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Dorothy Holmes

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Possible related entities:

2-Dorothy McColl
2nd Holmes
A. Holmes
Alex Rus- Lome Holmes
Alice Lome Holmes
Allan Donnel Holmes
Anita Dorothy
Anne Holmes
Arnprior Holmes
Arthur Holmes
Arthur Kil-Hilliard Holmes
Arthur Osmond À Robert Arthur Holmes
Assisting Mrs. Holmes
B. Holmes
Bill Buntoq Bill Holmes
Birdie Holmes
Bishop Holmes
BiSiiop Holmes
Blue Holmes
Bob and Doris Holmes
Bob and Dorothy Cowley
Bob and Dorthy Holmes
Bob Burke Holmes
Bob Cowley Mohan Deogan Kountry Kookm’ Restaurant David Holmes Anne McGowan Pontiac Wool Works Mora
Bob Holmes
Bob Holmes -
Bob Holmes 3 Jean Paul Normandeau 4
Bob Holmes 4
Bob Holmes 7
Bob Holmes 7. Michel Charron 8. Rick Chartrand 9
Bob Holmes 8
Bob Holmes Nightmare
Bob Holmes Roy Rodgers Ron Dick Steve McKee
Bob Holmes Suzie Pasch
Bob Holmes Therrien
Bobby Holmes
Boh Holmes
Bradbury Holmes
Brenda Mrs Rita Holmes
Brent Hobbs Billy Hodgins Shirley Howard Adaline Judd Dorothy Judd Jack Kehoe 463
Bretzloff Holmes
Bretzlofif Holmes
Brian Holmes
Burke Holmes
Burke Holmes Ostrom
By Dorothy Mohr Mrs. August
C W Hillard Holmes
Cam Holmes
Captain Carol Holmes
Carol BretakÜ Holmes
Carol BretlofT Holmes Amelia
Carol Bretz-loff Holmes
Carol Bretzlaff Holmes
Carol Bretzloff Holmes
Carol Bretzloff Holmes Clarendon Dear Editor Who
Carol Bretzloff Holmes Clay Workshop "
Carol Bretzloff Holmes Have
Carol Bretzloff Holmes Sylvia Bretzloff Robb
Carol Bretzloff Holmes V Ml
Carol Bretzloff-Holmes
Carol Dorothy
Carol Holmes
Carole Holmes
Caroline (Holmes
Caroline Holmes
Caroline Mary (Holmes
Carolyn Holmes
Catherine Holmes
Cathy Holmes
Cathy Holmes David Baker
Chandler Dorothy Malone
Charles Bailey Holmes
Chris Holmes
Chris Holmes Atwill
Chris Holmes Kingston Fair
Christmas Song Favourites Phillip Holmes
Ci O By Dorothy Kells Semans
Claire Steinke Dorothy Dec.
Clarendôn Circuit Rev. X T. Holmes
Clifford Dorothy Bretzlaff
Coach Dave Holmes
Coach David Holmes
Contact R A. Holmes
Corp. Phillip Holmes
Councillor Holmes
D. Holmes
Dad Holmes
Dale Dorothy Schwartz
Dale Harriet Elliott Dorothy Stevenson
Dan Dean Holmes
Dan Holmes
Dance D Bob Holmes
Dave Holmes
Dave Holmes Featuring BOMBA Y
Dave Holmes Holmes
Dave Holmes Richard Vc/eau
Dave Moore Linda Holmes
David and Rev Karen Holmes
David Holmes
David Holmes - Special
David Holmes Alexandre
David Holmes Intermunicipal Recreation Agreement
Dawn McKenzie-Holmes
Debbie (Holmes
Debbie Holmes
Debbie Holmes Thrun
Debbie Holmes-Thrun
Debbie Thrun 647-3927 Debbie Holmes Thrun
Dennis Holmes
Derek Holmes
Diane Cathy Holmes
Dodie Holmes
Dodie Holmes Bob Riznek
Don Romain Mrs. Hilliard Holmes
Donald A Dorothy Simpson
Donald Burton Dorothy Burton Mary DeGuire Ernest Eady Earl Fraser Joan Glenn Eleanor Graham _ .Jean
Donald Dorothy Ireland
Donald Dorothy Pitts
Donnie Rich- Shawville June Bride Dorothy Joan
Doreen Holmes
Doris Holmes
Doris Holmes Danlord Lake Hotel
Doris Holmes Debbie
Doris Holmes Laynard
Doris Holmes Obituary Annie A McMillan MOVING Obituary Edward John Fierobin TO
Dorothy Ticre
Dorothy "
Dorothy & Marilyn McGuire
Dorothy (
Dorothy (Elliott
Dorothy (Gibson
Dorothy (Hayes
Dorothy (White
Dorothy .and
Dorothy 1st Prizes
Dorothy 648-2411
Dorothy 648-2411 Flood
Dorothy 648-2411 Giuliani
Dorothy 648-2411 Ph
Dorothy 7-2992
Dorothy >’ear Moyer
Dorothy ?Hayes
Dorothy A
Dorothy Aimitage
Dorothy Akitt
Dorothy Akxxktook Ipellie
Dorothy al
Dorothy Al-
Dorothy Alexan-
Dorothy Alexan- Dougall
Dorothy Alexander
Dorothy Alexander Pontiac
Dorothy Alexander Prize
Dorothy Alexander Staffer Plaque
Dorothy Allen
Dorothy Alt
Dorothy and
Dorothy and Betty
Dorothy and Joan
Dorothy Angus
Dorothy Anmitae
Dorothy Ann
Dorothy Ann Lusk
Dorothy Ann May Stafford
Dorothy Anne
Dorothy Annie May Greer
Dorothy Arm
Dorothy Arm Wage
Dorothy Armât
Dorothy Armdtage
Dorothy Armibage
Dorothy Armit-
Dorothy Armitagc
Dorothy Armitage
Dorothy ArmiUge On
Dorothy Armltafe
Dorothy Armltage
Dorothy ArmlUge
Dorothy Armstrong
Dorothy Ault
Dorothy Austin
Dorothy Aylmer
Dorothy B tiïiïLÏÏlÛ
Dorothy Back
Dorothy Barber (Leslie
Dorothy Barley
Dorothy Barley Donna
Dorothy Barmans
Dorothy Barrier
Dorothy Baugh
