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Brian Kelly

Issues the person appears in:


Possible related entities:

1 Kelly
18.00 Kelly Leduc -
2: Karen Daly Kelly
5.299 Tyler Ronald Stewart Kelly Stewart
5512,647-2659 ole Karen Kelly Fred Mulligan
647-2529 Kelly
647-3290 Kelly
647-3459 Marion Kelly.
647-5 1 par Karen Kelly
7.95 Kelly
A) That Karen Kelly
A. Kelly
A/ Kelly
Agnes Kelly
Alan Kelly
Albert Brian Stanton
Albert R. Donnelly JOHN F. KELLY Auctioneer Tenders Wanted
Alcide Tru-Brian Mulroney
Alice Kelly
Alida Kelly Bros. L Écuyer
Allan Grandchildren Brian
Allan Kelly
Allen Kelly
Alvin Kelly
Alvin Kelly Mrs.
Amanda Kelly
Ana Kelly
Ananda Kelly
Ananda Kelly O >Rf
Andre Kelly
Andrew Kelly
Andrew Kelly the
Andy Devine Brian Smith
Andy Halvarson) Kelly
Andy Kelly
Angela Krose Kelly
Ann Kelly
Ann Kelly Jan
Ann Kelly Jan Isabel
Ann O’Brian
Ann Pearl Kelly
Anna Brian Hewitson
Anna Kelly
Anna Porter Lucy Kelly
Anne Kelly
Anne Martine Rochon Jacob Taylor Porteous Stephen Alexander Cody William Kelly Jeremy Robert Mako H
Anne McConnell Dan Tremblay Bob and Jennfier Orr Kelly
Anne McConnell) Kelly
Anne Ramsay Tina Kelly WePC Langtortfs Grocery
Annie Kelly
Annie Kelly Coulonge Fort
Annie Kelly Shawville Hat Shop
Anthony Edward Kelly
Apply John B Kelly
Armandine Kelly
Armandine Kelly de Toronto
Arms Mrs. Lucy Kelly
Arthur Kelly
Arthur Kiigour Brian
Assistant Coach Brian Thomson
Audrey Kelly
Audrey Kelly Vômè Kelly - Jack
Austin Dagg Gerald Kelly
Ayl- Kelly
Aylmer Miss Grace Kelly
B Kelly
B. Kelly
B.G. Smith Trucking BRIAN SMITH
Ba Kelly
Barb Harris Shane Patrick Kelly Jack
Barbara Kelly
Barbara Sheppard Kelly
Barbara-Ann Kelly
Barber Mil- Kelly Hahn
Barker - Dowe Kelly
Barry Kelly
Bay Waltham Brian Popkey
Beech Grove Brian
Bella Kelly
Belle Kelly
Belsher Bill Russell Marc Bizier Brian Cole To
Ben Kelly
Ben Macdonald Brian Murphy
Ben Macintosh Lucien Meilleur Kelly Ryan
Benjamin Joshua Brian.
Benjamin Kelly.
Bernadette Kelly
Bernard Kelly
Bernice Kelly Harris
Bert Kelly
BERT KELLY Gordon Paul
Bert Kelly Lucy
Bert Kelly Mary C Lawn
Bert Kelly Shawville Council
Bessie Kelly
Bill Brian Harris
Bill Elliot KELLY
Bill Kelly
Bill Kelly—now
Billy Kelly
Billy Ostrom, Billy Jr and Kelly
Biward Kelly
Blair Kelly
Block Belt Jones THURSDAY Jim Kelly
Bob and Kelly Hobbs
Bob and Kelly Whelan
Bob Kelly
Bob Kelly Mrs Doris Telford
Bob Smith Brian Corriveau Daniel Des
Bob- Brian FRESH
Bobby Brian Nadeau
Boh Kelly
Bonnie (Armstrong) Kelly
Bonnie Kelly
Breakfast Kelly Archer
Brenda and Kelly Hahn
Brenda and Kelly Hahn Sunday
Brenda and Kelly Hahns
Brenda and Kelly Halm
Brenda Kelly R R
Brent Kelly
Brett Kelly Ann McConnell
Brian Mr
Brian Kelly
Brian The
Brian ...*980.00
Brian 4
Brian ?
Brian Cobourg
Brian Doctors
Brian Pontiacs
Brian WALTHAM Homes
Brian !
Brian !T9
Brian "
Brian " Hahn
Brian "Turk
Brian $
Brian & Al LESLIE
Brian & Alaine Danis
Brian & Blackbern Farms
Brian & Blake Corbin Business
Brian & Catherine Armitage
Brian & Charolais
Brian & Claudette Sparling
Brian & Curtis
Brian & Dale
Brian & Dianne Judd
Brian & Donna Zim-merling
Brian & Ellen Stokes We
Brian & Heather Cough-
Brian & Heather Grand Champion Bull
Brian & Janet Rogers
Brian & Janet Rogers Shawville
Brian & Janice
Brian & Joan Smith
Brian & Kathy Briscoe
Brian & Louise
Brian & Nancy Carswell
Brian & Reserve Junior
Brian & Ruth Hahn
Brian & Sharon 5746* George
Brian & Sharon 8741*
Brian & Sheryl Pine Ron Hodgins Ellard Nicholas - Kelly Hobbs
Brian & Sheryl Pirie 1993 Edgar Schwartz • Garth Tracy Archie
Brian & Shirley
Brian & Vivian Nolan
Brian & Vivian Sharpe
Brian (
Brian (Bev
Brian (Bucky
Brian (Cindy Hearty
Brian (Claire
Brian (Connie
Brian (Debbie
Brian (Dianne Tracy
Brian (Enn
Brian (Grimly
Brian (Grisshr
Brian (Halina
Brian (Lise Ladou-Johnston
Brian (Lorraine
Brian (Lynn
Brian (Margaret
Brian (Sandra
Brian (Sue
Brian (Suzanne
Brian (Trish Lamarche
Brian ,he 30,11
Brian ,n8-
Brian -
Brian - Elmside View Farms
Brian - Even
Brian - Sept.
Brian .
Brian .brogates
Brian /oole
Brian 0. Corbin Auctioneering Services Bus
Brian 00vi
Brian 1-613-542-4387
Brian 1-819-647-3340 Don EVBfT
Brian 1-819647-3340 Don • SM» De*r
Brian 1-81^647-3340 Don Registration Races------- Information Entertainment
Brian 1-S19-647-3340 Don 1983
Brian 11*15 a.m.—Starks Corners Murray
Brian 193842BM4
Brian 1980.
Brian 2g
Brian 3tf Beauty Salon
Brian 514-484-7921.
Brian 613-542-4387
Brian 647-2002.
Brian 647-2185
Brian 647-2210
Brian 647-2438.
Brian 647-2691
Brian 647-5803.
Brian 647-5895
Brian 647-5934
Brian 648-2618.
Brian 648-5663
Brian 68892bj20
Brian 7552XM8
Brian 84h217
Brian 8chock
Brian 9emce
Brian : Kilgour
Brian ?
Brian A
Brian A Kathy
Brian a.J Sharon FOR RENT
Brian A/rtrtc
Brian Adam
Brian Adam (6I3|
Brian Adam - 338
Brian Adam 1
Brian Adam Could
Brian Adam Jt SUr-
Brian Adam M.(T Ï TOGETHER
Brian Adam M.C.
Brian Adam Marcotte
Brian Adam Master
Brian Adam Rusty Leach
Brian Adam)
Brian Adam.
Brian Adams
Brian Adlan
Brian Ahcrne
Brian Ahear
Brian Ahearn Lomie
Brian Ahern
Brian Aherne
Brian Aherne’s
Brian Ahorne’j
Brian Aiana W
Brian AÏlên
Brian Akitt
Brian Al-
Brian Al-I Shawville
Brian Al-Molly Little
Brian Alexander
Brian Alexander Pennant
Brian Alexander.
Brian Alien
Brian Alien Sunday Services Holy Trinity
Brian All
Brian Allan
Brian Allan !
Brian Allan 8HH
Brian Allan 9:80
Brian Allan ANGLICAN
Brian Allan Attractively
Brian Allan BAPTIST Phone
Brian Allan CHURCH
Brian Allan Commercial
Brian Allan Earth
Brian Allan Everyone
Brian Allan FEBRUARY
Brian Allan Holy Trinity
Brian Allan Human Relations
Brian Allan I
Brian Allan Jtanday
Brian Allan Phone
Brian Allan Produced
Brian Allan St
Brian Allan St Dominic’s
Brian Allan Sunday
Brian Allan Sunday Services
Brian Allan Sunday Services And
Brian Allan Sunday Services Funeral Phone
Brian Allan Sunday Services Holy
Brian Allan Sunday Services Holy IHnity
Brian Allan Sunday Services Holy Trinity
Brian Allan Sunday Services Holy Trinity-Radford
Brian Allan Sunday Services Pontiac
Brian Allan •^7
Brian Allan.
Brian Allan_____ Holy Tnnty* Radford
Brian Allen
Brian Allen and Karen
Brian Allen and Susan Churchill
Brian Allen F
Brian Allen Randy Powell
Brian Allen.
Brian Allens
Brian Allison
Brian Alma Zimmerling
Brian Along
Brian Always
Brian AMm Holy Trinity
Brian and
Brian and Anne Marie
Brian and Barb Harris
Brian and Bev.
Brian and Billy
Brian and Blake Corbin Business
Brian and Brenda 5336BA23 Events
Brian and Brian Jr Rusaett
Brian and Bruce
Brian and Campbell
Brian and Carmen Doherty
Brian and Carter
Brian and Catherine
Brian and Claudette Stan- Peterborough
Brian and Claudette Stanton
Brian and Craig
Brian and Curtis
Brian and David Gibbons
Brian and David Maloney
Brian and Debbie
Brian and Debbie Kil-
Brian and Debbie Kilgour
Brian and Debbie Russett
Brian and Debbie Sauriol Susan Hearty
Brian and Debbie Telford
Brian and Desmond Allan
Brian and Dilys Toole
Brian and Donna Peck
Brian and Elizabeth
Brian and Elizabeth Hahn J 1
Brian and Estelle McDonald
Brian and Gary Harris
Brian And God
Brian and Hugh.
Brian and Jo Anne
Brian and Jo Anne Telford
Brian and John Georgiadea
Brian and Julie.
Brian and Karen
Brian and Karen Henderson
Brian and Karen Smith
Brian and Karen Smith Bretzlaff
Brian and Kay Presley
Brian and Kelly Cuba
Brian and Kelly Schumacher
Brian and Kelly See
Brian and Lee
Brian and Liliane Jennifer Hodgins
Brian and Lily Hewitson
Brian and Margaret
Brian and Margaret Tub- Farm
Brian and Marilyn Arbic
Brian and Nancy Keeps
Brian and Pat Corrigal
Brian and Ron-
Brian and Sharon Avon Cosmetics
Brian and Stewart Crabb
Brian and Stewart Percheron
Brian and Stuart Crabb
Brian and Susan
Brian and Susan Murdock
Brian and Susan Thomson
Brian and Susan Thomson Saturday
Brian and Susan Thomsons
Brian and Susan Thomson’s
Brian and Susan Tub-dent
Brian and Terry Campbell
Brian and-- _
Brian Andrew
Brian Andrews
Brian Andrews November
Brian AndTGWS Slid
Brian Ann Hodgins
Brian Apolo King
Brian Apple Pie
Brian April
Brian Ar-
Brian Arbic
Brian Arbic Miss Caroline Sparling
Brian Arblc
Brian Arcand
Brian Ardley
Brian Arhic
Brian Arm
Brian Arm-
Brian Armi-1
Brian Armi-tage
Brian Armitagc
Brian Armitage
Brian Armitage Velma MuVray
Brian Armitoge
Brian Armkage
Brian Armstrong
Brian Armstrong - Campbell
Brian Armstrong • Campbell
Brian Armstrong- Campbell
Brian Arrabic
Brian Assistant Minister Ferdinand OueUet
Brian At
Brian Atchison
Brian Aubin
Brian August
Brian Augusta Krute
Brian Auxiliary
Brian Avbic
Brian Avis de Convocation
Brian Babcock
Brian Bai- d
Brian Bailey
Brian Baker
Brian Baker St Johns
Brian Baler
Brian Balia-
Brian Balshar
Brian BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. William J. Baxter Otter Lake
Brian Bar
Brian Barbara
Brian Barker
Brian Barr
Brian Basil
Brian Bassett
Brian Baumgartner
Brian Baxter
Brian Bcrrigan
Brian Bçyvan
Brian Beam- Lush
Brian Beamish
Brian Bean
Brian Beattie
Brian Beau
Brian Beau Morley Hodgins M SHI0NS # Ltd.
Brian Beauchamp
Brian Beaudoin
Brian Beauprc
Brian Beaupré
Brian bec.
Brian Beck
Brian Bedford
Brian Belanger
Brian Beliüsifl
Brian Bellie
Brian Benjamin Sheena Gwen Jodi Armstrong-Pirie
Brian Benson
Brian Bergman
Brian Bernice
Brian Berrea
Brian Berrigan
Brian Bérubé
Brian Best
Brian Beveridge
Brian Bewan
Brian Bible Study
Brian Birthday
Brian Black
Brian Blackburn
Brian Blanch
Brian Blanchfield
Brian Blanchfleld
Brian Blanchftcld
Brian BlancJificld
Brian Bland 1-field
Brian Bllard
Brian Boese
Brian Boh Stewart
Brian BoiK lier
Brian Boisvert
Brian Boisvert Jennifer
Brian Boni
Brian Bonnar
Brian Bonner
Brian Borotmhe"
Brian Boru
Brian Bou- St
Brian Boucher
Brian Bouclier
Brian Boudreau
Brian Boudreault
Brian Bovay
Brian Bowes
Brian Bowie
Brian Box
Brian Boyes
Brian Brad-
Brian Bradley
Brian Bradley 647
Brian Bradley 647-
Brian Bradley 647-2560
Brian Brady
Brian Brendan
Brian Brennan
Brian Bretzlaff
Brian Bretzlaft
Brian Bretzliff
Brian BreUiafT
Brian Brian g Auto
Brian Briscoe
Brian Bristol
Brian Brohart
Brian Brown
Brian Brown- Gelding
Brian Brown- Laws
Brian Brown- Western Games Heuff - Sugar Hi Duffy
Brian Brownlee
Brian Bruce
Brian Bruce and
Brian Bruce Bruce - Brian
Brian Bruce Most
Brian Bruce Tit
Brian Bruce.
Brian Brulé
Brian Btantnn
Brian Buck
Brian Burchell
Brian Burdock
Brian Burke
Brian Burnett WANTED
Brian Burns
Brian Burth
Brian Buske
Brian Bussett
Brian Buster
Brian by Joan Jowsey She
Brian Byce
Brian By—law
Brian C Jerome
Brian C Stil-Pontiac Reception Home
Brian C. Stiller Executive Director Evangelical Fellow
Brian C. Stiller Executive Director Evangelical Fellowship
Brian Ca-
Brian Cahill
Brian Cahill Dont
Brian CahiU
Brian Cam-and
Brian Camp
Brian Campbel Johnston
Brian Campbell
Brian Campbell-Hope
Brian Campeau
Brian Canada
Brian Capello
Brian Card Holdgins Ltd
Brian Carl Stiller
Brian Carroll
Brian Carson
Brian Carswell
Brian Case
Brian Cathy Labelle
Brian Cathy McCrank
Brian Cedi Vibert
Brian Centre
Brian Ceremony
Brian Champion
Brian Chaput
Brian Charbonneau
Brian Charbonneau Germain Asselin Jean-Pierre Forget Carl Nadeau Lawrence Romain Rodney Zimmerling
Brian Charbonneau Jerry Dubeau Stephen Gillan Jean-Marie Duchesne Michel Perreault Marc LatreÜle Jo
Brian Charles Scattergood
Brian Charm Leader
Brian Chenier
Brian Cherry Pie
Brian Chevalier
Brian Chevier
Brian Cheyenne
Brian Chretien
Brian Christopher
Brian Clark
Brian Clarke
Brian Claudette
Brian Clavette
Brian Clem-Mr.
