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Gingrich Mrs Donald Bainard Miss Diane

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(Mrs Wesley Me
--- Mrs.
0f Mrs Emily Connel
0f Mrs John John Lawn
0f Mrs Rodger Laframbose
0f Mrs W Corrigan WM
1-arkin Mrs Michael Perrier
1.75 G Miss 1C.
10-2 Mrs Ivan Carroll
14—Mrs H
19.50 Mrs. Frederick H. Judd Dies Lugris
1949 Mrs. Graham
1997 Mrs W < Mr
1FW Mrs. Gerard Power Mrs. Gerard Power
1st Mrs J Cunningham1
2. Lloyd Balhar- Mrs.
2. Lloyd El- Mrs. Nancy Hughes
2. Mrs K Hudgins
2. Mrs.
2.95 Mrs. Wesley Hodgins
2500 Mrs Wesley Palmer
2nd Mrs B C Carswell
2nd Mrs J > -3 Driving
2nd Mrs J Cunningham
2nd Mrs L | Ward
2nd Mrs R Trudeau
2nd Mrs. Peden Wilson
3. Mrs J A Smith
3rd Mrs J Bowden.
3rd Mrs. Harper Rennick
3rd Mrs. Win
451-2950 Mrs. Harper Young
4SI-Mrs E S. Bishoo Luskville P O.
5.00 Mrs. Fred Schroeder.
6-R-33 Mrs. Betty MacDonald
6.—“Miss Allen
646-7693 Mrs Graham
647- Mrs. Neil Saturday
647-2430 Mrs.
647-2772 Mrs Ross
647-3231 Mrs. Grant Fades
647-3714 Mrs Norris Horner
647-3823 Mrs Jean Morrison Shew-I Owner
647-5553 Mrs. Clifford Horner
692573bfl7 Mrs. Fred Lefremboise
6th Mrs Ella Thoms
72,427 Mrs. Grant Rade#-------
8. Mrs
8. Mrs Austin Dagg
8ftry Mrs. David Hall
9th Mrs Kenneth Egan
A" Eviscerated Tender Plump Mrs. Edward Leduc
A-s M Donald
A. H Graham Mrs.
A. Howard R. R. A. Marksmen Trim Carp Miss Lynda Lang
A. Mrs Armstrong
A. Russell Mrs
A. Turner Miss I. Shaw Skip
AArond Mrs Earl 0IÏ16D S
Abbott Miss Bertha Cameron
Abraham Lincoln Mrs.
Ac-1 Desmond Hod- Mrs. Everett Moore
Academy—Miss Ryan
Acton Smiley Mrs. Herbie Martin
Ad Hodgins Earl Hodgins Miss Pearl Brown Mrs.
Adam Hod Mrs. Gordon Bradley
Addison Mrs Beulah Hodgms
Adecco Vinton Diane Boisvert
Adeline Mrs
Adolphe Mrs Denis Newoerry
Agnes Co emon Mrs. Mary Sly
Agri- M S Bert Stark Citizenship- Mrs.
Agri- Mrs Gerald Draper Citizenship- Mrs
Agriculture Mrs J Russell
Agriculture Mrs. Gerald Draper
Agriculture-Miss H Graham
Agriculture—Mrs Rena Graham
Ah Mrs. Mct-agg
Aime Hssiamhrc Mrs. John A. Dean
Al J McGuire Mrs Rena Ladouceur
Al Mrs.
Al* Mrs. Neil McArthur
Al- Mrs Harold Campbell Bish
Al- Mrs Jeff O Brien
Alain Mrs Blanche Wilson
Alan Mrs Rita Kasobuski
Alarm Mrs Lester Hodgins
Albert Arm Miss Rhonda Cummings
Albert Armstrong Edgar Schwartz Sylvia Hodgins Chris Judd Ëason Russell Donald Stevens Boyd Barber
Albert Armstrong Mrs Mary Allen
Albert Armstrong Shawville Rebecca Gingrich Princeton
Albert Laporte Mrs Renaud Rainville
Albert Ma- Mrs Dollard Desabrais
Albert Mrs Bill Toison
Albert Mrs. Friends
Albert Mrs. Rowat
Albert Tanner Mrs.
Albert Tanner Mrs. Thomas Smith
Alder Mrs Wanda Smith
Alderman Mrs. Bake
Alex Armstrong Mrs. Sam Woods
Alex Armstrong---- Mrs. Sam Woods
Alex Chartrand- Mrs Thomas White
Alex H Homer George Palmer Mrs R P Eadts Mrs C H McLean
Alex Hudgins Mrs.
Alex Ijtcroix Mrs. Archie Hcnchy
Alex Lapierre- Mrs Pearl Dougherty
Alex Mac Donald
Alex Mc Donald
Alex Mrs Hillis Thompson Ottawa
Alex Mrs Pearl Allan
Alex Mrs. Jean Paul Care
Alex Mrs. Mary Johansen
Alex Pigeon Mrs. Alex Pigeon
Alex Ryan - Mrs Celia Derouin
Alexander Miss Eva Alexander Mrs. Gerald Armltage Ira Sturgeon George W. Smith Gordon Stewart
Alexander Miss Ruth Sharpe
Alexander Miss Susan Sharpe
Alexander Motion Mrs. Caldwell
Alexander Mrs. J. Horner Mrs.
Alexander Mrs. John Knox Mrs. Geo
Alexander William Campbell Dies After Lengthy Illness Mrs.
Alfred Burke Mrs. Is.dore Beauregard
Alfred Lord Tennyson Mrs John R McDowell
Alfred Mrs Frank Finnigan Sr.
Alfred Mrs John McKenzie
Alfred Mrs Julie St-Jean
Alfred Mrs. A. Proudfoot Mrs.
Alfred Mrs. Douglas Campbell
Alfred Mrs. R. Smith
Alfred Russell Mrs. Tolbert McCorriston
Alice Bruce Pinned Miss Edith Young
Alice Donald Mclnnes
Alice E. Chase Mrs. Herb Brown
Alice Gravelle Mrs- Adolph Thoms
Alice Helena Bruce RN Weds Donald Crosley MacKenzie
Alice Jacques and Mrs.
Alice Mrs. Camay
Alice Mrs. Herb Mullens
Alice Mrs. Roger Dufault
Alice Pig- Mrs. Alexandre Tremblay
Alice) Mrs. Armand Renaud
All MRS.
Allai Mrs Lloyd Conolly
Allan Donald Swinwood
Allen Meredith Miss Grace McCaffrey
Allen Mrs Arnold McColgan
Allen Mrs.
Allen Thomas Hicks Robitalle Bazialle Archilbald Muir Robert Murrell Thomas Murrell 3 Mrs.
Allison A Kathleen Com- Mrs Fred Stevens
Allumette Island Those Mrs. Sherwood Grant
Alma Hobbs Mrs Rebecca Wilson
Alma Horner Mrs.
Also Mrs Marie Greer
Also Mrs Sam Klein Cris
Also Mrs. Gerald Horner
Alta Mrs. David Robertson
Alvin Kelly Mrs.
Alvin Palmer Miss Minerva Sparling Miss Elma Dale Miss Lewina Harkness Mrs. Ed.
Amanda Mrs Doreen Chabot
Amm Mrs. Danny Farrell
Amùnta Woods Mrs. Gordon Russett
Amy (Mrs Clarence Peatman
Amy Barber Miss Hilda Harris Miss Mona Armstrong Mrs. Mayo Armstrong Mrs. Cynthia Draper Mrs. Lois
Amy Barber, Mrs. Keith Corrigan
Amy Corrigan Mrs. John Belsher
Amy Dean and Mrs, Leslie Dean
Amy Elliott Honored Miss Amy Elliott
Amy Hudgins 2. Mrs R
Amy Mrs Alwyn Dale
An-Miss Anne Henderson
Ancasler Mrs. Sean OBvrne
Anchor Mrs. Itutierfurdi
Andai Donald S. Hodgms
Anderson Miss Alice Hod
Anderson Mrs Ernie Hearty
Andra Martin Color Mrs.
Andre Mrs. James P. Connelly
Andre Sration Miss Page
Andrée Mar- Diane Blaskie
Andrée Martin Mrs Devlin
Andrée Martin Mrs Glen Saunders
Andrew & Mrs. W. Taylor
Andrew Bennett Mrs Steele
Andrew Hedging Mrs.
Andrew J Middle-miss
Andrew Mrs Evelyn Pelletier
Andrew Mur- Mrs. George Black
Andrew Mur- Mrs. N.l HFS Mrs.
Andrew Richards 2. Toilet Set—Mrs Thomts Reid
Andrew Russell MRS.
Andrew s Knox United Donald Sharpe
Andrew Tubman Diane Stephens.....647-5855 Trisha White
Andrew......... Madame Mrs. Salmon John Stafford
Andrews H Mrs Nettie Fulfcrd
Andrews Knox Radford Auxiliary Al Mrs.
Andrews Ladles Auxiliary Mrs. D Campbell
Andy Fraser - Kevin Oattes Mrs. Sharon Halligan
Andy Murray :md Mrs. Lloyd Elliott
Angela Mrs Minerva Sparling
Anglican Mrs Lawson Stanley
Anita Mrs Linda McLellan McCrank
Ann Kelley Miss Hilda Harris Mr.
Ann Kingdon By Mrs. Ebert Murphy
Ann Mac Donald
Ann Marie Dean Miss Ann Marie Dean
Ann Mrs Dick Dumas
Ann Mrs.
Ann Mrs. Garnet Jones
Ann Thomp Mrs Anna Stones
Anna Miss Sinclair
Anna Mrs
Anna Mrs Olive Hayward
Anna Mrs.
Anna Mrs. Sipplf
Anna Smith Mrs. Oarl Ebert
Anna Somers Mrs.
Anna Vinsi Mrs. Elizabeth Hahn
Anna) Hry Mrs Donat Duboau
Anne Britdowonh Mrs Jean the
Anne Fumerton Mrs Phoebe McCord
Anne Fumetrton Secretary—Mrs
Anne Maloney Donald Ac Brenda Maloney Morgan
Anne Mrs
Anne Mrs Ernie Hearty
Anne Mrs,
Annette Har- Mrs Rita Lepine
Annie Reid Mack-and Mrs. Harold Fokes
Anniversary Mrs Russell PILON GARAGE INC.
Anthony Diane
Anthony J. Wright Miss Melba Moore
Antoine Mrs
Ap* Mrs Ross Beck
Applv Mrs. Leonard Mee
Apply Donald Fraser
Apply Freeman Grant 647-3421 Mrs.
Apply Mrs Edgar T.C.R.A. Connelly
Apply Mrs Grant Eades
Apply Mrs Grant Eudes
Apply Mrs Louise Derouin
Apply Mrs Reed
Apply Mrs W J. Hayes
Apply Mrs.
Apply Mrs. Campbell
Apply Mrs. Carmen Bretzlaff
Apply Mrs. Carmen Wickens
Apply Mrs. Clifford Lapine
Apply Mrs. Eckardt Elliott
Apply Mrs. Ella Hampel
Apply Mrs. Fred Thoms
Apply Mrs. Grant
Apply Mrs. Ivan Sicard
Apply Mrs. J D. Brown
Apply Mrs. Kenneth McDowell
Apply Mrs. Kenneth Smiley
Apply Mrs. Marie Hamilton
Apply Mrs. Melvin
Apply Mrs. Melvin Mayhew
Apply Mrs. Melvin Smith
Apply Mrs. Melvin Younge
Apply Mrs. Neil Hodgins
Apply Mrs. Neil Hodgins 647-3312
Apply Mrs. Norris Horner
Apply Mrs. Russell Elliott
Apply Mrs. Russell Ta
Apply Mrs. Secil Sly
Apply Mrs. Stephen Bell
Apply Mrs. W J. Brownlee
Apply Mrs. W. J. Hayes
Appointed Supervisor Mrs. George A. McDougall
Appointment Mrs. Gilbert Armstrong
April Mrs Frankie Monnett
Ar- Mrs. Graham Smith
Archie Mrs. Clif Dale
Argyl Mrs.
Armand Mrs Kathleen Spotswood Pembroke
Arminta McDowel Mrs. Jos
Arminta McDowell Mrs. Jos
Arminta Woods Mrs. Gordon Russett
Armitage Mrs Wayne Armitage
Armour Mrs
Arms Mrs. Lucy Kelly
Armstrong 7. Graham Bread—Miss
Armstrong Chrysler Expansion Amazes Newsmen Mrs. Evelyn Little
Armstrong Miss B.
Armstrong Miss Edna Devlin Miss D. Clarke Mrs
Armstrong Miss Maureen Keon
Armstrong Miss Merle Barber
Armstrong Miss Sarah Wilson
Armstrong Mrs
Armstrong Mrs Ernie Lanford
Armstrong Mrs Steward Crawford Mrs. Frank Ladouceur Mrs. Roland Matcalfe Joe Elliott Sack Mrs. John
Armstrong Mrs.
Armstrong Mrs. Crawford Carson Mrs. Wm
Armstrong Mrs. Edgar Horigins
Art Barber and Mrs.
Art Hmlgms Miss Ivy Millar
Art Mrs.
Art Mrs. Quaile Otter
Arthur Dagg Mrs Christine Armour
Arthur Dagg Mrs.
Arthur Dagg Mrs. Christina Armour
Arthur Dagg Mrs. John Morrison
Arthur Dale Mrs.
Arthur Dsgg Miss Barsbara Dagg
Arthur Dufault Mrs. Len Coyne
Arthur DurreU Mrs John Grand
Arthur Findlay Mrs. Jane Elizabeth Findlay Ear
Arthur Fran- Mrs.
Arthur Gagnon Miss Sylvia Clalrmont
Arthur Gagnon Mrs Mary Boisvert
Arthur Grace Miss Theresa Neville
Arthur Hor-Mrs Melvin Young
Arthur Horner Mrs Fred Arthurs
Arthur Horner- Mrs Martha Corrigan
Arthur Kil- Mrs
Arthur Kil- Mrs. Martin
Arthur Kilgour Miss Ruth Dagg
Arthur Kilgour Mrs Cameron
Arthur Kilgour Mrs.
Arthur Kilgour Trophy Baler Twwe Mrs Arthur Kilgour
Arthur Kllgour By Mrs. Earl Findlay Mrs. Harrison McDlrmld
Arthur Labelle Frasers Clothes Shop Ltd. Thomas J. Knox Mrs. Frank Finnigan Sr.
Arthur Labelle Graduate Waltham Review Mrs. Arthur Labelle Dr Ebert Judd
Arthur Labelle Mrs E Lively Christinas Concert By Waltham Catholic Women
Arthur Laundrie Carl Vandray Mrs.
Arthur Miss Patsy Megrath
Arthur Moore Mrs. Flossie Bryson Moore
Arthur Mrs
Arthur Mrs.
Arthur Mrs. Edgar Hod
Arthur Mrs. Elaine
Arthur Mrs. Ernest Towsley
Arthur Mrs. Gordon McEwen
Arthur Mrs. Ixonard Smith
Arthur Mrs. Robt
Arthur Mulligan Mrs
Arthur Pitt* Harold Henderson BrU- Many Showers Held For Miss Barber Miss M<
Arthur Prim- Mrs. Bernard Comeron
Arthur Racine Miss Bonnie Donnelly
Arthur Strutt Mrs. Nancy Hughes
Arthur Tho- Mrs Cliff Garrison
Arthur Tho- Mrs Fred Fraser
Arthur Thom- Mrs. Paul Baudreau
Arthur Thomas Miss Dawna Montgomery
Arthur Thomas Mrs.
Arthur Titley Mrs Arthur Tit
Arthur Wilson Miss Beverley Stark
Artist Miss Lon
Artist Mrs. H. Hobbs
Assistant Mrs. Ethel Whitley
Assisting Hostesses—Mrs
Assisting Mrs
Assisting Mrs. Holmes
Associate Grade Piano— Helen Mrs. R.P. Fades
At Mrs. Andrew Flood
At Wyman Concludes Miss Marjorie Judd
Athol Mrs- Melvin Frost
Au- Mrs
Auctioneer MRS.
Auditor Mrs Evelyn Me Coll
Auditors Mrs. Brough
Auditors Mrs. Jennie* CovedUck
Auditors Mrs. Walter Kilgour
Auditors-Mrs Davis
Audrey (Mrs Clifford Kealy
Audrey Be- Mrs Zita Chassie
Audrey Diane Mulvihill
Audrey Fulford Mrs. Mae Armstrong
Aunt Diane
Aunt Mrs Ernest Gillis
Aunt Mrs Thomas Township
Aunt Mrs. Chris Caldwell
Aurelkfl^JpIBUP^l^H Mrs Grace Allard
Aurora Mrs. Louise Menton
Austin Clarke Mrs. Austin Clarke Jr.
Austin Mrs.
Austin Mrs. Thomas George Johnston
Austin Texas Mrs. Annie Duncan
Autumn Mrs. Goldie Kearns
Avila La-Miss Muriel Armstrong
Ayl-| Mrs. W. Taylor
Aylmer Miss Grace Kelly
Aylmer Mrs Agnes Howard
A‘ V" Patrick Me Donald 7
B A Mrs. W. D. Campbell
B B C........... Mrs S F McGoff
B C Mrs. Kennedy
B C. Mrs. R-dd
B l Mrs K Campbell
B* J % Mrs Bertha Nephin
B*nd Mrs. Neil Wilson
B-m F % Miss Lee Anne Smith
B. Thomas A. Bade# Misa Nellie Smiley Mrs. James Hanna Wm Hanna Ed.
B.C. Also Donald
B.C. Miss Susan Sharpe
B.C. Mrs Campbell
B.TM Mrs. Armstrong
Bail Mrs Elsie Mrs Rachel Presley
Bailey By Mrs.
Bailey Henderson Miss Shawville Fair
Bailey Mrs.
Bailey Mrs. H. Robbins
Bailey Mrs. Karl Hndlay
Bailey Mrs. W. J. Murray
Baird Correspondent Miss Jill Smith
Baird Mrs LB.
Baird Mrs. Edgar Hodgins
Baird Mrs. Mervin Baird
Ball Mrs Gilberte Gervais
Ball Mrs Hugh Hammond
Ballantyne Mrs
Ballantynr Y Mrs. Don Mill*
Barbara Miss Bar BJ
Barbara Florence Mrs Shirley Corbin
Barbara Miss Elaine Hod-gfns
Barbara Mrs Charles Mansfield
Barbara Mrs Ricky Young
Barbara Mrs. Cecil© Patterson
Barbara Mrs. G. P. Hyde
Barbara Mrs. Kane
Barbara Mrs. Robertson
Barbara Mrs. Stanley Stevenson
Barbara Newber-and Miss Verna MacDon-nell
Barbara Patricia Susan Kathleen Carol Nancy Margaret Diane Marg
Barber and Earl Fulford Iand Mrs. Tanguay
Barber and Miss Mary Jane Wilson
Barber and Mrs Roy.
Barber and Mrs.
Barber and Mrs. Emory Elliott
Barber and Mrs. Garrison
Barber and Mrs. Norris Horner
Barber and Mrs. R. J Tracy
Barber and Mrs. Rol-
Barber Conductor—Mrs.
Barber entertained Mrs. Imi- Mave Armstrong
Barber met Council Mrs. David Langdon
Barber Mrs Robert Glasper
Barber Mrs.
Barber Mrs. J D. Brown
Barnes Miss Beth McKay
Barr Mrs. James Forgie
Barrie Murray Shawvillc Miss Royal Sienna C.W. Sherman
Barry Elliott Mrs Marjorie Smith
Barry Kingsbury Mrs.
Barry Mackey Mrs. Earl Gallagher
Barry McGowan Diane Sanford
Barry Mrs Bob Dale
Barry Mrs Hobbs 819-647-3718
Barry Mrs Morley Mrs Hariand Armitage
Barry Yach Mrs Hazel Bell
Bay Mrs. Gladys Frost
Bay Visiting Mrs Margaret Scott Saunders
Bay Bristol Charge Rev. Donald A. Sharpe St Andrews Knox United
Bay Bristol Charge Rev. Donald A. Sharpe Starks Comers
Bay Bristol Mrs.
Bay Brownie Mrs Carmen Landry
Bay Ciment Mrs. Charlotte L Écuyer
Bay Contact Mrs.
Bay Council Donald Letts
Bay Council Minutes Mrs. Emile Gauthier
Bay Council Mrs. John Hits
Bay Dear Mrs
Bay Dunraven Mrs. Sherwood Storey
Bay Eugene de Guig Mrs
Bay Holes Mrs Clarence Brown
Bay Ladysmith Mrs. Leonard LuhuU
Bay Litchfield Mrs. Verner Thrun Fire Dept
Bay Miss Betty Sparling
Bay Mrs
Bay Mrs Asa Smith
Bay Mrs Carl Ebert
Bay Mrs Herbie Hodgins
Bay Mrs James Mousseau
Bay Mrs Joe Sloan
Bay Mrs John T. Reed
Bay Mrs Katie Phelan
Bay Mrs Owen McPherson
Bay Mrs Owen McPherson Joint
Bay Mrs Pat Howe
Bay Mrs Paul Rougier
Bay Mrs.
Bay Mrs. Andrew Flood
Bay Mrs. Eric Brown
Bay Mrs. Ernest Hearty
Bay Mrs. Jllex Stuart
Bay Mrs. Maye Armstrong
Bay Mrs. Owen MacPherson
Bay Mrs. Owen McPherson
Bay Mrs. Percy Burden
Bay Mrs. Roland Russell Corporal
Bay Mrs. Sarah Ellen Smith
Bay Mrs. Vemer Thorn
Bay Mrs. Willie Spots
Bay Notes Church Hall Mrs. Thomas Neville
Bay V I I J Mrs. Eva Woods
Bay Waltham Mrs Martha Ryan
Bay—Mrs Alfred
Bay—Mrs Mary Jane
Be Mrs. P. Ellison
Beach Mrs W MacQuetn
Beatrice Mrs.
Beatty Mrs
Beaulieu Mrs Allen Ryan
BEAVEN da Mrs. NVm
Becehgrove Mrs. R. Wiggins
BeckT Mrs Walter Kilgour
Beckwith Mrs Lois Judd
Bed Mrs. Hubert Dale
Bee Mrs. Lizzie Morrison
Beechgrove- Mrs
Beethoven Son- Mrs.
Ben Miss Helen Mathers
Ben Paré Mrs Kathleen Spotswood Qf Fort Cou
Benjamin Donald
Benjamin Mrs Gordon Fierobin
Benny Allen Mrs. Ruby Knipe
Benny Mrs David Lunam
Bergeron Mrs Denyse
Bergeron Mrs. Lena Lafferriere
Bernadette Sicard Mrs Rosemary Germain
Bernard Mrs Bernard Carroll
Bernard Mrs Billie Zimerling
Bernard Murdoch Mrs.
Bernice Mrs Ivan Orr
Bernice Russell Honoured Miss Bernice Russell
Bernie Diane
Bertha Fletcher Mrs.
Bertha Mrs- John L. Hodgins
Bertha Woldruff Graham Estate Clarendon Parish Mrs Edna Mitchem
Beryl Mrs. Rueben Smith
Bet ASPIRIN Roosevelt Mrs. Franklin
Beth Iby Mrs> Arthur Hodgins
Beth Visiting Mrs Eva Maloney Gatineau
Betty Farrell Miss Beverley Harris Mr.
Betty Gribbon Mrs M Vannest
Betty Jean; Mrs. James Noseworthy
Betty Louella Compeau Weds Boyd James Brownlee OBITUARIES Mrs.
Betty Mrs
Betty Young Donald Burton
Beverley Harris Mrs. George Clark Mr.
Beverley Harris Mrs. R G. Elliott
Beverly Mrs Carl Ann.
Bey Mrs. Cameron
Bill Callaghan Mrs Bud Elliott
Bill Donald
Bill IpHS Mb SEE Mrs^larence Leach
Bill Lintell Diane Crosetiere
Bill Miss Norris
Bill Mrs
Bill Mrs Evelyn Hodgins
Bill Mrs Roy Wiggins
Bill Mur- Mrs Bernadette Diotte
Bill Mur-Mrs
Bill Pine Mrs.
Bill Reilly By Mrs. E. Murphy Mrs.
Bill Timm U> Mrs. Ebert Murphy
Billy Gemmill’s Miss Claire Grattan
Billy Hodgms Miss Grace Farlinger
Billy Kenne- Donald Graveline
Billy Mrs Jacque Miljour
Billy Vinton Diane Boisvert
Bin* Crosby Mrs. Henderson
Birdie Thompson Mrs Janet Horner
Bishop Carter Mrs Leo Foran
Bishop Donald N. Baatian Muaic
Bishop Donald N. Bastian
Bishop Miss Dora Beattie
Bishop Mrs Peg Timmens
Bishop Pierce Mrs R^eal Slcard
Bishop W. Mrs.
Blanche Raven Mrs Merle Hearty
Block Centre St Miss Hanna
Bo Mrs. Russel Ward
Bob & Diane Man
Bob & Lise Mrs Iva Lucas
Bob Abercrom-Miss Laura Woodley
Bob and Diane Graham
Bob and Mrs Becky Hache
Bob and Mrs. W. A. Moore
Bob Campbell Mrs Rose Marie Thrasher
Bob Char-and Mrs Harvey CON VER
Bob Gordon DIANE’S
Bob Kelly Mrs Doris Telford
Bob Me- Mrs. Wells
Bob Middle-miss
Bob Mrs
Bob Mrs Howard Hayes
Bob Mrs Kay Spotswood
Bob Mrs Patton
Bob Mrs Rita Lepine
Bob Mrs. Lusk
Bob Nicholas Mrs Emmerson Horner
Bob O’Heere Mrs. Fleury
Bob Petrie Mrs. Bessie Knox
Bob Remi Visiting Mrs
Bob Sheppard Mrs. Bill I
Bob Sloan I Mrs Clifford Desjardins
Bob Smaçt Mrs
Bobby M Mrs Micheline Labelle
Bobby Mrs Leonard Dufault
Bobby Mrs* Henry Douglas
Bobby Mrs. Hob
Body Moore - Black Mrs.
Bolph Richardson Buried Al Stoughton Mrs. McEwan
Bonnah Publicity- Mrs
Bonnie (Mrs Clifford Driscoll
Bonnie Donald Duck Dog Food
Bonnie Sue Crulkshank Mrs Fred Andrew Dickson Gariy Bradley Ricky Hodgins
Both Mrs. Dixon
Bourgeau Miss D. Elliott Miss A. Archibald Mr.
Bovey Mrs. Dwight McDowell
Bower Henry e Mrs R G Hodgins
Boyd Mrs. Hector Lagarde
Braiding—Mrs D
Brain Mrs. Jean Brown
Branch Mrs Clifford McCredie
BrcnJa Mrs. F. Bailey
Brcwn Mrs
Bren- Mrs Andrew Halverson Mrs Pearl McCleary
Brenda ( Mrs Dennis Stevens
Brenda (Mrs Hugh Hodgins
Brenda and Mrs. David Pilgrim
Brenda Diane
Brenda Hodglns Mrs. Ed Pettaplece
Brenda Mrs H Fitzpatrick
Brenda Mrs Kenneth Potter
Brenda Mrs Poole
Brenda Mrs Regie Gleason
Brenda Mrs Rita Holmes
Brenda Mrs. ÇDr.
Brenda Pa- Mrs
Brenda Smith Mrs Francis Daley
Brenda Waltham Chatteris Miss Brenda Richardson
Brendan Mrs Eleanor McAdam
Brent Donald
Brent Findlay Mrs. Lenora Kennedy
Brent Horner’s Miss Abbe Volo
Brent Miss Olga Mielke
Brent Mrs
Brent Mrs Charlene Ryan
Brent Mrs Tom Fleury
Brent Sharpe Mrs. Steve Robinson 627-4 Campbell
Bretzlaff Mrs Krutz
Brewery Donald S. Hodgins BP“" E»P
Brian Arbic Miss Caroline Sparling
Brian Cor-Mrs
Brian Diane
Brian Doug- Mrs Durrell Smith
Brian Harney Donald
Brian Mrs B Rennick Rose
Brian Mrs Doris Woermke
Brian Mrs Elizann Emmerson
Brian Mrs Jack Boyd
Brian Mrs Katie McGee
Brian Mrs Loma Dagg
Brian Mrs Niel Narlock
Brian Mrs Originé Ryan
Brian Murdock Mrs Harvey Smith
Brian Richard Olmstead Mrs Elsie Nicholas Elsie Mary Cuthhertson Nicholas
Brian Rus- Mrs Ray MacMillan
Brian Sloan Mrs Loren B Hodgins
Brian Smith Best Begonia— Mrs.
Brian Smith Jim Carmichael Bobby Scott Lennie Richardson Jim Davis Education Convenor Mrs. William
BRIAN STANTON Mrs. Herbie Brown
Brian Visiting Mrs Edna Har Jack Graham
Brian W. Donald L. Healy Fisher’s
Bride Holland Mrs Maurice Lafleur
Bridge Miss Yvonne Sicard
Bristol W I. Mrs. Thomas MacFarlane
BromMu Citizenship- Mrs
Bron Mrs W J Stanton
Brosseau Morrison T. Bennett Ernest Bretzlaff S. Norval Horner Neil Drummond Mrs. Neil Drummond Eli
Brosseau Morrison T. Bennett Ernest Bretzlaff S. Norval Horner Neil Drummond Mrs. Neil Drummond Mrs
Brother-in-law Harvey Smiley Mrs Irene Payne
Brothers Funeral Diane Ryan
Brown Bread - Mrs Edith Wiggins Buns - Mary Ellen Young
Brown Miss E. A. Millikf.n
Brown Miss Evelyn Cook
Brown Mrs.
Brown Mrs. Dowd
Brown Owl Mrs. Arthur Lalonde
Brown Si*» Donald Wilson
Brownie Leader Mrs. Charles Imtaor
Brownlee Barber and Mrs. Fred Russell
Brownlee Mrs. A. McKay Mrs.
Bruce Armitage Mrs Michael Dolan
Bruce Barber and Mrs. Pokes
Bruce Barber Mrs. H. Millar
Bruce Barber Ree-Seet y—Miss Doris Jndd Fin Sect
Bruce Donald
Bruce Homer Mrs Donald Dods
Bruce Mrs Basil Stanton
Bruce Mrs Charlie Regan
Bruce Mrs Hubert McCauley
Bruce Yemen Ronnie Wilson Miss Arline Kilgour
Bruno Richard Hauptmann Mrs.
Bry Mrs. B. Reid
Bryan Mrs Gerry McHugh
Bryan Murray Ronnie Thomas Mrs. Marie Finnegan
Bryce Miss Florence Nightingale
Bryson Mrs Marie Grier
Bryson Mrs. Harry Wood
Buckingham Mrs.
Buckingham Mrs. Mary McGuire Dancing
Bud By Mrs. Ebert Murphy
Bud Lafrance Shawville Lions Club RM Lang Mrs
Bud Mrs. Nelson
Buggy J Miss Margaret Brownlee
Bui Mrs Lola Dagg
Bulk Mrs. Graham
Burke Mrs. Shennett
Burman Mrs. Sparl-
Burns Wil- Mrs.
Buster McDowell Mrs. H IfeGuir* ALVIN PALMER
By Bruce Campbell Mrs. Edward Lachance
By Dorothy Mohr Mrs. August
By Mrs Ada Daley Quyon Ferry
By Mrs* 1,111,8 Graham
By Mrs.
By Mrs. Betty Turner
By Mrs. Earl Findlay Arthur Thomas
By Mrs. Ebert Murphy
By Mrs. Fbert Murphy
By T E. B CLARKE Mrs. Solomon Says
Byers Mrs
C /and Mrs. McGuire
C A L M S F E A T Mrs. McEachnie Says Dr. Williams
C A. Donald McCulloch
C A. Mrs R W W.lson
C and Mrs Hayes
C B ; Mrs. Lloyd Elliott 9-10—Ossie
C huck Marshall Mrs. Robert Newcommon
C O D. Donald Walker
C zy-Mrs J J Cotie 1
C. H Mrs. Farrell
C. Mrs
C. O''Neil Miss Stella Cottrell May
C. Russell Directors Mrs. Sly
C.M Mrs. Ann Maxwell Held
C.T. frownlee-Diane Graham
Cahill Mrs Reuben Stewart
Cal QimmJngs Sr. Mrs Gefald Stewart
Caldwell Clarion Mrs. Manson Sharpe
Caldwell Clarion Mrs. Sharpe Blood Pressure Clinic
Caldwell Miss Betty Stewart
Caldwell Miss K. Woodley Mrs.
Call Mrs. Neil Hodgins
Call Mrs. Russell Elliott
Calumet Is-Miss Joan Bowie
Calumet Island Calgaiy Mrs Percy McGill
Calumet Mrs Barry Kluke
Calumet Mrs Carmel Sullivan
Cameron Miss I. Shaw Phone SI.
Cameron Mrs Frank Cahill
Cameron Mrs. Jemima Cameron
Cameron Visiting Mrs Fred Coyne
Camloops B C. Miss Diane Lepinc
Campbell Miss Betty Woolsey
Campbell Mrs
Campbell Mrs Lottie Doherty
Campbell Mrs.
Campbell Mrs. Campbell
Campbell Mrs. George Stones
Campbell Pres Mrs. Garth Graham
Campbell Robitaille Mrs. Wm
Campbell-with Mrs J Romain
Campbell’s Mrs. Joan McCorriston
Canad- Mrs.
Candles Mark Mrs.
Candy Cane Adam Mrs Lucy Flood
Cann Mrs.
Canning Mrs. Cornelia
Cape-Mrs E H. S. Dowd
Capit- Mrs- J Fieldhouse
Captain Donald McMillan
Carl Dale Mrs
Carl Mrs
Carmichael Mrs Robert Campbell
Carol Brousseau Mrs Des McLaughlin
Carol Donald 11.00
Carol Feirabend Mrs. Eva Tubman * Carol Frederick
Carol Lemaire Miss Janice Riebertz
Carol Miss Laurie Ann Hod
Carol Mrs Garth Graham
Caroline M. Smith Mrs. Robert Havlin Passes
Caroline Mrs. H. Burke
Caroline) Mrs. Archie Ward
Carolyn Diane McGee
Carp Mrs. Sam Rennick A LLOYD STEVENS
Carried W « Mrs. Idena Fraser
Cartier Mrs. Napoleon Paul Cartier
Caruso Mrs Wesley Palmer
Catherine Armstrong Miss Shirley Gibbons
Catherine Eva Diane
Catherine Mrs A G Brough 3. Mrs. E.
Catherine Mrs. Jas
Cathy McCrank Mrs Carmel Donnelly
CBC—Miss Trent
Cedric E Mrs Sharon Hodgins
Cell Mrs. Neil Hodgins
Cfj Mrs Willis Carroll
Chambers Mrs.
Charcoals Mrs. Wesley Hines
Charferis Mrs Margaret Mielke
Charles and Donald
Charles and Mrs Mr. O.
Charles and Mrs. Staidèy Thacker
Charles Atk- Mrs. D. J. McLaughlin
Charles Beardsley Soloist Mrs. Cecil Lester
Charles Belec Howell Miss Margaret Smiley Air F)rce Day
Charles D. Donald
Charles Dickson BY: Mrs Lloyd Cartman Correspondent
Charles Donald
Charles Donald Elliott
Charles Donald.
Charles E Smith Mrs Ivan Lewis
Charles E. Palmer Dies After Brief Illness Mrs. Evelyn Little
Charles Franklin Dale Elisabeth Anne Marshall Miss Elizabeth Anne Marshall
Charles Jackson Mrs. James Wilson
Charles Lemaire Mrs. Alphonse Cahill Adolph Zimmerling
Charles Loken Mom" Mrs Aggie Sparling
Charles Mohr Mrs. Iva Brownlee
Charles Moore Pat and Mrs Lloyd Ostrom
Charles Mrs
Charles Mrs Hilgert Bretzlaff
Charles Mrs Myrtle Kealey
Charles Mrs Zita Chassie
Charles Mrs.
Charles Mrs. Alfred Millar
Charles Mrs. Eva Mohr
Charles Mrs. H Emmerson
Charles Plager Mrs
Charles Routliffe Miss Joanne Dumouchel
Charles Routliffe Mrs Margaret Graham
Charles Routliffe Visiting Mrs Margaret Wall Frank MacDonnell
Charles Russell Mrs Claude Young Mrs Gilbert CArmjchael M-s Earl Findlay
Charles Storey Mrs. Ferdinand Bertrand Mrs. Harry Sharpe F—E=|
Charles Sunstrum Mrs. Jennie Florence Sunstrum
Charles T. Mrs Carl Sparling
Charles Tucker------ Mrs. Horsefield
Charles Zim- Mrs.
Charles Zim- Mrs. Herman Ballantyne
Charlie Con Ison Mrs. Thus
Charlie Erwin Miss Frances Whnn
Charlie McDowell Wendy Elliott Mrs. Melvin Smith Timmy Hodgins Mrs. Robert Russett Mr Arthur
Charlie Mrs Lars Bre Zimerling
Charlie Schroeder and Mrs Paul Bretslaff
Charlie Schroeder were Miss Debbie Lance
Charlie W Mrs Smith
Charlie Zimerling Mrs Elva Smith
Chartrand Mrs Maurice Lemay
Chat K R. Othbestw MRS.
Cheese Jolly Miller Crystals Orange Flavor Donald Duck Grapefruit Juice Red Rose Reg
Cheese Orange Juice Mrs James MacMillan
Chelsea Miss Beatrice Millar
Chelsea Mrs Blair Kelly
Cherniyn Mrs. Clifford Greer
Cheryl Mrs Edgar Mayhew
Ches-Mrs Gerard Neville
Cheslyn Mrs. Martin Yach
Chib Secretary Mrs. Ken Cruikshanks
Childs Turnout Donald TRUDEAU* Single Thompson
Choir Leader Mrs Mary Lafleur
Chris & Diane McColgan
Chris Judd Visiting Mrs James Ostrom
Chris Kkunond Mrs. Fred Martin
Chris Klnmond M llMMHIMMlIllMlltm MIIIIIMIIIIIimilMMlMIIM Mrs Mel McNellly
Chris Mrs. Smyth
Chris- Mrs Neil Chassie
Chris- Mrs.
Christ- Mrs Betty Laporte
Christian Merquend As Citizenship Convenor Mrs Harry Hodgins
Christian Stewardship Mrs.
Christina Mrs Danny O’Brien
Christine Mrs John Lanoix
Christine Mrs. Wayne Narlock
Christopher Leadership Mrs.
Christopher Mrs Harry Hodgins
Church Wesley Mrs Weslev Quebec Shorthorn Association
Church Mrs Danny Gavan
Cigars.Good Mrs. JamvH Mullin
Cindy Coles Miss CarroU.
Cindy Miss Ruby Lemaire
Cindy Mrs
Cindy Mrs. Edna Stonely
Cindy Storr Ann Taylor Sc Brent Plouffe Yvonne Sc Roes Taylor Clarence Sc Carol Tollman Donald
Cit.Venship Mrs Hubert Elliott
Citiscnship-Mrs Hudson
Citizenship Mrs
Citizenship Mrs Becky Wilson
Citizenship Mrs Betty Cameron
Citizenship Mrs Betty Cameron Metric Conversion
Citizenship Mrs Ivan Merrifield
Citizenship Mrs Kathleen O’Donnell
Citizenship Mrs W MacKechnie
Citizenship Mrs.
Citizenship Mrs. E. Craig
Citizenship Mrs. Edgar Hudgins
Citizenship Mrs. Ernest Garland
Citizenship Mrs. Gerald Diaper Education Mrs. Keith Brownlee
Citizenship Mrs. Ken Dowdall
Citizenship-Mrs E Lusk
Citizenship-Mrs M Havley
Citron—Mrs D Hodgins
Claire Gor- Mrs Cecil Sparling
Claire Jae- Mrs. Stewart Hodgins
Claire Miss Wendy Lane
Claire Mrs Floyd Robinson.
Claire Mrs Gilbert Lemay
Claire Ren-nick Miss Nora Hodgins
Claire Sturgeon Mrs Elsie Sparrow
Clara French Bethunes Sask Mrs. Anna E. Fitzpatrick
Clara Mrs. Moore
Clarence Brownlee Mrs. Sam Woods
Clarence Cuthbert-Fraser- Mrs S Fitzsimmons
Clarence Dean Donald Dods
Clarence Homer Mrs Wilbert Cruickshank Saturday
Clarence Miss Susie Barber
Clarence Mrs John McVlegh
Clarence Mrs. Melvin Armstrong
Clarence Richardson Mrs
Clarendon Mrs. Graham
Clarendon Mrs. Matthew Thompson Dies
Clarendon W I. Mrs L «J.
Clarendon W I. Mrs Margaret Russell
Clark Mrs. Walter Findlay Ernest Towsley Dr. R, E. Dagg Dr. Wallace Hodgins Raymond Johnston
Claude Du- Mrs. Norris
Claude Gordon T. Paul INSÜRANCE From Ottawa Mrs.
Claudia (Mrs Ken Kilgour
Claudia Richards -Miss Richards
Clayton Dods P.S.AI.D. Gerry Desabrais Enl Anne Ethier Emile Ethier Diane Proulx Jackie Storing
Clayton Moore Miss Romone Ouellet
Clayton Mrs
Cliff Mrs. Russell Dean
Clifford Cone Mrs. Thomas Brown Mrs Miiy Brown
Clifford Hahn Mrs Wayne Millette
Clifford Hen- Mrs Bernard Armitage
Clifford j0hn* X. S. Mrs. Johnson
Clifford Mrs Betty Ryan
Clifford Mrs Fred Bailey
Clifford Mrs Fred Mielkie
Clifford Mrs Isabelle Emmerson
Clifford Mrs Ken o— M. W. BRAITHWAITk Principal W.
Clifford Mrs Laurier Lamarche
Clifford Mrs Pierre Pilon
Clifford Mrs. Eva Mulligan.
Clifford Mrs. Vemer Thrun
Clifford Stewart Mrs. Arthur C. Pigott 0. Cecil
Clifford Visiting Mrs Rita Lepine Randy
Clifton Corrigan» Frances Mrs Sim* Comveau
Clinton Mrs
Clinton Sparl-Mrs
Clr Edgar Sloan Donald Letts
Cobden Mrs. Hilliard Palmer
Cock—Miss Geraldine Armstrong 1
Col- Mrs Venetia Crawford Firemen
Colleen Dal Mrs. Clarence Mcknight
com-1 Motion Mrs. McMillan
Comer-and Mrs K Towsley
Commander Donald H. MacMillan
Commander Donald h0
Communion Grant Elliott-Mrs
Community Hospital Mrs Gordon Bradley
Complete Miss Karen R
Concrete Sand Mrs. Mariette Klukeof Campbell
Conley Mrs. Armstrong
Connie Mrs Ivan Dagg
Connie Mrs. August Olm
Conolly Mrs Gerald
Conseillers Donald
Contact Mrs C Robinson
Contact Mrs Elwood Hamilton
Contact Mrs G Huckabone
Contact Mrs Stephens
Contact Mrs. Betty Russell
Conveners—Mrs Thos Stephens
Cook Mrs Clayton Benedict
Cooper Mrs. Geo
Cop- Mrs. Pearl Allan
Cor- Mrs Johnny Stafford
Cora Mrs.
Corners W I ^ Mrs
Cornwall Mrs. Beatrice Conley
Cornwall Mrs. Lillian Horner XValteis
Correspondent Miss Susan Sharpe
Correspondent Mrs Kenneth M
Correspondent Mrs Walter Celbula
Corrigan Gary Hodglns Gary Hodglns Group Class Donald Corrigan Junior
Corrigan Mrs
Corrigan Mrs Stephen Ley
Corrigan Mrs. Clarence Brownlee
Corrigan Mrs. Ivan Beattie
Corrigan Mrs. Morley Hodgins
Costello Mrs Ramona Lafleur
Cottage Mrs H R. Rebb
Council A Mrs Ron Alexander
Councillor Donald Sloan
Councillor Joseph Donald Letts
Councillor Murray Miss Melinda Kelly
Councillors Donald
Councillors Mrs
Councillors Mrs Evans
Councillors Mrs Frances Senior
Councillors-Mrs Benedict Allen
County Marshall Mrs. Basil Johncox
Court Clerk Mrs. Henry Clarke Service Announcement
Courtenay Robinson Organist- Mrs G Popkey Reading Course Sec- Mrs Lloyd Robinson Magazine - Miss Vi
Courtney Alexan- Miss Dianne Zimmerling
Cover—Miss Graham
Cover—Mrs W O. Hodgins
Cowley Mrs Fred Laframboise 2s
CpL W D & Mrs Lougn
Cr Armstrong Alter Donald
Cr Mrs.
Craig Rosemary Germain Visiting Mrs
Craig- Mrs Jack McKay
Crayon—Miss Thomas
Crazy Work-Mrs F A Parker 1
Crazy Work—Mrs H Birnett 1
Cream Mrs. Veeda Palmer
Crochet—Mrs H Lothian Geo Graham 2
Crs Donald
Crs J J Miss Catherine Murphy
Cummings Mrs. William Hall
CUre Mrs. Beers
Cure V V MRS.
Curling Miss Betty Richardson
CUs- Mrs< Clifford Moore
Cushman Mrs.
Cuth-Mrs H G Elliott 1
Cuthbertson Bennett Beckman John Armstrong Gereld Been Mrs. Linden Young Stanley Abott Al McKenzie
Cuthbertson Grade V Mrs. Etta Kkmær
Cynthia Draper Warden— Mrs. Irene
Cyril Mrs H Hodgins
D Miss Ann Kingdom Ottawa
D C. Dunraven Mrs. Scott
D. Gibson Miss Irene Powell
D. Ryan 683-2381 Mrs
D. Ryan 683-2381 Mrs.
D.C. Mrs Grant Eades
D.D. Shawville Mrs. A. Hayes
D.D.S. Mrs Merlin McKee
Da A Mrs Percy Windsor
Da Mrs Rich
Daddy Mrs. Shaw
Dag* Mrs Neil McDowell
Dagg Mrs H Hayes
Dagg Mrs Sid Tubman
Dale Answer To Donald By Subscription
Dale Cooke Mrs. Henry Dale
Dale Hiram Davis Dora Harris Elgin Hobbs Ruth Hobbs David Hodgins Irma Howard Donald Johnston Doris
Dale Master Donald Hodgins Miss Marion Smyth Grant Gibson
Dale Miss Arminta McDowell Miss Raeburn Doherty Mrs. Harold Pokes Mr.
Dale Miss M
Dale Miss M Cochrane Dr Dagg Skip—9 Mrs L Armstrong Leslie Hodgine
Dale Miss Marguerite Wharrey Miss Jean McDowell
Dale Miss Mary Brownlee Other Places Cecil Wallace
Dale Miss M‘
Dale Miss Winnifred Hamilton Mrs. Fleming
Dale Mrs
Dale Mrs Albert Yach
Dale Mrs.
Dale Mrs. Frank Ford Mrs.
Dale Mrs. Hob Glasper
Dale Mrs. Jason Brownlee Norval Horner Mrs. James Barber Ken Brownlee Mrs. Albert McMunn Thomas Hor
Dale Mrs. Jim Kennedy
Dale Mrs. Turner Ed Vaughan
Dale Ray McTiernan Lloyd Stevens Mrs
Dale Robertson Technicolor Donald Sinden Dale Robertson Technicolor THURSDAY
Dale Warden—Mrs
Dana Mrs Paul Lanoix
Dane Ma- Miss Laurie Ann Hod
Danny Donnelly Mrs Marian Bowie
Danny Mrs Dillon J McGee
Danny Mrs Florence Brown
Danny Mrs Joanne Hearty
Danny Mrs Mildred McGuire
Darren Barry Donald Richard Larocque Janet Beauchemin
Datouter Mrs.
Daughter Mrs. Pearl Dougherty
Dave Armi Mrs Martha Schwartz
Dave Bros-a Miss Alice Martineau
Dave Clark Five Mrs. Katie Welch
Dave Davies Mrs Tesson Drummond
Dave Donald Sharpes
Dave Gingrich
Dave MacMillan Mrs Margaret Saunders Bryson
Dave Mrs Patricia Russell
Dave Still Mrs. Wilbur
David and Diane Boone HARDWOOD
David Ber- Mrs Lillian Cole
David By Mrs.
David Clarke Miss Amv
David Compeau Mrs. David Campeau
David D Mrs Donnie Warm
David Da Miss Donna
David Donald
David Donald Perry
David Eligah Peck Ladysmith Update Mrs. Donald Ostrom Spending
David Fleury Mrs Alex Malette
David Geerstma Mrs Bob Daley
David Gingrich
David K Mrs. Lunaui
David Kearn Mrs. Duncan Gumming
David Kingdon Mrs Howard Stone
David Ladou- Mrs. James Roderick
David Lunam Jr Mrs. George Pirie
David Lunam Mrs. Elisie Gibbons
David Mat Donald
David McDowell Mrs. David William McDowell
David Miss Jean Cameron
David Mrs
David Mrs Akx Chaput
David Mrs Mary Kelly Eleanor
David Mrs Minnie Pasch
David Mrs Renaud Rainville
David Mrs- Kenneth Dowdall
David Mrs.
David Mrs. Harper Rennick
David Mrs. Henry McO-rd
David Mrs. Merton Glenn
David Mrs. Roas
David Niven Verna Lisi Mrs Fred Btetzlaff
David Ranger Mrs. J. Richardson
David Russell Mrs
David Russell Mrs. Garner Richardson Herb
David Russell Mrs. R. G. Hodgins Andrew Sly
David Russell____ Mrs. Cramer Richardson
David Shirley Diane Lairay
David T. V«* Miss Marjcfrie
David Zim-Mrs Olga Plager
David- Miss Benia Kranch
David- Mrs.
Davidson Mrs. Mary Dale Ebert Richardson Pontiac Dairy
Davidson Stewart........ Gagnon Joseph......... Murray John H......... Rattray Mme—Mrs
Davies Mrs William Creighton
Davis M EUS Mrs
Davis Miss Sandra Smiley
Dawn Miss Joy Johnston
Dawn Mrs Tony Todaro
Dawn Mrs. Fred Fraser
Dawn Worst Miss Wallace
Dean Mrs Elson Smiley Mrs Donald Corrigan The
Dean Mrs. Iverson Harris District Council Representatives Mrs/ Herb Redman
Dean Publicity- Mrs
Dean Sec. - Mrs Hubert Elliott Treas- Mrs Neil Wilson
Dean That Mrs. Burgess
Dean That Mrs. Claude Fnlford
Dear Miss
Dear Miss Grant
Dear Mrs
Dear Mrs Dickson Megloughlm
Dear Mrs.
Dear Mrs. Armstrong
Dear Mrs. Bvrton Devine
Dear Mrs. Carey
Dear Mrs. Dickson
Dear Mrs. Drummond
Dear Mrs. G *
Dear Mrs. Gallagher
Dear Mrs. King
Dear Mrs. Morrison
Dear Mrs. Oldroyd
Dear Mrs. Walker
Dear Mrs. Wilson
Dear Mrs. Young
Dear Sir: Mrs. Norman Reid
Dear Willie Mrs. Anderson
Debbie Latuli Mrs Manson
Debbie Miss Elizabeth
Debbie Mrs Lawn
Deborah (Mrs Luc Lajoie
Deborah (Mrs Robert "Scotty" Robertson
Deborah and Brian Rus- Mrs Cora McNeill
Deborah Mrs Cy Little
Deborah Rus- Mrs Richard Burnette
Debra Barber and Mrs Phyllis Laframboise
Dee Mrs Wayne Schrim
Del* Mrs Leslie Benoit
Delmer Barber and Mrs Barber.
Delor-Miss Marion Fletcher
Delore Mrs Lome Hodgins
Demonic Mrs Wayne MeCoshen
Dennis Dale........... Miss Pearl Fades
Dennis Dale............. Miss Pearl Fades
Dennis Lari- Mrs
Dennison Miss Clara Strutt
Dentist Mrs. Hugh Elliott
Depart- Mrs.
Desmond Ma Mrs. Manson Sharpe
DeZouchc Mme—Mrs F.C. Horner William James ... Moorhead Robert....... Carmichael Duncan—Hér-teurs
DeZouche Mme—Mrs F.C. Horner William James ... Moorhead Robert........ Carmichael Duncan—Hér-teurs
Di Mrs. James Acres
Diane Jill McBane
Diane Councillor When
Diane Science
Diane Z T O Recently
Diane "
Diane 3-score International
Diane 458-1506 Trevor 458-2940 Proceeds
Diane 458-1506.^1
Diane 568-3263
Diane 568-3263 Claude
Diane A Scott Wilson
Diane Adams
Diane Admssion
Diane AJdred
Diane Akitt
Diane Akjred
Diane Al-
Diane Aldrcd
Diane Aldrcd Moved
Diane Aldred
Diane Also
Diane Amyottc
Diane Amyotte
Diane and Gerard Pharand
Diane and Larry Besserer
Diane Andai
Diane Ander-
Diane Angle
Diane Anglehart
Diane Annitage
Diane Anniversary
Diane Ar-
Diane Armi-
Diane Armit-
Diane Armitagc
Diane Armitage
Diane Armitage Bristow
Diane ArmiUge
Diane Armltagc
Diane Armltage
Diane As
Diane Assdin
Diane Asselin
Diane Attfield
Diane Ayad
Diane Aylmer
Diane Bailey
Diane Bailey Help Wasted
Diane Bailey Theresa Blaskie
Diane Baker
Diane Baker Monday
Diane Baker Color
Diane Barbeau
Diane Baril
Diane Bastien
Diane Bastion
Diane Bastlen
Diane Bauparlant
Diane Bclec
Diane Be-
Diane Beauparlant
Diane Beauséjour-Aubry
Diane BEER
Diane Bel-sher
Diane Belated
Diane Belec
Diane Bélec Limitée
Diane Bélec Mrs John Fulford
Diane Belec.
Diane Belisle
Diane Belleau
Diane Belsher
Diane Benoit
Diane Berard
Diane Berland
Diane Bernice
Diane Bertrand
Diane Besides
Diane Beuachamp
Diane Beùher
Diane Beulah
Diane Beulah Jennie
Diane Bias- 1995 _ Julie Chevalier *0
Diane Billion
Diane Bilodeau
Diane Bilscn
Diane Biosvert
Diane Bishop Brendan O Brien
Diane Blaakie
Diane Blais
Diane Blanche
Diane Blanchette
Diane Blaskie
Diane Blaskie Florist
Diane Blondin Freda Toner
Diane Bohen
Diane Bois- Hudgins
Diane Boisveit
Diane Boisven Honey
Diane Boisvert
Diane Boisvert Z*î Campbell
Diane Boisvert "
Diane Boisvert - Wise
Diane Boisvert 63 3"
Diane Boisvert 648-5296
Diane Boisvert 648-5296 Baby Olivia
Diane Boisvert 648-5296 Boy
Diane Boisvert 648-5296 Deepest
Diane Boisvert 648-5296 Happy
Diane Boisvert 648-5296 Happy St. Jean ^
Diane Boisvert 648-5296 Never
Diane Boisvert 648-5296 Olivia Ladouceur
Diane Boisvert 648-5296 Stefan Scrack
Diane Boisvert 648-5296 Waltham Helen Perry
Diane Boisvert 819-648-5296
Diane Boisvert 819-648-5296 E-mail
Diane Boisvert 819-648-5296 Pontiac
Diane Boisvert Beans
Diane Boisvert Chloe
Diane Boisvert Cucumbers
Diane Boisvert Happy
Diane Boisvert Pretty
Diane Boisvert PROTHÈSES
Diane Boisvert Scotland
Diane Boisvert Seat
Diane Boisvert U
Diane Boisvert V I
Diane Boisvert Vinton
Diane Boisvert W»
Diane Boisverts
Diane Boisvert____________ Hearty
Diane Boisvert’s,106 Church
Diane Bonus
Diane Bosivert’s
Diane Boss-
Diane Bouch
Diane Bouch-
Diane Bouch- Laura Bailey
Diane Bouchard
Diane Boucher
Diane Boutin Aubin
Diane Bra-|
Diane Brabazon
Diane Brazeau
Diane Brewster Color
Diane Bristow
Diane Bristow Weirstead
Diane Brown
Diane Brown Elder
Diane Brunet
Diane Bur-
Diane Bur- Ruby Smart
Diane Burnett
Diane Burns
Diane ByJiu
Diane Calvark
Diane Cameron and Larry
Diane Campbell
Diane Carmi-
Diane Carmichael
Diane Carmichael 6th
Diane Carmichael Shaurville Revitalisation Pontiac
Diane Carrier
Diane Cathy Holmes
Diane Cecco
Diane Cecconi
Diane Cecconi Wilson
Diane Cecelia
Diane Cecioni Stacey
Diane Celine
Diane Cervais
Diane Cervui* Mr
Diane Chamberlain
Diane Champagne
Diane Champoux
Diane Champoux Présidente
Diane Champoux Returning Officer
Diane Champoux Returning Officer 1-0-S23 Avis
Diane Champoux Returning Officer.
Diane Chantal Chevrier
Diane Chaput
Diane Cheney
Diane Chenier
Diane Cheva-de
Diane Chevalier
Diane Chevrier
Diane Christie
Diane Christie.
Diane Christmas
Diane Ciconi
Diane Claudia Kilgour
Diane Clément C C R Agro-alimentaire
Diane Clément Marc Cadieux
Diane Cloutier
Diane Coleman
Diane Colorado McGee
Diane Columbkille’s Cathedral
Diane Con
Diane Congratulations
Diane Conrad
Diane Conrod
Diane Contant
Diane Cope
Diane Cor- Thompson
Diane Corri-
Diane Corrigan
Diane Corriveau
Diane Corriveau A UFA
Diane Corriveau A UFA
Diane Corriveau May
Diane Corriveau V FREE REMOVAL
Diane Corriveau* LUIWIllilu
Diane Ctouher
Diane Cummings
Diane Cunningham
Diane Curley
Diane Dagenais
Diane Dagg
Diane Daigel
Diane Daigle
Diane Daley
Diane Daley Loyola
Diane Daly S«bourin Guy Ratepayers Quyon Women
Diane Danais
Diane Day
Diane De- Pontiac
Diane Dean
Diane Deblois
Diane Deering
Diane Del-
Diane Delbert Hearty
Diane Delgresse
Diane Delorme
Diane Denis ,0 RENT Apply
Diane Dennis On Janu
Diane Der-
Diane Desabrais
Diane Desabrais Dwayne McNulty Feel
Diane Desjardin
Diane Deslet
Diane Desmond.
Diane Diane
Diane Diion
Diane Dillion
Diane Dillon
Diane Dillon Litchfield
Diane Dilon
Diane Dînais
Diane Dolan
Diane DomW Hod*ns
Diane Don McCredie
Diane Donston
Diane Dorkxr
Diane Dozois
Diane Draper
Diane Draper-Drummond
Diane Drum-
Diane Drummond
Diane Dubeau
Diane Dubois
Diane Dufault
Diane Dugan
Diane Dumouchel
Diane Dupuis
Diane Dupuis Why
Diane Dur-
Diane Durocheau
Diane Durocher
Diane Durocher Kathy Hérault Lise Lacroix Rachel Bertrand
Diane Dye
Diane Dyellc
Diane E Wilson
Diane Each
Diane Edith Clemens
Diane EES
Diane Elder
Diane Elder 647-5801
Diane Elder 647-5801 Showville
Diane Elder Aylmer
Diane Eleanor Hamilton
Diane Elizabeth Armstrong
Diane Elliot
Diane Elliot Marcel Crozon
Diane Englehait
Diane Eva
Diane F /te Directrce
Diane F*eck
Diane Faistcnhammer
Diane Faistenhammer
Diane Falardeau
Diane Ferguson
Diane Ferland
Diane Fern
Diane Ferrigan
Diane Filion
Diane Finley
Diane Fisher
Diane Fleck
Diane Fleury
Diane Foran
Diane Foran and Chris MacKechnie
Diane Ford
Diane Fort Coulonge
Diane Fortin
Diane Foster HIRED GUN Mu
Diane Fournier
Diane Fowls
Diane Frances Muldoon
Diane Francoeur
Diane Francoeur 683-
Diane Fraser
Diane Fraser 8
Diane Fraser 9
Diane Fraser Is
Diane Fraser PORTAGE.
Diane Fraser-
Diane Fraser-cap-tain
Diane Freer
Diane French Con*
Diane French Corsets
Diane Frizzle
Diane Froment
Diane Fyfc
Diane Fyfe
Diane Fyfe Brian Swan Esther Tarasofsky
Diane Fyfe Coordinator
Diane Fyfe Correction
Diane Fyfe Fiddler
Diane Fyfe Pontiac Municipality
Diane Fyfe WQSB’s
Diane Fyfe’s
Diane Fyle
Diane Fyte
Diane Gagnon
Diane Gallagher
Diane Garneau
Diane Garskey
Diane Gauvreau
Diane Gayle
Diane Gayle Hobbs
Diane Gcrvais
Diane Gcrvals
Diane Gendron
Diane Gentis
Diane Ger-vais
Diane Germain
Diane Geromine
Diane Gervab
Diane Gervais
Diane Gervais Wife
Diane Gervals
Diane Girard Papineau
Diane Giroux
Diane Godin
Diane Gonthier
Diane Gra-Lee Nugent
Diane Gra-|
Diane Grah-m Sally Kennedy
Diane Graham
Diane Graham .Clifton Henderson
Diane Graham 1
Diane Graham 2
Diane Graham Gr
Diane Graham I
Diane Graham Lynn
Diane Graham with Harper
Diane Graham.
Diane Gravcline
Diane Grave
Diane Gravehne
Diane Gravel
Diane Graveline
Diane Gravelle
Diane Green
Diane Grén-ier
Diane Greni- Pont
Diane Grenier
Diane Guindon
Diane Ha- Mayflower
Diane Hahn
Diane Hahn’s
Diane Hamel
Diane Hannaberry
Diane Hart He
Diane Haskins
Diane Hay
Diane Hay.
Diane Hearing Aids
Diane Hébert Froment
Diane Hedging
Diane Hen-
Diane Hender-compared
Diane Henderson
Diane Henderson jggÈÈgÊ# Murray
Diane Hillinger
Diane Hills
Diane Hines
Diane Hobbs
Diane Hod
Diane Hod-Saikley
Diane Hodg
Diane Hodgins
Diane Hodglns
Diane Hodmen
Diane Holland
Diane Hook
Diane Hoskin
Diane Hoskins
Diane Hospital
Diane Houglns
Diane However
Diane Hull 8
Diane I
Diane I Guire Detroit
Diane In
Diane Ireland
Diane Isabel
Diane Isabel Mav
Diane J She
Diane Jbegan
Diane Jean Smith
Diane Jennings.
Diane Jodoin
Diane John Abbott College
Diane Johnson
Diane Jolicoeur
Diane Jones-Koni-howski
Diane Judd
Diane Judd Club
Diane Judd Lanois
Diane Judd Tubman
Diane Judd.
Diane Kay
Diane Kaye
Diane Kean
Diane Kearns
Diane Keaton SATURDAY
Diane Keaton 2
Diane Kehoe
Diane Keller
Diane Kelly
Diane Kennedy
Diane Kenopic
Diane Keon
Diane Keon Meubles Usagée Used Furniture Campbell
Diane Keon Those
Diane Kilsby
Diane King
Diane King Diane King
Diane Kirk-
Diane Kirkham
Diane Kirkham Shaw
Diane Kluke
Diane Kroee
Diane Krose
Diane Kroze
Diane Kruse
Diane L Cloutier
Diane La
Diane La-course S
Diane La-Delight
Diane La-Hydro-Québec
Diane La-moureux
Diane Labi
Diane Labine
Diane Labrie
Diane Lac
Diane Lacey
Diane Lachance
Diane LacourSe
Diane Lacroix
Diane Ladouccur
Diane Ladouceur
Diane Ladouceur Eric Carrier
Diane Laeouree
Diane Lafleur
Diane Laframboise
Diane Lai
Diane Lalande
Diane Lalonde Ian Belanger
Diane Lamothe
Diane Lamou-
Diane Lamourcu*
Diane Lamourcux
Diane Lamoureux
Diane Lan- Charles Sofalvie
Diane Lancaster
Diane Lance
Diane Lance at
Diane Lance Com
Diane Lance Corn-veau
Diane Lance Corriveau
Diane Lance Corriveau When Diane
Diane Lance Direction
Diane Lance I Corriveau
Diane Lance Mr.
Diane Lance-Corriveau
Diane Landry
Diane Landry John
Diane Landry John and
Diane Landry Jolin
Diane Landsbury
Diane Langford
Diane Laroche
Diane Larocque
Diane Larose
Diane Larue
Diane LaSalle
Diane LasH Judith Gauthier
Diane Last
Diane Laurin
Diane Lavendure
Diane Lawton MacMillan
Diane Leach
Diane Leach Aug
Diane Leblanc
Diane Leclair
Diane Leclerc
Diane Leduc
Diane Legault
Diane Lelievre
Diane Lemieux
Diane Lemire
Diane Leo
Diane Leonard
Diane Lepine
Diane Lepine Ladouceur
Diane Leplne
Diane Les
Diane Levans
Diane Leveris
Diane Leves
Diane Levesque
Diane Levette de Low
Diane Levons Manthaof Montreal
Diane Litle
Diane Lloyd Sinclair
Diane Lodooceur
Diane Longridge
Diane Lou.
