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Bert Kelly Lucy

Issues the person appears in:


Possible related entities:

--- R)bert Kirk Mr.
1 Kelly
1.85 Men’s Boys BERT
18.00 Kelly Leduc -
2: Karen Daly Kelly
2nd—Bert Stark
5.299 Tyler Ronald Stewart Kelly Stewart
5512,647-2659 ole Karen Kelly Fred Mulligan
647-2529 Kelly
647-3290 Kelly
647-3459 Marion Kelly.
647-5 1 par Karen Kelly
7.95 Kelly
A bert Armstrong
A) That Karen Kelly
A)bert Armstrong
A. Jones Bert Degree M.C.
A. Kelly
A/ Kelly
Agnes Kelly
Agnes Kluke Lucy
Agri- M S Bert Stark Citizenship- Mrs.
Alan Kelly
Albert R. Donnelly JOHN F. KELLY Auctioneer Tenders Wanted
Alex Bert-rend
Alice Kelly
Alida Kelly Bros. L Écuyer
Allan Kelly
Allen Kelly
Alvin Kelly
Alvin Kelly Mrs.
Amanda Kelly
Ana Kelly
Ananda Kelly
Ananda Kelly O >Rf
Andre Kelly
Andrew Kelly
Andrew Kelly the
Andy Halvarson) Kelly
Andy Kelly
Angela Krose Kelly
Ann Kelly
Ann Kelly Jan
Ann Kelly Jan Isabel
Ann Pearl Kelly
Anna Kelly
Anna Porter Lucy Kelly
Anne Kelly
Anne Martine Rochon Jacob Taylor Porteous Stephen Alexander Cody William Kelly Jeremy Robert Mako H
Anne McConnell Dan Tremblay Bob and Jennfier Orr Kelly
Anne McConnell) Kelly
Anne Ramsay Tina Kelly WePC Langtortfs Grocery
Annie Kelly
Annie Kelly Coulonge Fort
Annie Kelly Shawville Hat Shop
Anthony Edward Kelly
Apply Hul-bert Armstrong
Apply John B Kelly
Armandine Kelly
Armandine Kelly de Toronto
Arms Mrs. Lucy Kelly
Arthur Bert-,
Arthur Bertrand Bert Smith
Arthur Kelly
Audrey Kelly
Audrey Kelly Vômè Kelly - Jack
Aunt Lucy
Aunt Lucy’s
Austin Dagg Gerald Kelly
Ayl- Kelly
Aylmer Miss Grace Kelly
A|bert Schwartz
B Kelly
B P Bert Stark
B. Kelly
Ba Kelly
Banks Lucy
Barb Harris Shane Patrick Kelly Jack
Barbara Kelly
Barbara Sheppard Kelly
Barbara-Ann Kelly
Barber Mil- Kelly Hahn
Barker - Dowe Kelly
Barry Kelly
Bay Bert
Bay Bert Burrows
Bella Kelly
Belle Kelly
Ben Kelly
Ben Macintosh Lucien Meilleur Kelly Ryan
Benjamin Kelly.
Bernadette Kelly
Bernard Kelly
Bernice Kelly Harris
Bert And
Bert Anderson
Bert Anne Brownlee
Bert Armstrong
Bert Ashby
Bert Aspcey
Bert Aube
Bert Barnes
Bert Beauchamp
Bert Bechamp
Bert Block Building
Bert Bohan
Bert Bos-
Bert Breenshields
Bert Brisco
Bert Briscoe
Bert Brown
Bert Brule
Bert Bslsher
Bert C
Bert Cain
Bert Campbell
Bert Casey
Bert Cavan-agh
Bert Cavanagh
Bert Cavanaugh
Bert Clem
Bert Colin
Bert Collin
Bert Collins
Bert Connelly
Bert Connolly
Bert Conroy
Bert Corriveau
Bert Costa
Bert Craig
Bert Craw
Bert Craw B*£
Bert Crawford
Bert Crawford Boat Wbrsfrtp Witfr Us
Bert Crawford Building
Bert Crawford Dominicain Road Robert Simoneau
Bert Crawford Equip Rentals
Bert Cullimore
Bert Cullimork Lawrence Wilson County Master BOYS’
Bert Culliraore
Bert Cunningham
Bert Cuthbertson
Bert DagenaU.
Bert Darlington
Bert Davis
Bert Dufour
Bert Dunbar
Bert Easter
Bert Eddy
Bert Edgar
Bert Edgar Sloan
Bert Edwards
Bert Eggens
Bert Fahey
Bert Farrell
Bert Fenn
Bert Fletcher
Bert Forest
Bert Forrest
Bert Four
Bert Francis Sheppard
Bert Francis Sloan
Bert Fraser
Bert Giesebreth
Bert Gilmour
Bert Gordon
Bert Grant
Bert Graveline
Bert Grcen-.hields
Bert Greenshielda
Bert Greenshields
Bert GreenshieUs
Bert H
Bert Halbitt
Bert Hall
Bert Hamilton
Bert Hanmer
Bert Harrison
Bert Hay
Bert Hdgio.
Bert Hearty
Bert Hebbard
Bert Hickson
Bert Hill
Bert Ho Igins
Bert Hobbs
Bert Hodg
Bert Hodgin*
Bert Hodgins
Bert Hodglns
Bert Homer
Bert Horigins
Bert Horner
Bert Hudgins
Bert Iiodizme
Bert Irwin
Bert Jack Graham
Bert Johnson
Bert Johnston
Bert Kcnsley
Bert Kelley
Bert Kelley Arnprior
Bert Kelly
BERT KELLY Gordon Paul
Bert Kelly Lucy
Bert Kelly Mary C Lawn
Bert Kelly Shawville Council
Bert Kelton
Bert Kemery
Bert Kennedy
Bert Kennedy 458-2356 Ball Hockey Challenge Mixed - Ages
Bert Kennedy All
Bert Kennedy Edward
Bert Kennedy Trudeau
Bert Kirk
Bert Kirk-ham
Bert Kirkham
Bert Kitson
Bert Lafont
Bert Lamarche
Bert Larocque
Bert Lawrence
Bert Lytell
Bert Mahlon Hayes Mur-
Bert Manditz
Bert Marie
Bert Marion
Bert Marion Date/Time
Bert Marshall
Bert McArthur
Bert McCros-san
Bert McDowell
Bert McLaren
Bert Miller
Bert Moore
Bert Morin
Bert Morrison
Bert Mous
Bert Muldoon
Bert Murphy
Bert Murphy Jim Hodglns
Bert Murphy John Armstrong
Bert Murphy Ottawa
Bert Murphy Photo Dawn
Bert Murphy Pontiac Jr. B
Bert Murphy President Jr B
Bert Murphy Shawville Plaza
Bert Newman
Bert Nichols
Bert Noel
Bert Olmstead*
Bert Page
Bert Palmer
Bert Panthers
Bert Pearl
Bert Pepper
Bert Perrault
Bert Phillips
Bert Pine
Bert Pitts
Bert Qawford
Bert Quyon
Bert Reltsma
Bert Richardson
Bert Rogers
Bert Ruby
Bert Schwartz
Bert Schwartz Ronald Matson Maynard Morrison Earl Russett Gordon Strutt Herbert Wicker.
Bert Scott
Bert Simon Corriveau
Bert Sinclair
Bert Sloan
Bert Smith
Bert Snowden
Bert Stanton
Bert Stark
Bert Starks
Bert Stewart
Bert Stitt
Bert Stuart
Bert Swartz
Bert Thomas
Bert Thomas Schwartz
Bert Tipplns
Bert Vallilee
Bert Vincent
Bert Vinton Road Crawford
Bert W
Bert W .
Bert W Hodgins
Bert W Hodgins.
Bert W. Hod-gins
Bert Wheeler
Bert Wilson
Bert Woolsey
Bert* Smith
Bert-Leglon Bazaar
Bessie Kelly
Beverly Ebert Lucy Hood
Bill Elliot KELLY
Bill Kelly
Bill Kelly—now
Bill Patrick Anderson Earle Bimey Bliss Carman Leonard Cohen Fred Coyne Lucy Wyman Edey Mark Frutki
Billy Kelly
Billy Ostrom, Billy Jr and Kelly
Biward Kelly
Blair Kelly
Block Belt Jones THURSDAY Jim Kelly
Bob & Lucy Imbleau
Bob and Kelly Hobbs
Bob and Kelly Whelan
Bob Bert-
Bob Kelly
Bob Kelly Mrs Doris Telford
Boh Kelly
Bonnie (Armstrong) Kelly
Bonnie Bert
Bonnie Bert- Winners
Bonnie Kelly
Breakfast Kelly Archer
Brenda and Kelly Hahn
Brenda and Kelly Hahn Sunday
Brenda and Kelly Hahns
Brenda and Kelly Halm
Brenda Kelly R R
Brent Bert- Sharron Corrigan
Brent Kelly
Brett Kelly Ann McConnell
Brian Kelly
Brian & Sheryl Pine Ron Hodgins Ellard Nicholas - Kelly Hobbs
Brian and Kelly Cuba
Brian and Kelly Schumacher
Brian and Kelly See
Brian Coughlin 613-638-8415 Ron Hodgins Brian Kelly Lome Orser Weldon Rantz Bob Dick
Brian Kelly
Brian Kelly 2. Bob Muise
Brian Kelly and Nancy Kelly Moore
Brian Kelly.
Brian Lucy*
Brian Thoms Kelly
Brian1 Kelly 2
Bridgette Kelly
Bruce Kelly
Buddy Sloan Mr. Kelly Whelan
Buddy Sloan Ryburn Kelly Hull
Burke L J. E. Kelly Herbert Brown
Butler Chev Terry Kelly
By Kelly Batten
By Kelly Graveline
Byron Barr Robert Bertrand Ed Brazeau Lucy Brownlee Mr.
C Kelly.
C. Kelly
C. Kelly Marie McGee Saumure
Candy Cane Adam Mrs Lucy Flood
Candy Cane Bert Kelly
Captain Kelly Schumacher
Carl Bert-
Carl Kelly
Carl Kelly OMI
Carla Kelly
Carlen Kelly
Carling Kelly
Carmel Kelly
Carmel Kelly Bertha McGee
Carmel Kelly Mr Shawn Sloan
Carmen Kelly
Carol Tollman Kelly
Carol Tollman Kelly Brothers Equipment Bristol Pump Service Rental Beth Angus Petro Pontiac Tom Orr
Caroline Kelly
Caroline Kelly.
Carolyn Kelly
Carolyn Kelly.
Carry Kelly
Cary Grant Grace Kelly
Cassie Kelly
Catherine Kelly
Catherine Kelly.
Cathy Kelly
Cecil Kelly
Cecil Kelly and Gerard Trudeau
Cecilia Kelly
Chanel Kelly
Char- Kelly
Charles Bert Hobbe
Charles Bert Hobbs
Charles Kelly
Charles Kelly VldlUlUlUn Thomas Charles Kelly
Charles Toner.......... William Kelly
Charley Kelly
Chelsea Mrs Blair Kelly
Cheryl Kelly
Chris & Kelly Sue
Chris Kelly
Chris Kelly’s Store
Chris Maclntrye Tim Carmichael Malcolm McGillvray Stéphane Sgarbossa Chris Pleau Kelly Hodgins Jerm
Chrisella Kelly Hayes Chapeau
Christa Kelly
Christian Family Life da Kelly
Christie Kelly
Christie Kelly Labelle Restaurant Frank Pahibiski Ed s
Christine Kelly
Christine Larsno J Weismuller APACHE COUNTRY Gene Autry Judy Garland Jean Kelly —Now Playing
Christopher Kelly
Christopher O''Kelly
Christopher O’Kelly
Christy Kelly
Ciail Kelly
Cindy Kelly
Claire Kelly
Claire Kelly Robert Wagner Airforce Thriller Color
Claire Kelly Monday
Claire Kelly Thursday
Claire Kelly UNDERWATER WARRIOR CinemaScope Gloria Grahame CinemaScope KILLER LEOPARD Johnny Shefie
Clarence Pasch Bert Collin
Clayton Kelly
Cliff Kelly
Clifford Kelly
Clifford Kelly from
Clifford Kelly.