Dorothy Baxter
Dorothy Be
Dorothy Bean
Dorothy Belair
Dorothy Bender
Dorothy Benedict
Dorothy Bennett
Dorothy Berens
Dorothy Berg
Dorothy Berner
Dorothy Bernice Brother
Dorothy Berry
Dorothy Bertrand
Dorothy Beryl McLaughlin
Dorothy Best
Dorothy Bethune
Dorothy Billings
Dorothy Birthday
Dorothy Black
Dorothy Black Flanting
Dorothy Black Frost
Dorothy Black Hearty
Dorothy Black Smart
Dorothy Blum-ensmne
Dorothy Boldt
Dorothy Boldt Field
Dorothy Bradshaw
Dorothy Brazeau
Dorothy Brctzlaff
Dorothy Brennan
Dorothy Bret/.-
Dorothy Brett-
Dorothy Bretz
Dorothy Bretzlaff
Dorothy Breu-
Dorothy Brigger
Dorothy Brown
Dorothy Bruner
Dorothy Brunet
Dorothy Buher
Dorothy Bundock
Dorothy Burns
Dorothy Burton
Dorothy Burton McDougall
Dorothy Butler
Dorothy Byford
Dorothy Byron Barr
Dorothy C.
Dorothy Cald
Dorothy Caldwe
Dorothy Caldwell
Dorothy Caldwell McCallister
Dorothy Caldwell Reg
Dorothy Caldwell RN
Dorothy Campbell
Dorothy Campbell’s Bay
Dorothy Campeau
Dorothy Canfield Fisher’s
Dorothy Cannon Thompson
Dorothy Capelsky
Dorothy Carol Tollman
Dorothy Carroll
Dorothy Cecconi
Dorothy Cewley
Dorothy Char-
Dorothy Char- Barber
Dorothy Chartrand
Dorothy Chartrand Correspondent
Dorothy Ci’d
Dorothy Claire
Dorothy Clark
Dorothy Clifford
Dorothy Cochrane
Dorothy Cock
Dorothy Coffin
Dorothy Comgan
Dorothy Connaught Acres
Dorothy Cook
Dorothy Cooligan
Dorothy Cooliss
Dorothy Cooper Harris
Dorothy Corrigan
Dorothy Corrigan Township
Dorothy Coulas
Dorothy Cow
Dorothy Cow-
Dorothy Cow- Proulx
Dorothy Cow-Icy
Dorothy Cow-The Western Quebec
Dorothy Cowley
Dorothy Cowley Adult
Dorothy Cowley Adult Education Services
Dorothy Crawford
Dorothy Crete
Dorothy Cross
Dorothy Crozier
Dorothy Cummlngore
Dorothy Cunningham
Dorothy Cunninghim
Dorothy Curmi„
Dorothy Curry
Dorothy Cuthbertson
Dorothy D-
Dorothy Da
Dorothy Dag
Dorothy Dagg
Dorothy Dale
Dorothy Daly
Dorothy Dandridge CARMEN
Dorothy Dandridge CARMEN JONES
Dorothy Dandridge Recommended As Adult Entertainment
Dorothy Danielson
Dorothy Dawn
Dorothy De-Lany
Dorothy Deacon
Dorothy Deanna
Dorothy Decks
Dorothy Decks By M
Dorothy Deeks
Dorothy Dempsey
Dorothy Dickie
Dorothy Dickie Ranza Clark’s
Dorothy Dix
Dorothy Dixon
Dorothy Dlx’s
Dorothy Dobson
Dorothy Doyle
Dorothy Drew
Dorothy DU
Dorothy Duchesne
Dorothy Dumont
Dorothy Dunbar Baer
Dorothy Dunn
Dorothy Dunning
Dorothy During
Dorothy E «»
Dorothy E. Caldwell
Dorothy E. Cowley
Dorothy E. McCallister
Dorothy E. McCormick
Dorothy Edith Yemen
Dorothy Edwards
Dorothy Eganville
Dorothy Einina
Dorothy El
Dorothy El-
Dorothy Elizabeth
Dorothy Elizabeth Renfrew Chateau
Dorothy Ellen
Dorothy Ellen Ireland
Dorothy Elliot
Dorothy Elliott
Dorothy Elliott Charteris 241
Dorothy Elliott I
Dorothy Elliott Publishers Sf Editorê
Dorothy Elliott Wayne Langford
Dorothy ElMott
Dorothy Equity
Dorothy Ethel Mary
Dorothy Ethel Reliable Service Station
Dorothy EUard
Dorothy Evans
Dorothy Evans Alcoholics Anonymous
Dorothy Evelye
Dorothy Evelyn
Dorothy Fairfield
Dorothy Farfteld
Dorothy Farrell
Dorothy Faught Phone
Dorothy Federchuk
Dorothy Finnerty
Dorothy Fisher
Dorothy Fisher Herbert Arthur Armstrong
Dorothy Flood
Dorothy Fmmgan
Dorothy For- Racine
Dorothy For- Sec y-Treas
Dorothy Forbes
Dorothy Forbres
Dorothy Foster
Dorothy Frances
Dorothy Frank
Dorothy Fraser
Dorothy Fresque
Dorothy Fu
Dorothy Fuifdod
Dorothy Fukford
Dorothy Ful-
Dorothy Ful- They
Dorothy Fulfond
Dorothy Fulford
Dorothy Fulford Grade Eleven
Dorothy Fulford Mrs. Olive MacLean
Dorothy Fulford Presley
Dorothy Fullord
Dorothy Gaidar I
Dorothy Gamber
Dorothy Gamble
Dorothy Gauthier
Dorothy Gavan
Dorothy Gibson
Dorothy Gilpin
Dorothy Gish
Dorothy Glenn
Dorothy Gogo
Dorothy Gordon
Dorothy Grace
Dorothy Grade
Dorothy Graham
Dorothy Gratton
Dorothy Green Lake
Dorothy Greer
Dorothy Grove Cemetery
Dorothy Guinan
Dorothy Guinan C WorsLip Wiéli U
Dorothy H.y„
Dorothy Haldane
Dorothy Haley
Dorothy Haley Shawville
Dorothy Harland Moffat
Dorothy Harley Eber
Dorothy Harrison
Dorothy Harrison Eustis
Dorothy Hart
Dorothy Harvey Dr Dorothy Harvey
Dorothy Have*
Dorothy Haves
Dorothy Haye-
Dorothy Hayes
Dorothy Hayes Promoted
Dorothy Haye®
Dorothy Hearty
Dorothy Heather
Dorothy Helen
Dorothy Helen Metcalfe K N
Dorothy Helen R.N.
