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Bob Wills

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Possible related entities:

1974 Bob Cat
3ba23 H G. Wills
Ada Asse]in> Bob
Albert Armstrong Bob Smith
Alberta Wills Sieer Ronnie Hodgfaa
Alex Wills
Alexander Bob their
Alexander Wills
Alexander Wills Patricia 0 Callaghan
Alfred Wills
An-Ethan Wills
Andai Photo Bob.
Andrew Bob >
Andrew Dickson Bob Smith
Anne McConnell Dan Tremblay Bob and Jennfier Orr Kelly
Arnold St. Jean and Bob Scott
Ass.Coach Bob "Fish
Assistant Coach Bob Sheppard
Award V Richard Wills
A^ J Bob Carswell
Baird Bob
Barry Bob Grant Whiter Buawell Joffre Dciilets Carl Vo* G*orge Mentha
Barry Mrs Bob Dale
Beth Young R.N. Bob
Betty Bob and
Bill Atkinson Richard Wills
Bill Bob Hobbs Skipped
Bill Carswell Bob Littlemore TENDER J
Bill Watson Bob Fenton Santa
Bing Crosby Bob Hope
Bob A*
Bob Anyhow
Bob Davis
Bob Portage
Bob 647-3737
Bob Campb
Bob Coulonge
Bob Curling Club
Bob Father Jeffery
Bob Fort Cou
Bob Is
Bob K
Bob McMullen
Bob River View Inn Dining Room Sparling
Bob !
Bob "
Bob "Angel" Steele
Bob "Fanner
Bob "Fish
Bob "No Knees
Bob "V *
Bob "you
Bob % W
Bob &
Bob & Corrain McCredie
Bob & Della Craig
Bob & Diane Man
Bob & Doug MacKenzie
Bob & Joan Eatock
Bob & Jolene Groulx
Bob & Joyce Binder
Bob & Karen Sally
Bob & Karen | Chairman Daley
Bob & Laurel Smith
Bob & Lise Hobbs
Bob & Lise Mrs Iva Lucas
Bob & Lise Proulx
Bob & Lois Findlay
Bob & Lois Michaud
Bob & Lois Smith
Bob & Loma Young
Bob & Lorna
Bob & Lucy Imbleau
Bob & Marie King
Bob & Mary Browse Father
Bob & Mary Calvert
Bob & Mary Ellen In
Bob & Mary Ellen £
Bob & Mary | Calvert
Bob & Myma Campbell
Bob & Myma Campbell Shawville
Bob & Myrna Campbell
Bob & Myrna Campbell Hdoqlns Shopping Ploxo Shawville SIMPSONS
Bob & Myrna Campbell Julie
Bob & Myrna Campbell ShawvIHe
Bob & Myrna Campbell Shawville
Bob & Myrna Campbell Shawvllle
Bob & Myrna Campbell ShawvMo
Bob & Pat
Bob & Pat Dick
Bob & Paula Vibert
Bob & Roberta
Bob & Sharon Gravelle
Bob & Sharon Kluke Mark
Bob & Thea Wilson
Bob & Tracy
Bob (Claire) Walsh
Bob (Grace
Bob (Jean-Louis Auger
Bob (Webb
Bob ) Hodgins
Bob *
Bob * Montreal
Bob ,<HJ™am<
Bob ,ruM Bronson
Bob -
Bob ----*------------------Campbell
Bob .
Bob 0f
Bob 1/mg
Bob 1000-1150
Bob 11.00
Bob 1147XM19 Special
Bob 1929
Bob 1982
Bob 1er
Bob 1st
Bob 2.15 Mitchell
Bob 2040
Bob 22,000
Bob 2BJN27 Crawford
Bob 2bn11
Bob 3-635-2023 Merci
Bob 3862 5U.
Bob 613-635-2023 I M LV
Bob 613-635-2023 Attention
Bob 647-2247
Bob 647-2484
Bob 647-3165
Bob 647-5378
Bob 647-5433
Bob 647-5643
Bob 648-2375
Bob 648-2375 Bryson
Bob 648-2979
Bob 648-5806
Bob 7-2753 Findlay
Bob 7-2779 Fina Service Station
Bob 7-2904 Findlay
Bob 7-3743 Fina Service Station
Bob 7-8817
Bob 8- Myrno Campbell
Bob 819-647-5284
Bob 819-647-5513.___________________xd3
Bob ?
Bob A I V-
Bob A Doreen Gamble
Bob A Grace Stewart
Bob A Lise Hobbs
Bob A Louise Rlznek Bretzlaff Store Shawville
Bob A My ma Campbell Julie
Bob A Myma Campbell
Bob Abbott
Bob Abercrom-1
Bob Abercrom-1 Dry Cleaners
Bob Abercrom-Miss Laura Woodley
Bob Abercrombie
Bob Accounts
Bob Adjournment
Bob Adrien Laurier
Bob Agriculture
Bob Al-
Bob Al- Pontiac
Bob Albert Armstrong
Bob Alex
Bob Alex-
Bob Alex-Smith
Bob Alexan- CV Hobbs
Bob Alexan-with .472
Bob Alexander
Bob Alexander 647
Bob Alexander Osmond
Bob Alexander Pontiac
Bob Alexander Skip
Bob Alfield
Bob Allard
Bob Allen
Bob Allison
Bob Amm
Bob Among
Bob An
Bob an* Fatty
Bob and
Bob and Anita Stewart
Bob and Ann
Bob and Anna Stewart Visiting Heather Stewart
Bob and Anne
Bob and Anne Bowen
Bob and Audrey MEMORIAM
Bob and Betty
Bob and Betty Canadian Legion
Bob and Betty Laporte
Bob and Betty Pritchard
Bob and Betty Ron
Bob and Bobby For
Bob and Brenda Smith
Bob and BTanch Johnson
Bob and Carl Stewart
Bob and Carmcle Fisher
Bob and Carol Campbell
Bob and Carol Floyd
Bob and Carol Floyd.
Bob and Carol Smith
Bob and Carole
Bob and Chris Young
Bob and Claire
Bob and Clayton Young
Bob and Connor Zacharias
Bob and Cookie
Bob and Danielle Tracy Murray
Bob and Diane Graham
Bob and Dianne Graham
Bob and Donna
Bob and Doris Holmes
Bob and Dorothy Cowley
Bob and Dorthy Holmes
Bob and Dougie Sloan
Bob and Duncan
Bob and Eila
Bob and Eila Elliott Ledingham Buses
Bob and Eila Lcdingham Campbell
Bob and Ella
Bob and Ella Ledingham
Bob and Ella Ledmgham
Bob and Ethel Chamberlin
Bob and Evelyn
Bob and Fred
Bob and Fred Johnston
Bob and Freddie
Bob and Gene.
Bob and George
Bob and Georgette__________________ D E A T H /
Bob and Gisefe Fenton
Bob and Gisele Fenton
Bob and Glen Whitelaw
Bob and Grace Stewart
Bob and Grace Stuart
Bob and Gwen Foster
Bob and Helen
Bob and Helen Towell
Bob and Heman Moore
Bob and Henry
Bob and Jane Weatherall
Bob and Jeanette Romain
Bob and Jerry Gallagher
Bob and Joan
Bob and Joan 339
Bob and Joan Essiambre
Bob and Joan Mulvagh
Bob and Joan Mulvoth
Bob and John
Bob and John Mi-
Bob and Joyce
Bob and Joyce McCleary
Bob and Julie Johnson
Bob and Julie Johnston
Bob and Keith Hanna
Bob and Keith.
Bob and Kelly Hobbs
Bob and Kelly Whelan
Bob and Kim
Bob and Laurel
Bob and Laurel Smith
Bob and Laurel Smith Benjamin Ronald Judd Ben
Bob and Lee
Bob and Lee CARSWELL Campbell
Bob and Les Connor.
Bob and Lise Hobbs
Bob and Lois Flood
Bob and Lois J Smith
Bob and Lois Smith
Bob and Lori
Bob and Lynda
Bob and Lynda Sloan
Bob and Lynne Campbell
Bob and Margaret
Bob and Margaret Bretzlaff
Bob and Margo (Fenton
Bob and Marie King
Bob and Mary
Bob and Mary B
Bob and Mary Brouse
Bob and Mary Calvert
Bob and Mary Ellen
Bob and Mavis Sloan
Bob and Millie Boyd
Bob and Mrs Becky Hache
Bob and Mrs. W. A. Moore
Bob and Myma Campbell
Bob and Myrna Campbell
Bob and Myrna Campbell Love
Bob and Nancy
Bob and Pat
Bob and Pat Dick
Bob and Pat Vachon
Bob and Paul Vibert
Bob and Rick Stewart
Bob and Roberta Walsh
Bob and Ruby Smart
Bob and Sally Faulkner
Bob and Sandra Betrand
Bob and Sandy
Bob and Sandy Winter Bristol Ridge Pentecostal
Bob and Scott
Bob and Sharon Belanger
Bob and Sharon Gravelle
Bob and Sheila Murray
Bob and Shirley
Bob and Stewart Stark
Bob and Susan Ed-
Bob and Susan Eddie
Bob and Terry
Bob and Theresa
Bob and Theresa Daley
Bob and Tom
Bob and Tracey
Bob and Valerie
Bob and Wayne Garnit
Bob Anderson
Bob Andre
Bob Andy Michaud
Bob Angus
Bob Ann
Bob Anne Mane Retty
Bob Anniversary
Bob Anything
Bob Arbour
Bob are Sandy Burke
Bob Arm
Bob Armitage
Bob Armstrong
Bob Arthurs
Bob As
Bob Asher Stéphane Richer Stéphane Richer
Bob Atkin
Bob Atkinson
Bob Atom
Bob Aube
Bob Aubin
Bob Austin
Bob B.sson
Bob Babcock
Bob Bagley
Bob Bahm
Bob Bahn
Bob Baird
Bob Baker
Bob Ban- John MacLatchy J u> Red
Bob Banning
Bob Barbecue
Bob Barber
Bob Barclay
Bob Barefoot
Bob Barker
Bob Barnes
Bob Barr
Bob Barrie
Bob Barrj
Bob Bart
Bob Bas
Bob Bauer
Bob Bauman’s
Bob BaY
Bob Bazelton
Bob Be
Bob Be<
Bob Beachamps
Bob Beale
Bob Bean
Bob Bean 5’
Bob Beasley
Bob Beattie
Bob Beaudan
Bob Beaudoin
Bob Beaudoin Princess Ruth
Bob Beaudoin Renfrew
Bob Beaudoin-Renfrew
Bob Beaulac
Bob Beaupre
Bob Became
Bob Bechtold C. Edgar Hodgins Anonymous W. J. Hayes
Bob Beck
Bob Becker
Bob Beckett
Bob Bedard
Bob Begley
Bob Belanger
Bob Belfoy
Bob Bell
Bob Bellefeuille
Bob Bellefoy
Bob Bellefueille
Bob Bellinger
Bob Bellinger Carnival Queen Cathy Vallee
Bob Bellisle
Bob Bemdt
Bob Bench-ley
Bob Benchley
Bob Benedetti
Bob Bennett
Bob Bentley
Bob Ber- Campbell
Bob Ber-day
Bob bera''of Co. Pontiac Agricultural
Bob Bergeon
Bob Bern
Bob Berndt
Bob Bert-
Bob Bertrand
Bob Bertrand Name
Bob Berubé
Bob Best Friend
Bob Bethel
Bob Betty Baker
Bob Billings
Bob Bind
Bob Bind-well
Bob Binder
Bob Binder 647
Bob Binder 647-3380 Anglican Sylvia Bakker
Bob Binder Clifford Stevenson
Bob Binder Front
Bob Binder Kjj
Bob Binder M*
Bob Binder MT IJhii Deepest
Bob Binder Paul Lamoureux
Bob Binder VP
Bob Bird
Bob Birse
Bob Birt
Bob Birthday
Bob Birthdays
Bob Bishop
Bob Bishop Df Ottawa
Bob Bishop Ottawa 4
Bob Bisson
Bob Bissonette Mr.
Bob Bissonnette
Bob Bissonnette Brockville
Bob Bissonnettel Mr. Gideon Gravels
Bob Bittorf
Bob Black
Bob Black Lea
Bob Blackburn
Bob Blackmon
Bob Blackrnore
Bob Black—Owner Cobden
Bob Blais
Bob Blakely
Bob Blanchard
Bob BllmWe
Bob Bloct
Bob Bmmerson
Bob Bmmore
Bob Boa#*
Bob Bobchard
Bob Bohen
Bob Boirget
Bob Bolam
Bob Bolan
Bob Boldt Mike Gagon Bill Levons Clarence McBride Don Schroeder „ M. Watts Until
Bob Bom
Bob Boniel
Bob Bonita Benoit
Bob Born
Bob Borne
Bob Botr
Bob Bou-
Bob Bou-escort
Bob Bouchard
Bob Bouchard Elected President
Bob Bouchard’s 7:30
Bob Boucher
Bob Bourget
Bob Bourget Guide Commis
Bob Bourget International Trucks
Bob Bourget Past S«U
Bob Bourget Skip
Bob Bout-
Bob Bouttar
Bob Bouwman
Bob Bouwman’s
Bob Bow
Bob Bow-live
Bob Bow-Randy Beattie
Bob Bowan
Bob Bowen
Bob Bowen Coaches
Bob Bowen Corps
Bob Bowen FROM
Bob Bowen Golden Shasta Restaurant
Bob Bowen Henderson
Bob Bowen Journal
Bob Bowen MEN
Bob Bowen Pontiac County
Bob Bowen Restaurant
Bob Bowens
Bob Bowens Anglers Inn
Bob Bowen’s
Bob Bowen’s Restaurant
Bob Bowman
Bob Boyer
Bob Brad-
Bob Brad- Wilson
Bob Bradford
Bob Bradley Fitzroy Harbour
Bob Brandon
Bob Brawn
Bob Breckenridge
Bob Brennan
Bob Bretz
Bob Bretzlaff
Bob Bretzlaflf
Bob Bridge Club
Bob Brigger
Bob Brillantes
Bob Briscoe
Bob Brisson
Bob Bristol
Bob Bristol Community Centre
Bob Britt
Bob Brockville
Bob Brodie Ingram
Bob Bromley
Bob Bronson
Bob Bronson Pte
Bob Brooks
Bob Brou
Bob Broughton
Bob Brouse
Bob Brown
Bob Brumm
Bob Brunelle
Bob Bryson
Bob Bu
Bob Buck
Bob Bulmcr
Bob Bulmer
Bob Bums
Bob Burdette
Bob Burgess
Bob Burke
Bob Burke Holmes
Bob Burke’s
Bob Burni
Bob Burns
Bob Burns Harold Abilities
Bob Bushey
Bob Bussell
Bob Bussiere
Bob Buster
Bob Butler
Bob Butter
Bob Buzzel
Bob Buzzell
Bob Byron
Bob C amer-1 Mr. Gerard Trudeau
Bob Ca
Bob Cairns
Bob CaisweM
Bob Calumet Island
Bob Calve
Bob Calve#
Bob Calvert
Bob Calvert Bristol Rolland Despres Bristol
Bob Calvert Bristol Wh Rolland Despres Bristol
Bob Calves
Bob Calves Good Com
Bob Calves 100
Bob Calves Approx
Bob Calves Boo
Bob Calves Cows
Bob Calves Elus
Bob Calves Fat Heifers Good Com
Bob Calves Fat Steers
Bob Calves Feeder
Bob Calves Good Com
Bob Calves Guitar
Bob Calves Holstein Steers
Bob Calves IS
Bob Calves Lettre
Bob Calves M
Bob Calves M 301-500
Bob Calves May
Bob Calves Page 6
Bob Calves Selling
Bob Calves She
Bob Calves Troubled
Bob Calves Ultramar Canada
Bob Cambpell
Bob Cameron
Bob Camo
Bob Camp
Bob Camp Ottawa
Bob Camp*
Bob Camp- Clr Barber
Bob Camp- Sandra Murray
Bob Camp-additions
Bob Camp-and John Giroux
Bob Camp-and Ursula
Bob Camp-ccrning
Bob Camp-Moved
Bob Camp-the
Bob Camp-Treasurer
Bob Camp-vens
Bob Camp-with Councillors Barber
Bob Camp4|HHgHHHHHg|
Bob CampA
Bob Campai
Bob Campbell
Bob Campbell Bridal Shower Brenda Romain
Bob Campbell Clapham-Huddersfield
Bob Campbell Armstrong
Bob Campbell By-Law
Bob Campbell Carried
Bob Campbell CRLO
Bob Campbell Did
Bob Campbell Editor—
Bob Campbell Industrial Promotion Weldon Hobbs
Bob Campbell James Stewart Jr. Gabriel
Bob Campbell Janey
Bob Campbell Moorhead
Bob Campbell Mrs Rose Marie Thrasher
Bob Campbell Ray Brown
Bob Campbell Richards
Bob Campbell Sears
Bob Campbell Shawville
Bob Campbell Shewville
Bob Campbell Streets
Bob Campbell To
Bob Campbell Uoyd Kensley
Bob CampbeU
Bob CampbeU.
