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Anne Jen- Schwartz

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*2.00 Contact W. Schwartz
--- Schwartz
0. Schwartz
1 M Fred Schwartz
1.49 Schwartz
15 Anne Marie
23,1994 Anne Marie Schwartz Orleans
2456X06 Schwartz
3216 Max E Schwartz
3—Eileen Schwartz
647- Schwartz
647-2254 Schwartz
647-3848 Schwartz
647-3858 Schwartz
819-684- Schwartz
A. Schwartz
Abe Schwartz
ac-1 Schwartz
Academic Dean Jo Anne Werner
Adam Schwartz
Adf-lph Schwartz
Adolph Schwartz
Adolphe Schwartz
Aggie Schwartz
Agnes Schwartz
Al Anne
Albert Armstrong Edgar Schwartz Sylvia Hodgins Chris Judd Ëason Russell Donald Stevens Boyd Barber
Albert Island Ste Anne
Albert Schwartz
Alfred Schwartz
Alfred Schwartz Ottawa Hospital
Alice Anne Dowe
Allan Davis Executive Director A.Q.R.E.M. Macdonald College Ste Anne de Bellevue Quebec
Allen Apple Drink Kleenex Paper Towels Schwartz
AlU-rt Schwartz
Alva Anne Owen
Amanda Schwartz
Amy and Marie Schwartz
Amy Anne Jessy
Amy Anne Sheppard After
Amy Schwartz
An-Miss Anne Henderson
Andrews Marta Toren Paratrooper Anne Baxter
Angela Anne
Anita Schwartz
Anna Lola Schwartz
Anne "
Anne # Rev. Marc L Gauthier Mass
Anne * Marie
Anne -
Anne 19h30à21h30
Anne 647-5 0
Anne A
Anne A CPR
Anne a Rev. Marc
Anne Açres
Anne Activities
Anne Adams
Anne Adams Pattern
Anne Adams Pattern Book
Anne Adams Spring I’attcrn Book
Anne Adams Spring Pattern Be
Anne Adams Spring Pattern Book
Anne Aehley
Anne Agnelli
Anne Agnew
Anne Aiaeu
Anne Aihley
Anne Alexander
Anne All
Anne Allard
Anne Allen
Anne Allen 3:25
Anne Altha Singleton
Anne Amanda Duouis
Anne Amprior
Anne Amutage
Anne Amy-otic
Anne Amyotte
Anne Amyotte 1:30
Anne An
Anne And
Anne and Chris Duff
Anne and Larry
Anne and Marie
Anne and Pat Lloyd
Anne and William Bowen
Anne and William Bowen Phone
Anne and William Bowen Shewville
Anne Anderson
Anne Anderson Zie Zag’s
Anne Andrews
Anne Anglican Rev Fr Marc L Gauthier 648
Anne Ar-
Anne Arm
Anne Armitage
Anne Armitage P.O.
Anne Armitage Sincerely
Anne Armltage Is
Anne Armstrong
Anne Arundle
Anne As
Anne Ashlcv
Anne Ashley Caballero Rojo
Anne Ashley Bill
Anne Ashley Jones
Anne Ashley TORONTO
Anne Askew
Anne Atkinson
Anne Attorney Boucher
Anne Auberge Mount Blanc Lorraine
Anne Averyt
Anne Ayre
Anne B Fum
Anne B Fum- Mr. Harland Moffat
Anne B Quesnel
Anne Bacon
Anne Baird B Ed
Anne Bancroft
Anne Bancroft IX-NSf
Anne Bancroft - Eddie Albert Top Dance Band
Anne Bancroft Cameron Mitchell GOLDEN GIRL
Anne Bancroft Patty Duke JACQUELINE KENNEDY
Anne Bancroft Van Heflin
Anne Bancroft Western
Anne Barbara
Anne Barber
Anne Barclay
Anne Barrel Race - Liz Mur-
Anne Basilen
Anne Baskett
Anne Baxter
Anne Baxter 1
Anne Baxter Daily
Anne Baxter Doris Day
Anne Baxter Fred MacMurray
Anne Baxter Fred MacMurray Burl Ives 9
Anne Baxter Fred MacMurray C.
Anne Baxter Ooenfng Prayers
Anne Baxter Sieve Fsrr Cinemascope D>
Anne Baxter Sterling Hayden DON’T
Anne Bdeyn
Anne Be-credentials
Anne Bean
Anne Beattie
Anne Beaudoin
Anne Beck
Anne Belair
Anne Bélanger
Anne Belanger-Ambridge
Anne Belland
Anne Belsher
Anne Bennington
Anne Ber- Msgr Québec
Anne Beriau Telephone
Anne Beriiu Telephone
Anne Berry
Anne Bertha
Anne Bertrand
Anne Bertrand Amyotte Christine Bérubé Romain
Anne Bérubé
Anne Beupre
Anne Biased
Anne Biebricher
Anne Bir-
Anne Birkctt
Anne BisadTl
Anne Biseellwas
Anne Bissell
Anne Black
Anne Black Stevenson
Anne Blane
Anne Blockland
Anne Blythe
Anne Bo-go
Anne Bo-K*yn
Anne Boisvert
Anne Boit
Anne Boleyn
Anne Boleyn—The
Anne Boleyn’
Anne Bolger
Anne Bonney
Anne Bonny
Anne Botevn
Anne Bourgeau
Anne Bow-
Anne Bowen
Anne Bowen Hull
Anne Bowie
Anne Bowies
Anne BPkett
Anne Bradley
Anne Brain Peck
Anne Bremner
Anne Breton
Anne Bretton
Anne Bretzlaff
Anne Bridge
Anne Brink-worth
Anne Brinkworth
Anne Bristol Auto Body
Anne Britdowonh Mrs Jean the
Anne Brochu
Anne Brock
Anne Bronson
Anne Bronte
Anne Brood Mare - Darryl Kealy
Anne Broomball League
Anne Brousseau
Anne Brown
Anne Brownlee
Anne Brunet
Anne Buffet
Anne Burieign
Anne Butler
Anne B»fore
Anne C
Anne Cable
Anne Callaghan
Anne Callahan
Anne Cam*
Anne Cameron
Anne Camp
Anne Campbell
Anne Campeau
Anne Car- Edmond
Anne Carle
Anne Caron
Anne Carpentier
Anne Carroll
Anne Carswell
Anne Cartier
Anne Carty
Anne Casey
Anne Catherine Hodgins
Anne Cavendish
Anne Cemetery
Anne Chair
Anne Charbonneau
Anne Charlie Muldoon
Anne Charpentier
Anne Charron
Anne Ches- Sr Champion
Anne Cheslock
Anne Chevalier
Anne Chevalier Saturday
Anne Chisnell
Anne Chnstmas
Anne Christmas Carol
Anne Christopher
Anne Church
Anne Chute
Anne Clarendon
Anne Clark
Anne Clarke
Anne Clarke Lawson Valette
Anne Class
Anne Closs
Anne Cole
Anne Cole Anniversary
Anne Cole Congratulations
Anne Cole Eariviere Visiting
Anne Cole Robbie Larivière
Anne Cole Traditional
Anne Coles
Anne Com
Anne Compeau
Anne Computers
Anne Congregation
Anne Conn
Anne Contant
Anne Continuing
Anne Cools
Anne Cooney
Anne Corrigan
Anne Coulter’s
Anne Cowley
Anne Cox
Anne Crawford
Anne Crouse Today
Anne Cun-
Anne Cybulski CSJ,
Anne da Bellevue
Anne Dagenais
Anne Dagenais et Marie France Romain
Anne Dagg
Anne Dahms
Anne Danis
Anne Darling
Anne de
Anne de Haley
Anne de Aline
Anne de Be
Anne de Beaupre
Anne De Beaupre Au- Kim McEwen Clog
Anne de Beaupre Aug.
Anne de Beaupré/Grosse
Anne de Bel-leview
Anne de Belle
Anne de Bellevue
Anne de Bellevue College
Anne de Bellevue June
Anne de Bellevue Troop
Anne de Bellevue*
Anne de E^BSlSiSilISlE
Anne De Luca
Anne de Rvllevue
Anne De Stulkey
Anne de Vile
Anne Dean
Anne Del
Anne Delmas
Anne Denoncourt
Anne Deuprees
Anne Devine
Anne Diesclt
Anne Dollighan
Anne Douglas
Anne Dowc
Anne Dresselt
Anne Dresselt November
Anne Dresselt Otter Lake
Anne Drisner
Anne Drouin
Anne Drysdale
Anne Dubeau
Anne Dumont
Anne Dumouchel
Anne Dumoulin
Anne Duncan
Anne Dunlop
Anne Duplessis Nicole Roy Sandra Boulanger Suzanne Gauthier Lise Meilleur
Anne Duplessis Nicole Roy Suzanne Gauthier Sandra Boulanger Lise Meilleur
Anne Durham
Anne Durocher
Anne Dyelle
Anne E. Elliott
Anne Ebbs
Anne Eganville
Anne Eileen
Anne Elisabeth
Anne Eliza B;«k
Anne Elizabeth Maclean
Anne Elle
Anne Elliott
Anne Enjoy
Anne Equity
Anne Erindale
Anne Ethe
Anne Ethicr
Anne Ethier
Anne Everyone
Anne F
Anne F,etcher
Anne Faquin
Anne Faqum
Anne Farms
Anne Farr
Anne Farrell
Anne Fergusson
Anne Ferri-gan
Anne Ferrigan
Anne Fiaschetti)
Anne Fieroben
Anne Filatore
Anne Findlay
Anne Finlay
Anne Fletcher
Anne Fleury
Anne Foran
Anne Foran Cote
Anne Forbes
Anne Fortin
Anne Fournier
Anne Francia Jerry Lewis Dean Martin ARTISTS
Anne Francis
Anne Francis Campbell
Anne Francis CinemaScope Jack Web
Anne Francis June
Anne Francis Walter Pidgeon
Anne Francoeur
Anne Frank
Anne Frank Beyond Rogues
Anne Frank • Beyond Rogues Harbour
Anne Free Methodist
Anne Freight
Anne Fu
Anne Fu-merton
Anne Fuincrton
Anne Fuinerton
Anne Fulton
Anne Fum
Anne Fum-erton
Anne Fum-I
Anne Fumcrton
Anne Fumcrton I
Anne Fume
Anne Fumeiton
Anne Fument
Anne Fumenton
Anne Fumer
Anne Fumer*
Anne FUmer-ton
Anne Fumerlon
Anne Fumerton
Anne Fumerton V
Anne Fumerton Corre
Anne Fumerton Corresponde
Anne Fumerton Correspondent
Anne Fumerton Correspondent Senior Citizens
Anne Fumerton Correspondent Sister Marie Massé
Anne Fumerton Correspondent Visiting
Anne Fumerton Correspondent Weekend
Anne Fumerton Mrs Phoebe McCord
Anne Fumerton Recent
Anne Fumerton-corres
Anne Fumerton-Correspondent
Anne Fumerton-for
Anne Fumertui
Anne Fumertun
Anne Fumetrton Secretary—Mrs
Anne Fummeiton
Anne Fummerton
Anne Furr
Anne G
Anne Gable
Anne Gabriel
Anne Gail
Anne Garland
Anne Garnet
Anne Gaudette
Anne Gendron
Anne Gervais
Anne Gibbons
Anne Gleason
Anne Gleason Scanlon
Anne Gloss
Anne God
Anne Goodwin Williams
Anne Gordon
Anne Goulden
Anne Gr
Anne Grace
Anne Grafton
Anne Graham
Anne Graham Is
Anne Graham IvOgan
Anne Graham Logan
Anne Graham Logan 140
Anne Graton
Anne Grattan
Anne Gratton
Anne Gratton Labelle
Anne Graveline
Anne Greer
Anne Gregory
Anne Grevelle
Anne Grice
Anne Grierson
Anne Grotton de Stone
Anne Groulx
Anne Gwynne Alan Curtis
Anne H 133991
Anne Hall
Anne Hamberg
Anne Hamilton
Anne Hampel
Anne Hampel We
Anne Hanna
Anne Hansen
Anne Hansen Low
Anne Happy
Anne Harriet Manning She
Anne Harris
Anne Harrison
Anne Harvey
Anne Haskins
Anne Hatha-incs
Anne Hathaway
Anne Hathaway’s
Anne Hayes
Anne Hazel
Anne He/ Fr Marc L Gauthier
Anne Heaphy
Anne Heart
Anne Hearts
Anne Heartv SMTC
Anne Hearty
Anne Hearty Entertainment
Anne Hearty Montreal
Anne Hebert Btanvtte
Anne Heggtveit
Anne Henderson
Anne Hérault
Anne Hermans
Anne Hev Fr Marc L Gauthier
Anne Hev Fr Marc L Gauthier 646-2122 Mass Saturday
Anne HevFrMwcL Gauther
Anne Hey
Anne Heywood
Anne Hickey
Anne Hilas
Anne Hilda
Anne Hiles
Anne Hill
Anne Him
Anne Hint
Anne Hint’s
Anne Hirat
Anne Hirst
Anne Hirst WELL
Anne Hirsts
Anne Hirst’s
Anne Hittscher
Anne Ho-
Anne Hobbs
Anne Hod
Anne Hodgins
Anne Hodgins Forbes
Anne Hodgins-Forbes
Anne Hodgins’ Funny Farm
Anne Hodjgins
Anne Hodson
Anne HOes
Anne Hogan
Anne Hogarth
Anne Holey
Anne Holeyn
Anne Holmes
Anne Homer
Anne Horner
Anne Horsfield
Anne Hudgins
Anne HuhM Mr Owen Sloen Jr.