Co-ordinator - Lucy Brownlee
Coach Bert Marion
Coach Kelly Whelan
Coleen Kelly
Colleen Kelly
Colleen Kelly Janis Pulley
Colleen Kelly MacDonald
Collette Kelly
Congratulations Kelly
Connie Kelly
Cooper Francis Fuels Kelly Automobiles R A H Nugent John Munharvey Rentals Gary Renaud René Vaillan
Corie Kelly
Corrine Kelly Todd Fraser
Cory Kelly
CoUcen Kelly
CoUeen Kelly
Councillor Kelly
Councillor Murray Miss Melinda Kelly
Councillors Kelly
Crosby Kelly
Curtis Kelly
Cuth-bert Cameron
Cyril Kelly
Cyrus Atkinson Coach Kelly Finlan Andrew McCredie
C»reg Kelly
Daly Kelly Dennis Thrun
Dalziel Kelly
Dan A John Kelly
Dan and Karen Kelly
Dan Kelly
Dan Kelly Agn
Dan Kelly John Ebsary Keith
Dan Kelly Their
Dan Kelly Trucking John
Daniel Armand Bert Me-
Daniel Kelly
Daniel Kelly April
Danielle Kelly
Danny Kelly
Dantiy Kelly
Darken Kelly
Darleen Kelly
Darlene Hovey Susan Kelly
Darlene Kelly
Darlene Wiggins Henderson’s Store Kelly
Dave Ashwood Bert
Dave Kelly
Dave Kelly Rink Luskville Recreation Committee
Dave Moore Kelly Hodgins
Dave Rich Kelly Taylor Chris Olmstead
Dave Rich Paul Collette Jr. Chris Olmsteod Marcel Berard John Peck Kelly Taylor Greg Macdonell Tren
David Kelly
David Moore Kelly
David Mrs Mary Kelly Eleanor
Dawn Kelly
De Luxe Karen Kelly Ruth Strutt
Dean Mary Ann Kelly
Dear Lucy
Deb Kelly
Debbie Kelly
Deborah and Brian Lucy Flood
Den-| Bert Hodgins
Denis Kelly
Denis Kelly SAVE.
Denis Lucy Kelly
Dennis Kelly
Derek Kelly
Derrick Kelly
Dev Desmond Kelly 300
DevlU Kelly
Diane Kelly
Diane Mrs. Kelly Bowie
Dick Kelly
Dillon Kelly
Dolores Kelly
Don Kelly
Don Kelly Family
Don Kelly Hines
Don Kelly Tanner
Don Lance 647-3364 Bert Hearty
Don Lance 647-3364 Bert Hearty 648-2716 Grant Ferrigan
Donalda Kelly
Donna Kelly
Doreen Kelly
Doris Kelly
Dorothy Kelly
Douglas Kelly
Dr. Alexander Miss Kelly
Dr. Kelly
Dr. Lucy Narlock
Dr. Porter Kelly
Dr. Roland M. Armitage V S. Kelly
Duncan A. Brown John Kelly Auctioneer Jack Baker
Dwight Th- Mrs Bert Kennedy
E bert Richardson
E. Kelly
E. Kelly 160.35
Ealeanor Kelly
Earl Kelly
Earl Kelly: Mr. William C. Bert Kelly
Earl Kelly: William C. Bert Kelly
Ed Kelly
Ed Lucy Kelly
Ed. Kelly
Eddie A. Kelly
Eddie Kelly
Eddie Kelly Jackie
Eddie Mrs Pat Kelly
Eddy Kelly Consideration
Edgar Hodgins Anonymous H. R. Kelly Total
Edgar Lance that Mr. Bert Kelly
Edith Kelly
Edith Kelly Jack Graham
Edith Kelly Mohr
Edith Kelly Ob/fuar/es
Edith Kelly’s
Edmund Kelly
Edna Kelly
Edward Kelly
Edward Kelly -
Edward Kelly - 29L60 Shaw
Edward Kelly .who
Edward Kelly 111.76
Edward Kelly 1248.48
Edward Kelly 135.12
Edward Kelly 146.20 Richard Bowie 25.30 Gordon Paul Ins
Edward Kelly 16.96
Edward Kelly 322.84
Edward Kelly 40.80
Edward Kelly 418.88
Edward Kelly 647-5571
Edward Kelly 668
Edward Kelly 739.38 Mis Karl FlndUy
Edward Kelly 745.80
Edward Kelly 882
Edward Kelly 964.60;Harvey
Edward Kelly Dan A John Kelly Trucking Judy
Edward Kelly Ed Kelly
Edward Kelly Estate Fund
Edward Kelly January
Edward Kelly Motion Cr Ireland
Edward Kelly s
Edward Kelly to Christopher Walls
Edward Kelly-
Edward Kelly- 863.68
Edward Kelly.
Edward Kelly............ Thomas Gallagher........ Leo Elliott..............
Edward Kelly’s
Edward Kelly’s tender Motion Cr Tubman
Edward | Kelly 328.80
Edwards Sheila Lucy Smart Weds Gerrit John Kleinikkink Portage 9:30
Eileen Kelly
Eileen Kelly Fit/patriek
Eileen Mor-Carmel Kelly
Eksncr Kelly
Elaine Mil- Verna Kelly
Eleaner Kelly
Eleanor Kelly
Eleanor Kelly Jennifer
Eleanor Kelly Sharon McGuire
Elena Kelly
Elisha Kelly
Eliza Kelly
Elizabeth Gravelle Kelly Hahn
Elizabeth Hahn Miss Kelly Hahn
Elizabeth Kelly
Elizabeth Kelly Announcement
Ella Kelly
Ellv Kelly
Elly Kelly
Elsie Kelly
Elsie Schwartz Bert Murphy Floyd Tubman Vernon Beattie I Gordon Bruce Roe Plouffe Earl Alexander Do
Emily Kelly
Emma Kelly
Emma Lucy.
Emmet Kelly
Emmett Kelly
Emmett Kelly Marlon Brando Mon.
Engagement Kelly - Sigouin Traditional
Equity Kelly
Equity Photo Melinda Kelly
Eric (Kelly
Eric Kelly
Eric Kelly Mr
Eric Kelly Spending
Eric Kelly/Weyerhaeuser
Erin Barber and Kelly Kilgour
Erin Kelly
Erina Kelly
Erma Kelly
Erma Kelly Cotnam
Ernest Kelly
Ernie Kelly
Ernie Kelly 11:00
Essie Kelly
Ethel Kelly
Ethel Lucy
Eugene Kelly
Eulalia Kelly
Eva Lucy McDowell
Evelyn Kelly
Evelyn Kelly Brown
Evelyn Lucy
F. Kelly
Family Kelly Leboun
Father Kelly
Father Kelly.
Felix Turcotte.... Teressa Kelly
Fenton Jr. Troy Kelly
Ferdinand........ Jewell William............... Kelly Twrvss*
Ferguson Kelly
Fitzroy Kelly
Flora Kelly
Fourth Kelly Ryan
Fr Kelly
Frances (Kelly
Francine Kelly
Francine Kelly Bryson
Francine Kelly O
Francis Joseph Kelly -
Francis Joseph Kelly - Bom
Francis Kelly
Francis Kelly 455-9592 HOLSTEIN
Francis Kelly 455-9592 Succession Hugh Armstrong Intimés
Frank Kelly
Frank Kelly -
Frank Kelly Bishop
Frank Kelly Funeral
Frank Kelly Lauren Hall Joe Teams
Frank Kelly Lauren Hall Joe Teevens
Frank Kelly • Judy Cole
Frank Kelly’s
Frank Sinatra James Gleason Gene Kelly Sterling Hayden Nancy Gates Frank Sinatra
Fraser Penalties Kelly
Fred Coyne Lucy Wyman Edey Mark Fnitkin Kenneth Leslie K&Bsy Sir Charte» G.D. Roberta FARM
Fred Kelly
Frederick Kelly
G 7320* Kelly
G. Kelly
G. Kelly LINDSAY SCHARFE Authorised Barrett Applicator New Curling
Gad Kelly
Gail A Kelly
Gail Kelly
Gall Kelly
Garry Kelly
Garry Kelly"
Gary Cooper Gene Kelly Beechgrove Steele Line CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS
Gary Kelly
Gary Mr. Bert Clem
Gcrald Kelly
Gegory Kelly
Gene Kelly
Gene Kelly Barbara Laage Garden Gopher
Gene Kelly Cinemascope Kay Kendall M. Gaynor
Gene Kelly CREST
Gene Kelly Cyd
Gene Kelly DEEP
Gene Kelly Dfin Martin
Gene Kelly Donald O’Connor
Gene Kelly Kay Kendall Illustrated
Gene Kelly Natalie Wood
Gene Kelly WED.
Gene Kelly X I *
Gene Kelly.
Gene VI-bert
Geoff Kelly
Geoffrey Kelly
George A. Kelly
George Bert Stark
George Kelly
George s Anglican Ce- Kelly
Georgette Kelly
Gerald Kelly
Gerald Kelly 1887B2030
Gerald Kelly 66492X029 PREVENT
Gerald Kelly Mr
Gerald Kelly NOTICE
Gerald Kelly Try
Gerald Kelly.
Gerald Marion Kelly
Geraldine Kelly
Gerard Kelly
Gerard Kelly Dagenais
Gerard Kelly Hydro
Gerry Kelly
Glen Kelly
Glenda Kelly
Grace Kelly
Grace Kelly CFRA
Grace Kelly Alec Guluess
Grace Kelly Alec Guinnes
Grace Kelly Bing Crosbv
Grace Kelly Bing Crosby
Grace Kelly BRIDGES TO
Grace Kelly Bryson
Grace Kelly James Stewart
Grace Kelly Phone
Grace Kelly Stewart Granger
Grace Kelly Story Cheryl Ladd
Grace Kelly Technicolor Stewart Granger Cinemascope Richard Widmark Technicolor Lauren Bacall Cinem
Gracie Kelly
Grade V— Lucy Somerville
Graham Lucy Fitzsimmons
Grandma Kelly
Grandpa Kelly Uncle Edward
Grant Kelly
Grant Kelly Farrelton
Grant Lucy Graham
Greg Kelly
Greg Kelly H.
Greg Kelly Ottawa Ex
Greg Kelly.
Greg Mackenzie Jim Brennan Kelly
Gregg Kelly
Gregory Kelly 624
Gregory Kelly.
Grog Kelly
Gwen Black Lucy Kelly
H »bert C-uiipbil''
H. Kelly
Haggle* Kelly
Haggles Kelly
Hahn Kelly
Hall Kelly
Hannah Kelly
Hardwood Pulpwood Wanted John F. Kelly
Hardy Scoring Summary Games Goals AasistsPointa Name Stéphane Villeneuve Paul Collette Jr. Kelly Ta
Harold Kelly
Harold Kelly 598
Harold • 647-3264 Kelly
Harry 647-2156 Kelly
Harry Bert Horner
Harry Brownlee Hubert Hamilton Bert Stark Merton Glenn Scldon Langford Bordon Hodgins
Harry Corrigan----- Bert Horner........