Brian Clemens
Brian Clemens Commissioner
Brian Clemens Lorne Oardlner
Brian Clements
Brian Clemlnsl
Brian Clemmens
Brian Clemmens W-th
Brian Clermont
Brian Clifton Henderson
Brian Clouthicr
Brian Club Show
Brian Cluff
Brian Cluff Who
Brian Clyde
Brian Cnurch
Brian Co-rigal
Brian Cocriveeu
Brian Code
Brian Cog-lan
Brian Coghlin
Brian Coghlm
Brian Coiilveau
Brian Cole
Brian Columbia
Brian Com
Brian Comgall
Brian Community Calendar
Brian Competition
Brian Comveau
Brian Conacher
Brian Condon
Brian Coni
Brian Coniga
Brian Conle
Brian Connelly
Brian Cook
Brian Cor
Brian Cor First
Brian Cor-
Brian Cor- Hotel
Brian Cor- June
Brian Cor-Mrs
Brian Cor-rive
Brian Cor-riveau
Brian Corbin
Brian Corbin Auction
Brian Corbin Auctions
Brian Corbin I
Brian Corey MacIntyre
Brian Corn
Brian Corne
Brian Cornelius
Brian Cornveau
Brian Correspondent McCoshen
Brian Correspondent Shawville
Brian Corri
Brian Corri-
Brian Corri- Too
Brian Corri-Major
Brian Corrigai
Brian Corrigal
Brian Corrigal 1
Brian Corrigall
Brian Corrigall 1
Brian Corrigan
Brian Corrivca Morin
Brian Corrivcau
Brian Corrivcau Officer Pat Rocheleau
Brian Corriveau
Brian Corriveau 1716
Brian Corriveau 204.16
Brian Corriveau 76.66
Brian Corriveau at Campbell
Brian Corriveau Campbell
Brian Corriveau Instead
Brian Corriveau Irene
Brian Corriveau June
Brian Corriveau Municipality
Brian Corriveau Nat
Brian Corriveau Pontiac Transit Mix
Brian Corriveau Rev. Storage
Brian Corriveau Saturday
Brian Corriveau Scott Smith
Brian Corriveau*
Brian Corriveou
Brian Corrlgall
Brian Cory
Brian Cory Commercial
Brian Cosgrove
Brian Cou
Brian Cough-
Brian Coughlin
Brian Coughlin 12.60 B Stanton
Brian Coughlin 613-638-8415 Ron Hodgins Brian Kelly Lome Orser Weldon Rantz Bob Dick
Brian Coughlin Director
Brian Coughlin Simmentals
Brian Couglin
Brian Coulonge
Brian Councillors Equity Editor
Brian Country Style
Brian Courchesne
Brian Court
Brian Coventry
Brian Coventry Gene O’Brien
Brian Cowan I
Brian Crabb
Brian Crabb 1
Brian Crabb Cord Carruthers
Brian Crabb Nesbitt
Brian Crabb Rennick
Brian Crabh
Brian Crahb
Brian Craig
Brian Craig Finlay
Brian Craig.
Brian Craik
Brian Crane
Brian Craw- May
Brian Crawford
Brian Crocker,9
Brian Crook
Brian Crook And Friends
Brian Cross
Brian Crouse
Brian Curley
Brian Curric-Mills
Brian Currie-Mills
Brian D Corbin Auctioneering Services Bus
Brian D Malley
Brian D. Corbin Auction
Brian D. Corbin Auctioneering Services Bus
Brian D. Mariait White Rock
Brian D. Marlatt White Rock
Brian Dagenais
Brian Dagg
Brian Dairs
Brian Daly
Brian Dams
Brian Danis
Brian Danson
Brian Darcy
Brian Darwin
Brian Dave Corrigan
Brian Dave Thomson
Brian Davey Keen
Brian David Campbell
Brian David Sparrow
Brian Davis
Brian Davis Hood
Brian Day
Brian Daye
Brian Daze@starchoice
Brian De ih| Davis
Brian Dedo
Brian Deer
Brian Deere
Brian Del-
Brian Delaurier
Brian Delbert McTiernan
Brian Den
Brian Denault
Brian Denis
Brian Denney
Brian Derby
Brian Desjardins
Brian Deslaurier
Brian Deslaurier 647-3497 Call Wade Brown
Brian Deslaurier According
Brian Deslaurier647*3497
Brian Deslauriers
Brian Diane
Brian Dickson
Brian Dillabough
Brian Dins
Brian Dinwoodie
Brian Do0
Brian Dods
Brian Doherty
Brian Dominicains
Brian Don
Brian Donlevy
Brian Donlevy L
Brian Donlevy Talking Hay Milland Wayne Morris
Brian Donlevy THE
Brian Donlevy This
Brian Donlevy TUES.
Brian Donlevy Where Trading Is
Brian Donnelly
Brian Dosons Grocery
Brian Double G Farms
Brian Doug
Brian Doug- Mrs Durrell Smith
Brian Douglas
Brian Douglass
Brian Dowe
Brian Doyle
Brian Doyle .
Brian Doyle award-winning
Brian Doyle Classes
Brian Doyle signs Jane Leroy’s
Brian Doyle £
Brian Doyle.
Brian Doylt Book
Brian Dressier
Brian Drhm-mond
Brian Drum
Brian Drum-
Brian Drum- From
Brian Drum-1 Faye
Brian Drum-ated
Brian Drum-mand
Brian Drum-this Club
Brian Drummond
Brian Drummond -
Brian Drummond -536
Brian Drummond 2nd
Brian Drummond 2nd V.P.
Brian Drummond 683-2200 Garth Tracy
Brian Drummond Compact
Brian Drummond Garth Tracy Thomas Fahey Jacques Lance Bob Scott Basil Orr Gordon Dttt
Brian Drummond Royce Richardson
Brian Drummond Seat
Brian Drummond’s
Brian Drunui^id
Brian Du
Brian Du-bcau
Brian Du-rocher
Brian Dubeau
Brian Dubeau CLUB 900
Brian Duff
Brian Dugan
Brian Duguay
Brian Duheau
Brian Dummond
Brian Dumou-
Brian Dumouchel
Brian Dunbar
Brian Dunfleld
Brian Dunn
Brian Durocher As
Brian Duval
Brian Duval Other
Brian E. Toole
Brian Eady
Brian Eagle
Brian Earl
Brian Earl Beattie
Brian Earl Mur- Thrun
Brian Easter
Brian Ed- Mr. Ernie
Brian Ed-1
Brian Edith Palmer
Brian Edmund Harris
Brian Edward
Brian Edward -
Brian Edward AVIS DU SCRUTIN Merlin Richardson
Brian Edward CHRISITE
Brian Edward CHRISTIE
Brian Edward Finnigan
Brian Edward Stewart
Brian Edward Stewart He
Brian Edward Took Seat
Brian Edward Toole
Brian Edward Toole Seat
Brian Edward Toole Siège
Brian Edwards
Brian EES
Brian Egan
Brian El-from Gospel
Brian Electric
Brian Elgin
Brian Elgin*
Brian Ellard
Brian Elliott
Brian Elliott- I
Brian Emmcrson
Brian Emmerson
Brian Emon
Brian Environment
Brian Esdee 478314BJN21
Brian Eucharistic
Brian Evans
Brian EWen
Brian Fabian
Brian Fahy
Brian Faraghuer
Brian Faust
Brian Fin-layson
Brian Fisher
Brian Fisher.
Brian Fit/pat
Brian Fits-
Brian Fitspatrick
Brian Fitz-patick
Brian Fitzpatrick
Brian Fitzpatrick Betty
Brian Fitzpatrick the
Brian Fitzpatrick Visiting Elizabeth Ethier
Brian Fleming
Brian Fleming Mr
Brian Fleury
Brian Florence Charter
Brian Floyd Mayhew
Brian Foley
Brian For
Brian Forrest
Brian Fortey
Brian Frappier
Brian Frederick Russett
Brian Freschette
Brian from Campbell
Brian Front
Brian Fummerton
Brian fVickil Lovinolv Matthew
Brian g##W #
Brian G. Durocher
Brian G. Smith
Brian G. Smith Jean-Guy
Brian Gagnon
Brian Gainford
Brian Gains- Bob
Brian Gainsford
Brian Galbraith
Brian Gam
Brian Gargano
Brian Garn
Brian Gatineau Duane
Brian Gauthier
Brian Gauthier Saturday
Brian Gcrvais
Brian Géant
Brian Genn
Brian Genn 6
Brian Gerald Mielke
Brian Gervaia
Brian Gervais
Brian Get
Brian Gfeen
Brian Gibb
Brian Gibb Executive Director Regional Association
Brian Gibb Regional Association
Brian Gibbons
Brian Gill
Brian Given
Brian Glover
Brian Goalies Brad Greer
Brian Godines
Brian Goff
Brian Good 73624b
Brian Gordie Boa
Brian Gordon
Brian Gordon Shore
Brian Gos- Thruns
Brian Goslin
Brian Gosselin
Brian Gosslin
Brian Goudge
Brian Grace
Brian Grade
Brian Graham
Brian Graham and Karen Burkhart
Brian Graham.
Brian Graveline
Brian Gray
Brian Gray G.L. Hermitte Colour
Brian Green
Brian Greene
Brian Greenwav
Brian Greenway
Brian Greer
Brian Grover
Brian Guilhnette
Brian Guillmette
Brian Gutoekie
Brian Gutoski
Brian Gutoski*
Brian Gutoskie
Brian Gutoskie 1
Brian H
Brian Ha
Brian Haddon
Brian Hahn
Brian Hahn 2
Brian Hahn 977
Brian Halcro
Brian Halcrow
Brian Haley
Brian Halmer
Brian Hammonds
Brian Hams
Brian Handrigan Division Sales Manager P.O.
Brian Hannaberrv.
Brian Happes
Brian Hard
Brian Harkins
Brian Harney Donald
Brian Harns
Brian Harrigan
Brian Harris
Brian Harris "Gates
Brian Harris 158
Brian Harris Apart- Also
Brian Harris Clarendon Letters
Brian Harris Harry Wallace THANK YOU Little Stone Churrh Partage
Brian Harris June
Brian Harris Mr
Brian Harris She
Brian Harris.
Brian Harrison
Brian Harry Coles
Brian Hawker
Brian Hawltson
Brian Hayes
Brian Hcthcrinrgton
Brian Hctherington
Brian Hcthermglon Breckcnndge
Brian Hcwitson
Brian Hdelke
Brian He
Brian He-
Brian He-Lloyd
Brian Heagle
Brian Heagle Georgette
Brian Heals
Brian Hearn Jarvis
Brian Heart-
Brian Hearty
Brian Hearty She
Brian Heathprimrtnn -
Brian Heaviest Deer
Brian Heavy
Brian Hebert
Brian Hebert - GailGa
Brian Hebert*
Brian Hebert’s
Brian Hedging
Brian Henderson
Brian Henry
Brian Her
Brian Hérault
Brian Herbert
Brian Herbert Colt
Brian Hereault
Brian Herron
Brian Hetberington
Brian Heth
Brian Hethenngton
Brian Hether-
Brian Hether-ington
Brian Hetherington
Brian Hetheringtons
Brian Hetherlngten
Brian Hethermgtom
Brian Hethermgton
Brian Hethington Breck
Brian Hew
Brian Hew*
Brian Hew-itson
Brian Hewirson
Brian Hewist-son
Brian Hewiston
Brian Hewit
Brian Hewit-
Brian Hewit- Friday
Brian Hewit- Oven Ready ANDY LANGLEY
Brian Hewit- Saturday
Brian Hewit- V Si
Brian Hewit-%
Brian Hewit-and
Brian Hewit-Morin
Brian Hewit-Moved
Brian Hewit-son
Brian Hewitaon
Brian Hewiteon
Brian Hewiteoo
Brian Hewitson
Brian Hewitson 6(i.Cllîl
Brian Hewitson May
Brian Hewitson Moved
Brian Hewittson
Brian Hewllson
Brian Hewltson
Brian HHHHHDce
Brian Hick- Î^SLlIe
Brian Hickey
Brian Hickey)
Brian Hill
Brian Hlckey-DanChretien
Brian Hobtdeaux
Brian Hockey
Brian hockey-balle de Camp-McCoshen
Brian Hod- Edgar McGuire
Brian Hodgins
Brian Hodgins Critical After King
Brian Hodglns
Brian Hoi
Brian Hoi,
Brian Hold
Brian Holland
Brian Hollingworth
Brian Holmer
Brian Holmes
Brian Holt
Brian Holt 106
Brian Holt 2
Brian Holt 488
Brian Holt Canadian
Brian Holt M.V.P. Photo
Brian Holt Starting
Brian Holts
Brian HONDA 350
Brian Honsinger
Brian Horner
Brian Horror
Brian Horse
Brian Hoti^
Brian Houclicr
Brian Hough
Brian Howard
Brian However
Brian Howitson
Brian Hubert
Brian Huck
Brian Huff
Brian Hunt
Brian Hunter E) NOM/NAME CHAYER Norman
Brian Husband
Brian Huston
Brian HWihy
Brian I
Brian I Carswell
Brian Icepack
Brian In
Brian Ivey
Brian Ivey Doctors Wootton
Brian J Kilgottr
Brian J R. Stanton
Brian Jackson
Brian Jacques Berube Jr.
Brian James
Brian James Their
Brian James.
Brian Jarvis
Brian JB Brenda
Brian Jeffrey
Brian Jennings
Brian Jeremy Wilfred
Brian Jessie Shea
Brian John Campbell
Brian John J. Gt
Brian John Warden Tuxedo
Brian Johnson
Brian Johnston
Brian Jones
Brian Jones 3758
Brian Jones 3758 Garry Kehoe
Brian Jones 3758 Gerry Kehoe 2968 Berry Russett
Brian Jones 37581
Brian Jr
Brian Jr and
Brian Jr and Gary Harris
Brian Jr Coulonge
Brian Jr damp
Brian Jr from
Brian Jr good
Brian Jr Helen Perry
Brian Jr nice
Brian Jr REG.
Brian Jr Rutledge
Brian Jr.
Brian Jr. Emmerson
Brian Jr. Russett
Brian Jt^dd
Brian Judd
Brian Judd .Elwvn Lang
Brian Judd 275.00
Brian Judd 647-2691
Brian Judd 647-2691 Well
Brian Judd 647-3317
Brian Judd and Blake Barr
Brian Judd Backhoe Service
Brian Judd Backhoe Service Beauty
Brian Judd Backhoe Service TOPSOIL
Brian Judd Backhow
Brian Judd Clarendon
Brian Judd Election
Brian Judd L
Brian Judd PhHIas Jean-Marie Club Uen
Brian Judd Philias
Brian Judd)
Brian Judd.
Brian Judd................. Renfrew
Brian June 24,2001
Brian June Cameron
Brian K J-gour
Brian Kane
Brian Kane Suckling
Brian Kars
Brian Kaupe
Brian Kdwards
Brian Kealey
Brian Kealey the
Brian Kealy
Brian Kearns
Brian Keby
Brian Keeley
Brian Keith
Brian Keith 1)5 V DINO
Brian Keith 51
Brian Keith - Vera Miles Sat
Brian Keith 11
Brian Keith 2 Tom Jones
Brian Keith 8. Jerry Lewis Welnesday Thursday April
Brian Keith Barbara Hale French
Brian Keith Color
Brian Keith Doris Day
Brian Keith Edmond O Brien Color
Brian Keith J Colour
Brian Keith Mala Powers Color
Brian Keith Margia Dean Mexican Action
Brian Keith Rod Steiger
Brian Keith Sal Mineo QU.ICK
Brian Keith Tatum
Brian Keith Technlcelor Cl
Brian Keith THEATRE
Brian Keith Tuesday
Brian Keith Vera Miles Walter Brennan
Brian Keith — Vera Miles Sat
Brian Keith • V SHAWVILLE
Brian Keith.
Brian Kelly
Brian Kelly 2. Bob Muise
Brian Kelly and Nancy Kelly Moore
Brian Kelly.
Brian Kelty
Brian Kemp
Brian Kenneth David
Brian Kent
Brian Kent and Murray Seahy
Brian Kent s
Brian Kent s Virgin
Brian Kent) Ottawa
Brian Kent.
Brian Kerr
Brian KffgOUT
Brian KHgour
Brian Ki Urea
Brian Kiigour
Brian KiJ-I
Brian Kil-
Brian Kil-gour
Brian Kil-Within
Brian Kileour
Brian Kilgeur
Brian Kilgour
Brian Kilgour 3
Brian Kilgour 647-2274
Brian Kilgour 647-2274 X ¦Tf
Brian Kilguur
Brian Kill
Brian Kilrae
Brian Kilrea
Brian Kilrea Arena
Brian Kilrea Arena 7:30
Brian Kilrea Lewes McGuire
Brian King Normandeau
Brian Klkour
Brian Kllgour
Brian Kohlar
Brian Koshul
Brian KUgour
Brian L Coventry
Brian L Kilgou
Brian L.
Brian L. Coventry Manager
Brian L. Hutchings
Brian La
Brian La Brie
Brian Lachapelle
Brian Lacroix
Brian Ladysmith
Brian Lafleur
Brian Lance
Brian Landry
Brian Landry Birthday Cake
Brian Landry Club
Brian Landry O O *1
Brian Landry Registration
Brian Lapointe
Brian Laporte
Brian Large
Brian Largest Quarter Horse
Brian Laroche
Brian Larocque
Brian Larose
Brian Latreille
Brian Laura Bonderad
Brian Laurie Ann Michelle
Brian Law
Brian Lawrence Lepine
Brian Laxdal Partie
Brian Le
Brian Le Pack
Brian League
Brian Leclerc
Brian LeClerc’s
Brian Lemaire
Brian Lemkav
Brian Lendry
Brian Lepack
Brian Lepack Brian Lepack
Brian Lepack Joey Radey Wrinn
Brian Lepack-Moet
Brian Lepeck
Brian Les
Brian Leslie Smith
Brian Lester
Brian Levesque
Brian Lexdal
Brian Light Draft
Brian Lin
Brian Lindsay
Brian Lindy
Brian Linesman
Brian Ling
Brian Lion
Brian Lionel Telford
Brian Lucas.
