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Shane Sympathy

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458-2536 L ^ Sympathy
Adam Sympathy
Alex Shane Moore
Alfred Armstrong Sympathy
Alice Sympathy
Audrey Sympathy
Barb Harris Shane Patrick Kelly Jack
Beatrice Pare Sympathy
Betty Sympathy
Bill Hayward Sympathy
Brenda Patrick Sympathy
Brent Pilon Sympathy
Chris Sympathy
Christine Sympathy
Chuck Huckabone Sympathy
Chuck) Kennedy Sympathy
Daley Sympathy
David Angus Sympathy
David Tomlin Sympathy
Debbie Sympathy
Dennis Lucas D. D. Denturolcgist Chatteris Sympathy
Diane Sympathy
Donald Sympathy
Doug and Susan Smart Sympathy
Earl Sympathy
Ed Sympathy
Edgar Sympathy
Eileen Labelled Sympathy
Emma and Gabnelle Sympathy
Ernest Sympathy
Evelyn Sympathy
Frank Sympathy
Fred Desabrais Sympathy
Fred Sympathy
George Alfred Sympathy
Gerald Sympathy
Gerry Shawville’s Shane Powell
Ginger Sympathy
Gloria Sympathy
Greg Allen-Shane Moreau
Greg Atkinson Shane Murray
Greg Sympathy
Honors L—-------J Sympathy
Ian Barber and Shane Peck
Jack Sympathy
James Sympathy
Jean and Chas W Sympathy
Jeffrey Hannaber- Sympathy
Jimmy Sympathy
Joan Muldoon Sympathy
Joan Sympathy
Joanne I _ Sympathy
Joe HLjSL-J Sympathy
John J Sympathy
John Shane
John Sympathy
John Sympathy Langford
John Walsh Sr. Sympathy
Jones Bpiî Shane Hobbs
Joy Campbell Sympathy
Joyce McCagg Sympathy
Julie Albert Sympathy
Kelly Funeral Home Sympathy
Kim Per- Sympathy
Larry Sympathy
Lee Te- Sympathy
Lionel Sympathy
Lloyd Palmer Sympathy
Lou Hannabeny Sympathy
Louise Sympathy
Mary Ann McCartney Sympathy
Matt Hobbs Shane Gervais
Maureen Cur- Sympathy
McGee Sympathy
Michael Rus- Sympathy
Michael Sympathy
Nelson Sympathy
Nick Sympathy
Norma Sympathy
Olive Sympathy
Pat Sympathy
Patrick and Shane Julie
Peter Proulx Sympathy
Randy Daley Sympathy
Rev Sally Sympathy
Rita Kc- Sympathy
Rita Lepine Sympathy
Rita Sympathy
Ronald Sympathy
Rudy Sympathy
Sam Wilson Sympathy
Sarah Sympathy
Scott Sara Shane Harold W. Hutchinson Camp Petawawa
Sean Sympathy
Shane - April
Shane After
Shane Alexander
Shane Amyot
Shane Andrew
Shane Arbuckle
Shane Armstrong
Shane Arthur
Shane At
Shane Atoms Gervais
Shane Bastien
Shane Bastien Saturday
Shane Bastion
Shane Belair
Shane Benedict
Shane Benoit
Shane Benoit Patsy Lepine
Shane Bernier
Shane Berras
Shane Bird
Shane Bourque
Shane Box
Shane Bradley
Shane Brennan
Shane Brown
Shane Bum
Shane Bumier
Shane Burnie
Shane Burrows
Shane Calumet
Shane Chamberlain
Shane Chartrand
Shane Chris Chevalier
Shane Coach Trevor Fraser
Shane Cripps
Shane Crymble
Shane Duval
Shane E 2f 5BT Bourque
Shane Finucane
Shane Frost
Shane Gatineau Voyageurs
Shane Gênais
Shane Ger-
Shane Gervais
Shane Gervais Jeremy Campbell
Shane Gervaise
Shane Gervase
Shane Gordon
Shane Gordon Frobel
Shane Gordon Ministry
Shane Gtasper
Shane Henderson
Shane Hobbs
Shane Howe
Shane Hume
Shane Jeremy Campbell
Shane Jobin
Shane John
Shane Jolin
Shane Kluke
Shane Kyle Harris
Shane La Madeleine
Shane Ladouccr
Shane Ladouceur
Shane Lam-puck
Shane Lam-three
Shane Lamadel-eine
Shane Lamadeleine
Shane Lambert
Shane Lance
Shane Lance Island
Shane Legree
Shane Leslie
Shane Levesque
Shane Lodouceur
Shane Maniwaki
Shane Marchand
Shane Marner
Shane McCheyne
Shane McCleary
Shane McEwen
Shane McGee
Shane McNeely
Shane Micheal
Shane Moore
Shane Moore Jason Judd
Shane Morand
Shane Moreau Chad
Shane Moreau-Greg Allen
Shane Mowat
Shane Mur-
Shane Murray
Shane My
Shane Narlock
Shane Narlock Location
Shane Neville
Shane O Reilly
Shane Page
Shane Pager
Shane Parker
Shane Patrick
Shane Paulin
Shane Pearcey
Shane Pearsall
Shane Peck
Shane Peck Richardson
Shane Peck Trevor Lang
Shane Peck Wee
Shane Peck Wolves
Shane Pigeon
Shane Players
Shane Pontiac.
