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Ruth Hayes

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&r=msisB5ssr- S. Hayes
0. J. Hayes
0llicc — Hayes
1-46 inoe Hayes
1085 Office—Hayes Block
10:00 Eleanor Hayes
10:15 Howard Hayes
1836 Office—Hayes
1951.. W M. HAYES.
2. Annie Hayes
20,21,22 Howard Hayes
2005 Kristine Hayes
2416 Hayes
3.00-Ted Hayes
3i/irry QYooJ W. M. Hayes
3rd Harold Hayes India
3ti| Office—Hayes
4- M. Hayes
414.20 W.J. Hayes
432-7036 W.J. HAYES
582 K Hayes
647-1942 W.J. HAYES
647-2068 W.J. Hayes
647-2546 W.J. Hayes
647-2972 W.J. Hayes
647-3861 W.J. Hayes
647-5808 W.J. Hayes
7315BA20 W.M. Hayes
8. J. Hayes
819-647-2204 W.J. Hayes
819-647-3861 W.J. Hayes
819-647-5711 W.J. Hayes
8396.00 office—Hayes
8pen- Office—Hayes
9C ** Hayes - Armstrong Janet Armstrong
A A I / W. M. Hayes
A. Carpets Hayes Funeral Home W.A. Hodglns Store
A. E. Hayes
A. Hayes
A. W. Hayes
Absent Comm Hayes
Adc’ Katherine Hayes
Addison Hayes Murphy Addison Hayes Murphy
Adult Allison Hayes Gregg Palmer
Against amendment—Hayes
AIRPORT Helen Hayes Deen Martin George Kennedy
Al Ruth’
Al- Hayes
Albert Hayes
Albert Ruth Woolsey
Alex Ruth Murphy
Alexander Cobb Hayes
Alexander Greg Hayes Paul Lang Ed Rusenstrom Mike Rusenstrom Steve Rusenstrom Jeff Russell Matt Sal
Alexander Mel-1 Office—Hayes
Alexander Miss Ruth Sharpe
Alexander o Hayes.
Alfred Hayes
Alice Hayes
Allan Gerald Hayes
Allen Hayes
Allison Ruth Also El
Alma Hayes
Also Hayes
Alvin Brown Mahlon Hayes
Alvin Brown Mr. Mahlon Hayes
Alvin Hayes
Amy Creighton spent Pearl Hayes
And Major Hayes
Anderson- W.M. Hayes
Andes Maggie Hayes
Andy Devine Teddy Hayes
Ann Campbell Ruth Fletcher Lorna MacKechnie
Ann Hayes
Ann Mc Ruth Cowley
Ann os7 W. M. Hayes
Ann Reine Ruth Girl s
Ann Ruth-
Anna (Nee Bruce Hayes
Anna Hilda Ruth Martin
Anna Robinson Ruth Wideman
Anne Hayes
Annette Hayes
Annie E. Hayes
Annie Hayes
Annual Howard Hayes
Apples Hayes
Apply Mrs W J. Hayes
Apply Mrs. W. J. Hayes
Apply W J Hayes
Apply W J. Hayes A Display Classfied
Archbishop Hayes
Archdeacon Roberts Hayes Bros.
Ari Hayes
Armstrong Ruth Armstrong and
Art and Mack Hayes
Art Hayes
Art Hayes - Maurice Lemay
Art Hayes Program
Art Hayes^El-
Arthur ?Hayes
Arthur Hayes
Arthur Hayes 661
Arthur Kennedy W. M. Hayes
Arthur Kilgour Miss Ruth Dagg
Arthur Lucas Beechgrove Steele Line W. M. Hayes
Arthur Wilson Hayes
Artist Howard Hayes
Aunt Ruth
Aunt Ruth Î''
Ayrshire—Erwin Hayes
B la Hayes Snowplowing
B.A. Mahlon Hayes
Babe Ruth
Babe Ruth Babe Ruth
Babe Ruth Story WEDNESDAY
Babe Ruth Years
Babe Ruth—he
Babe Ruth’s
Babe” Ruth
Baker Marg- Sheppard Ruth
Band Howard Hayes
Barbara Harris Prize Stone Consolidated Gwen Hayes Special
Barbara Ruth Foster
Barbara Ruth.
Bay - Hayes
Bay Dr. Marie Hayes
Bay Gwen Hayes New
Belslicr Ruth
Bennett Howard Hayes
Bergerac Allison Hayes
Bert Mahlon Hayes Mur-
Berta Ruth
Bertram F. Hayes
Bertrand Barry Zacharias Jennifer Anderson lie—Kathy Hayes Bobby Brctzlaff Michael Finnegan Ilia—Ro
Best Antique Car - Bruce Hayes
Beth Rayma Hayes
Betty Hayes
Beverly Ruth Fleugel
Bill Hayes
Bill Lasalle W. M. Hayes
Bill Luxton Ruth Beardsley
Billy Carson June Dale Dora Harris Ruth Hobbs Joan Homer Durrell Smith Carol Stephens Eileen Watson
Billy Murray Hayes
Billy Ruth Russell
BiS ( Hayes
Bishop Teresa Hayes
Bob Beaudoin Princess Ruth
Bob Bechtold C. Edgar Hodgins Anonymous W. J. Hayes
Bob Hayes
Bob Mrs Howard Hayes
Bob Secretary Ruth Leishman
Book Marie Hayes
Boston Transcript HAYES
Brenda Lee Hayes
Brian & Ruth Hahn
Brian Hayes
Brian Tubman Hayes
Bridge M Hayes
Brown John S. Hodgins George Stones W, M. Hayes Eerl Bean Lloyd Quaile Roland Amyott
Bruce & Jane Hayes
Bruce ) Hayes
Bruce Hayes
Bruce Hayes - Sheppard
Bruce Hayes 56.7.
Bruce Hayes Moorehead Routliffe
Bruce Jennifer Hayes
Bruce Judd and Bruce Hayes
Bruce Norway Bay Senior Men’s Hayes
Bryan Alexander Albert Armstrong Teddy Hayes John Tracy Andy Devine Marshall Burke First
Bud Rowat Athol Dale Irvine Gone Mac Hayes
Bull—J C Hayes 1
By Doris Hayes
By Ruth I. McKenzie Austin Farm Forum
By- Hayes
C A I W. M. Hayes
C and Mrs Hayes
C Hayes
C J Hayes
C mncillur Hayes
C. Hayes
C. J. Hayes
C. J. Hayes Y Brough
C. Schwartz W. H. Hayes
Cameron Ruth
Candace Ruth
Captain Hayes
Carence Hayes
Carlos A. Hayes
Carlson I I • Howard Hayes
Carmen W. M. Hayes Secretary-T
Carrière Gwen Hayes Michelle As
Casselman Ruth Murdock
Catherine Hayes
Catherine Poirier Susan Marcotte Mary Hayes Grade 8— Alice Hayes Anne Meilleur Ci
Cathie Hayes
Cathy Hayes
Cecilia Ann Hayes
Celia Hayes
Celia W.M. Hayes
Central School Hayes
Chairman Hayes
Chamberlin - Hayes
Charity Game Coordinator Greg Hayes
Charles M. Hayes
Charlie Hayes
Charlie Ruth Cowley
Chiffon) Hayes
Chip returned Hayes Funeral Home
Chris Barber Hayes
Chris Hayes
Chris Judd 647-5966 Ruth Strutt
Chrisella Hayes
Chrisella Kelly Hayes Chapeau
Christine Hayes
Church WJ Hayes Funeral Home
Cis Hayes
City Province J • Phone 4- 95 HAYES’ DRESS SHOP
Ciwen Hayes
Claie/ice Hayes
Clarence Hayes
Clarence Hayes 692
Clarence Hayes ITT Strawberry Festival
Clarence Hayes----
Clarence W. Hayes
Clarence Wesley Hayes
Clarence Wesley Hayes Passes
Clarendon W M. Hayes
Clareuce Hayes
Claude Hayes
Clayton Hayes
Clifford Force Hayes
Clifford Russell-Hayes-Dods Jones
Cm Hayes
Cn Hayes
Cole Hayes
Cole J. Hayes
Color Suzanne Pleshette Rod Taylor W. M Hayes
Com M Hayes
Com Maillon Hayes
Comm Hayes
Comm M Hayes
Comm Mahlon Hayes
Comm W.M. Hayes
Comma Hayes
Commissioner M Hayes
Comms Hayes
Conduct Henry Hayes
Const!-Hayes Ambulance
Contact Heather Hayes
Contact W.M. Hayes
Convener Gwen Hayes
Cordelia Hayes
Corn Hayes
Council W.J. Hayes
Councillor Gerald Hayes
Councillor Hayes
Councillor Irwin Hayes
Councillor M. Hayes
Councillor Mahlon Hayes
Councillors George Hayes
Councillors Hayes
Counselors Hayes
Cr C Richardson Hayes
Cr Hayes
Cr I Hayes
Cr!l Hayes Next
Cra I Hayes
Crazy Hayes
Crs Black Hayes
Crs Gerald Hayes
Crs Hayes
Crs I Hayes
Crs Irwin Hayes
Crwen Hayes Thus
Curling J Hayes
CUtiWCG-tt Herbert Hayes
Cyril R. Hayes
D. Hayes
D.D. Shawville Mrs. A. Hayes
D.W. James Hayes
Dagg Mrs H Hayes
Dagg Ruth Karen
Dahras Ruth Hodgins
Dale Clarence Hayes
Dale Hayes
Dale Hiram Davis Dora Harris Elgin Hobbs Ruth Hobbs David Hodgins Irma Howard Donald Johnston Doris
Dale.......... Clarence Hayes
Dale............ Clarence Hayes
Dame Ruth Horner
Dame Ruth Karen Dagg
Danielle Hayes
Daryl Hayes
Daryl Irwin Hayes
Dash— Bruce Hayes
Dçris M. Hayes
De Luxe Karen Kelly Ruth Strutt
Dear Ruth
Dear Ruth Wyman News By* Eleanor Campbell
Debbie Ruth
Deborah Russett Ruth Gordon
Découpage Rayma Hayes
Den- W J Hayes
Denis and J Hayes
Dennis Hayes
Diane Ruth
Distinction Helen Hayes
District Governor elect Mac Hayes
District Governor elect Msc Hayes
Diversity Office—Hayes
Docteure Hayes
Docteure Marie Hayes
Doctor Hayes
Doctor Marie Hayes
Doctor Ruth Vanderstelt
Dolan- Ruth
Dolores Ruth Thu
Donald E. Ruth- His
Donald Hayes
Donald Lavallée W.J. Hayes
Donna Courchesne Dr. Marie Hayes Dr. Maurice Lamarche
Donna Ruth
Donna Ruth ARDA
Donnie Campbell Hayes
Dor- Ruth Beardsley
Doris Hayes
Doris Judd Miss Ruth Dods Mr. Nellis Hodgins Mrs.
Doris Neale Hayes
Doris Ruth
Dorothy (Hayes
Dorothy ?Hayes
Dorothy Hayes
Dorothy Hayes Promoted
Dorothy I. Hayes
Dorothy J Hayes
Dorothy Ruth Sharpe
Dorothy Schwartz Ruth Halifax
Dorothy WJ Hayes
Dot Hayes
Doug Tait Art Hayes
Douglas Stocker Hayes
Dr. Hayes
Dr. Hayes Brothers Main Street
Dr. Marie Hayes
Dr. Marie Hayes Come Worship With Us Mohr
Dr. Marie Hayes Dr. Maurice Lamarche
Dr. Marie Hayes French
Dr. Marie Hayes New
Dr. Marie Hayes Yukon
Dr. Ruth
Dr. Ruth He
Dr. Ruth Vander
Dr. Ruth Vander Stelt
Dr. Ruth Vander Stelt Family
Dr. Ruth Vanderstelt
Dr. Ruth Vender Stelt
Draper , M. Hayes
Draper Office—Hayes
Dre Ruth Vander Stelt
Drifters Howard Hayes Dean Howard Andy Clarke Don C
Drrothv Hayes
Duncan Lunam Ted Hayes
Dunn- WM Hayes
Dwight McDow- W. M. Hayes
E aine Hayes
E and Mrs Marion Hayes
E H. Hayes
E R. Hayes
E R. Hayes Sec-Treas.-R.NV.
E T ^ Hayes
E. E Hayes
E. H. Hayes
E. Hamilton) Mabel Hayes
E. K. Hayes
E. R Hayes
E. R Hayes F A. Thompson «Duncan Campbell
E. R. Hayes
E.R. Hayes
Eades Mahlon Hayes
Earlatu John Gibson W. J. Hayes Lloyd Elliott Cecil EUiott
Ed Vance Hayes
Eddie Bretzlaft Hayes Beauty Shop
Edgar Barber < Ruth
Edgar Barber and Ruth Sheppard
Editeur Hayes
Edward C. Hayes
Edward Hayes
Edward James Mahlon Hayes
Edward Mahlon Hayes
Edward Ruth
Edward Titnming..... Michael Hayes
Eileen Ruth Scb
El- W.M Hayes
Elaine Hayes
Eleanor C Hayes
Eleanor Hayes
Eleanor Hayes Agricultural Bus
Eleanor Hayes Marathon Bicycle Races Arts
Eleanor Hayes Prize
Elementary Hayes
Elementary—Miss Hayes
Elizabeth (Hayes
Elizabeth Hayes
Ella Hayes
Ellen Hayes
Ellen McCrea Hayes
Elmer Hayes
Elsie Spar- Hayes
EMBALMING A V W. J. HAYES Cream Separator
Embyle Hayes
Emily Samuel Hayes
Empire Helen Hayes Helen Hayes
Engaged 2153 Hayes Bros
Eric Hayes
Ernest Hayes
Ernest Ruth-
Erwin Hayes
Esq Cbone Hayes
Eva Andai Hostess Ruth Hobbs
Eva Armstrong to Kathy Hayes
Eva Ruth Balkan
Eva Ruth Balken»
Eva Ruth mer Theresa Stephens
Evangeline Ruth
Everett Hayes
Excellence Eleanor Hayes
Fair K » Jennifer Hayes
Fam Hayes Road
Farmer Hayes
Farmers Mis* Ruth Stanley
Featuring “Howard Hayes
Festival Tal- Hayes
Fleury Sec-Treas W. M. Hayes
Florence Hayes
Florent Howard Hayes Band
FOOL” Office—Hayes
Force Eleanor Hayes
Ford W.J. Hayes
Fort 5l0832ba24 Hayes Ambulance
Frances Hayes
Frances Ruth
Frances Ruth McKenzie
Frank Ruth Watson
Fred Miss Ruth Draper
Friends Kristine Hayes
Fundraisers Greg Hayes
Furniture F H Rowat Insurance Shawville Rotary W J. Hayes
G Hayes
G. Hayes
G. T. Hayes
Gagnon Gwendoline Hayes James D. Horner Ina Kilgour Judith Lawn Yvon Patry Bonnie Richardson FRANCO
Gail Gavan • Howard Hayes
Gail Hayes
Gail Smith Weds Herbert Nathan Hayes Ladysmith Vinton Mr.
