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Ethel Sparling

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2—Ivan Lewis Neil Sparling
613-839-5274 ItZ Betty Sparling Commercial Display -Jeff Schultz
648-2835 Obituaries Neil Sparling LA Corporotion Municipale
86985b Sparling
9-12:30 SPARLING—In
Accessories V: O Carl Sparling
Aggie Sparling
Agnes Sparling
Albert Sparling
Albert Sparling 2
Alexander Sparling
Allan H Sparling
Allan Molecules Sparling
Allan Sparling
Allan Sparling Missing
Allan Sparling Warn
Allan Sparling’s Barber Shop.
Allen Sparling
Alma Sparling
Alvin Palmer Miss Minerva Sparling Miss Elma Dale Miss Lewina Harkness Mrs. Ed.
Amelia MrP Harold Sparling
Angela Mrs Minerva Sparling
Angela Sparling
Angie Thompson Richard Sparling Royal
Ann Sparling
Ann Sparling Weds Allan Melvin Johnston Sadie Margaret Bradley Weds Henry Frederick Cook Visitor*
Anna Ethel
Anna Ethel Alexander
Anna Mervin Sparling Way
Anne Sparling
Annie Ethel
Annie Ethel Grant
Archdeacon Wallace Sparling
Arnold Sparling
Arthur Sparling
Assistant Coach Wilbur Sparling
Assistant Mrs. Ethel Whitley
Audrey Sparling
Aunt Ethel
Aunt Margaret Sparling Mayhew
Austin Sparling
Barb Sparling
Barbara Sparling
Barbara Sparling Nov. 6
Barbara Sparling Nov. 8
Bay Miss Betty Sparling
Beatrice Ethel Barrymore Cecil KeBaway
Beatrice J- Sparling
Beatrice Sparling
Beatrice Sparling Harries Percy Smith Bryson Holes Misa Joan Olmstead
Beck Betty Ross Arlene McNamara Cathy Dobson Loma Sparling
Bemie Sparling
Bernard and Wayne Sparling
Bernard Sparling
Bernie Sparling
Beryle Sparling
Betsy Sparling
Betty Jane Sparling
Betty Sparling
Betty Sparling Is
Betty Sparling Laporte
Bill Dorcas Sparling
Bill Sparling
Billy Sparling
Blake Sparling
Bob River View Inn Dining Room Sparling
Bob and Ethel Chamberlin
Bob Johnston Sparling
Bob Sparling
Bob Sparling—4
Bobby & Betty Sparling
Bobby Sparling
Bobhy Sparling
Bonnie Sparling
Bradon Sparling
Brandon Lionette Betty Sparling After
Brandon Sparling
Brenda Baird and Betty Sparling
Brenda Sparling
Brent Sparling
Brent Sparling Silver Maple Inn Hotel Ladysmith
Brett Sparling
Brian & Claudette Sparling
Brian Arbic Miss Caroline Sparling
Brian Smith Carman Sparling
Brian Sparling
Brian Sparling Instructor Cecile Kosub
Brian Sparling Margaret Fierobin
Brian Sparling Meat Manager Brian Presley Brian
Bruce Sparling
B|ane Md Blake Sparling
Carey Sparling
Carl Sparling
Carmen Sparling
Carmen Sparling Ladysmith
Carmen Sparling Larry Palmer
Carol Ren-Hilda Sparling
Caroline Sparling
Caroline Sparling Father Garry Cain
Carolyn Sparling
Carolyn Sparling Spinney
Carolyn Sparling’s
Carolyn Sparling’s Palmer
Catherine M. B. Sparling
Catherine Sparling
Charles Loken Mom" Mrs Aggie Sparling
Charles Moore Ivan Sparling
Charles Sparling
Charles T. Mrs Carl Sparling
Christine Smart Marilyn Sparling
Cindy Sparling
Claire Gor- Mrs Cecil Sparling
Claire Lunam Clarence Thomas Sparling
Clarence & Faye Sparling
Clarence (Marie) Sparling
Clarence Sparling
Clarence Sparling Beechgrove W.I.
Clarence Sparling N
Clarence Sparling Scout Masters
Clarence Thomas Sparling
Clarence W Sparling
Clarence Wesley Sparling
Clifford Hobbs Mr Lyle Sparling
Clifford Ro- Myrland Sparling
Clinton Sparling
Collette Betty Sparling
Connie ÎF Stephen Sparling
Connie Sparling
Connie Veitch Sparling
Cora Sparling
Correspondent Sparling
Costello Visits A D McCredie Maryland Gerald Sparling __ Geo Stewart
Cotie Bernard Sparling Milton Hodgins Nelson Angus
Council G Sparling $
Crona Sparling
Crone Sparling
Crono Sparling
Crons Sparling
Dame Sybil Sparling
Darlene Sparling
Dave Sparling
David Sparling
Dawson Sparling
Dealers Lorraine Ethel Dagg
Debbie Sparling
Delbert Sparling
Dennis Sparling
Denzil Black Clifford Sparling
Dereck Sparling
Dereek Sparling
Desmond Rowe Ethel Margaret Ann Smith Weds Mervin Martin Yach
Diana Sparling
Dianne McColgan and Betty Sparling
Don Sparling
Donna Faye Sparling
Donna Sparling
Donna Sparling Laurie Glenn
Donnie Sparling
Dorcas Sparling
Doris Sparling
Dorothy Ethel Mary
Dorothy Ethel Reliable Service Station
Dorothy Rich Mrs Ethel Black
Doug Sparling
Douglas Sparling
Dwayne Sparling
Earl Mrs. Laurence Sparling
Earl Sparling
Earnest Sparling
Edgar Sparling
Edith Sparling
Edith Woods Ethel
Edna Sparling
Edna Sparling Earl Walsh
Edna Sparling Ottawa Lois Sparling Nonanda
Edward Sparling
Edward Sparling Dies At
Edwin Sparling
Eileen Sparling
Elaine Sparling
Elaine Sparling Faye Sparling
Elaine Willard Sparling
Eldon Sparling
Eleanor Sparling
Eliza Ethel
Elizabeth Anne Sparling
Elizabeth Hahn Louis Sparling
Elizabeth Sparling
Elizabeth Sparling Saturday
Ellen Sparling
Elliott Ethel Walls
Elliott Mrs. Arthür Thomas Neil Sparling I Evelyn A. Scott Peter Hodglns Mrs. S.R.N.