Anne Humphrey
Anne Hunloke
Anne Hunter
Anne I
Anne I Forbes
Anne î1*
Anne Iierney
Anne Ireland
Anne Ireland’s
Anne IRomain
Anne It
Anne Itarmird
Anne Jackson Tancrede
Anne Jacques Jr.
Anne Jane
Anne Jane Fades
Anne Jane Hcdgins
Anne Jane McDowell
Anne Jane Melvyn Smith
Anne Jane Scully
Anne Jane the
Anne Je
Anne Je Bellevue
Anne Jean Wilson
Anne Jean-Guy Lallemand
Anne Jeanine
Anne Jen- Schwartz
Anne Jewell
Anne John Dagg
Anne Johnny
Anne Johnsen
Anne Johnson
Anne Johnson On-
Anne Johnston
Anne Joseph Rooney
Anne Josephine Rubay
Anne Judd
Anne Julie
Anne Julie Villeneuve
Anne Julie Villeneuw
Anne K
Anne Keenan
Anne Keimpe Fi
Anne Kelley
Anne Kelly
Anne Ken Beaudoin
Anne Kennedy
Anne Kennedy This
Anne Keon
Anne Kerr
Anne Kerwyn
Anne Kil- Mabel Dowe
Anne Kileen
Anne Kimball
Anne Kingdom
Anne Kirkpatrick
Anne Klukc
Anne Kluke
Anne Kristen Stanley
Anne L annexe
Anne L Sinclair
Anne La
Anne La-bine
Anne Labadie
Anne Labelle
Anne Labrecque
Anne Laçasse
Anne LaCharity
Anne Lacroix
Anne Lafleur
Anne Lafram
Anne Laframboise
Anne Laframboise Driver
Anne Lahine
Anne Lamothe
Anne Lanaux
Anne Lance
Anne Landry
Anne Lane-Maunder
Anne Langton
Anne Lanois
Anne Lanoix
Anne Larabie
Anne Larente
Anne Laroche
Anne LaRose
Anne LaRue June
Anne LaSal
Anne Laura Schwartz
Anne Laurin
Anne Lavigne
Anne Lavoie
Anne Lavoie-Marion
Anne Lawless
Anne Lawn
Anne Lcpack
Anne Leach
Anne Leader
Anne LeBrun Ruff
Anne Lee
Anne Legault
Anne Leigh Ann Charettc Dressault
Anne Lemaire
Anne Lepack
Anne Leslie
Anne Levesque
Anne Light
Anne Lindsay
Anne Link
Anne Lipocatiere
Anne Little
Anne Lloyd
Anne Loiselle
Anne Louise Carson
Anne Louise Howard
Anne Lowe
Anne Luciille
Anne Lucille Stanley
Anne Lupien
Anne Lupien CambpelTs Bay
Anne Lush
Anne Lusk
Anne Lusk Tel
Anne Lusk’s
Anne Luts
Anne Ly
Anne Lynn
Anne Lynn St Cyr
Anne Lyrette-Fortin
Anne M. Lusk
Anne Ma
Anne Ma-
Anne Ma- Saturday
Anne Ma-friends
Anne Mac-Cormack
Anne MacCalhim
Anne MacCallum
Anne MacKey Mar
Anne MacKnight
Anne Macnab
Anne MacUallum
Anne Mae St Aubin
Anne Mage
Anne Mageau
Anne Mageau Address Postal Code-------------------— Pontiac
Anne Mageau Georges Robltallle
Anne Maheral
Anne Maiie
Anne Maillet
Anne Majeau
Anne Malham
Anne Maloney Donald Ac Brenda Maloney Morgan
Anne Mane
Anne Mane Belleou
Anne Mane Delorme
Anne Mane Du
Anne Mane Fran- Dean
Anne Mane His
Anne Manning
Anne Margaret.
Anne Marie
Anne Marie 12.30-2
Anne Marie Ad- Dale
Anne Marie Adam
Anne Marie Alexander
Anne Marie Allan
Anne Marie and
Anne Marie and Marie France
Anne Marie Brennan
Anne Marie Bretzlaff
Anne Marie Dean
Anne Marie descended Tanner Jr
Anne Marie Don-lan
Anne Marie Donian
Anne Marie Donlan
Anne Marie Du
Anne Marie Dubeau
Anne Marie Equity
Anne Marie Fenton
Anne Marie Gervais
Anne Marie Geue
Anne Marie Godin
Anne Marie Hamilton
Anne Marie Haymen
Anne Marie Hydro Quehei
Anne Marie Johnson
Anne Marie Kershaw
Anne Marie La Salle
Anne Marie La-1 Salie
Anne Marie Lalonde
Anne Marie Larue
Anne Marie LaSalle
Anne Marie Leduc
Anne Marie Lewis
Anne Marie Muldoon
Anne Marie Retty
Anne Marie Rochon
Anne Marie Roll
Anne Marie Sharpe
Anne Marie Smith
Anne Marie Sullivan
Anne Marie Tartines
Anne Marie Thompson
Anne Marie Tra
Anne Marie Tracey
Anne Marie Tracy
Anne Marie Tracy Dods
Anne Marie)
Anne Marie.
Anne Marion
Anne Marks
Anne Marl
Anne Marshall
Anne Martin
Anne Martine Rochon Jacob Taylor Porteous Stephen Alexander Cody William Kelly Jeremy Robert Mako H
Anne Mary Du
Anne Mary Ellen
Anne Mary Tierney
Anne Maureen
Anne May
Anne May Moore
Anne May Way
Anne Mc
Anne Mc-Cutcheon
Anne Mc-Sweeney
Anne McBane
Anne McCabe
Anne McCauley
Anne McConnell
Anne McConnell Colleen Zac
Anne McConnell Dan
Anne McConnell Dan Tremblay Bob and Jennfier Orr Kelly
Anne McConnell) Kelly
Anne McCowell
Anne McCrank
Anne McGee
Anne McGee Connie McGee
Anne McGlnity Powks
Anne McGow- Frpnrh Un
Anne McGowan
Anne McGowan Bell
Anne McGuff
Anne McGuire
Anne McIntosh
Anne McKenna
Anne McKinnon
Anne McLaren
Anne McLaughlin
Anne McLcUan
Anne McLel- Shawv.llc/Clarendon
Anne McLellan
Anne McMahon
Anne McManus
Anne McMillan
Anne McNeil - Renfrew
Anne McPhail
Anne McRae
Anne McSweeny
Anne Me-
Anne Mee
Anne Meehan
Anne Meilke
Anne Meilleur
Anne Mens
Anne Merchand
Anne Meredith
Anne Merle Dean
Anne Mi
Anne Michael
Anne Miner
Anne Minka
Anne Mitchell
Anne Mongeau
Anne Monsieur Alain Boivin
Anne Montague
Anne Montaque
Anne Moore
Anne Morgan
Anne Morris
Anne Morrisey
Anne Morrissey
Anne Morrow
Anne Morrow Chicago—Womfln
Anne Mousseau
Anne Mousseau Gerard
Anne Moyle
Anne Mr. Quildry
Anne Mrs
Anne Mrs Ernie Hearty
Anne Mrs,
Anne Muldoon
Anne Munray
Anne Mur-
Anne Murdock
Anne Murphy
Anne Murray
Anne Murray Leroy Palmer
Anne Murray Super Special Mon
Anne Murray Teena Murray
Anne My
Anne Myles
Anne Nagel
Anne Nagle Trevor Howard Sat.
Anne Neville
Anne Nicholas
Anne Noel
Anne Nora
Anne Norrie
Anne Norris
Anne Norris Alligator
Anne Norris Bv SADIE
Anne Norris I
Anne Norris’s
Anne Nugent
Anne O Brien
Anne O Brien Shot Put
Anne O Hare McCormick
Anne O S iaugh-Ï
Anne O Shaugh
Anne O Shaughnessy Pereira
Anne O Shaugnessy
Anne O Shaunvssy
Anne Olmstead
Anne Orr
Anne Ottawa
Anne Oygl
Anne O’Brien
Anne O’Connell
Anne O’Shaughnessy
Anne P.O.
Anne Pa
Anne Pa-try
Anne Pall
Anne Panasuk
Anne Paquin
Anne Paquin Directrice
Anne Paquln
Anne Paré
Anne Parish
Anne Parliament
Anne Pasch
Anne Paterson
Anne Patry
Anne Patry de Fort-Cou- Québec
Anne Patten
Anne Pearson
Anne Phelps
Anne Phillip
Anne Phipps
Anne Picard
Anne Picture
Anne Piechkd
Anne Pier
Anne Pieschke
Anne Pigeon
Anne Pilon
Anne Pine
Anne Piric
Anne Pirie
Anne Pleau
Anne Pleau These
Anne Poitevin
Anne Poole
Anne Porter
Anne Possion
Anne Power
Anne Pronovost
Anne Proulx
Anne Proulx Cami-
Anne Pumcrton
Anne Pumerton
Anne Queale
Anne Quinn
Anne Quyon
Anne R Burton
Anne R*w Fr Marc L. Gauthier
Anne R. Burton
Anne Racine
Anne Radey
Anne Rady
Anne Ramsay Tina Kelly WePC Langtortfs Grocery
Anne Ranger
Anne Re-
Anne Re/ Fr Marc L Gauthier 648-2122 Mass Saturday
Anne Read
Anne Recent
Anne Regan
Anne Régimbald
Anne Régimbald Municipalité Bristol
Anne Regimhald
Anne Rer Fr Marc L. Gauthier
Anne Return
Anne Rev Fr Marc
Anne Rev Fr Marc L Gather 648
Anne Rev Fr Marc L Gauthier 648
Anne Rev Fr Marc L Gauthier 648-2122
Anne Rev Fr Marc L Gauthier 648-2122 Associated Gospel
Anne Rev Fr Marc L Gauthier 648-2122 Messe Samedi
Anne Rev Fr Marc L. Gauthier
Anne Rev Fr Marc L. Gauthier 648-2122 Mease Samedi
Anne Rev Fr Marc L. Gauthier 648-2122 Messe Samedi
Anne Rev Rev Merc L. Gauthier 648-2122 Wesley United Ouyon Unted Baptist Mixed Stag
Anne Rich- Lorraine
Anne Richard
Anne Riedel
Anne Ringrose
Anne Rioux
Anne Ritchie
Anne Rittscher
Anne Riviere Bom
Anne Roach
Anne Roberts
Anne Robertson
Anne Robi-
Anne Robin Hood Spec.
Anne Robinson
Anne Rochon
Anne Roehon.who
Anne Rogers
Anne Roleyn
Anne Romain
Anne Romain-
Anne Romain-Duff
Anne Romaln-Duff
Anne Rondeau
Anne Ronnie.
Anne Roohan
Anne Rose
Anne Rut
Anne Rutledge
Anne Rw
Anne Ryan Gagnon
Anne R« Fr Marc L. Gauthier
Anne R«z Fr Marc L. Gauthier
Anne s Rev. Marc
Anne s Rev. Marc I
Anne s Rev. Marc L Gauthier Mass
Anne s Rev. Marc L. Gauthier
Anne s Rev. Matt
Anne s Rev. Mure
Anne Salmon
Anne Salyniuk
Anne Sammn
Anne Sammon
Anne Sammon Dan Ebert
Anne Sandra
Anne Saturday
Anne Sau
Anne Sauriol
Anne Savage
Anne Scantabury
Anne Scarfe
Anne Scharf
Anne Scharf -
Anne Scharf - Western Pleasure
Anne Scharf Skip On Bv Roland
Anne Scharfe
Anne Schmeling
Anne School
Anne School Ile
Anne Schroder Condition
Anne Schwartz
Anne Scott
Anne Sempels
Anne Sharfe
Anne Shawville
Anne Shawville Lions Club
Anne Shea
Anne Sheppard
Anne Shirley
Anne Sic- Recreation
Anne Since
Anne Sinclair
Anne Sisson
Anne Sloan
Anne Sly
Anne Smca
Anne Smith
Anne Smith Lochrie
Anne Smith Ottawa
Anne Smyrmer
Anne Sneÿ^prï
Anne Somerville
Anne Sophia
Anne Sparling
Anne Spear
Anne Sroda
Anne St
Anne St Jean
Anne St Pierre
Anne St.
Anne Stafford
Anne Stan- Smocked
Anne Standard
Anne Stanley
Anne Stanley Pontiac
Anne Stanley-Levesque
Anne Ste-
Anne Steel-A-Deal - Quonset
Anne Stephens
Anne Stephenson
Anne Stevens
Anne Stevens Nancy Tubman
Anne Stew
Anne Stewart
Anne Storey
Anne Storm
Anne Strutt
Anne Sullivan
Anne Sutherland
Anne Swanson
Anne Szovak
Anne Tanner’s
Anne Taylor
Anne Tel
Anne Telford
Anne Tessier
Anne Thackeray
Anne Thanksgiving
Anne The
Anne Then
Anne Thibodeau
Anne Thomas
Anne Thompson
Anne Thompson’s
Anne Threlfall
Anne Tienhl*y
Anne Tierney
Anne Time
Anne To
Anne Toy**.
