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Organization Detail

Hilton Manpower Committee

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1.00 1.00 Wesley Hodgins Hilton Findlay Percy Belsher
647-5446 Garland Canada Manpower Carol
Albert Fire Committee
Alice Hilton
Alice King Social Committee
Angel Tree Committee Course
Barber Family Reunion Committee Powell
Bay C amp-Committee 337.56
Bey Clerk Standing Committee
Bill Black Robert Trudeau Shawville/Clarendon Fire Dept Angel Tree Committee
Billy Hilton
Bruce Committee
Canada Manpower
Canada Manpower Betty
Canada Manpower Carol
Canada Manpower’s Danny Ryan
Cedar Uùests V Vemetery Renovation Committee
Charles Russell presi-1 Committee
Claire Lunarn Fishermen’s Committee
Claude Young Race Horse Committee
Committee Clr
Committee Desmond
Committee V
Committee _ Connick
Committee-Marie Finnegan
Conrad Hilton
Dale Hilton
Dale Shutt Organizing Committee
Dave Kelly Rink Luskville Recreation Committee
David Moore Midget Tournament Committee
Denis Papi- Tourism Committee
Dennis Clarendon 150th Committee Stewart
Don Ritchie Hilton Mmes
Doug Citizen’s Committee
Earl Hilton Findlay
Edward IslaiM** Tub Committee
Eric Pontiac Pride Committee
Evelyn Gathorue-committee
Fos- Daipy Breeds Committee
Franklin James Manpower
Fred Tarranl Dies Al Foxwarren Starks Corners Wl Hi-liles Committee Make Profils Farm Forum Finding
George Hilton
George Hilton Ernest Borgnine
George Hilton Show
George Johnston Committee
George S. Hilton
Gladys Hilton
Glen Nugent Recreation Committee Mayor
Grace Gibbons Mrs Nancy Kilbride Mrs Jean McCann Members Parent Committee
Grant Committee
Grounds Committee—C.
Harry Belsher Bower Committee
Henderson Mr. Hilton Cochrane
Herbert Hilton Ireland
Hilton Jackson
Hilton According
Hilton Adults
Hilton Av
Hilton Avenue
Hilton Axe
Hilton Beattie
Hilton Bindley
Hilton Cnck
Hilton Co. A.—It
Hilton Cochrane
Hilton Cochrane Cattle Ayrshire
Hilton Contract
Hilton Crick
Hilton Crick Shawville
Hilton Crick-Gal
Hilton D Midgets
Hilton De
Hilton De-
Hilton Demers
Hilton Demurs
Hilton Findlay
Hilton Findlay John Murray
Hilton Findley
Hilton G £
Hilton Gordon Golding STANDARD CHURCH
Hilton J L H Anglers Starks
Hilton Linda
Hilton Mahoney
Hilton Mayhew
Hilton Michael Craig
Hilton Mine
Hilton Mine Automotive
Hilton Mine Road
Hilton Mine Scholarship
Hilton Mine Strike
Hilton Mines
Hilton Mines Fletchers Barber Shop 8-
Hilton Mines Larry Horne
Hilton Mines Limited
Hilton Mines Ltd.
Hilton Mines Ottawa Apply Mrs. Arnold Trudeau
Hilton Mmes
Hilton Moore
Hilton Morrison
Hilton Mr.
Hilton Mum
Hilton Pontiac
Hilton Reid
Hilton Scott
Hilton SL Matthew
Hilton Smith
Hilton The
Hilton Young
Hobbs Programme Committee—Mrs
Immigration Manpower
Ira Hanna Cattle Committee
J ack Graham Committee Chairman Basil Murphy Co-chairman
Jacques Hostess Committee Mrs. Exlgar
Jacques Lsdoux Secretary-Treasurer Clara Steinke Gerda Bretzlaff Bretzlaff Reunion Committee AVIS V
James Hilton
Janet McCord Tree Lighting Committee Neighbours
Jean Marc Gendron Bristol Cuban*» Committee
Jean) Hilton
Jennifer Hilton 7-11
Jerry Bar- Education Committee
Jerry Barber Fair Committee
John 0. Hilton
John G Hilton
John G Hilton 456-2117
John G Hilton 458
John G Hilton 458-211 r- Lay Reader Ken W Musgrove
John G Hilton 458-2117
John G Hilton 458-2117 -Lay Reader Ken W Musgrove
John G Hilton 458-2117 Ken W. Musgrove
John G Hilton 458-2117 Lay Reader Ken W Musgrove
John G Hilton 458-2117 Norval McNei#
John G Hilton 458-2117 Norval McNeill
John G Hilton 458-2117 Tel
John G Hilton 468-2117 Lay Reader Ken W Musgrove
John G Hilton 468-2117 Norval McNeill
John G Hilton Lay Reader Ken W Musgrove
John G Hilton Lay Reader Ken W. Musgrove
John G Hilton St Thomas
John G. Hilton
John G. Hilton 458-2117 Lay Reader Ken W Muagrove
John G. Hilton 458-2117 Lay Reader Ken W Muegrove
John G. Hilton 458-2117 Lay Reader Ken W Musgrove
John G. Hilton 458-2117 Lay Reeder Ken W Muagrove
John G. Hilton Ley Reader Ken W. Musgrove
John Hilton
John Hilton Plaza Glenwood
John Hilton She
John Hilton Shepley
John Hilton Sunday
John P Hilton
John P. Hilton
John Q Hilton 458-211T Lay Reader Ken W Musgrove
John Q. Hilton 458-2117 Lay Reader Ken W. Musgrove
John Q. Hilton SL Matthews Charted
Jonn H Gordon T. Paul INSURANCE Hilton
Katherine Hynes Onslow School Reunion Committee
Keith Harris Committee
Lionel Martin Cemetery Committee
M P Chairman Committee
Manpower Carol
Marc Corbeil Pontiac Community Development Committee
Mary Bethany Hall Committee
Mary Jane Brown Its Agricultural Committee
Maurice E Committee
Maurice Lamarche’s Hilton Mine
Max Runge Cemetery Committee
Messrs Art Committee
Messrs Hilton
Messrs. Hilton
Minor Ball Tournament Committee
Minor Hockey 6.30 Hilton Mines Banquet For Reservations
Minor Hockey Committee
Minor Hockey Hilton Mine Party BRONSON—In
Mr. H G. Hilton
Mr. Henry Hilton
Mr. Thomas Hilton Crick
Mrs. Earl Hilton Mines
Mrs. Hilton Kent
Mrs. Hilton Reid
Mrs. Leo Elliott Litchfield Snowplowing Committee
Mrs. Norris Horner Kitchen Committee Mrs.
Mrs. Ray Hilton
Mrs. Roy Hilton
Mrs. Thomas Social Committee
Neil William Me Hilton Demers
Notes Mrs Hilton Oick
O J. L. Van Kamp Addresses Committee On Reforestation
P P H S Yearbook Committee SHAWVILLE
Parents Committee
Pat Bel-clal Committee
Paul Hilton
Peter Moyle Music Committee—Ann Elliott
Pontiac Anti-Nuclear Action Committee
R. Bill Passes Committee
R. Clerk Standing Committee
Ralph Dundee Distress Committee
Ray Hilton
Rev John Hilton
Rev R F Hilton
Rev. John G Hilton
Robert Bob s Restaurant Canada Manpower Carol
Robert Ladou-committee
Robert Ladouceur Committee
Roland Metcalfe Hilton Findlay
Ron Eades Committee
Roy Frederic Hilton
Roy Hilton
Sandra Murray Sewing Committee
Sec.-Treas Hilton
Sharon Hilton
Shawn MacDonell Shawville Youth Centre Committee Member Doyle
Shawville Lions Parade Committee P.O.
Shawville R A Minor Ball Committee
Shawvllle Lions Parade Committee P.O.
Sister Phyllis Hod-Cheer Committee Sister IMHMIlltl
Starks Corners Nominating Committee
Steve Gray Snowsuit Fund Committee
Susan Chabot James At Bridget Chabot Concerned Citizens Committee Ed
Sween* Sports Committee
Thomas Hilton Crick
Tom Hilton
Tom MacFar- Committee
Walter Yach Mrs. Hilton Crick
Wayne Ban-Committee
Wayne Hilton
Wayne Inc. Committee
Wesley United Cemetery Committee
William Decring Food Committee
Ca Manpower
Camp Committee
Canada Manpower
Committee Hungry Hare
Edmonton Committee
Florence Committee
Fort Cou-Hilton Mine
Hilton Ave - Luxury
Hilton Ave.
Hilton Avenue
Hilton Beach
Hilton Crescent
Hilton Griffin
Mill Dam Park Committee
Ottawa Area Committee
Ottawa River Committee
Ottawa River Regulating Committee l Vous
Paris Hilton’s
Pioneer Committee
Quebec Manpower
Reunion Committee
Trail Committee
Vancouver * l Mr. Hilton
& Companies Hilton Mines Workers
0 Canada Committee
0 Mines Hilton 0 1
0.84 Hilton Mine Spur
0.84 on Hilton Mines Spur
1-800-361-4720 Committee
125th Committee
125th Executive Committee
150th Anniversary Committee
150th Committee Stewart
1974-75 School Committee
1985-86 School Committee
1‘ublic Accounts Committee of the Ontario Legislature
2.49 Committee
2895783520 Culture Committee
2nd Committee Sister Evelyn
30,1992 Committee
3RATION Committee
3rd Committee
4th Committee Sister June McCoy
6,1990 Committee
61I60lbel7 Apply Hilton Mines Ltd.
647-3606 Village Cemetery Committee
647-5644 Committee
7a Bristol Hilton Mines
8:00 Committee Chairmen
9—Charteris - Hilton Mines
?30Z&1 Committee
A. Committee
AC-RM AG-CPC-PA Steer Committee
Accepting Committee
Accomoda-tio Committee
Accounts Committee
Accounts Committee House of Parliament
Action Committee
Action Committee Dear
Action Committee Louise Lance
Action Committee on Western Low Sulphur Coal
Active Parent Committee
Active Public Servant Passes On Shawville Creamery Beats Provincial Grade Record Committee
Activity Committee
Activity Committee Colonel Cox
ACWW Executive Committee
Ad Hoc Committee
Addresses Committee
adjustment Committee
Administation Committee
Administration Committee
Administration Committee Therriault-LeVasseur
Administration Meeting- Administration Committee
Administration Policy and Priorities Committee
Administrative Committee
Administrative Committee of County Council
Adoption Committee
Adult Education and Canada Manpower
Adult Education and Canada Manpower and Department of Agriculture
Adult Education Committee
Adult Education Committee on
Advertising Committee
Advisory !Qm Committee
Advisory Board Committee of
Advisory Committee
Advisory Committee 1 ES
Advisory Committee Commercial Subjects
Advisory Committee Commercial Subject»
Advisory Committee Iand
Advisory Committee UPA
Advisory Planning Committee
Advtsoiy Committee Calumet Island Z Contents
After Committee
Aged Committee
Agenda Committee
Agncultural Advisory Committee
Agribus Committee
Agricultural Advisory Committee
Agricultural Committee
Agricultural House Committee
Agricultural Society Horse Committee
Agricultural Vocational Training Committee
Agriculture Advisory Committee
Agriculture Canada’s Committee on Biting Flies Deaim
Agriculture Committee
Agriculture Committee the Labor Committee
Agriculture Manpower
Agronomist Committee Formed To Study School Curricula STARKS CORNERS PENTECOSTAL CHURCH
AIDS Committee
AIH Agricultural Manpower Changes FARM EQUIPMENT LTD.
Aims Committee
Air Transport Committee
ALADDIN Shawville Committee QuAILK
Albe-ta Farm Fo-um Committee
Albert Fire Committee
Alcohol Committee Plans Panel Discussion
Alcohol Committee Public Speaking Contest
Ali Committee
Alliances Personnel Committee
Allotment Committee
Allumette Island Tourism and Historical Committee
Allumette Island Tourism Committee
Allumette Island’s Tourism Committee
Allumettes Island Tourism Committee
Alumni Committee Perron
Amalgamated Committee
Amateur Hockey Association Minor Hockey Committee
America First Committee
American Cavalry Committee
American Committee
Amusement Committee
Amusement Committee Mrs. Glenn Meredith
An Education Committee Plans Celtic Art Class
An Industrial Committee
An Industrial Development Committee
Angel Tree Committee
ANGLICAN PARISH OF OUYON Rev. John G. Hilton St Matthews Charter
ANGLICAN PARISH OF OUYON Rev. John G. Hilton St Matthews Chatteris
ANGLICAN PARISH OF OUYON Rev. John G. Hilton St. Matthews Charter
ANGLICAN PARISH OF QUYON Rev. John G Hilton St Thomas Bristol 9:00
ANGLICAN PARISH OF QUYON Rev. John G. Hilton SL Matthews Charter
ANGLICAN PARISH OF QUYON Rev. John G. Hilton St Matthews Charter
ANGLICAN PARISH OF QUYON Rev. John G. Hilton St Thomas Bristol 9:00
ANGLICAN PARISH OF QUYON Rev. John G. Hilton St. Matthews Chart
ANGLICAN PARISH OF QUYON Rev. John G. Hilton St. Matthews Charter
ANGLICAN PARISH OF QUYON Rev. John Q. Hilton SL Matthews Chart
Anglo-American Committee
Anglo-American Inquiry Committee
Animal Care Committee
Anniversary Committee
Anniversary Committee ENVIROMENT FORM
Anniversary Committee of Grand Calumet
Anniversary Committee Wednesday
Anniversary Executive Committee Xre
Anti Nuclear Action Committee
Anti-Nuclear Action Committee
Antl Nuclear Action Committee
ANYONE Shawville Youth Committee
Apartments Committee
Appeal Committee
Appeal Committee A MINUTE Or MERCY COSTS
Appeal Committee AK AT YOUR SERVICE A Poser
Apply Hie Hilton Mines
Apply Rev. Hilton
Apply The Hilton Mines
Apport-Bulldlng Committee
Arbitration Committee
Archives Committee
Are Regional Board and Regional Planning Committee
Area Committee
Aren# Committee of Shawville lions Club
Arena Committee
Arena Committee of Fort
Arena Committee of Shawville Council
Arena Committee of Shawville Council DISCS
Arena Committee the
Arena Improvement Committee A V
Arena Man agement Committee
Arena Renewal Committee
Arena REPAIR EVERY FRIDAY The Education Committee of Pontiac Protestant School Board
Arena Sound System Committee
Armenian Central Committee
Armitage Chairman Finance Committee
Army Committee
Arsonsge Committee
Art- Arena Committee
Artificial Icc Committee
Artificial Ice Committee
artists Culture Committee
Asso- Committee
Associate Committee
Associate Committee on Weed Control
Association Committee
Association’s Committee on Medical Awards
Asylum Committee of Limerick
Athletic Committee
ATP Selection Committee
Atrlcultnral Committee
Attendance Committee
AU EM Committee Bishop’s University
Auction Committee
Audit Committee
Auditorium Committee
AUGUST 5TH Committee Reports
Auspices — Dominion Provincial Farm Labour Committee
AUSPICES: Dominion Provincial Farm Labour Committee
Auto Committee
Avocate Committee
AW Committee
Awards Committee
Awards Fund Committee The Committee
Aylmer Nepean Transit Committee
Aylmer-Shawvillc Roads Committee New Calumet Mines Chichester Winter Roads Committee Village of Cha
B.C.S. Committee
B.C.S. Inter Municipal Recreation Committee
B.C.S. Recreation Committee
B.C.S.T. Inter-Municipal Recreation Committee
B.C.S.T. Intermunicipal Recreation Committee’s Recreational
B.C.S.T. Recreation Committee
Bacon Advisory Committee
Bad Committee Meets
Badgiey Committee
Bakery Doris Hilton
Banciuet Committee
Band Committee
Bank Essex County Automobile Club Appoints Committee
Bank of J Committee
Banking and Commerce Committee of Parliament
Banking Committee
Banking Committee of Parliament
Banquet Committee
Bar Committee
Bar- Committee
Barber Fair Committee
Barber Reunion Committee
Base association Committee
base-1 Committee
Baseball Committee
BAY Centennial Committee List
Bay Committee
Bay Elementary School Committee
Bay Elementary School Committee Wooden Filing Cabinets
Bay Elementary School Parent s Committee
Bay School Committee
BC8T Committee Signalisation Dufresne
BCS Committee
BCS Recreation Committee
BCST Committee
BCST Inter-Municipal Recreation Committee
BCST Intermunicipal Recreation Committee
BCST Recreation Committee
Beach Committee
Beautification Committee
Beautification Committee N
Beautification Committee of Quyon-Onslows
Beautification Committee of Quyon-Onslows Centennial
Beauty Shop 7-2611 Hilton Mines Ltd Pontiac Printshop Canadian Tire Corp Lady
Beef Committee
Beef Industry Committee
Begistry Dffrce Committee
Belarus Youth Committee
Belgian Belief Committee of Montreal
Belgian Committee
Belgian Relief Committee
Bell Canada Enterprises Inc. ANNUAL MEETING P.P.H.S. School Committee MONDAY
Benefficiary Committee
Beneficiary Committee
Beneficiary Committee Helen Towel
Beneficiary Committee Helen Towell
Benevolent Committee
Berate Foreign Relations Committee
Best Selection Pontiac Anti-Nuclear Action Committee of
Bethanv Hall Committee
Bethany Ha Committee
Bethany Hall Committee
Bghjity Committee of
Bhaw-vllle and Hilton Mine
Bible Society Committee Mrs Louise Bryant; Parsonage
Bilk Committee
Bill Committee
Bingo Committee
Bingo Committee Convenor
Bingo Committee McColgan
Birthday Calendar Committee
Birthday Committee
Bldg Committee
BLOCK & Recreation Committee
Blyson Centennial Committee
Board Buildings Committee
Board Executive Committee
Board Executive Officers and Committee Members
Board of Directors rational Committee A
Board of Trade Committee
BOARD Regional Board Executive Committee
Boh Flood Hilton Crick
Bonspiel Committee
Book Committee
Book Committee COTTAGES FOR SALE Fort
Booth Committee
Boundaries Committee of Ottawa Presbytery
Boy Scout Group Committee
BOY SCOUTS Committee
Brandum of Hilton Mines
Bridge Committee
Bridge Committee Mrs. G.