Harry Kelly
Hayes Bert Montgomery
Hayes Funeral Home W.A. Hodglns Store J& P Furniture Kelly
Hayes W Chisnell W J Black Sam Dale Jim Caldwell Bert Hodgins Alex Hazard Keg
Hazel Kelly
Healt Kelly
Heath Kelly
Heather Grav-bert
Heather Kelly
Heather Kelly Cockerell
Helen Marion Kelly
Helena Kelly
Henry Bert Armstrong
Henry Kelly
HENRY Kelly Bun
Henry Kelly Egan
Henry Kelly Eoam
Henry Kelly Euan
Henry Kelly Euttr
Henry Kelly E«ian
Henry Kelly Fgan
Henry Kelly Kgnn
Henry Lucy
Henry O. Bert
Henry Tubman 40.20 Edward Kelly 228.60 Gil Fraser
Herb Kelly
Herbert J. Kelly
Herbert Kelly
Herman Kelly
Hhuy Kelly Eu
Hilda Kelly
Hi» Kelly ChrieU.
Hob Kelly
Holland Weds Bert Hearty
Hospital K H Kelly
Howard T. Kelly
Hpphespliltes Eyesight Saved Kelly
Hs*hv Kelly Kuan
Hubert Kelly
Huey Kelly
Hunt Hardy Plants Tru-Line Collision Coiffure Anne Lanoix Kelly
Hydro Kelly
I Kelly
I. Kelly
Ian Barber and Kelly Schumacher
Ian Kelly
Ida Kelly
IIesuy Kelly L‘«
Informing Kelly
Installation H I • Oil Spraying Kelly Tanner
Intermediate Champions Bert Murphy
Ira Greer Owner Kelly
Irelynn Kelly
Irene Kelly
Irma Kelly
Irma Kelly Holy Trinity
Irwin Kelly
Isaac Kelly
Isobel Kelly
It Kelly
IV—Lucy Palmer
J C ( Bert
J E Kelly
J Kelly
J L Hodgins- Bert Murphy
J M Argue .................. J )hn Kelly
J M Bert Hodgins
J# Kelly
J''-epli Kelly
J. Kelly
J. Kelly Dios
j0hn Kelly
Jack Kelly
Jack Kelly Draveurs
Jack Kelly Hlldy
Jack Kelly May Wynn
Jack Kelly Ray Denton V Set
Jack Kelly Stéphane Parc
Jack Kelly Tuesday
James (Kelly
James B Kelly
James Jeff Kelly
James Kelly
James Kelly Elected President Vinton
James Kelly Fifth
James Kelly SHOP.
James Kelly.
James Kelly....... Œ0P Christopher Cahlwull
James Stewart Cyd Charisse Gene Kelly IT’S
James Stewart Grace Kelly / V * Nancy Newberry
James Stewart Grace Kelly A
James Whitmore Edmund Gwenn Joanne Dm Kelly
Jane Kelly
Janet Kelly
Janet Leigh PETE KELLY
Janu-j Kelly
Jason Kelly
Jean (O Malley) Kelly
Jean and Bert
Jean and Bert Murphy
Jean Cuthbertson Lucy Kelly
Jean Francoeur Bert Dufour Rangers
Jean Guy Kelly
Jean Jacques Bert-them
Jean Kelly
Jean Kelly Honoured
Jean Theresa Kelly
Jeff and Leslie Kelly
Jeff Kelly
Jeffrey (Kelly
Jeffrey Kelly
Jell Kelly Cory Brct/laff
Jenna Kelly Martin
Jennie Kelly
Jennifer Mayhew SAQ Shawville Pine’s Gas Bar K & L Dairies Murray Sport WePC Computers Kelly’s Gree
Jennings Kelly
Jenny Kelly
Jeremiah Kelly
Jeremiah Kelly Louie Lapierre
Jerry Bert-
Jerry Kelly
Jerry Tab-bert
Jessica Kelly
Jessica Kelly-Fleming
Jewell William.............. Kelly Terres
Jewell William.............. Kelly Terres-1
Jill A Kelly Ann
Jim Kelly
Jim Kelly Here
Jim O''Kelly
Jimmy Kelly
Joan Kelly
Joan _ Bert Cuthbertson
Joanne Kelly
Jody Kelly
Joe Kelly
Joe Kelly Jr.
Joe Kelly Sr. Me
Joe Kelly Sr„
Joe Kelly’s
Joe. Kelly
John A. Kelly
John À. Kelly Dies
John and Susie Kelly
John B Kelly
John B. Kelly
John F Kelly
John F. Kelly
John F. Kelly Auctioneer
John F. Kelly DOUGLAS
John F. Kelly Muriel
John F. Kelly Quyon
John Hall Kelly
John Irvin Kelly
John Irwin Kelly
John J Kelly
John J. Kelly
John J. Kelly Quyon
John Kelly
John Kelly >.nd
John Kelly AA____
John Kelly Auctioneer
John Kelly C.B.L. Pirie Gas Bar Quyon Ferry Scott Williams
John Kelly Charteri
John Kelly Clarence
John Kelly Dennis Egan Erin Barber Frasers Gamma Dynacare Golf Works Home Hardware
John Kelly Don McCredie
John Kelly Dwayne McNulty
John Kelly Fridayy August
John Kelly Greentech Hair Reflections Shawville Milling Ritchie Feed
John Kelly Heatlie
John Kelly James Hickey
John Kelly Ladysmith
John Kelly Leo Fortin Traceylane Farm Randy Belsher Trucking Garnet Stephens Dalevlew Farm Radview
John Kelly Milk Federation Gladcrest Farms Quebec Farmers
John Kelly Motion Cr McCredie
John Kelly Mrs
John Kelly OBITUARY Emily Cameron Emily Cameron
John Kelly Pine
John Kelly Promutual Valley Mutual Macador Farms Beulah
John Kelly Quebec Farm Assoc.
John Kelly Quyon
John Kelly Retro Pontiac Shawville Milling
John Kelly Shawville Chrysler C.B.L. Pirie J & J Grocery Chicken Coop Henderson’s Grocery Wayne
John Kelly Susan Gilpin
John Kelly Trucking Garnet Stephens Maplehodge Farm Robaye Olsen
John Kelly Vaughan Bastien Tires Bill
John Kelly Wilf
John Kelly................ Hodgins Lumber Co......... Harold McCoy
John Lem-bert
John McGrath Kelly
John McNeill Charteris Mr Kelly Lcclair
John P. Kelly
John Paul II Principal Bert Béchamp
John Samuel Kelly
JohnK Kelly
Johnny Kelly
Joioph Kelly
Jos Kelly Sr.
Jos Michael Kelly
Jos- M Kelly
Joseph Bert-$
Joseph Chapeau Mayor Bert
Joseph Donald Kelly
Joseph Dupuis and Gerard Kelly
Joseph E. Kelly
Joseph Fras- Rod-ney Kelly
Joseph Kelly
Joseph Kelly Best
Joseph Kelly Pres
Joseph Kelly Sr
Joseph Kelly Sr .
Joseph Kelly Sr.
Joseph Kelly.
Joseph L. Kelly
Joseph Leonard Kelly.
Joseph M. Kelly
Joseph Mat- John Kelly
Joseph Michael Kelly
Joseph Michael Kelly Dad
Joy Bert
Judd - Lucy
Judith Kelly Brother
Judith Kelly It
Judy Kelly
Julia Kelly
Julian Rin- Benjamins - Erin Kelly
Julie Ryan Guylaine LaSalle Kelly Turgeon R&D
June Kelly
K. Kelly
Karen Booth Lassie Paul Kelly
Karen Daly Kelly
Karen Daly-Kelly
Karen Daly-Kelly T’s BAR Charteris
Karen Kelly
Karen Kelly 366
Karen Kelly Benfey
Karen Kelly Christina Gray
Karen Kelly Hodgins - Our
Karen Kelly President
Karen Kelly Route 366
Karen Kelly Secrétaire-tréeorlère
Karen Kelly Secrétaire-trésorière
Karen Kelly Secrétalre-trésorière
Karen Nayler Kelly
Karen Naylor Kelly
Karl Bert Kelly
Karl Kelly
Kathleen Kelly
Kathleen Woodley R.S V.G— Mrs. Bert Stark L S V G —Mrs Cynthia Draper Chaplain
Katie Kelly
Katie Kelly 691
Katrina Kelly
Kay Kelly
Kay Kendall Gene Kelly
Kaye Kelly
Kdward Kelly
Keena Kelly
Kegan Kelly McConnell
Keith and Kelly Hodgins
Keith Kelly
Kells Piper Colleen Kelly
Kelly Personal
Kelly Phone
Kelly -
Kelly - Francis Patrick
Kelly - Grace Kristin
Kelly - Jack
Kelly - Kathleen Lydia
Kelly - McNamara
Kelly - Sigouin Edith Kelly
Kelly -8.96 Preston Hodgins
Kelly 475.95
Kelly 648-5681
Kelly 7017XA30
Kelly A
Kelly A 2
Kelly After
Kelly Ai IX O
Kelly Albert
Kelly Allan Maheral
Kelly Also
Kelly And
Kelly Angus
Kelly Ann
Kelly Ann Barb Evans
Kelly Ann Beck
Kelly Ann Bowes
Kelly Ann Com- Pontiac County
Kelly Ann Corriveau
Kelly Ann Hicks
Kelly Ann Justin Kendra MacManon
Kelly Ann Latendresse
Kelly Ann Malone
Kelly Ann O Connell
Kelly Ann O Connell Grade
Kelly Anne
Kelly Anne O Connell
Kelly Anne Stewart
Kelly Arch
Kelly Arched
Kelly Archer
Kelly Attending
Kelly Auctioneer
Kelly Auditors
Kelly Baird
Kelly Batstone
Kelly Batten
Kelly Beaugard
Kelly Beaulieu
Kelly Beauregard
Kelly Bechamp
Kelly Beck
Kelly Beer
Kelly Belair
Kelly Bon- Casse-Croûte
Kelly Bonnah
KellY Bowie
Kelly Boys
Kelly Br
Kelly Brenda Stevens Finlan
Kelly Bristol
Kelly Bros
Kelly Bros Funeral Home
Kelly Bros,
Kelly Bros.
Kelly Bros. Inc.
Kelly Bros. Roseneath
Kelly Brown
Kelly Brownlee
Kelly Bryson Mr»
Kelly Butler
Kelly C Hahn
Kelly Callaghan
Kelly Campbell
Kelly Cary Grant
Kelly Celebrity
Kelly Chambly—M.