Brian Luckman
Brian Lucy*
Brian Lucyk
Brian lUekày
Brian Lundry
Brian Lydall
Brian Lynch
Brian Lynch Scout
Brian M *
Brian Mac Intosh
Brian MacDonald
Brian Macintosh
Brian Macintosh Ottawa
Brian Mackenzie
Brian Mackenzie Mack Mackenzie Motors
Brian MacLean
Brian Maclntoh
Brian MacMillan
Brian Madore
Brian Mahoney
Brian Maker
Brian Mallick
Brian Malo-
Brian Maloney
Brian Manseau
Brian Mansfield
Brian Mansfield Mayor Robert Boisvert
Brian Maple
Brian Maple Acres Marquis
Brian Marcel Berard
Brian Mariait White Rock
Brian Marion
Brian Marlatt Janet McCord Neighbours
Brian Marlatt White Rock
Brian Marshall
Brian Martin
Brian Mask
Brian Masseau
Brian Masseau 320.00
Brian Maureen Carson
Brian Mayhew
Brian Mc(
Brian McArdle
Brian McCann
Brian McCann 2
Brian McCann Carl Trudeau
Brian McCann-
Brian McConnell
Brian McCosh
Brian McCosh-en
Brian McCoshcn
Brian McCoshen
Brian McCoshen Get
Brian McCoshen Jimmy Brown
Brian McCoshen Ladouceur
Brian McCoshen May
Brian McCoshen Moved
Brian McCoshen Sept
Brian McCoshen Sept.
Brian McCrcdie
Brian McCredie
Brian McCredie Lands Second Bingo
Brian McCredle
Brian McDonald
Brian McDougall
Brian McEwen
Brian McFarlane
Brian McGarry
Brian McGavan
Brian McGavans
Brian McGee
Brian McGoshen
Brian McGowan
Brian McGowan I
Brian McGowan Metcalfe
Brian McGowap
Brian McGrath
Brian McGregor
Brian McGuire
Brian McHugh
Brian McIntosh
Brian McKee
Brian McKinnon
Brian McMurrav
Brian McMurray
Brian McMurray Aug.
Brian McMurray June
Brian McNa
Brian McNamara
Brian McNulty
Brian McQuade
Brian McQuaid
Brian McScc
Brian McTann
Brian ME
Brian Meilleur
Brian Melinda Dubeau
Brian Meloche
Brian Mender- Cluff
Brian Meredith
Brian Met
Brian Mf*
Brian Middi
Brian Middlcmiss
Brian Middle-
Brian Middleiniss
Brian Middlemiss
Brian Middlemiss -195
Brian Middlemiss Aylmer
Brian Middlemiss By
Brian Middlemiss Président
Brian Middlemiss Président Association
Brian Middlemiss Well
Brian Middlemisv
Brian Middlvmiss
Brian Mieske
Brian Millar
Brian Millions
Brian Mir- Show Jan
Brian Mlddlemiss
Brian Moffat
Brian Moffatt
Brian Mohns
Brian Montreal
Brian Moore
Brian Moore Leduc
Brian Moriarty Crabb
Brian Morri-
Brian Mosley
Brian Moss
Brian Moss P
Brian Motion Crs Dagg
Brian Motion Crs Duff
Brian Mott
Brian Mousseau
Brian Moyer
Brian Mr
Brian Mr.
Brian Mr. Hinsdale
Brian Mrs B Rennick Rose
Brian Mrs Doris Woermke
Brian Mrs Elizann Emmerson
Brian Mrs Jack Boyd
Brian Mrs Katie McGee
Brian Mrs Loma Dagg
Brian Mrs Niel Narlock
Brian Mrs Originé Ryan
Brian Muidoon
Brian Muiron
Brian Muironey
Brian Muivihill 1
Brian Mul
Brian Mul-
Brian Mul- While Canadians
Brian Mul-Aside
Brian Mul-of
Brian Mul-roncy
Brian Mul-roney
Brian Muldoon
Brian Mulligan Congratulations
Brian Mulron
Brian Mulron-
Brian Mulron- Birtle Peck
Brian Mulron-9th
Brian Mulron-ey
Brian Mulron-This
Brian Mulron-wan New Democratic
Brian Mulroney
Brian Mulroney 357
Brian Mulroney 369
Brian Mulroney 419
Brian Mulroney Brian Mulroney
Brian Mulroney Brian Mulroney To
Brian Mulroney Canadians
Brian Mulroney Councillors
Brian Mulroney Get
Brian Mulroney Grist
Brian Mulroney House
Brian Mulroney Meanwhile
Brian Mulroney Prime
Brian Mulroney Prime Minister Ottawa
Brian Mulroney What
Brian Mulroney-
Brian Mulroney’s
Brian Mulroney’s Minister
Brian Mulrooney
Brian Mulropey
Brian Mulvihill 1
Brian Mulvihill 2
Brian Munay
Brian Mur-
Brian Mur- Finder
Brian Mur- ITcJSwU
Brian Mur-causing
Brian Mur-General Store
Brian Mur-Vaughan
Brian Murdock
Brian Murdock Mrs Harvey Smith
Brian Muri
Brian Muroney
Brian Murphy
Brian Murphy 819-647-2590 Q> Don McCredie
Brian Murphy Murphy
Brian Murphy Publicity Director
Brian MurPhy-
Brian Murray
Brian Murray 6
Brian Murray 8
Brian Murray Bay School
Brian Murray Best
Brian Murray Cormac
Brian Murray Interest
Brian Murray Mobile Home
Brian Murray Quality Sperling Goods
Brian Murray Shawville
Brian Murray Shawville Council
Brian Murray Sunday
Brian Murray Tenders
Brian Murray Topp
Brian Murray Tournament
Brian Murray-
Brian Murry Spence
Brian Mutchmore
Brian Nad Jones
Brian Nadeau
Brian Nakamura
Brian Naylor
Brian Ne Idow Trudeau
Brian Neil 01
Brian Neil Telford
Brian Nel
Brian Nell Telford
Brian Net
Brian New
Brian Nicely
Brian Nolan
Brian Noonan
Brian Nor
Brian North Bay
Brian NOTICE- Shoe
Brian Number
Brian O Callahan G. Gibeault Charlie Gorman Herb Kelm Francis Rivet Loma Hearty Paulette Gauthier C
Brian O Connell
Brian O Conner
Brian O Connor
Brian O Dwyer
Brian O Dwyer Dan Stark Doc Labrie John Argue Ross Vowles
Brian O Sullivan
Brian O''Lynn
Brian O* Dwyer
Brian Oevrier
Brian Of
Brian Ogilvie
Brian Ohlmann
Brian Oimstead
Brian OJmstead
Brian Olinstead
Brian Olm
Brian Olm-stead
Brian Olmstead
Brian Olmstead Oshawa
Brian Olmstead Smiley
Brian Olmstead Tommy McTieman
Brian Olmstesd
Brian On Saturday
Brian On the
Brian One
Brian Ont
Brian Orr
Brian Orser
Brian Os-trom
Brian Osborne
Brian Osborne. Lee Batstone
Brian Osbourne
Brian Ostrom
Brian Ostrom Birthday
Brian Ostrom Saturday
Brian Ostrom) Persons
Brian Ostrum
Brian Ottawa
Brian Owens
Brian O’Connell
Brian O’Connor
Brian O’Gorman
Brian Pa Stars
Brian Page.
Brian Pagg
Brian Pap-pin
Brian Pappiir
Brian Pappin
Brian Pappin Kept
Brian Pappin’s Salmon
Brian Pappln
Brian Paquetee
Brian Paquette
Brian Paquette Joyce
Brian Parks
Brian Pate
Brian Patenaude
Brian Patrick 01024* Wickens
Brian Patrick McDonough
Brian Patrick Stanton
Brian Patterson
Brian Patti Steven Lariviere
Brian Paul
Brian Pay-
Brian Peacock
Brian Peck
Brian Peck George Heeney
Brian Peck Good
Brian Peckford
Brian Pembroke
Brian Pembroke Musical Society
Brian Pepkey and Gerard La-belle
Brian Perrault
Brian Perrault Sandy McGregcc
Brian Perrier
Brian Peterson
Brian Peterson 201
Brian Phelps
Brian Pi-rie
Brian Pilon
Brian Pine
Brian Pirie
Brian Pirie Shawville
Brian Pirle
Brian Place
Brian Plager
Brian Plath
Brian Plus
Brian Pontiac
Brian Pontiac Community Hospital
Brian Pontiac Jr. Bs
Brian Pontiac.
Brian Pophey
Brian Popkcy
Brian Popkev
Brian Popkey
Brian Popkey and Gerard La-belle
Brian Popkey Red Deer
Brian Potter
Brian Pou-
Brian Pouporc
Brian Poupore
Brian Poupore Wilmer Hodgins
Brian Pourpore
Brian Powell
Brian PPHS
Brian Pre-
Brian Pre- Scott Gauthier
Brian Presley
Brian Presley 453-7507
Brian Presley and Mark Comers
Brian Presley Jobs
Brian Presley Norway Bay
Brian Presley Norway Bay EDITOR
Brian Presley Ottawa
Brian Presley V Wr
Brian Prestley
Brian Prince
Brian Pritchard
Brian Prizes
Brian PrOt
Brian Prud
Brian Prud Banquet
Brian Prudhomme
Brian Pye
Brian Qbast
Brian Quasi
Brian Quasi 3
Brian Quast
Brian Queale
Brian Quebec
Brian Quebec Equity Publisher
Brian Quebec Provincial Police
Brian Québécois
Brian Queenie Pageant
Brian Quest
Brian Quinn
Brian R.C.A.F.
Brian Radey
Brian Randall
Brian Randy
Brian Rang- IM Athlete
Brian Ranger
Brian Rath 0f Dorchester
Brian Ray- Pled
Brian Raymond
Brian Re
Brian Reasbeck
Brian Rebertz
Brian Recent Bride Shawville United Church
Brian Reibertz
Brian Reid
Brian Reinke
Brian Relay
Brian Renwick
Brian Residence
Brian Results
Brian Rev. Garry Cam
Brian Rey-
Brian Ribbons - Family
Brian Richard
Brian Richard Long
Brian Richard Olmstead Mrs Elsie Nicholas Elsie Mary Cuthhertson Nicholas
Brian Richardson
Brian Riebertz
Brian RiSîüSRSlISi
Brian Rivel
Brian Rivet
Brian Rivington
Brian Rivington Wednesday
Brian Road 432-4133
Brian Robert -
Brian Robertson Leslie Lake
Brian Robichaud
Brian Robinson
Brian Rock Chair
Brian Roderick Havelin Mr Brian Roderick Havelin
Brian Rodgers
Brian Rodney
Brian Rog-
Brian Rogers
Brian Rogers Bilingual Claims Expert Wanted Bilingual Claims
Brian Rogers J&J
Brian Rogers Saturday
Brian Rogers Various
Brian Rolston
Brian Romain
Brian Ronald.
Brian Room 406
Brian Ross
Brian Rothwell
Brian Rouble
Brian Rousseau
Brian Routliffe
Brian Roy
Brian Ruaaett
Brian Ruasett
Brian Rucscu
Brian Rumis
Brian Rus
Brian Rus-
Brian Rus- Chas E Smith
Brian Rus- Greermount
Brian Rus- Ion McGee
Brian Rus- Mrs Ray MacMillan
Brian Rus-sett
Brian Rus-volved
Brian RusA
Brian Rusaell
Brian Rusaett
Brian Ruseett
Brian Russell
Brian Russell 4
Brian Russell 429
Brian Russell Jr,
Brian Russell Lance
Brian Russell McGee
Brian Russell s Russell
Brian Russell We
Brian RUssell Woods
Brian Russell.
Brian Russet
Brian Russett
Brian Russett and Brian Jr of
Brian Russett Ebert Turcotte Sr
Brian Russett Jr
Brian Russett Jr for
Brian Russett Jr Shaw
Brian Russett Jr who
Brian Russett Paul
Brian Russett Shillint
Brian Russett Sidney Tubman
Brian Russett Sr
Brian Russett Sr Belated
Brian Russett They
Brian Russe»
Brian Ruvsctt
Brian Ryan
Brian s
Brian s Auto
Brian S Bar
Brian S Cindy Allan 2:30
Brian Sacket
Brian Sallafranque
Brian Saskatchewan
Brian Saturday
Brian Sauri-ol
Brian Sauriol
Brian Sauriol Corriveau
Brian Sauriol S
Brian Scan MacMurray O Connal
Brian Scarf
Brian Scharf
Brian Scheeler
Brian Scheffler
Brian Schock
Brian Schu-
Brian Schu- Keaman
Brian Schuma-St Paul s Anglican
Brian Schumacher
Brian Schumaher
Brian Scott
Brian Seareon
Brian Searsoo
Brian Seboek
Brian Semitone Cleaners
Brian Senior Fiddling- Bruce Beauchamp
Brian Sept.
Brian SF- -
Brian SfixiS F 1EBS—s EfSI EésÊ»
Brian Shawville
Brian Shepard
Brian Shepherd
Brian Sheppard
Brian Shields
Brian Shock
Brian Shouldice
Brian Sicurd
Brian Simpon
Brian Sincere
Brian Sitting
Brian Ski - Obstacle
Brian Slinn
Brian Sloan
Brian Sloan Jan
Brian Sloan Mrs Loren B Hodgins
Brian Smallwood
Brian Smih
Brian Smith
Brian Smith Ball Throwing Bicycle
Brian Smith Best Begonia— Mrs.
Brian Smith Carman Sparling
Brian Smith Editors
Brian Smith Jim Carmichael Bobby Scott Lennie Richardson Jim Davis Education Convenor Mrs. William
Brian Smith Mitel Run
Brian Smith Mr
Brian Smith Rae Campbell
Brian Smith Standing
Brian Smi’h
Brian Smyth
Brian Snyder
Brian Solan
Brian Souliere Backhoe Rentals C.B.L. Plrie
Brian Sp Cofyn Steeves
Brian Spar
Brian Spar-
Brian Sparling
Brian Sparling Instructor Cecile Kosub
Brian Sparling Margaret Fierobin
Brian Sparling Meat Manager Brian Presley Brian
Brian Sparrow
Brian Sparrow LYs Sparrow - Reid
Brian Sparrow Born
Brian Spinks
Brian Sproule
Brian Sproule Roger Beaubien
Brian Sr and
Brian Sr Howard
Brian Sr Rus-Gerald
Brian Sr Russell
Brian Sr Russett
Brian Sr Russe»
Brian Sr.
Brian Ssurlol
Brian Stan ton’s Forest Inn
Brian Stan-
Brian Stan- Quebec Court
Brian Stan- Rest
Brian Stanton
BRIAN STANTON L Cliff Robillard
Brian Stanton 1st V Pres Reginald Newberry 2nd V Pres Tom Fleury 3rd V Pres Jacques MacDonaM Secre
Brian Stanton 214
Brian Stanton 648*2222
Brian Stanton 648-
Brian Stanton 648- Mini
Brian Stanton 648-2222
Brian Stanton 648-2222 Guy Racine
Brian Stanton Ann’s Family Hair Dresser Patsy Belsher Marcottes Séchoirs Waltham Dry Kiln Paul Ring
Brian Stanton Ball Tournaments
Brian Stanton Brian Toole 20022
Brian Stanton Brian Toole Forty
Brian Stanton CHOOSE
Brian Stanton Chugg Electric Merssene Mousseau Brenda Smith
Brian Stanton Claude
Brian Stanton Co Ltd
Brian Stanton Co.
Brian Stanton Co. Lt*
Brian Stanton Co. Ltd.
Brian Stanton Company Ltd.
Brian Stanton Congratulations Mom
Brian Stanton Councillor
Brian Stanton Courtier
Brian Stanton Ent Bristol Auto Body March
Brian Stanton Enterprises
Brian Stanton Itée
Brian Stanton Limitée de Bryson
Brian Stanton Lloyd Newberry Seat 6
Brian Stanton Ltd#
Brian Stanton Ltée
Brian Stanton Magnalum
Brian Stanton McCredie s Garage Lloyd Hodglns Displayers
BRIAN STANTON Mrs. Herbie Brown
Brian Stanton Municipalité
Brian Stanton Roland Vallières
Brian Stanton Seat
Brian Stanton Shawville Valu-mart
Brian Stanton Tom Orr Cartage M Guy Bélanger
Brian Stanton Trophy
Brian Stanton VILLAGE
Brian Stanton Wilfred
Brian Stanton- Manager.
Brian Stanton’s
Brian Stantop
Brian Station
Brian Ste BOX 218
Brian Stead
Brian Steed
Brian Steele
Brian Steele McCauley
Brian Stefan
Brian Stephen
Brian Stephen I
Brian Stephen.
