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Lieutenant Massenet

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Albert Bérard Lieutenant-Gouverneur
Charlie Burke Lieutenant Re
Firgl Lieutenant von Franck
Ken Smyth Flight Lieutenant Kenneth Smyth
L # Lieutenant John Jolie
Lieutenant Ben Kelsey
Lieutenant Brown
Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Commander Boone
Lieutenant Edward H. Fiel
Lieutenant Erskine Grant Travers
Lieutenant Gouverneur
Lieutenant Governor James Frank Finnigan
Lieutenant Graham
Lieutenant Greely
Lieutenant Greg Atkinson
Lieutenant Grey
Lieutenant Gruber
Lieutenant Henry
Lieutenant Horn W
Lieutenant James
Lieutenant Jones
Lieutenant Judy
Lieutenant Mark
Lieutenant Mark Phillips
Lieutenant Martha Connelly
Lieutenant Massenet
Lieutenant McFelt
Lieutenant McMullen
Lieutenant Minima
Lieutenant Murray Swcetman
Lieutenant Paoluccl
Lieutenant Parsons
Lieutenant R Goldsmith
Lieutenant Ralph
Lieutenant Roger Dubois
Lieutenant Russell
Lieutenant Simpson
Lieutenant Stone
Lieutenant Towers
Lieutenant von Itocst
Lieutenant von Rost
Lieutenant von Wag-
Lieutenant Williams
Lieutenant Wilson
Lieutenant-Colonel C. Graham
Lieutenant-Colonel Churchill
Lieutenant-Colonel G R Oierlton
Lieutenant-Colonel Marshall
Lieutenant-Colonel Ward
Lieutenant-Commander Frederick B Watt
Lieutenant-General Clark
Lieutenant-General Fox
Lieutenant-General Van Fleet
Lieutenant-General von
Lieutenant-Governor Gibson
Lieutenant-Governor Mackintosh
Lieutenant-Governor Matthews
Lord Lieutenant
Lord Lieutenant Ire
Palmer Lieutenant-Governor
Roosburg Lieutenant Lieutenant Judy
Sub-Lieutenant Lieutenant Pilot Officer Chief Gunner
Toe L >rd Lieutenant
Conn Lieutenant Hill
Le Lieutenant
Lieutenant Gouverneur
Lieutenant Gouverneur en Conseil
Lieutenant Malcolm
Lieutenant-gouverneur en
8. Navy Pilot Lieutenant Joseph Isner
Famous People Lieutenant
Federal Government Lieutenant Governor
First Lieutenant
First Lieutenant G
Honourable Lieutenant G
HORIZONTAL LIEUTENANT Jim Hutton Paula Prentice Color — Service Comedy Shawville
Lieutenant Corporation Municipale
Lieutenant Frazer Watson
Lieutenant Gouverneur
Lieutenant Govcrnor-in Council
Lieutenant Governor
Lieutenant Governor Lise
Lieutenant Hatley
Lieutenant-Colonel Leon Lambert
Lieutenant-General Van Fleet
Lieutenant-Gov- Council
Lord Lieutenant
Naval Lieutenant
Quebec School Board Ian McKechnie - Lawyer Lieutenant Poirier - Hull Police Department Dr.
Second Lieutenant
Second Lieutenant 10S HARLAND
Second Lieutenant C
Second Lieutenant Red Beauchamp
Second Lieutenant Vadneau
Second Lieutenant’s
Strutt’s Garage Second Lieutenant Ian N Glenn
Sub-Lieutenant Lieutenant Pilot Officer Chief Gunner
VN Ontario’s Lieutenant-Governor Albert Mathew*