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Councillor Davis Alex Benoit

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Possible related entities:

0. Davis
1—Alex Murray
2-7961 Davis
3. Davis
4mi Councillor* Farrell
A Davis
A) Davis
A- Davis
A. Davis
A.H. Davis
A1 Davis
A1 Davis W.T. Wilf Le Barr
Actress Gcorgie Davis
Agatha Davis
Agnes Davis
Ainsworth Davis
Al & Joan Davis
Al and Joan Davis
Al Benoit
Al Davis
Al Davis 648
Al Davis 648-5962 Lévesque
Al Davis,Tiffany Cameron
Alain Benoit
Alain Benoît de Masham
Alan Benoit
Albert & Joan Davis
Albert Benoit
Albert Davis
Albert Davis Our
Albert Davis’
Aldea Benoit
Ale* Davis
Alec Davis
Alesha Davis
Alex Choissez
Alex R
Alex W
Alex -
Alex --*vV.f
Alex 1975 White Tractor
Alex 282l
Alex 7-2585 Muloin
Alex 7-2734 Horner
Alex 7-2837 Mulligan
Alex 7-3837 Horner
Alex 8. Araott Accurate Analysis
Alex 8. Elliott
Alex 8. Smart
Alex A
Alex A Crochet
Alex A S. Farrell
Alex A Sm- February
Alex A Smart
Alex A.
Alex A. Fraser
Alex A. Smart
Alex AAcCurdie
Alex Adrian
Alex Afleck
Alex Alb
Alex Albert
Alex Alexander After
Alex All
Alex Allard
Alex Allen
Alex Almerson
Alex Also
Alex Amyotte
Alex and Brandon Lloyd
Alex and Karen
Alex and Marie Louise Edward
Alex and William
Alex Anderson
Alex Andrew Cochrane
Alex Andrew William *ndh«
Alex Andrews
Alex Angus
Alex Angus Auctioneer
Alex Annual
Alex Another
Alex Arbour
Alex Arbour Campbell
Alex Argue
Alex Arm
Alex Armitage
Alex Armstrong
Alex Armstrong 2
Alex Armstrong 2. Buckwheat
Alex Armstrong 2. Orange
Alex Armstrong 2. Yearling
Alex Armstrong 3. Heifer
Alex Armstrong Mrs. Sam Woods
Alex Armstrong---- Mrs. Sam Woods
Alex Arreeene
Alex Arthur
Alex Ashton
Alex Atamanenko
Alex Auld
Alex Auroviere
Alex Ave
Alex Aylmer
Alex A|
Alex B McDonnell
Alex Baird
Alex Barker
Alex Barnet
Alex Barnett
Alex Barris
Alex Barr’a
Alex Bartlett
Alex Bathgate B. McClennon J. Cameron
Alex Bclisle
Alex Bean
Alex Bean 1
Alex Bean 2
Alex Bean 3
Alex Bean 3 G
Alex Bean Dies
Alex Bean To
Alex Bean Who
Alex Bean Wm Wilson 3
Alex Beau
Alex Beaudoin
Alex Belisle
Alex Bell
Alex Belland
Alex Belore
Alex Benn
Alex Bern
Alex Bert-rend
Alex Berthelot
Alex Bertrand
Alex Bertrand 4
Alex Bertrand Birthday
Alex Bertrand Wanted To Bu For Sale For Sale Notice
Alex Bertrands Perm
Alex Berube
Alex Besn
Alex Betii
Alex Betts
Alex Bialosh
Alex Bigras
Alex Birthday
Alex Bis
Alex Bisson
Alex Blair
Alex Boles
Alex Borman
Alex Boroden
Alex Borodin
Alex Both
Alex Bothwell
Alex Box
Alex Brabant
Alex Bran 3. ADVOCATES.
Alex Brennan
Alex BrisboU
Alex Brisebois
Alex Bromley
Alex Brough
Alex Brough_
Alex Brow
Alex Brown
Alex Brown Atkinson
Alex Broyden
Alex Bryant
Alex Buch- Tawney Owl
Alex Buchanan
Alex Buchanan Wm
Alex Burger
Alex Burrick
Alex Bussiere
Alex Buzzard
Alex By
Alex Byrne
Alex C
Alex C Rutledge
Alex C!os«
Alex C. Armstrong
Alex C.W.L.
Alex Cairns
Alex Caldwell
Alex Calling
Alex Calumet Island
Alex Cameron
Alex Campbell
Alex Canavan
Alex Carpentier
Alex Carried
Alex Cattanach
Alex CeMBe
Alex Chabot
Alex Chabots
Alex Chaput
Alex Chart
Alex Charteris Mona Rutledge -
Alex Chartrand
Alex Chartrand J
Alex Chartrand- Mrs Thomas White
Alex Chatterton
Alex Chert-rend
Alex Chip
Alex Christmas
Alex Churtrand
Alex Clarke
Alex Cloutier
Alex Cobb
Alex Cobb - Refreshments
Alex Cobb Jo Ann Dubois Charlie MukJoon Gary Young Quyon Ramblers More
Alex Cobb Jo-Ann Dubois Charlie MukJoon Gary Young Quyon Ramblers More
Alex Cobb Jo-Ann Dubois Charlie Muldoon Gary Young Quyon Ramblers More
Alex Cobb Jr.
Alex Cobb’s
Alex Cobh
Alex Cobl*
Alex Coburn
Alex Cochrane
Alex CofT
Alex Col
Alex Col-
Alex Collins
Alex Collins Janet Collins Pontiac Station Cedric Elliott Shawville
Alex Collinses
Alex Colville
Alex Colville - Diary
Alex Community Centre
Alex Congrat__________
Alex Connell
Alex Considine
Alex Cord
Alex Cord Etoiles
Alex Corrigan
Alex Corrigan Buried
Alex Cot*
Alex Cowan
Alex Cr L Roy
Alex Craig
Alex Crcpin
Alex Cross
Alex Cur-
Alex Cuthbert-
Alex Cuthbertson
Alex CX*nmltU-e
Alex D. Grunt
Alex Da
Alex Da-
Alex Dale
Alex Daniel
Alex Dare
Alex Darts
Alex Davfs
Alex Davie
Alex Davis
Alex Davis - Merchandise
Alex Davis Acc’t
Alex Davis K A Pritchard
Alex Davis Ladies
Alex Davis Mr. Latiamme
Alex Davis Protestant School Municipality
Alex Davis Sunday
Alex Davis-
Alex Davis—Carried
Alex Davis—Quyon
Alex Davit
Alex Davi»
Alex Dax
Alex Dec.
Alex Delarge
Alex Delisle
Alex Devi*
Alex Devine
Alex Devine Richardson Holt
Alex Dewar
Alex Diana MacDonald
Alex Dickson
Alex Dine
Alex Dirley
Alex Divine
Alex Dllhlif NflllfP
Alex Dlnel
Alex Docherty
Alex Dodds
Alex Dolan
Alex Dr
Alex Dr. Niko Mihic
Alex Draper
Alex Draper Benson Auto Parts Billy Hamilton Briggs Richardson Campbell’s Polaris
Alex Draper’s
Alex Drug Co.
Alex Drum
Alex Drum- Motion Crs
Alex Drummond
Alex Drummond Clapham
Alex Drummond Heathfield
Alex Drummond’s
Alex Drumond
Alex Du
Alex Dumas
Alex Dumont -
Alex Dunn Ail
Alex Duval
Alex Dynes
Alex E
Alex E Hodgins
Alex E. Barron
Alex E. Hodgins
Alex Early Thursday
Alex Edgar Dunn
Alex Edmison
Alex El
Alex El-
Alex El- Hodgins
Alex El-they
Alex Elder
Alex Elliot
Alex Elliott
Alex Elliott "Heifer
Alex Elliott 1
Alex Elliott 1875-79
Alex Elliott 2
Alex Elliott 2.
Alex Elliott 2. Bull
Alex Elliott 2. Oxheart Cabbage
Alex Elliott 2. Registered Leicesters—Alex Elliott
Alex Elliott 2. Rye—Thos Hodgins 1
Alex Elliott 3. Oxheart
Alex Elliott 3. Pair
Alex Elliott 3. Potatoes—m Thompson 1
Alex Elliott 8.
Alex Elliott Cunningham Seed Corn
Alex Elliott Hoioured HU
Alex Elliott Honoured
Alex Elliott Sr.
Alex Elliott......
Alex Elliott...... D
Alex Elli^ EHrEEE EHS™ Germain
Alex ElUott
Alex English
Alex Eraser Ksq.
Alex Erkford
Alex Erwin
Alex Essiambre
Alex Esslambre
Alex Etewart
Alex Ethier
Alex Ethler
Alex F
Alex F. Kilgour
Alex F. Pokes
Alex F. Pokes 1952-58—Rev.
Alex Fan Ids
Alex Ferguson
Alex Fhu-and
Alex Filion
Alex Fleck
Alex Fmaef
Alex Fokes
Alex Folkes
Alex For
Alex Forbes
Alex Fra
Alex Francoeur
Alex Fraser
Alex Fraser..... Pembroke
Alex Fraser............ Pembroke
Alex Fraser............................ Steamer Pembroke
Alex Frui-
Alex Furniture
Alex G
Alex G Hodgins - Mer-vin Yach
Alex G Hrlstol
Alex G Proudfoot
Alex G Wilson
Alex G.
Alex G. Proud- Motherwell
Alex G. Proudfoot
Alex G. Rrough
Alex Gail
Alex Garinson
Alex Garvin
Alex Gaudet
Alex Gauthier
Alex Gibbon
Alex Gillis
Alex Gloss
Alex Gn Thursday
Alex God
Alex Godin
Alex Godmere
Alex Goianason
Alex Goldie
Alex Goraassoit
Alex Goran
Alex Goran-
Alex Goran-son
Alex Gorannson
Alex Goranson
Alex Goransson
Alex Goranwon
Alex Gordon
Alex Gorkoff
Alex Gornsson
Alex Gorramon Ottawa
Alex Gorransson
Alex Gorrianson
Alex Gove
Alex Goyette
Alex Grade V Gi
Alex Graham
Alex Grant
Alex Gratton-Lebel
Alex Gray
Alex Greenhorn Sr.
Alex Gribbon
Alex Grominsky
Alex Guay
Alex H
Alex H dgins
Alex H Bad
Alex H Bayne
Alex H Homer George Palmer Mrs R P Eadts Mrs C H McLean
Alex H Horner
Alex H Horner. McKee Paul s Anglican Church " Campbell
Alex H Ktlgour Gaine Pension Per Faithful Services
Alex H''.i-er
Alex H. Elliott
Alex H. Homer
Alex H. Horner
Alex H. Horner Bereaved Phone
Alex Ha
Alex Haley
Alex Hamilton
Alex Hannah
Alex Hannah.
Alex Harness
Alex Harper
Alex Hart
Alex Havlky
Alex Hawthorne
Alex Hay
Alex Hayley
Alex Haylky
Alex Hazard
Alex Hazari*
Alex Hazle
Alex Hazzard
Alex Hcdgins Dies
Alex Heart
Alex Hearty
Alex Heiberg
Alex Henry Smith
Alex Hickey
Alex Hiider
Alex Hitt
Alex Ho1i>s
Alex Hockey League
Alex Hod
Alex Hod<iins
Alex Hodgin- B t"k’pi1;
Alex Hodgina
Alex Hodgine
Alex Hodgins
Alex Hodglns
Alex Hodgms
Alex Hoduixs
Alex Hogan
Alex Hogsboom
Alex HoiUins
Alex Holiss
Alex Hollis
Alex Hollis ....... Shaw
Alex Holliss
Alex Homer
Alex Hone
Alex Honey Wagon Charteris
Alex Honour Roll
Alex Honrer
Alex Hor-
Alex Hor-snawville
Alex Horn
Alex Horner
Alex Horner Too
Alex Horners.---i
Alex Horuev XV
Alex Hospital
Alex Hot
Alex Houle
Alex Houle Leonard
Alex Howard
Alex Hoy
Alex Huard
Alex Hudgins
Alex Hudgins Mrs.
Alex Hunter
Alex Hurd
Alex I
Alex I Drummond
Alex I>Ufort
Alex IIornrr
Alex Ijpierrc
Alex Ijtcroix Mrs. Archie Hcnchy
Alex In
Alex Income Tax Returns Compiled Commercial Accounting
Alex Intermediate Division
Alex Ir Submitted
Alex Irvine
Alex Irwin
Alex Itiomas
Alex Ivilgour
Alex IWn
Alex Ixmcka
Alex Ixrpine
Alex J
Alex J .
Alex J**/*
Alex James Park Kim Beattie
Alex James Telford
Alex Jane
Alex Janoff
Alex Janusitis
Alex Jany’s
Alex Jennings
Alex Jenrungs
Alex Jimmy Horner
Alex Joan McGrath
Alex Jodoin
Alex Joenston
Alex John
Alex John "
Alex John Bryson
Alex John E Havelin
Alex Johns
Alex Johnson
Alex Johnston
Alex Jr our
Alex Jr.
