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Russell G. M. Murphy

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*18.00 Russell
,1. Murphy
,7 Russell
--- David Russell
--- In- Advertisements Classified Russell Mee
--- Murphy
--- Russell
0. Murphy
0. Russell
0XA11 Russell
1,118 Russell HouseBloek Ottawa
1----------------------------------- P I. Murphy JULES
1.—Georgina Murphy
108.50 Russell s Serv.
1425 Russell
1740 Russell Rd.
1899 Murphy
1936........ Russell Young
1976 Russell
1st Russell Elliott
1UMSII Murphy
1x Murphy
1—Lilly Murphy
2.95 Russell
2.—Charles Russell
3 - Russell Hunt
3, Russell
3. Russell
33.1 Morrow Murphy
39.00 G Russell
4 Russell
6,11 Russell
60.00 Lewis Russell Elliott
647-2877 Russell
647-6511 Russell
65.00 Russell
7-2580 Murphy
7-2582 Murphy
7-3717 Murphy
7-3826 Russell
8 Murphy
8,1908 Murphy
9-ounce Russell
9—Dalton Russell
<2,42 ®2 Russell
A Murphy
A Murphy
A Russell
A. G Murphy
A. McFarlane and William Russell
A. Murphy
A. Q. Murphy
A. Russell
A. Russell Director General
A. Russell Mrs
A. Russell Petiac Community Hospital Shawville
A. Russell Potiac Community Hospital Shawville
A. Russell REP.
A. Russell Sec-Treas Box
A. Russell Sec-Treas Central Board
A. Russell Sec-Trees
A. Russell- Secretary
A.G. Murphy
A1 Russell
AArs Que P.J. Murphy
ac-1 Russell
Accompanying Russell
Adam Russell
Addison Hayes Murphy Addison Hayes Murphy
Admiral Russell R. Waesche
Advance Russell Judd Report
Agent Russell
Agnes Murphy
Agnes Russell
Agriculture Mrs J Russell
Ail’sen Russell
AJIred Murphy
Akc Russell
Al Russell
Al Russell Heart Institute Golf Tourna
Alan Russell
Alan Russell CHAPEAU Longest
Albert * Murphy
Albert Armstrong Edgar Schwartz Sylvia Hodgins Chris Judd Ëason Russell Donald Stevens Boyd Barber
Albert Russell
Albert’ Murphy
Alec Russell
Alee Russell
Alex Mur- Murphy
Alex Premier Exhibitor Ban- Russell
Alex Russell
Alex Russell’s
Alex Ruth Murphy
Alex- Joreph Russell
Alexander Greg Hayes Paul Lang Ed Rusenstrom Mike Rusenstrom Steve Rusenstrom Jeff Russell Matt Sal
Alexander Russell
Alexander William Murphy
Alf Murphy
Alf Russell
Alfic Russell
Alfie Russell
Alfred & Russell
Alfred Gordon Russell
Alfred Gordon Russell Obituary Alfred Gordon Russell Jancy
Alfred Jay $4.80 Ebert Murphy
Alfred Murphy
Alfred Murphy Well-known Pleasing
Alfred Murphy Wm
Alfred Russell
Alfred Russell 66648XN12
Alfred Russell Bristol
Alfred Russell Citizenship
Alfred Russell George Alfred Russell
Alfred Russell Montreal
Alfred Russell Mrs. Tolbert McCorriston
Alfred Russell Wallace
Alice Murphy
Alice Russell
Alice Russell’s
Allan Murphy
Allan Russell
Allan Russell Ccbb
Allan Russell Cobb
Allan Russell Golf Tournament
Allen Merdith Geo Murphy V.V.R.
Allen Russell
Allison Russell
Allred Murphy
Allred Russell
Alma Hobbs J 9 Russell Taber
Almonte Russell Young
Although Russell
Amanda Murphy
Ambra-sina Murphy
Amelia Russell
Amftxrosina Murphy
And Russell
Andie Murphy
Andie Murphy Marshall Thompson Technicolor
Andie Murphy Ray Milland Jan Sterling DESTRY Technicolor RHUBARB Saturday Mom
Andrew K Russell
Andrew K. Russell
Andrew Murphy
Andrew Russell
Andrew Russell and Hugh G. Kossett
Andrew Russell and Margaret Stewart
Andrew Russell Campbell
Andrew Russell Celebrate Sixty-fourth Wedding
Andrew Russell Dean
Andrew Russell Dean Passes
Andrew Russell MRS.
Andrew Russell Robertson
Andrew Russell Sr
Andrew Russell Sr.
Andrew Russell W
Andrew Russell—un
Andrew Tubman Russell
Andrew Worrerv-Mike Murphy
Andrew" Russell
Andy Russell
Andy Russell Stories
Andy Russell.......... T*
Andy Russell................... Stories
Andy Russell..................... Stories
Andy Russell’s
Angela Sally Graham Dowe Ed Rusenstrom Ronnie Dowe Chris Last Ryan Woermke Adam Sally Jett Russell
Angie Langford (Betty Russell
Angle Murphy
Ann Kingdon By Mrs. Ebert Murphy
Ann Murphy
Ann Murphy HHHHHÎSHiiiillHiHHiHI Church
Ann Russell
Ann Sheridan Clark Gable Jane Russell Steve Cochran
Anna Murphy
Anne Murphy
Annie Murphy
Annie Russell
Anniversary Mrs Russell PILON GARAGE INC.
Anson G Murphy
Anson Murphy
Anyone Russell
Ap-also Russell
Apartment Russell
Apply Mrs. Russell Elliott
Apply Mrs. Russell Ta
Apply R G Russell
Apply Russell
Apply Russell Elliott
Apply Russell Elliott Ph
Apply Russell Judd 647-2139
Apply Russell Lulas
Apply Russell Mee
Apply Russell Wilson Shawville
Argue L Russell M Durm S
Arith—Lizzie Murphy
Armand Russell
Arminta Dennis Murphy
Armstrong Russell Shawville Mary Morin
Arnold McLeod Billy Russell
Arnold Murphy
Arnold Russell
Art Murphy
Arthur Dean John Russell
Arthur Milton Russell
Arthur Mul- Murphy
Arthur Murphy
Arthur Russell
Artist Badge Stuart Kehoe Charles Russell
Artist Betty Russell
Artist Gardners Jim Carmichael Willard Smith Willard Smith George Russell I
As Russell
Asa Jeanne Belle Murphy
Asian Murphy
Assessors Russell EllioH
Astaire Leslie Caron Mary Murphy Technicolor Ray Millaud
At Russell
Atkin-1 Russell
AUan Murphy
Auction Sale Russell Gsuley
Audie Murphy
Audie Murphy Faith Domergue
Audie Murphy Joan O Brien
Audie Murphy Lori Nelson
Audie Murphy Susan Cabot
Audie Murphy Susan Cabot Technicolor
Audio Murphy
Austin Murphy
Austro-Hungarian James G Russell
Ave Russell
Aylmer Tigres Russell
B J Russell
B J. Murphy
B Murphy
B Murphy Campbell
B Russell
B&E Russell Equipment
B. Murphy
B. Russell
Backhoe Murphy
Ball Murphy
Banil Murphy
Barb Russell Elliott Farm Equipment Ltd. John A. Burnett Farm Equipment Walter Reiche
Barbara (Murphy
Barbara A:>n Russell
Barbara Ann Murphy
Barbara Ann Russell
Barbara Anne Russell
Barbara I Russell
Barbara Murphy
Barbara Russell
Barbara Russell 1st
Barbara Russell Telephone Co.
Barbara Russell Winchester
Barbara Russell’s
Barber and Barb Russell
Barber and J Murphy
Barber Russell
Barber • Eason Russell
Barber) Russell
Bargains Russell
Baril Murphy
Baron Russell
Barrie Russell David Tripp
Barrv Russell
Barry Edwin Murphy
Barry Russell
Basi1 Murphy
Basil Murphy
Basil Murphy Standard Church Shawville Rev.
Basil Murphy USEE
Basill Murphy
Bason Russell
Bay Bookkeeping J. Russell Rev. Hatch Shawville
Bay Mrs. Roland Russell Corporal
Beatrice Murphy
Beatrice Russell
Beattie Russell
Beaudoin Murphy
Beck Russell
Becky Russell
Beit Murphy
Bella Murphy
Belle Murphy
Belsher Bill Russell Marc Bizier Brian Cole To
Belsher Russell
Ben Macdonald Brian Murphy
Beni# Murphy
Benjamin Russell
Ber-Murphy Funeral Home
Bernadette Russell Elliott
Bernard Murphy
Bernard Pilot Russell
Bernardine Murphy
Bernice Russell
Bernice Russell Honoured Miss Bernice Russell
Bert Murphy
Bert Murphy Jim Hodglns
Bert Murphy John Armstrong
Bert Murphy Ottawa
Bert Murphy Photo Dawn
Bert Murphy Pontiac Jr. B
Bert Murphy President Jr B
Bert Murphy Shawville Plaza
Bertha Russell
Bertnnd Russell
Bertrand Russell
Bessie Russell
Beta Russell
Bethel Pentecostal Evelyn Murphy
Betty Monica Russell
Betty Murphy
Betty Russell 1
Betty Russell 2
Betty Russell Beauty Salon
Betty Russell Brownline Farms Burnetts Catherine Nyveld Crafts Cecil Elliott Equipment Country
Betty Russell Carriage Cover
Betty Russell Dates
Betty Russell H.I. Hobbs 4
Betty Russell’s
Betty Trudeau Russell
Betty Vem- Russell
Bevan Murphy Grace
Beverley Murphy
Beverly Murphy
BHan Russell
Biddy Murphy
Bienda Murphy
BiH Russell
Bill Ma- Russell Corrigan
Bill Murphy
Bill Reilly By Mrs. E. Murphy Mrs.
Bill Russell
Bill Timm U> Mrs. Ebert Murphy
Billy and Brenda Russell
Billy Murphy
Billy Russell
Billy Russell 638R32
Billy Russell and Grant Russell
Billy Russell.
Billy Ruth Russell
Bisil Murphy
Bi^ruhd Russell
Blair Murphy NOTICE
Blti| Murphy
Bnan Murphy
Bob Hoe Jane Russell
Bob Murphy
Bob Russell
Bob Russell Bonds
Bob Russell IDe
Bob Russell Mr.
Bob Russell Pearl Garety
Bob Russell USHERS
Bob Russell" Keith Ha
Bob Russell’s
Bobbi Russell
Bobbi Russell Jr.
Bobbie Russell
Bobby MSB Russell
Boh Russell
Bonnie Kuehl Murphy Question
Bonnie Kuehl- Lim Murphy
Bonnie Murphy
Bonnie Murphy Trudy That
Boodlcr Murphy Mulcted
Bract Russell
Bradley Russell
Brain Murphy.
Brenda (Murphy
Brenda Murphy
Brenda Murphy -
Brenda MURPHY nee(Richardson
Brenda Murphy Ontario
Brenda Murphy Ringrose Bros.
Brenda Murphy Russell
Brenda Racine Nancy Dagenais Crystal Dubeau Réjean Busssière Luke Murphy Li
Brenda Russell
Brenda Russell.
Brent Murphy
Brian Murphy
Brian Murphy 819-647-2590 Q> Don McCredie
Brian Murphy Murphy
Brian Murphy Publicity Director
Brian MurPhy-
Brian Russell
Brian Russell 4
Brian Russell 429
Brian Russell Jr,
Brian Russell Lance
Brian Russell McGee
Brian Russell s Russell
Brian Russell We
Brian RUssell Woods
Brian Russell.
Brian Sr Russell
Brief Russell
Bristol—Dalton Russell
Bro Lee Murphy
Brome Russell Currle-Mills
Brood Mare Russell Turner
Brother Russell April
Brownlee Barber and Mrs. Fred Russell
Brownlee Russell Bennett
Bruce Anderson Billy McKinley George Russell
Bruce Anderson Bruce Anderson George Russell I Ross Dickson
Brwco Russell Judd
Brwi Murphy
Bryan Murphy
BST.S Russell
BT~^M Russell
Bub Russell
Bud By Mrs. Ebert Murphy
Bud Carson Russell
Buggies Murphy
Bum- Russell St Sons
Bums Russell
Burn* Russell
Burns Russell
Burt Murphy
By John Russell Heard ITiis
By Mrs. Ebert Murphy
By Mrs. Fbert Murphy
C M Russell
C Murphy
C R.% Dennis Murphy
C rs Murphy
C Russell
C Russell McCord
C Russell.
C. Murphy
C. Russell
C. Russell Directors Mrs. Sly
C. Russell St Sons
Caldwell Murphy
Caldwell Russell
Call Mrs. Russell Elliott
Call Russell Denis 648-2027.
Calvin Russell
Candace Russell
Candi Russell
Capt J L Murphy
Captain Murphy
Captains Luke Murphy
Car Russell Happy
Caretaking Thomas Murphy
Carl Russell
Carmen Russell T Elliott
Carol Russell
Carry Russell
çarS0n Russell
Carson Russell
Carson Russell B>’
Carson Russell Bristol Volunteer Qn October
Carson Russell By ELIZABETH Elizabeth Hahn
Carson Russell Michael Elizabeth
Carson Russell Mike
Carson Russell Russell
Carving Russell Currie-Mills
Cary Russell
Casey Russell
Catherine Murphy
Catherine Murphy]m
Catherine Russell
Catherine Russell Honours
Catherine Russell.
Cathie Russell
Cathy Murphy
Cathy Russell
Cayt Russell
Cecil Murphy
Cecil Russell
Celinie Russell
Cell 647-2656 Russell Elliott Residence
Cental Dent Russell Reese BlncL
Central Depot Russell Bonse Block
Central Depot Russell Home Block Admiral Dupont
Cfn Russell Judd
Ch Russell
Chai Russell
Chair- Russell To Replace Equity
Chairman Russell
Chan-Jack Russell
Charier Russell
Charles Lynch Bridge Murphy
Charles M Russell
Charles Murphy
Charles Richard Murphy
Charles Rolland Russell
Charles Russell
Charles Russell ...... Claude Elliott ....... Jones Radio Service
Charles Russell Bristol
Charles Russell Directors
Charles Russell H. I. Smith
Charles Russell Hugh Horner Berlin El-tiac County
Charles Russell I
Charles Russell Judd
Charles Russell Mr James Carmichael
Charles Russell Mrs Claude Young Mrs Gilbert CArmjchael M-s Earl Findlay
Charles Russell presi-1 Committee
Charles Russell President
Charles Russell President I X Personals Cont
Charles Russell Rotarians
Charles Russell Special
Charles Russell Taber
Charles Russell Telephone President
Charles Russell Village
Charles Russell Walter Easey
Charles Russell) Bristol
Charles Russell—Carrie I.