Bridge Promotion Committee
Brigitte Committee
Bristol 150th Anniversary Committee
Bristol 150th Committee
Bristol Chemin de la Mine Hilton Réfection de
Bristol Citizen s Committee
Bristol Committee
Bristol Concerned Citizen s Committee
Bristol Concerned Citizens Committee
Bristol Concerned Citizens Committee
Bristol Council Committee
Bristol Cuban*» Committee
Bristol Firemen’s Ball Quyon Citizen s Committee
Bristol Hilton Mine
Bristol Hilton Mine Road Refection
Bristol Library Committee
Bristol Millennium Committee
Bristol Millennium Committee
Bristol Millennium Committee Saturday
Bristol Millennium Committee’s
Bristol Mlllennnium Committee
Bristol Monument Committee
Bristol Old Hilton Mine Road
Bristol Planning & Advisory Committee
Bristol Planning Committee
Bristol Planning Committee Rejean Bussière Otter
Bristol Road and Hilton Mine Road
Bristol s Hilton
Bristol s Hilton Mine
Bristol s Manning Committee
Bristol s Millennium Committee
Bristol Snowglow Committee
Bristol Snowplow Committee
Bristol SnowQlow Committee
Bristol St. An-1 Mrs. Hilton Hodgins
Bristol The Concerned Citizen s Committee of Bristol
Bristol The Match Committee
Bristol Town Hall will Committee
Bristol Ubrary Committee
Bristol Volunteer Fire Fighters Committee
Bristol Volunteer Fire the Hilton Mine
Bristol Volunteer Firemen s Committee
Bristol War Memorial Committee
Bristol Winter Roads Committee
Bristol-South Clarendon School Board IS IMPORTANT THE COMMITTEE
Bristols Hilton
Bristols Hilton Mine
Bristol’s Hilton Mine
British Famine Relief Committee
British imperial Wireless Committee
Brldgeman Committee
Brucellosis Consultative Committee
BRYSON Zr-rü Committee
Bryson Centennial Carnival Committee
Bryson Centennial Committee
Bryson Centennial Steering Committee
Bryson Committee
Bryson Girl Guides toured Hilton Mines .
Bryson Group Committee
Bryson Group Committee Executive
Bryson House Cultural Committee
Bryson Recreation Committee
BTyson Centennial Committee
Buckinghamshire Education Committee
Budding Committee
Budget Committee
Building By-Law Committee
Building Committee
Building Fund Committee
Building Inspector Committee
Building Maintenance Committee
Buildings Committee
Bulletin Committee
Bursary Committee
Bursary Committee an- Health Services
Bursary Committee of Shawville United Church
Bursary Committee of ShawviUe United Church
Bursary Committee of Shawvllle United Church
Bursary Fund Committee
Bus Committee
Business Committee
Business Mens Committee
Business Men’s Committee
Businessmen’s Committee
Buying Committee
By Horse Committee
By- Committee Reports
By-law Committee
C.C. Committee
C.C.C. Committee
Cabinet Committee of
Cabinet Ministers Committee ODHA
Cafeteria Committee
Cal Cummings Committee
Caldwell Committee
Calendar Committee
Calumet Island Citizens Committee
Calumet Island Funeral Committee
Camp Committee
Camp Meeting Committee
Campaign Committee
Campaign Committee WILFRED
Campbell Committee
CAMPBELL Shaw ville Blood Donor Committee of the Red Cross
Camping Committee
Camps Committee
Canada Committee
Canada Department of Manpower
Canada Manpower Training
Canada’s Railway Transport Committee
Canada’s Victory Loan Committee
Canadian A-fairs Committee
Canadian Affairs Committee
Canadian Committee
Canadian Committee of Oceanography
Canadian Decorations Committee Continued
Canadian Friend s Service Committee
Canadian Jewish Refugee Committee
Canadian Lamb Committee
Canadian Lamb Committee Now
Canadian Lamb Committee Points Out Benefits
Canadian Medical Association’s Committee
Canadian Milk Supply ------------------ Management Committee
Canadian Milk Supply Management Committee
Canadian Milk Supply Managment Committee
Canadian National Committee Comedian Arrive»
Canadian National Committee for Mental Hygiene
Canadian National Committee Ontario
Canadian Olympe Committee
Canadian Olympic Committee
Canadian Olympic Committee Ottawa-Outaouaia Chrysler
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Committee
Canadian Poultry Industry Committee
Canadian Research Committee on Practical Education
Canadian Transport Committee
Canadian UNICEF Committee
Canadian Unity Committee
Cancer Research Committee
Candidate Committee
Cannibal Committee
Canteen Committee
Canvassing Committee
Care Centre " Committee of Pontiac.
Care Committee
Care Committee"
Carleton University Research Ethics Committee
Carnival Committee
Carnival Committee of Fort
Carnival Committee Pontiac Municipality
Carnival Committee the CO operation
Cast Committee
Catering Committee
Catholic Committee
Catholic Planning Committee
Cattle Committee
Cattle Feeding Committee
Caucus Committee
Caucus Committee on Federal-Provincial Relations
Cawood Cemetery Committee
CBE School Committee
CBE School Committee Federation
CBES Committee
CBES Committee Mo Laidlaw Breckenridge
CBES School Committee
CBMC Park Committee
CC Committee
CCA Labour Relations Committee
CCA Management Committee
CCEA s Horse Show and Ring Committee
CDE Committee
CDE+Pontiac Regional Park Committee
Ce- Citizen s Committee
Cecil Mens Committee
Celebration Committee of Portage du
Cemeteiy Committee
Cemetery Committee
Cemetery Committee of Wesley United Church
Cemetery Committee Tuesday
Cemetery Improvement Committee
Cemetery Maintenance Committee
Cemetery Renovation Committee
Cemetery Renovation Committee School North Onslow
Centenaiy Committee
Centenary Committee
Centennary Committee
Centennial Committee
Centennial Committee Anyone
Centennial Committee Business Personals Saturday
Centennial Committee Cash Prizes Pontiac
Centennial Committee Me
Centennial Committee of
Centennial Committee of Calumet Island
Centennial Committee of the Gatineau Protestant Teachers Association
Centennial Committee Recreation
Centennial Finance Committee
Centennial Museum Committee
Centennial Planning Committee
Centennial Sports Committee
Centennial Sports Committee Fort Couiortge Quyon Fair
Center Committee
Central Auxiliary Committee
Central Committee
Central Conservative Committee
Central Executive Committee
Central Executive- Committee of the Relief Work
Central Liberal Committee
Central Parents Committee
Central Red Cross Committee
Central Revolutionary Committee
Centre Committee
Centre Committee Member Doyle
Centre debt Hilton Mine
Centred Committee
Centred Conservative Committee
Centrepieces Organizing Committee
Cerebral Palsy Pontiac Committee
CFDC Investment Committee
CFDC Investment Committee Coordinator
CFDC Selection Committee
CGC Committee
Chairman Horse Committee
Chairman School Committee Pontiac Protestant High School
Chairman Shawville Centennial Committee
Chairman Shawville Centennial Committee Curling
Chairman Shawville Centennial Committee FRIDAY
Chairman Shawville Centennial Committee PONTIAC COMMUNITY HOSPITAL INC.
Chairman Shawville Centennial Committee TYPING
Chairperson Onslow School Reunion Committee Imperfect Material
Champlain Waterway Committee
CHANGE Hilton Mine
Chapeau Citizen Committee
Chapeau Citizens Committee
Chapeau Citizens1 Committee
Chapeau Committee
Chapeau CX.S.C. Volunteer Committee
Chapeau Habitation Committee
Chapeau Salvage Committee UK Hay
Charge Manse Committee
Charteris Hilton Mine
Chats Fall Municipal Coordination Committee
Chats Falls Municipal Coordination Committee
Chicago Council Forms Reforestation Committee
Chichester Museum Committee
Child Care Committee
Child Welfare Committee
Children Welfare Committee
Children,s Dental Committee
Children’s Hospital Committee
CHIP Programme Committee
CHIP Programme Committee Meeting
CHIP Programming Committee
Choice" Committee
Choir Committee
Christ an Business Men s Committee
Christ- Conservation Committee of
Christian Business Mens Committee Gospel Signboard Night
Christian Business Mens Committee of Rhawvllle
Christian Business Mens Committee of Shawvillc
Christian Business Mens Committee of Shawville
Christian Business Mens Committee Park
Christian Business Men’s Committee
Christian Business Men’s Committee International
Christian Education Committee
Christian Education Committee for Ottawa Baptist Association
Christmas Cheer Committee
Christmas Committee Wallace
Church Committee Mrs.
Church Committee of Stew
Church School ANGLICAN PARISH OF QUYON Rev. John G. Hilton SL Matthew# Charter
Church School ANGLICAN PARISH OF QUYON Rev. John G. Hilton St Matthews Charter
Church School Pariah of Quyon Rev. John G. Hilton Gordon Golding STANDARD CHURCH Shawville Pastor F
Church School Pariah of Quyon Rev. John G. Hilton P.O Box
Church School Parish of Quyon Rev. John G Hilton Lay Reader Ken W Musgrove
Church School Parish of Quyon Rev. John G. Hilton Ley Reader Ken
Church School Perish of Quyon Rev. John G. Hilton STANDARD CHURCH Shawvllle Pastor Floyd Druce Sund
Ciroup Committee
Citizen Committee
Citizen s Committee
Citizen s Committee of Bristol
Citizen s Committee of Bristol ALL PURCHASES OVER
Citizen s Committee of Pontiac County
Citizen s Committee"
Citizens Committee
Citizens Committee V L
Citizens Committee of
Citizens Committee of Bristol
Citizens Committee of Bristol s Québec»
Citizens Committee of Bristol 1994"
Citizens Committee of Bristol Dear Sirs
Citizens Committee of Bristol forestry
Citizens Committee of Bristol Grist
Citizens Committee of Bristol Robert A
Citizens Committee of Canadian Authors
Citizens Committee of Quyon FIRE
Citizens Committee Old Pat
Citizens Banquet Committee
Citizens Committee
Citizens Committee MONSTER We
Citizens Committee "
Citizens Committee am-3
Citizens Committee Board
Citizens Committee Dear Editor
Citizens Committee Ed
Citizens Committee EVA ANDAI STUDIO
Citizens Committee M 000.00 «1900.00
Citizens Committee of
Citizens Committee of Bris
Citizens Committee of Bristo Grist & Miscellaneous First
Citizens Committee of Bristol
Citizens Committee of Bristol Democracy
Citizens Committee of Bristol Robert A
Citizens Committee of Brn
Citizens Committee of Calumet Island
Citizens Committee of Pontiac
Citizens Committee of Pontiac County
Citizens Committee of Renfrew
Citizens Committee of Renfrew County
Citizens Committee Parks Association for Terry Dolan
Citizens Committee W.A. Hodgins Store K & L Dairy Quyon Lionettes Cavan s Hotel Blair & Tish Cook H
Citizens Low-Rental Units Committee Grist
Citizens Macintosh Apples Anjou Pears Committee
Citizens _ Committee
Citizens* Committee of Bristol
Citizens* Committee of Bristol.
Citizens1 Committee
Citizenship Committee
Citizens’ Centennial Committee
Citizens’ Committee
Citizens’ Committee W
Citizens’ Committee Bristol
Citizens’ Committee Come
Citizens’ Committee Community Bulletin Board
Citizens’ Committee of Bristol
Citizens’ Committee of Bristol r
Citizens’ Committee of Quyon
Citizens’ Committee Organized
Citizen’s Committee
Citizen’s Committee Jim & Mary Regan Ronald & Martha Ross Harvey
Citizen’s Committee of Bristol’s
Civic Finance Committee of Montreal
Civil Defence Committee
Civil Protection Committee
Civilian Defense Committee
Civilian Protection Committee
Clar Executive Committee
Clarendon 150 Committee
Clarendon Beautification Committee
Clarendon Committee
Clarendon Council Appoints Snow Plow Committee Cai Mr. Herb Smith
Clarendon Council May 12,1998 Committee
Clarendon Manse -1 Committee
Clarendon Parish Committee
Clarendon Snow Plow Committee Am*
Clarendon Snowplough Committee
Clarendon Snowplow Committee
Clarendon-Shawville Welcoming Committee
Classification Committee
CLD & MRC Pontiac Committee Members Dear Editor
CLD Pontiac - Selection Committee
Clean-up Committee
Cleansing Committee
Clerk Standing Committee on Finance
Clothing Store Campbell s Bey Clerk Standing Committee on Regional Development House of Commons Ott
Clr Hod-Recreation Committee
CLSC Committee of Fort
CMC 4x4 Sierra Special Richard Wills Committee
CMDP (Committee Medical Dentis* Pharmacy
Co-/>p Medical Committee
Coal Committee
Coal Conservation Sub-committee
Coal Exports Committee
Coarse Grains Committee
Coat Hospital Committee Purchase Large Residence
College Committee
College Communications Committee
Color George Hilton Show
Comity Committee of Finance
Comity Improvement Committee
Commerce Committee
Commercial Committee
Commissioner Group Committee
Committee Hunger
Committee SHAWVILLE S MORLEY HODGINS Morley Hodgins Citizen
Committee (Comité Culturel Aflr.-Co-Op du Pontioc
Committee -
Committee - Motiop Crs
Committee - Royce Richardson
Committee - School
Committee Aylmer
Committee Blesuws Dec.
Committee Board
Committee Bylaw Cl
Committee C
Committee Carefully Considers All Aspects Of Sewerage Baden Powell Centennial Celebrated
Committee Carried
Committee Chairperson
Committee Chichester Ghielem
Committee Clarendon Council
Committee Clr Douglas Gauthier
Committee Danford Lake Snow Plow Committee
Committee Donna Mou/ard
Committee Elections
Committee for
Committee for Advancement of Apartments for Senior Citizens- Roealeen Dickson
Committee for Canada Week
Committee for Dental Health
Committee for Development
Committee for Historical Display
Committee for the
Committee General Meeing
Committee Halloween Party
Committee Hélène Bélisle
Committee Hélène Cain
Committee Heritage College
Committee Heritage College 325 Cité des Jeunes Blvd Hull
Committee Holds Rally S~A
Committee Hugh Proudfool
Committee Huntingdon County
Committee Inc
Committee Ladysmith
Committee M Pontiac Snowmobilers TROPHY NIGHT AND WILDLIFE SUPPER Beverley Kick-off Party
Committee Mayor
Committee Mcmehcrs
Committee Me
Committee Meeting
Committee Member - Committee
Committee Members were Jesus Hùnseîf
Committee Mior^t
Committee Miss Anita Gagnon
Committee Miss Isobel Viker
Committee Ml £ SWÏÜSJEÎ SSjS
Committee Motel Hotel Coulonge M Skate-A- Thon Fort Coulonge
Committee Mr Emile De- Quoting
Committee Mrs.