Anne Tracy
Anne Trowsse
Anne Trudeau
Anne Trudeau Mr
Anne Tubman
Anne Turcotte
Anne Turnbull
Anne Turner-ton
Anne Ufleur
Anne Unity
Anne Urbaitis
Anne Urbaitis Saskatoon
Anne Usher
Anne U«tl>
Anne Vaillancourt
Anne Values
Anne Van Druten
Anne Van Du-dear
Anne Vernon Battle Circus Dean Martin Sat.
Anne Verret
Anne Villeneuve
Anne Visiting
Anne Walker
Anne Wallis
Anne Walnut Table
Anne Waterman Guests
Anne We
Anne Weekend
Anne Welch
Anne Whalen
Anne Whalen AUCTIONEERS Smith
Anne What
Anne Wheel Vehicle
Anne Whelan
Anne Whilde
Anne Wilcox
Anne Wilsnn
Anne Wilson
Anne Wilson Call
Anne Winslow
Anne Wished
Anne Wlndle
Anne Wrinn
Anne y Richardson
Anne Yach
Anne Young
Anne Yurkicwicz
Anne Zacharias
Anne Zovak
Anne Zuker
Anne ^ib4
Anne _ Kluke
Anne) Leach
Anne- Chutes
Anne- Faye Stafford
Anne-Alexandra Gloss
Anne-Élisabeth Ngo Minka
Anne-Gabrielle Berthraud
Anne-Marie Adam
Anne-Marie Barber
Anne-Marie Belleau
Anne-Marie Cartier
Anne-Marie Davis
Anne-Marie Laroche
Anne-Marie Mongrain
Anne-Marie St-Onge de Val-Brillant
Anne-Marie Sullivan
Anne-Marie Tracy
Anne-Marie Vaz
Annelore Schwartz
Anne’s C W.L.
Anne’s C.W.L.
Anne’s Church
Anne’s L K Mise Chumlier*
Annie Schwartz
Annita Schwartz
Anthony Schwartz
Antique Articles Carol Anne
Anton Schwartz
Arleen Schwartz
Arlene Anne
Arnold Schwartz
Ask Anne And
Ask Anne Hirst
Assoc Schwartz
Audrey Anne Rivest
Audrey Anne Rlvest
Aug. Anne Hodgins
Aunt Jen
Aunt Mary-Anne Larose
Aurore Schwartz
A|bert Schwartz
B-2M Herman Otto Schwartz
B-m F % Miss Lee Anne Smith
Barbara Anne
Barbara Anne Camerofi
Barbara Anne Cameron
Barbara Anne Desabrais
Barbara Anne Mr.
Barbara Anne Newberry
Barbara Anne Russell
Barbara Anne Scott
Barbara Schwartz
Barbare Anne
Barker Anne Bancroft
Barry 34236BJN6 SCHWARTZ
Barry Theo Schwartz
Bay Pastoral Charga Anne Fumerton
Bee Hive Corn Syrup Schwartz Peanut Butter
Benny Schwartz
Bernard Frances Schwartz Passes Cemetery
Bernard Schwartz
Bert Anne Brownlee
Bert Schwartz
Bert Schwartz Ronald Matson Maynard Morrison Earl Russett Gordon Strutt Herbert Wicker.
Bert Thomas Schwartz
Berthold Schwartz
Beth Anne Cole
Betty Anne
Betty Anne Hogan
Betty Anne Mul- Louisa Dowe
Betty Anne Muldoon
Betty Anne Muldoon Qet
Betty Anne Paul
Betty Anne Scott
Betty Anne Spence
Beulah Schwartz
Beverley Anne
Beverley Anne Campbell
Beverley Anne Campbell Weds John Arthur McNeill Grains
Beverley Anne Harris
Beverley Anne Mc-charge
Beverley Anne Tanner
Beverly Anne
Beverly Anne Gill
Bill Anne McConnell
Bill Brandum Edgar Schwartz Lee A Hodgins
Bill Schwartz
Billy and Anne
Billy Anne Bergeron
Billy Anne Marie Schlievert
Billy Schwartz
Bob and Anne
Bob and Anne Bowen
Bob Anne Mane Retty
Bob Cowley Mohan Deogan Kountry Kookm’ Restaurant David Holmes Anne McGowan Pontiac Wool Works Mora
Bob Jen-brooke Fair
Bob Schwartz
Bobby Schwartz
Boh Schwartz Fiddlers
Bonnie-Anne Gagné
boR6 Anne
Brenda P#arl Anne
Bret-Geo Schwartz
Brian & Sheryl Pirie 1993 Edgar Schwartz • Garth Tracy Archie
Brian and Anne Marie
Brian and Jo Anne
Brian and Jo Anne Telford
Bruce Campbell Anne Butler
By Anne Anneraon
By Anne Ashley
By Jo Anne Nimchuk
C 1rs Schwartz
C Schwartz
C W Schwartz
C. Schwartz
C. Schwartz W. H. Hayes
C.ifford Schwartz
C.W. Schwartz
Cady Anne
Caileigh-Anne Sullivan
Call Anne Marie
Campbells Essie Schwartz
CanadS February 13,1936 Schwartz Church Fire
Candace Anne
Carl Schwartz
Carol Anne
Carol Anne 37C
Carol Anne Amot Homer
Carol Anne and Larry
Carol Anne Cameron
Carol Anne Clark
Carol Anne Claude Therien
Carol Anne Cormier
Carol Anne Elizabeth
Carol Anne Elizabeth Lajeunesse Marries Norva
Carol Anne Foley
Carol Anne Grenier
Carol Anne Hickey
Carol Anne Hodgins
Carol Anne Howard
Carol Anne I
Carol Anne Janzen
Carol Anne Lapierre
Carol Anne Laroche
Carol Anne Meehan
Carol Anne O Brien
Carol Anne Ri- Grade IX B Yach Betty Hamilton
Carol Anne Richardson
Carol Anne Sheppard
Carol Anne Tragedy
Carol Anne Tremblay
Carol Anne.
Carol Schwartz
Carol- Schwartz
Carol-Anne Foley
Carol-Anne Sharpe
Carole Anne Cameron
Caroline Lepine Jo Anne
Catherine Ann Schwartz
Catherine Anne
Catherine Anne Donovan
Catherine Anne Elliott
Catherine Anne McDowell
Catherine Anne Stephens
Catherine Ma-Jo-Anne Dubeau
Catherine Poirier Susan Marcotte Mary Hayes Grade 8— Alice Hayes Anne Meilleur Ci
Catherine Schwartz
Catherine Schwartz the Ella Stewart
Cathy Anne
Cathy Schwartz
Cathy Schwartz Nyveld
Cathy Schwartz-Beck
Cathy Schwartz-Nyveld
Catliy Schwartz
Céry Anne
Chandler Anne Baxter Coo-Coo Clock
CHAPTER V “Dear Anne Hirst
Charlene Anne
Charlene Anne Bour- We
Charles 7-3738 | Schwartz
Charles Franklin Dale Elisabeth Anne Marshall Miss Elizabeth Anne Marshall
Charles H Schwartz
Charles Jen
Charles Martin Minnie Schwartz
Charles Schwartz
Charlie and Betty Anne
Charlie and Betty Anne Mississauga
Charlie and Betty Anne Muldoon
Charlie and Betty Anne Your
Charlie Schwartz
Cheese Dinner 1.39 Schwartz Peanut Butter
Chef Jen Sicard
Chef Jen Wed
Chelsea Anne Kearns
Chelsea Schwartz
Cheryl Anne
Cheryl Anne Allen
Cheryl Anne Sylvester
Chff Hahn Anne
Chick Schwartz
Chicken Rice Del Monte Fruit Burns Pure Schwartz Peanut Cocktail 2
Chris Jen-
Chris- Jen
Chris- Schwartz
Christina Anne
Christina Anne Clarke Clarke
Christopher Schwartz
Christy Anne
Christy Schwartz
Cindy Anne
Claire Anne Lalonde
Clara Steinke Steward Schwartz
Clara Strutt Eileen Schwartz
Clarence Dean W. E Schwartz H.
Clarence Schwartz
Clark Beans Wagon Wheel Schwartz Mustard
Clark Schwartz Currants
Claudette Homer McGill University Ste Anne Dropped Racoon
Clayton Dods P.S.AI.D. Gerry Desabrais Enl Anne Ethier Emile Ethier Diane Proulx Jackie Storing
Cliff Schwartz
Clifford Bob Schwartz
Clifford Schwartz
Clifford Schwartz Grade II
Clifford Schwartz Hall
Clifford Schwartz Passes Away Here Wave
Clift Hahn Aurora Schwartz
Cllf-lord Schwartz
Cln Schwartz
Clr Edgar Schwartz
Clr Murray Schwartz
Clr Schroeder and Schwartz
Clr Schwartz
Clrj Smiley Schwartz
Clrs E Schwartz
Clrs Edgar Schwartz
Clrs Gray Schwartz
Clrs Schroeder and Schwartz
Clrs Schwartz
Clrs Schwartz Schroeaer
Clrs Smiley Schwartz
Color Marie Perschy Anne Baxter
Color Marie Perschy Anne Baxter
Congratulations Randy Marie Schwartz
Connie Anne
Connie Schwartz
Contact Herman Schwartz
Cookies Schwartz
Corry Anne Toole
Cory Schwartz
Councillor Edgar Schwartz
Councillor Schwartz
Councillors Edgar Schwartz
Councillors Schwartz
Cpthy Schwartz Nyveld
Cr Schwartz
Cra Schwartz
Craig Anne Helm Railroad Drama HI
Cremation Anne
Crs Schwartz
Crunchy Schwartz Peanut Butter
Curendou— Anne Fumerton
Curl Schwartz Went
D Schwartz
D.anne Fraser
Da-Jo-Anne Brownlee
Dad Mary-Ellen Anne-Marie Christopher
Dagenais Schwartz
Dale Anne
Dale Anne Young
Dale Dorothy Schwartz
Dan Dailey Anne Bancroft
Dana Burman Carol Anne Cameron
Danny O Brien Schwartz
Danny Schwartz
Dar- Anne de Beaupré
Dave Armi Mrs Martha Schwartz
David and Suzanne Schwartz
David Schwartz
David Schwartz 188.84
David Schwartz Tail Twister Kevin
David Yach Edgar Schwartz HUHHH Wilson
Dean M :tln Jen
Dear Anne
Dear Anne Hirst
Dear Anne IBirstt When
Debbie Belanger Anne
Debbie Pitt Anne Lusk
Deborah Anne
Debra Anne
Deep Brown Beans Wei Schwartz Prepared
Del Margaret Anne
Della Schwartz
Dennis and Louise Schwartz
Dennis Schwartz
Denver Helen Jo-Anne Smith
Diane May Schwartz
Diane Schwartz
Diane Schwartz Brent Krose John Pasch Bob
Director Anne Rondeau
Dlaue Foster Technicolor Anne Baxter Steve Cochran
Dollighan Schwartz
Don Schwartz
Don-Jo-anne Clarke
Donald Schwartz
Donnie Accountant Schwartz
Donnie Schwartz
Donnie Schwartz Stitts
Doris Schwartz
Doris Schwartz Hull
Dorolhy Schwartz
Dorothv Schwartz
Dorothy Anne
Dorothy Schwartz
Dorothy Schwartz Maniwaki
Dorothy Schwartz Mr.
Dorothy Schwartz Ruth Halifax
Dorothy Schwartz’s
Dorothy Smith Slippery Anne
Doug and Isabel Schwartz
Doug and Isobel Schwartz
Doug Schwartz
Doug Schwartz Freddie Johnston
Doug Schwartz’s
Doug) Schwartz
Douglas Howat Ward Schwartz
Douglas Schwartz
Dr. Anne Clark
Dr. Anne Ladouceur
Dr. Hermann Schwartz
Dr. Schwartz
Drexel Anne
Duane Anne
Dudy Schwartz
Dueen Anne
Dugal Maurice Croula Christiane Lalonde Willie Allen Keith Anderson Andrée Beaumler Anne Bolsvenu F
Duleie Anne
E Schwartz
E Smiley 39.04 E. Schwartz
E. Schwartz
E. SCHWARTZ Campbell
Earnest Schwartz Sr
Ed Schwartz
Ed?ar Schwartz
Edgar Class Schwartz
Edgar Schwartz
Edgar Schwartz Mike Walsh
Edgar Schwartz - Owen Adams
Edgar Schwartz 647
Edgar Schwartz 647-
Edgar Schwartz 6472551
Edgar Schwartz BUI Pirie Cliff Campbell Phone
Edgar Schwartz Fair President
Edgar Schwartz Hallowe
Edgar Schwartz Imperial
Edgar Schwartz It
Edgar Schwartz Keith Bean
Edgar Schwartz Mary and Margaret
Edgar Schwartz Mayor Specializing
Edgar Schwartz Miss Kaye Woodley
Edgar Schwartz Over
Edgar Schwartz Paintings
Edgar Schwartz Participants
Edgar Schwartz Pontiac County
Edgar Schwartz Powell
Edgar Schwartz Pres
Edgar Schwartz Take
Edgar Schwartz Treasurer
Edgar Schwartz Trophy
Edgar Schwartz Trophy Saturday Fletcher
Edgar Schwartz X
Edgar Schwartz- Hugh Hodgins
Edgar W Schwartz 235
Edgir Schwartz Mr.