Charles S. Murphy
Charles STARRETT Russell
Charles T Russell
Charles Taylor John Murphy
Charles W. Murphy
Charles* Russell
Charley Russell
Charlie Murphy
Charlie Russell
Charlie Russell bull-1959
Charlie Russell Canal
Charlie Russell Part 4
Charlie Russell School
Charlotte Russell
Chartered Accoun- Eason Russell
Chartes Russell
Chas Murphy Dead Senator Charles Murphy
Chas Russell
Chris Mac-Murphy
Chris Russell
Chris Russell - Vice-Presi
Chris Russell Pre^tnn Hod
Chris Russell Shawville Fair
Christine Murphy
Christmas Russell
Christopher Murphy
Chthy Russell
Church Russell
Ciarry Russell
Cindy Russell
Cittert L Russell
Cj Russell Elliott
Cjison Russell
Clara Russell
Clara Russell They
Clarence A Jeen Russell
Clarence Murphy
Clarence Murphy V Jones
Clarence Russell
Clarendon W I. Mrs Margaret Russell
Clark Russell
Clarke Russell Although
Clayton Murphy
Cliff Mrs. Russell Dean
Cliff Russell
Clifford Hen-George Murphy
Clifford Russell-Hayes-Dods Jones
Clr Russell
Cn Murphy
Co. Russell
Coach Driver John Russell
Coach Jeff Russell’s Pontiac Lions Midget
Coach Tech Murphy
Colombe Murphy
Comm J Russell
Comm Russell
Comments Helen Murphy
Commissioner Murphy
Con Murphy
Connie Russell
Consequently Com J A Russell
Consequently Commissioner J. A. Russell
Constable Murphy
Constable Russell Berndt
Constance Russell
Contact Mrs. Betty Russell
Contractor Legionnaire Russell Judd
Contractor Russell
Contractor Russell Judd
Corey Murphy
Cornwall Russell
Corporal James McDer- Mr. Russell
Corporal Murphy
Corporal Russell Davies Russell Davies
Correspondent Russell
Cory Murphy
Cough Jin 108.00 G Murphy 108.00 K Kingsbury 108.00 W Lebrun
Coughlin Jr G. Murphy
Council Russell
Councillor Eason Russell
Councillor Russell
Councillor Russell Taber
Councillors Russell
Councillors Russell Sylvia Hodgins
Cpl Russell
Cpl Russell’s
Cr Murphy
Cr Russell Judd
Crs B Murphy
Crs Desabrals Murphy
Crs J J Miss Catherine Murphy
Crs Murdock Russell
Crs Murphy
Crs Murphy Motion
Crss Murphy
Ct> Russell
Cts Murphy
Currie-Mills Family - Russell
Cushman Murphy
Cy Murphy
C’fn Russell Judd C’fn
D Russell
D*/ A Russell
D*lt>n Russell
D. Murphy
D. Russell
Dagg Mosle Murphy
Daisy Russell
DaJton Russell
DaKon Russell
Dale........... Mat Sinclair........ D. Russell
Dally Russell
Dalton Russell
Dalton Russell 3. Clerk
Dalton Russell First Aid
Dalton Russell Mr.
Dalton Russell-
Dan Murphy Hotel
Dan Russell
Danny Murphy
Danny Russell
Darken Murphy
Darleen Murphy
Darleen Murray Murphy
Darlene Murphy
Darlene Murphy Percy
Darlene Murphy Liz Tubman...... Connie Gray
Darlene Russell
Dave Moore Murphy
Dave Moore Pieschke - Murphy Bernadette
Dave Mrs Patricia Russell
Dave Russell
David (Barbara) Russell
David Blair Murphy
David Gamble W. H Murphy
David H Russell Awarded Fellowship Notary Public
David H. Russell
David Harris Russell
David Mai La Dennis Murphy
David Malette- 7.50 David Fletcher- 7.50 Russell
David Murphy
David Russell
David Russell ... Hulbert Armstrong
David Russell 1
David Russell 18.2
David Russell 2. J. E. O Neil
David Russell 5th
David Russell C.
David Russell Gilbert Sanffenberg
David Russell Mrs
David Russell Mrs. Garner Richardson Herb
David Russell Mrs. R. G. Hodgins Andrew Sly
David Russell Quicksand Does
David Russell—
David Russell’s
Dayid Russell
Dbhmis Murphy
Dbkmh Murphy
Deals Murphy
Debbi Russell
Debbie Russell
Debbie Russell SOCIAL SCIENCES Diana Andai
Deborah and Brian Russell
Deborah Joan Russell Elizabeth Ann Russell Ar.d
Deborah Russell
Deborah Russell (Brian
Deborah Russell (Brian)
Deborah Russell and Helen Palmer
Deborah Russell High Distinc- Barbara Ann Desabrais
Deborah Russell-
Deborah Russell.
DeFlora Russell
Dehhic Russell
Dehxi» Murphy
Demms Murphy
Den Murphy
Den*I* Murphy
Den*is Murphy
Deni# Murphy
Deni* Murphy
Deni* Murphy George If
Dénia Murphy
Denis Murphy
Denis Murphy Georg
Denis Murphy George
Denis Murphy George H.
Denis Murphy George H. Parley
Denis Murphy George H. Pcrley
Denis Murphy George H. Per
Denis Murphy George H. Perley
Denis Murphy George H. Pvrley
Denis Murphy George II
Denise Murphy
Denkh Murphy
Dennih Murphy
Dennim Murphy
Dennis Murphy
DeoU Murphy
Depot Russell Boose Block CUTHBEHTSON
Depot Russell House Block
Depot Russell House Block GUTHBEfjTSON
DesabraS Murphy
Deuie Murphy
Deule Murphy
Dexnih Murphy
di-1 Russell Mee
Diane Russell
Diane Russell On Friday
Dianne Russell
Did Murphy
Diems Murphy
Dies After Brief Illness Anson G. Murphy
Dinnis Murphy
Director Russell Mee
Disarmed Murphy
Dkmmih Murphy
Dknni* Murphy
Dksia Murphy
Dlane Russell
Dnxis Murphy
Doctor Murphy Af
Dolan Russell -
Dolly Russell
Domino Russell
Don Mr. William Murphy
Don Murphy
Don Murphy Dianna Hyland
Don Murphy Mrs. Delmer Berber
Don Russell
Don Russell Kay Walsh
Don Russell Vice President
Don-Andrew K Russell
Donald Dim A Son J E Russell A
Donald Duff A Son J E Russell A Sons Walter Kllgour A Son J E Barber & Sons
Donald I Russell
Donald La*allee 647-2142 Murphy
Donald M. Murphy
Donald McCord. Lee Murphy
Donald Russell
Donald Russell 80.8„ Danny Drummond 804
Donald Russell Claude Young
Donald Russell DEAN
Donald Russell Dods
Donald Russell Grade 7—Brian Smith
Donald Russell Recent
Donald Thompson & Graham Russell
Donald Thompson and Graham Russell
Donna Murphy
Donnie Russell
Donnie Russell Mis
Dons Russell
Dons Russell Hodgins
Dora Murphy
Doreen Murphy
Doris Jacques and Mrs. Roland Russell
Doris Jean Russell Weds Milton Hodgios
Doris Murphy
Doris Russell
Dorothy M Russell The
Dorothy McGuire Stephen McNallyJTony Curtis xml9 Mary Murphy Public Notice
Dorothy Russell
Dorothy Stevens Barbara Russell
Dorothy Uncle Leonard Russell
Dorris Russell
Doue Russell
Doug Russell
Doug Russell .471
Doug Russell 17010"
Doug Russell 2nd
Doug Russell 311
Doug Russell congratulates Sandy Welburn
Doug Russell Pbil
Dougie Russell
Douglas F. Murphy A. Dawson
Douglas Russell
Dow-MUton Russell
Dr. J B. Murphy
Dr. Murphy
Dr. Russell
Dr. Russell Elliott
Dr. Russell L. Cecil
Dr. Russell M. Wilder
Dr. Russell W. Bunting
Dr. William P. Murphy
Drama Murphy
Drilis Murphy
Dryden Russell Abby McBane Frobel
Duncan Campbell Russell At
Durais Murphy
Durrell Russell
Dylan Russell
D«nln Murphy
E ard Russell
E F Russell
E F. Russell
E Murphy
E Pirie J E Russell J D Duff
E Russell
E Russell Judd.
E. Murphy
E. Russell
E. Russell Sec.
Eari Murphy
Earl 7-2531 Murphy
Earl 7-2638 Murphy
Earl 7-2639 Murphy
Earl 7-2850 Murphy
Earl Findlay Mr. Milton Russell
Earl Murphy
Earl Murphy Bruce W~fe
Earl Russell
Eart Murphy Ellard
Eas Russell
Eason Russell
Eason Russell 647-5646 Gates
Eason Russell and Nancy Armitage
Eason Russell But
Eason Russell Eason Russell
Eason Russell Harris
Eason Russell Horticulture
Eason Russell Mr Donald Stevens
Eason Russell Shawville Milling
Eason Russell Showville
Eason Russell that Gerard
Easton Russell
Eaton Russell
Eavc Russell Elliott
Ebeit Murphy
Ebert J Murphy DALE
Ebert J. Murphy
Ebert Murphy
Ebert Murphy Michael Wrlnn
Ed Kingsbury Greg Murphy Lloyd Palmer
Ed Murphy
Ed* Murphy
Eddie Alexander Murphy
Eddie Murphy
Edgar Alexander I RUSSELL—In
Edgar Eason Russell
Edgar Russell
Edgar Russell COLD WAVE
Edgar Russell Dakon Hodgins
Edgar Russell -
Edgar Russell .lal
Edgar Russell 647-3425
Edgar Russell Secretary Treasurer
Edgar Russell Shawville
Edgar Russell Vicki O Neil
Edgar Russell’s
Edith Kathleen Russell
Edith Russell
Edith Russell Elliott
Edmund Russell
Edna Russell
Edward Mrs Carson Russell
Edward Murphy
Edwin Marion Russell.
Eervin Russell
Ëg Russell
Eileen Miller Kay Russell
Eileen Murphy
Eileen Murphy Labelle
Ei|S|SWl|fEiFS="=--" Russell
Elaine Ritchie Ronald * Clara Russell Dkk
Elaine Russell
Eleanor Murphy
Eleanor Prances Murphy
Eleanor Russell
Eleanor Russell Ronald Russell Ronald Russett Joan Stark Jean Stephens Willda Telford**
Elenore Russell
Elizabeth Hahn Russell
Elizabeth Murphy
Elizabeth Russell
Elizabeth Russell He
Elizabeth “Betty* Murphy
Ellen (Russell
Ellen I Russell
Ellen Murphy
Ellen Russell
Ellen Russell Dechle
Ellen s Fab-Leslee Murphy
Elliott (Russell
ELLIOTT- Russell
Ellis Palmer Russell Elliott Henry McCord
Elsie Murphy
Elsie Murphy Letts
Elsie Murphy Letts Anna Stewart
Elsie Russell
Elsie Schwartz Bert Murphy Floyd Tubman Vernon Beattie I Gordon Bruce Roe Plouffe Earl Alexander Do
Emard Dean Family Entertains Mrs. David Russell Sincerely
Emerson Russell
Emily Murphy
Emily Revell Russell
Emily Russell
Emily Russell Tenors
Emma Murphy
Emma Murphy)
Emma Russell
Emma Russell- Miss Madeleine Craig
Emma Russell.
Ena Russell
Engineer Russell
Eorl Murphy
Eoson Russell
Eric Russell
Eric Russell R.C.A.F.
Eric Russell tll6 Howard Nesbitts
Eric Smith Mr. Stuart Russell
Erie Russell
Erin Murphy
Erma Murphy
Ernest E. Murphy
Ernest F Russell
Ernest Forbes Russell
Ernest Russell
Ernie da Russell
Ernie Murphy
Ernie Russell
Ernie Russell My
Ernly Russell
Ervin Russell
Ervin Russell - Doug Thomas
Ervin Russell Recent
Ervine Russell
Erwin Russell
Eson Russell
Essen Russell
Esther Helena Russell Dakin
Esther M. Russell
Esther Russell
Esther Russell 654
Esther Russell Dakin
Esther Russell Lewis Wiggins
Esther Russell This
Ethel Russell
Eugene Russell
Evangelist Russell
Evelyn Murphy
Evelyn Murphy Eleanor McGuire
Evelyn Murphy Jane
Evelyn Murphy Victoria Harbour
Evelyn Russell
Evelyn) Murphy
Ex Governor W, K. Russell
ex-1 Murphy
Ex-Apply R G Russell
F Russell
F. Murphy
F. Russell
F.ason Russell
F.O.B. Russell
Faint Mover- Russell Taber
Fason Russell
Father Russell
Faye Clara Little Russell
Fern Russell
Fernand Russell
Finance J Russell.
Flora Russell
Flora Russell and Margaret Russell
Florence Edith Murphy
Florence Murphy
Floyd Russell.
Foal—J N Russell I
Foal—Tannin Collard—Claude Young Foal—Carbrook Pilot Russell
Frances Murphy
Francine Russell
Francis Murphy
Francis Rosalind Russell
Frank Lacourse Russell Judd
Frank Murphy
Frank Robertson Thomas Murphy
Frank Russell Young
Fraser A Murphy
Fraser Murphy
Fred (Norma) Russell
Fred M Russell
Fred Murphy
Fred Russell
Fred Russell -
Fred Russell ......
Fred Russell Home
Fred Russell IS
Fred Wiggins Russell
Freda Murphy
Frederick Wiggins Russell
Fric Russell
From Russell
Ftederick W Russell
G D. Murphy Hero
G Murphy 5.60 Rec
G Russell
G. Murphy
G. Russell
G.-George Russell Mrs. H. Millar
G.A. Russell
Gail Russell
Gail Russell Coming To
Gail Russell SEVEN
Gail Russell Z Saturday November 3
Gaiy Russell
Garnet Russell
Garry Murphy
Garry Russell
Garry Russell Capt
Garry Russell John Russell
Garry Russell Théo Leduc
Gary Russell
Gary Russell 17’0
Gary Russell 2. Hugh Hodgins 2. Billy Russett 1
Gary Russell 2.32
Gary Russell 3
Gary Russell 33 4"
Gary Russell Broad Jump
Gary Russell C Taylor
Gary Russell Frances Young
Gary Russell Geoffrey Hyde
Gary Russell I Connie Little
Gary Russell I Jane Bourget
Gary Russell Shawville
Gatineau Russell
Gavan And Murphy Fly To Quebec City
Gavin Russell
Gavin Russell Rusenstrom Reese
Ge- Russell
Ge- Russell Elliott
Gene Murphy
Genii Murphy
Geo A Russell
Geo E Murphy
Geo Murphy
Geo Murphy Robt Hammond Arthur Wiggins James Thomas Frank Cornu Arthur Smiley Allan Meredith Win Dr
Geo Russell
Geoff Russell Joanne Brownlee
George & Betty Russell
George A Russell
George A. Murphy
George A. Russell
George and Betty Russell
George and Betty Russell Golden Beauty
George and Betty Russell’s
George Ander-Murphy
George B. Murphy
George Bryson* President Russell Iil^ukburn
George Coles Russell
George E Murphy
George E. Murphy
George Murphy
George Murphy Nancy Davis Arrowhead
George Murphy Repairing Cable
George Robert Miul Wnlt«-r Russell
George Russell
George Russell 20.00
George Russell 623
George Russell 7
George Russell Auction
George Russell Billy Scott George Russell" Billy Scott At
George Russell Bristol
George Russell Bruce Anderson I
George Russell Bruce Anderson Somersault
George Russell Celebrates
George Russell George Macintosh 1st Shawville Troop Garry Zahodnick
George Russell Horner
George Russell Is
George Russell Mee Standard Church Board
George Russell Polishing
George Russell Quarter Horse
George Russell Telford
George Russell Willard Smith Tom Smart
George Russell^
George Russell’s
George W. Russell
Georgie Russell
Georgina Murphy
Georoina Murphy
Gerald D. Murphy
Gerald IX Murphy
Gerald Kelley Deborah and Bnan Russell
Gerald Murphy
Gerald Russell
Geraldine Murphy
Gerry Carson Russell
Gerry Murphy
Gerry Russell
Gertie Murphy
Gertie Russell Elliott
Gilbert Gilpin ........ Clifford Roy .......... Russell Lucas
Glads Russell
Glen Chas Russell
Glen Russell.