Brian Steven -Whcn Lionel St.
Brian Stevenson Fellowship
Brian Steward.
Brian Stewart
Brian Stewart Gamble
Brian Stoate
Brian Storozenko
Brian Strutt
Brian Stufbo
Brian Sturgeon
Brian Suckling
Brian Suddenly
Brian Sue St Pierre
Brian Sullivan
Brian Summerville
Brian Summwfield House
Brian Sundav.
Brian Sunnyside Grill Tait
Brian Suuaon
Brian Swan
Brian Sylvester
Brian T Drummond 4
Brian T Osborne
Brian Take
Brian Tanguay
Brian Tardif
Brian Tel
Brian Tel-
Brian Tel- St Joseph’s
Brian Telford
Brian Telford 605R3
Brian Telford Campbell
Brian Telford Campbell*# Bey
Brian Telford Charbonneau
Brian Telford Congratulations
Brian Telford Glenn
Brian Telford Haley
Brian Telford Joseph’s
Brian Telford Manitoba
Brian Telford Mr
Brian Telford R.R. 3
Brian Telford Smith
Brian Telford St Mary’s
Brian Telford Sunday
Brian Telford Visitors
Brian Telfords
Brian Telford’s
Brian Tenders
Brian The
Brian The Petznicks
Brian Their
Brian There
Brian They
Brian This
Brian Thom
Brian Thomas
Brian Thomas Drummond
Brian Thomas.
Brian Thome
Brian Thompson
Brian Thoms
Brian Thoms At
Brian Thoms Kelly
Brian Thomson
Brian Thomson 4.47
Brian Thomson 400
Brian Thomson 625
Brian Thorn
Brian Thornes Judd
Brian Thrasher
Brian Thrope
Brian Thursday
Brian Tierney
Brian Tierney 689-6048
Brian Tierney 6893048
Brian Titus Lacombe
Brian Tobin
Brian Tobin Quebec
Brian Toflis
Brian Took
Brian Tool
Brian Toole
Brian Toole On December
Brian Toole Renfrew
Brian Toole Seat
Brian Toole’s Home
Brian Topliss
Brian Toronto
Brian Tour
Brian Tracey McColgan
Brian Trappier
Brian Trembinskie
Brian Trembley
Brian Triford
Brian Trimble.
Brian Troke
Brian Trudeau
Brian Trudeau MOHR—In
Brian Trudrau
Brian Tub
Brian Tubman
Brian Tubman - Harness Maker
Brian Tubman Best Driver
Brian Tubman Driver
Brian Tubman Harness
Brian Tubman Hayes
Brian Tubman Steve Forber Barry Horner 647-5973
Brian Tubman • Displaying
Brian Tubmans
Brian Tubmen
Brian Turner
Brian Turner C
Brian Tut-
Brian Tutton
Brian Upcoming
Brian V
Brian V.
Brian Vallière
Brian Valpy
Brian VanderHeyden
Brian Vernon
Brian Vianneau
Brian Visiting
Brian Visiting Mrs Edna Har Jack Graham
Brian VJillee
Brian Voungc
Brian W
Brian W. Donald L. Healy Fisher’s
Brian Wall
Brian Wallace
Brian Walsh
Brian Walsh Bill Murray
Brian Walter Akitt
Brian Walter Fox
Brian Wanless
Brian Ward
Brian Warren
Brian Warren Pirie
Brian Watchorn
Brian Watchorne
Brian Water
Brian Watson
Brian Watt Teacher*
Brian Way
Brian Way Peter’s Church
Brian We
Brian Weber
Brian Wednesday
Brian Weekend
Brian Welcome
Brian Welland Arena
Brian Wesley
Brian Wesley Golden On
Brian Wesleyan Minister
Brian Wfllgh
Brian Whalley
Brian Whelan
Brian Wherry
Brian White
Brian White Speaks On
Brian Whitehead
Brian Whitney
Brian WiDbond
Brian Wil-
Brian Wilfred
Brian Wilkers
Brian Williams
Brian Williamsburg
Brian Willis
Brian Wilson
Brian Wood
Brian Woods
Brian Woolsev Pidfws
Brian Woolsey
Brian Woolsey Sylvie Ladouceur
Brian Woolsley
Brian Work Wanted Morrissey HARRIS-
Brian Worth
Brian Wright
Brian X YMi On Sunday
Brian X2N2
Brian X3D11 Shawville
Brian x4au16
Brian Yank
Brian Young
Brian Young Lindsay Daley
Brian Young Next
Brian Young Quinn Sheppard
Brian Younge
Brian Zeck
Brian Zim
Brian Zim-
Brian Zim- Boy
Brian Zimmcrlmg Campbell
Brian Zimmer
Brian Zimmer-
Brian Zimmer-ling
Brian Zimmerling
Brian Zimmerling -
Brian Zimmerling W9
Brian Zimmerltng
Brian Zlmmerllng
Brian | H C« Rowat Lyle Howard
Brian | Hospital
Brian ‘ Andrews
Brian ‘Mott Wir
Brian ’ Ohlmann
Brian “Bud” Blake
Brian •
Brian) Cor-
Brian) Corbin
Brian) Dear
Brian) Dunlop-Black
Brian) MacKay
Brian) Thomas
Brian) Unvericht
Brian) Zimmerling
Brian, Karen
Brian, Karen Tammy
Brian1 Kelly 2
Bridgette Kelly
Brooke Christina Joyce Bruce Bruce/Hall - Brian Bruce
Bruce - Brian
Bruce Brian McCredle
Bruce Insurance Brian 8<
Bruce Kelly
Bruno Boivin Richard Brady Marc Lalonde Mark Trudeau Brian Rochon Jocelyn Ducharme Serge Lagace
Buck - Brian Brownlee
Bud Rowat Flying Officer Arbic Brian Arbic
Buddy Sloan Mr. Kelly Whelan
Buddy Sloan Ryburn Kelly Hull
Burke L J. E. Kelly Herbert Brown
Butler Chev Terry Kelly
By Kelly Batten
By Kelly Graveline
C Kelly.
C. Kelly
C. Kelly Marie McGee Saumure
Campoe Member- Cecil Bryson Member- Brian Stanton
Candy Cane Bert Kelly
Captain Kelly Schumacher
Carl Kelly
Carl Kelly OMI
Carla Kelly
Carlen Kelly
Carling Kelly
Carmel Kelly
Carmel Kelly Bertha McGee
Carmel Kelly Mr Shawn Sloan
Carmen Kelly
Carol Ann O Brian
Carol Ann O’Brian
Carol Brian
Carol Tollman Kelly
Carol Tollman Kelly Brothers Equipment Bristol Pump Service Rental Beth Angus Petro Pontiac Tom Orr
Caroline Kelly
Caroline Kelly.
Carolyn Kelly
Carolyn Kelly.
Carroll Ann O Brian
Carroll O Brian
Carry Kelly
Cary Grant Grace Kelly
Cassie Kelly
Catherine Kelly
Catherine Kelly.
Cathy Kelly
Cecil Kelly
Cecil Kelly and Gerard Trudeau
Cecilia Kelly
Chanel Kelly
Char- Kelly
Charles Kelly
Charles Kelly VldlUlUlUn Thomas Charles Kelly
Charles Toner.......... William Kelly
Charley Kelly
Charlie Brian Drummond
Chelsea Brian
Chelsea Mrs Blair Kelly
Chelsea Ross Vowles - Thorne Jacques Lafrenière - Gracefield Brian McGarry - Ottawa/Wakefield Josie
CherlotteMerilyn S Brian.
Cheryl Kelly
Chris & Kelly Sue
Chris Kelly
Chris Kelly’s Store
Chris Maclntrye Tim Carmichael Malcolm McGillvray Stéphane Sgarbossa Chris Pleau Kelly Hodgins Jerm
Chrisella Kelly Hayes Chapeau
Christa Kelly
Christian Family Life da Kelly
Christie Kelly
Christie Kelly Labelle Restaurant Frank Pahibiski Ed s
Christine Kelly
Christine Larsno J Weismuller APACHE COUNTRY Gene Autry Judy Garland Jean Kelly —Now Playing
Christopher Brian
Christopher Brian Burnett
Christopher Kelly
Christopher O''Kelly
Christopher O’Kelly
Christy Kelly
Ciail Kelly
Cindy Kelly
Claire Kelly
Claire Kelly Robert Wagner Airforce Thriller Color
Claire Kelly Monday
Claire Kelly Thursday
Claire Kelly UNDERWATER WARRIOR CinemaScope Gloria Grahame CinemaScope KILLER LEOPARD Johnny Shefie
Clayton Kelly
Cliff Kelly
Clifford Kelly
Clifford Kelly from
Clifford Kelly.
Coach Carson Brian Rogers
Coach Kelly Whelan
Coleen Kelly
Colleen Kelly
Colleen Kelly Janis Pulley
Colleen Kelly MacDonald
Collette Kelly
Congratulations Kelly
Connie Kelly
Continues Cn Page Sixi Brian’ Murray
Cooper Francis Fuels Kelly Automobiles R A H Nugent John Munharvey Rentals Gary Renaud René Vaillan
Corie Kelly
Corrine Kelly Todd Fraser
Cory Kelly
CoUcen Kelly
CoUeen Kelly
Councillor Kelly
Councillor Murray Miss Melinda Kelly
Councillors Kelly
Craig Oattes Lloyd Oattes Brian Coughlin Terry Stewart
Crosby Kelly
Curtis Kelly
Curtis Romp- Brian
Cyril Kelly
Cyrus Atkinson Coach Kelly Finlan Andrew McCredie
C»reg Kelly
Dale Stephens Brian A Barb Hams Sc Lois Smith Light
Daly Kelly Dennis Thrun
Dalziel Kelly
Dan A John Kelly
Dan and Karen Kelly
Dan Kelly
Dan Kelly Agn
Dan Kelly John Ebsary Keith
Dan Kelly Their
Dan Kelly Trucking John
Daniel Kelly
Daniel Kelly April
Daniel O Brian the
Daniel Sc Peter Jobia Bob Sc Sheila Johnston James Sc Andree Keohane Brian
Danielle Kelly
Danny Kelly
Danny O Brian
Danny O’Brian
Dantiy Kelly
Darken Kelly
Darleen Kelly
Darlene Hovey Susan Kelly
Darlene Kelly
Darlene Wiggins Henderson’s Store Kelly
Dave Kelly
Dave Kelly Rink Luskville Recreation Committee
Dave Moore Kelly Hodgins
Dave Rich Kelly Taylor Chris Olmstead
Dave Rich Paul Collette Jr. Chris Olmsteod Marcel Berard John Peck Kelly Taylor Greg Macdonell Tren
Dave Rich Todd Fraser Marc Savard John Peck Brian Moore Jim Barry Jason Toole Kevin Chevrier RodTwo
David Brian
David Brian Lynn Bernay
David Brian May Wynn This
David Brian MONDAY
David Brian RCMP
David Brian Vera Ralston Pat Boone
David Brian •4m #
David Kelly
David Llewellyn Davies Obituaries David Brian Smith
David Mc-Brian Brownlee
David Moore Kelly
David Mrs Mary Kelly Eleanor
Dawn Kelly
De Luxe Karen Kelly Ruth Strutt
Dean Mary Ann Kelly
Deb Kelly
Debbie Kelly
Deborah and Brian
Deborah and Brian Bus-sett
Deborah and Brian Lucy Flood
Deborah and Brian Rus- Mrs Cora McNeill
Deborah and Brian Rus-lunch
Deborah and Brian Russell
Deborah and Brian Russett
Deborah Brian Rus-
Deborah Brian Russett
Deborah Russell (Brian
Deborah Russell (Brian)
defenseman Brian Berard
Denis Kelly
Denis Kelly SAVE.
Denis Lucy Kelly
Denis Soucie Brian McCoshen
Dennis Brian Sauriol
Dennis Kelly
Derek Kelly
Derrick Kelly
Dev Desmond Kelly 300
DevlU Kelly
Diane Fyfe Brian Swan Esther Tarasofsky
Diane Kelly
Diane Mrs. Kelly Bowie
Dianne Bel- D Brian Bceupre> StePhen Bullin
Dick Brian
Dick Kelly
Dillon Kelly
Dm Moore Brian Schumacher
Dolores Kelly
Don Kelly
Don Kelly Family
Don Kelly Hines
Don Kelly Tanner
Donald Belgian Brood Marc - Brian Crabb
Donald Brian Corriveau
Donald Russell Grade 7—Brian Smith
Donalda Kelly
Donna Kelly
Doreen Kelly
Doris Jacques Senior Boy Brian Corrigall
Doris Kelly
Dorothy Kelly
Doug Carr Brian Corbin 613.913.6841
Doug Carr Brian Corbin I
Douglas Kelly
Dr. Alexander Miss Kelly
Dr. Kelly
Dr. Porter Kelly
Dr. Roland M. Armitage V S. Kelly
Drama Maximilien Schell Brian Keith Sal
Duncan A. Brown John Kelly Auctioneer Jack Baker
E. Kelly
E. Kelly 160.35
Ealeanor Kelly
Earl Kelly
Earl Kelly: Mr. William C. Bert Kelly
Earl Kelly: William C. Bert Kelly
Ed Kelly
Ed Lucy Kelly
Ed. Kelly
Eddie A. Kelly
Eddie Kelly
Eddie Kelly Jackie
Eddie Mrs Pat Kelly
Eddy Kelly Consideration
Edgar Hodgins Anonymous H. R. Kelly Total
Edgar Lance that Mr. Bert Kelly
Edith Kelly
Edith Kelly Jack Graham
Edith Kelly Mohr
Edith Kelly Ob/fuar/es
Edith Kelly’s
Edmund Kelly
Edna Kelly
Edward Island Brian McCoshen
Edward Kelly
Edward Kelly -
Edward Kelly - 29L60 Shaw
Edward Kelly .who
Edward Kelly 111.76
Edward Kelly 1248.48
Edward Kelly 135.12
Edward Kelly 146.20 Richard Bowie 25.30 Gordon Paul Ins
Edward Kelly 16.96
Edward Kelly 322.84
Edward Kelly 40.80
Edward Kelly 418.88
Edward Kelly 647-5571
Edward Kelly 668
Edward Kelly 739.38 Mis Karl FlndUy
Edward Kelly 745.80
Edward Kelly 882
Edward Kelly 964.60;Harvey
Edward Kelly Dan A John Kelly Trucking Judy
Edward Kelly Ed Kelly
Edward Kelly Estate Fund
Edward Kelly January
Edward Kelly Motion Cr Ireland
Edward Kelly s
Edward Kelly to Christopher Walls
Edward Kelly-
Edward Kelly- 863.68
Edward Kelly.
Edward Kelly............ Thomas Gallagher........ Leo Elliott..............
Edward Kelly’s
Edward Kelly’s tender Motion Cr Tubman
Edward | Kelly 328.80
Eileen Kelly
Eileen Kelly Fit/patriek
Eileen Mor-Carmel Kelly
Eileen Teresa Dagenais Marries Brian Corrigal
Eksncr Kelly
Elaine Mil- Verna Kelly
Eleaner Kelly
Eleanor Kelly
Eleanor Kelly Jennifer
Eleanor Kelly Sharon McGuire
Elena Kelly
Elgin Sport Michel LaSalle Raymond Bérard Brian Stanton
Elisha Kelly
Eliza Kelly
Elizabeth Gravelle Kelly Hahn
Elizabeth Hahn Miss Kelly Hahn
Elizabeth Kelly
Elizabeth Kelly Announcement
Ella Kelly
Ellen Brian Jr and
Ellv Kelly
Elly Kelly
Elsie Kelly
Emily Kelly
Emma Kelly
Emmet Kelly
Emmett Kelly
Emmett Kelly Marlon Brando Mon.
Engagement Kelly - Sigouin Traditional
Equity Kelly
Equity Photo Melinda Kelly
Eric (Kelly
Eric Kelly
Eric Kelly Mr
Eric Kelly Spending
Eric Kelly/Weyerhaeuser
Eric Smiley Brian
Eric Smiley FinallJr Brian Mulroney
Erin Barber and Kelly Kilgour
Erin Kelly
Erina Kelly
Erma Kelly
Erma Kelly Cotnam
Ernest Kelly
Ernie Kelly
Ernie Kelly 11:00
Essie Kelly
Essie Schwartz Brian & Gerl Murray
Ethel Kelly
Eugene Kelly
Eulalia Kelly
Evelyn Kelly
Evelyn Kelly Brown
F. Kelly
Fabien Tom Nardine Brian Boucher
Family Kelly Leboun
Father Kelly
Father Kelly.