Bob CampboN
Bob Campeau
Bob Campeti
Bob Can
Bob Canada
Bob Canadian
Bob Cantlev
Bob Canweil
Bob Car-
Bob Car-ruthers
Bob Car-tman
Bob Carbert
Bob Carey
Bob Carisse
Bob Carno-
Bob Caron Saturday
Bob Carradtne
Bob Carrier
Bob Carrière
Bob Carrière This
Bob Carriers
Bob Cars- Pubbc
Bob Carson
Bob Carswbll
Bob Carswell
Bob Carswell Mor-
Bob Carswell Phone
Bob Carswll
Bob Cart
Bob Cart-man
Bob Carter
Bob Cartma
Bob Cartman
Bob Cartman Qeorge Reid
Bob Carty
Bob CassRickCummingsdhv- Kmc
Bob Cat
Bob Cat 40,000
Bob Cat 40.000
Bob Cats
Bob Cedar Haven
Bob Centennial
Bob Ceramic
Bob Ceramics
Bob Cereusse
Bob Certmen
Bob Cfamobell Willie Lang
Bob Chamber-
Bob Chamber-Ruthie Cowley
Bob Chamberiafc
Bob Chamberlain
Bob Chamberlain-.
Bob Chapman
Bob Chapman Pontypool
Bob Char
Bob Char-and Mrs Harvey CON VER
Bob Charbonnea
Bob Charctt
Bob Chareittes Shell Service Station
Bob Charejtg-Til God Himself
Bob Charette
Bob Charette Bretzlaff
Bob Charette Shell Service
Bob Charette Shell Service Station
Bob Charette Visiting
Bob Charettea Shell Service Station
Bob Charettee Shell Service Station
Bob Charettes Shell Service Station
Bob Chareuc
Bob Charters
Bob Chartrand
Bob Chenier Théo Mmeault Zeller
Bob Cheriton
Bob Cheuonka
Bob Chiarelli
Bob Chinese
Bob Chlarelll
Bob Choice Deals
Bob Christie
Bob Christmas Day
Bob Church
Bob Cieddes
Bob Cimdell
Bob Cirant
Bob cj]s Hobbs
Bob Clarence Moorehead
Bob Clark
Bob Clarke
Bob Clarke-
Bob Class
Bob Clayton
Bob Cleall
Bob Clean
Bob Clement
Bob Clifford
Bob cloth’
Bob Clouthier
Bob Cm Mr. Editor
Bob Cna
Bob Cochrane
Bob Code
Bob Cole
Bob Coleman
Bob Collins
Bob Colombe Fortin
Bob Colterman Parts Dept
Bob Colton
Bob Com-tods
Bob Compton
Bob Congdon
Bob Congratulations
Bob Connel-| N
Bob Connelly
Bob Conoily
Bob Conolly
Bob Conrod
Bob Considine
Bob Continued
Bob Cook
Bob Cooperation
Bob Corkery
Bob Corner
Bob Coroplast
Bob Correy
Bob CorrWkre
Bob Cot
Bob Coté
Bob Cotie
Bob Cotie Gail
Bob Cotnam
Bob CoU
Bob Coulas
Bob Council
Bob Councillors
Bob Couture
Bob Coveil
Bob Covell
Bob Cow
Bob Cowan
Bob Cowely
Bob Cowkv.
Bob Cowky
Bob Cowlay
Bob Cowley
Bob Cowley FLOORING.
Bob Cowley George
Bob Cowley Mohan Deogan Kountry Kookm’ Restaurant David Holmes Anne McGowan Pontiac Wool Works Mora
Bob Cowley Pontiac Comm Hosp
Bob Cowley’s
Bob Cra
Bob Craft
Bob Craft Anyhow
Bob Craig
Bob Craig Brown
Bob Crane
Bob Craw
Bob Craw-
Bob Crawford
Bob Crawford 1
Bob Crawford Campbell
Bob Crawford Florida
Bob Crawford Phone
Bob Cray
Bob Creighton
Bob Crew-ford
Bob Crewford
Bob Crosblc Jerome Courtland Frankie Lane Campbell’s
Bob Crosby
Bob Crosby.
Bob Crosby?
Bob Crosby’s
Bob Crosley
Bob Crossley
Bob Csnwell
Bob Cst
Bob Cummings
Bob Cummings Comedy Drama
Bob Cunde
Bob Cundell
Bob Cundetl
Bob CundeU.
Bob Cunningham
Bob Cunningham’s
Bob Cup
Bob Curling Bonspiel
Bob Custom
Bob da Day
Bob Dagenais
Bob Dagenals
Bob Dak
Bob Dal
Bob Dale
Bob Dale Men
Bob Dale*
Bob Dale.
Bob Daley
Bob Daley Northborough
Bob Dalton
Bob Daly
Bob Damant
Bob Dastous
Bob David
Bob Davidson
Bob Davies
Bob Davis
Bob Davis Onslow
Bob Dawson
Bob Dawson Chair
Bob Dawson Lack
Bob Dawson Ottawa
Bob Dawson Ottawa Sâruuf Oil
Bob Dawson Pontiac Bay
Bob Dawson Property Owner
Bob Day
Bob Dazé
Bob De Jongh
Bob de Mercado
Bob De-
Bob De-Jongh
Bob Deadline
Bob Dear
Bob Deavey
Bob Deegan
Bob DeJonch
Bob Dejongh
Bob Delahia
Bob Delay
Bob Delong
Bob Demers
Bob Demon
Bob Dent
Bob Denver
Bob DesJardins
Bob Deslaurier
Bob Dethier Blues Band
Bob Dethier Blues Band NEW
Bob Detroit
Bob DhZnf
Bob Dick
Bob Dick 613-649-2252
Bob Dick 613-649-2252 Attention All Farmers You’re Invited
Bob Dick I
Bob Dick M0nry-
Bob Did
Bob Diddley
Bob Dilberds
Bob Discher
Bob Dodd
Bob Dodge
Bob Dohrenwend
Bob Donna
Bob Dorian
Bob Dormer
Bob Double
Bob Dowdall
Bob Dowe
Bob Downey
Bob Drew
Bob Drummond
Bob Du
Bob Dub
Bob Dubé
Bob Dubois
Bob Dubue
Bob Duchesneau
Bob Duff
Bob Duffield
Bob Dumaultn
Bob Dumelie
Bob Dumoulin
Bob Dumoulin Easter
Bob Duncan
Bob Dunn
Bob Durant
Bob Dyck
Bob Dylan
Bob E.
Bob Eady
Bob Eakins
Bob East
Bob Eatock
Bob Ebert
Bob Eberts
Bob Ed-
Bob Eddie
Bob Eddy
Bob Edglcy
Bob Edmunds
Bob Edwards
Bob Egan
Bob Egg#
Bob Eiswald
Bob EKan
Bob El-
Bob Eldon
Bob Elliot
Bob Elliott
Bob Elliott Jr.
Bob Elliott Seat
Bob Ellis
Bob Ellis Bob Gordon R R 1
Bob Elson
Bob Emmer-son
Bob Emond
Bob England
Bob Er-
Bob Erwin
Bob Erwin’s
Bob Erwm
Bob Esaiambre
Bob Essi
Bob Essiam
Bob Essiambre
Bob Essiambre Heather Pearson
Bob Essiambre John Atkinson Eahalt
Bob Essnambre
Bob Ethier
Bob Evans
Bob Eveline
Bob F
Bob Fabian
Bob Fades
Bob Fail Held
Bob Fair Ground
Bob Fairfield
Bob Faketiy
Bob Falkcnberg
Bob Falkenburg
Bob Famon
Bob Fan-field
Bob Fanion Office
Bob Far
Bob Farmer
Bob Farmer Newly
Bob Farnon
Bob Farnon’s
Bob Farrell
Bob Fatter A Terry Carrise Wayne Boston White River Bluegra L Prescott Bros. Hugh Scott
Bob Faucett
Bob Favata
Bob Fawcett
Bob Fbher
Bob Feiton Office
Bob Feller
Bob Femon
Bob Fen-
Bob Fen- Cemetery Beechgrove Quebec
Bob Fennessy
Bob Fenton
Bob Fenton Bonnie Richardson Laurie MacKechnie QUESTIONS
Bob Fenton Office
Bob Fenton Shawville Lizzie
Bob Fenton Television
Bob Fenton.
Bob Fenton.......6^-5378 Leclalr
Bob Fenton.647-5378
Bob Fenton________647-5378 Bill Watson
Bob Fenton’s Gas Bar
Bob Fer
Bob Ferguson
Bob File
Bob Fina Service Station Findlay
Bob Find
Bob Find- Shaw
Bob Find-lac#
Bob Find-met
Bob Find-third
Bob Findla Alexander
Bob Findlav Finnigan
Bob Findlay
Bob Findlay 2
Bob Findlay 7
Bob Findlay Philip Hodgina
Bob Findlay Pm Wm Tournament Winners Calumet Island
Bob Findlay Stan Widdicombe
Bob Findlay Wia
Bob Findlay-
Bob Findlays
Bob Findlay’s
Bob Findlay’s Bantams
Bob Findley
Bob Findley Having Terrific Season Bill Ostrom
Bob Findleys
Bob Findtay Middle
Bob Findtiay
Bob Finlay
Bob Fipdlay
Bob Fischer
Bob Fish
Bob Fish Findlay
Bob Fisher
Bob Fisher X
Bob Fish’ Findlay
Bob Fit
Bob Fitisi Pvt
Bob Fitzpatrick
Bob Fitzpatrick Laird
Bob Fitzpatrick Marilyn McGuire
Bob Fitzpatriek
Bob Fitzsim- Bill Higginson
Bob Fitzsimmons
Bob Fleming
Bob Fletcher
Bob Flood
Bob Florence Pountney
Bob Floyd DRY -
Bob Flynn
Bob FoiIMain
Bob Foote
Bob For
Bob Ford
Bob Former
Bob Fort
Bob Fortie
Bob Fortin
Bob Foster
Bob Fountain
Bob Fowler
Bob Fr
Bob Frank BASE
Bob Frank Jordan
Bob Frankie
Bob Fraser
Bob Freeman Grant
Bob Fren-Tony Montanaro
Bob Frenette
Bob Friday
Bob Friesen
Bob Full-time
Bob Fuller
Bob Gadsby
Bob Gainey
Bob Galb- Tubman
Bob Gallagher
Bob Gam
Bob Gamble
Bob Gamble -
Bob Gamble Bristol
Bob Gamble Mutual Life
Bob Gamer
Bob Garainer
Bob Garden
Bob Gardiner
Bob Gardner
Bob Garner
Bob Garreau
Bob Gaugin
Bob Gauthi-
Bob Gauthier
Bob Gauvrcau
Bob Gauvreau
Bob Gavan
Bob Geddes
Bob Geldof
Bob Geldofs
Bob Gendron
Bob General
Bob Genuine Oom-Pah-Pah
Bob Germain
Bob Germain Clairoux
Bob Get
Bob Geymonat
Bob Gharette Shell Service Station
Bob Giasper
Bob Gibbons
Bob Gil-lard
Bob Gilchrist
Bob Giles
Bob Gillard
Bob Gilpin
Bob Giroux
Bob Glaser
Bob Glass
Bob Glazer
Bob Glenn
Bob Glidden
Bob Gloucester
Bob Godin
Bob Goidon
Bob Goltz
Bob Goodenow
Bob Gor-
Bob Gor- Permit
Bob Gorck-ir Saturday
Bob Gordon
Bob Gordon *4
Bob Gordon - Requests
Bob Gordon 12.500.00
Bob Gordon 5000.00
Bob Gordon And His
Bob Gordon As
Bob Gordon Campbell
Bob Gordon Campbell’s Bay Rev. Den
Bob Gordon Campbell’s Bay Rev. Den Droddy
Bob Gordon Coming Event»
Bob Gordon Dan Droddy
Bob Gordon DIANE’S
Bob Gordon Jr
Bob Gordon Jr $
Bob Gordon Jr asked
Bob Gordon Jr.
Bob Gordon Morley Hodgins
Bob Gordon Night
Bob Gordon PONTIAC
Bob Gordon Pontiac Printshop Ltd.