Committee Municipal Affairs
Committee Od Chapeau
Committee of
Committee of Anti-Tubercul-
Committee of Birthday
Committee of Booths
Committee of Bristol
Committee of Bristol (CCC
Committee of Bristol Judd
Committee of Buildings
Committee of Buildings A Equipment the
Committee of Chapeau
Committee of Concerned Citizens
Committee of Congress
Committee of Corporations
Committee of Council
Committee of Councillors Rowat
Committee of Crs Black
Committee of Dan
Committee of Dr S E McDowell School
Committee of Education
Committee of Elwyn Frost
Committee of Farm Forums
Committee of February
Committee of Fire Chief
Committee of General Safety
Committee of Great Britain
Committee of Health & Social Même de
Committee of Ile du
Committee of Imperial De-
Committee of Imperial Defence
Committee of L.O.L. No.
Committee of Manage
Committee of Management
Committee of Mer-;y
Committee of Mrs.
Committee of Notre Dame
Committee of Nutrition
Committee of Ohawettto
Committee of Onslow North Part Crs Henderson
Committee of Onslow South Part Crs Onslow
Committee of Parents
Committee of Ponti-
Committee of Pontiac
Committee of Private Practice Lawyers
Committee of Privileges
Committee of Public
Committee of Public Accounts
Committee of Public Instruction
Committee of Public Safety
Committee of Public Transit
Committee of Quebecers
Committee of School Budgets and Finance
Committee of Shawville
Committee of Shawvllle
Committee of Soldiers
Committee of St Joseph’s Manor
Committee of Steward
Committee of Stewards
Committee of Supply
Committee of the Board
Committee of the Council
Committee of Uie Ixmdoo
Committee of W
Committee of Waterhole
Committee of Ways and Means
Committee of Ways and Meant SEVENTH PARLIAMENT
Committee of Ways md Means
Committee of Welcome
Committee of Women
Committee of Wyman MacKechnie
Committee on
Committee on Agriculture
Committee on Agriculture and
Committee on Alcohol
Committee on Alcohol and
Committee on Alcohol and Alcoholism
Committee on Alcohol l A
Committee on Alternative Energy and Oil Substitution
Committee on Application
Committee on Bill
Committee on Budget
Committee on Child Care Suite
Committee on Culture
Committee on Dental Health
Committee on Direct Relief
Committee on Drug
Committee on Drug Abuse
Committee on Education
Committee on Equality
Committee on Finance
Committee on Foreign Re-
Committee on Foreign Relations
Committee on Forestry
Committee on Forestry Conservation PUBLIC NOTICE
Committee on Health
Committee on Health and Sanitation
Committee on Herbicides Safety
Committee on I*rivate Bills
Committee on Imperial Defense
Committee on Industry
Committee on Insurance
Committee on Internal Economy
Committee on International Trade
Committee on Jacques Cartier
Committee on Législation
Committee on Minor Judiciary
Committee on National Defence and Veterans Af
Committee on National Issues
Committee on Organization
Committee on Overseas Relief
Committee on Pastoral
Committee on Personnel
Committee on Pesticides
Committee on Private Bills
Committee on Private Bin*
Committee on Private BUI*
Committee on Privileges Messrs. Pattie A Pvrley’s
Committee on Public Accounts
Committee on Public Information
Committee on Reso-
Committee on Social Sec-
Committee on Statistics
Committee on Transportation
Committee on Un-French Activities
Committee on Vocational and Technical Training
Committee ONTARIO/ Improvement
Committee ONTARIO^Cfl Improvement
Committee Ottawa University Heart Institute
Committee Protection
Committee Protestant High School
COMMITTEE Public Meetings Calumet Island Town Hall
Committee Quebec Federation
Committee Reports
Committee Reports Dump
Committee Reports Fire
Committee Reports Smith
Committee Reports-
Committee Room
Committee Room Com- Ccunciliars Ernie Hearty
Committee Room Printing
Committee Rooms Main Street
Committee Rosaleen Dickson
Committee S-sSœ
COMMITTEE Shawville/Thorne Master Cup
Committee SKI
Committee Small
COMMITTEE Snorts Shawviiie & Valley UNGO
Committee Social Affairs
Committee Special Committee
Committee Special Joint Committee on Senate Reform Houses of Parliament Ottawa
Committee Tenders CCI
Committee U
Committee Village
Committee Volume Discounts Pick-up
Committee Watch
Committee Wyman W.
Committee X N Qtehqfd WWi
Committee,-tbnt Al Ufronki Appliance
Commons Agriculture Committee
Commons Committee
COMMONS Standing Committee
Community Association Committee
Community Bingo Committee Otter Lake R.A. Hall
Community Bonspiel Committee
Community Campaign Committee
Community Campaign Involvement Committee
Community Center Committee
Community Centre Committee
Community Centre Committee Opposes Abolition Of Capital Punishment A
Community Day Committee
Community Develop- Community Development ment Committee
Community Development Committee
Community Development Employability Committee
Community Economic Development and Employability Committee
Community Economic Development Employability Committee
Community Futures Committee
Community Futures Development Committee
Community Group Committee
Community Involvement Committee
Community Policing Committee
Community S Executive Committee
Community Youth Committee
Community’s Executive Committee
Company Committee Baseball Pres
Con- Committee
Con- Hilton Mine
Concert Committee
Concertation Committee
Conference Committee
Conference Committee of United Church Hiram Lathem
Conference Missionary Committee
Congress Committee
Congressional Committee
Conrad Hilton
Conseil Committee
Conservation Committee
Conservative Central Committee An
Conservative Committee
Conservative Party Publicity Committee
Considering Recreational Committee
Consolidated and Hilton
Consolidated Bathurst and Hilton Mines.
Consolidated Bathurst Ltd. and Hilton Mines
Constitutional Committee
Construction Committee of Quebec
Construction* Committee
Consultation Committee
Consultation Committee Council
Consultation Committee County
Consultative Committee
Consultative Committee Officer Nicole
Consultative Committee on Regional Planning
Consultative Committee Recreation Committee
Consultative Planning Committee
Consultative Renewal Committee
Consultative Urban Renewal Committee
Consultative Urban Renewal PERSONALS Committee
Consulting Committee
Contact Canada Manpower
Contact Hilton Crick
Contact Hilton Crleh
Contest Committee
Contingent Committee
Convener Buying Committee
Conveners Cutting-out Committee
Convening Committee
Convening Committee ELECTRIC RAILWAY
Convenor Buying Committee
Convention Committee
Convention Committee UN 71 Mrs. Wilfred Rebertz
CONVOCATION Multiresources Advisory Committee
Coop Activity Committee
Coordinating Committee
Coordination Committee
Corendon-Shawville Committee
Corners United Church 100th Anniversary Committee
Coronation Celebration Committee
Coronation Committee
Coronation Committee Meets
Corpo-al Committee
Corporate Services Committee
Corporation s and Citizens Committee
Correspondent Committee
Cottage Committee
Cou- Committee
Coulonge Chute Committee
Coulonge Flood Committee
Coulooge Flood Committee
Coun- "ier Hilton Mine
Coun- Development Committee Subdivision
Council and Committee
Council Committee
Council National War Finance Committee
Council on Recreation Association Building Committee
Council Peirtitc Committee Pin P
Council pur-provement Committee
Council Road Committee
Council Roads Committee
Council Short* Course Committee
Council The Committee
Council- Forestry Committee James
Council-Renewal Committee
Countv School Committee of English Roman Catholics
County Committee
County Committee for Farm Forums
County Committee of Farm Forums
County Council Committee
County Folk School Committee
County Improvement Committee
County Industrial Committee
County Industrial Training Committee
Course Saturday Committee
Courtesy of Hilton Mines
Craft Committee
Crafts Committee
Crampton Award Committee
Creational Committee
Credeintial Committee
Credentials Committee
Credit Committee
Crofter Colonization Committee
Crowne Plaza Hilton
Crs Committee
Crs Railway Transport Committee
Crusade Committee
CSRO Committee
CT Clarendon Council Committee
Cub Group Committee
Cultural Committee
Cultural Committee By Tom Sloan During
Cultural Properties Committee
Culture Committee
Culture Committee Culture Cmmittee
Culture Committee Report Clr Shock-Pulley
Cutting-out Committee
CWL Arnold Church Life Committee
CWL Committee
Czecho-Slovak National Committee
Da Committee PHS
Dagg and Hilton Findlay
Dairy Advisory Committee
Dairy Breeders Committee
Dairy Cattle Committee
Dairy Committee
Dairy Conference Steering Committee
Dalaney Committee
Dance Committee
Dav Committee
DAVE MOORE Equity Sports Quyon Canada Day Committee
Dax Committee
Day Committee
Day Committee Quyon Sports
Day Committee Call
Day Committee FORMULA S Engineered
Day Committee John Muagrove
Day Committee Theme
Day Organizing Committee Legal
Day PPHS School Committee Chairperson
Daycare Center Committee
Daycare Centre Committee
Daycare Committee
Dealer Advisory Committee
Debt Retirement Committee
Decimal Coinage Committee
Decorating Committee Mary Jane Towell
Decorating Committee Mi
Decorating Committee of Muriel Imison P.P. Convenor
Dedication Committee
Défendeur Committee
dele-1 Committee
Delegation Committee
Delmer Bar-1 Hilton Mines
Democratic National Committee
Democre Committee
Denis Papi- Tourism Committee
Denise Beiec Committee
Dental Health Committee
Depart-j Quyon Centennial Committee Derailment
Department Committee
Department Committee on Food Supplies
Department of Education and Manpower
Department of Manpower
Department of Manpower and Immigration 101 Madaren E
Department of Manpower Office
Department of Manpower THE FIRST BORROWER Several
Department of Transport Dump Committee
Department were Committee
Departmental Committee
Departmental Committee of
Dept Committee
Derby Committee
Development Committee
Devotional Committee
Dhing Hell Committee
Di-the Bursary Committee
Die Group Scout Group Committee
Dimter Committee
Dinner Committee Claire Mulligan
Diocesan Committee
Diphtheria Committee
Diploma Course Committee
Directions Committee
Disaster Committee
Disciplinary Committee
Discipline Committee
Discipline Committee ODHA
Dish Committee
Distress Committee
District Artificial Ice Committee
District Centennial Committee
District Christian Business Men s Committee Program
District Christian Business Mens Committee Annual Ladies Night
District Christian Businessmens Committee
District Committee
District Committee for Radio Pontiac.
District Committee of Student Services
District Coronation Committee
District Family Residence Committee
District Family Residence Committee Municipality
District Family Residents Committee Annual General Meeting Wednesday
District Health Committee
District Recreation Committee
District Residence Committee
District Rink Committee
District School Committee
District Senior Residence Committee
District Snowmobile Club QUYON CITIZEN S COMMITTEE
Dobbie-Beaudoin Committee
Doctor of Optometry Beautification Committee of Quyon-Onslows Centennial
Doctor s Committee
Dominion Banking Committee
Dominion Executive Committee
Dominion Provincial Farm Labour Committee
Dominion Railway Committee
Dominion Reconstruction Committee
Dominion-Provincial Committee
Dominion-Provincial Farm Committee
Dominion-Provincial Farm Labour Committee JOSEPH LEWIS
DONATIONS PAY-ONE-PRICE Quyon Business and Citizens’ Committee Bank of Montreal Pontiac UFA
Donor Committee Formed See
Donors Committee
Door Committee
Dora Committee
Dow Award Committee
Dow Awopd Committee
Down Joint Committee of Technical
Dr McDowell School Committee
Dr. George Hilton
Drama Committee
Draw Committee
Draw Committee Blake Pirie
Draw Committee Dave
DrSE McDowell School Committee Vicki Smith
Dump Committee
Dump Committee Visitors
Dumps Committee
E ication Committee Board of
E Committee
E. B. Hilton
Eardley Recreation Committee
Eardley School Committee Tuesday
Eardley Veterans Association Committee Gauthier
Eastern Canadian Montaigne Photo The Committee Shawville Community Centre Debt Retirement Fund Pemb
Eastern Ontario Championship Show Committee
Eastern Ontario Study Generation Working Committee
Eastern Sea Fisheries Committee
Echo- Committee
Economic Committee
Economic Council Agricultural Committee
Economic Development Committee
Economy Committee
Edison —Pontiac Committee on Alcohol and Alcoholism
Edmonton Committee
Edmonton Education Committee
Education Committee
Education Committee
Education Committee Board of
Education Committee of East Sussex
Education Committee of the Board of Education
Education Committee of the University Women s Club
Education Committee of Western Quebec
Education Committee PASSPORT Bristol URL
Educational Committee
Educational Planning Committee
EiEiBEEi Committee
Einiancial Committee
Eioht DOint blJCk Committee
Election Committee
Elections Committee
Electric Light Committee
Electronic Commerce Development Committee
Elementars School Committee
Elementary Parent School Committee
Elementary School Committee
Elie Committee
Emergency Relief Committee
Emily ^e Hilton Mines
Empire Resources Development Committee
Employability Committee
Employability Committee She
Employment Canada Manpower
End Committee
Energy of Committee
Engineering Department of Hilton Mines.
Engineers Works Committee
Entertainment Committee
Entertainment Committee Mme Jeannette Lafleur
Entries Committee
Environment Committee
Environmental Action Committee
Environmental Health Committee
Environmental Management Committee
Equipment Committee
Equity Bristol Planning Committee
Equity Committee Commons
EQUITY Mrs. Hilton Crick
EQUITY Shawville Council Names New Committee Members Quyon Fair Sets
Ethics Committee
Eur- Executive Committee
Evaluation Committee
Evaluation Committee of Regional Board
Evangelical Sunday School Committee
Evening Service TUESDAY Canada Manpower Centre
Events Committee
Events Committee Committee
Examination Committee of Pontiac
Examining Committee
Exchange Committee
Excursion Committee
Exec- Committee
Execetiee Committee
Execu-The Regional Buildings tive Committee
Executive Committee
Executive Committee A
Executive Committee Associations
Executive Committee Members
Executive Committee of
Executive Committee of Blum’s Socialist Party
Executive Committee of County Council
Executive Committee of Empire Shopping Week
Executive Committee of High Court
Executive Committee of Pontiac Liberal
Executive Committee Pontiac
Executive Committee Pontiac Wagon
Executive Committee Pro-Warden Marcel
Executive Committee PUBLIC NOTICE
Executive Committee Royal Bank of Canada Giant Tiger National Bank Canadian Tire Corp. Ottawa Citiz
Executive Corn-Committee
Executived Committee
Exhibition Committee
Exhibits Committee
Expediting Committee
Expert Committee
Expert Committee on Agricultural Marketing
Expo Committee
External Manpower Service
F inance Committee
F.P.H.S. School Committee
Fact Finding Committee
Fair Committee
Fair Exhibit Committee
Faith Committee
Family Policy Committee
FAO Coordinating Committee
Far Eastern Advisory Committee
Farm Committee
Farm Forum A Committee
Farm Forum Committee
Farm Forum Committee Meets Shawvilie High School
Farm Relations Committee
Farm Safety Committee
Fashion Committee
Febru- Committee
FEBRUARY 8- School Committee
Federal Canada Manpower
Federal Canada Manpower Center
Federal Committee of Athletics
Federal Cultural Review Committee
Federal Department of Manpower
Federal Manpower office
Federal Ministry of Manpower
Federal Provincial Manpower Needs Committee
Federal Sales Tax Review Committee
Festival Committee
Fibre Committee
Field Day Committee
Fieldman’s Committee
Fin&nce Committee
Finance & Administration Committee
Finance & Budget Committee
Finance Committee
Finance Committee Hugh Proud
Finance Committee Municipal Corporation County
Finance Committee of Shawville Centennial
Finance Committee—Messrs
Finance Committee’s
Finance M Committee
Financial Committee
Financial The Pontiac Historical Soci-1 Committee
Fire Committee
Fire Committee Crs Black
Fire Committee Crs Fraser
Fire Committee Crs Trudeau & Dese-brais; Roads
Fire Committee District Agricultural
Fire Committee Douglas Fulford
Fire Committee Hodgins
Fire Committee of Council
Fire Department Angel Tree Committee Firemen
Fire Department Committee
Fire Protection Committee
Fire Protection Committee Garbage
Fire Safety Committee
Fireman s Committee
First Committee
Fish and Game Committee
Fish Committee
Flood Committee
Florence Committee
Fluoridation Committee
Folk School Committee
Food Booth Committee
Food Booth Committee Dear Heart of Jesus
Food Committee
Food Committee of the American Medical Association
Food Committee Winnifred Pirie Convenor
Food Control Committee
Food Information Committee
Food Supply Committee
Forage Committee
Foreign Missions Committee
Forestry Committee
Forestry Committee Graduate McGill University
FORESTRY COMMITTEE Hie Shawvllle Women’s Institute
Forestry Committee Iron Ore Survey
Forestry Committee of Council
Forestry Committee of Pontiac County Council
Forestry Service (Environment Committee
Fort Cou-longe-Mansfield Improvement Committee
Found P.Q Hilton The Committee
Four Committee
Fowl Committee
France Relations Committee
Franco-Amorican Committee
Francophone Cultural Committee of Algonquin College
Franre Relations Committee
Fredators Control Committee
French Committee of Liberation
French Committee of National Liberation
French Fries Hilton Mine Irons
French School Committee Eastern Sector
Friends Service Committee
Front Road; Committee de Toponymie; Direction
Full Committee
Fun Fair Committee
Fund Committee
Fund Raising Committee
Fund-raising Committee
Funding Committee
Fundraising Committee
Fundraising Committee P.O.