Diane Lough
Diane Lucas
Diane Luckovitch
Diane Lynn
Diane Lyons
Diane Mac
Diane MacDonald
Diane MacGillivary
Diane MacKay
Diane MacLean
Diane Mail
Diane Mainville
Diane Maleau
Diane Maleau If
Diane Man-
Diane Manzoli
Diane Manzoli People
Diane Manzoli Ron Brazeau
Diane Mar The
Diane Mar-
Diane March-often
Diane Marchand
Diane Marion
Diane Marlowe
Diane Marquis Colloque
Diane Martel
Diane Martineau
Diane Mary Cole
Diane Mary Palmer
Diane Massé
Diane Matlock
Diane May
Diane May Schwartz
Diane Mc- Councillors
Diane McCaffery
Diane McCann
Diane McCo
Diane McColgan
Diane McColgan -
Diane McColgan 458-2654
Diane McColo-gan
Diane McCrank
Diane McGee
Diane McGee Allison McGee
Diane McGee April
Diane McGee Congratulations
Diane McGee Congratulations Sylvia Bertha Â
Diane McGee Deepest
Diane McGee Mmon
Diane McGee Ottawa Marchand
Diane McGee’s
Diane McGee’s MacDonald
Diane McKay
Diane McKin-
Diane McKinleey
Diane McKinley
Diane McKmght
Diane McKnight
Diane McKnight’s
Diane McOant
Diane Me
Diane Me- Sunday
Diane Me-of
Diane MeColgan
Diane Medley
Diane Melancon
Diane Membership Comm—consisted
Diane Men
Diane Meranger-Quintal
Diane Michand
Diane Michaud
Diane Middlemiss
Diane Midland
Diane Minister
Diane Mitchell
Diane Moore
Diane Moorehead
Diane Moreau
Diane Moriarity
Diane Morin
Diane Morri- Holt
Diane Morrison
Diane Mousseau
Diane Mousseau 4:30
Diane Mousseau Program Officer Centre Travail Québec
Diane Mrs Genevieve Olmstead
Diane Mrs Hilarion Veillette Boucher
Diane Mrs Milton Wall
Diane Mrs. Kelly Bowie
Diane Muldoon
Diane Mulvihill
Diane Mulvihill Shawville Community Centre
Diane Mulvihillj
Diane My
Diane Nanne
Diane Nault
Diane Newell
Diane Nicholas
Diane No
Diane Nonna
Diane Normandeau
Diane Norton
Diane Norway Bay
Diane O Donnell
Diane O''Connell
Diane Octeau
Diane Olignv
Diane Oligny
Diane Oligny M.Sc.
Diane Only
Diane Ortney
Diane Oshawa
Diane Osterhout
Diane Our
Diane O’Neill
Diane P Judd
Diane Palmer
Diane Paradis
Diane Paré
Diane Pariseau
Diane Pasch
Diane Pash
Diane Patch
Diane Patricia
Diane Paul
Diane Paulin
Diane Pauline
Diane Peck
Diane Peck Dessert
Diane Peck Graham
Diane Peck Jan
Diane Pelletier IV
Diane Pepin
Diane Pepin April
Diane Pepin June
Diane Per-
Diane Perkins
Diane Perl
Diane Perrault
Diane Perre Am- Pine
Diane Perreault Paré
Diane Perrv
Diane Perry
Diane Pesant
Diane Philion Rueckwald
Diane Philip
Diane Philipe
Diane Philippe
Diane Phllbln
Diane Pi
Diane Pi- Sr
Diane Pi-lottc
Diane Pi-lotte
Diane Picard
Diane Piché
Diane Piché Visiting
Diane PikXtc
Diane Pilon
Diane Pilotte
Diane Pincombe
Diane Pine
Diane Pintail
Diane Pintal
Diane Pirie
Diane Pirila
Diane Pisché
Diane Pizza Soucie
Diane Pjric Mr Mrs. Donald Earley
Diane Plager
Diane Plouffe
Diane Plrie
Diane Plrle
Diane Poirier
Diane Presents
Diane Presley
Diane Price
Diane Proulx
Diane Proulx-Ethier
Diane Pr°Perty
Diane Ptrie
Diane Purvis
Diane Quenneville
Diane Quintal
Diane R. Armitage
Diane Racine
Diane Ranger
Diane Rath
Diane Re- Cull
Diane Rebertz
Diane Renaud
Diane Reynold
Diane Reynolds
Diane Rhdal Racine
Diane Ricard
Diane Ricard LADIES
Diane Richar-
Diane Richard
Diane Richard Villa Day Spa Elaine Lang
Diane Richard, Betty Telford
Diane Richard.
Diane Richardson
Diane Richardson Value-priced
Diane Riley
Diane Roberts
Diane Robots
Diane Rondeau
Diane Ross
Diane Rossignol
Diane Rotary Musical
Diane Rousseau
Diane Rowland
Diane Roxanne Whelan
Diane Russell
Diane Russell On Friday
Diane Russe»
Diane Ruth
Diane Saltzberg
Diane San-
Diane San-cal
Diane Sanford
Diane Sanford Principal
Diane Saucier
Diane Sauriol
Diane Savage
Diane Savidant
Diane Sc
Diane Schwartz
Diane Schwartz Brent Krose John Pasch Bob
Diane Scobie
Diane Scott
Diane Se-
Diane Seager
Diane Serré
Diane Servais
Diane Seven Dolores Church
Diane Sharon
Diane SHAWVILLE 647-2691 QUE.
Diane Shelley Hodgins
Diane Shirley
Diane Siler
Diane Silver
Diane Simard
Diane Simard Boudria
Diane Sleeves
Diane Slopek
Diane Smiley
Diane Smith
Diane Smith Calvank Lacroix
Diane Smith Desabrais
Diane Smith Inc.
Diane Soude
Diane Splaine
Diane St Georges
Diane Staibe
Diane Stanton
Diane Stanton On Saturday
Diane Stanton Quyon Correction Incorrect
Diane Stapley 8 Mary Tyler Moore
Diane Ste-
Diane Ste- On
Diane Steeves
Diane Steeves Carleton Catholic
Diane Steeyes
Diane Stephens
Diane Stevens
Diane Stevenson
Diane Stewart
Diane Stewart Between
Diane Stewart Boucher
Diane Stewart Donat Ranger
Diane Stewart Easter Bunny
Diane Stewart Happy
Diane Stewart Stvr.er
Diane Stone
Diane Storey
Diane Storic
Diane Storie
Diane Storle
Diane Stouffville
Diane Strutt
Diane Sullivan Gauthier
Diane Summerville
Diane Sympathy
Diane S^dth) Scott Saunders
Diane Telford
Diane Telford Graduating
Diane Telford McKee
Diane The
Diane Theroux
Diane These
Diane This
Diane Three
Diane Tiger
Diane Timmins
Diane Tommy Ladouceur
Diane Tourangeau
Diane Tournament
Diane Toutes
Diane Towell
Diane Towsley
Diane Tracey
Diane Tracy
Diane Tribute
Diane Tru-,
Diane Vaillancourt
Diane VaiUancourt Shaw
Diane Vamancourt
Diane Van Dusen
Diane Vanier
Diane Varsi AYLMER
Diane Vincent Holland
Diane Visitation
Diane Viv-
Diane Vivian
Diane Voldock
Diane Waddell
Diane Waldoon
Diane Wall
Diane Watson
Diane Wayne Cook
Diane Webb
Diane Webster
Diane Weldon
Diane Welsh
Diane White
Diane Wick
Diane Wick-
Diane Wick-ens
Diane Wickcns
Diane Wickens
Diane Wilson
Diane Wilson Many
Diane Wilson March
Diane WKendy Flerny
Diane Wlckens
Diane Woolaey
Diane Woolsey
Diane Woolsey Aunt Alice.
Diane Wright
Diane Yach
Diane Yelle
Diane Yvonne Tanguay
Diane Zimcrling
Diane Zimmerling
Diane Zimmerling Weds Steve Peter
Dick Lusig-Mrs
Dick Trainor Mrs Louise Prosser
Dickson Mrs Clifford Hahn
Director Mrs Polly Myles
Directors Mrs Pearl Elliott
District Commissioner Mrs Edward A Christie
District Minor ph*ne 048_2g76 Mrs Kenneth Hockey
Dive Moore Mrs Daye
Doctor Is At Door Commerce Studies Sunspot Problem Mrs. Ellen Barlow
Doctor Mrs Ernest Yach
Dodoes Dept Mrs
Don Benoit Miss Pearl Roach
Don Borisenko Vinton Mrs. Ernie Hearty
Don Dods Donald
Don Dods Mrs. Lee Hod-gins
Don Hummel Mrs. Colton
Don Mrs
Don Mrs Velma Harris
Don Murphy Mrs. Delmer Berber
Don Murray Diane Varsi Western
Don Paul Miss Eva Alexander Anonymous Electricity Is Your Biggest Bargain
Don Paul Mrs. Gordon* Alexander
Don Richardson Mrs Claire Fkury
Don Romain Mrs. Hilliard Holmes
Donald Wanderers Mr X SATURDAY
Donald !
Donald ShawviUe Recreation Hockey League ShawviUe Lion
Donald Shawville Mosquitoes
Donald !
Donald "
Donald "Duck” Trudeau
Donald "Pomme Romain
Donald "Pomme" Romain
Donald # Certificat
Donald & Danny Trudeau
Donald & Eunice SUCC.
Donald & Evelyn Duff
Donald & Gisele Evans
Donald & Linda Norman Wiggins
Donald & Louise Lavallée
Donald & Margaret Ann Foran
Donald & Roneld
Donald (Campbell
Donald (Duck) Trudeau
Donald * Mr.
Donald -
Donald - Linda Whitney
Donald - Sept.
Donald - Suddenly James
Donald - Words
Donald -2817
Donald .a
Donald .go
Donald .of
Donald 0f
Donald 0f Shaw
Donald 0strom
Donald 0strom Correspondent
Donald 0strom Ottawa
Donald 0’Cod
Donald 1990
Donald 2642
Donald 2726 Fraser
Donald 3. Aside Dickson
Donald 3. Dagg
Donald 54»782bm9
Donald 613-225-2411 2ba28
Donald 648-2376 A- Gordon
Donald 648-2376 OTC Wilson
Donald 648-2376 SHAGGY Male
Donald 7-2427 7-2968 7-2519 7-2858 7-2418 7-2830
Donald 7-2475 7-2267
Donald 7-2579 -2746 Tubman
Donald 7-2632 Fullord
Donald 7-2644
Donald 7-2644 Kopp Laboratories
Donald 7-2653 Rooney
Donald 7-2726 Atkinson
Donald 7-2726 Eraser’s Mens Wear
Donald 7-2903 7-2752 7-38601 Garrison
Donald 7-2951 Rooney
Donald 7-3751 Rooney
Donald 7-3816 Garrison
Donald 86141b Canada
Donald 900.00
Donald =ndaS1 ‘°r Maryland Sat
Donald ?
Donald A
Donald A 9
Donald A Baker
Donald A Baker Dies From Paralytic Stroke Phone
Donald A Dorothy Simpson
Donald A Jo Ann Sharpe
Donald A Letts
Donald A Mayfred Doda Ronnie
Donald A McTtemsn
Donald A Sharpe St Andrews-Knox
Donald A Shirley Paul
Donald A Smith
Donald A Stanton
Donald A.
Donald A. Baker
Donald A. Boulden
Donald A. Laird
Donald A. Laird For Stamp
Donald A. Laird And
Donald A. McIntosh
Donald A. Mclr>tosh
Donald A. Raker
Donald A. Sharpe
Donald A. Sharpe St
Donald A. Sharpe St Andrews Knox
Donald A. Sharpe St Andrews Knox United
Donald A. Sharpe St Andrews--Knox United
Donald A. Sharpe St Andrews-Knox
Donald A. Sharpe St Andrews-Knox United
Donald A. Sharpe St Andrew»-Knox
Donald A. Sharpe Starks Comers
Donald A. Sharpe Tel NOTAIRE
Donald A. Sharpe Visitors Welcome
Donald A. Smith
Donald A. Stewart Sale
Donald A. Williams
Donald Acres
Donald Ada Daley
Donald Adam
Donald Agenda
Donald Al Shawville
Donald Alban
Donald Alexander
Donald Alexander.
Donald Allan
Donald Allan Woods
Donald Allard
Donald Allen
Donald Allen Woods
Donald Alleyn 5-18
Donald Allumette East
Donald Also
Donald Ambridge
Donald and
Donald and Betty
Donald and Cathy Belec.
Donald and Clifford
Donald and David Clouthier Albert Waito
Donald and David Corrigan
Donald and Edward
Donald and Evelyn
Donald and Joan Woermke
Donald and Margaret
Donald and Margaret Me—
Donald and Nancy
Donald and Ross Campbell
Donald and William
Donald Andiew
Donald Andrew MacDonald
Donald Andrew*
Donald Andrews
Donald Andrews- Interment
Donald Andrew»
Donald Angie Retty
Donald Angn*
Donald Angus
Donald Angus Dorrance
Donald Ar-
Donald Arbour
Donald Arm
Donald Armi- W.
Donald Armitage
Donald Armitage Barber
Donald Armstrong
Donald Art MacIntyre
Donald Arthur
Donald Arthur Rat*
Donald Arthur Seymour
Donald Arthurs
Donald Ar__________________
Donald As
Donald Asa Horner
Donald Asay
Donald At
Donald at# Louise Lavallee
Donald Atwater
Donald B Munro Dr
Donald B Munro Or
Donald B Munro Or Watch
Donald B Murvo Of
Donald B Smith
Donald B. Mac-the
Donald B.O.
Donald Backman
Donald Badges Vhc
Donald Bain Monteitb
Donald Baine
Donald Bakci
Donald Baker
Donald Baker 1
Donald Baker December Service
Donald Baker Fancy Turkish Towelling Strong
Donald Baker FOR
Donald Baker For Sale
Donald Baker Gold Label Shirts
Donald Baker I
Donald Baker---
Donald Baker•
Donald Bam
Donald Banks
Donald Bannister
Donald Barbara Shelly Skew
Donald Barnett
Donald Barracudas
Donald Barrett) Vir-
Donald Baseball Sharpe
Donald Baxter
Donald Baxter MacMillan
Donald Bay
Donald Bayne
Donald Bclcc
Donald Bclec
Donald Be Campbell
Donald Be Hand
Donald Be-tembre
Donald Bean
Donald Beaudoin
Donald Beaudois
Donald Beaumont Bloomfield
Donald Beckett
Donald Bedard
Donald Beechgrove De
Donald Begaley
Donald Bel
Donald Belanger
Donald Belec
Donald Belec 300.
Donald Bélec Bertrand
Donald Bélec [1ern Hoy Marilyn
Donald Belec)
Donald Bélec* Shawville
Donald Belec.
Donald Belgian Brood Marc - Brian Crabb
Donald Bélisle
Donald Bell
Donald Belland
Donald Belland Çhiçhesler Mayor:
Donald Belshcr
Donald Belsher
Donald Berdard
Donald Bertrand
Donald Bev Young
Donald Bfelland
Donald Bigelow
Donald Biker
Donald Bill
Donald Bills
Donald Birthday
Donald Black
Donald Blackada
Donald Blackadnr
Donald Blais
Donald Blanch-trd
Donald Blanchard
Donald Bliss
Donald Bods
Donald Boom
Donald Bou-
Donald Boucher
Donald Boucner
Donald Bower
Donald Boyd
Donald Bradley
Donald Bravley
Donald Bray
Donald Brayiey
Donald Brayley
Donald Brayley Huissier
Donald Brayley Huissier 01015
Donald Brayley Huissier Waters
Donald Brayley Waters
Donald Brennan
Donald Brett McDonald
Donald Brian Corriveau
Donald Bright
Donald Bristol
Donald Brown
Donald Brownlee
Donald Brownrigg
Donald Bruce
Donald Bruce Macdonald
Donald Budge
Donald Bui
Donald Burden
Donald Burden Mr.
Donald Burgees
Donald Burke
Donald Burton
Donald Burton Dorothy Burton Mary DeGuire Ernest Eady Earl Fraser Joan Glenn Eleanor Graham _ .Jean
Donald Burton.
Donald Bush
Donald By-Law
Donald Byington
Donald C
Donald C aern T* Sons Ltd
Donald C Griffin Architect
Donald C McLach-
Donald C McLean
Donald C Munro
Donald C Smith
Donald C. Nickel
Donald C. Robertson
Donald C. Smith
Donald C. Smith B.A.
Donald C. Smith BA
Donald C. Smith Cold
Donald C. Smith RE-
Donald Cahill
Donald Cald-wel
Donald Caldwell
Donald Callahan
Donald Calling
Donald Caltborp
Donald Calumet Island’s
Donald Cam- Shawville
Donald Cameron
Donald Cameron 340
Donald Cameron Arrives Home HARRY BOWDEN Mr. Calvin Meunier
Donald Camp
Donald Camp- Shawville
Donald Campbell
Donald Campbell Campbell
Donald CampbeU
Donald Carlseen
Donald Carmen
Donald Carmen -
Donald Carol Tollman
Donald Carr
Donald Carri-
Donald Carrie
Donald Carroll
Donald Carson
Donald Cart
Donald Cartman
Donald Carty
Donald Celtege One
Donald Cemetery
Donald Chamber
Donald Chamberlain
Donald Chamberlin
Donald Charles
Donald Charron
Donald Chasel
Donald Chasl
Donald Chasle
Donald Chasles
Donald Chevalier
Donald Chevrier
Donald Chief
Donald Chipman
Donald Chisholm
Donald Choi"
Donald Chuck McCoigan
Donald City
Donald Civil War
Donald Clapham
Donald Clarendon
Donald Clark TILLAGE Bush
Donald Cleland
Donald Clouth
Donald Clouthicr
Donald Clouthier
Donald Clouthier 2
Donald Clouthier 3
Donald Code
Donald Coggins
Donald Coghill
Donald Coghill Miss Jocelyn Houghton
Donald Coghill Mr.
Donald College
Donald College And
Donald Comgan
Donald Conley
Donald Connelly
Donald Connelly Betty
Donald Connelly Michael Sarrazin
Donald Connely
Donald Connolly
Donald Conseiller John Lawn
Donald Consultatif
Donald Cook
Donald Cook Mrs.
Donald Cooney
Donald Cor-
Donald Cordon
Donald Cordwell Kenneth Trudeau
Donald Cornel’y
Donald Cornwall
Donald Corri- ADF.
Donald Corrigan
Donald Corrigan 2.00
Donald Corrigan Bruce
Donald Corrigan Donald Corrigan Female Bom Jan 1st
Donald Corrigan FREE ESTIMATES
Donald Corrigan Gary Hodglns Donald Corrigan Female
Donald Corrigan Section
Donald Corrigan.
Donald Corrigan’s
Donald Corse
Donald Corsette
Donald Coulton
Donald Courtney
Donald Cox
Donald Cragg
Donald Craie
Donald Craig
Donald Crawford
Donald Crawford-
Donald Cready
Donald Creighton
Donald Crisp
Donald Crisp Marj Reynolds
Donald Crisp Walt Disney Story
Donald Croisdale
Donald Crook
Donald Crotty
Donald Crouse
Donald Crozier
Donald Cslrom Correspondent
Donald Cuirie
Donald Cullen
Donald Culross Pcattie
Donald Culross Peat-tie
Donald Cummins
Donald Cur-
Donald Curfie
Donald Currie
Donald Currie Was
Donald Cutler
Donald D
Donald D. Farrell
Donald D. White
Donald Dads
Donald Dads Office
Donald Dagenais
Donald Dagg
Donald Dagwnaia
Donald Dahjik»
Donald Dahma
Donald Dahms
Donald Dahms Confession
Donald Dahms What
Donald Daly
Donald Dame
Donald Darlington
Donald Dart
Donald David
Donald David Donahue
Donald Davidson
Donald Davidson Mrs. William Creighton Miss Yvonne Dupuis
Donald Davis
Donald Day
Donald Dcbonairc’s
Donald Dcds
Donald Dcrouin
Donald De-
Donald Dean
Donald Dean H C Rowat
Donald Deans
Donald Deborah (Yuhaas
Donald Decks
Donald DeCosta
Donald Dell
Donald Delorme
Donald Demen
Donald Demers
Donald Demers Ottawa
Donald Demet
Donald Der
Donald Der-ouin
Donald Derouin
Donald Derouin Mar-
Donald Derouln
Donald Deroutn
Donald Dery
Donald Des-
Donald Desa-
Donald Desa- Shirley Archambault
Donald Desa-Kingsbury
Donald Desabrais
Donald Desebrais
Donald Desjardins
Donald Desmond Roo
Donald Desmond Rooney
Donald Després
Donald Dess Joey Cummings
Donald Dhu
Donald Dial Telephones Listing To Date
Donald Dick
Donald Dickson
Donald Dim
Donald Dim A Son J E Russell A
Donald Din-the
Donald Dinnie
Donald Dittbumer
Donald Dixls
Donald Dixon
Donald Dlnnie
Donald DocLs
Donald Doda
Donald Dodd
Donald Dodds
Donald Dodi
Donald Dodier
Donald Dods
Donald Dods and Margaret Horne
Donald Dods Charles Liberman Stonehaven Flower Shop Clifford McLarnon
Donald Dods Mr.
Donald Dods Office
Donald Dods Scotia
Donald Dods Susan
Donald Don
Donald Donald
Donald Donaldson
Donald Donna
Donald Donnelly
Donald Donnie.
Donald Donohue
Donald Donp»
Donald Dor Birtle Peck
Donald Doré
Donald Doré Jean-François Cloutier Daniel Potvin David Gauthier Sylvain Dufour Bernard Guénette Jos
Donald Dorothy Ireland
Donald Dorothy Pitts
Donald Dorrance
Donald Dorranse
Donald Doug Gauthier
Donald Douglas
Donald Drake
Donald Draper
Donald Drew
Donald Drive
Donald Drummond
Donald Duane
Donald Duck
Donald Duck 1.36 L
Donald Duck 1.36 L Un From Concentrate
Donald Duck 1.82 L
Donald Duck 3/.
Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse
Donald Duck Chilled Clover
Donald Duck Chilled Orange Juiice Weston Crullers
Donald Duck Florida GRAPEFRUIT
Donald Duck Frozen Orange
Donald Duck Frozen Orange Juice
Donald Duck Milk Bread
Donald Duck Milk Bread David Strawberry Tarts Spring Garden Salad Dressing
Donald Duck Milk Bread I#
Donald Duck Milk Breed
Donald Duck Orange Juiceiooz
Donald Duck Sweet or
Donald Duck Sweetened Grapefruit Juice
Donald Duck Sweetened or
Donald Duck Unsweet 450ml Admiral 1.79 Grapefruit Juice
Donald Duck Unsweet Blended Juice
Donald Duck Unsweet Grapefruit Juice
Donald Duck Unsweetened & Sweetened Hot Chocolate Royale Facial Tissue Grapefruit
Donald Duck Unsweetened Grapefruit
Donald Duck Unsweetened GRAPEFRUIT JUICE
Donald Duck Unsweetened Grapfruit Juice Assorted Dog Food Dr.
Donald Duck Unsweetened lb
Donald Duck.
Donald Duf(
Donald Duff
Donald Duff - Senior Holstein
Donald Duff 1
Donald Duff 3*
Donald Duff 6
Donald Duff A
Donald Duff A Son J E Russell A Sons Walter Kllgour A Son J E Barber & Sons
Donald Duff Corporal Claude Bouchard
Donald Duff Councillor
Donald Duff Edwin Plrle A Son Walter Kllgour
Donald Duff Janet Donations
Donald Duff John Dutf Itch
Donald Duff Jr Female
Donald Duff Liam Daley
Donald Duff Lorene Hod
Donald Duff Motion Crs Orr
Donald Duff Mr. Carswell
Donald Duff Presented
Donald Duff President- Winston Me Bane
Donald Duff Tubman
Donald Duff Warmful
Donald Duff- Senior Holstein- Charles Pirie
Donald DUFF. A.
Donald Duffs
Donald Duffs 3
Donald Duff’s Brysoa
Donald DufT
Donald DufY
Donald Dull
Donald Dull*2
Donald Dun
Donald Duncan
Donald Duncan -
Donald Duncan Angua Enid Audrey Bates Weds Donald Duncan Angus
Donald Duncan Angus
Donald Duncan Levere
Donald Duquette
Donald Durant
Donald Dutf....... John Dods
Donald DutTbelng
Donald Dvaidson Fred Dale
Donald Dyke
Donald E Acres
Donald E Wylie
Donald E- Full
Donald E. Acres
Donald E. Hudson
Donald E. Ruth- His
Donald E. Rutherford
Donald E. Simla
Donald E. Wylie Nov.
Donald Eades
Donald Earl
Donald Earley
Donald Early
Donald Ebert
Donald Eddy
Donald Edgar
Donald Education
Donald Edward Douglas
Donald Edwin White
Donald Edwin.
Donald Eldon Ostrom
Donald Election
Donald Elliott
Donald Elliott 82.2
Donald Ellis
Donald Elmira
Donald Emergency Measures
Donald Emerson
Donald Emile Rule
Donald Emmcrsonr
Donald Emmer- Today
Donald Emmerson
Donald English Pleasure
Donald Eraser
Donald Eric at
Donald Erley
Donald Ettinger
Donald ÊüfÜü Mielke
Donald Evans
Donald Ewen
Donald Except
Donald Eyre
Donald F
Donald F Campbell
Donald F Runcc-8.50 Powell
Donald F Runge
Donald F Runge -
Donald F Runge 113.58
Donald F Runge 2.63
Donald F Runge Ltd
Donald F Runge Ltd.
Donald F Runge Printers
Donald F Runge Typewriter Peter Gauthier
Donald F Rungv
Donald F*
Donald F. Campbell
Donald F. Clausen
Donald F. McKechnie
Donald F. Rungc
Donald F. Runge
Donald F. Runge Ltd.
Donald F. Runge Ltd. 22.20
Donald Fades
Donald Fairboiro
Donald Fairgrieve
Donald Family
Donald Farm
Donald Farquharson
Donald Farrell
Donald Farrell And
Donald February
Donald Feltmate
Donald Female
Donald Ferguson
Donald Ferguton
Donald Ferquharson
Donald Ferquherson
Donald Fielding
Donald Final
Donald Find
Donald Findlay
Donald Findlay Mrs. Leonard Smith
Donald Findley
Donald Fkaskk
Donald Fkaskr
Donald Fleming
Donald Fleury
Donald Flood
Donald Florence
Donald Fo-
Donald Following
Donald FOR SALE-hay
Donald Foran
Donald Forarr
Donald Forbes
Donald Fortin
Donald Fouette
Donald Fra
Donald Fra*kr
Donald Fra-er
Donald Fraher
Donald Frahkii
Donald Frahkr
Donald Fram
Donald Francoeur
Donald Frasbr
Donald Fraser
Donald Fraser and Nancy Sherman
Donald Fraser Charteris
Donald Fraser Coming Events
Donald Fraser Mrs. Isadora Coulis
Donald Fraser R.
Donald Fraser Total
Donald Fraser.
Donald Fraser.......
Donald Fraser............. Cyrus
Donald Fraser’s
Donald Fraser’s Mens Wear Free Methodist Parsonage
Donald Fraskp
Donald Frederick
Donald Frederick c/o K P M G Inc
Donald Frederick.
Donald French
Donald Fui-
Donald Ful-
Donald Ful-ford
Donald Fulford
Donald Fuller
Donald Fullord
Donald Furniture
Donald fWk Sid Krueger
Donald G
Donald G Boyd
Donald G Hodgins
Donald G. Alexander
Donald G. Boyd
Donald G. Hodgins
Donald G. Hodglns
Donald G. Paul
Donald Gabie
Donald Gable Kazabazua
Donald Gag
Donald Gag-
Donald Gag- No
Donald Gagnon
Donald Gagnon If
Donald Gagnon - Chichester
Donald Gagnon and Betty Harkins
Donald Gagnon If
Donald Gagnon John Richard Cavey Fournier
Donald Gagnon Ken Pack Andrew Perrault Barry Moffatt Located
Donald Gagnon Libelles
Donald Gagnon MANSFIELD
Donald Gagnon Mayor
Donald Gagnon Philippe
Donald Gagnon Seat
Donald Gagnon*
Donald Gagnon* Seat
Donald Gamble
Donald Gamble His
Donald Gamble Jr.
Donald Gamble RN
Donald Ganger
Donald Garrison
Donald Gates
Donald Gatincauu Power Co. Hodgms
Donald Gau-treau
Donald Gauthier
Donald Gauthier Daughter
Donald Gauthier Stephen
Donald Gauthier Wayne Shepherd
Donald Gauvriau
Donald Gavan
Donald Gavan That
Donald Gay
Donald Gend-|
Donald Gendron
Donald George Smith
Donald Georgetown Streaker
Donald Gerrard
Donald Gerravd
Donald Gibson Street
Donald Gideon Service Ultramar Heating Sales
Donald Gilchrist
Donald Gilles
Donald Glen Lappierre
Donald Glenn Cougler
Donald God- Beattie
Donald Gordon
Donald Gordon Addresses Weekly Newspaper Editors
Donald Gordon Darlington
Donald Gordon Paul
Donald Gordon Says Consumer Rationing May Be
Donald Gorse
Donald Gou-lah
Donald Goulet
Donald Gra Emile Morn
Donald Grade
Donald Graham
Donald Grandpa
Donald Grant
Donald Grant.
Donald Gravalina
Donald Gravclme
Donald Gravdine
Donald Grave
Donald Grave-nagh
Donald Gravel
Donald Gravelinc McElligott
Donald Graveline
Donald Graveline A Co. Contestants
Donald Graveline Jr.
Donald Graveline Jr. Lynn Moorehead
Donald Graveline Spending Easter
Donald Graveline Sr
Donald Graveline Sr.
Donald GraveUne Blaine
Donald Gray
Donald Greer
Donald Griffin
Donald Gunn
Donald Gwlght Thomoflon
Donald Gyles
Donald H T McDowell 2
Donald H.
Donald Hallam
Donald Hamlcy
Donald Hamm
Donald Han
Donald Hanna’s
Donald Happy
Donald Harbor
Donald Harbour
Donald Harkins
Donald Harold Malette
Donald Harris
Donald Harry
Donald Hartman
Donald Hastings
Donald Havelin
Donald Havens
Donald Hayes
Donald He
Donald Heap
Donald Hearty
Donald Heatlie
Donald Hector Maclean
Donald Hein
Donald Hel-mer
Donald Helmer
Donald Hérault
Donald Hertmen
Donald Hetfler
Donald Hetty
Donald Heury
Donald Hharjie
Donald Hiker Lowest
Donald Hill
Donald Hilts
Donald Hilts —
Donald Himmelman
Donald Hines
Donald HIV
Donald Hobbs
Donald Hod
Donald Hod-
Donald Hodgina
Donald Hodgins
Donald Hodgins Ashbury
Donald Hodgins Cathy Young
Donald Hodgins Electric
Donald Hodgins Electric McColgan
Donald Hodgins Electrical
Donald Hodgins Electrical Installations Inc. Shawville
Donald Hodgins Tne
Donald Hodglns
Donald Hodgms
Donald Hods
Donald Holland
Donald Home
Donald Homer
Donald Homer LeGuemer
Donald Homer’s
Donald Homer’s Silver Maple Dale
Donald Honniger
Donald Honor
Donald Horner
Donald Horner 2
Donald Horner Sec.
Donald Horner Workshops
Donald Horner’s Silver Maple Betsy True Tell
Donald Hornet
Donald Hospitil
Donald How
Donald Howard
Donald Howard Bulmer
Donald Howe
Donald Hoy Chamberlin
Donald Hugh Proudfoot
Donald Hugh.
Donald Hughes
Donald Hummel
Donald Humor
Donald Hunt
Donald Hunter
Donald Hynes
Donald I
Donald I Demers
Donald Î Get
Donald I J. P. Wilson
Donald I Russell
Donald I Sharpe
Donald I'',
Donald Î1. McDonald
Donald Ik
Donald Ilodgins
Donald Imre
Donald In
Donald Interment
Donald Irafford
Donald Irouiieau
Donald Irwin
Donald Irwin Wednesday
Donald Ivan Grant
Donald Ivan Wyman
Donald IVmers
Donald I^etts
Donald I’m
Donald J Bravlev Aagregites
Donald J Brayiey
Donald J Brayley
Donald J Brayley 1
Donald J Brayley H Huissier de Justice
Donald J Brayley Huissier
Donald J Brayley Huissier Campbell
Donald J Brayley Huissier Linteau Paradis
Donald J Brayley Mackey Funeral Home
Donald J Brayley O Hara
Donald J Brayley StH-rSmS
Donald J Brayter Huiss-er
Donald J Delorme -
Donald J Findlay
Donald J MacLean
Donald J MacLeod
Donald J. Brayley
Donald J. Byrne
Donald J. Campbell
Donald J. Campbell Bro
Donald J. Jenkins
Donald J. Jost
Donald J. MacKinnon
Donald J. McDonald
Donald J. McLean
Donald J. Nightingale
Donald J. Roney
Donald J. Roney Tke Pott Office
Donald J. Sutherland
Donald Jack Kirkham
Donald Jackson
Donald Jacques
Donald Jacques and Brent Miinville
Donald Jacques Ledoux
Donald James Butler
Donald James Cameron
Donald James Cameron Shawville Rev. Stuart Marples Sunday
Donald James Cameroon
Donald James Findley
Donald James Hill
Donald James MacLean
Donald James McNeill
Donald James Walter
Donald James Wilson
Donald James.
Donald Jamison
Donald Jansen
Donald January 6
Donald Jean
Donald Jean.
Donald Jenkins
Donald Joe
Donald John
Donald John Campbell
Donald John Evoy Funeral
Donald John McElheran
Donald John McElheran Anna Pearl Hamilton
Donald John McElhoran Minutes
Donald John Olmstead
Donald John Splane
Donald John*
Donald John>t
Donald Johnson
Donald Johnston
Donald Johnstone
Donald Jones
Donald Jones 8i Bray
Donald Joseph Chichester Désignation
Donald Joseph Dolan
Donald Joseph Mayhew
Donald Joseph Taxes
Donald Jost
Donald JoTinston
Donald Journal
Donald Joyce
Donald Joyce BA
Donald Jr Greve*ne
Donald Jr.
Donald Jr. Get
Donald July
Donald K 1»
Donald K Hudgins
Donald K. Andrews
Donald Kallice
Donald Kane
Donald Ke-
Donald Kealy
Donald Kearns
Donald Kearns Montréal
Donald Kehoe
Donald Keith
Donald Ken-
Donald Kennedy
Donald Kenneth
Donald Kenneth Smith
Donald Kenny
Donald Kilbride
Donald KimiuT-ui
Donald King
Donald Kingsley
Donald Kinmerson
Donald Kirkbam
Donald Kirke
Donald Kirkey
Donald Kirkham
Donald Kmineraon
Donald Knapp
Donald Knox
Donald Knox Doreen Belland
Donald Knu
Donald Kraskh
Donald Kucharik
Donald Kueharik
Donald Kulaisa
Donald Kulesa
Donald Kulft-rxi
Donald Kuliasa
Donald L Craig
Donald L Millar
Donald L, Gilles L, Deanna L, Kim H
Donald L. Birch Quinton
Donald L. Macintosh
Donald La
Donald La Municipalité
Donald La*allee 647-2142 Murphy
Donald La- Lionel Morin
Donald La-formed
Donald Labile
Donald Labine
Donald Labrie
Donald Lacroix
Donald LaCrosse
Donald Lafieur
Donald Lafleur
Donald Lafontaine
Donald Lagoie
Donald Laird
Donald Lalng
Donald Lamoric
Donald Lanças-
Donald Lancaster
Donald Lancaster Lather
Donald Lancaster--------
Donald Lancaster—who
Donald Lancaster’s
Donald Lance
Donald Landry
Donald Lang
Donald Lanvas- K"r<
Donald Lapointe
Donald Laporte
Donald LARGE
Donald LaSalle
Donald Latulippe
Donald Laurier Best
Donald Laurin
Donald Lav
Donald Lava
Donald Lava Ike
Donald Laval
Donald Laval Ice Entile Friday
Donald Laval-
Donald Laval-So
Donald Lavalée
Donald Lavalee 250.00
Donald Lavalie 7
Donald Lavalke
Donald Lavallce
Donald Lavallde
Donald Lavalle
Donald Lavallee
Donald Lavallée - Chartered Accountant
Donald Lavallee 133.00 Hydro Quebec
Donald Lavallee 58.00
Donald Lavallee Also
Donald Lavallée Attorney
Donald Lavallée Avocat
Donald Lavallée Chairman
Donald Lavallée Charcoal Barrel Restaurant Steaks
Donald Lavallée DONALD
Donald Lavallée Forestry
Donald Lavallée France Maltais
Donald Lavallée Hanna
Donald Lavallée L hôpital
Donald Lavallée Lloyd Stewart Used Furniture
Donald Lavallée Procureur
Donald Lavallée Secretary
Donald Lavallee T-ifty
Donald Lavallée W.J. Hayes
Donald Lavallee-llO.
Donald Lavallée»
Donald LavaUee
Donald LavaWee
Donald Lavdllee
Donald Lave 1
Donald Lavellee
Donald Lavinski
Donald Lavoie
Donald Lawi
Donald Le
Donald Leahy
Donald Learmouth
Donald Leblanc
Donald LeBrun
Donald Leclerc
Donald Lee
Donald Lee Richardson
Donald Legault
Donald Lepine
Donald Leplne
Donald Lessard
Donald Lester Beattie
Donald Let-1 A. Mohr
Donald Lett
Donald Létts
Donald Letts de Campbell
Donald Letts L. B
Donald Letts Mo*
Donald Letts Morin
Donald Letts Proposé
Donald Letts Salutations
Donald Letts,110 Pontiac
Donald LetU
Donald LevalMe
Donald Levesque
Donald Lévesque Contracte
Donald Lévesque Contracter
Donald Lévesque Contracteur
Donald License Bureau Lily
Donald License Bureau Lily’s Beauty Shop Linden
Donald Lily
Donald Lindsay
Donald Lindzay
Donald Litchfield
Donald Lli/aheth
Donald Llndzny
Donald Lloyd Sharpe
Donald Lloyd Stuart Photo
Donald Lloyd Stuart.
Donald Lockhart
Donald Long
Donald Lorraine
Donald Lorris Carson
Donald Lotte
Donald Louden
Donald Louis
Donald Lovallee
Donald Lovellée
Donald Loynacliarr
Donald LUCERNE Spending Easter
Donald Lyall
Donald M .Credie
Donald M <
Donald M Lean
Donald M Lefor
Donald M Lefor Re
Donald M Mc Callum
Donald M Mc(
Donald M''Coll
Donald M''Queen
Donald M.
Donald M. Fleming
Donald M. Grant Kberswalde
Donald M. J>
Donald M. L A.
Donald M. McCaflum
Donald M. McLean
Donald M. McPhail
Donald M. Murphy
Donald M. Nelson
Donald M. Stevens Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle
Donald M. Thompson
Donald M. Thompson Appointed C.P.R. Agent ENGAGEMENT ADVOCATE.
Donald M. Yates
Donald M.-Rae
Donald M.P.
Donald M.uLoan al Mrs.
Donald M< Credie
Donald M<ltao
Donald Ma
Donald Maas Sharpe
Donald Mac
Donald Mac Donald
Donald Mac Master
Donald Mac Mur-
Donald Mac-
Donald Mac-Kechnie
Donald Mac-Norwood
Donald Macdonald
Donald MacDougal
Donald MacDougall
Donald Macintosh
Donald MacIntyre
Donald Mackenzie
Donald Mackenzie Grant
Donald Mackey
Donald Macl
Donald MacLachlan
Donald Maclean
Donald Macleod
Donald Maclsaac
Donald Macmabtib
Donald MacMaster
Donald MacMil-
Donald MacMillan
Donald MacNeil Mrs Raymonde
Donald Mae-
Donald Mai
Donald Main
Donald Main 2
Donald Main-
Donald Maker
Donald Malet
Donald Malette
Donald Mali
Donald Mallette
Donald Maloney
Donald Man
Donald Manary
Donald Mann
Donald Manning
Donald Mao
Donald Mao Far
Donald Mar-
Donald Marian
Donald Marian McCal
Donald Marian McCallum
Donald Marian McCel- Judd s
Donald Marian Metal-
Donald Marie- Anglican Church Ladies Guild
Donald Marion
Donald Marion Corporation Municipale
Donald Marion respective- Pinqouins
Donald Marion Truite
Donald Marlen
Donald Marshall
Donald Marshall Fund
Donald Marti
Donald Martin
Donald Martin McCaftum
Donald Martin-eeu Quyon
Donald Martine
Donald Martineau
Donald Mary Mackillop
Donald Mathers
Donald MatPherson Funeral Al Sudbury Funeral
Donald May 7
Donald Mayhew
Donald Mc-
Donald Mc- Everett McDowell
Donald Mc- Mr.
Donald Mc- QUYON
Donald Mc-1
Donald Mc-Credie
Donald Mc-Dooigai
Donald Mc-Kechnie
Donald Mc-Kti
Donald Mc-the NHL Stanley
Donald Mc.
Donald McAlpine
Donald McC
Donald McCaffery
Donald McCagg
Donald McCallum
Donald McCann
Donald McCann Joey Fraser Jean-Guy Lapierre Joseph Bennett John Atkinson Edgar Barber Randy Labadie
Donald McCann’s
Donald McCiedie
Donald McCoahen
Donald McColgan
Donald McCord
Donald McCord. Lee Murphy
Donald McCoshan
Donald McCradie
Donald McCrc-die
Donald McCrcdic
Donald McCrcdîë
Donald McCre
Donald McCre-
Donald McCre- Community Centre
Donald McCre-die
Donald McCrea
Donald McCred-ie
Donald McCred-this
Donald McCredic Roberta
Donald McCredie
Donald McCredie 2
Donald McCredie 2. Hen-
Donald McCredie Ave
Donald McCredie BRISTOL
Donald McCredie Council
Donald McCredie Grant Woolsey
Donald McCredie Howard Orr Milburn Homer
Donald McCredie Macdonald
Donald McCredie Norman Burke
Donald McCredie Sale:-
Donald McCredie’s
Donald McCrediie
Donald McCredle
Donald McCredR
Donald McCredte BRISTOL
Donald McCrodie
Donald McCrrdie
Donald McCulloch
Donald McCullough
Donald McDonald
Donald McDonald K Turner
Donald McDonald MP
Donald McDoowell K C. A.F Tienton
Donald McDougal
Donald McDougall
Donald McDougnl
Donald McDow- Hodgins
Donald McDowell
Donald McDowell Bay
Donald McDowell Breaks Record
Donald McDowell Id
Donald McDowell Kirkland Lake
Donald McDowell Missing
Donald McDowell Poultry Fencing Poultry Netting Electric Fencers
Donald McDowell Prisoner
Donald McDowell Pte
Donald McDowell—6
Donald McElrea
Donald McEwan
Donald McGarry
Donald McGee
Donald McGee Donnelly
Donald McGihbon
Donald McGregor
Donald McGuire
Donald McHa
Donald McIntosh
Donald McIntyre
Donald McKay
Donald McKecbnie
Donald McKech-
Donald McKechmc
Donald McKechnie
Donald McKeeby
Donald McKendry
Donald McKenny
Donald McKenzie
Donald McKiIlup
Donald McKiliop
Donald McKillop
Donald McKillop Sr.
Donald McKin- Mrs. Barr
Donald McKUlopsr.
Donald McLachlan
Donald McLaren
Donald McLaren Former Howard Service Station
Donald McLaren''#
Donald Mclaugh- Lions Club
Donald McLaughlin
Donald Mcldrum
Donald McLean
Donald McLean Buried At Beachburg
Donald McLean Donald McLean
Donald McLean Quyon
Donald McLeod
Donald McLeod O.
Donald McLeod OMI
Donald McLiren
Donald Mclla
Donald McLoed
Donald Mclta
Donald Mcltae
Donald McLuren
Donald McLwen
Donald McMaster
Donald McMillan
Donald McNaugh-ton
Donald McNaughton
Donald McNdl
Donald McNeil
Donald McNeil Stevens
Donald McNeill
Donald McNeill 524
Donald McNeills
Donald McOedie
Donald McOrcside
Donald McPh I)ods
Donald McPhaii
Donald McPhail
Donald McPhail Radford
Donald McPhall
Donald McPhee
Donald McPhse
Donald McPliee
Donald McRa
Donald McRae
Donald McRae 2
Donald McRae 3.
Donald McRae Coaches Team
Donald McRae Dr. R E. Dagg Norris Brough Miss Nell
Donald McRae Dr. Wallace Hodgins Mr. Harold Hayward Mr.
Donald McRae Elected
Donald McRae Mrs. George Craig.
Donald McRae Starke’s Corners
Donald McRea
Donald McThkk
Donald McVean
Donald McVee
Donald McVey
Donald Me
Donald Me 2nd Jerry Laughlln
Donald Me Cradle
Donald Me Credle
Donald Me Ha
Donald Me Hat
Donald Me Isaac
Donald Me Kedmie
Donald Me Liren
Donald Me Mr.
Donald Me Rae
Donald Me Thee
Donald Me William Cotie
Donald Me-
Donald Me- W?
Donald Me- However
Donald Me- Richmand
Donald Me- Woodley
Donald Me- ¦»«s Mr. Hugh Caimey
Donald Me-1
Donald Me-Credie
Donald Me-dived
Donald Me-Hewitt McCredie
Donald Me-I
Donald Me-l)odual
Donald Me-Phall
Donald Meakin
Donald MeCredie
Donald Mediae Willie McKinley
Donald MeDou
Donald MeEwan
Donald MeHae
Donald MeKae
Donald Mel
Donald Melanie.
Donald Meldrum
Donald Melville
Donald Menard
Donald MePhail
Donald MePhee
Donald Merlan McCallum
Donald Messages
Donald Met
Donald Mi Phkb
Donald Mich-
Donald Middlemiss
Donald Mil-
Donald Mill
Donald Millar
Donald Miller
Donald Mine
Donald Miners—D.
Donald Mines
Donald Miss Frances Dean
Donald Miss Marie Susie Brownlee
Donald Miss Shirley Mary Sly Reg
Donald ML
Donald Ml-Credic
Donald MoColgan
Donald MoCredie
Donald MoDowell
Donald MoDoweU
Donald Moir
Donald MoLean
Donald Mollae
Donald Monette
Donald Monroe
Donald Monroe Memorial
Donald Mooette
Donald Moore
Donald Morin
Donald Morley Hodgins Inc.
Donald Morrison
Donald Morton
Donald Mostrum
Donald Motion
Donald Motion Cr L Roy
Donald Mous
Donald Mousseau
Donald Moved
Donald Moyle
Donald Mqltae
Donald Mr.
Donald MrCullagh
Donald MrRae
Donald Mrs Bertha Nephin
Donald Mrs Bertha Orr
Donald Mrs Donald Ostrom
Donald Mrs Percy
Donald Mrs. Everett Moore
Donald MscNv
Donald MtCredie
Donald MtKie Laving
Donald Mu
Donald Mulligan
Donald Municipality
Donald Munro
Donald Munroe
Donald Murchison
Donald Murdock
Donald Muriel Graveline
Donald Murray
Donald MURRAY RRflS~ Kerr
Donald N. Bastian
Donald N. Bastian Music
Donald N. Hogarth
Donald N. Ht Lennoxville
Donald Nault
Donald Neil Orpen Munroe
Donald Nelson
Donald Nelson-
Donald Nesbit
Donald Nesbitt
Donald Ness
Donald Neville
Donald New
Donald New Partie
Donald New SHOP
Donald New Wickens
Donald Newberry
Donald Nicholas Kuliasa
Donald Nicholson
Donald Nicholson Gold Label Shirts
Donald Nickel
Donald Nixon
Donald Noble
Donald Norman MacLeod
Donald Norman McRae
Donald Nose- Third
Donald Noseworjhy
Donald Noseworthy
Donald Novls
Donald Noyes
Donald N^Credie
Donald O C nUNCIS
Donald O C On Our Stage
Donald O Callaghan
Donald O Callahan
Donald O Callahan RR 2
Donald O Connor
Donald O Connor Vf
Donald O Connor Comedy
Donald O Connor Gloria DeHaven
Donald O Connor Janet Leigh
Donald O Connor Jean Simmons Technicolor
Donald O Connor Jimmy Durante Sat.
Donald O Connor Marilyn Maxwell
Donald O Connor Marilyn Munroe Dan Dailey
Donald O Connor Not House Sat.
Donald O Connor Technicolor
Donald O Connor Technicolor Marilyn Monroe
Donald O Donnell
Donald O Sylvester
Donald O*
Donald O. McLean
Donald Oaites
Donald Oamhi.k
Donald Oatrom
Donald Oatrom Correspondent IDown
Donald Oatroml TCtZ.
Donald Oats
Donald OCenner Marth
Donald OConnor
Donald October
Donald Oetrom
Donald Oetrom Correspondent
Donald Oetrom Normand Perrier
Donald Oetrom Stewart Woods
Donald Oetrom Visiting
Donald Oetrom-
Donald Oft
Donald Oitrom
Donald Oitrom Mrs Clifford Olmstead
Donald Olinstead
Donald Oliver
Donald Olm
Donald Olm-.
Donald Olm-stead
Donald Olmstead
Donald Olmstead aL SjfflSffSSS£
Donald Olmstead Mrs1 Berna Diotte
Donald Olmstead.-
Donald Omtrom Visiting
Donald On Thursday
Donald Oowing
Donald Oral Woermke
Donald Orr
Donald Orval Simpson Donald Orval Simpson
Donald Orval Woerm
Donald Orval Woermke
Donald Os
Donald Os-
Donald Osborne
Donald Oshier
Donald Oslrom
Donald Osnos
Donald Ostroin Afcru
Donald Ostroin Gorr
Donald Ostroir
Donald Ostroir ROPANE
Donald Ostroir Broken
Donald Ostroir Get
Donald Ostroir HUBERT McCauley
Donald Ostroir Invoices List
Donald Ostroir Mrs Amable Jolicoeur
Donald Ostroir Shawville
Donald Ostroir Sus
Donald Ostroir Vinton
Donald Ostroir Visiting
Donald OstrolT BHC
Donald Ostrom
Donald Ostrom Mr Jimmy Lindy
Donald Ostrom -4.
Donald Ostrom Holidaying
Donald Ostrom Mrs Robert Eady
Donald Ostrom ELECTRIC
Donald Ostrom Greaser Party
Donald Ostrom Apply Gordon Armstrong
Donald Ostrom Bryson
Donald Ostrom Bryson News
Donald Ostrom Bryson Skidoo
Donald Ostrom Charlie Burke
Donald Ostrom Chiropractor Mrs. Verner Thrun
Donald Ostrom Community Calendar
Donald Ostrom Community Hospital Correspondent
Donald Ostrom Congratulations
Donald Ostrom Cor
Donald Ostrom Correspondant Get
Donald Ostrom Correspondant Miss Dominion
Donald Ostrom Correspondent
Donald Ostrom Correspondent O F 5
Donald Ostrom Correspondent Birthday
Donald Ostrom Correspondent For
Donald Ostrom Correspondent Get
Donald Ostrom Correspondent Home
Donald Ostrom Correspondent Miss Anita Leach
Donald Ostrom Correspondent Moved
Donald Ostrom Correspondent Mrs Bertha Gardiner
Donald Ostrom Correspondent Mrs James Ostrom
Donald Ostrom Correspondent Mrs Peter Wall
Donald Ostrom Correspondent Mrs T W McGuire
Donald Ostrom Correspondent News
Donald Ostrom Correspondent Pontiac Alternates
Donald Ostrom Correspondent Thanksgiving
Donald Ostrom Correspondent Visiting
Donald Ostrom Correspondent Visiting Mrs
Donald Ostrom Correspondent Visiting Mrs J C Poisson
Donald Ostrom Curling
Donald Ostrom Deepest
Donald Ostrom Emmerson
Donald Ostrom Gervais
Donald Ostrom Get
Donald Ostrom Harrington
Donald Ostrom Hi-Way Drive-In Children
Donald Ostrom Home
Donald Ostrom Lafont
Donald Ostrom MEN
Donald Ostrom MotftS
Donald Ostrom Mr
Donald Ostrom N&WS Director
Donald Ostrom Pontiac County
Donald Ostrom QttOF Lake
Donald Ostrom RADIATOR SERVICE Shawville
Donald Ostrom Recent
Donald Ostrom Saturday
Donald Ostrom SEPTIC
Donald Ostrom Shawville
Donald Ostrom Sudbury
Donald Ostrom Their
Donald Ostrom’s
Donald Ostronr
Donald Ostronr RUSSETT’S
Donald Ostronr Call
Donald Ostronr Congratulations
Donald Ostronr Recently
Donald Ostronr Visiting
Donald Ostror Mias Debbie Grier
Donald Ostrora
Donald Ostrorn
Donald Ostrorn Correspondent
Donald Ostrorr
Donald Ostrorr Misa Louisa Mellon
Donald Ostrorr WORK WANTED
Donald Other
Donald Ottawa
Donald Ottrom Correspondent Bryson Notes
Donald Ouellette
Donald Oullctte
Donald Our Bankers Insist
Donald O’Cbnnor Destination Gobi Esther WllliaThs
Donald O’Cenanor Ana Blythe
Donald O’Conno
Donald O’Connor
Donald O’Connor Debbie Reynolds First Run Fox Movitonc News Coloured Car
Donald O’Connor FRANCIS
Donald O’Connor Gale Storm Scott
Donald O’Connor Janet Leigh Technicolor FEBRUARY
Donald O’Connor THERE’S
Donald O’Connor With Forage
Donald P Gauthier
Donald P Given
Donald P Russe IL
Donald P Sloan 201
Donald P. Bennett
Donald Pa
Donald Pagé
Donald Paid
Donald Pallbearers
Donald Palmer
Donald Pamela
Donald Pap
Donald Pap-
Donald Paquette
Donald Paquette Happy
Donald Paquette Saturday
Donald Paquette Sr.
Donald Paresin
Donald Parker
Donald Parrish
Donald Paterson
Donald Patrick Cable
Donald Patrick Kirkham
Donald Patrick May
Donald Patterson
Donald Paul
Donald Paul #
Donald Paul Insurance
Donald Paul Joan Smart Opal Smart Embyle Smiley Phyllis Smith Bernice Stewart Martin Taggart Joyce
Donald Paul Shaw
Donald Paul Shawvill
Donald Paul Shawville
Donald Paul Shâwvillt
Donald Paul Shêwvllle Non
Donald Paul Unit
Donald Paul.
Donald Paul. Gordon Paul.
Donald Peebles
Donald Peever
Donald Pel-
Donald Pel- Mrs
Donald Pelle-V
Donald Pelletier
Donald Penrose
Donald Pépin
Donald Percy
Donald Percy Dahms
Donald Perf(
Donald Permis
Donald Perrier
Donald Perry
Donald Petb
Donald Peter -
Donald Pfr
Donald Phan-She
Donald Phaser
Donald Phillips
Donald Photo
Donald Piche
Donald Pickering
Donald Picketing
Donald Pierce
Donald Pilon
Donald Piloquin
Donald Pipe
Donald Pitiudfoot
Donald Plager
Donald Pleasence
Donald Plouffe
Donald Pnoulx
Donald Pod*
Donald Poirier
Donald Poisson
Donald Pomme Calumet Island Voyageurs
Donald Pontiac Agricultural Society
Donald Pontiac Rural Telephone Co. Manson McDowell
Donald Poullotte
Donald Powellelc
Donald prc-| Costs
Donald Prior Rosebush
Donald Pro-
Donald Proiilx
Donald ProucLfoot
Donald Proud
Donald Proud-
Donald Proudfoot
Donald Proudfoot B Grade Five Grace Godin B
Donald Prouix
Donald Proulx
Donald Proulz
Donald Pteasance
Donald Puff....... Beans
Donald Pulford
Donald Pyper
Donald Qapham
Donald Qor-do
Donald Quebec
Donald Quyon Fire Department
Donald Q[
Donald R
Donald R 647-2218
Donald R Bower
Donald R Dads
Donald R Dads 647-2218 Off
Donald R Dads Cosmorama Realties
Donald R Dads Cosmoramd Realties
Donald R Dads Office
Donald R Dads Ontario
Donald R Dods
Donald R Dods PONTIAC
Donald R Dogs
Donald R Moir
Donald R,
Donald R. 647-3659 Dads
Donald R. Cole
Donald R. Crawford
Donald R. Crawford B A. Sc.
Donald R. Dads
Donald R. Dads Shawville
Donald R. Dads Shawville Office
Donald R. Dods
Donald R. Dods Re/Max Mayfrod Homer Dods Kopek
Donald R. Heath
Donald R. Scharf Auctioneers
Donald R. _ _
Donald R.C. McLachlan
Donald Ra-bishaw
Donald Racine
Donald Raker
Donald RakerJ#
Donald Randolph
Donald Ranger
Donald Raphael Snipper
Donald Rath
Donald Rathwell
Donald Raul
Donald Ray I
Donald Rayburn Arden
Donald Raymond DON’T Miss - Smith
Donald Rayne
Donald Rctty
Donald Read Description
Donald Reagan
Donald Reagan Doris Day
Donald Red
Donald Reg Andrews
Donald Renaud
Donald Renfrew Jordan
Donald Replies How
Donald Retly
Donald Retty
Donald Retty April
Donald Retty Sheen
Donald Rev
Donald Reynold
Donald Reynolds
Donald Reynolds U)
Donald Reynold»
Donald Rhsver
Donald RicHaDdson
Donald Richadson
Donald Richard
Donald Richard.
Donald Richardson
Donald Riven
Donald Rivers
Donald Rivest
Donald Rivet
Donald Rivington
Donald Rivington Kinburn
Donald Roadster Open John Brunton
Donald Robaitaille
Donald Robertson
Donald Robertson B1S Pembroke St
Donald Robertson Phone 587
Donald Robinson
Donald Robitailk
Donald Robitaille
Donald Rock
Donald Roderick Mair
Donald Rods
Donald Roe#
Donald Roger
Donald Romain
Donald Roney
Donald Ronnie’s
Donald Roo
Donald Roo-
Donald Roo- Clr Stevens
Donald Rooney
Donald Rooney Affairs
Donald Rooney Ottawa
Donald Rooney _
Donald Rosaleen Dickson
Donald Rose
Donald Ross
Donald Ross Stewart
Donald Rothwell
Donald Rothwell McCord
Donald Rowley
Donald Roy
Donald Roy 1664
Donald Roy Chamberlain Local News
Donald Roy Wyman
Donald Roy.
Donald Rrydges
Donald Ruby
Donald Rus- Ve
Donald Russell
Donald Russell 80.8„ Danny Drummond 804
Donald Russell Claude Young
Donald Russell DEAN
Donald Russell Dods
Donald Russell Grade 7—Brian Smith
Donald Russell Recent
Donald Russett
Donald Rustxll
Donald Rusty
Donald Rutherford
Donald Rutherlnrd
Donald S
Donald S Annual Meeting
Donald S Hod
Donald S Hodgim
Donald S Hodgims
Donald S Hodgins
Donald S Hodgint
Donald S Hodglns
Donald S Hodgms
Donald S Hudgins
Donald S Ladysmith Judd
Donald S Ladysmith Kilgour
Donald S Pontiac Bursaries Inc.
Donald S.
Donald S. Atkinson
Donald S. Gilmore
Donald S. Hadgins
Donald S. Hedging
Donald S. Hedging Inc. Electrical Installations Electric Heating
Donald S. Hod
Donald S. Hodgim
Donald S. Hodgin*
Donald S. Hodgini
Donald S. Hodginj
Donald S. Hodgins
Donald S. Hodgins Bretzlaff
Donald S. Hodgins DON’S ELECTRIC REG’D Commercial
Donald S. Hodgins Inc.
Donald S. Hodgins Inc. Electrical Installations Electric Heating Duvet Covers
Donald S. Hodgins Inc. Electrical Installations Electric Heating Shawvllle
Donald S. Hodgins Shawvllle
Donald S. Hodgint
Donald S. Hodgin»
Donald S. Hodglm
Donald S. Hodglms
Donald S. Hodglns
Donald S. Hodgms
Donald S. Homes
Donald S. Ladysmith
Donald S. Ladysmith Judd
Donald S. Ladysmith Kilgour
Donald S. Ladysmith Papadopoulos
Donald S. Modgins
Donald Sabbath Service-
Donald Sandra Murray
Donald Saunders
Donald Saying
Donald Sbabpf
Donald Sc Elsie Fraser
Donald Scarrow
Donald Scharf
Donald Scharfe
Donald Schult
Donald Schultz
Donald Schwartz
Donald Scobie
Donald Scohie
Donald Scott
Donald Scully
Donald Seaman
Donald Second Street
Donald Senior Female
Donald Sert Grant
Donald Servant
Donald Sey-
Donald Sey-Falh
Donald Seymour
Donald Shame
Donald Shames
Donald Shante Fished
Donald Sharer
Donald Sharil
Donald Sharp
Donald Sharpe
Donald Sharpe Community Hospital
Donald Sharpe Dies
Donald Sharpe Port Colboume
Donald Sharpe Shawville
Donald Sharpe-----------------------------—
Donald Sharpes
Donald Shaver
Donald Shawl
Donald Shawville
Donald Shawville Morris Piano
Donald Shawville United Church
Donald She
Donald Shea
Donald Sheppard
Donald Shultz
Donald Shun
Donald Si
Donald Simiaon
Donald Simmons
Donald Simp Bay By Mrs Iri$ Smith
Donald Simpson
Donald Sims
Donald Sinden Wm
Donald Single Roadster
Donald Sixth
Donald Skw
Donald SlBHH Dubeau
Donald Sle
Donald Slnden
Donald Sloan
Donald Sloan 63000$
Donald Sloan AIF
Donald Sloan Approx
Donald Sloan Do
Donald Sloan Gerard
Donald Sloan Hawley Frost’s
Donald Sloan McCrank’s
Donald Sloan Recreation Associaiton
Donald Sloan Wiliam’s
Donald Sloan’ McGuire
Donald Sloan’s
Donald Sloen
Donald Smart
Donald Smart Blaine Strutt Gordon Tanner
Donald Smart Kneeling
Donald Smart Mae Storie
Donald Smart-
Donald Smellle
Donald Smiley
Donald Smith
Donald Smith Canadian
Donald Smith Douglas Fulford
Donald Smith He
Donald Smith Ken Cavers
Donald Smith*
Donald Smlih
Donald Smyth
Donald Snell
Donald Snetsinger
Donald Snowden
Donald Snygg
Donald Soper
Donald Sorley
Donald Soucie
Donald Soucie Coulonge
Donald Soude
Donald Spence
Donald St
Donald St Ottawa
Donald St Pier
Donald St Pierre
Donald St Pierre Smith-Hearty
Donald St-Cyr
Donald St.
Donald St. Andrews United Church
Donald St. Martin Jr.
Donald Stafford Saturday
Donald Stahan
Donald Stan-1
Donald Stanley
Donald Stanley 1,067.55
Donald Ste
Donald Ste-
Donald Ste- 2843 Quyon
Donald Ste- 8
Donald Ste- Ada Dods
Donald Ste- Chichester
Donald Ste- Christmas Day
Donald Ste- DO-IT-ALL Construction A.A.ÿiÿiÿi
Donald Ste- I
Donald Ste- King Street
Donald Ste- March
Donald Ste- Moved
Donald Ste- Pasch
Donald Ste- Pm
Donald Ste- Remplacement
Donald Ste- Robert Smith
Donald Ste- S.H.Q
Donald Ste- Sherwin Greer
Donald Ste- S^li
Donald Ste- Tender
Donald Ste- Variance
Donald Ste- Veal Calves
Donald Ste- _ Ks K "
Donald Ste-called
Donald Ste-lated
Donald Ste-Louise Lanthier
Donald Ste-ment
Donald Ste-mittee
Donald Ste-Moved
Donald Ste-nies Rhoda
Donald Ste-payment
Donald Ste-ric
Donald Ste-Town Hall
Donald Ste-^HHH^pHHHB^H
Donald Steele
Donald Stein
Donald Stenson
Donald Steven & Chris 1328JN9
Donald Stevens
Donald Stew-
Donald Stew-night
Donald Stewart
Donald Stewart Macdonald
Donald Stewart*
Donald Stillman
Donald Stokes
Donald Stonely
Donald Strachan
Donald Street
Donald Strutt
Donald Stuart
Donald Stubbs
Donald Stur-
Donald Sub Division
Donald Sullivan
Donald Sullivan Hcanv
Donald Sutherland
Donald Sutherland Mr
Donald Sutherland - Elliot Gould RENFREW
Donald Sutherland McIntosh
Donald Sutherland Pioneer
Donald Sutherland Saturday
Donald Sutton
Donald Swin- Fails
Donald Swinwood
Donald Sylvester
Donald Sympathy
Donald SzAutt
Donald T La
Donald T Richardson
Donald T Trudeau
Donald Tarte
Donald Tayloi
Donald Taylor
Donald TbnS
Donald Tea
Donald Telford
Donald ters Pearl
Donald Th imv Richardson
Donald Th.