Ellis Sparling
Elmer Sparling
Elwin Sparling
Elwood Sparling
Emily Sparling
Emma Corine Sparling
Emma Corrine Sparling
Emma J. Sparling
Emma Pauline Krose Sparling
Emma Pauline Krose-Sparling
Emma Pauline Sparling L.INTLc*
Emma Sparling
Emma Sparling.
Era Sparling
Eric Elaine Sparling
Eric Sparling
Ernest H. J. Sparling
Ernest Sparling
Ernest Sparling Holy Tuesday
Ernest Sparling Karl Fulford
Ernest Sparling Melvin
Ernie Sparling
Esther Sparling
Ethel "Lett
Ethel 3daughter
Ethel A..-.
Ethel Agnes
Ethel Alexander
Ethel Amundsen
Ethel and Ross Stewart
Ethel Anderson
Ethel Arm
Ethel Armitage
Ethel Aruiitage
Ethel Barker
Ethel Barnes
Ethel Barnes WANTED—A
Ethel Barrymore
Ethel Barrymore Colt
Ethel Barrymore Keenan Wynn VA
Ethel Barrymore’s Write
Ethel Bean
Ethel Bean 2
Ethel Beat-those
Ethel Bechamp
Ethel Bellamy
Ethel Bellinger
Ethel Bennett
Ethel Berlinger
Ethel Bill
Ethel Bill Atkinson
Ethel Black
Ethel Bond’s
Ethel Booth
Ethel Booth Mr*
Ethel Bourgeau
Ethel Brad- Russ Bradlv
Ethel Bradley
Ethel Breen
Ethel Breen Fontvac Community Hosprlta
Ethel Bretzlaff
Ethel Bristol
Ethel Brow
Ethel Brown
Ethel Brownlee
Ethel Brownlee Mr. Emmerson Horner Mr.
Ethel Bryson
Ethel Budd
Ethel Burtch
Ethel Burtch Bristol
Ethel Burtch By
Ethel Burtch Hello
Ethel Burtch Joining
Ethel Burtch Knox
Ethel Burtch MILNE
Ethel Burtch No
Ethel Burtch Sha
Ethel Burtch Shaw
Ethel Burtch Shawville
Ethel Burtch Shawvllle
Ethel Burtch The
Ethel Burtch They
Ethel Burtch When
Ethel Burtch ZION
Ethel Burtch Zx
Ethel Burton
Ethel Butterworth
Ethel C Gillie
Ethel Ca
Ethel Cain
Ethel Caldwell
Ethel Catherine
Ethel Catherine Gillies Carty
Ethel Catherine Gillis
Ethel Catherwood
Ethel Chamberlain
Ethel Chamberlin
Ethel Chapman
Ethel Churchill
Ethel Churchill—amazed
Ethel Clark
Ethel Clark SINGER
Ethel Clarke
Ethel Coghlan
Ethel Cole
Ethel Coleman
Ethel Collins
Ethel Connelly
Ethel Conolly Grade II
Ethel Coppinger
Ethel Cowman
Ethel Craig
Ethel Craig Lang
Ethel Creighton
Ethel Cun-numerotis
Ethel Cunningham
Ethel Cunolly
Ethel Currie
Ethel Curry
Ethel Cuthbertson
Ethel Da
Ethel Dagg
Ethel Dagg Aluminum Storm Windows
Ethel Dagig
Ethel Davi Graham Davis
Ethel Davies
Ethel Davis
Ethel Dawson
Ethel Dc
Ethel Dean
Ethel Delmont
Ethel Delorme
Ethel Dever
Ethel Dever Eftio McCord
Ethel Dickson
Ethel Dis Ira
Ethel Dixon
Ethel Dodging Montreal
Ethel Doherty
Ethel Dolores
Ethel Draper
Ethel Drawn
Ethel Dunraven
Ethel Dunraven#
Ethel E
Ethel E Cuthbertson
Ethel E Lusk
Ethel E*des
Ethel Eades
Ethel Eastman
Ethel Elizabeth Cuthbertson
Ethel Elliot
Ethel Em
Ethel Emerson
Ethel Emma Lusk.
Ethel Emmerson
Ethel Ers-1
Ethel Erskine
Ethel Fades
Ethel Farm
Ethel Farmer Hunter
Ethel Farrow
Ethel Ferguson
Ethel Findlay
Ethel Fitzpatrick
Ethel Fletcher
Ethel Fletcher Nerval McNeill
Ethel Foran
Ethel Frances
Ethel Frskine
Ethel G
Ethel G. Schwartz
Ethel Gelineau
Ethel Gellneau
Ethel Gibb
Ethel Gibbons
Ethel Gibbs
Ethel Gibson
Ethel Glen
Ethel Glenn
Ethel Grace
Ethel Grace Cart
Ethel Graham ......116.30
Ethel Grant
Ethel Grant Patania
Ethel Gregg
Ethel Grosdcn
Ethel Grosden
Ethel H Laird Ida O Morrison
Ethel H.