Alex Judgment
Alex Junkin
Alex Just
Alex Jycgros
Alex K. Paterson Co-Chairmen
Alex Kennedy
Alex Khike
Alex Kihrmir
Alex Kil-gour
Alex Kil-X
Alex Kilg-mr
Alex Kilgcur
Alex Kilgoi**
Alex Kilgonr
Alex Kilgour
Alex Kilgour Clarendon
Alex Kilgours Meet
Alex Kilsour
Alex Kingsbury
Alex Kinsey
Alex Kllgonr
Alex Kllgour
Alex Kllgours
Alex Klliott
Alex Klliottt
Alex Klu
Alex Klukc
Alex Kluke
Alex Knox Jean Simmons Red Skelton Technicolor Technicolor Jean Hagen Joan Fontaine Ray MHand
Alex Kovalev
Alex Kovalev.
Alex Kuijper Dickson
Alex L.
Alex La
Alex La Pierre
Alex La-Pierre
Alex Labine
Alex Labrecque
Alex Lacelle J
Alex Lachance
Alex Lacroix
Alex Lacroix Calumet Island
Alex Lacroix Sr Rita Ryan.
Alex Ladouceur
Alex Lahrao
Alex Lajpierre
Alex Lakes
Alex Lamoureux
Alex Lance
Alex Landa
Alex Lapéerre
Alex Lapiere
Alex Lapierre
Alex Lapierre Following
Alex Lapierre- Mrs Pearl Dougherty
Alex LapierreX
Alex Lapierre’s
Alex Lapirie
Alex Laplerre
Alex Larivee
Alex Latham
Alex Lathearn
Alex Lathem
Alex Lathero
Alex Lathkm
Alex Lauzon
Alex Lavigne
Alex Lavine
Alex Lawson
Alex Lcpine
Alex Le
Alex Le-
Alex Le-pack
Alex Le-pine
Alex Leckie
Alex Leclaire
Alex Ledingbam
Alex Ledinghaiu
Alex Ledingham
Alex Lefebvre
Alex Leitch
Alex Lemaire
Alex Lemaires Diamond
Alex Lenine
Alex Leon
Alex Lepack
Alex Lepinc
Alex Lepine
Alex Leplne
Alex Lepmes
Alex Levesque
Alex Levinsky
Alex Lewis
Alex Li
Alex Lindsay
Alex Lit Item
Alex Lloyd Goth
Alex Lnmsdenare
Alex Loiott
Alex London
Alex Long
Alex Lopack
Alex Lopierre
Alex LoRoy
Alex Lough
Alex Lough D.G.M. Yarn
Alex Lough Junior Dep.
Alex Lucas
Alex Lum*rien
Alex Lumaden
Alex Ly Pierre
Alex Lysannc
Alex M
Alex M'' I
Alex M. Stewart
Alex Mac
Alex Mac Donald
Alex Mac Perkins
Alex MacDo
Alex MacDonald
Alex MacDonald Larry
Alex Mack
Alex MacKay
Alex Mackenzie
Alex MacLean
Alex Macramé
Alex Makila
Alex Manka
Alex Mann
Alex Margaret
Alex Margaret Young
Alex Marilyn
Alex Married
Alex Marshall—were
Alex Martel
Alex Martin
Alex May
Alex Mayhew
Alex Mc
Alex Mc Donald
Alex McBride
Alex McCann Building Supply Reg
Alex McCarter
Alex McCauley
Alex McCowen Color
Alex McCuaig
Alex McCuaigs
Alex McCuan
Alex McCurdle
Alex McDonald
Alex McDonaud
Alex McDougall
Alex McEachen
Alex McFarlane
Alex McFee
Alex McGarth
Alex McGrath
Alex McGrath Killaloe Selling
Alex McIntosh
Alex McIntyre
Alex McKay
Alex McKay Has
Alex McKechnie
Alex McKee
Alex MçKeehnie
Alex McKenzie
Alex McKimven
Alex McKinney
Alex McLaren
Alex McLarend
Alex McLaughlin
Alex McLean
Alex McLennan
Alex McLeod
Alex McLeods
Alex McLeods''grove
Alex McLscd
Alex McMillan
Alex McNabb
Alex McNeill
Alex McOedU.
Alex McPieill
Alex McWinney
Alex Mdani
Alex Me
Alex Me-
Alex Me- Monday
Alex Mean
Alex Megrath
Alex Meidi
Alex Meidrum
Alex Meîdrum’s
Alex Mel
Alex Mel-drurn
Alex Mel-sorrowing
Alex Meld
Alex Meld: Wiggins
Alex Meldi
Alex Meldrmn
Alex Meldrum
Alex Meldrum 2
Alex Meldrum Dies
Alex Meldruni
Alex Meldvum
Alex Mellon
Alex Melvin Stewart
Alex MeWrum
Alex Middlestead
Alex Mike Fahey
Alex Mil
Alex Milburn
Alex Miller
Alex Mills
Alex Milne
Alex Mm
Alex Mnrrnv.
Alex MnT^nn
Alex Moffat
Alex Moldrum
Alex Momlou
Alex Monroe
Alex Moor
Alex Moore
Alex Mor-1
Alex More J*.
Alex More Jr.
Alex More Sr.
Alex Morin
Alex Morris
Alex Morrison
Alex Motion
Alex Moyle
Alex Mr.
Alex Mrs Hillis Thompson Ottawa
Alex Mrs Pearl Allan
Alex Mrs. Jean Paul Care
Alex Mrs. Mary Johansen
Alex Mu
Alex Mucha
Alex Mucha Mayor Orla Young
Alex Muchas
Alex Mulligan
Alex Muloin
Alex Mur
Alex Mur- Coming
Alex Mur- Continued
Alex Mur- Murphy
Alex Mur- There
Alex Murra
Alex Murrav
Alex Murrav.
Alex Murray
Alex Murray L*w#on Corrigan
Alex Murray Mayor Wm
Alex Murray Park
Alex Murray St Andrews
Alex Murray Sunday
Alex Murray;Treasurer
Alex Murrey
Alex MvKnigl
Alex Mvldrum
Alex N. Wilson
Alex Nadeau
Alex Nair Carey Finan Alex Nair
Alex Natasha
Alex Nelles
Alex Neuman DONAT
Alex Newell
Alex Newman
Alex Newton
Alex Nicholson
Alex Nicholson Passes
Alex Nick Matechuk HOTEL GAVAN
Alex Nickel
Alex Nicol
Alex Nicoll
Alex O Funeral Home
Alex Oakley
Alex October
Alex Oil
Alex Olm
Alex Olm-tea-l
Alex Olm-ted
Alex Olmated
Alex Olmsead
Alex Olmstcad
Alex Olmstea.i
Alex Olmstead
Alex Olmsted
Alex Olmsted Mr.
Alex OniuiK
Alex Onoszko
Alex Ooransson
Alex Orr
Alex Output
Alex Ovechkin
Alex P. Drummond
Alex P.geault
Alex Palmer
Alex Papineau Voisin
Alex Paquette
Alex Parish
Alex Parker
Alex Parker Wife
Alex Parr
Alex Parsons
Alex Paterson
Alex Paul
Alex Pelletier
Alex Pen
Alex Periard
Alex Pernel
Alex Pernel Villeneuve Villeneuve - Aldage
Alex Perrault
Alex Philippe
Alex Phillippe
Alex Phllllppe
Alex Phone Rutledge
Alex Pi-Bey
Alex Pi-son
Alex Pierre
Alex Pigcaull
Alex Pigcault
Alex Pige
Alex Pigeault
Alex Pigeon
Alex Pigeon Mrs. Alex Pigeon
Alex Pigot
Alex Pine
Alex Pirie
Alex Pitt
Alex Please
Alex Pneu
Alex Pokes
Alex Pontiacs
Alex Potter
Alex Premier Exhibitor Ban- Russell
Alex Presley
Alex Price
Alex Proud
Alex Proudfoot
Alex Proudfoot.........
Alex Proudtoot’s Pon-
Alex Pull-over
Alex Qiunn
Alex Qor-ansson
Alex Qorransson
Alex Quyon
Alex R<’>
Alex Rafell
Alex Railway
Alex Rainville
Alex Raymond
Alex Reeves
Alex Reford
Alex Reid
Alex Renfrew
Alex Rheault
Alex Rhyn
Alex Rich-
Alex Richard
Alex Richards
Alex Rivers
Alex Robertaon I
Alex Robertson
Alex Robillard
Alex Robinson
Alex Rodriguez
Alex Rons
Alex Rosignol
Alex Roslin
Alex Ross
Alex Rough
Alex Roy
Alex Roy Jr.
Alex Ruhedge Ouyon
Alex Rus
Alex Rus- Lome Holmes
Alex Russel
Alex Russell
Alex Russell’s
Alex Rut
Alex Rut* Aunts Debbie Wilson
Alex Rut-
Alex Rut- Aylmer United Church
Alex Rut-lege
Alex Ruth Murphy
Alex Rutledge
Alex Rutledge Ca"°dion Bible Society
Alex Rutledge IN^JTIC^^ Don
Alex Rutledge Reymond
Alex Rutledge Showville
Alex Rutledges
Alex Rutleldge For Sale Perry
Alex Rvan
Alex Rvan No
Alex Rya
Alex Ryan
Alex Ryan - Mrs Celia Derouin
Alex Ryan 3.
Alex Ryan Calumet Island
Alex Ryan Thursday
Alex Ryen Celumet I
Alex Rynn Thus
Alex S
Alex S Araott Upward Writing Indicates Optimism Dear Mr. Arnott
Alex S Arnott
Alex S Arnott BUY
Alex S Arnott Worth
Alex S Elliott
Alex S Smart
Alex S Sylvia Casey
Alex S Thom»*
Alex S.
Alex S. Amott
Alex S. Arnott
Alex S. Arnott Another
Alex S. Drap
Alex S. Eliott
Alex S. Elliott
Alex S. Smart
Alex Sale
Alex Sales
Alex Sander
Alex Sasha
Alex Saunders
Alex Schmidt
Alex School Municipality
Alex Seaman
Alex Seaman.
Alex Seaman..................
Alex Seamans
Alex Seamen
Alex Seplowitz
Alex Se^y.-Trees
Alex Shane Moore
Alex Sharpe
Alex Shaw
Alex ShawviDe
Alex Shawville
Alex Shea
Alex Sheen
Alex Shepley
Alex Shewville
Alex Shi-
Alex Shingbush
Alex Sim
Alex Sima
Alex Simms
Alex Sims
Alex Sin-
Alex Sinclair
Alex Skowron
Alex Slmmerling
Alex Smart
Alex Smart........ E 1
Alex Smart........ Robt
Alex Smith
Alex Smith Scott
Alex Sned-den
Alex Snedden
Alex Snedden,
Alex Snow
Alex Somerville
Alex Soucie
Alex Souter
Alex SparUng
Alex Spencer
Alex St
Alex St Aubin
Alex St Jacques
Alex St. Germain
Alex Stable
Alex Stanley
Alex Stay
Alex Staye
Alex Stevenson
Alex Stewart
Alex Steye
Alex Storie
Alex Stoughton
Alex Strong
Alex Strutt
Alex Stuart
Alex Stuart 5611
Alex Stuart Gay
Alex Sturgeon
Alex Sutheiünd
Alex Sutherland
Alex Sutton
Alex Symington
Alex Szalay
Alex Szalay Shawville Council
Alex Sze-ley
Alex Szeley
Alex Tache
Alex Tan-
Alex Tanguav Gibson Benedict
Alex Tanguay
Alex Tannef
Alex Tanner
Alex Tanner Bureau de Shérif
Alex Tanner Fortin—Bel
Alex Tanner MURRAY—In
Alex Tanner Shawville Curling Club
Alex Tanner Texaco Service Station
Alex Tanner__________
Alex Taschereau
Alex Taschereau’s
Alex Taylor
Alex The
Alex Themes
Alex Theresa
Alex Therrien
Alex Thomas
Alex Thomas Agnes Thomas Ernie Kingsbury Jackie Kingsbury Raney McPhee Alice Chevner Gibbon
Alex Thomas Bristol
Alex Thomas Irish
Alex Thomas Jr
Alex Thomas Jr.