Donald The
Donald Their
Donald ThelWalthain R.A.
Donald They
Donald Thi-
Donald Thomas Richardson Richardson
Donald Thome
Donald Thomp
Donald Thompson
Donald Thompson & Graham Russell
Donald Thompson and Graham Russell
Donald Thompson Holjr
Donald Thompson Milford
Donald Thompson Qf
Donald Thomson
Donald Thrun
Donald Tie Pembroke Diocesan
Donald Timmins
Donald Tinsley
Donald Toll-free
Donald Tomlinson
Donald Tommy
Donald Tourangeau
Donald Towsley
Donald Trader Saddle
Donald Trafford
Donald Trafford 1
Donald Train
Donald Tremblay "
Donald Trost
Donald Tru
Donald Tru-
Donald Tru- Morgans
Donald Tru- Shawvllle
Donald Tru- Vote For Me
Donald Trudeau
Donald Trudeau 458-2267
Donald Trudeau Heather
Donald Trudeau Morris Smith
Donald Trudeau Phillip Thompson
Donald Trudeau Prop.
Donald Trudeau Single Roadster Shortbread Crystal Stone
Donald Trudeau Some
Donald Trudeau,Emile Trudeau
Donald Trudeau-Sylvic Landry Driving Parade
Donald Trudeau.
Donald Trudeay
Donald Truteau Donald Trudeau
Donald Try
Donald Tubman
Donald Tuesday
Donald Tulley
Donald Turcotte
Donald Unable
Donald Urban
Donald Uule
Donald Uvalde
Donald V Brown Fu- Pallbearers
Donald V*P
Donald Vadneau
Donald Vadneau-5.00
Donald Vallilee
Donald Valpy
Donald Veteran Mayor Robert Ladouceur
Donald VI.
Donald Vinters
Donald visit- Forums
Donald Visitation
Donald Visited Mr
Donald Visitors
Donald Vrovm
Donald W Helen Bradley
Donald W Wn
Donald W. Mr.
Donald W. Noseworthy
Donald W. Stokes
Donald W. Tully
Donald W.lliam John
Donald Waito
Donald Waitol
Donald Wall
Donald Wallace
Donald Walter
Donald Walter McDowell
Donald Walter.
Donald Walters
Donald Waltham
Donald Warren Findlay Kevin
Donald Warren.
Donald Watson
Donald Watts
Donald Way
Donald Way-tax
Donald Wbarrey
Donald We
Donald Webster/
Donald Weldon Thompson
Donald Wesley
Donald Westfall
Donald Whalley
Donald Wharrey
Donald Wha^rey
Donald Wheeler
Donald Whit-
Donald Whitbread
Donald White
Donald Whitmore
Donald Wil-
Donald Wiley
Donald William
Donald William Fulford
Donald William Ramsay
Donald William Sharpe
Donald William Wallace Blackadar
Donald Williams
Donald Willie Ladouceur
Donald Wilson
Donald Wilson Borden
Donald Wilson Donald Wilson
Donald Wilson Klnbum
Donald Wilson Klnburn
Donald Wilson Schock
Donald Wilson X #
Donald Winch
Donald With
Donald Woerm-ke
Donald Woermke
Donald Woods
Donald Woods L*
Donald Woods -
Donald Woods 141,12 Harvey Smith
Donald Woods Photo
Donald Woods Requérant
Donald Work
Donald Wormke
Donald Wormkie
Donald Wylie
Donald Yolkowskie
Donald Young
Donald Young Street
Donald Zadow RR
Donald Zoschke
Donald ^(it/ Fulford
Donald ^1UQ^elInÎV ot?39 7’
Donald __
Donald ____ Experienced
Donald ¦GBPof Ottawa
Donald • Wharrey
Donald ™ IUUIf
Donald) Barnett
Donald) Forage
Donald) Trudeau
Donald» Laverdure
Donna Craig Heifer Calf Sr - Donald
Donna Craig Light Fruit Cake - Mrs Stewart
Donna Cuthhertson Mrs Seldon Langford
Donna Mrs
Donna Mrs Elsie Presley
Donna Mrs Lillian Tubman
Donna Mrs Lloyd Conolly
Donnel- Mrs Mary McNally
Donnie Mrs
Donnie Mrs John Galianos
Donny Smith Mrs Wanda Smith
Dor- Mrs. Maynard Thompson
Dor- Mrs. Oould
Doris Mrs. Vemer Thrun
Doris Hudgins Mrs.
Doris Jacques and Mrs.
Doris Jacques and Mrs. Roland Russell
Doris Jacques; Mrs.
Doris Judd Miss Ruth Dods Mr. Nellis Hodgins Mrs.
Doris Judd Mrs Lloyd Stevens
Doris Mc-and Mrs Edna Harkins
Doris Morgan Mrs Dave Parent
Doris Mrs Cedric Elliott
Doris Mrs Percy Stewart
Dorn Mrs. F.H. Cornu
Dorothy Fulford Mrs. Olive MacLean
Dorothy Miss Eileen Armstrong Miss Jean Bond Dr
Dorothy Mrs Atari McBane
Dorothy Mrs Claudette Diotte
Dorothy Mrs James Tubman
Dorothy Mrs. Robt
Dorothy Munro Jr. Miss Hodgins
Dorothy Rich Mrs Ethel Black
Dorothy Stafford Mrs
Doug Camp-Miss Jean Muiphy
Doug Mrs
Doug Mrs Edwart Tubman
Doug Mrs Gilbert Emmerson
Doug Mrs Neil Wilson
Doug- Mrs Augusta Krutz
Douglas Mac-Miss Mona Brown
Douglas Mac-Mrs
Doyle Miss Dorothy Murtagh
Dr. Alexander Miss Kelly
Dr. C FG. Bowles Mrs. Emery Greer
Dr. Donald A. Laird
Dr. Donald A. Piatt
Dr. Donald D. Brand
Dr. Donald F. Jones
Dr. Donald W. I*
Dr. H E.| Miss Norma Smart
Draper Education- Mrs
Driver—Mrs E
Du-Mrs Norman Stark
Duke Miss Germain Helve
Dumas Miss Morrissey/Rkl
Dumas Mrs. Danny Farrell
Duncan Donald
Duncan Glenn Miss Beau
Dupuis Miss Debbie Gner
Dur- Mrs. Fred Dagg
Dustin Hoffman Morgan Freeman Donald Sutherland Front St.
Dwight McDowell ...... Miss Maria Ann Hodgins Harold Hodgins
Dwight McDowell ...... Miss Maria Ann Hodgins Harold Hodgins Chris Caldwell Plate Collection J,jZi
Dwight McDowell ....... Miss Maria Ann Hodgins Harold Hodgins
Dwight McDowell ....... Miss Maria Ann Hodgins Harolfl Hodgins
Dwight McDowell .......|HH Miss Maria Ann Hodgins
Dwight McDowell Mrs
Dwight McDowell Mrs. Joan Belsher
Dwight Mrs. David Tucker
Dwight Th- Mrs Bert Kennedy
E A L T > Apply Donald Beagle
E and Mrs Marion Hayes
E and Mrs. Bailey
E B Lunam Mrs Maxine Fenton
E Mil Mrs James Mc(
E Mrs Russel Cobb
E. L Mrs. Dvncan Ross
E. Palmer Mrs.
Eades Mrs Hubert Burton
Earl and1 Mrs Dagg
Earl Bean Mrs D J Campbell
Earl Browni Miss Phyllis Tub
Earl Horner Miss Blanch Oration
Earl Le Mrs
Earl Miss Marjorie Sloan
Earl Mrs Beatrice Gagnon
Earl Mrs- W Laughren
Earl Mrs. Andrew Mich-
Earl Mrs. Charlie Imison
Earl Mrs. Laurence Sparling
Earl Mrs. McDougal
Earl Thomas Donald and Joan Woermke
Earl Ward- Mrs
Eason Russell Mr Donald Stevens
Easter Mrs.
Easter Mrs. Hilda Mayhew
Easter Mrs. Ted Craig
Easter Sun- Miss Kay Wodley
Ebert Richardson Cauliflower - Mrs. Jim Stewart
Economics-Mrs W J Fu)ler
Ed Diane Robertson
Ed Mrs
Ed Mrs.
Ed- Mrs Eva Maloney
Eddie Finnigan Miss Mona Armstrong Master Donald Hodgins Mr.
Eddie Kluke Miss Hilda Romain
Eddie Mrs Kenneth Amyotte
Eddie Mrs Pat Kelly
Eddie Stewart Miss Linda Dumouchel
Eddie Wrinn Mrs Eddie Wrinn
Edgar B.W. Mulligan HP Mrs Minnie Zimmerling
Edgar Conseiller Donald Lett
Edgar Hod- Miss Gweneth Shaw
Edgar Hodglns Mrs. Wellington Smith
Edgar Lance sec- Mrs. William Kennedy Mrs Joseph Kennedy
Edgar May- Mrs Raeburn Orr
Edgar Mayhew Waited Mrs Alice Gravelie
Edgar Mrs. James Smith
Edgar Schwartz Miss Kaye Woodley
Edgar Sloan Aoue- Conseiller Donald Letts
Edgar Smith Lennon Thompson Mrs Robert Clamper
Edgar Yach Mrs Peter Daley
Edith Caldwell Miss Berta Draper
Edith Miss
Edith Mrs Elsie Wilson
Edith Wiggins Dark Fruit Cake - Mrs Jim Stewart
Edith Wiggins Window Box- Mrs
Edmond Romain Mrs. Doreen Marion
Edmund Donald Dahms
Edmund Hodgins Mrs. Robert Chamberlain.
Edmund Mrs Elizann Emmerson
Edmund Periard 2nd Star Donald Campbell
Edmund Stewart Correspondent Mrs Mamie Stewart
Education Mrs
Education Mrs Edgar Elliott
Education Mrs Harriet Burke
Education Mrs K Draper
Education Mrs L Fitzsimmons
Education Mrs.
Education Mrs. Wm Marks
Education-Mrs R Ferris
Education—Mrs Marlowe Campbell
Edward Belang- Mrs Brenda Cox
Edward Ben-Mrs
Edward Cunning-Mrs
Edward Farrell Miss Loretta Gavan
Edward Johnston Mrs. Edward Johnston
Edward Kennedy Mrs Vin- T"
Edward Mrs Carson Russell
Edward Mrs John Walsh Sr.
Edward Mrs. Walter Clarke
Edward O Reilly ONLY Mrs Edward O Reilly
Edward Ran- Mrs
Edward Recently Mrs Carl Price
Edwin Mrs Martha Schwartz
Edwin PlrieA Hlllls ConoUy J Donald Dufl A Son Junior Champion Female J E RusseU A Sons
Edwin Ward Mrs.
EEEEH œF |H|h|EE Miss Beatrice Skeldon
EEœEE- Hpr Mrs. Rouleau
Eg- Mrs. W J. Horner St Family
EHTtB E B - Mrs.
Eileen (Mrs Clifford Stone
Eileen (Mrs Lloyd McCoristan
Eileen Colton Mrs
Eileen La- Mrs Gordon Bradley
Eileen s Mrs Ahart Fierobin
El- Mrs. Eleanor Beamish
Elaine ( Mrs B Palmer
Elaine Beck Mrs Evangeline Robinson
Elaine Crawford Mrs Willis Crawford
Elaine Horner Honoured Miss Elaine Horner
Elaine MacPhee Donald
Elaine Mrs Ed Gutoski
Elaine Mrs.
Elaine Mrs. Hector Racine
Elaine Pal-, Mrs. William Rueckwald
Elaine Sloan Brisson Miss Cathy McCrank
Eleanor Alexander Grade 5—Miss Orla Mee Grade
Eleanor Mrs Bernard Denault
Eleanor Smith Mrs
Elect Miss A.
Election Clerk - Miss Elizabeth Crawford
Election Clerk - Mrs Mary Ann Senack PoH 3
Election Clerk: Mrs Elaine Sloan
Elementary—Miss Hayes
Eliza Ann Mrs. Morrison
Elizabeth Adel* Stanhope For- Mrs. Forbes
Elizabeth Hahn Cora McNeill F Miss Hahn
Elizabeth Hahn Correspondent Mrs Anna Miljour
Elizabeth Hahn Correspondent Mrs Gedeon Dubeau
Elizabeth Hahn Correspondent Mrs Grace Quaile
Elizabeth Hahn Miss Kelly Hahn
Elizabeth Hahn Mrs
Elizabeth Hahn Mrs Albert Richard
Elizabeth Hahn Mrs Cecile Gagnon
Elizabeth Hahn Mrs Evelyn Plager
Elizabeth Hahn Mrs Hilliard Roberts
Elizabeth Hahn Mrs Jim Deforce Ms. Yvonne Mayhew
Elizabeth Hahn Mrs Norman Marr
Elizabeth Hahn Mrs Olive Mouette
Elizabeth Hahn Mrs Wilda Cartier
Elizabeth Hahn Mrs. Arthur La
Elizabeth Hahn Mrs. Arthur Labelle Mrs Hannah Zacharias
Elizabeth Hahn Mrs. Donald Ostrorr
Elizabeth Hahn Mrs. Robert Lalonde
Elizabeth Morrison By Appointment Mrs Elizabeth Morrison
Elizabeth Mrs
Elizabeth Mrs Gary Valance
Elizabeth Mrs. Reginald Wilson
Elizabeth Mrs. Thos
Elizabeth Mul- Mrs Ryan Benoit
Elizabeth Popkey Mrs
Elizabeth Ross Mrs. Robert Carswell
Elizabeth Salway Mrs. Reuben Smith
Elizabeth Wharry Mrs.
Ella (Mrs Lloyd Stewart
Ella Dumouchel Mrs Ella Dumouchel
Ella Horner Mrs Myrtle Harris
Ella) Mrs J J. McCallum
Ella) Mrs. Camille Dumouchel
Ellen Latimer Mrs Walter Ebert Mrs Bill Lavender Mrs Dale Van Patten
Ellen Uplerre Mrs. Herald Smiley Richard Gibbons Mrs.
Ellen) Mrs. Harvey Pilgrim
Elliot Mrs
Elliott Clifford Horner ....... Mrs Chris.
Elliott Clifford Horner ........ Mrs Chris.
Elliott Clifford Horner....... Mrs Chris.
Elliott Donald
Elliott Hodg- I Mrs- Palmer
Elliott Miss Alva Turner
Elliott Miss June Stewart
Elliott Mrs
Elliott Mrs Dave Stewart
Elliott Mrs Dwight McDowell
Elliott Mrs N L DagR
Elliott Mrs. Arthür Thomas Neil Sparling I Evelyn A. Scott Peter Hodglns Mrs. S.R.N.
Elliott Mrs. Clarence Knox
Elliott Mrs. Harper Youi*
Elliott Mrs. Hulbert Armstrong Kathleen E. Hodgins
Elliott Mrs. Hulbert Armstrong Kathleen E. Hodgins Mrs. Iva P. Clark
Elliott Mrs. Wip McKinley
Elliott Mrs. Wm
Elliott Treasurer- Mrs
Elliott Westmeath Miss Maye Horner
Elvis Pre-Mrs
Elvis Presley Mery Tyler Moore Family Entertainment Mrs Lennie Workman Mrs.
Elwyn Mrs, Joan Belsher
Emard Dean Family Entertains Mrs. David Russell Sincerely
Embroidery Mrs G Olmstead Guitar Charlie Sohomer
Emily I Mrs. Wilbert Rueckwald
Emily Mrs Bud Sloan
Emma ( Mrs Eric Copeland
Emma (Mrs
Emma (Mrs E Copeland
Emma (Mrs Kenneth Hodgins
Emma .Mrs Wm Hogarth
Emma chair Mrs Garth Graham Miette
Emma Jean Marie Mrs Edmund Hodgins
Emma Mahon Miss Palm Spence
Emma Miss Maggie Armstrong
Emma Mrs Boulter Left Home
Emma Mrs. Clara Grant
Emma Russell- Miss Madeleine Craig
Emma Sfewarl Mrs Emma Stewart
Emma Tanner - Mrs Mary Allan
Emma) Mrs. Theo Steinke
Emmerson Richardson Mrs. John ¦ Richardson
Emmett Mrs. Earl Findlay
Energetically Mr. And Mrs.
ErE^EEfE-E Mrs J Laughren
Eri- Mrs Marion Clarke
Eric Graham 1P.M.—Mrs
Eric Mrs Lorne Doucette
Eric Smiley Miss Dianne Rebertz
Eric Smiley Miss MacDonald
Eric Vadneau Mrs. Mary Armitage George Boyce
Eric Zimmer- Mrs.
Erma Little Mrs.
Erma Miss Joan Corrigan
Ernest Gregory Caldwell Clarion Mrs. Manson Sharpe
Ernest Mrs Arnes Laroche
Ernest Sally Mrs.
Ernest Sj Events Mrs Ernie SchwarU
Ernest Smith Mrs
Ernest Yach Mrs. Robina Richardson David J
Ernest Yach Mrs. Robina Richardson David J.
Ernie Hearty Billeting—Mrs
Ernie Hearty Mrs Jimmy Chugg
Ernie Mrs Cecil Elliott
Ernie Zacha-Mrs G C Meilleur
Estate Mrs.
Esther I” Miss Percival
Esther Mrs Margaret Wall
Esther Quelle Mrs. John Elliot
Ethel Mrs
Ethel Mrs. N
Ethel Sea- Mrs. Idem
Eugene Mrs
Eugene Potvin Mrs Bill Waters
Eunice Mrs. Bud Henry
Eva Andai Miss Gail Orr
Eva Andai Mrs
Eva Andai Mrs Christie
Eva Andai Mrs Diane Judd.
Eva Andai Mrs Jose Tomkins
Eva Andai Mrs Lyle P. Hodgins
Eva Andai Mrs Marion Marks
Eva Andai Mrs Reg Andrews
Eva Andai Mrs Walter Smith
Eva Ann Johnson Mrs Archie Johnson
Eva Butson Memorial Donald
Eva Grodde Mrs Bernice Smith
Eva Hn Mrs. B. G Qualic
Eva James and Mrs.
Eva Mrs Fred Lance.
Evelyn ( Mrs Clifford Batchelor
Evelyn Dale Mrs. Elsie Schwartz
Evelyn Donald
Evelyn Fletcher Mrs Florence Evelyn Waltham
Evelyn Johnston Mrs. Lois Pirie _
Evelyn McCredie Donald Duff
Evelyn Mrs
Evelyn Mrs. Claire Wilson
Evelyn) Mrs. Lloyd Parton
Evening Mrs. Hugh Prendergast Dies
Every- Mrs. Campbell
Ex Mrs
Ex Service Woman Mrs. MacGregor Whyte
Ezra Mrs.
F A F Mrs Anne Fumerton
F Mrs Glenn Stevens
F Mrs Lloyd Conolly
F P R |J^ Diane Krose
F. Clarke Shawville Fair Miss Justine O’Connor
Fairburo Miss 8. Hodgins Mrs.
Faith Diane Eleanor Hamilton
Faith Mrs. Kingsbury Mitchell
Family Mrs. Edward Steele
Fan-Miss I.yncttc Harris
fancy—1 Mrs K C
Farmers Miss Betty King
Favc Mrs. Clarence Sparling
Faye Smart Mrs
Felix Mrs Ken Griffin
Felix Mrs.
Female—Mrs R NX
Fer- Mrs Beatrice Ydo
Ferdinand Miss Gladys Wilds
Fermai V Donald Lancaster
Fern Larocque Mrs Margaret Mayhew
FI6otc Miss Pat Bronson
Fie- Mrs V Thrun Dennis Thrun
Fierobin Mrs Clifford Fierobin
Fifty Mrs. Robt
Findlay R W Mrs
Finnigan Mrs. M. Graham Mrs. R. Graham Mrs.
Flannel—Mrs L NN
Fleury Mrs Dickson
Flintwh C Special Robin Hood Mul- Cheese - Diane Boisvert
Floor mat—Mrs Hugh Elliott 1
Floyd Donald F Runge
Floyd R. McPhee Mrs. Morley Hod
Floyd Tubmen end Mrs.
Fo- Mrs Carmen Inglee
Fo- Mrs Jay Vallllee
Foods Michelle Diane Jodoin
For Pontiac X Mrs. Lloyd Stevens
Ford Mrs.
Fovsn-Miss Anderson
Fowl MRS.
Frances Donnelly Mrs Flizann Emerson
Frances Elliott Mrs. M. W. Schultz Secretary-Treasurer
Frances Mrs Birthday
Francine Mrs Wayne McLaughlin
Francis Mc-Mrs
Francis McCrank Publicity—Mrs
Francis Me Mrs.
Francis O Don Mrs. Verner Rueckwald Mrs.
Francis Rus- Mrs Edgar Dods
Francis Wiggins Mrs. H. Turner
Frank Carroll Miss “TJsh” Ryan
Frank Chabot Wm McLarnon Donald McPhee Jas Campbell Stephen Bell Jerry Quaile G XV Craig Jas A Grah
Frank Co-and Mrs. Robert Bronson If
Frank Dor- Mrs. John Knox
Frank Finnegan Jr. Miss Irene Shaw
Frank Ford Mrs
Frank Ford Mrs. Les
Frank L. Stanton Mrs. Solomon Says
Frank Ladou- Miss Margaret Smith
Frank Ladouceur Mrs. F Ladouceur
Frank Law Mrs. Regie
Frank MacDonnelL Miss Unda Walsh
Frank Marion Mrs.
Frank McCleary Dear Mrs. Carson
Frank Miss Claire Stanley
Frank Miss Donne Whelan
Frank Miss Sherry Stewart
Frank Morrison Mrs. R. H. Elliott Miss Orma Elliott Cpl.
Frank Mrs Iva Armstrong
Frank Mrs Percy McKibbon
Frank Mrs.
Frank Mrs. George Palmer We
Frank Mrs. J. Armitage
Frank Mrs. Wm Dowd
Frank Rettyand Mrs. Taylor
Frank Ryan Mrs Lloyd Cart
Franklin Miss Frances Brownlee
Fraser Mrs Robert Craig
Fraser Mrs. Wm
Fre<l Thomas Mrs
Fred and Susan Wilson Donald
Fred Arm Mrs. Dalton Prior
Fred Arm Mrs. Danny Farrell
Fred Armât- Mrs. Robert Laird
Fred Belec Mrs. Fred Belec
Fred Belec Mrs. Rodolphe Durouciier
Fred Browne Ottawa Mrs.
Fred Cook Mrs.
Fred Dagg Miss Jean Elliott
Fred Dagg Mrs Mary Baird Mrs Robert Morris Mrs Eleanor Black NOTICE
Fred Derouin Miss Aidoraise Piche
Fred Donald
Fred Emery Mrs. Robt
Fred Fras- Mrs.
Fred Fraser Mrs. Jack Stewart
Fred Graham Mrs. C. Little Donald Ostrom Jessie Horner Mrs. Clifford Fulford
Fred Greenwood Mrs. M Miller
Fred Hodoins Mrs. Nolin
Fred Homer Miss Irene Shaw
Fred Jr. Mrs Sharpe
Fred Knitz Mrs. Marr
Fred Krutz Miss Iona Laflcur
Fred Lafram-boise Mrs. Floella Clout
Fred Little Miss Kim Perry
Fred Lusk Horace Patrick Nugent Richard Mielke BEECH6ROVE W I Mrs. Fred Lusk
Fred Lusk Mrs.
Fred Miss Mamie Paul
Fred Miss Marlyn Grodde
Fred Miss Ruth Draper
Fred Mrs
Fred Mrs Fred Milkie
Fred Mrs Herbert Elliott.
Fred Mrs House
Fred Mrs II Mrs K va Ma
Fred Mrs J.C. Poisson
Fred Mrs Walter Kilgour
Fred Mrs. Claude Elliott
Fred Mrs. Elizabeth Hahn Chatteris Chronicle Mrs. Norval McNeil Municipality
Fred Mrs. Harold Mc Mahon
Fred Mrs. Mary George
Fred Mrs. W.
Fred Neher MRS.
Fred Poir-Miss Judy Coderre
Fred Schroeder Mrs. Herb Hannsberry
Fred Tipping Mrs Wendt Mrs
Fred Zimmeriing Hello Mrs
Frederick Harris Miss Mary Dumas
Fred—“Miss Budding
Freeman Grant Mrs- Wt
Freeman Grant Mrs. Woods
Freeman Moore Mrs. Sadie Sparling
Freeman Mrs Nap Duval
Friday Donald
From Mrs. Clifford Hobbs
Fry Cadbury Award Mrs Neil Despite
Fumerton Mrs Fred Thomas
Fumerton Mrs Gerald Smith
Funny Feeling Color—Stndru Dee Bobby Défis Donald O Connor Rev
Furniture Mrs Harriett McDonald
Fvwns-|llIU| Mrs,
G and Mrs Glenn
G F Handel Mrs. Perles Richardson
G Mrs. Jas Moore
G W £ D D I N C Mrs. Verner Thrun
G.-George Russell Mrs. H. Millar
Gail Hawley Mac— Donald
Gail Mrs Bruce McKay
Gail Mrs Gary Lester
Gail Patrick £ Mrs Lane
Garnet Gsgnon Mrs Clifford Olmstead
Garrow Mrs Alcide Trudeau
Garry Cooper Chalea Bickford President-Mrs
Garry McCallum Mrs. Isobelle Richardson
Garry Mrs
Garry Mrs Emily Donnelly Anna Stewart
Gary Cooper Diane Varsi
Gary Cooper Ruth Roman Mrs
Gary Donald Grade
Gary Hod- Mrs
Gary Mr. Lindsay Hodgins Mrs.George Clark
Gary Mrs Lorna Younge
Gary Mrs.
Gary Mrs. Bill V*
Gat- Mr. Mrs. Gordon Popkey
Gatineau Mills Miss Betty Ireland
Gayle Spear Mrs. Emerson Smiley
Ge- Miss Denise Lamothe
Gene Kelly Donald O’Connor
Geoffrey Donald Cameron
George 8tev- Mrs. James Carty
George and Cecile Mrs. Evelyn Hodgins
George and Marie Mrs Patricia Bertrand Campbell
George and Mrs. Bailey
George and Mrs. Edith Stewart
George Angus Mrs. Peter Moyle
George B. Richardson Mrs Composition
George Bretzlaff Mrs. Ruth Bretzlaff
George C. Scott Colour Mrs
George Campbell Mrs. Irwin Hayes At
George Clark Miss Agatha Sheppard
George Donald
George Donald F Campbell
George Donald- Electric Li^ht Items
George E Palmer;- Mrs Henry McDowell
George Formby Mrs. A
George Grant Mrs. George Grant
George Hen Miss Jean Belec
George Hodgins Mrs
George Horlgins Mrs. Lily Horton
George I Mrs. Lindsay Walker
George Iwiforest 4nee Mrs. Mur-taght
George Judd Mrs. Harold Hodgins
George Knox Mrs. Donald Fraser
George Lemannler Mrs Howard Rouiliffe
George Ma- Mrs.
George Miss Joan Proudfoot
George Mousseau Mrs. Edgar Hodgins
George Mrs
George Mrs Diane Amyotte
George Mrs Jack Hamilton
George Mrs.
George Mrs. Bob Dale
George Mrs. Hayes
George Mrs. J Burrows
George Mrs. Jimmie Richardson
George Mrs. McGuire
George Mrs. Robb*
George Mrs. W.
George Pal- Mrs. Lawrence Young
George Palmer Crawford Mrs Rejean LaFreiere
George Palmer Mrs.
George Palmer Mrs. Verncr Re Our
George Pirie Mrs
George Reil-Mrs
George St Pier- Mrs. Susan Young
George Steele Mrs.
George Stones Mrs. El
George Telford* Mrs. Sam Richardson’s
George Tub-Mrs Ken Tubman
George Visit Pontiac Mrs. Johni Thompson
George Visits Mines Mrs
George Wilson Mrs. Lionel Martin Mrs. Geo
Gerald and Mrs Clifford Fierobin
Gerald and Mrs. Smith
Gerald Donnelly Mrs Armour
Gerald Draper Mrs. Emirle Lance Westbum Hamilton Delmer Barber Please Apply al Office
Gerald Grace Miss Garbo John and Mr. Allan Denis
Gerald Hayes Donald
Gerald Hodgins ....... Belty Lou Elliott Mrs Mary McCagg
Gerald McVeigh and Mrs. Dm Stewart
Gerald Miss Angela Senack
Gerald Miss Jolme White
Gerald Miss Orla Mee
Gerald Mrs Austin Dagg
Gerald Mrs Ronnie Yach
Gerald Mrs. Everett Loughren
Gerald Mrs. Herb
Gerald Smith Mrs. Kphriam
Gerald Spar-Miss Bernice Smith
Gerald Walls Mrs. Sophia Schock
Gerald Walls Mrs. Sophia Schock ERNIE
Geraldine (Mrs Maynard McDiarmid
Geraldine Mrs Maynard Me Iharmid She
Gerard Mrs Pearl McNeill
Gerard Mrs. Bill McKinley
Gerard Tru-Mrs
Gerry Business Personals Mrs.
Gerry Lavoie Mrs Venetia Crawford
Gerry Mrs. Wesley Martineau
Gertrude Miss
Gertrude Mrs Wm Marks
Gertrude Mrs. Norman Hobbs
Gertrude Mrs. Wilfred Bean
Gibson Mrs. J. Clarke
Gil Mrs. Hilda Mayhew
Gilbert Arm V Mrs Wellington Armstrong Owen Hearty
Gilbert Della Mrs Mervin Brennan
Gilbert Mrs. Tom Donnelly
Gilles Gervsis Mrs. José Miller
Gingrich KJellander
Gingrich KJellander Regina
Gingrich Mrs Donald Bainard Miss Diane
Girls—Miss Msry Graham 1
Gladys McDowell Honoured Mrs Herbert C. Hodgins
Gladys Mrs Claude Gauthier
Gladys Mrs. David McCredie
Glass Tops Rubber Rings Certo Certo Crystals Parowax Mrs. Catherine Rlngrase Mrs. Cartherine Ringro
Glen Car- Mrs Ray Grier
Glen Ford Diane Brewster Ernest Borgnine Carried
Glen Mrs. Gordon Wilson
Glen Nugent Mrs Densil LeRoy
Glen Saunders Miss Joan Griffin
Glenn Mrs Leonard Smith
Glenn Mrs.
Glenn Tes- Mrs. Irvin Russell
Glenview Mrs. Leonard Stanley
Glmn Mrs R A Grant
Goalie Mrs. Rodolph Gauthier
Godmere Mrs Lila Hewitson Cobden Livestock Sales Phone
Gordon Angus Donald Ron Robicheau
Gordon Bias Moore Mrs. James Duke
Gordon Brad- Mrs Ron Dean
Gordon Bradley Mrs. Black
Gordon Co. Miss Lizzie Hudgins
Gordon Donald
Gordon Elliott Mrs
Gordon Graham Mrs James Pritchard
Gordon Hagen _ Mrs. Robert Carswell
Gordon Harold Donald Richardson
Gordon MacMillan Mrs. Lloyd Queale Mrs. Thos
Gordon McBride Sr and Mrs. Neil Wilson
Gordon McBride Sr. Mrs
Gordon Miss
Gordon Miss Jackie
Gordon Miss Kim Wittig
Gordon Miss Shawville Fair
Gordon Mrs. Burroughs
Gordon Paul 211.26 Mrs Mary McCallum 102
Gordon Paul and Mrs Claire Sturgeon
Gordon Ro- Donald Campbell
Gordon Stewart Mrs
Gordon Stewart Mrs.
Gordon Stewart Mrs. Robt
Gordon Z I Mrs. David Parker
Graccfield Mrs. Irene Doucette
Grace (Mrs Leslie Atkin-
Grace Gibbons Mrs Nancy Kilbride Mrs Jean McCann Members Parent Committee
Grace Honored Mrs. Alt
Grace Miss Celina Primeau
Grace Mrs Earl M’jrphy
Grace Mrs, Fred Graham
Grace Mrs. James A
Grace Mrs. Julia Mulvey
Grace M» Knight Mrs. Samuel Hennitk Mrs. Reggie Hod
Grace Thompson Mrs. Joe Lavigne
Grace Thompson Mrs. Wm Kirkpatrkk
Grade 9—Miss Clara Strutt
Grade Mrs. Lennis Dean
Graduate L % Miss Jill Wyman
Graham %ith Mrs Louise Charboneau
Graham Allan Carey By Mrs. Ebert Murphy
Graham Diane
Graham Hender- Mrs Gary John
Graham Home Econ- Mrs
Graham Miss Eleanor Ganupbeil
Graham Mrs Miles Milford
Graham Mrs S Fitzsimmons
Graham Mrs. Alvin Kelley Entertains
Graham Mrs. James A. Graham
Graham Mrs. Wm Burke Mr. Frankie Dowe
Graham Parsons Mrs Graham Parsons
Graham President- Miss Hilda Grahan
Graham Special Train Miss Sylvia Casey
Graham Thomp- Cockerel—Miss Geraldine Armstrong
Graham- Mrs Viola Howard
Gramm Bower Company By Len Coyne Mrs. O Kane Cameron
Grandmother Mrs. Fred Krutz
Grant Beattie Mrs William Grant Beattie
Grant Elliott Robert Russett Lawrence D. Young Mrs. Fred W. Thomas Fred T. Thomas Lennon Thomas Rob
Grant Miss Fern Hodgins
Grant Mrs H Elliot
Gravelle Mrs Cletus Frost
Gravelle Mrs. Jewell
Graydon Mrs Laurence Harkens
Green Luke Mrs. Jean Grant
Green Mrs. Velma Boles Mrs. Chas
Greg Miss Queenie
Greg Miss Shawvllle Fair Tenna
Greg Mrs Ellen Jones
Gregory Andrew Mrs Joseph Hogan
Grey Mrs. Edgar Hodgins
Grey Sisters Mrs Bernadette Normand
GroOM# Mrs. Hiram Hinkler
Guild Mrs. Fred Dagg
Gutoski Mrs Wayne Maloney
Guy Bow- Mrs Dominic Sloan
Guy Fleury Mrs Irene Beaudoin
Gwen Barber and Miss| Brenda* Richardson
H Miss G. McKechme
H and Donald McCredie* Mr.
H and Mrs
H and Mrs Spender N.
H and Mrs Susannah Poole
H C Rowat RpreaveH Mrs. Annie Draper
H CROFT Mrs. Albert Cuthbertson
H H Mrs. Joe Norris
H H*1 Miss Catherine McLclInn
H Henderson 2.00 North Onslow Mrs.
H IM IsoN Miss Aiken
H Mrs Alvin Romains
H Mrs Carl Ostrom
H Mrs Sylvia Lucas
H. Murphy Mrs. Jack McGuire
H.G W Braithwait Pre Miss Susie Grace
H.I. Mrs. Rose Bemister
H.O.W Braithwait Prin Mrs. Hubert Smart
Haberdasher Mrs. Lena McMunn
Hache Miss Janice
Hag- Donald
Hahn Mrs Don Richardson
Hal Mrs
Hamilton A V Mrs. Ken Tub- Aberdeen Angus
Hamilton Miss Winona Mohr
Hamilton Mrs Laurette Romain
Hamilton Mrs. A. A. Smith
Hamilton Mrs. Robert Overton
Hand Sewing- Miss Elliott 1,Mrs RCàmpbell 2.
Handicrafts Mrs Earl Findlay
Hank Home-made Yarn—Mrs J
Hank Mrs. Owen Toller
Hank Yarn—Mrs Clarke
Hank Yarn—Mrs H MoCredie 1
Hanna Mrs Della Kirkham
Hannah Craig: Mrs Alegra Chapman
Hannah Isobel Mrs. Kail
Hannah Mrs Maynard Pasch
Hannah Mrs W David
Hannah Mrs Zacharias
Hannah Mrs.
Hannah Mrs. Walter Kilgour
Hannah Zac Miss Tammy Loesche
Har- Mrs Ross Stewart
Harold Armitage Mrs. Harold Fui
Harold Beckett Mrs.
Harold Hodgins Mrs
Harold Hodgins Mrs. Art Turner
Harold Hodqms Mrs. Austin MiDowell Lionel Thomson OBITUARIES Harold Adam Hodgins
Harold Kirkham Mrs Helena Yach
Harold Manwell Mrs. Thus Martin Merlin McKee
Harold Mrs Poole
Harold Mrs.
Harold Mrs. Don Lmgo
Harold Mrs. S. Neville
Harold Mrs. Wm Welch Jr is
Harold Muisel Miss Beverley Strutt
Harold Otter Lake Post Mrs. Elizabeth Hahn
Harold Pokes Mrs. Robt
Harold Smith Mrs
Harold Storie Miss Lorraine Bret/.laff
Harold Wilson Mrs. Dickson
Harold Wilson Mrs. Emery Le
Harper Mrs.
Harper Ren- Mrs.
Harrington Miss Willa
Harris Mrs Bill Campbell
Harris Mrs G McDowell
Harry Campbell Miss Anna Queale
Harry Corrigan ... Mrs. Mervin Hides
Harry Douglas Mrs Sam Allyson Mr
Harry Eades Mrs. Harry McCleary
Harry Fades,-Miss Elaine
Harry Hod- Mrs. David T. Hodglns
Harry Hodg- Donald
Harry Hodgins Mrs John T
Harry Hodgins W.M.—Mrs
Harry Hodgins. Brown Bread- Mrs Roy Mrs Harry Hodgini Belva Armitage
Harry Imisoo Dies After Lingering Illness Mrs Harry Imison
Harry Judd Marshall Chamberlain Mrs. Mae Armstrong Cecil McCagg Allan Black Gamett Orr Harland Armi
Harry Kings-] Mrs. Dora Muldoon
Harry Lloyd Sr to Mrs.
Harry McDowell Mrs R Howard Motion
Harry Miss Joan Smart
Harry Miss Maye Palmer
Harry Mrs
Harry Mrs Embie Finan
Harry Mrs. J. Ostrom
Harry Mrs. J. P. Hayes
Harry Mrs. Luneburo
Harry Mrs. Stewart Foster
Harry Mrs. Win
Harry Roy Am- Mrs Bruce Barber
Harry Wilson Mrs. Harry Wilson
Harry Wilson Mrs. Pokes
Harry Wood Chartered Accountant By Mrs. Ebert Murphy
Harry Wood Chartered Accountant Mrs
Harvey Me- Mrs. Harold Hayes
Harvey Wilson Mrs. Clive Smart
Haskins Miss R. Lowe
Hatch Mrs. Nellis Hodgins
Hay Fork Rope Treated Hay Loader Rope Mrs Melvin Armstrong
Hayes A Sons Mrs. Arthur Hayes Marv
Hayes Bros Mrs Edward Stewart
Hayes Bros, Mrs Belvo Armitage
Hayes Chanted Mrs. Kelley
Hayes L Canada Mrs Roland Graham 1
Hayes Miss Eva Howard
Hayes Mrs
Hayes Mrs Gordon Brownlee
Hayes Mrs.
Hayes Mrs. Draper
Hazel Davis Miss May Craig REPRESENTING
He- Mrs Danny O Brien
Health Mrs G Graham.
Health Mrs Marie Moyle
Health-Mrs Claude Young
Hearty A Mrs Bud Sloan
Heather MacKech-and Mrs. Lionel Ouellet
Heather Mrs Margaret Reside
Heather Mrs. Joan Bel-1 Hodgins
Heather Stewart By Helen Perry By Diane Boisvert 689-2652
Heather Stewart Diane Boisvert 648-5296
Heaven Mrs. Norris
Heechgrovc W l„ Miss Sharon
Heifers Mrs. Graham
Helen Ca Mrs Norman Hobbs
Helen Cote Marries Claude Marcotte Miss Helen Cote
Helen Mar- Miss Man Jane Kingsbury
Helen Miss Evelyn Coe*
Helen Mrs Emmerson Roy
Helen Mrs Stewart Wood
Helen Mrs Vern Phillips
Helen Mrs.
Helen M„ Clifford Miss Amelia Cuthbertson
Helen Slack Wickenden Mrs. R F.. Quebec
Helen Visiting Mrs Eva Muloney Bo
Helen) Mrs. Isidore
Helen-Mrs Ray Murdock
Henderson Miss Ray ma Hayes
Henderson Mrs. Ivan Carroll
Henderson Mrs. Prosper Lemaide
Henry * Mrs. Garfield Elliott
Henry Bolam Mrs.
Henry Flood Mrs. Henry Flood
Henry Greenshields Mrs. Harry Belsher
Henry Lunam Miss Francis Dur
Henry Ma- Mrs Cletus Newberry
Henry McDowell Mrs John R McDowell
Henry McLean Charles E. Regan James M. Rogaa Mrs. William Began Dean Finished
Henry Miss Eleanor Smith
Henry Mrs Clifford Krose
Henry Mrs Delbert
Henry Mrs Martha liretzluff Mrs Louise Olm
Henry Mrs. Thos
Henry O .instead Mrs.Pearl Bowden.
Henry Olmstead Mrs. Pearl Bowden.
Henry Trevethan Mrs
Henry Woods Mrs. Mike Laikely
Hen—Mrs H Millar
Herb Cuth- Mrs. Pat Killoran
Herb Cuthbertson Miss
Herb Hannaberry Mrs.
Herb Russell I Mrs. Arnold Bryan
Herb Smith Bill Horner Mrs. Mary Amitage Eric Vadneau Roland Rennick
Herbert Brown Mrs Herbert Brown
Herbert Hor- Mrs. MacLean
Herbert Oebhaxdt:-Mrs
Here’s Mrs. Brown
Herman Mrs
Herman Mrs Fred Publishers
Herman Mrs Munel LeRoy
Herman Mrs. E.
Herman Schroeder and Mrs
Herman Schroeder and Mrs Archie Tanner
Herman Schroeder and Mrs Reinhold Pasch
Herman Schroeder and Mrs. Gustave Burke
Herman Schroeder and Mrs. Reinhold Pasch
Herman Schroeder at Echo Val- Mrs Ida McCorriston
Herman Schroeder were Mrs Fred Bletzlaff
Herman Schroeder were Mrs Howard Badham
Herman Schwartz Mrs Herman Otto Schwartz
Herman Thrun Thos Horner Frank Lepach John Hitz Melba Hodgins Walter Yach Mrs. Perley Belsher Cliff
Herman Zimmerling Mrs. Lois McCoy
Hermonie Sharpe Mrs Albert Richard
Hermonie Sharpe Mrs Pat Burnette
Hickey Mrs Cora Richardson Pearl M Anderson Lake
Hicks Mags- MRS.
Hilda Graham Mrs Pearl Hopkins
Hilda M Graham Publicity Convener Mrs Robinson
Hilda Wallace* Miss Leona Wallace Miss Marion Smyth Miss Velma Tugman Miss Marjorie Greer Miss Mabe
Hill Apply Mrs Duncan Headrick Foresters
Hillis Graham- Mrs Esther Bretzlaff
Hillls Graham Miss Rachel Henderson
Hilton Mines Ottawa Apply Mrs. Arnold Trudeau
Ho Miss Annie McRae
Ho Mrs. Dilworth
Hobbs Fancy Work Cattle Mrs E Cow
Hobbs Miss Minerva Corrigan
Hobbs Mrs
Hobbs Mrs Beulah Woods
Hobbs Mrs Marion Laroche
Hobbs Mrs.
Hobbs Mrs. L. Graham
Hobbs Programme Committee—Mrs
Hobbs Shawville Old Miscellaneous Shop Location - Mrs. Marjorie McCredie
Hod Mrs Cecil Gordon
Hod-1 Mrs. Fred Armstrong
Hodg- Mrs Richard Roy
Hodgins Mrs
Hodgins Mrs Evelyn Hodgins
Hodgins Mrs Grant Rogers
Hodgins Mrs J H Der. Corr Sec Hodgins
Hodgins Mrs Lloyd Connolly
Hodgins Mrs Pat Longton
Hodgins Mrs.
Hodgins Mrs. James Wilson V. J. Wilson
Hodglns Donald S. Ladysmith Kilgour
Hodglns Mrs. Russell Hodglns
Holes Mrs. Gerald Kelley
Holly Diane
Holly Mrs.
Home Economics _ Mrs. Alvin Kelley
Home Economics-Mrs Fred Fraser
Home Economics—Mrs Evelyn Duff
Horn Mrs.
Horn- Miss S.
Horne Mrs. Melvin Stewart
Horner Cheer- Mrs Lennis Barr Hospital- Mrs Lloyd Connolly Mrs
Horner Citizenship- Mrs
Horner Massey-Harris Corn Wellington Armstrong Mrs.
Horner Mrs W J Black
Hospital Mrs Pat Wallace
Hospital Mrs Peter Kluke
Household Fellowship - Mrs Ken Smith
Household Science^—Miss Joyce Wil-
Howard A Mrs
Howard Chosen Union Nationale Candidate Mrs. Hugh Grace
Howard Donald Bulmer
Howard McWhir- Mrs. Fred Piercy
Howard Miss Sarah Brown
Howard Mrs
Howard Mrs Eldon Keon
Howard Mrs H E Loken
Howard Mrs. Alphonse Tanguay
Howard Mrs. Boucher
Howard Mrs. H. McLaughlin
Howard Mrs. L E. Thomson Moved
Howard Mrs. Thompson Harold Beckett Moved
Howard Mrs. Walter Derrick
Howard Mrs. Wm
Howard Mulligan Mrs. Frances Carson
Howard Nesbitt Miss Dorothy Mohr
Howard Walsh Mrs. Matt Wallace
Hu- Mrs. Louise Horner Buried At Thorne Dr. C.W. FERRILL M.D. Eyes
Hubert Brownlee- Mrs Ken Beattie
Hubert Hamilton Mrs
Hubert McCal- Mrs Robert Belsher
Hubert Mrs
Hubert Mrs Ken Tubman
Hubert Mrs.
Hubert Mrs: ManvMefshid
Hudgins Miss Kthtl
Hudgins Mrs. Ella Angus
Hudgins Mrs. K C.
Hugh Donald Horner
Hugh Horner 647-3640 70052xjy20otc Mrs. Ken Stewart
Hugh Horner Mrs.
Hugh Mrs Bernice Gardiner Brusen
Hugses Mrs Jos Gagnon
Hull Coun- Miss Muriel Strutt
Hull Miss Betty Russell
Hull Mrs Eva Maloney recent- Mrs Pat Wallace
Hull Mrs Fred Milkie
Hull Mrs. Ivan Saunders
Hull Mrs. Sam Rennick
Hull Principal Mrs Una Hayes
Hulse Mrs. Foster Corrigan
Hun-1 Mrs Hector Racine
Hunt Mrs Neil McDowell
Hunter Borrows Wife’s Corsets Mrs. Bogart
Hunter Mrs
Hunter Mrs. Eleanor Rennick
Huster Mrs Emerson Twa
I Mrs Michel Asselin
I*.# H Mrs. John Stewart
I. D XliC Mrs. James Sloan Dies At Her
I. Fletcher D.C. Chiropractor Miss Lois McConriaton
I. Smith Shawville E Mrs. Emelia Ryan Mrs. Emelia Ryan
Ian 2. Mrs R W Horigins 2. K|iecimen
Ian<* Mrs Joe Belanger
Idena Brownlee Mrs.
Ijast Sun<*a Mrs Lois Judd
ILX^hool Mrs Betty Popkey
Imitation Stone Mrs Gerturde Giroux
Immigration-Miss Emma Me Id
IMr Slid Mrs John Elliott Conway
In Mrs. Wesley Macintosh
Ini’* Mrs. Wm Moore
Inquire Mrs. Eva Poisson Bryson
Insfi-Miss Ruth Horner
Institute Mrs. Leonard Stanley
Intermediate French Mrs. G. Armstrong Kindergarten Miss
Intermediate Heifer Mountholm Fury Miss
Intermediate Miss Iva
Intermediate Mrs Evelyn Duff
InThe Miss Betty EdgU
Into Mrs.
INTRODUCING Mrs. Willie I. Barber Dies In
Iona Sloan Mrs. Keith Bowie
IPresldent Mrs. Clifford
Ira Merri- Mrs. Stan Mrs.
Ira Merrifield - Mrs. Belva Armitage
Ira Merrifield Mrs.
Ira Mrs.
Ira Whalen Mrs.
Ira Whelen Mrs. Arnold Bryan
Irene Allen Miss Minola Gould Reg
Iris Smith Bertha McGee Mrs
Iris Smith Correspondent Miss Edith Mainprise
Iris Smith Correspondent Mrs Stephens
Iris Smith Mrs Emma Church
Irvin Mrs. Leonard Stanley
Irwin Donald and David.
Irwin Mrs Don Horner
Is Mrs David Dickson
Isabel Graham Publicity Convener Mrs S.W. MacKechnie
Isabel Macbeth Mrs. Charles Hondcrich
Isabella Davis Mrs. Eddie Finnigan
ISill X Phone Mrs. Ethel Mackay
Island Mrs.
Iva Webb Mrs.
Ivan Mrs. Armilage
Ivan Dawkins Mrs Ira Whelan Mrs John Lisk
Ivan Lewis Mrs. Jack Hendry
Ivan Mrs Neil LaCharity
Iver- Harris 647-3526 Mrs.
I®ri* Mrs
I— J Mrs Amanda Proulx Le
I—Mrs X W. Chamberlin
I’ Wilson Mrs
J * Mrs Mainville
J - Donald
J - Donald Time - Linda Whitney
J - Mrs. Winslow’s Sooth
J A MRS H. Richardson WoirsU^h
J and* Mrs. Edmund Millar
J E Russell A Chris Judd Edwin Plrle A Son J E Barber A Sons J Donald Duff A
J E Russell A Sons Hlllls Connolly Edwin Plrle A Son HillIs Connolly J Donald Duff A
J E Russell A Sons J Donald Duff A Sons Hlllls ConoUy
J G. Elliott Clifford Horner----- Mrs Chris.
J H Mrs. WiIImu» Murray
J identSi Miss Maude Evelyn Smart
J J Mrs Shirley Best
J J Mrs Ouellet
J J ¦ Mrs. Lees
J Lucas R. T. Hodglns Mrs. Hilliard Palmer Russell Judd Miss Pearl Brown Mrs. David Wilson Elvyn Co
J M Hod-1 Miss J Armstrong
J Miss Betty Sparling
J Miss M. Corrigan
J Miss Ola Armstrong
J Mrs
J Mrs Curti$ Gail Neilson
J Mrs Eldon McCambly
J Mrs Holmes
J Mrs Jim Sylvester
J Mrs Mallette
J Mrs Oswald Lacroix Mr.
J Mrs. Ella Stewart
J Mrs. Fred Pyper
J Mrs. Hugh McCafTery
J Mrs. Leonard Grace
J Ottawa Miss Isabel Currie-Mills
J Reynolds Lady’s Slacks Mrs R Young
J town Mrs. Viola Cushman
J V Moran 2. Lace Cotton Crochet—Mrs H Barnett Mrs Win Cotie
J Vaf Mrs
J W Mrs John E Storey
J! Mrs Len Perry
J!±S!SS»5a tfSJSlI Estate Mrs.
J. En- Mrs. Hillis Graham
J. Murray Mrs.
J. Richmond Mrs Erskine Hodgins Bereaved
J. Thompson Mrs. R. J Thompson
J. W Campbell Mrs.
J.J. Mrs Bennett
J.T. Mrs. Arnold Bmnton
Jack D C M. Miss Ann Campbell
Jack Donald Trudeau
Jack Dunlop Mrs. Lena Myers
Jack Haw Mrs Bari Findlay
Jack Kerr Mrs. Melvin Young
Jack Lester Mrs. Grégoire Loiselle Mrs. Roland McDougall Mrs. S. Wyman McKechnie Mrs. Ken Morrison
Jack Miss Ella White
Jack Mrs Audry Leclair
Jack Mrs Claude Mrs
Jack Mrs Myrtle Deering
Jack Mrs. Amile Zacharias
Jack Mrs. Dwight McDowell
Jack Mrs. Moise Sauve
Jack Mus- Mrs. John Ade
Jack Robinmsn Mrs. Cecil Fans
Jack Russell Mrs. Clarence Clemmens
Jack Stevens Miss VtvtSIl
Jack Ye- Mrs. Henry Dale
Jackie Burke Quyon Miss Violet Mahers
Jackie Lmng Miss Artine Kilgour
Jackie Mrs Arthur Kealey
Jackie Mrs. Helen Thrun
Jacqueline Martineau Corresponding Secretary-Mrs Bernadette McGee Recording Secretary- Mrs John Law
Jacqueline Mrs. EJfla Angus
Jacques and Mrs. C. Schwartz
Jacques Candle Light Service At United Church Mrs.
Jacques Dmi SOT Mrs. Arthur Spinks
Jacques Hostess Committee Mrs. Exlgar
Jacques Mrs Smith
Jacques Mrs. Bill Anderson Mrs. Kenneth Àrmitage Mrs. F. E. Bailey Mrs. Melvin Beattie Mrs. Gordon
James A. McBain Mrs. Chesey McMillan
James Alex- Mrs. Storey
James Allen Mrs. Robt
James Armitage Mrs.
James B. Caldwell Mrs. Isabel M. Ryan Mary E Brandum Mary R. Armstrong K. H
James Bfunton Mrs Eva Brunton
James Brown Mrs James Brown
James C. Glenn Mrs.
James C. Horner Mrs Henry Dale
James Carswell Mrs.
James Carty Miss Gail Lett Is
James Daley Mrs. Margaret Moyle
James Donald
James Donald Angus
James Donald Gagnon
James Donald.
James E. Barrett Mrs. B. Murray
James Francis Miss Mayfred Horner
James G 1- Mrs. Gwen Smith
James Hopkins Bersheba Buck Mary Gideon Longface Mrs. Crisp Tommy Crip
James Ke Miss Anne Ottawa
James Lcken Mrs
James Loken Miss Dorothy Loken
James Malon-Mrs
James McCre- Miss Faye Madonna McCoy
James McCuaig - Mrs Jean Low 5
James mcOee Mrs. Charles Kavanagh
James Meek Mrs Merle Young
James Micklin 2. Miss Mar
James Miss Ella Elliott
James Miss Hellena McSheffrey
James Miss Lei
James Miss Rejeannc Ladooceur
James Mrs Fred Schroeder
James Mrs Geo.
James Mrs Richard Milliken^gJ* Mr. Miiliken
James Mrs Roae Soucie
James Mrs Terry Bfcudy
James Mrs. C.
James Mrs. E.
James Mrs. Ernest Garland Mr.
James Mrs. John McIntosh
James Mrs. L. Kelley
James Mrs. Madella Clarice
James Mrs. Rockefeller
James Mrs. Winnifred Frost
James Mrs. XV.
James Nadi Mrs
James Ostrom Mrs Eamow Kane
James PitC Mrs. George and
James Pren Miss Sophia Hodgins
James Riley’s Birthday Party Mrs. James H. Riley
James Stew- Miss Nancy Fairfield
James Stewart Diane
James Stewart Miss Trudeau
James Stewart Mrs Roland St Aubin
James Telford Mrs
James Tracy Mrs. Hillis Graham
Jamie Donald Russell Emerson
Jane Anne Connolly Mrs. R:
Jane Coyle Mrs Clarice Mosseau
Jane De- Mrs Bolger
Jane McDou- Mrs Marie Greer
Jane Meldrum Honoured Mrs.
Jane Miss Anne Pilon
Jane Mrs Ernie Gillis
Jane Mrs. Garnet Hodgins
Jane Mrs. Ralph Richmond Miss Elaine McDowell Mr.
Jane Robinson Mrs Mark Marion
Jane Russell Van Heflin Mrs. Hubert Elliott
Janet Kilgour Mrs. Harry Farrell Miss Mona Armstrong Mr. Ivan Hodgins Dr.
Janet Mrs
Janet Pat-1 Miss Sarah Pat
Janet Reynolds Cotton Dress Mrs Cartman
Janet Robin-by Mrs Ada Daly
Janice Gertrude Yemen Weds Donald Gordon Darlington Her
Janice Joan MacFarlane Miss Janice Joan MacFarlane
January Mrs. Lawrence Wilson
Jay Mrs. R Rusenetrum Mrs.
Jean ( Mrs Bruce Wallace
Jean ( Mrs Caruso
Jean ( Mrs Joseph Houghton Jr)
Jean (Donald Martineau
Jean (Mrs
Jean (Mrs Basil Quaile
Jean (Mrs Bill Hooker
Jean (Mrs Charles Smith
Jean (Mrs Clifford Whelan
Jean (Mrs Darrel Davies
Jean (Mrs David Stephens
Jean (Mrs Des McLaughlin
Jean (Mrs Donald) Horner
Jean (Mrs Gar-
Jean (Mrs George Dodge
Jean (Mrs George Grant
Jean (Mrs George Knox
Jean (Mrs Harold) Judd Visiting
Jean (Mrs Herman O Byrne
Jean (Mrs John Cume-Mills
Jean (Mrs John Man
Jean (Mrs John Stewart
Jean (Mrs Ken Grove
Jean (Mrs L Menzies
Jean (Mrs Leo McMamara
Jean (Mrs Leslie McMillan
Jean (Mrs Robert
Jean (Mrs Robert | P.
Jean (Mrs Sherwood Storey
Jean (Mrs Tom MacEachern
Jean and Donald Horner
Jean and Miss Melba Cole
Jean and Mrs Laurent Lessard
Jean Blyth Mrs. J. Hunt
Jean Bretzlaff Dorothy Burton Hillis Conolly Keith Emmerson Betty Farrell Diane Hobbs Billy Hodgins
Jean Campbell Miss Brenda Bechamp
Jean Chartrand Mrs Gravell
Jean Donald
Jean Donald Chevier
Jean Elliott Miss Myrtle Hodgins
Jean Finlan Mrs Carol Clarks
Jean Flnlayson Donald J. Findlay Fraser
Jean Guy Mrs
Jean Hahn Mrs. Edmond O’Malley
Jean Hodgins Donald S
Jean Hodgins Donald S. Ladysmith Kilgeur
Jean Hodgins Donald S. Ladysmith Kilgour
Jean Horner Mrs Audrey Hodgins
Jean I Carson Mrs. Clarence Westbrook
Jean knox Mrs
Jean La- Mrs Sterling Hobbs
Jean Lizotte Miss
Jean Louis Muir Mrs Nicholas Morrissey
Jean Marie Ryan Mrs. Mary McNally
Jean Me Mrs.
Jean Mr. Donald Runtz
Jean Mrs Adam and Sr Marguerite Adam
Jean Mrs George Fumerton Calumet Island
Jean Mrs Lola Boisvert
Jean Mrs Pat McGuire
Jean Mrs. Alfred Wiitkopf
Jean Mrs. Ernest Hahn
Jean Mrs. Eskar Rebertz
Jean Mrs. James Gavan
Jean Mrs. James Murphy
Jean Ogilvie 647-5407 Mrs. Arthur Labelle
Jean PeUetier Donald
Jean Pilon’s Donald Edmonton
Jean Smith Donald
Jean Smith Mrs. Asa M Smith
Jean Thirlaway Miss EUza-of
Jean Thomp-and Mrs. Minnie MclXgg
Jean to Mr. Donald Bland Smart
Jean Wallace Mrs Olive Hayward
Jean were Mrs Jack Robinard
Jean) Mrs
Jean) Mrs Donald Martineau
Jean) Mrs Lloyd Os
Jean) Mrs Roy
Jean) Mrs.
Jean) Mrs. Art Van Loosen
Jean) Mrs. Donald Bredburg
Jean) Mrs. Earnie SHAWVILLE
Jean) Mrs. Grant Murray
Jean) Mrs. John Thompson
Jean) Mrs. Keith Tait
Jean) Mrs. Leonard MacLean
Jean) Mrs. Lloyd Pallbearers
Jean) Mrs. Robert MacAllister
Jean) Mrs. Stath-am
Jean) Mrs. Thomas McRae
Jeff and Betty Mrs Walter Yach
Jeff Mrs John Brusenbauch
Jeff Presley Miss Chantal Pigeon
Jennifer Hodgins Mrs Roland Graham
Jennifer Mrs Adolph Zimerlm*
Jennifer Mrs. Hartman
Jerome Mrs. Mahlon Hayes
Jerry Miss Jamie Smith
Jerry Ryan Dwight Tanguay Donald Boudreau Faye Visneskie
JiaSs Mrs Foster
Jill Jean Marie Diane Stanton
Jill Miss Sylvain Vallée
Jim Backus Mrs. Louisa Wills
Jim Edds Mrs. Antoine Rivet
Jim Mrs
Jim Mrs Peter Bauer
Jim Mrs Rev. L. R. Mack
Jim Mrs. Dorothy Lough
Jim Mugs Mrs Jean Whelan
Jim Stan- Mrs Brian Woods
Jimmy Durante Donald O’Connor Carried
Jimmy Mrs. Donald Ostroir
Jimmy Mrs. Lee Harkins
Jl Mrs.
Jo Mrs. Chris Caldwell
Joan Amyotle Miss Amyotte
Joan Arm- Glenlockie Rag Apple Gall Mrs.
Joan Bennett Robert Campbell Janet Fraser Ross Finnigan Donald Stafford Shirley Trudeau Sadie Wilso
Joan Caulfield Mrs. Paul
Joan CELERY Mrs.
Joan Crawford Anne Helm Mrs. W. C. Schwartz
Joan Dehaunne Miss
Joan Fin-Mrs
Joan Hannaberry Mrs. Brady
Joan Horner Miss Kay Woodley
Joan Mrs
Joan Mrs Eric (Eva) Brown Also
Joan Mrs Mabel Langford
Joan Mrs Vreda Murphy
Joan Mrs.
Joan Mrs. Eric Copeland
Joan) Mrs.
Joanne Miss Carmen Lanoix
Joanne Mrs Alice (Lance
Joanne Mrs Sciba
Joanne Mrs. Edward Cunningham Mrs.
Joanne Sharpe Diane Boisvert
Jocelyne Leclauv Mrs
Jodie Mrs Annie Campbell
Joe % Mrs. A. P. Knight
Joe Bryson Waltham News Review Mrs. Arthur La
Joe Kilgour Funeral Friday Mrs.
Joe Lafram-Mrs Dawson Moorhead
Joe Levine Miss Nancv
Joe Mrs George Carnahan
Joe Mrs Russell Gravelle
Joe Mrs. SI/
Joe Mrs. Wm
Joe Rodgers Mrs. Louis Lemay
Joe Rutledge Mrs.
Joe Tauebert Mrs Bertha Demers
Joe Wring Miss Glenda O Brien
Joel McCrea Miss Eleanor Bradley
Joel Metres Joanne Dm Robert Taylor Donald O’Connor Deborah Kerr Donald O’Connor Sterling Hayden 1
John A Armstrong Mrs
John A Mrs Bud Elliott.
John A. Cowan Donald McRae
John and Greg Donald
John and Margaret Staf- Mrs
John and Mrs.
John and Mrs. Carling
John and Mrs. Davis Jr.
John and Mrs. E.
John and Mrs. L. Anderson
John and Mrs. Smith
John and Pat Kavanagh Mrs.
John and Susan Mrs Hayes
John Appleby - Donald Edward Appleby
John Armstrong Gerald Bean — Mrs Linden Young
John B. Judd Mrs. Andrew McKnight
John B. Judd Mrs. Andrew Me Knight........
John Carson Miss Mildred Amm.
John Cunning- Mrs. Margaret Kelley
John Cunningham Mrs.
John Dagg Mrs
John Deneult Mrs. John Denault
John Derraugh Hammond Farms Shelley Pick Diane Stanton Gerry McKenny M
John Don- Mrs Neil Sharpe
John Donald
John Donald Horner
John Donald Trudeau
John Ed- L.nd Mrs. John Greenshields
John English and Mrs. Fred T. *
John F. Kell Mrs Hubert Elliott
John Fletcher.............. Miss Maggie Corrigan...... Wm
John Fulford Mrs
John G and Mrs.
John G Henderson Mrs
John Gauthi- Miss Charteris
John Hearty Mrs Hobbs
John Henderson Mrs
John Hobin Mrs. John
John Holmes Mrs. Walter McBane Vice-President
John Home Economics - Mrs.
John Howard Mrs. A.
John Hurst Solist Mrs.
John James Draper Mrs. Lyfred Brown
John Jones Guest Mrs
John Jones John Thomas Muldoon Mrs. Austin Sparling
John Kelly Mrs
John L Diane
John L For- Mrs. Sherwood Beattie
John L Hodgins Mrs. R Howard
John L. Hodgins Mrs. John L. Hodgins
John Lang Mrs. Albert ___99.26
John Lawn Donald Letts
John Mac Donald
John Mae Donald
John Mane Mrs Raymond Maheral
John McAra Mrs. John McAra
John Miss A. Eicon
John Miss Beth McKay
John Miss Lorraine Dagg
John Mousseau........... D.une—Mrs
John Mrs Betty Verner
John Mrs Carl Ebert
John Mrs Dennis Wakeling
John Mrs Dillas Toole
John Mrs Don Duff
John Mrs Garth Graham
John Mrs Kleinikkink
John Mrs Mary Boisvert
John Mrs Mel Bretzlaff
John Mrs Muriel LeRoy
John Mrs Shirley Stevenson
John MRS.