Bob Gordon Prix
Bob Gordon Rev. Dan Oroddy
Bob Gordon Showville CONNELLY
Bob Gordon T #
Bob Gordon Teh 468
Bob Gordon Tei 458
Bob Gordon Tel
Bob Gordon TO
Bob Gordon Toi
Bob Gordon Tt 468-2/21 Œ
Bob Gordon TW
Bob Gordon Uuy
Bob Gordon Waltham A Campbell
Bob Gordon—134
Bob Gordon’s
Bob Gould
Bob Goulet
Bob Gracia Gu» Marker Howie M “ssr
Bob Gracie Ou» Marker Howie Morvns
Bob Graham
Bob Graham 819-447-31 SI Iront Hobbs
Bob Graham 81f.A47.3l
Bob Graham Dept
Bob Grant
Bob Grav
Bob Gravel
Bob Gravelie
Bob Gravelle
Bob Gray
Bob Greaves
Bob Green
Bob Greenbag
Bob Greenberg McGillis
Bob Gregory
Bob Griffin
Bob Griffin Calumet Island
Bob Guimont
Bob Gumming
Bob Gwendolyn Elliott 607
Bob gYoung
Bob H Phone 647-2601 Shawville
Bob H.
Bob Ha Marie Finnigan
Bob Hailey
Bob Hair Sandwich Famous
Bob Haired Women Taxed
Bob Haley
Bob Hall Frankie Ray RIFF
Bob Hall Johnson
Bob Hama
Bob Hamilton
Bob Hammond
Bob Han
Bob Hanna
Bob Hanna 3
Bob Hanna Correspondent
Bob Hanna Wayne Wallace
Bob Hanna/ Robert Grant
Bob Hanson
Bob Happy
Bob Harbic
Bob Harcourt
Bob Hare
Bob Harkins Bryson
Bob Harold Hall
Bob Harrington
Bob Harris
Bob Harvey
Bob Haskin
Bob Haskins
Bob Haskirs
Bob Havelin
Bob Hawkins
Bob Hayes
Bob Hazard
Bob Hazelton
Bob Hblmes
Bob Hcnschel
Bob Heant Minister
Bob Hearth
Bob Hearty
Bob Hearty 11-13-25-18942 Irvin Cole
Bob Hearty 21-18-49=31793 Owen Heartyl9-20-44=32153 Emile
Bob Hearty 49178
Bob Hearty 54587 Owen
Bob Hearty HS 236
Bob Hearty Owen Hearty
Bob Hearty’s
Bob Heberger
Bob Hedges
Bob Heise
Bob Helferty
Bob Hellinger
Bob Hellivger
Bob Henna Ron
Bob Henshell
Bob Hérault
Bob HI
Bob Hickson
Bob Hill
Bob Hilliard
Bob Hillinger
Bob Hills
Bob His
Bob Hliott
Bob Hltz
Bob Hob
Bob Hobbs
Bob Hobbs Goldie Rutledge Stu Stark Denis Fleury Charles Homsma
Bob Hobbs OR
Bob Hockey League
Bob Hod
Bob Hod- Morna Dean Among Successful Graduates Fo.tunately
Bob Hod-gins
Bob Hodgim
Bob Hodgimk
Bob Hodgina
Bob Hodgini
Bob Hodgins
Bob Hodgins Carried
Bob Hodgins Monsieur
Bob Hodgins Noreen
Bob Hodgins Pres
Bob Hodgins S
Bob Hodgins*
Bob HodginsJ
Bob Hodgins—Books
Bob Hodgint
Bob Hodgin»
Bob Hodglms
Bob Hodglns
Bob Hodgms
Bob Hodqim
Bob Hodqine
Bob Hodqins
Bob Hodqins Phone
Bob Hodqlns
Bob Hoe Jane Russell
Bob Hogarth
Bob Hohhs
Bob Holmes
Bob Holmes -
Bob Holmes 3 Jean Paul Normandeau 4
Bob Holmes 4
Bob Holmes 7
Bob Holmes 7. Michel Charron 8. Rick Chartrand 9
Bob Holmes 8
Bob Holmes Nightmare
Bob Holmes Roy Rodgers Ron Dick Steve McKee
Bob Holmes Suzie Pasch
Bob Holmes Therrien
Bob Holt
Bob Hom-•
Bob Home
Bob Homer
Bob Homer Old Fashioned Chicken Supper
Bob Hope
Bob Hope Hodgins Store Lana Turner PSYCHO
Bob Hope Anita Ekberg African Adventure Color Technicolor Adult Entertainment Notice
Bob Hope Anita Ekberg Portage da Fort
Bob Hope Anita Ekberg Technirama
Bob Hope Atharlne Hepburn Sunday MkUitc
Bob Hope Ball Susan Victor Mature
Bob Hope Belleville
Bob Hope Bock Hudson
Bob Hope Comedy Jane Wyman Jackie Gleason
Bob Hope Cyd Char
Bob Hope Deana Lynn
Bob Hope Eva Marie Saint Plus A
Bob Hope Friday
Bob Hope Hedy Lamarr Eilo Pin
Bob Hope Is
Bob Hope It
Bob Hope Joan Fontaine Donna Reed
Bob Hope Lana Turner Color
Bob Hope Lucille Ball PesnlvioAe E A T R E Matinees Bing Crosby Bob Hope
Bob Hope Marilyn Maxwell
Bob Hope MILNE
Bob Hope Mr.
Bob Hope Peggie Castle
Bob Hope Phyllis Dilltr Emard Photo Complete
Bob Hope Phyllis Oilier O BRIEN THEATRE Renfrew
Bob Hope Rhonda Fleming Color
Bob Hope Shawville
Bob Hope Technicolor John Derek Paul Douglas Vista
Bob Hope These
Bob Hope To
Bob Hope Tony Martin
Bob Hope Undeay Gibbon
Bob Hope’s
Bob Hor-
Bob Hor-Top
Bob Horde
Bob Horner
Bob Horner Master Bobby Atkinson
Bob Horner Young
Bob Horner’s Bud Pershing
Bob Hortie
Bob Horty
Bob Hospital
Bob Hot
Bob Hotie
Bob Houston
Bob How Dick
Bob Howard
Bob Howard Murray Moore Sandy McDougall
Bob Howard Trea
Bob Hoy
Bob Hss
Bob Hudgins
Bob Hudson
Bob Hugh
Bob Hughes
Bob Humphrey
Bob Huntly
Bob Hussey
Bob Huston
Bob Hutchison
Bob Hyrdman
Bob I
Bob I A -
Bob I Johnson
Bob I J°ye(
Bob I*™ Jim Barton
Bob Ideas
Bob Igaves
Bob Ijat*g Brand
Bob Ilaslam
Bob In
Bob Ing
Bob Ingereoll
Bob Ingersoll
Bob Insists It
Bob Iodg Umoa-Mid
Bob Iogsrsoll
Bob Iowan
Bob Irvine
Bob Irving
Bob Is
Bob It
Bob Its
Bob Iuger
Bob IV|orris
Bob J. Walsh
Bob Jack"
Bob Jacque Piche
Bob James
Bob Jamieson
Bob Jamieson Cover Charge
Bob Jen-brooke Fair
Bob Jennings
Bob JKamilton
Bob Joachims
Bob John Chartrand
Bob John Tolhurst
Bob Johnson
Bob Johnson On
Bob Johnston
Bob Johnston 445
Bob Johnston John Stewart
Bob Johnston Sparling
Bob Johnston’s
Bob Jon
Bob Jones
Bob Jordan
Bob Jowsey
Bob Joyce
Bob Joyce -
Bob Joyce - Asks
Bob Joyce 458-2739
Bob Joyce-
Bob Joyce.
Bob Jr Sc Tom Llttiemore Richard
Bob Jt
Bob Judd
Bob Juddd
Bob Kaon
Bob Katz
Bob Kavelin C« Il
Bob Kay
Bob Kazabazua
Bob Kddie
Bob Ke-
Bob Kean
Bob Kearns
Bob Keaton
Bob Keen
Bob Keen Mr Francois Boileau
Bob Keith
Bob Keith.
Bob Kelleer
Bob Keller
Bob Keller Ottawa
Bob Kellers
Bob Kelley
Bob Kelly
Bob Kelly Mrs Doris Telford
Bob Kemp
Bob Ken
Bob Kennedy
Bob Keon
Bob Keon Big
Bob Keon Young
Bob Keorr
Bob Kestan
Bob Ketcheson Is Cadet Corporal
Bob Khx*k
Bob Killer
Bob Kimberley
Bob Kindom
Bob King
Bob King- Kathie Wickens
Bob King-Stone
Bob Kingdom
Bob Kingdom Passed Tasks Albert Armstrong To
Bob Kingdon
Bob Kingdon 647-3630.
Bob Kingdon To
Bob Kingdon’s
Bob Kinqdon
Bob Kira
Bob Kirkwood Canada
Bob Kirkwood Canada Talc
Bob Kiznek
Bob Kl<xk
Bob Klmber-
Bob Klngden
Bob Klngdon
Bob Klngdon 647
Bob Klock
Bob Klock 2
Bob Kluke
Bob Kmgdon
Bob Kmgdon Congratulations
Bob Knapp
Bob Knight
Bob Knop
Bob Knowles
Bob Koabel
Bob Kramer
Bob Krose
Bob Ktisaell
Bob Kucharik
Bob L Ecuyer
Bob L Younge
Bob L&Force
Bob L.
Bob La
Bob La Rose
Bob La-mu
Bob La-ty
Bob Laberge
Bob Labine
Bob Lackey
Bob Lacourse
Bob Lacroix
Bob Lad
Bob Ladou
Bob Ladou-
Bob Ladou-ceur
Bob Ladouccur
Bob Ladouccur MRC
Bob Ladouceur
Bob Ladouceur New
Bob Ladouceur’s
Bob Ladoudeur
Bob Lafleur
Bob Lafleur-n/a Power
Bob Laforce
Bob Laframb-oise
Bob Laframboise
Bob Laird
Bob Lake Road
Bob Lamothe
Bob Lance
Bob Lance Bryson Que
Bob Lance.
Bob Landry
Bob Landy
Bob Lane
Bob Lang
Bob Langford
Bob Laporte
Bob Laroch
Bob Laroche
Bob Larocque
Bob Laroque
Bob Larue
Bob Last
Bob Latham
Bob Laughlin
Bob Laundry
Bob Laverdure
Bob Lavigne
Bob Law
Bob Lawaon
Bob Lawler
Bob Lawrence
Bob Lawson
Bob Lay Readers
Bob Layton
Bob Lcadingham
Bob Leach
Bob Leach Tandem Truck Wash Chicken Coop Dash Cafe Dépanneur Central Hamelln W.A Hodgins Murray
Bob Lead Ray MacPhee
Bob Leave
Bob Leblanc
Bob Led
Bob Ledignham
Bob Leding-
Bob Ledingham
Bob Ledingham Hildegard
Bob Ledingham Louis
Bob Ledmgham Shawvillc
Bob Leduc
Bob Lee
Bob Leframbois
Bob Leggit
Bob Leighton
Bob Lemaire
Bob Lemay
Bob Lemay 3
Bob Lemieux
Bob Lepine
Bob Leroux
Bob Leroy
Bob Lester
Bob Lester Shawville
Bob Lester These
Bob Letourneau
Bob Letter
Bob Leveille
Bob Levesque
Bob Lewis
Bob Leylor
Bob Lions Hall
Bob Lithemore
Bob LitUcmore InterBob
Bob Lnng
Bob Lodg
Bob Lodg QU
Bob Lodo Shingle Stain UottoMid* Gloves Overalls
Bob Lodouceur
Bob Logic
Bob Logic/
Bob Logie
Bob Loi?g
Bob Loken
Bob London
Bob Lone
Bob Long
Bob Long Bankrupt
Bob Long Black
Bob Long Brand
Bob Long Bread
Bob Long Glove
Bob Long Say
Bob Long Says
Bob Long Says*—
Bob Long Say»
Bob Long-Black
Bob Longchamps
Bob Lopg
Bob Lori Cooper
Bob Loving
Bob Low-
Bob Lowg Brand» Kmwn
Bob Lucas
Bob LUMBER-wholesale
Bob Lusignan
Bob Lusk
Bob Lynch
Bob Lynn
Bob M,s® Soph
Bob M:
Bob Mac
Bob MacClelland
Bob MacFarlane
Bob MacMurray
Bob MacPhcnon
Bob MacWlan
Bob Madot
Bob Madott
Bob Madotte
Bob Maenck
Bob Magee
Bob Maguire
Bob Mahliu
Bob Mainville
Bob Majauiy
Bob Major
Bob Makom
Bob Malaugh
Bob Malnwarlng
Bob Man
Bob Man-,
Bob Man-is
Bob Manarv
Bob Manary
Bob Manary CLSC
Bob Manazy
Bob Manner
Bob Mannish
Bob Mar
Bob March
Bob Marion
Bob Marleau
Bob Marlev
Bob Marley
Bob Marley Community
Bob Marlon
Bob Mart
Bob Martin
Bob Martin Co-
Bob Martin P Amateurs
Bob Mary
Bob Mary Ellen Billy Sharon
Bob Masco
Bob Mason
Bob Mason Rick Chartrand
Bob Mason This
Bob Mautvauh
Bob Max
Bob Maxwell
Bob May
Bob May Come Back
Bob Mc(
Bob Mc-
Bob Mc- Sprinç Power
Bob Mc-Credie
Bob McAdam
Bob McC
Bob McCaghorty
Bob McCaugherty
Bob McCauley
Bob McCelland
Bob McCleary
Bob McClel-
Bob McCleland
Bob McClelland
Bob McClelland Agr.