Ethel Hall
Ethel Handy
Ethel Hannah
Ethel Harkness
Ethel Harrison
Ethel Hedderwiek
Ethel Hedderwiek’s
Ethel Ho-dufi#
Ethel Hoare
Ethel Hobbs
Ethel Hod
Ethel Hod-Bristol
Ethel Hodderwirk
Ethel Hodg-
Ethel Hodgina
Ethel Hodgins
Ethel Hodgins - Leona Paquette
Ethel Hodgins Correspondence
Ethel Hodgins MeCorriston
Ethel Hodgius
Ethel Holiday
Ethel Horigins
Ethel Hortle
Ethel Hotigins
Ethel Howe
Ethel Howes
Ethel Hudgins
Ethel Hynes
Ethel I
Ethel Ice
Ethel If
Ethel In
Ethel Interment
Ethel Is
Ethel I^etts
Ethel I’ve
Ethel J Jan
Ethel Jane
Ethel Janet Ostrom
Ethel Jean
Ethel Jean Hodgins
Ethel Jean Hodgins Media Club
Ethel Jean MacFarlane
Ethel Jean Paul
Ethel Jenkins
Ethel Jewell
Ethel Joan
Ethel Johnson
Ethel Johnston
Ethel Jonea
Ethel Jones
Ethel Jones Barbara
Ethel Keen
Ethel Kelly
Ethel Kennedy
Ethel Keyes
Ethel Kiah
Ethel Km
Ethel Knipe
Ethel Knox
Ethel L Letts
Ethel Laird
Ethel Lang
Ethel Laugbren
Ethel Laugh-ren
Ethel Lavalley
Ethel Le Blanc
Ethel Leona Delorme
Ethel Lestern
Ethel Lestren
Ethel Letts
Ethel Lettsy
Ethel Levesque
Ethel Liscum
Ethel Lo-
Ethel Lois
Ethel Loretta Hickey
Ethel Lotliian Payne
Ethel Louisa Brown
Ethel LouttlL Bel
Ethel Lucy
Ethel Lue
Ethel Lunam
Ethel Lusk
Ethel Lust
Ethel Lynch
Ethel M Caldwell
Ethel M Mabberley
Ethel M Smith
Ethel M Stewart
Ethel M''iorbead
Ethel M.
Ethel M<airhead
Ethel Mabberley
Ethel Mabberly
Ethel MacCauley
Ethel Macdonald
Ethel Macdonald W
Ethel Mackay
Ethel MacKechnie Curie
Ethel MacLean
Ethel MacNab
Ethel Mae
Ethel Mae Stevenson
Ethel Margaret BJack
Ethel Margaret Pccv
Ethel Margaret Peever
Ethel Marks
Ethel Martin
Ethel Mary Hodgins
Ethel Mary Knox 1889
Ethel Maude Stella
Ethel May
Ethel May Bray
Ethel May Hobin
Ethel May Hodg
Ethel Maye Wilson
Ethel Mc-Tiernan
Ethel McCleary
Ethel McCord
Ethel McCoy
Ethel McDonald
Ethel McFarlane
Ethel McGred
Ethel McKay
Ethel McKechnie
Ethel McKechnie Claude Shaw 4
Ethel McKenzie
Ethel McKibbon
Ethel McLean
Ethel McNab
Ethel McNabb
Ethel McNamara
Ethel McReohnie
Ethel McTieihan
Ethel McTieman
Ethel McTier-
Ethel McTiernan
Ethel McTierrian
Ethel Me Lan
Ethel Me-/ Tiernan
Ethel Merman
Ethel Mermen
Ethel Merritt
Ethel Merritt Mackay
Ethel Middleton
Ethel Milliken
Ethel Millions
Ethel Mimee
Ethel Minerva
Ethel Mo
Ethel Moffatt
Ethel Moorhead
Ethel Mor- Otdale
Ethel Morrisson
Ethel Mortgages
Ethel Morton
Ethel Mosher
Ethel Mrs
Ethel Mrs. N
Ethel Murdock
Ethel Neasden
Ethel Nesbitt
Ethel Nettle
Ethel New
Ethel Nich
Ethel Nicho- CTCAi
Ethel Nicholas
Ethel Nicholas 5
Ethel Nicholes
Ethel Nicholes Henderson
Ethel Nteinke
Ethel O Connor
Ethel Oates
Ethel Oates Roofing
Ethel Orval Smart
Ethel Ostrom
Ethel Ostrum
Ethel Others
Ethel O’Connor
Ethel Palmer
Ethel Paquette
Ethel Patania
Ethel Paul
Ethel Payne
Ethel Pearl
Ethel Peever
Ethel Peever Stewart
Ethel Peggy Muldoon
Ethel Petrosky
Ethel Pigott
Ethel Pine Margaret Moore Edna Horner Pearl Brownlee
Ethel Pirie
Ethel Plaisted
Ethel Pokes
Ethel Pounder
Ethel Qs-tromi
Ethel Quinn
Ethel Reid
Ethel Reid Mr.