John Mrs. Bailey
John Mrs. Clifford Wilson
John Mrs. Hearne
John Mrs. John Ashe
John Mrs. John Greer
John Mrs. Lloyd Cuiiully
John MtAra Mrs. Pierre Archambault Caldwell
John Newberry Mrs. Edgar Reside
John O. Stephens Miss Muriel Bronson
John Paul I. Mrs Daley
John Rabishaw Mrs. Martin Kluke Jr.
John Rob- Mrs. John Robertson
John Robertson Miss Ann Uerrard
John Robertson Mrs.
John Robinson Mrs. Orth
John Roland.......... Mrs IIvieilles Maxwell
John Russell Mrs Margaret Russell
John Slav Donald
John Smart 3. Embroidery Chair Tidy—Miss Armstrong 1
John Smiley Mrs.
John Smith Mrs
John Smith Mrs.
John Sparling Mrs. Sparling
John Stephens Pasture Wanted Mrs. J<
John Sturgeon Campbells Bay Mrs.
John Sturgeon Campbells Bay Mrs. Roy McDowell
John Sylvester Mrs. Charles Taber
John T Dagg 2. Mrs
John T Mrs. Gordon Popkey
John T. Da Mrs Dwight McDowell
John Thomson Mrs. John Davis
John Tolhurst Miss Florence Boyce
John Tra Oswald Donald Woods - 196.80 Wallace McGillis
John W. Mrs. Geo
John W. Steele Mrs. John W. Steele
John Wallace Mrs.
John Walsh Sr. Miss Sharon Stephens
John Walsh Sr. Mrs Amy Creighton
John Walsh Sr. Mrs Lionel Bastien
John Walsh Sr. Mrs Pearl Ebert
John Warain Mrs. John Warain
John Wilson Mrs. Alfred Newberry Rémi Normandeau Women* Institute
Johnny Mrs Jean Sparling
Johnson Mrs
Johnson Mrs. Smith
Johnson Shawville Miss Hattie Cameron
Johnston Mrs Gerard Trudeau Mrs Lawrence Reid Mrs Don Trudeau Western Saddle Horse
Johnston Mrs Martineau
Johnston Mrs. Thoms
Jon Mrs. Hwldenrich
Jonathan Tel- Vi Mrs,
Jones Mrs. B. Hen
Joseph Bean Largely Attended MRS.
Joseph Belanger Mrs. John Belanger
Joseph D Miss Sandra
Joseph D Mrs Leona Corriveau Sloan
Joseph Donald Kelly
Joseph Doylt Mrs Roy
Joseph Green Mrs. Ken Knipe
Joseph Houghton Miss Jacqueline Martineau
Joseph Jeffrey Mrs.
Joseph Joubert Caldwell Clarion Mrs. Manson Sharpe
Joseph Kennedy Miss Blanche Robinson
Joseph Little Mrs.
Joseph Mills Donald Bennett
Joseph Miss Eva Kellcher
Joseph Mrs Alex Weir
Joseph Mrs John Connolly
Joseph Mrs John L. Hodgins
Joseph Mrs Vertel Smiley
Joseph Mrs. Amelia Bretzlafif
Joseph Richard Mrs. Jcneph Richard
Joseph Smiley^ggg* Mrs Smyth
Joseph Squit Mrs Edith Draper
Joseph Toilet Cushion—Mrs E
Joseph Wrinn Miss Marilyn McGuire
Joseph Yereck - Mrs.
Joseph Yurkiewicz Mrs.
JoSGOh Patrick Mrs Midas Richard
Joyce Mr Jean Yach Honored At Bridal Shower Mrs. Reinhold
Joyce Findlay Honoured Mrs. Hilliard Hobbs
Joyce Flem Mrs Cameron Rowat
Joyce Kllfosr Mrs. Lloyd Conolly
Joyce McCleary Mrs John Dean
Joyce Mrs Howard Orr
Joyce Mrs Simon Corriveau
Joyce Mrs.
Joyce Mrs. Elgin Howard
Joyce Mrs. Ellis Palmer
Joyce Pitt Mrs
Joyce Richardson- Secy Mrs Wayne Chamberlain- Treas
Joyce South For- Mrs. Anne Fumerton
Joyce Sylvester Mrs
Joyce Vachon Mrs Mervin Baird
Jr Chairman Mrs. G. Bachert
Jr Champion Mrs Thomas Dunn
Jr Mrs
Jr Mrs.
Jr. D M.—Mrs
Jr.—Donald Cameron
Juan Mrs. Norris
Judd Mrs.
Judges—Miss Maye Shaw
Judge—Miss M Thompson
Judy Diane
Judy Horner Mrs Patrick Sloan
Judy Horner Mrs Horner.
Judy Miss Laura Bisson
Judy Miss Mary Kilgour
Judy Mrs Claudette Stanton
Judy Mrs Ivan Orr
Judy Mrs. George Drummond
Judy Mrs. Stark
Juiy Mrs. Claude Young
Julia Ann Raymond Mrs Julia Ann Raymond
Julie Moherol Mrs Renaud Rainville
July Mrs David T. Hodgins
June Mrs Hubert Elliott
June Mrs J S. Barclay
June Mrs Jacques Pilon
June Mrs.
J_________ Mrs. Josh Parrel
J| Mrs. J A.E. Cowley
Kar Mrs Mr. Percy Campbell
Karen Howard RM Miss Karen Howard
Karen Inglee Home Made Candy - Mrs. Lome Draper Cadbury CHocolate Cake Special - Cathy Emmerson
Karen LaSalle Mrs Alphonse Cahill
Karen McKen-Mrs Francis Finan
Karen Mrs
Karen Mrs Adolph Zimerling Lois Judd’s
Karl Mrs Jean Campbell
Karl Ooransson Ottawa U, Miss Joan Olmstead
Kathaleen Mario Miss Mrs. Almond Hodgins
Katherine Black Mrs Taylor
Kathleen Lamb Publicity Convenor Mrs Gwen Hayes
Kathleen Mrs. Terry Brady
Kathleen Quinlan Mrs
Kathleen Woodley R.S V.G— Mrs. Bert Stark L S V G —Mrs Cynthia Draper Chaplain
Kathleen • Mrs Kdgar
Kathleen) Mrs. Elvyn Corrigan
Kathryn Miss Kathryn Horner
Kathy Hérault ASTRO-DESTINY Mrs Mae Quinn
Kathy Mrs. David Dick
Katie McMahon Mrs Margaret Fleming
Katie Mrs Kathie Blakney
Katie Walsh Mrs. Edgar Hodgi
Kavanagh Mrs
Kay Mrs Percy Stewart
Kay Mrs.
Kay Mrs. Derraugh
Kay Mrs. Eckardt Katie Elliott Woodley
Kay Ross Mrs Jean Finlan
Kay Woodley Mrs. Edgar Hodgins
Kay Wooldey Mrs.
Kearns Mrs. Ross
Keith and Mrs.
Keith Emmerson Donald J. Braytey Shawville
Keith Me- Mrs Maureen Carson
Keith Miss Katie Elliot
Keith Mrs Pat Wallace
Keith Mrs. Alex Lacroix
Keith Mrs. Clifford McCredie
Keith Mrs. Hermonie Sharpe
Keith Mrs. Markus
Keith Munro Lav Reader Norval McNeill Lay Reader Mrs Edward Kennedy
Keith Tub- Mrs Carmen Young
Kelley A Mrs Margaret Kelley
Kelley Mrs Lloyd Mite
Kells Coolingwood Ontario Mrs Floyd F. Griesba
Kelly Miss Shirley Hicks
Kelly Mrs Amy Keon
Kelly Mrs. Claire Fleury
Kemp Donald -Knot Tieing—Shawville
Ken and Betty Griffin Lafleur - Donald
Ken and Diane Stanton
Ken Davidson Green Mrs.
Ken Davidson Ot- Mrs. Herman Schwartz
Ken Dean Mrs. Elizabth
Ken Dick Chenier - Mrs Jean Delbert Stephens
Ken Dugan Mrs. Louis Letnoy
Ken Hod-Mrs
Ken Hodgins " Mrs< Bl Murray
Ken May Mrs. Jean Bean
Ken Ma^uente Towsley Miss Swb* SSwtS K."
Ken Mrs
Ken Mrs Gordon Smith
Ken Mrs John E Palmer
Ken Mrs M Guiliani
Ken Mrs. Percy Dagg
Ken O Leary Sandra Laroche Connie LaSalle Donald Lavallée 433-FOOD
Ken Smiley Mrs. Bert Greenshields Mr.
Kennedy - Mrs Dorothy Mohr
Kennedy Mrs.
Kenneth Bronson Mayor Mrs. M. I. Fraser
Kenneth Byles an- Mrs. Jerry N. Monteith
Kenneth M Mrs Russell Judd
Kenneth Milliken MRS.
Kenneth Miss Mnry Armstrong
Kenneth Mrs David Baker
Kenneth Mrs Eva Belanger
Kenneth Mrs. Ken Mini
Kenneth Mrs. Robert Laùrd
Kenny Miss Connie Mohr
Kerry Lynn Mrs. Elizabeth Hahn
Kerry Mrs. Gerald Mielke
Kety Mrs
Kevin Donald Ostrom
Kevin Gagnon Mrs Diane Connolly
Kevin Mrs Lucy Flood
Kim McLe-by Mrs Linda Venne
Kim Mrs Antoine d’Amour
Kim Mrs Romulus Lasalle
Kimberly Mrs Sherwood Beattie
Kingston Mrs
KLr&y-s Mrs. Melvin Wickens
Kluke Mrs Frank Kluke
Knox H & Wei- Mrs W Johnson H. Econ
Knox Miss Shawville
Knox Publicity Convenor Mrs H R Rsbb
Krutz Mrs Fred Krutz
KUgour A Son Grand Champion Bull J Donald Duff A Son
K°°Xl Mrs. Hugh Riley
L all<1 Mrs-, Stephen Small
L K Keen Mrs. M McCaffrey
L L Mrs Romeo Belanger
L L Mrs. Jas
L Miss Marie Ladouceur
L T. Miss Betty Richardson
L. Ma- Mrs. Jim Suwar
L. Mrs. Hugh Proudfoot
Labelle Miss Susan McKay
Lac Leslie - Moved Donald Sloan
Lach Mrs
Ladies Aid Mrs Pearl Russell
Ladies Auxil-Mrs Bert Kelly
Ladies Auxiliary Mrs Pamela Komm
Ladies Booby-Mrs Francis Bourgeau
Ladies Curling Awards Mrs. Lyall Cameron
Ladies Hat Mrs. Dwight McDowell
Ladies High-Mrs Pete Moyle Msns Hign-Michael Wrinn
Ladies Race Mrs Glennâ Campbell
Ladysmith Miss Marie Udouceur
Ladysmith Update Mrs. Verner Thrun
Lai Mrs. Joe Keller
Laird Graham Miss Kathy Kennedy
LairU Mrs. Fred Armstrong
Lamarche Mrs William Lamarche
Lamothe Roley Wickens Donald Paul Kays Style Shoppe Canada Bread Pure Spring Ltd. George Towell Pon
Lance - Mrs Joe Derouin
Lance Miss Joy Kluke
Landon Donald
Lang Mrs. K Tubman
Lanoix Mrs Etta Routliffe
Lapierre Mrs
Larry Mrs Grace Quaile
Larry Mrs John Judd
Larry Mrs. Ardley Elliott
Las- Mrs Elwin Hearty
Late Marion Lochhead- Mrs Marion E Munn
Late Mrs
Late Mrs. Matthew McFarlane.
Laura Diane
Laura Kluke Dubeau Coulonge Mrs Denise
Laura Moore Mrs Aggie Sparling
Laura Mrs
Laura Romain Mrs Laure
Laura Schock Pancake Race L Miss Laura Schock 2. Mrs. Ernie Morgan
Laurel Woods^Mrs
Lauretta Mrs Hugh Horner
Laurie Moore Mrs^ Mer-
Laurie Mul-Donald
Laurie Smith Mrs
Lawrence Barber and Mrs. Emery Elliott
Lawrence Car- 5/ Mrs. Clarence Clcmmcns
Lawrence Cartier Mrs. Lawrence Cartier
Lawrence Kasaboske Miss Jean Murphy
Lawrence Lan Mrs Kenneth Case Convenor- Mrs Gordon Bradley
Lawrence Lang 647-3385 Mrs.
Lawrence M Mrs. Kenneth Smiley
Lawrence Malone Mrs. Lawrence Malone
Lawrence Moore Mrs. Anderson
Lawrence Mrs, J NValm-sley
Lawrence Mrs. Bill Barr
Lawrence Mrs. William Milliken
Lawrence Tra-Mrs Lise Chartrand
Lawrence Wilson Mrs.
Lawrence | Mrs. Arthur Tache
Laws Mowers Mrs. Esther Quail.
Lawton Mrs.
Lc-| Mrs. Eugene Asselin
Leach Mrs Edna Leach
Lee Donald Dods
Lee Jane *° Tom Albert Beverdam Mrs Willis Wren
Lee Teper- Mrs Elizann Emmerson
Len- Mrs. Edward
Lena La-Mrs Ivan Connelly
Lena Mrs Lionel Thomson
Lena Mrs.
Lena Mrs. Jerry Quae
Lena Poole- Mrs Betty Telford
Lennis Dale ................ Miss Pearl Eades
Lennis Dale............. Miss Pearl Eades
Lennis Dale................. Miss Pearl Fades
Lennis Mrs Leslie Russett
Lens M Mrs John Hamilton
Leo Bechamp Dont Miss These Terrifie
Leo Bechamp Mrs. Rex
Leo Bonnah Miss Veronica Lepine
Leo Brazean Calumet Union Head Mrs. Gilbert Telford
Leo Chas- Mrs Chassie
Leo Cogh- Waltham Mrs George Leroy
Leo Donnelly Mrs Lester Mc-wlll
Leo Gena Donald O’Connor FRIDAY Call Me Madam Ethel Merman Audrey Long Lynn Roberts
Leo Kaon Miss Pat Kelly
Leo Marchand Mrs Leo Marchand
Leo McGee Miss Katie Armour
Leo McGee Miss Cheryl McGee
Leo Miss Debbie Grier
Leo Mrs Agnes Sparling
Leo Mrs Bussiere
Leo Mrs Jennie McCord
Leo Mrs Mr.
Leo Muldoon Mrs Caroline Towell
Leo Periard Mrs Cecilia Bradley Mulligan
Leo Ryan Low Notes Mrs. Robert Lalonde
Leo- Mrs. Leslie Dean
Leona (Mrs Emerson Stewart
Leona Emerson Honored At Shower Miss Leona Emmerson
Leona Mrs Clifford Fierobin
Leona Mrs. Fred Fierobln
Leona Wallace Miss Irma Stanley
Leona) Mrs. Doug.
Leonard Bel-Mrs
Leonard Hearty Mrs Aurele Brunet
Leonard Hor- Miss Marilyn McGuire
Leonard Letts Miss Barbara Renwlck
Leonard McCaffrey Mrs Robert Scott
Leonard Mrs Lucy Kelly
Leonard Mrs Mary Hearty
Leonard Mrs Peter Kluke
Leonard P. Kluke Visiting Mrs Eva Maloney
Leonard S Mrs. S. W MacKechnie
Les Conseillers Donald Letts
Les Installation Electriques Donald S. Hodgins Inc. Electrical
Leslie Dale Musician—Miss Barbara Woodley R S.N G.—Miss Muriel Strutt L.S N G.—Miss Kay Woodley R S
Leslie Miss Jean Stewart
Leslie Thompson Donald Armitage
Letts Mrs Reggie Moore
Lew# Bey Lewi Mowen Mrs. Esther Quelle
Lewis Family Reunion At Otter Lake Mrs.
Lewis Miss Annie
Lewis Mrs W. D. Campbell Wy-
Lewis Mrs Wesley Hamilton Mrs Norval Horner Mrs
Lewis Twenty Fifth Anniversary Mrs. J. G. Graham
Li Mrs. Doyle Klyn
Li- Mrs Eva Sloan
Liberals Mrs. Harold Hayes
Librarian Mrs. Betty Turner
Lieut Bert Greer Mrs. Moses
Life Mrs Leona Mainviile
Lifelong Leslie Township Resident Mrs. Thomas Quaile
Lila Smith Mrs. George Stevenson
Lillian Mrs.
Lillian Strutt Mrs G.I. Reid Miss Nancy Thompson
Lillian Tub- Donald Duff
Lillian Uus- Mrs. Solomon Says
Lillian Wright Mrs. Borden Steele
Lillis K—Mrs
Lilly Miss Margaret Bevan
Lily Mrs Simon Corriveau
Limbrequins—Mrs H Barnett 1
Limited-Shipping Containers Umlt- Stork Derby Lead Grows Mrs. Kenny Gives Birth
Lind- Glenna Graham Marries Donald Campbell
Linda Ann Crossfield Mrs. Clarence
Linda Community Mourns Mrs. W. J. Murray
Linda Da- Mrs. Gordon Comba
Linda Lance Miss Linda Lance
Linda Mrs
Linda Mrs. Cliff Mohr
Linda Mrs. Emile Trudeau
Linda,[were Mrs. Wm Mills
Lindsay Diane
Lindsay Mrs Wayne Maloney
Lio- Obituary Lucy Somerville Mrs Gerda Bretzlaff
Lionel Miss Marie Garland
Lionel Stanley Munro Jr. Miss Hodgins
Lionel Thompson Mrs.
Lisa Mrs Dagg
Lisa Mrs. Violet Rutledge
Lise Mrs Julien Fortin
Little B Mrs. C. Hanson
Little Donald
Little Miss Connie Crouse
Little Miss Karen Howard
Little Miss Karen Murray
Little Miss Karen Richard
Littlë Miss Susan Kennedy
Livestock Mrs. Clara Kendall Also Looks After Exhibits
Lln-and Mrs H Murdock
Lloyd Bal- Mrs. Frank Comer
Lloyd Craw- Mrs Wilson McCleary
Lloyd Jr. Donald Tru-few
Lloyd Miss Amelia Smart
Lloyd Mltchem Mrs.
Lloyd Mrs Armand Satiate
Lloyd Mrs Jas Sutton
Lloyd Mrs.
Lloyd Mrs. Heman Dagg
Lloyd Ostrom Mrs Ma
Lloyd Robinson Mrs
Lloyd Standing Miss Marion Beattie
Lnd Mrs. Russell
Lnii Mrs. Norman Dod*
Ln^ Mrs. H. Graham
Loan Mrs. Fred Cant
Lois Mrs Gregory Presley
Lois Mrs Milton Wall
Lome Mrs. Earl Renwick
Lord Desbor- Miss W A. Hudgins
Lord Irving- Sir Donald
Lord Jesus Oirist Mrs James Benoit
Lord Mrs
Lord Mrs Rex Taylor
Loretta Mrs Ray Grier
Lorn Hod-Miss Marie Cluff
Lorrainne Mrs.
Lou McDowell Garrett Walsh O Keefe Breweries James B. Caldwell Mrs. Isabel M. Ryan Mary E. Brandum
Lou McDowell Garrett Walsh OfKeefe Breweries Miss Legault
Lou Woermke - Donald
Louis Mrs. Gustave William Dora Yach
Louise (Mrs Alec Murray
Louise Barber and Mrs Edith
Louise Diane Manzoli
Louise Donald
Louise Donald Gagnon
Louise Donald This
Louise Donald-
Louise Donald- Continued
Louise Donald-to
Louise E Donald
Louise Joseph Donald Lavallee
Love Diane
Love Melvin Donald O Connor Technicolor MONDAY
Love Tore Mrs. Samuel Stevenett
Love Tyior Mrs Shirley Lacroix
Low Notes Home Hardware Mrs. Robert Lalonde Deepest
Lowe Boy Lewi Mowers McCulloch Chain Sows J Mrs. Esther Quelle
lsE5* Mrs Serge Parent
Ltd. Thomas J. Knox Mrs. Frank Finnigan Sr.
Lucas Miss Karen Howard
Lucinda Mrs J Philip Matheson
Lucky Mrs. Ronald McGuire
Lucy Lablonde Miss Naomi Belleau
Lucy Mrs Daniel Brown
Lula Miss Corbett
Lunam Young Lunam Youn Mrs. Drummond Rev. E G. Warren
Lusk Mrs Raymond Lepine
Luskville Leader Mrs Sam (Pearl
LVd Shawville Quebec Bronze Medals Mrs.
Lyal Mrs Bill Pirie
Lyle Hodgins Mrs. Ruby Armstrong
Lyle McConnell Secretary- Mrs
Lynn Campbell Mrs Robinson Hodgins
Lynn Evans/ Diane Armitage
Lynn Miss Patsy Sharpe
Lynn Mrs Anna Stewart
Lynn Mrs Lloyd Kluke
Lynn Mrs Melvin Stewart
Lynn Mrs. E.
Lynn Thrash- Mrs Rachel Poisson
Lynn Wilson Aunt Diane
L„d Mrs
M & Mrs Basil Quaile
M & Mrs Edmond Stewart
M & Mrs Paul Dumouchel
M A Mme Donald Roy
M A Mrs Owen Hearty
M cCredieand Mrs.
M Mrs Garrett Walsh
M Mrs Stephens
M Mrs. Ebert Turcotte Frost Fence Aluminum Roofing Galvanized Roofing Coal
M Mrs. Leonard Horner
M P Mrs. Bernard Benoit
M''HWt-1 Mrs. Fred Vork
M(j Mrs Brian Telford
M-& Mrs Ross Doyle
M-s C N Woodley Mrs F Ladouceur
M. Miss Karen Heart
M. Mrs. xa8 Elliott
Mac Don-Mrs
Mac Donald
Mac Donald-Cartier
Mac Mrs. Mary Alexander
Mac- Donald
Mac- Mrs.
Macdonald College Mrs Dave Davies
Macdonald Mrs. Draper
MacDoneU Mrs Denise Stafford
MacFar- Mrs
Mackcn Mrs Venetia Crawford
MacKechnieand Mrs.
MacKenzie Music Mrs. M. Young Remedial Reading Mrs.
Madeleine (Mrs Leonard Council
Magazine Donald S. Hodgins
Magazine Mrs.
Maisie Kim- Manary-Mrs Warren Campbell
Malartic Schwartz Mrs. John BretzlafT
Mamie Donald
Mamie Donald* Carlton Wain
Manager Miss Karen Saunders
Manager Mrs. G.
Manager Mrs. M. Langford
Manager X I Quyon Branch Mrs.
Maniwaki Mrs Cécile Vaillancourt
Mar- Mrs
Mar- Mrs. Martin Rlely
Marc Miss Susan Sharpe
Mardi Gras Miss Hi,da Payne
Mare—Miss S J Armstrong.
Margaret ( Mrs Lloyd C. Fulford
Margaret (Mrs Hugh McCagg
Margaret (Mrs Ken Conroy
Margaret (Mrs Laurence Laig
Margaret (Mrs Neil Sharpe
Margaret ) Mrs. Glen Cougler
Margaret Dagg Mrs. John R. McDowell
Margaret Diane Wickens
Margaret Ethel Knipe Mrs Thomas A Hobbs Margaret Ethel Knipe
Margaret Fleming Mrs. Catherine Burke
Margaret ft* Mrs. Thomas Smith
Margaret Hodgins Miss Evelyn Armstrong
Margaret Lang Mrs. Elizabeth
Margaret Laughren- Mrs Ellis Palmer
Margaret Le-Mrs Charles Routliffe
Margaret Mahlitzand Miss Lily Kirk
Margaret MeCaff- H.W. BRAITHWAlTà Principal Supplies Mrs.
Margaret Mem- Charteris Quyon Miss Claire Stanley
Margaret Mrs
Margaret Mrs Alva Lance
Margaret Mrs Bernard Cahill
Margaret Mrs Jack Braddock
Margaret Mrs John MacSween
Margaret Mrs Lan* Kelly
Margaret Mrs Robert Middlemiss
Margaret Mrs Susan Sloan
Margaret Mrs. Irvin Gilpin
Margaret Mrs. James McC
Margaret Mrs. John Hodgins
Margaret Mrs. Urban Curley
Margita Mrs. Eric Draper
Margo Mrs.
Margo Mrs. Leslie Richards Miss Doreen Storey Mr.
Margo Mrs. R H. Elliott
Maria Ruth Homer Mrs Meryl Horner
Marie ( Mrs Stewart MacKenzie
Marie Diane
Marie Diane Stewart
Marie Garland Mrs. Gordon McBride Sr
Marie Miss Team
Marie Mrs
Marie Mrs Alt Moreland
Marie Mrs Dorothy Lepine
Marie Mrs. Alex Davis
Marie Mrs. Teason McCagg
Marilyn Me Mrs. Alex Lapierre
Marilyn Mrs. Orval Smart
Marilyn Mrs. Wes Smiley
Mario Lanza Calamity Jane Howard Keel Alec Nicol Dorl* Day Donald O Connor
Mario Mrs
Marion ( Mrs Danny Carroll
Marion Kel-Mrs Linda Gainsford
Marion Miss Gayle Stewart
Marion Rich-Mrs Lome Emmerson
Marion Smith With Miss Mpriel Hammond
Marjorie Burke Mrs Leonard Smith
Marjorie Dickson Mrs. Tom MacDonald
Marjorie Graham: Mrs Sharron Hodgins
Marjorie Hod- Ladysmith Mrs Grace Gibbons
Marjorie M. Miss Faye Lamothe
Marjorie Man- Mrs. Jack Russell
Marjorie Merritt Miss Marion Dale Miss Bessie Armstrong Mr.
Marjorie Mrs
Marjorie Mrs Irvin Cahill
Marjorie Mrs Prank
Marjorie Mrs Willie I.each
Marjorie Mrs. Annie Ritchie
Marjorie Mrs. Walter Harris
Marjorie Smart Miss Beverly Harris Mr. Hiram Laughren Miss Joyce Homer
Marjorie Tank 7—Miss Doris Swanson
Marjorie Tubman Honoured Onslow Corners Women’s Institute Mrs. XV.
Mark Kingsbury Mrs Barber reported
Mark Miss Viola Robinson
Mark Mrs
Mark Mrs Ovila Fleury
Mark Mrs. William Murphy
Marks Mrs
Marks Mrs Graham
Marks Publicity Mrs.
Marlin Mrs Anae Co.
Marri Mrs Kenneth Griffin
Marsten Mrs.
Martha (Mrs Larry Prévost
Martha Adolph Zimmerling Mrs Stewart Augusta Krutz
Martha Bretzlaff Mrs Ken Matacheskie
Martha J (Mrs John Bretzlaff
Martha Mrs Delbert Zacharias
Martha Mrs Minnie Shrankler
Martin - Mrs Ruby Brownlee
Martin Le James H. Mrs. John J.
Martin Mrs Brise
Martin Mrs Delbert McTieman
Martin Mrs. D.
Martin Mrs. Harry Taggart
Martin Mrs. J A. Bowie
Martin Mrs. Ken Lowes
Martin Ri- Mrs Glen Saunders
Martineau Sec-Treas Mrs G Meredith
Mary (Mrs Connor Hsndrkk
Mary and Margaret Kilgour Miss Margaret Fleming
Mary Anne) Mrs. Watters
Mary Barber Miss Hazel Naudett
Mary Cole Mrs.
Mary Diane
Mary E.) Mrs. Wallace McGillis
Mary Ellen Young Mrs Albert Dahms
Mary Elliott Mrs Harvey Wilson Mns
Mary Foraiu Miss Arietta Dale
Mary Gardner Mrs Wilson
Mary Gray Mrs. Celinu OitMi
Mary Hilda Raymond Mrs. Mary Hilda Raymond
Mary Hodglns Mrs Helen Dale
Mary Holden) Mrs. Mel Goodfellow
Mary Horigins <3h Mrs. Lilian Smith
Mary Jane LUsk-Robinson Mrs Mary Jane Robertson
Mary Jay Miss Dianne
Mary Jay Miss Dorothy Lokcn
Mary Jay Mrs Eileen Colton
Mary Kil-of Mrs. Clinton Palmer
Mary Kilgour Mrs. Henry Oreenshields
Mary Lou Miss Jean Yach
Mary Louisa Sturgeon Miss Mary Louisa Sturgeon
Mary M (Mrs Duncan Ross
Mary Miss Marguerite Hay
Mary Mrs Cedi Elliott
Mary Mrs George De-Felice
Mary Mrs Henry Lunam
Mary Mrs Joan Sallafranque
Mary Mrs Justin Quigg
Mary Mrs Lionel Morin
Mary Mrs Marion McTiernan
Mary Mrs Nathan Bronson
Mary Mrs Rose Pilon
Mary Mrs Terry O Brien
Mary Mrs. Arthur Dubien
Mary Mrs. Bessie Laird
Mary Mrs. E Cameron Shopping
Mary Mrs. Franklin MJanet
Mary Mrs. Lee Hod
Mary Mrs. Wm
Mary Regan Mrs Catherine McLean Shanley William Shanley Mrs Susan McLean Fochtman Eugene Fochtman M
Mary Saurial Mrs
Mary Secy.-Treasurer—Miss
Mary Sheila Keon Mrs Geneviève Cahill Rita O Reilly
Mary Smiley Mrs Leda Pilon
Mary Smith Mrs
Mary Starek Kerr Mrs. Wilderson
Mary Stewart Mrs Ron McCredie
Mary Thomas Mrs.
Mary) Mrs. Andy *| Seguin
Maryi Mrs. Fred Armstrong
Math* Graham 2. Miss B Cuthberteon 3. Onions
Matt Mrs.
Matt O Mrs
Matthew Miss Carmel Kelly
Mattie Cochrane* Mrs. H. Elliott
Maud Bailey And Mrs. Percy Ballanlyne Winners
Maureen O Hara Cecil Morrison Mrs. Reginald Hale
Maureen Quinn- Mrs
Maurice E Mrs Nathan Dagg
Maurice Ik France Lamarche Donald
Maurice Mrs Jacques Gaulin
Maurice Mrs. A.
May Mrs Ivan Orr
May- Ont On Mrs
Maynard Davis Mrs. Leonard Bel&her Clarence T. Brownlee E A Cameron Albert Manary Freeman Grant Har
Mayor E. Steele Mrs Jamie Amm
Mc Donald
Mc- Mrs. Neil Drummond
McCale H »V«N All DiUCSTOWS Mrs. Aitken
McConnell Mrs Cecil Paris
McCREDIE Donald RR 1
McDonald Mrs Ivan Hodgins
McDowell Mrs. Claude Lcmay
McDowell Mrs. Gibson Miss May Roe Mr.
McDowell Principal Diane Stafford
Mce Mrs.
McGee Mrs Jack Montague
McGee Mrs Mary Kelly
McGee Perly Richardson Duncan Russett Mrs Helen Jones Mqs Hubert Hamilton Mrs. W.
McGuire’s Mrs. Chatterton
McKay M Doyle: Mrs
McKenzie Miss Debbie Erfle
McLAUGHLIN Mrs Gerry Nyveld 1864XJ27 NYVELD
McLean Charles E. R^gan James M. Regan Mrs. William Regan Dean Mary Regan Mrs Catherine McLean Shan
McLean Henry McLean Charles E. Regan James M. Regan Mrs. William Regan Dean Mary Regan Mrs Catherin
McLean Miss M. Cochrane
McLean Mrs. Ernie Keon
McLean Mrs. Harry Sturgeon
McLean Mrs. Jean McLaughlin Mr- Geo
McLeary Mrs. Earl Findlay
McMillan Mrs. Melvin Stewart
McNeiL Mrs
McNeill Mrs Lawrence Reid
McNeill Mrs Nathan Dagg
Md Mrs Rickey Chassie
Md Mrs, Wilmer Grahian
Me Mrs. Jim Warren
Me- Mrs Edrice Sweeney
Me- Mrs.
Me- Mrs. Ivan Hodgins
Meant Although Mrs. Margaret Winning
Meet At Mrs.
Meeting Mrs. Pete Racine St. James Guild
Meeting Mr.and Mrs. Ray Johnston
Meeting Mrs.
Meeting Mrs. L. Young Sec.-Treas
Meetings Mrs Emerson Horner
Mel Carried Mrs. Manswell Thresher
Mel Andrews Mrs. John Morrison
Mel Brown Mrs Evelyn Hodgins
Mel Donald
Mel L Lnd Mrs. W. J Black
Mel Mrs Ritchie Russett
Mel Mrs. William Corrigan
Melani Miss Karen Saunders
Melanie Mrs Arthir Giroux
Melvin Armstrong I.O.—Miss
Melvin Beattie Mrs D Ireland
Melvin Brown Mrs. Rite Dubeeu
Melvin J. Donald Duff
Melvin Mrs Ethel Hodgins
Melvin Mrs H McCleary Ice
Melvin Mrs. Emery Benedict
Melvin Mrs. J. A. Armstrong
Melvin Stewart Cook Book- Mrs R Graham Mis A Kelley
Melvin Stewart Secretary - Mrs Jas Campbell Trees
Melvin Woods - Mrs Marion Crawford
Men’s Dress Socks Mrs. Raymond Trudeau
Meriyn Mrs Russell Mee
Merle Mrs Hubert Way
Merrifield Mrs
MERRin Miss Marie Martin
Mervin Smith Mrs. Loretta I^aBalbo
Mesdames Joyce Brennan Claudie Duchaine Charlene Graham Diane Lance Isabelle Martin Margaret Willis
Messrs Donald
Messrs Donald McDowell
Messrs Donald McRae
Messrs E. Donald Gorse
Messrs Mrs Vernon Carroll
Messrs Thomas Mrs. William Fraser
Messrs. Donald .shore
Me— Mrs Hayes
Me— Mrs James Niblett
Mgwi Mrs Sandy McMillan
Mi H Z Mrs. Allen Meredith
Mi Mrs. Herman Ballantyne
Mi Mrs. Paul Bretziail
Mi Mrs. Ruby Armstrong
Mia Violet Aequith Donald Drew Himself Up Highest
Mias Helen Mrs. Robert Iah*»
Mias Miss Marie
Michael Bradley Hanged Mrs.
Michael Brennan...... John Brennan......... Heirs Mrs.
Michael Costello Mrs. Peter Macintosh
Michael Diane
Michael Donald
Michael Donald Duff
Michael Ken- Mrs.Sly
Michael L| Donald
Michael M''Donald
Michael Miss Courtney Maika
Michael Pan- Mrs Ron Allen
Michaud Mrs. Silas Gibson
Miche- Mrs Eva Maloney
Micheal Mrs Edgar Mayhew
Michel Ber-Mrs
Michel Fauvelle Pony Donald Trudeau
Michel Goulet Mrs Cheryl Chamberlain
Michel Grenier Diane Hail
Michel Mrs. R. Keon
Michelle Diane Jodoin
Mick Mrs
Mielke Mrs Zita Chassee
Mike Fin- Miss Ruth Dagg
Mil L Lamb MMiIuh«hmhiiiîÎ1 Mrs O O M< I*>well
Mildred Austin-or Miss Mildred Austin Cliallinor
Mildred H. Brown N.ow Mrs. Brown
Mildred Mrs Cecile Gagnon
Mildred Mrs Norval Horner
Mildred Mrs. Kirk Davies
Mill Mrs Hugh Homer
Mill* Mrs. Crozier
Miller Fort Couhnge Mrs. Colin Wetmore
Miller Mrs Violet Atkinson
Millilcen Mrs Susan Mi Hike
Millinery Opening Schrt Miss Moore
Milton Achie Miss Fort
Milton Crawford Jean Landry Murray Ranger Mrs. Stella Sullivan
Milton Crawford Roland Haley Mrs Frances Senior Seat
Milton Crawford Roland Haley Mrs. Frances Senior Seat
Milton Hen-- I Mrs. J. McCauley
Mini Mrs. Bowles
Minis L S V.G.—Mrs
Minor Complaint Mrs. Alva Johnson
Minor Derogation Donald McKenny -
Minor Detail Mrs. Moggs
Minor Mrs Ivan Wyman
Mis Donald McNeil
Mis Henry Dumouchel Miss Gayle Stewart
Mis* Betty Hayes Honoured Mrs.
Misi Mary Smart Mrs. Jas
Miss P “TH* Duonesa
Miss # Duncan
Miss A
Miss A Hayes
Miss Ada
Miss Adams
Miss Agnes
Miss Agnes Campbell Faiquharson
Miss Aiderson
Miss Aiibu
Miss Alberta Dixon
Miss Alexander
Miss Allen
Miss Amelia
Miss Amin
Miss Amis
Miss Anderson
Miss Ann
Miss Ann Armstrong
Miss Ann Campbell
Miss Ann Marie Carroll
Miss Ann Marie Dean
Miss Ann Marie Kingston
Miss Ann Marie Wright
Miss Ann McGraw
Miss Ann Sheppard
Miss Ann White
Miss Anne
Miss Anne Graham
Miss Anne Marie Adam
Miss Anne Marie Dean
Miss Anne Marie LaSalle
Miss Anne Trows-e
Miss Annie
Miss Annie Stephens
Miss Arraiut
Miss Audrey
Miss Audry
Miss Aus
Miss Austin
Miss Aylmer
Miss B
Miss B Armstrong
Miss B Armstrong coaL.-,c,T™ttt
Miss B Cochrane
Miss B J''s
Miss B Wallace
Miss Bad Throat
Miss Baker
Miss Barker
Miss Barnes
Miss Barth
Miss Bates
Miss Bdey
Miss Bean
Miss Beatty
Miss Bedford
Miss Belle
Miss Beryl
Miss Bessie Armstrong
Miss Betty
Miss Betty Ferris
Miss Betty Hayes
Miss Betty Hunt
Miss Bing
Miss Birch
Miss Bishop
Miss Black
Miss Bobina Wallace
Miss Bond
Miss Boyd
Miss Bride Holland
Miss Brooke
Miss Brooks
Miss Brown
Miss Bryant
Miss Bryson
Miss Bullion
Miss Butler
Miss C
Miss C Graham
Miss C Graham.
Miss C McDonald
Miss C Toole
Miss C. Young Wilson Ebert Horner
Miss Campbell
Miss Carey
Miss Carnegie
Miss Carol Stephens
Miss Carr
Miss Carter Dies After Lengthy Illness Clarendon
Miss Carton
Miss Cat
Miss Chamber
Miss Chapman
Miss Charity
Miss Chri-tina
Miss Christal Betty
Miss Cinthia Berard
Miss Clarendon
Miss Clark
Miss Clarke
Miss Cobden Fair
Miss Colleen Jamie
Miss Connor
Miss Cook
Miss Cornell
Miss Corrigan
Miss CoUeen
Miss Crane
Miss Crawford
Miss Crosby
Miss Currie
Miss Da
Miss Dabla Belle ET
Miss Dahma
Miss Darling
Miss Davi-j
Miss Davies
Miss Davis
Miss DcLisle
Miss Deanna Hunt
Miss Doreen Dowd
Miss Dorothy Elliott
Miss Dot
Miss Dufresne
Miss E
Miss E Anthony
Miss E Crawford
Miss E Ilian
Miss E J Findlay
Miss E J. Cook
Miss E J. Sparling
Miss E M. Edey
Miss Eaton
Miss Eden
Miss Edith
Miss Edith Advocate Barrister
Miss Edith Bolam
Miss Edith Bowes
Miss Edith Caldwell
Miss Edith Campbell
Miss Edith Currie-Mills
Miss Edith Draper
Miss Edith Eady
Miss Edith Ede>
Miss Edith Edey
Miss Edith Elliott
Miss Edith Emily Read
Miss Edith Farrell
Miss Edith Grace Gordon
Miss Edith Hairy
Miss Edith Hassen
Miss Edith Hasson
Miss Edith Hopkins
Miss Edith Hudgins
Miss Edith Hughes
Miss Edith Hutchings
Miss Edith Kirkham
Miss Edith Lang
Miss Edith Letts
Miss Edith Lila McGillis
Miss Edith Lou Findlay
Miss Edith M. Edey
Miss Edith M. Hynes
Miss Edith Mason
Miss Edith Pritchard
Miss Edith Ranger
Miss Edith Reilly
Miss Edith Sellers
Miss Edith Telford RN
Miss Edith Tubman
Miss Edith Tugman
Miss Edna Armstrong
Miss Edna Graham
Miss El- Armstrong
Miss Ella
Miss Ella Graham.
Miss Ella Hayes
Miss Emma Lynwood Wilson
Miss Emmerson
Miss Epletle
Miss Erma Hunt Club
Miss Eunice Grace
Miss Faking
Miss Farrell
Miss Fasshunble
Miss Faye
Miss Faye Bureau
Miss Faye Daze
Miss Faye Evelyn La
Miss Faye Hughie Homer
Miss Faye Jaimaeson
Miss Faye Kenzie
Miss Faye Lamothe
Miss Faye Mar
Miss Faye Mary Sullivan
Miss Faye Mayhew
Miss Faye McCoy
Miss Faye McDowell
Miss Faye Me Shawvilie
Miss Faye Moore
Miss Faye Mrs. R. G. Elliott
Miss Faye Mrs. Venne
Miss Faye Neville
Miss Faye Smart
Miss Faye Sparling
Miss Faye Sperling
Miss Faye Watson
Miss Faye Yach
Miss Ferber
Miss Ferguson
Miss Filmer
Miss Fitzpatrick
Miss Fleming
Miss Fletcher
Miss Flighty
Miss Flossie
Miss Flsie Pearl
Miss Foster
Miss Fran
Miss Frances
Miss Frances Elliott
Miss Françoise Emond
Miss Franklin
Miss Fraser
Miss Fuller
Miss Funeral
Miss G
Miss G A.
Miss G Dagg Mrs.
Miss G Graham
Miss G L, McKechnie
Miss G lane’s
Miss G. Armstrong
Miss Gaetane Boucher
Miss Geraldine
Miss Geraldine Armstrong
Miss Geraldine mark
Miss Geraldine McCann
Miss Geraldine McGuire
Miss Geraldine Pearl Hildehrant
Miss Gilbert
Miss Gilmer
Miss Gladys
Miss Gotrox
Miss Graham
Miss Grant
Miss Gray
Miss Greene
Miss Greer
Miss Gwen
Miss Gwenneth
Miss Gwennyth Armstrong
Miss Gwenyth Armstrong
Miss H
Miss H A. Armstrong
Miss H B McCain
Miss H Corrigan
Miss H F McLEAN—HUGHES Spring-needle Combinations For Boys Short Sleeves
Miss H F Naudctt.
Miss H Graham
Miss H Graham.
Miss H Grant
Miss H Harris
Miss H Hynes—pair
Miss Hamilton
Miss Harding
Miss Harris
Miss Hartley
Miss Hattie Boyd
Miss Hawkins Louis
Miss Hazel
Miss Hazel Boyd
Miss Helen
Miss Helen Armstrong
Miss Helen Benoit
Miss Helen C. Karam
Miss Helen Campbell
Miss Helen Daley
Miss Helen Doreen Thompson
Miss Helen Dowe
Miss Helen Fleury
Miss Helen Grace Wickens
Miss Helen Hayes
Miss Helen Ly
Miss Helen M. CHash
Miss Helen M. Ul&shan
Miss Helen Marie | Findlay
Miss Helen Mel
Miss Helen Pearl Cochrane
Miss Helen Sea
Miss Helen She
Miss Helen Thrasher
Miss Helen Ub1ob National
Miss Helen White
Miss Helen Young
Miss Helen.
Miss Helene Matthew
Miss Henry
Miss Hetty
Miss Higgins
Miss Hilda
Miss Hilda Graham
Miss Hilda Graham Ben Thompson
Miss Hilda J. Payne
Miss Hines
Miss Hodgins
Miss Hodglns
Miss Hoffman
Miss Hope Draper
Miss Hope Pattison
Miss Howe
Miss Ida Belle Jamieson
Miss Ina Armstrong
Miss Ina Pearl
Miss Insert
Miss Irene
Miss Irene Shaw
Miss Irene Shaw Brownlee
Miss Irene Smith
Miss Itea Armstrong
Miss Iva
Miss Iva Lois Wilson
Miss J .
Miss J Armstrong
Miss J Harris
Miss J Martineau
Miss J Riley
Miss J Toronto
Miss J W
Miss J.isle
Miss Jackson
Miss Jacobs
Miss Jacqueline Berard
Miss Janis Elliott
Miss Jean
Miss Jen-
Miss Jenkins
Miss Jennie
Miss Jennie Hunt
Miss Jennings
Miss Jessie
Miss Jill
Miss Jo
Miss John-con
Miss Johnston
Miss Johnston Mr. Richard McNally
Miss Jones
Miss Julia
Miss June
Miss June Marie Bourgeau
Miss Justine White
Miss K
Miss K * Woodley
Miss K Armstrong
Miss K Donnelly
Miss K Elliott
Miss K L Wilson
Miss K L. Wilson
Miss K M.
Miss K McLean
Miss Kathleen
Miss Kathy
Miss Kathy Fenton
Miss Kaye
Miss Kaye Woodley
Miss Kearns
Miss Keid
Miss Keller
Miss Kelly
Miss Kennedy
Miss Kheon
Miss Knight
Miss Ksking
Miss L A. Dodd
Miss L B Brooks
Miss L Black
Miss L G. Craig
Miss L Hopper
Miss L J Smiley
Miss L V. Boothe
Miss L ™
Miss l-enore Grant
Miss L. Stephens
Miss Lane
Miss Lawson
Miss Lee
Miss Lemay
Miss Lena
Miss Lenore
Miss Leslie Lake Laurier Francoeur
Miss Lewina
Miss Lillie Dilworth
Miss Linden
Miss Little
Miss Lizzie
Miss Lmiila Graham
Miss Lois
Miss Lois Hayes
Miss Lorraine Armstrong
Miss Lorraine Armstrong Is
Miss Lorraine Graham
Miss Lotiilln Armstrong
Miss Louila Armstrong
Miss Louilla Armstrong
Miss Louisa
Miss Lu
Miss Lu Edey
Miss Lutâ Jr unifies
Miss Lynda Graham
Miss Lynda Graveline
Miss Lynda Wallace
Miss M
Miss M A. IIodgins
Miss M Corrigan.
Miss M E.
Miss M F McLean
Miss M Graham
Miss M J Currans
Miss M J. Clarke
Miss M Jay
Miss M K Farrell
Miss M K Thompson 2
Miss M L. Phillips
Miss M McLean
Miss M Murphy
Miss M Murphy Huntingdon
Miss M Row
Miss M Rowat
Miss M Shaw
Miss M Shaw Burnett
Miss M Story.
Miss M Young
Miss Ma
Miss Ma Hilly Shaver
Miss Ma Mrs Theresa Shea
Miss Ma William MAIN ST.
Miss Ma-
Miss Mabel Stephens
Miss Madeion Hayes
Miss Madeline
Miss Madelon Hayes
Miss Mae White
Miss Maggie
Miss Mai
Miss Mai-gat
Miss Mamie Holmes
Miss Mann
Miss Margaret
Miss Margaret Armstrong
Miss Margaret Campbell Geddes
Miss Margaret Campbell Tea
Miss Margaret E. Carrie
Miss Margaret Flemming
Miss Margaret Halliday
Miss Margaret Hayes
Miss Margaret Horton
Miss Margaret Hots Simpson
Miss Margaret Little Wood
Miss Margaret M. John-
Miss Margaret McCaffrey
Miss Margaret McDonald
Miss Margaret McGarry
Miss Margaret McKenzie
Miss Margaret Me-
Miss Margaret Me-1 ) ThUTS DeC.
Miss Margaret MeCagg
Miss Margaret Rose Eades
Miss Margaret Ross An
Miss Margaret Stephen
Miss Margaret Stephens
Miss Margaret Torrey
Miss Margaret Truman
Miss Margaret Wallace
Miss Margaret | Fletchei Brough
Miss Mari-
Miss Maria
Miss Maria A. Hedging
Miss Maria A. Hod
Miss Maria A. Hodgins
Miss Marie
Miss Marie Campeau
Miss Marie Du
Miss Marie Finan
Miss Marie Garland
Miss Marie LaSalle
Miss Marie Mah-Miss Theresa Neville
Miss Marie Mrs Lillies Ladouceur
Miss Marie ¦
Miss Marion
Miss Marion Alii- Annual Provincial Convention
Miss Marion Armstrong
Miss Marion B Miss L. Eileen McNatrn
Miss Marion Bailey
Miss Marion Baverstotk
Miss Marion Cook
Miss Marion Corrigan
Miss Marion Dagg
Miss Marion Dale
Miss Marion Dale Saturday
Miss Marion Derouin
Miss Marion Drummond
Miss Marion Elder Miss Doris Miller
Miss Marion Elliott
Miss Marion Fie
Miss Marion Fiefleld
Miss Marion Ftilford
Miss Marion Ful-ford
Miss Marion Fulford
Miss Marion Galbraith
Miss Marion Gerry Perry
Miss Marion Grace
Miss Marion Hiderman
Miss Marion Hod
Miss Marion Hod-gins
Miss Marion Hodgins
Miss Marion Hodglns
Miss Marion Hor-îer
Miss Marion Horner
Miss Marion Jonke
Miss Marion Lachme
Miss Marion Lepack Mr Maurice Sloan
Miss Marion Lester
Miss Marion Letter
Miss Marion Lowry
Miss Marion M. Hod
Miss Marion Mac
Miss Marion MacLe
Miss Marion MacLennan
Miss Marion Mary Gauthier
Miss Marion McClellan
Miss Marion McGinny
Miss Marion McGuinea
Miss Marion McGuiney
Miss Marion McGuinney
Miss Marion McGuinney Treasurer
Miss Marion McGuire
Miss Marion McLellen
Miss Marion McLennan
Miss Marion McManus
Miss Marion McQuinney
Miss Marion Me
Miss Marion Mr.
Miss Marion On Thursday
Miss Marion Patterson
Miss Marion Peeve
Miss Marion Peever
Miss Marion Poole
Miss Marion Redd
Miss Marion Roberta Hod-gins
Miss Marion Rogers
Miss Marion Schlagowski
Miss Marion Schwartz
Miss Marion Shea
Miss Marion Skelhom
Miss Marion Smith
Miss Marion Smyth
Miss Marion Smyth School
Miss Marion Smythe
Miss Marion Sports
Miss Marion Spots
Miss Marion Spotts-wood
Miss Marion Stanton
Miss Marion Thacker
Miss Marion Tubman
Miss Marion V. Royce
Miss Marion VVainman
Miss Marion Wartie
Miss Marion Whitney
Miss Marion Workman
Miss Marion Wright
Miss Marion Yach
Miss Marion Young
Miss Mark
Miss Martina McCloskey
Miss Marv
Miss Mary Armstrong
Miss Mary Jay
Miss Mather
Miss Matilda
Miss Mavis
Miss May
Miss May Bennett
Miss May Shaw
Miss McFarlane.
Miss McGuire
Miss McLean
Miss McLeod
Miss McLeod Lunam
Miss Mcllraith
Miss McMillan
Miss McMonagle
Miss Mena
Miss Merritt
Miss Mew Cat
Miss Mew Cat Food Crosby Molasses 3oz
Miss Michelle
Miss Michelle Pilon
Miss Minnie
Miss Minor
Miss Miranda
Miss Mischief
Miss Mitchell
Miss Mona
Miss Mona Armstrong
Miss Mona Armstrong Mr. Ken Wilson Miss Winnifred Hamilton Mr.
Miss Mona Armstrong Thomas Sheppard Melvin Sheppard Mr.
Miss Monroe
Miss Moore
Miss Morene Daley
Miss Mr.
Miss Mr. Clifford Kenny
Miss Mr. Matthew Wallace
Miss Mrs B Armstrong
Miss Mrs Horner
Miss Mrs. Fred Campbell
Miss Mulligan
Miss Muoroe
Miss Murdoch
Miss Muriel
Miss Muriel Hayes
Miss Muriel Hunt
Miss Murphy
Miss Murray
Miss Myrtle E. Moore
Miss N
Miss Naudett Hayes
Miss Nellie
Miss Nesbitt
Miss Nettie Graham
Miss Nina
Miss Noly Robbins
Miss Nora Graham
Miss Norbury
Miss Norris
Miss Nugent
Miss O
Miss O Dee
Miss O Graham
Miss O Reilly
Miss O Tubman
Miss Ola Armstrong
Miss Opal
Miss Pamela Lawrence
Miss Pamela Se
Miss Pamela Smart
Miss Parker
Miss Pauline
Miss Pearl
Miss Pearl Armstrong
Miss Pearl Bi Shawville
Miss Pearl Brown
Miss Pearl Campbell
Miss Pearl Farmer
Miss Pearl Mrs Miles Milford
Miss Pepper
Miss Percival
Miss Perkins
Miss Perric
Miss Peters
Miss Pollock
Miss Polly Pat
Miss Pontiac Jr
Miss Pontiac Jr Contest
Miss Pontiacs Jr all
Miss Portage
Miss Porter
Miss Potter
Miss Pratt
Miss Priscilla
Miss Probst
Miss Pussy
Miss Queen
Miss Quinn
Miss R Eckford Mrs. Eddie Finnigan
Miss R Hayes
Miss Rayma Hayes
Miss Rayma Hayes Pontiac Holstein Club Hostess
Miss Reid
Miss Reynolds
Miss Rice
Miss Rich
Miss Richardson
Miss Richmond
Miss Robertson
Miss Robin Jo Barber and Wayne Edward Seymour
Miss Robinson
Miss Romain
Miss Rose
Miss Rose Cohen
Miss Rose Marie Hamel
Miss Roth Dagg
Miss Ruby
Miss Ruby Black
Miss Ruby Hayes
Miss Ruby Mantha
Miss Ruby Stephens
Miss Ruby Storey
Miss Ruby Story
Miss Russell
Miss Russell G.
Miss Russell Pritchard
Miss Russen
Miss Ryan
Miss S*rah Campbell
Miss Sadie
Miss Sadie Hunt
Miss Sanders
Miss Schneider
Miss Schumacher
Miss Schwartz
Miss Seward
Miss Sexsmith
Miss Sharon
Miss Sharon Mack
Miss Sharon Stephens
Miss Shaw
Miss Shirmeeting
Miss Silver
Miss Simpson
Miss Smart
Miss Smiley
Miss Smith
Miss Sophia
Miss Sophia Armstrong
Miss Southwestern Quebec
Miss Spencer
Miss Steele
Miss Stetson
Miss Stevens
Miss Stevenson
Miss Stewart
Miss Strutt
Miss Sue
Miss Sue McCallum
Miss Suzanne
Miss Suzanne Chabot
Miss Suzanne Gauthier
Miss Suzanne Ladouceur
Miss Suzanne Lessard
Miss Suzanne Little
Miss Suzanne McGuire
Miss Suzanne Russett
Miss Suzanne Sauriol
Miss Suzanne Stewart
Miss T J Dagg
Miss Taft
Miss Taylor
Miss Tena White Vinton
Miss There*»* Leona Landry
Miss Thomas 2. Kensington—Mrs John Hodgins Mrs Edwd Hodgine
Miss Thompson
Miss Turner
Miss Twa
Miss V Boyd
Miss V Graham
Miss V Graham.
Miss V.M. Graham
Miss Vcu-lah Clara Brctzlaff
Miss Ventress
Miss Vicia Graham
Miss Vickie
Miss Viola Graham
Miss von Slack
Miss VVinnifred
Miss W nini-fred McDowell
Miss Wain
Miss Walker
Miss Wallace
Miss Weaver
Miss Western Quebec
Miss Whiting
Miss Whitney
Miss Willetta
Miss Williams
Miss Williamson
Miss Williamson Quite
Miss Wilson
Miss Winnie Armstrong
Miss Winnifred
Miss Winona Pearl Sharpe
Miss X Graham
Miss Xor-bury
Miss Y. P. U. Play Drawl Capacity Hansel Edna Armstrong
Miss Z
Miss''Omce Harris
Miss* Campbell
Miss* Ella Harris
Miss* Ruby Storey
Miss*Diane Nesbitt
Miss-s Gertie Armstrong
Miss-Shirley Howard
Miss-^llarian Fletcher
Miss^ Suzanne
Miss^fettie Graham
Miss’Marjoiie Hayes
Mitch Mrs Grant Stevenson
Mitchell Mrs.
Mithem N O MRS. JAS.
Mix R C. Holt Mrs. Walter Smith
Mï^and Mrs. Melvin Wickens
Mi^m^Mrs Moses Stewart Dun-raven
Mlnnfe Mrs Seymour Harris
Mn Mrs Lawrence Lang Jackie EF
Mnliudi Mrs.
Mnrit-I Mrs. Geo
Mnvnnnth Vvhil#J Mrs. Ireland
Mo Mrs Wesley Palmer
Model—Miss MacGregor
Model—Miss Root
Mohr Miss Dorothy Mohr
Mom Jd Mrs Mark Bar„
Moms Mrs^ Neil Drummond
Mona Armstrong Mr. Claude Richardson Mrs. Albert Richardson Master Donald Hodgins Mr.
Mona Armstrong Mrs. Lola Horner Mr.
Mona Armstrong Mrs. McColm
Mona Mrs Betty Cameron
Mona Mrs. Allan
Monsieur Bernard Carrière Monsieur Bernard Conroy Mrs. Hélène Boulet Mr. Bernard Carrière Mr. Berna
Monsieur Donald Bélec
Monsieur Donald Bélec.
Monsieur Donald Boucher Chef
Mont- Mrs. Ethel Sullivan
Mont-Miss Malvina Spencer
Montreal Miss Betty Williams
Montreal Mrs. J T Dale....... Norman Smith
Montreal Mrs. W G. Hall
Montreal—Lake Trout Mrs. Ann Fumerton
Moore Miss Jean Moore
Moore Mrs
Moore Mrs J *°
Moore Mrs. Edward Kennedy
Moore Mrs. Fred Krutz
Moore Mrs. Moore
Moore Mrs. Rheal Hérault
Moore Mrs. Russell Elliott Wm
More______ Mrs. Graham
Morrison Marilyn Nicholas Shirley Park Barbara Richardson Diane Richardson Diane Russell Bruce Scho
Morrison Miss Annie Hamilton
Morrison Miss Rose If
Morrison Mrs Belle Morrison
Morrison Mrs Edward Hodgins(S)
Morrison Mrs. Katherine Telfer Mormon
Mother Mrs
Mother Mrs. Leona the
Motion Mrs Graham
Motion Mrs. Campbell
Motley Hodgins Limited Mrs. Edison Brown
Mountain Mrs Marie Benoit
Mous-and Mrs Jimmy Morin Sunday
Moyle Mrs. Mary Stephens
Mr A Mrs Blake Mee
Mr A Mrs Bruce Peck
Mr A Mrs Clarence Little
Mr A Mrs Lorenzo Belanger
Mr A Mrs Norman Stark
Mr A Mrs Ross Stewart
Mr Albert New-Mrs Hector Lemaire
Mr Allen Mrs Martin Black
Mr Bad Mrs
Mr Bernard Ethier Ottawa Mrs.
Mr Greg Mrs Heather Sallgrove
Mr Henry Mrs Erwin Beck
Mr J N McLel-Mrs Allen Woods
Mr Leonard Emmer- Miss Olga Mielke
Mr Leslie Neil-Miss Marlyn Grodde
Mr Mark Lassen- Mrs Tom Hearty
Mr Melvin Mrs. Clarence Kilgour
Mr Moriey Mrs Roy Wiggins
Mr Mrs
Mr Mrs Felix Spence
Mr Mrs Russell Elliott
Mr Mrs Wayne Schrim
Mr Mrs.
Mr Mrs. Clifford Spots
Mr Mrs. Fred Belec.
Mr Mrs. Fred Russett Dies
Mr Norman Mrs Etta Lunam
Mr Norman Pilon* Mrs Hope Cadieux-Ledoux
Mr Thomas Miss Reubie Russett
Mr! Mrs Bill Hannaberry
Mr# Donald Grave
Mr& Mrs Brendan Sauriof
Mr& Mrs David Hodgins
Mr& Mrs Gary Hodgins
Mr& W Mrs Bentley Hobbs
Mr&Mrs Revel Pauline Lance
Mr* D Oateem Mrs Thomas McGee
Mr, A Mrs. Keith Munro
Mr-and Mrs. Rabb
Mr. A Mrs Ben Mrs Cecil Bigelow
Mr. A Mrs. Arthur Strutt
Mr. A Mrs. Arthur Strutt’s
Mr. A Mrs. Elburne Been #
Mr. A Mrs. Harold Amdtage Mr. A Mrs. Wes
Mr. A Mrs. John Hickey
Mr. A Mrs. Keith Munro
Mr. A Mrs. Revel Robinson
Mr. Albert Sparling Miss Helen Campbell
Mr. Allen Mrs. Atkinson
Mr. Andrew Mrs. Jan M. Collins
Mr. Barnett Mrs. Oawford
Mr. Bowie Mrs. Cecil Vihert
Mr. Chester Angus Mrs. I. Robinson
Mr. Clayton Mrs. M. Stevens
Mr. Donald
Mr. Donald A. Macintosh Sr.
Mr. Donald G. Kennedy
Mr. Donald Gamble Jr.
Mr. Donald Murdock
Mr. Donald S. Hodgins
Mr. Donald Seymour
Mr. E Mrs. A. Brown
Mr. Edgar Lance Miss Elaine Desjardins
Mr. Emerson Horner Mrs. Chas
Mr. Gerald H. Miss Alma Diinntel
Mr. Gordon Carol Mel- Mrs. Jim Johnston
Mr. Henry Clarke Belleville Mrs Nalhan IJagl{
Mr. Henry Miss A. Junkin
Mr. Herb Zachar-chers Mrs. Verner Rueckwald
Mr. Herbte Hughes Miss Marie McGuire
Mr. Herman Brstzlaft Mrs Heinz Seigwarlle
Mr. Horn- Mrs. Joe Cole
Mr. James Ful-Mrs John Fades
Mr. James Mrs. Rodolphe Ryan
Mr. James T. Pat Mr.and Mrs Dean
Mr. John B. Mrs.
Mr. John Mrs. Tom Cilcnn
Mr. Kenneth Mrs. Undy
Mr. Lee Hodgins Mrs Paul All
Mr. Michael Foran Miss Donna
Mr. Miss Stephens
Mr. Mrs
Mr. Mrs Fred Walker
Mr. Mrs Gerald Hodgins
Mr. Mrs H I. Smith
Mr. Mrs Phil Mousseau
Mr. Mrs.
Mr. Orville McColm James A. Barter Miss Hilda M. Graham Also
Mr. Raymond Las- Mrs. Wm
Mr. Roland Elliott Mrs. Renshaw
Mr. S Mrs. Ebert Turcotte
Mr. Si Miss Margaret Laird
Mr. Si Mrs. John Ryan
Mr. Thomas Bur-and Mrs. Amy Creighton.
Mr. Tom Mrs. Lionel Demers
Mr. W Clifford Mrs. Robt
Mr. W J. McKibbon Mrs. Wallace Lang
Mr. Wil- Keith Mrs. Phoebe
Mr. Wilfred Tipping Mrs. Margaret Bretzlaff Mr. Grant Eodes Mr. Basil Quaile
Mr. X Mrs. Eric Cahill
Mr. X Mrs. Thomas Benoit
Mr.-and Mrs. Ivan Lewis
Mr..and Mrs.
Mr..and Mrs. Melvin Younge
Mr.ami Mrs. Jas
Mr.and Mrs
Mr.and Mrs.
Mr.and Mrs. Armstrong
Mr.and Mrs. Bob Charette
Mr.and Mrs. Herbert Martin.
Mr.and Mrs. Ivan Wyman
Mr.and Mrs. J
Mr.and Mrs. J B. Murdock
Mr.and Mrs. Manley Glen
Mr.and Mrs. Matthew Kluke
Mr.and Mrs. Ray Johnston
Mr< Donald Rooney d St.aw
Mr< Merley Chassie Mrs
Mra Lloyd Mur- Miss Donna Perry
Mre Laurent Mrs Murray Tait
Mrend Mrs. Orville Knipe
Mreuordon Paul .Mrs Mrs K C Denton
Mri Flonmond Mrs. Brian Macintosh
MrS Andrew Flood
Mrs Antoinette Barrett
Mrs Atkinson
Mrs D Cavanagh
Mrs E Finnigan
Mrs Emerson Anderson
Mrs Henry Delivers Sermon To Pontiac
Mrs Howard IHC
Mrs Leonard Civic Hospital
Mrs Oeorg Judd
Mrs Orla
Mrs Oswald Godin
Mrs Walter Kile
Mrs Warren Campbell
Mrs A B Fumerton
Mrs A B Ross
Mrs A D-2S Martin
Mrs A J Bertha McGuire
Mrs A J Hadley
Mrs A J McGuire
Mrs A J McRae
Mrs A J Shalla
Mrs A S. Dales
Mrs A Toole
Mrs A W Hodgins
Mrs Adrian Gerard
Mrs Adrien Gerard
Mrs Adrienne Gerard
Mrs Al McKenzie
Mrs Albert
Mrs Albert Armstrong
Mrs Albert Aylmer
Mrs Albert Campbell
Mrs Albert Chisnell
Mrs Albert Clifford Fierobin
Mrs Albert Congdon Wyman
Mrs Albert Dahms
Mrs Albert E.