Shane Pontiacs
Shane Pow- Main SI.
Shane Powell
Shane Powell Amprior
Shane Powell Bantam
Shane Powell Phillip Vaillancourt
Shane Powell Renfrew-Pontiacs
Shane Powell Thursday
Shane Presley
Shane Presley 38
Shane Pryer
Shane PZl
Shane Raymond William Amyotte Big
Shane Real Estate
Shane Reynolds
Shane Robert
Shane Robitaille
Shane Ryan
Shane Singer Zig-Zag
Shane Smith
Shane Spencer Pirie
Shane Stevenson
Shane Sullivan
Shane Sympathy
Shane The
Shane They
Shane Thompson Taytum
Shane Thompson Tim Thompson
Shane Timberwolves
Shane Timothy Douglas
Shane Tourangeau
Shane W,dnewL«y
Shane Wattie
Shane Westln
Shane Whelan
Shane Without
Shane Wm ErHBE Directeur
Shane Yellowbird
Shane Young
Shawn Lacourse Sympathy
Sister Yvette Sympathy
Sonny Germain Sympathy
St Charles Borromeo Shane Narlock
Stan Sympathy
Ste Anne Laurier Sympathy
Steven Rusenstrom Shane Powell
Sympathy Gelanou
Theodore Shane
Tom Stewart Sympathy
Topp Tol- Sympathy
Travis Sympathy
Tyler Le- Sympathy
Vikki Richardson Shane Benoit
W B A R Sympathy
Wayne Sparling Janu-sympathy
Wayne Sympathy
William Sympathy
Highland Sympathy
Pearl Sympathy
Pine Sympathy
St Charles Sympathy
45o-253o Sympathy
647-2191 SOCIAL N 0 T F S IChartens Quyon Sympathy
ADVENTURE Gordon Scott Sara Shane Color Office
Anglican Guild Sympathy
Bristol New Year’s Huge Success Sympathy
Bristol Sympathy
Charteris Chronicle 1 Mrs. Norval McNeil Sympathy
Community Hospital Sympathy
Crystal Sympathy
DE LAVAL Cream Separator AVI N Tour Shane
Eastern Sympathy
Fire Department Sympathy
Golden Sympathy
Heritage Fair Sympathy
Home Sympathy
Human Sympathy
Human Sympathy There
JO Sympathy
Lion Pauoarrette Sympathy
Master Shane Alexander
McGill University Timber Sympathy
Mutual Group Sympathy
Parent/Teacher Interviews MasterCard WITH SYMPATHY ON YOUR
Pontiac By JILL Mi It AM Sympathy
Pontiac Agricultural Societies Sympathy
Pontiac Community Hos- Sympathy
Pontiac Health Center Sympathy
Pontiac High THE JUNCTION We^”d Sympathy
Pontiac Historical Society Sympathy
Pontiac Protestant High School News Sympathy
Pontiac Sympathy
Ragged Sympathy
Ringrose Bros Eu- Sympathy
ROWAT Mrs. Shane
Sam Wilson Sympathy
Shane Gordon Ministry of Municipal Af
Special Service Shane Presley
St Aloysuis Church Shane Crymble
St Jo- Sympathy
Sympathy Co
United Church Sun Sympathy