Bob McClelland Agronome Last
Bob McClelland Agronome Members
Bob McClelland Farmer
Bob McClelland If
Bob McClelland Pontiac County
Bob McCord
Bob McCre
Bob McCre-1 Lake
Bob McCrea
Bob McCredie
Bob McCredie Ellen
Bob McCredie’s Garage McDougall
Bob McCredle
Bob McDonald
Bob McDonnel
Bob McDonnell
Bob McDonough
Bob McDougal
Bob McElligott
Bob McEwen
Bob McEwen More
Bob McFetridge
Bob McGib-bon
Bob McGibbon
Bob McGlynn
Bob McGtffin
Bob McGuire
Bob McGulgan
Bob Mcisane
Bob McKee
Bob McKeown
Bob McKnight
Bob McLean
Bob McLean Show
Bob McLelian
Bob McLelland
Bob McLeUan Me
Bob McLeWand
Bob McLintock
Bob Mclsaac
Bob McManus
Bob McMillan
Bob McMul-
Bob McMullen
Bob McMullin
Bob McNarry
Bob McNeely
Bob McNichol
Bob McOedle
Bob McOuat
Bob McQuirter
Bob McRae
Bob McSwc-cney
Bob McSweeney
Bob McSweeny Outaouais
Bob McSwetoey
Bob McTlernan
Bob Me
Bob Me Adam
Bob Me Don
Bob Me Ewe
Bob Me Kethnie
Bob Me-
Bob Me- Blaine Frost
Bob Me- Mrs. Wells
Bob Meade
Bob Meahan
Bob MeCredie
Bob Meehan
Bob Meehan Bnstol Town Hall
Bob Meehan Room
Bob Meeting
Bob Melk*
Bob Melt
Bob Mention
Bob Meredith
Bob Merlna
Bob Métier
Bob Meunier
Bob Meuscl
Bob Michaelis
Bob Michaels
Bob Michel Charron
Bob Michelle and Mark.
Bob Mid
Bob Mid-dlemiss
Bob Mid-lence
Bob Middlcmiss
Bob Middle
Bob Middle _
Bob Middle- Keon
Bob Middle-Bank
Bob Middle-dents
Bob Middle-erty
Bob Middle-miss
Bob Middle-their
Bob Middlemans
Bob Middlemisa
Bob Middlemise
Bob Middlemiss
Bob Middlemiss Harper
Bob Middlemiss Breakfast
Bob Middlemiss Bristol Women
Bob Middlemiss Date
Bob Middlemiss Golf
Bob Middlemiss Golf Tourna
Bob Middlemiss Golf Tournament
Bob Middlemiss M.A.N.
Bob Middlemiss MNA
Bob Middlemiss NINA
Bob Middlemiss Sylvia Hodgms
Bob Middlemist
Bob Middlemlss
Bob Middlemms
Bob Middllemiss
Bob Midlemiss
Bob Mielke
Bob Mike
Bob Milker
Bob Millar
Bob Miller
Bob Miller Cattle
Bob Miller Portage
Bob Miller’s
Bob Millon
Bob Mills
Bob Ministry
Bob Minnie
Bob Miron
Bob Mirquardt
Bob Misener
Bob Misses Kay Woodley
Bob Mlddlemiss
Bob MMdtomftss
Bob Mo-Visiting
Bob MoCredie
Bob Monette
Bob Mongrain
Bob Monkhouse Comedy
Bob Monkhouse W Peggy Cummins
Bob Moore
Bob Moore Saturday
Bob Moorei
Bob Morgan
Bob Morin
Bob Morin 16149
Bob morning
Bob Morris
Bob Morris Caps
Bob Morris Winter Caps
Bob Morrison
Bob Morrison John Hovelin Janet Dole Donna Dole Cliff Dale Clarence Richardson____ Merlin Richardso
Bob Morrison So
Bob Morrissette
Bob Morton
Bob Moss
Bob Most
Bob Mothers Auxiliary
Bob Moved
Bob Mr
Bob Mr Bernard Gauthier
Bob Mr Freddie
Bob Mr.
Bob Mrs
Bob Mrs Howard Hayes
Bob Mrs Kay Spotswood
Bob Mrs Patton
Bob Mrs Rita Lepine
Bob Mrs. Lusk
Bob Muise
Bob Mulligan
Bob Mulvagh
Bob Mulvah
Bob Muriel Mitchell
Bob Murphy
Bob Murray
Bob Musse
Bob My
Bob Myrna Palmer
Bob Nadeau
Bob NanceKnell
Bob Narcenell
Bob Nash Gerald Kluke Gerald Kluke
Bob Nathalie
Bob Necldeson
Bob Neveau
Bob Nevin
Bob New
Bob New-berfÿ*
Bob New-r7
Bob New-tngham Aces
Bob Newberry
Bob Newberry Miners
Bob Newhort
Bob Nflsner But
Bob Nicholas Mrs Emmerson Horner
Bob Nicki Babe Young
Bob No
Bob Nobes
Bob Normandeau
Bob Normandeau Saturday
Bob Norway Bay
Bob November
Bob Nu-
Bob Nugent
Bob NuV
Bob O -Rielly
Bob O Brien
Bob O Donnell
Bob O Dwyer
Bob O Heare
Bob O Hears
Bob O Neil
Bob O R
Bob O Reilly
Bob O.Rourke
Bob Oawford
Bob Oct.
Bob October
Bob of
Bob Ogle
Bob Oharettes Shell Service Stat-Petawawa
Bob Oharettes Shell Service Station
Bob OHeare
Bob Oleon
Bob Olson
Bob Ompb.Il
Bob On September
Bob One
Bob Onesime
Bob Ontario
Bob Orr
Bob Orr 5:10
Bob Orr Cartage Bristol
Bob Osborne
Bob Osbourne
Bob Ostmm
Bob Ostrom
Bob Ostrum
Bob Ottawa
Bob Ounn
Bob Our
Bob Ouyon
Bob Over-
Bob Overion
Bob Overton
Bob Overton IXpt
Bob Overton Young
Bob Overtons
Bob O’Grady
Bob O’Heare We
Bob O’Heere Mrs. Fleury
Bob O’Reilly
Bob Paisley
Bob Pakenham
Bob Paquin
Bob Paquln
Bob Par
Bob Paré
Bob Partie-7yme
Bob Pastor
Bob Patacairk FINANCING^
Bob Paterson
Bob Paterson Brady
Bob Patrick
Bob Patterson
Bob Paul
Bob Paula
Bob Paulette
Bob Pearce
Bob Pecver
Bob Peggy
Bob Pelletier
Bob Pembroke
Bob Penh Blue
Bob Pentinga
Bob Peppard
Bob per- Quebec
Bob Perch
Bob Perkins
Bob Perrier
Bob Perron C.B.C.
Bob Peterborough
Bob Peters
Bob Petrie Mrs. Bessie Knox
Bob Philips
Bob Phillips
Bob Phone
Bob Piamonte
Bob Picard
Bob Picard Jean-Louis Corriveau Corriveau
Bob Pierol
Bob Pilot Iransport Quebec
Bob Pinch
Bob Pirie
Bob Pitt
Bob Piznek
Bob Planning
Bob Platt
Bob Plus
Bob Polk
Bob Popkey
Bob Potler There
Bob Potvin
Bob Poun-polka
Bob Prankie
Bob Pre-Kindergarten
Bob Preme Court
Bob Pres _ _
Bob Presbyterian Church
Bob Preston
Bob Price
Bob Pringle
Bob Pritchard
Bob Proulx
Bob Province
Bob Ptoulx
Bob Pugh
Bob Pulford
Bob Purcell
Bob Purvey
Bob Pyke
Bob Q0r(
Bob Qawford
Bob QtMrn Of
Bob Qua Ik
Bob Quail#
Bob Quaile
Bob Quails
Bob Qualk
Bob Quebec Ouest Reality
Bob Quebec Ouest Realties
Bob Quelle
Bob Quesnel
Bob Quyon
Bob Racine
Bob Radmore
Bob Rae
Bob Rafter
Bob Raikes
Bob Ramey
Bob Ranger
Bob Rantz
Bob Ras
Bob Ray
Bob Re
Bob Re-
Bob Ree
Bob Registrar
Bob Reguly
Bob Reid
Bob Reinlck
Bob Remi
Bob Remi Visiting Mrs
Bob Remis
Bob Renaud
Bob Renauld
Bob Rendait
Bob René
Bob Rene Brixhe
Bob Renée
Bob Rennick
Bob Renwarden
Bob Reny
Bob Request
Bob Resnick
Bob Reynolds
Bob Rez-nick
Bob Reznek
Bob Reznick
Bob Reznik
Bob rfu1
Bob Rhonda
Bob Ri/nek
Bob Ri/nek Sister Marie
Bob Rianek
Bob Richard
Bob Richard Dahms
Bob Richard Wills
Bob Richardson
Bob Richer
Bob Ricky
Bob Ridley
Bob Riebertz
Bob Riezneck
Bob Riley
Bob Ringrose
Bob Ringrose Cemetery
Bob Rinmore
Bob Ripley
Bob Ritchie
Bob River
Bob Riz
Bob Riznck
Bob Rizneh
Bob Riznek
Bob Riznek Body
Bob Riznet
Bob Riznick
Bob Riznik
Bob Rlr|
Bob Rlznek
Bob Ro> Wiggins
Bob Roach
Bob Roarer
Bob Robertson
Bob Robinson
Bob Rodgers
Bob Rodx
Bob Rogers
Bob Romain
Bob Rosaieen Dickson
Bob Rose
Bob Rose Mark Papousek
Bob Roseau
Bob Rosendahl
Bob Ross
Bob Rouseau
Bob Roussel
Bob Rowaell
Bob Rue-ell
Bob Ruins
Bob Rus
Bob Rusett
Bob Rush
Bob Russe
Bob Russell
Bob Russell Bonds
Bob Russell IDe
Bob Russell Mr.
Bob Russell Pearl Garety
Bob Russell USHERS
Bob Russell" Keith Ha
Bob Russell’s
Bob Russett
Bob Russe»
Bob Russe» Elliott
Bob Rut-
Bob Rutherford
Bob Rutledge
Bob s
Bob s Alex Hodgins
Bob s Chicken
Bob s Chicken Co-op
Bob s Chicken Coop
Bob s Chicken Coop Shawville
Bob s Combo Plate
Bob s Dad
Bob s Gas Bar
Bob s Rest
Bob s Restaura Jeffrey AMon Clarence
Bob s Restaurant
Bob s Restaurant Learn
Bob s Take Outs
Bob Sacksville
Bob Safari
Bob Saille
Bob Saille Orchestra Saturday
Bob Sal* - Well
Bob Salley
Bob Sally
Bob Sally Friends
Bob Sally’s Band
Bob Salmon
Bob Saly MM Bouche
Bob Sampson’s Homemaker Safety—pretty
Bob Sargeant
Bob Saturday
Bob Saunders
Bob Sauve
Bob Savage
Bob Savidant
Bob Savident
Bob Sawyers
Bob Sc Sully Thompson Jim Sc Dorene McCambly Sc
Bob Schmidt
Bob Schnieders
Bob Schryer
Bob Schwalm
Bob Schwartz
Bob Scott
Bob Scranton
Bob Seaboyer
Bob Sear
Bob Secretary Ruth Leishman
Bob Séguin
Bob Séguin W.R.A.P.P.S.
Bob Seguln
Bob Senti
Bob Sequin
Bob SESS BsssittS
Bob Sharpe
Bob Sharpe’s
Bob Shaw
Bob Shawville Curling Club
Bob Shawville Lions Club
Bob Shawvllle
Bob She
Bob Sheen
Bob Shellard
Bob Shelley
Bob Shep-The
Bob Sheppard
Bob Sheppard Bryson
Bob Sheppard Mrs. Bill I
Bob Sheppard’s
Bob Sherwood
Bob Shewville
Bob Shuttleworth
Bob Sibbert
Bob Sic
Bob Sicvier
Bob Silverman
Bob Simpson
Bob Simpson Keep Plastic Bags Away
Bob Simpson Speaks To Shawville Athletes Elgin Murray
Bob Simpsons
Bob Simpson’s
Bob Sims
Bob Sin- Allen
Bob Sinclair
Bob SincMr, Ottawa
Bob Singers
Bob Skerkowaki
Bob Skerkowski
Bob Skirkowski
Bob Slade
Bob Sleigh
Bob Sleighs
Bob Sloan
Bob Sloan 648
Bob Sloan Frost
Bob Sloan Gerard
Bob Sloan I Mrs Clifford Desjardins
Bob Sloan North
Bob Sloan Note
Bob Sly
Bob Smaçt Mrs
Bob Smart
Bob Smarts
Bob Smiley
Bob Smith
Bob Smith Armstrong
Bob Smith Baie Pontiac
Bob Smith Ben Tubman
Bob Smith Brian Corriveau Daniel Des
Bob Smith Broomball Pontiac Selects
Bob Smith Golden Shasta
Bob Smith Hr
Bob Smith H|
Bob Smith Québec Res
Bob Smith Res
Bob Smith Restaurant
Bob Smith Restiuimt Guest Speaker
Bob Smith Royce
Bob Smith Saturday
Bob SMith Shawville
Bob Smith Sr.
Bob Smith Stable
Bob Smith-Past President
Bob Smiths
Bob Smiths Rest
Bob Smiths Rest.
Bob Smiths Restaurant
Bob Smiths Restaurant Moke
Bob Smith’s
Bob Smith’s Catering
Bob Smith’s HT Vite
Bob Smith’s July
Bob Smith’s Lefebvre
Bob Smith’s Midgets
Bob Smith’s Rassurant
Bob Smith’s Re-
Bob Smith’s Rest-
Bob Smith’s Restau
Bob Smith’s Restaur Community Centre
Bob Smith’s Restaurai
Bob Smith’s Restaurant
Bob Smith’s Restaurant Main Street
Bob Smith’s Restaurant Shawville
Bob Smith’s Restaurant ShawvUle
Bob Smith’s Restaurant Trot
Bob Smith’s Shawville
Bob Smith’s Trail Cutter
Bob Smitn
Bob Smyth
Bob Smyth Bramalea
Bob Smythe
Bob Sn
Bob So
Bob Société
Bob Softball Throw
Bob Solly’s Band
Bob Somebody
Bob Somerville
Bob Sons Funeral Home
Bob SoNy
Bob Soucy
Bob Souda
Bob South
Bob Souuere
Bob Sparks
Bob Sparliig
Bob Sparling
Bob Sparling—4
Bob Spears
Bob Spears Russel LeRoy
Bob Spears Visiting
Bob Spearsw
Bob Specials - Dairy Calf Hugh Hammond
Bob Speller
Bob Spence
Bob Spending
Bob Spielvogel
Bob Spink*
Bob Sponsored
Bob Spring
Bob SSTS’Jasfi Ladysmith JWBi
Bob St Michael
Bob Stack
Bob Stafford
Bob Stanfield
Bob Stapleford
Bob Stark
Bob Stark Rheas Poisson
Bob Ste-
Bob Ste- Lepinc
Bob Steele
Bob Steele April
Bob Steele It
Bob Steele Last
Bob Steele Paul
Bob Steeles
Bob Steele’s
Bob Stephanie
Bob Stephens
Bob Stephens Vice-president Helen
Bob Stevens
Bob Stevenson
Bob Stewan
Bob Steward
Bob Stewart
Bob Stewart Beverley Ebert
Bob Stewart FIREMAN
Bob Stewart Lage
Bob Stewart McTiernan
Bob Stewart Visitors
Bob Stickney
Bob Stone
Bob Storey
Bob Storing
Bob Stout Owner
Bob Strong’s
Bob Strum
Bob Strumm
Bob Styles
Bob Sulli
Bob Summer
Bob Sur-
Bob Surtees
Bob Susan
Bob Suspects Everyone Claire
Bob Sutherland
Bob Sutter
Bob Sutton
Bob Sweeeatingham
Bob Sweeney
Bob Sweet
Bob Swim
Bob Swim Shawville
Bob Switzer
Bob Switzer SATURDAY
Bob Switzer Show
Bob T/breuvages/crème-glacée
Bob T? .1 Smith
Bob Tait
Bob Tames A Lady Russian Plus Colour
Bob Tape
Bob Tapping
Bob Tarter
Bob Taunton
Bob Taylor
Bob Tay_ EftSi pS
Bob Tel
Bob Telebec
Bob Terhusne
Bob Terrison
Bob That
Bob The
Bob There
Bob Therriault
Bob Thirsk
Bob This
Bob Tho- Georgette Lance
Bob Thom
Bob Thom-in
Bob Thomas
Bob Thomas Narlock Jr.