Mrs Albert Elliott
Mrs Albert Fleury
Mrs Albert Me
Mrs Albert Me Bane
Mrs Albert SMALL FenxaJe Dog
Mrs Albert St Onge
Mrs Albert Venne
Mrs Albert Yonkman School
Mrs Albert ¦
Mrs Alec Brennan
Mrs Alex 7-3710
Mrs Alex Nickel SKrKe
Mrs Alexander ¦ McArthur
Mrs Allan Armstrong
Mrs Allan Emmer-1 H,e‘e
Mrs Allan T. Quaile
Mrs Allen *] Donnelly
Mrs Allen Armstrong
Mrs Allen Black
Mrs Allen Brown
Mrs Allen Calumet Rd.
Mrs Allen Carey
Mrs Allen Carey Sunday
Mrs Allen Claude Harkins
Mrs Allen da
Mrs Allen Donnelly
Mrs Allen Du
Mrs Allen Ear Falla
Mrs Allen Gravelle
Mrs Allen Kir Imam
Mrs Allen Kirkham
Mrs Allen Ouaik*
Mrs Allen Quaile
Mrs Allen Quaile Jeremy
Mrs Allen Qualle
Mrs Allen Rogers Thor
Mrs Allen S. AAcKay
Mrs Allen Sicard
Mrs Allen Sparling
Mrs Allen Vadneau Canadian
Mrs Allen Vadneau Sandra
Mrs Anderson
Mrs Andrew Benson Elliott
Mrs Andrew Cram Rae Judd
Mrs Andrew Holland
Mrs Andrew King
Mrs Andrew Quebec City
Mrs Andrew Stephens
Mrs Andrew Tur
Mrs Andrew W. Crozier
Mrs Andrews
Mrs Angus Brennan
Mrs Ann Carswell
Mrs Anna Berard
Mrs Anne Marie Kim
Mrs Archie Story
Mrs Archie Toole
Mrs Atkinson
Mrs Austin Bennett
Mrs B *ardsri»s
Mrs B -m Moorhead-crystal
Mrs B Allen
Mrs B C. Horner
Mrs B Campbell
Mrs B E. Smith
Mrs B Fairfield
Mrs B G
Mrs B G Quai
Mrs B G Quaile
Mrs B G Quaile Mr
Mrs B G Quaile.
Mrs B G. Quaile
Mrs B McMillan
Mrs B V Robson
Mrs B W. Alexander
Mrs Bad-
Mrs Bailey
Mrs Barrett
Mrs Bernard Armitoge
Mrs Bernard Ben- Hensley
Mrs Bernard Benoit
Mrs Bernard Carroll
Mrs Bernard Connie
Mrs Bernard Conroy
Mrs Bernard Denault
Mrs Bernard Duezel
Mrs Bernard Dupuis
Mrs Bernard Fields
Mrs Bernard J.
Mrs Bernard Lance
Mrs Bernard Lapierre
Mrs Bernard Lemieux
Mrs Bernard MacDonell
Mrs Bernard McCart
Mrs Bernard McCarth
Mrs Bernard Mousseau
Mrs Bernard Shan
Mrs Bernard Sloan
Mrs Bill Armstrong
Mrs Bill Carmen Inglee
Mrs Bill Hayes
Mrs Bill Jr
Mrs Bishop Johncox
Mrs Blake Ottawa Hospital
Mrs Bradshaw Sr. Rev.
Mrs Brian Frederick Russett Russett - Molyneux
Mrs Bruce Donnelly
Mrs Byers Stephens
Mrs C B Mohr
Mrs C G
Mrs C G Biesenthal
Mrs C G Choban
Mrs C H Wainman
Mrs C J Richardson
Mrs C L Letts
Mrs C Leonard
Mrs C McKenzie
Mrs C W Black
Mrs C W Garrison
Mrs C W Hod
Mrs C W Hodgms
Mrs C W Mavor
Mrs C W Nlckle
Mrs C W Smith
Mrs Carson Hayes
Mrs Carton Hedging
Mrs Celina Berard
Mrs Chesley Kenneth Green
Mrs Christie Gerard
Mrs Clarke
Mrs Clarke Grat-branching
Mrs Clarke Lerocque
Mrs Clifton Campbell
Mrs CoHn Weimore
Mrs D F Kelly
Mrs D G Walsh
Mrs D H Rogers
Mrs D J Campbell
Mrs D J Scuccimara
Mrs D J. Richardson
Mrs D K Campbell Vernon
Mrs D O Fenton
Mrs da Smith
Mrs David Graham
Mrs David Graham Present
Mrs Dawson
Mrs Dawson Ann- Mrand Mrs Holland Graham
Mrs Dawson Arm Thursday
Mrs Dawson Armstrong
Mrs Dawson Cameron
Mrs Dawson Donat Lapierre
Mrs Dawson Lough
Mrs Dawson Moore
Mrs Dawson Moorhead
Mrs Dawson Sparling
Mrs Dawson Stitt
Mrs Dean Moodie Sister D Marion
Mrs Dean Young
Mrs Delbert Brennan
Mrs Dennis Hayes
Mrs Dennis Holland
Mrs Denzil outdoor
Mrs Desmond 5638bm7 Maheral
Mrs Desmond 89899b
Mrs Desmond Cooligan
Mrs Desmond Davie
Mrs Desmond Duff
Mrs Desmond Hod
Mrs Desmond Hod-1
Mrs Desmond Hodgins
Mrs Desmond Hodglns
Mrs Desmond Keon
Mrs Desmond Ma-heral
Mrs Desmond Mah-eral
Mrs Desmond Mahcral
Mrs Desmond Maheral
Mrs Desmond Mailing
Mrs Desmond McGaughlin
Mrs Desmond Me- Vosseler
Mrs Desmond Mr Royal
Mrs Desmond Pasch
Mrs Donald Hugh
Mrs Donat Jules Bertrand
Mrs Douglas Graham
Mrs Douglas Graham Of Ottawa
Mrs Duncan Ross
Mrs E B
Mrs E B Hearty
Mrs E B Lunam
Mrs E C. Dahms
Mrs E C. Mackay Pembroke
Mrs E Campbell
Mrs É Danny O Brien
Mrs E Floyd Yates.
Mrs E G Dods.
Mrs E G Duquette
Mrs E G. Ashman
Mrs E G. Potvin
Mrs E H McColgan
Mrs E H McColgan Blair
Mrs E htn-
Mrs E I. Jardine
Mrs E J
Mrs E J Thompson
Mrs E J Turner
Mrs E J Ward
Mrs E J •
Mrs E Lucas
Mrs E Peck
Mrs E W Elliott. Mrs
Mrs Earl Olmstead
Mrs Earl Ross
Mrs Earl Stephens
Mrs Eddie Brennan
Mrs Eddie Burr Ht
Mrs Eddy Brennan
Mrs Edgar Betty Mayhew
Mrs Edgar C. Dods
Mrs Edgar Mulligan
Mrs Edith Campbell
Mrs Edith Draper
Mrs Edith McCaffrey
Mrs Edmond Danny Sullivan
Mrs Edward Hunt
Mrs Eldon Tin
Mrs Eleanor Hayes
Mrs Elgin Graham
Mrs Emanuel
Mrs Emerson Cote
Mrs Emerson Cotie
Mrs Emerson Harold Richardson
Mrs Emerson Horner
Mrs Emerson Reid
Mrs Emerson Roy
Mrs Emerson Smiley
Mrs Emerson Smiley Tel
Mrs Emerson Timm
Mrs Emerson Timms
Mrs Emerson Twa
Mrs Emile Berard
Mrs Emmeth Berard
Mrs Er-Jason Toole
Mrs Ernie Za-1 Mrs Clarkston.
Mrs Ervin Graham
Mrs Ervin Hayes
Mrs Ervin Russell
Mrs Erwin Graham
Mrs Erwin Hayes
Mrs Eugene Berard
Mrs Evans
Mrs F Foley
Mrs F H Caldwell
Mrs F H MacLeHan
Mrs F W Naudett
Mrs F W Pritchard
Mrs F Wayne Cooke
Mrs F X Bertrand
Mrs F X Roukau
Mrs F X Rouleau
Mrs F X. Centre
Mrs Faye Stafford
Mrs Faye Young
Mrs Felix Kluke Quyon
Mrs Felix Kluke Shelley
Mrs Felix Spence
Mrs Fern Frederick
Mrs Findlay Ross
Mrs Foster Mayhew
Mrs Foster Miyhew
Mrs Foster Smith
Mrs Frances Daley
Mrs Francis Daley
Mrs Francis Jamie Hamilton
Mrs Frankie Cat
Mrs Fraser
Mrs Fred Armstrong
Mrs Freeman Grant
Mrs Freeman Wesley and
Mrs G A Howard
Mrs G a*
Mrs G Alexander
Mrs G Allen Smith
Mrs G Arnold
Mrs G B Watson
Mrs G Berard
Mrs G Boucher
Mrs G Che
Mrs G Du-some
Mrs G Edmonson
Mrs G Elwood William* Shaw
Mrs G Fier
Mrs G Findlay
Mrs G Fitzsimmons
Mrs G G McDowell
Mrs G G. McDowell
Mrs G Graham
Mrs G H Griffiths
Mrs G H Letts
Mrs G Hermitte
Mrs G II Biubazuu
Mrs G Jones
Mrs G K O Donnell
Mrs G King
Mrs G Laughren Mr.
Mrs G Le- g^ggje^
Mrs G Le- Renfrew
Mrs G Lemay Sr
Mrs G Lemuel Hodgina
Mrs G M Smith
Mrs G McEwan
Mrs G McLean
Mrs G Nicholson
Mrs G Ouimet
Mrs G R Hobin
Mrs G Richardson
Mrs G Steele the
Mrs G Tracy
Mrs G W Kelley
Mrs G W Kelley. Mr Albert Mimee
Mrs G W Kelly. Miss Edith Kirkham
Mrs G W Kelt-
Mrs Garry Berard
Mrs Garth Graham
Mrs Gary Holland
Mrs Georgina Berard
Mrs Geraldine Dagen- Congratulations
Mrs Gilbert Armstrong
Mrs Gilbert Campbell
Mrs Gilbert E. Bretzloff
Mrs Gilbert Graham
Mrs Gilbert Meilleur
Mrs Gilbert Ottawa
Mrs Gilbert Presky
Mrs Gilbert Sheppard
Mrs Glen Adams On October
Mrs Glen Bridgeman Birthday
Mrs Glen Christmas
Mrs Glen Elliott
Mrs Glen Stephens
Mrs Glen Yach
Mrs Gordon Armstrong
Mrs Gordon Bennett
Mrs Gordon Brennan
Mrs Gordon Tammy Loesche
Mrs Gordon | McMillan
Mrs Gorton Popkey Linton
Mrs Graham
Mrs Graham Con
Mrs Graham Conoily
Mrs Graham Conol-
Mrs Graham Conolly
Mrs Graham Thomson
Mrs Graham y Thompson
Mrs Graham Young
Mrs Graham.
Mrs Grant Beattie
Mrs Grant Du
Mrs Grant Rogers
Mrs Gray
Mrs Greg
Mrs Greg vice*
Mrs Greg.
Mrs H A. Lynn
Mrs H B Arm-
Mrs H B Armstrong
Mrs H B McCain
Mrs H B Wade
Mrs H Betty Verner
Mrs H C. Brlgger
Mrs H C. Snow
Mrs H Cochran
Mrs H F. Reifel
Mrs H H (
Mrs H H Em
Mrs H H Emerson
Mrs H H Emmerson
Mrs H H rwH
Mrs H H Seaman
Mrs H H Tate
Mrs H H. Hodgins
Mrs H Hayes
Mrs H Hennick
Mrs H I Smith
Mrs H I. Hobbs Wilson
Mrs H I. Smith
Mrs H J Smith
Mrs H J. Taggart
Mrs H K Moyer
Mrs H L Lytle
Mrs H R Millard
Mrs H R Tom-ilson
Mrs H Ross
Mrs H S. Barnett
Mrs H W Redman
Mrs Hahn
Mrs Hamilton
Mrs Harland Karen Watterton
Mrs Harris
Mrs Harvey (Carol
Mrs Harvey Clost
Mrs Harvey Fen-
Mrs Harvey ISiyne
Mrs Harvey Lasalle
Mrs Harvey McDonald
Mrs Harvey Oeig
Mrs Harvey Ooss
Mrs Harvey Revisited
Mrs Harvey Ro- Waltham
Mrs Harvey Ross
Mrs Harvey Ross 5
Mrs Harvey Shawville
Mrs Harvey Wall Softball
Mrs Harvey Westbrook
Mrs Harvey Westbrooke
Mrs Hay Lauzon
Mrs Hay Sheppard
Mrs Hayes
Mrs Helen
Mrs Helen MacKinnon
Mrs Helen Neville Barnsley
Mrs Helen Routliffe
Mrs Helmut
Mrs Helmut Erf
Mrs Helmut Erfk
Mrs Helmut Erflc
Mrs Helmut Erfle
Mrs Helmut Erifle
Mrs Helmut F.rfle
Mrs Helmut Frfle
Mrs Helmut Krfle
Mrs Helmut Krfle Waltham
Mrs Helmut Schmidt
Mrs Helmut Shawville
Mrs Henderson Harris
Mrs Henri Berard
Mrs Henry
Mrs Henry Dumouchel
Mrs Henry IX1 Mr
Mrs Henry Krose
Mrs Henry Lemaire
Mrs Henry Lemaire Joanne
Mrs Henry Pierre Colton
Mrs Henry Rutledge
Mrs Henry Stephens
Mrs Henry Wallace
Mrs Henry °n Sunday June
Mrs Herman
Mrs Herman Bretz-1 Mrs Buddy Sloan
Mrs Herman E. Garland
Mrs Herman Elliott
Mrs Herman Gar-1
Mrs Herman Sparling
Mrs Hillis Graham
Mrs Hillu Graham
Mrs Ho Pfggy
Mrs Homer
Mrs Howard Berard
Mrs Howard Hayes
Mrs Hsilts Graham
Mrs Hubert Elliott
Mrs Hubert Elliott Barry
Mrs Hugh Armstrong
Mrs HUlis Graham
Mrs Irwin Graham
Mrs Irwin Hayes
Mrs Ivan Jr
Mrs J
Mrs J V X-7
Mrs J 7th
Mrs J 8. Stanton
Mrs J Arnold Brunton
Mrs J B Al-
Mrs J B band Dr Christopher Wil-
Mrs J B Corrigan.
Mrs J B Duff
Mrs J B Kelly
Mrs J B KUguur
Mrs J B Leblanc
Mrs J B. KU-gour
Mrs J Brennan
Mrs J C. Poisson
Mrs J E Farrell
Mrs J E. Dagg
Mrs J F Ci
Mrs J F Wilson
Mrs J G Elliott
Mrs J G Haney
Mrs J G Lariviere
Mrs J G Larrlvlere
Mrs J G McAuley
Mrs J Grant Carswell
Mrs J H Carmichael
Mrs J H Little
Mrs J H Murray
Mrs J H R
Mrs J H |
Mrs J Hayes
Mrs J J De Forge
Mrs J J DeForge
Mrs J J Fitzpatrick
Mrs J J He Forge
Mrs J J Kelley
Mrs J J Kennedy
Mrs J J McCall
Mrs J J McCallum
Mrs J J Turner
Mrs J J. Sly
Mrs J K Patterson
Mrs J L
Mrs J L Hodgins
Mrs J L Ma
Mrs J L Ma-
Mrs J L Maheral
Mrs J L Muir
Mrs J L StPlerre
Mrs J L. Maheral
Mrs J M. McKinley
Mrs J N Brown
Mrs J O. Pittis
Mrs J O. Tittis
Mrs J Patrick MacKinnon 11-27,28,29,30
Mrs J Percy Bradley
Mrs J Ross Beck
Mrs J Ryan
Mrs J Ryan.
Mrs J Smiley
Mrs J W Arm* Alexander
Mrs J W Armstrong
Mrs J W Byron
Mrs J W Killen
Mrs J Wesley Grierson
Mrs J ^°SH Doderidge
Mrs J ¦ Cobden
Mrs J&ck Holland
Mrs Jack Jr,
Mrs Jacques Jr in
Mrs James 0strom Conn McCagg
Mrs James Armstrong
Mrs James Payne.
Mrs James Tracy
Mrs James Tracy 5
Mrs Jean I*-1
Mrs Jean Marie
Mrs Jean Marie Asselin
Mrs Jean Marie Comeau
Mrs Jean Marie Corneau
Mrs Jean Marie Gauthier
Mrs Jean Marie Ladouceur
Mrs Jean Marie Lance
Mrs Jean Marie LeGuerrier
Mrs Jean Marie Lepine
Mrs Jean Marie Ry
Mrs Jean Marie Ryan
Mrs Jear Marie
Mrs Jennings Evelyn
Mrs Jo# Hunt
Mrs John Jr Montague
Mrs John McKenzie
Mrs Johnson Hugh Horner
Mrs Johnston
Mrs Ju- shopping
Mrs K ** Fancy Work Mrs Nancy Hughes
Mrs K Burman
Mrs K Dean
Mrs K G Allan
Mrs K J Wilson
Mrs K Jr Office
Mrs K Jr stood
Mrs K Ross
Mrs K Smith
Mrs K V Carswell
Mrs Kearns
Mrs Kelly Leclair
Mrs King McCoy
Mrs L Barrett
Mrs L Brennan Sr St James St
Mrs L dirtx*
Mrs L G Richards
Mrs L G Shiel
Mrs L J Armstrong
Mrs L J Fair-
Mrs L J Roach
Mrs L K Hodgins
Mrs L Lemaire
Mrs L R. Morrow
Mrs L r>urui
Mrs L Spencer
Mrs L W Corrigan.
Mrs L.o- Marie Theresa Lasalle
Mrs Lafontaine
Mrs Lars Wayne
Mrs Laughren Sr.
Mrs Laurence Der
Mrs Lawrence Graham
Mrs Lawson Stephens
Mrs Leach
Mrs Lean- Wesley United Church
Mrs Lee A. Hodgins
Mrs Lee Goodick
Mrs Leonard
Mrs Leonard And
Mrs Leonard Beer
Mrs Leonard Berard
Mrs Leonard Earl Phillips
Mrs Leonard expense9 Emmerson
Mrs Leonard Fox
Mrs Leonard Godin
Mrs Leonard Grace
Mrs Leonard Horn-1
Mrs Leonard Lance
Mrs Leonard Neil Sparling
Mrs Leonard Ottawa
Mrs Leonard Ottawa Hospital
Mrs Leonard P. Kluke
Mrs Leonard Per Eileen Labelle
Mrs Leonard Rogers
Mrs Leonard ¦ Mrs. Norval McNeil
Mrs Leslie
Mrs Leslie Angus
Mrs Leslie Atkin-1
Mrs Leslie Atkinson
Mrs Leslie Atkinson Kohhle
Mrs Leslie BenI
Mrs Leslie Benoit
Mrs Leslie Benoit Martin
Mrs Leslie Boyd
Mrs Leslie Campbell
Mrs Leslie Carroll
Mrs Leslie Carroll,
Mrs Leslie Eades Photo
Mrs Leslie Extra Travels
Mrs Leslie Kehoe
Mrs Leslie McMillan
Mrs Leslie Mus
Mrs Leslie Mus-
Mrs Leslie Musgrove
Mrs Leslie Poole
Mrs Leslie Price
Mrs Leslie Russett
Mrs Leslie Smart
Mrs Leslie Smart Horner
Mrs Leslie Smart- Secretary
Mrs Leslie Steele
Mrs Leslie Walsh
Mrs Leslie Welsh
Mrs Lisa
Mrs Lloyd
Mrs Lloyd Armstrong
Mrs Lloyd Atkin- Ralston
Mrs Lloyd Bomain
Mrs Lloyd Brown
Mrs Lloyd Carmen Bretzlaff
Mrs Lloyd Cooke
Mrs Lloyd Delmar Hearty
Mrs Lloyd Elliott
Mrs Lloyd Fulfor* Mrs Ellis Palmer
Mrs Lloyd Fulford
Mrs Lloyd H. Armstrong
Mrs Lloyd Mur-
Mrs Lloyd Neville
Mrs Lorn Boyd
Mrs Lu McDowell
Mrs Lu Stafford
Mrs Luther Webster
Mrs M %JËÊÊ Recent
Mrs M Brown
Mrs M G
Mrs M G Denault
Mrs M Hayes
Mrs M J Allen
Mrs M J Black
Mrs M J Culletm
Mrs M J Culleton
Mrs M J Denault
Mrs M J Hearty
Mrs M J Hirault
Mrs M J McGuinney
Mrs M J Poirier
Mrs M J Sammon
Mrs M J Stan-
Mrs M J. Shiels
Mrs M J. Turner
Mrs M P. Davis
Mrs M Young
Mrs Ma
Mrs Ma Eleanor Kelly
Mrs Ma hie Dowd Hie
Mrs Ma mon Brown
Mrs Ma no Fierobln
Mrs Ma no Flerobin
Mrs Ma Pontiac Pontiac Transit Hydro Quebec
Mrs Ma Sec.
Mrs Ma Stanton
Mrs Ma Thompson
Mrs Ma Trudeau
Mrs Ma Vga
Mrs Ma X FortCoulonge M M Helen Colton
Mrs Ma ye Elliott
Mrs Ma-
Mrs MahIon Hayes
Mrs Mahlon Hayes
Mrs Margaret Graham
Mrs Margaret Susan Eddy
Mrs Marie Madore
Mrs Marion
Mrs Marion Graham
Mrs Marion Hayes
Mrs Marion Headrick
Mrs Marion Kelley
Mrs Marion Lavigne
Mrs Marion Loch-head
Mrs Marion McCord
Mrs Marion McTier-
Mrs Marion McTiernan
Mrs Marion Ricbertz
Mrs Mark Pilon day Season Jr
Mrs Marlowe Campbell
Mrs Marshall Chelmsford Hodgins
Mrs Martin Riley Mr.
Mrs Mathieuas Bourgarde
Mrs Maurice ,b®™* Richardson
Mrs Maurice Barr
Mrs Maurice Beau
Mrs Maurice Braze
Mrs Maurice Brazeau
Mrs Maurice C,tiles Soucie Their
Mrs Maurice Che-Miss Joelle Asselin
Mrs Maurice Chev-
Mrs Maurice Du
Mrs Maurice Dumouchel
Mrs Maurice DumoucheL Miss GaiJ Stewart
Mrs Maurice DumoucheL Miss Linda Stewart
Mrs Maurice Dumouchel^ Dunraven
Mrs Maurice Fran-
Mrs Maurice Gauthier
Mrs Maurice Ger-
Mrs Maurice Gervais
Mrs Maurice Gra
Mrs Maurice Jobin
Mrs Maurice Lance 42057BM14 Never
Mrs Maurice Larabie
Mrs Maurice Las
Mrs Maurice Lasalle
Mrs Maurice LaSalle Clare Guystt
Mrs Maurice Milford
Mrs Maurice Pilon
Mrs Maurice Racine Montreal
Mrs Maurice Roberge
Mrs Maurice Sloan
Mrs Maurice Spence Beatrice
Mrs Maurice Umay
Mrs Maurice Vannest
Mrs Maurice White
Mrs McFarlane.
Mrs Megrath Sr.
Mrs Melvin Armstrong
Mrs Melvin Armstrong Mr
Mrs Melvin daughters
Mrs Melvin Derouin Dr. Lamarche
Mrs Melvin Hie
Mrs Melvin J. Saturday
Mrs Melvin Mme Lionel St-Pierre
Mrs Melvin Stewart
Mrs Melvin Wickens Cummings
Mrs Mi Jr C
Mrs Michelle 0f Peterborough
Mrs Michelle St Aubin
Mrs Mickey Belanger
Mrs Mike Wayne Vennue
Mrs Milton Mous-Mrs Roy Stephens
Mrs Moses McCord
Mrs Mrs Hayes
Mrs Murray
Mrs Murray Bilson
Mrs Murray Byce
Mrs Murray Dunningan
Mrs Murray Graham
Mrs Murray Graham Roland Graham
Mrs Murray Lavallee
Mrs Murray Lavallle
Mrs Murray Mako
Mrs Murray McEwen
Mrs Murray McNeil
Mrs Murray McNeill
Mrs Murray Moore
Mrs Murray Moore Belanger
Mrs Murray Moyle
Mrs Murray O Lando
Mrs Murray Richardson
Mrs Murray Rus-nd
Mrs Murray Skinner
Mrs Murray Somers
Mrs Myles McCoy
Mrs Myrtle Barrett
Mrs N K McNeill
Mrs N L Da Wedding
Mrs N L Moore
Mrs Neils Hansen Jennifer Gauthier
Mrs Nelson Murdock
Mrs Norman F. Jardine
Mrs Norman Holmes Lake
Mrs Norman Patrick Simpson - Armitage
Mrs Norman Wallace
Mrs Norris
Mrs Norris Hod
Mrs Norris Hod-gins
Mrs Norris Hodgins
Mrs Norris Horner Mrs Ron Robichard
Mrs Norris Hudgins
Mrs Norris Mississauga
Mrs Norris Model
Mrs Norris R. Horner
Mrs O Young
Mrs Ole
Mrs Omer Berard
Mrs Orner Berard
Mrs Orton Stephens Wendy Baird
Mrs Owen Berard
Mrs Owen C.
Mrs Owen Hearty
Mrs Owen Jr Sloan Saturday
Mrs Owen Sloan Spending Easter
Mrs P Campbell
Mrs P J Code
Mrs P J KildufT
Mrs P J Mason
Mrs P J Masson
Mrs P J Murjrt^r
Mrs P J Murohy
Mrs P J Murphy
Mrs P J Neville
Mrs P J. Murphy
Mrs P W Shoobert
Mrs Palmer
Mrs Palmer.
Mrs Pamela Hahn
Mrs Pamela.
Mrs Paul Berard
Mrs Percy Betty
Mrs Peters
Mrs Pilon
Mrs Porter
Mrs Q Johnson
Mrs R
Mrs R A. Dale.
Mrs R A. Grant
Mrs R Arlingt Sharpe
Mrs R E McRae Jacqueline Brown
Mrs R E. Cummings
Mrs R F Black
Mrs R G Elliott
Mrs R G Hodgins
Mrs R Gibson
Mrs R Graham
Mrs R H (Bud
Mrs R H Farrell
Mrs R H Lunam
Mrs R H Spiritual Advisor
Mrs R J Calvert
Mrs R J Cart* It
Mrs R J Connelly
Mrs R J Hamilton
Mrs R J Tracy
Mrs R J Wilson
Mrs R J. Cart
Mrs R J. Suthe
Mrs R J. Thomp Mr.
Mrs R K Johnson
Mrs R K Millar
Mrs R K Miller
Mrs R K R Kierstead
Mrs R L Ea
Mrs R L MacLean
Mrs R Lacroix
Mrs R Mulligan Mrs
Mrs R Murdock Thompson
Mrs R Stephens
Mrs R Thoms ST.
Mrs R W Pritchard
Mrs R W Wil- Get
Mrs R W Wilson
Mrs R W Wilson. Stuart Russell
Mrs R W WÜ
Mrs R W. Hod*
Mrs Ray
Mrs Ray .
Mrs Ray Grier Joseph
Mrs Ray Newton
Mrs Ray Page
Mrs Ray Shannon
Mrs Ray Sheppard
Mrs Ray Stephens
Mrs Raymond Graham
Mrs Reed
Mrs Rejean Mrs Pearl Morrison
Mrs Rene Berard
Mrs René Berard Lemaire
Mrs René Marilyn
Mrs Richard Sr
Mrs Richard Trevor
Mrs Richardson
Mrs Richmond
Mrs Robertson
Mrs Roes Campbell
Mrs Roger Graham Giffen
Mrs Rom Campbell
Mrs Romain
Mrs Romain St Aubin
Mrs Ross Campbell
Mrs Ross Sager
Mrs Ross White
Mrs Ross Young
Mrs Routliffe Jr,
Mrs Ruby Armstrong
Mrs Ruby BeaG Pontiac Recept^ Centre
Mrs Ruby Ottawa Veteran
Mrs Russel Leroy
Mrs Russell
Mrs Russell B Taber
Mrs Russell Boyd.
Mrs Russell Cobb
Mrs Russell Coob
Mrs Russell Cotnam
Mrs Russell Doherty
Mrs Russell Elliott
Mrs Russell Elliott JtttfPWLS
Mrs Russell Elliott Municipality
Mrs Russell Grant
Mrs Russell Gravel
Mrs Russell Hurd
Mrs Russell Judd
Mrs Russell Kirk
Mrs Russell Lang
Mrs Russell Leroy
Mrs Russell Lucas
Mrs Russell MacNevin
Mrs Russell Mcc
Mrs Russell McLinton
Mrs Russell Mee
Mrs Russell Mitehette
Mrs Russell Mulligan
Mrs Russell p*er Kluke
Mrs Russell Raymond
Mrs Russell Stewart
Mrs Russell Ta-cently
Mrs Russell Taber
Mrs Russell Verner Thrun
Mrs Russell Vickers
Mrs Russell Wallace
Mrs Russell Watson
Mrs Russell Zimmerling
Mrs Russell ZlmmerUng
Mrs Ryan Benoit
Mrs S B Tow
Mrs S G Saunders
Mrs S K McDowell
Mrs S W Smith
Mrs S W Thompson
Mrs Schwartz
Mrs Sherman
Mrs Sherwood Grant
Mrs Sherwood Grant HOME Phone
Mrs Sid Stephens
Mrs Smiley
Mrs Smith
Mrs Spencer Sloan
Mrs Ste Marie
Mrs Stewart Graham
Mrs Stewart Jr
Mrs Stewart Jr You
Mrs Stones
Mrs Stu Spencer
Mrs Stu Spencer Church Hall
Mrs Stuart
Mrs Stuart Ahearn
Mrs Stuart Barclay
Mrs Stuart Ca
Mrs Stuart Daw
Mrs Stuart Lionel
Mrs Stuart Spencer Out-of-town
Mrs Sullivan
Mrs Sunny Germain
Mrs T B Campbell-Hope
Mrs T B Draper
Mrs T C. Kelly
Mrs T Fred Ritchie
Mrs T J Brisson
Mrs T J Fitzpatrick
Mrs T J Godin
Mrs T J McMahon
Mrs T J McManhon Riverfield
Mrs T J Murdock
Mrs T J Roberts Project
Mrs T J Shawville
Mrs T J. Moorhead
Mrs T Marshall
Mrs T W Crawford
Mrs T W McGuire
Mrs T W MrGnire* Also
Mrs T W Raymond
Mrs T.P. Graham
Mrs Taylor
Mrs Taylor.
Mrs Telesphore Quebec
Mrs Theresa Hunt
Mrs Thomas
Mrs Thomas Cough McGuire
Mrs Thomas Don-
Mrs Thomas Don- Danny Lepack Jr s
Mrs Thomas Donnelly
Mrs Thomas Edward Brownlee
Mrs Thomas G. Ewen
Mrs Thomas H. Narlock
Mrs Thomas Herve Sabourin
Mrs Thomas Horner
Mrs Thomas Horner Special
Mrs Thomas Jean Marleau
Mrs Thomas Jeffery Kilcollins
Mrs Thomas Kel-
Mrs Thomas Martin
Mrs Thomas Mathers
Mrs Thomas McGee
Mrs Thomas Ottawa
Mrs Thomas Sheppard
Mrs Thomas Stephens
Mrs Thomas Sullivan
Mrs Thomas Wallace Visitors
Mrs Thomas Warder Vailloncourt
Mrs Thomas Young
Mrs Thompson
Mrs Tom Sunday
Mrs Torn Eudes
Mrs Turcotte Jr motored
Mrs Turner Shawville Charter Night
Mrs Uordon Brennan
Mrs Urban Daley
Mrs V i Eila Elliott
Mrs Varner Thrun
Mrs Versai Campbell
Mrs Vincent .beady
Mrs Vincent Foran
Mrs Vincent Holland
Mrs Vincent Tammy Loesche
Mrs W .1 Armstrong Bureau
Mrs W A. Brown
Mrs W B Hodgins
Mrs W C Schwartz
Mrs W Cahill-pair
Mrs W Campbell
Mrs W D Armitage
Mrs W D Brown
Mrs W D Brown cor-1
Mrs W D Heart Manor
Mrs W D Hodgins
Mrs W D l/nigh
Mrs W D Lough
Mrs W Daley
Mrs W E Eckerman Campbell
Mrs W E Hodgins
Mrs W Edgar Mayhew
Mrs W F BHjj^^BB^^^fl^
Mrs W F Pritchard
Mrs W Fred Plourde
Mrs W G
Mrs W G Chisnell
Mrs W G McDowell
Mrs W H
Mrs W H Ban-
Mrs W H Farrell
Mrs W H Hodgins
Mrs W H Horner
Mrs W H Kenny
Mrs W H Maitland
Mrs W H Poupore
Mrs W H Richardson
Mrs W II Johnston
Mrs W Instant Hurricane
Mrs W J
Mrs W J ( Mac
Mrs W J Armstrong
Mrs W J Armstrong.
Mrs W J Black
Mrs W J Brownlee
Mrs W J Cochrane
Mrs W J Cray
Mrs W J Crick
Mrs W J egg#
Mrs W J Hamilton
Mrs W J Hobbs
Mrs W J Hodgins
Mrs W J I
Mrs W J Inglee
Mrs W J McKibbon
Mrs W J Miller
Mrs W J Mur-
Mrs W J Mur-7th
Mrs W J Murray
Mrs W J Murray Miss Stevenson
Mrs W J Smith
Mrs W J Stanton
Mrs W J Stark
Mrs W J Ste- William Stephens
Mrs W J to Hospital Beneficiary Core
Mrs W J Tugman
Mrs W J Woods
Mrs W J. Hamilton
Mrs W K Bauer
Mrs W L Barr
Mrs W L Walsh
Mrs W Lennis Barr
Mrs W Lucy Clarke
Mrs W M Gladish
Mrs W Marie
Mrs W McDonald
Mrs W Murdock
Mrs W O Brien
Mrs W O Corrigan
Mrs W O. Bums
Mrs W R Bailey
Mrs W R Mac Lachlan
Mrs W R Makin
Mrs W R Reynolds
Mrs W RCassidy
Mrs W S Griffith
Mrs W Tipping
Mrs W V Stinson
Mrs W.M. Hayes
Mrs Ward
Mrs Ward Rie-(Warren) Stewart
Mrs Waters
Mrs Wayne Daley
Mrs Wayne Jr
Mrs Webb
Mrs Wellington Armstrong
Mrs Wendal Graham
Mrs Wendall Graham
Mrs Werner Schultz
Mrs Wesley
Mrs Wesley Dagg
Mrs William McCollum
Mrs Wilmar Graham
Mrs Wilmer Graham
Mrs Wilmer Graham Aersity
Mrs Wilson
Mrs Wilson Vibert
Mrs Z Â
Mrs! A
Mrs! I
Mrs! Lavallée
Mrs! Miss Lila McGuire
Mrs! Moore
Mrs! Paul Martineau
Mrs" A G Brough- His
Mrs" Esale Richard
Mrs" Gordon Pophey
Mrs" Hall Fuller
Mrs" Pieldhouse
Mrs" Thomas Co,c- Jeanne
Mrs# Clifton Campbell
Mrs) G E Colton
Mrs* .Tames Grant Murray
Mrs* Al,en Meredith
Mrs* Andrew Flood
Mrs* Bland Little
Mrs* Brown
Mrs* Dawson Smith
Mrs* Emerson Mooney
Mrs* Emerson Roy
Mrs* Graham
Mrs* H R- RaW>
Mrs* Harper Smith
Mrs* L M.Cooké
Mrs* Leslie Ke-died
Mrs* Martin
Mrs* McCredie Douglas Wilson
Mrs* Mitchell
Mrs* R J. Connelly
Mrs* R* J- Thompson
Mrs* S Hart
Mrs* W J Murray
Mrs*Mild Potts
Mrs, Abbott
Mrs, Adolph Thoms Canon
Mrs, Aida Miss Margaret Mt Volga»
Mrs, Albert
Mrs, Albert Matthews
Mrs, Albert Myers
Mrs, Albert Seymour
Mrs, Albert W. Palmer
Mrs, Albert Yach
Mrs, Alex Olmsted
Mrs, Alfred Armstrong
Mrs, Allan
Mrs, Allan Stinson
Mrs, Allen
Mrs, Andrew Hodgins Mrs.
Mrs, Andrew McKnight
Mrs, Andrew Neville
Mrs, Andrew Stewart
Mrs, Archie Forest
Mrs, Arnold Bryan
Mrs, B Curley
Mrs, B McKenzie Mrs.
Mrs, Baiber
Mrs, Ball
Mrs, Bert Presley
Mrs, Black
Mrs, Blake
Mrs, Brown
Mrs, C
Mrs, C H. Hiigger
Mrs, C. J Caldwell
Mrs, Camp-j
Mrs, Carmen Wickens
Mrs, Chas Ivan Hodgms
Mrs, Chatterton
Mrs, Chester Coch
Mrs, Churchill
Mrs, Clarence
Mrs, Clark Cowan James
Mrs, Claude Young
Mrs, Clayton Sly
Mrs, Cliff Corrigan
Mrs, Cliff Edmonds
Mrs, Clifford Durrell Ottawa Miss Mena Brown Out.
Mrs, Clifford Rob- M
Mrs, Clifton Campbell
Mrs, Curry
Mrs, Dale
Mrs, David W. McDowell
Mrs, Denhy
Mrs, Donald-
Mrs, Drummond
Mrs, E
Mrs, E Cooney
Mrs, E Sherman
Mrs, Ed-Gountÿ
Mrs, Edgar Draper
Mrs, Edgar Hod
Mrs, Edith Brigger
Mrs, Edward Band
Mrs, Eric Brown
Mrs, Ethel Sowden
Mrs, Eva Hrmk-1 Bv[
Mrs, F
Mrs, F. Graham
Mrs, Fokes
Mrs, Fortier
Mrs, Frank Durkee
Mrs, Frank Rose
Mrs, Fraser
Mrs, Fred * Sons
Mrs, Fred Bur
Mrs, Fred Froet
Mrs, Fred Hodgins
Mrs, Fred Qrs-131
Mrs, Fred Sheppard
Mrs, Fulton
Mrs, G Carmichael
Mrs, Garnet Armstrong
Mrs, Geo
Mrs, Gilbert
Mrs, Gordon Elliott
Mrs, Gordon Klliott
Mrs, Gordon McCoy
Mrs, Gordon Paul
Mrs, Gordon STRAYED—From
Mrs, Gr
Mrs, Graham
Mrs, Grant
Mrs, Green
Mrs, Grehem Thomp-who
Mrs, H
Mrs, H I. Smith
Mrs, H J. Coo-nelly
Mrs, H Rowfit
Mrs, Hardy
Mrs, Harold
Mrs, Harold Beckett
Mrs, Harold Hayes
Mrs, Heifb Napanee
Mrs, Henry Creb Shoe Co.
Mrs, Henry Dale.
Mrs, Henry Hodgins
Mrs, Henry Horner
Mrs, Henry Horner............. 1
Mrs, Henry Hudson
Mrs, Henry Maitland
Mrs, Hobbs
Mrs, Howard Corbett
Mrs, Howard Routliffe
Mrs, Hugh Young
Mrs, Hulbert Armstrong
Mrs, Il
Mrs, Irwin Graham
Mrs, Ivan Premiergast
Mrs, IW.
Mrs, J
Mrs, J Hyndman
Mrs, J Lascelles
Mrs, J Pirie......... Harper Kennick
Mrs, J. H. Murray
Mrs, J. McMillan
Mrs, J. O. Stephens
Mrs, Ja*
Mrs, Jack Grant
Mrs, Jack Lester
Mrs, James Connelly
Mrs, James Cur Nylon
Mrs, James Kirkpatrick
Mrs, Janu Wallace
Mrs, John A. Smith
Mrs, John Black
Mrs, John G. McGuire
Mrs, John K
Mrs, John Katies
Mrs, John Mack
Mrs, John Ross Many
Mrs, Johnston
Mrs, Ju
Mrs, Julia Sheppard
Mrs, Jüs
Mrs, Jx L Armit
Mrs, K
Mrs, K -= Bennett
Mrs, Kathleen M. Gibson
Mrs, Keller
Mrs, Kelly
Mrs, L H. Arundel
Mrs, L J. Fairfield
Mrs, L Surviving
Mrs, L.J-------------
Mrs, Lawson Smith
Mrs, Lena Kelly
Mrs, Leo White
Mrs, Leonard
Mrs, Leslie Dean
Mrs, Leslie Hill
Mrs, Lewis
Mrs, Lewis Hod
Mrs, Linden
Mrs, Linden Graham
Mrs, Lindsay Arm* Kijjottor Hthst HoiMiiN.s
Mrs, Lloyd
Mrs, Lloyd Cooke
Mrs, Lloyd Mitcham
Mrs, Lloyd Stephens
Mrs, Lome
Mrs, Lome Armstrong
Mrs, Lor
Mrs, Lucas
Mrs, M
Mrs, M Graham
Mrs, M Reside
Mrs, M Stewart
Mrs, M. Armstrong Mrs. Henry Dale
Mrs, Manson McDowell
Mrs, Margaret Baker
Mrs, Marshall
Mrs, Marshall Chamberlain
Mrs, Martin
Mrs, Martin Adams
Mrs, Mary
Mrs, Mary Freeman
Mrs, Maurice Malette
Mrs, May
Mrs, McDowell
Mrs, McGuire
Mrs, McMillan
Mrs, McOagg
Mrs, Melvin Mr.
Mrs, Melvin Stewart
Mrs, Melvin Young
Mrs, Michael Murphy
Mrs, Mitchell
Mrs, Mr.
Mrs, Murphy
Mrs, Murray
Mrs, N K
Mrs, Nelson
Mrs, Norman Brownlee
Mrs, Norman Burke
Mrs, Norman Hodgson
Mrs, Norris
Mrs, Norris Hodgins
Mrs, Orla Young
Mrs, P
Mrs, Patrick Donnelly
Mrs, Pearl Hayes
Mrs, Pena Bert-died
Mrs, Perley Richardson
Mrs, Prank Workman
Mrs, R
Mrs, R J. Thompson
Mrs, R Riley
Mrs, R S. Smith Judith Smith
Mrs, R T. Clarke
Mrs, R Taber
Mrs, R. Graham
Mrs, Ralph Hod-liutch
Mrs, Reuben Harris
Mrs, Reuben Smith
Mrs, Rkvbkn Smith
Mrs, Robt
Mrs, Roland Elliott
Mrs, Rose Mousseau Mr.
Mrs, Ruby Armstrong
Mrs, Russell Elliott
Mrs, Ryan
Mrs, S. Armstrong
Mrs, Sam Towell
Mrs, Samuel Eva Anderson
Mrs, Samuel Renniuk
Mrs, Sidney Tmd-
Mrs, Smith His Lordship Bishop
Mrs, Solomon Hayes
Mrs, SswsS-.sBS
Mrs, Stuart
Mrs, Susan Young
Mrs, Th
Mrs, Tho- Norman Twa
Mrs, Thom
Mrs, Thomas
Mrs, Thomas Findlay
Mrs, Thomas Kelley
Mrs, Thomas Martin
Mrs, Thomas Proulx
Mrs, Thomas Telford
Mrs, Thompson
Mrs, Thos
Mrs, Tom Sheppard
Mrs, Turner
Mrs, V McCug
Mrs, Victor McBane
Mrs, Vincent Hodgins
Mrs, VV.
Mrs, W Andrew Bennett
Mrs, W C Stark
Mrs, W J. Horner
Mrs, W. J Murray
Mrs, Wallace J. Wilson
Mrs, Wellington Armstrong
Mrs, Whelan
Mrs, Willie Lang Jim Graham
Mrs, Wilmer Gra
Mrs, Wilson
Mrs, Wilson Tracy
Mrs, Wm
Mrs, Wm Crick
Mrs- A K Walton
Mrs- Andrew
Mrs- Andrew Murray
Mrs- Andrew Neville
Mrs- Anne Fumer-ton
Mrs- Arlington Sharpe
Mrs- Audrey Jacques
Mrs- Bob.
Mrs- Brown
Mrs- Bud Elliott
Mrs- Chas Brown
Mrs- Dalton Richardson
Mrs- Dwight Me- .-if
Mrs- E Palmer
Mrs- Earl "
Mrs- Earl Dainty
Mrs- Edmund Stew-y
Mrs- Emerson Smil-
Mrs- Emile King
Mrs- Frcd
Mrs- Garfoote> Mrs. McKay
Mrs- Gerald Bonnah Mr.
Mrs- Graham Thompson
Mrs- Harr> Betsher
Mrs- Henry Smiley
Mrs- Hermas Lepine
Mrs- Howard Nesbitt
Mrs- Howard Routliffe
Mrs- I)onalJ Fraser
Mrs- Ina Kil-
Mrs- Ishmin
Mrs- James Dor-
Mrs- Jim Sttwart M. George L. Corrigan
Mrs- John D. Macfar-lane
Mrs- John H. Horner
Mrs- John Hodgins
Mrs- Lawn
Mrs- Leo Pigeon
Mrs- Leslie Dale
Mrs- Lloyd Dale.
Mrs- Lloyd Neville
Mrs- Margaret XV.
Mrs- Maurice
Mrs- May Knight
Mrs- Mblvin Armstrong
Mrs- McLean
Mrs- Michael Doherty
Mrs- Milton Murrell
Mrs- Moore
Mrs- Murray
Mrs- Nelson
Mrs- P. Hayes
Mrs- Paterson Recent
Mrs- Paul Campeau
Mrs- Perley Rich-ville
Mrs- R Murray
Mrs- Ray Moffett
Mrs- Ross Dodridge
Mrs- Schamehorn
Mrs- Simon Mayhew
Mrs- Taylor
Mrs- Tom Km8‘
Mrs- Vaughan
Mrs- W.M. Hayes
Mrs- Wallace Hodgins
Mrs- Walter McDowell
Mrs- Warren Campbell
Mrs- William Campbell
Mrs- William Hanna
Mrs- Wilson
Mrs- Workman
Mrs-) Helen P. Campbell
Mrs-Edward Dale
Mrs-Elgin Hobbs
Mrs-Graham Young
Mrs-James Campbell
Mrs-John L Stephens
Mrs-Luke Rajotte
Mrs. K :
Mrs. Robertson
Mrs. Teen-age Dresses Lovely
Mrs. Walker
Mrs. X
Mrs. "
Mrs. Melvin Armstrong
Mrs. Patrick Reardon Ray
Mrs. "
Mrs. 0. McMillan
Mrs. 4t)
Mrs. 4|Uce Marshall
Mrs. 8. Clark
Mrs. 8. Cohen
Mrs. 8. Hayes
Mrs. 8wen Hayes
Mrs. A
Mrs. A Hayes
Mrs. A.
Mrs. A. 7-2511 Little
Mrs. A. Adams
Mrs. A. Armstrong
Mrs. A. B Palmer
Mrs. A. Barber Vancouver
Mrs. A. Bennett
Mrs. A. Campbell
Mrs. A. Carey
Mrs. A. Cohen
Mrs. A. Cone
Mrs. A. D. Stewart
Mrs. A. Elliott
Mrs. A. Emerson
Mrs. A. Frederick.
Mrs. A. G
Mrs. A. G Brough
Mrs. A. Graham
Mrs. A. Gray
Mrs. A. Hayes
Mrs. A. K Wilson
Mrs. A. Kelley
Mrs. A. Kelly
Mrs. A. Rhodes
Mrs. A. Robertson
Mrs. A. Rose
Mrs. A. Ross
Mrs. A. S. Armstrong
Mrs. A. Schwartz Mr.
Mrs. A. Weber
Mrs. A..G.
Mrs. A.A. Rose
Mrs. A.C.F.
Mrs. Aaron Ilelmer
Mrs. Aatlev.
Mrs. Abe
Mrs. Abe De Ruyter
Mrs. Abe Leghorn
Mrs. Abe Miller
Mrs. Abe Sheppard
Mrs. Abraham Boucher
Mrs. Abraham Rodgers
Mrs. Accounts
Mrs. Ackerman
Mrs. Ad Armstrong
Mrs. Ada
Mrs. Ada Allan
Mrs. Ada Daley
Mrs. Ada Foster
Mrs. Ada Grant
Mrs. Ada Harrison
Mrs. Ada MacNetl
Mrs. Ada McNeil
Mrs. Ada Ross
Mrs. Ada Stephens
Mrs. Adam
Mrs. Adam C. Hodgins
Mrs. Adam Elliott
Mrs. Adam Hudgins
Mrs. Adam W. Lyskoski
Mrs. Adams
Mrs. Adams JOAN
Mrs. Adare
Mrs. Adelaide Emmerton
Mrs. Adelaide Telford
Mrs. Adele Peckham
Mrs. Adeline Borland
Mrs. Adeline Gordon
Mrs. Adeline Stewart
Mrs. Adelurd Dumou-
Mrs. Aden Spencer
Mrs. Adolph
Mrs. Adolph Mahlitz
Mrs. Adolph Marchineau
Mrs. Adolph Schwartz
Mrs. Adolph Thoms
Mrs. Adolph Zimmerling
Mrs. Adolph Zimmerling Messrs R. Stanley
Mrs. Adolphe Lepine
Mrs. Adolphe Von Sharpes
Mrs. Adrien Gerard
Mrs. Aeinil-ius Jarvis
Mrs. Afi
Mrs. Afred Russell
Mrs. Agent
Mrs. Agnes
Mrs. Agnes Hcnrst
Mrs. Agnes Horner
Mrs. Agnes Schwartz
Mrs. Agusta Wall
Mrs. Ah
Mrs. Ahart Firobm
Mrs. Ahler-ton-Miavp
Mrs. Ai
Mrs. Ai Reed
Mrs. Aia Wilson
Mrs. Aibert Blackwell
Mrs. Aiex Da
Mrs. Ailed Carey
Mrs. Aim#
Mrs. Aime Allard
Mrs. Aith
Mrs. Aitken
Mrs. AJ
Mrs. Al
Mrs. Al Best
Mrs. Al Brockman
Mrs. AL J. Turner
Mrs. Al Kyle
Mrs. Al McKenzie
Mrs. Al Monahan
Mrs. Al Read
Mrs. Al Reed
Mrs. Al Roach
Mrs. Al Small
Mrs. Al Toronto
Mrs. Al-
Mrs. Al- Hubert Horner
Mrs. Al- Kenneth Knipe
Mrs. Al- Lloyd Balharrie
Mrs. Al- Louis Lacourse
Mrs. Al- Young
Mrs. Alban
Mrs. Alban McGuire
Mrs. Albeit Urn.t
Mrs. Albert
Mrs. Albert Adams
Mrs. Albert Allchurch
Mrs. Albert Arm-
Mrs. Albert Armitage John A. Hobbs
Mrs. Albert Armitsge
Mrs. Albert Armstrong
Mrs. Albert Armstrong Mrs. Armstrong
Mrs. Albert Ashfield
Mrs. Albert Ashfleld
Mrs. Albert B*
Mrs. Albert Baird
Mrs. Albert Bal- Refreshments
Mrs. Albert Ballantine
Mrs. Albert Beauregard
Mrs. Albert Bechamp
Mrs. Albert Ben- Leslie Dale.
Mrs. Albert Benard
Mrs. Albert Ber-Mrs
Mrs. Albert Bernier
Mrs. Albert Bert-
Mrs. Albert Bertrand
Mrs. Albert Black
Mrs. Albert Black-learned
Mrs. Albert Black-veil
Mrs. Albert Blackwell
Mrs. Albert Boulter
Mrs. Albert Boulter Pratt
Mrs. Albert Bro-
Mrs. Albert Brooks
Mrs. Albert Brunke
Mrs. Albert Burnett
Mrs. Albert Burnie
Mrs. Albert Buttle
Mrs. Albert Chevalier
Mrs. Albert Chilcott
Mrs. Albert Chisnell
Mrs. Albert Church
Mrs. Albert Cole
Mrs. Albert Cong-
Mrs. Albert Cong- Pajr Hackneys
Mrs. Albert Congdoi
Mrs. Albert Congdon
Mrs. Albert Conig
Mrs. Albert Corn
Mrs. Albert Corrigan
Mrs. Albert Couture
Mrs. Albert Cuthbertscn
Mrs. Albert Cuthbertson
Mrs. Albert Dahins
Mrs. Albert Dahms
Mrs. Albert Dahms Saturday
Mrs. Albert Dahnis
Mrs. Albert Daims
Mrs. Albert Dehms
Mrs. Albert Dixon
Mrs. Albert Dubeau
Mrs. Albert Dumou-thelle
Mrs. Albert Dumouchel
Mrs. Albert Dunbar
Mrs. Albert Dupuis
Mrs. Albert E. Bom
Mrs. Albert E. Dalpra
Mrs. Albert E. El- Get
Mrs. Albert E. Elliott
Mrs. Albert E. Elliott Celebrate Golden Wedding Omission
Mrs. Albert E. Knowles
Mrs. Albert E. Myers
Mrs. Albert E. Richardson
Mrs. Albert E. Wettin Would
Mrs. Albert E. Wilson
Mrs. Albert E. Wilson Dies Suddenly
Mrs. Albert Edward VIII
Mrs. Albert Elliott
Mrs. Albert Elliott.
Mrs. Albert Ellis
Mrs. Albert Fallafranque
Mrs. Albert Farand
Mrs. Albert Farnham
Mrs. Albert Faust
Mrs. Albert Firobin
Mrs. Albert Fitzsimmons
Mrs. Albert Fleury
Mrs. Albert Forget
Mrs. Albert Forrest
Mrs. Albert Foster
Mrs. Albert Gibbs
Mrs. Albert Glenn
Mrs. Albert Goodcrhani
Mrs. Albert Gortmaker Doris Hodgins Milton Hodgins Myrtle Hodgins Eddie Jean-Marie Elwyn Lang Jack
Mrs. Albert Gouthier
Mrs. Albert Hall
Mrs. Albert Hamel
Mrs. Albert Heury
Mrs. Albert Hodkin-son
Mrs. Albert Hodkinson
Mrs. Albert Home-
Mrs. Albert Hor-n?r
Mrs. Albert Horner
Mrs. Albert Horner Dictator
Mrs. Albert Hqgéer
Mrs. Albert Joan Pirie
Mrs. Albert Jonck
Mrs. Albert K. Wilson
Mrs. Albert Kirk-
Mrs. Albert Kirk- Rouyn
Mrs. Albert Kirk-ham
Mrs. Albert Kirkham
Mrs. Albert Kirkham Funeral Directors
Mrs. Albert Kirknam
Mrs. Albert L#-l Miss GaU Letts
Mrs. Albert L. Su
Mrs. Albert L. Wilson
Mrs. Albert Lance
Mrs. Albert LeCompte
Mrs. Albert Lemaire
Mrs. Albert Lepine
Mrs. Albert Lisk
Mrs. Albert Lochard
Mrs. Albert Lunam
Mrs. Albert Madoar
Mrs. Albert Madoer
Mrs. Albert Man-
Mrs. Albert Man-Miss Maisie McTiernan
Mrs. Albert Manarv
Mrs. Albert Manary
Mrs. Albert Martineau
Mrs. Albert McBane
Mrs. Albert McBanelthc
Mrs. Albert McCon
Mrs. Albert McConnell
Mrs. Albert McKillop
Mrs. Albert McLaughlin
Mrs. Albert McMunn
Mrs. Albert Me
Mrs. Albert Meilleur
Mrs. Albert Meilleur Hubert McCauley
Mrs. Albert Michel
Mrs. Albert Mimee
Mrs. Albert Molyneaux
Mrs. Albert Morgan
Mrs. Albert Morin
Mrs. Albert Morin Leonard Horner
Mrs. Albert Morin Mrs Albert Morin
Mrs. Albert Mr.
Mrs. Albert Mr. Bill
Mrs. Albert Mr. Del Taggart
Mrs. Albert Mrs. N. Horner
Mrs. Albert Mui-doon
Mrs. Albert Muldoon
Mrs. Albert Muldoon Henderson
Mrs. Albert Murray
Mrs. Albert Murray Mr.
Mrs. Albert N. Golden
Mrs. Albert Ne
Mrs. Albert Neal
Mrs. Albert Nesbitt
Mrs. Albert Nicholson
Mrs. Albert Nie
Mrs. Albert O. Stark
Mrs. Albert O. SUiik
Mrs. Albert On August
Mrs. Albert Paquette
Mrs. Albert Paquette Rev. Father May
Mrs. Albert Pasch
Mrs. Albert Perry.-
Mrs. Albert Poisson
Mrs. Albert Poulet
Mrs. Albert Powers
Mrs. Albert Putman
Mrs. Albert Quesnel
Mrs. Albert Rev. Mr. Gandier
Mrs. Albert Richaidson
Mrs. Albert Richard
Mrs. Albert Richard-
Mrs. Albert Richard.
Mrs. Albert Richardson
Mrs. Albert Richer
Mrs. Albert Robinson
Mrs. Albert Rosien
Mrs. Albert Ruddy
Mrs. Albert Sal
Mrs. Albert Salway
Mrs. Albert Sanderson
Mrs. Albert Sawyer
Mrs. Albert Scarbo
Mrs. Albert Schenck
Mrs. Albert Scheuneman
Mrs. Albert Schwartz
Mrs. Albert Sellavk
Mrs. Albert Sevigny
Mrs. Albert Seymour
Mrs. Albert Sharp
Mrs. Albert Shaw
Mrs. Albert Skeldon
Mrs. Albert Skeldon Edwards
Mrs. Albert Sommerville
Mrs. Albert Sparling
Mrs. Albert St
Mrs. Albert St Onge
Mrs. Albert St.
Mrs. Albert Sullivan
Mrs. Albert Tan
Mrs. Albert Tan-
Mrs. Albert Tan-before
Mrs. Albert Tanner
Mrs. Albert Tannpr
Mrs. Albert Tassier
Mrs. Albert Tessioi
Mrs. Albert Thn-
Mrs. Albert Trofford
Mrs. Albert Tub
Mrs. Albert Tubman
Mrs. Albert V. Alexander
Mrs. Albert VaHtant
Mrs. Albert Visiting
Mrs. Albert W. Myers
Mrs. Albert W. Smith
Mrs. Albert Waito
Mrs. Albert Walker Myers
Mrs. Albert Wallace
Mrs. Albert Watson
Mrs. Albert Wayne Young
Mrs. Albert Welk
Mrs. Albert Whitmore
Mrs. Albert With
Mrs. Albert Wright
Mrs. Albert Yach
Mrs. Albert Yach 2 Bejsher
Mrs. Albert Yach Finit Cake
Mrs. Albert Yadh
Mrs. Albert Yech
Mrs. Albert Young
Mrs. Albertine Duffy
Mrs. Albright
Mrs. Alcide Charland
Mrs. Aldas Hamelin
Mrs. Aldedge Cor-
Mrs. Aldege Chasles
Mrs. Aldege Gauthier
Mrs. Aldege Lafleur
Mrs. Aldege Racine
Mrs. Aldege Racine Mayor Billy Burke
Mrs. Alderic
Mrs. Alderic Diellf
Mrs. Alderic Dyellc
Mrs. Alderick Brunet
Mrs. Alderlc
Mrs. Alderlc Labine
Mrs. Alderton-Sharp
Mrs. Aldor Gauthier
Mrs. Aldred
Mrs. Ale
Mrs. Ale* Stuart Mr
Mrs. Ale-shine
Mrs. Alec Ar-oour
Mrs. Alec McDonald
Mrs. Alee
Mrs. Ales Lapierrc
Mrs. Alesbime
Mrs. Aleshin#
Mrs. Aleshine
Mrs. Alex
Mrs. Alex 0f
Mrs. Alex Armstrong
Mrs. Alex Bennett
Mrs. Alex Bert- Pj|Ujc F^Me
Mrs. Alex Bertrand
Mrs. Alex Cobb
Mrs. Alex Consisting
Mrs. Alex Davis
Mrs. Alex Drummond
Mrs. Alex Elliott
Mrs. Alex Eltüott
Mrs. Alex G. Prcndfoot
Mrs. Alex Graham [Joseph Clarke
Mrs. Alex H. Horner
Mrs. Alex H. Johnston
Mrs. Alex H. Kilgour
Mrs. Alex Hazard
Mrs. Alex Hazard For Service Yorkshire Boar
Mrs. Alex Hcrner Lennis
Mrs. Alex Hodgins
Mrs. Alex Hodigns Mr.
Mrs. Alex Horner
Mrs. Alex Hudgins
Mrs. Alex J Turner
Mrs. Alex Ki
Mrs. Alex Kilgour
Mrs. Alex Kllgour
Mrs. Alex L. Pigvault
Mrs. Alex Lacroix
Mrs. Alex Lapicrrc
Mrs. Alex Lapierre
Mrs. Alex Le
Mrs. Alex Le-1
Mrs. Alex LeClalr
Mrs. Alex Lepine
Mrs. Alex MacDonald
Mrs. Alex McDonald
Mrs. Alex McDonald Bereaved Harness
Mrs. Alex McKenzie
Mrs. Alex McMillan
Mrs. Alex Megrath Mrs. Robert Hood
Mrs. Alex Milne
Mrs. Alex Newberry
Mrs. Alex Olmstead
Mrs. Alex Olmsted
Mrs. Alex P. Smith
Mrs. Alex Parent
Mrs. Alex Pelletier
Mrs. Alex Pigeault
Mrs. Alex Pigeaux
Mrs. Alex Qraruki
Mrs. Alex Stewart
Mrs. Alex Stqyart
Mrs. Alex Stuart
Mrs. Alex Toronto
Mrs. Alex Young
Mrs. Alexander
Mrs. Alexander Armstorng
Mrs. Alexander Brough Dies
Mrs. Alexander Brown
Mrs. Alexander Corrigan
Mrs. Alexander Donoski
Mrs. Alexander Giant
Mrs. Alexander Gillespie
Mrs. Alexander Gillespie Brough
Mrs. Alexander Groves
Mrs. Alexander If
Mrs. Alexander Johnson
Mrs. Alexander Keîth R. Emmenon
Mrs. Alexander McDonald
Mrs. Alexander McLachlin
Mrs. Alexander Mon-heit
Mrs. Alexander Ross Dies
Mrs. Alexander Shaw
Mrs. Alexander Shaw Mr. William Tubman
Mrs. Alexander Smirle
Mrs. Alexander Sutlieiland
Mrs. Alexander Tre Mano
Mrs. Alexander Warren
Mrs. Alexina Prunelle
Mrs. Alf
Mrs. Alf Armstrong
Mrs. Alf Armstrong Clarence Carson
Mrs. Alf Dagg
Mrs. Alf Grodde
Mrs. Alf Reid
Mrs. Alfie
Mrs. ALfle Henderson
Mrs. Alfred
Mrs. Alfred Armstrong
Mrs. Alfred Armstrong Clarendon Front
Mrs. Alfred Armstrong Isabella
Mrs. Alfred Durocher Mr.
Mrs. Alfred E. Zim-mern
Mrs. Alfred Elliott
Mrs. Alfred Hamil-1
Mrs. Alfred J. McMillan
Mrs. Alfred Jay
Mrs. Alfred Jay Dean Pokes
Mrs. Alfred Jay.
Mrs. Ali R $
Mrs. Alice
Mrs. Alicfe Miss Dora Angus
Mrs. Alida
Mrs. Alien Black
Mrs. Alien Hancock
Mrs. Alined Dehme
Mrs. Alison Russell
Mrs. Alix Bert
Mrs. Alix Davis
Mrs. Alix Muir
Mrs. Allan
Mrs. Allan A. MacDonald
Mrs. Allan B. Carey
Mrs. Allan Black
Mrs. Allan Black Mr.
Mrs. Allan Brown
Mrs. Allan Callodine
Mrs. Allan Carey
Mrs. Allan Carswell
Mrs. Allan Cavers
Mrs. Allan Donnelly
Mrs. Allan E. Greene
Mrs. Allan Eckford
Mrs. Allan Enunerson
Mrs. Allan Find-and
Mrs. Allan Findlay
Mrs. Allan Finlay
Mrs. Allan Fredericks
Mrs. Allan Galbraith
Mrs. Allan Galbraith Scoutmasters
Mrs. Allan Greene
Mrs. Allan Horner
Mrs. Allan Hughes
Mrs. Allan Hutchison
Mrs. Allan Ier’1 P<«reiits
Mrs. Allan Jack
Mrs. Allan Judd
Mrs. Allan Kennedy
Mrs. Allan Kirkham
Mrs. Allan Lachance
Mrs. Allan Len-brey
Mrs. Allan Mac
Mrs. Allan Mac Kay
Mrs. Allan MacFar-ane
Mrs. Allan Martineau
Mrs. Allan Martineau Eugene LaSalle
Mrs. Allan McCagg
Mrs. Allan McCagglof Mr.
Mrs. Allan McKay
Mrs. Allan McRae
Mrs. Allan Melvin Johnston
Mrs. Allan Meredith
Mrs. Allan Miss Pearl Brown
Mrs. Allan Mohr
Mrs. Allan Mr. Milton Russell
Mrs. Allan Mrs. Cliff Garrison
Mrs. Allan P. MacDonald
Mrs. Allan Par-
Mrs. Allan Peever
Mrs. Allan Pet
Mrs. Allan Petti
Mrs. Allan Poole
Mrs. Allan R.
