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Atom’s Kyle Wrlnn

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1989 X X X X X X X X X X X 1988 X X X X X X X X X 1988 X X X X X X X X X X X X 1987 1986 X X X Atom
1—Kyle Brown
Adrian Wrlnn
Alber- Kyle
Andy Atom CC
Atom W L T Gf Go
Atom "
Atom "B ”
Atom A
Atom A Division
Atom A Pontiac Draveurs Bantams
Atom All Stars
Atom All-Star Awards
Atom All-Stars
Atom B
Atom B Pontiacs
Atom B Draveurs
Atom B Lion*
Atom B Pontiacs
Atom B ” Pontiacs
Atom C
Atom Coach
Atom Fraser
Atom W L T
Atom’s Kyle Wrlnn
Aylmer Atom
Bar Atom
Ben Kyle
Ben Macintosh Shawville Atom
Billy T s Atom House
Billy T’s Pizza Kyle Richardson Grant Rogers Howard Construction Hugh TVacy Pontiac Electric
Bob Atom
Brady Kyle Smart
Branden Alexander Kyle Fraser
Brandon Nugent _ Atom
Brandon Presley Brock Plouffe Kyle Richardson Justin Carson Blair Campeau Waylon Bohart Derek Bertr
Camel Wrlnn
Cameron Kyle Zic Dawn
Casey Henderson Atom
Cedrik Durocher Atom A On Saturday
Charlie Kyle Richardson
Chelsea Dugua> Sports Atom
Chris Kyle Hodgins
Cobras J FoUbaber Egon Atom House Teams ShowviHe Westmeo*^ G A
Dan Atom House League
Dan Hobbs Kyle Hodgins
Daniel Kyle Culleton
Dave Moore Atom Lions 2
Dave Moore Kyle Hodgins
David Atom A
David Atom All-Stars
Dedicated Kyle Hodgins
District Minor Hockey Kyle Burman
Dorothy Kyle
Doug Kyle
Ebert Murphy Michael Wrlnn
Ed Wrlnn
Eddie Wrlnn
Edward Wrlnn
Elizabeth Kyle
Eric Du Atom II
Erik Barber and Kyle
Eva Andai 7th Line Notes Shawville Atom All Stars
Fergus Wrlnn
Fergus Wrlnn Stewart
Frances Wrlnn
Frances Wrlnn Timmy Wrlnn
Fred Williamson Ladysmith Sportsman’s Club Atom All-Stars
Gerry Kyle Cockerell
Gloria Richardson Kyle
Goalie Kyle Richardson
Goalie Kyle Richardson Shawville
Goalies Kyle Richardson Shawxille
H O V Shawville Atom All Star
Hamelin Kyle
Harry Allen Kyle
Hayes Memorial Christopher Telford Gordie Block Kyle Meredith Allen Memorial Tyler Cluff James Smit
Heather Kyle Cockerell Dale
Holstein Kyle Stephens
Howard Kyle
Ian Wrlnn
Intermediate Kyle Kayla McCann
Jacob Atom
James Atom
James Atom B O Brien
James Horner Mr. Douglas Kyle
Jean Fran- Fort Coulonge Atom An
Jeff Kyle
Jerome ATOM
Jerry Barber Atom - Terry MacDougall Novice
Jim Kyle
Jimmy Lee Relay - Kyle McStravick
Joe Wrlnn
John Cowman Kyle
Joseph Wrlnn
Justin Atom
Justin Murray Atom*
Justin Murray Kyle Burman
Katherine Hynes Kyle Hynes
Katie & Kyle Happpy JL
Kevin Soucie Provincial Atom Optimiste
Kris Kyle Smart
Kti Joseph Wrlnn
Kyle Adam Gerald
Kyle Ann Latreille
Kyle Barbara Karen.