Glenark E Russell D Hodglns D Hodglns J D Duff E Pirie
Glengarry/Prescott Russell
Glenn Russell
Glenn Tes- Mrs. Irvin Russell
Gloria Graham Technicolor Jane Russell
Gloria Russell
Gonstable Murphy
Gordon Murphy
Gordon Russell
Gordon Russell Smiley
Gordon Strutt E Pirie D Hodgins J D Duff J D Duff Glenark W Kllgour Glenark J E Russell Gladcrest
Governor Russell
Grace Annie Murphy
Grace Murphy
Grace Murphy Grawberger
Grace Russell
Graham Allan Carey By Mrs. Ebert Murphy
Graham Murphy
Graham Russell
Graham Russell 4
Grant Murphy
Grant Murphy Hospital Auxiliary
Grant Russell
Grant Russell Box 617
Grant Russell P Campbell’s Bay Tel
Gred Russell
Greg Murphy
Greg Murphy Kingsbury
Greg Murphy MacKechnie
Greg Russell
Gregg Murphy _
Greig Murphy
Grocer Murphy
Group W R McKechnle Qrawford Bros Ronald G Russell
Guides Jean (Murphy
Guy Russell
Gwen Murphy
H . SHAW Dknnih Murphy
H 7-2131 Murphy
H A H Andie Murphy Anne Baaicrefl
H crby Russell
H D Russell
H Murphy
H. Murphy
H. Murphy Mrs. Jack McGuire
H. Russell
H. Russell Rolphton
H.E.A. Russell
Hair Gallery Betty Russell K&L Dairy Gladcrest Farms Shawville Milling Hardy Plants
Halerie Roberts Ib—Heather Hayes le—Delbert Stephens 2a—Rita Kirkham 2b—David Russell 2c—Karen Davi
Halloo Russell
Hanna Russell
Hannah Murphy
Hannah Russell
Hannora Murphy
Harold * E. J. Murphy
Harold F Russell
Harold F. Russell
Harold Murphy
Harold Russell
Harold Russell Boston
Harold Russell Class
Harold Russell Houston
Harold Russell Lake Placid
Harold Russell Mr
Harris Richie Russell
Harry Hedging Russell
Harry Hodgins 2nd Dalton Russell
Harry Murphy
Harry Russell
Harry Russell Centre
Harry Russell For
Harry Wood Chartered Accountant By Mrs. Ebert Murphy
Harvey Russell
Hayes Murphy
Hazel Murphy
Hazel Russell
Heather (Murphy
Helen (Murphy Stark’s Comers
Helen Eleanor Murphy
Helen Murphy
Helen Murphy BENFBKW.
Helen Murphy Named Queen At Local
Helen Russell
Helen | Russell
Henderson Russell
Henly Russell
Henry Dalton Russell
Henry Dalton Russell Panes Suddenly X
Henry Tubman Mr. Russell Judd
Henry Tubman- 177.80 Russell Woods-252.00
Herb Murphy
Herb Russell
Herb Russell I Mrs. Arnold Bryan
Herbert K Russell
Herbert Russell
Herbert Russell .
Herbert Russell 6< Campbell
Herbie Murphy
Herbie Russell
Herby Russell
Herd Russell
Herman Russell
Hertoy Russell
High Carton Lance Sergeant Murphy
Highest Murphy
Hilaries Russell
Hilda Murphy
Hilda Murphy Lawn
Hilda Russell
Hilly Russell
Hina Murphy
Hodglns Mrs. Russell Hodglns
Holland Russell
Holland Russell Roll
Hollftmi Russell
Hollis Russell
Holmes Hastings E. Russell Huron E
Homeowner Russell Stewart
Hooks Russell
Howard Russell
Hubect’ Russell
Hubert Russell
Hugh Horner........ Tho* E Murphy
Hugh Russell
Hull Miss Betty Russell
Hum* Russell
I-n Murphy
I.A. Russell
I.ucas Russell
Ian Murphy
Ian Russell
Ida K< Russell Campbel
Idena Fraser Sec.-Treas JACK RUSSELL
If Russell
IfexNia Murphy
Ih-iiiri Murphy
Iheresa Murphy
Ihiiil* Murphy
Ikul* Murphy
Ingrid Russell
Institutes Murphy
Intermediate Champions Bert Murphy
Irma Murphy
Irvin Russell
Irvine Cone Russell Judd Councillors
Irvine Russell
Irving Russell
Irwin Russell
IrwlnTHay- Russell
Is Murphy
Isaac Murphy
Isobel Murphy
IV.—Georgina Murphy
Iverson Harris -Russell Elliott
IwJlKSJBKMSfl Russell
Ixerny Russell
I» Murphy
I—Dalton Russell
I—Robbie Russell
J .A. Russell
J A Russell
J A. G. Murphy
J A. Russell
J A. Russell Potlec Community Hospital Shawville
J ack Graham Committee Chairman Basil Murphy Co-chairman
J and Dan Russell
J D Duff E Pirie E Pirie E Russell W Kllgour E Russell J D Duff Geo
J D Russell
J D. Russell
J E Russell
J E Russell A Chris Judd Edwin Plrle A Son J E Barber A Sons J Donald Duff A
J E Russell A Sons Hlllls Connolly Edwin Plrle A Son HillIs Connolly J Donald Duff A
J E Russell A Sons J Donald Duff A Sons Hlllls ConoUy
J E Russell W Kllgour
J E Russell-Reserve-2nd Edwin Pirie H Conolly D Hodglns J Tracy Jr. Yearling J E Russell Jr. Champ
J E. Russell
J F. Murphy
J G Russell
J L Hodgins- Bert Murphy
J L Murphy
J Lucas R. T. Hodglns Mrs. Hilliard Palmer Russell Judd Miss Pearl Brown Mrs. David Wilson Elvyn Co
J M Murphy
J mo- Russell
J Murphy
J N Russell
J N Russell 1
J Russell
J Russell Resolution
J Russell.
J- Russell
J. Murphy
J. N. Russell
J. Russell
J. Russell Elected Busy Bristol Beavers
J. Russell Jane Bussell Bichard Egan
J. Russell Juhn Hickey
J.A Russell
J.A Russell Returning Officer COIN
J.A. Russell
J.A. Russell Presiding Officer Pontiac Protestant
J.A. Russell Returning Officer.
J.A.Russell REP.
J.E. Russell
J.L. Murphy
J.N. Russell
J.W. Murphy
Jacey Russell
Jack Horn- Brenda Murphy
Jack Knox I David Russell
Jack Murphy
Jack Russell
Jack Russell Chairman
Jack Russell COUNCIL January Special
Jack Russell Madeleine Wittig
Jack Russell Mr. Gilbert Armstrong
Jack Russell Mrs. Clarence Clemmens
Jack Russell Terrier
Jack Russell V >
Jack Russell WÊÊM
Jack Russell- Chairman.
Jack Russell;
JacY Russell
Jaime Russell.
Jam Russell
Jam# Russell Clark Gable
James A Murphy
James A. Murphy
James A. Murphy R
James A. Russell
James C Murphy
James C. Russell
James Ci. Russell
James E. Murphy
James Eason Russell
James Frank Murphy
James G Russell
James G. Russell
James Glenn Russell
James Glenn Russell Tel
James Murphy
James O. Russell
James Russell
James Russell 196.76.
James Russell Lost While Fishing Quebec City
James Russell Lowell
James Russell Nos
James Russell’s
James Stewart Audio Murphy
James Stewart Audle Murphy Colour Xÿ
James W. Murphy
Jamie Donald Russell Emerson
Jamie Russell
Jane Alexan- Russell
Jane De Brenda Russell
Jane Emmerson RUSSELL-
Jane Murphy
Jane Pilon Betty Russell Jane Alexander
Jane Russell
Jane Russell Saturday
Jane Russell Cinemascope
Jane Russell Keenan Wynn
Jane Russell PHONE
Jane Russell Technicolor Jeanne Crain
Jane Russell Van Heflin Mrs. Hubert Elliott
Janet MeJanet Russell
Janet Murphy
Janet Russell
Janet Young Russell
Janey Russell
Janies Russell
Jark Russell
Jas Russell
Jas Russell Lucas
Jask Russell
Jason Murphy
Jcannie Russell
Jcaqph Murphy
Je&a Russell
Jean & Edgar Russell
Jean (Murphy
Jean - Louis Russell
Jean and Bert Murphy
Jean and Edgar Russell
Jean and Russell Racheal Mallie
Jean Carol Russell
Jean Cuthbert-Brenda Russell
Jean Grant (Russell
Jean Mrs. James Murphy
Jean Murphy
Jean Murphy Renfrew* I .
Jean Murphy-Hodgins
Jean Parker Russell Hayden Saturday
Jean Russell
Jean Russell 8
Jean Russell.
JEAN WALLACE Carson Russell
Jeanne Bill Murphy Phone
Jeanne Murphy
Jeannine Russell
Jeff and Naomi Russell
Jeff jce Russell
Jeff Murphy
Jeff Russell
Jeff Russell 48
Jeff Russell and Mark Dunn
Jeff Russell assist- Berard
Jeff Russell Carson Russell
Jeff Russell Ear Falk
Jeff Russell Lucas Russell
Jeff Russell Muskrat
Jeff Russell November
Jeff Russell Peck
Jeff Russell Shawville
Jeff Russell Shawville Chrysler
Jeff Russell Stick
Jeff Russell Sunday
Jeff Sunstrum Murphy
Jeffery Russell
Jeffrey Blake Russell
Jeffrey Russell
JefT Russell
Jen Russell
Jen Russell’s
Jenn Russell
Jenna Murphy
Jennie J.M. Russell
Jennie L Russell 3
Jennie Murphy
Jennie Russell
Jennifer Go- Hilda Murphy
Jennifer Russell
Jennifer Russell - Reserve
Jenny Russell
Jeremiah Murphy
Jerry Murphy
Jery Murphy
Jessica Amanda Murphy
Jessie Murphy
Jessie Russell Arnold
Jetf Russell
JEUnry Norris Russell
Jim Davis Lennie Richardson Toymakers Badge George Russell Artists Badge
Jim Eason Russell
Jim Murphy
Jim Murphy Rd"
Jim Russell
Jimmie Murphy
Jimmie Russell
Jimmie Russell I
Jimmy # Russell
Jimmy Murphy
Jimmy Russell
Jimmy Russell 1
Jimmy Russell Baird
Jimmy Russell Me-
Jimmy Russell Memo-
Jimmy Russell Memo- Lisa Coles
Jimmy Russell Memorial
Jimmy Russell Memorial (Jr Showman Fri)
Jimmy Russell Memorial Tro
Jimmy Russell Memorial Trophy (Jr Showman Fri)
Jimmy Russell Quebec
Jimmy Russell Susan
Jimmy Russell Tro-
Jimmy Russell _ate Truman B Draper
Jimmy ______________________________ Russell
Jo Murphy
Jo Russell
Joan Mrs Vreda Murphy
Joan Murphy
Joan Russell
Joan Russell Many
Joan Telford Russell
Joan* Murphy
Joanie Russell
Joe I TEAHOUSE Russell
Joe Mrs Russell Gravelle
Joe Murphy
Joe Rus-Russell
Joe Russell
Joe Russell And Gulbransen Organ Stars
Joe Russell Ion Gilmer
Joe Russell Organ — Kay Hodgins
Joe Russell Production
Joe Russell Rotary Club Entertain-
Joe Russell Rotary Club Entertainment
Joe Russell Rotary Talent Margaret
Joe Russell Shawville Rev Bain
Joe Russell Shawville Rotary Club
Joe Russell Shawville Shawville Yarm
Joe Russell Wm
Joe Russell’s
Joe Russell’s Amateurs
Joe Russell’s Amateurs SPOTS
John 0. Russell
John A Russell
John A Russell Sec.
John A. Murphy
John and Jane Murphy
John and Marilyn Russell
John and Marlie Murphy
John Burns Russell
John Clements Murphy
John D Russell
John D. Russell
John D. Russell Dies After Lengthy Illness
John David Russell
John Grant Russell
John H Murphy
John H Russell
John Henderson Ervin Russell Mr.
John James G. Russell
John K Murphy
John L Murphy
John L. Murphy
John Langford Beets - Brenda Russell
John M Russell
John McDowell Mike Murphy
John McKin-1 Sheriff Murphy
John Murphy
John Murphy Estate
John Murphy W>
John Murphy’s School
John N Russell
John N. Russell
John Russell
John Russell Here
John Russell 2
John Russell 405
John Russell 647-3426.
John Russell Attractively
John Russell Back
John Russell C Jim F
John Russell Distinction
John Russell HI
John Russell It
John Russell Judy Morris
John Russell June Blair Minister
John Russell Mrs Margaret Russell
John Russell On Sunday
John Russell On Tuesday
John Russell Passes Away
John Russell’s
John S Murphy
John S. Murphy
John Saxon Kurt Jurgens CinemaScope Technicolour JACK RUSSELL
John Trent N.D.P Brian Murphy Barry Moore CANDIDATE Unité
John W Russell
John W. Murphy
John W. Russell
John Wemie Russell
John West Russell
John X Russell.
John X that Russell
Johnnie Russell
Johnny Murphy
Johnny Russell
Jonathan Murphy
Jonathan Russell
Joo Russell
Joreph Murphy
Jos Russell
Joseph J. Russell Bristol
Joseph John Russell
Joseph Murphy
Joseph Murphy Kenneth
Joseph Russell
Joseph Russell Is
Joseph Russell Mr.
Joseph Russell Teaching Diploma
Joseph Russell.