Dorothy Henderon
Dorothy Henderson
Dorothy Henderson She
Dorothy Henry
Dorothy Heryet
Dorothy Hetherington
Dorothy Hewitt McCredle
Dorothy Heyes
Dorothy Higgins Men
Dorothy Hind
Dorothy Hittih
Dorothy Ho-fgins
Dorothy Ho<lg V Asphalt Shingles
Dorothy Hobb
Dorothy Hobbs
Dorothy Hobbs Beardsley
Dorothy Hobbs Dianne Lacourse
Dorothy Hobbs Hodgins
Dorothy Hobbs Thompson
Dorothy Hod
Dorothy Hod*»*
Dorothy Hod-
Dorothy Hod-gins
Dorothy Hodgin
Dorothy Hodgins
Dorothy Hodgins and
Dorothy Hodgjps
Dorothy Hodglns
Dorothy Hodgms
Dorothy Holey- Bretdaff
Dorothy Holmes
Dorothy Homer
Dorothy Hope
Dorothy Horner
Dorothy Horner Lynn
Dorothy Horner Surtees
Dorothy Hotel
Dorothy Hourston
Dorothy Hoy
Dorothy Huit
Dorothy Hwy
Dorothy I
Dorothy I. Hayes
Dorothy I. MacRae
Dorothy Ieullord
Dorothy Ilo
Dorothy Imieon
Dorothy Imison
Dorothy Imisou
Dorothy In
Dorothy Incledoo
Dorothy Inez Maheral
Dorothy Iona Hodgins
Dorothy Ire
Dorothy Ireland
Dorothy Irene Pearl
Dorothy Irolson
Dorothy Isobel Brigger
Dorothy Ives
Dorothy J Hayes
Dorothy J — Ralph
Dorothy J.
Dorothy J. Hodgins
Dorothy Jack
Dorothy Jane
Dorothy Jane Beryl Hodgins
Dorothy Jane Goulding
Dorothy Jeakirts
Dorothy Jean
Dorothy Jean Dagg
Dorothy Jean Horner
Dorothy Jean Milne
Dorothy Jean to Mr. Ron B. Sager
Dorothy Jessop
Dorothy Jessup
Dorothy Jmison
Dorothy John Melanie Lagardc
Dorothy John Walls
Dorothy Joined
Dorothy Jones
Dorothy Jones Mr
Dorothy Judd
Dorothy Judy Emerson
Dorothy June
Dorothy Kahn Jaffe
Dorothy Kelley
Dorothy Kelly
Dorothy Kennedy
Dorothy Kenopic
Dorothy Kenoplc
Dorothy Kerin
Dorothy Kfliott
Dorothy Kilgallen
Dorothy King
Dorothy Kirkham
Dorothy Kirsten
Dorothy Klliott Shawville
Dorothy Knapp
Dorothy Kohlsmith
Dorothy Kyle
Dorothy L Fremont
Dorothy L Perry
Dorothy La
Dorothy Lahey
Dorothy Lamour
Dorothy Lang
Dorothy Langman
Dorothy Larnour
Dorothy Lathe
Dorothy Latour
Dorothy Laurie
Dorothy Lavel
Dorothy Lawton
Dorothy Lee
Dorothy Leola
Dorothy Leona Margaret
Dorothy Leonard
Dorothy Lepack
Dorothy Leroux
Dorothy Letts
Dorothy Lew-
Dorothy Licensed
Dorothy Lilly
Dorothy Lindsay
Dorothy Livesay
Dorothy Livesay Phoebe McCord Sir Charles GD. Roberta Robert Service
Dorothy Lokcn
Dorothy Loken
Dorothy Loken Mr.
