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Alfred Bertrand Captain Swiss Federal
Cindy Duncan McMillan Federal Liberal
Cindy Duncan-McMillan Federal Liberal
Cindy Duncan-McMillan Federal Liberal Candidate
Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission
Federal Grant
Federal Kirkland
Federal Member
Federal Member Paul Martineau
Federal Minister
Federal Treasury
Gouvernement Fédéral
Gouvernements Fédéral
Hibbert Tupper Leaves Federal Politics SirChtries Hibbert Tupper
Jim Lee Federal
Libéral Fédéral
Mary Catherine - Retired Federal Civil Servant Passed
Robert Bertrand Federal MP
Ron Dickson Federal Finance Minister Hon
Ross Dickson Federal
Cherry Federal
Federal Forest
Gouvernement Fédéral
3-year Federal Development
7th Federal Environment
American Federal Security Administration
Anti Freeze Federal
Atlanta Federal Penitentiary
Australian Federal Franchise
Bomac-Federal University
Bristol Multiple Sclerosis Federal Minister
C S C. de St Federal Business Develop
CamAdimm Federal Government
Canadian Federal Department of Agriculture
Canadian Federal Government
Canadian Federal Parliament
Canadian Federal Public Sen-ants
Canadian Federal Retail Grocers Association
Caucus Committee on Federal-Provincial Relations
CEMETERY MEMORIALS Federal Business Banque fédérelo Development Bank
Coke Federal
Coke Federal Bldgs
Coke South Onslow Council Federal Bldgs
Community Cen- Federal M.P.. Barry Moore
Council Federal Judy Grant Hubert Leduc David Smith Gretchen Thierry Benoit Schwarz Vicente Legros
CT’s Federal Government
CUSTOM SAWING Will Call Federal Election Before April
Dairy Federal Government
D«S FOR COAL AND COKE Federal Buildings
Federal 1 Department
Federal A
Federal Ad- Virible
Federal Agents Family1
Federal Agricultural
Federal Agriculture De-J
Federal Agriculture Minis-(Bud
Federal Aid
Federal AiLift
Federal Aircraft
Federal Aircraft Limited
Federal Arena Montreal
Federal Army
Federal Assembly
Federal Assistance Policy |
Federal Association for
Federal Assurance Company
Federal Auction Sale Military Trucks
Federal Banister & Solicitor CAMPBELL
Federal Bank of Toronto
Federal Bankruptcy
Federal Bhc
Federal Biggest
Federal Boaid of Health
Federal Board
Federal Board of Conciliation
Federal Boonville
Federal Bu- TO Lost Empire A
Federal Bu-of Dairy Industry
Federal Budget
Federal Buelneea Development Bank
Federal Buildigs
Federal Building
Federal Buildings
Federal Buildings—Province McCormick
Federal Builings
Federal Bureau of
Federal Bureau of Biological Survey
Federal Bureau of Immigration
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federal Bureau of Regional Development
Federal Bureau SSS *5 Ù-*.
Federal Business
Federal Business Bank
Federal Business Banque fédérais Development Bank de
Federal Business Banque fédérale Development Bank
Federal Business Banque fédérale Development Bank de
Federal Business Banque federate Development Bank
Federal Business Bevel-
Federal Business de
Federal Business De-and Corbeil
Federal Business Devel-
Federal Business Develop
Federal Business Development
Federal Business Development Bank
Federal Business Development Bank Thomas Horner
Federal Business Development Bank ORATEURS
Federal Business Development Bank Saturday
Federal Business Development Bank Society & Health Courses
Federal Business Development Bank Your
Federal Business Development J”
Federal Business Development Loans
Federal Business Development Many
Federal Business Development Police
Federal Business Starting
Federal Business Vos
Federal Business X Development Bank
Federal Business y/ Development Bank
Federal BusinessX
Federal Business^ Development Bank
Federal Butine*» Development Benk
Federal c
Federal Cab
Federal Cabinet
Federal Cabinet ; W,
Federal Cabinet Pose.