Josephine Russell
Josephine Russell Hodgins Wilson
Joshua Murphy
Josic Russell
Josie Russell
Josie____________________ Murphy
Jr.hn Russell
Ju- Lisa Murphy
Ju<*1 Russell
Judd - Russell
Judd Russell El-
Judd Russell Judd
Judy Murphy
Juggles Murphy
Julia Murphy
Julie Eason Russell
Julie Russell
Julie Russell Andre
June Murphy
June Russell
Jus Russell
Justin Lucas Russell
Jvan Russell
J°bn Murphy
Jœ Russell
K- Murphy
K. Murphy
K. Russell
Kara Young Russell
Karen J. Murphy
Karl Russell
Kate Murphy
Katharine Murphy Ay
Katherine Fletcher Bonnie Richardson H I. Hobbs Barbara Russell Shawville Kinsmen Club LOEB Shawvil
Katherine Murphy
Kathleen J. A. Russell
Kathleen Murphy
Kathrtne Murphy
Kathryn Murphy
Kathy Russell
Katie Murphy
Katie Russell
Kav Russell
Kay I Russell
Kay Russell
Kay Russell Hamilton Corey
Kay Russell Ms Carol McNabb
Kay Russell You
Kdgar Russell
Keith 7-2666 Murphy
Keith 7-3821 Murphy
Keith 7-3848 Murphy
Keith Horner Mick Hodgins Don Dods Jack Russell Knlpe
Keith K. Warren Russell
Keith Russell
Keith Russell 693
Keith Russell He
Keith Russell Local
Keith Russell Quebec Farm Forum Secretary
Keith Russell RCAF Jet Crashes Message About Savings
Keith Russell Vigorous
Kelley Murphy
Kelly Murphy
Kelly Russell
Kelsi Russell
Kelsie Russell
Ken Alexander Jcson Barley Mike Thtoeou Troy Cot* Tim Thompson Michael Murphy
Ken Alexander Ryan Barber Jason Boiiey Mchoel Murphy Mike Th.beou Blake Crozier Tim Thompson Opeong
Ken Cruick-Eason Russell
Ken Fisher Pontiac Russell
Ken Russell
Ken Russell Tommy O BRIEN
Kenneth M Mrs Russell Judd
Kenneth Moorhead Murphy
Kenny Russell
Keven Russell
Kevin A Lynn Russell
Kevin Murphy
Kevin Murphy Their
Kevin Russell
Kevin Russell EQUITY
Kfr Russell Zimmerling
Kfrs Russell Elliott
Kiara Russell Jeff and
Kim Mako Murphy
Kim Murray - Russell Low
Kim Murray-Russell
Kim Russell
Kirk Lucas Russell
Knaid Russell
Knox Russell
Kotxrt Russell
Krista Brown Jennifer Russell
Ksthrine Murphy
Kuehl Murphy
Kurt Russell
Kyle Murphy-Evon Gray
L A IV C Russell Cobb
L G. Russell
L Murphy
L Murphy Sunday
L Russell
L''y Murphy
L. Murphy
L. Russell
L.B.C Dennib Murphy
L.nda Russell
Ladies Aid Mrs Pearl Russell
Lafleur Russell
Lance Ernest F. Russell
Langfoid Thomas Russell
Langford - Warren Russell
Lar-Carson Russell
Lari Russell
Larry Murphy
Larson Russell
Lason Russell
Laura Annie Murphy
Laura Bill Russell
Laura Murphy
Lawrence Kasaboske Miss Jean Murphy
Lawrence Murphy
Lawrence Phil Murphy
Lawrence Russell
Lawrence Russell Brennan
Lealee Murphy
Lee Mary Colussi-Russell
Lee Murphy
Lee Murphy Benoit
Lee Murphy Community Calendar
Lee Murphy NOW
Lee Murphy Phone
Lee Murphy Quyon
Lee Russell
Lee-lee Murphy
Leelee Murphy
Legal Murphy
Legal-Medical Russell Elvidge Estate
Lena Russell Warren
Leo Basil Murphy
Leo Murphy
Leona A. Murphy
Leona Murphy
Leonard Coyne Russell
Leonard Russell
Lert Murphy
Leslee Murphy
Leslie Murphy
Leslie Russell
Leslie Russell Stewart
Leslie Russell Stewart Estate
Leslie Russell Stewart Pontiac - Buick
LesUc Murphy
Let Murphy
Lhert Murphy
Li,Q Murphy
LI-i/iahcih Russell
Liam Russell
Liane Russell
Lias Murphy
Lieutenant Russell
Lila Murphy
Lillian Murphy
Lillian Russell
Lillian Russell 57.9
Lillianna Russell
Lilly Murphy
Lily Murphy
Lily Murphy Ida Deputy
Linda Murphy
Linda Murphy-
Linda Russell
Linda Russell and Betty Twolan
Linda Russell Louis Judd Memorial
Lindsay Russell
Lionel Russell
Lionettes Alec Russell Sandy Pasch Douglas Row
Lisa Murphy
Lisa Russell
Lise Murphy Children
Liz Hahn.Jeff Russell
Liz Russell
Lloyd Morrice Russell
Lloyd Murphy
Lloyd Russell
Lnd Mrs. Russell
Loert Murphy
Logan Russell
Lois Russell
Lome Murphy
Lord John Russell
Lord Odo Russell
Lord Russell
Lord William Russell
Lorna Russell Elliott
Lorraine Russell
Lottie Russell
Lou Paquette Murphy
Lou Russell
Louis Russell
LP.P. Lee Murphy
Lt Murphy
Ltiio Russell
Luc Murphy
Lucas Russell
Lucas Russell as-tiac Junior B
Lucas Russell JoEUfltEUllS
Lucas Russell Robert
Lucas Russell Romain
Lucas Russell set-up Al-
Lucas Russell.
Lukç Murphy
Luke Murphy
Luke Murphy Biyson
Luke Murphy Carleton Place
Luke Murphy Derek Frobel
Luke Murphy Joan Jones
Luke Murphy Paul Lalonde
Lyall Russell
Lyn Bill Russell
Lynette Russell
Lynn Jeff Russell
Lynn Russell
M Hina Murphy
M i Russell
M Murphy
M Russell
M*e Murphy
M*s Russell
M-s Carson Russell
M-s Vreda Murphy
M. Murphy
M. Russell
M.H. Russell
M.J. Murphy
M.k# Murphy
M.ke Murphy
M.nan Murphy
M00RH0USE Russell House Shawville
M0ORHOÜSE Russell House Shawville
Mabel Boh Russell
Mabel Russell
MacCuaig Luke Murphy
Macdonald Carey Gall Russell
MacIntyre Murphy
MacKechnie Russell
Madeleine Russell
Mae Russell
Maggie Murphy
MAISI—George Crawford MARC ELLA—Man&on McC agg JEAN—Russell Grant
Maître Russell Gibson de
Make Russell
Manager Russell Taber
Mandy Murphy
Mani- Murphy
Manicure Helen Routlitfe Northtork Country Kitchen Betty Russell
Manners Murphy
Manson McDow- Russell - Chamberlain
Marc Russell
March Russell Amey
Margaret Clark* Russell It’s Liver That
Margaret Josephine Russell
Margaret Murphy
Margaret Murphy Wedding
Margaret Russell
Margaret Russell Bay
Margaret Russell Coulonge W
Margaret Russell Pontiac Reception Center
Mari Blanchard Alan Ladd Audie Murphy Phone PArkway
Marie Murphy
Marilyn Fahey John Russell
Marilyn Monroe Jane Russell Daddy s Little Darling Technlcoleur
Marilyn Russell
Marilyn Russell - Mavis Hanna
Marilyn Russell Herbert Smart
Mario Tremb- Russell
Marion Russell
Marjorie and Margaret Russell
Marjorie Man- Mrs. Jack Russell
Marjorie Russell
Marjory Mc-Stowart Russell
Mark Mrs. William Murphy
Mark Stanton Scott Russell
Marks Russell
Marlon Russell
Marsha Ste- Shirley Murphy
Marshall Russell H Elliott
Martin Feeds -Russell Stewart
Martin Luke Murphy
Martin Murphy
Martin P Murphy
Martin Russell
Marty Murphy
Marty Russell
Marv Russell
Mary Ann La- Russell
Mary Ann Murphy
Mary Cecilia Murphy
Mary E Russell Obituary
Mary Hodgins Mary Lou Russell
Mary Judd Russell
Mary Lou Russell
Mary Lvnn Elliott Elwyn Russell Lang
Mary Murphy
Mary Murphy John Payne
Mary Murphy John Payne ÈIÉ
Mary Murphy Plus John Payne Thursday
Mary Murphy Pontiac Film
Mary Murphy Quinn
Mary Murphy Rory Calhoun
Mary Murphy Sheridan Comerate
Mary Murphy Sunday Midnite
Mary Russell
Mary Russell 3
Mary Russell Gatineau Equipment
Mary Salloway Russell
Mary...... Murphy
Mary....... Murphy
Master Russell
Mat Murphy
mat-1 Murphy
Matt Jeff Russell Defense Posi- C° ®tte B,ai
Matt Mac- Russell
Matt Murphy
Matthew Russell
Maude Russell
Mavis Russell
Maynard Russell
Maynard Russell 603
Maynard Russell Rapides
Maynard Russell—English Literature
Mayor John Murphy
Mayor Murphy
Mb Russell
McBRIDE Russell Leader
McFarlane W. Russell
McG Russell
McNeill Murphy
Me* Murphy
Medina Murphy
Meilena Murphy
Mel-lena Murphy
Melanie Murphy
Melissa Murphy
Melkna Murphy
Mellena Murphy
Mellina Murphy
Melrose Murphy
Melvin J. E. Russell
Meriyn Mrs Russell Mee
Messres Mosie Murphy
Messrs J A Russell
Messrs J.A. Russell
Messrs John S. Murphy
Messrs Lee Murphy
Messrs Russell
Messrs Russell Dean
Messrs Russell El-
Messrs Russell Elizabeth II
Messrs Russell Lucas
Messrs Russell Mee
Messrs Russell Taber
Messrs. A. Murphy
Messrs. Mosie Murphy
Messrs. Murphy
Messrs. Russell
Messrs. Russell Elliott.
Messrs. Russell Judd
Messrs. Russell Mee
Metcalfe Russell
MeUina Murphy
Mflira Murphy
Mh Pred Russell
Mi Russell
Mi Russell Wallace
Mia Murphy
Mias Murphy
Mias Myrtle Murphy
Mias Pieivtte Hebert Stuart Russell
Michael Murphy
Michael Murphy Ken Alexander Ralph McCoigon Blake Crozier Mike Thibeau Ryan Barber Ryan Wood Jason
Michael Russell
Michael Russell June
Michael Russell Ladies
Michael Russell Ottawa
Michael Trot- Russell
MicheaJ Russell
Micheal Russell
Micheal Russell Cheryl
Micheal Russell Tara
Mickle Murphy
Mien Russell
Mies Pearl Murphy
Mike C. Murphy
Mike Murphy
Mike Murphy Atkinson
Mike Murphy S.E.
Mike Murphy-Tim Thompson
Mike Russell
Mikr Murphy
Mil- Murphy
Mildred Russell
Milhna Murphy
Milina Murphy
Millena Murphy
Millena Murphy Barrett
Millena Murphy Huntingdon
Millens Murphy
Millina Murphy
Milton Murphy
Milton Russell
Milton Russell 1
Milton Russell L,
Milton Russell Road
Milton Russell.
Milton Russell’s
Milton W Russell
Milton W Russell 2
Mis Russell GravelIc
Mis* Murphy
Mis* Velma Murphy
MisD..vid Russell
Misi Jessie Murphy
Miss M Murphy
Miss M Murphy Huntingdon
Miss Murphy
Miss Russell
Miss Russell G.
Miss Russell Pritchard
Misses Russell
Mist Murphy
Mix* Ann Murphy
Ml#s Murphy
MliI Marion Hod-Roland Russell
Mm J Russell
Moeie Murphy
Mom Betty Russell
Momie Murphy
Mona Russell
Monica Betty Russell
Monsieur Mark Russell
Monsignor Murphy
Montagne/Chemin Murphy
Moore Mrs. Russell Elliott Wm
Moot Jot Russell
Morrison Marilyn Nicholas Shirley Park Barbara Richardson Diane Richardson Diane Russell Bruce Scho
Moses Murphy
Moses Murphy Canal
Moses Murphy Shawville Bantam All
Mosey Murphy
Mosie Murphy
Mosle Murphy
Most Luke Murphy
Mother Murphy
Motion Crs Murphy
Motion Russell
Motion—Chas Russell
Moue Murphy
Moynord Russell
Mr A G Murphy
Mr David Russell Wedding
Mr Graham Murphy
Mr Grant Murphy
Mr Lee Murphy
Mr Mrs Russell Elliott
Mr Murphy
Mr P I Murphy
Mr Russell
Mr Russell Blinco
Mr Russell Cobb
Mr Russell Cochrane
Mr Russell Crick
Mr Russell Elliott
Mr Russell Elliott.
Mr Russell H Elliott
Mr Russell Hill
Mr Russell Hurdman
Mr Russell Judd
Mr Russell Krutz
Mr Russell Lucas
Mr Russell Mulligan
Mr Russell Stewart
Mr Russell T Elliott
Mr Russell Taber
Mr Russell Up
Mr Russell Williams
Mr Russell Young
Mr# Jock Russell
Mr# Murphy
Mr# Russell Lucas
Mr* A Russell
Mr* Ebert Murphy
Mr* K Russell
Mr* Murphy
Mr* Murray Russell
Mr* Russell
Mr, Russell
Mr, Russell Accompanied
Mr- Russell
Mr. Anson Murphy
Mr. Archie Russell
Mr. Basil Murphy
Mr. Bill Murphy
Mr. C Russell
Mr. Carson Russell
Mr. Charles Murphy
Mr. Charles Russell
Mr. Chas Russell
Mr. Clerk Russell
Mr. Dalton Russell
Mr. E F Russell
Mr. Earl Murphy
Mr. Earl Murphy A
Mr. Eason Russell Pontiac Agricultural Society Olv.
Mr. Elwin Russell Lang
Mr. Ervin Russell
Mr. Graham Murphy
Mr. Herbie Russell
Mr. Ion Murphy
Mr. J A. Russell
Mr. J Murphy
Mr. J Russell
Mr. Jas Russell
Mr. John K. Murphy
Mr. Jos Russell
Mr. Joseph Russell
Mr. Lee Murphy
Mr. M L Russell
Mr. Murphy
Mr. Murphy Barber
Mr. Murphy Barber.
Mr. Owen Murphy
Mr. P J. Murphy
Mr. Phil Murphy
Mr. Russell
Mr. Russell Bower
Mr. Russell Cobb
Mr. Russell Currie-Mills
Mr. Russell Doherty
Mr. Russell Dougherty
Mr. Russell DUott
Mr. Russell Elliott
Mr. Russell Elliott.
Mr. Russell Findlay
Mr. Russell Gilman Higby
Mr. Russell Gouley
Mr. Russell Grant City View
Mr. Russell Hill
Mr. Russell Institutes
Mr. Russell Johnson
Mr. Russell Judd
Mr. Russell Judd Pontiac County
Mr. Russell Judd.
Mr. Russell Kelly
Mr. Russell Lang
Mr. Russell Leader
Mr. Russell Lucas
Mr. Russell Luces
Mr. Russell MacKay
Mr. Russell McBride AH
Mr. Russell Mee
Mr. Russell Mousseau
Mr. Russell Mulligan
Mr. Russell Pritchard
Mr. Russell Rudd
Mr. Russell Ryan
Mr. Russell Smith
Mr. Russell Stevens
Mr. Russell Taber
Mr. Russell Tiber
Mr. Russell Urry
Mr. Russell Wallace
Mr. Russell Wayne Stewart
Mr. Russell Young
Mr. Stewart Russell
Mr. Stuart Russell
Mr. Tgfldy Russell
Mr. Thomas Murphy
Mr. Thomas Russell
Mr. W O. Murphy
Mr. William Murphy
Mr. William Russell
Mr. Wm Murphy
Mr8 Russell
Mr< Andrew Russell
Mra Russell LeRoy
Mre Dolen Russell and Margaret Stewart
Mrg Murphy
Mrs Ervin Russell
Mrs P J Murphy
Mrs P J. Murphy
Mrs R W Wilson. Stuart Russell
Mrs Russell
Mrs Russell B Taber
Mrs Russell Boyd.
