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Desmond Cooligan

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A.C.l Desmond Hodgins
Ac-1 Desmond Hod- Mrs. Everett Moore
AC-2 Desmond Hodgins
Anita Ekberg G. Raymond M. Anders J. Desmond
Aylmer Rev. T. Desmond Rowe
Barry Desmond
Barry Desmond McGowan
Bear Desmond.
Betty Cooligan
Billy Sheppard and Desmond Hodgins
Bishop Desmond
Bishop Desmond Tutu
Brian and Desmond Allan
C P "yn Cooligan
Carbone U, Hugh Desmond
Carried Mr. Desmond
Chairman Desmond Engineer
Clarendon Palish Rev. T Desmond Rowe
Coach Vic Cooligan
Committee Desmond
Contact Desmond Devlin
D J ( Desmond Jr»
Dave Cooligan
Dave Roberts - Carleton Univerity Desmond Lee
Desmond Allen
Desmond Brous-seau
Desmond Burke
Desmond Chapeau Hodgins
Desmond Coolican
Desmond Cooligan
Desmond Coulas
Desmond Devlin
Desmond Duff
Desmond Hixigins
Desmond Hod
Desmond Hodgins
Desmond Hudgins
Desmond Joseph McLaughlin
Desmond Keen
Desmond Kennedy
Desmond Keon
Desmond Kibold
Desmond Ma
Desmond Ma Mrs. Manson Sharpe
Desmond Ma-
Desmond Mah-eral
Desmond Maheral
Desmond Maheral Nally Betty Van Wigcheren
Desmond McGuire
Desmond McLaughlin
Desmond Morton
Desmond O Mara
Desmond Pacey McGraw Hill
Desmond Pasch
Desmond Peeke
Desmond Rowe
Desmond Rowe B A.. B D.
Desmond Rowe Ethel Margaret Ann Smith Weds Mervin Martin Yach
Desmond Sullivan
Desmond Sullivan Albert Turner
Desmond Tutu
Desmond Wolff
Dev Desmond Kelly 300
Diane Desmond.
Don Scott Cooligan - Scott
Donald Desmond Roo
Donald Desmond Rooney
Dorothy Cooligan
Easter Clarendon Pariah Rev. T. Desmond Rowe
Easter Clarendon Parish Rev. T. Desmond Rowe
Eileen Cooligan
Eva Andai Cooligan
Gene Desmond
Gos- Desmond Rowe
Hannah Jane Desmond
Huey Desmond
Hugh Desmond
Hughic Desmond
Hughie Desmond
Hughle Desmond
Jackie Thomas Desmond Kennedy
James Joseph Lawrence Desmond An
Jamie Fisher’s and Desmond Burke
Jerry Desmond
John Desmond
John Desmond Allen
John Desmond’s
John T. Desmond Rowe
John T. Desmond Rowe Former Naylor Parishioner
Johnny Desmond C. Grant J Mansfield KISS
Johnny Desmond East Side Kids O’Keefe
Johnny Desmond Merry Anders
Joseph and Desmond Keon
Joseph Cooligan
Karen (Desmond Newell
Kathy Cooligan
Kt Desmond McGuire
L A C. Desmond Hodgins
L. A C. Desmond Hnctgin
LAC Desmond
Lac Desmond Hodgins
Leo Donnelly Mr Desmond McGuire
Lord Clarendon Parish Rev. T. Desmond Rowe
M S Desmond Duff
Margaret Desmond McTiernan
Marilyn Cooligan
Marilyn Findlay-Cooligan
Marjorie and Desmond Pasch
Mary Desmond
Mary Sheila and Desmond
Maureen Cooligan
May Desmond
Maynard and Desmond Pas
Mfg Desmond Duff
Michael Cooligan
Milton Cooligan
Mn Desmond Hodgins
Mr Desmond Brazeau
Mr Desmond Devlin
Mr Desmond Maheral
Mr Desmond McGuire
Mr Desmond Redmond
Mr Desmond Willard Proulx
Mr. Desmond
Mr. Desmond Best
Mr. Desmond Burke
Mr. Desmond Devlin
Mr. Desmond Doyle
Mr. Desmond G. Hod-gins
Mr. Desmond Hodgins
Mr. Desmond Hodglns
Mr. Desmond Kobald
Mr. Desmond Mahcral
Mr. Desmond Maheral
Mr. Desmond Mahvral
Mr. Desmond McGuire
Mr. Desmond Smith
Mr. Desmond Stafford
Mr. I Desmond Devlin
Mrs Desmond 5638bm7 Maheral
Mrs Desmond 89899b
Mrs Desmond Cooligan
Mrs Desmond Davie
Mrs Desmond Duff
Mrs Desmond Hod
Mrs Desmond Hod-1
Mrs Desmond Hodgins
Mrs Desmond Hodglns
Mrs Desmond Keon
Mrs Desmond Ma-heral
Mrs Desmond Mah-eral
Mrs Desmond Mahcral
Mrs Desmond Maheral
Mrs Desmond Mailing
Mrs Desmond McGaughlin
Mrs Desmond Me- Vosseler
Mrs Desmond Mr Royal
Mrs Desmond Pasch
Mrs. Desmond
Mrs. Desmond :Iod-1 Bristol Noies
Mrs. Desmond Amid
Mrs. Desmond Hod
Mrs. Desmond Hod-1
Mrs. Desmond Hod-gins
Mrs. Desmond Hodgins
Mrs. Desmond Kobold
Mrs. Desmond LaPierre
Mrs. Desmond Ma-heral
Mrs. Desmond Mabend
Mrs. Desmond Mah-
Mrs. Desmond Mah- Mrs. Claire Fleury
Mrs. Desmond Maher
Mrs. Desmond Maher-
Mrs. Desmond Maheral
Mrs. Desmond Marierai
Mrs. Desmond McLaughlin
Mrs. Desmond Mliberal
Mrs. Desmond Moyle
Mrs. Desmond Redmond
Mrs. Desmond Robinson
Mrs. Desmond Rou-sulle
Mrs. Desmond Rowe
Mrs. Desmond Smith
Mrs. Desmond Smith Lablne
Mrs. Gary Cooligan
Mrs. Irwin Graham Desmond Rowe
Mrs. Michael Cooligan
Mrs. Milton Cooligan
Neil Cooligan
Pat Cooligan
Pat le* Rev. T. Desmond Rowe
Patrick Cooligan
Paul Martineau Parish Rev. T. Desmond Rowe
Penny Desmond
Per Year Rev. T Desmond Rowe
Percy Bel- Desmond Hodgins
Private Desmond Burk
Proof John Desmond
Rev Desmond Rowe
Rev T Desmond
Rev T Desmond Rowe
Rev T- Desmond Rowe
Rev. Desmond Row
Rev. Desmond Rowe
Rev. Desmond Rowel L**Tre
Rev. T Desmond Rowe
Rev. T. Desmond
Rev. T. Desmond Rowe
Rev. V. O’Brien Rev. T. Desmond Howe
Rev. V. O’Brien Sundav Rev. T. Desmond Rowe
Richard Desmond Hodgins
Rodney Desmond
Rotarian Rev. Desmond Rowe
Ruth Desmond.