Edith Schwartz
Edward Schwartz
Edwin Mrs Martha Schwartz
Eeale Schwartz
Eeela Schwartz
Eglise Ste-Anne
Eileen Childs Taylor Anne Our Drenth - Taylor Anne Trinity Margaret Nathan Griffin Edward Cole Hale
Eileen Schwartz
Elaine Schwartz
Elaine (Schwartz
Elaine Anne
Elaine Anne Schwartz Marries Bryon Frank Mackenzie Hodgins
Elaine Schwartz
Elaine Steward Schwartz
ELbar Schwartz
Eldon Jen-
Eldon Jen- Campbell
Eldon Jen- Sheen Esher
Eleanor Anne
Eleanor Anne Tait
Eleanor Ren- Schwartz
Eleanor Smith Mary Anne Rutherford
Elgar Schwartz
Elise Cole Anne
Elise Schwartz
Elissa Schwartz
Eliza Anne
Eliza Anne Glenn
Elizabeth & Schwartz
Elizabeth Anne
Elizabeth Anne Ayre
Elizabeth Anne Ayre Weds William Danial Prentice
Elizabeth Anne Beau
Elizabeth Anne Devine
Elizabeth Anne Dunne
Elizabeth Anne Elliott
Elizabeth Anne Find
Elizabeth Anne Gen-
Elizabeth Anne Gendron Vaillant
Elizabeth Anne Knox
Elizabeth Anne Sparling
Elizabeth Schwartz
Elleen Schwartz
Ellen Jen# Cress
Ellen Schwartz
Elmer Schwartz
Elsie Schwartz
Elsie Schwartz Bert Murphy Floyd Tubman Vernon Beattie I Gordon Bruce Roe Plouffe Earl Alexander Do
Emily Anne
Emily McDow- Schwartz
EmM Schwartz
Emma (Fred) Schwartz
Emma Ottelia Schwartz
Emma Schwartz
Emma Schwartz.
Enitc Schwartz
Enna Schwartz
Erme Schwartz
Erna Schwartz
Ernest C Schwartz
Ernest Schwartz
Ernest Schwartz 453-7887
Ernest Schwartz Bretzlaff Family
Ernest Schwartz F Mayor
Ernest Schwartz Gustave Bretzlaff
Ernest Schwartz Hector Kluke Joyce Binder
Ernest Schwartz Howard Schmidt
Ernest Schwartz Joyce Binder
Ernest Schwartz Jr
Ernest Schwartz Jr Ladysmith
Ernest Schwartz Jr Seat
Ernest Schwartz Jr Shawvil
Ernest Schwartz Jr XF20
Ernest Schwartz Jr,
Ernest Schwartz Jr.
Ernest Schwartz Jr. DR.
Ernest Schwartz Jr. FOR
Ernest Schwartz Jr. Ladysmith
Ernest Schwartz Jr. PH
Ernest Schwartz Jr. Seat
Ernest Schwartz Letter Look
Ernest Schwartz PUBLIC NOTICE
Ernest Schwartz QUE
Ernest Schwartz Sr
Ernest Schwartz Sr.
Ernest Schwartz T.C.R.A. Shawville Ford Pontiac Auto Parts Les Extincteurs L
Ernest Schwartz X206
Ernest | Schwartz
Ernie Schwartz
Ernie Schwartz Clarence Bretzlaff
Ernie Schwartz Jr
Ernie Schwartz Jr.
Ernie Schwartz Jr. Cell
Ernie Schwartz Phone
Ernie Schwartz’s
Esse Schwartz
Essie Schwartz
Essie Schwartz Brian & Gerl Murray
Essie Schwartz Chartrand
Essie Schwartz Cluff
Essie Schwartz Don Sinclair Doug
Essie Schwartz Eric
Essie Schwartz Ernest
Essie Schwartz Ladysmith
Essie Schwartz Milton Hahn Atkinson
Essie Schwartz Murray
Essie Schwartz Neil
Essie Schwartz Nugent
Essie Schwartz Shawville Chrysler Shawville Ford Don Sinclair Sterling’s
Essie Schwartz You-Hermonie Sharpe Bristol Seniors
Esso Agent Edgar Schwartz
Es^ie Schwartz
Ethel G. Schwartz
Ethel Schwartz
EthtI Schwartz
Eueen Schwartz
Eunice Anne Carswell
Evans Schwartz
Evans Schwartz
Evans Ste Anne
Evelyn Dale Mrs. Elsie Schwartz
Evelyn Elsie Schwartz Elva Stewart
Evelyn Schwartz
Evelyn Schwartz Arnold Delorme
F A F Mrs Anne Fumerton
F. Schwartz
Faith Anne
Faith Anne Ebert Ebert - Lenny
Faith-Anne Ebert
Fdgar Schwartz
Featuring Ward Schwartz
Fhku W . Schwartz
Fit* Schwartz
Flaky Anne
Florence Schwartz
Ford Maria Schell Anne Baxter CL
Frances Anne Ballard
Frances Anne Emily
Francis Anne!
Francis Schwartz
Frank and Betty Anne Muldoon
Frank Anne
Frank Palmer Barney Richardson Douglas Schwartz Lawrence Stafford Ron Tanguay Hugh Young Phil Hamel
Frank Resinski Mathilda Amelia Schwartz
Frank Schwartz
Franz Schwartz
Fred Atkin- Councillor Adolph Schwartz
Fred Bsnlord Bryson Lodge Found Dead Till Pilfered William Cil!lord Schwartz
Fred Desabrais AQUARIUS Jen
Fred Schwartz
Fred Schwartz Singing
Fred Schwartz’s
Fred W Schwartz
Fred W. Schwartz
Fred W. Schwartz Reg Optometris*
Fred W. Schwartz Dies
Fred W. Schwartz Township
Fred With Anne Allen CHOV GEORGE
Fred • Schwartz
Freddie Schwartz
Frederick Schwartz
Frederick Schwartz Fatally Injured Special Poultry Wire
Frederick W Schwartz
Frederick W. Schwartz
Frederick William Schwartz.
Free-Anne Bussière
Friend Anne Bryson News
G. Anne
Gail and Schwartz
Gail Anne
Gail Anne Sloan
Gail Gavan Schwartz Family Ralph Carlson
Gail May Schwartz
Gail Schwartz
Garry and Jo Anne
Garry Anne Hodgins
Garry Dagenais Jo-Anne Simard
Gary Anne Hiles
Gary Trivett Jo-Anne
Gary Tubman Tomi-Anne Greer
Gayle Anne
George and Anne
George and Anne Cameron
George and Anne Halloween
George Carnahan - Anne Belair
George Holmes Anne Campbell
Gerald Schwartz
Gerald Schwartz Hodgins
Gerald Schwartz Jr,
Gerald Walsh OBITUARIES Velma Anne Dowe Peler Gerald Walsh
Gerry Schwartz
Gertrude Horner Schwartz
Gertrude Schwartz
Gilbert Schwartz
Gladys Anne Sloan
Glee Anne
Glen Ford Anne Francis
Glenn Ford Anne Francis
Gordon Phone 647-3285 Herman Schwartz Scheel
Gordon T. Paul 1NSURANCE Schwartz
Gordon William Schwartz
Grace Anne
Grant Schwartz
Grant Smith Ward Schwartz
Green Judah* Anne
Gretchen Schwartz
Guitarists Isabel Schwartz
Gustav Schwartz
Gustave Schwartz
Gwendolyn Albert Schwartz
GwUiM J “Dear Anne Hirst
H A H Andie Murphy Anne Baaicrefl
H. Schwartz
Hannah Schwartz
Happy Schwartz
Hardy Plants Towles Nursery Dorothy Schwartz Kluke
Harman Schwartz
Harnett Anne
Harold Ernest Schwartz 21L11
Harper Schwartz
Harry J (Anne) Whitehorse
Harry Roy and Margaret Anne
Hear Anne Hirst
Heather Amanda Schwartz
Heather Anne
Heather Hodglns Rich Cowley Jennifer Dale Anne Hodglns Grade
Heidi Anne
Heidi Margaret Schwartz
Heidi Schwartz
Heifer Sr Calf Anne Meredith
Helen and Jo Anne
Helen Hodgins IX— Anita Schwartz X— Henry Horner XI— Charles Dale SHAWVILLE
Helen Mar- Martha Schwartz
Helen Mee Barbara Schwartz
Helen Schwartz
Helen Trudeau Ken Richard/Jen Gauthier Drs
Helena Bretz- Schwartz
Henderson Anne
Henry Horner Esther Tarasofsky Anne McGowan Teresa Taylor Gaétan Lance Alice Bolt Michael Thompson
Henry M’Lemore Contributed By Fred Schwartz
Henry Pond* Jen* Ey»
Herman Schwartz
Herman Schwartz 469.87
Herman Schwartz 604.66
Herman Schwartz 647-
Herman Schwartz LOST
Herman Schwartz Mrs Herman Otto Schwartz
Herman Schwartz Saturday
Herman Schwartz’s
Ho- Schwartz
Hodgins August Rose Herman Schwartz Neil Sly Haiwley Elliott Edgar Connolly John Sly Everett McDowe
Hodgms Anne
Honourable Anne McLellan
Howard Motion—Crs Schwartz
HS£jb£sjb Schwartz
Hugh Tracy Grant Rogers Lawrence Lang Bud Elliott Lei Hodgins Edgar Schwartz Irvin Jamieson Al McKe
Hugh Young Apprentice Wilf Schwartz
Hunt Hardy Plants Tru-Line Collision Coiffure Anne Lanoix Kelly
Hunter Anne Francis 2
I''earest Anne
I. Schwartz
Ian Bar- Schwartz
Ian Bar- Virginia Schwartz
If Schwartz
IllSt Anne
In- Schwartz
Irma Schwartz
Irvin Schwartz
Irvine Schwartz
Irwin Schwartz
Is Anne Marie Tracey
Isabel Schwartz
Isabel Schwartz Martin Dowe
Isabel Schwartz Pierce Noble Watt Rusenstrom Big
Isabell Schwartz
Isabelle Schwartz
Isobcl Schwartz
Isobel Schwartz
Iva Schwartz
IX*lia Schwartz
I^arfv Anne
I—” Anne
J Anne de Bellevue
J Schwartz
J Schwartz 25.20
J Schwartz 398.94
J T St Ladysmith/Schwartz
J W. Schwartz
J ¦ L -photo Sylvie Bakker Dorothy Schwartz
J. R Murdock C. Schwartz
J. Schwartz
Jackie Anne
Jackie Anne Hobbs
Jackie Schwartz
Jackie Turcotte Schwartz
Jacqueline Schwartz
Jacques and Mrs. C. Schwartz
Jacques Anne Marie
Jaime Lee Anne Dumont
James Collins Schwartz Decoration
James Ke Miss Anne Ottawa
James Laurent-Radmore SCHWARTZ
James Mary Anne
Jane Alexander May Schwartz
Jane Anne
Jane Anne Blown
Jane Anne Carroll
Jane Anne Connolly Mrs. R:
Jane Anne Findlay
Jane Anne Graham
Jane Anne Hunt
Jane Anne Richard- Silos
Jane Anne Richardson
Jane Anne Saturday
Jane Anne Seul
Jane Anne Yach
Jane Miss Anne Pilon
Jane O Shoughneœv Schwartz Water
Jane Schwartz
Janet Anne MacKechnie
Jay & Son Eason Hodgins Wilson McCleary Lennis Sharpe W. Edgar Schwartz Clare Strutt
Jean and Tony Schwartz
Jean Anne and Pat Lloyd
Jean Anne Bowden
Jean Anne Mt
Jean Peters ANNE
Jean Racine Schwartz
Jean Schwartz
Jean Schwartz Jr.