Kyle Barbehenn
Kyle Barman
Kyle Beauiieau
Kyle Beck
Kyle Beloved
Kyle Bert
Kyle Bert Sheppard Tanner James Porteous
Kyle Bertrand
Kyle Best
Kyle Blaskie
Kyle Blohm
Kyle Boudens
Kyle Brown
Kyle Bruce
Kyle Bur-
Kyle Bur-man
Kyle Burman
Kyle Burman Cathederal
Kyle Burton
Kyle But
Kyle Buxton
Kyle Buxton - Sarah Theresa
Kyle Buxton Findlay
Kyle Campbell
Kyle Canadian
Kyle Cocke-
Kyle Cocke- Moffatt
Kyle Cockerall
Kyle Cockere
Kyle Cockerel
Kyle Cockerell
Kyle Cockerell Parents
Kyle Corbin
Kyle Council
Kyle Couvieau
Kyle Cybui-
Kyle Cyhulski
Kyle Cyprus
Kyle David
Kyle Dickson
Kyle Dickson President
Kyle Dolan
Kyle Downey
Kyle Dufault
Kyle Eady
Kyle Emery Keith
Kyle Erase
Kyle Eraser
Kyle Erwin
Kyle Eugene
Kyle Female
Kyle Fortin
Kyle Foy
Kyle Foy Shawville
Kyle Fraser
Kyle Fraser Chris Fleck
Kyle Fraser Marc Fleury
Kyle Fraser McDonald
Kyle Fraser Midget "
Kyle Gagnon
Kyle George
Kyle Gleason
Kyle Gleason Kyle Gleason
Kyle Graham
Kyle Graveurs
Kyle Greer
Kyle Hamelin Horner
Kyle Hams
Kyle Hannaberry
Kyle Harris
Kyle Has
Kyle Hearty
Kyle Hello
Kyle Hil-
Kyle Hill
Kyle Hills
Kyle Historica
Kyle Hod
Kyle Hod- Lance
Kyle Hod-gins
Kyle Hodg
Kyle Hodgins
Kyle Hodgins Jeff EBoft
Kyle Hodgins Smart
Kyle Hodglns
Kyle Hodgms
Kyle Hodgms Smith
Kyle Hodgtns
Kyle Hudgins
Kyle Hudgins O’Brien
Kyle Hynes
Kyle Hynes Kyle
Kyle Hynes McCleary
Kyle Jackson
Kyle Janyce
Kyle John Cockerell
Kyle John Moore
Kyle JS Sturgess-Smart
Kyle Junior
Kyle Just
Kyle JWisotski
Kyle Kallie Intermediate
Kyle Kellie
Kyle Kelly
Kyle Kenneth Richard
Kyle Kyle Cockerell
Kyle Kyle Smart
Kyle L Hynes
Kyle La-pierre
Kyle Labre
Kyle Ladouceur
Kyle Lance
Kyle Lapierre
Kyle Laplerre
Kyle Lebrun
Kyle Legere
Kyle Leniowski
Kyle Lepine
Kyle Lesniowski
Kyle M.”lwe!1
Kyle MacDonald
Kyle Marincllo
Kyle Marlin
Kyle Martin
Kyle Mary
Kyle Mat-
Kyle Mayhew
Kyle McColl
Kyle McDonell
Kyle Meelker
Kyle Meisner
Kyle Meredith
Kyle Meredith Peewees
Kyle Meridith
Kyle Michael
Kyle Middlestead
Kyle Miesner
Kyle Millar
Kyle Minister
Kyle Ministry
Kyle Misencr
Kyle Misener
Kyle Misener Another
Kyle Misener Branden Alexander
Kyle Misener Pasch
Kyle Mlsener
Kyle Morin
Kyle Murphy-Evon Gray
Kyle New
Kyle Our
Kyle O’Byrne
Kyle Patrick Taylor
Kyle Pilon
Kyle Porter
Kyle Ramsay
Kyle Reynolds
Kyle Rich
Kyle Richard- McCord
Kyle Richardson
Kyle Richardson Gordie Black Greg Atkinson Allen Memorial Blair Campeau Wrinn
Kyle Richardson Midget’s Jordan
Kyle Richardson Pontiacs
Kyle Romain
Kyle Ronnie
Kyle Rosa Maria Durhand
Kyle Ross Côté
Kyle Samanlha Moore
Kyle Schroeder
Kyle Schwartz
Kyle Sharp
Kyle Sharpe
Kyle Shawville
Kyle Sheppard
Kyle Sloan
Kyle Slurgess-Smart
Kyle Smart
Kyle Smart PONTIAC
Kyle Smiley
Kyle Smiley Steps
Kyle Snwey
Kyle St.
Kyle Stacey
Kyle Stanley
Kyle Stanton
Kyle Stewart
Kyle Strugess-Smart
Kyle Sturgess-Sinart
Kyle Sturgess-Smart
Kyle Sturgess-Smart Brett Nugent
Kyle Thomas O’Brien
Kyle Thome
Kyle Timpson
Kyle Tubman
Kyle Tubman Training Course
Kyle Turns
Kyle Turris
Kyle Tye
Kyle Tye-Douds
Kyle Tyler Alexander
Kyle Visiting
Kyle Warriors
Kyle Wayne Telford
Kyle Wells
Kyle White
Kyle Wicks
Kyle Wisotski
Kyle Wisotzki
Kyle Witzleben
Kyle Woods
Kyle Wysotski
Kyle Yereyken
Kyle Young
Lance Orr H Atom
Love Kyle
Lucy Kyle Sloan
Marc Valley Atom
Maria Kyle Fclhaver
Martin Dubé Atom All-Stars
Martine Kyle
Matt Hobbs Atom
Michael Baker Atom "C" Derek Hickey Peewee " B " Kyle Hodgins Bantam
Michael Baker Atom‘B’
Michael Wrlnn
Minor Atom
Minor Atom AAA
Minor Atom Sleets
Minor Atom Valley North
Minor Ball Lance Ofr Most Sportsmanlike Player Kyle Hodgins Most Improved Defensively
Minor Hockey Association Atom
Mis Wrlnn
Model I- Kyle Smiky
Mr. Kyle
Mrs. Al Kyle
Natalie Champion Beef Showperson Kyle Dufault
Nugent’s Atom
Paul Thompson 37.0, Kyle Blair
Paul: 647-6473 Kyle Labre
Penny Atom
Primary—Miss Kyle
Quinn O Brien Goalies Kyle Richardson
Raymond Kyle Middlestead
Renfrew’s Kyle Cybulski
Sam- Kyle Smiley
Shane Kyle Harris
Shawville Atom A’
Sorry Kyle
Spencer Pirie Kyle
Steve Allen Atom
Steven ShawviUe Recreational Hockey ShawviUe Atom
Thomas Kyle
Thomas Wrlnn
Thomas Wrlnn Erma Nicholas Honoured At Party Marie Poisson Married To Ray Grier Rse McTlernan
Thomas Wrlnn Is
Todd Atom All Stars
Tom Kyle Stanley
Upgardson Atom
V V V Atom All-Stars
1986 X X X Atom X X X X X X X X X Atelier
7 X V Atom
8th Atom AU Stars
Atom Hockey l
ATOM W l T Pts
Austin Atom
Fort Coulonge Atom
Jacob Atom
Kyle Ave.