Alex Thomas Lineup
Alex Thomas Randy s Restaurant Gord Ca/anaugh B.J. Maheral Trucking Pontiac
Alex Thomas Reg
Alex Thorburn Shirley
Alex Thumm
Alex Thurel
Alex Thurston
Alex Tipler
Alex Toggenburg Sr
Alex Toronto
Alex Tre
Alex Tremblay
Alex Trembley
Alex Trudy
Alex Twiggs
Alex U- Cecile
Alex UKler MitlifM
Alex Upierre*s
Alex Urd
Alex UrummonU Nvn
Alex Vi
Alex Victor Young
Alex Vincent
Alex Vliabut
Alex Wain-man
Alex Wallace
Alex Walls
Alex Warren
Alex Watson
Alex WatTlWW
Alex We
Alex Webster
Alex Wedding
Alex Weir
Alex Weir Ralph Nutall
Alex Weir Stro-
Alex Welt
Alex Went
Alex Whalen
Alex Whelan
Alex Whillans Cr
Alex Whlllans
Alex Wier
Alex Wilkie
Alex Will
Alex Wills
Alex WiLon
Alex Wilson
Alex Wilson Batteries
Alex Wilson Morrison
Alex Wilson School Roy
Alex Wilson Smarts Meat Market Seldom Langford Gordon T. Paul A. G. Proudfoot Gordon Richardson Kay
Alex Wilson*
Alex Wilsons Percfleroiilmimil^^l
Alex Wilson’s
Alex Wilson’s Bel-
Alex Woermàe
Alex Woertnke
Alex Wood
Alex Wor Bro
Alex Workman
Alex Wt Sts
Alex Wyllie
Alex X) Little Tyler Orr
Alex XVatson
Alex XX
Alex Y<*s
Alex Yach
Alex Yanosik
Alex Yarm
Alex Ycrcx
Alex Ycreck
Alex Ye
Alex Yeieck
Alex Yenagrodf
Alex Yer-
Alex Yer-eck
Alex Yerack
Alex Yercck
Alex Yercck-$
Alex Yereck
Alex Yereck But P"
Alex Yereck Lnd Nephtali Gravelle
Alex Yerek-
Alex Yerek-9.80 Martin Bachinskie-5.60
Alex Ynrkiewicz
Alex Young
Alex Y„
Alex Zim-merling
Alex Zimmerling
Alex Zoltan Rigo
Alex _
Alex __
Alex » der Wa
Alex* McDonald
Alex- Cat Sitting
Alex- Arthur Young
Alex- Assisting
Alex- Braille Courier
Alex- Commissioners
Alex- Coowners
Alex- Eganville
Alex- Empire
Alex- Joreph Russell
Alex- Mr
Alex- Peterborough
Alex- Quebec
Alex- Robt McDowell
Alex- Ryan Wood
Alex- Scott Levesque
Alex- Shawville Council
Alex-1 DagenaU
Alex. Armstrong
Alex. AT.
Alex. Caldwell
Alex. Campbell
Alex. Davis
Alex. Elliott
Alex. Elliott Doctors
Alex. Elliott Shawville
Alex. Fraser
Alex. Grant
Alex. Hollis
Alex. Little
Alex. McDonald
Alex. McLean
Alex. Mills
Alex. Morrison
Alex. Murray
Alex. Patrick Quinn
Alex. Pollock
Alex. Robb
Alex. Ross
Alex. Ryan
Alex. S. Elliott
Alex. Saint Denis and William Rod-
Alex. Shaw
Alex. Smith
Alex. Stephens
Alex. Stewart
Alexander - Harold Davis
Alexander Alex Horner
Alexander Greenwood Tracy "Alex
Alexander Thompson Mahlon Alexander Davis
Alice Alex
Alice Alex-
Alice Benoit
Alice Benoit Bancroft
Alice Benoit Mildred Benoit
Alice Benoit Mr
Alice Benoit Night
Alice Davis
Alice Davis 2. Pillow
Allan Davis
Allan Davis Executive Director A.OR.EM.
Allan Davis Executive Director A.Q.R.E.M. Macdonald College Ste Anne de Bellevue Quebec
Also Kerry Davis Cou
Aman da Davis
Amber Davis
Amelia Davis Bright
Andre Benoit
Andre Benoit Pontiac Transit Mix
Andrew Alex
Andrew Alex-
Andrew Davis
Andrew Davis 2
Andrew Dick- Uiomas Benoit
Andrew J. Davis
Andy Alex 1
Andy Ann Benoit
Andy Devine Jimmy Davis
Angela Benoit
Angela Benoit Derouin
Angela Derouin Benoit
Angie Davis
Angla Benoit
Angle Davis
Angus Benoit
Anita Alex
Anita Alex- Are
Ann-Marie Davis
Anna Alex- Rev.
Anna Davis
Anna Dawn Davis
Anne-Marie Davis
Annette Benoît
Annette Mom Mildred Benoit
Annie Davis
Anthony Davis
Anthony G. Davis
Antoine Croteau Benoit
Apply Alex
Apply Alex Rutledge
April 29-30 Betty Davis Kim Hunter II William Holden
April H “ Alex. Workman
Archbishop William Davis
Ariel-Leigh Davis Manwell
Armstrong Shaw Lee Benoit
Art Davis
Arthur Davis
Arthur K. Davis
Arthur Rice Passed Hygiene 1st Sta Leslie Hynes William Bell Jim Davis
As Pontiac Councillor Lawrence Tracy
Ashley Davis
Auditors-Mrs Davis
Audrey Davis
Audrey Hod-Margaret Davis
Audrey Moorc-Davis
Augustus Davis
Auto Amyotte Fleuriste Couâonge SeSe Bdlard Roy Fernand Roy Sensei Benoit Masse
Aylmer Councillor
Aylmer Retail Rep Alex He
B C Mr. Alex Snow
B*ryl Davis
B. Davis
Barabara Davis
Barb Davis
Barbara Benoit
Barbara Davis
Barbara Davis 100
Barbara Florence Tessier Weds Howard Albert Orr OBITUARY William Graham Davis
Barbara Jean Davis
Barber and Alex
Barber Councillor
Barker Councillor Kilgour
Barnet Benoit
Barr Councillor Connelly
Barry Davis
Basil Davis
Bay Councillor
Beatrice Benoît
Beatrice Benoit Donnelly
Bella Davis
Belsher-Davis We
Ben Davis
Ben I J. Davis
Ben Kingtbury Ron Findlay Alex Thomas
Benny Benoit
Benoit Albert
Benoit Appalaches
Benoit Barrett
Benoit Begin
Benoit Belland
Benoit Bou-
Benoit Bouchard
Benoit Chrissie
Benoit Dubé
Benoit Dumouchel
Benoit Giordano
Benoît Guertin
Benoit Hatty Sullivan
Benoit Junior
Benoit Lance
Benoit Laroche
Benoit Laroque
Benoit Lavigne
Benoit Lc-tang
Benoit Letang
Benoit Lever
Benoit L’Allier
Benoit L’Écuyer
Benoit Martin
Benoît Massé
Benoit Mathieu
Benoit Pafé
Benoit Paquette
Benoit Paré
Benoit Parent
Benoit Parish
Benoît Pelletier
Benoit Rivet
Benoit S
Benoit Vincent
Benoit Wolfe
Benoit’s Mills
Bergen Davis
Bernard and Marilyn Benoit
Bernard Benoit
Bert Davis
Beryl Davis
Beryl Irene Davis
Bet-tie Davis
Bettie Davis
Betty Davis
Betty Davis Dunraven
Betty Davis Humphry Bogart
Betty Davis Joan Crawford Adult Entertainment Equity Photo
Betty Davis Lusk
Betty Davis Z A %
Betty MacGregor Alex Homer
Beverley Davis
BHan Davis
Bill Davis
Billie Davis
Billy Davis
Biwin Davis
Blake Carson Councillor# Arthur#
Blake Davis
Blevins Davis
Blue Heron Landscaping - Sensei Benoit Massé Ortho-Pro Andrea Burde SHAWVILLE Shawville
Bob Davis
Bob Alex
Bob Alex-
Bob Alex-Smith
Bob Bonita Benoit
Bob Davis
Bob Davis Onslow
Bob s Alex Hodgins
Bob Young Ryan Benoit
Bobbie Davis
Bobby Davis
Bohbv Davis
Bonita Benoit
Bonnie Davis
Bonnie Davis Presbyterian Church
Bonny Davis
Brenda Kluke and Margaret Davis
Brian Davis
Brian Davis Hood
Brian De ih| Davis
Brian Smith Jim Carmichael Bobby Scott Lennie Richardson Jim Davis Education Convenor Mrs. William
Brian Stanton Councillor
Brock- Theresa Davis
Bros. Davis
Bros. F A. Davis
Brownlee Alex N.
Bruce Campbell Councillor
Bruce Campbell Councillor Municipality
Bruce Campbell Councillor North
Bruce Campbell Pontiac Municipality Councillor
Bruce Davis
Bryan Alex-
Bryan Davis
Bryan Long* Dwight Davis
C. Davis
Calumet Councillor Harold Elliott
Campbell Davis
Captain Davis
Car Davis
Car- Pontiac Municipal Councillor Rosemary Belanger
Care Andrew J. Davis
Caroline Davis
Carrie Davis
Carry Davis
Carson Davis
Caspar Davis Victoria
Cecil Davis
Cecil Vibert Councillor Larry Black
Cecile Davis
Cedi Davis
Centennial Barber and Laird Hamilton Quyon Councillor Terrence
Ceryanne Benoit
CFRA’s Alex Black
Cftrrle Davis
Chantal Benoit
Charles A. Davis
Charles Alex
Charles Benoit
Charles Davis
Charles E. Davis
Charles G.. James Davis
Charles H. Davis
Charlie Alex-
Charlie Alex-son Overton
Charlie Benoit
Charlie David Ryan Benoit Kasmira Lance Adam Robert Viau Todd
Chichester Davis
Chink Davis
Chloé Jennifer Marie Davis
Chris Davis
Christiane Benoît
Christine Davis
Christy Davis
Christy Fred McMurray Alex GuInnés
Cindy Benoit
Claire A Benoit
Claire Benoit
Claire Benoit Bourgon
Claire Benoit Deux Riviere
Claire Davis
Claire Davis ROY Jim Brennan Greg MacKenzie
Clarence Alex-
Clarence Benoit
Clarence Davis
Clarendon Councillor
Clark Davis
Claude Benoit
Claude Marcotte Councillor
Claude Piché Councillor
Claudette Davis
Cliarle* Davis
Clifford Benoit
Clifford RobtLlard Councillor
Clr Councillor Edgar Sloan
Coach A1 Davis
Coach Al Davis
Coach Davis
Coken Davis
Coleen Davis
Colken Davis
Colleen Davis
Colleen Davis Mae MacDonald
Colors Davis
Conseiller Councillor Litchfield Etant I»
Coulonge-Ray Davis
Councillor Alan McKenzie
Councillor Albert
Councillor Albert Arm-variation
Councillor Albert Armstrong
Councillor Albert Collin
Councillor Alexander
Councillor Alfred Jay
Councillor Allan Black
Councillor Allan Delmer Barber
Councillor Amin
Councillor André Belle
Councillor Andrew
Councillor Andrew Carroll
Councillor Andrew Daley
Councillor Andrew Perrault
Councillor Andrew Perrault Portage
Councillor Andrew Perreault
Councillor Ann Brennan
Councillor Ann SuUjv#
Councillor Armit-
Councillor Austin Clark
Councillor Barber
Councillor Barber s
Councillor Bean
Councillor Bélanger
Councillor Bernard Annitage
Councillor Bernard Armitage
Councillor Bernard Boucher
Councillor Bill Ü
Councillor Black
Councillor Blake Pirie
Councillor Bowie
Councillor Boyce Richardson
Councillor Boyd
Councillor Boyd Barber
Councillor Boyd Barber Moved
Councillor Bronson
Councillor Brown
Councillor Bruce Campbell
Councillor Bud Row
Councillor Burke
Councillor By-law
Councillor Cahill
Councillor Cain OTTAWA
Councillor Campbell
Councillor Carmen Wickens
Councillor Charles
Councillor Clarke
Councillor Clarke Scott
Councillor Claude Godin
Councillor Crawford
Councillor Dale
Councillor Dale Thomson
Councillor Dalton Elli- Germain Clairoux
Councillor Dan Stephens THAT
Councillor Daniel Stephens
Councillor David
Councillor Davis Alex Benoit
Councillor Delmer Barber
Councillor Delmer Barber.