Jeannine Ste-anne
Jeff, Jo Anne
Jeffery Resin- Adolph Schwartz
Jen Basil Quaile
Jen Borel
Jen Dale
Jen Daley
Jen Donlan
Jen Harris
Jen Harwood
Jen Hayes
Jen Hole Birreil
Jen Leach
Jen Martin
Jen McCagg
Jen Russell
Jen Russell’s
Jen Thompson
Jen Vaillancourt
Jen- A
Jen- Beimcrs
Jen- Birrell
Jen- da Bretzlaff
Jen- EPFeIFs K - SS
Jen- Petty
Jen- Stewart
Jen- Tanner
Jen- Verner
Jen- Woolsey
Jen--ie Blrrell
Jên-Mtchêel Vincent Admission
Jen-nette Romain
Jennie Arm Amy Schwartz
Jennie Schwartz
Jennifer Anne
Jenny Pasch Ernest Schwartz Hector Kluke Joyce Binder
Jenny Schwartz
Jerome (Jo Anne Pallbearers
Jerry (Anne
Jerry ond Jo Anne Dubeau
Jerry Schwartz
Jerry Schwartz Ruth Hahn
Jessica Anne Della
Jessica Della Anne Palmer
Jessie Schwartz
Jessie Schwartz Stewart
Jill Anne
Jo Anne
Jo Anne Adams
Jo Anne Amyotte
Jo Anne Belleau
Jo Anne Brownlee
Jo Anne Campbell
Jo Anne Caron
Jo Anne Clark
Jo Anne Clo Currie
Jo Anne Daly
Jo Anne Dibeau Graham
Jo Anne Harkins
Jo Anne Helen
Jo Anne Hobbs
Jo Anne Hobbs 14.1
Jo Anne Jennifer Grundy
Jo Anne McDowell
Jo Anne McKnight
Jo Anne McMinn
Jo Anne Nim
Jo Anne Nim-chuk
Jo Anne Nimchuk
Jo Anne Nimchuk Blys
Jo Anne Nimchuk da
Jo Anne Nimchuk NgS Otter Lake
Jo Anne Nimchuk There
Jo Anne Nuttall
Jo Anne Savoie
Jo Anne Skov
Jo Anne Smith
Jo Anne Sparling
Jo Anne Spottswood
Jo Anne Stewart
Jo Anne Tel- I
Jo Anne Telford
Jo Anne Trudeau
Jo Anne Walters
Jo Anne.
Jo- Anne
Jo- Edgar Schwartz
Jo-Anne Brownlee
Jo-anne Brownlee Louise Cowley
Jo-anne Brownlee Marie MacLelland Ellis Sparling
Jo-Anne Burke
Jo-Anne Chad Belanger
Jo-Anne Dubeau
Jo-Anne Godin
Jo-Anne Gonzalez
Jo-Anne Gray
Jo-Anne Hall
Jo-Anne Harrison
Jo-Anne Hobbs
Jo-Anne McDowell
Jo-Anne Members
Jo-Anne Ralston
Jo-Anne Rockland
Jo-Anne Romain
Jo-Anne Routdiffe
Jo-Anne Ryan
Jo-Anne Smith
Jo-Anne Smith Ryan’s
Jo-Anne Stew
Jo-Anne Stewart
Jo-Anne Syrenne
Jo-Anne Telford
Jo-Anne Trudeau
Joan Anne Dupuis
Joan Crawford Anne Helm Mrs. W. C. Schwartz
Joan Crawford Anne Helm Sincerely
Joan Newell Schwartz
Joan Schwartz
Joan Schwartz Kathleen
Joanne Schwartz
Joe Anne
Joe Anne Bonneau
Joe Anne Smith
Joe Anne Stewart Evans
Joel Anne
Joel Anne LeGuerrier
Joel Gibeault Danny Dollighan Joe Teevens Keith Driscoll Isabel Schwartz Virginia
John and Anne
John and Anne Clarke Hazel Martineau
John and Anne McKechnie
John and Herman < f Schwartz
John and Jo-Anne Harrison
John Anne
John Helen Hayes Dan Dailey Richard Conte Linda Christian Anne Bancroft Linda Christian Gordon MacR
John Langford Christopher Last Jared Hamilton Isabelle Schwartz Virginia
John Langford Doreen Palmer E. Schwartz
John Langford Step Dancers • Schwartz Family
John Laprise a Ernest Schwartz
John Lawr-St Anne’s Parish
John Petty St Anne
John Quyon Winter Summer Calumet Island Ste Anne Rev Fr Marc L Gauthier 648
John Schwartz
John Schwartz 167.00
John Schwartz 261.60
John Schwartz 327.00
John Schwartz Ladysmith Grade
John Schwartz Mr.
John Schwartz THURSDAY 7:30
John W. Schwartz
Johnnes Schwartz
Johnnie Schwartz
Johnny Le- Lee Anne Lance
Johnny Schwartz
Johnson Schwartz
Jon- Jo-Anne Brownlee
Jonathan Virginia Schwartz
Jones Schwartz
Joseph Cameron 11.87 Westley Troke W Schwartz 43.11 Hydro Quebec
Joseph Keon Anne
Joseph William Schwartz
Josephine Schwartz
Joyce Anne
Joyce South For- Mrs. Anne Fumerton
Jr Anne
Jr Schwartz
Jr. Schwartz Que
Jr.—Middleton Schwartz
Judith Anne
Judith Anne Ballantyne
Judith Anne Nickling
Judith Anne Turner
Judith Grant CA Benoit Larocque PC Melissa Hunter NDP Gretchen Schwartz GRN Eleanor Hyodo NLP Chris
Judv Schwartz
Judy Anne
Judy Anne Betty
Judy Anne Cooney
Judy Anne Froulx
Judy Anne MacIntyre
Judy Anne Maclntrye
Julia Anne
Julia Anne Maria Adrienne
Julie Anne
Julie Anne Francine
Julie Anne MacIntyre
Julie-Anne Richardson
Julio- Schwartz
Julius Albert Schwartz
Julius Schwartz
Julius Schwartz 384
Julius Schwartz Our
Julius Schwartz Walter
J«> Anne Brownlee
K. Schwartz
Kahy Schwartz
Karen Anne Burkhart
Karen Anne Harris
Karen Anne Marie
Karyl Anne
Katharine Anne Fletcher
Katherine Anne
Kathleen Nancy Schwartz
Kathleen Schwartz
Kathleen Schwartz RumcII
Kathleen1 Schwartz
Kathy Schwartz
Kathy Schwartz Nyveld
Katie Lee Anne
Katrina Schwartz
Kdgar Schwartz
Keith Contact Herman Schwartz Horner
Keith Jen-
Kellie Ann Schwartz
Kellie Anne Malone
Kellie Schwartz
Kelly Anne
Kelly Anne O Connell
Kelly Anne Stewart
Kelly Schwartz
Kelly-Anne Corriveau
Kelly-Anne K Lemaire
Kelly-Anne McConnell
Ken (Jen
Ken and Anne Hampel
Ken Davidson Ot- Mrs. Herman Schwartz
Ken Pol- Anne
Ken Schwartz
Ken Schwartz Agri-food
Kenneth Virginia Schwartz
Kenny Clarke Anne McBane
Kent Bacon FROZEN FOOD Fleecy Fabric Softener Schwartz White Vinegar Assorted Dole Pineapple Spaget
Keri-Anne O’Connel
Kerry Anne
Kevin Kavanagh Schwartz
Kevin Schwartz
Khoda Schwartz
Kic Schwartz
Kileen Schwartz
Kimberley Anne
Kimberley Anne Sharpe Clarendon St.
Kimberly Anne
Kimberly Anne and Nancy
Kimberly Anne Lemay
Kimberly Jo-Anne
King Ward Schwartz
Ko-s Schwartz
Kristen Jen
Kristie-Anne Godin
Kudic Schwartz
Kyle Schwartz
Kylie Anne Stevens
L Schwartz
L SCHWARTZ - Shawvile
L Schwartz Feecfc
L • L Jo-Anne
Labine Schwartz
Ladies Anne McGlade
Laura Anne Fleming
Laura Schwartz
Laurie Anne
Laurie Anne Beauchamp
Laurie Anne Glenn
Laurie Schwartz
Lawrence Schwartz
Lawrence Schwartz Now Reported Killed
Lee Anne
Lee Anne Gauthier
Lee Anne Lsnce
Lee Anne M McLaughlin
Lee Anne M. Salisbury
Lee Anne Rhlmes
Lee Anne Smith
Lee Schwartz
Lee-Anne Campbell
Leigh Anne
Lena Fecko 2. Nelson Schwartz
Lena Schwartz
Leo- Anne R^n
Leon- Theo Schwartz
Leonard Fleury • Schwartz
Les Schwartz
Lesley Anne
Leslie Anne
Leslie Jen McBane
Leslie-Anne Osmond
Levi Youn* Mr Schwartz
Li Tsung-Jen
Liberals Mary Anne’s
Lilda Schwartz
Linda Anne
Linda Schwartz
Linde Schwartz
Lionette Anne Rodgers
Lisa Anne
Lisa Ham- H Lee Anne Harris
Lise-Anne Romain
Liz Anne Lacourse A
Lloyd 7-3756 Schwartz
Lloyd Bridges Anne Francis RED
Lloyd Hodglns John F. Hodgms Ronald Hodgms Royce Richardson Edgar Schwartz Varan Smith Roy Thoms Ro
Lloyd I Schwartz
Lloyd Schwartz
Lon Anne P&mck
Lori Anne
LOST—Between Schwartz P.O.
Lou Anne
Lou Anne Wilkinson
Lou-Anne Ruth to Blake Anderson Caldwell
Louis Schwartz
Louisa Dahms-Schwartz
Louisa Schwartz
Louise Anne
Louise Beaudoin-Schwartz
Louise Schwartz
Louise-Anne Guy
Love Anne
Love Anne and
Love Theresa Schwartz
Lynda Schwartz
Lynn Anne
Lynne Anne Céline Dubé Mike
Lynne Schwartz
Lyse Anne
Lyse Anne Gregory Tuesday December
Lyse-Anne Gregory
Lyse-Anne Gregory Ladles Saddle
Lyz-anne Romain
L»y Anne Ashley
M. Schwartz
M.—Clifford Schwartz
Maay Anne Toner
Mae Schwartz
Mae Schwartz W-
Maggie Schwartz
Main Anne Rogers
Making Hay By Anne Ashley Q.
Malartic Schwartz Mrs. John BretzlafT
Manager Mr. Fred Schwartz
Mane Schwartz
Marcella Anne
Margaret Anne
Margaret Anne Armstrong
Margaret Anne Beardsley
Margaret Anne Foran
Margaret Anne Hammond
Margaret Anne IMousseau» Met
Margaret Anne Johnston
Margaret Anne Leo
Margaret Anne Mather
Margaret Anne McCrank
Margaret Anne Michael
Margaret Anne Mousseau
Margaret Anne Mu
Margaret Anne Roy
Margaret Anne Senack
Margaret Anne Timmons
Margaret Car- Schwartz
Margaret Schwartz
Marguerite Anne Dewar-Carrière
Marian Schwartz
Marie Anne
Marie Anne Davis
Marie Anne Fleury
Marie Anne Joli- Bros Funeral Home
Marie Anne Madore
Marie Anne Mathilde Marguerite Jacob
Marie Schwartz
Marie-Anne Larose
Marie-Anne Thompson
Marilyn Schwartz
Marion Schwartz
Marion Schwartz Ray Young
Marissa Anne
Mark and Jo Anne
Mark Jen-cant
Mark Schwartz
Mark Schwartz Live Band
Mark Schwartz Saturday
Marla Schwartz
Martha Anne McGuire
Martha Helen Schwartz
Martha Mathilde Augusta Schwartz ERNIE
Martha Schwartz
Martha Schwartz Blair Ireland
Martha Schwartz Is
Martha Schwartz Orr
Martha Schwartz Rudy Schroeder
Martha Schwartz Treasurer
Martin Schwartz
Martln Schwartz
Marty Schwartz
Mary - Anne Laframhoise
Mary Anne
Mary Anne !
Mary Anne 1989
Mary Anne 7
Mary Anne Austin
Mary Anne Clarey Dale MacKechnie
Mary Anne d
Mary Anne Donnelly
Mary Anne Dunn
Mary Anne Ferguson
Mary Anne Fl>tn
Mary Anne Forgie
Mary Anne Ga
Mary Anne Gibbons
Mary Anne Glazer Secretary-!
Mary Anne Ha
Mary Anne Hache
Mary Anne Hearty
Mary Anne Homer
Mary Anne Horner
Mary Anne Jago
Mary Anne Kennedy
Mary Anne Keon
Mary Anne La
Mary Anne Labadie
Mary Anne Laframboise
Mary Anne Laframboise Luskville Hidden
Mary Anne Larose
Mary Anne Latreille
Mary Anne Le
Mary Anne Leach
Mary Anne Lenio
Mary Anne McCarthy
Mary Anne McCartney
Mary Anne McCleary
Mary Anne McCuaig
Mary Anne McGale George
Mary Anne Mucha
Mary Anne Muldoon
Mary Anne Paul McGee Luskville Equity
Mary Anne Perry
Mary Anne Prayer
Mary Anne Richard
Mary Anne Robert James Wood
Mary Anne Rutherford
Mary Anne Rutherford Secretary
Mary Anne Saturday
Mary Anne Sherwood
Mary Anne Sloan
Mary Anne Thomp
Mary Anne Thomp-!
Mary Anne Thomp-que
Mary Anne Thomp-Renaud Patry
Mary Anne Thompson
Mary Anne Thompson Iles
Mary Anne Thompson Le
Mary Anne Thompson M $ Depuis
Mary Anne Thompson OM9 Pontiac.
Mary Anne Thompson Yogurt
Mary Anne Vail-
Mary Anne Vail-bake
Mary Anne Vaillancourt
Mary Anne Vanner 2:00
Mary Anne Voteary
Mary Anne Yates
Mary Anne Young
Mary Anne) Mrs. Watters
Mary Anne.