Felix Turcotte.... Teressa Kelly
Fenton Jr. Troy Kelly
Ferdinand........ Jewell William............... Kelly Twrvss*
Ferguson Kelly
Fern Strutt Brian
Fitzroy Kelly
Flora Kelly
Fourth Kelly Ryan
Fr Kelly
Frances (Kelly
Francine Kelly
Francine Kelly Bryson
Francine Kelly O
Francis Joseph Kelly -
Francis Joseph Kelly - Bom
Francis Kelly
Francis Kelly 455-9592 HOLSTEIN
Francis Kelly 455-9592 Succession Hugh Armstrong Intimés
Frank Ca- Brian Telford
Frank Deborah and Brian Rus
Frank Kelly
Frank Kelly -
Frank Kelly Bishop
Frank Kelly Funeral
Frank Kelly Lauren Hall Joe Teams
Frank Kelly Lauren Hall Joe Teevens
Frank Kelly • Judy Cole
Frank Kelly’s
Frank Palm- Brian Zmimerhng
Frank Sinatra James Gleason Gene Kelly Sterling Hayden Nancy Gates Frank Sinatra
Frank Sofalvi Treasurer Brian Allan.
Fraser Penalties Kelly
Fred Kelly
Frederick Kelly
G 7320* Kelly
G. Kelly
G. Kelly LINDSAY SCHARFE Authorised Barrett Applicator New Curling
Gad Kelly
Gail A Kelly
Gail Kelly
Gall Kelly
Garry Kelly
Garry Kelly"
Gary Cain Brian Crooke
Gary Cooper Gene Kelly Beechgrove Steele Line CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS
Gary Hodgins Citizen Award—Brian Kilgour Norval Horner Trophy
Gary Kelly
Gcrald Kelly
Gegory Kelly
Gene Kelly
Gene Kelly Barbara Laage Garden Gopher
Gene Kelly Cinemascope Kay Kendall M. Gaynor
Gene Kelly CREST
Gene Kelly Cyd
Gene Kelly DEEP
Gene Kelly Dfin Martin
Gene Kelly Donald O’Connor
Gene Kelly Kay Kendall Illustrated
Gene Kelly Natalie Wood
Gene Kelly WED.
Gene Kelly X I *
Gene Kelly.
Geoff Kelly
Geoffrey Kelly
George A. Kelly
George and Brian Drummond
George Brian Tubman
George Kelly
George s Anglican Ce- Kelly
George Towell Speaker Rev. Brian Bradley Refreshmen
Georgette Kelly
Gerald Kelly
Gerald Kelly 1887B2030
Gerald Kelly 66492X029 PREVENT
Gerald Kelly Mr
Gerald Kelly NOTICE
Gerald Kelly Try
Gerald Kelly.
Gerald Marion Kelly
Geraldine Kelly
Gerard Kelly
Gerard Kelly Dagenais
Gerard Kelly Hydro
Gerry Kelly
Gisela Kerr Brian Ireae
Glen Kelly
Glenda Kelly
Goaler-Brian Steele
Gordon Brian
Grace Kelly
Grace Kelly CFRA
Grace Kelly Alec Guluess
Grace Kelly Alec Guinnes
Grace Kelly Bing Crosbv
Grace Kelly Bing Crosby
Grace Kelly BRIDGES TO
Grace Kelly Bryson
Grace Kelly James Stewart
Grace Kelly Phone
Grace Kelly Stewart Granger
Grace Kelly Story Cheryl Ladd
Grace Kelly Technicolor Stewart Granger Cinemascope Richard Widmark Technicolor Lauren Bacall Cinem
Gracie Kelly
Graham Brian
Graham Kenny Ross Brian Davis Neil Mc(
Grandma Kelly
Grandpa Kelly Uncle Edward
Grant Kelly
Grant Kelly Farrelton
Great-Grandson Brian Jr,
Greg Kelly
Greg Kelly H.
Greg Kelly Ottawa Ex
Greg Kelly.
Greg Mackenzie Jim Brennan Kelly
Gregg Kelly
Gregory Kelly 624
Gregory Kelly.
Grog Kelly
Gwen Black Lucy Kelly
H. Kelly
Haggle* Kelly
Haggles Kelly
Hahn Kelly
Hall Kelly
Hannah 55999b Brian Thomson
Hannah Kelly
Hardwood Pulpwood Wanted John F. Kelly
Hardy Scoring Summary Games Goals AasistsPointa Name Stéphane Villeneuve Paul Collette Jr. Kelly Ta
Harold Hammond Brian Davis
Harold Kelly
Harold Kelly 598
Harold • 647-3264 Kelly
Harry 647-2156 Kelly
Harry Kelly
Hayes Funeral Home W.A. Hodglns Store J& P Furniture Kelly
Hazel Kelly
Healt Kelly
Heath Kelly
Heather Kelly
Heather Kelly Cockerell
Heather Rich- One Mile—Brian Murray
Heather Richardson Kountry Kookin’ W.A. Hodglns Brian Stanton Joan Gray Tim
Heifer Calf Jr: John Duff Heifer Calf Sr: Brian Drummond
Helen Brian
Helen Brian 8
Helen Marion Kelly
Helen O Brian
Helena Kelly
Henry Kelly
HENRY Kelly Bun
Henry Kelly Egan
Henry Kelly Eoam
Henry Kelly Euan
Henry Kelly Euttr
Henry Kelly E«ian
Henry Kelly Fgan
Henry Kelly Kgnn
Henry Tubman 40.20 Edward Kelly 228.60 Gil Fraser
Herb Kelly
Herbert J. Kelly
Herbert Kelly
Herman Kelly
Hhuy Kelly Eu
Hilda Kelly
Hi» Kelly ChrieU.
Hob Kelly
Hodgins Brian.
Holt Brian
Hospital K H Kelly
Howard Brown Brian
Howard T. Kelly
Hpphespliltes Eyesight Saved Kelly
Hs*hv Kelly Kuan
Hubert Kelly
Huey Kelly
Hugh O Brian 97692*m7 Starks
Hugh O Brian March IS
Hunt Hardy Plants Tru-Line Collision Coiffure Anne Lanoix Kelly
Hydro Kelly
I Kelly
I. Kelly
Ian Barber and Kelly Schumacher
Ian Kelly
Ida Kelly
IIesuy Kelly L‘«
Informing Kelly
Installation H I • Oil Spraying Kelly Tanner
Ira Greer Owner Kelly
Irelynn Kelly
Irene Kelly
Irma Kelly
Irma Kelly Holy Trinity
Irwin Kelly
Isaac Kelly
Isobel Kelly
It Kelly
J & J Grocery Brian
J E Kelly
J Kelly
J M Argue .................. J )hn Kelly
J# Kelly
J''-epli Kelly
J. Kelly
J. Kelly Dios
j0hn Kelly
Jack Brian
Jack Brian Harris
Jack Kelly
Jack Kelly Draveurs
Jack Kelly Hlldy
Jack Kelly May Wynn
Jack Kelly Ray Denton V Set
Jack Kelly Stéphane Parc
Jack Kelly Tuesday
Jack McCoubrey Brian Coughlin
Jacques Ledoux Brian Stanton Trevor & Julie O Connor Byrne Mario Gervais Monique Serré Quyon
James (Kelly
James B Kelly
James Brian
James Jeff Kelly
James Kelly
James Kelly Elected President Vinton
James Kelly Fifth
James Kelly SHOP.
James Kelly.
James Kelly....... Œ0P Christopher Cahlwull
James Stewart Cyd Charisse Gene Kelly IT’S
James Stewart Grace Kelly / V * Nancy Newberry
James Stewart Grace Kelly A
James Whitmore Edmund Gwenn Joanne Dm Kelly
Jamie Brian
Jane Kelly
Janet B.A Brian McKay
Janet Gamer Brian Rogers Susie Orr Brian Judd Elwyn Lang Mike Richardson Dave Keen Bean
Janet Kelly
Janet Leigh PETE KELLY
Janu-j Kelly
Jason Kelly
Jean (Harold) Brian Hahn
Jean (O Malley) Kelly
Jean Cuthbertson Lucy Kelly
Jean Guy Kelly
Jean Kelly
Jean Kelly Honoured
Jean Pierre Brian Stanton
Jean Theresa Kelly
Jeff and Leslie Kelly
Jeff Kelly
Jeff O Brian
Jeffrey (Kelly
Jeffrey Kelly
Jeffrey O Brian
Jell Kelly Cory Brct/laff
Jenna Kelly Martin
Jennie Kelly
Jennifer Brian Bradley
Jennifer Mayhew SAQ Shawville Pine’s Gas Bar K & L Dairies Murray Sport WePC Computers Kelly’s Gree
Jennings Kelly
Jenny Kelly
Jeremiah Kelly
Jeremiah Kelly Louie Lapierre
Jerry Kelly
Jerry Kluke Guy Larivière Jimmy Kluke Frank Frost Jimmy Brown Brian McCoshen Randy Sloan Mike Lacou
Jerry Kluke Jimmy Kluke Frank Frost Brian McCoshen Mike Lacourse Jimmy Brown Randy Sloan Timmy Hear
Jerry Lewis Brian Donlevy BRYSON
Jessica Kelly
Jessica Kelly-Fleming
Jewell William.............. Kelly Terres
Jewell William.............. Kelly Terres-1
Jill A Kelly Ann
Jim Barry Todd Fraser Brian Moore Dave Rich Marc Bavard Jason Toole Tony Hodgins Kevin Chevrier Dan
Jim Davis Brian Smith
Jim Kelly
Jim Kelly Here
Jim O''Kelly
Jim Reese B s Restaurant Bobby Erwin Trucking Brian Middlemiss Bud Lusk
Jim Stan- Mrs Brian Woods
Jimmie Carmichael Gary McEwen Chum Brian Smith Man
Jimmy Kelly
Joan Barber and Brian Brownlee
Joan Brian
Joan Brian Gibb
Joan Frost Brian
Joan Kelly
Joan O Brian
Joan Sc Dale Stephens Brian
Joan Zimmerling Brian Adam 647-5605
Joanne Kelly
Jody Kelly
Joe Brian Thoms
Joe Kelly
Joe Kelly Jr.
Joe Kelly Sr. Me
Joe Kelly Sr„
Joe Kelly’s
Joe. Kelly
John A. Kelly
John À. Kelly Dies
John and Brian Beaupré
John and Susie Kelly
John B Kelly
John B. Kelly
John Brian Drummond
John Campbell Brian Andrewe
John F Kelly
John F. Kelly
John F. Kelly Auctioneer
John F. Kelly DOUGLAS
John F. Kelly Muriel
John F. Kelly Quyon
John Hall Kelly
John Irvin Kelly
John Irwin Kelly
John J Kelly
John J. Kelly
John J. Kelly Quyon
John Kelly
John Kelly >.nd
John Kelly AA____
John Kelly Auctioneer
John Kelly C.B.L. Pirie Gas Bar Quyon Ferry Scott Williams
John Kelly Charteri
John Kelly Clarence
John Kelly Dennis Egan Erin Barber Frasers Gamma Dynacare Golf Works Home Hardware
John Kelly Don McCredie
John Kelly Dwayne McNulty
John Kelly Fridayy August
John Kelly Greentech Hair Reflections Shawville Milling Ritchie Feed
John Kelly Heatlie
John Kelly James Hickey
John Kelly Ladysmith
John Kelly Leo Fortin Traceylane Farm Randy Belsher Trucking Garnet Stephens Dalevlew Farm Radview
John Kelly Milk Federation Gladcrest Farms Quebec Farmers
John Kelly Motion Cr McCredie
John Kelly Mrs
John Kelly OBITUARY Emily Cameron Emily Cameron
John Kelly Pine
John Kelly Promutual Valley Mutual Macador Farms Beulah
John Kelly Quebec Farm Assoc.
John Kelly Quyon
John Kelly Retro Pontiac Shawville Milling
John Kelly Shawville Chrysler C.B.L. Pirie J & J Grocery Chicken Coop Henderson’s Grocery Wayne
John Kelly Susan Gilpin
John Kelly Trucking Garnet Stephens Maplehodge Farm Robaye Olsen
John Kelly Vaughan Bastien Tires Bill
John Kelly Wilf
John Kelly................ Hodgins Lumber Co......... Harold McCoy
John McGrath Kelly
John McNeill Charteris Mr Kelly Lcclair
John P. Kelly
John Peck Trent Reynolds Jim Barry Brian Moore Dave Rich Todd Fraser Tony Hodgins Jason Toole Kevin
John Samuel Kelly
John Trent N.D.P Brian Murphy Barry Moore CANDIDATE Unité
JohnK Kelly
Johnny Kelly
Joioph Kelly
Jos Kelly Sr.
Jos Michael Kelly
Jos- M Kelly
Joseph Brian
Joseph Donald Kelly
Joseph Dupuis and Gerard Kelly
Joseph E. Kelly
Joseph Fras- Rod-ney Kelly
Joseph Kelly
Joseph Kelly Best
Joseph Kelly Pres
Joseph Kelly Sr
Joseph Kelly Sr .
Joseph Kelly Sr.
Joseph Kelly.
Joseph L. Kelly
Joseph Leonard Kelly.
Joseph M. Kelly
Joseph Mat- John Kelly
Joseph Michael Kelly
Joseph Michael Kelly Dad
Joseph O’Brian
Judd Brian
Judith Kelly Brother
Judith Kelly It
Judy Brian and Sharon LIVESTOCK
Judy Kelly
Julia Kelly
Julian Rin- Benjamins - Erin Kelly
Julie Ryan Guylaine LaSalle Kelly Turgeon R&D
June Kelly
Justin Brian
K. Kelly
Karen Booth Lassie Paul Kelly
Karen Daly Kelly
Karen Daly-Kelly
Karen Daly-Kelly T’s BAR Charteris
Karen Kelly
Karen Kelly 366
Karen Kelly Benfey
Karen Kelly Christina Gray
Karen Kelly Hodgins - Our
Karen Kelly President
Karen Kelly Route 366
Karen Kelly Secrétaire-tréeorlère
Karen Kelly Secrétaire-trésorière
Karen Kelly Secrétalre-trésorière
Karen Nayler Kelly
Karen Naylor Kelly
Karl Bert Kelly
Karl Kelly
Kathleen Kelly
Katie Kelly
Katie Kelly 691
Katrina Kelly
Kay Kelly
Kay Kendall Gene Kelly
Kaye Kelly
Kdward Kelly
Keena Kelly
Kegan Kelly McConnell
Keith and Kelly Hodgins
Keith Harris Brian Judd Les
Keith Harris Brian Judd The
Keith Kelly
Kells Piper Colleen Kelly
Kelly Personal
Kelly Phone
Kelly -
Kelly - Francis Patrick
Kelly - Grace Kristin
Kelly - Jack
Kelly - Kathleen Lydia
Kelly - McNamara
Kelly - Sigouin Edith Kelly
Kelly -8.96 Preston Hodgins
Kelly 475.95
Kelly 648-5681
Kelly 7017XA30
Kelly A
Kelly A 2
Kelly After
Kelly Ai IX O
Kelly Albert
Kelly Allan Maheral
Kelly Also
Kelly And
Kelly Angus
Kelly Ann
Kelly Ann Barb Evans
Kelly Ann Beck
Kelly Ann Bowes
Kelly Ann Com- Pontiac County
Kelly Ann Corriveau
Kelly Ann Hicks
Kelly Ann Justin Kendra MacManon
Kelly Ann Latendresse
Kelly Ann Malone
Kelly Ann O Connell
Kelly Ann O Connell Grade
Kelly Anne
Kelly Anne O Connell
Kelly Anne Stewart
Kelly Arch
Kelly Arched
Kelly Archer
Kelly Attending
Kelly Auctioneer
Kelly Auditors
Kelly Baird
Kelly Batstone
Kelly Batten
Kelly Beaugard
Kelly Beaulieu
Kelly Beauregard
Kelly Bechamp
Kelly Beck
Kelly Beer
Kelly Belair
Kelly Bon- Casse-Croûte
Kelly Bonnah
KellY Bowie
Kelly Boys
Kelly Br
Kelly Brenda Stevens Finlan
Kelly Bristol
Kelly Bros
Kelly Bros Funeral Home
Kelly Bros,
Kelly Bros.
Kelly Bros. Inc.
Kelly Bros. Roseneath
Kelly Brown
Kelly Brownlee
Kelly Bryson Mr»
Kelly Butler
Kelly C Hahn
Kelly Callaghan
Kelly Campbell
Kelly Cary Grant
Kelly Celebrity
Kelly Chambly—M.