Kelly Cherish
Kelly Chevalier
Kelly Chick Hatcheries
Kelly Chick Hatchery
Kelly Christin
Kelly Christine
Kelly Cockerell
Kelly Colleen
Kelly Congratulations
Kelly Corrigan
Kelly Cossell
Kelly Coté
Kelly Cotnam
Kelly Councillor Belleroee
Kelly Coyne
Kelly Croup
Kelly Currie
Kelly Damient
Kelly Darlene Kelly
Kelly Dawn Cockerell
Kelly Day
Kelly de Haan
Kelly Deepest
Kelly DeFinney
Kelly Delorme
Kelly Department
Kelly Do
Kelly Dowc
Kelly Dowc Recycle
Kelly Dowe
Kelly Draper
Kelly Dunn
Kelly Dykstra
Kelly Easter Weekend
Kelly Edith Adam Elizabeth Popkey HD
Kelly Edwards
Kelly Elizabeth Turner Daniel
Kelly Emmerson
Kelly Equity
Kelly Erin
Kelly Estate
Kelly Evans
Kelly Every
Kelly Family
Kelly Family Kelly Family
Kelly Feduc
Kelly Field
Kelly Findlay
Kelly Finlan
Kelly Finlan Impact
Kelly Finlan KENNEDY
Kelly Finlen
Kelly Fisher Ave
Kelly Floyd
Kelly Fmlan
Kelly Foran
Kelly Foster
Kelly Foundation
Kelly Foundation Next
Kelly Foundation Report
Kelly Front
Kelly Fu"
Kelly Fu-
Kelly Fu-TV
Kelly Fulford
Kelly Fun-Dcnton
Kelly Fund
Kelly Funeral
Kelly Funeral And
Kelly Funeral Claire Renaud
Kelly Funeral Dolores
Kelly Funeral Home
Kelly Funeral Home - Quyon Chapel
Kelly Funeral Home - Sue
Kelly Funeral Home Church
Kelly Funeral Home Quyon
Kelly Funeral Home Shawville
Kelly Funeral Home Sympathy
Kelly Funeral Homes
Kelly Funeral Homes Erwin Laughren Bristol Auto Body Don Cherry Rest
Kelly Funeral Homes Loeb
Kelly Funeral Homes Pontiac Home Bakery W.A. Hodgins Store Rowat Insurance Carmichael
Kelly Funeral Loving
Kelly Funeral Parlors
Kelly Funeral Parlours
Kelly Funeral Ryan Blasko
Kelly Funeral She
Kelly Funeral _
Kelly Gabie
Kelly Gardener
Kelly Gatmeau-Labelle
Kelly Gog
Kelly Gorr
Kelly Graham K È Saturday
Kelly Graveline
Kelly Guinness
Kelly H I Beaudoin
Kelly Hadju
Kelly Hahn
Kelly Hahn 9 V
Kelly Hahn Engagement
Kelly Hahn Sunday
Kelly Hajdu
Kelly Hampel MEN— H.S. Billy Stewart H T Bud Sauriol LADIES— H.S. Joan Francocur H T. Nita Smith
Kelly Hanging
Kelly Hann
Kelly Hanson
Kelly Harris
Kelly Harry Belsher
Kelly Hatcheries
Kelly HD.
Kelly Hearty
Kelly Hobbs
Kelly Hobbs - Gerard Dagenais
Kelly Hobbs 1221 Debbie Telford
Kelly Hobbs Chapeau
Kelly Hod
Kelly Hod- Young
Kelly Hod-drive
Kelly Hod-gins
Kelly Hod-I
Kelly Hod-Only
Kelly Hodgina
Kelly Hodgins
Kelly Hodgins Awards
Kelly Hodgins Every
Kelly Hodgins Mainville
Kelly Hodgins McDowell
Kelly Hodgins McGillvray
Kelly Hodgins Plouffe
Kelly Hodgins Sgarbossa
Kelly Hoffman
Kelly Home
Kelly Home Economics
Kelly Horse Family
Kelly Howard
Kelly Hru-dey
Kelly Hudgins
Kelly Hunt
Kelly I
Kelly I Hermonie Sharpe
Kelly In
Kelly Ireland
Kelly Is
Kelly Ivy
Kelly James McGee
Kelly Johanne Jolicoeur
Kelly John
Kelly Join
Kelly Jr.
Kelly K ¦ U J
Kelly Kavanagh
Kelly Kcon
Kelly Keen
Kelly Kenny
Kelly Keon
Kelly Keor
Kelly Kgau
Kelly Kieth Howie
Kelly Kilbride
Kelly Kilgour
Kelly Klaassen Three
Kelly Kllgour
Kelly Knox
Kelly Knox Knox
Kelly Kriese
Kelly Kuan
Kelly Ladouceur
Kelly Ladouceur Pontiac Printshop
Kelly Lake
Kelly Lance
Kelly Latrendress
Kelly Le
Kelly Le-
Kelly Le- Six
Kelly Le-clair
Kelly Leagues
Kelly Lebrun
Kelly Leclair
Kelly Leclalr
Kelly Leduc
Kelly Legarde
Kelly Leonard
Kelly Lynn Fitzpatrick
Kelly Lytle
Kelly M'' Vonl
Kelly M.ii
Kelly Mal-ette
Kelly Malette
Kelly Malone
Kelly Maloney
Kelly Mane
Kelly Mar
Kelly Marples
Kelly Married Hwy
Kelly Mary Hearty
Kelly Matériaux Masson
Kelly McCaine
Kelly McCallum
Kelly McCann
Kelly McConnell
Kelly McCool
Kelly McDonald
Kelly McElwain
Kelly McEwen
Kelly McGuire
Kelly McHale
Kelly McLach-lin-Dowe
Kelly McLachlin
Kelly McLachlin Dowe
Kelly McLachlin Dowe Charlotte
Kelly Mclcan
Kelly McLean
Kelly McMahon
Kelly McMahon Sat.
Kelly McNicol
Kelly Me*ane
Kelly Meilleur
Kelly Miss Shirley Hicks
Kelly Mitchell
Kelly Mohr
Kelly Moore
Kelly More
Kelly More Miller-
Kelly Mr
Kelly Mr.
Kelly Mrs Amy Keon
Kelly Mrs. Claire Fleury
Kelly MulhaU
Kelly Mulligan
Kelly Murphy
Kelly Natalie
Kelly Neil
Kelly Noakes
Kelly Nych
Kelly O Connell
Kelly O Donnell
Kelly O Grady
Kelly On Friday
Kelly One
Kelly Onslow Corners
Kelly Ont
Kelly Open
Kelly Optometrist
Kelly Orchestra
Kelly Our
Kelly O’Connell
Kelly O’Rourke
Kelly P
Kelly P Gauthier
Kelly P. Franklin Nanaimo
Kelly Pally
Kelly Parlours
Kelly Passed
Kelly Pembroke
Kelly Perreault
Kelly Pettipas
Kelly Pilon
Kelly Pinion
Kelly Plitz
Kelly Plunkette
Kelly Porter Franklin Nanaimo
Kelly Powell
Kelly Price
Kelly Price Petawawa
Kelly Primeau
Kelly Primeau Saturday
Kelly Primo
Kelly Printing
Kelly Proudfoot
Kelly Proulx
Kelly Pudwell
Kelly Purple Mask
Kelly Qavan
Kelly Quyon Lions Club Agricultural
Kelly Randy Thoms
Kelly Rebertz
Kelly Rennette
Kelly Rev. William McDowell
Kelly Richardson
Kelly Road
Kelly Roads
Kelly Robert
Kelly Robins
Kelly Robinson
Kelly Robinson,Chelsea Kearns
Kelly Roger
Kelly Romain
Kelly Rusenstrom
Kelly Russel
Kelly Russell
Kelly Ryan
Kelly Ryan 1
Kelly Ryan Matinees Monday
Kelly Ryan Saturday
Kelly Ryan Their
Kelly Ryan- Bantam Top Scorer
Kelly Ryen
Kelly Rysn
Kelly Ry»n Bred Barr
Kelly s
Kelly s Sloan
Kelly Sammon
Kelly Sampson
Kelly Sand
Kelly Santini LLP
Kelly Scanlan
Kelly Sch
Kelly Schmacher
Kelly Schu-
Kelly Schu- Equity
Kelly Schu- Graham
Kelly Schu- Kimberley Harris
Kelly Schumach
Kelly Schumach- Gray
Kelly Schumach-ardson
Kelly Schumach-nual Athletic Banquet
Kelly Schumacher
Kelly Schumacher Kelty Schumacher
Kelly Schumacher She
Kelly Schumaher
Kelly Schwartz
Kelly Scott
Kelly Scumacher
Kelly Secrétaire-trésorière
Kelly Secretary
Kelly Serson
Kelly Service
Kelly Shaver
Kelly Shawville
Kelly Shawville Businesses
Kelly Shea
Kelly Sheppard
Kelly SHOP.
Kelly Siding
Kelly Smith
Kelly Sofia
Kelly Sparling
Kelly Special
Kelly Sr
Kelly Stanley
Kelly Stanley Leo Martineau
Kelly Stars
Kelly Ste- Shawville
Kelly Ste- Visiting
Kelly Stewart
Kelly Stewart Also
Kelly Stewart-Keon Sharpe
Kelly Sue Emmerson
Kelly Sullivan
Kelly Suzanne Kluke
Kelly Swartz
Kelly Sylvester
Kelly T
Kelly Tan
Kelly Tan-
Kelly Tanner
Kelly Tanner Captain
Kelly Tay-
Kelly Tay- Trent Reynolds
Kelly Taylor
Kelly Terre
Kelly Terrons*
Kelly The
Kelly Their
Kelly Then
Kelly Thomas
Kelly Thoms
Kelly Throwing
Kelly Thursday
Kelly Timmy Lytle
Kelly Trottier
Kelly Trottiers
Kelly Trucking Shawville
Kelly Trust
Kelly Tur-
Kelly Tur-geon
Kelly Turgeon
Kelly Tvnvssu
Kelly Ubrun
Kelly Van Johnston
Kelly Visiting
Kelly Walker Zelaya
Kelly Watercours Bert Kennedy
Kelly We
Kelly Wedding
Kelly Whe-
Kelly Whe- Sherry Price
Kelly Whealan
Kelly Whel-Mr
Kelly Whelan
Kelly Whelen
Kelly When
Kelly Wilkinson
Kelly Williams
Kelly Wilson
Kelly Wolves
Kelly Wyman
Kelly Wyness
Kelly Yen
Kelly — Stewart Wed Al SI.
Kelly) Grant
Kelly, Jr .
Kelly-Anne Corriveau
Kelly-Anne K Lemaire
Kelly-Anne McConnell
Kelly’s Funeral
Kelly’s Funeral Home
Kelly’s Trucking
Kelsey Kelly
Kelsey Kelly MacDonald
Ken and Helen Kelly
Ken Cameron Bert Moore
Ken Kelly
Ken Smiley Mrs. Bert Greenshields Mr.
Kenneth Kelly
Kenny Kelly
Ker Bert
Kervyn Bert
Kevin Mrs Lucy Flood
Kflss Kelly
Kim Kelly
Kim Thalheimer Edith Kelly
Kimberley Harris Christa Kelly
Kimond Kelly
Kings Scoring Summary Games Goals AssistsPoints Name Mark Loyer Paul Collette Jr. Kelly Taylor Sté
Kirk Kelly
Kirk Kelly Ann
Kitty Kelly
Kitty Kelly What
Kity Kelly
Kris Kelly
Krisieen Kelly
Krista Kelly
Kristopher Kelly
Krma Kelly
Krminiv Kelly
Kyle Bert
Kyle Bert Sheppard Tanner James Porteous
Kyle Kelly
L j Kelly
L t Karen Kelly
L. Kelly
Ladies Auxil-Mrs Bert Kelly
Ladies Bert Forrest
Lake Kelly
Lalie Kelly
Lane Swiss VBSS Kelly
Larry Kelly
Laura Kelly Richard Moquin
Laura Kelly-Moore
Laura Lee Kelly
Laura Lee Kelly Barn
Laura-Lee Kelly
Laurence Kelly
Laurie Gerald Kelly
Laverdure Kelly Hahn
Laverne Kelly
Laverne Kelly Ringrose
Lawrence Kelly
Lawrenty Kelly
Leah Kelly Junior Family
Lee Hod- Mr, Bert Smith
Lee Kelly
Lee Laframbolse Bert
Len Kelly
Lena Kelly
Lena Kelly Hubert Horner Harold Wilson Rock
Lena Kelly Monday
Leo Bert Kelley
Leo Bert-
Leo Bert- Carnot
Leo Bert- Joachims
Leo Bert- Pontiac
Leo Bert-maintenance
Leo Joseph Edgar Kelly
Leo Kaon Miss Pat Kelly
Leo Kelly
Leona (Kelly
Leona I Æ "aLswy Kelly
Leona Kelly
Leonard Bert Crawford
Leonard Mrs Lucy Kelly
Lesley Kelly
Leslie Kelly
Letty Kelly
Lewis Carried Carried Mr. Kelly
Lida Kelly
Lieut Bert Greer Mrs. Moses
Lieutenants Kelly
Lil Kelly
Lila Kelly
Lillian Kelly
Linda Kelly
Lindsay Kelly Whelan
Lio- Obituary Lucy Somerville Mrs Gerda Bretzlaff
Lionel Bert Crawford
Lisa Kelly
Lloyd Kelly
Loeuse Kelly
Lome Kelly
Lome Kelly Lome Kelly
Loretta Kelly
Lorna Kelly
Lorraine Kelly
Lou Kelly
Louise Bert- Ottawa
Louise Kelly
Love Ann and Matthew Kelly Knudsen
Love Kelly
Loyer Kelly Ryan
Luc 647- Karen Kelly x022 Présidente
Lucie Kelly
Lucien Kelly
Luck Kelly
Lucky Lucy
Lucv Kelly
Lucv Kelly Thev
Lucy * Kelly
Lucy -
Lucy A Louise Graveline
Lucy Addie Shea
Lucy Ann
Lucy Ann Gallagher
Lucy Ann Is
Lucy Ann Langill
Lucy Anniversary
Lucy Arm
Lucy Armitage
Lucy Ash-
Lucy Ashford
Lucy August
Lucy Baird
Lucy Baird and
Lucy Baird Tim
Lucy Band
Lucy Bard
Lucy Bdey
Lucy Be
Lucy Bean
Lucy Beauchamp
Lucy Bertrand
Lucy Blanchette
Lucy Boy JJharon Clamishen
Lucy Breetvelt
Lucy Brisson
Lucy Brown
Lucy Brownlee
Lucy Brownlee Bus
Lucy Brownlee Opening March
Lucy Brownlee Shawvllle Shopping Plaza
Lucy Brownlee X X Locally
Lucy Burrows
Lucy Buzzell
Lucy Buzzle
Lucy Cadieux
Lucy Caldwell
Lucy Camp
Lucy Campbell
Lucy Campbell R.N.