Kyle Hills
L5 l V V V Atom All-Stars
Upper Ottawa Valley Atom
Andai 7th Line Notes Shawville Atom All Stars
ANDREA CRANFIELD Equity Reporter Atom
Annual Duguay Sports Atom Tournament
Atom Division
Atom Division Finals
Atom Frasers
Atom Hockey
Atom Hockey League
Atom Hockey Toirname
Atom House
Atom House Esso Awards Most Dedicated Player
Atom House Lea-winners
Atom House League
Atom House League a
Atom House League Champions
Atom House League Division
Atom House League Esso Awards
Atom House League Hockey News
Atom House League Individual Award Winners
Atom House League It
Atom House League Tournament
Atom House Team* Frost
Atom League
Atom League Tournament Champs
Atom Lions
Atom Team
ATOM Team Pontiac Lions Hull Citoyens Mamwaki For Papineau Voisins Papineau Sharks Gatineau Amb Gat
Atom Uyal Bean
Atom* Team Cobden
Atom- Public Relations Officer Dave
Atom-Attraction Refuels Sun And Stars
Atoms Association Atom
AUTOMOTIVE Frasers Atom League
Board of Kyle Smiky
BP Kyle Tubman
Bryson News Shawville Atom All Star Hockey
Cadieux Fish & Game club Atom All Stars Grant Ferrigan
Carson Other Shawvillc Atom
CC Atom Lions
CC Regional Outaouais Atom Vv
Champion Horse Kyle Dufault
Consolidated Bathurst Atom House League
Curling Club G PRESENTS Sports EQUITY PHOTO Atom All Stars
DAVE MOORE Equity Sports OUTAOUAIS Kyle Fraser
Heritage COLLIllO Kyle Cory Hobbs
Hockey League Atom
Honda Accord Atom
House Atom
House League Roster Atom Division Shawville All-stars
Huddersfield Council Minutes Shawvüle Atom All Star Hockey News
IT Atom
Kyle Blair
Kyle Ministry
Kyle Tubman Training Course
l V V V Atom All-Stars
League Oktoberfest Results Atom
Marc Valley Atom
McDonald House Atom B
Memorial Christopher Telford Gordie Block Kyle Meredith Allen Memorial Tyler
Metro Atom
Metro Atom ;
Minor Hockey Association Atom ‘B’ Tournament
Moore Atom Sports Showveie & Valley HUNTER S PARTY
Muskrat League Atom Allstars
National Atom Division
North Stars Miners 2. Exhibition Game Atom Division Renfrew Lewis Reds
ODHA Atom Champions Division D
Ottawa Valley Minor Atom Selects SL
PARTY Atom House League
Pembroke Atom Kings
Pembroke Atom Kings.
PM - 5.30 PM Mosquito 5.30 PM - 6.00 PM Mosquito 6.00 PM - 6.30 PM Atom B 6.30 PM - 7.15 PM Pec Wee
PONTEFRACT Golf & JcUtit Pi Atom All-Stars
Pontiac Atom
Pontiac Atom A Lions
Pontiac Atom All-
Pontiac Atom AllStars
Pontiac Atom CC Lions
Pontiac Atom House Hockey
Pontiac Atom Lions
Pontiac Atom Lions Coach Richard Du
Pontiac Atom Lions Outaouais
Pontiac Atom Provincial Champions
Pontiac Atom Rep.
Pontiac CC Atom Li-
Pontiac Draveur Atom
Pontiac Draveurs Atom
Pontiac Kyle Wistozki
Pontiac League Shawville Atom
Pontiac Lions Atom
Pontiac Lions Atom A
Pontiac Lions Atom A’ McLachlin Assists
Pontiac Lions Atom B
Pontiac Midgets Atom House
Pontiac Protest- Atom
Quyon Fair Board Atom
Shawville Lions Atom A Team
UVMHL Atom House Team Chapeau Egan
UVMHL Atom House Teom Chapeau E
Warriors Atom BI
Warriors Atom Bl
Wee Division Roster W.A. HODGINS Shawville Atom All-Star
Women’s Styles Atom House
YELLOW Shawville Atom Allstars Hockey