Mrs. Allan Schock
Mrs. Allan Smart
Mrs. Allan Smart Roberta
Mrs. Allan Spar
Mrs. Allan Sparling
Mrs. Allan Stanley
Mrs. Allan Swinwood
Mrs. Allan Swinwood Mr.
Mrs. Allan Tramley
Mrs. Allan Troke
Mrs. Allan Troko
Mrs. Allan Vadneau
Mrs. Allan W.
Mrs. Allchurch
Mrs. Allen
Mrs. Allen B. Carey
Mrs. Allen B. Pet
Mrs. Allen B. Woods
Mrs. Allen Baird
Mrs. Allen Black
Mrs. Allen Blackwell Poole
Mrs. Allen Bradley
Mrs. Allen Bradley Mrs. Allen Bradley
Mrs. Allen Carey
Mrs. Allen Carswell
Mrs. Allen Chamberlain
Mrs. Allen Cpl.
Mrs. Allen Emmcr-1 Charge
Mrs. Allen Emmerson
Mrs. Allen Emmerson 387lx
Mrs. Allen Falconer
Mrs. Allen Findlay
Mrs. Allen Go
Mrs. Allen Gowan
Mrs. Allen Gray Mrs. Archibald Emmerson
Mrs. Allen Guv
Mrs. Allen Hansen
Mrs. Allen Homer
Mrs. Allen Horner
Mrs. Allen Hrigden
Mrs. Allen Hutchinson
Mrs. Allen Hutchison
Mrs. Allen I .3
Mrs. Allen I Carey
Mrs. Allen J. Taylor
Mrs. Allen Judd
Mrs. Allen Judd.
Mrs. Allen Karn
Mrs. Allen Kennedy
Mrs. Allen Kindle
Mrs. Allen Kirk
Mrs. Allen Kirk-
Mrs. Allen Kirkham
Mrs. Allen Kirkhom
Mrs. Allen L. Kennedy
Mrs. Allen MacKay
Mrs. Allen Manse
Mrs. Allen Martin
Mrs. Allen Martineau REGISTRATION
Mrs. Allen Mc
Mrs. Allen McKay
Mrs. Allen McPhail
Mrs. Allen McRae
Mrs. Allen Me-
Mrs. Allen Meredith
Mrs. Allen Mohr
Mrs. Allen Mohr Equity
Mrs. Allen Mohr Mis Dorothy Mohr
Mrs. Allen Nesbitt
Mrs. Allen Parent
Mrs. Allen Paul
Mrs. Allen Peever
Mrs. Allen Pilon
Mrs. Allen Poole
Mrs. Allen Poole Donald Sharpe
Mrs. Allen Rendle
Mrs. Allen Ruadle
Mrs. Allen Ryan
Mrs. Allen S. McKay
Mrs. Allen Sha
Mrs. Allen Shannon
Mrs. Allen Smart
Mrs. Allen Smith
Mrs. Allen Sparling
Mrs. Allen Sparling RusseJl
Mrs. Allen Stan-family
Mrs. Allen Stanley
Mrs. Allen Statham
Mrs. Allen Steele
Mrs. Allen Thomson
Mrs. Allen Troke
Mrs. Allen Tubman
Mrs. Allen Woods
Mrs. Allie Bennett
Mrs. Allie Hearty
Mrs. Allied Trudeau
Mrs. Allison
Mrs. Allison Dennis
Mrs. Allison Russell
Mrs. Allred McMillan
Mrs. Almond Hedging
Mrs. Almond Hod-gins
Mrs. Almond Hodgi
Mrs. Almond Hodgins
Mrs. Almond Hodgiris
Mrs. Almond W Hodgins
Mrs. Alnuzo Wright
Mrs. Aloysius Mctiuire
Mrs. Alp Stjean
Mrs. Alphonse
Mrs. Alphonse Campbell
Mrs. Alphonse Cahill
Mrs. Alphonse Gravelle
Mrs. Alphonse Martineau
Mrs. Alphonse St Jean
Mrs. Alphonse Tanguay
Mrs. Alphonse Vaillant
Mrs. Alt
Mrs. Alt Elliott
Mrs. Alt Dagg
Mrs. Altken
Mrs. Alton
Mrs. Alton A. Farther
Mrs. Alton Stark
Mrs. Alvin Brown
Mrs. Alvin Dra
Mrs. Alvin Kelley
Mrs. Alvin Murrry
Mrs. Alvtn Kelley
Mrs. Alwyn Dale.i
Mrs. Am
Mrs. Am-and Mrs. Wilfred McCallum Brownlee
Mrs. Am-edee Poisson
Mrs. Am-[Bertrand
Mrs. Ama Tracy
Mrs. Amanda Ralph
Mrs. Ambroise Godin
Mrs. Ambrose
Mrs. Ambrose Arm-atherine Armstrong
Mrs. Ambrose Armstrong
Mrs. Amede Poisson
Mrs. Amelia Schram
Mrs. Amey Barnett
Mrs. Amiel Za
Mrs. Amin
Mrs. Amm
Mrs. Amou Woods
Mrs. Ampnor
Mrs. Amy
Mrs. Amy A. Pitt
Mrs. An-
Mrs. An- Earl
Mrs. An-mer
Mrs. Ana-cetus Gribbon
Mrs. And
Mrs. Anderson
Mrs. Anderson IdoTeti
Mrs. Anderson Thorne
Mrs. Andivw Neville
Mrs. Andrcson
2. Mrs.
278 X Mrs. P.
3. Mrs.
3.00 Mrs.
A. ALLEN l Mrs. Agnes
Adresse I l Mrs
Appeliez Rosemarie au Donald Gamble
Augusta Krutz.^Mrs
Austin Mrs.
Barrett Mrs.
Bay Mrs. Louis
Bloom Mrs.
Buy Mrs.
Ca Miss Grace
Camp Diane
Camp Mrs.
Dade Mrs
Diane au P6.
Diane Boisvert
Diane Chase
Diane Hills
Diane Mousseau
Donald Atwater
Donald Crisp l Printed Silks
Donald Griffin
Donald Harbor
Edmonton Miss
Edmonton Miss Minnie
Edmonton Mrs
Egypt Mrs.
Essential Minerals l Mrs. M. H?"
Farmer Should Miss
Florence Mor- Mrs.
Florida Mrs.
Fort Mrs.
Fort 4 V Donald McLean
Fort Apply l Miss Brown
Fort Apply Mrs.
Fort Conlongu Miss
Fort Cou- Mrs
Fort Cou- Mrs.
Fort Cou-Miss
Fort Coulongc—Mrs
Fort Coulonge Miss River
Fort Coulonge Mrs
Fort Coulonge Mrs.
Fort Coulonge—Miss
Fort Coulonge—Mrs
Fort Elementary Mrs.
Fort Miss
Fort Miss Pearl Baker
Fort Mrs
Fort Mrs.
Fort Mrs. Mabel
Fort Mrs. Thos
Germany MRS.
Green Lake Miss
Green Lake Mrs.
Green Mrs.
H Prend l t MRS.
H. Me l Miss Betty
Hi Donald.
Hood MRS.
Ireland Miss
January 28th l Mrs Ce
Kennedy Mrs.
Kirkland Lake Mrs.
L Rev. Donald
La Vérendrye Mrs
Le Donald
Little Miss Pa y
Ma E —Mrs
Ma- Miss Erna Marsten
Ma- Mrs.
Main Mrs.
Martha Lake Mrs
Maryland Mrs
Mass Mrs.
McGuire Miss Miller
McGuire Mrs Rena
McGuire Mrs Vernon Beattie
McLean Pendleton l Mrs.
Md Mrs
Memory Mrs.
Messrs Mrs Vernon
Mi Mrs. River
Miss .
Miss Ailecn Grace
Miss Alley
Miss Beach
Miss C. Y.
Miss Charlotte
Miss Charlotte Field
Miss Dakota
Miss Donna Hi
Miss Dutton’s
Miss El
Miss Em-
Miss Finkie
Miss Francis Deep River
Miss Grand Calumet Island
Miss Griffin
Miss J. l
Miss Janice l
Miss Jeon Sheffield
Miss Joan
Miss Lane’s
Miss Madison
Miss Maine C
Miss Malcolm
Miss Margaret l
Miss Marie l
Miss Maude Burrell
Miss McLean
Miss Me Hi
Miss Mo Hoped
Miss Mo-
Miss Morielle l
Miss Myrtle l
Miss Nora l
Miss Our l
Miss River Notes
Miss Sheffield
Miss Shore
Miss Station
Miss Stone
Miss Temple
Mme Diane l
Mont Diane
Mont Mrs.
Montreal Mrs
Montreal Mrs.
Mr ,m(l Mrs. Sevil
Mr an(l Mrs
Mr an(l Mrs L-
Mr. Stout l Mrs. George
Mrs Alex l
Mrs Bay
Mrs Beach
Mrs Ben
Mrs Carhe
Mrs Carmen Ireland
Mrs Charlotte
Mrs Charlotte G
Mrs Cleveland
Mrs David l.
Mrs Denver
Mrs Diul l
Mrs Dube
Mrs Elvyn l
Mrs Em
Mrs Eul l Miss Freda
Mrs Eva l Mayhew
Mrs Ferry
Mrs Ga
Mrs Gibbons
Mrs Griffin
Mrs Griffin Lake
Mrs H l Hobbs ie(
Mrs Hector l
Mrs Irvine Hi H Hwatson
Mrs Irvine Shea
Mrs Jack Grace
Mrs Joe Hare
Mrs l V Sunday
Mrs Lake
Mrs lCllgour l
Mrs Lindsay l
Mrs M l
Mrs Malcolm
Mrs Malcolm Drum
Mrs Malcolm Drummond
Mrs Malcolm Lett
Mrs Malcolm Letts
Mrs McIvihIpn l
Mrs McLean
Mrs Mo
Mrs Muriel l I
Mrs Nettie l
Mrs Newton
Mrs Ontario
Mrs Park
Mrs Pearl
Mrs Prosper l
Mrs R.W. Hare SSWt«S.ttS
Mrs River
Mrs Road
Mrs Robert
Mrs Rock
Mrs Rosa
Mrs Row
Mrs S l McGoff*
Mrs Sea
Mrs Shea
Mrs Sheffield
Mrs W.E. Hare.
Mrs Woodley l
Mrs, Ade
Mrs, Gerald Ireland
Mrs, Hare Ilannabei
Mrs- John l aP**rc
Mrs. Ade
Mrs. Al
Mrs. Alec l Drummond
Mrs. Alley
Mrs. Alphon-sine l au tara
Mrs. Anthony Eden
Mrs. Austin McDowell
Mrs. Bar
Mrs. Bay
Mrs. Beach
Mrs. Beeton
Mrs. Ben
Mrs. Ben ,l^SsV(l UR
Mrs. Ben Sheffield
Mrs. Berta l Si m
Mrs. Blair Beach
Mrs. Bluff
Mrs. Boodles
Mrs. Brook
Mrs. Budd Worth
Mrs. C.
Mrs. Carman Ireland
Mrs. Carmen Ireland
Mrs. Cecil l
Mrs. Ceorge Sheffield
Mrs. Charlotte
Mrs. Claude l
Mrs. Clifford l
Mrs. Columbia
Mrs. Columbus
Mrs. Costa
Mrs. County
Mrs. Dallas
Mrs. Dam
Mrs. Dan l
Mrs. Daniel
Mrs. Denver
Mrs. Dillon
Mrs. Don l
Mrs. Dorothy l
Mrs. DurkH l
Mrs. Egan
Mrs. El
Mrs. El Milwaukee
Mrs. Em
Mrs. Em Carried
Mrs. Em-
Mrs. Em- l
Mrs. en M capacité
Mrs. Ernest l.
Mrs. Ernie
Mrs. Fairfield
Mrs. Falls
Mrs. Fis*
Mrs. Flood
Mrs. Florence
Mrs. Forest
Mrs. Forge
Mrs. Fort.n’s
Mrs. Frank
Mrs. Frank l
Mrs. Fred Hare
Mrs. Fred Hare.
Mrs. Fulton Armstrong
Mrs. Ga
Mrs. Garnet Hi
Mrs. Gaston l
Mrs. George
Mrs. Gerald Ireland
Mrs. Gordon
Mrs. Griffin
Mrs. Griffin Bowie
Mrs. Ha/el
Mrs. Hare
Mrs. Hector l
Mrs. Henri Banner
Mrs. Hills
Mrs. Hul l
Mrs. Hurd- l Mrs. Derraugh
Mrs. Ida V York
Mrs. Iona Ireland
Mrs. Ira
Mrs. Ireland
Mrs. Irvine
Mrs. Irvine Creel
Mrs. Irvine Findlay’s on
Mrs. Irvine Schwartz
Mrs. Irvine Shea
Mrs. Irvine Swarts.
Mrs. Irvine Swartz
Mrs. Irvine Swartz Honronred
Mrs. Irvine Swartz.
Mrs. Irvine Woods
Mrs. J. l.
Mrs. James
Mrs. Jessie
Mrs. Joe l .mgne
Mrs. John l
Mrs. Johnnie l
Mrs. Katie l
Mrs. Kingdom
Mrs. l C. Smyth
Mrs. l Dale—Proudfoot Convention
Mrs. L-tfmmboise l TINSMITHS
Mrs. Lawn
Mrs. Lawrence l Sparling
Mrs. Leeds
Mrs. Leon
Mrs. Lillian
Mrs. Louis
Mrs. M. l
Mrs. M. l adlCs
Mrs. Mabel Woolsey
Mrs. Madison
Mrs. Malcolm
Mrs. Malcolm Cameron
Mrs. Malcolm Drum
Mrs. Malcolm Drummond
Mrs. Malcolm Lefts
Mrs. Malcolm Lett
Mrs. Malcolm Letts
Mrs. Malcolm McLean
Mrs. Malcolm MoCrua
Mrs. Malcolm ROOFING
Mrs. Marshall l
Mrs. Mason Paris
Mrs. McLean
Mrs. McWhir-
Mrs. Me- Burrell
Mrs. Mellon l
Mrs. Memorial Park
Mrs. Mo
Mrs. Mo Iso
Mrs. Mo Tier
Mrs. Moorhead
Mrs. Mountains
Mrs. Nam
Mrs. Ned Z
Mrs. New Westminster
Mrs. Newton
Mrs. Oviia l
Mrs. Ow- l.
Mrs. Paulo
Mrs. Piere l
Mrs. Place
Mrs. Pointer
Mrs. Province
Mrs. Rand l Le
Mrs. Raymond l Mr.
Mrs. Remington
Mrs. Ren Sheffield
Mrs. River
Mrs. River Valley
Mrs. Robert
Mrs. Robt Street
Mrs. Rodolphe l
Mrs. Roland l
Mrs. Row
Mrs. Roxley
Mrs. Salem
Mrs. Shea
Mrs. Shore
Mrs. Spain
Mrs. Spring
Mrs. St Aocfrews
Mrs. Telford
Mrs. Victor l
Mrs. W l ’
Mrs. W,
Mrs. W. Hare Spry
Mrs. W. Hare Victor
Mrs. W. l
Mrs. Wainman l
Mrs. Wang
Mrs. Westwood
Mrs. X au ---------------
Mrs.Charlotte Conley
N Y Miss
New Mrs.
NN eg*nd l Embroidery Pillow Shame-Mrs
No. 4—Miss Grace
Norway Bay Mrs.
Nova Mrs.
O Ü l Mrs. Earl
ONSLOW HHHH l Miss Nelda
Ontario Mrs.
Ottawa Mrs.
OTTAWA 0 en Mrs. Fîoîsberg
Ottawa Civic Hos-Mrs
Ottawa Civic Miss
Ottawa Civic Mrs.
Ottawa Co-operative Mrs.
Ottawa Mrs Florence
Ottawa Mrs.
Ottawa Mrs. A.
Ottawa Mrs. F. E. Hare
Ottawa Mrs. George
Ottawa Mrs. H.
Ottawa Mrs. J.
Ottawa Mrs. Louis
Ottawa Mrs. M.
Ottawa Mrs. R.
Ottawa Mrs. W,
Ottawa Mrs. W.
Otter Lake Miss
Otter Lake Mrs
Otter Lake Mrs.
Paris l Miss Bunt
Pearl Brown Mrs.
Philadelphia Mrs.
Phillip’s Lake Mrs.
Pillow—Miss Ken l McNair
Pine Diane
Pioneer Mrs.
Pontiac an(l Mrs. Noble
Pte Ga Miss Lila McGuire
Quebec Mrs
Quebec Mrs.
Quyon Mrs. l
Radford Mrs.
Richmond Mrs
S Mrs.
S. McLean Miss
SALE Ida l Mrs Joseph
Sale MRS.
Sales Check l Mrs. Otto
Santa Mrs.
Scotland Mrs.
Sgt W. Hare and Mrs. Hare
Sheppard Mrs.
shop-1 Mrs.
Smith Falls Mrs.
So- Mrs.
South Mrs.
St Andrews H Mrs
St Ed- Mrs
St Eli- Mrs
St Louis Miss
St Mrs Neil
St Mrs. Théo
Starks Corners l l Mrs. Rae
Sunda Mrs. l Me«ri
Telephone 647-2722 l USED MRS
Toronto Miss
Toronto Mrs.
U ! S Mrs.
U /1 Mrs. Hall
U Mrs
V Mrs l .lj
Vancouver Mrs
Vancouver Mrs.
Victoria Ave Mrs. C. Mv(
Vyl- an(l Mrs Ken
W. Mo Donald
Whyte Ave Mrs. J
X Spring Beds MRS.
X X X Mrs.
Ÿ X X Mrs. XV
!±S!SS»5a tfSJSlI Estate Mrs.
1.00 Miss Alice Chabot
14-5th Line Donald
15.1 School Municipality of Contact Mrs. Albert Cole
1st Mrs.
2 CO Estate Mrs.
2. Mrs. Ernie Morgan
2nd Millenni-Mrs Alice Roy
2nd Mrs. John Cun
2xo29 Downs and Mrs.
5.00 Oil Mrs. Jersey
6- Mrs Perry
7.30 Farm For Sale MRS.
71937b & Mrs Cyril Grave
7th Line Bryson Miss Fernand Le
7th Line Miss Philimen Lcmay
7th Line Miss Viola Walsh
7th Line Mrs Harold
7th Line Mrs. Stewart
7th Line Mrs. Walter Kilgour Shawville Council
7th Line Notes Mrs. Cliff Brown
AAA Mrs. Ivn Cheverier
Active Hospital Secretary At County Track Meet Area Discovered Mrs. Anderson
ACWW Mrs Grace Hall
Addr Mrs Postal Code Fftas
Addresses Group Mrs. Fred Bietzlaff
Advanced Miss City Advanced Ottawa
Advanced Miss Ottawa Valley
Advanced Senior Class—Miss Hath
Adventure Mrs
Adventure Miss Bernice
Advertising Standards Council Mrs Bertha Lackie
Aged Lady Fractures Hip Shawville Hardware Store Mrs Robt
Agencies Limited Mrs. Piers Ebbsworth
Agricultural College Miss Faye McDowell
Agricultural Society Notes Mrs.
Agriculture Diane
Agriculture Miss
Agriculture Mrs.
Agriculture Mrs. Cecil Paris; Education Mrs. Sam Wilson; Citizenship Mrs. Cliff Bradley; Welfare He
Agriculture-Mrs E N Me Co 11
Ajax; Mr. & Mrs. Blythe McCleary
Alban’s Guild Parkman Mrs. Fred Berry
Alex Ijtcroix Mrs. Archie Hcnchy
Altar Guild Convenor Mrs
Amazing Mrs. Holliday Store
American Mrs. Cline
Ames Mrs. El
Amprior Chronicle Mrs. Chevrier
Amusement Committee Mrs. Glenn Meredith
AMYOTTE INSURANCE Mrs Delbert Zacharias
An- Mrs. Gordon Amm
ANCIEN INN Mrs. Dave Still
Anglican Church & Shawville Milling Mrs. Ardel Mulligan
Anglican Mrs Bernice Sparling
Anglican Mrs. Wm
Anglophone Social Action Dr. DAVID JOHNSTON Principal McGill University DONALD JONDRBVILLE
Anniversary Service Uiti Mrs. Brown
Annual Cemetery Services Mrs. Allan Swinwood
Annual Convention Mrs O’Grady
Apple Mrs. Edgar Connellv
Apply Mrs. Allan Black
Apply Mrs. F Hotel
Arabs Mrs. John Elliot
Archambault Agent de Promotion MISS TEEN
Arena Miss Shawvllle Fair
Arms Hotel Mrs Nelson
ARNPRIOR Mrs. Lottie McAllister
Assistant Nursing Director Mrs. Fulford
Associate Store Miss
Association Miss Frances Murdock
Association Miss]
Association Mrs. Ardley Elliott
Association of Consumers Mrs. Sam Wilson
Association of Mrs. Graham
Association; Mrs. Everett McDowell
AT Charteris Chronicle Mrs. Norval McNeil Henry Tubman
AT Mrs. John Stitt
AT THE ZOO Mrs. John Pettigrew
Attend Farm Forum Rally At Pine Lodge Mrs.
AUCTI Mrs. John Patrick Sloan
August Miss Belle Caldwell
Austin United Church Mrs. Norval Homer
A» Council Mrs Carmurv Mackenzie
A„ Gamble & Mrs. Adams JOAN
B. Downs and Mrs.
BA 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School Mrs.
BA Y NEWS Miss Sandra Mae Towell
Back Home Donald O Connor MONDAY A
Back Home Donald O Connor SATURDAY A
BAKERYi Phone 89 HOCKEY Mrs. Loretta Stanton Visiting
BAKING Mrs. Gladys Schock
Ballan-i Mrs. Visitors
Bank of Montreal Bank of Nova Scotia Charles Lemaire Mrs. Alphonse Cahill Adolph Zimmerling DR ROLA
Bank of Montreal Diane Richard
Bank of Montreal Mrs.
Barnard 7th Line HEAR NEWS Miss Mary Kilgour
Bath Towels Robinson; Mrs.
BATS Mrs Allan Mohr
Bay Council Donald Letts
Bay Council Minutes Mrs. Emile Gauthier
Bay Council Mrs. John Hits
Bay Ru»l Telephone Co. Mrs. Garnet Stark
BEAL Sir Donald Stewart
Beattie’s Eye Service MRS.
BEATTIE’S EYE SERVICE Mrs. Jessie Reid Condie Mrs.* Jessie Reid Condie
BEAUTY )NA STROKE Starks Corners Visiting Mrs. Austin McDowell
Beauty Salem Bryson Hodgimi Donald
Beauty Salon Bryson Hodgins Donald
Beauty Salon Bryson Hodglns Donald
Beauty Selon Bryson Hodgins Donald
BEECHGROVE HOTEL Phone SYD Mrs. Annie McCan Phone Cafe Bernard
BEER Mrs. Ryan b
Bell Mrs Tanner
Bell Telephone Co. Mrs. Edgar Mulligan
Bell Telephone Co. Mrs. Theresa Kingsbury
Bell Telephone Mrs. John
Bell’s Sunday Mrs. Bell’s
Benouf Publishing Co Mrs.
Best Mrs.
Best Values M. b Mrs. X
Best Wishes Mr. & Mrs. Phone
Bey Lewi Mowen Mrs. Esther Quelle
Bey Mrs. Vincent Holland 648-2623
Bible Society Committee Mrs Louise Bryant; Parsonage
Birthday Party Mrs. Preston Hodgins
Bishops University Mrs. Edgar IIorigins
BKCKKTT Mrs. Blair
Blue Baking Powder 1st Mrs.
Blue MRS.
Board of Administrators Diane Bélec
Board of Directors Mrs. Sly
Board of Education Mrs. Lang
Board Pictures Straw Forks Mrs. John
Boots & Shoes MISS McFARLAlTE
Boots Hockey Sticks Mrs. Albert Kiehnrclson
Borden Hodgins Mrs. Ethel Booth Mr*
Borden Miss Marcella Ralston
Borrows Wife’s Corsets Mrs. Bogart
Boston Mrs. Matters Outlines Influence
Bouquet Invitation Line Mrs. William
BOY SCOUTS Miss Margaret-Jean
Boy Scouts Mrs. Lavina Tubman Dies Regular Meeting
Boys Donald Brownlee
Boys School Oxfords Donald McDowell
BRAITHWAITE Principal Mrs Mae Quinn
BRAITHWAITE Principal Mrs. Hilliard Hod
Bretzlaff’s Store Donald S. Hodgins Inc. Wilfred Trudeau Randy Godin Evert Hodgins Logging Molson M
Bridge Committee Mrs. G.
Bridge Party Mrs. Dave Sfill
Bristol ...Mrs
Bristol : Mrs. Teresa Carson
Bristol ; Miss
Bristol ; Miss Abbie Prit-chard,-of Wyiuan
Bristol ; Mrs, Harry Hodgins
Bristol ; Mrs.
Bristol ; Mrs. Alfred Armitage
Bristol ; Mrs. Bemslcy Smart
Bristol ; Mrs. David
Bristol ; Mrs. David McDowell
Bristol ; Mrs. Joe Pritchard
Bristol ; Mrs. John Cole
Bristol ; Mrs. S
Bristol ; Mrs. Th
Bristol a.m.—Morning Prayer Mrs. Merrick
Bristol and Diane McGee
Bristol and Miss Lavina Tourangeau
Bristol and Mrs.
Bristol and Mrs. Herb Russell
Bristol and Mrs. Ivan Drew Sr.
Bristol and Mrs. Mel
Bristol and Mrs. Russell Dean
Bristol and Mrs. Waher
Bristol and Mrs. Wilmer Harris
Bristol and Mrs. Wm
Bristol and Wyman Institutes and Mrs. Secil Sly
Bristol Antique Display By Mrs. A. Pitt Antiques
Bristol Beach Mrs.
Bristol Business After Mrs
Bristol Calumet Island Bryson Mrs. John Henderson
Bristol Chapeau; Miss Nora Corrigan
Bristol Charge Rev. Donald
Bristol Charge Rev. Donald A Sharpt St A
Bristol Corners Miss Lummis
BRISTOL COUNCIL Miss Phyllis Jean Parrel Weds Donald Harold Malette At
Bristol Council NEWS Mrs. Myrtle Munroc
Bristol Councillor Donald Duff
Bristol Councillor Donald DufY
Bristol Donald Duff
Bristol DUMP HOURS Campbell’s Bay Mrs. Owen McPherson Joint
Bristol elec-1 Mrs.
Bristol Fire Depart- Mrs Jean-Guy Lallemand
Bristol Holes Mrs. Ben
Bristol Holmes Mrs Denver Thrun
Bristol Iron Mrs. McConnell
Bristol I^Mrs
Bristol J Miss Jennie
Bristol Memori* Green Hake; Mrs.
Bristol Memorial Church Mrs. Edward Kennedy
Bristol Memorial Ladies Aid Mrs Pearl
Bristol Memorial Miss Katie
Bristol Memorial Mrs.
Bristol Memorial Presby- Mrs" Hector Fance
Bristol Memorial Presbytenan Church Mrs. Everett McCorriston
Bristol Mines - Mrs
Bristol Mines ; Mrs.
Bristol Mines ; Mrs. John Cole
Bristol Mines ; Mrs. Julius Wiggans
Bristol Mines and Miss Gail Gavan
Bristol Mines and Mrs.
Bristol Mines and Mrs. Sydney Trudeau
Bristol Mines Mrs. Robert
Bristol Mines with Mrs. Bohan
Bristol Mines-Mrs Milton Morel
Bristol Mines; Donald
Bristol Mines; Mrs Irvine Swartz
Bristol Mines; Mrs. Marie La-groups
Bristol Miss
Bristol Miss Florence Howard
Bristol Miss Gail Allen of Chapeau Teachers College
Bristol Miss Hazel Walsh
Bristol Miss Janet Grant
Bristol Miss Joyce Reid
Bristol Miss Lenore Grant
Bristol Miss Maye McMillan
Bristol Miss Meldrum was
Bristol Miss S.J. Armstrong
Bristol Miss Tena R
Bristol Mrs
Bristol Mrs Bmmenson Twa
Bristol Mrs Deogun
Bristol Mrs Ffej
Bristol Mrs Gardiner
Bristol Mrs Gaudry
Bristol Mrs Ira Whclnn Fort
Bristol Mrs Knox
Bristol Mrs Maude Bailey
Bristol Mrs Suter
Bristol Mrs William Beattie
Bristol Mrs.
Bristol Mrs. A. Lambert
Bristol Mrs. Bella Armstrong
Bristol Mrs. Cliff Hobbs
Bristol Mrs. Donald Corrigan
Bristol Mrs. Earl Findlay
Bristol Mrs. Edgar Hodglns
Bristol Mrs. Fmest
Bristol Mrs. Fred Browne
Bristol Mrs. Garnet Wiggans
Bristol Mrs. Grace’s
Bristol Mrs. Hertoy Russell
Bristol Mrs. John Adc
Bristol Mrs. Ken Ross
Bristol Mrs. Lome Brady
Bristol Mrs. Mervyn Henderson
Bristol Mrs. Millon Russell
Bristol Mrs. Patrick
BRISTOL Mrs. Vemer Thrun
Bristol Mrs. William Orel*
Bristol Mrs. Wm
Bristol No. 6 School Picnic Mrs.
Bristol Notes Caldwell Notes Mrs. Stevie Smith
Bristol Notes Mrs Cavender
Bristol Notes Mrs. Wesley Macintosh
Bristol Pastoral Charge REV DONALD
Bristol Pastoral Charge Rev. Donald
Bristol Pastorol Charge Rev. Donald
Bristol Personals Miss Ouilla Wilson
Bristol Pioneer Mrs. G«
Bristol Posterai Charge Rev. Donald
Bristol Postoral Charge Rev. Donald
Bristol Pro-Mayor Donald Jacques Ledoux
Bristol Recreation Mrs Rachel Presley
Bristol Ridge ; Mrs.
Bristol Road SSP JM Mrs.
Bristol ROOM & BOARD Mrs. Gardiner
Bristol s Grand Old Mrs. Aléx Horner
Bristol School Mrs.
Bristol school Mrs. Rusenstrom
Bristol Senator Donald Bristol W.
Bristol Shawvilte Mrs.
Bristol sod Mrs.
Bristol St. An-1 Mrs. Hilton Hodgins
Bristol Stuart Graham RLU Miss Serena LeRoy
Bristol Tannery Side Itarnet •9 Teachers Association Meeting Mrs'' C M. McLean Proprietress
Bristol Volun- Crs Donald McCredie
Bristol Women s Institute Mrs. Del
Bristol Womens Institute Mrs. R
Bristol Women’s Institute ; Mrs. John Ade
Bristol Women’s Institute Mrs. Roland Russell
Bristol Women’s Institute—Mrs
Bristol Women’s South West Hull Intermediate Mrs. Arthur Hodgins
Bristol | Mrs. Russell Dean
Bristol | Mrs. Winnie McLaren
Bristol — Mrs. Peg Carmichael;
Bristol, Mrs. Vincent Hodgins
Bristol: Mrs.
Bristol: Mrs. Earl Findlay
Bristol: Mrs. Earl Findlay; Clarendon Shawville; Fort
Bristol; Donald McCredie
Bristol; Miss Lizzie Loth-and Company
Bristol; Mrs. Ardley Elliott
Bristol; Mrs. Edward Steele
Bristol; Mrs. Gardner
Bristol; Mrs. George Campbell
Bristol; Mrs. Gordon Acres
Bristol; Mrs. Guy Rout-Arline Kilgour
Bristol; Mrs. Harry
Bristol; Mrs. Ida Robinson
Bristol; Mrs. John Kelly
Bristol; Mrs. John Sly
Bristol; Mrs. Maude Hayley
Bristol; Mrs. McLaughlin
Bristol; Mrs. Raymond Dick Walsh
Bristol; Mrs. Rose Blair
Bristol; Mrs. Sadie Sparling
Bristol; Mrs. Vincent Hodgins
Bristol; Mrs. Wm
British Army Mrs. Ray McTiernan
British Co Mrs. G
Broken Circle— Mrs. Holt
Broker Mrs.
Bronson Kitchen Bulletin Board Mrs Huckabone
Bros Mrs Edward
BROTHERS Miss Lorraine Elliott
Bryson & Miss Golden Anniversary Contest
Bryson Bridge Club Honors Mrs.
Bryson Bristol Notes Mrs. Hazel Stewart
Bryson Contact Mrs. Gcrvais
Bryson CWL Mrs Agnes Kluke
Bryson Diane
Bryson Hockey Miss
Bryson Holes Mrs. Clifford Smith
Bryson Lions Club Mrs. M. Idena Fraser Sec.-Treas
Bryson Lions Clubs Mrs. Jamei Alien
Bryson Lions Halt Visiting Mrs Margaret
Bryson Lions Mrs. David
Bryson Lions Second Annual Charter Night Mrs. John Griffin
Bryson Me Donald Lavallee
Bryson Miss
Bryson Miss Bernice Gardner
Bryson Miss Doris Mayhew
Bryson Miss Lori Walsh
Bryson Miss Marcella Ralston
Bryson Miss Nancy Newberry
Bryson Mrs Yvonne Hamelin
Bryson Mrs.
Bryson Mrs. David
Bryson Mrs. Duncan Glenn
Bryson Mrs. Harry Wood
Bryson Mrs. Turner
Bryson News Mrs. Donald Ostroir Shawville
Bryson News Mrs. Donald Ostrom CHRISTMAS
Bryson News Andai Photo Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rout
Bryson News J Mrs. Donald Oatrom Teaching Project Visiting
Bryson News J.M. LEMAY Mrs. Donald Ostrom RADIATOR SERVICE Shawville
Bryson News Mrs. Donald
Bryson News Mrs. Donald Oslrom
Bryson News Mrs. Donald Ostroir
Bryson News Mrs. Donald Ostroir Vinton
Bryson News Mrs. Donald Ostroir With
Bryson News Mrs. Donald Ostrom
Bryson News Mrs. Donald Ostrom Chiropractor Mrs. Verner Thrun OFFICE NOW OPEN
Bryson News Mrs. Donald Ostrom Gervais
Bryson News Mrs. Donald Ostrom Hi-Way Drive-In Children
Bryson News Mrs. Donald Ostrom Home
Bryson News Mrs. Donald Ostrom Hospital
Bryson News Mrs. Donald Ostrom STOPYLANDI NEAR RENFREW
Bryson News Mrs. Donald Ostronr RUSSETT’S TAXI
Bryson News Mrs. Donald Ostronr Recently
Bryson News Mrs. Donald Ostrorr Misa Louisa Mellon
Bryson News Obituary David Eligah Peck Ladysmith Update Mrs. Donald Ostrom Spending
Bryson News ONTIAC Mrs. Donald Ostroir ROPANE
Bryson Notes Mrs. Renaud Rainville
Bryson Notes DON T MISS Ouest
Bryson Notes LILIES Mrs. Austin McDowell
Bryson Pontiacs Share Top Position Mrs. Audrey Jacques
Bryson Recreation Secretary-Mrs Joan Sicard
Bryson Starks Coman Dunravan & Mrs. Hector Soucie
BRYSON THEATRE Bristol Mrs. George
Bryson Volunteer Fire Mrs.
BRYSON VwumW&u&t Yirm Noies THEATRE Mrs John Morrison of
BURN SCREENINGS Mrs. Edgar Hodgins
Bushmen’s Equipment Mrs.
Business College Mrs.
Bvinmde Motors Mrs. Esther Quails
By Helen Perry By Diane Boisvert
By Mrs. Oil Fraser Mr.
Byers Stephens Mrs Sid
B«t Foods Michelle Diane Jodoin
C men’s Institute Tucsday:- Mrs. John Rob
Cabinet Mrs. A. Winslow
Cal Green Radford Hospital Auxiliary Mrs Mae Corrigan
Cal Mrs. Lloyd Neville
Caldwell 7th Line Yarn Otter Lake Bristol Bryson Mrs Hazel Horner
CALDWELL Shawviiie Mrs.
Call Mrs. Reuben Tubman 647-3106 2xA26
CAMPBELL Miss Jeannette Seaman Passes Veterinary Surgeon
CAMPBELL THOMPSON Dental Surgeon BRISTOL Telephone 604-12 Mrs.
CAMPBELL THOMPSON Dental Surgeon BRISTOL Telephone 640-12 640-30 Mrs. Leanls Dean
CAMPBELLS Miss Colleen Bigelow
Campbell’s Bay Elementary Apply Mrs.
Can- Miss Levina Harkness
CANADA Telephone 2-2240 Mrs.
Canada’s Dominion Department of Mrs. Lydia Hodgins
Canadian Army Veterans Motorcycle Unit Diane Boisvert
CANADIAN CHAIN STORE ASSOCIATION Mrs. John Angus Ideas Change Australia
Canadian Industries Mrs Margaret Young; Citizenship
Canadian Industries-Mrs
Canadian Railway Accident Insurance Company Mrs.
Canadian Red Cross Society Mrs. R 0 Hodgins—That the
Canadian Tire Store Mrs. Dora
Canadian Toy Testing Coun- Mrs. Rodger Erskjnc
Carcajou Inn Mrs. Cliff Ta
CARCAJOU INN Mrs. Pearle Hobbs
CARDIGANS Vinton Ouyon Dunraven Mrs.
CARE Mrs. Audrey Jacques
Carson And Miss Ruby Carson
Carson and Mrs. Wru Sheppard
Carson Charles Tucker------ Mrs. Horsefield
Carson Miss Irene Shaw
Carson Mrs.
Carson Mrs. Clarence Westbrook
Carson Mrs. Glenn.......
Carson Mrs. Watt Taylor
CASH Miss Armstrong Honored EGGS FOR SALE
Catholic Mrs Mary Nadeau
Catholic Mrs Prends Dsly
Catholic Press Mrs.
Catholic School Board Mrs. Johnny Trudeau
CEMETERY MEMORIALS Mrs. Mervin Etdea Anonymous
Cemetery Reports Mrs. Selwyn Woods
Central Auxiliary Hospital Mrs Tilly Robinson
Central Auxiliary Mrs Peg Timmins
Central Canada Exhibition Mrs. Percy McKibbon
Central Experi- Mrs. Sly
Central School Board Miss Grace Gardner
Ceremony A PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS Clarendon Women s Institute Mrs. Dwight McDowell
Chairman Mrs. Allan Black
Chamber of Miss Gail Barber
Chamber of Mrs. Robt
Chapeau Community Hospital and Mrs.
Chart eris Chronicle Mrs. Norval McNeil Otter Lake Post
Charter Night Dance Miss Marion Schwartz
CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Telephone CE 2-2240 Miss UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Clarendon Pastoral Charge
Charteris Chronicle 1 Mrs. Norval McNeil Sympathy
Charteris Chronicle CLARENDON Mrs. Norval McNeil INN
Charteris Chronicle Jfa/KSwcfiofu Mrs. Norval McNeil Visitors
Charteris Chronicle Mrs. Norval McNeil A
Charteris Chronicle Mrs. Norval McNeil Auctioneer JIM DICK R R
Charteris Chronicle Ask Communication-Québec Mrs. Norval McNeil Obituary Ernest John Gfllis Belated
Charteris Chronicle Bryson News Shawville Mrs. Norval McNeil Get
Charteris Chronicle Caldwell Clarion Mrs. Manson Sharpe Mrs. Norval McNeil YAMAHA
Charteris Chronicle COUNTRY BUILDING LOTS Mrs. Norval McNeil Joey
Charteris Chronicle Mrs Wm Emmerson
Charteris Chronicle Mrs. Nerval McNeil Thanksgiving
Charteris Chronicle Mrs. Norval
Charteris Chronicle Mrs. Norval McNeil
Charteris Chronicle Mrs. Norval McNeil A
Charteris Chronicle Mrs. Norval McNeil Back Scratching
Charteris Chronicle Mrs. Norval McNeil Belated
Charteris Chronicle Mrs. Norval McNeil Birthday
Charteris Chronicle Mrs. Norval McNeil CENTRE TOWN CYCLE KAWASAKI
Charteris Chronicle Mrs. Norval McNeil FINAL CLEARANCE FULL
Charteris Chronicle Mrs. Norval McNeil Happy
Charteris Chronicle Mrs. Norval McNeil Santa
Charteris Chronicle Mrs. Norval McNeil X
Charteris Chronicle Review Mrs. Arthur
Charteris Chronicle Uf A Mrs. Norval
Charteris Seventh Chronicle I Line Mrs. Norval McNeil Bristol
Charter» Chronicle Mrs. Nerval McNeil
Chatteris Chronicle Mrs. Norval
Chatteris Chronicle Mrs. Norval McNeil
Chatteris Chronicle Mrs. Norval McNeil 1 Ibpkg Devon
Chatteris Chronicle Mrs. Norval McNeil J
Chatteris Chronicle Mrs. Norval McNeil THIS
Chawville Fair Mrs
Cheese Jolly Miller Crystals Orange Flavor Donald Duck Grapefruit Juice Red Rose Reg
CHEQUE Mr. & Mrs. Clifford McLaren
CHESTERFIELD Mrs. Alice Neville
CHEVROLET Nevv Zealand Miss Edna Mallette
Chevrolet Sales 1 Estate Mrs.
Chichester Mayor Donald Quyon Fire Department
Children Mrs. Murray
Children Mrs. Taylor
CHISNELL Mrs, H.R Kelley and Mh.MaM Public Auctioneer
Choice of Miss Shawville Fair
Choice pNALUE PL(Js Save Mrs Jennifer
Christ Church Mrs. Bill Fletcher
Christ Miss Joy McGuire
Christ Mrs. Prosper Hamelln
Chronicle Mrs. Norval McNeil
Church Wesley Mrs Weslev Quebec Shorthorn Association
Church Committee Mrs.
Church Hell Mrs. Kirkpelnck Ihte Visitor»
Church Life Convener Mrs Gerald Dempsey
Church Life Convener Mrs Laurens Dempsey
Church Life Convener Mrs Rena Gagnon
CHURCH Miss Iris Lang
Church Miss Kaye Mulligan
Church Mrs. Belaire’s
Church Mrs. Hammond
Church of England Mrs. ID
Church of Montreal Stock Mrs.
Church School Mr. and Mrs. Allan Melvin Johnston
Church School Mrs Raymond Rowat
Church Services Mrs Eva
Church Services Mrs.
Church Services Mrs. Doreen Clp&rke
Church Women s Mrs. Ann Fumer
CINEMA Charter» Chronicle Mrs. Norval McNeil FORT THEATRE Fort
Circuit Court Mrs. Woolsey
Citisenehlp—Mrs Sydney Advertising
Citizens Shield Hockey Mrs. McKibben Meet
City Mrs
Civic Hospital Community Hospital Youville Hospital Mrs. Gilbert Telfoixi
Civic Hospital Miss Jo-Anne Stew
Civic Hospital Mrs. Fred Russell
Civic HospitaL Mrs. Leo Coghlan
Civic Hospital Mrs. Taber
Civil Miss Qualified Teachers
Civil Mrs. Fullalovo
Clar- Mrs. Allan Barker
Clarendoe Institute; Mrs. Carey
Clarendon Hotel Mrs Marcel Legendre Moved
Clarendon Inn Pontiac Womens Institutes Art Hodgins Mrs. Cliff Garrison Mrs.
Clarendon Institute ; Miss Mary Horner
Clarendon Ministerial Association Miss Ruth Williams
Clarendon School Charteris By Mrs. Henry McCord Mr.
Clarendon Womens Institute Mrs. John L, Hodgins
Classified Ads OBITUARIES Mrs. Mary
CLEANING - SERVICE Mrs. Steve Robinson
CLOSED MONDA YS Bryson News Mrs. Donald
Closed Mondays & Tuesdays Mrs. Leo McGee
Clothes Shop Final Judging Miss Shawville Fair
CLOTHIS SHOOS LTD Mrs. Gerald Kavanagh
CLYDESDALE Stallion S yr- Donald Bradley
CM RD Mrs. George Hodrins
Cnclr Mrs. Mary Darcy
CNR Mrs. Ida Thacker
CO Miss Edith Towsley
Co Mrs Stan Keon Bud b
CO Wanted Estate Mrs.
Co. Ltd Mrs Etta Richardson
Co. Ltd TERMS Miss Annabelle Johnston
College Farm Day June Mrs.
College HENRY’S LOCAL NEWS Shawville Hardware Store Mrs J.
College Miss Lula Connelly
Colonial National Monument Swamp Rattlesnake Donald FOR SALE Interior
Comedy William Holden Mrs.
Commerce Studies Sunspot Problem Mrs. Ellen Barlow
Commercial Printers Mrs. Tubman; Girls
Commercial School Mrs. Albert Richardson
Committee Miss Anita Gagnon
Committee Miss Isobel Viker
Committee Mrs.
Committee of Mrs.
Community B> Mrs. Ebert Murphy
Community Center Quyon Mrs Trudeau
Community Centre Don’t Miss— LARRY HENDERSON NIGHT Shawviile High School
Community Centre Miss Vera Moorhead
Community Hall Mrs Btonson
Community Hos- Miss Flame Stephens
Community Hospital and Mrs.
Community Hospital Mrs. Basil Murphy
Community Hospital Mrs. Gilbert Telford
Community Hospital Visiting Mrs Kay
Community Life -Mrs Communications
Community Life Convener Mrs Art Gagnon
Community Life Mrs Lise
Community Miss
Community Mrs. T
Community Sale Mrs. Ben Ilobinsom
Con Donald
Con- Mrs.
Con- Mrs. Ellen Jane
Con- Mrs. Gcon''C Wilson
Concert Mrs.
Conference of School Supervisors Miss Lola Hudson
Confessors Church Donald
Conseiller Donald I^etts
Conseiller Donald Letts
Conservative Gov- Mrs.
Consolidated Bathurst Visitors Mrs Conroy
Consolidated Paper Corp. Lots Mrs. George Tubman
Consumers Mrs.
Contact Kazuma Donald Way
Contact Mrs
Contact Mrs Ernie Schwartz
Contact Mrs P Beausoleil
Contact Mrs P Hursk
Contact Mrs.
Contact Mrs. Allan Horner
Contact Mrs. Betty Russell
Contact Mrs. Borden
Contact Mrs. Elsie Schwartz
Contact Mrs. John Bertrand
Contact Mrs. John Gibson
Contact Mrs. Lawrence Russett
Contact Mrs. Mary Kelly
Contact Mrs. Patricia Tubman
Contact Mrs. Romeo Mousseau
Contact Mrs. Sam Hamilton
Contact Mrs. Sam Woods
Contact Mrs. SECLUDED COTTAGE ON PRI* | Patricia Tubman
Contact Public Stenographic Services Miss Hilda
Contractor Sales & Service LINE CONSTRUCTION PRESBYTERIAN Apply Mrs. Herbie Trudeau
Convention Committee UN 71 Mrs. Wilfred Rebertz
CORE DRILLING Pontiac Dry Cleaners Mrs. Geo
CORNER STORE Bristol Busy Bee’s Institute Estate Mrs.
CORNER STORE Î ) Estate Mrs.
CORNER STORE || Estate Mrs,
Corporation Chairperson Donald Gagnon
Corporation Miss Tillie Beckett
Cottage Hospital Miss Florence Hodgins
Coulonge Court Report Joint Service Honours Mr. & Mrs. A.
Council Mrs. Coolis
Council - Press Convenor Mrs.
Council Miss Anne Sloan
Council Mrs. David Langdon
COUNCIL Mrs. Donnie Patterson
Council Mrs. E.
Council Mrs. Mansel Harkins
COUNCIL Mrs. McWilliams
Council Secretary Mrs.
Councillors-Mrs Benedict
Country Music Entertainer MISS JULIE LYNN
Couoy Council Visiting Mrs. Kennedy
Court of Criminal Assizes Mrs.Youngs
Courteous Service ENGAGED Miss Freida Germaine Bertrand
Courteous Service Five Colours Miss Marielle Marion
COWAN Publisher MRS.
Cowling Business College A Good SchooI Shawville Hardware Store Mrs. VV.
CQ Miss
Crane Sup-Donald F. Runge Ltd 17.70
CREAM Mrs. Woop
CREST Hardware Opening FLY Mrs. Oswald Murdock Dies Al Her Home
Crowd At Chicken Dinner Mrs. Evelyn
Crystal Mrs Muriel Bronson
Crystal Stone Succulent- Mrs N Cartman
CTE Solutions Dan & Diane Desabrais Dwayne McNulty Feel Good Look Good Home Hardware Hursty s Bar &
CUCUMBERS Mrs Melba Sparling
Cushman Memorial Church Norway Bay Mrs.
Daily Vacation Bible School Miss Mary Scobie
Daily Vacation School Closes Mrs. Orin Simons
Dairy AYRSHIRE* FOR SALE-Our Ayr Miss I.aum
Dairy Equipment Miss Abbie Pr
Dairy Mrs Eldon Carty
Dale’s Radio Electric Mrs.
DALI - WILSON Mrs. Melbourne
Davidson Mrs. Mary Dale Ebert Richardson Pontiac Dairy
DAY Miss Brigade
DE LAVAL Cream Separator Mrs. Geo
Dean & Merritt; Mrs.
Deanery Conference Mrs.
DEATHS De Laval Sales and Service Mrs.
DEATHS Mrs. J B. Kemp Men’s Blue Overalls
DEATHS Mrs. John Grant Canadian Pacific _
DEATHS Mrs. Thos
DEATHS The Equity Miss Lila McManus Spring Suits
DEATHS ThK Equity Mrs. John McLcllan Dios At Her Homo
Dedication Services Mrs. Almond Hodgins
Delivery Service Mrs. MacKechnie
Dennison House Mother Miss Shirley Orok
Department of Public Mrs. Roy Jones
Department of Roads Mrs. Smith
Dependable Service Ladysmith Mrs.
DHOR Mrs. Asa Homer
DIAMOND DRILLING Wafer Well Drilling OBITUARY Mrs. Warnie Richardson
Diane Belated
DIANE Boisvert Correspondent
DIANE BOISVERT Pete’s Sales & Service 5th Annual Spring Motorcycle & WW Show S-.
Diane Cor- Thompson
Diane du Pontiac Inc.
Diane High School
Diane Lalonde Ian Belanger
Diane Pizza Soucie
Diane s Store
Diane’s Corner Store
Diane’s Corner Store Chalk Artistry
DIED Miss Addie Somerville
Dillon (Diane
Dillon and Agricultural Diane McGee
Dillon and Diane
Dillon and Diane Belated
Dillon and Diane Colorado McGee
Dillon and Diane Fleck
Dillon and Diane John Abbott College of Bay
Dillon and Diane Lasalle
Dillon and Diane McGee
Dillon and Diane McGee Congratulations Sylvia Bertha
Dillon and Diane McGee Deepest
Dillon and Diane McGee Ottawa Marchand
Dillon and Diane McGee’s
Dillon and Diane McGee’s MacDonald
Dillon and Diane Proulx
Dillon and Diane’s
Dillon and Ê Diane McGee
Dillon Diane Gervais
Dillon Dowell and Mrs. Walter Kil-
Dillon Kensley Mrs Richard Boucher
Dillon Kensley|and Mrs. Mervin Smith
Dillon Little Miss
Dillon McGee and Miss Cheryl McGee
Dillon, Diane
Diocesan Communications and Public Relations Convenor Mrs
Diocesan Council Mrs.
Diocesan Girl Guide Convenerm Miss Eva Gcrvais
DIRECTIONS Chatteris Chronicle Î #it*W Mrs. Norval McNeil DONT HUTMffl
Director Everett McDowell Superintendent Mrs. Dorothy McDougal
DIRECTOR Y Mrs. Black Honored Pastoral Central Hospital
DIRECTOR Y Mrs. Chris Caldwell
District Chamber of Mrs. Pauline Grant Shawville Commerce
District Council Representatives Mrs/ Herb Redman
District Crusade for Christ —Everyone Welcome Mrs.
DOCKS Miss Amy Dean Honoured Shawville United W.M.S Dental Surgeon
DOCKS Mrs. Frances Tubman
DOCKS Mrs. John Storey Children’s Coat Sweaters
Doctor Miss Grace Hodgins
DODGE SEDAN Miss Towsley
Dominion Department of Mrs.
Dominion Express Co. Miss Florence Morrison
Dominion Mrs. Wm
Dominion Securities Representative Donald Lavallée
Donald Dame
Donald Gamble
Donald Gideon Service Ultramar Heating Sales and Services Moved
Donald Graveline & Co. Contestants
Donald Hodgins Electric
Donald Hodgins Electric McColgan s Insurance
Donald Mac Master
DONALD MacGILLIVRAY Bank of Commerce
Donald Marie- Anglican Church Ladies Guild
Donald McCredie Council
Donald Ouellette
Donald Sloan
Donaldson and Donald McRae
Donaldson, Mrs. Murray Donaldson
DONAT Le GUERRIER Mrs. Hert Horner
DOOR SWEEPS DOOR SEALS Bristol Charge Rev. Donald
DOWD Fire and Automobile Dress Goods Miss Klu
DOWD Miss Lil Dagg
DOWD Mrs. William Uorrioan Advocates
Down Mrs. Henpeck
Dresser Scarf Mrs.
DRINK Anybody’s Alcohol Mrs. John McAra
Drug Mrs Percy McKibbon
du Canada Mrs. Charlotte L Écuyer
Du el Is—Miss A. B.dam Mr. George Scully; Read
Du Gard Miss Katie Armstrong
DURKEE Mrs. Frank
DYOLA Mrs. Goodheart
Eardley United Church Ladies Miss May Corrigan
Eardley United Church Mrs. George Giles
Eastern Star Mrs. Ovila Boucher
Echo Val- Mrs Ida McCorriston
Echo Valley Miss Darlene Kelly
Echo Valley Mrs. Peg Carmichael
ECO MASH McKee Red Cross DR. H. K. MEILSON Mrs. John and Leonard
Economic | Mrs. Gibbons
Economics Mrs
Editor Hodgins Garage THE EQUITY & FLOUR Mrs. Elizebeth
Editor Sunday Sports Mrs. Norris Horner Re-elected
Editors Miss Alice Gage
Education and Better Schools Mrs.
Education and Better Schools—by Mrs.
Education and Better Schools—Mrs
Education and Cultural Affairs Mrs Sydney Draper
Education and Miss
Education and Mrs. Harvey Steel
Education Convener Mrs Val
Education Convenor Mrs Gagnon
Education Convenor Mrs Newberry
Education Miss Armstrong
Education Miss Hilda Graham Home
Education Miss Rough Rider Misses Sharon
Education Mrs Arthur Dagg
Education Mrs Colton
Education Mrs Lome Routliffe
Education Mrs Marquis
Education Mrs Molly Community Life Mrs Leona Mainviile
Education Mrs Raymond Trudeau
Education Mrs.
Education Mrs. Art
Education Mrs. Greg Gervais; Social Action
Education Mrs. Keith Brownlee; Home Economics Mrs. Milburn Hodgins; Publicity Mrs. Arthur Dagg; Wel
Education Mrs. Lloyd
Education Mrs. Lloyd Neville
Education Mrs. Lloyd Neville; Home Economics
Education Mrs. Lome Brady
Education Mrs. Nellis Hod
Education Mrs. Sidney Dra
Education Mrs. Walter Kilgour
Education Mrs. Wm Marks
Edwards Sunday School Mrs. Cliff Garrison
EE Mrs. Eldon Keon
EEEE " M EZES SwftS» Shauwille Ladies’ aJftSSE- Hospital Auxiliary Mrs Spoti
Eganville Mrs. Vincent Galka
Eight Mrs. Vincent Houi
EILSON Ml Joy Mrs. XV.
EIUIPMENT Waltham Review Mrs. Arthur
ELECTRIC REG’D Vinton School Carnival Donald
Elementary School Mrs Arvella
Ellard Royce Perry; Donald Ranger
ELMSIDE W.I. Mrs. Melvin Stewart
Elvis Presley Color Mrs. Gladys Sly
EM Mrs. Herman Ballantyne
EMBALMING Mrs. Rvssbll Him A
ENSILAGE Mrs. Lotterby
Equity Z Mrs. Allan Black
Equity Mrs
EQUITY Mrs. Hilton Crick
Equity Mrs. Htirdman
EQUITY Mrs. Zaddie Bunker
EQUITY Services Mrs. John
Estate Mrs,
Estate Mrs.
Eternal Life Mrs. Lusk
Everett Arthurs Mrs Gerald Smith
Everett Me- Mrs. Herb Robifaille Named Phone Secretary
Evinmde Motors Lawn Boy Lawn Mowers Mrs. Esther Quelle
F. Hodgins Mrs. Art Hodgins School No. 9
Fabric Shop AT Mrs. John S. Hodgins Bldg.
Fall Miss Lucy Dahras
FAMIL Y BROWN Shawville Lionettes Donald
Famous WATKINS PRODUCTS Mrs. Turner’s
Farm Equipment & Miscellaneous Items for Mr. & Mrs. Allan Eckford
Farm Forum Mrs. Bert Hodgins
Farm Forum Mrs. John
Farm League Hockey DOUBLE HEADER Mrs. Cerl Gertner
Farm Mechanization Mrs. Doris Acosta
Fashion Shop Mrs B Radant
FAWCETT Torrid Oil Mrs. John KrUpe
FC Mrs.
Federal Mrs.
Federated News Mrs Lome Routliffe
Federation Guidance Counsellor Diane Grenier
Federation Mrs. Augusta Allard
FG. Bowles Mrs. Emery Greer
Film Night Mrs. Eddie Stewart Verna Strutt
Film Workshop Mrs. Edward Bell
Finance Plan Shower Anna Smith Mrs. Oarl Ebert
Financial Statement DIANE
Findlay Mrs. Campbell’s Room Best
Fine Foods Frozen Custard Mrs
Fine Harness Pony - Beardsley; Hackney Mrs. Crabb Family
FINEST Mrs. Beattie
Fire De- Mrs. Verner Thrun
Fire Department - Edgar Sloan & Donald Letts
FIRE Miss Fiflne
Fire Prevention Mrs.
Fire Prevention Mrs. ,1
Firework Displays Mrs. Derouin
First Aid De- Mrs.
First Aid Nursing Yeomanry Miss Edith B
First Mrs.
First Mrs. L Lamarche
First Regional Rally Miss Pearl Armstrong
First Woman School Com- Mrs*
Fish Pond" Mrs. Frank Brinkworth
Five Girls MOVIES By Mrs. Mervyn Dale My
Fletcher Mrs.
FLUSHES Colour Donald
Fly Control; Education Mrs. Poole
FOR RENT Mrs. B Ayearst Quyon Tel I05W2 49585b ELECTRIC SHEEP SHEARERS
FOR RENT United Church Mrs Edith Robinson 8121XM20 SHAWVILLE UNITED CHURCH Rev. Owen McPherson
Ford Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Row
Ford Mrs. C. J. Caldwell Lodge
Ford Service Estate Mrs.
Ford Service Mrs.
Forest Inn Donald Ostrom
Forest View Mrs. Sparling
FOUNDATION Dodge & DeSoto Sales & Service Miss Marilyn Grant
FR0ATÎ & SONS D-174/57 Mrs. Ferdinand Rose
Fraser’s Apply Mrs. Alex Davis
Frere Mfg Ltd ,Mrs Lionel Laporte
FROATJ & SONS Miss Gail Mulligan
FROATJ & SONS Mrs. Russell Dean
FROATS Mrs. Campbell
Front Mrs.
Frontier College Mrs. Wilfred Mint Havored Canada
Funeral Diane Ryan
Funeral Home Mrs. Helen
Funeral of Miss Eleanor Lucas
Funeral of Mrs. H. Taber Build Home Grapevines Larger Than Commercial Yards
Funeral Ot Mrs. Albert Boulter Pratt s Animal Regulator Conditioner Poultry Regulator
Funeral | Mrs. John Black
Furnace Oil Customers HOMELITE CHAIN SAWS SALES & SERVICE Where Mrs Whelley Lives FINA
FURNITURE Mrs. John S. Hodgins Bldg.
Gabricllc Miss Alice Pigeon
GAINADAY Miss Shirley Sly
Gall Mr and Mrs. Larry Robert-Mr.
Gardens Orange Pekoe Blend MRS.
Gatineau Electric Light Co Mrs.
Gatineau Miss Alice Martineau
Gatineau Power Co Mrs.
Gatineau Power Mrs.
Gatineau Power Mrs. Richard Howard
Geiger Lady-Mrs Sam Hodgins Charter
Genealogical Society Mrs Edmund Chassie
General Donald Cutler
General Electric Rotary Ironer Mrs McIntyre
General Hospital Miss Linda
General Hospital Mrs Leonard Kubuskeskie of Round Lake Centre
General Hospital Mrs Ronnie Ranee
General Hospital Mrs. Lucien Fleury Litter
General Insurance Shawville Shawville Mrs. Garth Graham
General Store Mrs Norman Mullen
Georgetown Mrs
George’s Guild Mrs.
Gibbons Hospital Miss Cecik
Girls Snow Suits Mrs. Lawson Corrigan
Girls Win Boys Lose Mrs. Sly
GIVEAWAY Mrs. T Scobie
GLOBE Miss Lorena Carmichael
Gnvlunteof McGill University Mrs. Ilerbeit Office—
GOLDEN ARROW Color Tab Hunter Mrs. Eleanor Rennick
Good Brothers Mrs. Donald Ostrom
Good Housekeeping Bureau Groceries Beattie’s Eye Service MRS.
Good Housekeeping Bureau Phone 80 Horse Blankets MRS.
Good Housekeeping Bureau Phone 80 MRS.
Good Motto Mrs.
Good School II Miss Jessie Nesbitt
Good School Miss Billie Allen
Good School Miss Mattie Cochrane
Good School Miss Verna Strutt
Good School Mrs.
Good School Shawviile Hardware Store Miss Nell Imison
Good School Shawville Hardware Store Mr. «ml Mrs. XV.
Gougeon Mrs. Hilton Crick
Government Department Mrs. Louis
Greene Mrs.
Group Committee; Mrs.
Guelph Electric Washers Refrigerators Miss
GUERRIER A. McDougall Mrs. Manson McDowell Bereaved BA
GUERRIER Mrs Hodgins
GUILD By Mrs. Fred Hodgins
Guild Honors Mrs Jas
Guild Mrs. Fred Dagg
Guild P.D.Fort Honour Mrs. Stevens
Hahn Chatteris Chronicle Mrs. Norval McNeil Municipality
Hai&ware Store Mrs CLINTON
Haidwaie Store Mrs. T.
Hammonds Farm Mrs. Willetta Maria
Handicrafts Agriculture MRS.
Hardware Store Miss Elen
Hardware Store Miss Ivy Millar
Hardware Store Miss Kdirn Bennett
Hardware Store Miss Kind la
Hardware Store Miss Nell Imison
Hardware Store Miss Pen
Hardware Store Mrs. P.
Harley Donald McKenny
HARLOW" Mrs. Hilly Holmes
Harness Pony Donald Trudeau
HAROLD BOULTON Bristol Egg â Poultry Association BRISTOL, OÜB Estate Mrs.
Hattie Belsher Mrs.
Hayes & Sons Funer- Mrs Richardson
Hayes A Sons Mrs. Arthur Hayes Marv
Hayes Bros and Mrs. Dubois
Heading—Miss Verna Cumeren ; Roll
Health & Welfare Mrs. Ivan Convenors
Health and Provincial Treasurer Mrs.
Health and Social Services Diane Lemire
Health and Welfare Miss Karen Hearty
Health and Welfare Miss Marion McGuinney
Health and Welfare Mrs.
Health and Welfare Mrs. Barnes
Health and Welfare Mrs. Clifford Bradley; Publicity Mrs.
Health and Welfare Mrs. Irish
Health and Welfare Mrs. Ivan Merrificld
Health and Welfare; Mrs. Hay
Health Donald Duff
Health Mrs
Health Mrs C. Jacques Hostess Committee Mrs.
Health Mrs Earl Findlay
Health Mrs.
Health Mrs. Hamilton
Health Mrs. Hilda Hudson
Health Mrs. Ira Whelen
Helps Moth Prevention Mrs. Brown
Heritage Miss Piorian Brough
Heritage Mrs Constance Provost
Heritage Peas Donald Duck Orange Juiceiooz
Hi Don’t Miss— LARRY HENDERSON NIGHT Shawville High School
HI V Miss Nicole Morin
High Farm Forum Council; Mrs. Gil- Fort
High Mrs
High School Fort Cou/onge Waltham Vinton SUMMER EXPO Mrs. Claude Harkins
High School Mrs. Hudson
Hillcrest Farm Mrs. Andy
Hilton Crick Mrs.
Hilton Mines Ottawa Apply Mrs. Arnold Trudeau
Hilton Mrs. Fulford
Hilton Mrs. Garfield Hodgins
Hobbs Shawville Old Miscellaneous Shop Location - Mrs. Marjorie McCredie
Hockey Party Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ham-was IÜton
HODCINS STORE Mrs. Erwin BoutlifTe
HODGIHS X t*n STORE Mrs. Reta Oulllbeault
Hodgina Store Mrs Eldon
Hodgins Lumber Co Estate Mrs.
HODGINS Miss IJnda Smiley
HODGINS Mr. F. CVand Mrs. Smyth and Roll
HODGINS Mrs. Beamish
HODGINS Mrs. Cameron
HODGINS Principal Mrs. Powles
HODGINS Shawville Mrs.