Dorothy Lomoor
Dorothy LoUgh
Dorothy Lough Fort Coulonge
Dorothy Lucas
Dorothy Lumblin
Dorothy Lusk
Dorothy Lynn
Dorothy M
Dorothy M Pritcnard
Dorothy M Rose
Dorothy M Russell The
Dorothy M. McAfee
Dorothy M. Rouleton
Dorothy MacDougal
Dorothy MacDougall
Dorothy MacKechnie
Dorothy Mae Congratulations
Dorothy Mae K
Dorothy Maitland
Dorothy Malone
Dorothy Malone Archie Johnston
Dorothy Malone Matinee Saturday Morning
Dorothy Malone Suspense
Dorothy Malone Technlco*our
Dorothy Manette
Dorothy March
Dorothy Marcus Mosely
Dorothy Margaret McGuire
Dorothy Margaret Stuart
Dorothy Maria Schell CHECKPOINT Technicolour Anthony Steele Odile Versois* A Dog
Dorothy Marie
Dorothy Marie Harvey
Dorothy Marilyn
Dorothy Mary
Dorothy Mary Shea
Dorothy Mary Vibert
Dorothy Matilda
Dorothy May
Dorothy May Bradford
Dorothy May Bundy
Dorothy Mayhew
Dorothy Mc- Large
Dorothy Mc- Mary
Dorothy Mc-1 Po
Dorothy Mc-Coll
Dorothy McC oil
Dorothy McCoH
Dorothy McCoiJ.
Dorothy McCoIl
Dorothy McColi
Dorothy McColl
Dorothy McColl 2
Dorothy McColL Quyon Fair
Dorothy McConnell
Dorothy McCool
Dorothy McDougal
Dorothy McDougal Burton
Dorothy McDougall
Dorothy McDowell
Dorothy McGarry
Dorothy McGee
Dorothy McGuire
Dorothy McGuire Friday
Dorothy McGuire Stephen McNally Marta Toren Marilyn Erskine
Dorothy McGuire Stephen McNallyJTony Curtis xml9 Mary Murphy Public Notice
Dorothy McIntyre
Dorothy McKee
Dorothy McKenzie
Dorothy McKinnon
Dorothy McNally
Dorothy McOoU
Dorothy MdCallister
Dorothy Me Coll
Dorothy Me- Coll
Dorothy Meechum
Dorothy Meldrum
Dorothy Melvena Rose
Dorothy Melvina
Dorothy Met-
Dorothy Met-I
Dorothy Metcalfe
Dorothy Me— Gill
Dorothy Michaels
Dorothy Mildred
Dorothy Miller
Dorothy Milligan
Dorothy Miss Eileen Armstrong Miss Jean Bond Dr
Dorothy Mobile Hanging
Dorothy Moffatt Honoured These
Dorothy Mohr
Dorothy Mohr Barrister
Dorothy Mohr Campbell
Dorothy Mohr Phone
Dorothy Mohr Phonr Quyon
Dorothy Mohr Wesley United Church
Dorothy Mont-
Dorothy Moore
Dorothy Mor- Clarence Wilson
Dorothy Morrison
Dorothy Morrison An
Dorothy Morrison Anna Young
Dorothy Morrison Joe Knox
Dorothy Morrisson
Dorothy Mortl-
Dorothy Moss
Dorothy Moyer
Dorothy Mr.
Dorothy Mrs Atari McBane
Dorothy Mrs Claudette Diotte
Dorothy Mrs James Tubman
Dorothy Mrs. Robt
Dorothy Muklhan
Dorothy Munro Jr. Miss Hodgins
Dorothy Mur- Cedric Elliott
Dorothy Mur-1
Dorothy Murdock
Dorothy Murk
Dorothy Murray
Dorothy Murrell
Dorothy Murtagh
Dorothy Mustagh
Dorothy Nelson
Dorothy Nichol
Dorothy Nicol
Dorothy Nod
Dorothy Nod-sisting
Dorothy O Connor
Dorothy O Neill
Dorothy Olmsted
Dorothy Oman
Dorothy Osborne
Dorothy Our
Dorothy O’Connor
Dorothy P
Dorothy P*» C Seho*ll Harrington Hall September
Dorothy Paget
Dorothy Parker
Dorothy Paul II
Dorothy Pe-
Dorothy Pearl
Dorothy Peqeiegnat
Dorothy Pequegnat
Dorothy Perkin#
Dorothy Perkins
Dorothy Perrier
Dorothy Pettiplace
Dorothy Pierce
Dorothy Pitt
Dorothy Pitts
Dorothy Pontiac Continuing Education Centre
Dorothy Por-
Dorothy Por- Motors
Dorothy Por-Murray
Dorothy Por-tcous
Dorothy Por-teous
Dorothy Porteoua
Dorothy Porteous
Dorothy Porteous Vallée Tradition
Dorothy Porteous Vallée Tradition’s Band
Dorothy Porteous" Ross Campbell Marcel Duel
Dorothy Potato Crop Appears Good Frances
Dorothy Presky
Dorothy Presley
Dorothy Price
Dorothy Primeau
Dorothy Pritch
Dorothy Pritchard
Dorothy Provine
Dorothy Provinne Good Fiction Story
Dorothy R Hodgins
Dorothy R#v- Glenn
Dorothy R-w
Dorothy Rabishaw
Dorothy Ralph
Dorothy Ranger
Dorothy Recent
Dorothy Reiche
Dorothy Renfrew
Dorothy Rich Mrs Ethel Black
Dorothy Richard
Dorothy Richards
Dorothy Richardson
Dorothy Ridg-iSally
Dorothy Ridgway Residencies
Dorothy Rivet
Dorothy Rivet Vogt
Dorothy Ro
Dorothy Robert McRae
Dorothy Robinson
Dorothy Roe Gauthier
Dorothy Romain
Dorothy Rorteoun
Dorothy Rose
Dorothy Rose Gilpin
Dorothy Rose Henderson
Dorothy Rosenberg
Dorothy Rouble
Dorothy Round
Dorothy Routliffe
Dorothy Ruble
Dorothy Rus
Dorothy Rusaett
Dorothy Russell
Dorothy Russett
Dorothy Ruth Sharpe
Dorothy Rutledge
Dorothy Rutlige
Dorothy Ryan
Dorothy Sadler
Dorothy Sager
Dorothy Saikaly
Dorothy Saunderson
Dorothy Scharfe
Dorothy Schwartz
Dorothy Schwartz Maniwaki
Dorothy Schwartz Mr.