Ethel Reynolds
Ethel Richardson
Ethel Rider
Ethel Roberts
Ethel Robinson
Ethel Robson
Ethel Roger Lasalle Inc. Store
Ethel Roibi
Ethel Romain
Ethel Ronde Fuller
Ethel Rose
Ethel Route 366
Ethel Roy
Ethel Russell
Ethel Russett
Ethel S
Ethel Sample
Ethel Sanders
Ethel Schultz
Ethel Schwartz
Ethel Sea- Mrs. Idem
Ethel Secrétaire-Trésorier
Ethel Seebeck
Ethel Seifert
Ethel Semple
Ethel Shaipe
Ethel Shannon
Ethel Sharp-Russett
Ethel Sharpe
Ethel Shawville
Ethel Should
Ethel Slewart
Ethel Smart
Ethel Smith
Ethel Smyth
Ethel Snapp
Ethel Snath
Ethel Somerville
Ethel SON.
Ethel Sowd
Ethel Sparling
Ethel Split Second Judy Canon Gloria Graham Keith Andes Alexis
Ethel Stankie
Ethel Stanley
Ethel Stark
Ethel Starke
Ethel Steinke
Ethel Stephens
Ethel Steve Beck
Ethel Stewart
Ethel Stole
Ethel Sullivan
Ethel Sunnmghtoii
Ethel Sutherland
Ethel Swain
Ethel T/OUttlt
Ethel Tabbcrt
Ethel Tabbert
Ethel Talcott
Ethel Telfer
Ethel Thom
Ethel Thomas
Ethel Thompson
Ethel Thruns
Ethel Thump-and Tvsaie Sally
Ethel Tulloch
Ethel Uonolly
Ethel V un-
Ethel V*
Ethel Vance
Ethel Violet King
Ethel Voting
Ethel Walker
Ethel Wall
Ethel Waters
Ethel Welsh
Ethel Whyte
Ethel Wileon
Ethel Willetta Grant
Ethel Wilson
Ethel Wilton
Ethel Wo
Ethel Yach
Ethel Young
Ethel-wynne Hodgins
Eugene Sparling
Eva and Betty Sparling
Eva Andai Joanne Sparling
Eva Ethel Amm Û V FORD-MONARCH Eva Ethel Amm
Eva Florence Ethel
Eva Sparling
Eva Sparling IVimer 1— Jerry Dagg
Eva Telford Emma Sparling
Ever Remembered Ethel Vic
Favc Mrs. Clarence Sparling
Fay Sparling
Faye Sparling
Floyd Sparling
Frank Ryan Single Carriage Horse Sparling
Fred Sparling
Fred W. Smyth Margaret Ethel Graham I
Frederick Sparling
Freeman Moore Mrs. Sadie Sparling
G Sparling
G. Sparling
Gail Sparling
Gale Sparling
Garnet Sparling
Garry Sparling
Gary Sparling
Gayle Sparling
Geo Kennedy G Sparling
George F. Sparling
George H Sparling
George H Sparling FORAN
George Henry Sparling
George Herbert Sparling
George H—_ Sparling
George John F- Sparling
George Myrland Sparling
George Neil Sparling
George Sparling
George Sparling Dies At
George Sparling Flash Lights
George Sparling Mr. Jus
George Sparling Obituaries
George Sparling Raymond Sparling
George Sparling Walter Thrun
Georgo Col G rJou Sparling
Gerald Sparling
Gerald Sparling .....
Gerald Sparling ..... Harper Emmerson
Gerald Sparling A Beaman
Gerald Sparling Boaid
Gerald Sparling Geo Stewart
Gerald Sparling Gordon Stewart Gordon Wikon Allan Findlay E Mitdicui • Cecil Elliott
Gerald Sparling Grant
Gerald Sparling John Pirie James Stewart
Gerald Sparling Wilbur Chapman
Gerald Sparling........... Harper Emmerson
Gerry Sparling
Gertie Sparling
Gertrude - Aug. Jamie Sparling
Gertrude Ethel
Gertrude Sparling
Gilbert Sparling
Gladys Dickson Heman Sparling
Gladys Sparling
Gladys Sparling Kenneth Stickler
Glen Sparling
Glen Sparling July
Glenn Morrison Rover Scout Jack Kehoe Rover Squire Ronald Richard-Rover Scout Calrence Sparling WM
Glenn Sparling
Glenn Sparling 7X Dog Clipping
Glenn Sparling Finnigan
Glenn Sparling Gerald Dempsey
Glenn Sparling Hodgins Post Office
Gordon Palmer Obituary Clinton James Sparling W.W. II
Gordon Sparling
Gordon Wilson Ruben Sparling Percy Walls
Grace Dagg Mary Dale Irene Shaw Evelyn Little Dorothy Fairfield Margaret Simons Ethel Gibson
Grace Ethel
Greg Sparling
Gregory Sparling
Gregory Sparling HAY
Gregory Sparling X029
Guides Ann Sparling
Gwen Sparling
H Co- Neil Sparling’s
Haivoy Sparling
Hank Sparling
Hanna Sparling
Hannah * Sparling
Hannah Sparling
Harding Ethel
Harold Sparling
Harry (Ethel
Harry Sparling
Harry Thompson Gail Sparling Gerald Howard Hiram Walls Gerald Hodgins V Charles K. Smith
Harvey Allen Sparling Harvey Allen Sparling
Harvey Sparling
Hazel Sparling
He-men Sparling
Heather Ann Sparling
Heather Betty Sparling
Heather Sparling
Heather Sparling and Margaret Dale Teenage
Heather Sparling Pastoral
Hefllan Sparling
Heman Sparling
Henry Joseph Sparling
Henry McCord Neil Sparling Devant La Cour Supérieure Cook