Councillor Donald Sloan
Councillor Downey
Councillor Dr. Campbell
Councillor Earl Lepine
Councillor Eason Russell
Councillor Eddie McCann
Councillor Edgar
Councillor Edgar Councillors Charles Heaphy Sloan
Councillor Edgar Lance
Councillor Edgar Municipal Council
Councillor Edgar Schwartz
Councillor Edgar Sector
Councillor Edgar Sloan
Councillor Edgar Sloan Street
Councillor Eleanor Quebec Ice Hockey Federa
Councillor F
Councillor Farrell
Councillor Fraser
Councillor Frost
Councillor G McCallum
Councillor Garth Tracy
Councillor Gary
Councillor Gary Hodgins
Councillor Gary Ladouceur
Councillor Gary Tri-
Councillor Gary Tri-vett
Councillor Gary Trivett
Councillor Gendron
Councillor Gerald Hayes
Councillor Gerald Manwell
Councillor Gerard Joannissa Councillor Bruce Armitage
Councillor Gerard Joannisse
Councillor Gibbons
Councillor Gibson
Councillor Glen Nugent
Councillor Gordon Paul
Councillor Gordon Smith
Councillor Graham
Councillor Grant
Councillor Grant Eades
Councillor H Pèche
Councillor H R. Lunam
Councillor Hayes
Councillor Helmut Erfle
Councillor Henderson
Councillor Hobbs
Councillor Holmes
Councillor Homer
Councillor Howard
Councillor Hugh N. Lackie
Councillor Irvine Cone
Councillor Irwin Hayes
Councillor J
Councillor J C Poisson
Councillor J H Beattie
Councillor J Hilliard X5
Councillor J J McCallum
Councillor J J McCallum Seat
Councillor J. G Elliott
Councillor Jack Clark
Councillor James
Councillor James E. McGofT
Councillor James H. Madore
Councillor James H. Peever
Councillor James Hodgms
Councillor James Judd
Councillor James Klock
Councillor James Lafrance
Councillor James Tur-
Councillor James Turcotte
Councillor Jean Guy Lariviere
Councillor Jean Guy Mainville
Councillor Jean Pierre Gcndron
Councillor Jean-Guy Lariviere
Councillor Jeannine Parent
Councillor Jerry Aubin
Councillor Jim Coyle Winners
Councillor Jno Strutt
Councillor Joan McGuire
Councillor Joe Ranger
Councillor John
Councillor John B McBane Three Dollars
Councillor John B. DufT
Councillor John Donnelly
Councillor John Donnelly Warden Gerald Dempsey
Councillor John J McBane
Councillor John J. McBane
Councillor John L. Hodgins
Councillor John Tel-
Councillor John Telford
Councillor Johnson
Councillor Joseph Donald Letts
Councillor Joseph Ranger
Councillor K Bronson
Councillor Kelly
Councillor Ken Bronson
Councillor Kennedy
Councillor Kenneth
Councillor Kenneth Bronson
Councillor L McCann
Councillor Larry Black
Councillor Lawn
Councillor Lawrence Brennan
Councillor Lawrence Brennan Seconds
Councillor Lawrence Tracey
Councillor Lawrence Tracy
Councillor Lee
Councillor Lee Hodgins Labelle
Councillor Léo
Councillor Léo J Gibbons
Councillor Leonard Hearty Township
Councillor Leonard KEITH HORNER’S
Councillor Leonard Lance
Councillor Leslie Dale
Councillor Lewis
Councillor Lloyd Hensley
Councillor Lloyd Kensley
Councillor Lloyd Kinsley
Councillor Lome B
Councillor Loren B Hodgins
Councillor Lucas
Councillor Lucien Lance
Councillor M Claude Godin
Councillor M J Gallagher
Councillor M. Hayes
Councillor Ma
Councillor Ma-
Councillor Mahlon Hayes
Councillor Martin
Councillor Martin Dowe
Councillor Maurice
Councillor Maurice E Lafleur
Councillor Maurice E. Lafleur
Councillor Maurice Morin
Councillor McCann
Councillor McGuire
Councillor McKay
Councillor Meehan
Councillor Meloche
Councillor Melodie Lepack
Councillor Melvin Gagnon
Councillor Michael McCrank
Councillor Michael Me—
Councillor Michael Whalen
Councillor Michel Gervais
Councillor Michel Grenier
Councillor Moore
Councillor Murray
Councillor Murray Miss Melinda Kelly
Councillor Murray Paving
Councillor Murray Ranger
Councillor Myrtle Sullivan
Councillor Orla Young
Councillor O’Brien
Councillor Parker
Councillor Peck
Councillor Percy Gleason
Councillor Periard
Councillor Perrault
Councillor Phil
Councillor Poirier
Councillor Quyon
Councillor Raymond
Councillor Raymond Gleason
Councillor Raymond Gleason.
Councillor Raymond Morris
Councillor Reynolds
Councillor Richardson
Councillor Robert B. Carswell
Councillor Robinson
Councillor Romain
Councillor Russell
Councillor Russell Taber
Councillor Ryan Tanguay
Councillor Schwartz
Councillor Seat
Councillor Sharon Sullivan
Councillor Simon
Councillor Simon Audit Report
Councillor Simon Com
Councillor Simon Corriveau
Councillor Simon Corrivesu
Councillor Simon Downey
Councillor Sloan
Councillor Smiley
Councillor Smith
Councillor Stanton
Councillor Stewart
Councillor Thomas
Councillor Thomas Dunn
Councillor Thomas Eraser
Councillor Thomas Fraser
Councillor Thomas J. McGuire
Councillor Thomas J. McGuire John’s Quebec
Councillor Thomas O Brien
Councillor Thomas O’Brien
Councillor Thomas Smith
Councillor Thompson
Councillor Tracey
Councillor Trivett
Councillor Trivett Kenneth Bronson
Councillor Tur- Campbell
Councillor Vérins
Councillor W F. Campbell
Councillor Walker
Councillor Ward
Councillor Ward 2 Quyon
Councillor Weldon Hobbs
Councillor Woods
Councillor# Campbell
Councillor# Margaret Straek
Councillor# Zachar-ats
Councillor* Armstrong
Councillor* Campbell
Councillor* Greer
Councillor* Marfa
Councillor* R
Councillor* Young
Councillor*» Wilson
Councillor- Stewart
Councillors Gary Councillor Tracey
Councillors—Alex Murray
Councillor» Campbell
Councillor» Farrell
Councillor» Fultord
Councillor» Grant
Councillor» Harknees
Councillor» L Belanger
Councillor» McKay
Councillor» Michel Grenier
Councillor» Stewart
Councillor» Wiggins
Councillor—Loyola Johnston
County Councillor
Courtney Alex- Lanark
Craig William John..... Gorman Dennis.......... Spinks Alexander....... Davis Edward........... Dav
Crs Fraser Davis
Dale Alex
Dale Alex-
Dale Alex- Barnes
Dale Alex- Taylor
Dale Hiram Davis Dora Harris Elgin Hobbs Ruth Hobbs David Hodgins Irma Howard Donald Johnston Doris
Dale s Tin Shop Davis
Dan Gordon - Davis Mills Mariia
Daniel Davis
Daniel Mr. Thomas Davis
Danielle Davis
Danny Davis
Darrell Davis
Dave Davis
Dave Murray Mayor A1 Davis
David Alex Smith
David Alex Smith Passes After Illness
David Brooks - Martoek Resource Consultants Dr. Davis Earle - Atomic
David Davis
David Davis Age
David Davis Toronto
David Fleury Mrs Alex Malette
David L Davis
David Niven Alex Gulness
David Robinson Alex Kluke
David Wilding-Davis
Davis I James E. Davis
Davis A Lawrence
Davis A Lawrence Company
Davis Ade
Davis Ade Annex
Davis and Betty Hodgins
Davis Appointed Dominion Horticulturist Bstabllahed
Davis Ass t
Davis Audrey Totter
Davis Barbara B. Standing
Davis Bros,
Davis Bros, Gardell Hobbs
Davis Bros.
Davis Burrows
Davis C Brennan Cliff Taber Allan Mohr Henry Mulligan
Davis Carr
Davis Cavanaugh an4
Davis Centre F. Davis Rover Léger
Davis Champion
Davis Ciaragc
Davis Communi-me
Davis Congratulations
Davis Cotie Horner Findlay Residence Owner Horse Pembroke Cecile Proud
Davis Erwin Chenault Owner
Davis Evans
Davis Fort
Davis Fort Coulonge
Davis Gar
Davis Gar 36.42
Davis Gar-
Davis Gar- HClO Al Walfhaiîl
Davis Gar- Humphrey Lang
Davis Garage
Davis Garage 234.98
Davis Garage I
Davis Garage Net
Davis Garage X A. Meredith
Davis Garage Yellow Zone
Davis Garant*
Davis Grocery
Davis Grocery Eva Andai
Davis Henderson Warns District Fox Hunters
Davis Hod
Davis Hod Shawville Lady
Davis Hod-and Nancy Lemay
Davis Hod-gins
Davis Hodgins
Davis Hodglns
Davis Hodgun
Davis Hollander
Davis Hudgins
Davis Ï
Davis John Derek K. Firming
Davis Jr. Comedy Peler
Davis Juveniles Fort
Davis M
Davis M EUS Mrs
Davis M Famcollar
Davis Marcel Berard
Davis Mark Lawrence
Davis Martin
Davis McCa
Davis McDonald
Davis Mills
Davis Ministry
Davis Miss Sandra Smiley
Davis Mr.
Davis Mr. W.
Davis M„ Crawford
Davis Notice
Davis Oar- Curried
Davis Oar- Town Hall
Davis Oarage
Davis Oarage McCann
Davis Olmstead
Davis Orchestra
Davis Pembroke
Davis Perfect
Davis Pharm-acal Company
Davis Pharmacol Company
Davis Pile Treatment
Davis Planting
Davis Pulling Ontario Mini-Tractor Pullers Association
Davis Q Mus Shaw
Davis Qara
Davis Qiiy«»r»
Davis Quyon
Davis Ray Evans
Davis Ray Hetherington Lily Hudson
Davis Remembering Harold
Davis Restaurant
Davis Restaurent
Davis Roy Wigg
Davis Second Hand
Davis Sloan
Davis Smith
Davis Strait
Davis Straits
Davis Stratford-on-Avon
Davis Subdivision
Davis Talk
Davis The
Davis This
Davis Timmins
Davis Truck
Davis Tuionto
Davis William Campbell Garnet Thompson
Davis Wilson
Davis, Jr,
Dawn Alexander and Betty Davis
De Benoit
De- Councillor Boyd Barber
Dealers Alex Parker Peeled
Debbie Davis
December 21,1983 Wesley U.C.W. Beech Grove Davis-Lance
Del* Mrs Leslie Benoit
Denis Benoit
Dente© Belec Jeff Davis
Derek Alex- Derek Burman
Diana Davis
Diane Councillor When
Diane Benoit
Dianna Davis
Dick Davis
Diocesan Vocation Louise Benoit
District Mi-Councillor Boyd Barber op-
Doctor Benoit
Dominique Benoit
Don Benoit Miss Pearl Roach
Don Davis
Donald Davis
Donald Duff Councillor
Donna Davis
Dora Davis
Doreen Davis
Doreen Davis Leader
Doris Day Ronald Regan Jeff Chandler FRIDAY B. Karloff F Redhead From Wyoming Maureen O Hara Alex N
Dorna Davis
Dorothy Treasurer Doreen Davis
Dr. Alex
Dr. Alex E. Brown
Dr. Alex F. Fokes
Dr. Alex Fokes
Dr. Benoit
Dr. Davis
Dr. Henry Argue Alex Horner George Palmer
Dr.Alex Stewart
Dwight Davis
Dwight P. Davis
E Davis
E. Davis
E. Ross Vowles Councillor
Earl Alex
Earl Alex-
Earl Alex-under
Earl Davis
Earle Davis
Ed Agatha Davis
Ed Davis
Ed- Alex
Ed. Davis
Eddie Davis
Eddie McCann Councillor
Eddie McCann Councillor Ward
Edey R.J. Hamilton Alex Horner John J Horner
Edgar Alex- _
Edgar Lance Councillor Earl Brown
Edith Davis
Edith Margaret Alex
Edith Margaret Alex-Marjorie France
Eduard Davis
Edward Benoit
Edward Benoit ............. Arthur Pellerin............ Andrew Mulligan............ Geo
Edward Davis
Edward Davis 189798
Edward Davis bay
Edward Davis Moore
Edward Davis Reserve Grand
Edward Davis) Thomas S. Jewell
Edward Kavanagh Councillor
Edwin Alex
Edwin Alex Pirie
Edwin Alex-
Edwin J. Davis
Eileen Davis
Eileen Davis 6
Eiward Davis
Elaine Alex-
Elder Davis
Eldon Davis
Eleanor Alex-.
Elizabeth Davis
Elizabeth Davis Schneider
Elizabeth Hahn Benoit
Elizabeth Mul- Mrs Ryan Benoit
Ella Armstrong 2 L ^Davis^Lucas M” Pair Geese—W A Armstrong 1
Ella Thomas Davis
Ellen Dunn Benoit
Elmer Davis
Elqin Davis
Elwin Davis
Ema Davis
Emerson Councillor Austin Clarke
Emila Benoit
Emilia Benoit
Emily Davis
Enn Davis
Erin Davis
Erna Davis
Ernest Hearty Councillor
Esther Du- Councillor Jerry Dubeau
Ethel Davi Graham Davis
Ethel Davis
Eva Alex*
Eva Andai Ladysmith Notes Alex
F. Davis
F.A. Davis
F/O Alex
Fabien Benoit
Ferdinand Benoit
Ferry Davis
Fileeu Davis
Flo Davis
Florence Davis
Floyd Davis
Floyd Robinson Councillor Pilon
For Davis-Ade Annex
Fox Davis
Frances Benoit Chenard
Frances Davis
Francis Davis
Francis Sloan Councillor Clement Roto
Frank Boucher Marty Burke Alex
Frank Bouclier Marty Burke Alex Lex-inaky Carl
Frank Davis
Frank Davis V
Frank Mc- James E. Davis
Frank Reiffenstein* Alex
Franklin Centre U. H. H. Davis
Fraser 316.70 Davis Gar
Fraser 8.40 K Davis
Fraser Raymond Davis
Fred A. Davis
Fred Alex Ashton
Fred Atkin- Councillor Adolph Schwartz
Fred Cant’ Alex Murray _
Fred Davis
Fred Davis Birthday Calendar
Fred Davis Estate
Fred Davis Memorial Annex
Fred Davis Memorial Nurses
Fred Davis SKSsSrSSsS
Fred Horner, Marie Julie Davis
Fred Martin Councillor
Fred Meilleur Allan Davis
Freddie Davis
Frederick Alex-1Sparling
G. Davis
G. M T. Davis
Gail Davis
Gale Davis TtJecvi
Garnet Benoit
Garry Benoit
Garry Davis
Gary Benoit
Gary Davis
Gary Trivett Municipal Councillor
George A Mm Theresa Benoit
George Alex
George Alex.