Dorothy Schwartz Ruth Halifax
Dorothy Schwartz’s
Dorothy Seacombe
Dorothy Senior
Dorothy Shawville
Dorothy Shea
Dorothy Shep- Lions Club
Dorothy Sheppard
Dorothy Sheryl
Dorothy Shiles
Dorothy Shortt
Dorothy Shortt Ministering
Dorothy Shwartz
Dorothy Sicard
Dorothy Simon Wills
Dorothy Sin
Dorothy Sinclair
Dorothy Sisco
Dorothy Sisco French
Dorothy Slack
Dorothy Smart
Dorothy Smiley
Dorothy Smith
Dorothy Smith Slippery Anne
Dorothy Smyth
Dorothy Sneed
Dorothy Soucie
Dorothy Speerin
Dorothy Spence
Dorothy Sprayson
Dorothy St
Dorothy Stabe
Dorothy Stafford
Dorothy Stafford Mrs
Dorothy Stallord
Dorothy Stan
Dorothy Stan-Harry Fades
Dorothy Stan-zel
Dorothy Stanley
Dorothy Stanley Rank
Dorothy Stanton
Dorothy Stanzel
Dorothy Stanzell
Dorothy Stanzell’s
Dorothy Ste-
Dorothy Ste-of
Dorothy Steadman
Dorothy Steele
Dorothy Stella
Dorothy Stephen»
Dorothy Stepping
Dorothy Stev-stiderations
Dorothy Steven
Dorothy Steven*
Dorothy Stevens
Dorothy Stevens Barbara Russell
Dorothy Stevens INTER-CHURCH
Dorothy Stevens McDonald College
Dorothy Stevenson
Dorothy Stevenswas
Dorothy Stewart
Dorothy Stewart Weds
Dorothy Stone
Dorothy Storey
Dorothy Storie
Dorothy Story
Dorothy Stratton Story NEVER SA
Dorothy Sttevens_ Many
Dorothy Stuart
Dorothy Swartz
Dorothy Syracuse
Dorothy Talion
Dorothy Tario
Dorothy Taylor
Dorothy Telford
Dorothy Teller
Dorothy Tennant
Dorothy Terrie
Dorothy The
Dorothy Thelma
Dorothy Thompson
Dorothy Thompson G^oldin*
Dorothy Thompson Roadster
Dorothy Thomson
Dorothy Thrun
Dorothy Thrun Ron Lewis Rich-
Dorothy Tiudeau
Dorothy Tommy
Dorothy Treasurer Doreen Davis
Dorothy Trip
Dorothy Tru-
Dorothy Tru- Hahn
Dorothy Tru- Pontiacs
Dorothy Trudeau
Dorothy Tucker
Dorothy U. Gladstone
Dorothy Unce
Dorothy Uncle Leonard Russell
Dorothy Unison
Dorothy Urqubart
Dorothy V
Dorothy VaiDancourt
Dorothy Vaillancourt
Dorothy Vaillillee
Dorothy Vallee
Dorothy Vallillee
Dorothy Van Horn
Dorothy Vandray
Dorothy Vandry
Dorothy Vaudry
Dorothy Vickery
Dorothy Voght
Dorothy Vogt
Dorothy Vrauch
Dorothy Walsh
Dorothy Watson
Dorothy Way
Dorothy Wc
Dorothy Webber
Dorothy Welach
Dorothy Wheaton
Dorothy Wheeler
Dorothy White
Dorothy Whitlock
Dorothy Whitty Devenish
Dorothy Whyte
Dorothy Wickens
Dorothy Wife Carmel
Dorothy Wil-
Dorothy Willett-a Elizabeth Lucas
Dorothy Willetta Elizabeth
Dorothy Willowby
Dorothy Wilson
Dorothy Wilson First
Dorothy Wilson Secretary
Dorothy Winnipeg
Dorothy WJ Hayes
Dorothy Woerm
Dorothy Woerm- Armstrong
Dorothy Woermke
Dorothy Wool Growers
Dorothy Wootn
Dorothy Worden
Dorothy Workman
Dorothy Wormke
Dorothy X Gemeterg TVlemorials Onslow Womens Institute Grade X Edih Hanna
Dorothy Yaandry
Dorothy Yach
Dorothy Yandray
Dorothy Yeman
Dorothy Yemen
Dorothy Yemen Who Hu
Dorothy Yemen Acounts
Dorothy Yemen After
Dorothy Yemen Apart
Dorothy Yemen Choose
Dorothy Yemen I
Dorothy Yemen It
Dorothy Yemen Often
Dorothy Yemen On
Dorothy Yemen Secretary-Treasurer
Dorothy Yemen There
Dorothy Ymdray
Dorothy Young
Dorothy Youth Bible Study Sisco
Dorothy’s Thomas
Doug Holmes
Douglas Great Story Dorothy Patrick OUTLAW STALLION
Doyle Miss Dorothy Murtagh
Dr. Holmes
Ed Holmes
Edgar May- Holmes
Edith Holmes
Edward Holmes
Edward J. Holmes
Eliza Holmes
Elizabeth Chamber- Dorothy Horner
Emard Holmes
Emily Me— Dorothy Cowley
Equitation Class—Laird Graham Dorothy McColl
Erie Holmes
Frank Holmes
Frank Holmes Cruickshanks
G. Holmes
George Holmes
George Holmes Anne Campbell
George Holmes Mr. John Thomson
Gerald Holmes
Gilbert Holmes
Gladys Holmes
Glenn Ford Dorothy McGuire
Glenn Hodgins Dorothy Ful- Period
Gord Holmes
Gordon Holmes
Gordon Holmes 3
Grace Dagg Mary Dale Irene Shaw Evelyn Little Dorothy Fairfield Margaret Simons Ethel Gibson