Kelly Cherish
Kelly Chevalier
Kelly Chick Hatcheries
Kelly Chick Hatchery
Kelly Christin
Kelly Christine
Kelly Cockerell
Kelly Colleen
Kelly Congratulations
Kelly Corrigan
Kelly Cossell
Kelly Coté
Kelly Cotnam
Kelly Councillor Belleroee
Kelly Coyne
Kelly Croup
Kelly Currie
Kelly Damient
Kelly Darlene Kelly
Kelly Dawn Cockerell
Kelly Day
Kelly de Haan
Kelly Deepest
Kelly DeFinney
Kelly Delorme
Kelly Department
Kelly Do
Kelly Dowc
Kelly Dowc Recycle
Kelly Dowe
Kelly Draper
Kelly Dunn
Kelly Dykstra
Kelly Easter Weekend
Kelly Edith Adam Elizabeth Popkey HD
Kelly Edwards
Kelly Elizabeth Turner Daniel
Kelly Emmerson
Kelly Equity
Kelly Erin
Kelly Estate
Kelly Evans
Kelly Every
Kelly Family
Kelly Family Kelly Family
Kelly Feduc
Kelly Field
Kelly Findlay
Kelly Finlan
Kelly Finlan Impact
Kelly Finlan KENNEDY
Kelly Finlen
Kelly Fisher Ave
Kelly Floyd
Kelly Fmlan
Kelly Foran
Kelly Foster
Kelly Foundation
Kelly Foundation Next
Kelly Foundation Report
Kelly Front
Kelly Fu"
Kelly Fu-
Kelly Fu-TV
Kelly Fulford
Kelly Fun-Dcnton
Kelly Fund
Kelly Funeral
Kelly Funeral And
Kelly Funeral Claire Renaud
Kelly Funeral Dolores
Kelly Funeral Home
Kelly Funeral Home - Quyon Chapel
Kelly Funeral Home - Sue
Kelly Funeral Home Church
Kelly Funeral Home Quyon
Kelly Funeral Home Shawville
Kelly Funeral Home Sympathy
Kelly Funeral Homes
Kelly Funeral Homes Erwin Laughren Bristol Auto Body Don Cherry Rest
Kelly Funeral Homes Loeb
Kelly Funeral Homes Pontiac Home Bakery W.A. Hodgins Store Rowat Insurance Carmichael
Kelly Funeral Loving
Kelly Funeral Parlors
Kelly Funeral Parlours
Kelly Funeral Ryan Blasko
Kelly Funeral She
Kelly Funeral _
Kelly Gabie
Kelly Gardener
Kelly Gatmeau-Labelle
Kelly Gog
Kelly Gorr
Kelly Graham K È Saturday
Kelly Graveline
Kelly Guinness
Kelly H I Beaudoin
Kelly Hadju
Kelly Hahn
Kelly Hahn 9 V
Kelly Hahn Engagement
Kelly Hahn Sunday
Kelly Hajdu
Kelly Hampel MEN— H.S. Billy Stewart H T Bud Sauriol LADIES— H.S. Joan Francocur H T. Nita Smith
Kelly Hanging
Kelly Hann
Kelly Hanson
Kelly Harris
Kelly Harry Belsher
Kelly Hatcheries
Kelly HD.
Kelly Hearty
Kelly Hobbs
Kelly Hobbs - Gerard Dagenais
Kelly Hobbs 1221 Debbie Telford
Kelly Hobbs Chapeau
Kelly Hod
Kelly Hod- Young
Kelly Hod-drive
Kelly Hod-gins
Kelly Hod-I
Kelly Hod-Only
Kelly Hodgina
Kelly Hodgins
Kelly Hodgins Awards
Kelly Hodgins Every
Kelly Hodgins Mainville
Kelly Hodgins McDowell
Kelly Hodgins McGillvray
Kelly Hodgins Plouffe
Kelly Hodgins Sgarbossa
Kelly Hoffman
Kelly Home
Kelly Home Economics
Kelly Horse Family
Kelly Howard
Kelly Hru-dey
Kelly Hudgins
Kelly Hunt
Kelly I
Kelly I Hermonie Sharpe
Kelly In
Kelly Ireland
Kelly Is
Kelly Ivy
Kelly James McGee
Kelly Johanne Jolicoeur
Kelly John
Kelly Join
Kelly Jr.
Kelly K ¦ U J
Kelly Kavanagh
Kelly Kcon
Kelly Keen
Kelly Kenny
Kelly Keon
Kelly Keor
Kelly Kgau
Kelly Kieth Howie
Kelly Kilbride
Kelly Kilgour
Kelly Klaassen Three
Kelly Kllgour
Kelly Knox
Kelly Knox Knox
Kelly Kriese
Kelly Kuan
Kelly Ladouceur
Kelly Ladouceur Pontiac Printshop
Kelly Lake
Kelly Lance
Kelly Latrendress
Kelly Le
Kelly Le-
Kelly Le- Six
Kelly Le-clair
Kelly Leagues
Kelly Lebrun
Kelly Leclair
Kelly Leclalr
Kelly Leduc
Kelly Legarde
Kelly Leonard
Kelly Lynn Fitzpatrick
Kelly Lytle
Kelly M'' Vonl
Kelly M.ii
Kelly Mal-ette
Kelly Malette
Kelly Malone
Kelly Maloney
Kelly Mane
Kelly Mar
Kelly Marples
Kelly Married Hwy
Kelly Mary Hearty
Kelly Matériaux Masson
Kelly McCaine
Kelly McCallum
Kelly McCann
Kelly McConnell
Kelly McCool
Kelly McDonald
Kelly McElwain
Kelly McEwen
Kelly McGuire
Kelly McHale
Kelly McLach-lin-Dowe
Kelly McLachlin
Kelly McLachlin Dowe
Kelly McLachlin Dowe Charlotte
Kelly Mclcan
Kelly McLean
Kelly McMahon
Kelly McMahon Sat.
Kelly McNicol
Kelly Me*ane
Kelly Meilleur
Kelly Miss Shirley Hicks
Kelly Mitchell
Kelly Mohr
Kelly Moore
Kelly More
Kelly More Miller-
Kelly Mr
Kelly Mr.
Kelly Mrs Amy Keon
Kelly Mrs. Claire Fleury
Kelly MulhaU
Kelly Mulligan
Kelly Murphy
Kelly Natalie
Kelly Neil
Kelly Noakes
Kelly Nych
Kelly O Connell
Kelly O Donnell
Kelly O Grady
Kelly On Friday
Kelly One
Kelly Onslow Corners
Kelly Ont
Kelly Open
Kelly Optometrist
Kelly Orchestra
Kelly Our
Kelly O’Connell
Kelly O’Rourke
Kelly P
Kelly P Gauthier
Kelly P. Franklin Nanaimo
Kelly Pally
Kelly Parlours
Kelly Passed
Kelly Pembroke
Kelly Perreault
Kelly Pettipas
Kelly Pilon
Kelly Pinion
Kelly Plitz
Kelly Plunkette
Kelly Porter Franklin Nanaimo
Kelly Powell
Kelly Price
Kelly Price Petawawa
Kelly Primeau
Kelly Primeau Saturday
Kelly Primo
Kelly Printing
Kelly Proudfoot
Kelly Proulx
Kelly Pudwell
Kelly Purple Mask
Kelly Qavan
Kelly Quyon Lions Club Agricultural
Kelly Randy Thoms
Kelly Rebertz
Kelly Rennette
Kelly Rev. William McDowell
Kelly Richardson
Kelly Road
Kelly Roads
Kelly Robert
Kelly Robins
Kelly Robinson
Kelly Robinson,Chelsea Kearns
Kelly Roger
Kelly Romain
Kelly Rusenstrom
Kelly Russel
Kelly Russell
Kelly Ryan
Kelly Ryan 1
Kelly Ryan Matinees Monday
Kelly Ryan Saturday
Kelly Ryan Their
Kelly Ryan- Bantam Top Scorer
Kelly Ryen
Kelly Rysn
Kelly Ry»n Bred Barr
Kelly s
Kelly s Sloan
Kelly Sammon
Kelly Sampson
Kelly Sand
Kelly Santini LLP
Kelly Scanlan
Kelly Sch
Kelly Schmacher
Kelly Schu-
Kelly Schu- Equity
Kelly Schu- Graham
Kelly Schu- Kimberley Harris
Kelly Schumach
Kelly Schumach- Gray
Kelly Schumach-ardson
Kelly Schumach-nual Athletic Banquet
Kelly Schumacher
Kelly Schumacher Kelty Schumacher
Kelly Schumacher She
Kelly Schumaher
Kelly Schwartz
Kelly Scott
Kelly Scumacher
Kelly Secrétaire-trésorière
Kelly Secretary
Kelly Serson
Kelly Service
Kelly Shaver
Kelly Shawville
Kelly Shawville Businesses
Kelly Shea
Kelly Sheppard
Kelly SHOP.
Kelly Siding
Kelly Smith
Kelly Sofia
Kelly Sparling
Kelly Special
Kelly Sr
Kelly Stanley
Kelly Stanley Leo Martineau
Kelly Stars
Kelly Ste- Shawville
Kelly Ste- Visiting
Kelly Stewart
Kelly Stewart Also
Kelly Stewart-Keon Sharpe
Kelly Sue Emmerson
Kelly Sullivan
Kelly Suzanne Kluke
Kelly Swartz
Kelly Sylvester
Kelly T
Kelly Tan
Kelly Tan-
Kelly Tanner
Kelly Tanner Captain
Kelly Tay-
Kelly Tay- Trent Reynolds
Kelly Taylor
Kelly Terre
Kelly Terrons*
Kelly The
Kelly Their
Kelly Then
Kelly Thomas
Kelly Thoms
Kelly Throwing
Kelly Thursday
Kelly Timmy Lytle
Kelly Trottier
Kelly Trottiers
Kelly Trucking Shawville
Kelly Trust
Kelly Tur-
Kelly Tur-geon
Kelly Turgeon
Kelly Tvnvssu
Kelly Ubrun
Kelly Van Johnston
Kelly Visiting
Kelly Walker Zelaya
Kelly Watercours Bert Kennedy
Kelly We
Kelly Wedding
Kelly Whe-
Kelly Whe- Sherry Price
Kelly Whealan
Kelly Whel-Mr
Kelly Whelan
Kelly Whelen
Kelly When
Kelly Wilkinson
Kelly Williams
Kelly Wilson
Kelly Wolves
Kelly Wyman
Kelly Wyness
Kelly Yen
Kelly — Stewart Wed Al SI.
Kelly) Grant
Kelly, Jr .
Kelly-Anne Corriveau
Kelly-Anne K Lemaire
Kelly-Anne McConnell
Kelly’s Funeral
Kelly’s Funeral Home
Kelly’s Trucking
Kelsey Kelly
Kelsey Kelly MacDonald
Ken and Helen Kelly
Ken Gil Brian Lesway
Ken Kelly
Ken Tub- Brian Jr and
Kenneth Kelly
Kenny Kelly
Kevin O’Brian
Kflss Kelly
Kim Kelly
Kim Milford Sidney Squitti Allumette Island Mayor: Brian Adam
Kim Thalheimer Edith Kelly
Kimberley Harris Christa Kelly
Kimond Kelly
Kings Scoring Summary Games Goals AssistsPoints Name Mark Loyer Paul Collette Jr. Kelly Taylor Sté
Kirk Kelly
Kirk Kelly Ann
Kitty Kelly
Kitty Kelly What
Kity Kelly
Kris Kelly
Krisieen Kelly
Krista Kelly
Kristopher Kelly
Krma Kelly
Krminiv Kelly
Kyle Kelly
L j Kelly
L t Karen Kelly
L. Kelly
Ladies Auxil-Mrs Bert Kelly
Lake Kelly
Lalie Kelly
Lane Swiss VBSS Kelly
Larry Kelly
Laura Kelly Richard Moquin
Laura Kelly-Moore
Laura Lee Kelly
Laura Lee Kelly Barn
Laura-Lee Kelly
Laurence Kelly
Laurie Gerald Kelly
Laverdure Kelly Hahn
Laverne Kelly
Laverne Kelly Ringrose
Lawrence Kelly
Lawrenty Kelly
Leah Kelly Junior Family
Lee Kelly
Lee O* Brian
Len Kelly
Lena Kelly
Lena Kelly Hubert Horner Harold Wilson Rock
Lena Kelly Monday
Leo For&n Brian Muldoon
Leo Joseph Edgar Kelly
Leo Kaon Miss Pat Kelly
Leo Kelly
Leo O Brian
Leona (Kelly
Leona I Æ "aLswy Kelly
Leona Kelly
Leonard Mrs Lucy Kelly
Les Enterprises Brian Stanton Ltée
Les Entreprises Brian Stanton Ltée
Lesley Kelly
Leslie Kelly
Letty Kelly
Lewis Carried Carried Mr. Kelly
Lida Kelly
Lieutenants Kelly
Lil Kelly
Lila Kelly
Lillian Kelly
Linda Kelly
Lindsay Kelly Whelan
Lisa Kelly
Lloyd Kelly
Loeuse Kelly
Lome Kelly
Lome Kelly Lome Kelly
Loretta Kelly
Lorna Kelly
Lorraine Kelly
Lou Kelly
Louise Kelly
Love Ann and Matthew Kelly Knudsen
Love Brian
Love Kelly
Loyer Kelly Ryan
Luc 647- Karen Kelly x022 Présidente
Lucie Kelly
Lucien Kelly
Luck Kelly
Lucv Kelly
Lucv Kelly Thev
Lucy * Kelly
Lucy Kelly
Lucy Kelly and Margaret Mousseau
Lucy Kelly Belated
Lucy Kelly Easter
Lucy Kelly FF-
Lucy Kelly Force
Lucy Kelly Les Orr
Lucy Kelly Lorraine
Lucy Kelly Men
Lucy Kelly Men’s
Lucy Kelly R Green
Lucy Kelly Visiting
Lucy Kelly Wallace Sparling
Lucy Kelly We
Lucy Kelly Whelan
Lucy Kelly Yola Lepine
Lucy Kelly*pr Dumouchel
Luqr Kelly
Lyda Kelly
Lydia Kelly
Lynden Flood Brian
Lynn Knox Domenic Alexander Jack Daniel Irvin Kelly
M H. R. Kelly
M Kelly
M L Hobbs 48.52 Victor Krutz 10.00 Edward Kelly 414.14 Harvey Smith Grant Murray
M& Mme Richard Bert Kelly
M(j Mrs Brian Telford
M-s Brian 188-102-150
M. Kelly
M/s Kelly
Mac Kelly
Mack Kelly
Mackenzie Kelly
Maggie Kelly
Maidon Kelly
Major-General W B (Brian) Vernon
Malinda Kelly
Manon Kelly
Manon Kelly _
Margaret Kelly
Margaret Kelly Albert McMunn
Margaret Kelly Pteau
Margaret Mrs Lan* Kelly
Maria Long- Brian Overton
Marian Kelly
Marie Brian..-
Marie Kelly
Marie Ryburn Kelly
Marilee Kelly
Mario Kelly
Marion Kelly
Marion Kelly -
Marion Kelly 1975
Marion Kelly 422-3446
Marion Kelly Mr
Marion Kelly.
Marissa Kelly Primeau
Mariyn Kelly
Marj0n Kelly
Mark Brian
Mark Damon Connie Stevens JOHN F. KELLY QUEBEC
Mark Kelly
Mark Loyer Dave Rich Chris Olmstead Kelly Taylor Trent Reynolds Paul Collette Jr. Marcel Berard Joh
Marlon Kelly
Marly Barry Pel# Kelly
Martin Kelly
Marty Barry Pete Kelly Dave Kerr Roy Woctets
Marty Barry Pete Kelly Dave Kerr Roy Wortere
Marty Burry IVte Kelly Dave Kerr
Marvin Kelly
Mary A. Kelly Rev Keith Lohnes
Mary Ann Kelly
Mary Brian
Mary Brian.
Mary D. Kelly
Mary Doyle) ANN KELLY
Mary Elizabeth Theresa Kelly Turgeon
Mary Esther Kelly
Mary Kelly
Mary Kelly - Margaret B Ann McCrank
Mary Kelly Admission
Mary Kelly Mr
Mary Kelly Mr Leo Kelly
Mary Leona KELLY
Mary Lucy Kelly
Mary O Brian
Mary Rev Brian Bradiey 647
Mat- Kelly
Mathew Kelly
Mathew Kelly June
Matt Kelly
Matthew Miss Carmel Kelly
Matthew Kelly
Matthiew Kelly
Maureen Gleason- Brian Corriveau
Maureen Kelly
Maurice and Kelly
Maurice and Kelly Beauregard
Maurice Kelly
May Kelly Hodgins
Mayor Kelly
McGee Mrs Mary Kelly
McUa- Kelly
Meagan Kelly
Meaner Kelly
Megan (Kelly
Megan Kelly
Meghan Kelly
Mel Thomas Joseph Kelly
Melanie Kelly
Melinda Kelly
Men’s Kelly
Merry Reardon Kelly Schumacher
Merv Kelly
Mervin Kelly
Messrs Eddie Kelly
Messrs Greg Kelly
Mew Kelly
Michael Fin- Brian Allen
Michael Kelly
Michael Kelly Senior
Michael Kelly Sr
Michel Kelly
Michel Saumure Ryburn Kelly
Mick Kelly
Mike Kelly
Mile Kelly
Milton Hahn Kelly’s Funeral Home Cutting Edge R.V.I.
Milton Hahn- 257.60 Edward Kelly-Harvey Smitn-Gil Fraser-
Minnie Kelly
Minor Hockey Brian
Miss Kelly
Mitchum Kelly Mr.