Henry R. Sparling
Henry Richmond Sparling
Henry Sparling
Herb Sparling
Herb Sparling Varner Spence
Herbert Rutledge Wayne Sparling
Herbert Sparling
Herman Sparling
Hie Sparling
Hilda Sparling
Hines Ivan Rose Stella Fulford Ethel Smart Doris Olmatead Eleanor Kilgour Marshall Hodgins Kenneth
Hot Dog Sparling
Howard Sparling
Howard Weds Ruby Sparling Garnet Arthur Little
Hubert El- Mary Elizabeth Sparling
Hubert Sparling
Ian Sparling
Ida Sparling
Instituites Lloyd Sparling
Irma Sparling
ISill X Phone Mrs. Ethel Mackay
Iva Sparling
J Miss Betty Sparling
J W Sparling Rector
Jacqueline Sparling
James Gardiner Sparling
James Garnet Clifford Sparling
James Geo Sparling
James Roy Sparling Sh,-Vffle
James Roy Sparling-
James Sparling
James Sparling’s
James Ste- Sparling
Jamie and Betty Sparling Laporte
Jamie Sparling
Jamie Sparling Renl Leplne
Jamie Sparling Saturday
Jane Hayes Terry Sparling
Jane Sparling
Janet Irene Sparling
Janet Sparling
Janice Sparling
Jason Sparling
Jean after Sparling
Jean Sparling
Jeff M"^onneU* Terry Sparling
Jeffrey Sparling
Jenna Sparling
Jennie Ethel
Jerry Sparling
Jewel Sparling
Jewell Sparling
Jim Car- Sparling
Jim Sparling
Jo Anne Sparling
Jo-anne Brownlee Marie MacLelland Ellis Sparling
Joan Sparling
Joanne Ethel
Joanne Sparling
Joanne Sparling Burnett
Joe When Ron Sparling
John and Ethel
John and Ethel Dagg
John Armstrong John Sparling
John F Sparling
John F. Sparling
John F............... Sparling
John F................ Sparling
John Garnet Sparling D
John Jones John Thomas Muldoon Mrs. Austin Sparling
John Joseph Sparling
John L Sparling
John Laird Sparling
John McDowell John Sparling
John Sparling
John Sparling Jr.
John Sparling Mrs. Sparling
John Sparling WM
John T Sparling
John........ Sparling
John.......... Sparling
John.................... Sparling
Johnny Mrs Jean Sparling
Jordan Sparling
Joseph Henry Austin Sparling Sheen
Joseph Sparling
Joyce Helen Jane Sparling
Joyce Sparling
Joyce Sparling Piomoted
Julia Sparling
Julie & Krista Sparling
Julie and Jamie Sparling
Julie Sparling
Julie Sparling Julie
Julius Sparling
Karl Sparling
Katherine Sparling
Kathy Roberta Ethel Davis
Katie Sparling
Kay Sparling
Keith Beausso- Sparling
Keith Hanna Ethel Sm
Keith Sparling
Keith Sparling Capt
Kelly Sparling
Ken and Ron Sparling
Ken Sparling
Kenneth Sparling
Kevin Ethel Petrosky
Kirs Bill Sparling
Klden Sparling
Knsta Sparling
Krista Sparling
Lady Ethel
Laura Ethel
Laura Moore Mrs Aggie Sparling
Laurence Sparling
Laurie Sparling Louis Lacelle Laurie-Ann
Lavinia Sparling
Lawrence Sparling
Lawrence Sparling’
Lee Sparling
Lena Sparling 2
Lennis Sparling
Leo Gena Donald O’Connor FRIDAY Call Me Madam Ethel Merman Audrey Long Lynn Roberts
Leo Mrs Agnes Sparling
Leona Fletcher Ethel Leona Fletcher
Leona Sparling
Leonard Letts Sherwood Sparling Jean-Guy Lariviere This
Lewis Sparling
Lewis Sparling Splendid
Lewis Sparling Renfrew
Lillie Ann Sparling
Lilly Ann Sparling
Linda Smith Ethel Harrison
Linda Sparling
Linden Sparling
Livinia Sparling Ida Smith
Livmia Sparling
Lloyd Sparling
Lois Sparling
Lois Sparling Mona Armstrong
Lois Sparling Stewart
Lome da MUler Muriel Sparling
Lome Sparling
Lome Sparling,Carey
Lon Sparling
Loreen Ethel
Lorna Sparling
Lorraine Sparling
Lost xol6 Marshall Sparling
Louis Sparling
Lucy Ethel
Lucy Ethel Cotie
Lucy Kelly Wallace Sparling
Lucy Louisa Sparling
Lulu Sparling
Lynn Paul Sparling
Lynn Sparling
M J Black Lewis Sparling
Mabel Sparling
Mac- Sparling
Makayla Marie Sparling
Makayla Sparling
Manson Sparling
Margaret Bernice Sparling
Margaret Elwin Sparling
Margaret Ethel
Margaret Ethel Knipe Mrs Thomas A Hobbs Margaret Ethel Knipe
Margaret Sparling
Maria Ethel
Marie Sparling
Marie Sparling Jamie and Julie
Marilyn Sparling
Marilyn Sparling UÊÊIÊÊÊ
Mario Sparling
Marion Elliott- Ethel Gibbons
Marion Sparling -
Marjorie Sparling
Marjorie Sparling.
Marjorie Wallace Sparling
Mark Six Horse Hitch - Stewart Don Sparling
Marleen Sparling
Marlene Sparling
Marshall Sparling
Marshall Sparling.