Grace Holmes
Graham Connolly Dorothy Dagg Vaughan Harris Marjorie Hodgins Bill Horner Chester Laughren Norma MdK
Green Holmes
Gwenyth Barber, Leona Dorothy Hodglns
H —Dorothy Carruthers Tait
H. Holmes
H.H. Holmes
Hannah Holmes
Hard Holmes
Hardy Plants Towles Nursery Dorothy Schwartz Kluke
Harris - Dorothy Hodgins
Haynes Holmes
Heathe Holmes
Helen Dorothy
Helmet Fer- Holmes
Henry Holmes
Hepxvoith Holmes
Hobbs Dorothy
Holmes Sidonie Matsner Gruenbcrg
Holmes "
Holmes - Chevrier
Holmes - June
Holmes A
Holmes Airport
Holmes Answers Questions
Holmes Aylmer
Holmes Bequeaths
Holmes Bits
Holmes Bristol Mines R 0
Holmes Burke Holmes
Holmes Catherine
Holmes Chicago
Holmes Chief Constable Draper
Holmes Cost
Holmes Cowan
Holmes Dr Lynebke D. Mot Kile
Holmes Electric
Holmes Emble Finan
Holmes Emotional Deprivation Is Said To Result
Holmes Hastings E. Russell Huron E
Holmes Hodgins
Holmes Hsngred
Holmes I
Holmes Interment
Holmes L#ght
Holmes Ladysmith
Holmes Miller
Holmes Move
Holmes New
Holmes Not
Holmes Pembroke Kings
Holmes Rd
Holmes Renfrew
Holmes Road
Holmes Sale Barn
Holmes Salty Water Halts Heat Exhaustion
Holmes Sat.
Holmes Serve
Holmes Shawville Lions
Holmes Single Farm Chunk Mare
Holmes Speaking
Holmes Store
Holmes Store Mahon Breweries
Holmes T Cowan
Holmes Thrun
Holmes To
Holmes Trucking
Holmes T™
Holmes Y/
Howard Nesbitt Miss Dorothy Mohr
Hull Dorothy
Husky Officer “Princess Dorothy
Irene Dorothy
Irene Holmes
Iris Smith Carol Holmes
J Holmes
J Mrs Holmes
J S Holmes
J ¦ L -photo Sylvie Bakker Dorothy Schwartz
Jack AanabeBe Glande WMMam Edward Webb Dorothy O Connor Sc
Jack Holmes
Jack O’Neil Gordon Holmes
Jake Holmes
Jake Holmes Tasse
James Cagney Dorothy Malone Cinemascope
James Holmes James Patrick Holmes
James Loken Miss Dorothy Loken
James Mason Dorothy Dandridge
James Philip Holmes
Jane Alexan- Dorothy
Jean and Dorothy Smith
Jean and Sherwood Holmes
Jean Bretzlaff Dorothy Burton Hillis Conolly Keith Emmerson Betty Farrell Diane Hobbs Billy Hodgins
Jean Dorothy Fresque
Jean Harr Dorothy Jtnld
Jeff Chandler Jeanne Dru Fred Mac Murray Technicolor Dorothy Maguire
Jessie Prof. Holmes
Jim Holmes
Jim Mrs. Dorothy Lough
Jimmy Holmes
Joan Dorothy Ireland
Joan Sally Dorothy Trudeau
Joanne Holmes
Joanne Holmes*
Jodi Holmes
Jody Holmes
Joe Burke Holmes
Joe Holmes
John A Godmere Program Co-Ordinator Dorothy Yemen
John C. Holmes
John Holmes
John Holmes Have
John Holmes Mrs. Walter McBane Vice-President
John Joseph Holmes Contact
John Langford Dorothy Porteous Carl Trudeau Paulette Gauthier Claude Cummings Loma Hearty Amanda Tr
John Mills Dorothy Maguire
John Mills Dorothy McGuire
John Mills Dorothy McGuire B Fort
Jonathan Holmes
Joseph Holmes
Joseph Sloan - Dorothy Vogt
Josephine Holmes
Joyce Dorothy Johnson
Judges H Bay s Phillip Holmes
Judy Holmes
Judy Letts Dorothy Black
Julie Holmes
June Holmes
Kathleen Craw Dorothy Hearty
Kathleen Holmes
Kathleen Holmes From
Kathleen Holmes-
Kathy Holmes
Katie Holmes
Keith Patsy Burke Holmes
Keith Sloan Bob Holmes
Ken (Dorothy ) Shawville
Ken and Dorothy Wilson
Ken and Pat Holmes
Ken Brownlee Maple Butter - Dorothy Fulford
Ken ® Dorothy
Kennedy - Mrs Dorothy Mohr
Kenneth W. Holmes
Kim Thalhetnw Dorothy Edwards
L P. Holmes
Larry Holmes
Lawrence Holmes
Lee Holmes
Leonard Dob Holmes
Leslie Phillip Holmes
Linda Burke Holmes
Linda Dorothy Arm
Linda Dorothy Cowley
Linda Dorothy Pequegnat
Linda Holmes
Linda Holmes Bob
Little Dorothy
Lois Dorothy
Lorna Barber and Dorothy Barley Cathy
Louise Lateer Holmes
Lurence Holmes
M E0U(IY Holmes
Ma V Snpnd But Dorothy
Macdonald Dorothy
Maggie Holmes
Margaret Burns Holmes
Margaret Dorothy
Marie Mrs Dorothy Lepine
Marion Dorothy ?