Bob Thomas)
Bob Thomas_
Bob Thomas_ Featuring ROCK
Bob Thomas_ The
Bob Thomp
Bob Thompson
Bob Thomson
Bob Thomson’s
Bob Thrasher
Bob Thrasner
Bob Thunder
Bob Thursday
Bob Tinker
Bob To
Bob Todd
Bob Tol-hurst
Bob Tolhurst
Bob Tommv Lanvkre
Bob Toronto
Bob Tousignant
Bob Tovee
Bob Towel
Bob Towell
Bob ToweU
Bob Town Hall
Bob Townsley
Bob Tracey
Bob Tracinski
Bob Tracy
Bob Tracy 647-2671
Bob Tracy Aylmer
Bob Tracy Barry Draper
Bob Tracy Best
Bob Tracy Mr. Athol McKillop
Bob Trembath
Bob Tremblay
Bob Trice
Bob Troulbe
Bob Trout
Bob Trtdy
Bob Trudeau
Bob Trudeau Touch O Honey 2nd - Billy Lajeuncs Jays
Bob Turcotte
Bob Turner Arena
Bob Turpin
Bob Two
Bob U VA
Bob Ugault
Bob Umarche
Bob Uncle Randy Thoms
Bob Uvei
Bob Uyler
Bob V - Dunn
Bob Vachoo
Bob Van Dyke
Bob Van Dyke This
Bob Van Hoff
Bob Vant Hoff
Bob Vant-hofT
Bob Vaughan
Bob Verch
Bob Verner
Bob Verrer
Bob Vi Deneuve
Bob Vibert
Bob Vibert 7:30
Bob Vibert Our
Bob Videto
Bob Vihert
Bob Villcnt-uvc
Bob Ville-neuve
Bob Villen
Bob Villeneu
Bob Villeneuve
Bob Villeneuve 224-87 Enregistrement
Bob Villeneuve 224-87 Greatest Gift Remembrance Henry Barnabe
Bob Villeneuve 224-87 Henrv Barnabe
Bob Villeneuve 224-87 Henrv Barruibe
Bob Villeneuve 224-87 X MacCREGOR CONCRETE
Bob Villeneuve Chairman Throw
Bob Villeneuve5
Bob Villon
Bob Villvneuve
Bob Villvneuvt
Bob Villvnuuvu
Bob ViUefieuve
Bob Vivian
Bob Vlbart
Bob Vlberf 7:30
Bob Vlbert
Bob W,„h
Bob Waddell
Bob Waddingham
Bob Wahh
Bob Wallace
Bob Walsh
Bob Walsh Jr (
Bob Walter
Bob Walters
Bob Walton
Bob Want Hoff
Bob Ward
Bob Warford
Bob Warnick
Bob Waterloo
Bob Watsworth
Bob Waxman
Bob We
Bob Weather-don
Bob Weatheral
Bob Weatherall
Bob Webb
Bob Webb Band Otter Lake Tel
Bob Webb c1
Bob Webster
Bob Weigandt
Bob Weir
Bob Western
Bob Western Canada
Bob Whalen
Bob Whcalcn
Bob Whe-
Bob Whe- Effective
Bob Whe-1
Bob Whekn
Bob Whelan
Bob Whelcn
Bob When
Bob Whetam
Bob While
Bob WhiLsiu
Bob White
Bob White-However
Bob Whitehorn
Bob Whitelaw
Bob Whites
Bob Whitney
Bob Whitsitt
Bob Whyte
Bob Wigandt
Bob Wiggins
Bob Wigney
Bob Wiison
Bob Wilaon
Bob Wildfong
Bob Wilkinson
Bob Will Recover Hannah
Bob Willard
Bob Williams
Bob Williston
Bob Wills
Bob Wilson
Bob Wilson Dunrobin
Bob Winstead
Bob Wintcrmutc.
Bob Winter
Bob Wintermuth
Bob Winters
Bob Winters September
Bob Wl
Bob WOmttK
Bob Woods
Bob Woods ÉpSÉ
Bob Wright
Bob X
Bob XM9 Ladysmith
Bob y0pper
Bob Ycman
Bob Ye
Bob Ye-!<Ott
Bob Yemen
Bob Yeung
Bob Yoimge
Bob You Ron Sharp- Calf
Bob Youjige
Bob Young
Bob Young 4
Bob Young Clarendon
Bob Young G
Bob Young Kechnie
Bob Young Keith Mohr Jim Hickey Harold Kearns Bruce Campbell Quyon U.C.W.
Bob Young Lone Wilson
Bob Young McCann
Bob Young Moved
Bob Young Quyon Lions Club
Bob Young Ryan Benoit
Bob Young Sandra A. Murray
Bob Young Shawville
Bob Young#
Bob Young-.*
Bob Youngc
Bob Younge
Bob Younge Shawville Community
Bob Younge Bu* 11*777.0112
Bob Younge Crand Champion Jersey
Bob Younge Dickson
Bob Younge Fair Pres
Bob Younge Front
Bob Younge’s
Bob Youngo
Bob Youngs
Bob Young’s
Bob Young’s Jersey Cow
Bob Younqe
Bob Yourrge
Bob Yownge
Bob Zimmer-
Bob Zimmerman
Bob Zochorecky
Bob Zup-
Bob Zwissler
Bob ] Towell
Bob ^ampbell
Bob ^Campbell Municipality
Bob ^tTrsColle^and Linda
Bob _
Bob | Afterwards
Bob | Clifford
Bob | Roycc Richardson
Bob |g Middlemiss
Bob «.UUihg Wl.df»
Bob —
Bob ‘Fish’ Findlay
Bob ‘Fish’ Findley
Bob “Fish” Findlay
Bob „
Bob •
Bob" Edwards
Bob" Middlemiss
Bob" Pizzeria Chez Buck Dépanneur Claude Romain Coiffures Mélégance Construction Bonne Façon Crevie
Bob" Sloan
Bob'' Eades
Bob'' Hazel
Bob'' Ilazelton
Bob) Bethcr
Bob) Bressee
Bob) Brownrigg
Bob) Calvert
Bob) Charette
Bob) Chiarelli
Bob) Coveil
Bob) Fades
Bob) Farmer
Bob) Farrel
Bob) G Walsh
Bob) Gamble
Bob) Glazer
Bob) Gravel
Bob) Hades
Bob) Hamilton
Bob) Hevelin
Bob) Hobbs
Bob) Hodgins
Bob) Homuth
Bob) Johnston
Bob) Kmg
Bob) Ladouceur
Bob) M.G.
Bob) Meehan
Bob) Middlemiss
Bob) Moore
Bob) Morrison May
Bob) Nolan
Bob) Perkins
Bob) Pour
Bob) Renfrew
Bob) Sker-kowski
Bob) Sloan
Bob) Smith
Bob) Stafford
Bob) Stark
Bob) Stewart
Bob) Timmins
Bob) Vandal
Bob) Vibert
Bob) Walsh
Bob- Bobby Towell
Bob- Brian FRESH
Bob- Curmencita
Bob- Fiddle Contest
Bob- Meisner
Bob- That Mayor Barr
Bob-hv Burke
BOB’S O c>
Bonnie Harris Bob Findlay
Bonnie Richard Wills Last
Bou- Richard Wills Mark Alexander
Brennan S* Richard Wills Equity Editor
Brent Horner Display Advertising Manager Katherine Hynes Advertising Sales Richard Wills Editor Kim
Brent Horner Display Advertising Manager » Katherine Hynes Advertising Sales Richard Wills Editor K
Brent Horner Neil Sharpe Claire Lunam Jean Smith Ann Taylor Richard Wills Maurice J King Rockburn
Brian Coughlin 613-638-8415 Ron Hodgins Brian Kelly Lome Orser Weldon Rantz Bob Dick
Brian Drummond Garth Tracy Thomas Fahey Jacques Lance Bob Scott Basil Orr Gordon Dttt
Brian Gains- Bob
Brian Kelly 2. Bob Muise
Brown Thé EQUITY Bob Riznek
Bryan Alexander Bob Howard David Yach
BSsHiÜaE''ïH “The Bob Boy Country
Call Bob Quebec Ouest Reality
Call Bob Quebec Ouest Realties
Carl Bob-son
Carl Trudeau Claude Cummings Bob Smith Bruce Wilson Ed Carbonell
Carmen Bob McMullin
Carol Tollman Bob Orr Cartage KeWy Funeral Home
Carol Tollman Bob Orr Cartage Young
Catering V BOB SMITH
Cecil Vibert R.N. Graduate Bob Vibert
Cell Bob et
Charles Bob Morrison
Charles Jean Pharmacien Bob & Myrna Campbell KIDS
Charles Stirrett Bob Hope Joan Bennett
Charlie Mahl-tz Bob Campbell
Cheese Burger Bob Burger
Cheslyn Graham Alexander Wills
Chill Wills
Chris Bob
Chris Brown Fund Richard Wills
Christopher Wills
Circulation Claire Lunam Journalist Pat Sehoular Birds Richard Wills
Circulations V Ross Dickson Brent Horner Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam
Claire Bob Morgan
Claire Lunam Journalist Merry Reardon Richard Wills Corporation
Claire Trevor Bing Crosby Bob Hope Monday
Clarence Bob McCredie
Clayton Hodgins Bob Wltb
Clifford Bob Schwartz
Coach Bob Findlay
Coach Bob Lang
Coach Bob Monfils
Colin Wills
Dale Bob Weatherall Atkinson’s Bar
Dance D Bob Holmes
Daniel Sc Peter Jobia Bob Sc Sheila Johnston James Sc Andree Keohane Brian
Darlene Wiggins Bob Smith Murray
Darrell Hea Bob Hearty Owen Hearty Emile Devlin Claude Provost 16-20-38-28755 Irvin Cole
Dave Moore Richard Wills Bird
Dave Moore Richard Wills Hawk
Dave Moore Richard Wills Job Shadowing
Dave Moore Richard Wills Lilies
Dave Moore Singing O Canada Sir Richard Wills Environment Forum Tourism
Dave Moore Sponsor Bob Dale
Dave Trottier Runs Rlinco Earl Robinson Bob Gracie
Dave Trottier Ruse Blinco Earl Robinson Bob Grade
Dave Wills
David Bob
David Bob Carswell
David Geerstma Mrs Bob Daley
David Moore Richard Wills Leaving
Dawna Knox Bob Fenton
Dear Bob
Dear Bob White
Dear Editor Publishers Ross Dickson/ Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent
Deborah Emmer- 647-2204 Fax 647-2206 Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills D
Delmer Barber and Councillors Bob Findlay
Diane Schwartz Brent Krose John Pasch Bob
Dick Farms Bob and Pat Dick
Dick Farms Bob and Pat Dick
Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Horner Display Ad Sales Katherine Hynes Class
Dickson M Heather Dickson ¦fl Editor Richard Wills H Display Ad Manager Katherine Hynes
Dodie Holmes Bob Riznek
Don Mr. Bob Hughes
Doris Bob
Dorothy Simon Wills
Dove Moore Richard Wills Ian Darragh
Duncan Lunam Bob Ell
Durrell Smith Bob-
Dwight Thomp- Bob Campbell
E E Bob,
Earl Robinson Bob Ciraeio
Easter Floral Arrangement Bob Calves
Eddie Cantor Bob Burns
Edgar B.W. Mulligan BOB BINDER
Egg Rolls Bob s Chicken Coop
Elaine Chamber- Bob Young Gladvs
Elizabeth Bob and Sheila Murray
Elke Bzdurreck-Wills
Elke Wills
Ellen Nellie Wills
Ellen Parker Bob» Loggin
Elliott Farm Equipment Bob Weatherall
Emmett Romain Boisvert Robert Dompierre John Green Bob l^douceur Georges Gagnon Commercial
Eric Bonders Bob
Ernie Bob ?°
Ethan Wills
Ethan Wills Shawville
Eva Marie Saint Bob Hope
Fireman Bob Campbell
Frank Fin- Bob Keller
Frank Finnigan Morfoy Hodgins Bob s Chicken Coop
Frank Wiggins Bob Homer
Frank Wills
Frost Cowboy Bob
G. Wills
Gail Bob
Gary Tri- Bob Keon
George Mrs. Bob Dale
Glass Bob Villeneuve
Glen Bob-
Glen DALE - Bob
Gordon Graham Pontiac History Richard Wills Pontiac
Grant Mur- Bob Younge
Gretchen Wills
H G Wills
H G WILLS Ebert—
H G. Wills
H G. WILLS Shawviile
H ncle1 Bob
H. H (Bob)
Harry Wills
Heather Dickeon Richard Wills
Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills
Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Homer
Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Horner Display Ad Sales Ka
Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Horner Display Ad Sales Katherine Hyn
Heather Dickson Richard Wills Clarendon If.r
Hector Sou- Richard Wills
Helen Desjardins Bob and Lynda Sloan
Helen Wills
Helen Wills V
Helen Wills Moody
Hello Bob
Henry Gilbert Wills
Hevite Woës Datas Harms Big Bob FuRer
HHL— Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Homer
Hichtrd Wills Equality Party
Hubert Emmer-•from Bob Erwin
Hugh MacLennan Creditor Bob Bowman
Hum* Blinro Earl Robinaon Bob Grade Gue Marker Howie Morens Johnny Gagnon Wilf Cuoe Gnorpe Mentha J
Independence Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent
J : Bob Riznek War Amps Programs
J Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Homer
Jack Wills
Jacques Lanoix Bob.
