitt that Council
Motion Crs Pitt and Orr
Motion Smith Rn«il Orr Vvorcro
Mrs Gordon Orr
Mrs Ronnie Orr
Mrs. Gordon Orr
Mrs. Mae Armstrong Cecil McCagg Allan Black Gamett Orr Harland Armitage Cecil McTiernan Elburn Dagg
Mrs. Orr’s
Mrs. Ronnie Orr
Municipal Crs Orr
National Bank Beth s Manicure Helen Routlitfe Northtork Country Kitchen Betty Russell - Donation
NBMA Motion Cr Orr that Council
New Party Formed Memories By BETTY
NO OBLIGATION Pontiac Printshop Ltd. Orr
Orr Affiliated Real Estate Agent
Orr Affiliated Real Estate Agent Laurie MacKechnie Affiliated Real Estate Agent Century 21
ORR Agent Immobilier
Orr Construction
Orr Construction C.B.L. Pirie
Orr Council
Orr Farm
Orr Farm Min
Orr Line
Orr Line Therefore
Orr Ministry
Orr School Hous Watch
Orr Studies
Ottawa Heart Institute Betty
Outstanding Community Service Betty Morris
Palmer Rapids Blue Merv Orr’s
PCH Head Nurse Betty Sparling
Pitt and Orr
Pitt and Orr Bussjéreg
Plaintiff ORR
POCKET FULL OF MIRACLES Glen Ford Betty Davis Color
Pontiac Chamber of Commerce Guy Ladouceur Tom Orr Cartage Construction Campbell’s Bay Ciment Pontia
Pontiac Community Orr
Pontiac Garnet Orr
Pontiac Hotel Betty Lou Twolan
Pontiac Propane Pontiac Electric Benson Auto Parts Tom Orr Cartage W A Hodgins Hardware Campbells P
Pontiac Respite Services; Betty Griffin
Pontiac Tom Orr
PRIZE WINNERS Winning Team Les Orr
Pro Life Author Betty Ryan Waltham
PROCLAMATION Betty Lou Campeau
Professional Orr
PUBLIC NOTICE Kinmvixttit Oliu» Orr
Quyon Flyers Betty
Quyon Lions Betty
Re/Max Direct Inc. Joan Orr Shawville
Reader Betty Augusts
Road Masters—Wm Orr
Ronnie Orr
Royal Bank Beckcrest Farm Pontiac Auto Betty Russell H.I. Hobbs
Royal Bank Betty Cooper
Royal Bank of Canada John Burnett Limited Ronnie Strutt Cyrus Beck Betty Ross Arlene McNamara Cathy
Royal Military Betty
Royal Orr
Ryan Motion Cr Orr
Ryan Orr
Shawville Auto Service Shawville Taxi SPSSP Stedmans V & S Tom Orr Cartage Construction Tru-Line Co
Shawville Shoe Shop Maison des Fleurs Ottawa Valley Office Suppl SpaTique / Betty Frost Pine Lodge
SHOW Betty G
Si Miss Beverley Orr
SIS Betty Murdock
Sports Martha Orr
St Missing Is Uso Orr
St Paul’s An- Idena Orr
St. Betty Morris
Statistics Canada Tom Orr
Stedmans Rhonda & Greg McCredie Tom Orr Cartage Royal Bank Décor Sylvia Shawville Ford Look Gtxid F
Taggart Construction Timber Manufacturers Tom Orr Cartage Tracy Lane Farms Vaughan Bastien Vieux Mo
Tom Orr Water
Top Valu Peanut Butter........ Betty Crocker Hamburger Helper Assorted General Mills Country Corn F
Tracylane Farm; Tubman Mobile Welding; Tom Orr Cartage; UPA Pontiac; Valley Mutual; W.A. Hodgins
Village Inn Tom Orr Stedman
Walls Basil & Doris Orr Bristol Ridge Pentecostal Church James & Frances Potter Pontiac County Wome
Wax Paper BETTY CROCKER Pie Crust Mix
Yearling View Betty Lou