MlSS Kelly Tell* HoW Lydia
Mme Karen Kelly Maire
MmmM Kelly
Mn Gordon Popkey Brian
Mn Thoims Kelly
Mom Kelly
Mom Love: Brian.
Monsieur Brian Toole
Monsieur Léo Piché Monsieur Brian Stanton Monsieur Brian Took
Monsieur Léo Piché Monsieur Brian Stanton Monsieur Brian Toole 1
Moore Gene Kelly After
Morrison Kelly
Mr Kelly
Mr Kelly Bowie
Mr Kelly Whelan
Mr* Hubert Kelly
Mr. David S. Kelly
Mr. John A. Kelly
Mr. John James Kelly
Mr. Kelly
Mr. Kelly Leclalr
Mr. Lloyd Kelly
Mr. Ray Mr. Kelly
Mr. Russell Kelly
Mra Thomas Kelly
Mri Flonmond Mrs. Brian Macintosh
Mrs Brian Frederick Russett Russett - Molyneux
Mrs D F Kelly
Mrs G W Kelly. Miss Edith Kirkham
Mrs J B Kelly
Mrs Kelly Leclair
Mrs Ma Eleanor Kelly
Mrs T C. Kelly
Mrs, Kelly
Mrs, Lena Kelly
Mrs. A. Kelly
Mrs. Ann O’Brian
Mrs. B H Kelly.
Mrs. B. Kelly
Mrs. Belleville L Kelly
Mrs. Bernard Ryburn Kelly
Mrs. Bert Kelly
Mrs. Bill 647-3980 Kelly
Mrs. Brian Toole
Mrs. Clifford Kelly
Mrs. Dan- Kelly
Mrs. Della M. Kelly
Mrs. Eddie Findlay Cliff Kelly
Mrs. Eddie Kelly
Mrs. Edith Kelly
Mrs. Frank Kelly
Mrs. Greg Kelly
Mrs. H A Kelly
Mrs. H R Kelly
Mrs. Henry Kelly
Mrs. Henry Smi- 7th Line Bryson Bristol Vinton Yarn Kelly Whelan
Mrs. John A. Kelly
Mrs. John B Kelly
Mrs. John F. Kelly
Mrs. John Gerald Kelly
Mrs. John I. Kelly
Mrs. John J. Kelly
Mrs. John Kelly
Mrs. Kelly
Mrs. Kelly Bowie
Mrs. Kelly Hodgins
Mrs. Kelly Lcclair
Mrs. Kelly Lcclair Campbell
Mrs. Kelly Leclair
Mrs. Kelly Leclaire
Mrs. Kelly Stan-
Mrs. Kelly Whelan
Mrs. L n Kelly
Mrs. Lambert Kelly It
Mrs. Lane Kelly
Mrs. Lionel Dem Brian Edwards
Mrs. Lloyd Kelly
Mrs. Lowell Kelly
Mrs. Margaret Kelly
Mrs. Marion Kelly
Mrs. Norris Brian Holmes
Mrs. Owen P. Hearty Mr. Greg Kelly
Mrs. P O''Brian
Mrs. Ray Kelly
Mrs. Rybum Kelly
Mrs. Sid Kelly
Mrs. Susan X JOHN F. KELLY Auctioneer
Mrs. T C Kelly.
Mrs. T C. Kelly
Mrs. T Kelly
Mrs. Thomas C. Kelly
Mrs. Thomas Kelly
Mrs. Wesley Macintosh Brian
Mûrie Kelly
Muriel Kelly
Murphy Albert Armstrong Bill Kuehl Carson Wayne Elson Schock Dave Wilson Brian Murray Mike Dubé
Murphy Brian
Murray Graham Kelly
Murray Wins His Sixth Gam Brian Murray
Myles Kelly Hodgins Attendants Anne Stevens
Myra Kelly
Myrna Palmer Marjorie Homer Darwin Krose George Ruth Brian & Arlene Bretzlaff Johnny O’Malley
N.B. Kelly
Name Stéphane Villeneuve Mark Loyer Paul Collette Jr. Dave Rich Chris Olmstead Kelly Taylor Trent R
Nancy Kelly Patty McCormick Elvis Presley Debrs Paget Richard Egan
Nancy Kelly Patty McCormick THE
Nancy Wiggins Brian Rogers Royaume-Uni"
Natalie Kelly
Ned Kelly
Neil and Margaret John Kelly
Neil Kelly
Nellie Kelly
Neol Kelly
Nicholas Kelly
Noel Kelly
Noel Kelly 160.00
Noel Kelly Honda
Noel Kelly Honda-Jonsered Chain Saws Comer Hwy
Nollie Kelly
Nora Kelly
Nora Kelly Peruvian
Norma Kelly
Norman Wiggins Kelly Ryan
Norris Brian Holmes
Nov. 2,2003 Karen Kelly 0
O Brian
O. Kelly
Oamld Kelly
Odele Kelly
Odell Kelly
Ont Kelly
Orville Kelly
Owen Kelly
P I. Shawville Hardware Miss Jean Kelly
P J. Kelly
P Kelly
P. Kelly
P.t Kelly
Paddy Bourgesu Robert Kelly
Pamela KELLY—In
Pat Bell Brian Gibbons
Pat Kelly
Pat Kelly Hahn
Pat Kelly Our
Pat took Kelly
Patricia Kelly
Patricia Kelly Choir
Patricia Kelly.
Patrick Edward FRANK KELLY
Patrick John Kelly
Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly 648-5656 Griffin
Patrick Kelly Hodgins
Patrick Kelly Joseph Salmon Walter Rimer Village
Patrick Kelly...... Lyons Hardwick
Patrick Kelly....... Lyons Hardwick
Patrick Kelly’s
Patrick O Brian
Patrick O’Kelly
Patsy Kelly
Patty McCormack Nancy Kelly
Paul (Kelly
Paul and Kelly Coté
Paul Balhamc Brian h^ve
Paul Brian Hcwitson
Paul Bronson. Kelly Ryan
Paul Bronson. Kelly Tanner
Paul Collette Jr. Kelly Taylor Mark Loyer Marcel Berard John Peck Terry Burwell Kevin Meisner Chris
Paul Collette Jr. Kelly Taylor Mark Loyer Marcel Berard Kelly Taylor
Paul Collette Jr. Kelly Taylor Mark Loyer Marcel Berard Terry Burwell Stephen Meisner Chris Martin
Paul Collette Jr. Kelly Taylor Stéphane Villeneuve Mark Loyer Terry Burwell Trent Reynolds Marcel B
Paul Collette Jr. Mark Loyer Chris Olmstead Dave Rich Kelly Taylor Marcel Berard Trent Reynolds Joh
Paul Collette Jr. Mark Loyer Kelly Taylor John Peck Marcel Berard Terry Burwell Chris Olmstead Alai
Paul Collette Jr. Mark Loyer Kelly Taylor Marcel Berard John Peck Terry Burwell Chris Olmstead Alai
Paul Collette Jr. Mark Loyer Kelly Taylor Marcel Berard John Peck Terry Burwell Kevin Meisner Chris
Paul Collette Jr. Mark Loyer Kelly Taylor Marcel Berard Terry Burwell John Peck Alain Leveillee Chr
Paul Collette Jr. Mark Loyer Kelly Taylor Marcel Berard Terry Burwell John Peck Alain Leveillee Tre
Paul Collette Jr. Mark Loyer Kelly Taylor Marcel Berard Trent Reynolds Chris Olmstead John Peck Ala
Paul Collette Jr. Mark Loyer Kelly Taylor Stéphane Villeneuve Stephen Meisner Chris Martin Trent Re
Paul Collette Jr. Mark Loyer Stéphane Villeneuve Trent Reynolds Kelly Taylor Marcel Berard Chris Ol
Paul Collette Jr. Mark Loyer Trent Reynolds Kelly Taylor Marcel Berard Chris Olmstead John Peck Ala
Paul Collette Jr. Stéphane Villeneuve Mark Loyer Chris Olmstead Marcel Berard Kelly Taylor Trent Re
Paul Collette Jr. Stéphane Villeneuve Mark Loyer Kelly Taylor Marcel Berard
Paul Côté Kelly
Paul Havnes Marty Barry Pete Kelly Dave Kerr Roy Wortera
Paul Haynes Marty Barry Pete Kelly Dave Kerr Roy Wortere
Paul Hodgins Brian Zimmerling
Paul Kelly
Paul Kelly Mon.
Paul Kelly.
Paul Newman 647-3290 Kelly
Paul Nugent Tom Orr Cartage Construction Brian Smith Studio Jenn Utronki
Paul- Kelly
Paula Kelly
Pauline O Brian
PCH* M,ss Kleanor Kelly Mrs Helmut Erfle
Pearl Kelly
Pep) Kelly
Percy Kelly
Pete C. Kelly
Pete Kelly
Peter B. O Brian
Peter Edward Kelly
Peter Kelly
Peter O Brian
Peter O’Brian
Peterbo- Brian
Phil Jean-h> Gerald Kelly
Phil Kelly
Phil Kelly’s
Philip Kelly
Phillip Kelly
Phyllis Brian
Phyllis Brian Sparling
Phyllis Kelly Ç^4,4tacktes|4|;A
Pierre Asselin Brian Kelly Ken Griffin Campbell
Pierre de Brian
Pneus Kelly
Poisson Kelly
Pontiacs Kelly
Pontiacs Kelly Corrigan
Pound Keepers : Stephen Kelly
Presldert Greg Kelly
Pritchard Kelly
Prof. Albert J. Kelly
Qera|j Kelly
Qq^ Kelly
Quartermaster Rae Campbell Daryl Tubman Registered Brian Alexander Douglas Young Maurice
Que Kelly
R H Kelly
R- Kelly
R. Kelly
Rachel Kelly
Rachel Kelly Proposition
Randy Har- Brian McCredle
Randy Kelly
Randy Mrs Mary Kelly
Ray Brian
Ray Denton Jack Kelly I .
Ray Kelly
Ray) Kelly
Raymond Lalonde Stewart Kehoe Brian Alexander To
Rebecca Kelly
Rene Kelly
Renfrew Mrs. Lena Kelly
Repairs K & L Dairy B s Place Loeb Shawville Shawville Ford Kelly Trucking Valley Mutual
Restaurant Kelly
Returning Officer Karen Kelly
Rev H Kelly CoCelebrants
Rev V O Brian
Rev. A O. Kelly
Rev. Father David Kelly Arrangements
Rev. Kelly
Rev. S I. Kelly
Rev. Samuel Irwin Kelly
Rev. V. O Brien Muriel Brian
Richaid Kelly
Richard and Marie Kelly
Richard Brian Romkey
Richard Crawford Kelly
Richard I Kelly
Richard Kelly
Richard Kelly Jr.
Richard Kelly O.M.I.
Richard Kelly OMI
Richard Poirier Kelly Fund
Richard VWH Brian Tubman
Richard Wide Kelly Schumacher
Richard Wills Andrew Kelly
Rick At-Brian
Rick Kelly Schumacher
Rita St Brian Charles Scattergood
Rlchanl Kelly
Robert Brian
Robert Brian’s
Robert Charette Conseiller Siège 2 Karen Daly Kelly Conseiller
Robert Charette Councillor Seat 2 Karen Daly Kelly Councillor
Robert Cummings Grace Kelly
Robert Ernest Zacharias Kelly
Robert Forget Ann Addleman Loretta Bonet Maureen Kelly Philippe Messier Judy El-Hakim Michael Don I
Robert Kelly
Robert Kelly 1
Robert Kelly.
Robert Marion Kelly
Robert Ryan Gene Kelly Cyd Charlsee
Robert Taylor Julie London Color CinemaScope Mitzi Gayner Gene Kelly Lee Philips Lloyd Nolan Lane T
Robert Whelan Miss Darlene Kelly
Robinson Henry Kelly F.gan
Rod Kelly
Rodney Kelly
Rodney Kelly Campbell S
Rodney Kelly Congratulations
Rodnie Kelly
Rogers Kelly Ryan Saturday Morning Matinee
Roland Meilleur P. Grade 7:Colleen Kelly D
Romy Daigle Pointe-aux-Trembles Marie-Andrée Arsenault Bathurst Alexander Kelly Brampton Benoît
Ron Hodgins Brian Kelly Lome Orser Weldon
Ron Kelly
Ron Kelly 1
Ronald Kelly
Ronald Lucy Kelly
Ronnie Ann Kelly
Ronnie Kelly
Ronnie Kelly 2
Ronny Kelly
Rose Ann Kelly
Ross Dickson Frank Hobbs Brian Smith
Roxanne Kelly
Roxanne Kelly July 6
Roy Kelly
Rugg Kelly
Rural England Fred C. Kelly
Russell T. Kelly
Ruth Kelly
Ry-burn Kelly
Ryan Kelly
Rybum Kelly
Rybum Kelly Get
Rybum Kelly Haut
Ryburn Kelly
S. Kelly
S.’ Kelly
Sadie Kelly
Sanders Lorraine Harris Kelly
Sandra Kelly
Sandra Poisson Kelly Campbell’s Bay Jules Godin
Sandra Poisson Kelly Shutt
Sarah Crutcher Kelly
Sarah Jane Kelly
Sarah Lee Kelly
Sarah OViifred Kelly
Sat- Mrs Lucy Kelly
Sat-Kelly Hobbs
Saunders Farms Paul Nugent Brian Smith Mark Rapousek -
Scott Ann Kelly Also ITD
Scott Smith Brian Corriveau Bob Smith Daniel Desrochers March
Scott Sylvester Audrey Ac Chuck Spence John Ac Susie Kelly Edith
Sean Kelly
Sean O Brian
Sec Mrs Lucy Kelly
Second Albert Armstrong Douglas Young Brian Alexander To
Serge Kelly Jr
Services Selling Renting Employment JOHN F KELLY QÜTON
Shannon Kelly
Sharon Brian (Nancy Brunette
Sharon Kelly
Sharon Quaile Brian BretzUfT County
Shaun Kelly
Shawn Kelly
Shawn Kelly Prix
Shawville Kelly Whelan
ShawviUe’s Kelly Tanner
Sheila Kelly
Sheila Kelly Bishop O Brien
Sheila W. Kelly
Sheila Ward Kelly
Sheila Ward-Kelly
Shewville Kelly
Shir- Kelly
Shirley Efton Brian Kelly
Shirley Kelly
Sicard Kelly
Sidney Kelly
Sidney Kelly.
Sidney Patrick Kelly
Simon Clarke Brian Clarke
Sincerely Kelly Dowe
Skip Brian Harris
Skip Brian Harris.
Sloan Devlin Smith Kelly Hearty F Hampel 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Sloan Kelly Lance Chapeau
Sloan Mr Brian Corn
Sloan Mr Ryburn Kelly
Smith Kelly Brown
Smith Kelly MEN— HT—Normand Boire HS—Desmond Devlin LADIES— HT—Joan Francoeur HS—Bertha McGee
Snlioiit Kelly
Sons Kelly Trucking AVI
Sparrow David Brian Sparrow
Sphinx Kelly
Spot Russell T. Kelly
Stacey Acker Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Digital Darkroom Dave Moore Brian Gibb
Stacey Kelly
Stafford John A. Kelly
Stan Kelly
Stanley R H Kelly
Stanton Equity Editor Businessman Brian Stanton
Stephen and Kelly Stewart
Stephen Kelly
Stephen Kelly Thomas
Steve Brian Judd
Stewart A Brian Crabb-second
Stuart Kelly
Sue Kelly
Susan Kelly
Susan Thrun Brian Murphy
Susie Kelly
Suzanne Dubeau-Pilon 819-648-2928 Kelly Schumacher
Syivia Kelly
Sylvain Paul Coté Kelly Finlan
Sylvia Bakker Pontiac Panther’s Kelly Shumacher
Sylvia Kelly
Sylvie’s Decor Lucy Kelly
T. Kelly
Tabatha Meilleur Brian Wojick Mun
Tat Kelly
Tbos Kelly
Teresa Cummings Brian Drummond
Teresa Kelly
Terry Brian
Terry Corriveau Kelly
Terry Kelly
Terry O’Brian
The C O. Kelly
THE EQUITY Karen Kelly’s
THE EQUITY Matthew Kelly
The Kelly
Then Kelly
Theresa Hahn Don McCredie Kelly
Theresa Hahn Raeburn Orr Kelly
Theresa Kelly
Theresa Kelly 2
Theresa Kelly About
Theresa Kelly Blaskie
Theresa Kelly Tuesday
Therest Kelly
This Kelly
Thomas C Kelly
Thomas C. Kelly
Thomas Henry Kelly
Thomas Kelly
Thomas Kelly .... Elliott Hodgins
Thomas Kelly Sept.
Thomas O Brian
Thomas O Brian Esq
Thomas O’ Brian B*q.
Thompson Brian
Thompson Kelly Robinson
Thomson 3836 Brian Jonas
Thos Kelly
Tiger Kelly
Tim Barber; Best Hereford Steer Top Aggregate Clarendon Kelly McConnell
Tim Ferrigan Dana Morin Pierre Asselin Brian Kelly Ken Griffin
Tim Ferrigan Dana Morin Pierre Asselin Brian Kelly Ken Griffin Campbell’s
Tim Kelly
Timothy Kelly.