Mrs Russell Cobb
Mrs Russell Coob
Mrs Russell Cotnam
Mrs Russell Doherty
Mrs Russell Elliott
Mrs Russell Elliott JtttfPWLS
Mrs Russell Elliott Municipality
Mrs Russell Grant
Mrs Russell Gravel
Mrs Russell Hurd
Mrs Russell Judd
Mrs Russell Kirk
Mrs Russell Lang
Mrs Russell Leroy
Mrs Russell Lucas
Mrs Russell MacNevin
Mrs Russell Mcc
Mrs Russell McLinton
Mrs Russell Mee
Mrs Russell Mitehette
Mrs Russell Mulligan
Mrs Russell p*er Kluke
Mrs Russell Raymond
Mrs Russell Stewart
Mrs Russell Ta-cently
Mrs Russell Taber
Mrs Russell Verner Thrun
Mrs Russell Vickers
Mrs Russell Wallace
Mrs Russell Watson
Mrs Russell Zimmerling
Mrs Russell ZlmmerUng
Mrs, Michael Murphy
Mrs, Murphy
Mrs, Russell Elliott
Mrs. Afred Russell
Mrs. Alison Russell
Mrs. Allan Mr. Milton Russell
Mrs. Allison Russell
Mrs. Andrew Russell
Mrs. Andrew Russell Ancd
Mrs. Andrew Russell Celebrate GeWee Wedding OTTAWA
Mrs. Audrey Russell
Mrs. B Murphy
Mrs. Basil Murphy
Mrs. Beet Murphy
Mrs. Bert Hayes Murphy
Mrs. Bert Murphy
Mrs. Bill Murphy
Mrs. C Russell
Mrs. C Russell and Mrs. Armstrong
Mrs. Carson Russell
Mrs. Charles M. Russell
Mrs. Charles Russell
Mrs. Charles Russell Mrs. R.
Mrs. Chas Russell
Mrs. D Russell
Mrs. Dalton Russell
Mrs. Dalton Russell Church
Mrs. Dalton Russell Creamed Salmon
Mrs. Dalton Russell Roy Dagg
Mrs. David Russell
Mrs. Don-ole Russell
Mrs. Douglas Russell
Mrs. E F Russell
Mrs. E F. Russell
Mrs. E Murphy
Mrs. E Russell.
Mrs. E. Murphy
Mrs. Earl Findlay Mrs. Pearl Russell
Mrs. Earl Murphy
Mrs. Eason Russell
Mrs. Easton Russell
Mrs. Ebert J. Murphy Campbell
Mrs. Ebert Murphy
Mrs. Ebert Murphy Mr.
Mrs. Eivin Russell
Mrs. Elsie Murphy
Mrs. Ervin Russell
Mrs. Ervin Russell Mr.
Mrs. Ervin Russell Mrs. Black
Mrs. Ervin Russell Mrs. Roy Lavig.ie
Mrs. Ervin Russell Party
Mrs. Ervin Russell Saturday
Mrs. Ervin Russell | Stewart
Mrs. Ervine Russell
Mrs. Erwin Russell
Mrs. Farl Murphy
Mrs. Frances Murphy
Mrs. Frances Murphy Mr
Mrs. Geo Russell
Mrs. Gregory J. Murphy
Mrs. Harold Russell
Mrs. Henderson Crick Russell
Mrs. Herby Russell
Mrs. Herhy Russell
Mrs. Hertoy Russell
Mrs. Hertoy Russell Sudbury
Mrs. Hoîaaa Russell
Mrs. I.eonard Russell
Mrs. Irvin Russell
Mrs. Irvine Russell
Mrs. J B. Russell
Mrs. J Murphy
Mrs. Jack Mrs. Clayton Russell
Mrs. James G. Russell
Mrs. James Murphy
Mrs. James Russell
Mrs. James Russell.
Mrs. Janies Russell
Mrs. Jas Russell
Mrs. Jeanne Belle J Murphy
Mrs. Jeanne Belle Murphy
Mrs. Jennie Belle Murphy
Mrs. Jennie Murphy
Mrs. Jennif Belle Murphy
Mrs. John N. Russell
Mrs. John Russell Pine Lodge
Mrs. John W. Russell
Mrs. John X. Russell
Mrs. Julia Murphy
Mrs. K F. Russell
Mrs. Kathleen Russell
Mrs. Kith Russell
Mrs. Len Russell Main Street
Mrs. Leo Russell Hindman
Mrs. Leonard Russell
Mrs. Leslie Russell
Mrs. Lloyd Smith Ebert Murphy
Mrs. Lome Murphy
Mrs. M Russell
Mrs. Martin Riley Donnie Russell Is
Mrs. Milton Russell
Mrs. Milton Russell Hobbs
Mrs. Milton Russell.
Mrs. Miss Betty Murphy
Mrs. Mtiton Russell
Mrs. Murphy
Mrs. Murray Russell
Mrs. P J Murphy
Mrs. P J. Murphy
Mrs. Pearl Russell
Mrs. Percy Russell St
Mrs. Pred Russell
Mrs. R B. Murphy Avc Maria"
Mrs. R Russell
Mrs. Rob Russell
Mrs. Rolland Russell
Mrs. Ronnie Russell
Mrs. Ruby Armstrong Mrs. Roland Russell
Mrs. Russell
Mrs. Russell 8m.th
Mrs. Russell Beilhavtz
Mrs. Russell Beisher
Mrs. Russell Belsher
Mrs. Russell Boland
Mrs. Russell Bowei
Mrs. Russell Bower
Mrs. Russell Boyd
Mrs. Russell Boyd Carlsbad Springs
Mrs. Russell Boyd.
Mrs. Russell Briscoe
Mrs. Russell Brown
Mrs. Russell By-
Mrs. Russell Cameron
Mrs. Russell Camp
Mrs. Russell Cobb
Mrs. Russell Cobh
Mrs. Russell Currie-Mills
Mrs. Russell De- Miss Marion Fulford
Mrs. Russell Dean
Mrs. Russell Dean Mr.
Mrs. Russell Delarge
Mrs. Russell Dohertx
Mrs. Russell Doherty
Mrs. Russell Doherty Cowansville
Mrs. Russell El- Mr. L Lacroix
Mrs. Russell Eland Mrs. Douglas Derraugh
Mrs. Russell Elliott
Mrs. Russell Elliott Annual
Mrs. Russell Elliott Pick
Mrs. Russell Elliott Shaw
Mrs. Russell Elliott Shawville
Mrs. Russell Elliott.
Mrs. Russell Em
Mrs. Russell Emmerson
Mrs. Russell English
Mrs. Russell Findlay
Mrs. Russell Gibson
Mrs. Russell GiWtL
Mrs. Russell Gorman
Mrs. Russell Grant
Mrs. Russell Grant.
Mrs. Russell Gravelle
Mrs. Russell Hamiltqn
Mrs. Russell Hampson
Mrs. Russell Han-ha
Mrs. Russell Hanna
Mrs. Russell Hanna Freda
Mrs. Russell Hawes
Mrs. Russell Hawkins
Mrs. Russell Hawkins Mrs* M Smith
Mrs. Russell Healey
Mrs. Russell Hendsbec
Mrs. Russell Higby
Mrs. Russell Hill
Mrs. Russell Hill Quyon Pastoral Charge Rev. C. W. Bruce
Mrs. Russell Hodgins
Mrs. Russell Hrisçoe
Mrs. Russell Hudgins
Mrs. Russell Hurdman
Mrs. Russell I
Mrs. Russell III
Mrs. Russell I^ing
Mrs. Russell Johnston
Mrs. Russell Judd
Mrs. Russell Kettle
Mrs. Russell Kettles
Mrs. Russell Kirk.
Mrs. Russell Lang
Mrs. Russell Leader
Mrs. Russell Leroy
Mrs. Russell Lucas
Mrs. Russell Luces ROLL TOP DESK.
Mrs. Russell Mack
Mrs. Russell Mackay
Mrs. Russell Marshall
Mrs. Russell McLaugh
Mrs. Russell McLaughlin
Mrs. Russell Me#
Mrs. Russell Mee
Mrs. Russell Montreal
Mrs. Russell Mr
Mrs. Russell Mr.
Mrs. Russell Mulligan
Mrs. Russell Ned
Mrs. Russell Noble
Mrs. Russell Nor
Mrs. Russell Pitt
Mrs. Russell Rich- I
Mrs. Russell Richard-
Mrs. Russell Richardson
Mrs. Russell Ringrose
Mrs. Russell Rmgrose
Mrs. Russell Rudd
Mrs. Russell Sage
Mrs. Russell Smith
Mrs. Russell Stewart
Mrs. Russell Taber
Mrs. Russell Taber Welsh
Mrs. Russell Taebr
Mrs. Russell Trew
Mrs. Russell True
Mrs. Russell Vance
Mrs. Russell Wallace
Mrs. Russell Wallace Original
Mrs. Russell Watson
Mrs. Russell Wilcox
Mrs. Russell X J
Mrs. Russell You
Mrs. Russell Young
Mrs. Russell Zim
Mrs. Russell Zim-merllng
Mrs. Russell Zim-merLng
Mrs. Russell Zim-rr.erling
Mrs. Russell Zimmcrling
Mrs. Russell Zimmer
Mrs. Russell Zimmer-
Mrs. Russell Zimmer-Ann
Mrs. Russell Zimmer-ling
Mrs. Russell Zimmerling
Mrs. Russell Zimmerlingj
Mrs. Russell Zimmerlinj
Mrs. Russell Zimmerllng
Mrs. Russell Zimmerting
Mrs. Russell Zlm
Mrs. Russell Zlmmer-llng
Mrs. Russell Zlmmerllng
Mrs. Russell Ztmmerllng
Mrs. Russell Zunmrrl-ing
Mrs. Susan By Mrs. Ebert Murphy
Mrs. Thomas E. Murphy
Mrs. Thomas Murphy
Mrs. Vincent Murphy Mrs Michael Bertrand QPF Montreal
Mrs. W Ervin Russell
Mrs. W H. Murphy
Mrs. W Murphy
Mrs. W. J Murphy
Mrs. Wallace Murphy
Mrs. Wesley KVes John N. Russell Neil Thompson
Mrs. Wilfred Murphy
Mrs. Wilfrid Murphy
Mrs. Wilfrid Murphy London
Mrs. William Murphy
Mrx Russell LI-liott
Mr» Dalton Russell
Mr‘ Bertrand Russell
Mueller Insell Grant Russell William
Muldoon Russell Taber
Mulena Murphy
Mur- Murphy
Muriel Murphy
Muriel Murphy Bertrand
Muriel Smith Marries Russell Pitt Phileas
Murphy A
Murphy Albert Armstrong Bill Kuehl Carson Wayne Elson Schock Dave Wilson Brian Murray Mike Dubé
Murphy Bonanza
Murphy Brian
Murphy C M McColgan
Murphy Chad
Murphy Cl Campbell
Murphy Comp
Murphy Dead
Murphy Dies At Age
Murphy Family
Murphy Farreli
Murphy Farrell
Murphy Frank Cornu Nathan Fra
Murphy Fraser
Murphy Funeral
Murphy Funeral Home
Murphy Funeral Pembroke
Murphy Gratton
Murphy Hall
Murphy Huntingdon
Murphy I
Murphy I L
Murphy Is
Murphy Jr.
Murphy Jr. B President
Murphy L Dagg
Murphy Letts
Murphy May
Murphy Moses Chevrier Jos
Murphy Motion
Murphy Mr.
Murphy Mrs.
Murphy Murphy
Murphy Nathan Bronson
Murphy Our
Murphy Owenyth Shaw
Murphy Pnwnlaed
Murphy Pontiacs—C.
Murphy Promotions
Murphy R R 1
Murphy Rd
Murphy School
Murphy Sec.
Murphy Shawville
Murphy Sisters
Murphy Station
Murphy Stewart Granger Stewart Granger
Murphy Tabu
Murphy Throp
Murphy Tlie
Murphy Tropp
Murphy V 1
Murphy Wedding-Showers
Murphy-Shown Adams
Murray Russell
Murray Smith William Murphy
Mus Jessie Murphy
MUs.Icsjjie Murphy
Myrle Russell
Myrle Russell L Myrle
Myrte Russell
Myrtle Murphy
Myrtle Russell
N Russell
N. Murphy
N. Russell
N. Russell Mrs. Pitt
N.R.C. Russell
Nancy Murphy
Nancy Russell
Naomi Russell
Naomie Russell
Natalie Hahn Patricia Russell
Natalie Russell
Ned Murphy
Nee Russell
Neil Murphy
Neil Murphy-Jack Wilson
Nel- Murphy
Nellie Russell
Nellis Murphy
Nelson Mary Murphy John Agar
Nelson Tru-Billv Russell
Nepean Luke Murphy
Nfrs Russell Lucas) Miriel Hodgins
Nicholas Murphy
Nicholas Russell
Nick Nolle Eddie Murphy QUE.
Niedermayer Murphy
Nlrs Russell Hurd
No Murphy
No- Murphy
No: 555-2421-0)0105-79 Russell Elliott
Nomie Russell
Norah Murphy
Norcen Russell
Noreen Dolan Weds Samuel Eric Russell Shaw
Noreen Russell
Norma (Mn Fred Russell) Re
Norma Eileen to Fred Wiggins Russell
Norma Russell
Norma Russell - Clifford Adolph Schwartz
Norma Russell Norma Eileen Russell
Norma Wilson Russell Crick
Norma) Russell
Norman Russell 8t.
Not Russell
Note Russell
Notions Murphy
Nov. Murphy
November P W MURPHY
NVm Russell
O E. Murphy
O Russell
O. Murphy
O. Russell
O.J. Murphy
Observer Rb Russell
Oceila Mulligan Murphy—
Odo Russell Pun*
Oio Russell
Olen Carswell Murphy
Olive Erwin Russell
Oliver Murphy
Olivia Murphy
Onslow Oraham Russell
Ont Russell Boyd
Onu Murphy
Or Murphy
Oraiham Russell
Organizer Lee Murphy
Orval Russell
Os Murphy
Os Murphy Trudeau
Os Young Murphy
Ot- Russell Lucas
Ot-| Murphy
Ottawa Russell
Ou Russell
Owen E. Murphy
Owen Murphy
P 0. Box 2. Russell
P J Murphy
P J Murphy Chapleau
P J. Murphy
P Murphy
P W MURPHY* Manager.
P. Murphy
P. Q. Technicolor Rosalind Russell
P. Russell
Paddy Murphy
Parson Russell
Passing Murphy
Past W >rshipful Master Russell Horne
Pat Murphy
Pat Murphy Died
Pat Russell
Pat Schoutar Luke Murphy Golfers
Patncia Russell
Patricia Carson Russell
Patricia Hahn Russell
Patricia Murphy
Patricia Murphy Gratton
Patricia Russell
Patricia Russell and
Patricia Russell Hahn
Patricia Russell Pierre
Patricia Russell QUYON
Patricia Russell.