Lucy Charetie Eleanor Foran
Lucy Church
Lucy Clark
Lucy Closer
Lucy Cnee Kingsbury
Lucy Copp Margaret Wickens
Lucy Cory Hobbs
Lucy Cotie
Lucy Cotton
Lucy Craham
Lucy Crawford
Lucy Crawford Jyi
Lucy Crawford V V/rl/rl UIWI
Lucy Curry
Lucy Da Inns
Lucy Dahins
Lucy Dahm*
Lucy Dahms
Lucy Dahras
Lucy Dalims
Lucy Damh<
Lucy Derouin
Lucy Dinel
Lucy Donovan
Lucy Du-
Lucy Dubé Secretary-treasurer
Lucy Dubeau
Lucy Dubois
Lucy Durocher
Lucy Eades
Lucy Eadve
Lucy Ebert
Lucy Edey
Lucy Edition
Lucy Ellen
Lucy Ethd
Lucy Ethel
Lucy Ethel Cotie
Lucy Evelyn
Lucy Evelyn Bough
Lucy Ewing
Lucy F
Lucy Fades
Lucy Farrell
Lucy Fer
Lucy Fer MIDGET WRESTLING Little Farmer Pete
Lucy FHaaimmona
Lucy Fini»»
Lucy Finlan
Lucy Fitz-
Lucy Fitz-!
Lucy Fitzsiintonation
Lucy Fitzsim
Lucy Fitzsimmons
Lucy Fitzsimmons How
Lucy Flanagan
Lucy Flood
Lucy Flood It
Lucy Flood Phoebe McCord
Lucy Florence Eades
Lucy Forgues
Lucy Fréchette
Lucy French
Lucy French Anniversary Quebec Expo Competition
Lucy Frost
Lucy Gagnon
Lucy Gallagher
Lucy Germain
Lucy Gervais
Lucy Glenn
Lucy Godin
Lucy Goetz
Lucy Gossett
Lucy Graham
Lucy Graham 7
Lucy Gre
Lucy Greer
Lucy Gusset
Lucy H
Lucy H McDowell
Lucy H. McDowell
Lucy Hamilton
Lucy Hamilton Joan Brown
Lucy Hamilton President Lucy Hamilton
Lucy Hamilton Theresa’s
Lucy Harley
Lucy Haycock
Lucy Hines
Lucy Hobbs Taylor
Lucy Hodg-On
Lucy Holler
Lucy Hood
Lucy Huh
Lucy Hwy 8
Lucy Î
Lucy Ian
Lucy ILlim*
Lucy Ilooney
Lucy Jane Brennan
Lucy Jane Brown
Lucy Jane Cargill
Lucy Janes
Lucy Janet
Lucy Jdicocur
Lucy Jim
Lucy JMotto
Lucy Johncox
Lucy Jolicoeur
Lucy Jolieocur
Lucy Judd
Lucy Juliette
Lucy June 3,1972 Love
Lucy Kearns
Lucy Kee
Lucy Keely
Lucy Kel-
Lucy Kel- Its Kcaley
Lucy Kel- Left
Lucy Kel- Lyn Klukc
Lucy Kelly
Lucy Kelly and Margaret Mousseau
Lucy Kelly Belated
Lucy Kelly Easter
Lucy Kelly FF-
Lucy Kelly Force
Lucy Kelly Les Orr
Lucy Kelly Lorraine
Lucy Kelly Men
Lucy Kelly Men’s
Lucy Kelly R Green
Lucy Kelly Visiting
Lucy Kelly Wallace Sparling
Lucy Kelly We
Lucy Kelly Whelan
Lucy Kelly Yola Lepine
Lucy Kelly*pr Dumouchel
Lucy Kilroy
Lucy Kindrce
Lucy Kingsbury
Lucy Kluke
Lucy Kyle Sloan
Lucy La-londe
Lucy Lablonde
Lucy Lablonde Also
Lucy Lablonde Conception Church
Lucy Lablonde Miss Naomi Belleau
Lucy Lablonde W "
Lucy Lacourse
Lucy Lalonde
Lucy Lang
Lucy Larcom
Lucy Lariviere
Lucy Leach
Lucy Leblond
Lucy Leblonde
Lucy Leblonde Hodgms
Lucy Leblonde Soccer
Lucy Lebonde
Lucy Lemieux
Lucy Letts
Lucy Lillie _
Lucy Lir.d
Lucy Long
Lucy Look
Lucy Louisa Sparling
Lucy Lxv.ng
Lucy Lydia
Lucy Lyn Heaphy
Lucy Major
Lucy Mange
Lucy Martin
Lucy Martin Lucy Martin
Lucy Maud
Lucy Maud Montgom-treasured
Lucy Maud Montgomery
Lucy Maude
Lucy Maude Montgomery’s
Lucy May Courtwright
Lucy Mayer
Lucy McDonald
Lucy McViety
Lucy McVitty Arbuckle
Lucy Men- Prov.
Lucy Menard
Lucy MofTatt
Lucy Montgomery
Lucy Mooa
Lucy Moore
Lucy Morelli*
Lucy Morley
Lucy Morris
Lucy Mosher
Lucy Mrs Daniel Brown
Lucy Nor
Lucy November 2
Lucy Oast- Johnst°n
Lucy OpenShaw
Lucy Palmer
Lucy Palmer*
Lucy Paquette
Lucy Patricia
Lucy Pearl
Lucy Pearl Graham
Lucy Pepin
Lucy Per MIDGET WRESTLING Little Farmer Pete
Lucy Pitt
Lucy Poisson
Lucy Poulin
Lucy Qawford
Lucy R A Hall
Lucy Randolph Fleming
Lucy Ranger
Lucy Ritchie
Lucy Robinson
Lucy Rochon
Lucy Romain
Lucy Rub-
Lucy Rutledge
Lucy Sabourin
Lucy Sahra
Lucy Same
Lucy Sandra Judd
Lucy Sandy Belsher
Lucy Scott
Lucy Sers
Lucy Sharratt
Lucy Shawville
Lucy Smith
Lucy Somerville
Lucy Sou
Lucy Special Awards
Lucy St
Lucy St-Jacques
Lucy Stephens
Lucy Stod-flart
Lucy Sullivan
Lucy Summering
Lucy Summerville
Lucy Symmes
Lucy The
Lucy Treasured
Lucy van Oldcnbarneveld
Lucy Vera Leger
Lucy Vincent de Paul Society
Lucy visited
Lucy Voce
Lucy W Edcy
Lucy Wadge
Lucy Wakefield
Lucy Wal- Gluten
Lucy Wall
Lucy Walton
Lucy Webb
Lucy Wiggins
Lucy Windsor
Lucy Winnifred Frost
Lucy Wym.n Edey Bey
Lucy Wyman
Lucy Wyman Eday
Lucy Wyman Edey
Lucy Wyman Edey -
Lucy Wyman Edey ANGUS—In
Lucy Wyman Edey James Robert Hobbs Mr. James Robert
Lucy Wyman Edey PONTIAC S
Lucy Wyman Edey Pontiac Treasures
Lucy Wyman Edey’s
Luqr Kelly
Lyda Kelly
Lydia Crawford Lucy Lydia Crawford
Lydia Kelly
Lynn Knox Domenic Alexander Jack Daniel Irvin Kelly
M H. R. Kelly
M Kelly
M L Hobbs 48.52 Victor Krutz 10.00 Edward Kelly 414.14 Harvey Smith Grant Murray
M R .bert
M SB Lucy Ebert
M& Mme Richard Bert Kelly
M''iste Lucy
M*s Bert Smith
M. Kelly
M/s Kelly
Mac Kelly
Mack Kelly
Mackenzie Kelly
Maggie Kelly
Maidon Kelly
Malinda Kelly
Manon Kelly
Manon Kelly _
Marcel Bert
Margaret Kelly
Margaret Kelly Albert McMunn
Margaret Kelly Pteau
Margaret Mrs Lan* Kelly
Marian Kelly
Marie Kelly
Marie Ryburn Kelly
Marilee Kelly
Mario Kelly
Marion Kelly
Marion Kelly -
Marion Kelly 1975
Marion Kelly 422-3446
Marion Kelly Mr
Marion Kelly.
Marissa Kelly Primeau
Mariyn Kelly
Marj0n Kelly
Marjorie Lucy Fitzsimmons
Mark Damon Connie Stevens JOHN F. KELLY QUEBEC
Mark Kelly
Mark Loyer Dave Rich Chris Olmstead Kelly Taylor Trent Reynolds Paul Collette Jr. Marcel Berard Joh
Marlon Kelly
Marly Barry Pel# Kelly
Martin Kelly
Marty Barry Pete Kelly Dave Kerr Roy Woctets
Marty Barry Pete Kelly Dave Kerr Roy Wortere
Marty Burry IVte Kelly Dave Kerr
Marvin Kelly
Mary A. Kelly Rev Keith Lohnes
Mary Ann Kelly
Mary D. Kelly
Mary Doyle) ANN KELLY
Mary Elizabeth Theresa Kelly Turgeon
Mary Esther Kelly
Mary Kelly
Mary Kelly - Margaret B Ann McCrank
Mary Kelly Admission
Mary Kelly Mr
Mary Kelly Mr Leo Kelly
Mary Leona KELLY
Mary Lucy Kelly
Master Bert
Mat- Kelly
Mathew Kelly
Mathew Kelly June
Matt Kelly
Matthew Miss Carmel Kelly
Matthew Kelly
Matthiew Kelly
Maureen Kelly
Maurice and Kelly
Maurice and Kelly Beauregard
Maurice Kelly
May Kelly Hodgins
Mayor Bert
Mayor Bert Crawford
Mayor Kelly
McGee Mrs Mary Kelly
McUa- Kelly
Meagan Kelly
Meaner Kelly
Megan (Kelly
Megan Kelly
Meghan Kelly
Mel Thomas Joseph Kelly
Melanie Kelly
Melinda Kelly
Melvin Bert
Men’s Kelly
Merry Reardon Kelly Schumacher
Merv Kelly
Mervin Kelly
Messrs Bert Stark
Messrs Eddie Kelly
Messrs Greg Kelly
Mew Kelly
Michael Kelly
Michael Kelly Senior
Michael Kelly Sr
Michel Bert-
Michel Kelly
Michel Saumure Ryburn Kelly
Mick Kelly
Mike Kelly
Mile Kelly
Milton Hahn Kelly’s Funeral Home Cutting Edge R.V.I.