Fundraising Committee Phil Snyder
Fund” Committee
Futures Committee
FWIC Northern Canada Women’s Institutes (NCWIi Committee
Fxecutive Committee Mavors
G Committee
G"oup Committee
G. Hilton
Ga-the Citizen s Committee Committee
Gaétan Executive Committee
GAGE Chairman Executive Committee
Game Committee
Game Fish Committee
Games Committee
Games Committee John Argue and Community Bonspiel
Garbage Collection Committee
Garbage Committee
Gartner 133.; Hilton Crick
Gaspé Committee
Gate Committee
Gates Committee
Gazebo Project Committee
Genealogical Committee
Genealogical Committee Speaker:
General Committee
General Executive Committee
General Grand Chapter Committee Member
General Provincial Committee
General Search Committee
Gerber of Hilton Mines
GERBER Sept. Hilton Mines GEORGE HYNES AND SON Funeral Home Established
German Budget Committee
Gestion Committee of Council
Gfetriennial Committee
Gibbons Constitution Committee
Gibbons Hilton Mine
Gilles Committee
Giv- Committee
Gladys Hilton
Glasgow Gas Committee
Glenwood Recreation Committee
Golden Age Transpo Committee
Good Roads Committee
Gougeon Mrs. Hilton Crick
Government Grants Committee
Government Relations Committee Executive Board Member On
Government Water-Power Committee
Grader Committee
Graduation Banquet Committee of
Graduation Committee
Graduation Dance Committee
Grain Committee
Grand Calumet Pontiac MRC Selection Committee
Grant Committee
Grants Committee of Shawville Council
Grassroots Committee
Greater Hull Special Committee
GREATEST Pontiac Committee on Alcohol and
Grey Visiting Committee
Grimsby Public Service Committee
Groop Committee
Grounds Committee
Grounds Improvement Committee
Group Committee
Group Committee and Council Member
Group Committee ANNUAL Lafrance
Group Committee Chair- Medical Relief Fund
Group Committee Executive
Group Committee Meeting
Group Committee Treasurer
Group Committee Treasurer Morley Wilson
Group Committee; Mrs.
Group Transportation Committee
Guelph Traffic Safety Committee
H. - Hilton Mines
H. G. Hilton
H.gh School Committee
Habitation Committee
Habitation Committee of Chapeau
Halifax Relief Committee
Hall Committee
Hall Committee Meet- / Mr.
Hamilton Hospital Committee
Hamilton Waterworks Committee
Handicraft Committee
Hanging Committee
Harbor Committee
Hartington Committee
Harvest Dinner Committee
Hauled Irom Hilton Mine
He Committee
Healing Involvement Committee
Health & Sanitation Committee
Health and Sanitation Committee
Health and Sanitation Committee Motion Ore
Health and Social Services Committee
Health and Welfare Committee
Health Committee
Health Committee Drs
Health Committee Her
Health Committee of
Health Mrs C. Jacques Hostess Committee Mrs.
Hearing Committee
Heather Dickson^rT--- Hilton Mine Strike
Heavy Horse Committee
Heller Committee for Research
Henderson Mr. Hilton Cochrane
Heon Committee
Heritage College Parents Committee
Heritage College Parents’ Committee
Heritage Committee
Heritage Day Committee
Heritage Designation Committee
Heritage Designations Committee Chair Larry Graham
Heritage Parents’ Committee
HfmUK Maple Grove Cemetery Committee Plymouth
Hi Snow Plow Committee
Hie Committee
Hie Hilton Mines
High School Cafeteria Receives Donations Hilton Mines
High School Graduation Committee
Highway Safety Committee
Hilton "
Hilton -
Hilton Aid
Hilton An
Hilton and Rockliffe
Hilton Apples
Hilton Ass n
Hilton Auditor
Hilton Av
Hilton Avc
Hilton Ave
Hilton Avenue
Hilton Avenue Beverages
Hilton Avenue THERE
Hilton Avis
Hilton Axe
Hilton Ayrshire—El
Hilton Beach
Hilton Beattie
Hilton Bindley
Hilton Blessing
Hilton Brandum
Hilton Bud
Hilton C.L.S.C. PONTIAC Mougtique IKm Ben|amln
Hilton Captain A.C.F.
Hilton CF.
Hilton Chaloner
Hilton Clarendon
Hilton Cnck
Hilton Co. A.—It
Hilton Cochrane
Hilton Cochrane Cattle Ayrshire
Hilton Community Chairman’s
Hilton Conformément
Hilton Conservation Club
Hilton Const
Hilton Contract
Hilton Crescent
Hilton Crick
Hilton Crick Ae
Hilton Crick Happy
Hilton Crick Mrs.
Hilton Crick Shawville
Hilton Crick-Gal
Hilton Crick;
Hilton Crick; Dairy
Hilton Cttck
Hilton Dave Mackenzie
Hilton Demers
Hilton Demurs
Hilton Do
Hilton Driving Club
Hilton Ed-
Hilton Fence
Hilton Find
Hilton Findlay
Hilton Findlay John Murray
Hilton Findley
Hilton Forresters Falls
Hilton Further
Hilton Griffin
Hilton He*j
Hilton Head Island
Hilton Held Senior Citizens Visit
Hilton Here
Hilton Hockey
Hilton Hole
Hilton Hotel
Hilton Hudgins
Hilton International
Hilton International Hotel
Hilton International Québec)
Hilton Iron
Hilton Iron Mine
Hilton Lay Reader Ken
Hilton Lc
Hilton Le
Hilton M
Hilton M March
Hilton manager Hilton Mine
Hilton Manpower Committee
Hilton Manpower Office
Hilton Maude Smith
Hilton Mayhew
Hilton Mhies
Hilton Mh«
Hilton Michael Craig
Hilton Mikes
Hilton Mill
Hilton Mimas
Hilton Mimes
Hilton Min Mr.
Hilton Min** Fun
Hilton Min.
Hilton Mina Tandum
Hilton Minai Limited
Hilton Minas
Hilton Minas Limited P.O.
Hilton Minc$
Hilton Mine
Hilton Mine Bristol council
Hilton Mine Float
Hilton Mine Gravelle
Hilton Mine Lamarche-McGuinty
Hilton Mine Landfill Proposal
Hilton Mine Ltd.
Hilton Mine Manage
Hilton Mine Manpower Committee
Hilton Mine May
Hilton Mine Mr. Musgrove
Hilton Mine of McLean & Slevin
Hilton Mine Onslow
Hilton Mine Pit
Hilton Mine Quyon
Hilton Mine Road
Hilton Mine Road Project
Hilton Mine Sanitary Landfill
Hilton Mine Scholarship
Hilton Mine Site
Hilton Mine Spur
Hilton Mine Subdivision
Hilton Mine the Shawville Volunteer Brigade
Hilton Mine Trophy
Hilton Mine Trophy Judges
Hilton Mine*
Hilton Mine* Prices NELLIS
Hilton Mine* By
Hilton Mine* Ltd.
Hilton Mine* PAUL A MARTINEAU Barrister & Solicitor ¦•A* L.L.l CAMPBELL’S BAY Prendergast Mills Inf
Hilton Mine-as-dump
Hilton Mine; Rivet
Hilton Mineg Ltd (
Hilton Minegjjjpjjjl Moved
Hilton Mines
Hilton Mines LaCourse Prlntshop
Hilton Mines REG.
Hilton Mines "We
Hilton Mines & Pontiac Station
Hilton Mines -
Hilton Mines .
Hilton Mines 1959— GMC Half
Hilton Mines 629I62b|4
Hilton Mines 7
Hilton Mines 9-10—Starks Cnrs
Hilton Mines ;
Hilton Mines A com- Parliamentary Commission Th°mas
Hilton Mines and Hydro
Hilton Mines and Leo Roy’s Store
Hilton Mines and Shaw
Hilton Mines and Shawville
Hilton Mines and Shawville Council
Hilton Mines and Wyman Mac-Kcchnic
Hilton Mines as Plant Metallurgist
Hilton Mines Bert Stark’s Starks Corneritcs
Hilton Mines Bey MB It
Hilton Mines Bristol Mine Process Explained Superintendent
Hilton Mines Bursaiy
Hilton Mines Bursary
Hilton Mines Bursary.
Hilton Mines Carr.id
Hilton Mines Cash
Hilton Mines Centennial Open House
Hilton Mines Chapeau Exhibition
Hilton Mines Company
Hilton Mines Dairymen Decide
Hilton Mines Dr. Baldwin
Hilton Mines Electrical Apprentice Group
Hilton Mines Elwood Tenner
Hilton Mines Eyes
Hilton Mines Fletchers Barber Shop 8-
Hilton Mines for Lemarche & McGinty Ltd.
Hilton Mines Hobbs
Hilton Mines hy Samantha Twolan
Hilton Mines J. R. Geddes Mine Engineer Tony
Hilton Mines Job
Hilton Mines Jyaa--y
Hilton Mines Laboratory Staff
Hilton Mines Larry Horne
Hilton Mines Le
Hilton Mines Limited
Hilton Mines Limited Shawvlllc
Hilton Mines Limited.
Hilton Mines Lions Club Drinkers Anonymous Local
Hilton Mines Ltd
Hilton Mines Ltd ,
Hilton Mines Ltd a
Hilton Mines Ltd aml
Hilton Mines Ltd managing
Hilton Mines Ltd more
Hilton Mines Ltd,
Hilton Mines Ltd.
Hilton Mines LWL « Cut Your Costs
Hilton Mines Manager Bill Muloin
Hilton Mines Manpower
Hilton Mines Manpower Chris McColgar.
Hilton Mines Manpower Committee
Hilton Mines Manpower Committee Box
Hilton Mines Manpower Committee Tlx*
Hilton Mines Mr.
Hilton Mines of Bristol.
Hilton Mines of McKee
Hilton Mines of Shaw
Hilton Mines Offers To Provide Shawville Rec.
Hilton Mines on Clarendon
Hilton Mines Open House
Hilton Mines oper- Sfabfc Men—Raymond
Hilton Mines Ottawa Apply Mrs. Arnold Trudeau
Hilton Mines PAUL A. MARTINEAU Barrister & Solicitor How
Hilton Mines Phone 627-21
Hilton Mines Pick
Hilton Mines Pit And Plant An
Hilton Mines pour
Hilton Mines Prize
Hilton Mines Pt
Hilton Mines Rd.
Hilton Mines Rev. S.
Hilton Mines Road
Hilton Mines Scholarship
Hilton Mines Scholarship Award
Hilton Mines Sckoce
Hilton Mines Spur
Hilton Mines Spur.
Hilton Mines Stan Hogg
Hilton Mines Sylvester Trudeais
Hilton Mines Sylvester Trudeau
Hilton Mines Sylvester Trudeau Between
Hilton Mines Tanker
Hilton Mines the
Hilton Mines Three River
Hilton Mines Trophy
Hilton Mines Trophy for Best Exhibit
Hilton Mines Trophy- Bill Campbell
Hilton Mines Ud.
Hilton Mines Uott
Hilton Mines Water Tanker
Hilton Mines Water Truck
Hilton Mines Weekend
Hilton Mines will
Hilton Mines ‘a
Hilton Mines"
Hilton Mines,
Hilton Mines-Norway Bay
Hilton Mines.
Hilton Mines; 1st
Hilton Mines; Mr. Adair
Hilton Mines; Portage
Hilton Mines”
Hilton Mine’s
Hilton Minfes
Hilton Minor Hotkey Organized
Hilton Mires
Hilton Mm
Hilton Mme
Hilton Mme Eleanor Stafford
Hilton Mmes
Hilton Mmes Ltd i
Hilton Mmes Road
Hilton Mmes There
Hilton Mne
Hilton Mnes
Hilton Montréal Bonaventure
Hilton Morrison
Hilton Mr
Hilton Mrs. Fulford
Hilton Mrs. Garfield Hodgins
Hilton Mum
Hilton Municipal Code
Hilton Nfines
Hilton Norway Bay
Hilton Nouveau
Hilton Nussey
Hilton Ortck
Hilton Overton
Hilton OWI
Hilton Petawawa
Hilton Peton Relues Mr. Carson Stratton la
Hilton Plaza Glenwood
Hilton Pontiac
Hilton Quebec
Hilton recognized School
Hilton Reid
Hilton Ryan
Hilton Saturday
Hilton Second Tuesday
Hilton Shawville Egg Grading Station
Hilton SL Matthews Charted
Hilton Smith
Hilton St. Matthews Charter
Hilton St. Thoma* Bristol 9:00
Hilton Staff Party Upstairs
Hilton Strawberries Ontario
Hilton Sub
Hilton Vs Ossie
Hilton Which
Hilton Wilson Prided
Hilton |
Hilton — NDP
Historic Antique Display Committee
Historical Committee
Historical Society Committee
Historical Society Museum Committee
Hnd Committee
Ho-pital Committee
Hockev Committee
Hockey 6.30 Hilton Mines Banquet For Reservations
Hockey Committee
Hockey Players & Wives Eat Turkey & Talk Hockey and Rink Committee
Hodgins Uuad Committee
Home & School Recreation Committee
Home and School Committee
Home and School Committee St. Pat
Home Beauty Committee
Home Furnishings Committee Reports
Home Mission Committee
Home MUsien Committee
Homecoming Committee
Homecoming Committee DR.
Horae Committee
Horner Kitchen Committee Mrs. H.