George and Marion Benoit
George Benoit
George Bryson Alex Proud
George Catherine Helen Davis
George Davis
George Davis Coles
George E Davis
George E. Davis
George H. Davis
George Murphy Nancy Davis Arrowhead
George Rotarian Alex Pokes
George Stones Glyn Davis
George T. Dsgg Alex LoSTÂirent
George V Davis
Georges Benoit
Ger- Alex
Gerald Lang Shawville Electric Lawrence Hodgins Walter J.Hargrave Alex Hollis El
Geraldine Benoit
Gerry Davis
Gertie Davis
Gisèle Benoit
Glen Davis
Glen Ford Betty Davis Color
Glen I Alex Wilsons Belgian
Glenn Yach - Alex Mucha
Gloria Davis Gr
Glsele Benoit
Glyndwr Davis
Goalie Councillor Gerard Joanisse
Goalie Lee Benoit
Goldie Davis
Gordon Alex
Gordon Alex SO
Gordon Alex-
Gordon Davis
Gordon N Davis
Gorman Dennis.......... Spinks Alexander....... Davis Edward.......... Davidson Stewart...... Gagno
Grace Davis
Graham Davis
Graham Davis Bristol-Onslow Townline
Graham Davis Tim Savoie
Graham Kenny Ross Brian Davis Neil Mc(
Grant Present Councillor Charles Moore
Greg Benoit
Greg Davis
Gregory Benoit
Gregory Wilkinson 2. Ward Lance 3 Paul Davis 4
Guillaume Davis
Guy Benoit
Guy Benoit Campbell’s Bay
Guy Benoît Cooperative Forestière Ricanoc
Guy Benoit Deering
Guy Benoit Directeur
Guy Benoit Mme
Guylaine Homer Benoit
H. Davis
Hannah Councillor Nugent
Harding Davis
Harmer Davis
Harold Cuthbert-Harold Davis
Harold Davis
Harold Davis Clifford Sharpe
Harold Davis John
Harold Davis Murray
Harold Davis Ottawa
Harold Hammond Brian Davis
Harold Steele Alex Lapierre
Harry Benoit
Harry Councillor Lee
Harry Davis
Harry Davis Coles
Harvey Benoit
Harvey Levesque Kerry Davis
Harvey N. Davis
Hayes W Chisnell W J Black Sam Dale Jim Caldwell Bert Hodgins Alex Hazard Keg
Hazel Davis
Hazel Davis Miss May Craig REPRESENTING
Helen Benoit
Helen Davis
Helen Davis Seer
Helen Robinson Leslie Benoit
Helene Benoit
Henderson Davis
Henry Benoit
Henry Davis 1
Henry Davis 2
Henry Davis 2. _
Henry Davis 3
Henry Davis 3 Tray
Henry Davis ;3rd
Henry Davis Nadig
Henry Davis»
Henry Lunam Councillor
Henry Lunem Councillor
Henry M Davis 1
Henry M Davis 3. Afternoon
Henry M. Davis Former Resident
Henry R Davis
Hereford Steer- Alex Dewar
Hiram Davis
Hiriam Davis
Horn Davis
Howard Harris Pat Davis
Hriam Davis
Hubert Davis
Hull Davis
Ida Davis
IHfrUrt Alex
Il B • Alex. Fraser
Irene Benoit
Iront Rowf Colleen Davis
Isabella Davis
Isabella Davis Mrs. Eddie Finnigan
Ivan Me- Davis
J Davis
J M Hodgins 3. Alex Meldrum
J T" Councillor Douglas Gau- Township
J W. Mr. Alex
J. Alex Armstrong
J. Benoit
J. Davis
Jack Davis
Jacques 4i# Benoit
Jacques Benoit
Jam Davis
Jam Davis Hodg’ns
James Alex
James Alex-
James Alex- Mrs. Storey
James Alex-1
James Benoit
James Benoit Is
James Benoit Sun-Papineau
James Davis
James Davis Hod-gins
James Davis Hodgins
James Davis Hodgins Passes Alter Lengthy Illness Slmwville
James Davis Hodgins Sunday
James Davis Hodgioe
James Davis Hodgitts
James Davis Hodglns
James Davis Hodgtm
James Davis Hudgins
James Davis Huix
James Davis Thursday
James E Davis May
James E. Davis
James Edward Davis
James Gordon Now Councillor
James Howard - Councillor
James Kil-and Councillor Moyle
James Stewart Councillor
James T. Davis
Jamie Armstrong Show Lee Benoit
Jane Alex
Jane Alex-
Jane Alex- Hat
Jane Alex-Campbell
Jane Davis
Jane Ritchie Davis
Janies Davis
Jared Murray Beef Intermediate Showmanship Alex Draper Beef Senior Showmanship Kalie Dufault 4-H An
Jas Davis
Jason Benoit
Jauits Davis Hodgins
Jean Benoit
Jean Davis
Jean Davis Ashley Huppy
Jean de Ma- Councillor Gary Trivett Boileau
Jean Landry Councillor
Jean Paul Benoit
Jean Thompson Davis
Jean-Pierre Benoit
Jeff Alex-
Jeff Benoit
Jeff Benoit Normandeau
Jeff Benoit’s
Jeff Davis
Jefferson Davis
Jeffery Benoit
Jeffery Davis
Jeffrey Benoit
Jeffrey Davis
Jenn''e Davis
Jennifer Davis
Jennifer McGah- Davis
Jeremy Smith Alex Bell
Jerry Davis
Jerry Du- Councillor Douglas Leslie
Jerry Dubeau Councillor
Jim Angus Benoit
Jim Davis
Jim Davis Brian Smith
Jim Davis Lennie Richardson Toymakers Badge George Russell Artists Badge
Jimmie Davis
Jimmy Davis
Jimmy Davis Folio
Jk Alex
Jo-Ann Davis
Joan Alex- Christina Elliott
Joan Davis
Joan M Davis Tournament
Joanne Benoit
Joanne Davis
Joe Davis
Joe Kerwin Mr. Alex Storie Is
John Alex
John Alex McLaren
John Alex*
John Alex-
John Alex- Graduation Class
John Alex- Kluke
John Alex- Trevor Lang
John Alex-Panet
John Alexander Davis
John and Danny Davis
John and Mrs. Davis Jr.
John Armstrong Vote Albert Davis
John Balchin - Mme Alex Ryan
John Beimers Councillor Seat
John Benoit
John Cahill Alex
John Councillor Carroll
John Davis
John Davis Day Who
John Davis Hod-||vios
John Davis Hodgins
John Davis Hodgins At Bristol
John Davis Hudgins
John Davis OflkljHp
John Davis Relatives
John H. Davis
John Horner............ Basil Davis
John Jones Joshua Hughs Motion Councillor
John MacGregor Premier William Davis
John Munharvey Elwln Davis Cartage
John Robinson Councillor
John Thomson Mrs. John Davis
John W Richard Harding Davis
John W. Davis
John XV. Davis
Johnny Rivet Davis
Johnson Davis
Jonathan Davis
Joseph - Glyndwr Davis
Joseph Alex McMunn
Joseph Alex Philip
Joseph Davis
Joseph Hamel Councillor Peter Kluke
Joseph Mrs Alex Weir
Joseph Squires Davis
Joseph Yereck 18.00 Alex Yereck
Joyce Davis
Jr Alex
Jr ____ Alex. Fraser
Jr. Alex. Fraser
Judith Alex-
Judith Grant CA Benoit Larocque PC Melissa Hunter NDP Gretchen Schwartz GRN Eleanor Hyodo NLP Chris
Judy Benoit
Judy Grant Hubert Leduc David Smith Gretchen Thierry Benoit Schwarz Vicente Legros ELECTION
Julia Davis
Justin Murray Alex Houle
K. Davis
Karen Davis
Kathy Davis
Kathy Davis Van Woezik
Kathy Roberta Ethel Davis
Katie Audrey Moore Davis
Kay Davis
Kayla Davis
Kddie Davis
Kdward Davis
Keith Benoit
Keith Benoit Queale
Keith Harris Councillor Eleanor Black
Keith Hodgins Alex Horner
Keith Larson Jim Davis
Keith Mrs. Alex Lacroix
Keith Trudeau Ray Davis
Kelly Councillor Belleroee
Ken Alex
Ken Alex-
Ken Alex- Dufour
Ken Alex- Goulbourn
Ken Alex- Pontiacs
Ken Alex- Strutt
Ken Alex- Wilcox
Ken Alex-gether
Ken Alex-Pontiacs
Ken Alex-the
Ken Alex-^
Ken Councillor Poirier
Ken Davis
Ken Davis Autobus Erfle Bus Lines
Ken Davis Bruce Campbell R H Nugent Equip Rental Ltd Gary Merrifield Gary Trudeau Kathy Armitage Ug
Ken Davis Byron
Ken Davis Garage
Ken Davis Garege
Ken Davis Quon
Ken Davis-
Ken MacFar- Councillor Arthurs
Ken Philbin Otter Lake Municipal Councillor
Kenneth Councillor Tracey
Kenneth Davis
Kenney Davis
Kenny Alex-
Kenny Alex-collected
Kenny Davis
Kenny Davis Gil Fraser
Keriy Davis
Kerry Davis
Kerry Davis Rudy Qfle
Kerry Timm Norm Davis
Kevin Knox Councillor
Kim Davis
Kim Davis Tanya
Kim Margaret Davis WE’VE MOVED
Kim Thalheimer Mitchell Davis
Kimberley Davis
Kimberly Davis
Kimberly Pnze Highest Stand-Davis
Kirk Davis
Klward Davis
L D Davis
L Davis
L. Davis
Ladies Drive Ken Davis
Larry Benoit
Larry Davis
LaRue Davis
Laura Benoit
Laura Davis
Laurie Davis
Lavigne Davis
Lavina Mae Davis Thompson
Lavina May Davis
Lawrence Alex-
Lawrence Tracey Councillor
Lawrence Tracey Councillor Ward
Lee Benoit
Lee Benoit Kneeling Roger Larocque
Lee Benoit Renfrew Timberwolves
Lee Davis
Lee Murphy Benoit
Legislative Councillor
Leigh Davis Vian
Len Mike Davis
Leo Benoit
Leo Davis
Leo Davis—also
Leo McGee Alex
Leo Mildred Ryan Benoît
Leo Piché Councillor Barber Seat No
Leona Benoit Reunion
Leonard Tilleyt Sir Alex. Galt
Les Davis
Leslie Benoit
Leslie Davis
Leslie Mr. Alex
Linda Councillor Nugent
Linda Davis
Lindsay Davis
Lion Alex
Lion Lloyd Davis
Lionel Councillor Michael Morin
Lionette Patti Davis
Lizzie Davis
Lloyd Davis
Lloyd Newberry Bryson Councillor Joe Hamel
Lome Davis
Loo Benoit
Lord Alex
Lord Jesus Oirist Mrs James Benoit
Loretta Benoit
Loretto Benoit
Lorraine Benoit
Louis Alex
Louis Alex Pigeault
Louis Alex-ire
Louise Benoit
Louise Davis
Love Alex
Love Alex Cobb____________ Desabrais
Lrnie Davis
Lyle Davis
Lym Davis
Lyn Davis
Lynn Davis
Lynn Davis Band
Lynn Davis Rob Dontigny
Lynn Davis SÈSS.
Lynne Davis
Lyons Lucas 647-3475 Davis Garage
M & Mme Benoit Bastien
M Davis
M Graham 9.13 Davis Garage
M P Mrs. Bernard Benoit
M-Ado Benoît Pelletier
M. Benoit
M. Davis
M: Graham Davis Bryson Holes
M>ss Mary Benoit
Ma H Davis
Mac Davis
Madeleine Benoit
Maggie Davis
Mane Benoit
Marc Benoit
Margaret Benoit
Margaret Davis
Margaret Davis Municipalité
Margaret Davis Shawville Council
Margaret Davis To
Margaret Glofcheskie Councillor
Margaret Isobel Smith-Lamb Davis
Margarite Davis
Margo Councillor Doug Talion
Marie Anne Davis
Marie Benoit
Marie Mrs. Alex Davis
Marilyn Me Mrs. Alex Lapierre
Mario Margaret Davis
Marion Benoit
Mark Alex- Correspondence
Mark Benoit
Mark McColgan - Councillor Poirier
Martin Davis
Martin Davis Jr
Marty Burke Alex
Marv Benoit
Mary A Phyllis Benoit
Mary Alex Bussell Ju(W.
Mary Ann Benoit
Mary Benoit
Mary Benoit Dumouchel Julie.