Patricia Russell’s
Patrick .......... Murphy
Patrick J. Murphy
Patrick Murphy
Patti Russell
Paul Dubé 0f Murphy
Paul Girard Curtis Girard Nick Smith Mike Keaman Josh Beardsley Andy Henderson Jeff Russell Jesse T
Paul Murphy
Paul Russell
Paul Russell Hcu-lahan
Paul Russell Lang
Pav>tJ Russell
Payne Mary Murphy
Payne W Jane Russell Cornel Wilde
Peace Signed Russell Sage Dies Suddenly GUATEMALA
Peach Russell
Pearl Murphy
Peeking Russell
Peggy Merri- Tom Russell
Penh Murphy
Penis Murphy
Percy Burden Russell Taber
Percy Emmerson Russell Chas Judd
Perry Lucas Russell
Pete Murphy
Peter Haughton Nelie A Bill Jette Ron At Gayle Johnston Russell Judd
Peter Murphy
Peter Russell
Peter Russell Uses
Phil Murphy
Philip Murphy
Philip Thompson Mr Roland Russell Mr Palmer Mi Annie Graham COAL Councilors
Phillys Russell
Phone Russell Mee 647-3378 Shawvitie
Phyllis Russell
Picard Murphy
Pie Russell Judd
Pilot Russell K. Rogers
Pontiac Murphy
Portage da Fort C KO. MURPHY
Poultry Assoc 2bJ13 Murphy Mr.
Prayer Murphy
Prayer Russell
Prescott A Russell
Prescott Russell
Président Russell Blackburn
President—Charles Russell Vice-President—William Hodgins
Presiding Officer MURPHY
Preuve Russell
Primer—Mmes Murphy
Pro-Mayor Murphy
Pro-Mayor- B Murphy Waterworks
Proud Russell
Pte Russell J mid
Q | Russell Henderson
Qordon Murphy
Qs Murphy
Quebec Russell
Quiet Community Russell - Wong George and Betty Russell
Quo Russell Fredrick Zimmerling
Quyoni Russell Judd
R >land Russell
R A. Grant .......... Ervin Russell R H Russell HQ Mrs. Ruby Armstrong
R D Russell
R D. Russell
R G Russell
R H Russell. Fur Pelts
R Murphy
R) Mrs. Ebert Murphy
R. Murphy
R. Russell
Rachel Andrew Murphy Joyce Sylvester
Rachel Russell
Ralph Bernard Murphy
Ralph Murphy
Ralph Murphy Bcrnie
Ralph Rennick Rutledge Smith Stanley Hodgins Lucas Ireland Major Murphy Murray Fields Fulford Gauth
Randy Russell
Rat Russell
Rates Russell
Ray Middleton Laurie Piper Vlveca Llndfors Technicolor Howard Keel Eleanor Parker Jane Russell
Ray Murphy
Raymond Mabel Russell
Raymond Russell
Raymonde Murphy
Rblland Russell
Reforestation Purposes Russell Taber
Regarding Luke Murphy’s
Reid Russell
René Ladouceur Russell Allen
Renfrew Mr. Russell Ta
Renfrew Murphy
Renfrew N......... Renfrew S......... Russell
Reserve Russell Turner
Reside Mrs. Russell Hurdman
Returning Russell
Rev A L Russell
Rev A Russell
Rev Andrew Russell
Rev Andrew Russell Is
Rev J Pat Murphy
Rev Russell Leonard LeRoy KSFStSES
Rev Russell Leroy
Rev Russell Nicolle
Rev S Snow- Jimmy Russell
Rev. A A. Russell
Rev. A Russell
Rev. À. Russell
Rev. Andrev/ Russell Celebrates Nintieth Birthday
Rev. Andrew Russell
Rev. Andrew Russell
Rev. J J. By Mrs. Ebert Murphy
Rev. Mr. Russell
Rev. Russell
Rev. Russell Le Winchester
Rev. Russell McGilliv- H. Lucas
Reverend Russell Daye
Rex Murphy
Rfbert Russell
Rich- Michael Russell
Rich- Mr. Russell Belsher
Richard John Adolph Mtelke David Harris Russell
Richard Murphy
Richard Russell
Richard Russell Messrs Donald MEN’S SUITS MEN’S
Richard Russell Passes
Richard Sam Russell
Richardson Lee Murphy
Richardson Mrs. Russell True
Richardson Russell
Richie Russell
Rick and Russell
Rick Russell Green Lake
Rick Young George Russell
Rickey Russell
Ricky Russell Emmerson
Rita (Murphy
Rita Murphy
Ritchie Russell
Rob Murphy
Rob Murphy Saturday
Rob- Russell Findlay
Robbie Russell
Robert Camp- Russell
Robert Cushman Murphy
Robert Dalton Russell
Robert Find-1 Mrs. Russell Dean
Robert Gordon Russell
Robert H. Russell
Robert l> Russell
Robert Mrs Elsie Murphy
Robert Murphy
Robert Russell
Robert Russell 210
Robert Russell and Stewart Murray
Robert Russell Harry W
Robert Russell Mollon Quenneville
Robert Russell Mr
Robert Russell Mr. Diefenbaker
Robert Russell Mrs Malcolm Letts Mrs
Robert Russell No.
Robert Russell Place
Robert Russell Russell - Gesner Adam
Robert Russell.
Robert Scott Russell
Robert Stiowood Anri Ken Russell HI-WAY DRIVE-IN
Robett Russell
Robt Russell
Rodney F. Murphy
Rodney Marks Murphy
Roger Mayhew Kevin Russell
Roimey Russell
Rolan Russell
Roland H. Russell
Roland Horace Russell
Roland Murphy
Roland Russell
Roland Russell 5.00.
Roland Russell Entertains Bristol
Roland Russell Is
Roland Russell Mary Anne Hearty CofC
Roland Russell Mr
Roland Russell Mr.
Roland Russell Mrs. R. W. Wilson
Roland Russell President
Roland Russell Property For Sale
Roland Russell Report
Roland Russell Russell
Roland Russell Secretary
Roland Russell Stafford
Roland Russell Sunday
Roland Russell Were Mr
Roland ΠRussell
Rolland Russell
Ron & Clara Russell
Ron Russell
Ron Russell Billy Grace 24
Ron- Russell
Ronad J Russell
Ronald G Russell
Ronald G. Russell
Ronald Glenn Russell
Ronald Glenn Russell Ronald Glenn Russell
Ronald J Russell
Ronald Russell
Ronald Russell < Clara Little
Ronald Russell Hall 02014
Ronald Russell Memorial
Ronald Russell Treasurer
Ronald Russell Trudeau
RonaW Russell Doug Thomas
Rondd Russell
Ronnie Orr- 331.80 Russell
Ronnie Russell
Ronny Russell
Roots Russell Carrots
Rosalind Russell
Rosalind Russell "Vista
Rosalind Russell Alex Guinness Presented By Mr.
Rosalind Russell HIS
Rosalind Russell Ideas
Rosalind Russell PLUS
Rosalind Russell Stella Stevens MOVIE BINGO
Rou-Roiand Russell
Routliffe A. Russell
Roxanne Russell
Roy Drake Russell Pritchard
Roy James Alfred Murphy
Roy Rogers Young Man Ray Miland Mary Murphy
Roy Russell
Royce Russell
Rrvnda Murphy
Ruby Russell
Rudolph and Betty Lee Murphy
Run” Russell
Rural Inspector Russell Elliott
Russell Christmas Candies Toilet
Russell DON’T W AIT—EVE R Y .
Russell Our
Russell X
Russell - Bristol Me-
Russell - Herbert
Russell - Ludlow
Russell - Percy Campbell
Russell 6405XM5 Phone Earl
Russell 7-2422 7-2500 7-3896
Russell 7-2471 7-2463
Russell 7-2471 7-2463 7-2721 7-2723
Russell 7-2523 Emmerson
Russell 7-2635 t 7-3825 X Smart
Russell 7-2984
Russell A
Russell A .
Russell A Russell
Russell A. Elliott
Russell A. McLachlin
Russell Africa
Russell Alexander
Russell Allen
Russell Allen Allen
Russell Allen Atkinsons Bar Hwy
Russell Amey
Russell and Wesley
Russell Andrews
Russell April
Russell Ba
Russell Bal-
Russell Barry
Russell Beattie
Russell Beau
Russell Beauchamp
Russell Beck
Russell Beckett
Russell Belsher
Russell Bennet
Russell Bennett
Russell Bennett’s
Russell Berndt
Russell Bertha Gardiner
Russell Berube
Russell Billot
Russell Bird
Russell Black
Russell Black Honoured
Russell Blavkburn
Russell Boise Block
Russell Boland
Russell Boose Block
Russell Boose Block Reliability
Russell Boose Elect.
Russell Bosse Block
Russell Bous*
Russell Bouse
Russell Bouse Biol
Russell Bouse Block
Russell Bouse Elect.
Russell Bower
Russell Bowes
Russell Boyd
Russell Brabazon
Russell Bradford
Russell Bribers
Russell Bristol
Russell Bros
Russell Bros Ottawa-Waltham— Leave Shawville
Russell Bros,
Russell Bros.
Russell Brothers Incorporated
Russell Brown
Russell Brown Emmerson Brown Mr
Russell Brownlee
Russell Burden
Russell Buttle
Russell By-law
Russell C Moore
Russell C. Tulk
Russell Cal
Russell Cameron
Russell Campbel
Russell Campbell
Russell Carr
Russell Carried
Russell Carried Moved
Russell Ceremonies
Russell Chairman
Russell Charles
Russell Charles E. Pearl
Russell Charlie King
Russell Charteris
Russell Church
Russell Clifford Cowan
Russell Co.
Russell Coach
Russell Coaler
RUssell Cobb
Russell Cobb - Whelen
Russell Cobb April
Russell Colvin
Russell Condon
Russell Cooper
Russell Corrigan
Russell Cosby
Russell Costain
Russell Court
Russell Cow
Russell Cowansville-Goal
Russell Crick
Russell Curie Mills
Russell Curley
Russell Currie
Russell Currie Mills
Russell Currie*Mills
Russell Currie- M
Russell Currie-Mill*
Russell Currie-Mills
Russell D Leach Chapeau
Russell Dagg
Russell Dale
Russell Daley
Russell David
Russell Davies Pontiac Bridal Fair
Russell De Carle
Russell Dean
Russell Dean Bristol
Russell Dean Come
Russell Dean Mr
Russell Dean Mr.
Russell Dean Mr. Neilson
Russell Dean Tribute
Russell Deb- Manwcll Carroll
Russell Deborah Russett
Russell DeCorle
Russell Decourcie
Russell Deeource
Russell DeLombard
Russell Dennis
Russell Development
Russell Dies
Russell Dies Al Norway
Russell Doherty
Russell Douglas
Russell Douse Block Another
Russell Dove M Inside
Russell Dumas
Russell Dumont
Russell E Hansen
Russell Education
Russell Edwards
Russell Eglish
Russell EHott
Russell Eight
Russell El
Russell El-
Russell Eli
Russell Eliminates Shawvllle
Russell Elizabeth
Russell ElKott
Russell Elli- David Fraser
Russell Elli-Joseph Belanger
Russell Elliots
Russell Elliott
Russell Elliott - Sterling Hodgins
Russell Elliott 40th
Russell Elliott 9.50
Russell Elliott J Cleary
Russell Elliott Lake
Russell Elliott Smart
Russell Elliott Sorry
Russell Elliott Tel
Russell Elliott to
Russell Elliott XA2 Rheal
Russell Elliott!
Russell Elliott) Alma Elliott
Russell Elliott* Fred Graham
Russell Elliott.
Russell Elliott.......... R. Wallace Burry
Russell Elliottt
Russell Elsie Murphy Letts
Russell Elwood
Russell Emmerson
Russell Eonse Block
Russell Eraklne
Russell Estate
Russell Evans Derouin
Russell EYES
Russell F
Russell F Elliott
Russell Faber
Russell Fair-
Russell Falbar
Russell Family
Russell Farewell Dr. Russell
Russell Farm
Russell Farrell
Russell Fin
Russell Find-J
Russell Findlay
Russell Findlay Shawville
Russell Fitzsimmons
Russell Fort Coulonge
Russell Frederick C. Mouche
Russell Frederick Zim-merling
Russell French - Lena Baml
Russell Funeral
Russell Funeral Home
Russell G. M. Murphy
Russell Gamble
Russell Gamble 213
Russell Gatineau Mills Que Parties
Russell Gauley
Russell George Centre
Russell Gerald Mielke
Russell Gibson
Russell Gleason
Russell Goldwyn Hobbs
Russell Goose Block
Russell Gordon Hod--------------------------------------
Russell Gordon MarRae
Russell Gough
Russell Gouley
Russell Grant
Russell Grant.
Russell Grave
Russell Gravelle
Russell Green
Russell Grice
Russell H -Elliott»RussellRR2 Francon Ltd Gregory
Russell H B ennett
Russell H Elliott
Russell H Elliott.
Russell H. 647-2578 Elliott
Russell H. Elliott
Russell H. Elliott,RussellRR2 Francon Ltd Gregory
Russell H. Elliott,RussellRR2 Francon Ltd-Gregory
Russell H. Monroe
Russell Hall
Russell Hanna
Russell Harper
Russell Harper.......
Russell Harper........
Russell Harper.........
Russell Harper..........
Russell Hart Sloan
Russell Hawkins
Russell He
Russell He-
Russell He-man Elliott
Russell He/use
Russell Hedging
Russell Heman
Russell Heman Elliott
Russell Henderson
Russell Herman Elliott fo/hj
Russell Hill
Russell Hobbs
Russell Hobbs 2
Russell Hobbs 3. Pair
Russell Hod
Russell Hodgins
Russell Hodgtm
Russell Holstein Breeders Association
Russell Holstein Calf Sale
Russell Holstein Club
Russell Holt
Russell Home
Russell Hon
Russell Honse Block
Russell Hormon
Russell Hotel
Russell Houee
Russell Houei Block
Russell Houet Block
Russell Hour* Orders
Russell House Hayes Undertaking Parlours
Russell House* Itepresentatives
Russell HouseBlock Ottawa
Russell Houst
Russell Hou§eBlock Ottawa
Russell Hove*
Russell Hovse
Russell How Stable* ROBT.
Russell Humphrey
Russell Hunt
Russell hunt Graham
Russell Hunter
Russell Hurdman
Russell Hurdmen
Russell HXl
Russell I
Russell I Lu
Russell I THE
Russell I* Pa“ Versai
Russell I/)well
Russell Ilouse
Russell In
Russell Inanerws
Russell Indicated
Russell Is
Russell ITouse
Russell Ix>roy
Russell J Mulligan
Russell Jackson
Russell Jeannette Coyne
Russell Jeff Russell Concerts
Russell John
Russell Johnson
Russell Johnston
Russell Judd
Russell Judd $
Russell Judd 12.00
Russell Judd 137.26
Russell Judd 1470.00
Russell Judd 148
Russell Judd 17.50
Russell Judd 1974
Russell Judd 212.02
Russell Judd 227.71
Russell Judd 239
Russell Judd 24.00
Russell Judd 26.25
Russell Judd 260.19
Russell Judd 310.35 Garrison Supply
Russell Judd 315.00
Russell Judd 337.50
Russell Judd 748.00
Russell Judd 99.35
Russell Judd and Leonard Horner
Russell Judd Anniversary
Russell Judd Building Inspector
Russell Judd Contractor
Russell Judd cott*gers
Russell Judd Gels Board Meeting Nurse
Russell Judd Margaret Kilgour
Russell Judd Minutes
Russell Judd Moved
Russell Judd Such
Russell Judd _ _
Russell Judd • Ketchebaw
Russell Judd- Moved
Russell Judd.