Milton Hahn- 257.60 Edward Kelly-Harvey Smitn-Gil Fraser-
Minnie Kelly
Misa Lucy Graham
Miss Kelly
Mitchum Kelly Mr.
MlSS Kelly Tell* HoW Lydia
Mme Karen Kelly Maire
MmmM Kelly
Mn Bert Brown
Mn Thoims Kelly
Mollis Lucy
Mom Kelly
Moore Bert
Moore Gene Kelly After
Morrison Kelly
Mr Bert
Mr Kelly
Mr Kelly Bowie
Mr Kelly Whelan
Mr* Hubert Kelly
Mr. Bert
Mr. Bert Burrows
Mr. Bert Corrigan
Mr. Bert Grccnshields
Mr. Bert Greenshlelds
Mr. Bert Hodgins
Mr. Bert Horner
Mr. Bert Kelley
Mr. Bert VV.
Mr. Bert W Hodgins
Mr. Bert-
Mr. David S. Kelly
Mr. John A. Kelly
Mr. John James Kelly
Mr. Kelly
Mr. Kelly Leclalr
Mr. Lloyd Kelly
Mr. Ray Mr. Kelly
Mr. Russell Kelly
Mr. William C. Bert Kel-
Mra Thomas Kelly
Mrs D F Kelly
Mrs G W Kelly. Miss Edith Kirkham
Mrs J B Kelly
Mrs Kelly Leclair
Mrs Ma Eleanor Kelly
Mrs T C. Kelly
Mrs W Lucy Clarke
Mrs, Bert Presley
Mrs, Kelly
Mrs, Lena Kelly
Mrs, Pena Bert-died
Mrs. A. Kelly
Mrs. Albert Bert-
Mrs. Alex Bert- Pj|Ujc F^Me
Mrs. Alix Bert
Mrs. B H Kelly.
Mrs. B. Kelly
Mrs. Belleville L Kelly
Mrs. Bernard Ryburn Kelly
Mrs. Bert
Mrs. Bert Bechamp Fort
Mrs. Bert Cavanagh
Mrs. Bert CJemmrTrs Judy
Mrs. Bert Clemmens
Mrs. Bert Costa
Mrs. Bert Cuth
Mrs. Bert Cuthbertson
Mrs. Bert Evenden
Mrs. Bert Fife
Mrs. Bert Hagerty
Mrs. Bert Hayes Murphy
Mrs. Bert Homer
Mrs. Bert Horner
Mrs. Bert Horner David T. Hodgins United Steel Workers
Mrs. Bert Kelly
Mrs. Bert Kennedy
Mrs. Bert McCar-&
Mrs. Bert McCarron
Mrs. Bert Murphy
Mrs. Bert ON
Mrs. Bert Roberts
Mrs. Bert Sinclair
Mrs. Bert Smith
Mrs. Bert Smyth
Mrs. Bert Stark
Mrs. Bert Tubman
Mrs. Bert Wilson
Mrs. Bert Wilson Mr. Robert Findlay
Mrs. Bert Woolsey
Mrs. Bill 647-3980 Kelly
Mrs. Bob Van-t Hoff Bert Burrows
Mrs. Clifford Kelly
Mrs. Dan Kilshy Mrs. Lucy Crawford Chart-cris
Mrs. Dan- Kelly
Mrs. Della M. Kelly
Mrs. Eddie Findlay Cliff Kelly
Mrs. Eddie Kelly
Mrs. Edith Kelly
Mrs. Eugene J. Bert
Mrs. Felix Bert-
Mrs. Frank Kelly
Mrs. Greg Kelly
Mrs. H A Kelly
Mrs. H R Kelly
Mrs. Henry Kelly
Mrs. Henry Smi- 7th Line Bryson Bristol Vinton Yarn Kelly Whelan
Mrs. Hul-bert Armstrong
Mrs. John A. Kelly
Mrs. John B Kelly
Mrs. John Bert-
Mrs. John F. Kelly
Mrs. John Gerald Kelly
Mrs. John I. Kelly
Mrs. John J. Kelly
Mrs. John Kelly
Mrs. Kelly
Mrs. Kelly Bowie
Mrs. Kelly Hodgins
Mrs. Kelly Lcclair
Mrs. Kelly Lcclair Campbell
Mrs. Kelly Leclair
Mrs. Kelly Leclaire
Mrs. Kelly Stan-
Mrs. Kelly Whelan
Mrs. L n Kelly
Mrs. Lambert Kelly It
Mrs. Lane Kelly
Mrs. Laurent Bert-
Mrs. Lloyd Kelly
Mrs. Lowell Kelly
Mrs. Lucy
Mrs. Lucy Campbell
Mrs. Lucy L. Gwalter
Mrs. Margaret Kelly
Mrs. Marion Kelly
Mrs. Owen P. Hearty Mr. Greg Kelly
Mrs. Ray Kelly
Mrs. Rybum Kelly
Mrs. Sid Kelly
Mrs. Susan X JOHN F. KELLY Auctioneer
Mrs. T C Kelly.
Mrs. T C. Kelly
Mrs. T Kelly
Mrs. Thomas C. Kelly
Mrs. Thomas Kelly
Mrs. Vernerj Mrs. Bert Hunnaberry
Mrs. Walter Mrs. Bert Costa
Mr» Bert Vfbert
Mûrie Kelly
Muriel Kelly
Murray Graham Kelly
Myles Kelly Hodgins Attendants Anne Stevens
Myra Kelly
N.B. Kelly
Name Stéphane Villeneuve Mark Loyer Paul Collette Jr. Dave Rich Chris Olmstead Kelly Taylor Trent R
Nancy Kelly Patty McCormick Elvis Presley Debrs Paget Richard Egan
Nancy Kelly Patty McCormick THE
Natalie Kelly
Ned Kelly
Neil and Margaret John Kelly
Neil Kelly
Nellie Kelly
Neol Kelly
Nicholas Kelly
Noel Kelly
Noel Kelly 160.00
Noel Kelly Honda
Noel Kelly Honda-Jonsered Chain Saws Comer Hwy
Nollie Kelly
Nor- Bert Kelley
Nora Kelly
Nora Kelly Peruvian
Norma Kelly
Norman Wiggins Kelly Ryan
Nov. 2,2003 Karen Kelly 0
O. Kelly
Oamld Kelly
Odele Kelly
Odell Kelly
Ont Kelly
Orville Kelly
Ottawa F Lucy Flood
Owen Kelly
P I. Shawville Hardware Miss Jean Kelly
P J. Kelly
P Kelly
P. Kelly
P.t Kelly
Paddy Bourgesu Robert Kelly
Pamela KELLY—In
Pat Bert
Pat Kelly
Pat Kelly Hahn
Pat Kelly Our
Pat took Kelly
Patricia Kelly
Patricia Kelly Choir
Patricia Kelly.
Patrick Anderson Earle Bimey Bliss Carman Leonard Cohen Fred Coyne Lucy Wyman Edey Man Frutkin Ke
Patrick Anderson Earle Birney Bliss Carman Leonard Cohen Fred Coyne Lucy Wyman Edey Mai* Frutkin Ke
Patrick Anderson Earle Birney Bliss Carman Leonard Cohen Fred Coyne Lucy Wyman Edey Mark Frutkin Ke
Patrick Anderson Earle Biruey Bliss Carman Leonard Cohen Fred Coyne Lucy Wyman Edey Mark Finikin Ke
Patrick Edward FRANK KELLY
Patrick John Kelly
Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly 648-5656 Griffin
Patrick Kelly Hodgins
Patrick Kelly Joseph Salmon Walter Rimer Village
Patrick Kelly...... Lyons Hardwick
Patrick Kelly....... Lyons Hardwick
Patrick Kelly’s
Patrick O’Kelly
Patsy Kelly
Patty McCormack Nancy Kelly
Paul (Kelly
Paul and Kelly Coté
Paul and Lucy Leblonde McKinon
Paul Bert
Paul Bert- Corrigan
Paul Bert- Elmside View Farm
Paul Bronson. Kelly Ryan
Paul Bronson. Kelly Tanner
Paul Collette Jr. Kelly Taylor Mark Loyer Marcel Berard John Peck Terry Burwell Kevin Meisner Chris
Paul Collette Jr. Kelly Taylor Mark Loyer Marcel Berard Kelly Taylor
Paul Collette Jr. Kelly Taylor Mark Loyer Marcel Berard Terry Burwell Stephen Meisner Chris Martin
Paul Collette Jr. Kelly Taylor Stéphane Villeneuve Mark Loyer Terry Burwell Trent Reynolds Marcel B
Paul Collette Jr. Mark Loyer Chris Olmstead Dave Rich Kelly Taylor Marcel Berard Trent Reynolds Joh
Paul Collette Jr. Mark Loyer Kelly Taylor John Peck Marcel Berard Terry Burwell Chris Olmstead Alai
Paul Collette Jr. Mark Loyer Kelly Taylor Marcel Berard John Peck Terry Burwell Chris Olmstead Alai
Paul Collette Jr. Mark Loyer Kelly Taylor Marcel Berard John Peck Terry Burwell Kevin Meisner Chris
Paul Collette Jr. Mark Loyer Kelly Taylor Marcel Berard Terry Burwell John Peck Alain Leveillee Chr
Paul Collette Jr. Mark Loyer Kelly Taylor Marcel Berard Terry Burwell John Peck Alain Leveillee Tre
Paul Collette Jr. Mark Loyer Kelly Taylor Marcel Berard Trent Reynolds Chris Olmstead John Peck Ala
Paul Collette Jr. Mark Loyer Kelly Taylor Stéphane Villeneuve Stephen Meisner Chris Martin Trent Re
Paul Collette Jr. Mark Loyer Stéphane Villeneuve Trent Reynolds Kelly Taylor Marcel Berard Chris Ol
Paul Collette Jr. Mark Loyer Trent Reynolds Kelly Taylor Marcel Berard Chris Olmstead John Peck Ala
Paul Collette Jr. Stéphane Villeneuve Mark Loyer Chris Olmstead Marcel Berard Kelly Taylor Trent Re
Paul Collette Jr. Stéphane Villeneuve Mark Loyer Kelly Taylor Marcel Berard
Paul Côté Kelly
Paul Havnes Marty Barry Pete Kelly Dave Kerr Roy Wortera
Paul Haynes Marty Barry Pete Kelly Dave Kerr Roy Wortere
Paul Kelly
Paul Kelly Mon.
Paul Kelly.
Paul Newman 647-3290 Kelly
Paul- Kelly
Paula Kelly
PCH* M,ss Kleanor Kelly Mrs Helmut Erfle
Pe- E McDowell Elementary Bert
Pearl Kelly
Pep) Kelly
Percy Kelly
Pete C. Kelly
Pete Kelly
Peter Edward Kelly
Peter Kelly
Peter Vi-bert
Phil Jean-h> Gerald Kelly
Phil Kelly
Phil Kelly’s
Philip Kelly
Phillip Kelly
Phyllis Hearty Mrs Lucy Flood
Phyllis Kelly Ç^4,4tacktes|4|;A
Pierre Asselin Brian Kelly Ken Griffin Campbell
Pierre Bert
Pierre Oal-bert
Pneus Kelly
Poisson Kelly
Pontiacs Kelly
Pontiacs Kelly Corrigan
Pound Keepers : Stephen Kelly
Pre-bert Levine
Presldert Greg Kelly
Principal Bert Bechamp
Pritchard Kelly
Prof. Albert J. Kelly
Qera|j Kelly
Qq^ Kelly
Que Kelly
Que Lucy
R >bert Tracy
R Dod-s Mrs. Bert Stark
R H Kelly
R- Kelly
R. Kelly
Rachel Kelly
Rachel Kelly Proposition
Radds Bert
Randy Kelly
Randy Mrs Mary Kelly
Ray Denton Jack Kelly I .