Mary Benoit Forest
Mary Benoit Mary Benoit
Mary Benoit Ottawa
Mary C. Davis
Mary Catherine Davis
Mary Dale Agatha Davis
Mary Davis
Mary Davis Hanna Fumerton Honored
Mary Frances Davis
Mary I Benoit
Mary Lou Davis
Mary Lucas Davis Gar
Mary Mahcral» Mary Benoit
Mathea Davis-Manwell
Maude Davis
Maur- Davis Allan Dean
Maurice Lafleur- 532.00 Alex Yereck-
Maye Davis
Mayme Davis
Maynard Davis
Maynard Davis Carried
Maynard Davis Mrs. Leonard Bel&her Clarence T. Brownlee E A Cameron Albert Manary Freeman Grant Har
Maynard McDiarmid Mrsf Alex Francoeur
Mayor Alex.
Mayor Councillor Boyd Barber Albert Armstrong
Mayor Davis
McMahon Davis
McNally W J Omeara Alex. Hodgins Campbell* Uny
Men Alex McDonald
Merrifield Davis
Merry Reardon Councillor Benoit Paré
Messrs Alex
Messrs Alex Elliott Sr.
Messrs Alex Framer
Messrs Alex H
Messrs Alex Horner
Messrs Alex Meldrum
Messrs Alex N Wilson
Messrs Alex S. Smart Gerald Armstrong
Messrs Benoit Leclerc
Messrs. Alex
Messrs. Alex and William McDonald.
Messrs. Alex H.
Mi Davis
Mi*s Helen Davis
Michael Benoit
Michael Benoit- Campbell’s Bay
Michael Davis
Michael Vickers Davis
Michel Benoit
Michel Councillor Grenier
Micheline Davis
Mike Alex
Mike Benoit
Mike Davis
Mike Davis Island
Mildred Amm Benoit
Mildred Benoit
Mildred Benoit Poste Conseiller Siege
Mildred Benoit Roily Lepine
Mildred Davis
Mildred Ryan Benoit
Mildred Ryan Benoit NOTICE
Milton Crawford Councillor
Milton Hahn 288.00 Francis Bourgeau 366.40 Alex Drummond
Miriam Davis
Mis Alex Drummond
Mis Alex Ryan
Mis Angus Benoit
Mis* Davis
Miss Davis
Miss Helen Benoit
Misses Margaret Davis
Mitchell Davis
Mm Alex Horner
Mona Davis
Monsieur Al Davis
Monsieur Anthony Toner Davis
Monsieur Benoit
Monsieur Benoit Coté
Monsieur Benoît Paré
Monsieur Eddy Davis
Mortimer B Davis Jewish
Moses Benoit
Motion Councillor Paul
Motion Councillor Young
Motion Councillor* Argue
Mount Alex
Mountain Mrs Marie Benoit
Mr Alex 8torle
Mr Alex
Mr Alex Berard
Mr Alex McDonald
Mr Davis
Mr Davis Whitewater Rodeo
Mr H G Davis
Mr L D Davis
Mr Leslie Benoit
Mr Ryan Benoit
Mr* Alex Rhyn
Mr- Kenneth Clifford Alex-
Mr. Albert Davis
Mr. Alex
Mr. Alex Armstrong
Mr. Alex Bourgault
Mr. Alex Castelle
Mr. Alex Elliott
Mr. Alex H. Orr
Mr. Alex H. Orr Passes At Snipe Lake
Mr. Alex Hazard
Mr. Alex Kilgour
Mr. Alex Latham
Mr. Alex McDonald
Mr. Alex McDonald I
Mr. Alex Munroe
Mr. Alex Newton
Mr. Alex Pi-1
Mr. Alex Roy
Mr. Alex Shaw
Mr. Alex. S. Elliott
Mr. Andrew Alex
Mr. Benoit’s
Mr. Bernard Benoit
Mr. Davis
Mr. Davis Ho-dgins
Mr. Davis Hod-Mr.
Mr. Davis Murray
Mr. Davis Spencer
Mr. Felix Davis
Mr. Graham Davis
Mr. James E. Davis
Mr. Leslie Benoit
Mr. Martin Davis
Mr. Raymond Davis
Mr. Ryan Benoit
Mr. Simon Benoit
Mr. Wilder Davis
Mr. X Mrs. Thomas Benoit
Mrs Alex 7-3710
Mrs Alex Nickel SKrKe
Mrs Bernard Benoit
Mrs Leslie Benoit
Mrs Leslie Benoit Martin
Mrs M P. Davis
Mrs Ryan Benoit
Mrs, Alex Olmsted
Mrs. Alex
Mrs. Alex 0f
Mrs. Alex Armstrong
Mrs. Alex Bennett
Mrs. Alex Bert- Pj|Ujc F^Me
Mrs. Alex Bertrand
Mrs. Alex Cobb
Mrs. Alex Consisting
Mrs. Alex Davis
Mrs. Alex Drummond
Mrs. Alex Elliott
Mrs. Alex Eltüott
Mrs. Alex G. Prcndfoot
Mrs. Alex Graham [Joseph Clarke
Mrs. Alex H. Horner
Mrs. Alex H. Johnston
Mrs. Alex H. Kilgour
Mrs. Alex Hazard
Mrs. Alex Hazard For Service Yorkshire Boar
Mrs. Alex Hcrner Lennis
Mrs. Alex Hodgins
Mrs. Alex Hodigns Mr.
Mrs. Alex Horner
Mrs. Alex Hudgins
Mrs. Alex J Turner
Mrs. Alex Ki
Mrs. Alex Kilgour
Mrs. Alex Kllgour
Mrs. Alex L. Pigvault
Mrs. Alex Lacroix
Mrs. Alex Lapicrrc
Mrs. Alex Lapierre
Mrs. Alex Le
Mrs. Alex Le-1
Mrs. Alex LeClalr
Mrs. Alex Lepine
Mrs. Alex MacDonald
Mrs. Alex McDonald
Mrs. Alex McDonald Bereaved Harness
Mrs. Alex McKenzie
Mrs. Alex McMillan
Mrs. Alex Megrath Mrs. Robert Hood
Mrs. Alex Milne
Mrs. Alex Newberry
Mrs. Alex Olmstead
Mrs. Alex Olmsted
Mrs. Alex P. Smith
Mrs. Alex Parent
Mrs. Alex Pelletier
Mrs. Alex Pigeault
Mrs. Alex Pigeaux
Mrs. Alex Qraruki
Mrs. Alex Stewart
Mrs. Alex Stqyart
Mrs. Alex Stuart
Mrs. Alex Toronto
Mrs. Alex Young
Mrs. Alix Davis
Mrs. Andrew Davis
Mrs. Angus Benoit
Mrs. Angus Benoit Mrs. John Kclleher
Mrs. Benoit
Mrs. Bernard Benoit
Mrs. Bernard Benoit I
Mrs. Bernard Benoit Mr.
Mrs. Bernard Benoit Tuesday
Mrs. Ciraham Davis
Mrs. D Alex Olm-stead
Mrs. Davis
Mrs. Davis Hod
Mrs. Davis Hodgins
Mrs. Davis Hodgins Ottawa
Mrs. Davis Hodglns Mrs. Clarence Richardson
Mrs. Del Davis X
Mrs. Edith Davis
Mrs. Edwin J. Alex- Gordon Bradley
Mrs. Erna Davis
Mrs. Frank Alex Ladouceur
Mrs. Fred A. Davis
Mrs. Gordon Alex-
Mrs. Graham Councillor Omer Dufault
Mrs. Graham Davis
Mrs. H G. Davis
Mrs. H ro d Davis
Mrs. Henry Davis
Mrs. J Benoit Miss Cindy Benoit
Mrs. J Davis
Mrs. James Benoit
Mrs. James Benoit Mr.
Mrs. James Davis
Mrs. James Stewart Mise Mary Benoit
Mrs. James Tuffy Davis
Mrs. Jones Homer Carried Councillor Thomas J. McGuire AAA
Mrs. Kenneth Mrs. Alex Bertrand
Mrs. Leo Davis
Mrs. Leslie Benoit
Mrs. Leslie Benoit Andy Sam C
Mrs. Leslie Davis
Mrs. M Davis
Mrs. M Mks Phlbs Benoit
Mrs. M Olt Mr. Regis Benoit
Mrs. Marie Davis
Mrs. Maurice Le- Miss Lorraine Benoit
Mrs. Murray Davis
Mrs. Norman Davis
Mrs. R Alex Hodgins Saturday
Mrs. R J. Alex
Mrs. Raymond Davis
Mrs. Ruby Davis
Mrs. Ryan Benoit
Mrs. Ryan Benoit Sunday
Mrs. Thomas Benoit
Mrs. Thomas Benoit Mr.
Mrs. Thomas Benoit Mr. David Spencer
Mrs. Thomas Davis
Mrs. Tony Davis
Mrs. Wilder Davis
Mrt Alex McDonald
Mr» Danis Guy Benoit Directeur
Municipal Councillor
Muriel Davis
Murray Benoit
M°” Davis
Nancy Alex Wm Armstrong We
Nancy Alex-
Nancy Alex- Palmer
Nancy Alex- Pirie
Nancy Benoit
Nancy Davis
Nancy LaBonté Vicky Benoit 191
Nannie Davis
Natalie Benoit
Nathalie Benoit
Nathan Dags Mrs Alex Fto Mrs
Neil Benoit
Nelson Davis
Nfrs Alex Mr.
Nicholas Benoit
Noel Quinn Mme Alex Richard
Noellie Alex Laçasse
Norm Davis
Norma Benoit
Norman Davis
Norman Davis Men »
Norman Davis Quebec
Norman FI Davis
Norman H Davis
Norman H. Davis
Ntrs John Davis
Nui Alex Dana
O councillor Campbell
Olive Davis
Ont—Mose Davis
Oscar Davis
P A Councillor Murray
P. Davis
P. Q Councillor Ryan Tanguay
Paddy Davis
Page 7 Karen Davis
Pamela Davis
Paquette Albert Davis Roy Trudeau
Parke-Davis Drugs
Pat Councillor” WILLIAM Dolan
Pat Davis
Pat Schoular Alex Rutledge
Pat Schoular Alex Szalay
Pat Vachoa Amber Davis
Patricia Davis
Patricia Davis Gr 3
Patrick Councillor Hilgert Bretz
Patrick Davis
Patrick Davis Mea’i Women’s
Patrick James Davis
Patrick Reardon Davis Auxiliary Meets Fort
Patrick- Student Councillor
Patti Davis
Patti Davis Get
Pattie Davis
Patty Davis
Paul Benoit
Paul Benoit Request
Paul Blaskie Alex Yereck Municipal Forms Leonard Hearty Jerry Racine Hydro Quebec Firemen Gordon Pa
Paul Bretz-Hiram Davis
Paul Co-op Hatchery Davis
Paul Coulombe André Benoit Officiai Agent
Paul Davis
Paul Emile Benoit
Paul H Turner Unbleached Sheeting M. Davis S. Christie G. Ritch
Paul Martineau Opens Davis
Pauline Davis
Pearl Davis
Per Bryson Councillor Albert Armstrong
Per Young Councillor
Percule Benoit
Percy Davis
Percy W Davis
Perry Councillor
Perry Davis
Perry Davis Card
Perry Weldon Davis
Peter Councillor Jim Hodgins
Peter Davis
Peter Walford-Davis
Philip Davis
Phvllis Benoit
Phyllis Benoit
Phyllis Benoit and
Pierre Alex
Pierre Benoit
Pierre Councillor Hélène Be
Pontiac Councillor Gary Trivett
Pontiac/Aylmer Retail Representative Alex Ladouceur
Powell Davis
Preston Hodgins Motion Councillor Elwooa Dale
Princess Alex
Principal Special Education Consultant Outdoor Education Consultant Bonita Benoit
Pritchard Earl Clark John Muldoon Alex Davis Geo
Pyke E: Davis Friday
P^r Young Councillor
R Davis
R. Davis
Rachel Leach Mrs Alex Cobbs
Randy Randy Pitt For Councillor
Randy Davis
Randy Incumbent Benoit Paré
Randy Labadie Elwin Davis Cartage R.H Nugent Tom Orr Cartage Campbell’s Polaris McCauley Jewellers
Range X Onslow- Councillor Armitage
Ray Cavan Bruce Kennedy Maureen Curley Kathy Kennedy Donna Daley Bobby Davis
Ray Davis
Ray Davis Trophy
Ray Mme Alex Ryan
Raymond Benoit
Raymond Davis
Raymond Davis 604-3( Dec
Raymond Davis Chaplain
Raymond Davis Lloyd Balharrie
Raymond Davis Our Saks
Raymond Durocher Councillor
Raymond John- ALEX HOLLIS
Raymond T Davis
Raymond Thinker" Jeff Benoit They
Raymonde Davis
Referee Davis
Reo Benoit
Rev Alex Grant
Rev. Alex
Rev. Alex F. Foke*
Rev. Alex F. Fokes
Rev. Alex F. Pokes
Rev. Councillor#—Alex Murray
Reymond Davis
Richard Benoit
Richard Bowie Councillor Edgar The Campbell
Richard Bowie/Councillor Maurice Morin
Richard Davis
Richard Harding Davis
Richard Sharpe Breckenridge Pierre Sauvageau Councillor Ward
Richard Wills T* Alex Bean
Richard Wills Davis
Richard Wills Dr Benoit Paquette
Richard Wills Proprietors Patti Davis-Fleck
Rick Davis*
Ricky Davis
Rimer Davis
Rita Benoit
Rita Benoit Img
Rita Benoit Lions Hall
Rita Benoît Mclane
Rita Benoit Visiting
Rita Benoit> Mark
Rita Benoit’s
Rita Davis
Rl-Alex Murray
Rl-Alex Weir
Rl— Alex
Robbie Davis
Robert Alex
Robert Alex Glenn
Robert Alex- Rev.