Federal Cabinet’s
Federal Canada
Federal Canada Manpower
Federal Canada Manpower Center
Federal Canada Works Grant
Federal Canada Works Program
Federal Canadian Folk Arts Council
Federal Canadian Government
Federal Capital Area
Federal Cemetery
Federal Chancellery
Federal Chancellery Wed Quyon
Federal Charter
Federal Civil Service
Federal Co
Federal Commission
Federal Committee of Athletics
Federal Communications
Federal Communications Commission
Federal Community Service
Federal Conservative
Federal Const:
Federal Constitution
Federal Contractors Program
Federal Control
Federal Controller
Federal Corporate Affairs Minister
Federal Council
Federal Council of
Federal Council of Switzerland
Federal Council of the Federation of Social Affairs
Federal Councillors:
Federal Court
Federal Court Justice Dolores
Federal Court of
Federal Court of Canada
Federal Court of Many
Federal Courts
Federal Criminal Code
Federal Crop Insurance
Federal Cultural Review Committee
Federal De
Federal De-
Federal Déclara
Federal Depart
Federal Depart Department of National Defence
Federal Depart-
Federal Depart- 1
Federal Departmen
Federal Department
Federal Department Agriculture
Federal Department Broadly
Federal Department I of Public Works
Federal Department of
Federal Department of ; Agriculture
Federal Department of Agi IcuHure
Federal Department of Agri-
Federal Department of Agricul-
Federal Department of Agricul-a
Federal Department of Agriculture
Federal Department of Agriculture Hog Marketings
Federal Department of Agriculture Inn
Federal Department of Agriculture s Science Service
Federal Department of Agriculture Taken Action
Federal Department of Aircraft Production
Federal Department of Communications
Federal Department of Economic Development
Federal Department of Employment
Federal Department of Energy
Federal Department of Fisheries
Federal Department of Government
Federal Department of Health
Federal Department of Health and
Federal Department of Health and Welfare
Federal Department of Immigration
Federal Department of Indian Affairs
Federal Department of Industry Trade and Commerce
Federal Department of Interior
Federal Department of Justice
Federal Department of Labor
Federal Department of Labor Carried SHAWVILLE
Federal Department of Labour
Federal Department of Manpower
Federal Department of Mines
Federal Department of Mines and Resources
Federal Department of Mines and Technical Surveys
Federal Department of Mines;
Federal Department of Owner
Federal Department of Pub-such
Federal Department of Public Safety
Federal Department of Public Works
Federal Department of State
Federal Department of the
Federal Department of Trade & Commerce
Federal Department of Transport
Federal Department-
Federal Departments
Federal Dept
Federal Dept of Health Food
Federal Development
Federal Development Bank
Federal Dis
Federal Distict Commission
Federal District
Federal District Area
Federal District Com
Federal District Commission
Federal Elcctoria 1 District
Federal Elec- M
Federal Elec- Moved
Federal Election Boundaries Commission
Federal Election July
Federal Elections
Federal Elections Agency
Federal Electoral
Federal Electoral Boundaries
Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission
Federal Electoral District
Federal Electoral H
Federal Electric Corporation of New Jersey
Federal Emerg ency Education Relief Administra
Federal Employment
Federal Energy
Federal Environment Mini Peacefully
Federal Environmental Assessment and Review Process
Federal Environmental Review Facts About Kids
Federal Everybody By MICHAEL LLOYD Equity Reporter SHAWVILLE
Federal Exchequer
Federal Executive Council of Australia
Federal Exhi-
Federal Experimental Farm
Federal Experimental Stations
Federal Export Development Crporation
Federal Farliameut
Federal Farm Board
Federal Farm Credit
Federal Farm Credit Corp.
Federal Farm Credit Full
Federal Farm Credit Williamson
Federal Farm Economist Encourag
Federal Farm Loan Corporation
Federal Farm Placement Plan Has Provided
Federal Farmers
Federal Feeding Stuffs
Federal Fieldman
Federal Finance
Federal Fire Insurance
Federal Flag
Federal Fond
Federal Food
Federal Food Administrator
Federal Food and Drug Directorate
Federal Food Prices Review Board
Federal Forestry Department
Federal Forestry Mini-
Federal Forestry Minister
Federal Franchise
Federal G-
Federal G<
Federal Gas Tax Rebate
Federal General Election Directors
Federal Goods
Federal Goods Friday
Federal Gov
Federal Gov t
Federal Gov-
Federal Gov- Douglas
Federal Gov- Met
Federal Gov-number
Federal Gov-Region
Federal Govedrnment
Federal Goveriv
Federal Govermnemt
Federal Govern
Federal Govern A
Federal Govern-
Federal Govern-important
Federal Govern-Ontario
Federal Governmen
Federal Government
Federal Government -
Federal Government Aid
Federal Government and Social Bryson
Federal Government Announced
Federal Government Bonds
Federal Government Centennial Commission
Federal Government Constable John Richardson
Federal Government Court Challenges Pro-
Federal Government Department
Federal Government Department of Health
Federal Government Department of Public Works
Federal Government Department of Revenue
Federal Government Department of Transports
Federal Government Employees
Federal Government Grant
Federal Government Grant Au-
Federal Government If the United States
Federal Government Institutions
Federal Government INSULATE NOW
Federal Government Lieutenant Governor
Federal Government LIP Grant
Federal Government Local Incentives
Federal Government Man-
Federal Government Mayor William Burke
Federal Government Offices
Federal Government Opposition
Federal Government Porvtiac
Federal Government P^
Federal Government Report
Federal Government S
Federal Government Shawville
Federal Government Solicitor General
Federal Government State Department
Federal Government Student Grant
Federal Government Summer Canada
Federal Government Surv
Federal Government the Methodist Church
Federal Government V
Federal Government WEDNESDAY
Federal Government.