Horse Committee
Horse Drawing Committee
Horse Shew Committee
Horse Show Committee
Horticultural Committee
Horticulture Committee
Hospital Beneficiary Committee
Hospital Box Committee Sandra Murray
Hospital Committee
Hospital Fruit Box Committee
Hospital Maintenance Committee
Hospital Visiting Committee
Hostess Committee
Hotel Committee
HOTEL Management Committee
House Agricultural Committee
House Appropriation» Committee
House Committee
House Committee Agriculture
House Committee of Foreign Affairs
House Committee on Foreign Affaire
House Committee on Foreign Affairs
House Committee on Labor
House Foreign Affairs Committee
House Naval Affairs Committee
House New Post office Committee Rouyn Reward
House of Commons Committee
HOUSE OF COMMONS Jacques Ledoux Secretary-Treasurer Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs
House of Commons Justice Committee
House of Commons Public Accounts Committee
House of Commons Standing Committee on Agriculture
House of Commons Standing Committee on External Affairs
House of Commons Standing Committee on National Resources and Public Works
House of Commons War Expenditures Committee
House of Common’s Standing Committee on Indian Affairs
House of Lords Committee
House of of Commons Committee on Privileges
House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee
House The Elmside Rink Committee
Housing Committee
Housing committee Address
Housing Committee of General Synod
Housing Cor- Hilton Mine
Hr* Parliamentary Committee
Human Resources Development Canada Community Development Employment Committee
Human Resources Development Committee
Human Rights Committee
Hymn Hook Committee
H» Rink Committee L
I-oan Committee
Iberia Farm Forum Committee
Ice Committee
Ice Committee Box
Ice Committee Shewville Curling Club Ladies win Renfrew Spiel Pontiacs
Idea Committee On Alcohol Drafts
IGA Committee Reports
Ihe Committee on Claims
II Hilton Mines
II School Committee
II..Ill Hostess Committee
IK Seed Committee
IL Booth Committee
Ilford Education Committee
IM Hilton Manpower
Immigration Committee
Imperial Defence Committee
Imperial Defence Committee JOB PRINTING
Imperial Economic Committee
Imperial Economic Committee’s
Imperial Judging Committee
Imperial Shipping Committee
Imperial Shipping Committee Hudson
Improvement Committee
Improvement Committee Route 366
Improvement Trust Committee
IMS Parish of Quyon Rev John G. Hilton 458-2117 Lay Reader Ken W Muagrove
Imyco* Committee
In Committee
In Committee of Supply
Inc. Committee
Indian Wheat Committee
Industrial and Finance Committee
Industrial Arts Committee
Industrial Committee
Industrial Committee of Pontiac
Industrial Committee of Pontiac County
Industrial Development and Tourism Committee
Industrial Development Committee
Industrial Relations Committee
Industries Committee of Ontario
Industry Committee
Information Committee
Ing Committee
Inquiry Committee
Institute Civil Defence Committee
Institute for the Quilt Committee
Instruction Committee
Insurance Committee
Intcrunion Committee 1
Inter-Allied Committee
Inter-Allied Information Committee
Inter-Church Distribution Committee
Inter-departmental Committee
Inter-Departmental Committee on Labor Co-ordination
Inter-Municipal Committee
Intercultural Committee
Interim Control By Committee
Interim Steering Committee
Intermunicipal Committee
Intermunicipal Recreatioh Committee
International Red Cross Committee
International Affairs Committee
International Aid Committee
International Committee
International Committee of Judges
International Committee on Radiation Protection
International Olympic Committee
International Peace Garden Committee
International Red Cross Committee
International Relations Committee
International The Committee of Arbitration
Interparliamentary Committee
Interum Committee
Interview Committee
Into Committee
Investment Committee
Invitation Committee
Invitational Organizing Committee
Involvement Campaign Committee
Involvement Campaign Committee of Campbell
Irene Cheer Committee
Is & McCann Fire Committee
Island Tourism Committee
Its Agricultural Committee
Ixxral Crusade Committee
J & J Grocery The Food Committee
J Former Hilton Mines
J.L.H. Moorhead Hilton Mines Starks
J942 Committee
JACKPOT Committee
James Lions Rink Committee
Jamfest Committee
Jean- Committee Reports
Jennings Executive Committee
Jh Consultative Urban Renewal Committee
John Hilton She
John Hilton Shepley
Joie School Committee
Joint Action Committee
Joint Agricultural Committee
Joint Aid Committee
Joint Clerks Special Joint Committee on
Joint Committee
Joint Committee GD
Joint Committee of
Joint Committee of Renfrew
Joint Committee of the Senate
Joint Committee on Canada
Joint Committee on Canada s International Relations Houses
Joint Committee On Canada’s International Relations
Joint Committee Whose
Joint Committee’s
Joint Congressional Atomic Energy Committee
Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy
Joint Construction Committee
Joint Consultative Committee
Joint Economic Committee
Joint Fire Committee
Joint Fire Prevention Publicity Committee
Joint Fire Prevention Publicity Committee Inc.
Joint Museum Committee
Joint Parliamentary Committee
Joint Swine Committee
Joint War Production Committee
JOT Brownlee Committee
Jubilee Committee
Judical Committee
Judicial Committee
Judicial Committee Hon
Judicial Committee of
Judicial Committee of the Council
Judiciary Committee
July Regional Committee
July Regional Counties Committee
JULY SEPTEMBER Centre Committee
June 22,1967 Hilton Mine
June 25,1959 Hilton Mines Announces DISCOVERY
June Committee
Junior Committee
Junior Dance Committee Rep-
Junior Library Committee
Junior RA Dance Committee
Junior Red Cross Committee
Justice Committee
J^R^tion Committee
j|0U80 Committee on
Katharine Fletcher Hilton
Kensington Public Health Committee
Kid Committee
Kinsmen Santa Parade Committee
Kitchen Committee
Kitchen Committee Mrs. Art Hod
Knitting Wool County Committee
l A P.P.H.S. School Committee Meeting Monday
l Mr. Hilton
L Outaouais Council which Committee
l U01 CURTAINS Committee
L.C.C Central Committee
Labor Committee
Labour Relations Committee
Labour Survey Committee
Lac County Tourist Committee
Lac- Hilton Mines
Lacoursc Committee Chair
Ladies Committee
Ladies Committee Apple Pie
Ladies’ Committee
Ladies’ Committee of
Ladles Committee Apple Pie
Ladysmith Oktoberfest Committee
Land Uce Committee
Land Use Committee
Language Committee
Language Education Committee
Lauren Committee
Lea-of Nations Health Committee P
League of Nations Advisory Committee
Legislation Committee
Legislative Committee
Leo Committee
Lewis’s Committee for Industrial
Lexow Committee
Liaison Committee
Libérai Committee Room
Liberal Candidate Goulet Education Committee Meets His Supporters Pontiac Ministerial Association
Liberal Committee
Liberal Committee Center St.
Liberal Committee Health Services
Liberal Committee on Health Services
Liberal Committee Room
Liberal Committee Room Highway 148 Shawville Shopping Centre THE TIM TA YLOR
Libéral Hôtel Hilton Lac Leamy; Salle Chopin
Liberal Party’s Committee
Library Committee
Library Committee Carmen Wickens
Library Committee Donnelly
Library Committee meet- Council
Library Committee November
Library Committee of Council
Library Committee of the Council
Library Committee Thaw
Library: Planning Advisory Committee
Liens Club Parade Committee
Life Committee
Life Organizing Committee
Light Committee
Light Horse Committee
Light Horse Committee of
Light Horse Committee of Shawville Fair
Lighting Committee
Lights Committee
Lights Committee Quyon Lionettes
Lion- Committee
Lionel Martin Cemetery Committee
Lions Arena Committee
Lions Club Boys and Girls Committee
Lions Club Bursary Committee
Lions Club Committee
Lions Club Rink Committee
Lions Committee
Lions Hilton Mines Euclid
Lions Rink Committee
Lions Safety Committee
Litchfield Cemetery Committee
Litchfield Diversification Committee
Litchfield Diversification Committee Chair
Litchfield Snowplowing Committee
Literary Committee
Livestock Committee
LIVESTOCK Committee ONTARIO Improvement At AH Druggists Kfe
LIVESTOCK Committee ONTARIO/ Improvement
Livestock Producers Committee
Livestock Sanitary Committee
LIVESTOCK X Committee Colon
LIVESTOCK X Committee ONTARIO Improvement
Loan Committee
Local Action Committee
Local Action Committee; Required
Local Blood Donor Committee Appreciative Cool
Local Canada Manpower
Local Canada Manpower Centre
Local Canada Manpower Centre Anyone
Local Committee
Local Committee of
Local Committee of Fort Coulonge
Local Committee of Ponti Action
Local Committee of Ponti Action Davis Wednesday June Litchfield Council
Local Committee’s Ball Hockey
Local Community Night School Management Committee
Local Crusade Committee
Local Development Committee
Local Ed Policies Committee
Local Education Policies Committee
Local Farm .Production Committee
Local Farm Production Committee
Local Farm Production Committee THE CHARTE R$
Local Farm Production Committee T
Local obito Hilton Mine
Lodging Committee
Lodging Committee of West Pontiac
Lois & Hilton Crick
Loisir Committee
London Advisory Committee of Canadian Red Cross
London Non-Intervention Committee
Long Range Planning Committee
Lost Visiting Committee Mrs. A.
Louise Donaldson presents Shawvllle-Clarendon Revitalization Committee
Lsers Committee
Lundi Committee
Luskville Carnival Committee
Luskville Rink Committee
Lxecu-tive Committee of Pontiac Division
Lyse Lacourse Committee Chair EDITORIAL L
M Committee
M. Committee
M.H. Committee
M.R.C. Executive Committee
Macdonald College and Canada Manpower Services
Macdonald College Diploma Course Committee
MACDONALD S That Dominion Reconstruction Committee Advocates Standard Of Farm Honfts Be Raised
Machine Shop, Hilton Mines
Machinery Committee
MacKechnie Committee
Main d Oeuvre Hilton Mine
Main-d’œuvre du Canada Canada Manpower Centre
Maintenance Committee
Maintenance Committee An
Maintenunc Committee
Manage- Hilton Mine
Management Committee
Management of Hilton Mines
Management Safety Committee
Managing Committee
Manary Committee
Manchester Parks Committee Stops After
Manoir Sacré-Cœur User’s Committee
Manpower Adult Training Program
Manpower Agricultural Course
Manpower Agriculture Course
Manpower Bureau
Manpower Center
Manpower Center J
Manpower Centre
Manpower Centre Centre de Main-d’œuvre du Canada
Manpower Committee
Manpower Consultative Service
Manpower Consultative Service Incentive
Manpower Control John
Manpower Department
Manpower Department Act
Manpower Gold Miners
Manpower Hilton Mine
Manpower Industrial Program
Manpower Industrial Training Program
Manpower Ministry
Manpower Nursing Assistants Course
Manpower Office
Manpower Regional Director-General
Manpower Retraining Program
Manpower Seen
Manpower Service
Manpower Services
Manpower Training Program
Manpower UIC Committee
Manse Committee
Mansfield Committee
Maple Grove Cemetery Committee
Maple Grove Cemetery Committee AUCTION SALE Shawville United Church Pastoral Charge Duncan Phyfe Ta
Maple Grove Cemetery Committee Portage-du-Fort
Maple healed Leslie-Clapham & Grove Cemetery Committee
Marathon Committee
Marathon Committee Gat
Margaret Committee
Marketing Sick Committee
Markets Committee of Hamilton Messrs. Baring Pros.
Mark’s School Band Committee
Marlene Pasch Youth Committee
Mary’s School Parents ’ Committee
Master Baker* Association Committee
Master Charles Demarsh and Group Committee
Master The Thorne Centennial Committee
Match Committee
Match Committee Chairing
Match Committee Marg Michaud
Match Committee Mary Allen
Match Committee Mrs. Stark
Materials Co-ordinating Committee
Maurice Cody Research Fellowship and Scholarship Committee
Maurice Lamarche’s Hilton Mine
Max Runge Cemetery Committee
May Committee
Mayors Committee
McCann Fire Committee
McCleary Hon Committee
McColgan Committee
McDonald made Messrs. Hilton
McDowell Elementary School Committee
McDowell Home & School Committee
McDowell Parents Committee
McDowell School Committee
McDowell School Committee Calumet Island
McDowell School Committee THE EQUITY
McDowell School Parents Committee
McGill Committee
McKee Committee of
McNab Parks and Museum Committee
McTler- Committee of Ushers
Me- Committee
Means Committee
Means Committee Mrs.
Medical Committee
Medical Research Committee
Medl-tary Salvage Committee
MEETING Committee
Meeting Committee
Member Committee
Membership Committee
Memorial Committee
Memorial Committee Adventures
Memorial Committee Fundraising Events
Memorial Committee of Pontiac Snowmobilers
Memorial Committee Ottawa
Memorial Fund Committee
Memorial Hilton Mines
Memorial Project Committee
Mennonite Central Committee
Mens Committee Processive Conservatives
Mental Hygiene Committee
Men’s Committee
Men’s Committee of Pembroke
Men’s Committee Visitors
Merchants’ Committee
Mes- Committee
Messrs Art Committee
Messrs Hilton
Methodist Church Building Committee
MêUÿS ScllOOl PaTCUtS Committee
Miauctpal Affairs Planning Committee
Mid- School Committee
Midget Hockey Committee
Midget Hockey Tournament Committee
Midget Tournament Committee
Midway Committee
Might School Auditorium Committee
Millenium Committee
Millenium Committee Sharpe
Millennium Committee
Millennium Committee Marc Lapointe
Millennium Committee Notary Richard Theriault
Millennium Committee’s
Millennium Committee’s Pontiac Statoin Park
Milton Committee Reports
Mine Hilton
Mine Hilton de Bristol.
Mine Hilton Mines
Mine Planning and Advisory Committee
Mines Employees Welfare Fund Committee
Mines Hilton
Mines Manpower Committee
Mining engineer Hilton Mines
Ministry of Manpower
Ministry of Manpower and Employment
Minor Hockey Committee
Minor Hockey Hilton Mine Party BRONSON—In
Miren Committee
Miscellaneous Private Bills Committee
Mise-A-jour- Committee of the Department of Education
Miss Com Lawn; Receiving Committee
Miss Florence Hilton
Miss Orla Hilton Crick
Missionary Committee
Missionary Committee Well
Mixed Senate Commons Committee
Mllwage 0,84 Hilton Mine Spur
Mmes Hilton Jean Paul II High School
Monlreai* Committee
Mont-between Program Committee
Montreal Committee
Montreal Committee Mlnard’s Liniment
Montreal Development Committee
Montreal Exhibition Committee
Montreal Ladies Committee
Montreal Personnel Committee
Monument Committee
Monument Committee PO Box
MOODIE Committee ; Gayle Dupuis
Moscow Committee
Mothers Committee
Motion Crs Douglas Fulford Committee
Motion Crs G Committee
Motion Crs Garth Manpower
Motion Crs K Wilson and L Committee
Motion for Committee
Motion Social Planning Committee
Motor Vehicles Insurance Committee
Mr Committee
Mr. Committee
Mr. Committee Mrs. El
Mr. Glenn Hilton
Mr. Henry Hilton
Mr. Herbert Hilton
Mr. Hilton
Mr. Hilton Findlay
Mr. P. Hilton Mr.
Mr. Paul Hilton
Mr. Smith Hilton
MRC des Work Committee
MRC Executive Committee
MRC Land Use Committee
MRC Pontiac Committee
MRC Pontiac Committee for Construction Industry Development
MRC Pontiac Planning Committee
MRC Québec Hilton
MRC’s Regional Park Committee
Mrs Committee
Mrs Development Committee
Mrs Hilton Adolphe Von Almon
Mrs Hilton Crick
Mrs Merle Hilton Mines.
Mrs Roy Hilton
Mrs. Alex Health and Welfare Committee
Mrs. Atkinson CEMETERY MEMORIALS Mssionary Committee
Mrs. Committee
Mrs. Earl Hilton Mines
Mrs. F. Hilton Moore
Mrs. Gordon Pan Social Committee
Mrs. Harold Finance Committee
Mrs. Hilton
Mrs. Hilton Crick
Mrs. Hilton Kent
Mrs. Hilton OlffM
Mrs. Hilton Or
Mrs. Hilton Robinson
Mrs. Jack Committee Gospel Signboard Judd’s
Mrs. Ray Hilton
Mrs. Ren- Hilton Crick;
Mrs. Roy Hilton
Mrs. Roy Hilton Jackson
Mrs. Wayne Hilton
Muloin announces Hilton Mine
mun-1 Committee
Municipal Affairs Advisory Committee
Municipal c Agricultural Moved Committee Auçuu
Municipal Centennial Committee
Municipal Centennial Committee St Mary s Teachers College
Municipal Committee
Municipal Community Centre Committee
Municipal Council Committee
Municipal Council of the Group Committee
Municipal Council on Centennial Committee of Bryson
Municipal Development Committee
Municipal Dump Committee
Municipal Emergency Measures Planning Committee
Municipal Emergeny Manpower Service
Municipal Industrial Committee
Municipal Lorna Younge Committee
Municipal Political Action Committee
Municipal Pro- the CouncU- motions Committee
Municipal Promotions Committee
Municipal Recreation Committee
Municipal Roads Committee
Municipal Water Committee
Municipal Water Committee KIRKHAM
Municipal Welcome Committee
Municipality Hilton Mines
Municipality Road Committee
Murder Mystery Committee
MUs Mar- Group Committee
Museum Committee
Museum Committee of the Pontiac Historical Society
Museum Committee Seeks Property Holstein*
Museum Project Committee
Museum The Museum Committee
Muskoka Free Committee of Supply
Names Advisory Committee
Nation Committee of the Church
National Advisory Committee
National Barley Committee
National Barley Contest Committee
National Capital Committee
National Centennial Committee
National Committee
National Committee for Canadian Education Week
National Committee for Mental Hygiene
National Committee for Patriotic Service
National Committee ICOLD Dorothy Bngger
National Committee of Presbyterian Men
National Committee of Red Cross
National Committee on
National Committee on Food Resources
National Dairy Cattle Committee
National Defence Committee
National Education Committee
National Education Week Committee
National Electricity Week Committee
National Employment Committee
National Executive Committee
National Extension Committee
National Farm Forum Conference Committee
National Farm Management Committee
National Holiday Organizing Committee
National Human Resources Committee
National Human Resources Development Committee
National Industrial Design Committee
National Liberal and Conservative Party Publicity Committee
NATIONAL LlltftAL COMMITTEE ShawviUe Milling Co. Ltd.