Games Ruth Smiley Hahn
Gary Cooper Ruth Roman Mrs
Gary J. Hayes
Gates Gilbert Gilliland Greaves Hayes
Gem-ge Hayes
Gene Hackman " Three Tough Guys" Isaac Hayes
George Bretzlaff Mrs. Ruth Bretzlaff
George Campbell Mrs. Irwin Hayes At
George Hayes
George Herman Ruth
George J Hayes
George Mrs. Hayes
George Ruth
George Stew- Hayes Funeral Home
Gerald Hayes
Gerald Hayes Donald
Gerald Marion Hayes
Gerald McKenny Cartage Giant Tiger Hair Reflections Hardy Plants Hayes Funeral Home
Gertie Riley W. J. Hayes
Gertrude Ruth Ziani de Ferranti
Gil-from W J Hayes
Gilbert Hayes
Gilbert Mr. W. J. Hayes
Gilpin-, Bruce Hayes
Gladys Ruth
Glen Daughters Donna and Hayes
Glen Hayes
Gordon Broad Jump— Bruce Hayes 17’6’
Grade 7—Elaine Hayes
Grade V—Betty Hayes
Graduate McGill Vnlverott}) Office—Hayes
Graham Hayes
Graham Mr. W. J. Hayes
Grant Fades Hayes
Grc# Hayes
Greg / Hayes
Greg and Jennifer Hayes
Greg and Lome Hayes
Greg Hayes
Greg Hayes And
Greg Hayes Inspects
Greg Hayes Lion
Greg Hayes THANIiS Wadge
Greg §6M Hayes
Gregory Hayes
Gregory Hayes.
Grey - Hayes Funeral Home 58+11 Murray
Grey Hayes
Guy and Karen Ruth
Guy Boisvert Gaétan Dumouchel Fence Guy Pieschke W.J. Hayes
Gwen B Hayes
Gwen Hayes
Gwen Hayes President
Gwen L Hayes
Gwendoline Hayes
Gypsies Jennifer Hayes
H- Hayes
H. Hayes
H.rolJ Hayes
Halerie Roberts Ib—Heather Hayes le—Delbert Stephens 2a—Rita Kirkham 2b—David Russell 2c—Karen Davi
Hally Ruth Bidden# St Lambert
Ham James Hayes
Ham-to Clarence Hayes
Hannah Ruth Letts
Hannah Ruth Loken
Hansom Hayes
Hardy Plants K&L Dairy Products C.B.L Pirie Enterprises André Chartrand W.J. Hayes
Hardy Plants Shawville 647-2680 W.J. Hayes
Haro d Hayes
Harold Hayes
Harold Hayes 1
Harold Hayes AI
Harold Hayes Floral
Harold Hayes Municipal Council
Harold Hayes O.
Harold Hayes U.l BUFFALO
Harold Hayes Visiting
Harold Hayes With
Harold Hayes’
Harrington Ruth Murdock
Harris W. M. Hayes
Harris R.C.A.M.C. Kingston Art Hayes R.C.A.M.C.
Harry 7-2782 Hayes Funeral Home 7-2736 Hayes
Harry 8. J. Hayes SUPPLIES June
Harry A. Hayes
Harry Dale Ruth Strutt
Harry Hayes
Harry Hodglns Hayes
Harry M. Hayes
Harry Mrs. J. P. Hayes
Harvey Me- Mrs. Harold Hayes
Hawley Hayes
Hayes Ottawa Valley Antique Association
Hayes "
Hayes " Block
Hayes - Jackson
Hayes A
Hayes A 1 K
Hayes A Andy Clark
Hayes A Son Funeral Home
Hayes A Sons
Hayes A Sons Funeral
Hayes A Sons Funeral Home
Hayes A Sons Funeral Village
Hayes A Sons Mrs. Arthur Hayes Marv
Hayes Admission
Hayes Ai Sons Funeral Home
Hayes Am- Knudson
Hayes Ambulance
Hayes and Margaret Michaua
Hayes B
Hayes B Sons
Hayes Band
Hayes Bea ttv Shop Haye* Funeral Home Hayes
Hayes Beauty Parlor
Hayes Beauty Parlour
Hayes Beauty Salon
Hayes Beauty Shop
Hayes Beauty Shop Repairs
Hayes Beauty Shoppe
Hayes Beauty Shoppe Clearance Sale
Hayes Beauty Shoppe) Buddy Hacket Comedy
Hayes Bert Montgomery
Hayes Bios
Hayes Bios.
Hayes Block
Hayes Block Centre
Hayes Block Centre St
Hayes Block Centre St Ottawa
Hayes Bock
Hayes Bracebridge
Hayes Bras
Hayes Brm
Hayes Bros
Hayes Bros Ambulance Cummings
Hayes Bros Mrs Edward Stewart
Hayes Bros,
Hayes Bros, Dr Morissette
Hayes Bros, Mrs Belvo Armitage
Hayes Bros, Rev.
Hayes Bros, Roy Bretzloff
Hayes Bros, _ _ _
Hayes Bros.
Hayes Bros. Burial
Hayes Bros. Ever
Hayes Bros. Funeral
Hayes Bros. Funeral Home
Hayes Bros. Inez Maheraf
Hayes Bros. Mary
Hayes Bros. Mary Kahoa
Hayes Bros. SpeciaJ Shawville
Hayes Bros. Travail
Hayes Bros. Wife Ruby
Hayes Brother
Hayes Brothers
Hayes Brothers Business Personals Harold Hammond
Hayes Brownlee
Hayes Cards
Hayes Carried
Hayes Celebrate Their Fortieth Wedding Anniversary Parishioners
Hayes Chanted Mrs. Kelley
Hayes Chapeau
Hayes Chapel
Hayes Cheryl Campbell
Hayes Citizenship
Hayes Classic
Hayes Closest
Hayes Comer
Hayes Comteé
Hayes Congratulations
Hayes Consultants
Hayes Converter
Hayes Converters
Hayes Corner
Hayes Cost
Hayes Creek
Hayes Curling Trophy Thursday
Hayes Currently
Hayes Dave Brown Bill Riddell Don Paul Ron MoCredie
Hayes Dean
Hayes Deceased
Hayes Delegates
Hayes Dies
Hayes Emmerson
Hayes Englehart
HAYES Eric A. Smith
Hayes Esq.
Hayes Every
Hayes Family Reunion Weekend
Hayes Family Smith
Hayes Farl Findlay
Hayes Farm
Hayes Feb. 2
Hayes Fimer-
Hayes First
Hayes Fisher
Hayes Fishing
Hayes Forever
Hayes Fu Pembroke
Hayes Fu- County
Hayes Fu-Homer
Hayes Fu-personnes
Hayes Fuieral Homr
Hayes Fuller*
Hayes Fun
Hayes Fun- Always
Hayes Funentf
Hayes Funer- Rust Ri»
Hayes Funer-Morrisburg
Hayes Funerai
Hayes Funeral
Hayes Funeral Active
Hayes Funeral And
Hayes Funeral And Krose
Hayes Funeral Ann
Hayes Funeral Attention
Hayes Funeral But
Hayes Funeral Ca
Hayes Funeral Carleton Place
Hayes Funeral Chapel
Hayes Funeral Chapel Quyon Hockey
Hayes Funeral Christianity
Hayes Funeral Could Home
Hayes Funeral D.R.
Hayes Funeral Directors
Hayes Funeral Elliott
Hayes Funeral Factory Lab
Hayes Funeral Heme
Hayes Funeral His
Hayes Funeral Ho Shaw
Hayes Funeral Hoir Fastball
Hayes Funeral Home
Hayes Funeral Home Applications
Hayes Funeral Home August
Hayes Funeral Home C.B.L.
Hayes Funeral Home Calumet Island
Hayes Funeral Home Carson Hodgins W.A. Hodgins Home Hardware J & J Grocery Killarney
Hayes Funeral Home Chapel
Hayes Funeral Home Clarendon Hotel Powell
Hayes Funeral Home Computers Stone Container Pontiac Electric Murray
Hayes Funeral Home Glen McDougall
Hayes Funeral Home Golden Peak
Hayes Funeral Home Hacs
Hayes Funeral Home Havelin
Hayes Funeral Home International
Hayes Funeral Home Mutual W.A. Hodgins Home Riverside Jam Hardware Roulotte
Hayes Funeral Home Nepean
Hayes Funeral Home Rev.
Hayes Funeral Home Shawville
Hayes Funeral Home Shawville Clarendon Fire Home Hardware Department Hursty
Hayes Funeral Home Shawvllle
Hayes Funeral Home Staff
Hayes Funeral Home Staterooms
Hayes Funeral Home THAinM Dumouchel
Hayes Funeral Home W.A. Hodglns Store FULL-TIME
Hayes Funeral Home W.A. Hodglns Store J& P Furniture Kelly
Hayes Funeral Home Your
Hayes Funeral Homel Dunlop
Hayes Funeral Homes
Hayes Funeral Homs
Hayes Funeral Hone
Hayes Funeral Hoz
Hayes Funeral June
Hayes Funeral L Sfmv
Hayes Funeral McLaughlin
Hayes Funeral Miljour
Hayes Funeral Ont
Hayes Funeral Par-
Hayes Funeral Pariour
Hayes Funeral Parlor
Hayes Funeral Parlors
Hayes Funeral Parlour
Hayes Funeral Parlours
Hayes Funeral Peggy Alexander
Hayes Funeral Proulx
Hayes Funeral QC
Hayes Funeral Robert Evans
Hayes Funeral Service C.B.L.
Hayes Funeral Sherry Myna
Hayes Funeral SUNDAY
Hayes Funeral Wishing God
Hayes Funeral With
Hayes Futeraf Home
Hayes Garfield—Canal
Hayes Gordon Alexander
Hayes Government—a
Hayes Governor
Hayes Grant
Hayes Grant Eades
Hayes He
Hayes Heather
Hayes Hill
Hayes Home
Hayes Homestead
Hayes Honored
Hayes Honours
Hayes Hospital
Hayes Hosson
Hayes Hutchison
Hayes I
Hayes I Schedule____
Hayes I W John Hughes
Hayes I*
Hayes If
Hayes Ii
Hayes Ilia—Robert Halupka II Ih—Ruth Atkinson IVa—Barbara Cone IVb—Carol Elliott IVc—Helen Hayes Va
Hayes In- Bom Angelina Hodglns
Hayes Iroi.
Hayes Is
Hayes It
Hayes Ivor.
Hayes Jackson
Hayes Jaime Christie
Hayes January
Hayes Jfc Sons Funeral Home
Hayes JjUlettjrkiwri^in
Hayes Jubillee
Hayes Judd.—11
HAYES K Cream Separator
Hayes Katherine
Hayes Kays
Hayes Keith Emmerson Funeral Home
Hayes Kept Engine Running Joe McGuire Dies
Hayes Kyla
Hayes L
Hayes L Barry Hodgins 1
Hayes L Canada Mrs Roland Graham 1
Hayes Ladies
Hayes Lady Bond Monument
Hayes Lake
Hayes Lane
Hayes Line
Hayes Lm
Hayes Lone
Hayes Marathon
Hayes Marries Bill Smiley
Hayes McAllen
Hayes McGuire
Hayes Mean
Hayes Memo-
Hayes Memorial
Hayes Memorial Christopher Telford Gordie Block Kyle Meredith Allen Memorial Tyler Cluff James Smit
Hayes Miller
Hayes Miss Eva Howard
Hayes Moves
Hayes Mr*
Hayes Mr.
Hayes Mrs
Hayes Mrs Gordon Brownlee
Hayes Mrs.
Hayes Mrs. Draper
Hayes MU)
Hayes Murphy
Hayes Named New Lions
Hayes No.
Hayes Norway Bay
Hayes Obituary
Hayes Open
Hayes Paj
Hayes Parking Lot
Hayes Parlour
Hayes Parlour Quyon
Hayes Parlours
Hayes Passes
Hayes Pays Visit
Hayes Percy Belsher
Hayes PJL
Hayes Precious
Hayes Prodigious
Hayes Qn
Hayes R Docks Solos
Hayes Rd
Hayes Rd.
Hayes Reed
Hayes Reg
Hayes Res
Hayes Residents
Hayes Reunion
Hayes Road
Hayes S
Hayes S Sons
Hayes S Sons Funeral Home
Hayes S.c-Tr*et
Hayes Sac-Trees
Hayes Sat.
Hayes Saturday
Hayes School
Hayes Sec
Hayes Sec-Treas
Hayes Sec.
Hayes Sec.-Treas
Hayes Sec.-Trees
Hayes Sec.-Trees William O Meant Wilson
Hayes Secrétalre/Secretary P.S.