James Carmichael BOB CAT OPERATORS Chris Judd
Jamieson Farm Equipment Gordon Dittburner........ Bob Young
Jane Wyman Bob Hope Jackie Gleason N
Jean & Bob Sutherland
Jean and Bob Elliott
Jennifer A Swan V Bob Orr
Jim Backus Mrs. Louisa Wills
Jim Bob
Jim Bob St Laurent
Jim Bob.
Jimmy Carmichael Bob Findlay
Joan Gallagher Bob Fitzpatrick Stephen Strutt
Joe Laroche Garage Bob Walsh
Joe McCleary’s Bob’s
John Dagenais Peter Buske Bob St
John David Wills
John Smlti Bob Johnston
Joyce Newberry Bryson Richard Wills
Katharine Fletcher 647-2204 Ross Dickson Brent Horner Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam FAX
Katharine Fletcher Richard Wills Nesting Help
Katherine Hynes Advertising Sales Richard Wills
Katherine Hynes Advertising Sales Richard Wills Editor Kim Thalheimer Journalist Claire Lunam Class
Keith Sloan Bob Holmes
Keith Yach Bob Young
Ken Bob-on
Ken Osterhout Bob Glass Ann Leadman
Kennebec- Bob Yellow Beans Rae Judd
Kevin Bob Findlay
Kevin Rampton Bob Warford
Kim Braid Bob Bennett
Kim Thalhelmer Bob Elliot
L BOB CAMPBELL 918-600 Pearl Finish
L E Richard Wills
Ladysmith Hotel Ottawa Lynx Bob Barker Logos Land Mickey McGuire Chicken Palace Young
Laura Wills
Laurie MacKechnie 458-2424 Bob Fenton Bill Watson
Laurie MacKechnie 458-2424 Bob Fenton Bill Watson Bonnie Richardson
Laurie MacKechnie Bonnie Richardson Bill Watson Bob Fenton
Laurie MacKechnie Jean-Pierre Ledoux Richard Wills Martine Durocher Lynn Tremblay
Laurie MacKechnie458-2424 Bob Fenton Bill Watson Bonnie Richardson
Laurie MacKechnle 458-2424 Bob Fenton
Là—J Bob Villeneuve
Leonard Mee- Bob
Linda Holmes Bob
Linda Vowles Bob
Lindsay Harris Mr. Bob McKinnon
Lindsay Horner Bob-
Lindsay Wills
Lindsey A Ron H A Vicki J A A Bob John David
Lisa Tiffany Wills
Lord Bob
Lou Lou Bob
Love Bob
Love Bob Sally
M Mme Bob Healey
M* Bob King
Managers Bob Graham 81*447.3151
Margaret A Bob Bretzlaff
Margaret Bob Bronson
Margaret Dora Cahill Richard Wills
Margaret Wills
Marie Saint Bob Hope Vista
Marilyn Amyotte Bob Ringrose
Marjorie Bob Towell
Mark Alexander Shawville Richard Wills Once
Martin Gretchen Wills
Mary Tudor Quyon Richard Wills Mr Robert Middlemiss
Maureen Racine Bob Billings
Mawegers Bob Graham
Mayor Bob 11
McKay Bob Camere Our
Meeting L J • BOB
Melroe Bob Cat
Mercury Bob Cat
Mercury Bob Cat Station Shawville
Merry Reardon L Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Bre
Messrs Bob Younge
Messrs. Bob Coyle
Mi Burgess Wills
Minor Hockey Bob Alexander
Miscellaneous Publisher Ross Dickson Editor Richard Wills
Mona Rut-contact Bob Crawford
Monsieur Bcaucaire Bob Hope
Mr, Bob
Mr. Bob Clifford
Mr. Bob Graham
Mr. Bob Young
Mr. Bob'' Townaley
Mr. H G. Wills
Mr.and Mrs. Bob Charette
Mrs- Bob.
Mrs. Bob
Mrs. Bob Campbell
Mrs. Bob Daley
Mrs. Bob Fairfield
Mrs. Bob Fairfield Thomas Horner
Mrs. Bob Mr
Mrs. Bob Sic-carefree
Mrs. Bob Van-t Hoff Bert Burrows
Mrs. Bob Warner
Mrs. Bob Wetherdon
Mrs. Helen Wills Moody
Mrs. James A. Farley Mrs. Helen Wills Moody
Mrs. Wills Graham Raymond
Music D -photo Richard Wills Racoons
Neil Hanna Bob Horner
Nellie Wills
Neron Richard Wills
Neville Wells Defies Harms V Big Bob Fuller Terry Carrise Wayne Rostadt White River Bhiegrass L Pre
Nicole Wills
Norma Stewart Simon Wills
Norman Liedtke %hew Palmer Bob Tracy
O /o Bob Webb Band
O d Wills V Eotor
Olenny Mr. Bob Findlay
Ontario Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Horne
Oswald Cuthbertson Bob s Restaurant Young
Owe Moee J Bob Campbell
Pastor Bob
Pat Schouiar Shawville Pro-Mayor Bob Campbell
Paul Insurance Ltd. Bob Smith’s Restaurant Cobden Auto Supply On
Paul Martineau Lawrence Lang Anonymous Don Paul Assistant Chief Edgar Bob Bechtold Anonymous Claren
Paul Wills
Peter I Bob Dunn
Philip Holmes Bob Binder Desktop Publishing Joyce Rainville Newberry Strawberry Supper
Phone Mrs. Bob Kingdom
Phone Mrs. Bob Kingdon
Pit Superintendent Bob Hortie
Publisher Roes Dickson Editor Richard Wills
Publisher Ross Dickson Editor Richard Wills
Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Bren
Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Horner Displa
Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Cla
Que Mrs. Chris Kinmond Dow Brewery Bob Brouse Mrs. Fred Coyne Bruce Yemen Jerry Morrison
Quy-Bob Gordon
R.J.(Bob) Calvert
Rachel Simon Wills
RE G -photo Richard Wills
René Le- Richard Wills
Richa/d Wills Jane Corrigan
Richard Bowie Richard Wills
Richard Will* Bob Campbell
Richard Wills
Richard Wills V McDonald
Richard Wills Racine
Richard Wills V
Richard Wills AUCTION SALE
Richard Wills EYES
Richard Wills Fall
Richard Wills January
Richard Wills N
Richard Wills Oddfellows
Richard Wills Quebec Holstein Club
Richard Wills Shaw
Richard Wills She
Richard Wills Six-year-old Casandra Stewart
Richard Wills Tuesday
Richard Wills V >
Richard Wills Van Dyke
Richard Wills What
Richard Wills X
Richard Wills April
Richard Wills Btuterfiy
Richard Wills BUS TRIP
Richard Wills Clarence Andrew Roy
Richard Wills Co.
Richard Wills CRSSS
Richard Wills December
Richard Wills Equity
Richard Wills Equity Editor
Richard Wills Equity Editor Shawvill
Richard Wills Equity Editor Pontiac
Richard Wills Hc-dgros
Richard Wills His
Richard Wills I
Richard Wills I T ->
Richard Wills KÀ
Richard Wills Kemptville Pontiac Holstein
Richard Wills Liberal
Richard Wills MacGREGOR
Richard Wills Man* M
Richard Wills May
Richard Wills Music
Richard Wills Photo
Richard Wills Planning
Richard Wills Pontiac
Richard Wills PROCESSING
Richard Wills Roy Dagg
Richard Wills Shawn McCord
Richard Wills Stretches
Richard Wills T* Alex Bean
Richard Wills To THOSE
Richard Wills Town
Richard Wills Ü: Êfl
Richard Wills VI
Richard Wills Vvr
Richard Wills W£ June
Richard Wills X
Richard Wills X V Mr# _
Richard Wills "
Richard Wills * Karen Campbell
Richard Wills *1*
Richard Wills .9
Richard Wills 178
Richard Wills 8^
Richard Wills 9
Richard Wills 9:00
Richard Wills A Clarendon
Richard Wills Aaron Perry
Richard Wills About
Richard Wills According
Richard Wills Accounting Services Financial
Richard Wills Adrift
Richard Wills After
Richard Wills Algonquin Peer Helpers
Richard Wills All
Richard Wills Allumette Island
Richard Wills An
Richard Wills Ancrai
Richard Wills And
Richard Wills André Pilon
Richard Wills Andrew Kelly
Richard Wills Animateur
Richard Wills Anna Woods
Richard Wills Another
Richard Wills Any
Richard Wills Approximately
Richard Wills Artists
Richard Wills As
Richard Wills As Marcel Lavigne
Richard Wills At
Richard Wills At St George’s
Richard Wills AT STRATFORD
Richard Wills Audit Bureau
Richard Wills Audrey Sharpe O
Richard Wills B Divison
Richard Wills B)
Richard Wills Barbara Stanley
Richard Wills Barry Moore
Richard Wills Beardsell
Richard Wills Beaver
Richard Wills Becky Tracy
Richard Wills Before
Richard Wills Bells
Richard Wills Beneficial
Richard Wills Benefit
Richard Wills Benson Moffatt
Richard Wills Best
Richard Wills Best Non-Commercial Float
Richard Wills Betrayal
Richard Wills Betty Miller
Richard Wills Bienvenue
Richard Wills Bill
Richard Wills Bird
Richard Wills Bishop
Richard Wills Bob Miller
Richard Wills Bom
Richard Wills Bomb
Richard Wills Bonnie Richardson
Richard Wills Boom
Richard Wills Borden Hodgins
Richard Wills Both
Richard Wills Bow
Richard Wills Breaking
Richard Wills BRIDE
Richard Wills Bristol Firemen Norman Wiggins
Richard Wills Buckingham
Richard Wills BULLY-PROOF
Richard Wills But
Richard Wills By
Richard Wills Bystanders
Richard Wills C
Richard Wills Cal Cummings
Richard Wills Call
Richard Wills Campbell
Richard Wills Carleton Place
Richard Wills Cars
Richard Wills Cégep Heritage College Thinking
Richard Wills Centre Director Anne Rondeau
Richard Wills Champion
Richard Wills Chapeau
Richard Wills Cheered
Richard Wills Cheryl Campbell
Richard Wills Cheryl Stanley
Richard Wills Children
Richard Wills Chiller
Richard Wills Chinese-speaking
Richard Wills Chris Judd
Richard Wills Chris Pilon
Richard Wills Church
Richard Wills Clifton Henry Campbell
Richard Wills Coming
Richard Wills Commons
Richard Wills Community Days
Richard Wills Conservative
Richard Wills Consolidated
Richard Wills Continued
Richard Wills Contract
Richard Wills Corbeil
Richard Wills Coulonge
Richard Wills Country
Richard Wills Cowering
Richard Wills CSN
Richard Wills Cutting
Richard Wills d
Richard Wills Dan Paul Rodgers
Richard Wills Daphne Ballard
Richard Wills Darken Robinson
Richard Wills David Strong
Richard Wills Davis
Richard Wills Dear Editor
Richard Wills Debate
Richard Wills Debbie Bechamp
Richard Wills Decked
Richard Wills Dempsey
Richard Wills Denis Larivière
Richard Wills Dense She H Equity
Richard Wills Denver Thrun
Richard Wills Denzil Spence Chapeau
Richard Wills Dignitaries
Richard Wills Discussing
Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Horner Display Ad Sales Katherine Hynes Class
Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Class
Richard Wills Dorothy BretzlafT
Richard Wills Dr
Richard Wills Dr Benoit Paquette
Richard Wills Dr S E McDowell Elementary
Richard Wills Dressed
Richard Wills Drew Glim
Richard Wills Dump
Richard Wills Eautty Editor Hinch
Richard Wills EcuitvFmtn
Richard Wills Ed
Richard Wills Education
Richard Wills ÉÈÈÎ
Richard Wills Eerie
Richard Wills Elke Bzdurreck
Richard Wills Elwin Clarke
Richard Wills Environment
Richard Wills Environment Forum
Richard Wills Environment Forum Buzzing
Richard Wills Environment Forum Gardening
Richard Wills Environment Forum Migrants
Richard Wills Environment Forum Territorial
Richard Wills Eqdty Eator
Richard Wills Equality Party Leader Robert Libman
Richard Wills Equity
Richard Wills Equity ÉcJîor
Richard Wills Equity Editor
Richard Wills Equity Editor Bryson Members
Richard Wills Equity Editor C
Richard Wills Equity Editor Campbell
Richard Wills Equity Editor Cpl Mathieu
Richard Wills Equity Editor Litchfield Mayor Michael McCrank
Richard Wills Equity Editor Local
Richard Wills Equity Editor Pontiac
Richard Wills Equity Editor Richard Wills Equity Editor Cedar
Richard Wills Equity Editor Shawville
Richard Wills Equity Editor Sylvia Bokker Equity
Richard Wills Equity Editor That
Richard Wills Equity Editor Thurs
Richard Wills Equity Edtor
Richard Wills Equity Edttor
Richard Wills Eric Campbell
Richard Wills Ernest Gregory Bristol Mines
Richard Wills Essie Schwartz
Richard Wills Evans
Richard Wills Evelyn Campbell
Richard Wills Even
Richard Wills Everyone
Richard Wills FaIIs
Richard Wills Family
Richard Wills Farm
Richard Wills Farmers
Richard Wills Father Chris Wicks
Richard Wills Faye Stafford
Richard Wills Fernand Alarie
Richard Wills Fiddle Jamboree
Richard Wills Fiebig
Richard Wills Finalists
Richard Wills Finances
Richard Wills Financial
Richard Wills First
Richard Wills Flanked
Richard Wills Flow
Richard Wills Flowers
Richard Wills For
Richard Wills FORE
Richard Wills Forest Products
Richard Wills Four Shawville
Richard Wills Fourthly
Richard Wills Francis Scrimger
Richard Wills Frank Prosperine
Richard Wills Frédéric Bisson
Richard Wills Freedoms
Richard Wills Friends
Richard Wills From
Richard Wills Garden
Richard Wills Gerald Mielke
Richard Wills Get
Richard Wills Gilles Dufour
Richard Wills GLOBE
Richard Wills Go Eddie"
Richard Wills Grade
Richard Wills Grade Nine
Richard Wills Grant Beattie
Richard Wills Gretcnen Schwarz
Richard Wills Grist
Richard Wills H
Richard Wills Hagus Damien MacKenzie
Richard Wills Hairstylists Louise Newberry
Richard Wills He
Richard Wills Hie
Richard Wills Hie T>
Richard Wills Highway
Richard Wills Holmes
Richard Wills Horn Yawnghwe
Richard Wills However
Richard Wills HskE Sppjl
Richard Wills Hull
Richard Wills Hwy 301
Richard Wills Hydro-Pontiac President
Richard Wills Ï
Richard Wills I Kenny Greer
Richard Wills IHHHUmm Maryse Gravelle
Richard Wills IMP
Richard Wills Interment
Richard Wills Irwin Stewart
Richard Wills ISk
Richard Wills It
Richard Wills Itj Craig Hamelin
Richard Wills IWN
Richard Wills J
Richard Wills J -photo Dave Moore Environment Forum
Richard Wills Jack Elliott
Richard Wills Jacques Rainville
Richard Wills James Clouthier
Richard Wills Jamie McGuire
Richard Wills Jane Ann Findlay Bristol
Richard Wills Jason Campbell
Richard Wills Jim Prophet
Richard Wills Jo-Anne Brownlee
Richard Wills Joanne Ralston-Griffin
Richard Wills Joel Burke
Richard Wills John Langford
Richard Wills John Paul II
Richard Wills John Trent
Richard Wills JSw
Richard Wills July
Richard Wills Jumping
Richard Wills June Mallon
Richard Wills Keharn Yawnghwe C Worship WifL Us
Richard Wills Keith Miller
Richard Wills Kem Holtz
Richard Wills Kim Cluff
Richard Wills King Daniel Ladouceur
Richard Wills Kirk Strutt
Richard Wills Kristen Hodgins
Richard Wills L acte
Richard Wills Ladysmith Sportman
Richard Wills Lalonde
Richard Wills Lamarche
Richard Wills Lana Cowley
Richard Wills Last
Richard Wills Lawrence ROYAL
Richard Wills Led
Richard Wills Left
Richard Wills Les Voyageurs
Richard Wills Li
Richard Wills Liberal
Richard Wills Libman
Richard Wills Like
Richard Wills Lionette Sylvia Poisson Hodgins
Richard Wills Local
Richard Wills Louise Lavallée
Richard Wills Lynn Lang
Richard Wills Macador Farms
Richard Wills Mandy Ladouceur
Richard Wills Many
Richard Wills Marcel Boudria
Richard Wills Marilee Delombard
Richard Wills Martine Comtois
Richard Wills MASON.