Marion Hodgins^Dorothy Burton
Marjorie Dickson s Coconut Kin Dorothy McColl
Marjorie Dorothy Barley Donny Letts Margaret
Mark Frutkin 48583XA9 Kenneth Leslie Dorothy Livesay
Martin Holmes
Marty Linda Holmes
Marty Patsy Burke Holmes
Mary and Debbie Holmes
Mary Holmes
Mary Holmes Her
Mary Holmes Hodgins
Mary Holmes Linda Smith Jane Murdock Party
Mary Holmes-Hodgins
Mary Jay Miss Dorothy Lokcn
Mary Me- Dorothy Tubman
Master Mark Holmes
Matthew Holmes
Mel Lang- Holmes
Mel Patsy Burke Holmes
Mi S Dorothy Penny
Mies Betty Holmes
Mies Dorothy Irene Pearl
Mike Holmes
Miss Dorothy Elliott
Miss Mamie Holmes
Mohr Miss Dorothy Mohr
Mr Holmes
Mr# Holmes
Mr, Dorothy
Mr, Holmes
Mr. Holmes
Mr. Sherlock Holmes
Mrs Norman Holmes Lake
Mrs. Allen Mohr Mis Dorothy Mohr
Mrs. Dorothy
Mrs. Dorothy 7-2992
Mrs. Dorothy 7-2992 7-2460 McDougal
Mrs. Dorothy Cunningham
Mrs. Dorothy Cunningham Student Minis
Mrs. Dorothy Cunninghem Student Ministe
Mrs. Dorothy-Jean Mills
Mrs. FDWard Holmes
Mrs. Gladys Holmes
Mrs. HHIard Holmes
Mrs. HHliard Holmes
Mrs. Hilliard Holmes
Mrs. Hilly Holmes
Mrs. Holmes
Mrs. Holmes Those
Mrs. Jean Paul Cap- Miss Dorothy Lusk
Mrs. Joe Trevor Howard Dorothy Dandridge Melodrama
Mrs. Lorenzo Mer- Mlss Dorothy Hobbs
Mrs. N T. Holmes
Mrs. Norris Brian Holmes
Mrs. Ray Holmes
Mrs. Weldon Holmes
MU.” Dorothy
N. T Holmes
N.T. Holmes
Nicki Holmes
No. G Dorothy Bussell
NoJm.an Holmes Junior McCagg
Norm Holmes
Norma Holmes
Norman Holmes
Norman Holmes Alma BrOWOlOO AnHStTOIlg Visiting
Norman Holmes Bouleau Blanc
Norman Holmes Jr was
Norris Brian Holmes
North Holmes
Notice Free For Sale Z HI BY DOROTHY YEMEN*
Nurse Dorothy Hayes
Oliver Dendell Holmes
Oliver Holmes
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Oliver Wendell Holmes* THE NATURALIST.
Orr Holmes
OULi Sherlock Holmes Bids
P. Holmes
Patsy Burke Holmes
Patsy Burke Holmes Hodgins
Patsy Holmes
Paul Dorothy Johnson MU.
Paul Holmes
Paul llenried Karen Booth Miss Dorothy Hobbs
Peter Criss" Holmes
Peter Holmes
Peter Proud Dorothy Fleming Arthur Sc Dorothy Forbes Steve Forbes John W ic Martha God
Phil Holmes
Phil- op Holmes
Philip Holmes
Philip Holmes - Bathroom Diva
Philip Holmes - French
Philip Holmes Bob Binder Desktop Publishing Joyce Rainville Newberry Strawberry Supper
Philip I _ _ Holmes
Phillip Holmes
Phillip Holmes Dorothy Alexander Prize
Phillip Holmes RCMP
Phillip Holmes Shannon Grant
Phillips Holmes
Phone —Dorothy Hayes Briggsr
Phyllis Holmes
Poppy Holmes
Raymond Lynch Dorothy Caldwell Bert Cleiumens
Regenerate Thomas Holmes
Rev. Chns Holmes
Revella Holmes
Rice Holmes
Richard Holmes
Richard W. Holmes
Richard Wile Dorothy Cowley
Richard Wills Dorothy BretzlafT
Richard Wills Holmes
Rick At- Holmes 8»
Rick Cummings Holmes
Rin-Dorothy Romain
Rita Holmes
Rob Holmes
Robert A Holmes
Robert Getz Dorothy McGuire Western Romance
Robert Holmes
Robert Holmes CAMPBELL’S BAY
Robert Holmes GtcsJia Selkirk
Robert M. Holmes
Robert Taylor Dorothy Malone
Robyn Holmes
Rod Holmes
Roland OriLm IXrrrk Holmes
Ron Dorothy Ytum
Ron Holmes
Ron Poiri Patsy Burke Holmes
Ronnie Dorothy Forbes
Roy Rogers Dorothy Lewis
Ruth Dorothy
R°L Holmes
Sales - Jamie Holmes
Sam Holmes
Sharon Da- Dorothy Smart
Shawvillc Holmes
Sheila Richardson Roberta Dagg Dorothy Hodgins
Shelley Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlocl Holmes
Shirley Mae Mohr Dorothy Trudeau
Sister Dorothy
Sister Dorothy Hayes Returns
Smith Dorothy McKenzie
Sr.—Dorothy Twiss
Starring Phillip Holmes __
Steven Dorothy Chartrand
Steven Dorothy.