Hayes Secretary
Hayes Secretary Peterborough Canoe Co.
Hayes Secretury-T
Hayes Secty
Hayes See Trees
Hayes Shawville W.l
Hayes Sheen
Hayes Si Sons Funeral Home
Hayes Simon Clarks Howard Hayes Mississauga Express Band All Weekend
Hayes Smart
Hayes Smith
Hayes Sons
Hayes Spe-
Hayes Special
Hayes St Sons Funeral Home
Hayes Sum
Hayes Summerfield
Hayes Summerfield Shawville
Hayes Summerfleld
Hayes Tbos
Hayes The
Hayes Third
Hayes Thomas
Hayes Timeshare Resales
HAYES Toronto
Hayes Tray
Hayes Treasurer
Hayes Trophy
Hayes Trophy Chevalier
Hayes Trophy Curling Club
Hayes Trophy-Mens
Hayes Undertaking
Hayes Undertaking Rooms
Hayes Une
Hayes Vice-Pres
Hayes W Chisnell W J Black Sam Dale Jim Caldwell Bert Hodgins Alex Hazard Keg
Hayes W J & Sons Ltd Funeral Home
Hayes W J & Sons Ltd.
Hayes Ward
Hayes We
Hayes Wednesday
Hayes Wendy
Hayes Woods
Hayes Your
Hayes" Block
Hayes* Block
Hayes- Andy Michaud
Hayres Harold Hayes
Heather Hayes
Heather Hayes Jackson
Hekn Hayes
Helen Hayes
Helen Hayes Central Hospital
Helen Hayes Jane Bretz
Helen Hayes Lorna Barber
Helen Rout- Jane Hayes
Henderson Miss Ray ma Hayes
Henri Hayes
Henry Horner IVc—Helen Hayes
Henry MeCord W. M. Hayes
Herbert Gillis Hayes
Herbert Hayes
Herbert N. G. Hayes
Herbert Nathan Hayes Photo
Heritage Crafts Annie Eleanor Hayes
Herman Ruth
Hi Gwen Hayes
Hkw J Hayes
Hodgms Greg Hayes Steve McCord
Holland Ruth Holland
Hollis Barber .......... Clarence Hayes
Hollis Barber ........... Clarence Hayes
Holstein»—Irwin Hayes
Honor Madelon Hayes
Hospi Hayes
Hostess Rayma Hayes
Howa d Hayes
Howard 4bd20 Hayes
Howard Hayes
Howard Hayes 9:00
Howard Hayes All
Howard Hayes Band
Howard Hayes Band Al
Howard Hayes Catering Phone
Howard Hayes Charlie Muldoon
Howard Hayes Country Drifters Toll Free
Howard Hayes Country Drillers
Howard Hayes Country Ju-billee
Howard Hayes Late
Howard Hayes Ron McMunn
Howard Hayes Up-date
Hubert Hayes
Hugh A. Hayes
Hull Principal Mrs Una Hayes
I C. Hayes
I J. Hayes
I w.J. Hayes Funeral Home
I''.eree Hayes
I...... Clarence Hayes
Ida Hayes
Ida Verna Hayes
IMlss Hayes
In- W J Hayes
Included Rayma Hayes
Incumbent Office—Hayes
Insfi-Miss Ruth Horner
Instructor Eleanor Hayes
Ion Hayes
Ion Hayes 204
Irwin and Ron Hayes
Irwin Hayes
Irwin Hayes 250
Irwin Hayes Fay McDowell
Irwin Hayes Marks
Irwin I Hayes
Irwin J Hayes
Irwin J. Hayes
Irwin James Hayes
Is* Office—Hayes
It Hayes
Iverson A Hayes
Iverson A. Hayes
I’aktok Plain White Oflice—Hayes
J BI Hayes
J C Hayes
J C Hayes 2
J C Hayes I
J C. Hayes
J Cole Hayes
J Hayes
J hayes December
J Maggie Hayes
J me Hayes On
J W. M. Hayes
J. C Hayes
J. C. Hayes
J. Cole Hayes
J. Cole Hayes Passes
J. F. Hayes
J. Gibeault Hayes
J. T Hayes
J. V. Hayes
J. W. Hayes
J.C. Hayes
Jack Lemmon June Aljyson Jacques Bergeras Allison Hayes Horror Drama
Jack Wintario Lornie Hayes
James ( ole Hayes
James (ole Hayes
James Arthur Hayes
James C. Hayes
James Cole Hayes
James Hayes
James Mahlon Hayes
James Moffatt W. J, Hayes
Jane Hayes
Jane Hayes Lorraine Hodgins
Jane Hayes Ringrose Denture Therapy
Jane Hayes Terry Sparling
Jane Ruth
Janes Hayes
Janet J Hayes
Janet Reilley Ruth Fuller
Janet Ruth
Janice Ruth
Janice Ruth.
January 23,1985 Hayes Funeral Home
Jayne Hayes
JC Hayes
Jean and Ruth
Jeff and Ruth Hudgins
Jeffrey Larsen Gwen Hayes Special Prize
Jen Hayes
Jenna Hayes
Jennetta Ruth Curry
Jenni-were Ruth Sharpe
Jennie Hayes
Jennifer Hayes
Jenny Hayes
Jerome Mrs. Mahlon Hayes
Jerry Barber and Mahlon Hayes
Jerry Barber Lion Robert Carswell Lion Darwin Elliott Lion Serge Guillemette Lion Mac Hayes Lion Bi
Jerry Schwartz Ruth Hahn
Jewellers Lloyd Hodgins Furniture KJ.D.S. W J. Hayes
Jim Hayes
Jim-J Hayes
Jimmy Ruth Belsher
Joan Ruth
Joan Ruth Smart
Joan Stark Ruth Westbrook
Joanne Hayes
Joe Ruth
Joeh Hayes
John and Ruth ?née
John and Ruth Beardsley
John and Ruth Murdock Spotswood
John and Ruth Murdock What
John and Susan Mrs Hayes
John Armstrong Joan Chamberlain Ruth Dagg Jimmy Davie Andy Devine Harwood Doherty Sandra Draper Bar
John Car- Hayes
John Gra j Hayes
John Hayes
John Hayes Ham*
John Helen Hayes Dan Dailey Richard Conte Linda Christian Anne Bancroft Linda Christian Gordon MacR
John Jane Hayes
John Langford Steve Hamilton Shawville R.A. Kids Ron Fades Richard Meisner H I. Hobbs Jane Hayes
John Valu-mart W.J. Hayes
Johnny K. Ruth
Jon Hayes
Jonathan Hayes
Joseph D Sloan Hayes
Josie Hayes
Joyce Ruth
Jr.----MaW Hayes
Jr—Mable Hayes
Judd AM Hayes
Judy Ruth Cowley
Jules M Hayes
Julia Pa- Eleanor Hayes
K ion Hayes
K. A. Hayes
K. Hayes
K. R Hayes
K. R. Hayes
Katharine Hayes
Katharine Hayes- Summerfield
Katherine Hayes
Katherine Hayes Summerfield
Katherine Hayes-Summcrfield
Kathie Hayes
Kathleen Craig Ruth
Kathleen Lamb Publicity Convenor Mrs Gwen Hayes
Kathy Hayes
Kathy Hayes Christine Smart
Kathy Hayes DeMerchont-Kennedy Photo
Katie Elliott Kay Woodley W. J. HAYES
Ken McDowell Sam Hayes
Ken Ruth
Ken Wilson Trophy W.J. Hayes
Kennedy Repairs Giant Tiger Hair Reflections Hardy Plants Hayes Funeral Home
King Henry V. When Ruth
King- J. Hayes
Kl- e Hayes
Kristine Hayes
L Bruce Hayes
L Hayes
L W. M. Hayes
Ladies Presidents Trophies Gwen Hayes
Largest Dog - Jennifer Hayes
Larry Greg Hayes
Larry Hayes
Lathe Work Ron Hayes
Lawrence A Doris Barber, Hayes
Lee Hayes
Lee Pultz) Ida Hayes
Lei Ian Hayes
Lena Ruth Smiley
Leona Tanner Jennifer Hayes
Leonard W. M. Hayes
Leslie Ruth
Leslie Ruth Howard Is
Liberals Mrs. Harold Hayes
Library Irwin Hayes
Linda Ruth Cooper
Lind» Hayes
Lion M. Hayes
Lion Mac Hayes
Lion Mack Hayes
Lion Mahkm Hayes
Lion Ted Hayes
Lionctte Gwen Hayes Saturday
Lionetle Gwen Hayes
Lionette Gwen Hayes
Lionette Gwen Hayes Canada Day
Lionette Una Hayes
Lionettes Gwen Hayes
Litchfield Chemin Hayes
Little Kathy Hayes
Llyal Bean Mac Hayes
Logan W J Hayes
Loi- Hayes
Loin Hayes
Lois (Hayes
Lois Evelyn Hayes
Lois Hayes
Lome Draper-Hayes
Lorn C J Hayes
Lornie Hayes
Lorraine Ruth Hearty
Lottie Bra* Hayes
Lou-Anne Ruth to Blake Anderson Caldwell
Lough Hayes
Louis Leach William Leach Jay Payette W J Hayes Utchfied Council July Meeting
Louise Hayes
Love Ruth
Lovely Cathy Hayes
L’niversitv Office—Hayes
M ah Ion Hayes
M Hayes
M innerva Hayes
M o Hayes.
M S Hayes
M- Hayes
M-chæl Hayes
M. D. Hayes
M. E. Hayes
M. Hayes
Ma rione Hayes
Mabel Hayes
Mac Hayes
Mac Hayes choice
Mac" Hayes
Mac) Hayes
Mac* Hayes
Mack Hayes
Mackenzie King Una Hayes
Made Ion Hayes
Made-Ion Hayes
Madeion Hayes
Madelaine Hayes
Madeleine Gravel Secrétaire-Tresorier Ruth Wideman
Madeleine Hayes
Madelon Hayes
Maggie Hayes
Mah Ion Hayes
Mah-lon Hayes
Mahîon Hayes
Mahkro Hayes
Mahlon "Mac" Hayes
Mahlon Hayes
Mahlon Ion Hayes
Mahlori Hayes
Mahlou Hayes
Mahlun Hayes
Maillon Hayes
Major Hayes
Mali Ion Hayes
Margaret E. Hayes
Margaret Hayes
Margaret K. Hayes
Margaret M. Hayes
Margaret Ruth
Margaret Ruth Bell
Margaret Ruth Houghton Mannix
Maria Ruth Homer Mrs Meryl Horner
Maria Sybil Ruth
Marian Hayes
Marie Hayes
Marilyn Ruth Neill
Mario Hayes
Marion Hayes
Marion Hayes FOUND
Marion Hayes Wolf
Marion Kathleen Hayes
Marion Ruth Wickens
Marjoiie Hayes
Marjorie Elliott OBITUARIES Beatrice Ruth Powles Marjorie Sarah Elliott
Marjorie Grant and Mahlon Hayes
Marjorie Hayes
Marjorie Hayes Manary
Marjorie Hayes-Manary
Marjorie Hayes.
Marjorie Marjorie (Hayes
Marjorie Misst Hayes
Marjorie Ruth
Marjorie Ruth to Mr. Lawrence Everett Rooney
Mark Hayes
Marlaine Hayes
Marlon Hayes
Marsha) Hayes Funeral
Marshall—Harold Hayes
Martha Hayes
Martha Ruth.
Martin Helen Hayes
Mary -I Hayes
Mary Ann Hayes
Mary Campbell - Ruth Woolsey
Mary Hahn Hayes
Mary Hayes
Mary Hayes-Valentine
Mary Myresas Ruth
Mary Ruth
Mary Ruth Dev
Mary Ruth.
Mary W J Hayes
Mary W. J. HAYES
Mavis Ruth Joy
May Ion Hayes
Mayhew Saturday W M. Hayes
Maylon Hayes
Mayor Cotie Hayes
Mayor Hayes
Mayor Lee Hod-gins with Mack Hayes
Mayors Hayes
McGiHUniversity Office—Hayes
McGill Uni Hayes Block
McGill University Hayes
McGill University) Office—Hayes
McGillUDiversity Office—Hayes
McGillUniversity Office—Hayes
McGiUUniversity Office—Hayes
Me- Ruth
Mehlon Hayes
Mélanie Ann to Duane Hayes
Melanie Sarah Ruth Hodgins Jeff
Mervyn Hayes
Messers W.M. Hayes
Messieurs Irwin Hayes
Messrs Irwin Hayes
Messrs W M Hayes
Messrs. George Hayes
Messrs. Irwin Hayes
Me— Mrs Hayes
Mias Ella Hayes
Mias Ida Hayes
Mias R. Hayes
Mias Ruth Horner
Michael Hayes
Michael Hayes 2
Michael Hayes 3. Single
Michael Hayes Notice
Michel Hayes
Mid-Summer Mahlon Hayes
Middlemiss W.J. Hayes
Midget B Hayes
Mies Ruth Gibson
Mike Fin- Miss Ruth Dagg
Mike Hayes
Mildred Hayes
Mils Marjorie Hayes Honoured
Mim Lois Hayes
Mine Martha Hayes
Minerva D. Hayes
Minerva Dale Hayes
Minerva Hayes
Mis Harold Hayes
Mis Ruth Sharpe
Mis* Betty Hayes Honoured Mrs.