Robert Benoit
Robert CHARETTE Councillor
Robert Charette Councillor Seat 2 Karen Daly Kelly Councillor
Robert Councillor Murray Campbell
Robert Davis
Robert Davis Amrtrong
Robert Davis Armstrong
Robert Davis Armstrong G.
Robert HAROLD Edward Davis
Robert Harold Edward Davis Lime Lome Albert Mayer Mayer
Robert Howard Mr. Davis
Robert Judd Alex Murray Anonymous Clarendon
Robert M Benoit
Robert Rus-sett Councillor
Robert Ryan Alex Cord
Robert Salley—1Carried Councillor Daniel Fan
Roberta G Hod- Hiram Davis
Robitailie Michael Benoit Jamie
Roger Benoit
Roland Graham G. S. Fades Nathan Fraser Bill Laframboise Robert Gordon Alex Murray Henry Smiley
Romy Daigle Pointe-aux-Trembles Marie-Andrée Arsenault Bathurst Alexander Kelly Brampton Benoît
Ron & Doreen Davis
Ron Davis
Ron NOTICE Councillor Lorry
Ron Richard- Councillor J Mark Gardiner
Ronald Alex
Ronald Benoit
Ronald Reagan Nancy Davis
Ronnie Davis
Rosalind Russell Alex Guinness Presented By Mr.
Rote Davis
Roxie Davis
Roy Councillor
Roy Davis
Roy Davis Pierre Pilon
Roy Davis—RA
Roy McMahon Elizabeth Moorhead James Davis W. J. Thompson
Royce Richardson Councillor Municipality
Royce Richardson Councillor Seat
Ruby Davis
Ruby Jean (Davis
Ruth Mrs. Alex
Ryan Benoit
S. Davis
Sadie Davis
Sam Alex
Sammy Davis Jr. ANNA LUCASTA
Samuel Alex-she
Samuel Davis
Sandra Murray Councillor Seat
Sarah Crawford Alex Shea
Scott Brady Mur Jim Davis No Andy Devine
Sec Davis
Sergent Benoît Boulianne
Shane Benoit
Shane Benoit Patsy Lepine
Shannon Benoit
Sharpe Davis
Sharpe Mrs. Alex Lathem
Sharpe Mrs. Alex Millar
Shawn Benoit
Shawn McCord Alex Viens
Shawn Stewart Benoit
Shawville Councillor Athol Dale
Shawville Councillor Bill Atkinson
Shawville Councillor Boyd Barber
Shawville Councillor Brent Horner
Shawville Councillor Don Stevens
Shawville Councillor Sandra Murray
Shayne Benoit
Sheldon Davis
Shelley Benoit
Shelley Normandeau Benoit
Shelly Benoit’s
Sherry Davis
Sherwood Councillor* Andrew Dennett
Sherwood Henderson Councillor Gerard Joemiss
Sherwood Henderson Councillor Gerard Joenniise
Shirley Davis
Shirley Mae Alfreda Mohr Weds Robert H. £ Davis
Shirley Mae Davis
Shirley Mae Mohr Davis
Simon Benoit
Simon Corriveau Councillor
Sister Benoît
Skeeter Davis
Smith Councillor Gordon
Sonia Councillor Trivett
SouthlJohn Davis
St Benoit
Stan Davis
Stan Davis Jr 684-2602 Aylmer
Stan Davis Jr 684-2602 Aylmer Que Lionel Racine Jr 684-2638 Aylmer
Stan Davis Jr.
Stan Davis Jr. 684-2602 Aylmer
Stan Davis Jr. 684-2602 Aytmer
Stan Davis Jr. 864-2602 Aylmer
Stanley Davis
Steering Wheel CEMETERY Alex Lacroix
Stephen Alex-mileage
Stephen Alex. Mack
Stephen Davis
Stephen Davis Lusk
Stephen Davis SHM
Stephen Davis SHM 2
Stephen J Davis Quyon
Stephen J. Davis
Stephen J. Davis Qûyon
Stephen Mrs. Alex Davis
Steve Davis
Steven Alex
Steven Alex-
Steven Alex- Bantam
Steven Alex- Defenceman
Steven Allen Sarah Musgrove....647-5680 Tracy Beck Kirk Davis
Steven Davis
Steven Davis Gary Renaud Equipment Rentals Neilson Dairy Ottawa Rejean Chamberland Trucking Mountai
Stevie Davis
Stewart Kehoe Councillor
Susan Len-ora Ethel Davis
Suzanne Davis
Sylvester Benoit
Sylvestre Benoit
Sylvia Hodgins Poisson Councillor Seat
Sylvie Benoit
Sylvie Mae Davis
T* Davis
T. Davis
Tammra Fowler Davis
Tammy Benoit
Tammy Benoit Laurent Chevalier
Tammy Benoit Mrs Rita Lepine
Tammy Davis
Tara Davis
Tawny Doreen Davis
TCaChOr Wanted-Alex
Terry Bewan Benoit Dubé Jean-Pierre Hérault Brent Nadeau
Terry Davis
Theodore Hodgi Alex Mean Mrs Archie Johnston
Theresa Davis
Thérèse Benoit
Thomas Alex-*
Thomas Belair Motion Crs Alex Lapierre
Thomas Benoit
Thomas Benoit Mr.
Thomas Benoit Mr. Gerald Donnelly
Thomas Benoit Mrs Edgar Lance
Thomas Davis
Thomas Dean Mrs. Alex Bean ....... Wesley Palmer
Thomas Hobin Wm Thomson Alex Box
Thompson Alex Davis
Timothy Seed—Alex Armstrong 1
Tiner Davis
Tinsmith Davis
Tiny Davis
Tom Alex
Tom Councillor Paul Essiambre
Tom Davis
Tom Lefebvre Benoit
Tommy Benoit
Tommy Davis
Tommy Davis Mr. Tom the
Toner Davis
Toni Benoit
Tonv Davis
Tony Davis
Tony Davis Mrs Tony Davis
Tony) Davis
Tori Benoit
Tory Benoit
Town Councillor Boyd Barber
Trehawke Davis
Tyler Alex-lead
Tyler Davis
United Davis
Uryhom Jr Alex
Us Alex
Val Davis
Velma Davis
Vice Pres Sr. Inter Al Davis
Vicki Benoit
Vicky Benoit
Victor Benoit
Vikki Richardson Shane Benoit
Vincent Edwards Yvette Dugay Betty Davis
Vinton Bulletin Marie Benoit
Visiting Mrs Genevieve Mrs Keith Benoit
Vrivy Councillor
W A Armstrong 2. Alex Elliott
W H. Davis
W. Davis
Wally Davis
Walter Councillor
Walter Nelson DAVIS—In
Wannie Davis
Wayne Maheral Charlie Lloyd Agnes Findlay Alex Thomas Agnes Thomas Alice Chevner Lesley Chevrier Gi
Wayne Mc-Brlan Davis
Weeping Beds Reasonable Rates Councillor Moore
Wellington Davis
Wendy Hod Painting - Nancy Alex-
Wendy Lalonde,Jane Alex-
Wendy Wickens Mrs. Alex Souter
Wilder Davis
William (iraham Davis
William Alex Watt
William and Alex
William and Alex Che Paul Stafford
William Davis
William Davis Co.
William Davis Ontario Richard Hatfield New
William Davis Premier
William G Davis
William Graham Davis
William Hawley Davis
William Mildred Benoit
Willie Davis
Wilson Alex
Wilson Davis Cassandra Young
Winnie Davis
Winnifred Corrigan Weds George Alex Pirie
Wm V Si David A. Davis
Wm Davis
Worthy Matron Margaret Davis
Young Alex
Young Fletcher Davis
8,r Alex
Ben Davis
Benoit Girouard
Benoit Road
Bette Davis
Bette Davis Fredrio March
Bette Davis George
Camp Davis
Councillor Barber
Councillor Ward l North Onslow
Councillor# Row
Davis 11 l
Davis Bay
Davis Ga
DAVIS GARAGE l MERCURY Phone 302 Fort Coulonge
Davis Park
Davis Road
Davis Strait.
Davis Straits
Florence Davis
Fort Benoit Paré
Fort Councillor
Gisele Benoit
Kan Davis Gulf Station
Lee Benoit
Mrs Alex l
Municipal-Davis Road
Prince Alex
Queen Alex
S £ l Obituary Alex
St Benoit
St Jean de Ma- Councillor
& Alex Weir
114.25 Davis Garage
205.20 Davis Garage
3.00 Davis Garage
3.; Davis Garage
3rd Alex &
4......... Alex Bean
5.75 Davis Garage
6.00 Davis Garage
819-647-5213 Investment Advisor Benoit Vezina
9.46 Davis Garage
A. DAVIS Municipal Debentures
Advisor Benoit Vezina
Alec Davis
Alex Birthday
Alex Cobb
Alex Corrigan
Alex Dllhlif NflllfP
Alex Gail
Alex Gordon
Alex Hockey League Instead
Alex Hospital
Alex Ijtcroix Mrs. Archie Hcnchy
Alex Îri-Service Hospital
Alex Knox Jean Simmons Red Skelton Technicolor Technicolor Jean Hagen Joan Fontaine Ray MHand
Alex McDonald proprietor .
Alex Moyle
Alex Natasha
Alex new High School
Alex Perrault
Alex Power Graduate
Alex Rutledge Ca"°dion Bible Society
Alex Ry- Visitors
Alex School Municipality
ALEX SZALAY 647-5056 Charter Master
Alex Wilson School Roy
Alex- Pilot Had Fortune
Alex. Pitt
Alicsha Davis and
Apply Alex Weir
ARTHUR Shawville ALEX—Renfrew JANET—T.
AS Wortr Fully Guaranteed Star Davis Jr.
AT Regis Benoit
Aunt Emelia Benoit
B. Alex Toronto
Bank of Montreal Benoit
Banking Veteran Alex Brough
Bear Patti Davis
BELARUS Councillor Douglas Gauthier
Bell Councillor Eddie McCann Moved
Bell Jim Davis
Benoit Association Paré
Benoit for
Benoit Junior B
Benoît La Commission
Benoit Motard Commission
Benoit Paré
Benoît Vêzina Investment AJviaor & RBC DOMINION
Bert Davis
Bill Davis
BOISERIE DU PONTIAC PONTIAC WOODWORKING John Munharvey Steven Davis Gary Renaud Equipment Rentals N
Breed Alex Weir
Bristol ; Alex
Bristol beach Alex Lepinc
Bristol Councillor
Bristol Councillor Donald Duff
Bristol Councillor Donald DufY
Bristol Councillor Jim
Bristol Mayor Alex Murray
Bristol Memorial Councillor
Bristol Mines 57488B22JUNE2 e Councillor Lorry
Bristol s Grand Old Mrs. Aléx Horner
Bristol; Alex
Bryson Alex
Bryson Alex Proud
Bryson Councillor Normand Per Bryson Councillor Albert Armstrong
Bryson Golden Benoit
Bryson Lions Club Contact: Sensei Benoit Massé
Bryson Mr. Alex Bean
BURNETTltd Alex Power Graduate
Cal Alex Davis
Call Alex Rutledge
Call Investment Advisor Benoit Vezina
Canadian Alex Newton
Canadian Association of Lions and International Councillor
Canadian Do!mite Plant Davis
Captain Davis
Catcher- Councillor Bronson
Cheese Maker Mr. Alex
Children Alex Davis
Colombe Alex Weir
Commercial Bidder Alex Rgo
Commercial Bolder Alex Rigo
Contact Alex Bertrand
Contact Alex Cobden Memorial Hall
Contact Alex Rutledge
Contact Alex Shawville
Contact Alex Tremblay
Council Alex Davis
Council Councillor McLean
Council Federal Judy Grant Hubert Leduc David Smith Gretchen Thierry Benoit Schwarz Vicente Legros
Councillor 323.00 C Knox Shawville 2.00 p.m.—Sunday School 7.30 p.m.—Worship Service Wednesday
Councillor Allan Black
Councillor André Belle
Councillor Bronson LTD Flood Control Claim Claim
Councillor Campbell
Councillor Carson Hodgins
Councillor Council
Councillor County Council
Councillor Dale Tele
Councillor Edgar Municipal Council
Councillor Equity
Councillor Everett Ar-the
Councillor Everett Arthurs
Councillor First Prize
Councillor Frncis Senior Seat
Councillor Hawley Le
Councillor Hawley Lepine Municipality
Councillor Hawley Lepine Ward
Councillor Hawley Wickens
Councillor i Postal Code NOTE
Councillor Joey Affairs
Councillor Lawrence Meehan
Councillor Leo Gib
Councillor Lome Meehan
Councillor McCann
Councillor McGuire
Councillor Mr Allan
Councillor Murray Ranger
Councillor Nugent
Councillor Or
Councillor Randy Pitt
Councillor Randy Pitt.