Mary Dorene Ethel 1924
Mary Elizabeth Sparling
Mary Ethel
Mary Ethel Armitage
Mary Ethel Conelly
Mary Ethel Glenn
Mary Ethel Greenshields
Mary Ethel Little
Mary Ethel Seaman
Mary Ethel Stark
Mary Hamilton Mable Sparling
Mary Sparling
Mary Sparling 3
Maud Sparling
Maureen Sparling
Maurice Sparling
Megan Sparling
Melba Sparling
Melba Thomas Sparling
Melvin Mrs Ethel Hodgins
Merlin Sparling
Merlin Sparling MEEEÜ
Messrs Clarence Sparling
Mi Raymond Sparling
Michael Fmucane Ethel Murray
Michael Sparling
Michelle Sparling
Miee Ethel X
Mildred KnowU Sparling
Minerva Sparling
Mis Lome Sparling
Mis Urne Sparling
Misa Donna Sparling
Miss E J. Sparling
Miss Faye Sparling
MJas Ethel
Mom Viola Sparling
Mont- Mrs. Ethel Sullivan
Moore Lake Grade IV—Neil Sparling
Mother»—By Ethel G. Peterson
Mr Harvey Sparling
Mr Sparling
Mr, Ethel Rub7 B*** Judy Young
Mr, Gerald A. T. Sparling
Mr- Lewis Sparling
Mr. Albert Sparling
Mr. Albert Sparling Miss Helen Campbell
Mr. Albert S^rk R Sparling
Mr. Allan Sparling
Mr. Allan Sparling Admission
Mr. Earl Sparling
Mr. Harvey Sparling
Mr. James Sparling
Mr. Lewis Sparling
Mr. Linden Sparling
Mr. Lloyd Sparling
Mr. Lloyd Steve Sparling
Mr. Marks Gladys Sparling
Mr. Marshall Sparling
Mr. Reuben Sparling
Mr. Sherman Sparling
Mr. Sherwood Sparling
Mr. Wallace Sparling
Mra Carl Sparling
Mri Wilbour Sparling
Mrs Allen Sparling
Mrs Dawson Sparling
Mrs Herman Sparling
Mrs Leonard Neil Sparling
Mrs, Ethel Sowden
Mrs. Albert Sparling
Mrs. Allan Sparling
Mrs. Allen Sparling
Mrs. Allen Sparling RusseJl
Mrs. Beatrice Sparling
Mrs. Earl Sparling
Mrs. Edward Sparling
Mrs. Eric Sparling
Mrs. Erie Sparling
Mrs. Ernest Sparling
Mrs. Ethel Brown
Mrs. Ethel Erskine
Mrs. Ethel Gibson
Mrs. Ethel Gibson Grace Wynn
Mrs. Ethel Lusk
Mrs. Ethel Marks
Mrs. Ethel Meagher
Mrs. Ethel Robertson
Mrs. Ethel Rogers Mulvany
Mrs. Ethel Sullivan
Mrs. Ethel Todd
Mrs. Ethel Tucker
Mrs. Faye Sparling
Mrs. Gordon Elliott Miss Edna Sparling
Mrs. He-man Sparling
Mrs. Heman Sparling
Mrs. Heman Sparling Father Harrington
Mrs. Henry Sparling Sunday
Mrs. Herman Sparling
Mrs. James Sparling
Mrs. James Wahfc Mr. Allan Sparling
Mrs. John E. Dagg By Dennis Thrun Mr. Neil Sparling
Mrs. John Sparling
Mrs. Ken Sparling
Mrs. L Sparling
Mrs. Lawrence Sparling
Mrs. Lewis Sparling
Mrs. Lloyd Sparling
Mrs. Lome Sparling Mountain
Mrs. Margaret Ethel Paint Dies
Mrs. Marshall Sparling
Mrs. Nelson Sparling
Mrs. Neman Sparling
Mrs. Norris Sparling
Mrs. Percy Sparling
Mrs. R Sparling
Mrs. R, Sparling
Mrs. Ray Sparling
Mrs. Rov Sparling
Mrs. Roy Sparling
Mrs. Sammy Sparling
Mrs. Sparling
Mrs. Sparling Summers
Mrs. Sparling’s
Mrs. Thomas Sparling
Mrs. Warren Sparling
Mrs. Warren Sparling Zimmerling
Mrs. William L. Sparling
Mrs. William Sparling
Mr» Elwood Sparling
Mr» Lome Sparling
Ms. Sparling
Muriel Faye Sparling
Muriel Richard Joan Sparling
Myrland Sparling
Myrland Sparling Charlie E. Smith
Nancy Draper Bran Muffins- Ethel Lusk
Neil Sparling
Neil Sparling Bristol
Neil Sparling Childs Shetland Pony Mickey Armitage
Neil Sparling Grads II
Neil Sparling MacFarlane
Nell Sparling
Neman Sparling
Nina Ethel
Noble Percy Sparling
Norma Gladys Sparling
Norma Jean Mi David Sparling
Norma Sparling
Norma Sparling Smith
Norris Sparling
Norris Sparling Far
Notes Lois Sparling
Notes Mr. Wallace Sparling
Obituaries Albert Sparling
Obituary Wayne Lewis Sparling Hell Drivers
Octo- Sparling
Odel Miss Betty Sparling
Ottawa Sparling
P.| Sparling
Page Sparling
Palmer Mrs Wilbour Sparling
Palmer Sparling
Pamela Sparling
Pamela Sparling Josee Institute
Patricia Hodgins Cathy McMunn Rick Russett Robert Sparling Janice Weinman Wendy Healey Leslie Thomp
Paul Robeson Ethel Waters
Paul Sparling
Paul Sparling Service-aged
Paul Sparling Tracy Lamb
Percy Sparling
Peter Roderick Ethel Minerva
Peter Roderick Ethel Minerva Smyth
Peter Sparling
Peter Sparling Since
Philip DumoucheL Mr Sherwood Sparling
Phyllis Brian Sparling
Phyllis Margaret Sparling
Phyllis Sparling
Pierre Jean Sparling
Pigeault Sparling
Primer—Harvey Sparling
Que L O Dean... G Sparling
R "Whelan - Betty Sparling
Rachel Ann Sparling
Rachel Ann Sparling Passes At Brockville
Randy Sparling
Ray Sparling
Raymond Sparling
Raymond Sparling - Mrs Harmaleen Zimmerling
Recreation Ann Sparling