Mis* Hayes
Misa Dot Hayes
Misa Ruth Bancroft
Miss A Hayes
Miss Betty Hayes
Miss Ella Hayes
Miss Helen Hayes
Miss Lois Hayes
Miss Madeion Hayes
Miss Madelon Hayes
Miss Margaret Hayes
Miss Muriel Hayes
Miss Naudett Hayes
Miss R Hayes
Miss Rayma Hayes
Miss Rayma Hayes Pontiac Holstein Club Hostess
Miss Ruby Hayes
Misses Ruth Graham
Misses Ruth Hodgins
Misses Ruth Kiiloran
Misses Ruth Westbrook
Mission Helen Hayes
Miss’Marjoiie Hayes
Mitts Office—Hayes
Ml* Ruth Dods
Ml* Ruth James
Mli ce—Hayes
Mme Hélène Hayes
MMM Howard Hayes
Mn Irvin Hayes
Mnt Clarence Hayes
Model—Minerva Hayes
Monique Hayes
Moran W J Hayes
Morley Hayes
Morning Prayer 10.301 Ofliee—Hayes
Morris Irwm Hayes
Motion Crs Hayes
Motion Hayes
Mr Claude Hayes
Mr Cole Hayes
Mr Hayes
Mr Irwin Hayes
Mr M Hayes
Mr M Hayes Aug
Mr MahIon Hayes
Mr Mahlon Hayes
Mr Ruth Murdock
Mr Samuel Hayes
Mr Thomas Hayes
Mr W J Hayes
Mr W.M. Hayes
Mr# M Hayes
Mr# Pearl Hayes Is
Mr, Cole Hayes
Mr, Irwin Hayes
Mr, Richardson W. M. Hayes
Mr. C. Hayes
Mr. Clarence Hayes
Mr. Cole Hayes
Mr. Haiold Hayes
Mr. Harold Hayes
Mr. Hayes
Mr. Irwin Hayes
Mr. Irwin Hayes - Shawville
Mr. K R Hayes
Mr. L Hayes
Mr. M Hayes
Mr. M. Hayes
Mr. Mac Hayes
Mr. Mack Hayes
Mr. Mahlon Hayes
Mr. Maillon Hayes
Mr. Malilon Hayes
Mr. Martin Hayes
Mr. Mehlon Hayes
Mr. Michael Hayes
Mr. R E. Hayes
Mr. Richardson W. M. Hayes
Mr. Sam Hayes
Mr. Samuel Hayes
Mr. Ted Hayes
Mr. Teddy Hayes
Mr. Vole Hayes
Mr. W M Hayes
Mr. W M. Hayes
Mr. W. Hayes
Mr. W. J ___________ - Hayes
Mr. William Hayes
Mr. Willie Hayes
Mr.s P Hayes
Mr; Hayes
Mr? Art Hayes
Mrs Bill Hayes
Mrs Carson Hayes
Mrs Dennis Hayes
Mrs Eleanor Hayes
Mrs Ervin Hayes
Mrs Erwin Hayes
Mrs H Hayes
Mrs Hayes
Mrs Howard Hayes
Mrs Irwin Hayes
Mrs J Hayes
Mrs M Hayes
Mrs MahIon Hayes
Mrs Mahlon Hayes
Mrs Marion Hayes
Mrs Mrs Hayes
Mrs W.M. Hayes
Mrs, Harold Hayes
Mrs, Pearl Hayes
Mrs, Solomon Hayes
Mrs- P. Hayes
Mrs- W.M. Hayes
Mrs. 8. Hayes
Mrs. 8wen Hayes
Mrs. A Hayes
Mrs. A. Hayes
Mrs. Art Hayes
Mrs. Arthur Hayes
Mrs. Bert Hayes Murphy
Mrs. Bessie Hayes
Mrs. C.(office—Hayes
Mrs. Clarence Hayes
Mrs. C’arence Hayes
Mrs. E R. Hayes
Mrs. E. Hayes
Mrs. E. R. Hayes
Mrs. Edward Hayes
Mrs. Edward Young ... Clarence Hayes........ Leonard Mee
Mrs. Edward Young Clarence Hayes
Mrs. Eieonor Hayes
Mrs. Eleanor Hayes
Mrs. Erwin Hayes
Mrs. Erwin Hayes Sl
Mrs. Everett Hayes Mr.
Mrs. G. Hayes
Mrs. Gwen Hayes
Mrs. Gwen Hayes Guide
Mrs. H Hayes
Mrs. H. Hayes
Mrs. Hahlon Hayes
Mrs. Harold Hayes
Mrs. Harold Hayes Citizenship
Mrs. Harold Hayes It
Mrs. Harold Hayes Mrs. Cynthia Draper Mrs. Maye Armstrong
Mrs. Hayes
Mrs. Hayes Bereaved Mrs.
Mrs. Hazel Hayes
Mrs. HJ Hayes
Mrs. Humid Hayes
Mrs. Ir-rn Hayes
Mrs. Irwin Hayes
Mrs. Irwin Hayes Social Con-$
Mrs. Irwin Hayes Teapot Stand
Mrs. J C Hayes
Mrs. J. C. Hayes
Mrs. J. Hayes
Mrs. jean Hayes
Mrs. M Hayes
Mrs. M. Hayes
Mrs. M. Hayes Dainty
Mrs. M. Hayes G.P.
Mrs. Mac Hayes
Mrs. Mac Hayes Bush
Mrs. Mack Hayes
Mrs. Mack Hayes Chalk River
Mrs. Mah-lon Hayes
Mrs. MahIon Hayes
Mrs. MahJon Hayes
Mrs. Mahlon Hayes
Mrs. Mahlon Hayes Suddenly Stricken On Visit Here
Mrs. Mahlor Hayes
Mrs. Maillon Hayes
Mrs. Mali Ion Hayes
Mrs. MaMon Hayes
Mrs. Marion Hayes
Mrs. Mat Hayes
Mrs. Maurice Dumouchel Calumet Island W. M. Hayes
Mrs. Mehlon Hayes
Mrs. Mshton Hayes
Mrs. M«b*l Mills Mrs. Ruth Cartwright Director
Mrs. Norman Hache Miss Ruth Dagg RN
Mrs. Office—Hayes
Mrs. Owen Hayes
Mrs. P Hayes
Mrs. P. Hayes
Mrs. Pcail Hayes Mrs. McCiahcrn
Mrs. Pearl Hayes
Mrs. Pearl Hayes After
Mrs. Pearl Hayes Ml
Mrs. Pearl Hayes Mrs.
Mrs. Ruth Beardsley
Mrs. Ruth Fellowships
Mrs. Ruth Forbes
Mrs. Ruth G. Pontico
Mrs. Ruth Guest
Mrs. Ruth Hit
Mrs. Ruth Hough
Mrs. Ruth Irish
Mrs. Ruth MacLean
Mrs. Ruth Shaw
Mrs. Ruth Thumm
Mrs. Ruth TTiumm
Mrs. Ruth Wideman
Mrs. S. Hayes
Mrs. Samuel Hayes
Mrs. Solomon Hayes
Mrs. Ted Hayes
Mrs. U. Hayes Principal
Mrs. U. Hayes Telephone
Mrs. Una Hayes
Mrs. V. Hayes
Mrs. Verfion Morris Mack Hayes
Mrs. VV.J. Hayes
Mrs. W J Hayes
Mrs. W J Hayes Centre Street
Mrs. W J. Hayes
Mrs. W M. Hayes
Mrs. W. J Hayes
Mrs. W. J. Hayes
Mrs. W. M. Hayes
Mrs. W.J. Hayes
Mrs. W.M. Hayes
Mrs. William Hayes
Mrs. Wilson Hayes
Mrs. Xrt Hayes
Mrs. | Hayes Ambulance
MrsMahlon Hayes
Mrv M. Hayes
Mr» Harold Hayes
MSss Ruth Sharpe
Mu- Hayes
Muhlon Hayes
Muriel ÉStÊB Office—Hayes
Muriel Hayes
Myma Hayes
Myrna Hayes
Myrna Palmer Marjorie Homer Darwin Krose George Ruth Brian & Arlene Bretzlaff Johnny O’Malley
N councilors Hayes
Nancy Ashley Hayes
Nancy Provost Tom Armstrong Excavation Tom On Cartage Construction WA Modgms Store WJ Hayes Funeral
Nancy Ruth’s
Nathan Hayes
Nays Councillors Hayes
Neil Alder Hayes
Nivan Helen Hayes Jodi Foster 2
Norma Margaret Ruth Smiley
Norma Ruth Tweedy
Norman 552534ba8 W. J. Hayes
Norval Hayes
Norval Kilgour Hayes A Sons Funeral Clarence W, Horner
Notes Ruth Gladys Hobbs Susannah Milliken
November 20,1991 Hayes Funeral
Number- Rayma Hayes
Nurse Dorothy Hayes
Nurse Ruth
O 647-2921 Hayes
Ocelia Ruth Hays
Office - Hayes
Office — Hayes
Office-Hayes Block
Office-Hayes* Block
Office-»Hayes* Block
Office— Hayes
Office— Hayes Block
Ofliee — Hayes
Olenna Ted Hayes
Olïice — Hayes
Oliver Mowat Ruth
On- Ruth
Ont Office—Hayes
Onta- Hayes
Ontario W M. Hayes
Opal Hayes
Opal J. Hayes
Os D Hayes
Os Hayes
Osgoode Emile Hayes
Ot M. D. Hayes
Ottawa Howard Hayes
Outique Katharine Hayes
Owen Hayes
Owner Katherine Hayes Summerfield
P / Greg Hayes
P L Hayes
P P „ LeaVe Ruth
P. L Hayes
P. L. Hayes
Pahtor Office—Hayes
Palmer Allyson Hayes
Past Presi- Hayes
Pastor Quebec W. M. Hayes Sec.-Treas Andrews
Pat Levesque W.J. Hayes
Pat Schoular Doctors Marie Hayes
Patricia Hayes
Patricia McDowell........ Lois Hayes
Patricia Ruth
Patricia Ruth Pert
Patrick Cardinal Hayes
Patrick Rivet and William Hayes
Paul Hayes
Paul Mac Hayes
Paul Mrs. Mahlon Hayes
Paul Seguin John S. Hodgins Teddy Hayes PEE
Paul''s Hayes
Pearce Ruth
Pearl Hayes
Peggy Hayes
Perry Gwen Hayes Special
Peter A. Hayes
Peter Hayes
Philip Hayes
Phone R. Hayes
Phone —Dorothy Hayes Briggsr
Pierre Hayes
Please J J call Gwen Hayes
POMlble ¦ Hayes
Pontiac Co Hayes
Prayer Office—Hayes
Presents Howard Hayes
Presley - Hayes
Princess Louise Hayes
Princess Ruth Cowley
Principal Una Hayes
Principal W. M. Hayes
Program Office—Hayes
Protect What You Have W. M. Hayes
Publisher Hayes
Puppet- Rayma Hayes
R A. Grant Wedded To Arthur Hayes
R E. Hayes
R*Jrm* Hayes
R. E. Hayes
R. Hayes
R. Sly Hayes
R.D. Hayes
R.P. Hayes
Ralph Carlson • Howard Hayes
Ram Lamb Acvd Shropshire Ram HAYES
Randy Fades Ruth Racine
Ravina Hayes
Ray Hayes
Ray ma Hayes
Rayina Hayes
Rayma Hayes
Rayma Hayes Eleven
Rayma Lynn Hayes
Rayman Hayes
Raymond John- Hayes
Rayms Hayes
Raysha Ki- Hayes
Rcitram Hayes
Reading Mr. Hayes
Reid Pacey Hayes Ron.
REPAIRS R X Si Howard Hayes
Reserve W.B. Hayes
Reuben Hayes-
Rev. A J Ruth
Rev. Hayes
Rev. N. |office—Hayes Block Centre
Rev. Ruth Ann Paul
Reverend James Hayes
Richard Hayes
Richard Will# If Ruth Woolsey
Richardson Irwin Hayes
Ringrose Bros, W. J. Hayes
Rita Barber, Gwen Hayes
Rita Erwin Hayes
Ritchie KlnJcy Hayes
Ro- Hayes
Roastee Mac Hayes
Rob Howard Hayes
Robert 7-25321 Hayes Beauty Shop 7-2620 Hayes Funeral Home 7-2849 Hayes
Robert 7-2825 Hayes Beauty Shop 7-2964 Henderson
Robert 7-3814 Haves Beauty Shop 7-2628 Hayes Funeral Home 7-2904 Hayes
Robert 7-387o Hayes Beauty Shop McDowell
Robert Curtman Mr% Mahlon Hayes
Robert Hayes
Robert Hayes Beantx
Robert Hayes Beauty Shop 7-3814 Hayes Funeral Home 7-2628 Hayes
Robert Hayes Beauty Shop Hayes Funeral Home Hay*
Robert Hayes Beauty Shop Hayes Funeral Home Hayes
Robert Hayes Beauty Shop Maxes Funeral Home Hayes
Robert Hayes Beauty Shop Mayes Funeral Home Hayes
Robert I Hayes Funeral Home Hayes
Robert Tedd/y Hayes
Robert Walsh • Hayes
Robert Wilson Ken McCagg W. M. Hayes Dale Thompson Keith Horner Charlie Hines Clive Smart Howard Bu
Roberta Ruth
Rod Cameron Ruth Hussey
Ron Hayes
Ron Hayes - Motion Crs Carmen By-law
Ron McMunn Show Howard Hayes
Ron) Hayes
Ronald eanor Hayes
Ronald Hayes
Ronald McGuire W M. Hayes
Ronnie Hayes
Ronny Hayes
Rowat Insurance 647-3737 W.J. Hayes
Ruby Hayes
Run— Bruce Hayes
Russell House Hayes Undertaking Parlours
Ruth Brady McCrank
Ruth "
Ruth (Armstrong
Ruth (Atkinson
Ruth (Clarke
Ruth (Jack) McLaughlin Timmins
Ruth (Mrs Harry Leech
Ruth (Norris Cluff
Ruth 48622BJN28
Ruth 647-3855 Beattie
Ruth 8U™®njy
Ruth 8yme
Ruth A
Ruth A Eason Russell
Ruth Abeam
Ruth Acres
Ruth Acres Grade II Clinton Thompson
Ruth Adams She
Ruth Ade
Ruth Ahem
Ruth Ahem Returning Officer CoAn Lafleur Agent
Ruth Aheme
Ruth Ahern
Ruth Aim* James
Ruth Albert
Ruth Alexander
Ruth Alexandria Smart
Ruth Alexandria Williams
Ruth Allum
Ruth Alma
Ruth Amy
Ruth And
Ruth and Adelalne
Ruth and Betty
Ruth and Joan
Ruth and Larry
Ruth and Larry Reid
Ruth and Marie
Ruth and Ron
Ruth and Ron Strutt
Ruth Anent AssnriA
Ruth Ann
Ruth Ann Atkinson
Ruth Ann Carswell
Ruth Ann Paul
Ruth Ann Paul.