Councillor Royce Richardson
Councillor School
Councillor Senior Senior
Councillor Thomaa
Councillor Trivett
Court Rotary Hears Alex Macdonald On Insurance Austin Plain Nutt Tn Attend Clarendon Council W(
Davis & Sons
Davis Appointed Dominion Horticulturist Bstabllahed
Davis Communications
Davis Engineering Davis Engineering
Davis Family
DAVIS GARAGE Fort Coulonge Phone
DAVIS GROCERY & MEATS Magazines • School Supplies I*
Davis Memorial
Davis Memorial Hospital
Davis Memorial Residence
DAVIS Montreal F''lflEON
Davis Telephone System
Davis* Hotel
Davis-Ade Memorial Home
Department of Municipal Councillor Simon Corriveau
Director Allan Davis School of Journalism
Director Allan Davis School of Journalism Executive Director Loyola Campus A.Q.R.E.M. Glenaladaie H
District Chamber of Alex Trembley
Division Councillor Morris
Donaldson th.t Alex
Douglas Gauthier Municipal Councillor Seat
Dr. Alex Fokes
Dr. Alex G
Dr. Alex Nicoll
Draveurs1 Alex Brown
Eardley Councillor Hélène Béli- Recreational Association
EASTER Misa Lorette Benoit Ottawa
Editor Alex Webster Revue
Education Consultant Outdoor Education Consultant Bonita Benoit
EË Alex
Equity Reporter QUYON Regis Benoit
F. & A. M. Messrs. Alex
FA Davis C Brennan Cliff Taber Allan Mohr Henry Mulligan
FCC Rosemary Davis
Fire Insurance Councillor Stewart
Flower & Gift Shop - Sensei Benoit Massé
FOR RENT Used Alex Murrey
Fraser’s Apply Mrs. Alex Davis
Front Alex Rutledge
Garth Alex Weir
Goalies Team Ave Loc Benoit Col
Greene & Alex Fraser
Guaranteed Application Manufacturer’s Credit Plan Available DAVIS GARAGE LINDSAY SCHARFE Authorised
Harrington Hall Alex Drummond
Hayes & Sons Alex Murray
Hfjeat Shop Councillor JvSt-ph B''ai«
HITACHI Overstocked Items DEBBIE’S PET GROOMING Congratulatim Agnes Davis-vl
Hobbs & Sons Blue Heron Landscaping - Sensei Benoit Massé Ortho-Pro Andrea Burde SHAWVILLE Shawvill
Hockey Ariel-Leigh Davis-Manwell
Hockey Shack Perry Property Councillor Grenier
Hof Davis
Home Councillor John Clarke
Hospital Alex Yercck
Household Fellow-Miss Mary Benoit
Housing Corporation Councillor Léo Fiché
Hydro Electric Raymond Davis
Imperial Vrivv Councillor
INSTALLATION N Councillor Vaillant
Inter Al Davis
International Councillor Ernie Gaboury Other
International Grains Institute; Benoit Giard
Investment Advisor Benoit Vezina
J Investment Advisor Benoit Vezina
JAMES DAVIS Selective Service Office CAMPBELL S BAY
JJ Caldwell Alex Seaman
Joanne Davis & Slim Le
Joanne Davis & Slim Lehart &
Job International Councillor
Justice Alex Cattanach
Ken Davis Garage 7—5 CABBAGE PLANTS.
Kidder Water Course- Councillor Grenier
Kim Davis Tanya
King Alex Draper
l Alex Hawthorne
L.D.S. Mkldkum—Davis Surgeon Dentist SHAWVILLE
Lac Benoit
Large Potato Plant R.B.Davis
Lavina Mae Davis Thompson
Legislative Councillor
Lion Alex
Lion Alex Miller
Lion Alex Thomas
Lion Lloyd Davis
Litchfield Municipal "Council Councillor Bronson
Local Committee of Ponti Action Davis Wednesday June Litchfield Council
M. Alex Lough Junior Dep.
Major Alex Dare
Maple Lane Ditching- Councillor Grenier
Marilyn Benoit of Toronto
Master Alex and Master George Drummond
Master Alex Elli^ EHrEEE EHS™ Germain
Master Alex Lough
Master Alex Murray
Master Alex.
Master Danny Davis
Master Rt Wor Alex | Aslcr Easy
Master Terry Davis
Mayor Al Davis
McGill University Mrs. Alex Olmsted
Meilleur Mr. Regis Benoit
Merrill Davis
Messrs Alex
Messrs Alex & Louis Ryan
Messrs Alex Horner
Messrs Alex Meldrum
Messrs Alex N Wilson
Messrs. Davis & Sons
Micksburg Twins Dwight Davis
MM Benoit Paré
Mme Daniel Davis
MNA Alex Brabant
MNRF Jean Benoit
Montreal Alex H
Montreal M & M Store Marcotte s Service Station McCann & Sons Building Supply Davis Garage Noe la
Morgan Benoit
Morgan Benoit Berniers
Motion - Councillor André Bellerose
Motion Councillor Argue
Motion Councillor Chamber-
Motion Councillor Chamber- Carried
Motion Councillor Elliot Stewart
Motion Councillor Emmers
Motion Councillor Emmerson
Motion Councillor Marks
Motion Councillor Moyle
Motion Councillor Stewart
Motion Councillor Whelen
Motion Councillor Young
Motion Councillor# Chamberlain
Motion Councillor* McBane O
Motion Cr Alex Drummond
Motion Crs Alex
Motion Crs Alex Lapierre
Motion Davis Dowd—That the
Motion- Councillor Vaillant
Mr Alex Law
Mr Alex N Wilson
Mr Alex Wilson
Mr* Alex Drug Co.
Mr. Alex
Mr. Alex Angus
Mr. Alex Barr
Mr. Alex Bean
Mr. Alex Brown
Mr. Alex Horner
Mr. Alex Kilgour
Mr. Alex McDonald of Ot- Wed Al
Mr. Alex Pitt
Mr. Alex Pitt of Montreal
Mr. Alex Proud
Mr. Alex Sti
Mr. Alice Benoit
Mr. Regis Benoit
Mrg Alex Stuart Gay
Mrs Alex Hazzard
Mrs Alex Stuart
Mrs Alex Weir
Mrs Alex Weir Stro-
Mrs- Alex Weir
Mrs. Alex
Mrs. Alex Bean
Mrs. Alex Bean Dies
Mrs. Alex Bell
Mrs. Alex Campbell
Mrs. Alex Davis
Mrs. Alex Davis Court Report
Mrs. Alex G
Mrs. Alex God
Mrs. Alex Hazzard
Mrs. Alex Health and Welfare Committee
Mrs. Alex John
Mrs. Alex Johns
Mrs. Alex L. Pigvault | Hospital
Mrs. Alex Lapierre
Mrs. Alex McCann Building Supply Reg d Limited Supply Only
Mrs. Alex McDonald Bereaved Harness
Mrs. Alex McDonald.
Mrs. Alex McIntyre
Mrs. Alex Moor
Mrs. Alex Olmsted
Mrs. Alex Pigeon Mrs. Alex Pigeon
Mrs. Alex Pokes
Mrs. Alex Stuart
Mrs. Alex Vincent formerly Mrs. Annie Stewart
Mrs. Alex Weir
Mrs. Alex Weir of Renfrew
Mrs. Alex Weir Sun-dayed
Mrs. Morris Davis
Mrs. Ronnie Davis
Mr» Alex Weir
Municipal Council Councillor Maurice E Lafleur BUILDING SUPPLIES Starting Monday
Municipal Councillor
Municipal Councillor Elmer Dubeau
Municipal Councillor*
Municipal Recreation Commission Councillor Bronson
Municipal Yadufructn».-Alex
Murdock Councillor— Seat
MVP Alex Ovechkin
National Capital Councillor Bélanger
Native Alex MacLean Passes At Haileybury 7th Line Notes
Ni- Alex Rutledge
OBITUARY Raymond Benoit
Office Alex Murray
Office of Councillor
Office of Councillor-Seat
Old Alex
Old Seoul League Sandy McDougall Hiram Davis
Olt Mr. Regis Benoit
ONSLOW Davis garage* Authority
OR Allan Davis
OTTAWA Alex Draper
Ottawa Alex Hazzard
Ottawa Mr. Regis Benoit
Parliament Alex Atamanenko
Perry Councillor
Perry Davis
Perry Davis Card
Perry Weldon Davis
PIGEON & DAVIS 7l« St. Jimpi St .
POCKET FULL OF MIRACLES Glen Ford Betty Davis Color
Pontiac Alex Brown
Pontiac Alex Seaman
Pontiac Benoit Charbonneau
Pontiac Central Parent-Teachers Association Stan Callaghan Teacher-Councillor
Pontiac Community Hospital Motion by Councillor Larivière
Pontiac Councillor
Pontiac Councillor Bélanger
Pontiac Councillor Bruc
Pontiac Councillor Gary Trivett
Pontiac Councillor Ladies Mon
Pontiac Councillor Lawrence Tracy
Pontiac Councillor Richard Poirier
Pontiac County Lodge Thorne Councillor Harold Schock
Pontiac County Mr. Alex Lough
Pontiac Davis
Pontiac House Alex
Pontiac Luskville Community Centre; Quyon Lions Club; Hélène Benoit
Pontiac Moved by Councillor Historical Society
Pontiac Municipal Councillor
Pontiac Municipal Councillor Gary Trivett
Pontiac Municipal Councillor Leo Gibbons
Pontiac Municipal Councillor Montessori
Pontiac Municipal Councillor Rosemary Belanger
Pontiac Municipality of Horion & Councillor Gerald Dempsey
Pontiac Plowmens Assoc Alex Bertrands Perm
Pontiac Protestant High Davis
Pontiac Sylvie Benoit
Pontiac’s Alex Whalen’s
Praises Dominion Statistics Bureau Councillor Maefarlaue
Prayer & Bible St O Guy Benoit Director General Co co Bristol Memorial Rev. Allan G. Mackenzie
Prayer and Bible Study AUTO THEFT SEPTIC TANK PUMPING SERVICE Alex Honey Wagon Charteris
Public Notice Councillor
Public Works Alex Topolski
Pump Water Line Repairs Councillor Stewart
Purchasing Policy Councillor McCann
RA Conseillère Thorne Councillor Please
RA Councillor Shawville & District RA
Randy Randy Pitt For Councillor
RBC Dominion Securities Investment Advisor Benoit Vezina
Recreation Association Motion by Councillor Elmer
Regis & Marie Benoit
Regis Benoit
Rene Shawville Plaza Councillor Gauthier
Ringrose Bros Funeral Councillor Fraser
Route 148- Councillor Bronson
Royal Alex. Pontiac
Rural Inspector Alex Drum
Ryan and Regis Benoit
Ryan Benoit
School Davis Memorial Nurses
Securities Investment Ad Benoit
Senior Department Amber Davis
Septic Systems & Weeping Beds Reasonable Rates Councillor Moore
Sheppard Motors Langford s Grocery Lions Club Davis Grocery Eva Andai
Shirley Mae Davis
SIMMONS Alex Essiambre N ON-FL
Smith Alex Bell
Smith’s Shop II Mrs. Jerry Davis
Society Arena Councillor Barber
Son Alex
Special Education Teachers Pam Davis
St Benoit
St Benoit Church
St. Benoit
St. John Lutheran Church Councillor Councillor
St. Lukes Wo Mr. Regis Benoit
Stark* Corners Mrs. Alex Olmsted
Steering Wheel CEMETERY Alex Lacroix
Student Councillor
SÜÎ Benoit Paré
Sylvie Mae Davis
TEXACO Miss Lorraine Benoit of Montreal
TEXACO Mrs. Alex Milne
Thomson Alex Box
Three Bears Davis Gar-Quyon Police Department
Tin Shop Davis
Tin Shop Davis.
TM Alex
Tory Benoit’s
Trust Investment Advisor Benoit Vezina
Union of County Councillor Marcel Lavigne
United Church Choir Alex
United Church Pastoral SEPTIC TANK PUMPING SERVICE Alex Honey Wagon Charterts
Vickie Benoit
Village of Councillor Poirier
Visiting Mrs. Alice Benoit Bancroft
VOTE Lillian PASCH Al Davis Calumet Island
Waste Management Councillor Michel Ger-
Watson Davis
Western Quebec School Board Dr. David Brooks - Martoek Resource Consultants Dr. Davis Earle - Atomi
WORK WANTED Committee Reports Councillor Edgar Sloan
Wyman Women’s Institute Mrs. Alex Davis
Young Alex Davis
Youngs Service Davis Garage
Zion Lutheran Councillor Ernie Hearty ap-1 Ladles Aid