National OGIT Committee
National Parks Centennial Citizens Committee Inc re
National Parks Centennial Citizens’ Committee
National Parks Centennial Committee
National Policy Committee
National Publicity Committee
National Record Committee
National Relief Committee
National Republican Committee
National Resources and Public Works Committee
National Salvage Committee
National Sheep Committee
National Student ment Committee
National Sub-Committee Watch
National Subscription Committee
National Truck Hero Committee
National Wage Board Co-ordinating Committee
National War Finance Committee
National War Finance Committee FARM FOR SALE Causes
National War Finance Committee May
National War Loan Committee
National War Savings Committee
National War Service Committee
National Wnr Savings Committee
National Wor Finance Committee
Nationale Committee
Nations Committee
Natural Committee
Naval Committee
Naval Committee of the Chamber.
NCWI Committee
NEAR HILton Mines.
Négociation Committee
Negotiating Committee
Negotiating Committee QAPSB Western Que J A Russell
Negotiating Committee QAPSB WQ
Negotiation Committee
Neighbourhood Protection Committee
Neighbourhood Watch Committee
Netherlands Immigration Committee
Network Committee
New Committee
NEWPORT SEDANS Hilton Manpower Committee K.A. Farrell
Night Committee
Nina Regional School Committee
No Cable T V Ouyon Community Development Committee
No Committee
NO Library Committee of the
Nobel Committee
Nobel Prize Committee
Nominating Committee
Nominating Committee Bristol W.l
Nominating Committee Mr. Nellis Hodgins
Nominating Committee of Gwen Hayes
Nominating Committee Romain
Nomination Committee
Nomination of Committee Members
Nominations Committee
Non-Intervention Committee
NonIntervention Committee
Noranda ---—— Hilton
North Onslow Hilton Mine
Norway Bay Cemetery Committee
Norway Bay Cemetery Improvement Committee
Norway Northern Development Bristol s Hilton Mine
Notes Mrs Hilton Oick
NOTICE Committee
NOTICE- Committee Historical Display
Notional Committee
NOVEMBER 12 Radio Pontiac Program Committee
Nuclear Action Committee
Nuclear Action Committee BUTS
Nuclear Preparation Committee
Nursery Committee
O&isea * Committee
O.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Fl*f INSURANCE Parish of Quyon Rev John G Hilton 458-2117 Norval McNeill
OA Committee
OA Selection Committee
Oay Committee Theme
Objects Committee
OCTOBER 15 Radio Pontiac Program Committee
OCTOBER 29 Radio Pontiac Program Committee
Office Committee
OFFICE Lindsay Hilton
Office Staff Committee
Oil Seeds Committee
Oitaouals Regional Community Executr Committee
Oktoberfest Committee
Oktoberfest Committee Ladysmith
Old Folks Home Committee
Old Hilton Mine
Old Hilton Mine Site
Old Home Week Summer Sports Committee
Olympic Committee
Olympic Revival Committee
Ombuds Committee
OMH Committee
ON XULiV Concerned Citizens’ Committee of Bristol Now
Only School Committee Formation Meetings Until Oct.
Onslow Centennial Committee
Onslow Elementary Home & School Committee
Onslow Elementary Home and School Committee
Onslow Elementary Parents Committee
Onslow Elementary School Committee
Onslow School Committee
Onslow School Committee Draw
Onslow School Reunion Committee
Onslow School Reunion, Quyon Citizens Committee
Onslow’s Home & School Committee
Ont Apply Hilton Mines Ltd.
Ontario Christian Business Men s Committee of Pembroke Tel
Ontario Civilian Defence Committee
Ontario Committee
Ontario Crop Committee
Ontario Farm Radio Forum Committee
Oormuftation Committee
Open Group Committee
Oppor-Work Committee
Opportunities Committee
ORATION Committee
Oratory Committee
ORC S Executive Committee
ORC s Planning Committee
Order* Committee
Organization and Staffing Committee
Organization Committee
Organization Committee Basil Quaile
Organization of Resources Committee
Organization of Resources Committee of Ontario
Organizing Committee
Organizing Committee of Olympic Games
Organizing Committee SHS
Organizing Committee Treasure Hunt
Ossie Anglers Hilton Mill J.L.H Stark Corners
Ossie Vs Hilton
Ossie Vs Hilton G £
Ossie Vs Hilton Tuesday
Ot- Messrs Hilton Findlay
Ot- Renewal Committee
Ottawa Executive Committee of Save the Children Fund
Ottawa Presbyterial Supply Committee
Ottawa-Carieton Local Committee
OU Y ON Rev. John G. Hilton SL Matthew* Charter
Our Committee
Our Finance Committee
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Mrs Hilton Demers
Out-of-town Supply Committee
Outaouais Alliance Quyon Citizens Committee Finally TmHPAii Shirlev Tru-
Outaouais Alliance Search Committee
Outaouais Committee
Outaouais Community Economic Development and Employability Committee
Outaouais Cultural Committee
Outaouais Economic Committee
Outaouais Economic Development Committee
Outaouais Referendum Committee
Outaouais Regional Committee
Outaouais Regional Community Development and Employability Committee
Outaouais Sports Committee Louis Chartrand
Outaouais Tourist Association Pontiac Committee
Outaouais Transition Committee
Outaouais Valley Crime Prevention Committee
Outaouais Valley Prevention Committee
Outaouals Regional Community Executive Committee
Outaouals Regional Track and Field Committee
Outside Poor Committee of the Board of Selectmen
Ouyon Canada Day Committee Penalties Shaw
Ouyon Disaster Committee
Ouyon Rink Committee
Ouyon Western Horse Show Committee
Ouyon Xnm Committee
Overseas Advisory Committee
Overseas Children’s Committee
Overseas Committee
Overseas Gift Committee
P P H S Yearbook Committee SHAWVILLE
P P H S. School Committee
P.A.NA.C. inc Pontiac Nuclear Action Committee
P.P.. Committee
P.P.H.S. School Committee
P.P.H.S. School Committee Advertising Manager Brent Horner
P.P.H.S. School Committee Çual Energy Installation Parents
P.P.H.S. School Committee Members
Pack Y Group Committee
Packing Committee
Pageant Committee
PAINT Non Bridge Committee Mrs.
Paisley War Savings Committee
Palestine Committee of Inquiry
Palliative Care Committee
PAPT Professional Development Committee
Parade Committee
Parade Committee Main St
Parade Committee P.O.
Parade Committee ROBERT’S RO TISSER IE
Parade Road Committee
Parent Committee
Parent Committee Repre-
Parent Committee Representative
Parent Committee Representatives
Parent Committee Twenty
Parent* Committee
Parents Committee
Parents Committee McDowell
Parent’s Committee
Parent’s Pre-K Committee
Paris Relief Committee
Parish Committee
Paritary Committee of Hairdressers District
Park Committee
Park Committee Christine Whitaker Edgeley
Parke Committee
Parking Committee
Parking Lot Committee
Parks Committee
Parks Committee of the Municipal Council of Shawville
Parliamentary Committee
Parliamentary Committee on
Parliamentary Committee on Capital
Parliamentary Committee on Education
Parliamentary Committee on Energy
Parliamentary Committee on Natural Üe Lands
Parliamentary Committee on Radio
Parliamentary Recruiting Committee
Parsonage Committee
Party Committee
Past Presidents Committee
Pastoral Care Committee
Pastoral Relations Committee
Pasture Committee
Patriotic Committee
Paul Hilton
Pauline Smith Committee
Pcdogogy Committee
Peace Committee
Peat Committee
Pedagogy Committee
Pembroke Centennial Planning Committee
Pembroke Development Committee
Pembroke Diocesan Committee
Pembroke Industrial Committee
Pennsylvania Public Service Information Committee
Pension Committee
Pent Committee
PEP Committee
Per- Hilton Ireland
Pères Committee
Permanent Committee of
Permanent Committee on Resource Development
Personal Business Farm Standing Committee on Regional Development
Personnel Committee
Personnel Committee of the Radio Pontiac Board of Directors
Personnel Committee Radio
Personnel Supervisor HILTON MINES LTD.
PET SHOW Committee Mllm
Petawawa Civic Centre Fund Raising Committee
Petawawa Committee
PFPPB Director Quebec Wood Producers Board Revitalization Committee
Philemon Wright School Committee
Phoning Committee
Physical Committee
Picnic Committee
Pieces of Chicken Announcing Shawville Group Committee
Pilotage Committee
Pioneer Committee
Pioneer Committee By Order
Pioneer Committee Sonia
Pioteetmt Committee
Pitt, Renewal Committee
Piv-vincial Committee
Pi’Gtestant Committee
PLACE: Hilton Mine Bristol
Placement Committee
Planning & Advisory Committee
Planning Advi sory Committee
Planning Advisory Committee
Planning Advisory Committee Bylaw
Planning and Development Committee
Planning Committee
Planning Committee During
Planning Review Committee
Playgrounds Committee
Playhouse Committee
Plow Committee
Poetise Anti-Nuclear Action Committee
Police Advisory Committee
Police Committee
Police Committee of Shawville Council
Policies Committee
Policy Committee
Political Action Committee
Political Committee
Political-Action Committee
Pome’s Cultural Policy Committee
Pon- Committee
Pon-Rink Committee
Pontefract Recreation Association Committee
Pontiac "Pageant Committee
Pontiac "Super Committee
Pontiac - Selection Committee
Pontiac Administration Committee
Pontiac Agricultural Advisory Committee
Pontiac Alternatives Nuclear Action Committee
Pontiac Ambulance Committee Oil MARRIED
Pontiac Anti-Nuclear Aciton Committee EVERYONE IS WELCOME
Pontiac Anti-Nuclear Action Committee
Pontiac Anti-Nuclear Action Committee 1 Vi Inch
Pontiac Anti-Nuclear Action Committee A
Pontiac Anti-Nuclear Action Committee BRET/lAFF— We
Pontiac Anti-Nuclear Action Committee Inc.
Pontiac Anti-Nuclear Action Committee They
Pontiac Anti-Nuclear Action Committee V
Pontiac Anti-Nuclear Committee
Pontiac Anti-Nudear Action Committee
Pontiac AntiNuclear Action Committee
Pontiac AntiNuclear Information Committee
Pontiac Antl-Nucleer Action Committee
Pontiac being Hilton Mines
Pontiac Bridge Committee
Pontiac Bridge Committee Ecojustice
Pontiac Bridge Committee Mark
Pontiac Bridge Committee Pontiac Bay
Pontiac Bursaries Committee
Pontiac CFDC Selection Committee
Pontiac Citiaens’ Committee
Pontiac Citizen s Action Committee of English
Pontiac Citizens Committee
Pontiac Citizens Committee
Pontiac Committee
Pontiac Committee on Alcohol and
Pontiac Committee on Alcohol and Alcoholism
Pontiac Committee On Alcohol and Alcoholism ;
Pontiac Committee On Alcohol Public Meeting
Pontiac Committee on Alcohol tnd A
Pontiac Committee on Alcohol ~Mrs
Pontiac Committee on Culture
Pontiac Committee on Farm Forums
Pontiac Committee on Forestry and Conservation
Pontiac Committee on Industry
Pontiac Community Centre Debt Retirement Committee
Pontiac Community Development Committee
Pontiac Community Development Committee MRC Building P.O.
Pontiac Community Hospital and Hilton Min« Ltd for
Pontiac Community Hospital User s Committee
Pontiac County Committee
Pontiac County Council Committee on
Pontiac County Council Committee on Forestry and Conservation
Pontiac County Industrial Committee
Pontiac County Railway Committee
Pontiac County s Committee
Pontiac County Social -1 Service Committee
Pontiac Cultural Centre Provisional Committee
Pontiac Cultural Committee
Pontiac Cultural Policy Committee
Pontiac Culture Committee
Pontiac Culture Committee Annual Meeting
Pontiac Culture Committee County
Pontiac Culture Committee Inc.
Pontiac Dairy Queen New Construction Planned Al Hilton Iron Mine are Calf Club
Pontiac Development Committee
Pontiac Economic Development Committee
Pontiac Environment Committee
Pontiac Environmental Protection Committee
Pontiac Farm Forum Hungarian Refugee Committee
Pontiac farmers Committee
Pontiac Food Security Development Committee
Pontiac Gen Manpower Centre
Pontiac Health Centre’s User’s Committee
Pontiac High School Committee
PONTIAC HIGH SCHOOL School Committee Meeting Norval
Pontiac Hilton
Pontiac Historical Society and Chamber of Commerce Museum Committee
Pontiac House Committee
Pontiac Ice-Pontlac Refridgeration Powell s Auto Service Quyon Citizens Committee Quyon Ferry Quyon
Pontiac Industrial Committee
Pontiac Library Committee
Pontiac Lions Report Busy Week R Fire Committee
Pontiac Midget Hockey Tournament Committee
Pontiac Midget Tournament Committee
Pontiac MRC Committee for Construction Industry Development
Pontiac MRC Strategic Development Committee
Pontiac MRC Waterway Committee
Pontiac National Midget Tournament Committee
Pontiac NO Committee
Pontiac ONE FLATBED Branford Trailer Culture Committee
Pontiac Ontario Movement Committee
Pontiac Pageant Committee
Pontiac Pageant Committee-Restaurant
Pontiac Pool Committee
Pontiac Pride Committee
Pontiac Pride Committee Chair- Lome Daley
Pontiac Pride Committee Nellis & Norma Stewart
Pontiac Pride Committee Promotions; Joe Teevans
Pontiac Pride Executive Committee
Pontiac Program Committee
Pontiac Programming Committee Meeting
Pontiac Projects Committee
Pontiac Prooram Committee
Pontiac Protestant High School Committee
Pontiac Protestant High School Committee Caldwell Notes Dunraven News
Pontiac Protestant High School Committee Virgin
Pontiac Protestant High School Publicity Committee
Pontiac Protestant High School School Committee
Pontiac Protestant High School SCHOOL COMMITTEE A
Pontiac Protestant High School School Committee Meeting Tuesday
Pontiac Protestant Parent Committee
Pontiac Protestant Transport Committee
Pontiac Provincial Committee
Pontiac Provisionary Committee C/O Dale
Pontiac Railway Aired n Committee
Pontiac Referendum Committee
Pontiac Refrigeration Quyon Citizen’s Committee Quyon Llonettes Quyon Lions Club Gerald McKenny Car
Pontiac Regional Park Committee
Pontiac Riding National Union Committee
Pontiac Rights Committee
Pontiac Rights Committee General Meeting
Pontiac Scholarship Fund Committee
Pontiac Security Committee
Pontiac Selection Committee
Pontiac Snowplowing Committee
Pontiac Social Planning Committee
Pontiac Steering Committee
Pontiac Sub-Committee
Pontiac Teachers Action Committee
Pontiac Teachers Professional Development Committee
Pontiac Telephone Clients’ Committee Inc.