Ruth Ann Saulnier-Smith
Ruth Anne and Ron Paul
Ruth Arm
Ruth Arm- Hayes
Ruth Arm-were
Ruth Armitage
Ruth Armstrong
Ruth Armstrong-Rheaumé
Ruth Atkin-
Ruth Atkin-o
Ruth Atkinson
Ruth Atkinson Hitz
Ruth Atkinson RN Miss Ruth Ann Atkinson
Ruth Atkinson-Hitz
Ruth B
Ruth B MacLean
Ruth Bailey
Ruth Baillie
Ruth Bar- Alexander
Ruth Barber (Ed
Ruth Barber and Edgar
Ruth Barber, Nancy Tracy
Ruth Barber.
Ruth Barclay
Ruth Bardouche
Ruth Barrie
Ruth Barton
Ruth Bcl-sher
Ruth BcLsher
Ruth Be
Ruth Bear
Ruth Beardsley
Ruth Beardsley P.O.
Ruth Beardsley Shawville
Ruth Beardsley Shawvtlle La
Ruth Beardsley Squares
Ruth Beardsley Well
Ruth Beardsly
Ruth Beat-do
Ruth Beaties
Ruth Beattie
Ruth Beattie Allen
Ruth Beattie Vivian
Ruth Beatt’iei
Ruth Bebher
Ruth Beer
Ruth Bekher
Ruth Bel
Ruth Bel-
Ruth Bel-Mr W F Smith
Ruth Bel-sher
Ruth Bel-week
Ruth Belabor
Ruth Belcher
Ruth Beliher RN
Ruth Belsh-er
Ruth Belsher
Ruth Belsher 13.4
Ruth Belsher Uy SPECIALS
Ruth Belsher’s
Ruth Belxher
Ruth Bennett
Ruth Betsher
Ruth Beverly Ann
Ruth BeWher
Ruth Birch
Ruth Black
Ruth Bonds
Ruth Boughton Manmx
Ruth Bradley
Ruth Brash
Ruth Bretzlaff
Ruth Bretzlaff Secretary-Treasurer
Ruth Brezlaff
Ruth Brisker
Ruth Brit/aln
Ruth Brittain
Ruth Brittain_
Ruth Brock
Ruth Brock Forces Base
Ruth Brock Lots
Ruth Brown
Ruth Brown Beattie Belsher
Ruth Brown White
Ruth Brownlee
Ruth Brownley
Ruth Bruce
Ruth Bruyère
Ruth Bryan Owen
Ruth Bryant
Ruth Btelsher
Ruth Bunnells
Ruth Burgess
Ruth Burke
Ruth Burke Marries Gary Allen Pert
Ruth Butch
Ruth Byce
Ruth Byrne
Ruth Ca
Ruth Calberry
Ruth Camp
Ruth Campbell
Ruth Car- Geo
Ruth Carr
Ruth Carswell
Ruth Cartwright
Ruth Cavey
Ruth Chamberlain
Ruth Chambers
Ruth Charme
Ruth Charteris
Ruth Chatterton
Ruth Clark
Ruth Clarke
Ruth Clarke Beattie
Ruth Clarke Is
Ruth Clarke Welcome Dylan Congratulations
Ruth Clelland
Ruth Clerk
Ruth Clynick
Ruth Co
Ruth Co.*ley
Ruth Collins
Ruth Commerce
Ruth Conley
Ruth Cooke
Ruth Cordis Ixuig
Ruth Corner
Ruth Corrigan
Ruth Cow
Ruth Cow-
Ruth Cowie
Ruth Cowky
Ruth Cowley
Ruth Cowley Cordell Dubeau
Ruth Cowley Danny Dagg Carl Dale
Ruth Cowley Québec
Ruth Cowley-Duprais
Ruth Coyle
Ruth Crawford
Ruth Cried
Ruth Cull
Ruth Cullen
Ruth Cunningham Art Bradford Orillia
Ruth Curry
Ruth D#gg
Ruth Da**.
Ruth Daflfl R.N.
Ruth Dagg
Ruth Dagg and Joan Lloyd Conolly
Ruth Dagg Andre Audet
Ruth Dagg R.N.
Ruth Dagg RN
Ruth Daigg
Ruth David Bertrand Cowley
Ruth Day
Ruth Dayg
Ruth Dean
Ruth Dennison
Ruth Deor
Ruth Desmond.
Ruth Després
Ruth Dingle
Ruth Dittburner
Ruth Dividson
Ruth Dods
Ruth Donaldson
Ruth Donations
Ruth Donné
Ruth Dool-
Ruth Dorothy
Ruth Douma
Ruth Dr
Ruth Dr.
Ruth Drake
Ruth Draper
Ruth Draper 2
Ruth Dretzlaff
Ruth Drown
Ruth Drynam
Ruth Dsgg
Ruth Duds
Ruth Dunbar
Ruth Dunlop
Ruth E
Ruth Eades
Ruth Eagleson
Ruth ËL
Ruth Elder Thursday
Ruth Eleanor Hodgins
Ruth Elizabeth
Ruth Ellen
Ruth Ellen Walsh
Ruth Elliott
Ruth Ellis
Ruth Emma (Wm
Ruth Emma Roberts I
Ruth Emmcrson
Ruth Equity Ads Get Results
Ruth Ericson
Ruth ErtUh
Ruth Estelle Sylva Giroux
Ruth Eustace
Ruth Evans
Ruth Evens
Ruth Fades
Ruth Ferma
Ruth Findlay
Ruth Flet- Mrs. Livingston
Ruth Fletcher
Ruth Flood
Ruth Flood Calgary
Ruth Flood Dear Editor
Ruth Flood Goods
Ruth Foley
Ruth Foster
Ruth Frances
Ruth Frank Roy
Ruth Fraser Kent
Ruth Freltag
Ruth French
Ruth Fritz
Ruth Fuller
Ruth Fuyar- Palliative Care Unit
Ruth Fuyarchuk
Ruth Ga-lenski
Ruth Gauthier
Ruth Get
Ruth Gibson Mack James
Ruth Gipps
Ruth Gladys
Ruth Gladys Hobbs
Ruth Gladys Rusenstrom
Ruth Glodys
Ruth gmirtirv3
Ruth Godemair
Ruth Goidon
Ruth Gordoil
Ruth Gordon
Ruth Gordon 2
Ruth Gordon ISharpe
Ruth Gordon JS”
Ruth Gordon Md
Ruth Gordon Miss Eunice Ruth Gordon
Ruth Gosseline
Ruth Gow
Ruth Gra
Ruth Grace
Ruth GraD.
Ruth Graham
Ruth Graham play-1
Ruth Gran
Ruth Grant The
Ruth Granton
Ruth Green
Ruth Grier
Ruth Grodde
Ruth Grodde Thumm
Ruth Guest
Ruth H Honeywell
Ruth H. Honeywell
Ruth Hades
Ruth Hahn
Ruth Hahn Mrs Edgar Mayhew
Ruth Hahn’s Monday
Ruth Hall
Ruth Hamilton
Ruth Hansford
Ruth Hatcher
Ruth Hayes
Ruth Hdbbs
Ruth Heart
Ruth Hearty
Ruth Hearty Aug.
Ruth Hearty Dec.
Ruth Hearty Vibert Pavilion
Ruth Henderson
Ruth Higgins
Ruth His
Ruth Hiscock
Ruth Hit/
Ruth Hits
Ruth Hitt
Ruth Hitz
Ruth Hltz
Ruth Hobbs
Ruth Hobbs 4
Ruth Hobbs Janey Campbell
Ruth Hobb»
Ruth Hod
Ruth Hod-
Ruth Hod-gins
Ruth Hodgina
Ruth Hodgins
Ruth Hodgins And
Ruth Hodgins J.
Ruth Hodgins Macdonald Mrs. Bland Little
Ruth Hodgins Shirley Sly
Ruth Hodgins Smiley
Ruth Hodgins Three Rivers
Ruth Hodgins93.1
Ruth Hodtgins
Ruth Hodvins
Ruth Holland
Ruth Holland-
Ruth Holland-Hearty
Ruth Homer
Ruth Honbs
Ruth Honer
Ruth Honeywell Witt
Ruth Hor-
Ruth Hor- Mamie McGuire
Ruth Horner
Ruth Horner Muriel Zimmerling Bertha Telford Pearl Kllgour N Mabel Chisnell Rae Smart Winnifred Ham
Ruth Horner......... 2.00
Ruth Horners
Ruth Hotels
Ruth Howe
Ruth Howie
Ruth Hoy
Ruth Hoy and Karen Murawsky
Ruth Hudgins
Ruth Hussey
Ruth Hussey Sat.
Ruth I
Ruth I Norma Atkinson WÊM Sheppard
Ruth In
Ruth Ingle
Ruth Introduced
Ruth Irish
Ruth Irvine Mr. Ronald Shurtlifl
Ruth James
Ruth Jean
Ruth Jean Houghton
Ruth Jenning
Ruth Jennings
Ruth Jewell
Ruth Jewell " Muriel Watkins Mrs M M. Ross
Ruth Jg Curry
Ruth Jimmy Spotswood
Ruth Johnsen
Ruth Johnson
Ruth Johnsto
Ruth Johnston
Ruth Jones
Ruth Julie Du
Ruth June
Ruth Karen
Ruth Katies
Ruth Kelley
Ruth Kelly
Ruth Kennedy
Ruth Keon
Ruth Kiiloran
Ruth Kilgour
Ruth Kilîoran
Ruth Killoran
Ruth Kirkhope
Ruth Kitel
Ruth Klinke
Ruth Kmpe
Ruth Knees
Ruth Knox
Ruth L On Thursday Elizabeth Hahn
Ruth La
Ruth Lades
Ruth Ladysmith Debbie Thrun
Ruth Lance
Ruth Land
Ruth Lane
Ruth Latimer
Ruth Laviolette
Ruth Le Pera
Ruth Leblanc
Ruth Lee
Ruth Lee "
Ruth Leger Rivard
Ruth Leishman
Ruth Lemaire
Ruth Leonard Kluke Dec. 4
Ruth Lester
Ruth Letter
Ruth Leveris
Ruth Lindsay
Ruth Lindsay Tweedy
Ruth Lloyd
Ruth London
Ruth Lottie
Ruth Low
Ruth Lowe
Ruth Lucas
Ruth Lyn
Ruth Lynch
Ruth M Hor-
Ruth M. C. Homer
Ruth M. Van Dev-anter
Ruth Ma
Ruth Mabel
Ruth Mac
Ruth Macdougal
Ruth MacFarlane
Ruth MacKenzie
Ruth MacLean
Ruth Madeline
Ruth Mah
Ruth Maheral
Ruth Mansfield
Ruth March
Ruth Margaret Horner
Ruth Margaret Pearl
Ruth Margaret Smith
Ruth Marie
Ruth Marion Wickens
Ruth Marion Wickens Margaret Wickens
Ruth Martin
Ruth Mary
Ruth Mateson
Ruth May
Ruth Mayfield
Ruth McCallum
Ruth McCord
Ruth Mccrae
Ruth McCutcheon
Ruth McGuire O Brien
Ruth McKechhie
Ruth McKenney
Ruth McKenney J. McLeod
Ruth McKenzie
Ruth McLaughlin
Ruth McLean
Ruth McMillan
Ruth McMunn
Ruth McRae
Ruth Me
Ruth Meeks
Ruth Meld
Ruth Meldrum
Ruth Merkel
Ruth Milieu
Ruth Millar
Ruth Miller Comedy Our
Ruth Millet
Ruth Millett
Ruth Miss Al- I
Ruth Mix
Ruth Mme Clarence Pieschke de Vile
Ruth Montgomery
Ruth Moonev
Ruth Moore
Ruth Morris
Ruth Morrison
Ruth Mosher Place
Ruth Mr.
Ruth Mr. Turgeon
Ruth Mr?
Ruth Mrs. Alex
Ruth Mrs. Lunam’s
Ruth MUlett
Ruth Murdock
Ruth Muth Man
Ruth N*"-
Ruth Nelson
Ruth Nevers
Ruth Never»
Ruth Nic/nols
Ruth Nichob
Ruth Nichols
Ruth Nichols Climbs
Ruth Nickels
Ruth Noe-
Ruth Nora Dods
Ruth Norris
Ruth Norris liked
Ruth Nunley
Ruth O Reilly
Ruth Ontario
Ruth Others
Ruth Ottawa
Ruth Our
Ruth O’IUêUy
Ruth Packard
Ruth Paige’s
Ruth Paq-
Ruth Paquette
Ruth Parker
Ruth Parkinson
Ruth Parsons Congratulations
Ruth Patenaude
Ruth Paterson
Ruth Pccvcr
Ruth Pcever
Ruth Pecver-Cooke
Ruth Pee/nr
Ruth Peevcr
Ruth Peever
Ruth Percy
Ruth Phelan
Ruth Phillips
Ruth Pinch
Ruth Pirie
Ruth Po
Ruth Pontiac County
Ruth Pot- Election
Ruth Pot- Qn
Ruth Potier
Ruth Potter
Ruth Potter Directrice
Ruth Potter Lake
Ruth Potter Please
Ruth Potter Présidente
Ruth Potter Returning Officer
Ruth Potter Returning Officer 1-0-S1 Avis
Ruth Potter Returning Officer.