HODGINS STORE DONAT Le GUERRIER Miss Graham Honored BA Mid-Summer Dress Goods Notary Public.
Hodgins Store Fairtawn Travel Nepean Donald S Hodgins Inc Pontiac Agricultural Society Div A Pontia
Hodgins Store Miss Annie Ciuertin
HODGINS Stores Mrs. Hattie Dumas
HOGGINS Aid Mrs. Hurst Hopgix*
Hold Services For Mrs.
Holiness Movement Mrs W. Roth
Holiness Movement Mrs. Andrew
Holiness Movement Mrs. R
Holy Cross Church Mrs Patrick
Holy Rosary Church Ebert Ottawa Miss Du
Home and School Association Formed Observed Here Mrs. Lefty Dale
Home Economics Mrs
Home Economics Mrs Arthur Mayhew
Home Economics Mrs I-eslic McMillan
Home Economics Mrs Radmore
Home Economics Mrs RE.
Home Economics Mrs.
Home Economics Mrs. A.C.W.W.
Home Economics Mrs. Everett McCor-riston
Home Economics Mrs. Fern Stephens
Home Economics Mrs. Leslie McMillan
Home Economics Mrs. Muriel Bronson
Home Economics Mrs. Muriel Kelley
Home Economics Mrs. Wilmer Hodgins; Citizenship
Home Economics Mrs. Wllmer Hodglns; Publicity
Home Economics-Mrs Fred Fraser; Publicity-Mrs Harriet Burke; Welfare Health
Home Economics; Mrs.
Home Estate Mrs.
Home Mrs. Frank Frost
Home Mrs. Fred Browne
Home Of AUCTION SALE for Mr. & Mrs. Leo Gauthier Highway
Home of Mrs Lambert Villeneuve
Home Sales Mrs Eddie Hurritt
HORNER Contact Mrs.
Horner Kitchen Committee Mrs. H.
Horse Entries Mrs.
Hosp. & School Ladies Curling Awards Mrs. Lyall Cameron
HospitaL & Mrs F.
Hospital Auxiliary Miss Patricia Ann Hahn
Hospital Auxiliary Mrs Miry Kelly
Hospital Corner Miss Blanche Luman
Hospital Mrs.
Hospital Mrs. Dale
Hospital Mrs. Marcella Grace
Hospital Notes Mrs. Hosmer Turner
Hospital Tagday Mrs. Smyth
Host Mrs.
Hotel Owner ‘ United Church Miss Dorothy Caldwell Changes
HOTEL Waltham Review Mrs. Arthur
Houghton Miss Jacqueline Martineau
Houghton Ntffltn Co. MRS 67 Yonge
House Dress-Mrs
House Miss Joan Angus of Montreal
Household Fellow-Miss Mary Benoit
Household Furniture & Miscellaneous Items Mrs. Harold McBride
Household Science Good School Miss Myrtle D-ile
HOV Mrs. Sam
Hrookdalc Farm Mrs.
Huddersfield Council Mrs. Norval McNeil J
Hughes Mrs.
Hughes Mrs. Alec McDonald, Quyon
Hughes; Mrs.
Hughes; Mrs. J.D. Brown; Mrs. Wm
Hull Mother’s Guide Association & Mrs.
Human CHAPTER XX Miss Barth
Human Person Mrs Leo Foran P.O.
Human Rights Mrs Syd
Hy Mrs Vincent Lapierrt Correspondent
Hydro 9i Institute Mrs. Milton Murrell
I* Miss Sandra Draper
IAIN EQUIPMENT Donald Mr. Vincent Sloan
IB Mrs.
Ideal Home Obituary Mrs Donald McNeill Donald S Hodgins
IHS WISH Mrs. Peck—Yes
II Mac Lean Mrs.
II Miss Bourget
IIH Mrs.
III Miss Dorothy Dagg
ILL Barrister & Solicitor CAMPBELL’S BAY PHONE 28 Mrs. Nellie Helmer Dies At South
IM Miss Mary Scobie
IM Mrs Drown
Imperial Oil SCHEDULE OF CANDIDA TE Mrs. Loretta LaBalbo
Imperial Oil Mrs. Brent Elliott
IMPROVED Wideawake Cauldron Mrs. Slimdiet
In Hospital Insurance Plan Miss Brenda Richardson
Inc • Miss Greets Wilson
Indian Affairs Miss
Indies Guild of Christ i Mrs. Jaques
Individual High Mrs. Chistmas
Indoor/Outdoor Public Address Amplifier Call Miss Ann Taylor
Ineti- Miss Tootle Millar
Inetit- Mrs. Ira Whelan
Ins ONE-MAN LIGHT-WEIGHT Mrs. Alfred Armstrong
Insti- Bury Mrs. Leekie At Castleford She
Institute Mrs. Wm
Institute Miss Mona Eades Honoured
Institute Miss Pritchard
Institute Mr. end Mrs.
Institute Mrs E.
Institute Mrs.
Institute Mrs. E.
Institute Mrs. F.
Institute Mrs. Hanna
Institute Mrs. Leo Pigeon
Institute Mrs. Maud Bailey; Bristol Wo-1
Institute Mrs. Roland Russell
Institute Mrs. Russett
Institutes Inc. Mrs Kilgour
Institutes Miss Campbell
Institutes- First Crochet Afghan- Diane Judd
Insurance Commission Mrs Water Cure Devoted Kingfishers
Inter Mrs. King
International Paper Co Mrs Fred Del
Iona Sloan Mrs. Keith Bowie
IOVI General Insurance SANITONE Mrs. Esther Quelle
IS Mrs. Ray Fox
IS Obituaries Mrs Emilie Crete Church Changes Grandmother
ÎSFS /• Mrs. G. Carson Mrs. F. Murphy Mrs.
ISLAND Apply Mrs. Arthur Durrell
Island School Miss
IU Miss Lorraine Pokes
Ivy Millar M Mrs.
Ivy Mrs. Ballantyne
J & Mrs. Keeper HOUSANDS
J c Mrs. Albert Hicks
J P Carson Mrs. Glenn.....
J R Shop Diane s Fashion Fashion Sho Brenda Stevens A Donna ToweH Sears
J | Mrs.
J. Miss Alice Ilussell
JA & KL Kllgour JA & KL Kllgour J Donald Duff Edwin
JAN Mrs. Suiidilands
JB Mrs.
JCC Oddfellows Euchre Mrs.
JHH Mrs. Betty Hay
Jim Mrs AM
JJ Mrs Si
Joanne Commission de Formation Professionnelle Mrs. Leo O Brien
JOHN MacGREGOR Charteris Chronicle Mrs. Norval McNeil CONCRETE
JOHNS LUTHERAN Miss Myrtle Hades
Johns Mrs.
Johnston School Health By Mrs.
Joint Plaster Joint Filler and Tape ANGLICAN Estate Mrs,
Joseph’s Girls Game Mrs. Lena Marquardt
JR Shop JANU Mrs. W
JR Shop McCauley Jewellers Keith Homer s Shop Diane
July Co Mrs
JUNE Mrs. Gordon
Junior Auxiliary Church Treasurer Miss
Junior AYPA Mrs. Herby Zacharias
Junior Boys Donald John*
Junior Heifer Calf Mofferest Diane
Junior Miss
Junior Miss & Master Y2K - Ages
Junior Miss Judy Ryan
Junior Mrs Amos Armitage
Junior Mrs Tilley Robinson
K E R Y Mrs. Elmer
K Mayo Mrs. Asahel Smith Mrs. Asnhel Smith
K Y ARM SQUIBS Miss L''na Hodgine
Kaiser Sales and Service General Repairs - Body Work Austin Miss Vera Palmer
Keith Munro Lav Reader Norval McNeill Lay Reader Mrs Edward
KELLY Auctioneer Mrs. Albert Skeldon
KEON Estate Mrs.
Keon School Mrs. Taylor
Kinder Mrs.
Kitchen Committee Mrs. Art Hod
KL Kllgour J E Russell A Sons J Donald Duff A Sons Hlllls ConoUy
Krause Miss Marguerite Wharrey
Krause Mrs. Uoyd Armitage
KRIFF Mrs. David Olmstead DEATHS St. Andrews Knox
KÜ Mrs. Harriet Ann Donaldson
l E Mrs. Leo Lemaire
L & M Elec- Warden Mrs S Langford
l Charteris Chronicle Mrs. Norval
l Miss Alice Frankie’s
l Mrs.
l Mrs. Alfred Tranchemontagne
l Mrs. Alice Wilson
l Mrs. Carson
l Mrs. Deacon
l Selective Service THE CORNER STORE / / Estate Mrs.
L.O.L Church Service Mrs.
Labels Mrs. Lulu
Labor Day Miss Bride Holland
Labor Diane
Labor Diane Lemieux
Lac Donald McDoowell K C. A.F Tienton
Lac Miss Edna Hudgins
Lac Mrs. Sinclairs
Ladies Department Mrs. John Craig
Ladies Guild Make Presentation Office Mrs. M.
Ladies Guild Mrs.
Ladies Mrs.
Ladies Mrs. Mervin Hades
Lady-Mrs A. Lambert
Ladysmith Carleton University Graduate Michelle Diane Jodoin
Lake Fish & Game Club Donald Evans
Lake Mrs Mabel McDonald of Marmora
Lardlcy United Church Mrs. Ciordon
Last League Match Mrs.
LBS Donald Graveline
League Mrs. EMoo Keoo
League Prayer Mrs. Greg Gervais
LEASING Mrs Secil Sly
LEMON FILLED DO-NUTS Mrs. Emile Philippes
Library Mrs Turner
Life Diane Angus Joanne
Life Ends For Mrs. Riley Most Seals Unconlesfed In Pontiac Municipal Elections Karen Hobbs
Life Insurance Miss Ann Bastien
Life Miss Dorothy Hobbs
LIFE Miss Linda Walsh
LION Mrs. Frank Deitz
Lion Warren Miss Loretta Cavan
Lions Secretary Pontiac Club; Miss Club
Liquor Store Miss
LISTEN Mrs. Stubbs—“John
Litchfield Council Deals With Fencing Problems Mrs. George Smith Pax
Litchfield Council Minutes Miss Susan Sharpe
Litchfield Ladies Aid Society Mrs. Bessie Laud
Litchfield School Board; Mrs.
LJ Mrs. Norval McNeil
Local Council Miss Hannaberry
Local Group of Gilt Guides Honours Mrs. Nurse MacLean’s DALE’S TINSHOP TINSMITHS
Local Groups SPECIAL VALUE Mrs. R
Local Hospital Miss Helen R Dods Honoured
Local Post Office MRS.
Lodge Miss
Lodge Miss Arline Kiigour
Lodge Mrs.
Lodge Mrs. Pearl Purcell
Lodge Mrs. Stickler
Lodge Representatives Donald Wilson
Logging Contractors Entrepreneurs Forestiers Mrs. Norval McNeil Mrs. Elizabeth Hahn Zimerling
LOGS Highest Prices Paid Waltham Review Mrs. Arthur Labelle CWL Meeting Shirley
Loken nd Mrs. T.
LONGS Canadian Pacific Mrs Harvey
Lost Visiting Committee Mrs. A.
Lot c Sis Mrs.
Louise Donaldson Donald Gagnon
Louise Donaldson, SADC; Diane Lamoureux
Low Public Stenographic Services Miss Hilda
LTD Mrs Hazel
Ltd Mrs- Percy Dahms
LTD Mrs.
LTD n Miss Carey Smith
Lumber Company Limited Mrs. Earl Findlay
Lutheran Church Mrs Dorothea Trip
Lutheran Church Sun-1 Mrs.
M. Hudson Equity Photo WALK TALL Willard Parker Pentecostal Campaign Joyce Meadows PIANO TUNING Mrs
Ma-Donald College
Mac-Mrs Muriel Bertrand
Macdonald College Miss Shaw
Macdonald College Mrs. Roland MacKechnie
Macdonald College Mrs. Wilbur Horner
Macdonald College Short Course Mrs.
Macdonald College; Mrs.
Mae Mac Donald
Maggie Thomson Miss Emma
MAH Bristol Charge Rev. Donald
Maid Mrs. Leeks
Malakofff Council Mrs p Kenneifci Maheral Master Steven Maheral
Manufacturers Life Mrs.
MAOFARLANE Mrs. John Morrison
Maple Grove Cemetery DIANE
Maple Grove Cemetery Donations Mrs.
Maple Grove Cemetery Mrs. Emmerson Cotie
Maple Leaf Miss Marjorie McKnight
Maple Leaf Weiners Mrs. Smith’s Cherry Beef
Maple Ridge Mrs.
Marians Plan Energetically Mr. And Mrs.
MARRIED Miss Florian Brough
Martin Luthers Miss Monika Bauer
Maryland & Wyman News Mrs.
MARYLAND Miss Catherine Quigley
Master HULL Miss Grace
Master Crothers Mrs. Alexander
Master Donald
Master Donald Elliott
Master Donald Fades
Master Donald Flood
Master Donald Hodgins
Master Donald Hodgins Ashbury
Master Donald Hodgins Mr.
Master Donald Hynes
Master Donald Palmer
Master Elgin Mrs. Delia Cavanaugh
Master Gordon Mel-driun ; Miss Emma Hammond
Master McLeese Mrs. Ernest Tows
Master Mrs Reu-
Master Mrs. Donald Ostroir
Master Mrs. R. E
Master Photographer Mrs. Verner Thrun
Master Tommy Miss Veronica Ryan
Master Visiting Mrs Rachel Poisson Chad Routliffe
Match Committee Mrs. Stark
Mate Association Mrs. Georgette Beauvais
McCredie & Sons Mrs. John Wickens Mr.
McCredie & Sons Shawville W.I. Mrs. Cliff Garrison Total
McCredle Mrs. R. DeGoire Wax Offers Commercial Use
McDonald and Mrs.
McDonald and Mrs. Ay-ear
McDonald and Mrs. Hunter
McDonald and Mrs. McDonald.
McDonald cod Mrs. George Colton
McDonald mid Mrs.
McDonald Miss R. McNair
McDonald of West Miss Jo Anne Nuttall of Toronto
McDonald, Mrs. Hayes
McDonald, Noranda; Mrs.
McDonald” Mrs Edith Lair
McDowell School SHAWVILLE Miss Colleen Spencer
McDowell Staff Representatives Mrs.
McGill University Hall Dillon and Diane McGee
McGill University Mar-hall Tel* Mrs George
McGill University Mrs. Alex Olmsted
McGill University Mrs. H. Millar
McGill University Mrs. J.
McGill University Mrs. Utile
McGill University Otter Lake Woman Saved When Fire Burns Home Mrs. Baptiste Leblanc
McKee Farm Forum; Mrs. Lyle Hedging
McKee Mr. and Mrs. Allan Black
McKee News Miss Evelyn Horner
Me- Donald Trading Company
Me-Donald Agricultural Colege
Means Committee Mrs.
Meat Shop Miss Machwen
Medical Mrs.
MEETINGS Mrs. Sam Alexander
Meeting—Free Methodist Camp KEON—Mrs
MeGil University Mrs.
Memonam Crystal Vase For County Council Mrs# Martineau I#
Memorial Presbyterian Church Mrs. Douglas Brown
Memorial Service Mrs,
MEN Mrs. Allan Sparling
MENTION Austin Methodist Church Mrs. Brown
MERCHANT Chatteris Chronicle Mrs. Norval McNeil Société
Merchants Rank l Mrs.
Methodist Church cemetery Miss Martha Caldwell
Methodist Youth Mrs. Jas Allen
Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. Miss Marilyn
Metropolitan Tabernacle Miss Elaine Laughren
Michaels Academy Miss Paquette
Mid Miss Hamilton
Mid Mrs. Arthur
Mid Mrs. E.
Mid Mrs. Phillip Turcotte
Midget Girls—Diane Vivian
MIDGETS Mr Mrs. Walter Bower
MIELKE Mrs. Gustave Pasch
MILK PRODUCER Bryson Holes Mrs. Eldon Keon
MILLAR Agricultural Engineering Mrs. Andrew McLaughlin
Milling Co Mrs. Harold Becket.
Mine Found Mrs. William Sharpe
Mine Mrs. Arthur Strutt
Mine Mrs. Orla
Mine Open-House OBITUARY Mrs. John L. Hodgins Mrs. John
Ministry of Donald Charron
Misa Mary Miss Lillian Bretzlaff
Miss Alice Pigeon
Miss Alva Turner
Miss Am
Miss Ames—Miss Sylvia Ames
Miss Amy Co
Miss Ann Pitt
Miss Ann Trek
Miss Annie Gamble
Miss Annie Gamble of Shawville & Guests Lrfe
Miss Annie Perry
Miss Arlene Kilgour Appointed Teachers Aid COLEMAN OIL HEATERS ÊISfsSSÉ
Miss Arvilla Pitt
Miss Arville Pitt and Mr.
Miss ArvUla Pitt
Miss Bell Johnston
Miss Bertha Pitt
Miss Bertha Pitt of Toronto
Miss Beta Tur-
Miss Beulah Alice Harris
Miss Billie Brown
Miss Bridget Stafford
Miss C lairc Watson
Miss C Perry
Miss Carol Perry
Miss Chamber
Miss Cheryl Perry
Miss Cheryl Perry.
Miss Church Women’s Missionary | Ruby Storey
Miss Clara Brownlee
Miss Clara Hall
Miss Clara Strutt
MISS Closed Mondays Rad Brand Baa
Miss Com Lawn; Receiving Committee
Miss Community Hospital; Teen Pontiac Crown
Miss Corps
Miss Court of Exchequer
Miss Crowley Supported
Miss Crystal
Miss Crystal Hopper
Miss Dame McDowell
Miss Davton
Miss Deanna Perry
Miss Debbie Pitt
Miss Debbie Pitt and Betty Sparling
Miss Debbie Pitt Fairfield
Miss Debbie Pitt of
Miss Debbie Pitt of Ottawa
Miss Debbie Pitt the
Miss Department
Miss Diane Perry
Miss Diane Perry and Roger Perry
Miss Donaldson
Miss Donna Perry
Miss Donna Perry and
Miss Donna Perry Lachute
Miss Donna Perry of
Miss Donna Perry of St
Miss Donna Perry of St Eustache
Miss Donna Perry of St Laundry
Miss Donna Perry of St School Boards
Miss Donna Perry of Ste
Miss Donna Perry of Ste Eustache
Miss Donna Perry re-q
Miss Donna Perry St
Miss Donna Perry St Eustache
Miss Donna Perry.
Miss Dorothy Irene Pearl
Miss Ducroz
Miss E Bell Canada
Miss Eileen Watson
Miss Elaine Carson
Miss Elizabeth Horner
Miss Embyle Brownie* Ot- b
Miss EUine Carson
Miss Eunice
Miss Eva MeAmlrvw
Miss Evelyn Pitt
Miss Everett
Miss Fair
Miss Farmer’s School of Cookery
Miss Fein Carkner
Miss Fire Brigade
Miss Florence Hilton
Miss Florence Hor-for No. 10 School
Miss Forward Movement
Miss Frances Gilman
Miss Frances Pitt Millan
Miss Frances Pitt, the
Miss Francos Gilman Bryson
Miss Gertie Riley
Miss Gertrude Perry
Miss Gloria Tremblay
Miss Gold Pilot
Miss Guild
Miss Gwen Lambert
Miss H
Miss Haldane
Miss Harriet
Miss Hath Church
Miss Hazzard
Miss Hi Id
Miss Hi la Harris
Miss Hospital
Miss Hospital Velma Catherine Smith
Miss Inn
Miss Inn McDowell
Miss Iorna Perry
Miss Isabel Perry
Miss Isdbel Squires
Miss Ivy Pitt
Miss Janet McMullen
Miss Jennie Watson
Miss Josephine Koran
Miss Kathleen Campbell
Miss Katie Elliott
Miss Kim Perry
Miss Kunpton
Miss Lillian Lambert
Miss Lilly Bevan
Miss Linda Yach
Miss Lois Hayes
Miss Lola Lambert
Miss Lorna Perry
Miss Lucinda Perry
Miss Lucy Pitt.
Miss Lung Is
Miss Mabel
Miss Mabel Lambert
Miss Mable Lambert
Miss Mae
Miss Mae Adams
Miss Mae Allwright
Miss Mae Bryant
Miss Mae Bryant C-o Surrey Motel Morriaburg
Miss Mae Cuthbertson
Miss Mae Muriay
Miss Mae Murray
Miss Mae Premier
Miss Mae Prendergast
Miss Mae Stark
Miss Mae Thompson
Miss Majory Perry
Miss Margaret Perry.
Miss Marge Perry
Miss Margo Allan
Miss Margo Allan of
Miss Margory Perry
Miss Marilyn Bell
Miss Marilyn Carson has
Miss Marin Hudgins
Miss Marjorie Perry
Miss Marjorie Perry and
Miss Marjory Perry
Miss Marjory Perry and of Education
Miss Marlon Gilchrist
Miss Marlyn Grodde
Miss Mary Visitors
Miss Mary Alice
Miss Mary Bell
Miss Mary Bell Kiock
Miss Mary Bell Klock
Miss Mary Gamble
Miss Mary Mutual Fire Ins
Miss Marylin Young
Miss Maude
Miss May Perry
Miss Mayo
Miss Mayo Brownlee
Miss Mayo Smart
Miss McFarlane
Miss Merle Barber Secondary School
Miss MKs Durkee
Miss Mona Harr
Miss Monitor
Miss Mr. Edison
Miss Muriel Chamber
Miss Muriel Church
Miss Myrtle Lance; Mr.
Miss Nellie Watson
Miss Odley
Miss Olga Pontiac Community Hos Mielke
Miss Olive Rochon
Miss Orla Hilton Crick
Miss Orma Elliott
Miss Paulie Pitt of Gald
Miss Pauline Pitt
Miss Pauline Pitt and
Miss Polly Pitt
MISS Portable Radio Skates Bicycle
Miss Portage Senior
Miss Rebecca Watson
Miss Rhoma Cross
Miss Ruby Carson
Miss Ruth
Miss School
Miss School Association
Miss School Commission
Miss Service
Miss Shelly Rowe
Miss Susie Hodgins
Miss Swayne Poor
Miss Teen
Miss Teen Pontiac
Miss Telephone 432-4224 EQUITY CLASSIFIEDS Taking
Miss Tenders
Miss uonna Perry
Miss V Elliott
Miss Varian’s
Miss Velma Burgess
Miss Verna Watson
Miss Wang Toy
Miss Winnifred Conservative Association
Miss Winnifrvd Merlin
Miss Yvonne Perry
Miss- Post Office
Missionary Coun-Mrs
Missionary Society Mrs Mary O’Brien
Mk CA TAL OGUES Mrs. Mildred Brown School Intermediate
ML Wed.—Bible Study Mrs. James
MOLASSES High Food Value O Mrs. Jos
Monsieur Bernard Conroy Mrs. Hélène Boulet Mr. Bernard Carrière Mr. Bernard Conroy Profil du
Montreal Association Mrs Scout Gazette
Morgan Freeman Donald Sutherland Front St.
Morgan Mrs Dave Parent
Morgan Mrs. Ebert Beattie
Moriev Hodgins Ltd DIANE
Morley Hodgins Ltd Miss Geraldine McGuire of Montreal
Morning Matinee OVERLAND TELEGRAPH Tim Holt Saturday Morning Matinee RUSTY LEADS THE WAY Ted Donald
Morning Prayer Bristol Pastoral Charge Rev. Donald
Morning Prayer Mrs.
Morning Worship 11:00 Morning Worship BER & BER HOME LTD DONALD LAVALLEE BARRISTER
Morning Worship Mrs. Gartner
Morning Worship Mrs. Raymond Chevrier
Morning Worship WESLEYAN Shawville Mrs. Walter
Motion Mr & Mrs Mano
Motion Mrs Ballantyne
Motion Mrs F
Motion Mrs Graham
Motion Mrs Gwen Tangu.v
Motion Mrs McCredie
Motion Mrs.
Motion Mrs. B.C. Homer
Motion Mrs. Bal- Woodley
Motion Mrs. Ballantyne
Motion Mrs. Barber
Motion Mrs. Campbell
Motion Mrs. Cartman
Motion Mrs. Carty
Motion Mrs. Cecil Paris
Motion Mrs. Corrigan
Motion Mrs. Cowley
Motion Mrs. Elliott
Motion Mrs. Ftaul Martineau
Motion Mrs. Fulford
Motion Mrs. Garrison
Motion Mrs. Gwen Tanguay
Motion Mrs. H Graham
Motion Mrs. Hillis Smith
Motion Mrs. HillU
Motion Mrs. J.
motion Mrs. Lambert
Motion Mrs. M.
Motion Mrs. MacFarlane
Motion Mrs. Mae Armstrong
Motion Mrs. Marks
Motion Mrs. McCord
Motion Mrs. McCord the
Motion Mrs. McCord-N.
Motion Mrs. McCredie
Motion Mrs. McDowell
Motion Mrs. McMillan
Motion Mrs. McMlllian
Motion Mrs. McNeill
Motion Mrs. McOahern
Motion Mrs. MoCredie
Motion Mrs. Moodie
Motion Mrs. Muise
Motion Mrs. Murray
Motion Mrs. Murray/
Motion Mrs. Percy Mac Ribbon and Mrs. Cecil
Motion Mrs. Percy McKib-bon
Motion Mrs. Pheobe McCord
Motion Mrs. Pul
Motion Mrs. Sly
Motion Mrs. Stark
Motion Mrs. Stewart
Motion Mrs. Stone
Motion Mrs. Storie
Motion Mrs. Young
Motion Smith—Mrs
Motion That Mrs. George
Motley Hodgins Limited Mrs. Edison Brown
MOUNTAIN VIEW General Insurance Mrs. Esther Quaile
Movie Appoint Mrs. Suffel
Mr & Mrs Adolpn Zim
Mr & Mrs F. Schonbrunner
Mr & Mrs. Arvine Firerobin & Mrs. Isabel Racine
Mr Billy Miss Françoise Emond
Mr Miss Maggie Cuthbsrtson
Mr. & Mrs.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward McColgan
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon McBride Sr
Mr. & Mrs. J.C Jamieson
Mr. & Mrs. Mead Richard
Mr. & Mrs. Origenv
Mr. & Mrs. Saur
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur Chapman Mr. & Mrs. Loren Hedging Mr.
Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. Clarence Carson; Mrs. Jimmy Fulford
Mr. Committee Mrs. El
Mr. Donald Perry
Mr. End Mrs. Georie Rooney
Mr. Mac Don-Mrs
Mr. nd Mrs. Klatt
MRC Grand Calumet Mrs
MRC Secretary-Treasurer Luc Séguin; MNA Middle-miss;
Mrs Institute
Mrs Progressive-Conservative Association
Mrs Trust Royal Courtier JEAN-PIERRE DUSSIAUME Agent Immobilier Centre Comm Glenwood Aylmer
Mrs & Sons Funeral
Mrs 1 Perry
Mrs A Perry
Mrs A Pitt
Mrs A. Lambert
Mrs A. Perry
Mrs A. Pitt and
Mrs A. Pitt the
Mrs Ale* Methodist C
Mrs Alegra Chap-and Mrs. Mary Hodgins
Mrs Alex Hazzard
Mrs Alex Stuart
Mrs Alex Weir
Mrs Alex Weir Stro-
Mrs Alice
Mrs Alice Bell
Mrs Alice Hospital Hospital
Mrs Allan Black
Mrs Allan Peaver
Mrs Allan Poole
Mrs Allan Woermke
Mrs Alma
Mrs Amy Pitt.
Mrs An- Cemetery
Mrs Annie
Mrs Annie Brown
MRS ANNIE ELLIOTT Dresses Blouses Skirts & Slacks Advance Showing
Mrs Annie Word
Mrs ARE Word
Mrs Arlee Perry
Mrs Armitage
Mrs Armond Gosselin
Mrs Arnold Watson
Mrs Art
Mrs Art Carson
Mrs Art Carson.
Mrs Art Smart
Mrs Art Turner;
Mrs Arthur Perry
Mrs Asa C Smart
Mrs Association
Mrs At Co
Mrs B&rry Bell
Mrs Baptist Church
Mrs Barney Sloan
Mrs Barney Wood
Mrs Barry Bell
Mrs Bedford Robinson
Mrs Bell
Mrs Bert Bible Study
Mrs Bertel Lambert
Mrs Bertie Lambert
Mrs Best
Mrs Best Buy
Mrs Beta Barber
Mrs Beta Le- Rind
Mrs Big
Mrs Boisvert’s
Mrs Borden Hobbs
Mrs Bragg*—“ Life
Mrs Bristol School No.
Mrs Brothers
Mrs Bruce Kluke
Mrs Bud Perry of Sheafersvllle NE
Mrs C
Mrs Cal Cummdngs
Mrs Cal Cummings
Mrs Cal Cummings Office
Mrs Cal Cummings Sr
Mrs Cal Cummings Sr.
Mrs Cal Rocher
Mrs Campbell
Mrs Carole St-hle-vocation
Mrs Carson Russell
Mrs Catherine Perry OPEN
Mrs Catherine Perry.
Mrs Cecil
Mrs Cecile Pontiac Hospital
Mrs Charles
Mrs Charteris Chronicle Mrs. Norval McNeil Motion Crs G Hodgins
Mrs Christ A
Mrs Christy Stock
Mrs Civic Hospital
Mrs Clara Horner
Mrs Clara Quyon Women’s Institute
Mrs Clint Co wen
Mrs Committee
Mrs Communications Convener
Mrs Community Hospital
Mrs Corners
Mrs County Council
Mrs Crystal Brown
Mrs Crystal Murphy
Mrs Crystal Powell
Mrs Crystal _
Mrs Cyril Perry
Mrs Cyril Watson
Mrs D Arcy Bristol Mines P. O. Box
Mrs Dags
Mrs Daisy N McArthur
Mrs David High School
Mrs Deimar
Mrs Deli Pitt
Mrs Deli Pitt and Mrs Ronnie Dorzek
Mrs Deli Pitt of Caldwell
Mrs Deli Pitt recently
Mrs Deli Pitt who
Mrs Delmar Pitt
Mrs Delmer Pitt.
Mrs Development Committee
Mrs Donaldson
Mrs Donaldson Mrs Bertrand
Mrs Dor- Training Instructor
Mrs E Bell
Mrs E J Miller
Mrs E Stewart
Mrs E. Pitt.
Mrs Each
Mrs Edison
Mrs Edison Brown
Mrs Edison Brown CJOh Channel 13
Mrs Edna Visitors
Mrs Education
Mrs Edward
Mrs Edward Perry
Mrs Edward Pitt
Mrs Edward Pitt JOHN S. HODGINS & SONS Phone
Mrs Edward Pitt.
Mrs EHard Perry & Tim
Mrs Eileen Co
Mrs Eileen Perry
Mrs Eileen Perry of New Brunswick
Mrs Eldon McDonald of Sudbury
Mrs Ellard Perry
Mrs Ellard Perry of
Mrs Ellard Perry.
Mrs Ellard Perry;
Mrs Ellord Perry
Mrs Elsie Gordon Economics and
Mrs Elsie Perry of Cobden
Mrs Elsie School
Mrs Elsie Sparrow
Mrs Emanuelli
Mrs Embie Watson
Mrs Emmett Bell
Mrs Emmett Visitors
Mrs Emmond Bell
Mrs EniTOR Equity
Mrs Entertainment
Mrs Eric Watson
Mrs Ernie Lang-| QUYON
Mrs Ervin Watson
Mrs Erwin
Mrs Erwin Eva
Mrs Eta Perry
Mrs ETC Care
Mrs Evelyn Lambert
Mrs Evelyn Pontiac Community Hospital
Mrs Everett
Mrs Everett Arthurs
Mrs Everett Brown
Mrs Everett Brown & Family
Mrs Everett Lauehren
Mrs Everett Laugh
Mrs Everett Laugh* Bristol Charge Rev.
Mrs Everett Laugh-
Mrs Everett Laughren
Mrs Everett M Laughren
Mrs Everett McCbrriston
Mrs Everett McCorrislon
Mrs Everett McCorrLstuon
Mrs Everett McDowell
Mrs Everett McDowell: Elementary Piano
Mrs Everett McDowell; Those
Mrs Everett McDowellElementary Piano
Mrs Everett McDoweU
Mrs Everett Mi Mrs.
Mrs Everett Moore
Mrs Everett Morris
Mrs Everett Morrison
Mrs Everett MvConiston
Mrs Faye Visitors
Mrs Fire Prevention
Mrs Fletcher
Mrs France
Mrs Frances
Mrs Frances Senior
Mrs Francis
Mrs Francis Pitt - Mrs. Gisèle Ralston
Mrs Frank Perry of
Mrs Fred
Mrs Fulford’s
Mrs Full
Mrs Full Information From
Mrs Full Line
Mrs Fumerton Tel
Mrs Gail Gavan
Mrs Gail Perry
Mrs Garnet Visitors
Mrs Garry Perry
Mrs Garry Perry Adams
Mrs Garry Perry of
Mrs Gary Royce
Mrs Genevieve Hospital
Mrs George
Mrs George Ferry
Mrs George Perry
Mrs George Perry attended Church
Mrs George Perry Michael Leroy
Mrs Gerald Lung : Dear Mr.
Mrs Gerald Perry
Mrs Gerald Perry who Lady of Perpetual Church
Mrs Gerald Perry.
Mrs Gerald Weir
Mrs Gertie
Mrs Gertie Perry
Mrs Gladys Carson
Mrs Glenn Taylor
Mrs Gordon
Mrs Gordon Armstrong
Mrs Gordon Bradley
Mrs Gordon Brownlee
Mrs Gordon Church Step
Mrs Gordon Gibbons
Mrs Gordon Hospital
Mrs Gordon Lambert
Mrs Gordon Orr
Mrs Gordon Roy Mo Ton
Mrs Gordon Sparling
Mrs Gordon T
Mrs Gordon Watson
Mrs Graeme Tel
Mrs H
Mrs H Elementary School Board WMeman
Mrs H Perry
Mrs H Royce Hodgins
Mrs H.M. Turner
Mrs Happy
Mrs Harold Moon
Mrs Harry
Mrs Hartley Municipal Affairs
Mrs Hawley
Mrs Hazel
Mrs Hazel Bell
Mrs Helen Perry
Mrs Helen Perry.
Mrs Hewitt Bell Aylmer Get
Mrs Hi
Mrs Hi Bower
Mrs High School
Mrs Hilda Mayhew
Mrs Hilton Adolphe Von Almon
Mrs Hilton Crick
Mrs Horner
Mrs Horse
Mrs Hospital
Mrs Hospital Findlay
Mrs Howard J L Hodgins Gatineau Electric
Mrs Hubert Hall of Berkeley Laboratory
Mrs Hwrwtt Lough Rt Wor Grand Metre*
Mrs I>en Perry.
Mrs Ian Perry
Mrs Ida Perry
Mrs Ifn Perry.
Mrs IL
Mrs Irene N
Mrs Isabel Graham
Mrs Isabelle Institute
Mrs Ivan Lambert
Mrs IVtei
Mrs Ivy
Mrs J C Poisson community Hospital
Mrs Jack Word
Mrs James
Mrs James Perry
Mrs James Pitt
Mrs James Pitt.
Mrs Jamie Perry
Mrs Janes Pitt
Mrs Jas Pitt
Mrs Jbhn Lambert
Mrs Jean Finlan
Mrs Jerry Perry
Mrs Joan Bell
Mrs Joint P M< Dowell
Mrs Joseph
Mrs Josie Gibbons
Mrs Joyce Perry
Mrs Joyce Perry Election Clerk
Mrs Joyce Pitt
Mrs Kathleen Lepack Clarendon Municipal Hall
Mrs Kathryn Perry
Mrs Katzonjammor’s
Mrs Kay Ranger
Mrs Keith Lambert
Mrs Ken Perry
Mrs Ken Perry 1-819-689-5584 CASH
Mrs Ken Perry of
Mrs Kenneth Farrell
Mrs Kenneth Perry
Mrs Kllard Perry
Mrs l Perry
Mrs L*onard Perry the
Mrs L. Lambert
Mrs Ladies Prize
Mrs Ladou- League Prayer
Mrs Lairy Perry
Mrs Lamb’s
Mrs Larry
Mrs Larry Perry
Mrs Larry Perry and
Mrs Larry Perry Church
Mrs Larry Perry Helen’s
Mrs Larry Perry.
Mrs Laura
Mrs Lauretta Perry
Mrs Laurette Perry
Mrs Laurette Perry of
Mrs Len
Mrs Len Perry
Mrs Len Perry on
Mrs Len Perry the
Mrs Len Perry.
Mrs Leonard Perry
Mrs Leonard Perry Happy
Mrs Leonard Perry.
Mrs Leu Perry
Mrs Leu Perry and Gerald Perry
Mrs Leu Perry CWL
Mrs Leu Perry.
Mrs Leurs Perry
Mrs Lew Perry
Mrs Lew Perry.
Mrs Livestock Shipping Forty-odd
Mrs Lola Lambert
Mrs Lon Perry the Civic Hospital
Mrs Louis St Pierre
Mrs Ltd at
Mrs Lyle Perry
Mrs M Perry
Mrs M Perry.
Mrs M. Perry
Mrs Mabel Gamble
Mrs Mable Cohn
Mrs Mac
Mrs Mac Angus Dan
Mrs Mae
Mrs Mae Avis Public
Mrs Mae Bronson
Mrs Mae Corrigan
Mrs Mae Dongan
Mrs Mae Elliott Ontario
Mrs Mae la
Mrs Mae Lafave
Mrs Mae Mac
Mrs Mae MacDonald
Mrs Mae McCann
Mrs Mae McDonald at Bristol.
Mrs Mae McDonald at Pine Lodge
Mrs Mae McDonald will M
Mrs Mae Reynolds
Mrs Mae Shea RAYMOND
Mrs Mae Soul
Mrs Mae Spinks
Mrs Margaret
Mrs Margaret Elementary School
Mrs Margo Perry
Mrs Marie Lambert
Mrs Marion Perry of Cobalt
Mrs Maritime Provinces
Mrs Martha Duke Grand Master Grand Chaplain Most Worship
Mrs Martin N 5l878Ibol9 SI
Mrs Mary
Mrs Mary Allan
Mrs Mary Baird
Mrs Mary Hass
Mrs Mary Manuel
Mrs Mary McDonald of Montreal
Mrs Mary Pitt |
Mrs Mary Sa
Mrs Mary Watson
Mrs Matthew Perry
Mrs May Perry
Mrs Mayfred Senior Public Speaking Price
Mrs McBride Business Hours Mon.-Thurs
Mrs McClure
Mrs Meley Perry
Mrs Merle Hilton Mines.
Mrs Mervin Watson
Mrs Mildred Murrell
Mrs Miles Perry
Mrs Miley Perry
MRS Minnie Zimmerling
Mrs Miss Alice Pigeon
Mrs Mitey Perry
Mrs Monitor
Mrs Morris Douglas
Mrs Morris Ottawa Civic Hospital
Mrs Myers
Mrs National Portland Cement Nails
Mrs Nell McDowell
Mrs Nina Hospital
Mrs Norma Perry
Mrs Norman Senior
Mrs Norms Perry the
Mrs Onslow Elementary
Mrs Opal Carson.
Mrs Or
Mrs Orval Smart
Mrs P Meehan
Mrs P N G .
Mrs Party
Mrs Pasch Anglican Church Hall
Mrs Paul
MRS PAUL CHABOT Bristol Mines.
Mrs Paul Perry
MRS PEARL CARTER SPECIALS Fry Cadbury Best Chocolate Cake Mrs Neil McDowell
Mrs Pennant
Mrs Percy
Mrs Perry
Mrs Peter
Mrs Peter Bell Celebrates
Mrs Phil Perry
Mrs Phil Perry &
Mrs Phil Perry.
Mrs Philip Perry
Mrs Pierre Lambert
Mrs Pilons
Mrs R.R. Morgan
Mrs Ray Perry
Mrs Ray- Historical Society
Mrs Raymond Bowes
Mrs Renée Latreille
Mrs Rheal Lambert
Mrs Rita Arts Honours
Mrs Roger Perry
Mrs Roger Perry &
Mrs Roger Perry & Jhe
Mrs Roger Perry 8. Coffee
Mrs Roger Perry of
Mrs Roger Perry of Renfrew
Mrs Ron Robichaud
Mrs Ron Robicheau
Mrs Ronnie
Mrs Ronnie Corrlveau
Mrs Ronnie Dagg
Mrs Ronnie De
Mrs Ronnie Desabrais
Mrs Ronnie Dorzek
Mrs Ronnie Emmerson
Mrs Ronnie Gam
Mrs Ronnie Hodgins
Mrs Ronnie Hutchison
Mrs Ronnie Kluke
Mrs Ronnie Lassenba
Mrs Ronnie Madairc Sons Funeral Home
Mrs Ronnie Orr
Mrs Ronnie Roberta
Mrs Ronnie Valiquette
Mrs Ronnie Zimmerling
Mrs Rose Kluke
Mrs Rose Perry
Mrs Roy Hilton
Mrs Ruby Hospital
Mrs Russell Pitt
Mrs Russell Pitt of Hull
Mrs Russell Pitt spent Christmas Holidays
Mrs S Perry
Mrs Sa
Mrs School
Mrs School Suits
Mrs Security Solutions Inc. McElwain
Mrs Service
Mrs Shiela Hill
Mrs Sinai Vaillancourt
Mrs Sloan
Mrs Smart
Mrs Stan Ziebarth
Mrs Standard Church Shawville Wednesday
Mrs Stanley
Mrs Stephen Perry
Mrs Stephen Perry Mr.
Mrs Stephen Perry.
Mrs Steven Perry
Mrs Susie Wings
Mrs Sutherland Visitors
Mrs Syd Barclay
Mrs Syd Murrell
Mrs T.S. Methodist Church
Mrs Teddy BwC
Mrs Teddy C
Mrs Teddy Craie Regular
Mrs Teddy Craig
Mrs Teddy Craig Carried
Mrs Teddy Judd
Mrs Teddy Newberry
Mrs Teddy Newberry Shawville
Mrs Teddy Shuttle
Mrs Telephone
Mrs Teresa Perry
Mrs Teresa Perry and Art Laundry
Mrs Terry
Mrs Terry Pitt
Mrs Terry Pitt and
Mrs Terry Pitt and Lake
Mrs Terry Pitt of
Mrs Terry Pitt of Caladair
Mrs Terry Pitt.
Mrs Theresa Perry
Mrs Theresa Perry Shawville
Mrs Thornes Brown St. Mary
Mrs Thrun’s
Mrs Tommie Bell
Mrs Trooper Loeis Welch Wounded
Mrs Trucking Division
Mrs US Alice Brownlee
MRS V THRUM Christmas
MRS V THRUN Council Hall
MRS V THRUN Sally Rosborough
MRS V THRUN Sandy Homer
Mrs Valmore Perry.
Mrs Vera Perry
Mrs Vera Pitt Lemaire
Mrs Vincent Foran
Mrs Vincent Hodgins
Mrs Violet Hospital
Mrs Violet Watson
Mrs Wales Drive
Mrs Walter
Mrs Walter Perry
Mrs Watson
Mrs Wayne
Mrs Wayne Perry
Mrs Wayne Perry.
Mrs Wesleyan Methodist WALTER
Mrs Wilfred
Mrs Will Perry
Mrs William
Mrs William Watson
Mrs Willie Perry
Mrs Willis
Mrs Wilson Perry
Mrs Wm Kcarnan
Mrs Wm Perry
Mrs XS- Historical Society Helps Trace
Mrs Yach’s
Mrs Zigi Waldner
Mrs! Smith
Mrs* c
Mrs, Arthur Pitt.
Mrs, College
Mrs, Des Co oligan
Mrs, Horace Laudon
Mrs, Mac Angus
Mrs, Percy Institute A
Mrs, Stephen Bell
Mrs- Alex Weir
Mrs- Milton
Mrs. Customs
Mrs. "
Mrs. (vrrald Perry
Mrs. 8. Perry and
Mrs. A. Lambert
Mrs. A. Pitt
Mrs. A. Pitt and
Mrs. A. Pitt Hospital
Mrs. Adam Weir
Mrs. AdfUBS
Mrs. Agricultural Society
Mrs. Al Hutchison A |
Mrs. Al Read
Mrs. Ale-shine
Mrs. Alen Weir
Mrs. Aleshine
Mrs. Alex
Mrs. Alex Bean
Mrs. Alex Bean Dies
Mrs. Alex Bell
Mrs. Alex Campbell
Mrs. Alex Davis
Mrs. Alex Davis Court Report
Mrs. Alex G
Mrs. Alex God
Mrs. Alex Hazzard
Mrs. Alex Health and Welfare Committee
Mrs. Alex John
Mrs. Alex Johns
Mrs. Alex L. Pigvault | Hospital
Mrs. Alex Lapierre
Mrs. Alex McCann Building Supply Reg d Limited Supply Only
Mrs. Alex McDonald Bereaved Harness
Mrs. Alex McDonald.
Mrs. Alex McIntyre
Mrs. Alex Moor
Mrs. Alex Olmsted
Mrs. Alex Pigeon Mrs. Alex Pigeon
Mrs. Alex Pokes
Mrs. Alex Stuart
Mrs. Alex Vincent formerly Mrs. Annie Stewart
Mrs. Alex Weir
Mrs. Alex Weir of Renfrew
Mrs. Alex Weir Sun-dayed
Mrs. Alice Neville
Mrs. Alix
Mrs. Alix Weir
Mrs. Allan
Mrs. Allan Black
Mrs. Allan Black & NOTICE
Mrs. Allan Black’s
Mrs. Allan Brown
Mrs. Allan Carswell
Mrs. Allan Findlay
Mrs. Allan Hall
Mrs. Allan Hornby
Mrs. Allan M Yarin
Mrs. Allan McCagg
Mrs. Allan McKay
Mrs. Allan Mohr
Mrs. Allan Poole
Mrs. Alphonse Vincent
Mrs. Alvin Hamilton
Mrs. Alvin Perry
Mrs. Am
Mrs. Ames
Mrs. Ander-
Mrs. Anglican Church
Mrs. Ann Fumerton Womans Missionary Society
Mrs. Ann Lambert
Mrs. Ann Lola Lambert
Mrs. Annie
Mrs. Annie Alice
Mrs. Annie Sa
Mrs. Anonymous
Mrs. Anson Miller
Mrs. Ar-
Mrs. Archie Campbell
Mrs. Archie Kings-
Mrs. Arimtroi
Mrs. Arlee Perry
Mrs. Arloe Perry
Mrs. Army Campaigns
Mrs. Arnold Gilman of
Mrs. Arnold Watson
Mrs. Arnprior Chronicle
Mrs. Aro- Visitors
Mrs. Art
Mrs. Art Amyotte
Mrs. Art Boivert
Mrs. Art Bradley
Mrs. Art C
Mrs. Art Campbell
Mrs. Art Car- the
Mrs. Art Carson
Mrs. Art Carson and Mrs. Art Strutt
Mrs. Art Carson of
Mrs. Art Carson spent
Mrs. Art Carson’s
Mrs. Art Dagg
Mrs. Art Day
Mrs. Art Hampsoo
Mrs. Art Haves
Mrs. Art Hayes; Health & Welfare
Mrs. Art Hodgins
Mrs. Art Hodgloe Miss Kay Woodley
Mrs. Art Labelle
Mrs. Art Labelle Heads Waltham CWL W/kot
Mrs. Art Labelle Waltham Bristol Quyon Beethgrore Rev
Mrs. Art Manual
Mrs. Art McDowell
Mrs. Art Turner
Mrs. Art Turner’s
Mrs. Arthur Pitt
Mrs. Arthur Pitt and Francis Pitt of Wakefield
Mrs. Arthur Pitt on Oct. Kith
Mrs. Arthur Pitt.
Mrs. Arthur Pitt;
Mrs. Arthur Pitt; Highway school
Mrs. Arthur Turner
Mrs. Arto Perry
Mrs. Atkinson CEMETERY MEMORIALS Mssionary Committee
Mrs. Atomic Energy
Mrs. Austin Bell Canada Fort
Mrs. Ballantync
Mrs. Baptist Boucher
Mrs. Barbers Store Saturday
Mrs. Barney Finlan
Mrs. Barney Kilroy Mrs. Blanche Hodgins
Mrs. Barney Kilroy of
Mrs. Barry Bell
Mrs. Basel Bell
Mrs. Basil Quaile;
Mrs. Beat Cuthbertson
Mrs. Bedford Lac Co-op Medici Be
Mrs. Bedford Robin-
Mrs. Bedford Robinson
Mrs. Bedford Rohin- LocNohe
Mrs. Beechgrove Women’s Institute
Mrs. Bell
Mrs. Bells
Mrs. Benjamin Watson
Mrs. Bertha Drouin;
Mrs. Best
Mrs. Best Mrs.
Mrs. Beta Draper
Mrs. Bible Study
Mrs. Birt s Die- Viiltlng
Mrs. Birthday Party"
Mrs. Blair Brown
Mrs. Blair Piror
Mrs. Blair Prior
Mrs. Blair There
Mrs. Blank’s
Mrs. Blondey
Mrs. Bob Hospital
Mrs. Borden Cochrane
Mrs. Bowles
Mrs. Boys
Mrs. Branch Bank
Mrs. Brown
Mrs. Brownlee* Insurance
Mrs. Browns Parents Mr. Mrs.
Mrs. Browse
Mrs. Bud Perry
Mrs. Byrtle Lambert
Mrs. c
Mrs. c Hilltops
Mrs. c Lawn
Mrs. C. Watson
Mrs. C.C. Watson
Mrs. Cal
Mrs. Cal C
Mrs. Cal Cum
Mrs. Cal Cummings
Mrs. Cal Cummings Jr
Mrs. Cal Cummings Jr.
Mrs. Cal Cummings Mr. Herbie O’Hara
Mrs. Cal Cummings Pastoral Quyon
Mrs. Cal Cummings Sr
Mrs. Cal Cummings;
Mrs. Cal Cumminrgs
Mrs. Cal verne
Mrs. Carey
Mrs. Carl Cola
Mrs. Carmen McKenzie s Pepsi Cola
Mrs. Cecil Paris
Mrs. cemetery
Mrs. Chalmers Watson
Mrs. Chamber Iain''s Millinery Parlor
Mrs. Chamber la
Mrs. Chapeau Hospital A
Mrs. Charles Paris
Mrs. Charles Paris Parish Picnic
Mrs. Charlesworth
Mrs. Chartes Lambert
Mrs. Chas
Mrs. Chatterton—Oh
Mrs. Christ
Mrs. Christian Education
Mrs. Church
Mrs. Church Parsonage
Mrs. Church Services
Mrs. Civic Hospital
Mrs. Clara
Mrs. Clara Agnes Pr
Mrs. Clara Carknsr
Mrs. Clara Lomme
Mrs. Clara Saule
Mrs. Clare Rowe
Mrs. Clarence Carson
Mrs. Clarence Carson .............. Wyman W. A..............
Mrs. Clarence Carson ; Cut
Mrs. Clarence Carson Celebrate Twenty-fifth Wedding Anniversary
Mrs. Clarence Romain
Mrs. Clarence Visitors
Mrs. Clarence Wall
Mrs. Cliff School
Mrs. Cliff Schwartz
Mrs. Clifton Visitors
Mrs. Clive Smart
Mrs. Co voua
Mrs. College
Mrs. Com
Mrs. Com Ho
Mrs. Com Refreshments
Mrs. Com Rlngrose
Mrs. Committee
Mrs. Conservative Women
Mrs. Corners
Mrs. Corrigal Sa EES
Mrs. Council
Mrs. Country Club
Mrs. Crawford Carson
Mrs. Crawford Carson Destroyed
Mrs. Crawford Carson J. OSCAR LAFLAMME
Mrs. Crawford Carson of Shawville
Mrs. Crystal Falls
Mrs. Crystal Webb Secretary-Treasurer
Mrs. Culture
Mrs. Cyril Watson
Mrs. C’s
Mrs. D. Rowe
Mrs. D. Rowe.
Mrs. D. Rowe;
Mrs. D. Rowe; Health
Mrs. Dagg; Jelly
Mrs. Dagg; Lemon
Mrs. Daniel Butler
Mrs. Daniel Lamothe
Mrs. Daniel Ryan Rhone
Mrs. Daniel St. Paul’s Church
Mrs. Daniel Stewart
Mrs. Daniel Tee
Mrs. Dave Brown
Mrs. David Gamble
Mrs. Delbert Pack
Mrs. Delbert Pitt &
Mrs. Deli Pitt
Mrs. Deli Pitt and Paulie
Mrs. Dellie Pitt with Randy
Mrs. Delmar Pitt
Mrs. Delmar Pitt Syracuse OLD TIME FIDDLING—DANCING AND SONGS Featuring
Mrs. Delmer Pitt
Mrs. Denton Hodgins Hogs
Mrs. Desmond Rowe
Mrs. Desmond Rowe.
Mrs. Dickson
Mrs. Dickson Tells Coulonge Institute All About Printing
Mrs. Dillion Kings-
Mrs. Docherty
Mrs. Don Lambert
Mrs. Donald Gamble
Mrs. Donaldson
Mrs. Donaldson of Ottawa
Mrs. Donaldson,
Mrs. Donaldson.
Mrs. Donat LeGuerrier
Mrs. Donj Campbell
Mrs. Dorios Racine
Mrs. Douglas
Mrs. Douglas Campbell
Mrs. Douglas Hogg Donald Gunn
Mrs. Douglas Pitt
Mrs. Douglas Pitt church
Mrs. Douglas Pitt of Ottawa
Mrs. Douglas Pitt tave Yach
Mrs. Dougles Pitt.
Mrs. Drake’s
Mrs. Drown
Mrs. Dudlv Gamble Mr.
Mrs. Dunraven
Mrs. E Bell and
Mrs. E F
Mrs. E Godin
Mrs. E Murrell
Mrs. E N McOoll
Mrs. E P Fulford
Mrs. E Perry
Mrs. E Pitt.
Mrs. E. Bell.
Mrs. E. Perry
Mrs. E. Pitt
Mrs. E. Pitt last
Mrs. E. Pitt of Davidson
Mrs. E. Pitt.
Mrs. E. Pitt; Organists
Mrs. Earl Dolan
Mrs. Earl Findlay
Mrs. Earl Hilton Mines
Mrs. Eckard Miss Vernna Simmons
Mrs. Ed Pitt
Mrs. Ed Pitt with Mrs. Doug Campbell
Mrs. Eddie Pitt
Mrs. Eddie Pitt of Chalk River
Mrs. Eddie Pitt of Davidson
Mrs. Edgar Alexander b Hairdressing
Mrs. Edison
Mrs. Edison Brown
Mrs. Edison Brown Moved
Mrs. Edith Titus
Mrs. Edna Bclshcr Bros Belsher
Mrs. Edna Bell
Mrs. Edna Bell 73499b LOST
Mrs. Edna Bell of
Mrs. Edna Bell Victoria Ave
Mrs. Edne Bell
Mrs. Education
Mrs. Edward Church
Mrs. Edward Pitt
Mrs. Edward Pitt and Mrs. Doug-I— IIBHI
Mrs. Edward Pitt and Mrs. John Miron
Mrs. Edward Pitt Campbell’s
Mrs. Edward Pitt of Davidson
Mrs. Edward Pitt.
Mrs. Edward Word
Mrs. Elaine Carson
Mrs. Elburne Bean
Mrs. Eldon Brown
Mrs. Elgin Pitt and Shrye
Mrs. Elhurne Bean
Mrs. Eli Pitt
Mrs. Elizabeth Weir
Mrs. Ellard Perry
Mrs. Ellard Perry of Shawville
Mrs. Ellard Perry Perry-Horner
Mrs. Ellard Perry.
Mrs. Ellerd Perry.
Mrs. Ellis
Mrs. Eltcrd Perry
Mrs. Emerson Haul
Mrs. Emile Carson Russell
Mrs. Emmet Bell
Mrs. Emmett Bell
Mrs. Emmett Bell Collections IHC
Mrs. Emmond Bell
Mrs. Emmond Bell Starks Comers
Mrs. Equity SI
Mrs. Erhen Sa
Mrs. Eric Watson
Mrs. Erne Hamburg
Mrs. Ernest Oil
Mrs. Ernie Visitors
Mrs. ers R. C. Church
Mrs. Ervin Watson
Mrs. Erwin Hayes
Mrs. Erwin Life
Mrs. Esaie Royce Henderson
Mrs. Ester Quaile D.R.O.
Mrs. Etiard Perry
Mrs. Eve- Municipal Council
Mrs. Everett
Mrs. Everett Brown
Mrs. Everett Court Mrs. R
Mrs. Everett Ebert
Mrs. Everett Ebert Hamilton
Mrs. Everett Gilpin
Mrs. Everett Hayes
Mrs. Everett Hayes Mr.
Mrs. Everett I.augh-re
Mrs. Everett Laiigliren
Mrs. Everett Langhren
Mrs. Everett Lau-ghren
Mrs. Everett Laugh
Mrs. Everett Laugh-ren
Mrs. Everett Laughien
Mrs. Everett Laughrcn
Mrs. Everett Laughren
Mrs. Everett Laughren Honoured
Mrs. Everett Laughven
Mrs. Everett Leughren
Mrs. Everett Lowery
Mrs. Everett Mc(
Mrs. Everett Mc- Dowell
Mrs. Everett McCor-iston
Mrs. Everett McCorriaton
Mrs. Everett McCorris-craft
Mrs. Everett McCorris-from
Mrs. Everett McCorris-ton
Mrs. Everett McCorristoe
Mrs. Everett McCorriston
Mrs. Everett McCorrlston
Mrs. Everett McDow-
Mrs. Everett McDow-1
Mrs. Everett McDow-‘
Mrs. Everett McDowel
Mrs. Everett McDowell
Mrs. Everett McDowell Given
Mrs. Everett McDowell Miss Verna Mac Donnell
Mrs. Everett McDOwell Mr.
Mrs. Everett McDowell Perfect Love
Mrs. Everett McDowell Phone
Mrs. Everett McDowells
Mrs. Everett McDowJ
Mrs. Everett McyowbL Clarendon Council SAwville Council Recent
Mrs. Everett Me-
Mrs. Everett Me- Louis Missouri
Mrs. Everett Mo
Mrs. Everett Mo Dowell
Mrs. Everett Moir
Mrs. Everett Moore
Mrs. Everett Moore Wke
Mrs. Everett Mor-Nurse
Mrs. Everett Morri- Mr.
Mrs. Everett Morrison
Mrs. Everett Morrison Ohio
Mrs. Everett Mrs. Asa
Mrs. Everett MscDowell
Mrs. Everett Olm
Mrs. Everett Olm of Prize
Mrs. Everett Steefle
Mrs. Everett Steele
Mrs. Everett Vloorc
Mrs. Everett | Laughren
Mrs. F. Hilton Moore
Mrs. Fair
Mrs. Farm Forum Annual Meeting DRINK MILK USE MILK EVERY MEAL
Mrs. Fd-vv.nl
Mrs. Fein
Mrs. Ferris
Mrs. FI
Mrs. Fields Cookies
Mrs. Fleet
Mrs. Floods Nursing Home
Mrs. Flushton* Learning
Mrs. Forest Lambert
Mrs. Forum Council
Mrs. Francos Senior
Mrs. Franklyn
Mrs. Fred Campbell
Mrs. Fred Cemetery
Mrs. Fred Garage
Mrs. Fred Rowe
Mrs. Fred School
Mrs. Full
Mrs. Gardiner Country
Mrs. Garth Graham Mrs. Violet Poole
Mrs. Garth Roll
Mrs. Gary Perry
Mrs. Gasman
Mrs. Geo
Mrs. Geo Campbell
Mrs. George Black
Mrs. George Chamber
Mrs. George Effective
Mrs. George Parsons
Mrs. George Perry
Mrs. George Perry and Walter Perry
Mrs. George Perry of Waltham Northcotc Mrs. R. Dupuis; Bristol Mem-A Remembrance Day
Mrs. George Perry Waltham
Mrs. George Pitt Calumet Island
Mrs. George Royce
Mrs. George Watson
Mrs. Ger
Mrs. Ger- N Chapeau Recreational Association
Mrs. Gerald Perry
Mrs. Gerald Perry St. Eus-tache
Mrs. Gerald Spicer
Mrs. Gibbons
Mrs. Gil-Ontario Hospital Board
Mrs. Gilbeit Young
Mrs. Gilbert Finan
Mrs. Gilbert Finan’s Radford
Mrs. Gilbert Telford Manager-Secretary
Mrs. Girls
Mrs. Girls School Dresses
Mrs. Goldie Watson
Mrs. Gordon
Mrs. Gordon Armstrong
Mrs. Gordon BaHantyne
Mrs. Gordon Ballantyne
Mrs. Gordon Barber
Mrs. Gordon Bel
Mrs. Gordon Bradleys
Mrs. Gordon Brown
Mrs. Gordon Brownlee
Mrs. Gordon Campbell
Mrs. Gordon Cart
Mrs. Gordon Church
Mrs. Gordon Fierobin
Mrs. Gordon Findlay
Mrs. Gordon Gibbons
Mrs. Gordon Hall
Mrs. Gordon Hall Ex Pontiac Teacher Died February
Mrs. Gordon Hill
Mrs. Gordon Hoy
Mrs. Gordon Hughes Hector Dowe
Mrs. Gordon Lambert
Mrs. Gordon MacMillan
Mrs. Gordon MacMillan Mrs. Lloyd Queale Mrs. Thos
Mrs. Gordon Maxwell
Mrs. Gordon McBride Visitors
Mrs. Gordon McGowan Chamber of Commerce
Mrs. Gordon Me- JOE RAY S TEXACO
Mrs. Gordon Orr
Mrs. Gordon Pan Social Committee
Mrs. Gordon Paul
Mrs. Gordon Perry
Mrs. Gordon R Smith;
Mrs. Gordon Richardson
Mrs. Gordon Rowe
Mrs. Gordon Russett
Mrs. Gordon Sparl
Mrs. Gordon Thorn#
Mrs. Gordon V ° Ba
Mrs. Gordon Wilson
Mrs. Gordon Witt
Mrs. Gordon X
Mrs. Gordon |
Mrs. Graham Sa
Mrs. Grant Perry
Mrs. Green Students May Get Foundling Hospital
Mrs. Griffith & Margaret
Mrs. Group
Mrs. Guilbeut
Mrs. H J
Mrs. H. Co
Mrs. HaKold
Mrs. Hall
Mrs. Har
Mrs. Har- Vincent Hodgin*
Mrs. Harold
Mrs. Harold Brown Ways and Means
Mrs. Harold Finance Committee
Mrs. Harold Pitt
Mrs. Harold Stone Get
Mrs. Harper Campbell
Mrs. Harry Campbell
Mrs. Harry Church
Mrs. Hartwell Thompson
Mrs. Harvey T E. R. Nurse
Mrs. Hawley
Mrs. Hawley Elliott
Mrs. Hawley Elliott;
Mrs. Hawley Frost
Mrs. Hawley Wan
Mrs. Hawley Wic-|
Mrs. Hawley Wick-ens
Mrs. Hawley Wick-Ten
Mrs. Hawley Wickens
Mrs. Hazel
Mrs. Hazel Stuart
Mrs. Health Week
Mrs. Hector Hodgins
Mrs. Hen- Court
Mrs. Herbert
Mrs. Herbie Brown
Mrs. Hi His Gahain
Mrs. Hi Ills Smith Murphy
Mrs. Hi la
Mrs. Hi Mis P. Thompson
Mrs. High School
Mrs. Hilda Graham
Mrs. Hilliard Tubman
Mrs. Hilton
Mrs. Hilton Crick
Mrs. Hilton Kent
Mrs. Hilton OlffM
Mrs. Hilton Or
Mrs. Hilton Robinson
Mrs. Hodgins High School
Mrs. Hogg Allan
Mrs. Holmes
Mrs. Holts
Mrs. Horse Geld
Mrs. Hospital
Mrs. Hospital Mawson Mr.
Mrs. Houston
Mrs. Houston Bishop Windle
Mrs. How-ical Services
Mrs. Hpnald Gamble
Mrs. HT Visitors
Mrs. Hubert Hamilton
Mrs. Hubert Pitt
Mrs. Hubert Pitt and
Mrs. Hudson
Mrs. Hugh
Mrs. Î
Mrs. I Carson
Mrs. I. Perry.
Mrs. Ida King
Mrs. Inn Hotel
Mrs. Institute
Mrs. Iona Periard;
Mrs. Ir- Catholic Women’s League
Mrs. Ira Line
Mrs. Iron Mines
Mrs. Irvin Watson
Mrs. Irwin Watson
Mrs. Ita Perry
Mrs. Ivan Lambert
Mrs. J. Perry Jean Louis Muir
Mrs. J. Pitt b
Mrs. J.C. Bell
Mrs. J.O. Rowe
Mrs. Jack Committee Gospel Signboard Judd’s
Mrs. James Perry
Mrs. James Perry 200.70;
Mrs. James Perry Bristol Memorial Presbyterian
Mrs. James Perry;
Mrs. James Pitt
Mrs. James Pitt.