Pontiac Telephone Co. Hilton Mines On
Pontiac Telephone Subscribers Committee
Pontiac Telephone Subscribers’ Committee
Pontiac Temiscaming Road Committee
Pontiac Tenant s Committee
Pontiac The Committee
Pontiac the Hilton Mine
Pontiac Tourism Committee
Pontiac Tourist Committee
Pontiac Trail Committee
Pontiac Trail Steering Committee
Pontiac User’s Committee
Pontiac Victory Loan Committee
Pontiac Volunteer Committee
Pontiac Wagon Train Committee
Pontiac Yes Committee
Pontiac Youth Committee
Pontiac Zone Committee
Pontiac Zone Committee Meeting of Conseil Régi
Pontiac •Protestant School Committee
Pontiac-Anti-Nuclear Action Committee
Pontioc Culture Committee
Pool Committee
Poppy Committee
Popular Committee of
Popular Emergency Committee
Port Committee
Port Committee Thanks Thanks Municipality
Port Morien Reunion Committee
Porta Environment Committee
Portage Centennial Committee
Portage du Committee
Portage du Fort Centennial Committee J A Essiambre
Portage du Fort Citizens Committee
Portage Hilton Mines J.L.H. Stark Corners Moorhead Ladysmith Campbell
Portage Mill Hilton J L H Anglers Starks Corners 1
Porttioc Cultural Marcotte Committee
Positive Action Committee
Posture Committee
Poultry Committee
Poultry Mrs. Hilton
Poverty Committee
PPHS School Committee
Prayer Committee
Prayer International Committee
Prayer The Benevolent Committee
Preparatory Committee Quebec
Preparedness Committee Allumette
Presbyterial Nominating Committee
Presbyterian General Assembly Committee of Aged
Prevention Committee
Pride Committee
Pride Committee Chair-
Pride Pride Committee
Primary Committee
Printing Celebration Committee
Printing Committee
Priority Shipment Committee
Private Bills Committee
Private Bills Committee of Francisco
Private Peas Bills Committee
PRIVATE SALE— Hilton Mine Rood
Privy Council Committee
Prize Committee
Prizes Committee Mike Mohr
Production Committee
Proestant Committee of the Council of Education
Professional Advancement Committee of New York State Personnel and Guidance Association
Professional Carpet Cleaning Pontiac Culture Festival HILTON MANPOWER COMMITTEE
Professional Development Committee
Professional Improvement Committee
Program Committee
Program Committee Horner
Programme Committee
Programming Committee
Programming Committee CAL-PAL
Progressive Conservative Committee
Progressive-Conservative Caucus Committee
Prohibition Campaign Committee
Project Committee
Project Committee Environment Forum
Projects Committee
Promotion Committee
Property Committee of Presbytery
Property Owners’ Association Executive Committee
Prot#*tent Committee
Protection Committee
Protective Committee
Proteni Committee
Protest..nt Committee
Protestant Committee
Protestant Committee of Education
Protestant Committee of Mnrrh
Protestant Committee of Public In
Protestant Committee of Public Instruction
Protestant Committee of Quebec
Protestant Committee of the Department of Education
Protestant Committee on
Protestant Committee on Education
Protestant Committee''s School Code
Protestant School Zone Committee
Protestent Committee of Public
ProtesUnt Committee
Proud Residence Committee
Provincial Advisory Committee
Provincial Association of Protestant Teachers Salary Committee
Provincial Barley Contest Committee
Provincial Committee
Provincial Committee for the Prevention
Provincial Discipline Committee
Provincial Farm Labour Committee
Provincial Public Relations Committee
Provisional Committee
Provisional Committee New Aylmer School Commission Notice
PRSBWQ Executive Committee
PsnUac Community Hospital Publicity Committee A
Pub''ic Accounts Committee
Public Accounts Committee
Public Bills Committee
Public Committee
Public Health & Security Committee
Public Health and Security Committee
Public Health Committee of Derry Corporation
Public Notice Ottawa River Regulating Committee
Public Notice Pontiac Committee
Public Nuisance Committee
Public Pontiac Community Hospital Relations Committee of the
Public Recounts Committee
Public Relation Committee
Public Relation Committee M Dan Lafleur
Public Relations Committee
Public Relations Committee Basil Quaile
Public Relations Committee Pontiac Community Hospital Closing
Public Roads Committee
Public Safety Committee
Public Safety Committee Municipal Affairs
Public Security Committee
Public Security Committee Clr
Public Works Committee
Publicity Committee
Publicity Committee Chief April Hospital Report
Publicity Committee Dr. S. E. McDowell School
Publicity Committee Naval Reunion
Publicity Committee Quebec Women’s Institutes.
Publicity Committee Rosaleen Dickson
Publicity Committee Western Procession Father Cain
Publie Accounts Committee
Publie Accounts Committee O.tawa
Purchasing Committee
P«>v«nent Committee
QaHp|3teion Committee
QAPSB Executive Committee
QC Bv JILL McBANE Committee
QFA Broadcast Committee
QFA Broadcasting Committee
QL ENTIRE JQ STOCK Beautification Committee of Quyon-Onslows Centennial
Quality Committee
Quality Management Committee
Quebec Committee
Quebec Department of Manpower
Quebec Department of Transport Standù# Committee
Quebec Farmers Committee
Quebec Games Committee
Quebec Hilton Hotel
Quebec Hospital Association Finance Committee
Quebec Manpower Department
Quebec Political Action Committee
Quebec Provincial Committee on Highway Safety
Quebec Safety Committee
Quebec Sheep Improvement Committee
Quebec Stallion Committee
Quilt Committee
Qur Committee
Quyon & District Doctors’ Committee
QUYON & DISTRICT Parade Committee
Quyon 125th Committee
Quyon And Hilton Mine
Quyon Business & Citizens Committee
Quyon Business & Citizens Committee
Quyon Business & Citizens Committee Weekend Dinner Specials
Quyon Business & Citizens Committee SPORTING GOODS LTD.
Quyon Business & Citizens Committee BARBER BERNIE’S
Quyon Business & Citizens Committee INGO Tuesday
Quyon Business & Citizen’s Committee
Quyon Business and Citi Committee
Quyon Business and Citizens Committee
Quyon Business and Citizens Committee Des Keon
Quyon Business and Citizens’ Committee
Quyon Business Committee
Quyon Canada Committee
Quyon Canada Day Committee
Quyon Canada Day Committee Body Work
Quyon Canada Day Committee Findlay
Quyon Canada Day Committee Golf Tournament
Quyon Canada Day Committee Golf Tournament Saturday
Quyon Canada Day Committee PHS
Quyon Canada Day Committee SOUPER - SUPPER
Quyon Carnival Committee
Quyon Centennial Committee
Quyon Christ-Parade Committee
Quyon Citizen s Committee
Quyon Citizen s Projects Committee
Quyon Citizens Committee
Quyon Citizens’ Committee
Quyon Committee
Quyon Country JamFest Committee
Quyon Disaster Committee
Quyon Emergency Fire Relief Committee
Quyon Fair Committee
Quyon Fair Quyon Business and Citizens Committee
QUYON GROUP Group Committee
Quyon Lions Club Mr Committee
Quyon Medical Legal Aid Unemployment Canada Manpower Game Warden Roads Dept Health Inspector Welfar
Quyon Onslow Centennial Committee
Quyon Parks Committee
Quyon Rectory Committee
Quyon regarding Hilton Mine Closing Ratepayers
QUYON Rev. John G. Hilton St
Quyon Rink Committee
Quyon Rink Shawville | Committee
Quyon Stores and Committee
Quyon Stores and Committee Members
Quyon Stores and Committee Members Onslow Intermediate School Visit Cock
Quyon Stores and Committee Members SHAWVILLE
Quyon Walk-Out Committee E
Quyon Walkathon Committee
R. F. Hilton
R.A. Committee
RA Committee Yours
RA Summer Program Committee
Race Committee
Race Horse Committee
Race Horse Committee Draw
Radford Cemetery Committee
Radio League Committee
Radio Pontiac Program Committee
Radio Pontiac Program Committee A
Radio-Pontiac Programming Committee
Railroad Committee
Railway Committee
Railway Committee Dempsey
Railway Committee of the Commons
Railway Committee Room
Railway Committee SATURDAY
Railway Transport Committee
Railway Transport Committee HHÜ
Rally Committee
Rapides Cemetery Committee
Rapides Committee
Ratepa&^s Hilton Mine
RATION Committee
Rave Committee
Re Committee
Reactor Safety Advisory Committee
Rec Committee
Reception Committee
Recognition Committee
Recognition Committee ADVERTISING DEADLINE
Reconstruction Committee
Record Committee
Recreation Association Finance Committee
Recreation Association Members or Junior Pontiac Committee
Recreation Committee
Recreation Committee Basil Murphy
Recreation Committee Clarendon Council
Recreation Committee Mayor
Recreation Committee of
Recreation Committee of Council
Recreation Committee of Home & School
Recreation Committee of Home and School
Recreation Committee of Kazabazua
Recreation Committee Peggy
Recreation Committee Peggy Cruickshank
Recreation Committee Pontiac Council
Recreation Counsel- Committee
Recreation Delegate Committee
Recreational Committee
Recreational Committee Lamothe
Recretional Committee Financial Statement
RecrsatkM1 Committee
Recruiting Committee
Rectory Committee
Redistribution Committee
Referee’s Committee
Referendum Committee
Reforestation Committee
Reform Committee
Refreshment Committee
Refugee Committee
Reg ional Planning Committee
Regional Board Executive Committee
Regional Centennial Committee
Regional Committee
Regional Committee St. Mary’s Parish CWL
Regional County Committee
Regional Park Committee
Regional Planning Committee
Regional School Board Planning Committee
Regional School Planning Committee
Registration Committee
Regrouping Committee
Regular January Committee
Regulating Committee
Regulating Committee Arrow
Regulating Committee EADES BROS.
Rehabilitation Information Committee
Relations Committee
Relief Committee
Religious Education Committee
Renewal Committee
Renewal Committee Society
Renewal Committee TOTAL INCOME
Renewal Committee Visitors
Renewal Renewal Committee
Renfrew County Centennial Committee
Renfrew County Council Publicity Committee
Renfrew County NFU Beef Committee
Renovation Committee
Renovations Fire Committee
Reparations Committee
Repatriation Committee OTTAWA
Repatriation Committee OTTAWA Also Lot
Representation Committee
Republican National Committee
Research Committee
Research Committee Ormond Smith
Reserve Stock Committee
Residence Committee
Resident Citizen Committee of Chapeau
Resident Citizens Committee
Resident Committee of Chapeau How
Residents Committee
Resolution Committee
Resolutions Committee
Resource Directory Committee Members Répertoire des Ressources
Resources Committee
Resources Committee; the Library Committee
Ressources Hilton Mines.
Restoration Committee
Restructuration Committee
Results Council Committee
Reunion Committee
Reunion Committee Novice
Reunion Organizing Committee Fundraising
Rev Ray Hilton
Rev Roy Hilton
Rev Roy Hilton Norway Bay Cemetery
Rev Roy Hilton Shawville
Rev. Father Hilton
Review Committee
Revising Committee
Revision Committee
Revision Committee Carmen Burke
Revitalisation Committee
Revitalization Committee
Revitalization Committee Yes
Revitilization Committee Bonnie Zimmerling
Revival Committee
Revolutionary Committee
Revolutionary Executive Committee
Rhéal Committee
RICHARDSON Business Men s Committee of Shewville
Rights Committee
Riilw*y Committee Qu
Rink Committee
Rink Committee About Social Service
Rink Committee of Shawville Lions Club
Rink Committee of the Shawville Municipal Council
Rinks Committee
Risk Management Committee
Road Committee
Road Committee Douglas Fulford
Road Committee Hodgins
Road Committee Job
Road Committee Re-
Road Committee Whereas Boeing
Road Committee’s Report
Roads Committee
Roads Committee Mansfield & Pontefract Townships St. Joseph’s Parish
Rockford Stockholm Flight Committee
Rodolphe Executive Committee
Roland Metcalfe Hilton Findlay GRAB THEM AT $1,00 A
Roman Catholic G Hilton
Ronde Committee Praised For Fund Raising Prowess Wallace—At the
Rotarians Council Requests Salt Unknown Benefactor Hilton Mine
Rotary Club Concert Committee
Rotary Club Shawville Revitalization Committee
Rotary Committee
Route 366 Road Committee
Roy Frederic Hilton
Roy Hilton
Royal Bank Inter-Municipal Committee
Royal Bank of Shawville Barber Family Reunion Committee Powell s Auto Service A Thanks
Rues Committee
Ruml Telephone Hilton
Rural Community Committee
Rural Development Committee
Rural Life Committee of
Rural Practice Committee
Russian Med Aid Committee
Russian Medical Aid Committee
Russo-Jewish Committee
S. Committee
S.O.S. Arena Committee
Sabbath School Committee—Rev.
SAFETY The Hilton Mine
Safety Week Committee
Sage Committee
Sailors'' Memorial Arch Committee
Saint Mary’s School Parents’ Committee
Salary Committee
Sales Committee
Salety Campaign Committee Alliance
Salford Old Ago Pensions Committee
Salsaoe Committee
Salute Committee
Salvage Committee
Sand Bav Committee
Sanitary Committee
Sat- Museum Committee
Sat-1 Committee
Save ning Committee of Outaoueis Régionale
Scholarship Committee
School Board Director Executive Committee
School Board Transportation Committee
School Committee
School Committee New
School Committee Chair-
School Committee Elections
School Committee March
School Committee meeting High School Library.
School Committee O.E.S. January
School Committee of
School Committee of Dr S E McDowell School
School Committee of Dr. S.E.
School Committee of Onslow Elementary School
School Committee of Philemon Wright Regional
School Committee of St-Alphonsus High &
School Committee Pontiac Protestant High School
School Committee Radio Pontiac Box
School Committee Representatives
School Committee Santa
School Committee’s Craft
School Empire Tour Committee
School Le*on« Committee
School Monument Committee
School Parish of Quyon Rev John G Hilton 458-2117 Norval McNeill
School Planning Committee of Young
School Sports Committee
Schwartz Cemetery Committee Reports Good
Scientific Advisory Committee
Scout .Group Committee
Scout Committee
Scout Group Committee
Scout Group Committee Geo
Scout Group Committee QUALITY
Scout Mothers and Group Committee
Search Committee
Second Language Study Committee
Second Language Study Committee S.L.S.C.
SECONDS Parish O# Quyon Rev John G. Hilton 458-2117 Lay Reader Ken W Muegrove
Secretary Group Committee
Secretary Relief Committee
Secretary- Committee
Secretary-Treasurer Clara Steinke Gerda Bretzlaff Bretzlaff Reunion Committee AVIS Veuillez
Security Committee
Security-Environment Committee
Seed Committee
Seed Supply Committee
Seeds Committee
Select Committee
Select Committee of Hydro
Select Committee on Foreign Aid
Select Standing Committee
Selection Committee
Selection Committee of Quebec
Selection Committee Pontiac Local Development Centre
SELECTION COMMITTEE Pontiac Local Development Centre Box
Selection Committee Pontiac Soil Management Club
Selection Committee Sortir du
Selection Committee TEBIZINAN Agency Postal Box
Selling Committee
Seminar Planning Committee
Semite Committee
Senate s Special Committee Illegal Drugs
Senate Civil Liberties Committee
Senate Committee
Senate Committee on
Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry
Senate Committee on Agriculture EXPRESS
Senate Committee on Agriculture Le Comité
Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs
Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
Senate Committee Studies Rural Poverty
Senate Finance Committee
Senate Foreign Relation* Committee
Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Senate Judiciary Committee
Senate Military Committee
Senate Railways Committee
Senate Social Affairs Committee
Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs
Senate Standing Committee on Finance
Senate Tourist Traffic Committee
Senate’s Standing Committee
Senior Dance Committee
Seniors Committee
Seoul Group Committee Annual Meeting Dr.
September Committee
Ser- Committee
Series B Hilton
Service Committee
Service Wayne Hilton
Services Centre Mana6ement Committee
Services Committee
Sesquicentennial Committee
Settlement Committee
Seventh Line Farm Committee
Sewage Committee
Sewer Committee
Sewerage Committee
Sewerage Committee Crs Hayes
Sewerage Committee Fire Committee Interested
Sewers Committee
Sewing Committee
Sewing Committee Evelyn Hod
Sfcwerage Committee
Shaw-group Committee
Shaw-villa Centennial Committee
Shaw-ville Scout Group Committee
ShawvHte Council Remembrance Day Committee
Shawvilh* Community Hospital Committee
Shawvilk and Hilton Mines Fire Brigade
Shawvilk Centennial Committee
Shawvilk Council Committee
Shawvilk Rotary Club Committee
Shawvillc Fair Committee
Shawville & District Artificial Ice Committee Presents
Shawville & District R.A. Summer Program Committee
Shawville & District Senior Residence Committee
SHAWVILLE - Hilton Ave
SHAWVILLE - Hilton Ave„
Shawville Alumni Committee
Shawville and Hilton Mine
Shawville Apartments Committee
Shawville Arena Committee
Shawville Arena Improvement Committee
Shawville Arena Renewal Committee
Shawville Arena Sound System Committee
Shawville Cemetery Committee
Shawville Centennial Committee
Shawville Centennial Committee Rev Ron Ellis
Shawville Centennial Lighting and Beautification Committee
Shawville Centennial Sports Committee
Shawville Chautauqua Committee
Shawville Christian Business Men s Committee
Shawville Christian Business Men’s Committee BRISTOL PASTORAL CHARGE Rev.