Mary Anne’s
Mary Ellen Schwartz
Mary Florence Fierobin Schwartz
Mary Jen-
Mary Jen-Grade Nine
Mary Jo-Anne Hohhs
Mary Lou Spaull Anne Scharf
Mary Melissa Anne.
Mary Miles Weiners Schwartz Jaffa Noxzema Aerosol
Mary Schwartz
Mary Ste Anne de Beaupré
Mary-Anne Cain
Mary-Anne Mucha
Mary-Anne Thompson
Mass Anne Joyce
Mathilda Schwartz
Matilda Anne L »tliian
Matthew Schwartz
Mavies Schwartz
Max E Schwartz
Max E Schwartz Grace Hospital
Max E Schwartz Service
Max E. Schwartz
Max Schwartz
Max Schwartz Max Schwartz
May Schwartz
Maye Jen-
Mayor Schwartz
Mayor W C Schwartz
Mayor W C Schwartz This
Mayor W. C. Schwartz
Mayor XV. C. Schwartz
Mbs Anne Kingdom
MC. Ward Schwartz
McGrath Anne de Beaupre
Meagan Schwartz
Meet Results Rudy Schwartz
Meghan Anne
Meilleur Sharon Montgomery Donal Bowers Mark Hodgson John Phelan Anne Marie Tremblay Catherine Poir
Melanie Schwartz
Melissa Anne
Messrs Edgat Schwartz
Messrs H Schwartz
Mi Grant Schwartz
Mias Anne Hearty
Mias Anne Lowe
Mias L. Schwartz
Mias Lou Anne Grund
Michael & Linda Schwartz
Michael and Margaret Anne
Michael Clarence Schwartz Clarence Maynard Clarence
Michael Schwartz
Micheal Schwartz
Middleman Schwartz
Middleton Schwartz
Mike Anne
Mike Schwartz
Mil Am ---- Anne Julie
Mildred Jo-Anne
Minnie Schwartz
Miry Anne Thompson
Mis* Anne
Misa Anne Marie Allan
Miscellaneous Schwartz
Miss Anne
Miss Anne Graham
Miss Anne Marie Adam
Miss Anne Marie Dean
Miss Anne Marie LaSalle
Miss Anne Trows-e
Miss Jen-
Miss Marion Schwartz
Miss Schwartz
Misses Anne Marie
Misses Jo Anne Fleury
Misses Schwartz
Mlle Anne-Marie
Mme Anne Gratton
Mme Anne Graveline
Mme Anne- Québec
Mme Marie Anne Thompson
Mmm© Schwartz
Mona Anne
More Anne
Morley Hodgins Schwartz Esso
Motion—Cm Schwartz
Mount Anne
Moyle* Anne Loyle
Mr E Schwartz Jr s
Mr Eldon Jen-
Mr Ross Schwartz
Mr Schwartz
Mr Stewart Schwartz
Mr Ward Schwartz
Mr Werner Schwartz
Mr& Schwartz
Mr* Anne
Mr, V Schwartz
Mr. B Schwartz
Mr. C W. Schwartz
Mr. Clifford Schwartz
Mr. Fred Schwartz
Mr. Fred W. Schwartz
Mr. Herman Schwartz
Mr. Schwartz
Mr. Schwartz Slips
Mr. W Schwartz
Mr. W. C. Schwartz
Mr. W. Clifford Schwartz
Mr. W. U. Schwartz
Mr? Schwartz
Mra Verner Schwartz
Mrl Albert Schwartz
Mrs Anne Marie Kim
Mrs Schwartz
Mrs W C Schwartz
Mrs- Anne Fumer-ton
Mrs. A. Schwartz Mr.
Mrs. Adolph Schwartz
Mrs. Agnes Schwartz
Mrs. Albert Schwartz
Mrs. Anne
Mrs. Anne Armitage
Mrs. Anne B. Fum-erton
Mrs. Anne Brinkworth
Mrs. Anne Brlnksworth
Mrs. Anne Brousseau
Mrs. Anne Carl Farrell
Mrs. Anne Cleary
Mrs. Anne Crinkworth
Mrs. Anne Fu
Mrs. Anne Fu-
Mrs. Anne Fuinert
Mrs. Anne Fuir.erton
Mrs. Anne Fum
Mrs. Anne Fum-1
Mrs. Anne Fum-erton
Mrs. Anne Fumcrton
Mrs. Anne Fumcrtoo
Mrs. Anne Fume
Mrs. Anne Fume-ton
Mrs. Anne Fumer
Mrs. Anne Fumer-along
Mrs. Anne Fumer-and
Mrs. Anne Fumer-g.imAllions
Mrs. Anne Fumer-The
Mrs. Anne Fumer-ton
Mrs. Anne Fumer-y
Mrs. Anne Fumertcn
Mrs. Anne Fumerton
Mrs. Anne Fumerton Mr.
Mrs. Anne Fumerton Publicity Convenor
Mrs. Anne Fumtt Com
Mrs. Anne Funier-oon
Mrs. Anne Fusecrotary
Mrs. Anne Goddard
Mrs. Anne Jane Eades
Mrs. Anne Kenneth Ross
Mrs. Anne Luek
Mrs. Anne Lyster
Mrs. Anne Mitchell
Mrs. Anne Proulx
Mrs. B F. Schwartz
Mrs. B Schwartz
Mrs. Bernard Schwartz
Mrs. Bill Schwartz
Mrs. C Schwartz
Mrs. C W. Schwartz LITERATURE
Mrs. C. W Schwartz
Mrs. Cliff 7-2750 Schwartz
Mrs. Cliff Schwartz
Mrs. D Schwartz
Mrs. Donald Schwartz
Mrs. E K Schwartz Mr
Mrs. E. K. Schwartz
Mrs. Edgar Schwartz
Mrs. Edgar Schwartz Miss Shirley Mahera
Mrs. Elsie Schwartz
Mrs. Emma Schwartz
Mrs. Emma Schwartz.
Mrs. Ernest Schwartz
Mrs. Ernie Schwartz Jr.
Mrs. Fred R. Schwartz
Mrs. Fred W. Schwartz
Mrs. Herman Schwartz
Mrs. Herman Schwartz U
Mrs. Herman Schwartz’s
Mrs. John W, Schwartz
Mrs. M. Schwartz
Mrs. Margaret Schwartz
Mrs. Max E. Schwartz Ladysmith
Mrs. Max Schwartz
Mrs. Nelson Schwartz
Mrs. Paul Bretzlaff Schwartz
Mrs. Reinhard Schwartz
Mrs. Schwartz
Mrs. Theo Schwartz
Mrs. Thomas Schwartz
Mrs. Varner Schwartz
Mrs. Vemer Schwartz
Mrs. Verncr Schwartz
Mrs. Verner Schwartz
Mrs. Verner Schwartz Mrs.
Mrs. Verner Schwartz Mrs. Albert Schwartz Son
Mrs. Vincent 0j Mrs Anne Kumerton
Mrs. W C Schwartz Shawvllle
Mrs. W C. Schwartz
Mrs. W Schwartz
Mrs. W. C. Schwartz
Mrs.Anne Mul-doon
Mry Schwartz
Municipality Schwartz
Muriel Foster’s Elsie Schwartz
Myles Kelly Hodgins Attendants Anne Stevens
Myrtle Schwartz
Nancy Anne
Nancy Anne Scheel
Narrow Escape Edgar Schwartz
Natasha Anne
Natasha Anne McGee
Nayler Steward Schwartz ...Essie Schwartz
Nee Schwartz
Neil Schwartz
Nelson A Schwartz
Nelson Alexander Schwartz
Nelson Schwartz
Nelson Schwartz Sunday
New Anne
Ne|son Schwartz
Nick (Anne
Nick M*rth* Schwartz
Nick Schwartz
Nikolas Schwartz
No. Schwartz
Noel Virginia Schwartz
Norma I Anne Simmons
Norma Russell - Clifford Adolph Schwartz
Norma Schwartz
O W. A. HODGINS W. £ Schwartz
Obituary Herman Otto Schwartz CK*t> Accept
Oeorgr Schwartz Is
Olga Bretzlaff-Schwartz
Olga Emma Schwartz
Olga Schwartz
Oliver Edward Douglas Schwartz
Oliver Edward Douglas Schwartz Shawn Schwartz
Ontario Anne Hansen Irene
Open Anne
Ors Schwartz
Otto Schwartz
Owen Thomas Joseph Philippe Tracey/Philippe - Anne-Marie
P. Brctzlaff-and V. Schwartz
Pamela Anne
Pastor Schwartz
Patricia Anne
Patricia Anne <Po[Cyanna
Patricia Anne Provost
Patty Anne
Patty Anne MacGillivary
Patty Anne Sullivan
Paul O’Brien and Karen Schwartz
Paul Schwartz
Paul Trnka Ernie Schwartz Doreen
Paul Ve/uia* Anne Mane Du
Paula Schwartz
Paulette Schwartz
Peck Anne Heywood
Peg Anne
Peggy Anne Stewart
Pet Edgar Schwartz
Peter Kluke Mary Anne
Philip Schwartz
Phone Schwartz
Phyl- Schwartz
Phyllis Joan Schwartz
Phyllis Schwartz
Plato Schwartz
Ply Mrs. Edgar Schwartz
Pontiac Anne Marie Urbaitis
Prayer Schwartz
Présidente Anne
Princess Anne
Princess Kellie Anne
Princesses Lee Anne Lepine
Principal Anne McGow-what
Q* Anne
Qruffy Jen
Quebec Anne
Queen Anne
Quyon W. C. Schwartz
Quyon Ward Schwartz
R Schroeder 147.15 E Schwartz-
R*»*e Schwartz
Rachael Anne Bulmar
Rachel Virginia Schwartz
Randy and Jo Anne Beattie
Raspberry J * Schwartz Peanut Butter
Raspberry Jelly Marie Anne Lair
Raye-Anne Briscoe
Raymond Rowat Schwartz
Rebecca Anne
Rebecca Anne Guest
Reinhart Schwartz
Reuben Schwartz
Rev Grant Schwartz
Rev Jo-Anne Daley
Rev Schwartz
Rev. F C. Ger- Nelson Schwartz
Revéende Sœur Marie Anne
Rhoda Schwartz
Rich Schwartz Dates
Rich#d Wh Virginia Schwartz
Richard Poiri-Anne Potter
Richard Schwartz
Richard Wile Edgar Schwartz
Richard Wile With Anne Ethier
Richard Wills Centre Director Anne Rondeau
Richard Wills Essie Schwartz
Richard Wills Jo-Anne Brownlee
Richard: Schwartz
Rick Schwartz
Rita Schwartz
Robert Mitchum V. Anne Heywood
Robert Randy Hodglns Bruce Schock Sherwln Greer Wllla Smith Jennifer Huckabone Dan Hewltt Anne Roge
Robert Ryan Harvey Lembeck Jean Peters Jean Peters Philip Carey Anne Baxter
Robert Schwartz
Robin Anne
Robt Schwartz
Roland Russell Mary Anne Hearty CofC
Ron and Anne Stewart
Ron Boxall Schwartz
Ronald Bryant Bradley James Harris Charlie John Bomediano Smith Meaghan Anne TXimer Daniel
Ronald Schwartz
ROOTS Anne Louise Carson
Rose Anne
Rose Anne 1843
Rose Anne 339
Rose Anne Aubrey
Rose Anne Boucher
Rose Anne Chaput
Rose Anne Doherty Cooney
Rose Anne Murdock
Rose Anne Prud
Rose Anne Rochon and Betty Allard
Rose Anne Stewart
Rose Anne Turner
Rose Anne) Mrs Edward ___ McCann
Rose Schwartz
Rosemary Schwartz
Rosemary Schwartz Harris
Rosemary Schwartz Hastings County
Ross Dickson Anne
Ross Schwartz
Rotarian Edgar Schwartz 52120b
Rotarians Edgar Schwartz
Rot» Schwartz
Rover Scouts Edgar Schwartz
Roy (Betty Anne Ban
Roy Marie-Claude Rondeau Pascale Castonguay Anne Mageau Georges Robltaille ÇJ Preview Nov.
Rpttv Anne
Rudi Schwartz
Rudic Schwartz Arthur Doug
Rudie Schwartz
Rudolf Schwartz
Rudy Schroede Willard Schwartz
Rudy Schwartz
Russell Louis Schwartz
Ruth Anne and Ron Paul
S&G Schwartz
S. Anne
Sadie Anne
Saint Anne
Saint Anne de Beaupré
Saint Anne s Parish
Saint Anne’s Basil Tanguay
Sainte Anne
Sainte Anne de Beaupre
Sainte Anne di
Sainte-Anne Parish
Sale Queen Anne
Salette N -Dame-du-Laus Parent Prmcevilie Rapide Blanc St-Aimé Ste-Angèle Ste-Anne-du-Lac St Célest
Sally Anne
Sâlly Anne Lemaire
Sam Anne Wesley U.C.W.