Reggie Ar- Marie Milks-Sparling Peppard
Reuben Sparling
Rev. R Sparling
Rev. Wallace Sparling
Reverend Wallace Sparling
Rhonda Sparling
Richard Prior Sparling
Richard Sparling
Rick Sparling
Ricky Sparling
Rob Myrland Sparling
Robbie Sparling
Robert * Renie Sparling July
Robert 7-2410 Sparling
Robert 7-2997 Sparling
Robert Clinton Sparling
Robert Ellis Sparling
Robert Ellis Sparling A Robert Ellis Sparling
Robert G Sparling
Robert G. Sparling
Robert G. Sparling Robert George Sparling
Robert John Cronaberry Sparling
Robert Sparling
Robert Sparling 648-2341 Will
Robert Sparling Lulu Helen* McCord
Robert Sparling Manwell
Roberta Sparling
Ron Back- Ricky Sparling
Ron Sparling
Ron Sparling Sparkling Midwa
Ronald Sparling
Ronnie Sparling
Rose Ann Sparling
Rose Sparling
Ross Sparling
Ross Sparling Grade
Roy Ebert James Sparling
Roy Sparling
Royce Sparling
Ru&i Sparling
Ruby Leona Elizabath Sparling
Ruby Leona Elizabeth Sparling
Ruby Sparling
Ruby Sparling MjgH
Ruth Sparling
Ruth Sparling 440
Ruthie Sparling
Ryan Sparling
S. G Sparling
Sadie A Neil Sparling
Sadie Sparling
Sally Ethel
Sam Sparling
Samuel G Sparling
Samuel G. Sparling
Samuel Sparling
Sandy Sparling
Sarah Ethel
Sarah Ethel Janet
Sarah Sparling
Schroeder - 3.00 L Sparling -
Sharon Rueckwald Ethel
Shawn Patsy Emmerson Sparling
Shawn Sparling
Shawn Sparling Get
Sherman Sparling
Sherwood Sparling
Sheryl Ann Betty Sparling
Shirley Hod-to Ethel Pearl
Shirley Sparling Joyce Harris
Sibyl Sparling
Sila> Sparling
Silas Sparling
Sparling (Marie) Ottawa
Sparling A Brown
Sparling Bergeron
Sparling Bill Morglan
Sparling C) Ou
Sparling Case
Sparling Clouthier Jr and
Sparling Coach
Sparling Crawford
Sparling Ebert
Sparling Evans
Sparling Families
Sparling Greta
Sparling Homer
Sparling IVa-I Clifford Stevenson
Sparling March
Sparling Mark
Sparling Mrs David Parent
Sparling Mrs.
Sparling Murray Be- Anna Danis
Sparling Queen St.
Sparling Romain
Sparling Visiting
Sparling W.W. II
Sparling We
Sr.—Austin Sparling
Stacy Sparling
Stephanie Ethel Gibson
Stephen Sparling
Stephen Sparling Quebec
Sterling Horigins Neil Sparling
Steve Sparling
Steven Sparling
Stewart Sparling
Susan Len-ora Ethel Davis
Susan Sparling
Sybil Martha Louise Sparling
T Sparling
Ted Beehamp’s Dorcas Sparling
Terry C amp-Anne Sparling
Terry Sparling
The Ven Wallace Sparling
Thomas Dagg Mrs Clinton Sparling
Thomas Jew- Jean Sparling
Thomas John Sparling
Thomas Lindsay Lawrence Sparling
Thomas Lindsay Lawrence Sparling Edmonton
Thomas Lindsay Sparling
Thomas Paget Sparling Laporte
Thomas Sparling
Thomas Sparling Dies After Brief Illness Day
Timmy Sparling
Timmy Sparling Iris Smith Clifford Stevenson
Tina Sparling
Todd Sparling
Tom Sparling Laporte
Tommy Don Sparling
Tracey Sparling
Tracy Sparling
Treasurer Mrs Ethel Chamberlain
Tyler Ethel Hodgins
Valerie Sparling
Van Sparling
Vancouver B C. Betty Sparling
Vera Ethel
Vera Ethel Graham
Vera Sparling
Vera Sparling Miller
Viola Sparling
W Sparling
W.M. Betty Sparling Laporte
Wallace Sparling
Ward - Sparling
Warren Sparling
Warren William Isaac Sparling
Wayne Lewie Sparling
Wayne Lewis Sparling
Wayne Sparling
Wayne Sparling Bretslaff
Wayne Sparling Janu-sympathy
Wayne Sparling Shawville
Wellington Rooney Harold Sparling
Wendy Moore and Betty Sparling
Wesley Albert Sparling
Wife Ethel
Wilbour Sparling
Wilbur Sparling
Willard John Sparling
Willard Sparling
Willard Sparling Council
William (Billy) Sparling
William Austin Sparling
William G Sparling
William George Sparling
William L Sparling
William L. Sparling
William L. Sparling Mother
William Sparling
William Sparling Mrs, Bert Stark Mrs. Archie Storey Mrs. Albert Tanner Mrs. Victor Tanner Mrs. Watt
William T Sparling
William Thomas Ernest Sparling
Wilson - Mrs Ethel Hodgins
Wilson Sparling
Wilson Sparling July
Winer Sparling
Winni- Betty Sparling
Yeld Mare Ethel Hodglns
Austin Sparling
Bette Sparling
Ca. l Sparling
Canada Sparling
Dorcas Sparling
Ethel Mo
Florence Sparling
Hi Ethel
Lac Sparling
Mrs. Lawrence l Sparling
Quebec Sparling
Sherwood Sparling
Sparling -
Sparling Lake
Sparling Lake Road
Sparling Lake Rood
Sparling Lake St
Sparling Road
Sparling** Lake Wednesdays
Sparling’s Lake
Sparling’s Mountain
1-819-422-3452 Ron Sparling 1-613-225-7116 INC.