Ray Kelly
Ray McTiernan Mrs E Cameron Bert Horner
Ray Mrs Lucy Crawford
Ray) Kelly
Raymond Lynch Dorothy Caldwell Bert Cleiumens
Rebecca Kelly
Rene Kelly
Renfrew Mrs. Lena Kelly
Repairs K & L Dairy B s Place Loeb Shawville Shawville Ford Kelly Trucking Valley Mutual
Restaurant Kelly
Returning Officer Karen Kelly
Rev Bert Liira
Rev H Kelly CoCelebrants
Rev. A O. Kelly
Rev. Bert McCutcheon
Rev. Father David Kelly Arrangements
Rev. Kelly
Rev. R »bert Campbell
Rev. S I. Kelly
Rev. Samuel Irwin Kelly
Richaid Kelly
Richard and Marie Kelly
Richard Bert
Richard Crawford Kelly
Richard I Kelly
Richard Kelly
Richard Kelly Jr.
Richard Kelly O.M.I.
Richard Kelly OMI
Richard Miss Lucy Goetz
Richard Poirier Kelly Fund
Richard Thompson Mr. Bert Clem
Richard WHk Litchfield Mayor Bert Crawford
Richard Wide Kelly Schumacher
Richard Wills Andrew Kelly
Richie Bert
Rick Kelly Schumacher
Rick Mrs Bert Kennedy
Ricky Bert Bechamp
Rlchanl Kelly
Robert Bert
Robert Bert St-Camille
Robert Bert-
Robert Charette Conseiller Siège 2 Karen Daly Kelly Conseiller
Robert Charette Councillor Seat 2 Karen Daly Kelly Councillor
Robert Cummings Grace Kelly
Robert Ernest Zacharias Kelly
Robert Forget Ann Addleman Loretta Bonet Maureen Kelly Philippe Messier Judy El-Hakim Michael Don I
Robert Kelly
Robert Kelly 1
Robert Kelly.
Robert Ladou-and Bert Crawford
Robert Marion Kelly
Robert Middlemiss Robert Bertrand Valley Mutual Robert McCord Terry Richard Frank Ladouceur Bert
Robert Ryan Gene Kelly Cyd Charlsee
Robert Simpson Park H°bert Simpson Park Hobert Simpson Park
Robert Taylor Julie London Color CinemaScope Mitzi Gayner Gene Kelly Lee Philips Lloyd Nolan Lane T
Robert Vi-bert
Robert Whelan Miss Darlene Kelly
Robin Hor-termedlate Bert
Robinson Henry Kelly F.gan
Rod Kelly
Rodney Kelly
Rodney Kelly Campbell S
Rodney Kelly Congratulations
Rodnie Kelly
Rogers Kelly Ryan Saturday Morning Matinee
Roland Meilleur P. Grade 7:Colleen Kelly D
Romy Daigle Pointe-aux-Trembles Marie-Andrée Arsenault Bathurst Alexander Kelly Brampton Benoît
Ron Hodgins Brian Kelly Lome Orser Weldon
Ron Kelly
Ron Kelly 1
Ronald Dor-bert Bretzlaff
Ronald Kelly
Ronald Lucy Kelly
Ronnie Ann Kelly
Ronnie Kelly
Ronnie Kelly 2
Ronny Kelly
Rose Ann Kelly
Roxanne Kelly
Roxanne Kelly July 6
Roy Kelly
Rugg Kelly
Rural England Fred C. Kelly
Russell T. Kelly
Ruth Kelly
Rwtfllsll Bert
Ry-burn Kelly
Ryan Kelly
Rybum Kelly
Rybum Kelly Get
Rybum Kelly Haut
Ryburn Kelly
S. Kelly
S.’ Kelly
Sadie Kelly
Sanders Lorraine Harris Kelly
Sandra Kelly
Sandra Poisson Kelly Campbell’s Bay Jules Godin
Sandra Poisson Kelly Shutt
Sarah Crutcher Kelly
Sarah Jane Kelly
Sarah Lee Kelly
Sarah OViifred Kelly
Sat- Mrs Lucy Kelly
Sat-Kelly Hobbs
Scott Ann Kelly Also ITD
Scott Sylvester Audrey Ac Chuck Spence John Ac Susie Kelly Edith
Scoutmaster Bert Hayes
Sean Kelly
Sec Mrs Lucy Kelly
Serge Kelly Jr
Service Bert K Kennedy
Services Selling Renting Employment JOHN F KELLY QÜTON
Shannon Kelly
Sharon Bert-
Sharon Kelly
Shaun Kelly
Shawn Kelly
Shawn Kelly Prix
Shawville Kelly Whelan
Shawville Standard Bert Murphy
ShawviUe’s Kelly Tanner
Sheila Kelly
Sheila Kelly Bishop O Brien
Sheila Lucy
Sheila Lucy Smart
Sheila W. Kelly
Sheila Ward Kelly
Sheila Ward-Kelly
Shewville Kelly
Shir- Kelly
Shirley Efton Brian Kelly
Shirley Kelly
Sicard Kelly
Sidney Kelly
Sidney Kelly.
Sidney Patrick Kelly
Sim Dale.................... Bert Stark
Sincerely Kelly Dowe
Sir Henry Lucy
Sister Lucy Germain
Sisters Lucy Germain
Sloan Devlin Smith Kelly Hearty F Hampel 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Sloan Kelly Lance Chapeau
Sloan Mr Ryburn Kelly
Smith Kelly Brown
Smith Kelly MEN— HT—Normand Boire HS—Desmond Devlin LADIES— HT—Joan Francoeur HS—Bertha McGee
Snlioiit Kelly
Sole Manager: Mr. Bert Fahey
Sonia Bert
Sons Kelly Trucking AVI
Sphinx Kelly
Spot Russell T. Kelly
Sr. Lucy Palmer
Sr.-Lucy Palmer
Stacey Kelly
Stafford John A. Kelly
Stan Kelly
Stanley R H Kelly
Stephen and Kelly Stewart
Stephen Kelly
Stephen Kelly Thomas
Sterling John Holland - Bert
Steven Mrs. Bert Stark
Stuart Kelly
Sue Kelly
Sullivan Bert Woolsey John Argue
Sunday Mrs Lucy Flood
Susan Kelly
Susie Kelly
Suzanne Dubeau-Pilon 819-648-2928 Kelly Schumacher
Syivia Kelly
Sylvain Paul Coté Kelly Finlan
Sylvia Bakker Pontiac Panther’s Kelly Shumacher
Sylvia Kelly
Sylvie’s Decor Lucy Kelly
T. Kelly
Tat Kelly
Tbos Kelly
Teresa Kelly
Terry Corriveau Kelly
Terry Kelly
The C O. Kelly
THE EQUITY Karen Kelly’s
THE EQUITY Matthew Kelly
The Kelly
Then Kelly
Theresa Hahn Don McCredie Kelly
Theresa Hahn Raeburn Orr Kelly
Theresa Kelly
Theresa Kelly 2
Theresa Kelly About
Theresa Kelly Blaskie
Theresa Kelly Tuesday
Therest Kelly
This Kelly
Thomas Bert Hod
Thomas C Kelly
Thomas C. Kelly
Thomas Henry Kelly
Thomas Kelly
Thomas Kelly .... Elliott Hodgins
Thomas Kelly Sept.
Thompson Kelly Robinson
Thos Kelly
Ti-bert Nathan Hayes
Tiger Kelly
Tim Barber; Best Hereford Steer Top Aggregate Clarendon Kelly McConnell
Tim Ferrigan Dana Morin Pierre Asselin Brian Kelly Ken Griffin
Tim Ferrigan Dana Morin Pierre Asselin Brian Kelly Ken Griffin Campbell’s
Tim Kelly
Timothy Kelly.
Timothy Kelly................ Villago
To Kelly
Todd Vi-bert
Toiu Kelly
Tom Hearty Family Bert
Tom K * Member Award Kelly McConnell
Tom Kelly
Tom Kelly 1
Tom Kelly Congratulations
Tommy Kelly
Tommy Kelly 3
Tommy Kelly’s
Travis Kelly
Treasurer Kelly Fin-
Trevor Kelly
Troy Kelly
Tyler Kelly
UiNttv Kelly Eoaf
Uric Kelly
V P J. Hall Kelly Being Named
Val Henderson Nora Findlay - Henderson’s Store Kelly Wilkinson Frisby Tire - Jim McConnell Giant Ti
Vera Moira Kelly
Verna Kelly
Vice-President HknryNbwbllIUtb HoN.QBom.K ÜRTiOW IIbnky Kelly Kuks Farm For Sale
Vicki Kelly Hahn
Victoria Diane Karen Kelly Kelly/Henderson
Vigor Y JOHN F. KELLY AucnoNErr
Vincent Chisnell J XV Elliott Bert Hodgins E Chamberlain
Vincent Kelly
Vincent Price Kelly Mlarie Blanchard Sloan
Viola Kelly
Virginia Vi-bert
W E Kelly
W J Black Cecil Howard John Kelly Est C
W u» Kelly
W, Kelly
W. Kelly
Wallace Mrs. Lucy Campbell
Walter A. Kelly
Walter Kelly
Walter Kelly Mr.
Walter Kelly Walter Olmstead
Walter Kilgour Bert Horner Robert Rutledge Harwood
Ward Rebertz Lucy Di-nelle
Watt Tay-Garry Kelly
Wei Kelly
Whale Oil* Look Here Wm Kelly
White Fife Wheat—Bert
Wil-etta Kelly
Wiletta Kelly
Wilfred Kelly
Will-etta Kelly
Willetto Kelly
William and Melinda Kelly Sturgeon
William C. Bert Kelly
William C. Bert Moorhead
William Gerald Kelly.
William H. Kelly
William Kelly
William Sparling Mrs, Bert Stark Mrs. Archie Storey Mrs. Albert Tanner Mrs. Victor Tanner Mrs. Watt
Willie Kelly
Willie Kelly 206
Wilson Kelly
Win Kelly
Wl Kelly
Wllletta Kelly
Wm Kelly
Worship Kelly
Wxn Kelly
Y Sister Lucy Germain
Yio- Primer I—Arthur Eadws Lucy Cole
Young Kelly
°.0UD Kelly
8 S l BERT C-
Bert Costa
Bert Mo
Bert Murphy
Bert Newton
Bert Park
Bert Sheppard
Chad Kelly
Florence Kelly
Fort Kelly
Hwy 148 V R BERT
KELLY Auctioneer l Que.
Kelly Field
Kelly Lake
Kelly Lake Road
Kelly Shea
Kelly’s Creek
Lake Kelly
Lawless Lake Lucy
Lowell Kelly
Montreal l Bert
N Kelly
O''Kelly Park
O-Kelly Park
O’Kelly Park
Pearl Kelly
Santa Lucy
1.85 Men’s Boys BERT
647-2464 Emergency BERT DUNBAR ENT.