Sandra Anne
Sandra Dale Heather Hcxlgins and Jo Anne McDowell
Sarah Anne
Sarah Anne 7
Sarah Anne Curzon
Sarah Anne Donaldson
Sarah Anne Eva Harris
Sarah Anne Moore
Sarah Anne Mr Avin Eel
Sarah Anne Radey
Sarah Anne Rennick
Sarah Anne Rode
Sarah Anne Sylvester
Schroeder and Schwartz
Schwartz C M C. TRUCKS
Schwartz "
Schwartz -
Schwartz 1.89 1.79 Dietrich Homemade Bread Generic Toilet Tissue Prepared
Schwartz 550.16
Schwartz 7.30 p.m.—Vesper Hour Lent
Schwartz Address
Schwartz Albert Dahms
Schwartz Among
Schwartz Beechgrove
Schwartz Black Pepper Compound Nabisco Shredded
Schwartz Bristol CWL CAMPBELL
Schwartz Brown
Schwartz Carol
Schwartz Carty
Schwartz Champion Mustard
Schwartz Ci
Schwartz Coop
Schwartz Councillors Published Weekly
Schwartz Cruickshank
Schwartz Cut
Schwartz Dates
Schwartz Dear
Schwartz Elliott
Schwartz Ernest 453-2871 Stewart
Schwartz Esq
Schwartz Esso
Schwartz Eve
Schwartz Everyone
Schwartz Explorers
Schwartz Family
Schwartz Family Show
Schwartz Fourteen
Schwartz Free Methodist
Schwartz Fresh
Schwartz Grade
Schwartz Grade II
Schwartz Grave Decoration Service
Schwartz Greer
Schwartz Gustavi
Schwartz Heather
Schwartz Hiigert Bretzlaff
Schwartz Hope
Schwartz I I
Schwartz Impala Sport Coupe
Schwartz Imperial Oil
Schwartz Is
Schwartz Jaffa Raisin Schwartz Store Packed Dates
Schwartz Jenna Lynn
Schwartz Johnston
Schwartz Jr and
Schwartz Jr seat
Schwartz Jr was
Schwartz Jr.
Schwartz July
Schwartz Kappas
Schwartz L HT
Schwartz Ladysmith
Schwartz Lessons
Schwartz Levitsky Feldman
Schwartz Liquid Hunts Maple
Schwartz List
Schwartz Loose Pack
Schwartz Lutheran
Schwartz Lutheran Church Campbell
Schwartz Lutheran Church Hostesses
Schwartz Maguire Bishop
Schwartz Margaret
Schwartz Marion Schwartz
Schwartz Mark
Schwartz Martha
Schwartz Martin
Schwartz Max Schwartz
Schwartz Mayor Caldwell
Schwartz McNair Sultana Raisins
Schwartz Minister Rev. V. O’Brien Sunday
Schwartz Mondays
Schwartz Mr.
Schwartz Mr. Lan Wrinn
Schwartz Mr. Stewart Fulford
Schwartz Mrs
Schwartz Mrs Gordon Mlsener
Schwartz Mrs. Prosper Richard
Schwartz Mustard
Schwartz Mustard Dial
Schwartz Nyveld
Schwartz Officers
Schwartz Ottawa
Schwartz Our
Schwartz P.O Quebec
Schwartz P.O.
Schwartz Parish GORDON
Schwartz Parish Rev.
Schwartz Parish Rev. E Buehler
Schwartz Parish-loners
Schwartz Patricia Kierans
Schwartz Peanut Butler
Schwartz Peanut Butter
Schwartz Peoples
Schwartz Perhaps
Schwartz Phone
Schwartz Phyl- Sandm
Schwartz Piano Sales
Schwartz Pilon Garage Ltd.
Schwartz Predeceased
Schwartz Prepared
Schwartz Prepared Mustard
Schwartz Prepared Mustard Schwartz Peanut Butter
Schwartz Pure Black Pepper
Schwartz Quyon United W.A. United Church
Schwartz Raisins
Schwartz Ray Sheppard Carson Hodgins CHILDREN’S
Schwartz Rector’s
Schwartz Reinhart
Schwartz Resolved
Schwartz Reuben Hodgins
Schwartz Reunion
Schwartz Richardson
Schwartz Rmd
Schwartz Roads
Schwartz Schock-Pulley
Schwartz Schwartz
Schwartz Scott
Schwartz Seedless
Schwartz Service St John’s
Schwartz Shawville
Schwartz Shawville Main Street Services
Schwartz Shield Winners
Schwartz Si
Schwartz Sr
Schwartz Sr Mielke
Schwartz Sr.
Schwartz St John’s
Schwartz Step Dancers
Schwartz Step Dancing Show
Schwartz Store Packed
Schwartz The
Schwartz Trio
Schwartz Tyler—Bro
Schwartz Vinegar
Schwartz W %
Schwartz Ward Sch
Schwartz We
Schwartz Xn Otta
Sean Schwartz
Sean Schwartz Melanie
Secondary V: Anne Marie Dolan
Seivice Schwartz
Service L Schwartz Parish
Service Station W E.Schwartz Esso
Sharon Anne
Sharon Anne Seymour
Sharon Car- 011 Nair Schwartz
Shawn Schwartz
Shawn Schwartz.
Shawville’s Grant Ferrigan Anne
Sheena Anne
Sheila Anne
Sheila Anne Hodgins
Sheila Schwartz
Shelley Anne Mar
Shelley Winters Sylvano Mangsno MAMBO Anne Bancroft Van Heflin HELL’S
Shelly Anne
Sherry Anne
Shirley Anne
Shirley Anne Armstrong
Shirley Anne Cox
Shirley Anne Landry
Shirley Anne Mildred Desjardins.
Shirley Anne Sil-
Shirley Anne Silver Weds Mr. Norris M. Eades
Shirley Anne Thibault
Shirley Dunlop Doreen Schock Ernest Schwartz Hector Kluke Joyce Binder
Shown Schwartz
Si Anne de Bellevue
Sic Anne de Bellevue
Sister Anne
Sister Anne 2 Marie
Sister Anne Mane
Sister Anne Marie
Sister Anne Marie Penatong
Sister Anne Morrissey
Sister Anne O Shaughneaay
Sister Anne O Shaughnessy
Sister Anne O’Shaughnessy
Sister Marie Anne Poite-
Sister Mary-Anne
SJ- Anne
Sl- Anne
Sle Anne
Sliced Bacon Schwartz Champion Mustard Kimberly Clark Cameo Facial Tissue Economy Red Rose Tea Bags
Smiky- Schwartz
Smith Bros. W. Schwartz
Smith Schwartz
Social Schwartz
Sons Funeral Clifford Schwartz
Spar- Schwartz
Sprite Schwartz Raisins Maple Leaf Breaded Sausages
Sr Anne Marie.
Sr Anne O Shaugh-
Sr.—Adolph Schwartz
St Anne
St Anne’s
Stan 7-2589 7-3842 7-3750 7-3735 7-2661 7-3734 7-3843 7-3759 7-3722 7-2542 Schwartz
Ste Anne
Ste Anne Coûter
Ste Anne da Beaupré
Ste Anne de
Ste Anne de Beaupré
Ste Anne de Beaupré Mrs Terry Madden
Ste Anne de Bel
Ste Anne de Bellevue
Ste Anne de Bellevue Quebec
Ste Anne de IHe
Ste Anne de Lac
Ste Anne de Tile
Ste Anne de Vile
Ste Anne Douglas
Ste Anne Laurier Sympathy
Ste Anne Rev Fr Marc
Ste Anne Rev Fr Marc L. Gauthier
Ste Anne s Paroisse
Ste Anne s Rev Marc L. Gauthcr
Ste Anne-
Stella Anne Walsh
Step-Dancing Schwartz
Stephanie Anne
Stephanie Anne Forgues
Stephen fred Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz
Steve (Anne
Steve Schwartz
Steven (Anne
Steven Anne Allen Woods
Steven Schwartz
Stevens Anne
Stevens Anne Chevalier
Steward Schwartz
Steward Schwartz Jan
Stewart Schwartz
Style Shop 647-3858 Schwartz
Sue Anne
Sue Anne The Gleason
Susan Anne
Susan Ethier Rev Sister Anne O -
Suzanne Archambault and Jo Anne
Sylvia Anne
Sylvia Hodgins Claude Richardson Edgar Schwartz
Sylvia Poisson Schwartz
S^anne Meilleur
Tammy Correspondent Miss Lu Anne Grund
Tammy Schwartz
Tammy Schwartz’s
Tan-Jo Anne
Taylor Anne Aubry Jungle War Story
Ted Schwartz
Terry C amp-Anne Sparling
Terry Schwartz
Theo Schwartz
Theo Schwartz OTTAWA
Theodore Louis Schwartz
Theresa Schwartz
Theresea Schwartz
Thorn Anne Marie Leblanc
Tiîlie Anne
Tillie Anne Warren McLean
Tj„ Schwartz Melvin Poole Lawrence Lang
Todd Anne Aubrey
Todd Anne Aubry Shawville Milling Co. Ltd.
Tom Ewell Anne Francis Thursday
Tom Orr St Anne
Tom Schwartz
Tomi-Anne Greer Saturday
Toni Schwartz
Tony & Jim Schwartz Clarence
Tony Anne
Tony Schwartz
Tony Schwartz Charlie McKenny
Tracey Schwartz
Tracy Anne
U. Schwartz
Uliflonl Schwartz
V * Schwartz
V. Schwartz
V.v.anne Bishop J R W.ndle
Vaillancourt Edith LaSalle Renée Pigeault Angie Bérard Anne Dumoulin Chantal
Valeria Anne
Valerie Anne
Valerie Anne Lance
Varner Otto Schwartz
Vcrner Otto Schwartz
Vcrner Schwartz
Vemer Schwartz
Verna Schwartz
Verncr Schwartz
Verner Schwartz
Verner Schwartz Earl Stephens
Vernon Schwartz
Vic Schwartz
Victoria Schwartz
Violet M Poole SCHWARTZ
Virgina Schwartz
Virginia Schwartz
VistaVision Academy Award Winner Charlton Heston Anne Baxter
Vivi-anne Palmer
W .E. Schwartz
W B. Schwartz
W C Schwartz
W C. Schwartz
W C. Schwartz Stewards—Bros
W E Schwartz
W E Schwartz 122.57
W E Schwartz 28.14
W E Schwartz 77.70
W E Schwartz Esso
W E Schwartz Imperial Oil
W E Schwartz Pontiac Auto Parts Inc. Pontiac Refrigeration
W E Schwartz Sandra Murray
W Schwartz
W. C. Schwartz
W. Schwartz
W.E. Schwartz
W.E. Schwartz Ease Agent ShawvIHe 647-2228 Fenton Petroleum
W.E. Schwartz Esso
W.E. Schwartz Petroleum
Wade Schwartz
Wade Schwartz I
Wade Schwartz Ladysmith
Wade Schwartz Saturday
Wade Schwartz Warm Wishes
Waid Schwartz
Walter Ernest Schwartz
Walter Mrs Martha Schwartz
Walter Schwartz
Wanda Michael and Margaret Anne
Ward Dominic s Schwartz
Ward Schwartz
Ward Schwartz First
Ward Schwartz Fort
Ward Schwartz Jeff Chamberlain
Ward Schwartz’s School
Warn Schwartz
Wayne Jen
Wayne Jen-
Wayne Schwartz
Weds William Frederick Schwartz
Wendy Elsie Schwartz
Wendy Evangelist Church for Jo Anne Brian and Campbell
Wendy Schwartz
Wendy-Anne Desabrais
While Anne
Wife Anne
Wilbert Schwartz
Wilbert Schwartz Athol Dale
Wilf Schwartz
Wilfred Schwartz
Wilhelm Schwartz
Will B: Mme Anne Brousseau
Will Essie Schwartz
Will Schwartz
Willard Schwartz
William and Cliff Schwartz
William and Williard Schwartz
William E. McCord Mr. Wilfred Schwartz
William Frederick Schwartz
William John and Anne Jane Pentland
William Orr Edgar Schwartz This Demers Centre News
William Schwartz
William Zimmerling Buried At Schwartz Mr. Ken Walsh
Williard Schwartz
Willie Lok-Anne’s
Willie Schwartz
Wilt Schwartz
Wmsor Anne Tierney
Word Schwartz
Write W Schwartz
W|Dn|Dg Anne Holeyu
Xv Schwartz White Vinegar
Y Schwartz
Ya-Anne Thompson
Yerner Schwartz
Young Lise Anne La
Zeldenrust Herman Schwartz
Zelma Schwartz
Zion Schwartz
Zion Schwartz L,
Zion Schwartz Obituary Norval Dwight Kilgour
Zion Schwartz Rev. William J. Baxter Obituaries Mrs Gérard Pelletier Guichet J$
Zion Schwartz the
648-2889 Anne
Anne Bakke
Anne Dumont
Anne Dumont Memorial Trophy
Anne Ga
Anne Hirst l
Anne Hirst’s
Anne Ireland
Anne Kingdom
Anne La
Anne Lanoix
Anne Lusk
Anne Mage au
Anne of Au.