Stewart Holmes
Stuart Holmes
Sydney Holmes
Sylvia Bakker Equity Editor Shawville Holmes
Systems Jim Brennan Greg MacKenzie .................Phillip Holmes
T. Holmes
T. Holmes B A. B D.
Tammy Holmes
Taylor Dorothy Molone
Taylor Holmes
Ted Ib-Travis Holmes
Thomas Holmes
Tim Holmes
Tom Holmes
Tom Rita Holmes
Tom Wakefield* Bob Holmes
Tony Curtis Dorothy Malone
Travis Holmes
Treat Holmes
Use Classified Stevens Dorothy Pitts
Val Jones Dorothy Wilson
Vereyk- Holmes
W A. Holmes Open
Walter A. Smith Misses Dorothy
Walter By Dorothy Mohr Mr.
Wanda Holmes
Wayne Dorothy Lamour Color
Wendef Holmes
Wendell Holmes
Will Holmes*
William Holmes
Banting-Holmes Park
Dorothy Ireland
Dorothy St Louis
Fort Me- Holmes
Holmes Airport
Holmes Beach
Holmes Road
Mrs. Dorothy l
Ottawa Dorothy Ireland
Pearl Dorothy Ireland
Port Dorothy
Adult Entertainment Rock Hudson Dorothy
Aunt Mimi Dorothy Hodgins
Bailey Dorothy Dandridge CARMEN
Bretzlaff Family Dorothy Alexander Special Reunion Prize for Highest Prize
Bristol and Dorothy Fu
Bristol artist Carol Holmes
Bristol Grocery HOLMES.
Bristol Holmes Mrs Denver Thrun
Bristol; John Holmes
Bristol; Steve Shawville; Bob Holmes
Bryson Truck Pull Holmes
CAMPBELL Mies Dorothy Caldwell
Carson nd Dorothy
CHRISTMAS Miu Dorothy Mohr
Church Sendee HOLMES
Circuit Rev. N T. Holmes
Classical Country Holmes
Dame Dorothy Allan Slack
Dame Edna Dorothy Munhar-cheson Carruthers
Director Everett McDowell Superintendent Mrs. Dorothy McDougal
Dorothy Brown School
Dorothy Elliott Publishers Sf Editorê VINTON PICNIC
Dorothy Hotel Casino
Dorothy L Perry
Dorothy McGofnigal
Dorothy Stanzell’s High Cross
Dorothy Watson
Dorothy Youth Bible Study Sisco
ESTATE C/o Dorothy Thompson
GM Holmes
HARLOW" Mrs. Hilly Holmes
Holmes Electric & Protection Co.
Holmes Group Inc.
Holmes Salty Water Halts Heat Exhaustion
Holmes Store
Holmes Telephone
Holmes* Movement
Holmes* Movement Church
Hotel Owner ‘ United Church Miss Dorothy Caldwell Changes
Household Science By DOROTHY
Household Science By DOROTHY HIGGINS Nobel Prize Given To Refugee Bureau Tht
Hughes Heyl Bars Heatley Holmes Hutchins IIU
III Miss Dorothy Dagg
IJEATH Fulford Dorothy Mildred
J S Holmes
June Bride Dorothy Joan
Just Another Toy Holmes
KELLY QUEBEC Dorothy Dandridge MILNE
Lac Ste Marie; Shelley Holmes
LAPLANTE DOROTHY JEAN MILNE St Laurent High School St. Laurent NOEL PAUL ROY D’Arcy McGee High Scho
Life Miss Dorothy Hobbs
Lion Dorothy
MARRIED Misses Dorothy
Master Mark Holmes
Miss Dorothy Irene Pearl
Mrs. Holmes
Murdock Glass Dorothy Cowley
National Committee ICOLD Dorothy Bngger
National Library; Dorothy Your Land
NT Look Here Special Undenominational Meetings At Holmes Movement Church
OLD YBLBt Dorothy McGuire Fess Parker Color
Perry and Dorothy Klliott Shawville High School
PHONE Miss Dorothy Hobbs
Photo & Video Shoot Dorothy Porteous
Pine Dorothy Lodge
Pontiac Community Hospital Dorothy Fulford
Pontiac Community Hospital Dorothy Ranger
Pontiac Dorothy
Pontiac Printshop Dorothy
Pontiac Protestant High School Dorothy Harley Eber
Pontiac Re- Irene Holmes
Primaries Misses Dorothy
Public Notice Dorothy Metcalf
Quality Household Science Dy DOROTHY HIGGINS
Ralph Bretzlaff & Dorothy Haley Shawville
Raymond Lynch Dorothy Caldwell Bert Cleiumens
Reader s Digest Certifi- Holmes
Rock Hudson Dorothy Malone
ROLL REVUE Jeff Chandler Dorothy Malone CALYPSO HEAT WAVE Sterling Hayden Next
Royal Trust Co Holmes
Science By DOROTHY
Shawville Hardware Store Miss Dorothy Lawton
SHAWVIUI Mrs. Dorothy Cunningham
SHELL Furnace Oil Mrs. Hilliard Holmes
Smith Misses Dorothy
St Mary’s Catholic Women’s League BY DOROTHY YEMEN A F A R OUt
Technicolor Jeff Chandler Jeanne Dru Fred Mac Murray Technicolor Dorothy Maguire MONDAY A TUESDAY F
TENDERS WANTED Dorothy Beattie
Variety Store Fairbanks Hotel Holmes Store Mahon Breweries
Victoria Hospital Name Dorothy Kenopic (
Webster Dorothy
Western University Dr. Dorothy Turville
White Dorothy
||II1I|||| Poor Frank Holmes