7th Line Bryson Bristol Vinton Yarn Kelly Whelan
American Beauty Vincent Kelly
Announcements Service BERT
ARAB Cleg Kelly
Association BERT C. HORNER
Aylmer Rockets Kelly
A’bert College
B. Pictures JOHN F. KELLY
Bay Golf Clllb Kelly Hodgins
BAY Marchildrons Grocery James Poirier Store Poupore & McDonalw Chapeau Supply Christie Kelly Label
Bert Beth’s Cemetery
Bert Church
Bert Craw
Bert Cunningham
Bert Davis
Bert Farm
Bert Greenshields
Bert Inc , Sly
BERT Liniment
Bert McCutcheon
Bert Parks RUE EN
Bert Stanley Second
Bert Stark Visitors
Bert Store
Bert Strutt’s Garage BY Klsss By Isms
Bert Thk Equity
BERT WEIR & SON Dundns Street
Best Hereford Steer Top Aggregate Clarendon Kelly McConnell;
Block Saturday Morning Matinee VALLEY OF HRE*Ée|* Grace Kelly REAR WINDOW
Body Shop Susie Gilpin John Kelly C.B.L. Pirie Gas Bar Quyon
Bristol 2.30 rA BERT
Bristol Auto Body Giant Tiger Kelly
Bristol bert
Bristol Bert Sheppard
Bristol Kelly
Bristol s Kelly Schumacher
Bristol ul Snlioiit Kelly
Bristol; Mrs. John Kelly
Bryson Bert Brown
Bryson Bert Fletcher
BRYSON THEATRE Messrs Gerald Kelly
Canadian Tire Hope Bert
Cancer Sicard Kelly
Car-| Entertainment Bert Kenndy; Gate
CATTLE Cock—Bert Hodgins
Chris Kelly’s Store
Christa Kelly
Chrysler Milton & Theresa Hahn Raeburn Orr Kelly
CML Concentra Financial GTE Solutions Dan & John Kelly Dwayne McNulty Education Credit Union F.H. A
Confederation Life Association BERT C. HORNER
Confédération Life Association BERT C. HORNER
Confederation Life Association BERT C HORNER
Confederation Life Association BERT C. HORNER
Confederation Life H Association Toronto BERT
Contact Bert Murphy
Contact Mrs. Mary Kelly
Council Mr Bert
Dairy Kings del Dave Kelly
Dairy Zimmertmg Chicken Palace Kelly
Department FOR SALS Y DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Parte and Service Bert
Dillon and Mario Kelly
Dillon Kelly
Dillon Kelly Apnl
Dillon Kelly April
Dillon Kelly of Vinton
Dillon Kelly on
Dillon Kelly.
DIO Kelly Tanner
DRESSES Bert Cunningham Visitors
Echo Valley Miss Darlene Kelly
Equity Sports Bristol s Kelly Schumacher
Fall Miss Lucy Dahras
FAR FRONTIER—Roy Rogers Kelly Ryan Saturday Morning Matinee RODEO KING AND THE SENORITA—Rex Allen T
Farm Forum Kelly Whealan
Farm Forum Mrs. Bert Hodgins
Frank Kelly
Freda Kelly Hospital
Front Row Tommy Kelly
Funeral Home W.A. Hodglns Store J& P Furniture Kelly
GAVANTS HOTEL Compliments of Kelly’s Funeral Home QUYON
General Kelly-Kouny
General Motorf Vo/v» JOHN F. KELLY Auctioneer
Geoffrey Kelly
Gift Store BERT WAINMAN Shawville
Gracie Kelly
Grocery K&L Dairy Kelly
Heavy Horse Show Results Lawrence Kelly
Henderson’s Store Kelly s Trucking Shawville Ford Valley Mutual Insurance Bill
Henderson’s Store Kelly Wilkinson Frisby Tire
Hilton Mines Bert Stark’s Starks Corneritcs
Home Mary Kelly
Hospital Auxiliary Mrs Miry Kelly
Hospital Teri Kelly
II Vincent Price Kelly Mlarie Blanchard Sloan
Institute John & Dan Kelly Agn West Dépan Express Shady Lane Swiss B & J Farm Service Shamrock Catt
J & J’s Gas Bar Kelly’s Greenhouse Mary-Sheila & John Draper M & R Feeds Mountainview
J. Grocery Shawville Auto Service Curves Kojack’s Kelly’s Greenthumb Shawville Chrysler
JOHN F KELLY Auctioneer
K & L Dairies Murray Sport WePC Computers Kelly’s Greenthumb Shawville Home Hardware Richard’s Lodg
K & S Kelly Tire Service
k4 Morris Sauriol Devlin Sloan Kelly Lance Chapeau fowling League
Kelly Personal
Kelly * Store
KELLY Auctioneer
KELLY Auctioneer Telephone
KELLY Auctioneer Farm Machinery McCormick-Deering Tractors B.T. Barn Equipment Stalls
KELLY Auctioneer Quyon Licensed
KELLY Auctioneer QUYON QUEBEC Licensed
KELLY Auctioneer Alexander—Armstrong Wesley United Church
KELLY Auctioneer BR Y SOIS THEATRE Defendant
KELLY Auctioneer BRISTOL FARMERS’ CLUB Livestock Shipping QUEBEC QUYON Licensed
KELLY Auctioneer Bristol School Commissioners
KELLY Auctioneer Cavalier
KELLY Auctioneer DOUGLAS MOORE FURS Manufacturing
KELLY Auctioneer Free Delivery
KELLY Auctioneer HARRY WOOD Chartered Accountant
KELLY Auctioneer Harry Wood Chartered Accountant Refreshment*
KELLY Auctioneer Institutes Donate To Pontiac Community Hospital Quyon Que
KELLY Auctioneer K. W. PIRIE & SON
KELLY Auctioneer Medium
KELLY Auctioneer Mrs. Albert Skeldon
KELLY Auctioneer Musical Program
KELLY Auctioneer Phone
KELLY Auctioneer Pink Trim Que
KELLY Auctioneer Ql
KELLY Auctioneer Que
KELLY Auctioneer QUEBEC QUYON Licensed
KELLY Auctioneer QUY ON Licensed
KELLY Auctioneer Quyon Licensed
KELLY Auctioneer Quyon Que
KELLY Auctioneer QUYON QUEBEC Licensed
KELLY Auctioneer REDPATH SUGAR Quyon Que
KELLY Auctioneer Second
KELLY Auctioneer Shawville COTIE BROS.
KELLY Auctioneer Shawville QUEBEC QUYON Licensed
KELLY Auctioneer Sport Shoes
KELLY Auctioneer Steelco Fencing Quyon Licensed
KELLY Auctioneer STORE HOURS Mondays
KELLY Auctioneer Telephone
KELLY Auctioneer Vesper Hour1 SUMMER SHOES Crepe
KELLY Auctioneer Wax
KELLY Auctioneer X QUEBEC QUYON Licensed
Kelly Bros
Kelly Bros Funeral Home
Kelly Bros. Garage 1
Kelly Department of Energy
Kelly Equity
KELLY Equity Photo
Kelly Est C .1 Caldwell McCredie VU Sa
Kelly Foundation
Kelly Foundation Next
Kelly Horse Family
Kelly House
Kelly Junior Family
Kelly Legion Members
KELLY QUEBEC Dorothy Dandridge MILNE
KELLY QUEBEC General Insurance Engineering Services
KELLY QUYON Front QUEBEC Manufacturer s Credit Pkm Available UNDSAY SCHAEFE Authorised Barrett
KELLY ROTON X Le Sherlf de Pontiac
KELLY Teachers Wanted Crawford—
Kelly Trust Fund
Kelly’s Corners
Kelly’s Hotel
Kelly’s School S.S. No. 3.
Kelly’s Store
Life Association BERT C. HORNER
Life Association BERT C HORNER
Life Association BERT C- HORNER
Life Association BERT C. HORNER
Limited Service Garage Bert Kelly
Lion Bert Collin
Lion Bert Hickson
Lions Aylmer Manners Hull Citoyens McLaren Systems Hair Gallery CIAQ - CIQ Dan & John Kelly Truckin
Lome Bert School
Look Here Service Announcements BERT C HORNER
Ltd Kelly
Lucy (Perry
Luke Carson and Kris Kelly
LYN NAVAJO JO Bert Reynolds
Macdonald College BERT CRAWFORD
Maple Farm Don McCredie Dan & John Kelly Clarence & Carol Tollman CBL Pirie Henderson’s Grocery Val
Master Bert
Master Bert Cuilimore
Master Bert Metcalf
Master Bert Murphy
Master Bert Stewart
Master Bert _
Master Brian Kelly
Master Jeffrey Kelly
Master Noel Kelly
McDonald Kelly
McDowell Elementary Bert
Miss Lucy Pitt.
Mj Bert Vincent
MM Noël Kelly
Morgan BERT
Morning Prayer Evening Prayer Evening Prayer BERT
Motion Bert Hodgins
Motion- Gouns Bert Hodgins
Mr Bert Moore
MR Pat Kelly
MRC des Col-Kelly-
Mrs Bert Bible Study
Mrs. Kelly
Mrs. Kelly’s
Mrs. Lambert Kelly
Mrs. Mary Kelly
OAC Kelly’s Garden Centre
Old Kelly House
Old Mr, Kelly
OMH (Office Municipal Kelly
Outaouais Valleys Fine Kelly
Outstanding School Kelly Whelan
Pizza Beauchamp Service Bert Crawford Trucking
Players Chris Maclntrye Tim Carmichael Malcolm McGillvray Stéphane Sgarbossa Chris Pleau Kelly Hodg
Pontiac Branch Canadian Red Cross JOHN F. KELLY QUEBEC Saturday
Pontiac Chapeau Mayor Bert Conroy
Pontiac Club Greg Kelly
Pontiac Commu- Bert Poisson
Pontiac Commun- Bert Greenshieldis*
Pontiac Commun-kelly
Pontiac Community Hospital and Bert Kennedys
Pontiac Division Kelly
Pontiac Fish & Game Protective Association Silver Maple Hotel Mrs Gail Kelly
Pontiac Fred Coyne & Lucy Wyman Edey
Pontiac Home Rian Kelly
Pontiac Kelly Marples
Pontiac Milk Bert
Pontiac No. 555-32-082-889 Quebec Court Dianah Kelly
Pontiac Protestant Kelly
PPHS Drama Fest Lucy’s Home Care Agency
Raymond Lynch Dorothy Caldwell Bert Cleiumens
Rebels Mac Bénibé St Changes Frank Kelly Lauren Hall Joe Teevens
Rebels Mac Bérubé A Changes Frank Kelly Lauren Hall Joe Teams
Renaissance Noel Kelly
Renfrew Victoria Hospital K H Kelly
Rev. & Mrs. Bert McCutcheon Services
Ringrose Bros and Kelly Funeral
Ringrose Brothers Funeral Congratulations Kelly
Royal 641—Father Knows Bert
Saucier Electric Present Mayor Bert Crawford
SCALP HUNTERS Color Bert Lancaster
School -Communion Evening Service VICTOR JOHN F. KELLY QUEBEC
School Mrs. John Kelly
Second Annual Bert Giesebrecht
Service Business Personals JOHN F. KELLY OUYON MILNE.
Service Mamey-Harris Far Equipment QUEBEC J. A. DEAN BERT KIRKHAM
Shawville Auto Service J & J s Stedmans V&S K & L Dairy Tru-Line Collision Kelly
SHAWVILLE Bert Hodgins
Shawville Community Centre Best Wishes Only LUCY
Shawville Shoe Shop Lucy s Home Care Agency Reg
Shawville Standard Bert Murphy
Si Harry Brownlee Hubert Hamilton Bert Stark Merton Glenn Scldon Langford Bordon Hodgins
Society Pontiac Kelly
St Alphonse High Bert
Stars Bert Mousseau
Stars Take Toornto By Storm—Bert Lahr
Student Card Bert Reynolds Nicoletta Machiavelli
Team Devlins Sloans Sauriols Morris Kelly
TEENS Bert Reynolds Nicoletta Machiavelli SUEDE SHOES February Hospital Born
True Life Gene Kelly
United Church Kelly Shea
White Fife Wheat—Bert
Work Clothing BERT
Work Clothing BERT
Write Bert Weir