Anne Paquin au
Anne River
Anne Romain-
Anne Shea
Anne St
Central Park Anne-de-Bellevue
CHAMBERS It’s l boR6 Anne
Dear Anne l
Fort Anne
Fort Anne National Park
Fort Jen
I9h30 La Chapelle de l Eglise St e-Anne Ile-du-Grand-Calumet
Jen l Pth
Lee-Anne Griffin
Ma- Schwartz
Ministère I l Anne
Mont Sainte-Anne
Mont Ste-Anne
Mount Anne
Mrs. Irvine Schwartz
Ottawa Anne
Ottawa St Anne
Qor(jen River
Quebec Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue
Queen Anne
Schwartz Owen Sound
Schwartz Road
Sf Anne
St Anne
St Anne de
St Anne St Jean of
St Anne Street
St Anne’s
St Anne’s Cemetery
St Schwartz
Ste-Anne de
Vernon Schwartz
W. Schwartz
2.00 p.m.—Sunday School 3.00 p.m.—Evening Service CREDIT TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED Schwartz Parish
647-6424 Anne Meehan
ABC LIQUID Fascination Choice Whole Kernel SCHWARTZ CARD TUMBLER
Abitibi West Chapter Alliance Quebec Anne Meclaren LennoxviWe
ANNE ASHLEY Boxcar Houses Smallest Library
Anne Beriau Telephone
Anne Beriiu Telephone
Anne Elementary School
Anne Free Methodist Campbell’s Bay Pastor R.L. Swann
Anne Gratton & Yvon Mary & Mervin Baird
Anne Ronnie
Anne s Elementary School
Anne School
Anne School De du Calumet Yours
Anne School Ile du
Anne School Paulette Gauthier
Anne Wheel
Anne’s Baptist Otter Lake Baptist Church
Anne’s Catholic Church
Anne’s cemetery
Anne’s RC Church
Anne’s School
Anne’s School TENDERS WANTED Plaintiff
Apple Drink Kleenex Paper Towels Schwartz Mustard
Apple Juice Legion Peas KRAFT Strawberry Jam Schwartz Vinegar
ASSOCIATES Ernest Schwartz Jr. Ladysmith
AT Vs Danford Lake; Anne Ly
Bilingual Auctioneer Ste-Anne-de-Prescott
Blue Brand Beef Monarch Salad Assorted Schwartz Vegetable Oil | Shake
Board Chairman Mary Anne Thompson
Bookkeeping Services D&D Auto Wreckers Eades Boutique Steward Schwartz SUBJECT
Bristol and Mae Schwartz
Bristol Community Steward Schwartz
Bristol opening Jo-Anne Archambault
Bums Loose Weiners 1.29 Bee Hive Corn Syrup Schwartz Peanut Butter
Carol Anne Meehan
Charter Night Dance Miss Marion Schwartz
Civic Hospital Miss Jo-Anne Stew
Clover Leaf Flaked Afoacore Tuna Schwartz Prepared Mustard Batter Fry Haddock
Coke & Sprite Schwartz Raisins Maple Leaf Breaded Sausages
Contact Mrs Ernie Schwartz
Contact Mrs. Elsie Schwartz
Corpo Radford Hospital Auxiliary Anne Pine
Council Miss Anne Sloan
COUNCIL Otter Lake Schwartz
Curendou— Anne Fumerton
Custom Bearing Service Peggies Style Shop 647-3858 Schwartz
Custom Bearing Service Reggies Style Shop 647-3858 Schwartz
Custom Bearing Service Schwartz
CWL Stc-Anne’s Council
Dairy Jo-anne Brownlee
Delivery School Board - Anne Mane Delorme
Discussion Group WEDNESDAY Schwartz
Dodge/ Plymouth Neon Natasha Anne McGee Connie McGee
Dunraven News Mary Anne
E McDowell Elementary School Anne McGowan
EHDAA École Ste-Anne
Evangelical Lutheran Churches of Ladysmith-Schwartz Parish
Evtamde Motors Lowe Boy Lowe Mowers WEDNESDAY Schwartz
Farm House Cream Pies Assorted Schwartz Jaffa Raisins
Federation Ste-Anne
FROUIN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Calumet Island St# Anne Rev Fr Marc L Gauthier
Gavan Schwartz Family Then
German Service Schwartz 2.30 p.m.—Worship Service MOORE
Go el Maid Anne H
GORILLA AT LARGE Technicolor Anne Bancroft Cameron Mitchell GOLDEN GIRL
Hayes & Sons Funeral Clifford Schwartz
Hull Fire Department Muriel Schwartz
Hull Hospital Schwartz Lutheran Church
II KM] JEN Capital Paid Up Rest
ILE DU GRAND-CALUMET Eglise St* Anne Fête Chorale
Imperial Oil Agent Edgar Schwartz
Imperial Oil Limited- W E Schwartz
Institute Hostess Carol Anne
Is Schwartz
Jen Products
JEN VINE Scienw Department
Jen-Protestant High School
Jo Anne Campbell
Jo-Anne Canada
Jo-Anne Mackenzie Perry
Kappes St Johns Ladysmith Zion Schwartz
KEN & JEN PIG RACES Second Generation
l Anne’s School
Ladies Linda Carson and Anne Broomball League
Ladysmith Hotel Ernie & Essie Schwartz Ernest & Cathay Pasch W.A. Hodgins Store Bretzlaff Store Ste
Ladysmith/Schwartz Lutheran Parish
Lakeshore Rd Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue
LAVO BLEACH Schwartz Peanut Butter4«-99c Crisco Oil
LESSONS Ward Schwartz’s School of Step-dancing FALL REGISTRATION SHAWVILLE
Lion- Anne
LTD E. Schwartz - Agent
Luncheon Maple Leaf Assorted Davidson Scone Rolls Schwartz Mustard Joy Belle Creole Molasses Alymer
LUTHERAN CHURCH Ladysmith - Schwartz Evangelist Services
Lutheran Church Schwartz
Lutheran Church Zion Schwartz
Lutheran Rev C Kappes St Johns Ladysmith Zion Schwartz
Lutheran Rev C Kappes St John’s Ladysmith Zion Schwartz
MacDonald College of St. Anne de Belleview
Macdonald College Ste Anne de Bellevue
Macdonald College Ste Anne de Bellevue Quebec
MAIL Ottawa/^Citizen NATIONAL POST Anne Drysdafe Crédit
Maori Ste Anne
Mary Anne Perry
Master Mark Schwartz
May Schwartz
McArthur LUTHERAN CHURCH Ladysmith - Schwartz Evangelist Services
McDonald of West Miss Jo Anne Nuttall of Toronto
McGill University Ste Anne Dropped Racoon
McKee Martin Schwartz
McMillan Wilson Perry William Schwartz
Meat Store Pak Schwartz Dates
Methodist Schwartz
Miracle Worker Anne Bancroft
MM Anne Fum*
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Schwartz
Mrs. Cliff Schwartz
Mrs. Schwartz
Mrs. Verner Schwartz Mrs.
NDP Gretchen Schwartz GRN Eleanor Hyodo NLP Christian Legeais
NO G.S.T. Obituary Verner Schwartz Mi
OBITUARIES Miss Mary Anne Hearty
Outaouais Anne School
Peggies Style Shop 647-3858 Schwartz
Perpetual Help School Anne School
Pontiac Agricultural So- Anne Scharf
Pontiac Anne
Pontiac Claire SCHWARTZ-
Pontiac Community L ANNE LUPIEN
Pontiac Community Schwartz
Pontiac Compte Anne
Pontiac County Mary Anne’s
Pontiac County St Anne
PONTIAC École Sainte-Anne 49 A
Pontiac Jen
Pontiac Protestant High Schwartz
Pontiac Schwartz
Pontiac Schwartz-Nyveld
Pontiac Snowmobile W Schwartz Road
PPHS Campbell‘i Bay United Rev Angus MacDonald Calumet Island Ste Anne Rev Fr Marc L .
PREPARATION Calumet Island St. Anne’s Mass
Principale Ste-Anne’s School
Rag Apple Anne
Rap.des des Anne School No
Rapides Anne School
Red Sox Edge Tigers Farewell Party Mrs. Anne Fumcrton
Rev. Sister Anne School
Rover Scouts Edgar Schwartz
Royal Anne
Royal Carol Anne
Royal Commission on Anne McLellan
Sacred Heart of Jesus St Jude and St Anne
Saint Anne’s School
Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines des Laurentides
School Calumet Island St Anne’s
School Calumet Island St Anne’s Tueeday
School Calumet Island Ste Anne Rw
School Jen# Bourget
Schwartz & Staff Imperial ESSO Products
SCHWARTZ - Shawville BRYSON THEATRE A Surprise Shower
SCHWARTZ - SHAWVILLE Shawville Milling Co. Ltd.
SCHWARTZ Agent Shawville
SCHWARTZ Bible Study
Schwartz Brothers
Schwartz Cemetery Committee Reports Good
Schwartz Cemetery Everybody Welcome Sunday School
SCHWARTZ Electrical Contractor SHAVmLLE.
Schwartz Farm Home
Schwartz Free Methodist
Schwartz Grace Hospital
SCHWARTZ Imperial Esso Agent Shawville
SCHWARTZ Imperial Esso Agent Shawvllle
Schwartz Imperial Oil
Schwartz Ltd 6.91,Muni
Schwartz Lutheran Church
Schwartz Lutheran Church Hostesses
Schwartz Passes Cemetery Service
Schwartz Pilon Garage Ltd.
Schwartz Post Office
Schwartz Public School
Schwartz School
Schwartz School Wednesday
Schwartz Service Garage
Schwartz Service St John’s
Schwartz Shield Winners
SCHWARTZ Snow Cruiser Snowmobiles Telephone
Schwartz Store Packed Dates
Schwartz’s School of Dancing
Schwartz’s School of Stap Dancing Pontiac
Schwartz’s School of Step Dancing
Shawville Fire Hall DEC 30—Jen I—Centennial Eve Rally Shawville Free Methodist Church Rev Gary Wals
SHOE REPAIR Anne Fumerton
Sion Lutheran Church Schwartz
Sisters of St Anne
St Anne
St Anne Basilica
St Anne Cemetery Calumet
St Anne Church
St Anne de
St Anne de Beaupre
St Anne De Bellevue
St Anne de Bellevue.
St Anne De du Grand Calumet
St Anne de Monte
St Anne Elementary School
St Anne s
St Anne s Anglican Church
St Anne s Catholic Shawville
St Anne s Cemetery
St Anne s Church
St Anne s Elementary School
St Anne s Parish Church
St Anne School
St Anne St
St Anne’s
St Anne’s Accedemy
St Anne’s Cemetery
St Anne’s Church
St Anne’s Easter Communion
St Anne’s Parish
St Anne’s Parish C.W.L.
St Anne’s Rick
St Anne’s School
St Jo- Jo-Anne Telford
St Johns Ladysmith and Zion Schwartz CEMENT WORK
St Jude and St Anne
St Luke s Anglican Anne Clarke Lawson Valette
St Pontiac Fish and Game Protective Association Anne
St-Anne School
St-Anne’s Church
St. Anne
St. Anne s Church
St. Anne’s
St. Anne’s Catholic Church
St. Anne’s Catholic Women’s League
St. Anne’s Cemetery
St. Anne’s Cemetery Calumet Island
St. Anne’s Church
St. Anne’s McDowell
St. Anne’s Roman Catholic Church
St. Anne’s School
St. John Jo-Anne
Stc-Anne School
Ste Anne de Tile du Grand Calumet
Ste Anne Environment
Ste Anne School
Ste Anne’s Church
Ste Anne’s Parish Richard Wins Equity Editor
Ste Anne’s School
Ste-Anne Catholic Church
Ste-Anne Church
Ste-Anne High School
Ste-Anne School
Ste-Anne School Refreshments
Ste-Anne’s Council of C.W.L.
Ste-Anne’s Elementary School
Ste-Anne’s Pastoral Committee
Stone ntainer Association Shawn Schwartz
Strawberries Store Packed Schwartz Dates
Student Anne Charron
TCRA Gil & Lorraine Cluff Harold & Doreen Schock Oktoberfest Ladysmith Ernest & Essie Schwartz Mutu
TEN COMMANDMENTS Color Charlton Heston Yul Brynner Anne
Tenderloin End Ib DRUG DEPARTMENT Schwartz Peanut
THE LUTHERAN CHURCH Schwartz Parish BOTANY BAY Ladysmith Rev.
TO Macdonald College Ste Anne de
True Jo-Anne Trudeau
TUc Lutheran Church Schwartz
Tumor Foundation Contact: Jen
Village Schwartz
VistaVision Academy Award Winner Charlton Heston Anne Baxter
VOTEZ - VOTE X ANNE-MARIE BUREAU Seat 4 Accounting Auto Mechanics Technician Bilingual Hotel Recept
W E Schwartz Sandra Murray
W, & Calumet Island Ste Anne Rev Marc L Gauther
W. C. Schwartz
W.E. Schwartz Ltd 256.69
W.E. Schwartz Ltd 273.87
Wendy-Anne Desabrais b
White Cake-Anne Fletcher
Women’s Institute HOUSE & CONTENTS Obituaries Wife Julius Schwartz
Zion Lutheran Church In Schwartz
Zion Lutheran Church Schwartz
Zion Lutheran Schwartz Great