Timothy Kelly................ Villago
To Kelly
Toiu Kelly
Tom K * Member Award Kelly McConnell
Tom Kelly
Tom Kelly 1
Tom Kelly Congratulations
Tommy Kelly
Tommy Kelly 3
Tommy Kelly’s
Tommy O Brian
Travis Kelly
Treasurer Kelly Fin-
Trent Reynolds John Peck Jim Barry Dave Rich Brian Moore Dan Remigio Kevin
Trevor Kelly
Troy Kelly
Tyler Kelly
UiNttv Kelly Eoaf
Uric Kelly
V P J. Hall Kelly Being Named
Val Brian
Val Henderson Nora Findlay - Henderson’s Store Kelly Wilkinson Frisby Tire - Jim McConnell Giant Ti
Vera Miles Brian Keith Walter Brennan
Vera Moira Kelly
Verna Kelly
Vice-President HknryNbwbllIUtb HoN.QBom.K ÜRTiOW IIbnky Kelly Kuks Farm For Sale
Vicki Kelly Hahn
Victoria Diane Karen Kelly Kelly/Henderson
Vigor Y JOHN F. KELLY AucnoNErr
Vincent Kelly
Vincent Price Kelly Mlarie Blanchard Sloan
Viola Kelly
W E Kelly
W J Black Cecil Howard John Kelly Est C
W u» Kelly
W, Kelly
W. Kelly
Walk* A Brian
Walker A Brian Cobourg
Wallace Barber and Brian Kilgour
Waller A Brian
Walter A. Kelly
Walter Kelly
Walter Kelly Mr.
Walter Kelly Walter Olmstead
Watt Tay-Garry Kelly
Wayne Brian Wallace
Wayne Male- Brian Crook
Wei Kelly
Wendy Evangelist Church for Jo Anne Brian and Campbell
Whale Oil* Look Here Wm Kelly
Wil-etta Kelly
Wiletta Kelly
Wilfred Kelly
Will-etta Kelly
Willetto Kelly
William and Melinda Kelly Sturgeon
William Barber and Brian Lloyd Kilgour
William C. Bert Kelly
William Gerald Kelly.
William H. Kelly
William Kelly
Willie Kelly
Willie Kelly 206
Wilson Kelly
Win Kelly
Wl Kelly
Wllletta Kelly
Wm Kelly
Worship Kelly
Wxn Kelly
Young Ann Wigeheren Frances Young Brian trudeau Joan Wilson
Young Kelly
Zimmer-Brian Russett
°.0UD Kelly
Brian Cor-rive
Brian Hill
Brian Road
Chad Kelly
Florence Kelly
Fort Brian
Fort Kelly
Hope Brian
KELLY Auctioneer l Que.
Kelly Field
Kelly Lake
Kelly Lake Road
Kelly Shea
Kelly’s Creek
Lake Kelly
Lowell Kelly
N Kelly
O''Kelly Park
O-Kelly Park
Ontario Brian
O’Kelly Park
Pearl Kelly
2nd Star Knots 1st Star Knots Proficiency Badges HI Brian
7th Line Bryson Bristol Vinton Yarn Kelly Whelan
American Beauty Vincent Kelly
Anglican PARISH OF CLARENDON Rev. Brian Allan
ARAB Cleg Kelly
Arm Wrestling Brian Moyer
Auto Service Brian Souliere Backhoe Rentals C.B.L. Plrie Ottawa Valley Office Supplies Pontiac Weld
Aylmer Rockets Kelly
B. Pictures JOHN F. KELLY
Bay Golf Clllb Kelly Hodgins
BAY Marchildrons Grocery James Poirier Store Poupore & McDonalw Chapeau Supply Christie Kelly Label
Bell Brian Gibbons
Best Hereford Steer Top Aggregate Clarendon Kelly McConnell;
Block Saturday Morning Matinee VALLEY OF HRE*Ée|* Grace Kelly REAR WINDOW
Body Shop Susie Gilpin John Kelly C.B.L. Pirie Gas Bar Quyon
Brian BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. William
Brian Best
Brian Bible Study Thursday Wmth Group Friday
Brian Com
Brian Drummond Royce Richardson
Brian Good
Brian Hockey League
Brian Holt
Brian Horse
Brian Maple Acres Marquis
Brian Sloan
Brian Stanton Co
Brian Stanton Co Ltd; Auberge de
Brian Thomson | Mr. Ebert Horner
Brian* Gas Water Heaters PONTIAC HOUSE
Bristol Auto Body Giant Tiger Kelly
Bristol Harnessmaker Brian Tubman
Bristol Kelly
Bristol Memorial Father Brian Allan
Bristol Mines; Brian Allen
Bristol s Kelly Schumacher
Bristol ul Snlioiit Kelly
Bristol; Mrs. John Kelly
Bryson Brian Judd
Bryson Member- Brian Stanton
BRYSON THEATRE Messrs Gerald Kelly
Canadian Tire Brian Stanton Shawville
Cancer Sicard Kelly
Carson Brian
Carson Wayne Elson Schock Dave Wilson Brian Murray Mike
Cartage Construction Brian Smith Studio Jenn Utronki
Cathy Watson Joan Sc Dale Stephens Brian & Barb Hams & Lois Smith Light
CBOT Producer Brian Frappier
Chris Kelly’s Store
Christa Kelly
Chrysler Milton & Theresa Hahn Raeburn Orr Kelly
Citizen Award—Brian Kilgour Norval Horner Trophy
Club Shield Brian Toole
CML Concentra Financial GTE Solutions Dan & John Kelly Dwayne McNulty Education Credit Union F.H. A
Comer Store Brian Stanton Co. Ltd.
COMPACT BUDGET PRICED Grade Vie John Dean; Harley Richardson; Jack Lang; David Mc-Brian Brownlee
Contact BRIAN
Contact Mrs. Mary Kelly
CONTRACTOR¦ Brother Brian
Corporation of Litch-Brian Hewitson
Dairy Kings del Dave Kelly
Dairy Showmanship Brian Drummond
Dairy Shownwv Brian Drum-this Club
Dairy Zimmertmg Chicken Palace Kelly
Dillon and Mario Kelly
Dillon Kelly
Dillon Kelly Apnl
Dillon Kelly April
Dillon Kelly of Vinton
Dillon Kelly on
Dillon Kelly.
DIO Kelly Tanner
Division Brian
Dolores Bertrand Brian
Donaldson replaces Brian
Echo Valley Miss Darlene Kelly
ELECTRIC HEAT Brian & Barb Harris
ELECTRIC HEAT Brian & Barb Harris 647-3256 Technics SC-A840 Home Purchase
Equity Brian Henderson
Equity Sports Bristol s Kelly Schumacher
FAR FRONTIER—Roy Rogers Kelly Ryan Saturday Morning Matinee RODEO KING AND THE SENORITA—Rex Allen T
Farm Forum Kelly Whealan
Fashion Shop KRAKATOA EAST OF JAVA Chiropractor Adventure — Drama Maximilien Schell Brian Keith Sal
Father Brian Allan
Father Brian Allan BAPTIST Phone
Father Brian Allan of St Paul’s Anglican Church
Fgthar Brian Allan St Dominic’s
FINANCING AVAILABLE OAC Triennal Roll Public Notice Brian Corbin Auctions
Forest Inn - Bryson Lea Entreprises Brian Stanton Ltd#
Fr Brian Allan
Frank Kelly
Freda Kelly Hospital
Front Row Tommy Kelly
Frozen Products J & J Grocery Brian
Ft Brian Allan Holy Trinity Radford
Funeral Home W.A. Hodglns Store J& P Furniture Kelly
GAVANTS HOTEL Compliments of Kelly’s Funeral Home QUYON
General Kelly-Kouny
General Motorf Vo/v» JOHN F. KELLY Auctioneer
Geoffrey Kelly
Gracie Kelly
Grads Brian Arbic
Grocery K&L Dairy Kelly
Heavy Horse Show Results Lawrence Kelly
Henderson’s Store Kelly s Trucking Shawville Ford Valley Mutual Insurance Bill
Henderson’s Store Kelly Wilkinson Frisby Tire
HHV Brian Russett
Hodglns Shopping Plaza Shawville Brian
Home Mary Kelly
Honda Brian Bruce
Hospital Auxiliary Mrs Miry Kelly
Hospital Teri Kelly
Hotel Brian Corriveau Pontiac Transit Mix
II Vincent Price Kelly Mlarie Blanchard Sloan
Institute John & Dan Kelly Agn West Dépan Express Shady Lane Swiss B & J Farm Service Shamrock Catt
J & J Grocery Brian
J & J’s Gas Bar Kelly’s Greenhouse Mary-Sheila & John Draper M & R Feeds Mountainview
J. Grocery Shawville Auto Service Curves Kojack’s Kelly’s Greenthumb Shawville Chrysler
JOHN F KELLY Auctioneer
K & L Dairies Murray Sport WePC Computers Kelly’s Greenthumb Shawville Home Hardware Richard’s Lodg
K & S Kelly Tire Service
k4 Morris Sauriol Devlin Sloan Kelly Lance Chapeau fowling League
Kelly Personal
Kelly * Store
KELLY Auctioneer
KELLY Auctioneer Telephone
KELLY Auctioneer Farm Machinery McCormick-Deering Tractors B.T. Barn Equipment Stalls
KELLY Auctioneer Quyon Licensed
KELLY Auctioneer QUYON QUEBEC Licensed
KELLY Auctioneer Alexander—Armstrong Wesley United Church
KELLY Auctioneer BR Y SOIS THEATRE Defendant
KELLY Auctioneer BRISTOL FARMERS’ CLUB Livestock Shipping QUEBEC QUYON Licensed
KELLY Auctioneer Bristol School Commissioners
KELLY Auctioneer Cavalier
KELLY Auctioneer DOUGLAS MOORE FURS Manufacturing
KELLY Auctioneer Free Delivery
KELLY Auctioneer HARRY WOOD Chartered Accountant
KELLY Auctioneer Harry Wood Chartered Accountant Refreshment*
KELLY Auctioneer Institutes Donate To Pontiac Community Hospital Quyon Que
KELLY Auctioneer K. W. PIRIE & SON
KELLY Auctioneer Medium
KELLY Auctioneer Mrs. Albert Skeldon
KELLY Auctioneer Musical Program
KELLY Auctioneer Phone
KELLY Auctioneer Pink Trim Que
KELLY Auctioneer Ql
KELLY Auctioneer Que
KELLY Auctioneer QUEBEC QUYON Licensed
KELLY Auctioneer QUY ON Licensed
KELLY Auctioneer Quyon Licensed
KELLY Auctioneer Quyon Que
KELLY Auctioneer QUYON QUEBEC Licensed
KELLY Auctioneer REDPATH SUGAR Quyon Que
KELLY Auctioneer Second
KELLY Auctioneer Shawville COTIE BROS.
KELLY Auctioneer Shawville QUEBEC QUYON Licensed
KELLY Auctioneer Sport Shoes
KELLY Auctioneer Steelco Fencing Quyon Licensed
KELLY Auctioneer STORE HOURS Mondays
KELLY Auctioneer Telephone
KELLY Auctioneer Vesper Hour1 SUMMER SHOES Crepe
KELLY Auctioneer Wax
KELLY Auctioneer X QUEBEC QUYON Licensed
Kelly Bros
Kelly Bros Funeral Home
Kelly Bros. Garage 1
Kelly Department of Energy
Kelly Equity
KELLY Equity Photo
Kelly Est C .1 Caldwell McCredie VU Sa
Kelly Foundation
Kelly Foundation Next
Kelly Horse Family
Kelly House
Kelly Junior Family
Kelly Legion Members
KELLY QUEBEC Dorothy Dandridge MILNE
KELLY QUEBEC General Insurance Engineering Services
KELLY QUYON Front QUEBEC Manufacturer s Credit Pkm Available UNDSAY SCHAEFE Authorised Barrett
KELLY ROTON X Le Sherlf de Pontiac
KELLY Teachers Wanted Crawford—
Kelly Trust Fund
Kelly’s Corners
Kelly’s Hotel
Kelly’s School S.S. No. 3.
Kelly’s Store
LEAD Brian Stanton
Les Enterprises Brian Stanton Ltée BAR PERCY
Liberal School Board of Western Brian Murphy
Limited Service Garage Bert Kelly
Lion tamer Brian Thomson
Lions Aylmer Manners Hull Citoyens McLaren Systems Hair Gallery CIAQ - CIQ Dan & John Kelly Truckin
Ltd Kelly
Luke Carson and Kris Kelly
Maple Farm Don McCredie Dan & John Kelly Clarence & Carol Tollman CBL Pirie Henderson’s Grocery Val
Master Brian Bretzlaff
Master Brian Campbell
Master Brian Currie-Mills
Master Brian Hearty
Master Brian Hodgins
Master Brian Kelly
Master Brian Lester
Master Brian Macintosh
Master Brian McCoshen
Master Brian Mousseau
Master Brian Russett Jr
Master Brian Sparling
Master Brian Thompson
Master Brian Worth
Master Brian.
Master Jeffrey Kelly
Master Noel Kelly
Masters Brian
McDonald Kelly
Members Equity Editor Brian
Minor Hockey Brian
MM Noël Kelly
Motion Brian Drummond
MR Pat Kelly
MRC des Col-Kelly-
Mrs. Kelly
Mrs. Kelly’s
Mrs. Lambert Kelly
Mrs. Mary Kelly
National Brian & Andrea Presley Licensed
New Pictures William Holden Brian Donlevy Talking Hay Milland Wayne Morris VICTORY BONDS
NHL Coaches Brian Lion s Community
OAC Kelly’s Garden Centre
Old Kelly House
Old Mr, Kelly
OMH (Office Municipal Kelly
Our Lady of Perpetual Brian Mulrooney
Outaouais Valleys Fine Kelly
Outdoor Education Consultant Brian Swan
Outstanding School Kelly Whelan
Pembroke General Hospital Brian
Peoples Service Diane Ora Master Brian BreUiafT
Players Chris Maclntrye Tim Carmichael Malcolm McGillvray Stéphane Sgarbossa Chris Pleau Kelly Hodg
Pontiac Branch Canadian Red Cross JOHN F. KELLY QUEBEC Saturday
Pontiac Brian
Pontiac Club Greg Kelly
Pontiac Com-Brian Mulroney
Pontiac Commun-kelly
Pontiac Division Kelly
Pontiac Fish & Game Protective Association Silver Maple Hotel Mrs Gail Kelly
Pontiac Grads Brian
Pontiac Home Rian Kelly
Pontiac Jr. “B” Hockey Club Fund Raiser Pontiac House Hotel BRIAN KILREA TOM FRASER BRYAN MURRAY 11
Pontiac Kelly Marples
Pontiac Mayors Brian
Pontiac Monuments Lloyd & Marj Hodgins Brian Young Next
Pontiac No. 555-32-082-889 Quebec Court Dianah Kelly
Pontiac Protestant Kelly
Rebels Mac Bénibé St Changes Frank Kelly Lauren Hall Joe Teevens
Rebels Mac Bérubé A Changes Frank Kelly Lauren Hall Joe Teams
Recreation Association HAVE FLOOR SAMPLES AT VERY Glengarry Highland Games BRIAN LANDRY LOW Food
Renaissance Noel Kelly
Renfrew Victoria Hospital K H Kelly
Rev Brian Allan
Rev Brian Allan Human Relations and Life Skills Understand
Reverends Barney Wood and Brian Allan, School Board
Ringrose Bros and Kelly Funeral
Ringrose Brothers Funeral Brian Jr.
Ringrose Brothers Funeral Congratulations Kelly
School -Communion Evening Service VICTOR JOHN F. KELLY QUEBEC
School Mrs. John Kelly
See Brian
Service Business Personals JOHN F. KELLY OUYON MILNE.
SERVICE Call Brian Corbin
SHAWVILLE Mr. Brian Armitage
Shawville Arena Brian Toole
Shawville Auto Service J & J s Stedmans V&S K & L Dairy Tru-Line Collision Kelly
Shawville C0 & District Recreation Association III Brian Ladysmith
Shawville Fair Brian McNa
Shawvllle Standard Church Phone 647-2535 Brian Sloan
SIERRA BARON Brian Keith Mala Powers Color
Society Pontiac Kelly
Spurs & Brian Adam M.(T Ï
St Paul s United Church Brian Hahn
Stanton Equity Editor Businessman Brian Stanton
Team Devlins Sloans Sauriols Morris Kelly
Town Council Brian Stanton McCredie
Transport Inc Dr Dsng Brian Stanton Chugg Electric Merssene Mousseau Brenda Smith s Restaurant Fort
True Life Gene Kelly
United Church Kelly Shea
Valu- Brian McCoshen Jimmy Brown
VILLA Brian Keith Margia Dean Mexican Action
Visa Brian