Richard Wills Master
Richard Wills Master Haymaker Bob Younge
Richard Wills Math
Richard Wills Maurice Lamarche
Richard Wills Mayor
Richard Wills McCredie
Richard Wills McDowell
Richard Wills McDowell Elementary
Richard Wills McKenna
Richard Wills Meeting
Richard Wills Members
Richard Wills Men
Richard Wills Mercury At
Richard Wills Michael Higgins
Richard Wills Michael Laporte
Richard Wills Ministry
Richard Wills Minutes
Richard Wills Miss Shawville Fair
Richard Wills Mixed Party
Richard Wills Ml AUTOMOTIVE
Richard Wills MLCP
Richard Wills MNA Robert Middlemiss
Richard Wills Mnnsfield
Richard Wills Moby Dick?
Richard Wills Monday
Richard Wills Most
Richard Wills Moved
Richard Wills Moyra Horners
Richard Wills MP Barry Moore
Richard Wills Mr McMillan
Richard Wills Mr Pierre Paradis
Richard Wills Mr. Edward Mee
Richard Wills MRC Warden Bob Ladou-ceur
Richard Wills MRC.
Richard Wills Mrs
Richard Wills Mrs Coffin
Richard Wills Mrs Robert Young
Richard Wills Mrs Violet Poole
Richard Wills Municipal Council
Richard Wills MURRA
Richard Wills Nancy Caldwell
Richard Wills Nathalie Coutu
Richard Wills Nathan Kline
Richard Wills National
Richard Wills Nearly
Richard Wills Newly
Richard Wills Norma
Richard Wills Norman Reid
Richard Wills Norrr Beouoor WÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊC
Richard Wills Now
Richard Wills OCQ
Richard Wills Officers
Richard Wills Old
Richard Wills Om
Richard Wills On
Richard Wills On April
Richard Wills On December
Richard Wills On February
Richard Wills On May
Richard Wills On November
Richard Wills On September
Richard Wills Oodgo Truths
Richard Wills Originally
Richard Wills Ottawa Valley
Richard Wills Otter Lake
Richard Wills Our Lady
Richard Wills Out
Richard Wills Over
Richard Wills Pack
Richard Wills Parent
Richard Wills Patient Paul-André Rhéault
Richard Wills Paul Hinch
Richard Wills Paul Wessler
Richard Wills Pauline Ladouceur
Richard Wills Pennsylvania
Richard Wills PEP
Richard Wills Peter B. Smith
Richard Wills Peter Bauer
Richard Wills Phillippe Smith
Richard Wills Pholo
Richard Wills Photo Dave Moore
Richard Wills Pine
Richard Wills Pingoin Snowmobile Club President Julie Bertrand
Richard Wills PIPE
Richard Wills Politicians
Richard Wills Polkas
Richard Wills Pont
Richard Wills Pontiac
Richard Wills Pontiac County
Richard Wills Pontiac MP Bob Bertrand
Richard Wills Pontiac Municipality
Richard Wills Pontiac-Gatineau-Labelle
Richard Wills Pontiac’s
Richard Wills Portage Fire
Richard Wills PPHS
Richard Wills PPHS Co-Captain Erin Schock
Richard Wills PPHS Jr Girls
Richard Wills PPHS Principal Ellard Perry
Richard Wills Président
Richard Wills Prince Ling
Richard Wills Private
Richard Wills Promoters
Richard Wills Proposed
Richard Wills Proprietors Patti Davis-Fleck
Richard Wills ProtGCtlOFl Act
Richard Wills Quebec
Richard Wills Quebec Police Force
Richard Wills Quyon
Richard Wills Quyon da
Richard Wills QYF Bonspiel Fort Coulonge Bantams Fort-Coulonge Ball-Hockey
Richard Wills RA
Richard Wills Rae-Ann Brunton
Richard Wills Ray McGrath
Richard Wills Ray Savoie
Richard Wills Raymond Evans
Richard Wills Recent
Richard Wills Regain
Richard Wills Registered Nursing Assistants
Richard Wills Relatives
Richard Wills RENFREW
Richard Wills Representatives
Richard Wills Residents
Richard Wills Responsibilities
Richard Wills Results
Richard Wills Rev Ann Durant
Richard Wills Rev Sunday EngSah Sgt Gaston Paquette 9:30
Richard Wills Richard Arulpooranam
Richard Wills Richard Wills Equity Edfror
Richard Wills Richard Wills Equity Editor
Richard Wills Richard Wills Equity Editor Quyon
Richard Wills Richardson
Richard Wills Rick Younge
Richard Wills Riding Pontiac Stables
Richard Wills Robert Hitz
Richard Wills Robert Lalonde
Richard Wills Robert Libman
Richard Wills Robert Middlemiss
Richard Wills Roger Greer
Richard Wills Roger Stone
Richard Wills Rogers
Richard Wills Rolf Kungl
Richard Wills Rollin
Richard Wills Ronnie
Richard Wills Rotary Solarium
Richard Wills Rudolphe Lasalle
Richard Wills Rudy Schroeder Memori- It
Richard Wills Ryan Woermke
Richard Wills S
Richard Wills Sa#
Richard Wills Saturday
Richard Wills SEAHAWKS
Richard Wills Sean Whelan
Richard Wills SECOND-PLACE
Richard Wills Seeing
Richard Wills Senior
Richard Wills Serving ONTARIO
Richard Wills Settlers
Richard Wills Seventy-five
Richard Wills Sha
Richard Wills Shaivville
Richard Wills Shawville
Richard Wills Shawville Council
Richard Wills Shawville Firemen
Richard Wills Shawville Rotary
Richard Wills Shawville Town Employees Rick Russett
Richard Wills Shawville-Clarendon
Richard Wills ShawviUe
Richard Wills ShawviUe Lionettes
Richard Wills Sheena Hudson
Richard Wills Sheenboro
Richard Wills Show
Richard Wills Sincerely
Richard Wills Six-year-old Peter Dolan
Richard Wills Skiers
Richard Wills Skip Mike Haley
Richard Wills Skipped
Richard Wills Small
Richard Wills Smallest
Richard Wills Smart
Richard Wills Snow
Richard Wills Snow-bound
Richard Wills Solanum
Richard Wills Some
Richard Wills Speed
Richard Wills SSBS
Richard Wills Standing
Richard Wills Star
Richard Wills Stewart
Richard Wills Stone Consolidated
Richard Wills STROKE
Richard Wills Stuart Bahen
Richard Wills Students
Richard Wills SUCh
Richard Wills Sylvio Richard
Richard Wills Sytyig Boldcor Equity
Richard Wills T
Richard Wills TAKING AIM.
Richard Wills Tanks
Richard Wills Tax
Richard Wills tcres1
Richard Wills Technology
Richard Wills Ted Kaminsky
Richard Wills Telford
Richard Wills Tembine
Richard Wills Test
Richard Wills The
Richard Wills Thedy Nephin
Richard Wills There
Richard Wills These
Richard Wills Thirty
Richard Wills This
Richard Wills Thorne
Richard Wills Those
Richard Wills Three
Richard Wills Three-year-old Pamela Foley
Richard Wills THROUGH
Richard Wills Thursday
Richard Wills Tj
Richard Wills Tony
Richard Wills Tourist
Richard Wills Town Employee Rick Russett
Richard Wills Town-wide
Richard Wills Traffic
Richard Wills Training Workshop
Richard Wills Truck
Richard Wills Tudor
Richard Wills Turning
Richard Wills Tutors
Richard Wills Two
Richard Wills Tyler Cluff
Richard Wills Under
Richard Wills Unfortunately
Richard Wills V
Richard Wills V Equity Editor
Richard Wills V 1
Richard Wills V V V* V_J
Richard Wills Vallée-de-la-Liôvre
Richard Wills Victoria Place
Richard Wills Villages
Richard Wills Visiting
Richard Wills VOTE
Richard Wills Vv
Richard Wills W
Richard Wills Waltham
Richard Wills Wayne Rostad
Richard Wills We Were
Richard Wills We Were I
Richard Wills Wednesday
Richard Wills Wendy Homer
Richard Wills West Quebec
Richard Wills What
Richard Wills When
Richard Wills When Elijah Harper
Richard Wills While
Richard Wills WillINI
Richard Wills Windle Watson
Richard Wills Winner
Richard Wills Winner Mark Maki
Richard Wills Winners
Richard Wills With
Richard Wills With Captain Jenny Presley
Richard Wills With Rev Ann Durant
Richard Wills With Team Captain Keith Racine
Richard Wills With Tom
Richard Wills WYLIE
Richard Wills Wyman Pontiac Printshop Ltd.
Richard Wills W®£
Richard Wills X V Peter Gauthier
Richard Wills X»v
Richard Wills X»v CAR
Richard Wills Year-end Blowout
Richard Wills Yours
Richard Wills Youth"
Richard Wills Z< Waltham
Richard Wills _
Richard Wills _ Equity Editor Campbell
Richard Wills _ On
Richard Wills __
Richard Wilt Bob Calves
Richard Win* Bob Bowen
Rob Wills
Robert "Bob Kaffien
Robert (Bob) Russett Stark
Robert 647-5374 BLOCKS BOB’S
Robert and Alexander Wills
Robert Bob Nolan
Robert Bob s
Robert Bob s Restaurant
Robert Bob s Restaurant Canada Manpower Carol
Robert Bob s Restaurent
Robert Bob’s Restaurent
Robert Campbell Bob Smith
Robert McCord Wills
Robert Wills
Robert Wills and
Robert Wills Clarendon
Robert Wills Clarendon Correction
Robert Wills Friday
Robert Wills Further
Robert Wills Limited
Robert Wills McNeill
Robert Wills Mr
Robert Wills Nine
Robert Wills Pacific Junction Railroad
Robert Wills Pontiacer
Robert Wills President
Robert Wills Shawville
Robert Wills Sudbury
Robert Wills Thome No
Robert Wills Thorne
Robert Wills Vf»
Robert Wills Whereas
Robert Zacharias Bob Villeneuve
Ron Hodgins Bob Younge John Lapierre 689-2164 Send
Ron Hunti Bob
Ronald G Wills.
Roseau Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Horner
Ross Dickson Brent Homer Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire
Ross Dickson Brent Homer Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lun
Ross Dickson Brent Homer Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam
Ross Dickson Brent Homer Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam B 0
Ross Dickson Brent Homer Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam JHT
Ross Dickson Brent Homer Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam Congratulations Terry
Ross Dickson Brent Homer Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam Dear Editor
Ross Dickson Brent Homer Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam Editor Display Advertising Manager
Ross Dickson Brent Homer Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam Flood
Ross Dickson Brent Homer Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam GATT
Ross Dickson Brent Homer Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam Grist
Ross Dickson Brent Homer Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam March
Ross Dickson Brent Homer Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam On
Ross Dickson Brent Homer Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam Please
Ross Dickson Brent Horner Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lun
Ross Dickson Brent Horner Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam
Ross Dickson Brent Horner Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam Afterthoughts
Ross Dickson Brent Horner Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam Editor Display Advertising Manage
Ross Dickson Brent Horner Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam Equipment
Ross Dickson Brent Horner Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam Jeffrey Barber Student Council Pr
Ross Dickson Brent Horner Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam Name
Ross Dickson Brent Horner Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam Ross Dickson High-pressure
Ross Dickson Brent Horner Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam US
Ross Dickson Brent Horner Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam Veterans Affairs
Ross Dickson Brent Horner Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam Written
Ross Dickson Editor Richard Wills
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Homer
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Horner Display Ad Sales
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Hun
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager K
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Class
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Class Ad/Circu
Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Monager Brent Homer
Ross Dickson Heotrw Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Katherine Hynes Class Ad/Clrcot
Ross Dickson Publisher Richard Wills Editor Heather Dickson
Ross Dickson Richard Wills Heather
Ross Dickson Richard Wills Publisher Editor Heather Dickson
Ross Dickson/ Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Homer
Ross Dickson/ Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Homer Display Ad Sale*
Ross Dickson/ Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Homer Display Ad Sates
Ross Dickson/ Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Horner Display Ad Sales
Ross Qckson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Horner Display Ad Sales K
Ruby Ewen Pontiac Artists Studio Tour Luskville Richard Wills
Rudy Schroeder ......Bob Rlznek
Ruth Strutt Richard Wills ShazwitU
Ryan Barber J.R. Well Drilling Bob Dick Thank You H I. Hobbs
Sandy Bob
Sandy Bob''s
Scott Smith Brian Corriveau Bob Smith Daniel Desrochers March
Scott Wilson Welding Giant Tiger Bob Smith
Secretary-Treasurer X Bob Hoy
Shawvllle H G. Wills
Shawvllle Richard Wills
Simard J Pontiac MNA Bob Middlemiss
Simon Wills
Skip Bob Tracy
Song Leader—Bob Clifford Organist—Helen Warren Pianists—Betty Campbell
St Ross Dickson Brent Homer Richard Wills Denise Belec Claire Lunam
Stanley Baker Jean Seberg Bob and
Stanley Fox Bob Younge
Steers V Bob Calves
Steven Wills
Stokes Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Horner
Sylvia Bakker Rlchara Wills
There’s Life—Another Bob Hope
Thomas Fahey 647-5413 Jacques Lance 458-2162 Bob Scott 647-5366 Basil Orr
TOM FRAHR Bob Gordon Bo*
Tom Wakefield* Bob Holmes
TWO WILLS Frederick Abbott
Vera Bob Sloan
Virginia Mayo Bob Hope Bing Crosby Technicolor Jack Hawkins TUES
W -photo Richard Wills Top Performance Horse
W -photo Richard Wills
W -photo Richard Wills New
Walter Bob and Carol Floyd.