Shawville Committee
Shawville Committee Room
Shawville Community Centre Renewal Committee
Shawville Council on the Library Committee
Shawville Countiy Jamboree Committee
Shawville Development and Publicity Committee
Shawville Development Committee
Shawville È Hilton Mine Art Works
Shawville Fair Board Directors and Committee Chairmen
Shawville Fair Committee
Shawville Fair Executive Committee
Shawville Fair Tractor Pull Committee
Shawville Group Committee
Shawville Group Committee CREIGHTON STEEVES
Shawville Group Committee; Cliff Ga/rrison
Shawville High School the Protestant Committee on Ld-
Shawville Hilton Mines
Shawville Hospital Auxiliary |of Hilton Mines
Shawville Improvement Committee
Shawville Industrial Committee
Shawville Junior Committee
Shawville Library Committee
Shawville Lions Arena Committee
Shawville Lions Canada Day Committee
Shawville Lions Club Canada Committee
Shawville Lions Club Canada Day Committee
Shawville Lions Club Parade Committee
Shawville Lions Club Parade Committee P-O.
Shawville Lions Club Parade Committee PO Box
Shawville Lions Club Psrade Committee
Shawville Lions Club Psrsde Committee
Shawville Lions Club Rende Committee
Shawville Lions Committee
Shawville Match Committee Mary Allen
Shawville Parks Committee
Shawville Planning Committee
Shawville Recreation Committee
Shawville Rink Committee
Shawville Scouts Committee Faces Housing Problem Immediately Mm Mary
Shawville Sewerage Committee
Shawville United Hilton C
Shawville Village Cemetery Committee
Shawville Village Cemetery Committee SEALMARK
Shawville Youth Committee
SHAWVILLE • Hilton Ave
Shawville-Clarendon Fire Department Angel Tree Committee
Shawville-Clarendon Millennium Committee
Shawville-Clarendon Revitalization Committee
Shawville-Clarendon Welcoming Committee
Shawville-Clarendun Revitalization Committee
Shawville/Clarendon Revitalization Committee
Shawville/Clarendon Youth Committee
ShawviUe Christian Business Men’s Committee
Shawvllle Cemetery Improvement Committee
Shawvllle Centennial Committee
Shawvllle Lions Club Parade Committee
Shawvllle Lions Parade Committee
ShawvSe Lions Parade Committee
Shawvtte Lions Club Parade Committee
Shawvüle Apartments Committee
Shawvüle Council Street Committee
Shawvüle Industrial Committee
Shell Committee
Shewville & District Snow Removal Committee
Shewville Centennial Committee
ShiwvSe Council Remembrance Day Committee
Shuffle Board Committee
Shwville Cemetery Renovation Committee
Si. Marys Committee
Siiecial Attractions Committee
Silage Research Committee of
Sire Selection Committee
Sireet Committee
SIT Ok Quyon Citizen s Committee
SMITH & ASSOCIATES Stevens wins Hilton Mines
Smith Secretary Group Committee
Snow Plough Committee for Government Roads
Snow Queen Committee
Snow-plowing Committee
Snowmobile Safety and Certification Committee
Snowplough Committee
Snowplow Committee
Snowplow Committee Elaborate Funerals
Snowplow Committee Vinton Snowplow Committee Village of Shawville Shawville & District Winter Roads
Soc Committee
Social Committee
Social Committee Cathy Fehleman
Social Committee of Mayfred Dods
Social Planning Committee
Social Planning Committee Student Fund
Social Service Committee
Socialist Central Committee
Société ACCORD Committee
Society A um“* Committee
Society’s Medical Planning Committee
Soil Improvement Committee
Soil Improvement Committee OF THE National Fertilizer Association Dept
Soldiers Welcome Committee
Soldiers’ Box Committee
Solid Waste Interim Steering Committee
SOS Arena Committee
SOS Arena St. Jean Committee
SOS Committee
SOS Fort-Coulonge Arena Committee Cunningham Lindsay Lamarche McGuinty C E
Sound System Committee
Sovereignty Committee
SPCA Executive Committee
Special Barley Committee
Special Committee
Special Committee for Canadian Unity
Special Committee KBBBfipll
Special Committee on
Special Committee on Allows
Special Committee on Alternative Energy AUGUST SUN.
Special Committee on Alternative Energy and Oil Substitution
Special Committee on Canadian Unity
Special Committee on Child Care
Special Committee on Mr. Amyot’s
Special Committee on Parliamentary Reform
Special Committee on Standing Orders
Special Committee Reports
Special Eveets Committee
Special Events Committee
Special House Committee
Special Joint Committee
Special Joint Committee of the Senate
Special Joint Committee on the Constitution
Special Kuomlntang Committee
Special Nuclear Action Committee
Spineless DUDDCtS Hilton Mines.
SPONSORED BY Christian Business Men’s Committee
Sport Committee of Outaouais
Sport s Committee
SPORT SHIRTS Committee Room
Sports and Committee
Sports Committee
Sports Committee Old Home Week"
SSflSSB® School Committee
St Mary s School Committee
St Mary’s Parents Committee
St Mary’s tennial Committee
St Mikes Elementary and High School Committee
St Stephen’s Cemetery Committee
St. Mary’s Road Race Committee
Staff of Hilton Mines
Stamp Campaigning Committee
STANDARD CHURCH Parish of Quyon Rev John G Hilton 458-2117
STANDARD CHURCH Shawville Pastor Rev Floyd R.J. Druce Parish of Quyon Rev John G. Hilton
Standard Church THANKS Anglican SHAWVILLE LIONS CLUB Canada Day Committee
Standing Committee
Standing Committee of China
Standing Committee of the Assembly
Standing Committee on Agriculture
Standing Committee on Communications and Culture
Standing Committee on Finance
Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Standing Committee on Health
Standing Committee on Indian Affairs
Standing Committee on International
Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs
Standing Committee on National Health and Welfare
Standing Committee on Public Accounts
Standing Committee on Regional Development
Standing Committee on Transport
Standing Committee on Transport and Communications
Starks Corners Boy Scouts Group Committee
Starks Corners Nominating Committee
Stars 2003 Committee
States Committee on Foreign Affairs
Stationing Committee
Ste-Anne’s Pastoral Committee
Steam Committee
Steel Workers Hilton Mines
Steer Committee
Steer Committee Shawville & Quyon Shawville Ottawa
Steer Committee Chapeau
Steer Committee HeritageitP College DATE OF POLL: 1994/11/06 Public Notice
Steer Committee Loving
Steer Committee TVJj Bob Binder 647-3380 Small Business Bookkeeping
Steering Committee
Steering Committee Head
Steering Committee Member
Steering Committee of
Stevens Committee
Stewardship Committee
Stirl-The Committee
Stock Committee
Stonehenge Protection Committee
Strategic Committee on Forestry
Strategic Development Committee
Strategy Committee
Street Committee
Streets Committee
Streets Committee of Shawville Council
Sttlke Committee
Student Aid Committee
Student Fund Finance Committee
Student Services Selection Committee
Study Committee
Sub Committee
Sueprvisory Committee
Summei Sports Committee
Summer Sports Committee
Summer Sports Committee Old Home Week
Sun- Committee
Sun- The Hilton Mine
Sunshine Committee
Super Committee
Superintendent Of Hilton Mines
Superior Council of Education Protestant Committee
Supervisor Committee MacMillan
Supervisory Board ana Educational Committee
Supervisory Committee
Supplies Committee
Supply Committee
Supreme Committee
SURGEON DENTIST Cemetery Committee
Susie Social Planning Committee
Suœrvisiory Committee
Sweep Committee
Swin* Committee
Synod Budget Committee
System Committee
System Committee Hungry Hare
System Committee Sa Continuing Education Centre Box
S[K»rts Committee Watch Repairer
T. Committee
Tariff Committee
Tax Committee Pontiac Chamber of Commerce
Taxes-Aylmer School Board Recreation Committee
Taxpayers Committee
Tbe CaapbaN’a Say Manpower Office
TCRA Canteen Committee
Tea Committee
Teachers* Committee
Team Portage Hilton
Technical Advisory Committee on Agriculture
Technical Committee
Technical Education Committee
Teen 125 Pageant Committee
Teen Pontiac Committee
Teen Pontiac Committee-asking
Teen Town Committee
Télébec Committee
Telephone Committee Convenor
Telephone Committee Dave Mackenzie
Telethon Committee
TENDER Quyon Community Day Committee
Tennyson Memorial Committee
Terrorist Committee
Terrorist Executive Committee
Tfimway Committee of Glasgow
Thank You Committee Lynn Leach
The Cemetery Improvement Committee
The Christian Business Men’s Committee of
The Committee
The Committee PROPRIETOR
The Committee Shawville Community Centre Debt Retirement Fund
THE Executive Committee
The Finance Committee
The Full Committee
The Hilton Mine
The Hilton Mines;
The Hospital Committee
The Independent Committee
The Planning Committee
The Road Committee
The Sbawville Municipal Centennial Committee
The School Committee
The West Pontiac Volunteer Committee
The* Finance Committee
THEATRE Committee
THEFT Protestant School Committee
Then Mrs. Hilton
Theresa Masseau Hilton Demers
They Committee
This Committee
Thk Committee Manufacturer
Tho Central Committee
Thomas Hilton
Thome Centennial Committee
Thome Inter Municipal Recreation Committee
Thome Newsletter Committee
Thorne Centennial Committee
Thorne Inter Municipal Recreation Committee
Thorne Recreation Committee
Thunder Bay Liason Committee
Tiie Judicial Committee
TJ.S. National Committee
TmillllP Committee
To Hilton Mines
Tonsilitis Headache Colds Neuralgia Lumbago Neuritis Rheumatism livestock Committee ONTARIO Improve
Topic: Co Citizens Committee
Toronto Diphtheria Committee
Tourism Committee
Tourist Association Pontiac Committee
Tourist Committee
Tourist Promotion Committee
Tournament Committee
Town Committee of Ottawa
Town Decorating Committee
Town Executive Committee
Town Hall Committee
Town Hall Committee Room
Town Hall Committee See
Town Planning Committee
Town Renewal Committee
Town Supply Committee Fire-Fighting Chemical Used
Towns Playground Committee
Tractor Committee
Trade Advisory Committee
Trade Fair Committee
Trade Fair Committee Richards and Associates
Traffic Committee
Traffic Planning and Safety Committee
Trail Committee
Trail Committee Chair-
Train Committee
Trans Quebec Committee
Trans- Report Fire Committee*
Transition Committee
Transport Committee
Transportation Committee
Tree Committee
Tree Farm Committee
Tree Lighting Committee Neighbours
Troop Committee
Trophy Cabinet Committee
Tropical Health Committee
Truck Tires Hilton Mines Announces Discovery Of New Bristol Iron Ore
Truman Committee
Trustee Committee
TRUTH: Hilton Mine
TTie Committee
Tub Committee
TV Committee
Typical Hilton Bristol early
T^e Committee
U. News Committee
U.N Human Rights Committee
U.S. Ecnate Foreign Relations Committee
U/^flTA Committee
Uitizens Committee
UJ Committee
ÛJ Mrs. Hilton
UN Committee on Human Rights
Un de# School Committee’s Ban
Unemployment Insurance Commission and the Department of Manpower
UNICEF Committee
Union National Committee
Union Publicity Committee
Union Safety Committee
Union-Management Safety Committee
Unitarian Service Committee
Unitarian Service Committee ,the Canada Safety Council
United Cemetery Committee
United Church Mn Fred Tarranl Dies Al Foxwarren Starks Corners Wl Hi-liles Committee Make Profils F
United Nations Committee
United Nations Human Rights Committee
United Six Committee
United Six Fund Committee
United Steel Workers sign Hilton Mines
United SUtes Committee
Unity Committee
University the Committee on Economics
Unofficial Committee
Unugbti Mrs. Hilton
Uons Committee
Urgent Committee
Users Committee
Users Committee of St.
User’s Committee
User’s Committee Gazebo
User’s Committee on
V Committee
V V Committee Reports
V-Day Committee
Vaillancourt Committee
Valley Crime Prevention Committee
Valuation Committee
Variety Show Committee
Vegetables Committee
Vemetery Renovation Committee
Vet Services Committee
Veterans Housing Committee
Victoria Avenue School Committee
Victoria Membership Committee
Vigilance Committee
Village Cemetery Committee
Village of Onslow Committee
Vinton Gowns Committee
Vinton Hilton Mine
Visitation Committee
Visiting Committee
Visiting Committee Mrs.
Visiting Committee Mrs. George Steele
Visitors Committee Reports
Vitaline Committee
Vitizens Committee of Montreal
VK The Special Committee
VNar Savings Committee
Vocational School Reunion Committee
Vocational Schools Committee
Voluntary Salvage Committee
Voluntary Sa’vage Committee
Volunteer Committee
Volunteer Committee Any
Volunteer Committee DRIVE AROUND
Volunteer Committee of West Pontiac
Volunteer Recognition Committee
Volunteer Transportation Committee
Volunteers Committee
W. Committee of the Council of Public In-
W. I. Program Committee
W.Q.S.B. Negotiating Committee
Wagon Train Committee
Wakefield Rights Committee
Walkathon Committee
Walter Wellington Perry ry Committee
Waltham Group Committee
Waltham Youth Committee Hostesses
Waltham’s Sesqui- Centinal Committee
War Committee
War Committee Flour
War Finance Committee
War Memorial Committee
War Ofllce Committee
War Relief Committee of Southern Rhodesia
War Saving* Committee
War Savings Committee
War Work Committee
War Works Committee
Waste Committee
Waste Management Committee
Wat Savings Committee
Watch Committee
Watcr Committee
Watenvork Committee
Water Committee
Water Committee 1
Water-Sowers Committee
Waterfront Revitalization Committee
Waterway Committee
Waterway Committee Appel
Waterway Development Committee
Waterworks Committee
Watff Committee
Way National War Finance Committee
Ways & Committee
Ways & Means Committee
Ways A Means Committee
Ways and Hilton Mines Road
Ways and Means Committee
Ways and Means Committee Mrs Morley Hodgins
Ways and Means Committee Rosemary McCredie
Ways and Means Committee:
Ways Sc Means Committee
Ways Ways and Means Committee
We Residence Committee
We Were | Committee
Webster Committee
Wed$ Hilton Cnck
WEE JEANNIE Sponsored By Centennial Scottish Day Committee
Weed Committee
WEINERS Ib Shawville Centennial Committee
Welcome Committee
Welcome Committee Formed For Service Personnel
Welcoming Committee
Welcoming Committee Good
Welcoming Committee Manager Clyde Keith
Welcoming Committee ROLL ROOFING Plain
Welcoming Committee Thrifty Shoppers BALM
Welcoming Committee Want Names of Service Personnel PAGE WIRE
Welfare Committee
Welfare Fund Committee of the New Calumet Mines Employees
Welfare Rights Committee
Welsh Committee
WERE Parks Committee
Wesley Hodgins Hilton Findlay Percy Belsher Prize Winners
Wesley United Cemetery Committee
Wesleyan Church the Group Committee
Western George Hilton Ernest
Western George Hilton Ernest Borg
Western Horse Committee
Western Quebec Action Committee
Western Quebec Building Fund Committee
Westinghouse Hilton
Wheat Advisory Committee
White Committee
White Owl Conservation Award • Committee
White Paper Committee
Wilaon M<j Committee
Wildlife Committee
Wilson Group Committee
Wireless Committee Recom-''
WL Development Committee
Women’s Committee
Women’s Institute Committee
Women’s National Radio Committee
Women’s Regional Advisory Committee
Woodlot Management Ottawa River Regulating Committee Shawville
Work / Committee
Work Committee
Work Committee of Hull Farrell
Work Committee of Hull Red Cross
WORK WANTED Committee Reports Councillor Edgar Sloan
Worker The Resident Citizens Committee of Chapeau Inc.
Working Committee
Works Committee
World Outreach & International Affairs Committee
World Relief Committee
Worts Committee
Wounded Allied* Relief Committee
Wyman Railway Transport Committee
X c Committee
Y2K Committee
Yar Committee
Yearbook Committee
Yes Committee
YES Committee L J LOOK
YES Provincial Committee September 20,1995 Mssrs Lucien Bouchard
Young Committee
Your Committee
Your Entertainment Committee
Youth Committee
Youth Protection Committee
You’ll Daisy Hilton
Zone Committee
Zone Committee Meeting
Zone Committee of Pontiac
Zone Committee School Meeting
Zone Conference Committee
Zoning Committee
£5ES55 Police Committee
«47-2204 Committee Meeting River View North