Russell Judd................
Russell Judds
Russell Judd’s Fury
Russell Judi
Russell Jvld
Russell K
Russell Ken Tubman From
Russell Kettles
Russell Klliott
Russell Kllirtt
Russell Knits
Russell Knox
Russell Knox Preacher
Russell Kruts Ottawa
Russell Krutz
Russell L LeRoy
Russell L. Hod-gins
Russell Lacas
Russell Lance
Russell Lang
Russell Lavlie
Russell Le Roy
Russell Leach
Russell Leader
Russell Leafe
Russell Lecompte
Russell Lent
Russell Lerojr
Russell Leroy
Russell Lesway
Russell Levesque
Russell Lewis
Russell Linden M Richardson
Russell Lindsay
Russell Lloyd
Russell Lodge
Russell Louis Schwartz
Russell Lowed
Russell Lowell
Russell Loxton
Russell Loyer
Russell LTugroan.
Russell Lu-
Russell Lucas
Russell Lucas Dave Angus
Russell Lucas No.
Russell Luces
Russell Lug
Russell M Melanie
Russell Mac
Russell Mace
Russell MacIntyre
Russell Mackay
Russell Mae
Russell Manson
Russell Margaret Reid
Russell Margaret Reside
Russell Marilyn
Russell Martin Yach
Russell Mas Ignore Grant
Russell Masks
Russell Masseous
Russell May
Russell May God
Russell Mayo
Russell McCleary
Russell McDdWell
Russell McDowell
Russell Mce
Russell McKenzie Tisdale
Russell McKibbon
Russell McLaughlin
Russell McLellan
Russell McLinton
Russell McMillan
Russell McNeill
Russell McRoh-erts
Russell Mdkide
Russell Me
Russell Me#
Russell Me:
Russell Mee
Russell Mee -
Russell Mee 647-3378 Shawville Valuation Roll
Russell Mee Dalton Richardson
Russell Mee Verda Hamilton
Russell Mee xn2 November
Russell Mees
Russell Mee’s
Russell Mégane Bretzlaff
Russell Melburne Elliott
Russell Men
Russell Mer
Russell Mer-
Russell Merrifield
Russell Merritt
Russell Mev
Russell Miljour
Russell Milks
Russell Miller
Russell Mills
Russell Milton
Russell Mkk
Russell Mosseau
Russell Motion
Russell Motion Cr Garth Tracy Dust
Russell Motor Car Co.
Russell Mous-
Russell Mousso
Russell Mr
Russell Mr-
Russell Mr.
Russell Mr. R.
Russell Mr. W,
Russell Mrs Kenneth Smith
Russell Mrs. Asa Laughren
Russell Mrs. D.
Russell Mrs. Gilbert
Russell Mrs. H. Armstrong
Russell Mrs. H. G Judd. Young
Russell Mu
Russell Mulligan
Russell Mulligan Russell Mulligan ® Robinson
Russell Mulligan Steel Line Quy-
Russell Murdock’s
Russell Murray Hill
Russell Mve
Russell N OPEN
Russell Nancy Joy Vickers
Russell Nell Peggy
Russell Nitschkie
Russell NMM#
Russell Nobel
Russell Noble
Russell Nyveld
Russell O Old Grist Mill Burns To Ground Schedule
Russell Officers
Russell Ontario
Russell Ormond
Russell Osborne
Russell Ottawa
Russell Owen
Russell Own
Russell P. Hartle
Russell Pallbearers
Russell Pat terson
Russell Patrick
Russell Paulger
Russell Peck
Russell Pedwell
Russell Pembroke
Russell Pitt
Russell Plaident
Russell Pontiac s Agronomist Neil Drummond
Russell Poultry
Russell Powers
Russell Primer II
Russell Prit- T *
Russell Prit-that
Russell Pritchard
Russell Pt Toronto
Russell Puuse
Russell Quinn
Russell R F U
Russell R R
Russell Ram
Russell Raymond
Russell Rd
Russell Rd.
Russell Relsher
Russell Restaurant
Russell Reuse Block
Russell Richard-
Russell Richard- Complete
Russell Richardson
Russell Rick Valin
Russell Ring
Russell Ringrose
Russell Road
Russell Robinson 17.25
Russell ROBT.
Russell Rolphton
Russell Rons* Rlor
Russell Rotary Entertainment
Russell Rouse April
Russell Rouse Block
Russell Rouse Block CUTHBEgTSON
Russell Roust Block
Russell Route
Russell RR 2
Russell RR2647-3308 Gaumond
Russell RR2647—3308 Carroll
Russell Rudd
Russell Russell
Russell S. Hodgins
Russell S. Wilson
Russell Sage
Russell Samuel Hod
Russell Samuel Hodgins
Russell Samuel Hudgins
Russell Sec-Treas
Russell Sec-Trees
Russell Sec.-Treas
Russell Sec.-Trees
Russell Second Vice President
Russell Secretary
Russell Secretary-Manager
Russell Sense Block David Reaver
Russell Service Centre
Russell Service Centre-George Coles
Russell Service NOTICE
Russell Service Shawville Milling
Russell Shale Brick Company
Russell Sisson
Russell SKI
Russell Smith
Russell Smith 518
Russell Smith GSPi You
Russell Smith Passes
Russell Sot
Russell South
Russell South Mountain Sturgeon Falls
Russell Sports ShawvtHe
Russell Square
Russell Sr.
Russell St 8.
Russell St* Toronto
Russell St.
Russell Staut.m
Russell Staye
Russell Stew
Russell Stewart
Russell Stewart Mr
Russell Stéwert
Russell Sudbury
Russell Suitor
Russell T Elliott
Russell T Elliott.
Russell t,4tî
Russell T. Kelley
Russell T. Kelly
Russell Tab-parents
Russell Taber
Russell Taber Clive Beattie
Russell Taber Beverley
Russell Taber Martin
Russell Taber She
Russell Taber This
Russell Tabor
Russell Tader
Russell Tait Doherty
Russell Tatar
Russell Tater
Russell The
Russell Theatre
Russell There
Russell Thomas
Russell Tmirnamvnt M<i
Russell Toronto
Russell True
Russell Tubman
Russell Turner
Russell Turner 7
Russell Turner Almonte
Russell Unit
Russell Unuse
Russell Uodgins
Russell Uouet Block Ottawa
Russell Uoute
Russell V Hill
Russell Vestrup
Russell Victor
Russell Village
Russell VINTON R. MacGregor Dillon McGee
Russell Visitors
Russell Wallace
Russell Ward
Russell Warren
Russell WE MMgf
Russell Webb
Russell WED.
Russell Wedreaday
Russell White
Russell Wil-
Russell Will
Russell Williams
Russell Wilson
Russell Wilson Shewville
Russell Winchester
Russell Wocds
Russell Wood
Russell Wood*
Russell Woods
Russell Woods -
Russell Woods 138.
Russell Woods 151.24
Russell Woods 157.
Russell Woods 196
Russell Woods A. Brown
Russell Woods BtT1
Russell Woods Municipal Forms
Russell Woods That
Russell Woods-
Russell Young
Russell Zim
Russell Zimmer
Russell Zimmerling
Russell Zimmerling Phone
Russell Zlmmerllng
Russell, Jr Champion Dairy Jim Russell
Russell- Mrs Sylvia Hodgins
RUSSELL—Beverley Ann
Russell’s Tom V6
Ruth A Eason Russell
Ruth Russell
Ruth Russell November
Ruth Russell SHAWVIUE
Ruth Russell t*0 V*
Ruth Strutt Judd - Russell WWW.MICKARMnAGEBAND.COM
Ryan Russell
R^th Russell
S E Russell
S&wreuce Russell
S. Russell
S.S. Russell
Sandra Mur- Russell
Sandra Mur-Russell
Sandra Russell
Sarah Jane Murphy
Sarah Mrs Edgar Russell
Sarah Murphy
Satur- Russell
Scotch—A G Murphy 1
Scott Gall Russell Color
Scott Joan Leslie Technicolor Kiss Me Kate Kathryn Grayson Judy Canova John Russell WEDNESDAY
Scott Russell
Sec Mrs Russell Elliott
Sec-Treas Russell
Senator Murphy
Sens Russell
Sept. Murphy
Several Luke Murphy
Sfc> X D Russell
Shaw- Leona A. Murphy
Shawn Murphy
Shawn Russell
Shawville JefT Russell
Shawville Murphy
Shawville Russell Hotel
Shawville Russell House
Shawville Russell House Notice
Shawville Standard Bert Murphy
Shawville’s Luke Murphy
Shawville’s Luke Murphy Darron Barr
Shawvllle’s Russell Judd
Sheila Russell
Shelley Moor- Murphy
Shelly Russell
Shelly W inters Claire Trevor Stephen McNally Denis O’Keefe Gail Russell
Sheriff Murphy
Shirey Russell
Shirlav Russell
Shirlety Russell
Shirley (Russell
Shirley Booth Jane Russell CEN^f
Shirley Eck-Russell
Shirley Murphy
Shirley Russell
Shirley Russell Ada Palmer
Shirley Sharpe Murphy
Shower Mrs Russell Elliott
Shriley Russell Lucas
Shu- Russell
Sidney Tub- Russell
Simon Martineau Ena Margaret Murphy
Sister W. G. RUSSELL
Smallest dog- Graham Russell
Smith Murphy
Sml- Russell
Sol Smith Russell
Solicited P W MURPHY
Some Russell
Son* R Russell
Sonny Russell
Sons Funeral Jeff Russell
Sons Funeral Russell Mee
Spar- Russell
Spot Russell T. Kelly
St Eason Russell
St Joseph s-1 Murphy
Stacey Russell
Stan Russell
Stanley - Bull Russell Mulligan
Stanton Russell Fhat
Stanton--That Russell Taber
Starring Rosiland Russell
Statfacts Myrle Russell
Stella Murphy
Stephen Henry Murphy
Stephen Russell
Stephens Mrs. E. Murphy
Steve Russell
Steve Saunders Murphy
Steven Meisner Richard Meisner Elwyn Brownlee Lee Beniot Luke Murphy Marty Brownlee Tim Ferrigan
Steward Russell Gravcllc
Stewart Russell
Stuart Russell
Stuart Russell Hay
Studio Andrée Kathleen Grace and Chris Russell
Sue Cahill-Booth Guelph Warren Russell Shawville
Susan Russell
Susan Thrun Brian Murphy
Susie Russell
Sybyl Murphy
Sylvia Bakker Al Russell
Sylvia Murphy
Sylvia Russell
T Murphy
T. Murphy
T. Russell
Taber-That Russell V‘Motton-Cra McGoff-Steele
Tait........ Murphy
Tara Murphy
Taylor Eason J. Russell
Ted Ladel- Murphy
Telford Russell
Terence Murphy
Terrence Murphy
Terry Murphy
Terry Russell
Th- Russell Elliott
Thanksgiving Theme Betty Russell
That Russell Taber
The Dravcurs* Matthew Lucas Russell
The Russell Heather Coughlin
Then Russell
Theresa Murphy
Theresa Russell
They Russell K. O’Dell
Thomas Earl Murphy
Thomas Fort Coulongr Council Mrs. Jean and Mias Sheila Me- Murphy Rae
Thomas Hor- Murphy
Thomas Murphy
Thomas Russell
Thomas Russell Eric and
Thomas Stark Murphy
Thoms Murphy
Thos Murphy
Thurs- Mrs. Ebert Murphy
Thus Murphy
Tillie Murphy
Tim Carmi Luke Murphy
Tim Carmichael Murphy
Tim Jeff Russell
Tim O — Luke Murphy
Tim Russell
Tim Thompson Murphy-Trov
Timmie Murphy
Tip Russell
Titos Murphy
Todd Hearty Brad Barr Gillie Fraser Bobby Clarke Carson Ryan Randy Peck Greg Murphy Davey Keon Kell
Todd Murphy
Todd Russell
Tok Murphy
Toluol Murphy
Tom Grant Russell
Tom Murphy
Tom Russell
Tom Russell 11.211
Tom Russell Dwayne Laughren He
Tom- Alfred Russell
Tommy Russell
Tony Russell
Tracy 584.12 Alfred Russell 1.60 Mrs L W Em
Tracy and Margaret Ervin Russell
Treasurer- Mrs Russell
Trevor Murphy
trnof4• Jamcs Graham Shawn Murphy
Troy Russell
Trustee Russell Elliott
Tubman Murphy
Tyl- Murphy
Tyler Randolph Scott Technicolor Claire Trevor Audie Murphy Susan Cabot
Tyler Sc Emily Hubky Charles Russell
U. Murphy
UJy Murphy
Ulna Murphy
Uoiuid Russell
Us Mrs. Ebert Murphy Armstrong
Usa Murphy
UVWWW.*.- M * Russell
V J Russell Young
V whicI* Murphy
V* Russell
V. Russell
Val Murphy
Valerie Murphy
Valley Mutual Betty Russell C.B.L. Pirie
VALUE OBITUARY Russell O’Connor Russell O Connor
Van-, Russell Grant
Vancou- Russell
Vera Palmer - Neil Russell Judd
Vera Russell Gibbs
Verdun Mr. Russell
Verna Russell Elliott
Vf Russell
Viciurma Russell
Vick Russell
Vicki Russell
Vicky Russell
Victurnia Russell
Vincent Murphy
Vivian Russell
Vreda Murphy
V—Russell Lucas
W A Mrs. Roland Russell
W A Russell House
W altei Russell
W alter Russell
W G. Russell
W H 7-2800 Murphy
W innifred Russell Cone.
W L Murphy Wilson
W M Russell
W Russell
W, Murphy
W. Murphy
W. Russell
W.H. Murphy
W.P. Lee Murphy
Waiter Russell
Wallace - Russell Stewart - LaSalle
Wallace Henry Murphy
Wallace Murphy
Walter Kileonr Jack Russell
Walter Kilgom Maynard Russell
Walter M. Russell
Walter MeM Russell
Walter Mrs Andrew Russell
Walter Russell
Walter Russell 2
Walter Russell Dies
WALTER SMITH Jane Russell George Brent SIX
Walter Smith Kay Russell
Walter W. Russell
Wanda Hendrix Audie Murphy Apparel Specialists For Men
Warren Mrs. Russell
Warren Russell
Warren Russell Bill Marras
Warren Russell Lot
Warren Russell or Betty Strutt
Warren Russell or Betty Strutt- Anyone
Warren Russell’s
Watt Murphy
Wayne Maheral Debbie Russell
Wayne Rus- Catherine Russell Distinction Loren Smart
We Russell
Wellington Murphy
Wendy Murphy and Karen Bigelow
Wendy Russell
Werc Messrs. John S. Murphy
West-Murphy Funeral Home
When Russell
Wilfred Murphy
Willard Dage- Russell Judd
William and Murphy
William As Murphy
William H. Murphy
William Henry Murphy
William Howard Russell
William Joseph Murphy
William M Russell
William M. Russell Dies STENCIL TYPING
William McGregor Russell
William Me- Russell Lucas
William Murphy
William Murphy Armstrong
William Murphy Dies
William Oimstead Murphy
William Olmstead Murphy
William Russell
William Russell y DR.