Ruth Potter Secrétaire-trésorière
Ruth Potter Secrétaire-trésorière SJ Sandra
Ruth Potter Secrétaire-trésorière Notice Province
Ruth Potter Secretary- Treasurer
Ruth Potter Strutt
Ruth Potter Strutt Loma Younge
Ruth Potter Strutt Lorna Younge
Ruth Potter-Strutt
Ruth Potter_ Dunn _ 0n Sundav Auaust
Ruth Powles
Ruth Powloe DIV i
Ruth Printed Text
Ruth Purdy
Ruth Quyon
Ruth R R R
Ruth Ra-
Ruth Racine
Ruth Racine Thanksgiving Weekend
Ruth Racine’s
Ruth Rad
Ruth Raone
Ruth Rappak
Ruth Ratz
Ruth Recent
Ruth Reid
Ruth Relsher
Ruth Remembrance Day
Ruth Rennie
Ruth Rennie Texas Oil Company
Ruth Retry
Ruth Reverend Father T. P. Tait
Ruth Reynolds
Ruth Rhoda
Ruth Rhoda Sharpe
Ruth Richard
Ruth Richardson
Ruth Richardson February 2
Ruth Roberts
Ruth Robertson
Ruth Robertson Luker Forestry Madawaska Golf Course
Ruth Robin-
Ruth Robinson
Ruth Rolsder
Ruth Romain
Ruth Roman
Ruth Roman Glenn Ford
Ruth Ronald.
Ruth Roon-
Ruth Rooney
Ruth Rosch
Ruth Roth
Ruth Rryan Owen
Ruth Rudnikoff Slot-
Ruth Runells Mrs. Frances Carlson
Ruth Runnellf Handicraft
Ruth Runnells
Ruth Runnels
Ruth Russell
Ruth Russell November
Ruth Russell SHAWVIUE
Ruth Russell t*0 V*
Ruth Russett
Ruth Rutherford
Ruth s Wiser Choice Ruth
Ruth Sadie
Ruth Same
Ruth Sand Bay
Ruth Sangster
Ruth Sapinsky
Ruth Sar-
Ruth Sarah Hodgins
Ruth Sc
Ruth Schade
Ruth Schlaepfer
Ruth Schneider
Ruth Schock
Ruth Scobie
Ruth Scotia
Ruth Scpbie
Ruth Seiiminn Erich Bender Dr. Erwin Burcih
Ruth Seohie
Ruth Shar-and Genevieve Chabot
Ruth Shari>e
Ruth Sharpe
Ruth Sharpe Also
Ruth Sharpe Is
Ruth Sharpe Lucas
Ruth Sharpe Visiting
Ruth Sharpe’s Gordon
Ruth Shaver
Ruth She
Ruth Shep-
Ruth Shephard
Ruth Shepherd
Ruth Sheppard
Ruth Sheppard Shirley Say
Ruth Shock
Ruth Sh«p
Ruth Simms
Ruth Simpson
Ruth Singing
Ruth Siparling
Ruth Smart
Ruth Smi-
Ruth Smiley
Ruth Smiley 1
Ruth Smiley 2
Ruth Smiley Cf
Ruth Smiley Falls
Ruth Smiley Farmer
Ruth Smiley Hahn
Ruth Smiley June
Ruth Smiley Large
Ruth Smiley Pontiac Historical Society
Ruth Smiley-
Ruth Smiley- Motors
Ruth Smiley-group
Ruth Smiley-Hahn
Ruth Smiley-Hahn 647-6424
Ruth Smiley-Hahn 819-
Ruth Smitey-Hahn
Ruth Smith
Ruth Smith Mary Lepine
Ruth Smith Other
Ruth Smith Victoria Place Mall Available Immediately
Ruth Smlley-Hahn 647-5210 K •
Ruth Snyder
Ruth Sowerby
Ruth Sparks
Ruth Sparl-
Ruth Sparling
Ruth Sparling 440
Ruth Spencer
Ruth Sperling
Ruth Springford
Ruth Stanley
Ruth Stanley Gwen
Ruth Stanton
Ruth Steiner
Ruth Stewart
Ruth Stoddart P.P. North
Ruth Strang
Ruth Strutt
Ruth Strutt 647-3646
Ruth Strutt Bill Anderson
Ruth Strutt Charles Dale
Ruth Strutt Dog
Ruth Strutt Donnie
Ruth Strutt For
Ruth Strutt GEO.
Ruth Strutt He
Ruth Strutt Judd - Russell WWW.MICKARMnAGEBAND.COM
Ruth Strutt Pésidente
Ruth Strutt Pontiac
Ruth Strutt Ralph Lang
Ruth Strutt Richard Wills ShazwitU
Ruth Strutt Shawville
Ruth Strutt There
Ruth Strutt Wade Hodgins
Ruth Strutt______ Little
Ruth Strutt’s
Ruth Strutt’s Clarendon
Ruth Sundborg
Ruth Sutherland
Ruth Swinwood
Ruth Syme
Ruth T. T. Beattie
Ruth The
Ruth Then
Ruth Thoen
Ruth Thompson
Ruth Thoms
Ruth Thoms 372
Ruth Thuhm
Ruth Thum
Ruth Thumm
Ruth Thumn
Ruth Thumra
Ruth Thurrim
Ruth To
Ruth Tolhurst
Ruth Towftley
Ruth Tubman
Ruth Twister Robert Smith
Ruth Uncle Durward Crawford
Ruth V. Bennett
Ruth V/oolsey
Ruth Valentine Dagg
Ruth van
Ruth Van Sandt
Ruth Vander Stelt
Ruth Vander Stelt Pontiac Health
Ruth Vanderstelt
Ruth Visiting
Ruth von Brentani
Ruth von Tobacco Exchange
Ruth VVickens
Ruth W"
Ruth W..
Ruth w1^
Ruth Waddall
Ruth Wade
Ruth Walsh
Ruth Walsh Richardson
Ruth Warren
Ruth Warrick
Ruth Wcstbrooke
Ruth Webster
Ruth Welcome
Ruth Well
Ruth West-presenting
Ruth Westbrook
Ruth Westbrook Lee Divine
Ruth Westbrooke
Ruth Western Rodeo
Ruth Whit*
Ruth Wick-
Ruth Wickena
Ruth Wickens
Ruth Wicket
Ruth Wide-the
Ruth Wideman
Ruth Wideman First
Ruth Wideman Mustard
Ruth Widens
Ruth William Flood
Ruth Williams
Ruth Willis
Ruth Wilson
Ruth Wilson Toronto
Ruth Winnifred Pirie
Ruth Wlckens
Ruth Woelsey
Ruth Woerenberg
Ruth Wolsey
Ruth Woo Is
Ruth Woods
Ruth Wool
Ruth Wool- Helen
Ruth Woolaey
Ruth Wooleey
Ruth Wooliey Publicity
Ruth Woollsey Publicity Convenor Quyon W.I.
Ruth Woolsev
Ruth Woolsey
Ruth Woolsey -
Ruth Woolsey Publicity Convenor Minutes
Ruth Wright
Ruth X Hilgert
Ruth XV
Ruth Z oeightorhot’d
Ruth) Mrs. Mearl Woolsey
Rutherford B Hayes
Rutherford B. Hayes
Rutherford R. Hayes
Ryan O Neal GREEN Hayes Funeral Home
S J Hayes
S. C. Hayes
S. J. Hayes
S. L. Hayes
Sale Notice Hayes
Sally Hayes
Sam Hayes
Sammie Hayes
Samuel Hayes
Samuel Hayes Is Buried Albert R. Donnelly Chartered Accountant
Samuel J. Hayes
Samuel W. J. HAYES Mr.
Sarah Ruth
Sarah Ruth Watson
Scoutmaster Bert Hayes
Sec Comm Hayes
Sec.-Treas W M Hayes
Secrétaire-trêsohère Ruth Potter Secretary-Treasurer
Secretary-Treasurer Mack Hayes
Secretary-Treasurer W M Hayes
Serial W M HAYES
Service Office—Hayes
Service Station Hayes
Sharon Brown Ruth Belsher
Sharon Ruth.
Shaw" Mrs. Mac Hayes
Shawvilk —The Hayes Family
Shawville Hayes
Shawville Hayes Beauty Salon
Shawville Mahton Hayes
Shawville Office—Hayes
Shawville W.J. Hayes
Shawville — Hayes
Sheen—Michael Hayes
Sheriff Hayes
Sherry Gwen Hayes Special Prize Shawville Businessmen
Shirley Miss Beverley Harris Miss Euella Turner Mrs. Harold Hayes Mr.
Short Storey W. M. Hayes
Showers Mesdames Hayes
Simon Barber pissed vince—Hayes Block Centre St
Simon Downey Sydney Perrault Gerald Hayes
Simuel Hayes
Sincere Hayes
Sister Dorothy Hayes Returns
Sister Teresa Hayes
Skip Gwen Hayes
Skipping Teddy Hayes
Smart Erwin Hayes
Smith Peart Hayes
Sorry Ruth.
Sour Howard Hayes Wayne Rostad
Special Hayes Bros, Rev John Pearce
SPÉCIALISTE(E) Dr. Marie Hayes Pique-nique
Sr.—Minerva Hayes
St. Hayes
Stan Hayes
Stanley Hale To Bring Bride To Bristol Double Ring Ceremony Hayes
Stark Harold Hayes
Steve Ruth
Strutt Mrs Hayes
Su- Hayes
Sud- Hayes
Susan Ruth
Susan Ruth Young
Suzie Dr. Marie Hayes
Sylvia Hayes
T Rayma Hayes
t0 thank Hayes
Tail Twister Gwen Hayes
Talko W.J. Hayes
Taylor XV J Hayes
Teacher—Annie E. Hayes
Technicolor Ruth Roman Van Heflin Big Championship Rodeo Sat
Ted Hayes
Ted Hayes Dr. Beemer
Ted" Hayes
Ted) Hayes
Ted) Hayes As
Teddy Hayes
Teddy Hayes Daryl Glenn
Teddy Hayes Lorraine Elliott
Teddy) Hayes
Tenders Pearl Hayes
Teresa Hayes
Terry Dods Hayes Funeral Home Hodgins Home Hardware Killarneys Norway Bay Golf Course K & L Dairy B
Terry Hayes
Th- Marion Hayes
The Glen Hayes Country Jamboree
The Howard Hayes Band
These d Hayes Trophy
Thomas (Hayes
Thomas Alfred Hayes
Thomas and Hayes
Thomas Hayes
Thurso Greg Hayes
Ti Ruth
Ti-bert Nathan Hayes
Tim Hayes
Timmons Wj Hayes Fu
Timmy Hayes
Timothy Hayes
To Greg Hayes
To Greg Hayes And
To- Hayes
Top Hayes
Tracy Hayes
Tracy Ruth
Turner President- Mrs Willard Elliott 1st Vice President- Mrs Art Hayes
TURNER” Isaac Hayes
U.—Irwin Hayes
Una Hayes
University Office—Hayes
University Oflice—Hayes
V M Hayes 4.97
V W. M. Hayes Sec. - Treas
V. “Howard Hayes
VALVE DONATIONS Hayes Beauty Parlor
Van Hayes
Varnish Office—Hayes
Vaughn Hayes
Velina Hayes
Velma Dagg Miss Alva Turner Miss Ruth Hornet Miss Euella Turner Miss Pearl Kilgour Miss Janet Kilgo
Vera Hayes
Vice Hayes
Victoria Genevieve Hayes Hayes
Violet Ruth -
Vir-of Howard Hayes
Vna Hayes
VV M. Hayes
VV..J. Hayes
W J" Hayes
W . M. Hayes
W .J. Hayes
W Howard Hayes
W Ï Hayes
W J Hayes
W J Hayes & Daley
W J Hayes 1
W J Hayes 4
W J Hayes 6
W J Hayes 8
W J Hayes Ac Sons
W J Hayes Armond St Louis
W J Hayes Calendars
W J Hayes Christina Bonnah
W J Hayes Convenor Margaret Cain
W J Hayes d
W J Hayes Eliza
W J Hayes Emptiness
W J Hayes Entertainment
W J Hayes er1y
W J Hayes Fanning
W J Hayes For
W J Hayes Funeial Home
W J Hayes Funeral
W J Hayes Funeral Chapel
W J Hayes Funeral Home
W J Hayes Funeral Homo
W J Hayes Is
W J Hayes Richardson
W J Hayes S Sons Funeral Home
W J Hayes Shawville
W J Hayes She
W J Hayes So
W J Hayes Time
W J Hayes Todd What
W J Hayes Wed
W J Hayes-Wooden
W J. Hayes
W J. Hayes A Sons Funeral Home
W J. Hayes Chapel
W J. Hayes Funeral Home
W J. Hayes Funeral Trisha
W J. Hayes S Sons Funeral Home
W JH Hayes
W M (Mac) Hayes
W M Hayes
W M Hayes - L
W M Hayes Athol Dale.
W M Hayes Sec-Treas
W M Hayes Sec.
W M Hayes Sec.-Treas Carried Mr. Wm
W M Hayes Secretary
W M HAYES Secretary-Treasurer
W M Hayes- President
W M I Hayes
W M, Hayes
W M. Hayes
W M. Hayes Sec.