Saint Jude Clarendon Parish Rev. T. Desmond Rowe
Scott Cooligan
Scott Cooligan Is
Shania Ann Hodgins Scott Cooligan Hodgins -
Shaw Desmond Will Hollywood Close Down
Shirley Cooligan
Smith Kelly MEN— HT—Normand Boire HS—Desmond Devlin LADIES— HT—Joan Francoeur HS—Bertha McGee
Stephanie Milford 467-1 1 Desmond
Study Rcv* T. Desmond Rowe
Sunday After Trinity Clarendon Paibà Rev. T. Desmond Rowe
Susan Barber, Desmond Hod
Teddy Bear" Desmond
They Desmond
Timothy Desmond
Tyler Desmond Eric
Victor Cooligan
Yach - Desmond Pasch
Betty Cooligan
Cooligan Road South of
Desmond Brousse
AAA ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Clarendon Parish Rev. T. Desmond Rowe
AAA ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Clarendon Parish Rev T. Desmond Rowe.
AAA ANGLICAN CHURCH OP CANADA Clarendon Parish Rev. T. Desmond Rowe
ALLARD Michael Cooligan
ANGLICAN C III KOI CANADA Passion Sunday Clarendon Parish Rev. T. Desmond Rowe
ANGLICAN CHURCH Of CANADA Claremlon Parish Rev. T. Desmond Rowe
ANGLICAN CHURCH Of CANADA Clarendon Parish Rev T. Desmond Rowe
ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Clarendon Parish Rev. T. Desmond Rowe
ANGLICAN CHURCH Of CANADA Clarendon Parish Rev. T. Desmond Rowe.
ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Quinquugesima Clarendon Parish Rev. T. Desmond Rowe
ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trinity Sunday Clarendon Parish Rev. T. Desmond Rowe
ANGLICAN CHURCH OP CANADA Clarendon Parish Rev. T. Desmond Rowe
ANGLICAN CHURÇH QF CANADA Clarendon Parish Rev. T. Desmond Rowe
Anglican Rector T Desmond Rowe
BD Rev. T. Desmond Rowe
Bear Desmond
BP Rev. T. Desmond Rowe
BRISTOL RIDGE Rev. T. Desmond Rowe
BRYSON THEATRE M W S Rev. E. Desmond Rowe
Cl&remlon Parish Rev. T. Desmond Rowe.
Clarendon Palish Rev. T Desmond Rowe
Con Mr. Desmond Maheral
Desmond Brothers
Gos- Desmond Rowe
Gracie Jiu Jitsu Cooligan
Hos Desmond Rowe of Shawville
J. Desmond Rowe
LAC Desmond Hod
LAC Desmond Hodgins
LAC Desmond Hodgins Randy
Mrs. Desmond Rowe
Mrs. Desmond Rowe.
Rev Desmond Rowe
Rev Desmond Rowe.
Rev. Desmond Rowe
Rev. Desmond Rowe » CHARLIE DAGG
Rev. Desmond Rowe.
Rogation Services Clarendon Parish Rev. T. Desmond Rowe
School Rev. T. Desmond Rowe
School Clarendon Parish Rev. T. Desmond Rowe
School Clarendon Parish Rev. T. Desmond Rowe.
School Rev. T. Desmond Rowe.
Service Business bMY61 Shawville ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Clarendon Pariah Rev. T. Desmond Rowe
Study Desmond Rowe
T- Desmond Rowe
T. Desmond Rowe
T. Desmond Rowe and Mr. |
T. Desmond Rowe B A.. B
T. Desmond Rowe Ethel Margaret Ann Smith Weds Mervin Martin Yach
T. Desmond Rowe Former Naylor Parishioner Comes
T. Desmond Rowe of Shawville
T. Desmond Rowe.
Text Books 85 ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Clarendon Parish Rev. T. Desmond Rowe.
TF Rev. Desmond Rowe
Trinity Clarendon Parish Rev. T. Desmond Rowe
Trinity Clarendon Parish Rev. T. Desmond Rowe.
Trinity Dominion Day Clarendon Parish Rev. T. Desmond Rowe
Victor Cooligan
Wed.—Bible Study Rcv* T. Desmond Rowe