William Russell BETHEL
William Russell DR.
William Russell Keith McCleary
William Russell Trophy
William Russell Woods
William Somerville RUSSELL HOUSE
William Wallace Murphy
Willie M. Russell
Willie Murphy
Willie Russell
Wilson Mrs Rolland Russell
Win Murphy
With Russell
Wm G Russell
Wm Murphy
Wm Russell
WO-1 Russell Armstrong
Wong - Russell Janey
Woods Russell
Wry Murphy
Wt Russell
X* A Mrs Russell Elliott.
xm9 Murphy
Yearling- R Russell
Younger-Lcwis Russell
Zac* Russell
Zllvmanager Russell House Block Ottawa Ottawa.Je»
Zoe Murphy
[ Mrs Russell Elliott
_ Russell
Bert Murphy
Ca Luke Murphy
Coal Oil l H AS. RUSSELL
Florence Murphy
Fort Cou- Russell
Luke Murphy
Luke Murphy’s
Murphy Canyon
Murphy Phone PArkway
Murphy Road
Murphy Sisters
Pearl Murphy
Pearl Russell
Portage-du-Fort defeated Luke Murphy
Russell 4 Hare
Russell Africa
Russell County
Russell Road
Russell Square
Russell Williams
1st Shawville Pack 1st Star Tests George Russell Polishing
2. Dalton Russell;
453-7326 Otter Lake Russell
5847X2S21 Russell’s Service Centre Ford
7th Line Murphy’s
Adults 50< Telephone 432-4224 Children 25c Motion Crs Murphy
Agricultural Society Silver Ronald Russell Memorial
Bank of Montreal Barbers Bastien Tire Bean s Retro Canada Beckcrest Farm Betty Russell Brownline Fa
Barbara Russell Telephone Co.
Basil Murphy
Benefit Entertainment Russell Brothers
Best Beef Calf; Jeff Russell
Board of Health Ervin Russell
Bristol and Mrs. Herb Russell
Bristol and Mrs. Russell Dean
Bristol Bob Russell
Bristol Mrs. Hertoy Russell
Bristol Mrs. Millon Russell
Bristol Murphy
Bristol Norway Bay LAC Cecil Cmfligh Buried At Beechwood Mr. Burns Russell
Bristol rotary Treasurer Mr. Murphy
Bristol s Clara Russell
Bristol s Fred Russell
Bristol s Jeff Russell
Bristol s Tim Carmi Luke Murphy
Bristol Women’s Institute Mrs. Roland Russell
Bristol Women’s Institute; Eason Russell
Bristol | Mrs. Russell Dean
Bristol.............. Dalton Russell
Bristol; Russell Mackay
Bristol; Warren Russell
Bros Ronald G Russell & Sons DRY COW 8c Sons Glenark
Bryson Lions Murphy
BSE Russell Garage
Cal Carson Russell
Carey Gall Russell k
Carson Golden Age Club Russell of North Gower
Carson Russell
Carson Russell & Mike
Carson Russell B>’
Carson Russell Bristol Volunteer Qn October
Carson Russell By ELIZABETH Elizabeth Hahn
Carson Russell Hall
Carson Russell Mike
Carson Russell of
Carson Russell of North
Carson Russell of North Gower
Carson Russell’s
Carson Russell’s Pee-Wee
Celebrate Crystal Anniversary Andrew Russell
Central Depot Russell House
Central Depot Russell House BIoîï
Central Depot Russell House Bloch London
Central Depot Russell House Block Gome First Week
Central Depot Russell House Block GUTHBEfjTSON
Central Depot Russell House DM.
Champion & Reserve Russell
Charles Russell Telephone
Cimarron Kid Audie Murphy Stewart Granger Stewart Granger
Civic Hospital Mrs. Fred Russell
Clara Russell
Clinical Laboratory Will Begin Co-op Medical Returns Russell Her
Clothes Shop Allan Russell
Clow Harmony Equity Photo Joe Russell
Coins - Stock MURPHY-
Community Association Evelyn Murphy
Community B> Mrs. Ebert Murphy
Community Hospital Mrs. Basil Murphy
Con Murphy
Con- Murphy
Concert Joe Russell And Gulbransen Organ Stars Of Great Rotary Show
Consequently Com J A Russell
Contact Bert Murphy
Contact H A Murphy
Contact Mrs. Betty Russell
Contact Russell Mae
Corporation Municipale du Russell
COUNCIL Motion Crs Murphy
Cruickshank Trucking & Backhoe Murphy
Crystal Murphy
Custom Application Charles Russell;
Dagenais Crystal Dubeau Réjean Busssière Luke Murphy
Department of Russell Elliott
DESTRY Audie Murphy
Donna Mae Russell
Edgar Russell & Sons
ELIZABETH Carson Russell
Elmlea Domino Russell
Everett Arthurs Carson Russell
Everett Eason Russell
Farm Equipment OBITUARY Russell Murray Hill
Federal Kevin Murphy
Formerly Russell’s Service Centre
FROATJ & SONS Mrs. Russell Dean
Funeral Home of S S Russell
G. Russell Bristol
Gall Russell Color
General Banking Business Transacted Fanners Business Solicited P W MURPHY
General Banking Business Transacted Farmers Business Solicited P W MURPHY
General Banking Buslne** Transacted Farmers Business Solicited P W MURPHY
George Russell
Grand Lodge Murphy
Hair Gallery Betty Russell K&L Dairy Gladcrest Farms Shawville Milling Hardy Plants Royal Bank C.B.
Hanson Murphy
Hanson Murphy’s
Hayes & Sons Funeral Jeff Russell
Hayes & Sons Funeral Russell Mee
Hayes & Sons Patricia Russell
Health Examiner-^Russell Mulligan
HELL BENT FOR LEATHER Audie Murphy Felecia Farr Western
HELL BENT FOR LEATHER Audio Murphy Felicia Farr
Heritage Russell
High School Llewyn Hodgins M l C Murphy Wilfred Bean B-i
III—Robbie Russell
Institute Mrs. Roland Russell
Institutes Murphy
ÎSFS /• Mrs. G. Carson Mrs. F. Murphy Mrs.
J A Russell
J E Russell with Reserve Junior Champion Female
J.E. Russell Court
JEAN WALLACE Carson Russell
Jeanne Bell Murphy
John Murphy Estate
Junior Champion Reserve Russell
JUNIOR YEARLING HEIFER J E Russell A Sons Hlllls Connolly Edwin
Kings 0 Jeff Russell
Kings 0f Mike Murphy
KL Kllgour J E Russell A Sons J Donald Duff A Sons Hlllls ConoUy
KL KUgour Hlllls Connolly J E Russell A Sons SENIOR YEARLING HEIFER J E Russell A Sons Hlllls ConoU
Lake Dumont Fish A Russell
Liberal School Board of Western Brian Murphy
Lion Basil Murphy
Lion Basil Murphy P.S. Shortly
Lucas Russell
M. Bernard Pilot Russell
Maple Syrup Carried | Russell
Marries Russell Pitt Phileas Amyotfe Named Fort Coulonge Mayor
Master Bert Murphy
Master Corporal Russell Davies Russell Davies
Master Jeff Russell
Master Russell
Master Russell Horne
McGill University Russell Judd
McKechnle & Sons CTawford Bros Ronald G Russell & Sons Wm
McKechnle & Sons Ronad J Russell & Sons Ronald J Russell & Sons Bull
McKechnle & Sons Ronald G Russell & Sons Ronald G Russell & Sons Frank Finnigan
Morning Rosalind Russell Technicolor MS
Morrow Murphy
Motion & Murphy
Motion & Murphy Nathan
Motion Cr Murphy
Motion Crs Murphy
Motion Russell-Alien
Motion—Russell-Beattie Council
Moyer’s School Supplies Russell Lucas
Mr Russell Pitt
Mr. Alf Russell Bristol
Mr. Russell Gilman Higby
Mrs Carson Russell
Mrs Crystal Murphy
Mrs Russell Pitt
Mrs Russell Pitt of Hull
Mrs Russell Pitt spent Christmas Holidays
Mrs. Emile Carson Russell
Mrs. Hi Ills Smith Murphy
Mrs. Jeanne Belle Murphy
Mrs. Jennif Belle Murphy
Mrs. Mrs Carson Russell
Mrs. Murphy
Mrs. Ned | Hospital Auxiliary Mrs. Russell Dean
Mrs. Ronnie Russell
Mrs. Russell Elliott ;
Mrs. Russell Pitt
Mrs. Russell Pitt and Ellen
Mrs. Russell Pitt and Heather
Mrs. Russell Pitt of Hull
Mrs. Russell Watson
Mueller Insell Grant Russell William
Murphy Bo Line
Murphy Health & Sanitation
Murphy House
Murphy Labelle
Murphy MS
Murphy Oil
Murphy Standard Church Shawville Rev.
Murphy Taxi PRODUCTS
National Bank Beth s Manicure Helen Routlitfe Northtork Country Kitchen Betty Russell - Donation
National Capital Division Murphy
National Events Mrs. David Russell
Negotiating Committee QAPSB Western Que J A Russell
Oldsmobile Cars Chevrolet Trucks RUSSELL BOYD.
ONSLOW Gordon Russett Mr. Gordon Russell
Oppose Agricultural Russell Dumont
Patricia Russell’s
Pembroke Hahn Correspondent Belated Carson Russell of North
Perry Lucas Russell
PGM.Grand Sec.; Beta Russell
Pig’s Stomach Mrs. Mabel Murphy
PLUMBERS Ford Mrs Wallace Murphy
Pontiac Community Alfred Russell
Pontiac Community Hos- Murphy
Pontiac Community Hospital are Hospital Administrator Jack Russell witn Hospital Board
Pontiac County Co- Dalton Russell
Pontiac County Eason Russell
Pontiac Jamea Russell
Pontiac Lions Midget CC Russell
Pontiac Lions PNMHT Scoring Player J Argue L Russell M Durm S Larameé S Beck MA Glfouard
Pontiac Murphy
Pontiac Printshop Janet Russell
Pontiac Russell
Pontiac Russell Mee 647-3378 Shawville Valuation Roll
Pontiac Telephone Co Mrs Herby Russell
Pontiac Trail Ken Fisher Pontiac Russell
Pontiac; Bank National; Eason Russell
Pontiac’s Agricultural Society OTTER LAKE HOUSE C.E.MURPHY
Pro Mayor Basil Murphy USEE
Quebec Farm Forum By Keith Russell
Quyon Council Basil Murphy
RA Hard-working Russell
Radio Farm Forum Topics By Mrs. Ebert Murphy
Recreation Association Margaret Murphy
Recreation Committee Basil Murphy
Reis Equipment Ltd. Mystical Creations Valley Mutual Revel Stewart & Barb Russell Elliott Farm Equi
RENT Yudie Murphy Chevrolet
RIDE A CROOKED TRAIL Audio Murphy Gia Scala Western
Roll JH Nathan Russell Woods
Rotarian Joe Russell
Royal Bank Beckcrest Farm Pontiac Auto Betty Russell H.I. Hobbs
Royal Winter Miss Eleanor Russell
Ruby Seal Eason Russell
Rural Inspector Alfred Russell
Rural Inspector Russell Elliott
Russell & Associates
Russell & Associates Studio
Russell & Co''s
Russell & Sons
Russell & Sons Crawford Bros.
Russell & Sons Dalton Hodgins J E Russell A Chris Judd Edwin
Russell & Sons Dalton Hodgins JA & KL Kilg Walter Kllgour
Russell & Sons MacKechnie
Russell & Sons One
Russell & Sons;
Russell A Sons JA A KL KUgour Walter
Russell A Sons Walter
Russell and Sons
Russell and Sons Shea
Russell Bristol end Mrs.
Russell Bros
Russell Bros Ottawa-Waltham— Leave Shawville
Russell Brothers
Russell Brothers Incorporated
Russell Director General Shewville
Russell Disney
Russell du Québec.
Russell Equipment Ltd. Hwy
Russell Fair
Russell Farm Equipment
Russell Farm Shawville’s Pipeline
Russell Heart Institute Golf Tourna
Russell Hospital
Russell Hotel
Russell House
Russell House Biol CUTHBEHTSON
Russell House Bloch CUTHBEHTSON
Russell House Block
Russell House Elect
Russell House Hayes Undertaking Parlours
Russell House Mr. Horner
Russell House Mrs.
Russell House Open—^ms |
Russell House ROBT.
Russell House SCHOOL NO.
Russell House Shawville
Russell House Stables
Russell House SURGEON DENTIST Campbells Bat -
Russell House X
Russell House Yard
Russell Mayo
Russell Motor Car Company
Russell Mrs. Pitt ....... Warren Campbell WÊKÊÊÊIÊÊÊ Mrs.
Russell Opera House
Russell Own High Producers Pontiac League
Russell Pontiac
Russell Rd
RUSSELL ROOM NOW # Equity & TO....
RUSSELL S Service Centre
Russell s Service Centre Tel
Russell Sage Foundation
Russell Service Centre
Russell Service Centre 7.41
Russell Service Centre-George Coles
RUSSELL Shooting
Russell St Sons
Russell St Sons Selwood Greta’s Burton; John T. Dagg St Son Senior
Russell Unit No.
Russell’s Farm
Russell’s Service Center
Russell’s Service Centre
Russell’s Service Centre Ford
Russell’s Service Centre INSULATED Homemade
SCHOOL Births COWLING Tin- Russell House
School Board Association Charlie Russell
School Russell Allen Atkinsons Bar Hwy
School Russell Judd Board
Second Joe Russell Rotary Club Entertainment
Secret Eason Russell
Service Station Bolhorne Feeds Basil Murphy Gibbons Restaurant McCann
Shawville Library with Luke Murphy CAROLE ST-AUBIN Equity Editor SHAWVILLE
Shawville Milling Co and Russell Service Centre
Shawville Standard Bert Murphy
SHAWVILLE Technicolor Mary Murphy Rory Calhoun
SHOWMANSHIP Ronnie Russell
SII8.WVIIIG Council Russell
Softball Throw Carson Russell
SOMBRERO Audio Murphy Susan Cabot Penny Edwards Plus SAILOR BEWARE Technicolor Yes
SON Fuel Oil Supplier ERIC JUDO RUSSELL JUDD Trucks Electrical Contractor Farm Equipment | Automoti
SON Mrs. Herman Russell
St Francis Rosalind Russell
St Jo-Russell
St Joseph’s Russell
St Paul’s Mrs Vreda Murphy
St. Peter’s Lutheran Murphy
Standard Church Murphy -
Stars Luke Murphy
Student Coun- GAS OIL GREASE Russell
Study Group Miss Catherine Murphy
Talking Pictures Charles STARRETT Russell HAYDEN
TÏ Torch Relay Russell
Town Employees Os Murphy
Transacted Farmers Business Solicited P W MURPHY
U S A Mrs. Roland Russell
US Murphy
V* RUSSELL’S Service Centre SALE
Vinton Seasons Greetings Mrs. Russell Judd
VOM E Russell
WAY Biography Don Murphy Dianna Hyland
Wings Shawville’s Murphy
Young Foal—Carbrook Pilot Russell