W M. Hayes Sec.-Treas
W M. HAYES Secretary-Treasurer
W N Hayes
W ¦fi W. M. Hayes There
W “W * Ruth
W • J Hayes
W, J Hayes
W, J. Hayes
W, M. Hayes
W- J. Hayes
W- M. Hayes
W. AAahlon Hayes
W. B1 Hayes
W. H. Hayes
W. Hayes
W. J Hayes
W. J. Hayes
W. J. Hayes A Sons
W. J. Hayes Casey
W. J. HAYES Cream Separator Record
W. J. Hayes Funeral
W. J. Hayes Funeral Eldon
W. J. Hayes Funeral Home
W. J. Hayes Funeral Word
W. J. Hayes Get
W. J. Hayes Miss Kate Donnelly
W. J. Hayes Mrs. Clarence Clemmens
W. J. Hayes Mrs. Henry Horner
W. J. Hayes Never
W. J. Hayes Sc Sons
W. J. Hayes Shawville
W. J. Hayes She
W. J. Hayes Trophy
W. J. Hayes Who
W. M Hayes
W. M Hayes Nov.
W. M Hayes Sec-Tress Trans Canada Matinee Secretary
W. M Hayes Sec.
W. M Hayes Sec.-Treas PIANO
W. M Hayes Sec.-Treat
W. M Hayes Sec.-Tresuarer Shawville Council
W. M Hayes Secretary Treasurer I 25-3p Melvin Dr. R.
W. M Hayes Secretary-Treasurer Motion Crs
W. M. Hayes
W. M. Hayes Sec Trees
W. M. Hayes Sec-Treas
W. M. Hayes Sec-Treas L I COUNCIL
W. M. Hayes Sec-Trees
W. M. Hayes Sec.
W. M. Hayes Sec. - Treas
W. M. Hayes Sec.-T
W. M. Hayes Sec.-Treas
W. M. Hayes Sec.-Treat
W. M. Hayes Sec.-Trees
W. M. Hayes Sec.-Tresuarer Shawville
W. M. Hayes Sec.-Tresuarer Shawville Council
W. M. Hayes Secrea
W. M. Hayes Secretary
W. M. Hayes Secretary JOHN L. HODGINS Tree
W. M. Hayes Secretary Treasurer
W. M. Hayes Secretary-Treasure Carried
W. M. Hayes Secretary-Treasurer
W. M. Hayes Secretary-treasurer Insulation
W. M. Hayes Secretary-Treasurer Bom
W. M. Hayes Secretary-Treasurer Large
W. M. Hayes Secretary-Treasurer Rarely
W. M. Hayes Secretary-Treasurer Tom Barley
W. M. Hayes Secty
W.J. Hayes
W.M Hayes
W.M. Hayes
W.N. Hayes
Wade Hayes
Wanted W.J. Hayes
Watt Mrs. Hayes
Wednes W J Hayes
Welding W.J. Hayes
West-1 Office—Hayes
WH Howard Hayes
What Dr Hayes
When Mr. Hayes
Whereas Council Hayes
Wil Uam Hayes
William & Ruth Carroll Baker
William & Ruth How
William and Callum Hayes
William and Ruth * Johnston
William and Ruth 3BJY11
William Hayes
William J Hayes
William J. Hayes
William J. Hayes Amyotte’s
William J. Hayes Funeral Home
William James Hayes
William John Hayes
William Mahlon Hayes
William Mahlon Osborne Hayes
Willie Hayes
Willism Hayes
Wilson W J Hayes
Winner -Jennifer Hayes
Winter Sports Princess Ruth Cowley
With Hayes
WJ. Hayes
Wm Hayes
Wm J Hayes
Wm J Hayes On Friday
xsl3 Mahlon Hayes
XV M Hayes
XV. J. Hayes
XXL J. Hayes
Yach Gwen Hayes
Zimerling W J Hayes
£<>0.00 |*»r Hayes
Dr. Hayes
Eleanor Hayes
Fort Ruth
Hayes Creek
Hayes Memorial
Hayes Road
Hayes Trophy
Hayes Trophy Curling Club
K«che‘ Ruth Z oeightorhot’d
M. Hayes
Mesdames Ruth
MW WWW l W. M. Hayes
Ore Ruth
Pearl Hayes
Ruth Strutt
Wfl f l W. J. HAYES
Armstrong Teddy Hayes John Tracy Andy Devine Marshall Burke First Aid A
ASTHMATIC P.-Harold Hayes
Bank of Montreal Canadian Tire Terry Dods Hayes Funeral Home Hodgins Home Hardware Killarneys Norwa
Bank of Mr. Hayes
Bea ttv Shop Haye* Funeral Home Hayes
Beauty Shop 7-2620 Hayes Funeral Home
Beauty Shop 7-3814 Hayes Funeral Home
Beauty Shop Hayes Funeral Home Hay*
Beauty Shop Hayes Funeral Home Hayes
Beauty Shop Maxes Funeral Home Hayes
Beauty Shop Mayes Funeral Home Hayes
Blind Patsy Ruth Fergus
Bow Presbyterian Interim Moderator Rev Dr Ruth Syme
Bristol council W.J. Hayes
Bristol Hayes
Bristol J. Hayes and Sons Funeral
Bristol Mines, Morning Prayer 10.301 Ofliee—Hayes
Bristol se Villeneuve Ruth HeS
Bristol Stomp Ruth Sharpe’s
Bristol W. J Hayes A Sons Funeral Village
Bros of Hayes Funeral Home.
Bryson Correspondent W.J. Hayes & Sons Ltd.
Canadian Tire Shawville 647-2733 John Valu-mart W.J. Hayes and Sons
Canadian Tire W.J. Hayes & Sons Ltd.
Cartage Construction WA Modgms Store WJ Hayes Funeral Home Also
Central School Hayes
Charter Member Mahlon Hayes
Choice Ruth
Church WJ Hayes Funeral Home
Clarendon Ministerial Association Miss Ruth Williams
Clothes Shop Retired Pontiac Bake Shop Canadian Tire Hayes Funeral Home Computers Stone Container P
Con- W M Hayes
Con- Mac Hayes
Contact Ruth Strutt
Council W.J. Hayes & Sons
Dagenais & Family Bailey’s Coffee Company Mohr’s Garage & Restaurant Hayes Funeral Home
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Gradual o/McGi University Office—Hayes’ Block Centre St Shawville Que
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Graduate of McGill University Hayes
DAGG SURGEON DENTIST Graduate of McGill University Office ; Hayes
Dairy Hayes Manufacturing McLaren Systems Inc DeLaval
Dairy Shewvi W J Hayes & Sons Shawv.
Devine Teddy Hayes
District Governor elect Mac Hayes
District Governor Mahlon Hayes
E. Thomson Presenting HAYES’ BLOCK Fifty-four
EARLY Auctioneering Services Free Estimates Braeside Home Furnishings Ruth Murdock
Education Ruth
Eleanor Hayes Prize
Eunice Ruth Gordon
Evening Service Wednesday Bible Study Presbyterian Interim Moderator Rev Dr Ruth Syme
Evening Service Wednesday, Bible Study Presbyterian Interim Moderator Rev Dr Ruth Byrne
Evening Service Wednesday, Bible Study Presbyterian Interim Moderator Rev Dr Ruth Syme
Everett Hayes
Farm Hayes Funeral SUNDAY
Funeral Hayes Beauty Salon
Funeral Home Hayes
FURNACES Hayes* Beauty Shoppe
Gates Gilbert Gilliland Greaves Hayes
Gavan’s Hotel Gerald McKenny Cartage Giant Tiger Hair Reflections Hardy Plants Hayes Funeral Home H
Glen Hayes Country Jamboree
Gra-Iuateof McGill University Oflice—Hayes’ Block Centre St.
Graduate McGill University Office-Hayes
Graduateof McGill University Office—Hayes’ Block Centre St Shawville
Graduateof McGill University Office—Hayes’ Block Centre St.
HA U Bride-Elect Honoured TJa HAYES BEAUTY SHU*
Haves Beauty Shop 7-2628 Hayes Funeral Home
HAYES Ladies’ Spike Heel Patent Leather Fancy Trimmed Shoe
Hayes Line
Hayes &
HAYES & FINDLAY Ford Touring Car
Hayes & Son Funeral Home
Hayes & Sons
HAYES & SONS 1 Funeral Directors Shawville & Quyon Phone
Hayes & Sons A D McCredie 6i Sons
Hayes & Sons Alex Murray
Hayes & Sons Ambulance Maheral ami Service
Hayes & Sons Ann Beaulieu
Hayes & Sons Assoc.
Hayes & Sons Attending
Hayes & Sons C.B.L. Pi
Hayes & Sons Campbell
Hayes & Sons Carried Motion
Hayes & Sons Chapel
Hayes & Sons Cummings
Hayes & Sons Dean
Hayes & Sons Donnelly
Hayes & Sons DOW
Hayes & Sons F
Hayes & Sons Fire
Hayes & Sons Ford
Hayes & Sons Friends
Hayes & Sons Fu-
Hayes & Sons Fu- de
Hayes & Sons Fu- MacGregor Concrete
Hayes & Sons Fu- There
Hayes & Sons Fu- Truckload
Hayes & Sons Fu- Your
Hayes & Sons Fu-(Brenda
Hayes & Sons Fu-deliveries
Hayes & Sons Fu-Orleans
Hayes & Sons Fu-y Jy Jeanette
Hayes & Sons Fun-
Hayes & Sons Fun-family
Hayes & Sons Fun-oral Home
Hayes & Sons Funeal
Hayes & Sons Funeal Harley Richardson
Hayes & Sons Funer
Hayes & Sons Funer Lake
Hayes & Sons Funer*
Hayes & Sons Funer-
Hayes & Sons Funer- Get
Hayes & Sons Funer- Kehoe
Hayes & Sons Funer- Mass
Hayes & Sons Funer- Mrs Richardson
Hayes & Sons Funer-attended the
Hayes & Sons Funer-Harper Rennick
Hayes & Sons Funer-peacefully
Hayes & Sons Funer-Phone
Hayes & Sons Funer-ra Mackenzie
Hayes & Sons Funeral
Hayes & Sons Funeral .
Hayes & Sons Funeral aouais Regional Hospital Deepest
Hayes & Sons Funeral Arthurs
Hayes & Sons Funeral Chapel
Hayes & Sons Funeral Clifford Schwartz
Hayes & Sons Funeral Directors
Hayes & Sons Funeral Directors J Shawville
HAYES & SONS Funeral Directors Shawville
HAYES & SONS Funeral Directors Shawville & Quyon Phone
HAYES & SONS Funeral Directors Shawville & Quyon Phone 647-2221 Management and Staff BAIE PONTIAC B
HAYES & SONS Funeral Directors ¦ Ambulance Service Shawvllle
Hayes & Sons Funeral Division
Hayes & Sons Funeral Each
Hayes & Sons Funeral Ebert
Hayes & Sons Funeral Emmett
Hayes & Sons Funeral General Hospital
Hayes & Sons Funeral Gilles
Hayes & Sons Funeral Governments
Hayes & Sons Funeral H>me
Hayes & Sons Funeral He
Hayes & Sons Funeral Hodgins
Hayes & Sons Funeral Home
HAYES & SONS Funeral Home - Shawville
Hayes & Sons Funeral Home - Shawville/Quyon Pontiac Mallard Fish and Game Club
Hayes & Sons Funeral Home .
Hayes & Sons Funeral Home 134 Centre Si Shawvwe
Hayes & Sons Funeral Home and
Hayes & Sons Funeral Home Chapel
Hayes & Sons Funeral Home Cowley
Hayes & Sons Funeral Home for Life
Hayes & Sons Funeral Home for Stewart
Hayes & Sons Funeral Home Forever
Hayes & Sons Funeral Home Fred Dagg
Hayes & Sons Funeral Home Grier
Hayes & Sons Funeral Home In
Hayes & Sons Funeral Home MARRIAGE
Hayes & Sons Funeral Home Mra Dayton Larocque
Hayes & Sons Funeral Home Quebec
Hayes & Sons Funeral Home Shawville
Hayes & Sons Funeral Home Shawvllle
Hayes & Sons Funeral Home the
Hayes & Sons Funeral Home Wednesday
Hayes & Sons Funeral Home.
Hayes & Sons Funeral Homes 819-647-2221
Hayes & Sons Funeral Homes FALL FEVER BOOK SALE Saturday
Hayes & Sons Funeral Homes Shawville
Hayes & Sons Funeral Hone
Hayes & Sons Funeral Horie
Hayes & Sons Funeral Horn* Rev
Hayes & Sons Funeral Horner
Hayes & Sons Funeral Hume
Hayes & Sons Funeral Hurry
Hayes & Sons Funeral If^me SHAWVILLE FAIR September
Hayes & Sons Funeral Jeff Russell
Hayes & Sons Funeral K
Hayes & Sons Funeral Kathleen
Hayes & Sons Funeral Lance
Hayes & Sons Funeral Lindsay
Hayes & Sons Funeral M Hodgins
Hayes & Sons Funeral McDowell
Hayes & Sons Funeral McKenny
Hayes & Sons Funeral Milton
Hayes & Sons Funeral Morin
Hayes & Sons Funeral Parlor
Hayes & Sons Funeral Parlors
Hayes & Sons Funeral Parlours
Hayes & Sons Funeral passed
Hayes & Sons Funeral Paul McGee
Hayes & Sons Funeral Rita Harris
Hayes & Sons Funeral Ro
Hayes & Sons Funeral Robinson
Hayes & Sons Funeral Russell Mee
Hayes & Sons Funeral r_Fath
Hayes & Sons Funeral Saturday
Hayes & Sons Funeral She
Hayes & Sons Funeral the
Hayes & Sons Funeral There
Hayes & Sons Funeral Timmins
Hayes & Sons Funeral Woermke
Hayes & Sons Funeral |
Hayes & Sons Funeral-_
Hayes & Sons Funerpl Home
Hayes & Sons Get
Hayes & Sons Hcunhan
Hayes & Sons He
Hayes & Sons Lightlaser Technology Inc 1-800-
Hayes & Sons Ltd
Hayes & Sons Ltd 819-647-2221
Hayes & Sons Ltd 819-647-2221 DEATH Dagenais
Hayes & Sons Ltd Funeral Home
Hayes & Sons Ltd hai
Hayes & Sons Ltd on
Hayes & Sons Ltd Richardson
Hayes & Sons Ltd,
Hayes & Sons Mabel Dagenais
Hayes & Sons Monday
Hayes & Sons Murdock Glass Glad Crest Farms Windy Top Farms Windy Hill Farms McLaughlin Haulage Rad
Hayes & Sons North Vancouver
Hayes & Sons NU
Hayes & Sons Olga
Hayes & Sons Ottawa
Hayes & Sons Pallbearers
Hayes & Sons Patricia Russell
Hayes & Sons Pontiac Federal Liberal No 443 RCAF Spitfire Funeral Home
Hayes & Sons Pontiac Welding & Small Engine Repair La Brasaerle Labatt Ltd.