Federal Government;
Federal Governments
Federal Governments Housing
Federal Government’s
Federal Government’s Brighter Futures Initiative
Federal Government’s Department of Information
Federal Government’s Earth Physics Branch
Federal Government’s OFY
Federal Government’s Special Inita-tive
Federal Govt
Federal Gov’t
Federal Gov’t.-will
Federal Gov’t.will
Federal Grand Jury
Federal Grant
FEDERAL GRANT Bristol Council
Federal Grant Program
Federal Grants
Federal Guv
Federal H.Q
Federal Hank
Federal Health
Federal Health and Welfare
Federal Health department
Federal Historical Society
Federal Hoi.w
Federal Home
Federal Hous
Federal House
Federal House of
Federal House of Parliament
Federal House Repair
Federal Housing
Federal Housing Administration
Federal Income Tax
Federal Income Tax Department
Federal Insurance Department
Federal Int
Federal Intergovernmental Affairs
Federal Intergovernmental Affairs Minister
Federal JSaVMïôSStfi
Federal Jtidg»* John
Federal Justice
Federal Kevin Murphy
Federal Labor Depart- Health and Welfare
Federal Labor Department
Federal Labor Department of
Federal Laboratory
Federal Labour Intensive Program
Federal Land Bank
Federal Laurier Street
Federal Law
Federal Legislation
Federal Legislature
Federal Liberal
Federal Liberal Associa
Federal Liberal Association
Federal Liberal Association of Pontiac
Federal Liberal Association of Pontiac County
Federal Liberal Association of Pontiac-Gatineau Labelle
Federal Liberal Association of Pontiac-Gatineau-Labelle
Federal Liberal Candidates
Federal Liberal Government
Federal Liberal Nomination
Federal Liberal Party
Federal Liberal Party Canada Que-bee
Federal Liberal Riding Association Aux
Federal Liberals
Federal Life
Federal Life Aeeurance Company
Federal Life As
Federal Life Asa
Federal Life Assurance
Federal Life Assurance Co
Federal Life Assurance Co.
Federal Life Assurance Company
Federal Life Holland
Federal Life LEWIS
Federal Lifo Assurance Company
Federal LIP
Federal Literal Association of North Renfrew
Federal Livestock
Federal Local Initiatives
Federal M Water
Federal Manpower office
Federal Many
Federal Masson Gallery
Federal Member
Federal Member of Public Works Fournier
Federal Members Dave Lemkay
Federal Metals Controller
Federal Meteorological Department
Federal Minister
Federal Minister of
Federal Minister of Public Works
Federal Minister of Trade and Commerce
Federal Ministers
Federal Ministry
Federal Ministry Joe Clark
Federal Ministry of
Federal Ministry of Agriculture
Federal Ministry of Consumer and Corporate Affairs
Federal Ministry of Manpower
Federal MP
Federal MRC Pontiac
Federal Mrs.
Federal Municipal Council
Federal Music Program
Federal N.D.P. Party Mr. Morris Jobin Official Agent
Federal National
Federal National Bank
Federal NDP Agriculture Critic Vic Althouse
Federal New Horizons
Federal News
Federal Of-only
Federal Office
Federal Office of Re-ies
Federal Office of Regional City
Federal Office of Regional De-
Federal Office of Regional Develop
Federal Office of Regional Development
Federal Office Western Quebec School Board Pontiac Adult Education Services
Federal Official
Federal Official Languages
Federal Official Languages Board
Federal Oovemm»
Federal Oovern
Federal Organization
Federal Parlia
Federal Parliament
Federal Parliament Bill Prankard Host
Federal Parliament Tom Lefebvre
Federal Parliament*
Federal Parliament;
Federal Parliamentary Labour Party
Federal party
Federal Party Canada
Federal Pest Control Products
Federal Plattsburg
Federal Policy
Federal Political Contribution Tax Credit
Federal Political Party
Federal Postoffice
Federal Power Cominis
Federal Power Commission
Federal Power Commissioner’s
Federal Progressive Conservative
Federal Progressive Conservative Party
Federal ProInterment
Federal Provincial
Federal Provincial Conference of Welfare Ministers
Federal Provincial Government
Federal Provincial Manpower Needs Committee
Federal Provincial Relations
Federal Public
Federal Public Service
Federal Public Works
Federal Public Works "
Federal Public Works Dept
Federal Public Works Hon
Federal Puddings
Federal Pulp
Federal Quebec
Federal Railings
Federal Railways
Federal Railways Birds
Federal Re-
FEDERAL REPRESENTATION Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission
Federal Representatives
Federal Republic
Federal Reseive Board
Federal Reserve
Federal Reserve Bank
Federal Reserve Banks
Federal Reserve Board
Federal Revenue Minister
Federal Riding
Federal Sale
Federal Sales
Federal Sales Tax
Federal Sales Tax Credit
Federal Sales Tax Review Committee
Federal Sales Tkx
Federal Security Administration
Federal Shawville Rangers
Federal Society
Federal Solicitor Gen-
Federal Spending Power Economic Union
Federal Stabilization
Federal Stabilization C
Federal Stabilization Program
Federal Statutes
Federal Student Work Experience Program
Federal Study
Federal Study Centre
Federal Summer |
Federal Superintendent
Federal Superintendent of Insurance
Federal Supply Minister
Federal Surplus Commodities
Federal Systems
Federal Systems Ltd.