Mrs. James Sa
Mrs. Janies Bell
Mrs. Jas G Bryson
Mrs. Jas Pitt trove# ABOARD
Mrs. Jean Duke
Mrs. Jean Sa
Mrs. Jeanne Belle Carey
Mrs. Jeanne Belle Murphy
Mrs. Jeanne Equity Staff Photo
Mrs. Jennie Caldwell
Mrs. Jennif Belle Murphy
Mrs. Jernes Pitt
Mrs. Jessie Pitt
Mrs. Jim Perry.
Mrs. Jim Pitt
Mrs. Jim Telford
Mrs. JS Allan
Mrs. Junior Agriculture
Mrs. Kdgar Church
Mrs. Keith Ferry
Mrs. Kelly
Mrs. Kelly’s
Mrs. Ken Dugans
Mrs. Ken Fame
Mrs. Ken Line
Mrs. Ken Vincent
Mrs. Ken Vincent | September
Mrs. Kerr Line
Mrs. Kevin Meehan
Mrs. Kodak
Mrs. L Lambert
Mrs. L Perry
Mrs. L. Lambert
Mrs. L. Perry
Mrs. L. Perry;
Mrs. l.en Perry.
Mrs. Labelle’s
Mrs. Lambert
Mrs. Lambert Kelly
Mrs. Lambert Rut
Mrs. Lance’s
Mrs. Lang’s
Mrs. Lar-Stuart
Mrs. Larry Perry
Mrs. Larry Perry of Waltham
Mrs. Lcn Perry
Mrs. Ldward Pitt
Mrs. Leeks
Mrs. Leith Learning
Mrs. Lemard Perry
Mrs. Len Perry
Mrs. Len Perry and Team
Mrs. Len Perry CW LPres
Mrs. Len Perry Mr.
Mrs. Len Perry Prcs-weekend
Mrs. Len Perry.
Mrs. Lenard Perry, Education Convener
Mrs. Leonard Perry
Mrs. Leonard Perry Mrs. Lomey Perry
Mrs. Leonard Perry | Kirkham
Mrs. Leonard Perry.
Mrs. Leonard Pitt of Le
Mrs. léonard Pitt.
Mrs. Leonard Visitors
Mrs. Leq/ Ferry
Mrs. Lester Thacker
Mrs. lie Elementary School
Mrs. Lillian McMillan Heady x Hospital
Mrs. Lilly C
Mrs. Lilly Harter
Mrs. Lina Horner | DONAT Le GUERRIER
Mrs. Lindsay Carson
Mrs. Lindsay Carson.
Mrs. Line
Mrs. Lionel Morin
Mrs. Lite Smiths Drug 71114b Camp PLACE MATS.
Mrs. Livestock Shipping
Mrs. Lllard Perry
Mrs. LLod&ay Carson.
Mrs. Loenard Perry
Mrs. Lola Lambert
Mrs. Lome Meehan
Mrs. Lome Perry
Mrs. Lorney Perry
Mrs. Lottie Wallis
Mrs. Luker Commission
Mrs. Luker Inégal Blank Printing Co ...
Mrs. Lvle Bronson
Mrs. Lyall Sparling
Mrs. Lynch
Mrs. Lynden Bristol School Commissioners School Board
Mrs. M Murrell
Mrs. M. Chamber
Mrs. M. Duke
Mrs. M. Perry
Mrs. M. Perry and Mrs. Ed
Mrs. M. Pitt.
Mrs. M. Sa
Mrs. Mac
Mrs. Mac Angus
Mrs. Mac Angus and St. Peters RC Church
Mrs. Mac Childerhose
Mrs. Mac Crozier
Mrs. Mac Crozier Renfrew; Mrs. Edward Kavanagh Vinton; Mrs.
Mrs. Mac Desrochers
Mrs. Mac Dowell
Mrs. Mac Drummond
Mrs. Mac Foran
Mrs. Mac Haves
Mrs. Mac Hayes
Mrs. Mac Hyes
Mrs. Mac Loan
Mrs. Mac MacLaren SLrxfJssss
Mrs. Mac MacLaughlin
Mrs. Mac MacLean
Mrs. Mac Mayhew
Mrs. Mac McClenahan
Mrs. Mac McDonald, Wrightville
Mrs. Mac McLaren
Mrs. Mac McLaugh
Mrs. Mac McPhee
Mrs. Mac Mlllan
Mrs. Mac Pitt
Mrs. Mac William*
Mrs. Mac-
Mrs. Mae
Mrs. Mae Ann
Mrs. Mae Arm-ply Mrs. Ida Hobbs
Mrs. Mae Armstrong
Mrs. Mae Armstrong Cecil McCagg Allan Black Gamett Orr Harland Armitage Cecil McTiernan Elburn Dagg
Mrs. Mae Arrnstix>ng
Mrs. Mae Boye
Mrs. Mae Butler
Mrs. Mae Commissioners
Mrs. Mae Dale
Mrs. Mae Elliott
Mrs. Mae Gilmour
Mrs. Mae Hall
Mrs. Mae Kcnsley
Mrs. Mae McCann
Mrs. Mae Mcl
Mrs. Mae McLean
Mrs. Mae Mooney
Mrs. Mae O Reilly
Mrs. Mae Richardson
Mrs. Mae Sanftcnberg
Mrs. Mae SERVICE VA CA TION Fest end Efficient Service
Mrs. MaeCalîtim
Mrs. Mahlon Thompson
Mrs. Malcolm Drummond
Mrs. Mar
Mrs. Mar- Largely
Mrs. Margaret Young
Mrs. Marion Bell
Mrs. Marjorie Gamble
Mrs. Marshall
Mrs. Mart
Mrs. Martin
Mrs. Martineau’s
Mrs. Marvin Campbell
Mrs. Mary Campbell
Mrs. Mary Ellen
Mrs. Mary Fades
Mrs. Mary Hill
Mrs. Mary Kelly
Mrs. Mary Lucas
Mrs. Mary Pitt
Mrs. Mary Pitt.
Mrs. Mary Richardson
Mrs. Mary Teresa Kidd has Communications
Mrs. Mary Watson
Mrs. Masika Lancaster
Mrs. Mason
Mrs. Mason Paris
Mrs. Masters
Mrs. Mathers
Mrs. Matthew Perry of Aylmer
Mrs. Maurice Sa
Mrs. May Pitt of North
Mrs. May Stone
Mrs. Maye Armstrong
Mrs. Mayo Armstrong
Mrs. Mayo Armstrong Mrs. Cynthia Draper Mrs. Lois Pirie
Mrs. McEachron Hospital Supt
Mrs. McFarlan Bristol Que
Mrs. McGee’s
Mrs. McJanet
Mrs. McKinley
Mrs. McMillans
Mrs. Mel-| Equity
Mrs. Melvin Murrell
Mrs. Merlin Mc- Hodgins
Mrs. Methodist Church
Mrs. Mi-ley Perry.
Mrs. Michelle Courchesne
Mrs. Mick Bristol Memorial Ladies Aid
Mrs. Mildred
Mrs. Miley Perry
Mrs. Miley Perry ;
Mrs. Milton Murrell
Mrs. Miltos Murrell FINDLAY RANGE.
Mrs. Mitchum
Mrs. MjI-ton Murrell
Mrs. MoCredir’s
Mrs. Mohr
Mrs. Mohr T
Mrs. Morris
Mrs. Morris Belodeau
Mrs. Morris Davis
Mrs. Morris de Kort
Mrs. Morris Douglas
Mrs. Morris Label
Mrs. Morris Lance
Mrs. Morris LaSalle
Mrs. Morris Lcniav
Mrs. Morris Mad-aire
Mrs. Morris Malette Rev. & Mrs. H.
Mrs. Morris Parks—
Mrs. Morris Sauvie
Mrs. Mrs Carson Russell
Mrs. MUey Perry
Mrs. Mulci-ber
Mrs. Mulciber
Mrs. Munson McCagg
Mrs. Muriel
Mrs. Murphy
Mrs. Myers
Mrs. Ned Pitt of North Bay
Mrs. Ned | Hospital Auxiliary Mrs. Russell Dean
Mrs. Neil McCagg
Mrs. Neil McDowell
Mrs. Neil Me- USED CARS
Mrs. New School Name Now “High School
Mrs. Noah Kings- Party
Mrs. Norman Hospital Donations Stark
Mrs. Norris Angus
Mrs. Norris Bristol.
Mrs. Nute’s
Mrs. Oil
Mrs. Oil Fraser
Mrs. Opal Carson
Mrs. Opal Carson and Mrs. Joyce McCagg
Mrs. Opal Carson.
Mrs. Orang-Outang
Mrs. Ornave Alice
Mrs. Orr’s
Mrs. Ovila Chartrand Wolf Lake
Mrs. Owen P Hearty Visitors
Mrs. P Dumas Cauliflower
Mrs. P Lang Strutt;
Mrs. P. Lambert
Mrs. P. School
Mrs. Paget
Mrs. Parkin
Mrs. Parkin Taylor
Mrs. Parks
Mrs. Parks Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Restored Her Daughter
Mrs. Parks Tells How Lydia E. PinkhanTs Vegetable Compound Restored Her Daughter’s Health Rat Litho
Mrs. Patrick Sa
Mrs. Patriotic Dance
Mrs. Paul
Mrs. Paul Hunt
Mrs. Paul Perry
Mrs. Paul Red
Mrs. Pearl Allan
Mrs. Peeke—“Well
Mrs. Peever RJt
Mrs. Percy Moyle
Mrs. Peter Bell
Mrs. Peter Bell Dies
Mrs. Peter Church
Mrs. Peter Moyles
Mrs. Peter Wilson
Mrs. Phipps
Mrs. Polk
Mrs. Post Graduate Work
Mrs. Post Office Department
Mrs. Progressive Conservative Assoc-1 Martineau
Mrs. R P
Mrs. Rachel Stock
Mrs. Rae Telephone
Mrs. Rain
Mrs. Ray Hilton
Mrs. Ray- Senior Girls
Mrs. Red Dale
Mrs. Reed
Mrs. Reg Stone
Mrs. Regina Wilkinson
Mrs. Reid
Mrs. Remi Ferry
Mrs. Ren- Hilton Crick;
Mrs. Reside
Mrs. Reta
Mrs. Rets
Mrs. Reuben Church
Mrs. Robert Perry
Mrs. Robert Pitt
Mrs. Robert Pitt of Calumet
Mrs. Robinson
Mrs. Robt
Mrs. Roger Perry
Mrs. Roger Perry and Larry Perry
Mrs. Rol-The Bristol Women’s Institute
Mrs. Roland School
Mrs. Romual Watson
Mrs. Romuald Watson
Mrs. Ronald MacKechnie
Mrs. Ronnie
Mrs. Ronnie Chabot
Mrs. Ronnie Com
Mrs. Ronnie Cor- Mr. Ronald Neville
Mrs. Ronnie Corri- Honingman
Mrs. Ronnie Corri-veau
Mrs. Ronnie Dagg
Mrs. Ronnie Davis
Mrs. Ronnie Dean
Mrs. Ronnie Descbrais
Mrs. Ronnie Diaper
Mrs. Ronnie Draper
Mrs. Ronnie Fitzroy Harbour
Mrs. Ronnie Gamble
Mrs. Ronnie Gordon Grey
Mrs. Ronnie Hebert*
Mrs. Ronnie Helman
Mrs. Ronnie Hodgins
Mrs. Ronnie Hutchison
Mrs. Ronnie Las
Mrs. Ronnie Las-senba
Mrs. Ronnie Las-U
Mrs. Ronnie Lasse
Mrs. Ronnie Lassen
Mrs. Ronnie Lassen-
Mrs. Ronnie Lassenba
Mrs. Ronnie Lassenha
Mrs. Ronnie MacKechnie
Mrs. Ronnie Madarie
Mrs. Ronnie McCredde
Mrs. Ronnie McCredie
Mrs. Ronnie McGuire
Mrs. Ronnie Mcliernan
Mrs. Ronnie McTier-and
Mrs. Ronnie McTier-nan
Mrs. Ronnie Milsom
Mrs. Ronnie Milson
Mrs. Ronnie Nadeau
Mrs. Ronnie Orr
Mrs. Ronnie Rich
Mrs. Ronnie Rich FOUR HOUSES
Mrs. Ronnie Russell
Mrs. Ronnie Steele
Mrs. Ronnie Tanguay
Mrs. Roosevelt’s
Mrs. Rose Emond
Mrs. Rose Mousseau
Mrs. Rose Restaurant
Mrs. Roy Allan
Mrs. Roy Hilton
Mrs. Roy Hilton Jackson
Mrs. Roy McDonald and Miss Kay
Mrs. Royce Stephens
Mrs. Russell Elliott ;
Mrs. Russell Pitt
Mrs. Russell Pitt and Ellen
Mrs. Russell Pitt and Heather
Mrs. Russell Pitt of Hull
Mrs. Russell Watson
Mrs. Russrll Pitt of Hull
Mrs. S
Mrs. S P McGoff''be
Mrs. S P McGotf
Mrs. S P McQoff
Mrs. Sa
Mrs. Sa Ionia Prentiss Aylen
Mrs. Sam Education
Mrs. Sam Watson
Mrs. Sanderson
Mrs. Santa
Mrs. Santa Claus
Mrs. School
Mrs. School Bd
Mrs. School Board
Mrs. School Board of Ottawa Valley
Mrs. School Board Secretary Gwen Smith; No.
Mrs. Schwartz
Mrs. Seager
Mrs. Seager Allan
Mrs. Seager Allan Sr
Mrs. Secil Boys Navy
Mrs. Service
Mrs. Service Announcements Black
Mrs. Services
Mrs. Sharpe
Mrs. Shawville High School
Mrs. Shen* Church
Mrs. Sherwln Watson
Mrs. Sidney Murrell
Mrs. Sifton Frazier Miss Bobbie Dagg
Mrs. Sin-
Mrs. Sinclair’s
Mrs. Sjioopendyke
Mrs. Smith
Mrs. Stabilization Board
Mrs. Stan Widdi- Bristol congregations
Mrs. Stanley Dashkowski
Mrs. Stephen
Mrs. Stephen Bell
Mrs. Stephen Bell and Mr.
Mrs. Stephen Bell Weirstead Que
Mrs. Stephen Perry
Mrs. Stephen Perry and
Mrs. Stephen Perry.
Mrs. Steve Perry
Mrs. Steve Perry and Bern Ethicr
Mrs. Steve Perry Mrs. Gordon Stewart
Mrs. Steven Perry.
Mrs. Stevens High School
Mrs. Stew Stone
Mrs. Stewart Grant
Mrs. Stewart Hewlett)
Mrs. Stewart Hewlett.
Mrs. Stiles Association
Mrs. Stowe
Mrs. Strow
Mrs. Stubbs
Mrs. Summer Municipal Baths
Mrs. Sunday School
Mrs. Sweet Alice Blue Gown
Mrs. Sybil Line
Mrs. Sylbil Line
Mrs. Taber
Mrs. Tartar—Iledk
Mrs. Tbo* Brown
Mrs. Teddy
Mrs. Teddy 0f Verna Marguerite Hobbs
Mrs. Teddy C
Mrs. Teddy Cra.g
Mrs. Teddy Craig
Mrs. Teddy Craig Plus TWIST
Mrs. Teddy Judd
Mrs. Teddy Lance
Mrs. Teddy Newbe
Mrs. Teddy Newberry
Mrs. Teddy Reid
Mrs. Teddy Richard
Mrs. Telephone
Mrs. Telephone Co.
Mrs. Temple
Mrs. Theresa Carson.
Mrs. Theresa Perry Pierre Pilon
Mrs. Thmoas Bell
Mrs. Thomas Sons
Mrs. Thomson
Mrs. Thos
Mrs. Tom Bell
Mrs. Tom Bell and
Mrs. Tom Brown
Mrs. Tom Pitt
Mrs. Tommie Bell
Mrs. Tommy Bell
Mrs. Tooke’s Fine Shirts
Mrs. Twickembury
Mrs. United Church
Mrs. United Church Women of St.
Mrs. Uunderby
Mrs. Varner Thrun
Mrs. Velma Boles
Mrs. Verbal Pitt vl-
Mrs. Verge
Mrs. Verner Schwartz Mrs.
Mrs. Verrier Thrun
Mrs. Versel Campbell
Mrs. Vertal Pitt Mr.
Mrs. Vincent Done-can.
Mrs. Vincent Hodgine
Mrs. Vincent Hodgins
Mrs. Vincent Kilroy
Mrs. Viney
Mrs. Viney Belle Volvey
Mrs. Violet Bell
Mrs. Violet Bell No
Mrs. Visiting Co:
Mrs. VV.
Mrs. W Perry
Mrs. W, Horner
Mrs. W.
Mrs. W. Perry
Mrs. W. Perry of Morrisburg
Mrs. W.D. Brown
Mrs. W.G. Muidoon
Mrs. Wales
Mrs. Wallace
Mrs. Walt* High School
Mrs. Walter Perry
Mrs. Walter Visitors
Mrs. Wanted—a School Teacher
Mrs. Washington State
Mrs. Watson
Mrs. Wayne Hilton
Mrs. Wayne Perry
Mrs. Wayne Perry Church
Mrs. Wayne Perry McDonald College
Mrs. Weather Report
Mrs. Welter Kilgour
Mrs. Whalen
Mrs. Wil- Institute
Mrs. Wil- Stock
Mrs. Wilde Elliott
Mrs. Wilfred Lavoie Hay Intermediate School
Mrs. Wilfred Markus b V.
Mrs. Will Perry
Mrs. William Perry
Mrs. William Watson
Mrs. William Watson GOOD
Mrs. William Weir
Mrs. Wilson
Mrs. Wilson Perry
Mrs. Win Miller
Mrs. Wm
Mrs. Wm Watson
Mrs. Wood
Mrs. XV.
Mrs. Y
Mrs. Yvain Lambert
Mrs. Zimmerling’s
Mrs. | High School
Mrs. | University
Mrs. | Vincent Hodgins.
Mrs; Teddy Craig
Multi - Purpose Hoseline Miss Mae Hex
Municipal Corporation of Clarendon Mrs. Loma Younge
Municipal Corporation of Clarendon Mrs. Lome Youngs
Municipal Corporation of Clarendon Mrs. Lorna Youngs
Municipal Corporation of Clarendon Mrs. Lorne Youngs
Municipal Council Donald Duff ON11 Free Methodist Compboll
Municipal Council Mrs Angelus
Municipal Council of Miss Sarah IlanraUy
Municipal Hall Mrs Lourentius Chenier
Municipal Li- Donald Duff
Municipal Miss Connie Telford
Municipal Miss- Florence Colkneyer
Municipal Mrs Fred
Municipal Mrs Joyce
Municipal Mrs. Fnthk Morrison
Municipal Mrs. H
MURDOCK Caldwell Clarion Leader Mrs. Verner Thrun Mrs. Manson Sharpe TAPIS ET DECOR - CARPET AND DE
MURRA Y PITT Mrs Gordon Sparling
Murray Bros Miss Jean Wilson
Murrells News AIL Miss Joan Telford
Muscular Eye Defect* Mrs. Sparling
Muscular Eye Defects Miss Joyce Horner
Muscular Eye Defects MRS.
Muscular Eye Defects Mrs. Frank Morrison Mrs.
Muscular Eye Defect» Mrs.
Muscular Mrs. Alice Brownlee
Mutual Group Mrs. Verner Thrun
Nation Builders—by Mrs.
National Anthem GEORGE H. FR0ATS & SONS Mrs. Merlin McKee the
National Anthem Rev. TER Nurse and Mrs Nurse
National Art Mrs Hector Dowe
National Events Mrs. David Russell
National Events Mrs. Stew
National Events—Miss
National Events—Mrs
National Events—Mrs L A Smart Publicity—Mrs
National Far- Mrs Wm
National Farm Forum Annual Conference Mrs. Ervine Brownlee
National Library Mrs Grace Smith
National Library Mrs Herby Hodgins
National Miss Teen Canada
National Mrs. Ed
National Poultry Marketing Scheme S Mrs. George Moore
National Presi-the Miss Teen Canada
National Re- Mrs* William Hanley
National Selective Service Mrs, Jno
National What They Stand For-by Mrs.
Natural Aluminum Doors Commercial FREE ESTIMATES Mrs. Evelyn McDowell
Natural Resources Mrs
NAVVVW Mrs, Aimstrong
Neilson Best Chocolate Cake- Mrs Neil McDowell
NEILSON Miss Arlene Hodgins
NEILSON V* Mrs. Fades
New Calumet Mines Mrs. A.
New Calumet Mines Visiting Mrs. James
NEW Miss Ann Gervais
New Post Office Barbcr a1ld Mrs- Barbcr
New York MRS.
Niagara Mrs. Vincent Hodgins
NO COVER CHARGE Mr. & Mrs. Florent Lafleur
No. 4 Elementary Mrs.
Noon Neurological Institute of Mrs. Edith Maud Flanagan
Noon W.O. Donald McDowell Poultry Fencing Poultry Netting Electric Fencers
Noranda " Miss
Noranda Mrs. George
Noranda; Mrs.
North Star Sign Mrs.
North Waltham Review Mrs. Arthur Labelle Industrial
Norway Mrs. INC 1C Greb Arch Boot
Notes Miss Linda Wall
Notes Mrs Hilton Oick
Notre Dame Con- Mrs. John A Bradshaw
NOVA SCOTIA General Repairs Estate Mrs.
NOW Donald
NUMBERS J Mrs. Esther Quelle
Nursing Home Miss
OBITUAR Mrs. Mary Bronson
OBITUARIES Miss Arline Kilgour Engagèment
OBITUARIES Miss Mary Anne Hearty
OBITUARY Mrs John Allan Ontario
OBITUARY Mrs Mary Brown
OBITUARY Mrs. Charles Bçale Word
OBITUARY Mrs. Edmond Ricard Mrs. Edmond Ricard
OBITUARY Mrs. Emile Pigeon
OBITUARY Mrs. Gerald Sparrow English
OBITUARY Mrs. Herman Mayhew Dial Telephones
OBITUARY Mrs. Hormidas Gauthier Mrs. Hormidas Gauthier
OBITUARY Mrs. John Duff
OBITUARY Mrs. John Stitt
OBITUARY Mrs. Lawrence Cartier Mrs. Lawrence Cartier
OBITUARY Mrs. Mary Belisle Funeral
OBITUARY Mrs. Mary Callaway Smith
OBITUARY Mrs. Onesime Labine
Office Miss Florence Ilorner
Office Mrs. John
Office Mrs. Moyes
Office Mrs. Sam Rennick R®bS
Oil Painting - Mrs. Bronson
Oil, Methodist Church Notes You 1 Mrs. Hender»on Ci
Old Age Mrs.
Old Gold MRS.
Old Miscellaneous Shop Location By Mrs. Marjorie McCredie
Old Miss Morris
Old Mrs.
Old Mrs. Cavendish
OLIVER Mrs. Kaye
Onions Heritage Peas Miss Mew Cat Food
ONLY Arnprior—Mrs
Onslow Corners ; Mrs. Harry Way
Onslow Corners ; Mrs. R chard McCredie;
Onslow Corners Women’s Institute Mrs. XV.
Onslow Council That Mrs. MacKechnlc
Onslow Intermediate School Miss Jean Neville
ONSLOW Mrs. Alice Neville
Onslow Protestant School Commission Mrs. Helen Campbell
ONT Miss Mary Draper
Ontario Agricultural Colle Mrs. R
ONTARIO Miss Mary Stanton
Ontario Telephone 233-4 1 DIANE
OR Mrs. John
OR Pontiac Sector Office Mrs. Lila
OR Pontiac Sector Office Mrs. Lila Hewitson Pontiac Protestant High School
Original Oil Painting - Mrs. Gladys Horner
Original Oil Painting-Mrs S Phrisler
OTC Mrs Mary
Ottawa Ci Vic Hospital Miss Bea Dumouchel
Ottawa Civic Hospital Mrs. Arthur Kilgour
Ottawa Civic Hospital Mrs. Mary
Ottawa County Womens Institutes Mrs Store
Ottawa General Hospital Bride elect Miss Geraldine McGuire
Ottawa Hospital Miss Gayle Stewart
Ottawa Hospital Mrs. Oscar Landry
Ottawa Mrs.
Ottawa Police Court Mrs. Adelie Boivin
OTTER LAKE Bristol Pastoral Charge Rev. Donald
Otter Miss Alexie Durocher Lake
Our Lady Diocesan Historian Mrs Perpetual Help Church Hass
Our Lady Miss Adrienne Fortier
Our Lady of Fatima Elementary Mrs L Kavanagh School
Our Lady of Mrs. Muriel Le Roy
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Mrs Hilton Demers
Outaouais Miss Legault
Outaouais Purebred Beef Breeders Association Contact Mrs
Outaouais Regional Mrs. Herman Sparling
Outaouais Regional Mrs. Sam Gibson
Oxford Ewe Mrs. Itobt
P* Wilson Estate Mrs.
P. Carson ... Mrs. Glenn...........
P. Wilson Estate Mrs.
Pacific Railway Mrs.
PAINT Non Bridge Committee Mrs.
Pair Woolen Mittens—Miss El
Pan Cake Flipping Champions Mrs. Don Fulford
Parish Council and Miss Joan Hannaberry
Parish Council of Mrs. Eldon Keon
PARISH Ladies Auxiliary Honours Mrs. Wm
PARKER Miss Maggie McCredie
Parks Hatchery Mrs. Mackey
PASCH Mrs. Dele
Pat Mac Donald
PAUL Insurance Miss Amy
PAUL Insurance Mrs. Jas
PAUL Mrs. Cecil Hutton
PAUL Mrs. Elwood Hamilton
Pembroke Cottage Hospital ; Mrs.
Pembroke Hospital Mrs Philias Sicard
Pembroke Mrs. Noella Mulligan
Penecostal Church Mrs. John Warren
Peoples Service Diane Ora Master Brian BreUiafT
Perry Belanger Mrs Agusta
Perry s Miss Dubla Bell
Personal Mention Mrs. Benininh
PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. Ueorge Hodgins
PERSONAL MENTION Service Announcements Cowling Business College A Miss Berta Drape
PERSONAL S Mrs. Rose McGrath
PHONE Miss Dorothy Hobbs
Phone Mrs. Vincent Holland 648-2623
Physical Education Teacher-Mrs Alexander
Pig’s Stomach Mrs. Mabel Murphy
Pioneer Chain Sews Soles ood Service Mrs. Esther Quelle
Pioneer Mrs.
Pioneer Mrs. Steinke Passed Away Abril
Pioneer Resident Of SJiawville And Yarm Mrs. William Horsleld Dies
Pitt and Mrs.
Pitt Mr. and Mrs.
Pitt Mrs Beulah Blais Ford
Plaintiff Mrs.
Planning Sewer Extension Mrs. Manson Sharpe Vachon Mrs Vachon
Pledge Fund Miss Martina
PLUMBERS Ford Mrs Wallace Murphy
PLYMOUTH ADVENTURE Gene Tierney First Run Plow Maureen O’Hara THE MILKMAN Donald O’Connor Pipjr Lau
PM — Special Singing Every Service Miss Doris Hayes
POITRAS Miss Beverley Strutt
Ponliacs Hockey Team Mrs. Marie Bretzalaff Now Organized Shawville Lions Club Celebrates Tenth Anni
Pontiac - Temiscaming Public Stenographic Services Miss Hilda
Pontiac Agriculture Mrs.
Pontiac Anti-Tuberculosis Miss Donna Hearty
Pontiac Club; Mrs. Bertha CT- Shawvllle
Pontiac Co. Perman-Miss Ruth Ellen
Pontiac Com Mrs Ray Reid
Pontiac Com- Mrs.
Pontiac Committee on Alcohol ~Mrs
Pontiac Commun* Miss Gertie Riley
Pontiac Commun- Mr. Luke and Miss Joyce Darlene Mabel
Pontiac Commun-Miss Isabelle Syl
Pontiac Community Ho-and Mrs.
Pontiac Community Hos*| Mrs. Edward Kennedy
Pontiac Community Hos- Miss Irene Suffell
Pontiac Community Hos- Miss Sharon Kensley of Montreal
Pontiac Community Hos- Mrs Genieve Griffin
Pontiac Community Hospi-Mrs Sam Harris
Pontiac Community Hospital and Miss Cora
Pontiac Community Hospital and Mrs. Arthur Labelle
Pontiac Community Hospital and Mrs. Vincent Hamilton
Pontiac Community Hospital By BILL KINMOND Mrs. Ernest Byron
Pontiac Community Hospital Miss Debbie Howard
Pontiac Community Hospital Miss Kate Mulligan
Pontiac Community Hospital Miss Melanie Smith
Pontiac Community Hospital Miss Norma McEwen
Pontiac Community Hospital Mr & Mrs Coll FOR SALVAGING AND CLEARING Centennial Hall NORWAY BAY
Pontiac Community Hospital Mrs Mabel Kilsby
Pontiac Community Hospital Mrs Roy Goodfellow
Pontiac Community Hospital Mrs Wul-o Workman
Pontiac Community Hospital Mrs.
Pontiac Community Hospital Mrs. Hubert Homer BBSS* ACOUSTIC AND ELECTRIC GUI-
Pontiac Community HospltaL Mrs Shirley
Pontiac Community Miss Donna Wrinn
Pontiac Community Miss Jacqueline Browne
Pontiac Community Miss Viola Armstrong
Pontiac Community Mrs
Pontiac Community Mrs Jean Ostrom attended Hospital the
Pontiac Community Mrs Jean-Guy Mainville
Pontiac Community Mrs Jessie Shea
Pontiac Community Mrs.
Pontiac Community Mrs. JU*
Pontiac Community Owen Mrs. Hearty
Pontiac County Miss Shawville
Pontiac County Co-operative Medi- Hospital-Surgical Plan Miss Marjorie Sparling
Pontiac County Co-operative Miss Katherine Donnelly
Pontiac County Miss Diane Telford McKee
Pontiac County Mrs. Hall
Pontiac County Protestant Central School Board; Rev. Elliott; Mrs. Percival; Mr. Basil Quaile
Pontiac County W I. Mrs. Reynolds
PONTIAC DAIRY REG D Hubert Cecil Eland Mrs.
Pontiac Donald
Pontiac Don—Mrs
Pontiac Electric Donald Hodglns Electric Inc Shawville Ford W.J. Hayes
Pontiac Farm Forums Mrs. Gil-
Pontiac Feed Seed Wire Coal CHAPEAU NEWS Mrs Horace Collard
Pontiac Fish & Game Protective Association OBITUARY Mrs. Robf
Pontiac Fish & Game Protective Association Silver Maple Hotel Mrs Gail Kelly
Pontiac Forest Products Producers Board DONALD LAVALLEE BARRISTER
Pontiac Furniture Centre Miss Clair* Tanguay of Montreal
Pontiac Gas Bar Lew* Boy Lewi Mowers Mrs. Esther Quail#
Pontiac High School Phone Mrs. Ula Hewitson
Pontiac Holstein Club Ptetident Donald Duff
Pontiac Hotel Mrs. Bill Elliot*
Pontiac Hotel Mrs. E.
Pontiac Hotel Mrs. Palmer
Pontiac House Miss Stewart
PONTIAC HOUSE Mrs. Webster Palmer
Pontiac Jr. B Hockey Diane Stewart
Pontiac Miss
Pontiac Miss Cfail Wilson
Pontiac Miss Foster
Pontiac Miss Francine Lepage
Pontiac Miss Gilmer
Pontiac Miss Hockey
Pontiac Miss Jean Tracy
Pontiac Miss Loretta C.avan
Pontiac Miss Lulu Fraser
Pontiac Miss Mary Ostrom
Pontiac Mrs Deering
Pontiac Mrs Leona Corriveau Community Hospital Bertha McGee
Pontiac Mrs.
Pontiac Mrs. Alvin Brown
Pontiac Mrs. Charlotte L Écuyer
Pontiac Mrs. Edwin Pine
Pontiac Mrs. Edwin Pirie
Pontiac Mrs. Jules Laroche
Pontiac Mrs. Lockhart
Pontiac Mrs. Merlin Smith
Pontiac Mrs. Nellis Hodgins
Pontiac Mrs. Verner Rueckwald
Pontiac Oversubscribes Fifth Victory Loan Miss Eleinor Hodgins Honored Miss Eleanor Hodgins
Pontiac Plumbing Mrs Hilda
Pontiac Potato Mrs. Gamer Richardson Clubs
Pontiac Protestant High Diane
Pontiac Protestant High Mrs
Pontiac Protestant Home A S Mrs
Pontiac Protestant School Board Mrs. Sharon Halligan
Pontiac Prtnt-Mrs Almond Hodglns
Pontiac Refrigeration Fire Department Mrs. Manson Sharpe Shawville’s
Pontiac Rural Telephone CLARENDON W.I. Mrs. Gerald Hodgfne
Pontiac SSSStH Miss Violet Armstrong
Pontiac Station Vinton Diane Boisvert AUCTION SALES A FARM AUCTION
Pontiac Teachers* Local Mrs. W.
Pontiac Telephone Co Mrs Herby Russell
Pontiac Telephone Co. Mrs. Dowe
Pontiac Visiting Mrs Lilian
Pontiac Womens Institute ; Miss
Pontiac Woollen Mills Mrs- A,ex Meldnum
Pontiac- Mrs. Muriel Warden Bill Burke
Pontiac-Temiscamingue Parti Creditiste Association Mrs. Georgette Beauvais
PONY PICNIC Mrs. Colin Wetmore
POOL Supply Shop Mrs. R Lalonde Congratulations
Portage du Fort Apply Mrs.
Portage du Fort Council Mrs Florence Fletcher
Portage du Mrs.
Poultry Mrs. Hilton
POUPART PHARMACY Bristol Charge Rev. Donald
Povvles Heads Pontiac Medical Association Mrs.
Prayer Christ Mrs. C. McAndrews
Prayer Church Services C.G.I.T. News By Marlon Hudgins Mrs. Pelletier
Prayer Jeetino Mrs Roy
Prayer Meeting and Bible Study W Bristol Pastoral Charge Rev. Donald
Prayer Meeting SHAWVILLE Name Mrs. Tena Riley
Prayer Mrs Maye Graham Electric Unit Heaters
Prayer Mrs.
Prayer Service Mrs Lars Bretzlaff
Prayer Service Mrs McGrath
Prayer Service Mrs. Jos Wall
Preabyterian and Methodist Mrs.
Predeceased Mrs. Vincent Hodgins
Presents Regional Cancer Diane Boisvert’s
Presidential Candidate Mrs. Belva Lockwood
Pressure Systems ALSO Mrs. Asa Smith
PRIDHAM Mrs. Harry Houbracker
PROBE B|E|A|R|S Mrs. Lunt Tells How She Learned That Dr. Williams'' Pink Pills Benefit Growing Gi
Professional Homemaker Mrs Larsh
Professional Optometrist KATHLEEN M.ROLLINS MRS
PROGRESS Professor—Miss Fla
PROGRESSIVE MOTOR CLUB Irî Mrs. Warnie Richardson
PROMUTUEL La Vallée/ Valley Mutual Dr Maurice Ik France Lamarche Donald & Louise Lavallée Construct
PROMVTUEL Home Miss Teen Pontiac Shaivville
Property Cleanup Mrs.
Public Mrs
Public Mrs Jas
Public Mrs. McNeill; Welfare
Public Notice Contact Mrs. Florence
Public Relations Representative Mrs N.S.
Public Stenographic Services Adina Reb-I Miss Hilda
Public Stenographic Services J Miss Hilda
Public Stenographic Services M Miss Hilda
Public Stenographic Services Mardi Gras Miss Hi,da Payne
Public Stenographic Services Miss Hilda
QPF Mrs. Goodfellow
QUAILE INSURANCE REG D General Insurance Mrs. Esther Quelle
Quarter Horse Diane Lacroix
QUE Mrs. Cecil Paris
QUE Telephone 153 Mrs. Art Labelle ADVERTISE IIS
Quebec Department of Miss Lise Villeneuve of Education
Quebec Farm Forum Association Mrs. Harvey Steele
QUEBEC Findlay LaRocqu Mrs.
Quebec Hospital Insurance Services Mrs. Huntly
Quebec Hospital Mrs. Phoebe McCord
QUEBEC Mrs Mary Baird
Quebec National Library Sunday School Christmas Concert Mrs Eleanor Barber
Quebec Regional Council of Mrs.
Quycn Mrs. Mary Nash
Quyon 7th Line Calumet Island Miss Judy Way
Quyon 7th Line Otter Lake Davidson OBITUARY Jessie Miller Fort Couhnge Mrs. Colin Wetmore
Quyon Boys Livestock Judges Cemetery Service Mrs.
QUYON CEMETERY LETTERING Visiting Mrs Racheile Poisson
Quyon Club Mrs. Jus 1
Quyon Fair Donald
Quyon Fair Otter Lake Post Miss Gail Johnston
Quyon Fair Results Specials Mrs. Roy Wiggins
Quyon Hockey Team Miss Doreen Dolan
Quyon Lions Hall Donald Toll-free
QuYon News & Notes Theresa Communings Mrs. Manson Sharpe
Quyon Store Miss Phyllis Way
R A N T Miss Agnes Macphail
R Y Mrs. Harvey
R. Diane Perry
RA Donald Sharpe of Mani- Centre
Radford Farm Forum Close With Banquet X Mrs. Jas
Radford Forum Sponsors Quyon Play Mrs. Ernie Towslev
Radio Farm Forum Topics By Mrs. Ebert Murphy
Rag Apple Gall Mrs. H.
Railroad Track Perry Belanger; Miss Litchfield Willard Kluke; Miss Otter Lake Raymond
Ranch Hotel Mrs Helen McDonald
Ranger Mrs. Stella Sullivan A
Ranger Sec.—Mrs
Rankin Ltd Mrs
Raven Mines Ltd Miss Len McCafTerey
Rawleigh Products Available Contact - Mrs. Helen Dumouchel Calumet Island
Rawleigh Products Available Contact Mrs. Helen Dumouchel Calumet Island
RCMP Miss Doreen Amyotte
Rd Mrs Woods
Read How Lydia EL Pink-ham’s Vegetable Compound Helped Mrs. Beecroft Surnames
Real Values Church of England Mrs.
Recording Education Mrs Lynda Sloan
Recording Secretary Mrs.
Recreation Director Miss Colette Slain
Rectory SHAWVILLI Bristol Pastoral Charge Rev. Donald
Red Cross Mrs. Albert FOR SALE—OneTDeering Binder
Red Cross Mrs. Bronson
Red Sox Edge Tigers Farewell Party Mrs. Anne Fumcrton
Regular Service Lawn Boy Lowe Mowers McCellocJi Chain Sews Sales oed Service Mrs. Esther Quelle
Reinke’s Hardware & Mrs. Warren Campbell
Relief Spurn Patched Clothes Mrs. Thorbum Tells
Remembrance Service Quyon Legion Holds Miss Elizabeth Jane Salway Al POflâQG Dll FOff
Removing Miss Alice Stewart
Renfrew Outdoor Power Equipment Chez Diane Halfway Restaurant L Auberge de la Fôret Elgin Sport Mic
Renfrew Parish Council Mrs R J ElUnghausen
Renouf Publishing C( Mrs. Wm
Renouf Publishing Co Mrs. Gordon Roy
RENT Estate Mrs.
REST HOME Write Mrs. R. McNab Renfrew Victoria Hospital
Returns Mrs. Loren Hodglns
Rev. & Mrs. Bert McCutcheon Services
Rev. & Mrs. EM
Rev. Education Mrs. Lloyd Neville; D. Rowe
Rev. Mr. Bell and Mrs. Bell
Revival Services Mrs.
Rice School Health Nurse Mrs. Katherine Sahner
RIES Court Report XI Quyon Vinton Mrs. Murid Stevens
Right Best Quality Miss Christina McMillan
Ringrose Brothers Funeral Mrs. Darrell Crawford
Riv- Mrs Dillon Tanguay
RIVER VIEW INN Mrs. Arthur Labelle
RN Miss Mary McKinley
RN Mrs
Roll Miss Minerva Sparling
Roll Mr. and Mrs.
Roll Mrs Edward
Roll Mrs.
Roll Mrs. Orla Young
Roll Roofing Cement Gyproc Rock Wool Insulation « Estate Mrs.
Roman Catholic Church DONALD LAVALLEE
ROOM & BOARD Mr & Mrs Royal Dagenais &
Rotary Club Mrs. O.
Rotary Club Shawville Lions Club Clarendon Inn Pontiac Womens Institutes Art Hodgins Mrs. Cliff Gar
ROWAT Mrs. Shane
Royal Bank HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN Mrs. Edgar Reside
Royal Bank of Can- Mrs.
Royal Can- Mrs. Violet Anderson
Royal Canadian Air Force Miss Arlene Hodgins
Royal Canadian Army Service Miss Verna Helen
Royal Canadian Miss Janice Riebertz of Mounted Police
Royal Canadian Mounted Mrs Nelda Bretzlaff
Royal cemetery Mrs. Mnlcahy
Royal Hotel and Mrs. Coyne
Royal Jelly Powder Agree Cream Rinse Miss Mew Cat Food Crosby Molasses
Royal Mrs. Frances
Royal Mrs. Horner
Royal Toronto Mrs Garnett Wio-
Royal Winter Fair Miss Margaret Kilgour
Royal Winter Miss Eleanor Russell
RSVG Mrs. Dors Barber PNG; LSVG Mrs. Lulu Sparling PNG Mrs. Stella Hoogins PNG; Outside Guardian
Rural Telephone Co. Apply Mrs. Myrtle Elliott
Rural Telephone Co. Apply Mrs. Myrtle Klltott
Russell Bristol end Mrs.
Russell House Mrs.
Russell Mrs. Pitt ....... Warren Campbell WÊKÊÊÊIÊÊÊ Mrs.
Rydal Bank Mrs.
S V G —Mrs Cynthia Draper Chaplain
Sacred Heart HospitaL Mrs Eva Mayhew
Sacred Mrs. Freddie Sloan; Mr.
SAG Mrs. Bertrand
SALE ARENA Mrs. Lyman Hodgins CARP
Sales & Service Estate Mrs.
Sales Miss Mary Maheral
Sales Sev- Estate Mrs.
SANITONE Mrs. Esther Quelle
Satur-Mrs Teddy Reid
SAUCERS Captain Mrs.
SAUERKRAUT Vinton Mrs. Evelyn Hearty
Sawing Ladies Cross Cut Mrs.
SCHILLER & CO < Mrs. Mary
School Aud Miss Marilyn Drummond
School Dear Mrs. Dickson Quyon Pastoral Charge Rev.
School Discipline and School Miss Brown
School hurch Service Mrs.
School Lunch Needs Hot Soup Miss Dora Beattie
School Miss
School Miss Jean Tracy
School Miss Phyllis Smart
School Miss Wellman
School Mrs.
School Mrs. Donald Duff
School Mrs. Haig
School Mrs. John Cunningham
School Mrs. John Kelly
School Mrs. Manson Sharpe ROMAN CATHOLIC
School Mrs. Mary Johnsfbn
School Mrs. W.
School of Pianoforte Apply Mrs.
School OirL Miss McNeil
School Supplies Miss Muriel Armstrong
School Tax Rate Mrs.
School Teachers Meeting Home Miss Jean Judd
SECOND LIONS CLUB Tap Dancing School Mrs. Paul
Second Mrs. Raymonde Cahill
Second Period _ Brownlee ; Holy Trinity Church ; Mrs. Barry’s Bay
Secretary Mrs Gamble
See RENTAL SERVICE M<CANN A ; Starks Corners Mrs. John Milliken
SEPTIC TANK All Seeson Pumping Service BER & BER HOME LTD. ; Miss Nancy Dale
Serial Hand Tailored Made-to-Measure Special With EXTRA TROUSERS FREE Mrs.
Services -Sunday School Morning Worship Miss Thelma Francoeur
Services Federation Motion: Mrs. Brownlee
Seven Knox-Austin Fellowship Mrs. E. Laliberty Clarendon School Bd
SH A WVILLE Rev. Alistair J. Macintosh Organist Mrs. C.E.Hodgins EASTER SUNDA Y
SH ISiEiSlI McGill University Mrs. A. Lang
Sharon Thomson & Miss Beth Taylor
SHARPE Mrs. Harry Sharpe
ShawviHe Home & School Mrs. Armitafe
Shawviik Hospital Mrs. Catherine Burke
Shawviile Mrs. Alice Neville
Shawvilie Hospital Mrs. Maurice Lance
Shawville 7th Line Mrs. Frank Pare OBITUARIES
Shawville Bakery Estate Mrs.
Shawville Bakery Mrs. Maude Mary Dagg
SHAWVILLE Bristol Mrs.
SHAWVILLE Bristol Pastoral Charge Rev. Donald
Shawville Community Hospital Mrs.
Shawville Council Board ; Mrs. Little
Shawville Council Minutes DIZZINESS Mrs.
Shawville Council Miss Annie Siivert
SHAWVILLE Dr. and Mrs. S. b
Shawville Equity Dear Mrs. Dickson
Shawville Fair Mrs. Annie Hedgins Sought By Police Angeles
Shawville Fair Mrs. Frank ICornu
Shawville Fair Mrs. Thos
Shawville Fair Shawville Fair Shawville Fair Garden Vegetables Seeds Horticulture Mrs. Inez Pumpki
Shawville Hardware Business College Miss Carne
Shawville Hardware Business College Mrs. Win
Shawville Hardware Store Haying and Harvesting Tools Mrs. Uubt
Shawville Hardware Store Miss
Shawville Hardware Store Miss A
Shawville Hardware Store Miss Dorothy Lawton
Shawville Hardware Store Miss Gladys Netvcommon
Shawville Hardware Store Miss Grace MeKnight
Shawville Hardware Store Miss Hazel Lang
Shawville Hardware Store Miss Helen Kin
Shawville Hardware Store Miss Hi i)i
Shawville Hardware Store Miss Jean Hamilton
Shawville Hardware Store Miss Margaret Clo*e
Shawville Hardware Store Miss Margaret Cummings
Shawville Hardware Store Miss Mary Ingram
Shawville Hardware Store Miss Myrtle Stephens
Shawville Hardware Store Miss Pearl Armstrong
Shawville Hardware Store Miss Ruby Storey
Shawville Hardware Store Mrs.
Shawville Hardware Store Mrs. Archie McLean
Shawville Hardware Store Mrs. Austin McDowell
Shawville Hardware Store Mrs. David Hall
Shawville Hardware Store Mrs. Floyd Wilson
Shawville Hardware Store Mrs. Malison Strutt
Shawville High School Mrs. A.
Shawville High School Mrs. John
Shawville High School Mrs. Margaret
Shawville High School Mrs. Orval Smart
Shawville Hospital Mrs. Frank Buller
Shawville Hospital Mrs. Isabell Richardson
Shawville Hospital Mrs. Rodolphe Ryan
Shawville Institute Annual Meeting Mrs John Fredericks of
Shawville Ladies Curling Club Mrs Mervin Baird
Shawville Ladies Hospital Aux-and Mrs. Douglas Fulford
Shawville Ladies Hospital Mrs Iva Proudfoot
Shawville Liberal Association; Mrs. Muriel Ayearst
Shawville Lions Club Caldwell Clarion Mrs. Manaon Sharpe
Shawville Lions Club Hall Best Wishes Only LADYSMITH MRS V THRUM
Shawville Lions Club Mrs. Mabel Langford
Shawville Lions Hall Everyone Welcome Valley Equipment Rental Limited VOTE DONALD GRAVELINE JR.
SHAWVILLE Miss Myrtle Brownlee Honored Snappy Mens
SHAWVILLE Mrs. Ira Whelen
Shawville Municipal Council; Master Donald Hodgins
Shawville Pentecostal Church Rev. Donald
Shawville Standard Church Mrs. Edith Draper
Shawville Standard Church; Miss Ruby Storey
SHAWVILLE V ARENA Mrs. Lalonde Congratulations
Shawville Women i Institute Mrs. Leslie Horner
Shawville Women’s Institute Mrs. E.
Shawville Women’s Institute Mrs. Julia Sheppard
Shawville Women’s Institute Mrs. Julia Sheppard Thos Fades
Shawvitic Agricultural Hall Mrs. Reuben Smith
SHAWVIUI Mrs. Dorothy Cunningham
Shawvllle United Church Apply Mrs Antoine Arblc
Shell Canada Ltd 238.97 Donald Campbell
SHELL Furnace Oil Mrs. Hilliard Holmes
Shell Mrs
Shell Sealed Cas & Oils Presentation Made Mrs.
Shell Sealed Gas and Oils General Repairs Till Lorena Morrison Mrs. Roy McMillan
Sheriff Sloan Mrs. Basil Stanton
Sherman Charteris Chronicle Mrs. Norval McNeil
SHINGLES Full Stock Mrs
SHIRTS Mrs. Gustave Burke
Shiw-of Miss Mary Baugh
SHOES Miss Lois Hodgms
SHOP BENEFIT PARTY Mrs. Donald Ostronr
Shop Mrs. Geo
SHOP Mrs. Norval McNeil Minutes
Shuwvillc Ladies Hospital Auxiliary Mrs. Sturgeon
Si Miss Beverley Orr
Si Miss Margaret Laird
Si Mrs Wm
Si Mrs. Fred Russel
Si Mrs. George Plr
Si Mrs. Gerald Draper
Si Mrs. John Ryan
Si Mrs. Lawrence Smith
Si Mrs. Wes-iey Palmer
Si Mrs. William McKnlght
Si Son Funeral By Mrs. Vital Francoeur
SIBI Mrs Jeannette St Onge
Simmons Mrs. Marie Richard
Sincere Best Wishes Mrs. Lortie
Single Sale Estate Mrs.
Sisters Mrs. Jos
Six Mrs. John Sloan | Florence Helena Fraser | Clarendon Native Passes
SJ Mrs. Frank Ryan
SKIRTS Insurance Mrs.
Skreney N G Secy Mrs. John Telford
SKSS E Mrs. Arnold Durocher
SKUNK MRS. S. MASTERS 8,340,000 sas Thev Missouri
SLACKS Mrs. Edison Brown
SMILEY Obituary-The Late Mrs. Brown
SMITH & ASSOCIATES 8^ Miss Teen Pontiac
Smith Best Begonia— Mrs.
SMITH Secretary- Treasurer MISS HENRIETTA
SMITH Strayed Mrs. Clifford Olmatead
Smith’s Shop II Mrs. Jerry Davis
SMP Mrs. Egan
Social Assistance Service Mrs. Irwin Hayes Social Con-$
Society Mrs. Win
SOLICITOR Mrs. John Legarde
SON Mrs.
SON Mrs. Herman Russell
SON Mrs. Josehh England
SON Rev. Donald
Sons Lid Bank of Montreal Shawvrfle MacGregor Concrete Products Limited A Diane Wallace Stone Conta
Southern Fried Chicken Supper Miss Helen Colton
SPECIAL Mrs. Manson Sharpe BOXED Christmas Cards
SPECIALIS Mrs. Ernest Barkley
SPECIALIST Mrs. Smallman Addresses Teachers Association
Sports Electric Troie Tri-Pod A Cose Donald College
SR Hair Dressing—Miss Stutko
St Albert Mrs. Catherine Glenn
St Andrew’s Society Mrs. Acres
St Diane Krose
St Elisabeths Church Mrs Bernard
St Gordon Mrs.
St Jo- Miss Edith Mainprize
St Jo- Mrs Ivan Saunders
St Jo- Mrs Jeff O Brien
St Luke s Guild Mrs. Tftrun
St Mary’s CWL By Mrs Steve Robinson Publicity
St Mary’s Mrs. Carmen
St Miss Hanna
St Miss Olga Mielke
St Miss Teen Pontiac
St Mrs Carl Ebert
St Mrs Ruby McKnight
St Mrs Violet Rutledge who Hospital
St Mrs Walter
St Mrs. M. Thomson
St Mrs. Veldon Laurie
ST Mrs. Victoria Peters
St Paul’s Mrs Vreda Murphy
St Visiting Mrs Rita Le-
St. Andrew’s and Knox Mrs. Sherwood Grant
St. Dominic Church Lusk- Mrs. Chas
St. Elizabeth’s Parish Kin Obituary Mrs Ethel Lockman Nondenomlnational BIBLE TALKS A Golden Jubile
St. G du Fert Mr. S Mrs. Asa Smith
St. John the Evangelist Mrs. Joy Older
St. Lambert; Miss
St. Lawrence Purchased Mrs. Poyndexter
St. Mary s School Commission Mrs. Kathie Coté
St. Paul’s Church ; Miss Isobel Barber
Stark* Corners ; Mrs.
Stark* Corners Mrs. Alex Olmsted
Starks Corners Caldwell Mrs. Chevalier of Montreal Cou
Starks Corners CLARENDON Miss Vivian Hobbs
Starks Corners Iir Donald McLeod
Starks Corners Miss Barbara Woodley
Starks Corners Miss Maggie Currie
Starks Corners Miss Norma McKnight
Starks Corners Miss Sharon Thomson
Starks Corners Mrs CLARENDON HOTEL Frank Finnlgan and Sons ShawvilU
Starks Corners Mrs Kavanagh
Starks Corners Mrs.
Starks Corners Mrs. Mary McNally
Starks Corners Sporting Goods PERSONAL MENTION Miss Violet Smith
Starks Corners; Mrs. Crawfod
Stark’s Corners Mrs. William Fredinburg
Stark’s Corners Mrs.
Stars Proverbially Touchy Back Slapping Is Taboo Mrs. IM First Woman
State University Mrs Joan Amyotte-Joyce
STEPHENS Bristol Postoral Charge Rev. Donald
Steve Telephone 647-2779 Mrs. Maude Belsher
StiSTlSSj- Bristol Congregations Honor Ç Mrs. Pearl Hill
STORE Mrs. E. Cotie Shawville
STORE Mrs. Jas
Store R J Arbic Mrs A Arbic Viberfs S ore Pontiac Transit Mix.Fred Martin Bertrand s Hotel L X M El
STOVE OIL FUEL OIL Evtarado Motors Lews Boy Lews Mowers McCulloch Choie Sows Sales red Service Mrs.
STRICTLY ON TRUCK CAPS Notice Truck Owners ONE Chatteris Chronicle Mrs. Norval McNeil HOTEL PHONE M
Student of Mrs-
Study Group Miss Catherine Murphy
Summer School Mrs. F.
Sun Life As Mrs Earl
Sun Mr Mrs. Hervc Sabourin
Sun Mrs Howard Hodgfns
Sun Mrs. Marshall
Sun- Mrs. Allan Troke
SUNCATCHERS Mr. & Mrs. Albert Dubeau & Mr. Cyril Gauthier
Sund.y School Mrs Emerile Lepme
Sunny Miss Sylvia Hudson
Superior Mrs.
Supplies Mrs. Campbell Farquharson
Surprise Party Mrs. Garret O Donnell
Surprise Party Mrs. Lloyd Conolly
Surprise Party Mrs. Minnie Hedging
SW Mrs Allan McKay
SWEET RIDE Donald Connelly Michael Sarrazin
SX Mrs. VV.
T 0 P K N E E Mrs.
T. & W. H. PRIDHAM Donald MePhee
Tache Mrs. Wellington Smart
Talking Pictures Mrs. Amm
TANNER S LANDSCAPING Mrs Complete Planning
Tartar Lukewarm Water A TTRED HUSBAND Socratoots—Mrs
Teachers Association Mrs. E. Grey
Teachers Miss Dora Black
Teen Chapeau Lisa Czimieleskie; Miss Teen OVERTIME
Teen Dance SA TURDA Y AFTERNOON Mrs Katdieen Z 4-H Regional Calf Classes Heavy
Telecom Canada MRS. LILA
TENDERS Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Alexander Marilyn Amyotte Gwen Armstrong Les Atkinson Jerry Barber Myrtle
TES Rev. & Mrs.
TEXACO Miss Lorraine Benoit of Montreal
TEXACO Miss Philome Lem
TEXACO Mrs. Alex Milne
TEXACO Mrs. Allan Poole
TEXACO Mrs. Hillard Palmer
TEXACO Mrs. Ruth MacLean
TH Miss Bessie McColgan
TH Mrs. John Ellard Horner
TH RO WS SATIN BOUND Mrs. Dawson Armstrong spent Radford Hospital Aux
THANKS Develops Into Hard Coal Mrs. John Conolly
THE CLOWN Red Skelton Tim Considine COMPLETE Mrs.
The Equity office Mrs.
THE EQUITY Peg# Five Waltham Scouts Beechgrove UCW OBITUARY Mrs.
THE Miss Lula Ilimer
THE Mrs.
The Mrs. Perry
THEATRE Miss Barbara Findlay
Theatre Vinton Bulletin Mrs. Leo McGee RENFREW
Then Mrs. Hilton
Theo Hotel Mrs. Clarence Ring
THINKING Mrs. Dorlse Nielsen
Tho Equity Miss M.
Thorne Council Mrs.
Tigers In UOV Finals Diane
TO RENT Mrs. Dilworth
Tobacco Fund Mrs.
Touring Special AT MRS L. KELLEY
Town Con-and Mrs. Lionel Thomson
Town Hall Mrs. McGahem
Town Line Mrs. Darkness
Town Mrs John
Toyota Canada Diane Homer George s Karaoke & Bar Entreprise Ronald Soucie Metro Belland Esso Guy &
Trade Fair Luncheon Final Judging Miss Shawville Fair
Train Miss Sylvia Casey
TRIMMING Charteris Chronicle Thanks Mrs. Norval McNeil Lowest
Trinity United Mrs Ebert Turcotte
TRUCKS Miss Lillian Smith Pontiac Reception Center
TRUCKS Miss Lorna MacKechn
Try Miss Alice Moir’s
TU Miss Lane’s
Tufted Cotton Coverlet—Mrs J
Turner Mrs.
TW Mrs Lois
Tyrone Power Mrs. Pansy Ostrum
U 10 PER CUSTOMER Bi Mrs. Vomer Thrun
U FACTOBT Miss Lizzie Craig
U S A Miss Laura Woodley
U S A Mrs. Roland Russell
U. Church Young and Mrs. Art Labelle
UA RY Mrs Saturday
UAL Miss Arlene Cutler
UHES NCK/ Mrs. MacKechnie
ÛJ Mrs. Hilton
Umhed Church Overcrowd | Miss Beatrice Archambault
Unified Board of Mrs. Dalton Hodgins
Union Mr. And Mrs. Campbell Farqtv
Union Services Miss Ifeilson
United Church cemetery MRS.
United Church cemetery Mrs. Findlay
United Church Choir Mrs.
United Church DON S ELECTRIC REG D Donald
United Church Ladies’ Aid ; Miss Jessie Boland
United Church Miss Lil Dunlop
United Church Miss McNairn
United Church Mrs Kenneth Morin
United Church Mrs. E.
United Church of Austin Mrs.
United Church Plymouth Binder Twine Miss Kathleen Grace returned Services August
United Church Will Observe Mrs. Ken Belsher
United Church; Mrs. Clarence
United Churches Pastor Miss Ivy Millar
United Miss Olive Hodgins
United Mrs. Donald Biker
University Miss Janet Riley
University of Maine Sports Hall of Fame Mrs. Verner Thrun
Unugbti Mrs. Hilton
US A. Mrs.
US ed Visitors Annual Mrs.
US Erred Mrs. Brown
USED CAR Mrs. Kelley
Uuyon Council Mrs. Lindsay Armstrong
Uuyon Council Mrv Donald M.uLoan
ÛV Miss Teen Pontiac
Vallée/ Valley Mutual Dr. Maunce Si France Lamarche Donald & Louise Lavallée Construction Pieschke
Valuation Roll Motion Mrs.
VALUE MERCHANT Mrs. Elizabeth Hahn
Vanguard Mrs. Margaret Hayden Rorke
VARNISHES Mrs. Hubie Dale
Vegetables Mrs. Allan McKay
Victor Find|aV| Mr. and Mrs. Royce
Victoria School Miss Jill Wyman
VIHV Mrs. Dave Ranger
Village Mrs.
Village Mrs. Henry
Village of Por- Mr. & Mrs. Thos
Vinton Pirates of Charteris Chronicle Mrs. Norval McNeil CANADA PACKERS MEATS BALDERSON CHEESE
Vinton Seasons Greetings Mrs. Russell Judd
Visiting Com- Mrs.
Visiting Committee Mrs.
Visiting Committee Mrs. George Steele
Visiting Mrs. Alice Benoit Bancroft
Visiting Mrs. Alice Hayward R^^Godin^t T
Vitamins & Minerals High Energy Supplement Mineral Blocks LADYSMITH MRS V THRUM
Vocational School Mrs. Arnold Corrigan
VW Mrs. Thoj
W R Gordon Dittbumer Dave Alexander Ike Rennlck Mickey McGuire Trucking Donald Hodglns Electric Mur
W. I„ Mrs Thos
Wales Home Farm Miss Carmel Wrinn of Montreal
Wales Miss Annie Griffiths
WAY Mrs.
Ways and Means Committee Mrs Morley Hodgins
Ways and Means Mrs. H Mrs. Jos Wrinn
Ways and Means Mrs. June Burmen
WEDDING STATIONERY Smart Miss Teresa Mousseau
Wednesday Bible Study Mrs
WÊÊÉÊÊÊÊ Mrs. Lyall Hodgins
Welding Manon & Bud Lafrance Shawville Lions Club RM Lang Mrs Mavis Morgan Oktoberlest Ladysmith Pe
Welfare & Health Mrs.
Welsh Mrs. Susan Young Farms
Welsh Ponies-Single Pony- Donald Trudeau
Wesleyan Church Caldwell Clarion Mrs. Manson Sharpe
Wesleyan Methodist Church Mrs.
Western - Color TEXACO Contact Mrs. Dickson
Western Quebec School Board Diane Fyfe
Western Quebec School Board Director-General Diane Fyfe
Western School Board Director General Diane Fyfe
WH Miss Winnifred McDowell
White Caldwell H&R BLOCK Clarion Mrs. Manaon Sharpe Morley Hodgins THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE Mountain R
White Diane
White Knitted Sweater- Mrs. Janet Reynold
White Mrs. Li I# CARS FOR SALE
White Mrs. Norma Hodgins
White Sport Shoes Estate Mrs.
Whittaker Broadcasting Company Mrs. Trent
Willis Business College Mrs. Truman Tuck
Wilson Lafleur Ltd 10.5u Mrs Dorinda
Wire Farm Fencing MARRIED Currie-Mil Is—True Mrs. Alton Olmstead
Wire Farm Fencing Pte Mrs. R.
WISE Miss Bernadette Sicard
WITH Mrs Health and Welfare
WMS Mrs. Mary Simpson
WNTER Arleen Whelan Mrs. Gilbert Telford
Wo Mrs. Mary MacDonald Still Enjoys Her Pipe
Wolf Cubs Mrs
Woman’s Miss onary Society
WOMEN A NUXATED IRON So Says Mrs. MacPherson
Womens Institute Miss Maria
Womens Institute Mrs. Whelen
Womens Institutes name Mrs. Rabb
Women’s Association Society ; Mrs. Cynthia D
Women’s Institute Annual Meeting of Charteris Ladies’ Guild FOR SALE INSECT CONTROL Mrs. Harold Ful
Women’s Institute BEATTIE EYE SERVICE Mrs.
Women’s Institute Bryson News Mrs. Donald
Women’s Institute Exhibit — Mrs.
Women’s Institute Hold Interesting Meeting Miss H C Deneke
Women’s Institute Hold Monthly Meeting Estate Mrs.
Women’s Institute L.O.L. CHURCH SERVICE Mrs. George Meldrum
Women’s Institute Miss Gladys Strutt
Women’s Institute Mrs. Edgar Hod
Women’s Institute Mrs. Fred
Women’s Institute Mrs. R.
Women’s Institute PERSONAL MENTION Mrs.
Women’s Institute Special—Miss Talisman
Work Convenor Mrs. Wm
Work Mrs. F
Work Mrs. Vincent Hodgins
Work Pants Mrs. Rudolph Dumouchel
Worker Miss Ethel Clark
Worker Miss Joan Carey
Worker ¦ Miss
Worker — Miss Ethel Clark
Worker: Miss Mary Ann Godmere Ottawa
Workers Tops For Detailed Operations Mrs. Chas Mayhew Dies
Worship Evangelistic Service Wed.—Bible Study Mrs. Lebrun
WQSB Director General Diane Fyfc
Wrecking Service MRS
Wrecking Service MRS.
Ws Mr. & Mrs. Hal Fawcett
WU Hi HHHBiS Donald Sharer
WWW SOCIAL NOTES SHAWVILLE CURLING CLUB S 1988-89 Curling Season Mrs. Verner Thrun
Wyman Womens Institute Mrs, W.
Wyman Women’s Institute Mrs. Alex Davis
Wyman Women’s Institute Mrs. Jack Melnick
Wyman Women’s Institute Mrs. Jas
X-Ray Campaign Mrs. James Connelly
XI Donald Ranger* Garrison Supply Co
XVj Mrs Lome Durocher PERSONAL MENTION Cowling Business College
Yarn Mrs Visitors
Yogi Bear and Mrs. Arrmand Sa Dan
Young Progressive Conservative Association of Mount Allison University Miss Phyllis Lang
Young’s Appliance Service Vinton Diane Boisvert
Zion Church Service — Visitors Always Welcome - Mrs. Wm
Zion Farm Forum; Mrs. Herb Brown
Zion Hospital Auxiliary Mrs Aurelie Lemaire
Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid Mrs Rudolphe