HAYES & SONS Quyon Shawville
Hayes & Sons Reinhard
Hayes & Sons Seeing
Hayes & Sons SOW;
Hayes & Sons Street
Hayes & Sons the Wesleyan Church
Hayes & Sons There
Hayes & Sons They
Hayes & Sons Trophy
Hayes & Sons Trophy LETTERS
Hayes & Sons Ud Funeral Home
Hayes & Sons Village
Hayes & Sons | J * Funeral Home
Hayes & Sons-
Hayes & Sons; Lamb’s Corner Shawville Fair
Hayes & Sons’ Funeral Home
Hayes &i°n-and Sons Funeral Home McCann
Hayes &t Sons Funeral Home
Hayes * Sons
Hayes * Sons Funeral Home
Hayes 4 Sons Funeral Home
Hayes 4 Sons Funeral Home Cows
Hayes 6 Sons Funeral Home
Hayes <& Sons Fun- Mr.
HAYES A Famous Cemetery
HAYES A FINDLAY Ford Touring Car
HAYES A FINDLAY Surprise Party
HAYES À FINDLAY Well Improved Farm
HAYES A Reduction
Hayes A Sons
Hayes A Sons Funeral Clarence W, Horner
Hayes A Sons Funeral Home
Hayes A Sons Funeral Home.
Hayes A Sons Mrs. Arthur Hayes Marv
Hayes Ac Sons
Hayes ana Sons Funeral Home.
Hayes and Sons
Hayes and Sons Fun.ral Home
Hayes and Sons Funeral
Hayes and Sons Funeral Belanger
Hayes and Sons Funeral Coleman
Hayes and Sons Funeral Directors
Hayes and Sons Funeral Directors Shaw
Hayes and Sons Funeral Directors ShawviHe
Hayes and Sons Funeral Directors Shawville
Hayes and Sons Funeral Director^ Shawville
Hayes and Sons Funeral E
Hayes and Sons Funeral Expert
Hayes and Sons Funeral Gracefield
Hayes and Sons Funeral Home
Hayes and Sons Funeral Home 1
Hayes and Sons Funeral Home Donna
Hayes and Sons Funeral Home HW
Hayes and Sons Funeral Home In
Hayes and Sons Funeral Home March
Hayes and Sons Funeral Home Quyon
Hayes and Sons Funeral Home Shaw-ville
Hayes and Sons Funeral Home Shawville
Hayes and Sons Funeral Home Shawville Methodist Church
Hayes and Sons Funeral Home Sincere
Hayes and Sons Funeral Home the
Hayes and Sons Funeral Home.
Hayes and Sons Funeral Kingsbury
Hayes and Sons Funeral Melanie
Hayes and Sons Funeral Montreal
Hayes and Sons Funeral Only
Hayes and Sons Funeral Parlors
Hayes and Sons Funeral Treasure
Hayes and Sons Funeral Weirstead
Hayes and Sons Ltd
Hayes and Sons Services
Hayes At Sons Funeral Home
Hayes B Sons
Hayes Beauty Parlor
Hayes Beauty Salon
HAYES Boxed Handkerchiefs Lingerie Hosiery Silk Scarfs Compacts Fapetries
HAYES Boxed Handkerchiefs Lingerie Hosiery Silk Scarfs Compacts Papetries
HAYES Bristol Public Schools Th@
Hayes Bros
Hayes Bros and Ker
Hayes Bros and Mrs. Dubois
Hayes Bros and Rev Ed AAcCaig
Hayes Bros and Rev Owen MacPherson
Hayes Bros and Rev Priesler
Hayes Bros Die UCW
Hayes Bros end Mr. Gerald Hodgins
Hayes Bros for
Hayes Bros Funeral Home
Hayes Bros Glen Hodgins
Hayes Bros Mi* Ltd pre-mi*
Hayes Bros part
Hayes Bros state
Hayes Bros welcome
Hayes Bros with Rev A Morgan
Hayes Brothers
Hayes Brothers DOHERTY—In
Hayes Brothers Funeral Home
Hayes Brothers Funeral Home.
Hayes Brothers Funeral Home;
Hayes Brothers Peach
Hayes Elementary School
Hayes Farm
Hayes fit Sons Funeral Home
HAYES For Service Registered Holstein Bull—Sir Echo Burke
Hayes Funer- Municipal de Litchfield
Hayes Funeral Word
HAYES Furniture Department S #
HAYES Furniture Department SIMMONS Davenport Bed
HAYES Hoi Unger Mine Predicted
HAYES Hunter & Company
Hayes k Sons Funeral Home
Hayes Line
Hayes Line Moved
Hayes Line Road
HAYES Men’s Oxfords
HAYES Mr. John Grant
HAYES New All-wool Army Blankets—a
Hayes ond Sons Funeral Home
HAYES Propriktor
Hayes S Sons
Hayes S Sons Funeral Home
HAYES Secretary Treasurer Clarendon School Board
HAYES Secretary Treasurer Clarendon School Board i Brighten
HAYES SHAWVILLE Secret of Long Lite
Hayes Sons
HAYES Spring Underwear
Hayes Telephone
Hayes* & Sons
Hayes’ Line
Heritage Crafts Annie Eleanor Hayes
Hobbs & Sons 647-2814 Rowat Insurance 647-3737 W.J. Hayes & Sons 647-2221 Shawville Milling Co. Ltd
Hodgins Teddy Hayes PEE WEES—
Home Supplies Pontiac House Hotel Hayes Funeral Home Clarendon Hotel Powell s Auto Service Hewitt E
House Hayes Funeral Home.
Howard Hayes
Howard Hayes Country Drifters Toll Free
II J Hayes & Sons Funeral
Inter Ruth Leger Sivard
IWJ Hayes & Sons
J HAYES & SONS Funeral Home-
J-Hayes and Sons Funeral
J. Hayes & ; Sons
J. Hayes Sons
J. Hayes Sons Funeral Home
J. School of Interior Design Hayes and Sons Funeral 1443-38 McArthur Ave
JEFF & RUTH HODGINS Daniel Normandeau
KRM Logistics Larry & Ruth Robertson Luker Forestry Madawaska Golf Course
l Mr. Mahlon Hayes
Lion Dak and Lionette Merle Thomson Lion Mahlon and Lionette Gwen Hayes
Lion District Governor Mac Hayes
Lion Jerry Barber Lion Robert Carswell Lion Darwin Elliott Lion Serge Guillemette Lion Mac Hayes Li
Lion Lionettes Gwen Hayes
Lion Mac Hayes
Lion Mahkm Hayes
Lion Ted Hayes
Lodge Meets Hayes
Logs End Inc Jim Hodgms Greg Hayes Steve McCord Shawville - Royal Bank Bristol, Shawville
Master Arthur Hayes
McDonald, Esq Cbone Hayes
McDonald, Mrs. Hayes
McGH University Office—Hayes
McGil University Film Program Office—Hayes
McGIl University New Spring Styles Just Arrived ALL-TALKING PICTURES Office—Hayes* Block
McGil University Office-Hayes
McGil University Office—-Hayes
McGil University Office—Hayes
McGil University Office—Hayes* Block
McGil University Pahtor Office—Hayes
McGill University Office—Hayes
McGill University At Foresters Office—Hayes* Block Centre St Shawville
McGill University MARRIED Office—Hayes’Block
McGill University Office New Daytime Frocks Hayes
McGill University Office-Hayes
McGill University Office-Hayes’ Block Centre St.
McGill University Office—Hayes
McGill University Office—Hayes* Block
McGill University Oflice—Hayes
McGill University ORice-Hayes
McGill University Ortice—Hayes* Block
MeGil University Office—Hayes
Milking Equipment VV.J. Hayes Funeral Home
Mine Martha Hayes
Miss Lois Hayes
Miss Ruth
MoGil University Office—Hayes
Motion Crs Hayes
Motion Crs Irwin Hayes
Mr. Everett Hayes
Mr. Teddy Hayes
Mrs. Art Hayes; Health & Welfare
Mrs. Erwin Hayes
Mrs. Everett Hayes
Mrs. Everett Hayes Mr.
Mrs. Mac Hayes
MuGil University Office—Hayes
Municipal Code Mayor Hayes
Municipal Council of Mayor Hayes
Municipality CllcirtCFlS Chronicle Hayes
Murray s Sports & Automotive Supply 647-2550 647-2236 W. J. Hayes & Sons Ltd.
Mutual Insurance W.J. Hayes & Son Funeral Home ?
National Farm Forum Execu-ive; Ruth MacKenzie
NfcGil University Office—Hayes Block
NlcGil University Office—Hayes
Nominating Committee of Gwen Hayes
North Country Rod Cameron Ruth Hussey
Norval Wilson & Son; Sheppard Motors; W. J. Hayes & Sons; Pontiac Farm Equipment; Ernies Body Shop;
NOTICES Hayes Funeral Home.
Old Reliable o W. J. HAYES
Pembroke Hospital Mias RUth McDougeL Carleton Place
PM — Special Singing Every Service Miss Doris Hayes
Pontiac Agricultural Society W.J. Hayes A Sons Erf
Pontiac Co Hayes
Pontiac Co. Perman-Miss Ruth Ellen
Pontiac Community Hospi Hayes
Pontiac Community Hospital and Hayes Funeral Home and Archdeacon Roberts
Pontiac Community Hospital and Hayes Funeral Home.
Pontiac Community Hospital and W J Hayes & Sons Funeral Home.
Pontiac Community Hospital and W J. Hayes and Sons Funeral Home.
Pontiac Community Hospital Ruth Gordon
Pontiac Comunity Hospital and Hayes Bros.
Pontiac County Memorial Service Office—Hayes
Pontiac Electric Donald Hodglns Electric Inc Shawville Ford W.J. Hayes
Pontiac Hayes
Pontiac Hayes''cottage
Pontiac High Hayes Family Reunion
Pontiac High Hayes School
Pontiac Plowmens Association Ruth Cowley
Pontiac Ruth
Portage du Hayes & Sons Funeral Fort
PREMIERE ASSEM- ers, W.J. Hayes & Sons Funeral
Protestant School Hayes
Public Notice W, J HAYES.
qs6 Call Ruth Strutt
ROWAT General Insurance W. J. HAYES & SONS Ecology Factor Spells End
Royal Hayes
Royal Solomon Hayes
Russell House Hayes Undertaking Parlours
Ruth Belsher & Èarl Bean
Ruth Donaldson of Perth
Ruth Equity Ads Get Results
Ruth Hearty Vibert Pavilion
Ruth Potter Secretary-Treasurer 0-1-D2 Triennial Roll
Ruth Roman
Ruth Shep- Cola Co
Ruth Wideman Telephone Company
Ruth-tural Engineer
Ruth’s Church Auxiliary Group
Sat-i Mac Hayes
Sault College Dr. Marie Hayes PLANTS SHRUBS
Scotiabank Hayes Sports Deep
Second Wor-ter Ruth
Sewerage Committee Crs Hayes
Shawville Decoration Service Office—Hayes
Shoe Shop l W J. Hayes & Sons Ltd.
Si Howard Hayes
Skipping Teddy Hayes
Social Assistance Service Mrs. Irwin Hayes Social Con-$
Sour Howard Hayes Wayne Rostad
St. Ann Hayes
Store Hayes Funeral Home Carson Hodgins W.A. Hodgins Home Hardware J & J Grocery Killarney
Study Presbyterian Interim Moderator Rev Or Ruth Syme
Su-Hayes & Sons Funeral
T. D Rowe and Hayes Bros —Annie Brown
TEXACO Mrs. Ruth MacLean
THE EQUI- Hayes & Sons Funeral TY
Tiger Hair Reflections Hardy Plants Hayes Funeral Home Hursty’s Bar & Grill J & J s Gas Bar John Va
Tobacco Ruth
Toys Books & Games Ruth Smiley Hahn
United Church Auxiliary end Hayes Funeral Home.
United Church Women and Hayes Funeral Home
Violet mar-Hayes & Sons Funeral Dean Tubman
VV J Hayes
VV J Hayes & Sons Funeral Home.
VV J Hayes & Sons Funeral RevFr G Proubt
Vv.J. Hayes & Sons
W J Hayes & Sons SSSv
W.J. Hayes & Sons
W.J. Hayes & Sons Chapel
W.J. Hayes & Sons Funeral
W.J. Hayes & Sons Funeral Home
W.J. Hayes & Sons Funeral Home In
W.J. Hayes & Sons Funeral Home.
W.J. Hayes & Sons Funeral Homes
W.J. Hayes & Sons Funeral Homes Shawville
W.J. Hayes & Sons Lid
W.J. Hayes & sons Ltd on
W.J. Hayes & Sons Ltd.
W.J. Hayes & Sons Otter Lake
W.J. Hayes & Sons Shawvilie
W.J. Hayes Sons
W.J.Hayes and Sons Fineral Home
WJ .Hayes and Sons Funeral Home
WJ Hayes
WJ Hayes &
WJ Hayes & JohnHiram Elliott
WJ Hayes & Sons Fu- Stove
WJ Hayes & Sons Funeral Home
WJ Hayes & Sons Funeral Home.
WJ Hayes & Sons Funeral Home;
WJ Hayes and Sons
WJ Hayes and Sons Fty
WJ Hayes and Sons Funeral
WJ Hayes and Sons Funeral Home
WJ Hayes and Sons Funeral Home.
WJ Hayes Funeral Home
WJ Hayes Hodgins