34942X326 Oil 17503B3F2 I73503B326 CARTY SPARLING
Aggie Sparling
AI Sparling
All Pulpwood Producers & Dealers Lorraine Ethel Dagg
Allan Sparling’s Barber Shop
Allan Sparling’s Barber Shop for Permanents
Anglican Mrs Bernice Sparling
Apple Pie- Ethel Lusk
Bancroft Red Cross Hospital Sparling
Best Horse Eldon Sparling
Borden Hodgins Mrs. Ethel Booth Mr*
Bristol Ethel
Bristol ladies Aid Rachel Ann Sparling Passes At Brockville
Bristol Sparling
Bristol; Mrs. Sadie Sparling
BROWN Sparling
BRYSON LIONS HALL Barbara Sparling
Bryson Theatre Ethel Oates
CALDWELL Gail Sparling
Carey Sparling
Cemetery Inscriptions MYRLAND SPARLING
Central Milliard Sparling
Choice Cindy Sparling
CUCUMBERS Mrs Melba Sparling
DAISY ETHEL BUR-Clarendon School Board
DB Jason Sparling
Dorcas Sparling Perry and Barry Belanger
du Grande Celu- SPARLING
EQUIPMENT Standard Church Bernle 574I9BJ6 SPARLING—
Esterbrook Pen & Pencil Sets GIFTS 0 FOR TU HOME Herman Sparling
Ethel & Ferry
Ethel Mae Stevenson
Forest View Mrs. Sparling
Gall Sparling
Gerald Sparling Shawville
Girls Costume—Leora Lado-Heather Best QUALITY CHRISTMAS CARDS Berta Sparling SHAWVILLE Meat Market
Glenn Sparling
Glenn Sparling Hodgins Post Office
GWEN Sparling Evan
Home Hardware Elmer Sparling LA MacLellan
HT S Sparling LIGUE FEMININE II Bobinettes
Ih{ Equity Lorna Sparling
Instituites Lloyd Sparling
Juggling Artists Ethel
Lac Sparling
Laughren-Palmer-Sparling Association
Lutheran Cemetery Roberta Sparling
Manufacturers Associ SPARLING
Master Bob Sparling
Master Bobbie Sparling
Master Brian Sparling
Master David Sparling
Master Edward Sparling
Master Wilburn Sparling
MEN Mrs. Allan Sparling
Miss Debbie Pitt and Betty Sparling
Mnulctpal In- Gordon Sparling
Motion Crs Sparling
Motion Gordon Sparling
Motion Minerva Sparling
Motion Or» Sparling
Mr Melvin Sparling
Mrs Gordon Sparling
Mrs. Lyall Sparling
MURRA Y PITT Mrs Gordon Sparling
Muscular Eye Defect* Mrs. Sparling
Myrland & Mabel Sparling
Myrland Sparling
Nee Sparling
Neil Sparling Bristol.
New Agricultural Hall U SPARLING Dunraven Elementary School Calumet Island
Noon Messrs Allan Sparling
Norma Sparling
Outaouais Regional Mrs. Herman Sparling
PCH Head Nurse Betty Sparling
Pontiac Community Hospi* Ethel
Pontiac County Co-operative Medi- Hospital-Surgical Plan Miss Marjorie Sparling
Pontiac House Misa Ethel Smith
Pontiac Melba Sparling; Program
Reserve Junior Champi Sparling
Robcrla Sparling Carson Hodgins
Robyn Jean Sparling
Roll Miss Minerva Sparling
Ronald Richard-Rover Scout Calrence Sparling WM
RSVG Mrs. Dors Barber PNG; LSVG Mrs. Lulu Sparling PNG Mrs. Stella Hoogins PNG; Outside Guardian
Sadie Sparling
Sale Dame Ethel Merritt
SANITONE Born Hstncrann Mervina Sparling
School Muriel Sparling
Shawville Standard Sparling 648-2481 Church
Si Sparling
Sparling -
Sparling Financial Statement
SPARLING Flora Tracy
Sparling Municipal Affairs
St. Elizabeth’s Parish Kin Obituary Mrs Ethel Lockman Nondenomlnational BIBLE TALKS A Golden Jubile
Standard Church Parson-ageJSfeii Sparling
T. Desmond Rowe Ethel Margaret Ann Smith Weds Mervin Martin Yach
United Dorcas Sparling Clifford Stevenson
VANGUARD Travel Sparling’s
View Inn Dining Room Sparling
WÈ Sparling
Wiggins Family & Sparling Family
Worker Miss Ethel Clark
Worker — Miss Ethel Clark
Worship Service SPARLING