Image Classification – First Results

An objective of this research is to demonstrate a means to automatically classify an image of an artifact using computer vision. I am using a method and code from Dattaraj Rao’s book Keras to Kubernetes: The Journey of a Machine Learning Model to Production. In Chapter 5 he demonstrates the use of machine learning to classify logo images of Pepsi and Coca Cola. I have used his code in an attempt to classify coin images of George VI and Elizabeth II.

Code for this is here:

The images I am using are here.

Below are my initial results; the prediction is shown below the image.

[[1.]] Prediction for /content/drive/My Drive/coin-image-processor/photos/george_vi/gvi3330.png: george_vi
[[0.]] Prediction for /content/drive/My Drive/coin-image-processor/photos/elizabeth_young/eII2903.png: elizabeth_young

…So far so good…

[[0.]] Prediction for /content/george_test_1.jpg: elizabeth_young.

[1 – footnote]

As noted above, this prediction failed.

I am not sure why yet, but here is my experience so far. On my first run through, the prediction failed for the first image of George VI too. I got the correct result when I used a larger image size for training and validation.

train_generator = train_datagen.flow_from_directory(
        target_size=(300, 300),

(above) The original code uses an image size of 150 x 150 so I doubled it in each line of the program where that size is used. I may need to use a larger size than 300 x 300.

The colours of my coin images are somewhat uniform, while Rao’s example uses Coke’s red and white logo versus Pepsi’s logo with blue in it. Does color play a more significant role in image classification using Keras than I thought? I will look at what is happening during model training to see if I can address this issue.

Data Augmentation

I have a small number of coin images yet effective training of an image recognition model requires numerous different images. Rao uses the technique of data augmentation to manipulate a small set of images into a larger set of images that can be used for training by distorting them. This can be particularly useful when training a model to recognize images taken by cameras from different angles as would happen in outdoor photography. A portion of Rao’s code is below. Given the coin images I am using are photographed from above, I have reduced the level of distortion (shear, zoom, width and height shift.)

# Keras to Kubernetes: The Journey of a Machine Learning Model to Production
# Dattaraj Jagdish Rao
# Pages 152-153

 from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 %matplotlib inline
 training_dir = "/content/drive/My Drive/coin-image-processor/portraits/train"
 validation_dir = "/content/drive/My Drive/coin-image-processor/portraits/validation"
 gen_batch_size = 1
 This is meant to train the model for images taken at different angles.  I am going to assume pictures of coins are from directly above, so there is little variation
 train_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(
     fill_mode = "nearest",    
 train_generator = train_datagen.flow_from_directory(
         target_size=(300, 300),
 class_names = ['elizabeth_young','george_vi']
 print ("generating images")
 ROW = 10
 for i in range(ROW*ROW):
     next_set =
Sample of images produced from data augmentation.

My next steps to improve the results I am getting are looking at what is happening as the models are trained and training the models longer using larger image sizes.


Rao, Dattaraj. Keras to Kubernetes: The Journey of a Machine Learning Model to Production. 2019.

[1 – footnote] This test image is from a Google search. The original image is from:

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