Federal Task Force
Federal Tory
Federal Trade Commission
Federal Training Centre
Federal Transient Bureau
Federal Transport Department
Federal Treasury
Federal Tress
Federal Tuberculosis Control Grant
Federal U
Federal Ufa
Federal Ufa Assurance Company
Federal Unemployment
Federal Unemployment Insurance Scheme
Federal Vab-•net
Federal Wage-Hour
Federal Water Powers Branch
Federal Win Ur Works
Federal Women’s Insti- Room
Federal Works
Federal Xvi-vm
Federal You
Federal • Provincial Special Prize Grant
Federal-Provincial Employment Loans
General Assessment Government Grants Federal Grant Others SHAWVILLE SHOPPING PLAZA
Good Books Federal Business Banque federate Development Bank
Gouvernement Fédéral
Hayes & Sons Pontiac Federal Liberal No 443 RCAF Spitfire Funeral Home
Health Federal Business Development Bank Plaza Val
HODGINS Federal Buildings—Province
HOLIDAY HOURS Federal Candidate
Honorable Federal Liberal Asaociation
Indian Affairs Federal
Joint Provincial-Federal
Joint Quebec-Federal
Kappes Federal Business Banque fédérale Development Bank de
L A Clarendon Federal Business Banque fédérale Development Bank de
Laval Federal Training Centre
Liberal Federal Association
Lposed Federal Constitution
Milking Machines Federal Buildings—Province
Mr. Federal Government
Now York Federal Reserve Rank
Ouébeci Federal Office of Canada FAXi*I»iN#.VS FAX #
Our Store Xmas Gifts Federal
PJ1.. du Fédéral
Pontiac Bridal Fair Federal-Provincial
Pontiac Federal
Pontiac Federal Constituency
Pontiac Federal Election
Pontiac Federal Government
Pontiac Federal Liberal
Pontiac Federal Liberal Associât Mr. Joe Doyle
Pontiac Federal Liberal Association
Pontiac Federal Liberal Association Mr. Joe Doyle
Pontiac Federal Liberal Candidate
Pontiac Federal N.
Pontiac Federal Progressive Conservative Association Mr. René Francoeur
Pontiac Federal Represent
Pontiac Federal Social Credit Party Ernest Godin
Pontiac Gatineau Labelle Federal Liberal Association
Pontiac Gatineau Labelle Federal Liberal Honourable Mention Peter Giuliani Association
Pontiac Gatineau-Labelfe Federal Liberal Association
Pontiac Labelle Gatineau Federal Liberal Association
Pontiac-Gatineau-Labelle Federal Liberal Association
Pontiac-Gatineau-LabeUe Federal Liberal Association
Pontiec Federal Sociel Credit Rerty SHAWVILLE
Pontlac-Gatlneau-Labelle Federal Liberal Association Tickets
Ponttac-Gatineau-Labelle Federal Liberal Association
Pony Club Carling O Keefe Federal Government Canada Day Council
Progressive Conservative Federal
Projet du Gouvernement Fédéral
Provincial Federal Government
Quebec Federal Assembly
Québec Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission
Quebec) Federal Office of Regional Development
Regina Federal Court
Regional Development Federal Office of Canada
Renewed Federation: A New Federal-Provincial Council"
ROOFING Federal Buildings Prevtnce
Rowell Commission on Federal
S. Federal Agency Attempts
S. Federal Power Commission
Sélect Federal Environment Minister John
Septic Systems & Weeping Beds Reasonable Rates Federal Business Banque fédérale Development Bank d
SHAWVILLE Federal Homestead Laws
Stew-1 Federal Department of Agriculture
Swiss Federal
Swiss Federal* Private
Tbat Federal Government
THEY MEAN Federal Liberal Association Delegates
TRUCKS Federal Business Banque fédérale Development Bank de
U S Federal Health
U.S. Federal Housing Administration
U.S. Federal Reserve
United Chur- Federal District
VI Federal Cabinet Re-constructed Mm ; Da
Wales Utiliae Canadian Wood N Federal Minister of
Wilderness Association Federal Office of Region
World Federal