Walter Wills
Warren Mrs Bob Chamberlain
Will Read By Bob Stark
William Bob... "
William James Wills
Willow Hollow- Bob Younge Willow Hollow- Bob Younge Willow Hill - Melvin Young
Wills V V 4
Wills A
Wills After
Wills Barry McGowan
Wills Dear
Wills Dies Suddenly
Wills Doherty
Wills Gordon Brennan
Wills Jack Graham
Wills Kathy Strutt
Wills Lisa Coles
Wills Lisa Smith
Wills My Sarong
Wills P O BOX
Wills Palmer
Wills S
Wills The
Wills Thomas Gray
Wills Wednesday
Wilson Tomatoes Wills
ÆjM Publishers Ross Dickson Pffi Heather Dickson EBB Editor Richard Wills
114 W l I Bob
648-5217 C l D Bob Villeneuve
Bob River View
Bob Calves l BARBER Good
Bob Cirant l
Bob Flood
Bob Griffin
Bob Han
Bob Hare and Joanne Hare
Bob Hills
Bob McLean
Bob River
Bob’s Beach
Deep River Bob
Robert Wills
Wills 1/ l ^ V
Wills xa22 l Will
...819-648-2141 J Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager B
647-2206 / Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Ho
ABC MEMBER Richard Wills
Anglican Bob
Animal Veterinary Surgeon Bob Charette
Au Bouleau Blanc Bs Restaurant Bean s Service Station Bob Leach Tandem Truck Wash Chicken Coop Dash
Ba Bob Villeneuve
Best Richard Wills Equity Editor
Bob Best Friend
Bob Calvert Bristol Wh Rolland Despres Bristol
Bob Calves Holstein Steers
Bob Camp-ccrning
Bob Council
Bob Fish
Bob Fish Findlay
Bob Gordon
Bob Gordon Campbell
Bob Gordon Campbell’s Bay Rev. Den Droddy
Bob Gordon PONTIAC CARPET CLEANING REG D Professional Carpet
Bob Gordon PONTIAC CARPET CLEANING REG’D Profeaetongf Carpet
Bob Gordon PONTIAC CARPET CLEANING REG’D Professional Carpal
Bob Gordon PONTIAC CARPET CLEANING REG’D Professional Carpet
Bob Gordon Pontiac Printshop Ltd.
Bob Gordon Showville CONNELLY
Bob Gordon T
Bob Gordon Tel
Bob Hall Frankie Ray RIFF RAFF GIRLS Recommended As Adult Entertainment
Bob Hockey League
Bob Kluke
Bob Long-Black
Bob Middlemiss Bristol Women s Institute
Bob Ministry
Bob Morris Boy’s Cap
Bob Morris Collegian Cap
Bob Morrison So
Bob Presbyterian Church
Bob Sloan
Bob Smith Royce
BOB SMITH’S Meanwhile
BOB SMITH’S RESTAURANT All SnowmobUers Welcome Sports Minded Snacks
Bob Stewart Visitors
Bob Thomson
Bob’s Boogalou Dance Party
Borrowed Life 9:00—Bob Cummings
Bristol Bob Gordon Campbell
Bristol Bob Gordon PONTIAC CARPET CLEANING REG D Professional Carpet
Bristol Bob Gordon TW
Bristol Bob Russell
Bristol Pastoral Charge Austin Bob Fisher
Bristol Presbyterian Austin United Mr. Bob Bmmore
Bristol; Steve Shawville; Bob Holmes
BX Call Bob Fanion Office 647-2223 Home
Cal Bob Fenton
Cal Bob Fenton Office
Call Bob Fenton Office 647-2223 Home 647-5378 Cars & Trucks bjn6 FRI & SAT
Central Hospital Auxiliary Shawvfile Bob Middlemist
Chevrolet Bob McClelland
Chord Wills Equity Ed.tor McGowan
CMC 4x4 Sierra Special Richard Wills Committee
Colette Blain Pontiac MNA Bob Middlemiss
Comedy Bob Hope
Comedy Bob Hope Phyllis Oilier O BRIEN THEATRE Renfrew
Community language Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager
Contact Bob Be
Contact Bob Bowen
Contact Bob Campbell
Contact Bob Essiambre
Contact Bob Hodgins
Contact Bob Toronto
CORMAC PILGRIMAGE Deacon Bob Williston - Redcmptorist Mission Team
CORMAC PILGRIMAGE Deacon Bob Williston - Redempiorist Mission Team
Corner Shop Charles Jean Pharmacien Bob
Custom Crafted Memorials Offering Love’s Greatest Gift Remembrance Bob Villeneuve
DAGO Générât Agent SB A WILLS.
Dear Editor Publishers Ross Dickson/ Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent
DIAMOND HÊ Mu Pie AND American Water Wills
Display Advertising Manager Katherine Hynes Advertising Sales Richard Wills
Display Advertising Manager Katherine Hynes Advertising Sales Richard Wills Editor Kim Thalheimer J
Dodge Trucks Crvsede Advertisement SIMPSON SEARS SERVICE Bob
Dry Bob
Eastern Ontario Junior B’ Hockey League Valley Bob
Edna Donaldson • Bob & Mary Calvert
Education Instructor 1966-67 SALARY SCHEDULE Standard Minimum Maximum Mr. Bob Sloan
Elliott Farm Equipment Bob Weatherall
Empire Wills Oil Merit
Everett Bob Campbell
Farm Equipment Gordon Dittburner........ Bob Young
Fax 647-2206 Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent
Fireman Bob Campbell
FOREST FIRE...... QUEBEC AMBULANCE HOSPITAL......... POLICE........... Richard Wills
Four Corners Joan & Bob Essiambre John Atkinson Eahalt
Funeral Home Bob s Restaurant Pontiac Auto
G. Wills
GM Bob Alexander
Gordon Graham Pontiac History Richard Wills Pontiac
Grave/ Snowplowing & Equipment Rentals Bob Gordon Tel
Gravel Snowplowing & Equipment Rentals Bob Gordon Tel
HD Richard Wills
High School Auditor- Bob Carswell
Hodgins Store Hoggs Back Service Centre Pontiac Welding Laynard & Marlene Pasch Bob A Louise Rlznek
House of Bob
ICS Lindsay Wills
II Wills
IIAPTKU Wills Captain Bedford
INVESTMENTS Bob Villeneuve 224-87 O.B. Villeneuve Insurance
IX Richard Wills Equity Editor
Ladysmith Hotel Ottawa Lynx Bob Barker Logos Land Mickey McGuire Chicken Palace Young
Letellier & Associates Richard Wills
Lion Bob Bourget
Lion Bob Carswell
Lion Bob Young
Lion Bob Zimmer-
Lion Hugh Young Lion Bob Carrier Lion Dan Tremblay Fraser
Lodge Hotel Veal Calves Bob Calves SATURDAY
LONG & CO.. Limited Winnipeg TORONTO* Bob Lowg Brand» Kmwn
Maple Leaf Bob
Maple Leaf Headliner Bob Fortin
Master Alexander Wills
Master Bob
Master Bob Bryson
Master Bob Kingdon
Master Bob Sparling
Master Bob’s
MC Bob Joyce
Mine Social Services Centre BOB DAWSON Chairman Postal Code The Council of Quebec Minorities EUGENE
MIXED Richard Wills Equity Editor 3-Pitch Tournament JULY
MNA Bob Middlemans
MNA Bob Middlemiss
Motive Power Technician Bob Villeneuve
MP Bob Bertrand
Mr Bob Pitt
Mr Bob Pitt.
Mr. Bob Pitt
Mrs. Bob Hospital
Municipal Bob Cowley
National Midget Tour- Bob Alexander
National Research Council Bob
National Wills
Nationview School Bob Loken
Neighborhood watch Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager
New York Islanders BOB ELLETT
Oceanfront Farm Equipment BOB FENTON
Outaouais Valleys Fine Meats Co-op; Bob Younge
PILON GARAGE Inc Bob Hodgins
Pilon Garage Inc. Bob O Heare
Pontiac Agents Laurie MacKechnie 458-2424 Dawna Knox Bob Fenton
Pontiac Agents Laurie MacKechnle 458-2424 Dawna Knox Bob Fenton
Pontiac Agents Laurie MacKechnle 458-2424 Dawns Knox Bob Fenton__
Pontiac Bob
Pontiac Bob McClelland
Pontiac Civil Liberties Association Richard Wills Government
Pontiac CL SC Richard Wills
Pontiac County By LINDSAY WILLS Equity Correspondent PONTIAC
Pontiac Fish & Game Protective Association Richard Wills EEEE
Pontiac Jr. B’s Annual Bob
Pontiac Juniors Shawville Lions Club Gaston Boucher Oswald Cuthbertson Bob
Pontiac Liberal Association Bob Middlemiss Golf Tournament
Pontiac Liberal MP Bob Bertrand
Pontiac Lindsay Wills
Pontiac MRC Warden Bob
Pontiac Printshop Ltd. Bob Olson
Pontiac Richard Wills Equity Editor
Pontiac Richard Wills Appreciation Environment Forum
Pontiac Woollen Wills
PPHS Chord Wills
PQ Richard Wills
Pro Bob
PST Richard Wills Equity Editor
Ptchord Wills Equity Eotof Forty
Publisher Roes Dickson Editor Richard Wills General Mgr Heather Dickson Display Ad Mgr Brent Homer
Publisher Ross Dickson Editor Richard Wills General Mgr Heather Dickson Display Ad Mgr Brent Homer
Publishers Rosi Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richord Wills Deploy Ad Monoger Katherine Hynes Clas
Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Homer Display
Rad Service Consolidated Bathurst Inc. Pontiac Wool Works Bob Smith s Restaurant Lois Callaghan
Rent CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Call Bob Fenton Office 647-2223 X Services WEEKLY RATES Minimum
Richard Wills
Richard Wills Equity Editor Pontiac
Richard Wills Planning
Richard Wills Conservative MP Barry Moore
Richard Wills Environment Forum
Richard Wills Environment Forum Beneath
Richard Wills Environment Forum Breckenridge Creek
Richard Wills Environment Forum by Katharine Fletcher Natural
Richard Wills Environment Forum by Katharine Fletcher Photo
Richard Wills Environment Forum Caution
Richard Wills Environment Forum Does
Richard Wills Environment Forum Freedom
Richard Wills Environment Forum Gardening
Richard Wills Environment Forum Migrants
Richard Wills Environment Forum New
Richard Wills Environment Forum November
Richard Wills Environment Forum Nuclear
Richard Wills Environment Forum Paul E Hinch Bristol Second
Richard Wills Environment Forum Slipping
Richard Wills Environment Forum Snow
Richard Wills Environment Forum Territorial
Richard Wills Equity
Richard Wills Equity Ecfitor Bryson W
Richard Wills Equity ecStor Great New Styles
Richard Wills Equity Ed
Richard Wills Equity Editor
Richard Wills Equity Editor Bristol way
Richard Wills Equity Editor After
Richard Wills Equity Editor Bryson Members
Richard Wills Equity Editor CUO
Richard Wills Equity Editor Pontiac
Richard Wills Equity Editor PROMUTUEL La Vallée Valley Mutual NEW
Richard Wills Equity Editor Quyon
Richard Wills Equity Editor Shawville
Richard Wills Equity Editor Shawville Pontiac Clergy Association
Richard Wills Equity Editor Sylvia Bokker Equity
Richard Wills Equity Editor Thurs
Richard Wills Equity Edttor
Richard Wills Equity Ed^or Pontiac
Richard Wills Financial
Richard Wills Jane Ann Findlay Bristol
Richard Wills Municipal Council
Richard Wills Sons Ltd:
Richard Wills TAKING AIM.
Richord Wills Equity Editor - Montreal
Ricrcrd Wills Equity Ed*or LESSONS
Rlchgrd Wills Equity Editor
ROLL Bob Calves
Royal Bob Binder
Royal Caledonia Bob Campbell
SBC Ethan Wills
Sears Canada Inc. Bob
Separate School Board; Portage Richard Wills
Separatists bankrupt Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manage
Shawville United Church Hall Best Wishes Only BOB BOWEN
Shawvllle Fair Richard Wills
SHOPS Carson - Lusk Bob
SM Bob-SUigk
Some Rubber Bob« Buggy Bumpers
Sport Shop and Bob Smiths
Sport Shop Fraser’s Clothes Shop Bob’s Restaurant Anderson
Spot Dance Prize Wills Bryson Lodge Hotel February
SPSÊ T^exander Wills
Spy Bob Hope Hedy Lamarr Eilo Pin
Standard Richard Wills
Steer Committee TVJj Bob Binder 647-3380 Small Business Bookkeeping
Stone Container Bob
Store Bob Findlay
Sweeping Murray s Automotive Promutuel Insurance Scott Wilson Welding Giant Tiger Bob Smith Restaur
Tabmaa Valley Mutual General WE BUY HARDWOOD LOGS Bob Gamble Mutual Life
Teen Richard Wills
THE EQUITY Publishers Ross Dickson Heather Dickson Editor Richard Wills Display Ad Manager Brent Ho
United Church Pauline and Bob Ringrose Cemetery
VI Richard Wills
View Inn Creighton Dale Bob Weatherall Atkinson’s Bar K & M Stanton Dufferin Const
Virginia Mayo Bob Hope Bing
Ways Gloria F. Tubman Bob John Chartrand
WILLS Standard Stock Rxrhange
Wills Aaron Perry
WILLS Commercial Institute Seal
Wills Equity Editor
Wills Equity Editor Organizers
Wills Equity Editor Three
Wills Fair Board
Wills Farm
Wills Graduates Allan
Wills Graduates Boys
WILLS News Editor DBv SE BELEC Journalist
Wills News Editor DENISE BELEC Journalist